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F o r m e r l y L a n d a n d Wa t e r Fu n d
              of the Rockies

 Annual Report
In 2003 WRA’s Energy Program worked to reduce the environmental impacts of electrici-
Message from the Executive Director & Board President

                                                                                            ty production, while accelerating the regional transition from conventional fossil fuel
                                                                                            technologies to clean technologies, especially energy efficiency and renewable resources.
                                                                                            This is painstaking, multi-year work, and it involves intervention in state utility regulato-
                                                                                            ry cases, promoting renewable technologies through green marketing, challenging unjus-
                                                                                            tifiable new conventional coal power plants, building coalitions with renewable energy
                                                                                            developers and others and, when we have to, going to court.
The year 2003 was enormously productive for us.
                                                                                            In 2003 we tirelessly promoted renewable energy standards in the region. We also devel-
You probably noticed that we changed our name from the Land and Water Fund of the
                                                                                            oped a clean energy plan that could realistically carry the Interior West well into the
Rockies (LAW Fund) to Western Resource Advocates (WRA). Our new name better
                                                                                            future. We saw a couple of large wind farms inaugurated, and there were some encourag-
communicates the broad geographical and policy reach of our activities. It reflects the
                                                                                            ing signs that some utilities may begin to take the risk of climate change seriously.
organization’s evolution over the years from a legal advocacy group focused on land and
water issues to a solution-oriented organization that addresses energy as well.
                                                                                            The core goal of our Water Program is the restoration and protection of western aquatic,
                                                                                            riparian and wetland habitat, which have been increasingly stressed in this arid region
We also prepared an extensive strategic plan to guide our work for the next four years.
                                                                                            from the demand of our rapidly sprawling urban archipelagoes, such as Denver, Salt Lake
The work began in earnest in May and was completed in October. We talked to our col-
                                                                                            City, and Albuquerque. We approach this goal in two ways: by direct river-basin advo-
leagues, funders, and many others about the issues that confront our region and our role
                                                                                            cacy, including court litigation, and by tackling a fundamental cause of the problem:
in addressing them. Going back to “square one,” we asked ourselves if our existing pro-
                                                                                            urban water waste.
grams and projects were the right ones for the times. We came away from this process
re-committed to work on energy, water, and public lands issues, continuing to feel that
                                                                                            In 2003 we protected rivers, lakes, and wetlands across the Southwest through direct
these are the big issues that will determine our region’s environmental fate. However, we
                                                                                            intervention and through recovery programs. We also researched and developed policies
also came away energized and with new, updated goals and objectives.
                                                                                            that will be useful to water planners throughout the region.
However, the bulk of our time was spent working on the issues we have decided to tack-
                                                                                            At the end of 2003, Barney White, Board President since 2001, passed the baton to Eric
le. These are large issues.
                                                                                            Hirst. Eric’s professional field is electric utility policy. In retirement, he resides in
                                                                                            Bellingham, Washington after a long career at Oak Ridge National Lab and then as a pri-
In 2003, our Lands Program worked to protect and restore the ecological health of feder-
                                                                                            vate consultant. Eric is eager to see WRA implement its new strategic plan. And he looks
al lands in our region. Our strategic planning process confirmed our view that the prin-
                                                                                            forward to working with WRA’s first-rate staff and excellent board to help protect and
cipal threat facing these lands comes from energy development. The Bush
                                                                                            restore the West’s environment.
Administration has complicated our work by elevating energy development above other
uses on most public lands, including special places like the Roan Plateau in Colorado and
                                                                                            Finally, in 2003 we lost a dear friend and fierce environmental advocate when Kelley
the Upper Green River Basin in Wyoming, which are valuable for their natural environ-
                                                                                            Green, the Land and Water Fund’s founder, passed away in August from cancer. This was
                                                                                            a big loss to us and to the community. Without her vision and tenacity, none of us
                                                                                            would be here at WRA, and we miss her a great deal.
The Lands Program also worked to control motorized recreation in back-country areas.
In our view, uncontrolled motorized recreation, common in many areas on our public
lands, is a rapidly escalating problem. Our solution is to implement a policy of “closed
unless posted open” and to support federal land managers as they try to protect roadless
areas. We also worked to halt ecologically inappropriate logging on roadless, old-
growth lands in 2003. Finally, we continued our successful efforts to reform grazing
practices on arid lands, having with our colleagues developed a detailed proposal to con-
fine the adverse impacts of grazing in the new Grand Staircase-Escalante National
                                                                                            Bruce Driver                                                  Eric Hirst
                                                                                            Executive Director                                            President of the Board
                                                                                                                                                          of Directors
Program Highlights

L                    ANDS
    rotecting key public lands continued to be a core part of WRA’s mission in 2003. We focused on          WRA has also developed a platform for responsible wind energy development on public lands,

P   lands affected by increased oil and gas development, on roadless areas threatened by fire and log-      arguing that although wind energy is a resource we want to support, it too must take into
    ging, on motorized recreation management, and on arid rangelands damaged by irresponsible               account pristine landscapes and critical habitats.
livestock grazing.
                                                                                                            Forest Protection
Oil and Gas Development                                                                                     WRA has been deeply involved with protecting the health of our forests, especially our roadless
The West has found itself targeted by a national energy plan that views the region as a “Persian Gulf”      areas. In 2003 this mainly consisted of riding herd on the Forest Service to ensure that its plans
of natural gas. Industry proponents have argued that environmental regulations and landowners’              to thin trees indeed would promote forest health and minimize the threat
                           rights must be “streamlined” to allow faster leasing and development of          of fire. We ensured that salvage activities in Colorado’s Hayman
                               lands that were previously closed to this use. While we agree that the       burn zone would be managed to minimize erosion. We also
                                  West must do its share to help supply the nation’s energy needs, we       intervened and filed comments whenever “thinning” proposals
                                   want to ensure that oil and gas development proceeds responsibly.        unnecessarily focused on the backcountry, rather than on
                                     This means:                                                            the areas where lives and property could be threatened by
                                      • Landowners’ rights are respected                                    fire. We reduced the sizes of several proposed logging
                                       • Pristine lands and key plant and wildlife habitats are preserved   projects. We are addressing the serious threat to our last
                                       • Development proceeds with full environmental protections—          remaining roadless areas and wildlife habitat posed by the
                                       including water protections—in place                                 State of Utah’s claim to thousands of rights-of-way over
                                       • The best, most up-to-date and most appropriate technology is       the National Forests. Also in Utah, we are contesting the
                                      used to minimize the footprint of drilling on our landscapes.         Forest Service’s attempts to drastically reduce the monitor-
                                                                                                            ing it will conduct to assess the impacts of its management
                                    On the ground, we’ve worked in basins selected for their strategic      on wildlife.
                                 importance in the overall effort to promote responsible use of our nat-
                                                                                                            Motorized Recreation
                              ural resources. For example, the San Juan Basin of northwestern New
                        Mexico and southwestern Colorado has been intensively drilled without much          WRA has traditionally offered support to regional and local groups pro-
enforcement of environmental provisions or cleanup requirements. The region has become a poster             moting responsible travel management in our forests. In the coming year, we will be increasing
child for what the rest of the West should try to avoid. We’re holding the federal government’s feet to     our activities in this area. In 2003, we were happy to offer our support to the Forest Service in
the fire and asking that it enforce existing regulations before approving more wells. We also want to       closing roads to off-highway vehicles in critical areas of the forest and in completing an honest
make sure that cultural resources, such as Navajo sacred sites and Anasazi ruins, are fully protected.      evaluation of the impacts of unmanaged motorized recreation on the natural and cultural
We work closely with a coalition of ranchers, Native Americans, and other residents of the San Juan         resources of our public lands.
                                                                                                            Rangeland Management
We look for ways to “do it right,” by promoting the use of cutting-edge drilling technology when it         We’ve done a lot of work to foster sound rangeland management policies, especially in Utah,
helps protect our landscapes, including in Colorado’s pristine HD Mountains. We’ve led the effort to        where livestock overgrazing has taken a toll on our national monuments. Because the public des-
protect the Roan Plateau, also in Colorado, from development that would destroy the unique,                 ignated these areas as deserving of special protection, and because the state’s particularly arid
untouched character of the area.                                                                            conditions make these landscapes all the more fragile, we have focused our resources on critical
                                                                                                            areas like Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Specifically, we’ve offered a model for
We also work on similar issues in Utah and Wyoming, where we’re protecting roadless areas and key           appropriate management that’s been praised by the BLM and other agencies while trying to hold
wildlife habitat from the impacts of increased drilling. In Utah’s La Sal Mountains, for example, our       the BLM to its duty to protect ecosystem health on the lands it manages.
efforts led to the removal of large roadless tracts from an oil and gas lease sale.

                                                 •3•                                                                                                        •4•
Program Highlights

E                   NERGY
        RA remains committed to seeing that our region’s energy demands are met in economical-        and by averting future costs associated with cleaning up carbon emissions (see Coal Plant discus-

W       ly and environmentally sustainable ways. We continued to build and disseminate the busi-      sion, below). In Utah, we convinced the major utility, PacifiCorp, to adjust power generation bids
        ness case for renewable resources. We were also focused on cleaning up dirty coal plant       by coal providers to account for the increased risk of using this fossil fuel.
emissions in the region, and on preventing irresponsible new proposals for old-technology coal
plants from going forward.                                                                            Our green power marketing campaign is a critical component of our renewables advocacy. Our
                                                                                                      efforts have significantly boosted consumer demand for wind power in Colorado, Utah, and New
Renewable Energy and Efficiency                                                                       Mexico, with a new 204-megawatt wind farm in New Mexico as the crown jewel in the year’s
                           WRA has tirelessly advocated for renewable energy standards in             accomplishments.
                             Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico, and has continued to assist
                                                                                                      Coal Plant Issues
                                with the implementation of similar standards in Arizona and
                                  Nevada. A renewable energy standard requires a certain              Coal plant issues are two-fold in the West. On the one
                                   potential of a state’s new electricity resources to come from      hand, the region is home to a number of obsolete coal-
                                    renewable resources and energy efficiency measures. It            fired power plants that continue to belch nitrous oxide,
                                    ensures stability for our energy supply and also lowers elec-     sulphur dioxide, and carbon dioxide into our air. NOx and
                                   tricity costs, because resources such as wind are now cheap-       SO2 are implicated in health concerns and in regional
                                  er than gas and some coal. WRA authored legislation across          haze, while carbon dioxide is a primary greenhouse gas.
                                 the region and came close to seeing it passed in Colorado,           WRA has continued to press for more pollution controls on
                               gearing up for a stronger push in 2004.                                these coal plants. Equally important, we helped launch the
                                                                                                      Western Clean Energy Campaign to challenge proposals to build
                         In addition to our push for energy standards, we have also worked            up to 25 more old-technology coal plants in the region. Because these
directly with utility companies to ensure that renewables and efficiency are part of their planning   power plants have a lifespan of around 50 years, and because not one of them would use state-of-
for the future. For example, in Utah we were able to convince the Public Service Commission to        the-art clean coal technology, they would significantly impair the region’s ability to respond to
authorize stable funding for innovative efficiency measures. The 162-megawatt wind farm near          the threat of global warming. Retrofitting these plants to accommodate inevitable greenhouse gas
Lamar, Colorado, a direct result of our advocacy, broke ground in late 2003, and was scheduled        regulations would be extremely costly to energy customers large and small. Acquiring more of our
to come online as part of Xcel’s resource mix in early 2004. We also collaborated with others to      electricity from coal, rather than from renewables, also sets us up for continued dependency on
launch West Wind Wires, a group that will participate in transmission planning for the region, to     fossil fuels, rather than moving us toward the real future–which is in renewables and efficiency.
ensure that renewables are part of that equation, too. In short, we’ve continued to lay down the
infrastructure to support a meaningful reliance on renewables in the very near future.                We also worked with the Water Program to assess the impacts of coal-fired power plants on our
                                                                                                      increasingly strained water supplies. Together with the Clean Air Task Force, WRA released The
Convincing utilities to recognize risk management as part of their responsibility has been anoth-     Last Straw: Water Use by Power Plants in the Arid West.
er important area of our work. Renewables minimize economic risk by stabilizing resource prices

                                                ••                                                                                                   •6•
Program Highlights

W                          ATER
      RA’s Water Program has worked in three main areas this year. We’ve advocated for more                 danger of being turned over to private landowners. Also in Utah, we protected the Jordan River

W     responsible urban water use, protected wetlands and river habitats and related species, and           and the wetlands it flows into from toxic selenium discharge. We challenged a project that
      exposed some of the impacts of our region’s energy use on our water supply.                           would drain thousands of acre-feet of water from the already over-taxed Great Salt Lake basin
                                                                                                            and were able to secure an instream flow and other protections for the ailing East Canyon Creek.
Smart Water                                                                                                 Our comments have led the State of Utah to revise its rules governing water quality to better
Increasingly, WRA’s Water Program has focused on policy development and advocacy to protect                 protect and restore aquatic ecosystems.
the region’s threatened river systems by encouraging sound water management. While agriculture
                           is still the region’s biggest water user, cities are the source of most new      In Colorado, we released a study showing that the Gunnison River is
                                 demand. This urban demand is growing at an unprecedented level.            already fully committed to in-basin uses and is not available for
                                     In order to protect what’s left of our overburdened rivers, WRA        diversions to the Denver metropolitan area. Gunnison Basin
                                       realized that it needed to focus on urban water conservation         Water: No Panacea for the Front Range became an important
                                        and efficiency. We released our 180-page report, Smart Water:       advocacy tool for local residents and recreationists. We also
                                         A Comparative Study of Urban Water Use Efficiency Across the       went to court to protect the water right for the Black
                                          Southwest, a tool for cities, water providers, and citizens. It   Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, where the federal
                                          analyzes how Albuquerque, Denver, El Paso, Las Vegas,             government has—illegally, we believe—ceded its senior
                                          Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and Tucson stack up against each         claim to Gunnison water on behalf of the Park to the
                                         other in their water use practices, highlighting cutting edge      state, in return for a more junior right that does nothing to
                                       programs and success stories. The report documents that sig-         protect the Park. And in 2003, we began our representation
                                     nificant amounts of water are available to meet future urban           of the environmental community in the Upper Colorado
                                  water needs through efficiency and conservation. We have dis-             River Endangered Fish Recovery Program.
                            tributed Smart Water to many water providers, organizations, and cit-
                                                                                                            Energy Development and Responsible Water Use
                   izens on Colorado’s Front Range and will convene workshops in Salt Lake
City, Albuquerque, and Denver in 2004.                                                                      WRA’s Water Program monitors two types of energy development that can affect the region’s
                                                                                                            water supplies: hydro-electric power and fossil fuels. Hydro-electric power generation can signifi-
Threatened Waters                                                                                           cantly alter the natural flow patterns for our rivers, so we have developed several proposals to
In our arid region, water is the backbone of our quality of life. It’s no surprise that streams, lakes,     change the way water releases from reservoirs are managed, so that a river’s health can be maxi-
and wetlands become focal points for development initiatives. In New Mexico, we won a big                   mized without much detriment to other uses of water. Fossil fuels extraction, such as for coalbed
court battle on behalf of the Middle Rio Grande, where the native silvery minnow is on the                  methane, can damage water quality and quantity in many ways and such extraction is slated to
verge of extinction. While saving the minnow is important, the case was really about the health             increase quite dramatically in the next several years. As a result, this will be an important area of
of the river itself. By providing enough water for the minnow, we hope to save the larger river             our work in 2004. Further, electricity generation from coal plants uses many millions of gallons of
environment.                                                                                                water per year in our region. Along with WRA’s Energy Program and the Clean Air Task Force,
                                                                                                            we released The Last Straw: Water Use by Coal Plants in the Arid West in April, which describes the
Our Utah Office moved to protect thousands of acres of wetlands surrounding Utah Lake, the                  region-wide impacts of coal plant’s water use.
state’s largest freshwater body. An important habitat for migrating birds, these wetlands are in

                                                   •7•                                                                                                       •8•
Program Highlights                                                                                                   Western Resource Advocates Worked with These

COMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATIONS                                                                                         Organizations in 2003

      RA’s communications efforts swung into high gear for 2003. Our core communications goal was to inform

W                                                                                                                    Albuquerque Public Works Department                                   Colorado Wild
      westerners about the environmental issues affecting our region’s economy and quality of life, and to publi-
      cize WRA’s role in resolving those issues.                                                                     Alliance for the Rio Grande Heritage                                  Colorado Wilderness Network
                                                                                                                     American Lands Alliance                                               Community Office for Resource Efficiency
To that end, we worked hard to educate the press and the public about the dilemmas faced by the West. In the
                                                                                                                     American Rivers                                                       Council of Energy Resource Tribes
press, we saw more space given to issues such as the economic value of wilderness, the benefits to rural commu-
                                                                                                                     American Solar Energy Society                                         CU-Denver Wirth Chair in Environmental and Community Development
nities of wind power, the air and water impacts of coal power plants, and other angles that have helped re-frame
                                                                                                                     American Wildlands                                                      Policy
the public debate on these matters. In 2003 we placed, pitched, or otherwise earned coverage for these issues in
                           over 140 newspaper articles and editorials ranging from local papers to national media    American Wind Energy Association                                      Defenders of Wildlife
                                 outlets. We also appeared on television news channels and increased our radio       Arizona Coalition for New Energy Technologies                         Denver Water
                                     outreach. A “steady drumbeat” highlighting the impacts of poor environ-         Arizona Energy Office                                                 DINE Care
                                       mental policies and promoting responsible alternatives has been an effec-
                                                                                                                     Arizona Public Service Company                                        Earthjustice
                                          tive strategy in changing the tone of the coverage we receive in this
                                                                                                                     Arizona Solar Energy Association                                      East of Huajatolla Citizens’ Alliance
                                            region. We still have some distance to go, but we feel that the debate
                                                                                                                     Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association                           El Paso Water Utilities
                                             has been healthier this year than last.
                                                                                                                     Aspen Wilderness Workshop                                             Environment Colorado
                                            Communications also assisted WRA’s Lands, Water, and Energy pro-         Biodiversity Conservation Alliance                                    Environmental Defense
                                            grams by managing the production and distribution processes for
                                                                                                                     Boulder Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Working Group          Escalante Wilderness Project
                                           WRA’s several reports. We developed presentations for our Critical
                                                                                                                     Boulder Water Utilities Division (Dept. of Public Works)              Forest Guardians
                                           Conversations series focusing on important issues affecting the West.
                                                                                                                     Californians for Western Wilderness                                   Friends of Great Salt Lake
                                          We also gave presentations and trainings on the substance of the
                                         Water Program’s Smart Water report and the Energy Program’s soon-           Centennial Water and Sanitation District                              Grand Canyon Trust
                                       to-be-released Clean Energy Plan. All of this work tied into our overall      Center for Biological Diversity                                       Grand Junction Water Utilities Department
                                     goal of educating westerners about the positive alternatives available to       Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies               Great Old Broads for Wilderness
                                  them in our three main areas of work.
                                                                                                                     Center for Native Ecosystems                                          Great Salt Lake Audubon
                                                                                                                     Center for Resource Conservation                                      Greater Yellowstone Coalition
WRA places great emphasis in working cooperatively with other environmental advocates as well as with less
                                                                                                                     Center for Resource Solutions                                         High Country Citizens’ Alliance
traditional allies such as government officials, energy companies, ranchers, farmers, and sportsmen. We devoted
some of our resources to offering communications support to broad coalitions working throughout the West to          Citizens Committee to Save Our Canyons                                High Uintas Preservation Council
refine messages on a host of environmental issues. For example, we helped rethink some of the discussion frame-      Citizens for the Arapahoe Roosevelt                                   Las Vegas Valley Water District
works for oil and gas drilling, endangered species issues, roadless area protection, and wildfire management, and
                                                                                                                     Colorado PIRG                                                         League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
renewable energy. As additional examples, we boosted the release of American Rivers’ report on the state of our
                                                                                                                     Clean Air Task Force                                                  Living Rivers
rivers, and helped local groups such as Colorado’s High Country Citizens’ Alliance publicize threats to their nat-
                                                                                                                     Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy                                 Mesa Utilities Department
ural resources.
                                                                                                                     Colorado Coalition for New Energy Technologies                        Montana Environmental Information Center
Communications issued four newsletters in 2003, published the 2002 Annual Report, and assisted Development           Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment                  National Audubon Society
in creating a beautiful and effective direct mail series. We continued to improve and upgrade our website. We        Colorado Environmental Coalition                                      National Parks Conservation Association
also worked closely with Development to drive the name change process and build a new identity for WRA.
                                                                                                                     Colorado Mountain Club                                                National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Our purpose was to make WRA’s role in the region more easily identifiable and to better communicate our mis-
                                                                                                                     Colorado Office of Energy Management and Conservation                 National Trust for Historic Preservation
sion to members of the public who may never have encountered us before. Finally, Communications played a
                                                                                                                     Colorado Renewable Energy Society                                     National Wildlife Federation
key role in developing and structuring WRA’s strategic planning document.

                                                       ••                                                                                                                           •10•
2003 Funders

2003 Continued

National Wind Coordinating Committee                                  Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District
NativeSUN, the Hopi Solar Electric Enterprise                         Tempe Water Utilities Department
Natural Resources Defense Council                                     The Ecology Center
                                                                                                                                              Austin Community Foundation
Nevada Office of Consumer Advocate                                    The Nature Conservancy                                                   Catto Charitable Foundation
Nevada Power Company                                                  The Wilderness Society                                 Central and Northern New Mexico - Combined Federal Campaign
                                                                                                                                                   Clean Air Task Force
New Mexico Audubon Council                                            Trout Unlimited
                                                                                                                                      Community Foundation Serving Boulder County
New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department          Tucson Clean Energy Campaign
                                                                                                                                                   Corporon & Williams
New Mexico PIRG                                                       Tucson Coalition for Solar
                                                                                                                                                  Department of Energy
New Mexico Solar Energy Association                                   Tucson Electric Power Company                                        Environmental Center of the Rockies
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance                                        Tucson Water Department                                                Environmental Fund for Arizona
                                                                                                                                               Faegre & Benson Foundation
Northern Plains Resource Council                                      U.S. DOE - Wind Powering America
                                                                                                                                               General Service Foundation
Oil and Gas Accountability Project                                    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                                                                 Gunnison Basin POWER
PacifiCorp                                                            U.S. PIRG
                                                                                                                                                       I.D. Interiors
Phoenix Water Services Department                                     Union of Concerned Scientists                                                 InJoy Productions
Powder River Basin Resource Council                                   Upper Arkansas and South Platte Project                                    Kerr Pacific Corporation
                                                                                                                                             McCune Charitable Foundation
Public Service Company of New Mexico                                  Utah Clean Energy Alliance
                                                                                                                                                    Mesa United Way
Quiet Use Coalition                                                   Utah Council, Trout Unlimited
                                                                                                                                           National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
Renewable Northwest Project                                           Utah Energy Office
                                                                                                                                                    Network For Good
Red Rock Forests                                                      Utah Forest Network                                                       New Belgium Brewing Co.
Rio Grande Restoration                                                Utah Rivers Council                                                  New Mexico Community Foundation
                                                                                                                                                   PajWell Foundation
Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Coalition                                        Utah Wilderness Coalition
                                                                                                                                                  Scherman Foundation
Rocky Mountain Institute                                              Utahns for an Energy Efficient Economy
                                                                                                                                                      State of Utah
Rocky Mountain Recreation Initiative                                  Utility Wind Interest Working Group
                                                                                                                                                    Surdna Foundation
Salt Lake City Action Project                                         Wasatch Clean Air Coalition                                                    The EcoISP LLC
Salt River Project                                                    Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona                     The Educational Foundation of America
                                                                                                                                                 The Energy Foundation
San Juan Citizens’ Alliance                                           Western Area Power Administration
                                                                                                                                                    The Fir Tree Funds
Scottsdale Water Resources Department                                 Western Colorado Congress
                                                                                                                                                The New-Land Foundation
Sierra Club                                                           Western Governors’ Association                                    The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Sierra Club, Colorado Chapter                                         Western Mining Action Project                                       United Way of Moscow/Latah County
Sierra Club, Grand Canyon Chapter                                     Western Regional Air Partnership                                        United Way of Northern Utah
                                                                                                                                                 United Way of Tri-State
Sierra Club, Utah Chapter                                             Western Slope Environmental Resource Council
                                                                                                                                       United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
Sierra Pacific Power Company                                          Wild Utah Project
                                                                                                                                              Utah Council Trout Unlimited
Sinapu                                                                Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads                                     Utah Wetlands Foundation
Southern Plains Land Trust                                            The Wildlands Project                                                      Wilburforce Foundation
Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project                                    World Wildlife Fund                                                          Winslow Foundation
                                                                                                                                               Wyoming Outdoor Council
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance                                     Wyoming Outdoor Council
                                                                                                                                                     Wyss Foundation
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project                                   Xcel Energy
Southwest Environmental Center
                                                                ••                                                                                      •12•
2003 Rudd Mayer Memorial Wind Energy Fund

RUDD MAYER                                                                                         Allan C. Mayer                 Peggy Plate                       Kathleen Stebbins
                                                                                                   Harold M. Mayer                Barbara Pope                      John Steinbaugh
                                                                                                   Harold M. Mayer                Kevin Porter                      Becky and Tom Sternal
                                                                                                   Scott T. and Kristen Mayer     John Raftery and Stephanie        Sam Swanson and Joyce
    udd Mayer initiated the Green Marketing Program for Western Resource Advocates, and            Joe McDonald                     Rogers                            Gallimore

R                                                                                                  Mary McGuiness                 William F. Ray and Melissa C.     Kaari and John W. Taylor
    developed grassroots support for wind power. Her witty, passionate approach earned
                                                                                                   Deborah McManus                  Knott                           Kaari Taylor and Nicholas
    Rudd the respect of many in the energy field, and the commitment of colleagues to foster
                                                                                                   Alison and Andrew McNally      Michael J. Robinson                 Vaughn
the development of wind power in the West. When Rudd died in 2002, her family and WRA
                                                                                                   Peter B. and Jane McNitt       John and Wendy Sadler             Kerstin Van Der Voort
                          established a memorial fund to create a legacy for the work Rudd
                                                                                                   National Conference of State   Chandra N. Shah                   Bill Vandenberg Jr.
                              so loved.                                                              Legislatures                 Shell Oil Company                 Scott and Heidi VanGenderen
                                                                                                   NREL - Green Pricing           Rachel Shimshak                   Vera J. Weintraub
                                                                                                   John J. Oelerich               Gregg Skalinder                   James Welch and Renee
                                      Over $80,000 has been contributed to the Rudd Mayer
                                                                                                   Dale Osborn                    Nancy Slaughter                     Choury
                                       Memorial Fund. WRA and the Mayer family are planning
                                                                                                   Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer     Jeanette M. Stanhaus              Christy Will
                                       to dedicate a wind power farm in Rudd’s name, establish
                                                                                                     Family Foundation            Justin A. and Sallie M. Stanley
                                       a Wind Advocate position, and create a public exhibit
                                       promoting wind power. To support this on-going tribute
                                       to Rudd’s work, donations can be sent to: WRA, 2260
                                      Baseline Road, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302.
                                                                                                   2003 In-Kind Contributors

                                2003 RUDD MAYER MEMORIAL WIND ENERGY FUND CONTRIBUTORS
Brent Alderfer                      Susan B. Damour               Barbara Holmes
                                                                                                               Ti m A l e x a n d e r, G r a p h i c D e s i g n e r
Paul and Susan Aldretti             Lisa Daniels                  Ed Holt
                                                                                                                                John Fielder
Craig Asher                         Linda B. Davis                Catherine M. and J.M. Hudig
Thomas R. Ayres                     Karen and David Drucker       Jeffrey H. and Maurine F. Kahn   AJ Grant, Environmental Communications Associates, Inc.
Sally Bingham                       Alexandra H. Mayer Drucker    Dan Kalafatas and Hadley
                                                                                                                                Wa l t H e s t e r
Eric Blank                            and Daniel Drucker            Mullin
                                                                                                                             John Lewelling
Michael Block                       Rob Edward                    Carrie Koenig
                                                                                                                   Maxwell Print Management
Suzanne Bohan                       Jim and Nancy Edwards         Nancy Kornblum and Michael
                                                                                                                          Ti f f a n y M c K e r c h e r
Linda Anne Burtis                   Simon Firth and Jennifer        Schreiner
                                                                                                                                Amy Morfas
Center for Resource Solutions         Summit                      Amy and Jeff Larson
Eunmee Chun                         Margot and Richard Funke      Howard Learner                                                   Symantec
Colorado Environmental              Howard and Lucy Geller        Ronald L. Lehr
                                                                                                                    J e f f Wi d e n P h o t o g r a p h y
  Business Alliance                 Leslie and Merrill Glustrom   Cynthia Lochridge
Cynthia Cox                         John C. and Vicky H. Graham   Priscilla Ruth MacDougall
Frank Crociata                      Tom Gray                      Alexa Majors

                                                •13•                                                                                            •14•
2003 Individual Donors

INDIVIDUALS                                                                             Elizabeth James                              Ken Ransford
John and Elaine Abbott French                  Lynn and Patrick de Freitas
                                                                                        Renz and Dianna Jennings                     Kate Rau
David Abelson                                  Ann V. and B. Gale Dick
                                                                                        Thomas and Carlyn J. Jervis                  Barbara Reid and David Hyman
Stephen Ahearn                                 Dusty Dodge Jr.
                                                                                        Walter and Cynthia Jessel                    David Renne and Paulette Middleton
Anonymous                                      David and Ann Dolowitz
                                                                                        Dale L. and Frandee Johnson                  Robert O. Rice and Angela Rowland
Karl F. Anuta                                  Debra Donahue
                                                                                        Lois C. Jordan                               Alan and Julie Richardson
Stephen Arent                                  Bruce C. Driver and Charlene Dougherty
                                                                                        Jeffrey J. Kahn                              Joseph J. Richey and Anne H. Becher
Hope Babcock                                   Tara Dugan Haplea
                                                                                        Melinda Kassen                               Clarence H. Ridley
William L. Baker                               Kenneth C. Dunn
                                                                                        Robert B. and Linda Keiter                   Elizabeth Ann Rieke
Reid Bandeen                                   Michael C. and T. Bachrach Ehlers
                                                                                        James Kelley and Amie Knox                   David and Janet Robertson
Mark B. and Diane Banks Bromberg               Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich
                                                                                        Vaughan F. Kendall                           David M. Rose and Ceil Murray
Robert L. and Anne C. Barry                    William and Janice Einert
                                                                                        James and Nina S. Kingsdale                  Barry Satlow
David A. Baxter                                Leo Eisel and Nina Churchman
                                                                                        Paul S. Komor                                Lois J. Schiffer
Norman E. and Sally E. Beal                    Karan English and Rob Elliott
                                                                                        Sarah Krakoff                                Gregory Schmidt and Jennifer Lyman
Tim and Barb Beaton                            Ralph Ewing and Judy Clark
                                                                                        Lynel D. and B. Kramer Vallier               E. Laurie Scholl
Jeanne Beaudry                                 Thomas Fenton Smith
                                                                                        Paul Kriescher                               Daniel V. Schroeder
Elizabeth Beaver                               John Fielder
                                                                                        Rob Larsen                                   Alan and Gail Schwartz
David Becker and Ruth Cornfeld Becker          Erik W. Fisher
                                                                                        John Leary                                   Pamela Shapiro
William Bennett and Micki Turner               James Flynn
                                                                                        Ronald L. Lehr                               David and Laura Skaggs
John R. Bermingham                             Wayne F. Forman and Elizabeth Wald
                                                                                        Alan and Deanne Lembitz                      Joel B. Smith and Sarah J. Larson
Lori Bird and Gerald Smith                     Nick and Helen Forster
                                                                                        Patricia Nelson Limerick                     Janet Smock Roberts
S. Elizabeth Birnbaum                          Jeremy and Angela Foster
                                                                                        Ed and Betsy Marston                         Marc Snyder
Eric Blank                                     Andrew and Audrey Franklin
                                                                                        Wayne Martinson and Deb Sawyer               Anthony and Carol Somkin
Stuart Bluestone and Judy Naumberg             Naomi C. Franklin
                                                                                        Alan May                                     Albert Sterman
Stephen Bonowski                               Roger A. Fuehrer
                                                                                        Jonathan E. and Emilie D. McBride            Hjalmar S. and Mary A. Sundin
Larry Boyd                                     Michael A. Gheleta
                                                                                        James McClements and Heidi Sherk             Gregory A. Thomas
Fred P. Braun Jr.                              Steve Glazer
                                                                                        Robert and Daphne McGill                     Irene Tinker
William and Susan Brooks                       Robert J. Golten and Joan S. Brett
                                                                                        Heidi McIntosh                               Kristin Tita
Charla Brown and Rob Burnett                   Ruth Guillemette
                                                                                        Victoria McLane                              Nelle Tobias
Helen and Richard L. Bulinski                  Mark Hackmeier
                                                                                        Arthur I. Mears and Paula J. Lehr            Katherine H. Troutner
Patricia A. Butler                             Kevin S. Hannon
                                                                                        C. Phillip and Joan W. Miller                Demetri Wagner
Tom Cannarella                                 Melinda Harm Benson and Reed D. Benson
                                                                                        Sarah S. and Robert H. Moench                William C. and Karen V. Waller
Gerald A. Caplan                               Robert and Stephanie Harris
                                                                                        John M. and Martha Morrison Veranth          Charles Warner and Mary E. McAfee
Bradley W. and Lynn E. Carroll                 Stephen D. Harris
                                                                                        Timothy A. Myers                             Fran and Butch Weaver
John and Elizabeth Carson Taylor               Henry Harris Hite
                                                                                        Melanie R. Newton                            Delani Wheeler
Jeff and Lynn Charlebois                       Gayle G. and William K. Hartmann
                                                                                        Mona Newton and David Lewis                  Charles and Linda White
Barbara A. Charnes                             Ann Harvey
                                                                                        Robert J. and Beverly B. Noun                Sara Williams-Mann
Nick and Joan Chiropolos                       Anne Hawthorne Silver
                                                                                        Richard L. and June Ottinger                 Christopher Wirth
Mary Jane Ciccarello                           Robert and Susan Helm
                                                                                        David and Lucretia Paddock                   Don Wojcik
Bonnie Colby                                   Gerald and Susan Henderson
                                                                                        Jeffrey G. and Jessica S. Pearson            Tom and Eleanor Wootten
Richard B. Collins and Judith L. Reid          Maureen K. Hinkle
                                                                                        Ryan Pellet                                  Lyn Yarroll and Tadini Bacigalupi III
Thomas E. Congdon                              Eric and Susan Hirst
                                                                                        James and Hensley Peterson                   Michael D. and Debra Yokell
Mae and Merv Coover                            Suzanne N. Hough
                                                                                        Donald E. and Barbara J. Phillipson          Joan B. Zukoski
Virginia L-S and William S. Cowles             Charles W. and JoAnne Howe
                                                                                        Barbara Polich and Val Antczak
Michelle Cox                                   Mary Lou Huffmon
                                                                                        Lori Potter
Carol Gallun Craig                             Ken Hughes
                                                                                        Susan and Dale Poulter
Robert K. Davis                                Pamela W. Hyde

                                        •15•                                                                                  •16•
2003 Unaudited Financials                                                                                                                                      Our Mission

 FINANCIALS                                                                                                               Western Resource Advocates protects and restores the natural environment of the Interior West.
                                                                                                                          WRA uses law, economics, and policy analysis to protect land and water resources, protect
                                                                                                                          essential habitats for plants and animals, and assure that energy demands are met in environ-
Income                                                                                                                    mentally sound and sustainable ways. We meet these goals by working with other environmen-
                          2002                           2003                                                             tal and community groups, taking into account the economic and cultural framework unique to
Grants             $1,508,380                          $1,323,719
                                                                                                                          the seven states of the Interior West.
Individuals            85,109                             148,575
Organizations          73,597                              67,302
Attorney Fees         128,280                              76,953
                                                                                                                          2003 Board of Directors & Staff

                                                                                                                          BOARD & STAFF
Interest               20,900                              11,800
Other                   2,295                              75,297
Government                  --                            108,857
Business                    --                              1,204
            Total $1,666,010                          $1,818,561
                                                                                                                                                                   Board of Directors
                                                                   2003 Income
2002 Income                                                                                              Grants
                                                                                                                                                                 Eric Hirst, Bellingham, WA
                                        Individuals                                                                                                                     Vice-Chair
                                                                                                         Attorney Fees
                                                                                                                                                                  Maggie Fox, Boulder, CO
                                        Attorney Fees                                                    Interest
                                        Interest                                                                                                                          Secretary
                                                                                                                                                                   A.J. Grant, Boulder, CO
                                                                                                                                     Bonnie Colby, Tucson, AZ                                    Wayne Petty, Salt Lake City, UT
Expense                                                                                                                              Debra Donahue, Jelm, WY                                         John Taylor, Denver, CO
                          2002                           2003                                                                         James Kelley, Denver, CO                                      Charles White, Denver, CO
Program                  $1,631,999                      $1,558,608                                                                  Sarah Krakoff, Boulder, CO                                  Christopher Wirth, Boulder, CO
Fundraising                 119,991                         104,578                                                              Heidi McIntosh, Salt Lake City, UT                                 Michael Yokell, Boulder, CO
General                                                                                                                         Rose McKinney-James, Las Vegas, NV                          Stewart Udall, Honorary Director, Santa Fe, NM
Administration              203,734                       177,853
      Total             $1,955,724                    $1,841,039
                                                                                                                          Bruce Driver, Executive Director                               Christine Quenroe, Bookkeeper
Expense by Program                                                                                                        Penny Anderson, Energy Project Assistant/Computer              DonnaJo “DJ” Strickland, Development Director
                                                                                                                           Operations Manager                                            Joro Walker, Utah Office Director
Energy                      $509,335                      $746,917
                                                                                                                          Mindy Harm Benson, Wyoming Representative                      Don Wojcik, Smart Water Policy Analyst
Lands                        306,253                       402,687
                                                                                                                          Brad Bartlett, Staff Attorney
Water                        345,245                       430,770
                                                                                                                          David Berry, Energy Project Senior Policy Advisor
Volunteer                     47,154                        57,628
                                                                                                                          Andria Bronsten, Office/Building Manager
2002 Expense                                                       2003 Expense                                           Mike Chiropolos, Lands Program Director                        Letty Belin, New Mexico Special Counsel
                                                                                                                          Melissa Decker, Staff Attorney                                 Cathy Carlson, Lands/Energy Advisor
                                           Program                                                       Program
                                                                                                                          Rick Gilliam, Energy Project Senior Technical Advisor          Pamela Hathaway, Lands/Energy Advisor
                                                                                                                          Eric Guidry, Energy Attorney                                   Kim Kasic, Accounting Manager and Treasurer
                                           Fundraising                                                   Fundraising
                                                                                                                          Andrew Hartsig, Paralegal                                      Dan Luecke, Special Policy Advisor for the Endagered
                                                                                                                          Susan Innis, Green Power Marketing Director                      Fish Recovery Program
                                           General                                                       General          Bart Miller, Water Program Director                            Valerie Rauluk, Tucson Coalition for Solar
                                           Administration                                                Administration   Melanie Newton, Program Assistant                              Jon Wellinghoff, Nevada Special Counsel
                                                                                                                          John Nielsen, Energy Project Director                          Sarah Wright, Utah Wind Power Campaign
                                                                                                                          Sean Phelan, Staff Attorney                                      Coordinator
* A complete audited financial statement was not available at the time of printing. If you would like a copy of           Leslie Kaas Pollock, Energy Project Associate
the 2002 or 2003 audited financials please contact Western Resource Advocates Boulder office.                             Claudia Putnam, Communications Director
                                                            •17•                                                                                                                  •18•
Boulder Office
              2260 Baseline Road, Suite 200
                   Boulder, CO 80302
                    303-786-8054 fax
            email: info@westernresources.org
       Web site: www.westernresourceadvocates.org

                     Utah Office
               1473 South 1100 E., Suite F
                Salt Lake City, UT 84105
                     801-486-4233 fax
           email: utah@westernresources.org
       Web site: www.westernresourceadvocates.org

Photos Courtesy of             Energy Photos Courtesy of
   Walt Hester                           NREL

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western resources AReport

  • 1. F o r m e r l y L a n d a n d Wa t e r Fu n d of the Rockies Annual Report 2003
  • 2. In 2003 WRA’s Energy Program worked to reduce the environmental impacts of electrici- Message from the Executive Director & Board President INTRODUC T I O N ty production, while accelerating the regional transition from conventional fossil fuel technologies to clean technologies, especially energy efficiency and renewable resources. This is painstaking, multi-year work, and it involves intervention in state utility regulato- ry cases, promoting renewable technologies through green marketing, challenging unjus- tifiable new conventional coal power plants, building coalitions with renewable energy developers and others and, when we have to, going to court. The year 2003 was enormously productive for us. In 2003 we tirelessly promoted renewable energy standards in the region. We also devel- You probably noticed that we changed our name from the Land and Water Fund of the oped a clean energy plan that could realistically carry the Interior West well into the Rockies (LAW Fund) to Western Resource Advocates (WRA). Our new name better future. We saw a couple of large wind farms inaugurated, and there were some encourag- communicates the broad geographical and policy reach of our activities. It reflects the ing signs that some utilities may begin to take the risk of climate change seriously. organization’s evolution over the years from a legal advocacy group focused on land and water issues to a solution-oriented organization that addresses energy as well. The core goal of our Water Program is the restoration and protection of western aquatic, riparian and wetland habitat, which have been increasingly stressed in this arid region We also prepared an extensive strategic plan to guide our work for the next four years. from the demand of our rapidly sprawling urban archipelagoes, such as Denver, Salt Lake The work began in earnest in May and was completed in October. We talked to our col- City, and Albuquerque. We approach this goal in two ways: by direct river-basin advo- leagues, funders, and many others about the issues that confront our region and our role cacy, including court litigation, and by tackling a fundamental cause of the problem: in addressing them. Going back to “square one,” we asked ourselves if our existing pro- urban water waste. grams and projects were the right ones for the times. We came away from this process re-committed to work on energy, water, and public lands issues, continuing to feel that In 2003 we protected rivers, lakes, and wetlands across the Southwest through direct these are the big issues that will determine our region’s environmental fate. However, we intervention and through recovery programs. We also researched and developed policies also came away energized and with new, updated goals and objectives. that will be useful to water planners throughout the region. However, the bulk of our time was spent working on the issues we have decided to tack- At the end of 2003, Barney White, Board President since 2001, passed the baton to Eric le. These are large issues. Hirst. Eric’s professional field is electric utility policy. In retirement, he resides in Bellingham, Washington after a long career at Oak Ridge National Lab and then as a pri- In 2003, our Lands Program worked to protect and restore the ecological health of feder- vate consultant. Eric is eager to see WRA implement its new strategic plan. And he looks al lands in our region. Our strategic planning process confirmed our view that the prin- forward to working with WRA’s first-rate staff and excellent board to help protect and cipal threat facing these lands comes from energy development. The Bush restore the West’s environment. Administration has complicated our work by elevating energy development above other uses on most public lands, including special places like the Roan Plateau in Colorado and Finally, in 2003 we lost a dear friend and fierce environmental advocate when Kelley the Upper Green River Basin in Wyoming, which are valuable for their natural environ- Green, the Land and Water Fund’s founder, passed away in August from cancer. This was ment. a big loss to us and to the community. Without her vision and tenacity, none of us would be here at WRA, and we miss her a great deal. The Lands Program also worked to control motorized recreation in back-country areas. In our view, uncontrolled motorized recreation, common in many areas on our public lands, is a rapidly escalating problem. Our solution is to implement a policy of “closed unless posted open” and to support federal land managers as they try to protect roadless areas. We also worked to halt ecologically inappropriate logging on roadless, old- growth lands in 2003. Finally, we continued our successful efforts to reform grazing practices on arid lands, having with our colleagues developed a detailed proposal to con- fine the adverse impacts of grazing in the new Grand Staircase-Escalante National Bruce Driver Eric Hirst Monument. Executive Director President of the Board of Directors
  • 3. Program Highlights L ANDS rotecting key public lands continued to be a core part of WRA’s mission in 2003. We focused on WRA has also developed a platform for responsible wind energy development on public lands, P lands affected by increased oil and gas development, on roadless areas threatened by fire and log- arguing that although wind energy is a resource we want to support, it too must take into ging, on motorized recreation management, and on arid rangelands damaged by irresponsible account pristine landscapes and critical habitats. livestock grazing. Forest Protection Oil and Gas Development WRA has been deeply involved with protecting the health of our forests, especially our roadless The West has found itself targeted by a national energy plan that views the region as a “Persian Gulf” areas. In 2003 this mainly consisted of riding herd on the Forest Service to ensure that its plans of natural gas. Industry proponents have argued that environmental regulations and landowners’ to thin trees indeed would promote forest health and minimize the threat rights must be “streamlined” to allow faster leasing and development of of fire. We ensured that salvage activities in Colorado’s Hayman lands that were previously closed to this use. While we agree that the burn zone would be managed to minimize erosion. We also West must do its share to help supply the nation’s energy needs, we intervened and filed comments whenever “thinning” proposals want to ensure that oil and gas development proceeds responsibly. unnecessarily focused on the backcountry, rather than on This means: the areas where lives and property could be threatened by • Landowners’ rights are respected fire. We reduced the sizes of several proposed logging • Pristine lands and key plant and wildlife habitats are preserved projects. We are addressing the serious threat to our last • Development proceeds with full environmental protections— remaining roadless areas and wildlife habitat posed by the including water protections—in place State of Utah’s claim to thousands of rights-of-way over • The best, most up-to-date and most appropriate technology is the National Forests. Also in Utah, we are contesting the used to minimize the footprint of drilling on our landscapes. Forest Service’s attempts to drastically reduce the monitor- ing it will conduct to assess the impacts of its management On the ground, we’ve worked in basins selected for their strategic on wildlife. importance in the overall effort to promote responsible use of our nat- Motorized Recreation ural resources. For example, the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado has been intensively drilled without much WRA has traditionally offered support to regional and local groups pro- enforcement of environmental provisions or cleanup requirements. The region has become a poster moting responsible travel management in our forests. In the coming year, we will be increasing child for what the rest of the West should try to avoid. We’re holding the federal government’s feet to our activities in this area. In 2003, we were happy to offer our support to the Forest Service in the fire and asking that it enforce existing regulations before approving more wells. We also want to closing roads to off-highway vehicles in critical areas of the forest and in completing an honest make sure that cultural resources, such as Navajo sacred sites and Anasazi ruins, are fully protected. evaluation of the impacts of unmanaged motorized recreation on the natural and cultural We work closely with a coalition of ranchers, Native Americans, and other residents of the San Juan resources of our public lands. Basin. Rangeland Management We look for ways to “do it right,” by promoting the use of cutting-edge drilling technology when it We’ve done a lot of work to foster sound rangeland management policies, especially in Utah, helps protect our landscapes, including in Colorado’s pristine HD Mountains. We’ve led the effort to where livestock overgrazing has taken a toll on our national monuments. Because the public des- protect the Roan Plateau, also in Colorado, from development that would destroy the unique, ignated these areas as deserving of special protection, and because the state’s particularly arid untouched character of the area. conditions make these landscapes all the more fragile, we have focused our resources on critical areas like Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Specifically, we’ve offered a model for We also work on similar issues in Utah and Wyoming, where we’re protecting roadless areas and key appropriate management that’s been praised by the BLM and other agencies while trying to hold wildlife habitat from the impacts of increased drilling. In Utah’s La Sal Mountains, for example, our the BLM to its duty to protect ecosystem health on the lands it manages. efforts led to the removal of large roadless tracts from an oil and gas lease sale. •3• •4•
  • 4. Program Highlights E NERGY RA remains committed to seeing that our region’s energy demands are met in economical- and by averting future costs associated with cleaning up carbon emissions (see Coal Plant discus- W ly and environmentally sustainable ways. We continued to build and disseminate the busi- sion, below). In Utah, we convinced the major utility, PacifiCorp, to adjust power generation bids ness case for renewable resources. We were also focused on cleaning up dirty coal plant by coal providers to account for the increased risk of using this fossil fuel. emissions in the region, and on preventing irresponsible new proposals for old-technology coal plants from going forward. Our green power marketing campaign is a critical component of our renewables advocacy. Our efforts have significantly boosted consumer demand for wind power in Colorado, Utah, and New Renewable Energy and Efficiency Mexico, with a new 204-megawatt wind farm in New Mexico as the crown jewel in the year’s WRA has tirelessly advocated for renewable energy standards in accomplishments. Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico, and has continued to assist Coal Plant Issues with the implementation of similar standards in Arizona and Nevada. A renewable energy standard requires a certain Coal plant issues are two-fold in the West. On the one potential of a state’s new electricity resources to come from hand, the region is home to a number of obsolete coal- renewable resources and energy efficiency measures. It fired power plants that continue to belch nitrous oxide, ensures stability for our energy supply and also lowers elec- sulphur dioxide, and carbon dioxide into our air. NOx and tricity costs, because resources such as wind are now cheap- SO2 are implicated in health concerns and in regional er than gas and some coal. WRA authored legislation across haze, while carbon dioxide is a primary greenhouse gas. the region and came close to seeing it passed in Colorado, WRA has continued to press for more pollution controls on gearing up for a stronger push in 2004. these coal plants. Equally important, we helped launch the Western Clean Energy Campaign to challenge proposals to build In addition to our push for energy standards, we have also worked up to 25 more old-technology coal plants in the region. Because these directly with utility companies to ensure that renewables and efficiency are part of their planning power plants have a lifespan of around 50 years, and because not one of them would use state-of- for the future. For example, in Utah we were able to convince the Public Service Commission to the-art clean coal technology, they would significantly impair the region’s ability to respond to authorize stable funding for innovative efficiency measures. The 162-megawatt wind farm near the threat of global warming. Retrofitting these plants to accommodate inevitable greenhouse gas Lamar, Colorado, a direct result of our advocacy, broke ground in late 2003, and was scheduled regulations would be extremely costly to energy customers large and small. Acquiring more of our to come online as part of Xcel’s resource mix in early 2004. We also collaborated with others to electricity from coal, rather than from renewables, also sets us up for continued dependency on launch West Wind Wires, a group that will participate in transmission planning for the region, to fossil fuels, rather than moving us toward the real future–which is in renewables and efficiency. ensure that renewables are part of that equation, too. In short, we’ve continued to lay down the infrastructure to support a meaningful reliance on renewables in the very near future. We also worked with the Water Program to assess the impacts of coal-fired power plants on our increasingly strained water supplies. Together with the Clean Air Task Force, WRA released The Convincing utilities to recognize risk management as part of their responsibility has been anoth- Last Straw: Water Use by Power Plants in the Arid West. er important area of our work. Renewables minimize economic risk by stabilizing resource prices •5• •• •6• ••
  • 5. Program Highlights W ATER RA’s Water Program has worked in three main areas this year. We’ve advocated for more danger of being turned over to private landowners. Also in Utah, we protected the Jordan River W responsible urban water use, protected wetlands and river habitats and related species, and and the wetlands it flows into from toxic selenium discharge. We challenged a project that exposed some of the impacts of our region’s energy use on our water supply. would drain thousands of acre-feet of water from the already over-taxed Great Salt Lake basin and were able to secure an instream flow and other protections for the ailing East Canyon Creek. Smart Water Our comments have led the State of Utah to revise its rules governing water quality to better Increasingly, WRA’s Water Program has focused on policy development and advocacy to protect protect and restore aquatic ecosystems. the region’s threatened river systems by encouraging sound water management. While agriculture is still the region’s biggest water user, cities are the source of most new In Colorado, we released a study showing that the Gunnison River is demand. This urban demand is growing at an unprecedented level. already fully committed to in-basin uses and is not available for In order to protect what’s left of our overburdened rivers, WRA diversions to the Denver metropolitan area. Gunnison Basin realized that it needed to focus on urban water conservation Water: No Panacea for the Front Range became an important and efficiency. We released our 180-page report, Smart Water: advocacy tool for local residents and recreationists. We also A Comparative Study of Urban Water Use Efficiency Across the went to court to protect the water right for the Black Southwest, a tool for cities, water providers, and citizens. It Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, where the federal analyzes how Albuquerque, Denver, El Paso, Las Vegas, government has—illegally, we believe—ceded its senior Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and Tucson stack up against each claim to Gunnison water on behalf of the Park to the other in their water use practices, highlighting cutting edge state, in return for a more junior right that does nothing to programs and success stories. The report documents that sig- protect the Park. And in 2003, we began our representation nificant amounts of water are available to meet future urban of the environmental community in the Upper Colorado water needs through efficiency and conservation. We have dis- River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. tributed Smart Water to many water providers, organizations, and cit- Energy Development and Responsible Water Use izens on Colorado’s Front Range and will convene workshops in Salt Lake City, Albuquerque, and Denver in 2004. WRA’s Water Program monitors two types of energy development that can affect the region’s water supplies: hydro-electric power and fossil fuels. Hydro-electric power generation can signifi- Threatened Waters cantly alter the natural flow patterns for our rivers, so we have developed several proposals to In our arid region, water is the backbone of our quality of life. It’s no surprise that streams, lakes, change the way water releases from reservoirs are managed, so that a river’s health can be maxi- and wetlands become focal points for development initiatives. In New Mexico, we won a big mized without much detriment to other uses of water. Fossil fuels extraction, such as for coalbed court battle on behalf of the Middle Rio Grande, where the native silvery minnow is on the methane, can damage water quality and quantity in many ways and such extraction is slated to verge of extinction. While saving the minnow is important, the case was really about the health increase quite dramatically in the next several years. As a result, this will be an important area of of the river itself. By providing enough water for the minnow, we hope to save the larger river our work in 2004. Further, electricity generation from coal plants uses many millions of gallons of environment. water per year in our region. Along with WRA’s Energy Program and the Clean Air Task Force, we released The Last Straw: Water Use by Coal Plants in the Arid West in April, which describes the Our Utah Office moved to protect thousands of acres of wetlands surrounding Utah Lake, the region-wide impacts of coal plant’s water use. state’s largest freshwater body. An important habitat for migrating birds, these wetlands are in •7• •8•
  • 6. Program Highlights Western Resource Advocates Worked with These COMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATIONS Organizations in 2003 RA’s communications efforts swung into high gear for 2003. Our core communications goal was to inform W Albuquerque Public Works Department Colorado Wild westerners about the environmental issues affecting our region’s economy and quality of life, and to publi- cize WRA’s role in resolving those issues. Alliance for the Rio Grande Heritage Colorado Wilderness Network American Lands Alliance Community Office for Resource Efficiency To that end, we worked hard to educate the press and the public about the dilemmas faced by the West. In the American Rivers Council of Energy Resource Tribes press, we saw more space given to issues such as the economic value of wilderness, the benefits to rural commu- American Solar Energy Society CU-Denver Wirth Chair in Environmental and Community Development nities of wind power, the air and water impacts of coal power plants, and other angles that have helped re-frame American Wildlands Policy the public debate on these matters. In 2003 we placed, pitched, or otherwise earned coverage for these issues in over 140 newspaper articles and editorials ranging from local papers to national media American Wind Energy Association Defenders of Wildlife outlets. We also appeared on television news channels and increased our radio Arizona Coalition for New Energy Technologies Denver Water outreach. A “steady drumbeat” highlighting the impacts of poor environ- Arizona Energy Office DINE Care mental policies and promoting responsible alternatives has been an effec- Arizona Public Service Company Earthjustice tive strategy in changing the tone of the coverage we receive in this Arizona Solar Energy Association East of Huajatolla Citizens’ Alliance region. We still have some distance to go, but we feel that the debate Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association El Paso Water Utilities has been healthier this year than last. Aspen Wilderness Workshop Environment Colorado Communications also assisted WRA’s Lands, Water, and Energy pro- Biodiversity Conservation Alliance Environmental Defense grams by managing the production and distribution processes for Boulder Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Working Group Escalante Wilderness Project WRA’s several reports. We developed presentations for our Critical Boulder Water Utilities Division (Dept. of Public Works) Forest Guardians Conversations series focusing on important issues affecting the West. Californians for Western Wilderness Friends of Great Salt Lake We also gave presentations and trainings on the substance of the Water Program’s Smart Water report and the Energy Program’s soon- Centennial Water and Sanitation District Grand Canyon Trust to-be-released Clean Energy Plan. All of this work tied into our overall Center for Biological Diversity Grand Junction Water Utilities Department goal of educating westerners about the positive alternatives available to Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies Great Old Broads for Wilderness them in our three main areas of work. Center for Native Ecosystems Great Salt Lake Audubon Center for Resource Conservation Greater Yellowstone Coalition WRA places great emphasis in working cooperatively with other environmental advocates as well as with less Center for Resource Solutions High Country Citizens’ Alliance traditional allies such as government officials, energy companies, ranchers, farmers, and sportsmen. We devoted some of our resources to offering communications support to broad coalitions working throughout the West to Citizens Committee to Save Our Canyons High Uintas Preservation Council refine messages on a host of environmental issues. For example, we helped rethink some of the discussion frame- Citizens for the Arapahoe Roosevelt Las Vegas Valley Water District works for oil and gas drilling, endangered species issues, roadless area protection, and wildfire management, and Colorado PIRG League of Conservation Voters Education Fund renewable energy. As additional examples, we boosted the release of American Rivers’ report on the state of our Clean Air Task Force Living Rivers rivers, and helped local groups such as Colorado’s High Country Citizens’ Alliance publicize threats to their nat- Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy Mesa Utilities Department ural resources. Colorado Coalition for New Energy Technologies Montana Environmental Information Center Communications issued four newsletters in 2003, published the 2002 Annual Report, and assisted Development Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment National Audubon Society in creating a beautiful and effective direct mail series. We continued to improve and upgrade our website. We Colorado Environmental Coalition National Parks Conservation Association also worked closely with Development to drive the name change process and build a new identity for WRA. Colorado Mountain Club National Renewable Energy Laboratory Our purpose was to make WRA’s role in the region more easily identifiable and to better communicate our mis- Colorado Office of Energy Management and Conservation National Trust for Historic Preservation sion to members of the public who may never have encountered us before. Finally, Communications played a Colorado Renewable Energy Society National Wildlife Federation key role in developing and structuring WRA’s strategic planning document. •8• •9• •• •10• •9• ••
  • 7. 2003 Funders F ORGANIZATIONS 2003 Continued UNDERS National Wind Coordinating Committee Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District NativeSUN, the Hopi Solar Electric Enterprise Tempe Water Utilities Department Anonymous Natural Resources Defense Council The Ecology Center Austin Community Foundation Nevada Office of Consumer Advocate The Nature Conservancy Catto Charitable Foundation Nevada Power Company The Wilderness Society Central and Northern New Mexico - Combined Federal Campaign Clean Air Task Force New Mexico Audubon Council Trout Unlimited Community Foundation Serving Boulder County New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Tucson Clean Energy Campaign Corporon & Williams New Mexico PIRG Tucson Coalition for Solar Department of Energy New Mexico Solar Energy Association Tucson Electric Power Company Environmental Center of the Rockies New Mexico Wilderness Alliance Tucson Water Department Environmental Fund for Arizona Faegre & Benson Foundation Northern Plains Resource Council U.S. DOE - Wind Powering America General Service Foundation Oil and Gas Accountability Project U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gunnison Basin POWER PacifiCorp U.S. PIRG I.D. Interiors Phoenix Water Services Department Union of Concerned Scientists InJoy Productions Powder River Basin Resource Council Upper Arkansas and South Platte Project Kerr Pacific Corporation McCune Charitable Foundation Public Service Company of New Mexico Utah Clean Energy Alliance Mesa United Way Quiet Use Coalition Utah Council, Trout Unlimited National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Renewable Northwest Project Utah Energy Office Network For Good Red Rock Forests Utah Forest Network New Belgium Brewing Co. Rio Grande Restoration Utah Rivers Council New Mexico Community Foundation PajWell Foundation Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Coalition Utah Wilderness Coalition Scherman Foundation Rocky Mountain Institute Utahns for an Energy Efficient Economy State of Utah Rocky Mountain Recreation Initiative Utility Wind Interest Working Group Surdna Foundation Salt Lake City Action Project Wasatch Clean Air Coalition The EcoISP LLC Salt River Project Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona The Educational Foundation of America The Energy Foundation San Juan Citizens’ Alliance Western Area Power Administration The Fir Tree Funds Scottsdale Water Resources Department Western Colorado Congress The New-Land Foundation Sierra Club Western Governors’ Association The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Sierra Club, Colorado Chapter Western Mining Action Project United Way of Moscow/Latah County Sierra Club, Grand Canyon Chapter Western Regional Air Partnership United Way of Northern Utah United Way of Tri-State Sierra Club, Utah Chapter Western Slope Environmental Resource Council United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Sierra Pacific Power Company Wild Utah Project Utah Council Trout Unlimited Sinapu Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads Utah Wetlands Foundation Southern Plains Land Trust The Wildlands Project Wilburforce Foundation Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project World Wildlife Fund Winslow Foundation Wyoming Outdoor Council Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance Wyoming Outdoor Council Wyss Foundation Southwest Energy Efficiency Project Xcel Energy Southwest Environmental Center •10• •11• •• •12•
  • 8. 2003 Rudd Mayer Memorial Wind Energy Fund RUDD MAYER Allan C. Mayer Peggy Plate Kathleen Stebbins Harold M. Mayer Barbara Pope John Steinbaugh Harold M. Mayer Kevin Porter Becky and Tom Sternal Scott T. and Kristen Mayer John Raftery and Stephanie Sam Swanson and Joyce udd Mayer initiated the Green Marketing Program for Western Resource Advocates, and Joe McDonald Rogers Gallimore R Mary McGuiness William F. Ray and Melissa C. Kaari and John W. Taylor developed grassroots support for wind power. Her witty, passionate approach earned Deborah McManus Knott Kaari Taylor and Nicholas Rudd the respect of many in the energy field, and the commitment of colleagues to foster Alison and Andrew McNally Michael J. Robinson Vaughn the development of wind power in the West. When Rudd died in 2002, her family and WRA Peter B. and Jane McNitt John and Wendy Sadler Kerstin Van Der Voort established a memorial fund to create a legacy for the work Rudd National Conference of State Chandra N. Shah Bill Vandenberg Jr. so loved. Legislatures Shell Oil Company Scott and Heidi VanGenderen NREL - Green Pricing Rachel Shimshak Vera J. Weintraub John J. Oelerich Gregg Skalinder James Welch and Renee Over $80,000 has been contributed to the Rudd Mayer Dale Osborn Nancy Slaughter Choury Memorial Fund. WRA and the Mayer family are planning Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Jeanette M. Stanhaus Christy Will to dedicate a wind power farm in Rudd’s name, establish Family Foundation Justin A. and Sallie M. Stanley a Wind Advocate position, and create a public exhibit promoting wind power. To support this on-going tribute to Rudd’s work, donations can be sent to: WRA, 2260 Baseline Road, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302. 2003 In-Kind Contributors IN-KIND 2003 RUDD MAYER MEMORIAL WIND ENERGY FUND CONTRIBUTORS Brent Alderfer Susan B. Damour Barbara Holmes Ti m A l e x a n d e r, G r a p h i c D e s i g n e r Paul and Susan Aldretti Lisa Daniels Ed Holt John Fielder Craig Asher Linda B. Davis Catherine M. and J.M. Hudig Thomas R. Ayres Karen and David Drucker Jeffrey H. and Maurine F. Kahn AJ Grant, Environmental Communications Associates, Inc. Sally Bingham Alexandra H. Mayer Drucker Dan Kalafatas and Hadley Wa l t H e s t e r Eric Blank and Daniel Drucker Mullin John Lewelling Michael Block Rob Edward Carrie Koenig Maxwell Print Management Suzanne Bohan Jim and Nancy Edwards Nancy Kornblum and Michael Ti f f a n y M c K e r c h e r Linda Anne Burtis Simon Firth and Jennifer Schreiner Amy Morfas Center for Resource Solutions Summit Amy and Jeff Larson Eunmee Chun Margot and Richard Funke Howard Learner Symantec Colorado Environmental Howard and Lucy Geller Ronald L. Lehr J e f f Wi d e n P h o t o g r a p h y Business Alliance Leslie and Merrill Glustrom Cynthia Lochridge •• Xmission Cynthia Cox John C. and Vicky H. Graham Priscilla Ruth MacDougall Frank Crociata Tom Gray Alexa Majors •13• •14•
  • 9. 2003 Individual Donors INDIVIDUALS Elizabeth James Ken Ransford John and Elaine Abbott French Lynn and Patrick de Freitas Renz and Dianna Jennings Kate Rau David Abelson Ann V. and B. Gale Dick Thomas and Carlyn J. Jervis Barbara Reid and David Hyman Stephen Ahearn Dusty Dodge Jr. Walter and Cynthia Jessel David Renne and Paulette Middleton Anonymous David and Ann Dolowitz Dale L. and Frandee Johnson Robert O. Rice and Angela Rowland Karl F. Anuta Debra Donahue Lois C. Jordan Alan and Julie Richardson Stephen Arent Bruce C. Driver and Charlene Dougherty Jeffrey J. Kahn Joseph J. Richey and Anne H. Becher Hope Babcock Tara Dugan Haplea Melinda Kassen Clarence H. Ridley William L. Baker Kenneth C. Dunn Robert B. and Linda Keiter Elizabeth Ann Rieke Reid Bandeen Michael C. and T. Bachrach Ehlers James Kelley and Amie Knox David and Janet Robertson Mark B. and Diane Banks Bromberg Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich Vaughan F. Kendall David M. Rose and Ceil Murray Robert L. and Anne C. Barry William and Janice Einert James and Nina S. Kingsdale Barry Satlow David A. Baxter Leo Eisel and Nina Churchman Paul S. Komor Lois J. Schiffer Norman E. and Sally E. Beal Karan English and Rob Elliott Sarah Krakoff Gregory Schmidt and Jennifer Lyman Tim and Barb Beaton Ralph Ewing and Judy Clark Lynel D. and B. Kramer Vallier E. Laurie Scholl Jeanne Beaudry Thomas Fenton Smith Paul Kriescher Daniel V. Schroeder Elizabeth Beaver John Fielder Rob Larsen Alan and Gail Schwartz David Becker and Ruth Cornfeld Becker Erik W. Fisher John Leary Pamela Shapiro William Bennett and Micki Turner James Flynn Ronald L. Lehr David and Laura Skaggs John R. Bermingham Wayne F. Forman and Elizabeth Wald Alan and Deanne Lembitz Joel B. Smith and Sarah J. Larson Lori Bird and Gerald Smith Nick and Helen Forster Patricia Nelson Limerick Janet Smock Roberts S. Elizabeth Birnbaum Jeremy and Angela Foster Ed and Betsy Marston Marc Snyder Eric Blank Andrew and Audrey Franklin Wayne Martinson and Deb Sawyer Anthony and Carol Somkin Stuart Bluestone and Judy Naumberg Naomi C. Franklin Alan May Albert Sterman Stephen Bonowski Roger A. Fuehrer Jonathan E. and Emilie D. McBride Hjalmar S. and Mary A. Sundin Larry Boyd Michael A. Gheleta James McClements and Heidi Sherk Gregory A. Thomas Fred P. Braun Jr. Steve Glazer Robert and Daphne McGill Irene Tinker William and Susan Brooks Robert J. Golten and Joan S. Brett Heidi McIntosh Kristin Tita Charla Brown and Rob Burnett Ruth Guillemette Victoria McLane Nelle Tobias Helen and Richard L. Bulinski Mark Hackmeier Arthur I. Mears and Paula J. Lehr Katherine H. Troutner Patricia A. Butler Kevin S. Hannon C. Phillip and Joan W. Miller Demetri Wagner Tom Cannarella Melinda Harm Benson and Reed D. Benson Sarah S. and Robert H. Moench William C. and Karen V. Waller Gerald A. Caplan Robert and Stephanie Harris John M. and Martha Morrison Veranth Charles Warner and Mary E. McAfee Bradley W. and Lynn E. Carroll Stephen D. Harris Timothy A. Myers Fran and Butch Weaver John and Elizabeth Carson Taylor Henry Harris Hite Melanie R. Newton Delani Wheeler Jeff and Lynn Charlebois Gayle G. and William K. Hartmann Mona Newton and David Lewis Charles and Linda White Barbara A. Charnes Ann Harvey Robert J. and Beverly B. Noun Sara Williams-Mann Nick and Joan Chiropolos Anne Hawthorne Silver Richard L. and June Ottinger Christopher Wirth Mary Jane Ciccarello Robert and Susan Helm David and Lucretia Paddock Don Wojcik Bonnie Colby Gerald and Susan Henderson Jeffrey G. and Jessica S. Pearson Tom and Eleanor Wootten Richard B. Collins and Judith L. Reid Maureen K. Hinkle Ryan Pellet Lyn Yarroll and Tadini Bacigalupi III Thomas E. Congdon Eric and Susan Hirst James and Hensley Peterson Michael D. and Debra Yokell Mae and Merv Coover Suzanne N. Hough Donald E. and Barbara J. Phillipson Joan B. Zukoski Virginia L-S and William S. Cowles Charles W. and JoAnne Howe Barbara Polich and Val Antczak Michelle Cox Mary Lou Huffmon Lori Potter Carol Gallun Craig Ken Hughes Susan and Dale Poulter Robert K. Davis Pamela W. Hyde •15• •16•
  • 10. 2003 Unaudited Financials Our Mission FINANCIALS Western Resource Advocates protects and restores the natural environment of the Interior West. WRA uses law, economics, and policy analysis to protect land and water resources, protect essential habitats for plants and animals, and assure that energy demands are met in environ- Income mentally sound and sustainable ways. We meet these goals by working with other environmen- 2002 2003 tal and community groups, taking into account the economic and cultural framework unique to Grants $1,508,380 $1,323,719 the seven states of the Interior West. Individuals 85,109 148,575 Organizations 73,597 67,302 Attorney Fees 128,280 76,953 2003 Board of Directors & Staff BOARD & STAFF Interest 20,900 11,800 Other 2,295 75,297 Government -- 108,857 Business -- 1,204 Total $1,666,010 $1,818,561 Board of Directors 2003 Income 2002 Income Grants Grants Chair Organizations Eric Hirst, Bellingham, WA Organizations Individuals Individuals Vice-Chair Attorney Fees Maggie Fox, Boulder, CO Attorney Fees Interest Other Interest Secretary Goverment A.J. Grant, Boulder, CO Other Business Bonnie Colby, Tucson, AZ Wayne Petty, Salt Lake City, UT Expense Debra Donahue, Jelm, WY John Taylor, Denver, CO 2002 2003 James Kelley, Denver, CO Charles White, Denver, CO Program $1,631,999 $1,558,608 Sarah Krakoff, Boulder, CO Christopher Wirth, Boulder, CO Fundraising 119,991 104,578 Heidi McIntosh, Salt Lake City, UT Michael Yokell, Boulder, CO General Rose McKinney-James, Las Vegas, NV Stewart Udall, Honorary Director, Santa Fe, NM Administration 203,734 177,853 Staff Total $1,955,724 $1,841,039 Bruce Driver, Executive Director Christine Quenroe, Bookkeeper Expense by Program Penny Anderson, Energy Project Assistant/Computer DonnaJo “DJ” Strickland, Development Director Operations Manager Joro Walker, Utah Office Director Energy $509,335 $746,917 Mindy Harm Benson, Wyoming Representative Don Wojcik, Smart Water Policy Analyst Lands 306,253 402,687 Brad Bartlett, Staff Attorney Water 345,245 430,770 David Berry, Energy Project Senior Policy Advisor Volunteer 47,154 57,628 Consultants Andria Bronsten, Office/Building Manager 2002 Expense 2003 Expense Mike Chiropolos, Lands Program Director Letty Belin, New Mexico Special Counsel Melissa Decker, Staff Attorney Cathy Carlson, Lands/Energy Advisor Program Program Rick Gilliam, Energy Project Senior Technical Advisor Pamela Hathaway, Lands/Energy Advisor Eric Guidry, Energy Attorney Kim Kasic, Accounting Manager and Treasurer Fundraising Fundraising Andrew Hartsig, Paralegal Dan Luecke, Special Policy Advisor for the Endagered Susan Innis, Green Power Marketing Director Fish Recovery Program General General Bart Miller, Water Program Director Valerie Rauluk, Tucson Coalition for Solar Administration Administration Melanie Newton, Program Assistant Jon Wellinghoff, Nevada Special Counsel John Nielsen, Energy Project Director Sarah Wright, Utah Wind Power Campaign Sean Phelan, Staff Attorney Coordinator * A complete audited financial statement was not available at the time of printing. If you would like a copy of Leslie Kaas Pollock, Energy Project Associate the 2002 or 2003 audited financials please contact Western Resource Advocates Boulder office. Claudia Putnam, Communications Director •17• •18•
  • 11. Boulder Office 2260 Baseline Road, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 303-444-1188 303-786-8054 fax email: info@westernresources.org Web site: www.westernresourceadvocates.org Utah Office 1473 South 1100 E., Suite F Salt Lake City, UT 84105 801-487-9911 801-486-4233 fax email: utah@westernresources.org Web site: www.westernresourceadvocates.org Photos Courtesy of Energy Photos Courtesy of Walt Hester NREL