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Outline Of The Axis Powers Of Mussolini
The Axis powers of Germany,Italy, and Japan
Tre Woodhouse English III October 19,2017 Outline
Thesis statement:The Axis was a powerful alliance which consisted of three countries with a throng
territorial hunger.
Adolf Hitler A.Hitler made the Nazi Party B.whale if a fight against Hitler.
II. Benito Mussolini
A.his decision to invade Ethiopia in 1935
B. his campaign in Africa got attention of Hitler
III. End of the war
A.Mussolini was imprisoned at Giulino di Messegra
B.Adolf Hitler dies
The Axis powers of Germany,Italy, and Japan
In 1923, Benito Mussolini said that the axis of the world s history ran through Berlin. Mussolini s
words were based on a practical interest towards Germany; he wanted to use it as an ally against
Yugoslavia and France in the territorial conflict. However, the name Axis was officially used to signify
the Berlin Rome ( agreement in 1936. Later, it became a name for the military alliance formed during
the Second World War, which opposed the Allies(Ryan, James). The core of the Axis comprised three
countries with vast territorial appetites, Germany, Italy, and Japan. Each of them had its interests
beyond its own lands. Japan was hungry for the territories in the Pacific region and a significant part
of China, Italy had its colonial interests and was seeking for an ally to oppose France, and Germany
could not
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The Business And Social Media Side Of Medical Advances
Case Study # 1 The Business and Social Media Side of Medical Advances
Introduction: One of the key themes of Biology 311 is the critical interplay between cell and
molecular biology, medicine, business, patent law, federal regulatory agencies (e.g. FDA), defense,
religion and many other aspects of our society that had little to no role in the world of cell and
molecular biology as few as 10 years ago. The attached article appeared as the lead article in The
Boston Globe on Sunday, August 23, 2015, and is an example of how changes in our society can affect
many of the aforementioned themes. Below are questions related to this article. Some are factual
questions that can be easily found on the internet and elsewhere; while others are ... Show more
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It is possible to know the clinical trials currently underway or patients enrolling online through
registry and database of results from privately and publicly clinical studies of people carried out
around the world.
4. Robert Langer, a faculty member at MIT s prestigious Whitehead Institute, is mentioned in the
article. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of In Vivo Therapeutics and has a long list of
accomplishments. As a faculty member should he or others who are full time faculty members at any
university or college have constraints on their contributions to and activity with biotechnology
companies? How might you design a fair strategic plan that would allow university research faculty to
translate their work into new medical devices or practices that have both commercial and medical
As faculty members, there should not be any form of restriction to how much they can contribute to
biotechnology companies since it is their invention on trial. However for effectiveness, they need to
work closely with experts from the biotechnology companies to create a device that fully meets
patients or people s needs for both commercial and medical potential.
5. One of the questions presented by this article is whether a patient who is undergoing an
experimental treatment should use social media to indicate his or her progress or lack thereof as well
as having the right to buy stock in the company sponsoring
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Size Of The Grand Canyon-Personal Narrative
Today is going to be great. I woke up this morning with a smile the size of the Grand Canyon. My
roommate even looked at me like I was crazy. I didn t care though, today was the day that if we made
it coach was going to tell us if we were going to the state championships. Which I m pretty confident
that we are. My team is 10 to 2 we re having an amazing season. I pushed my fluffy black and white
comforter with at least 10 blankets on top ( I get really cold at night) and got out of bed. I head to the
shower with the music blaring. The water worked its way into my thick curly hair, and slid down my
back and then to the drain. I was in the shower for about 20 minutes. I got out of the shower wrapped
a warm steam dampened towel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hey Mads, you ready for a 2 hour plane ride. Definitely not. Have you met me.
Come on we re goin to be late. We got in the Uber, and were on our way to Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta
International airport. Our flight left at 5 am it s 3 now. You should go to the doctor, Kay. Your wrist
seems to be getting worse. I heard Madlin say out of nowhere.
I m fine. It s fine. Its wrapped I ice my wrist every night before bed. It s frustrating because my wrist
only hurts after practice, and for the next 3 days we have 2 practices. When we got on the plane, we
were sitting in coach, the seats were comfortable. We were traveling from Atlanta,Georgia to Orange
county, Los Angeles, a 2 hour flight. We made it to LA. Me and Madi were both hungry. Mads turned
to me and stopped right in front of me. Halting any more movement and almost tripping me. She
started talking. Plane food isn t filling at all. I M starving. And the pla I cut her off to talk. Chill you
almost tripped me. I said slowly. She nodded, I continued
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Liberi A Cultural Overview
Liberia: A Cultural Overview Liberia s political system and history has been strongly based and
influenced on American and English common law. This is due in part to Liberia s initial colonization
of freed American slaves starting around 1820. Initially 86 immigrants, also known as Americo
Liberians settled in the now named Monrovia, named after President James Monroe. In the following
years thousands more freed slaves and free African Americans resettled by a campaign created by the
American Colonization Society. The True Whig Party ruled the country and their first President was
Joseph Jenkins Roberts who was born and raised in America. The government was styled on that of
the United States and the indigenous population were restricted their voting rights by the Americo
Liberian elite. The True Whig Party dominated all sectors of Liberia from independence in 1847 until
April of 1980, when Liberian Master Sergeant Samuel K. Doe, from the Krahn ethnic group, seized
power in a coup d etat. To put a formal end to control by the Americo Liberian political domination
formation of The People s Redemption Council was necessary. The Doe government saw increased
human rights abuses, corruption, and ethnic tensions and the standard of living in Liberia continued to
deteriorate. Doe ensured that he retained close relations with America; he met twice with President
Ronald Reagan and enjoyed considerable financial support from the United States. From 1989 to
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Chronic Pain Explanatory Model
Chronic pain is often defined as pain lasting more than 12 weeks. It may arise from initial injury, such
as a back sprain, or there may be an ongoing issue such as illness. The assignment given consisted of
finding a person who suffers from chronic pain to explore the ideas of illness classification, the
experience of pain and explanatory models. The interview process was executed on September 17,
2016 via face time lasting approximately 45 minutes in length. She gave me her oral consent for this
interview. I explained that this information would be used for a chronic pain paper. (American Chronic
Pain Association) The subject is a 53 year old, Caucasian, upper middle class female currently in
treatment for melanoma cancer. Currently, no disease ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The initial diagnosis was made by her oncologist who was monitoring any changes over a six month
period after surgery and throughout radiation via physical examinations. Increased swelling became
visibly obvious as did decreased range of motion and restricted normal functioning of the right arm.
An occupational therapist and lymphedema specialist determined a follow up diagnosis after
implementing a test using an electric current, which measures fluid volume in the arm and right trunk.
(Physical Therapy and Rehab Medicine 2010) Also, comparisons in range of motion were made to the
normal side on the left. Once the actual assessment of the problem was made, a plan was
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The Positive And Negative Impacts Of The Theatrical...
With resounding consistency, every reference to The Theatrical Syndicate begins with the same
anecdotal tale: One day in 1896, six theatre businessmen met for lunch at the Holland House Hotel.
The gentlemen gathered that day where in a consensus about a few things, but the greatest of which
being the state of the American theatre and its institutional need for centralization. (Mroczka) The aim
of the following discussion is to contextualize this organization within American theatre history while
illustrating the positive and negative impacts of The Theatrical Syndicate on the theatre community.
For much of the 19th century, theatre production hinged on resident stock company and visiting star
systems. The former was an English import and signified the delineations between a permanent or
touring company. Resident companies had an arsenal of plays that would be performed nightly, on a
rotating basis, by actors selected on their ability to play interchangeable stock characters. This practice
was innovated mid century by the visiting star system. The resident stock company was self sufficient
in staging productions, but when big name actors came into town, they would often make their way on
the bill for local productions as a way to draw crowds. (Encyclopedia Britannica) As a promotional
method, however, this system would prove too great a burden on operating costs. This would serve as
one of many reasons American theatre would shortly hereafter transition into a
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English Bill Of Rights Essay
Not to be confused with the American Bill of Rights, the English Bill of Rights was written in 1689.
What they really were was an act declaring the rights and liberties of the subject and settling the
succession of the crown. Like the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights is a basic and fundamental
document of the constitution law in England. The reason for the bill of rights was to ensure and
guarantee the safety of the human rights that the citizens were ought to have. The bill of rights reduced
the power the monarch had on the civilians, and gave the civilians more power towards the monarchs.
The English Bill of Rights came after the defeat of King James II and the crowning of William III and
Mary as the new joint rulers of England. Some of these rights included the rights to bear arms, the
rights to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The citizens have full control of who is appointed to any position regarding the government. And if so
it happens that the people don t like the way they are being governed, then by law, they can petition
the people in power off power.
The Bill of Rights hasn t only had a positive effect on England, but they also influenced other
countries to create Bill of Rights of their own. The Kingdom of Scotland also had a similar document
written in 1689, United States of America also has a similar concept of the Bill of Rights. Its influence
can also be seen in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights and the European Convention on
Human rights. All of these countries had a similar problem, too much power belonging to one person
without the system of checks and balances.
The Bill of rights were intended not only to ensure basic human rights to the Englishmen, but to also
limit the power that the monarch had on the people. The Englishmen had already learned a lot from
the previous kings, and they knew a constitutional document was needed to save the people from an
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An Installation Of A Structural Health Monitoring System
Early detection of such failures will definitely save many lives and decrease the number of injuries.
This can improve the public safety and provide more reliable economical feature. Eventually, the
increased awareness of the economic and social effects of such degradation especially under extreme
events intensifies the need for advanced SHM, damage detection, and damage localization tools.
Consequently, SHM systems are basically used to monitor the structures behavior during the events of
vibrations or natural excitation (earthquakes, winds and live loading). Moreover, in 2002 some
building design codes mandate that structures should have an installation of a structural health
monitoring system especially those located in high ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The following paragraphs discuss a review on SHM basically monitoring bridge performance. The
first example is the monitoring of the Tsing Ma Bridge and Kap Shui Mun Bridge in Hong Kong [10].
A large amount of sensors include temperature sensors, strain gauges, displacement, anemometer, and
accelerometers were installed on the bridge. These sensors were installed to monitor the bridge
dynamic response in terms of displacement, acceleration, wind, and temperature. Approximately 320
channels of sensors were used in Tsing Ma Bridge [11].These sensors produced about 65 M Bytes of
data every hour in an attempt toward in depth monitoring. This SHM system was able to monitor the
structural health of the bridge and provide reliable information for civil engineers to plan accordingly
for inspection visits.
Another example of SHM is the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge located in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
That long term SHM system included 84 accelerometers channels [12]. This system was installed to
evaluate the dynamic response of the bridge under seismic activities.
One of the eminent examples of infrastructure SHM is that of the Golden Gate Bridge in San
Francisco, California. The SHM system deployed 28 accelerometers where 12 of them were located
on the main span, 6 on the side span and 10 on the pier lower
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Roger And Hammerstein s The Sound Of Music
I wasn t really sure how to write about things that bring me joy, so I made parody to Roger and
Hammerstein s The Sound of Music . This is my favorite musical and one of my favorite movies. I
write frequently, and I often rewrite words to songs to fit my life. I thought it was appropriate to
rewrite My Favorite Things and share with you why these things bring me joy. The first few stanzas,
aside from the Oxford Comma, are about my family. My family brings so much joy, life, and color to
my life. So much of who I am has been learned from who they are. Hugs are best given by my family.
They are the kind of people who hug you so tightly that you think you might stop breathing. The hugs
that make you think nothing in the world can harm you or break the bond of the other person s grip. ...
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For example, at Christmas we have your normal decorations and then we also have Flick family
decorations. This consists of old mini pie tins put into the shape of bells with ribbon around it. My
grandparents made these when they were first married because they could afford a tree with a lights
but no ornaments. They made these decorations and have kept them ever since. My sister and I love
asking about the story of the pie tins. My grandma will share, It reminds us where we came from and
how far we ve come as a family. Pie tin christmas ornaments will forever be one of my favorite
traditions. In addition to holiday traditions, my brothers and I always have cake wars during our
birthday parties when we re all together. Our birthdays all go June, July, August, and two in
September. This means that we are usually lucky enough to celebrate outside. Ever since we were
little, it wouldn t be uncommon for whoever s birthday it was to end up with their face in the cake. As
we got older, we learned to fight back and everyone usually ended up with cake in their hair and on
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Tragic Events In Paris Research Paper
On November 13, 2015 Paris was stuck with a variety of attacks, which had a lasting impact on the
culture in Paris, as well as many other places. There were a series of planned terrorist attacks that
occurred in Paris, the capital of France, and a Northern suburb Saint Denis. The Islamic State of Iraq
and the Levant (ISIL) took responsibility for these events just a few days after they occurred. They
claimed that the reason behind this was due to a retaliation to the French. Not only did this striking
event effect Paris and the surrounding cities, but it also effected many other people in different
countries by watching the tragedy unfold. During these attacks hundreds were killed and many were
injured. Paris has been in a state of mourning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When events such as these occur, it reminds us all that this could happen to any of us and it help
cultures become more aware in many ways. People often times can become hardened to these types of
events because a lot of us never think it will happen to us, until they start occurring more and
becoming more real to us. This tragic event brought the people of Paris together while they mourned
the loss of so many. Events like these are often significant to cultures as well, because often times it
draws everyone to come together and support one another in hard times such as these. All throughout
our culture we are seeing more and more the true depravity of humans and the consequence of sin.
This is not the first disastrous event that ISIS has caused on a country and it will not be the last. One
of the main ways that this situation could be changed would be by taking out ISIS. ISIS has become a
very big terrorist group and effects many countries. They are clearly not done with their attacks and it
seems that they will continue to do so until they are stopped. To truly change this situation and prevent
it from happening anymore, ISIS will need to be taken out or this will continue to happen to different
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The Horrors Of Adolf Hitler And The Holocaust
The Holocaust was a very difficult and heart wrenching time period. This tragic event occurred
because Adolf Hitler blamed the Jewish religion for Germany s corruption. Hitler kept many Jews in
camps and put millions to death by gassing them or rather poisoning them. Hitler s deadly camps were
mainly located in Germany during the second World War yet took place all over Europe.(around 1933
1945) For the Greek language, Holocaust means whole and burned .( as it says in source 2) The
segregation against the Jewish religion had took place long before Hitler came along. On January 20th
1933, Hitler was named Chancellor over Germany. Yet when Germany s supreme ruler, Paul von
Hindenburg passed away Hitler took it upon himself to fill his spot giving him more power than any
of the Jews would have liked. My point of view, that the immediate cause for this was the racial and
religious discrimination against the Jews; I think this is the main . In my opinion, since the jewish
religion had so much already going against them from the past, it was easier to blame them. As I see it,
this dreadful conflict could have easily been avoided without the numerous 6 million deaths during the
time period of 1933 to 1945. Whether the Jews were to blame or not, I believe that Hitler could have
been able to deal with what he disagreed with in a different manner. On September 1, 1939 Germany
invaded Poland which got WWII started in Europe. (source 1) In my opinion, Europe fell into
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Alien Technology Research Paper
A Tale of Alien Technology
The year is 2058, Earth is peaceful, history is forever changed, for no wars have been fought, and no
arms have been yielded. World peace wasn t an impossibility. But one solar afternoon, a giant metal
chunk of metal, glowing green, beaming pure energy, bursts into the atmosphere. It it loud. It broke
many sound barriers, and it caused a huge explosion. Scientists exhibit the crashed spacecraft, and
find metal databases encrypted with an unknown language. Not too long, the databases were cracked,
and it was revealed the blueprint technology of invisibility, teleportation, and immortality. Any of this
information could have gotten in the wrong hands, and it did. The New World Order, the one giant
government on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many transcriptions of history were lost in the war, many books and knowledge of what the earth once
was were gone somewhere in the realms of oblivion. Without the technology, the world would have
been a better place. The other worldly tech was weaponized for evil. And it changed the world
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Dhl Strategic Marketing Managment
Basic Information of DHL Worldwide Express
Author: John A. Quelch, Greg Conley
Publisher: HBR
Case Number: 9 593 011
Publication Date: Sep 10, 1992
Revision Date: Nov 24, 1997
Course Category: Marketing
Case Summary of DHL Worldwide Express
Ali Sarrahfzadeh, DHL s worldwide sales and marketing manager, had to present his
recommendations on pricing at DHL s annual director s meeting.
Pricing Strategy Price leadership, charge premium prices and aim to deliver superior value added
services in all markets OR market response, setting prices independently in each country, according to
customer usage patterns and competitive pressures.
Pricing Structure Weekly or monthly handling fee? Same price charged ... Show more content on
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2. How does DHL set prices?
3 pricing approaches:
Monthly flat fee, where DHL automatically visited customer daily. o No volume discount.
Frequently discount structure, based on volume (based on forecast demand).
Nominal fee for pick up or could drop off at DHL office.
3. What are the pricing changes facing DHL?
Moving to a consistent worldwide pricing structure, as opposed to regional pricing which would better
gauge customer usage patterns and competitive pressures.
4. Should DHL offer worldwide pricing contracts? Why, or why not?
External Link of DHL Worldwide Express
Relevent File Cabinet of DHL Worldwide Express
Article Purchase Link of DHL Worldwide Express
Categories: Management |
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The Importance Of HIV In The United States
One of the many global health concerns is HIV. This disease is very deadly because HIV eventually
can change to AIDS and at this time there is no prevention for it. In the United States, HIV is spread
mainly by having sex with or sharing drug injection equipment with someone who is infected with
HIV. Also mother to child transmission is the most common way that child get HIV. human
immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a lentivirus that causes HIV infection and over time acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the
immune system allows life threatening opportunities infections and cancers to thrive. The sign and
symptoms, Headache, Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Fatigue Aching Muscles, Sore throat,
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Government Interventions are Failing
Introduction Around the world, governments, mostly intervenes in the market in order to accomplish
their policy objectives. The government s policy objectives or goals could be related to economics,
ranging from stabilization of prices, export promoting, encourage equal distributions for income and
commodity protection. The examples as per above proves that government intervention is not only
limited to economic effects but also influences the society. There are two (2) types of usual regulated
government interventions, which are automatic and discretionary. Automatic can be defined as
intervention which is based on rules and regulations. On the other side, government interventions
which are discretionary mostly targets stopping, suspension or limitation of a certain contract market.
An early review of government market interventions shows that discretionary based interventions
usually fails in accomplishing targeted policy objective compared to interventions based on rules as
the latter proves to be more successful in a market economy. At the same time, discretionary
interventions give results that are undesired and this could be quite damaging to the government. The
harmfulness in this aspect can be defined as total impact on those involved in either marketing or
producing commodities.
Government Intervention in the Markets Some of the reasons which cause government interventions
are in order to overcome market failure, to accomplish an equal distribution
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Humanity and Its Way of Being Lost
Sanity, slowly fading away, with savagery slowly taking its place. Within the book, Lord of the Flies,
a group of young boys, ranging from ages of 3 to 13, were escaping from their all boys school within
an airplane. But unfortunately, the boys plane is attacked and the boys end upon a deserted island, and
all of the adults are dead. The boys take it upon themselves to survive, until they are rescued, but
being upon that island for so long, the boys soon lose who they are. Some don t want to be rescued,
and some have just lost it completely. Lives and personalities are lost to the invading savagery of the
island. Throughout the book, Golding shows how the boys upon the island slowly lose themselves.
The island s barbaric influence on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Someone tripped over Ralph and Piggy s corner became a complication of snarls and crashes and
flying limbs (Golding, 167). The boys had already split apart, and the ones that had chosen the native
life, had already resorted to violence. They did not truly think anymore. They resorted to violence to
obtain Piggy s glasses instead of asking for fire. A sign that by changing the boys way of thinking, and
their barbaric nature slowly kicking in, the boys actions will highly be influenced. They will only
think of bloodshed as the answer. They will think of no other alternatives. Even if the alternative is
one of their own, being covered in dirt and blood.
The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the
abominable noise something about a body on the hill. The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and
fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowd surged after it, poured
down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no
movements but the tearing of teeth and claws (Golding, 153). The boys had became barbaric, and did
not think anymore. Some knew what they were doing was wrong, but kept doing it. They killed one of
their own, hoping to disillusion themselves with the knowledge that it was a beast in disguise, but they
all knew the truth. They knew it was one of them, but because of the violent barbaric influence of the
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Genetic Diversity In America
Genetic diversity is the variation of heritable characteristics in genetic makeup present in a population
of the same species i.e. variation in the nucleotides, genes, chromosomes, or whole genomes of
organisms. The species with greater genetic diversity has a chance of long time survival. Knowledge
of diversity in a germplasm is very important for the improvement of crop plants through breeding
program (Hallauer and Miranda Filho 1988). Assessment of genetic diversity is essential to understand
the relationship among and within the landraces, as well as their genetic structure. It is also valuable
for setting priorities for genetic conservation, parental selection and as a source of favorable traits.
(Ferriol, Pico et al. 2004) analysed 47 accessions of C. moschata featuring the morphological
characters which revealed considerable variability, comparable to that found in different C. moschata
centers of diversity. Molecular analysis through AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism)
markers which analyze neutral genetic diversity and SRAP (sequence related amplified
polymorphism) markers, which amplify gene regions both showed a genetic diversity in accordance
with the morphological variability. With both markers clustered the genotypes according to their
geographical origin: Central America, South America, and Spain, which suggested the existence of
two independent domestications in both American areas, and/or introgressions from related species. ...
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2011) analysed 39 inbred lines with twenty agronomic characters of C. moschata from China which
were investigated and showed rich diversities among them. The diversities of the twenty characters
can be summarized into 3 major principal components such as leaf, fruit and flesh quality
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Lauren Lark Reaction Paper
On Friday, February 3rd, 2017, a Jazz artist named Lauren Lark came to perform in the Julia Ball
Auditorium at Gwynedd Mercy University. This event was open to anyone who wanted to join and
was in honor of Black History Month. Going into this event, I was not sure what to expect. I typically
do not go to concerts and in particular, I do not listen to Jazz; however, I do like to learn about new
things, so I was excited. This show brought to light the women composers of many ethnic
backgrounds and because of Music Appreciation, not only was I able to enjoy the music, but I was
now also able to pick out the different pitches, dynamics, and rhythms, along with many other musical
components. My musical background is very narrow. I had basic music classes in elementary school
and took flute lessons for about three months when I was eleven years old. I typically only listen to
country, pop, and hip hop; however, I do teach Irish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First, Lord Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart was the blues and had a little bit of a minor tone towards it
with lots of syncopation. I recognized this song because we sometimes sing it at my church. Lauren
Lark s voice had octave leaps in it which sounds really cool and is probably pretty hard to do for
someone with just an average singing voice. The second Billy Holiday song, Good Morning
Heartache had a tempo at adagio to andante. The piano performed in a short, detached manner which
can be referred to as staccato. The trumpet did a call and response with the vocalist which is when she
sings and the trumpet echoes back. It was really cool to see that be done in a song since I have never
seen something like that live before. They performed two other songs by Billy Holiday called God
Bless The Child , which was played forte and the tempo was presto and Willow Weep For Me , which
was played in a minor key and had a crescendo in the middle followed by a decrescendo to
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How Atv s Work
Thesis statement: All terrain vehicles are helpful and useful and I will explain how they work and how
to fix them in this paper.
Outline: Inn this paper I will discuss ATV s and general knowledge and getting them wet. I also will
discuss their origin and how they need care and how to keep them doing good for a long time.
What is an ATV? It is an All Terrain Vehicle, also called three or four wheelers. It is also called a quad
or ATV. An ATV is built to go where other vehicles cannot go. ATV s are also built to handle a lot of
stress and abuse. ATV s are virtually indestructible; however, they have a few weaknesses and it is
important to know and understand those few weaknesses. You should always do a complete check of
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You generally replace the piston, rings and valve guide seals. If you do a lot of water riding you
should do maintenance more often. If you should your quad drown out follow these four simple steps.
(Microsoft Encarta 96 Internal Combustion Engine) Step one is to pull the quad out of the water. Pop
the lid off the airbox to see if that s where the trouble is. If there is water in the spark plug dry it off
and set it aside. Dry with a cloth, if possible. If the air filter is wet ring it out. Step two is if it s a four
stroke, turn off the key and kick the water out. Watch it blow out the exhaust and cylinder head. Step
three is to drain the float bowl. (If you suspect that water got in the tank )Which is very hard, set it on
it s wheels and let the water fall to the bottom and turn the fuel petcock to reserve and drain for a
second or so. Step four is once all the water is out is to replace the spark plug and the air filter. Pull the
choke and try to start it. It will probably spit and sputter for a few minutes but DO NOT hit the throttle
or you could do serious damage. If it won t start you better start pushing it home you probably have
gotten the stator wet or one of the CDI boxes. which are sealed and are hard to get to.
If you can check over the exposed electrical connections and dry them and get it to start good. but if it
still will not start go home and begin the stripdown which involves a complete inspection of all
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Critique Nursing
Essay preview The purpose of this assignment is to critique and evaluate the chosen article in terms of
strengths and weaknesses, to demonstrate an understanding of the research process. According to Polit
and Beck (2004) the aim of critically appraising an article is an attempt to determine its strengths and
limitations. Therefore, the research critique should reflect an objective and balanced consideration of
the study s validity and significance (Polit and Hungler 1999). The task of critiquing is, according to
Lo Biondo Wood and Harber (2006) a challenging one and can only be effectively achieved through
much practice and skill. For the purpose of this critique, the frameworks of Parahoo (1997) and Polit
and Hungler (1999) have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cormack (2000) states that the literature review is a critical review of previous literature relating to
the research topic. Therefore this section aims to provide the reader with an understanding of what the
current state of evidence is in the selected area of study. This review is organised by heading that
correspond to the key study concepts, which makes the review easy to follow. The researchers attempt
to review previous studies relating to the topic, thus preparing the ground for new research. The
studies presented highlight the significance of the problem under investigation. It was difficult to
identify the exact research question, as there was no definite question asked. Although Valente (2003)
states that sometimes researchers may hide the research question within the purpose of the study. The
final statement of the literature review is therefore the purpose of this study it is timely that perceived
barriers...are identified and acknowledged . Therefore as you read the review it moves from broad to
specific relevance with the last section of the review clearly outlining the need for the study. Due to
the article been published in 2004, it is expected that the references used will be relevantly recent.
From reading the reference list, it can be seen that this is the case and only three references before
1994 have been used. There was a need for these older references as the original author who employed
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Analysis Of The Circumplex Model In On Golden Pond
The Circumplex Model: Adaptability and Flexibility Throughout On Golden Pond, it is apparent that
Chelsea, Norman, and Ethel are rigidly enmeshed. According to Olson s circumplex model, rigidly
enmeshed families have authoritarian leadership, strict discipline, roles rarely change, there is too little
change. Additionally, enmeshment in families is illustrated by very high closeness, very high loyalty,
high dependency, and a lack of individuality (Sanders Bell, 2011). Although Chelsea is distant with
her family in the number of visits it is an artificial distance of time and space. They are strongly
emotionally entangled as demonstrated through the ability of the family to emotionally affect one and
other. Slightly like the characters in On Golden Pond, the family in Stepmom appear to be chaotically
enmeshed. The circumplex model claims families who are chaotic present with a lack of leadership,
erratic discipline, dramatic role shifts, and too much change (Sanders Bell, 2011). Chaos is present in
the structure of the two living environments of the children: one environment is structured and the
other one is disorderly. This leads to confusion for the children because the system lacks consistency.
Enmeshment is personified through the children s emotional fusion with their mother. When Jackie is
upset with Isabel, the children are upset with Isabel. The children and the mother s emotions are
intertwined. On the other hand, Rita slightly contrasts the two families above as she appears to be
rigidly disengaged instead of enmeshed. Rita and Denny are not intimately close. This is illustrated as
Rita responds to a question by saying, loyalty? I [have] you know, I [have] tried to explain it to my
husband ... I think he [is] thick (Gilbert, 1983). Rita s family lacks the flexibility to change. People get
married and have kids. There is no self exploration, enlightenment, and adaptability is absent. The
Concrete Content and Abstract Process Norman characterized several content and process issues
throughout On Golden Pond. The first part of the movie exposes Norman s fixation on his age and
pending death. From his confrontation with the kids, while refueling his boat to his efforts about
getting a job,
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Metaphors And The Natural World
Whether we know it or not, we make use of metaphors daily in many ways to help us make sense of
the world. A metaphor is defined as a figure of speech that identifies an object or an idea that is similar
to an unrelated thing. The use of metaphors and the language that they portray help to create new
insight into the universe. They not only help classify the natural world, and help interpret the scientific
world, but they also set outlooks on individuals culture and society; however, some may argue that
metaphors are an impractical use of our language that only complicate things that can instead be stated
clearer. Our perspectives and the way we think are directly linked to how we talk and communicate in
in the natural world and how we are viwed by society. This is explained further in detailed in
Metaphors We Live By, because it clearly shows how individuals shape their perspectives based on
their experiences in society: In most of the little things we do every day, we simply think and act more
or less automatically along certain lines, (Lackoff Johnson 3). This furthers proves how much
metaphors can affect the way we think and the way we see the world from what we undergo and
experience in our life it is what gives us an opinion on certain matters of race, gender, religion, etc. We
all think and act according to how we interact with our society and it is the power of metaphors that
help guide and change one s beliefs to help portray our own perspective for others.
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Iron Lab Report
Irons chemical symbol eB comes from the Latin word ferrum which means iron. Iron is the second
abundant metal and makes up about 5.6% of Earths crust. Iron has the atomic number of 26 and a
mass number of 55.845. It s melting point is 1538°C and its boiling Point is 2861°C. It has a density
of 7.874 g/cm³. It is a solid at room temperature and has an element classification of a metal.
Irons compounds.
Because I am can lose two or three compounds it allows online to make two or more compound with
any given element. When the ion Fe2+ combines with another element the compound it forms is
called a ferrous compound. When the ion Fe3+ combines with another element the compound it forms
is called a ferric compound.
Rust is a classic example of a iron compound. For something to rust it requires metal water and
oxygen. Iron won t rust in pure oxygen that is moisture free just like it won t rust in pure water that is
free of extra oxygen. When I and oxygen and water meet rust is formed, rust is the common name for
ferric oxide. It is a ferric compound because the iron element loses three electrons ... Show more
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Iron has given chlorine two electrons. Ferrous chloride it s a colourless crystalline substance. It is used
as a sewage treatment and dying fabrics. It is known as a mordant. A mordant keeps the colour from
fading in
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The Walt Disney Company
The Walt Disney Company
Jessica Weber
Communications for Accountants / COM/530
September 13, 2010
Deborah Elver, MBA, CPA
The Walt Disney Company Walt Disney founded the Walt Disney Company in the late 1920s in order
to provide families across America and around the world with quality entertainment for every member
in the family. Disney created entertainment for families in several different ways. The first being their
television programs, which include animated and live movies, and animated and live television shows.
The company even has their own television network called the Disney Channel. Another way that the
Disney Company provides entertainment for families is their theme parks. The culture of the Walt ...
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In conclusion, the Walt Disney Company provides families across America and around the world with
quality entertainment for every member in the family. The culture of the Walt Disney Company
includes six main values that makes Disney stand out; 1) innovation, 2) quality, 3) community, 4)
storytelling, 5) optimism, and 6) decency (Culture, n.d.). Along with the culture making the Disney
Company successful, the company s ability to communicate also helps to make the successful.
According to the article Working their Magic: Disney Culture molds happy employees , Disney
strongly believes extensive communication is key to a satisfied workforce (2003). The way that the
company handles communication plays right into the company s culture because it helps the cast
members to put their best efforts forward when it comes to innovation, quality, community,
storytelling, optimism, and decency. Even though the Walt Disney Company strives to have good
communication, there is always a chance for some kind of conflict to arise. Conflict of interest is one
example of a conflict that can arise in the company. The Walt Disney Company can use these conflicts
to improve communication within and among groups by using them as examples for future references.
Codes of Conduct for Directors. (n.d.). The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies.
Retrieved September 07, 2010, from
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Uncovering a Relationship Between Alcohol and Violence...
Correlation research reveals a pattern between two variables that have been measured several times.
To uncover a relationship between alcohol and violence, I would use the correlation research. Using
naturalistic observation, I would observe public intoxication at common bars or clubs, and involve
accessible records of already convicted violent offenders that acknowledge the use of alcohol. I would
choose this method because I believe this would be an abundant amount of knowledge that could
properly disclose a correlation, weather positive or negative, between alcohol and violence, and
present a strong or weak number that predicts the correlation thus making this research method the
most viable. Although this data may display a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This shock, this anxiety, the perturbed emotion were negative reinforcements for me not to break the
law again, not to mention the monetary value. The target behavior that the police officer would be
reinforcing is for me to be in submission to the governing laws of the state of Tennessee. A positive
reinforcement occurs when an affirmative action encourages a satisfactory behavior in a person s
environment. An illustration of positive reinforcement in my life comes from my marriage. My spouse
brings me flowers home from work or other tokens of love, he sends me encouraging messages during
each day, and continuously applauds my duties of wife and mother. These positive reinforcements on
me and my environment safeguards and nourishes our relationship by maintaining a positive self
image of my roles or identities in the marriage. The target behavior for our marriage would be a
healthy, active and happy union. Shaping, according to our text book, is results from the reinforcement
of successive approximations to a final desired behavior, in my two examples would be a law abiding,
happy wife.
Behavioral theory or behaviorism fits with my thoughts of psychology. Just like John Watson (1878
1958) thought that the goal of scientific psychology should be to predict or control behavior in ways
that may benefit our society, according to our Psychology text book, I also believe the goal of
psychology should be to
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Meaning Of Race In The Film Understanding Race
The Meaning Of Race
The film Understanding Race gives many accounts of the meaning of the word race and what race
actually is and what it isn t. According to the film, most scientists agree that race doesn t exists in the
natural world. This conclusion was drawn in 1998, the concept of race was proven to have no
scientific validity and is not scientifically proven. The film suggests that just because the concept of
race isn t proven by science, that doesn t take away from the concept of race having a true meaning for
humans. Although race has a meaning to humans, there is not a distinct answer to what race means.
For example, during an interview in the film a comedian Margaret Cho, defines race as being what
you are but not who you are. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dolores Newton points out during the film that one of the things that has made humans successful on
Earth is that we have always been good at classifying things and looking at similarities and
differences. Maya Angelo suggests during an in film interview that we use the differences because we
don t know any better. She also suggests that we use the differences between ourselves in hopes that
we can make our own lives better. Although over many centuries humans have tried to divide humans
based on race, it has been proven that the human species cannot be divided into a small number of
groups because nobody has came up with a reasonable list of racial groups. The film states that
preconceptions about the race of people is something that all humans experience in their lifetime
whether they like to admit or not. Many of the preconceptions that individuals have will cause them to
act violently towards someone of a different race. Racial violence in America and the rest of World is
not uncommon. Throughout the history of the World there have been an unprecedented amount of
people who have suffered often fatal consequences simply because of their
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Paul Walker Research Paper
Paul Walker was born on September 12, 1973, in Glendale, California. Paul Walker was a famous
actor that starred in Fast Furious franchise. Walker appeared in front of cameras at an early age in
television shows like Charles in Charge and Highway to Heaven. Walker made is big debut in a 1986
horror spoof Monster in Your Closet . After graduating high school, Walker went to various
community colleges in California. He took a role in a soap opera called The Young and The Reckless.
After many TV guests roles, he starred in a family comedy called Meet the Deedles. He left his TV
career behind him for good. Paul Walker appeared with Reese Witherspoon in Pleasantville which had
a big impact in his career. That point on, he found himself in 1990s
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Death of General Wolfe Essay
Analysis of The Death of General Wolfe by Benjamin West
In 1770, artist Benjamin Wolfe completed what would become his most controversial and talked about
piece of artwork, an oil on canvas painting titled The Death of General Wolfe, the purpose of which
was to teach a moral lesson. The Death of General Wolfe portrays the Battle of Quebec, but more
specifically it details the moment when Major General James Wolfe was on his deathbed shortly after
the British had driven the French away in victory. Although this piece is considered to be historical
since it details a true event, the details in it prove to be fabricated for the sake of art. Benjamin West
was truly a remarkable artist who required no formal art education to learn how to ... Show more
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The fact that the clouds are passing by and opening can represent two things. The first is that it can be
a symbol of General Wolfe, and as the clouds pass over head, his soul will similarly pass over and die.
Second is that the passing clouds can be viewed as a sign of hope that the battle is now over and
people can live peacefully. One other piece of symbolism is the flag behind General Wolfe, which
serves as a directional force. Since it is pointed at both General Wolfe and the sky, it signifies the fact
that Wolfe s soul will go up onto Heaven. The colors in this piece are instrumental in moving the eye
across the piece and drawing attention to specific parts of the piece. For instance, for the most part, the
colors that are used are dark. However, to emphasize General Wolfe, the focal point in the middle, his
outfit is painted in a brighter red and yellow and the ground beneath him is light as well. Also, in order
to allow the eye to glide across the painting almost all of the soldier s uniforms are red, creating
rhythm. One solider, who is apparently rushing into see Wolfe, is painted in green, which is the
complimentary color to red. The use of complimentary colors brings the eyes attention to the panicked
solider, emphasizing the overall sense of urgency in the piece. The piece is also well balanced and
uses appropriate scales and proportions. Overall I think West was successful in his piece. I admire the
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The Issue Of Gender Discrimination
To look into the issue of gender discrimination in both Australia and China.
1.2 Parameters
To investigate the problem of gender inequality involving workplace discrimination and domestic
violence in Australia and China. This report will include words for about 2000 and will be divided into
4 sections.
1.3 Definitions
Gender inequality can be defined as allowing people having different opportunities due to perceived
differences based solely on issues of gender. In the meantime, the prejudicial treatment of an
individual or group due to gender can be called as gender discrimination. (Parziale n.d.)
1.4 Thesis
The people in both China and Australia and their government must pay attention to this serious social
problem, and working together to improve it.
Gender inequality and discrimination are generally discussed towards women (Parziale n.d.), and this
report will mainly discuss it this way. But actually, in anyone s daily life, they will have a chance to
experience gender inequality or discrimination.
2.1 Global Context
As the world comes into the twenty second century, women with a full time job still earn 77% of their
male counterparts earning, even if they have the exactly same education background. Also, 4/5 victims
of human trafficking chose women as the target. On the worldwide average, 30% of women who have
been in a relationship report that they experienced some form of sexual violence before, which was
done by
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First Persian Empire Research Paper
Sharif Bumpus
World History
13 November 2017
Coach Flo
Rise and fall of the First Persian Empire The First Persian Empire, also known as the Achaemenid
Persian Empire, rose because of it s king s political genius and ability to restructure society, prospered
because of leading economic and technological advances, and fell due to a successor s cruelness that
caused provincial revolts, economic disparity, and the breaking down of what was once one of the
most successful social systems. The First Persian Empire rose under the leadership of Cyrus the Great,
who was also known as Cyrus the Elder to the Greeks. Cyrus came to power in the year 559 BC, when
his father, Cambyses I, died. His political genius came at a young age when he started learning ...
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They were technologically ahead of other nations in many ways. One of the most complex inventions
made by the Persians was the battery. It was known as the Baghdad battery, and was a five and a half
inch clay vessel that contained pieces of copper held by asphalt and an iron rod. It would have been
filled with an acid to create an electric charge. These batteries wouldn t have been used to power
things, but to electroplate objects with rare metals like gold and silver. Electroplating is the process of
spreading out a metal onto a surface into a thin layer to make the appearance of the
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Ashoka As The Last King Of The Mauryan Empire Of India
Ashoka the Great ruled between 273 BCE and 231 BCE as the last Great King of the Mauryan Empire
of India (von Sivers, pg. 219). Upon taking the throne, Ashoka continued his father s, as well as
grandfather s, goal of expanding the empire (von Sivers, pg. 220). In doing so, he caused the death of
thousands, which left him pained and questioning of his purpose. To find some sort of easement, he
became a Buddhist and used violence for protection or as a last resort (von Sivers, pg. 220). After
finding his new religion, Ashoka believed a king should set the morals for his people, a very different
belief than most rulers. Ashoka s belief is made evident in his actions after adopting Buddhism and the
Seven Pillar Edicts he instructed his people to follow.
Thirteen years into his rule, King Ashoka adopted Buddhism as his personal religion, and this
adoption changed how he viewed the role of a king (von Sivers, pg. 220). Since the beginning of the
Mauryan Empire, the king was a great warrior who could lead in battle and expand the empire.
Chandragupta Maurya, the first king of the Maurians, did this against the Nanda Kingdom (von
Sivers, pg. 219). Chandragupta s son waged war to expand the empire to south (von Sivers, pg. 220).
Chandragupta s grandson, Ashoka, followed the same pattern against the Kalinga Kingdom (von
Sivers, pg. 220). When he adopted Buddhism, he lived by many of the religion s principles. He
practiced ahimsa, or non violence, and dharma, or that which is
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Napoleon s Rise to Power
Napoleon Bonaparte was born Napoleone di Buonaparte in Corsica, August 15, 1769. His family
consisted of his father, a lawyer and member of the Nobility, his mother, his sister and his seven
brothers. He was a small child, and often was teased by his classmates when he was enrolled in
military college at a very early age in 1777, and it is believed that this influenced the determination he
had to win later in life. Later, he went to Ecole Militaire from 1784 to 1785. Also in 1785, his father
died. Even so, he graduated with the rank of second lieutenant. At this time, great things were
expected of Napoleon. However, no one could have guessed that this 16 year old would go on to make
Napoleon was a rising star in the French ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When they finally fought, Napoleon did win, but found the capital in flames. He ordered a retreat, and
while they withdrew, he lost more than 400,000 soldiers to the Russian winter and starvation.
Then, when the army was sufficiently weak, an alliance of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia
ambushed them, easily seizing defeat.
Napoleon returned to France, but the Russian British alliance soon took Paris, and after realizing that
he could not recreate his army, he abdicated and went into exile. King Louis XVI s brother was
allowed to rule again as King Louis XVIII.
However, once King Louis XVIII came to power, many emigrates returned and demanded revenge on
revolutionaries. Napoleon took this chance to return to France as well, where discontented soldiers
welcomed him with open arms. In March 1815, he began to rebuild his army. It took him one hundred
days. However, the British allies acted quickly, and he was crushed in June at the Battle of Waterloo.
The Battle of Waterloo was the infamous conflict that marked the official end of Napoleon s reign. It
pitted Napoleon s Armee du Nord against an army of British allies commanded by the Duke of
Wellington, as well as a Prussian army under Gebhard von Blücher s command. The French army was
easily outnumbered, with their 72,000 men pitted against Britains 68,000 and Prussia s 89,000.
However, Wellington sid that Napoleon was
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Travel And Tourism Essay
According to Statista, a website that provide the statistic and study from more than 18,00 sources over
the world, travel and tourism industry in the United States is one of the largest industry. In 2015, travel
and tourism industry has made a total contribution of 1.5 trillion USD to GPD. In addition, they
predict that the number will grow up to 2.6 trillion USD by 2027. Annually, travel and tourism directly
provides about 5.5 million jobs for American people.
The travel and tourism industry is very huge. Therefore, people try to break down it into a small
sector, so they can easily target the visitor or the customer. Based on the purpose of the visitor, we
usually have recreation tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, pleasure ... Show more content on
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Therefore, sustainable tourism should include 3 aspects. First of all, we should make optimal use of
environmental resources in order to developing and maintaining essential ecological processes. It also
helps to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity. Secondly, we should respect the socio cultural of
host communities by conserving their built and living cultural heritage. Moreover, we also should
respect their traditional value, and contribute to inter cultural understanding. Lastly, we should
consider the long term economic operations by providing socio economic benefits to all stakeholders
that are distributed. We should create stable employment for local people and opportunities to earn
income. In addition, we also need to provide some social services to host community to help them
maintain their property.
Based on the definition of mass tourism and sustainable tourism, we could say that mass tourism is
unsustainable. Anna Pollock from the article Six Reason Why Mass Tourism Is Unsustainable have
come up with six reasons to prove that mass tourism is unsustainable. The first reason is because one
product is substitutable for another. The mass tourism about distribution and consumption of packaged
products. When the local people see the tourist interesting in something, they will focus more on that
product and cut back from the other product. Therefore, that will destroy the balance and it can
destroy a culture. The
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Victim Typology Sellin And Wolfgang Summary
Summary Typology by Selling and Wolfgang Perry B Keaton Victimo logy 2 Instructor: Fabrienne
McDowell July 26, 2015 Summary Typology by Selling and Wolfgang 1 Discuss the victim typology
offered by Sellin and Wolfgang. In order for me to do this I first have to give a definition of the word
to get a better understanding of it. Typology is the study or systematic classification of types that have
characteristics or traits in common. But how do the definition correspond with Selling and Wolfgang
theory I will try to explain it in this brief paper. After reading the short segment from Selling and
Wolfgang it determine that they have broken down Typology into five category in which I will discuss
each one and give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This involve more of a business of corporation selling you something that is faulty of a worst case
scenario someone embezzle money from your local church. The third one Tertiary victimization is
really no stranger to us because this one happens on a daily basis. It involves a highly government
official who takes pleasure trips and writes them off as business expenses is cheating the public.
Mutual victimization is when two or people are involved in a crime then all of certain the crime goes
haywire and the others that are involved in the crime become the victim. How often have we seen this
to occur? For example the first robber get angry at the other two because they did not divide the
money correctly between them so he turn around and robs them. The final one of the five categories is
called no victimization, I really did not understand this to the fullest but I think it involves when no
one can be blame for crime which weird to me. I guess what they are trying to explain here if two
individual committing and illegal act which one would take the blame for it. For example illegal
prostitution between two adults in gage into a sexual
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Comparing Satire in Canterbury Tales, Pride and Prejudice...
Use of Satire in Canterbury Tales, Pride and Prejudice and The Rape of the Lock
Jane Austen and Alexander Pope had had a myriad of writing styles and techniques from which to
express the desired themes of their works. Satire, however, seemed to be the effective light hearted,
yet condescending, tool that enabled them to surface the faults and follies of their moral and elite
society. In Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, satire is used to the full extent in revealing the glutton within a
pious and sacrificing nun, the vain hunter within a poor and meditative monk, and the vulgarity within
a honorable woman of society. In Pride and Prejudice and The Rape of the Lock, Austen and Pope use
contrasting forms of satire to obtain the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She believes in speaking her mind, exercising her wit with books, and falling in love with a man s
character and soul rather than his yearly income. Elizabeth s character is essential to the satirical
purpose of the novel because it clashes loudly with the vanities that society holds so dearly, and forces
society to see how it blindly debases itself by believing in the importance of appearance and status
rather than self importance and individuality. Austen further mocks society through Mary, Elizabeth s
younger sister. Mary conspicuously tries to defy the standard rules of proper ladies in society by
refusing to dance at the balls, reading books in public, and using a verbose vocabulary to create the
illusion that she is a well accomplished woman. However, these actions only make her motives of
being an individual to receive praise from society more obvious, adding another element of character
satire to the novel. Pope s The Rape of the Lock is a mock epic that uses hyperboles to fill an
otherwise absurd and unimportant situation with pompous splendor; therefore, with the additional
extravagancies, the situation becomes even more trivial. For example, in Pope s poem a lord cuts a
lock of hair from the head of a lovely maiden. The actual occurrence of such a trivial matter in Pope s
society had caused great alarm, influencing him to light heartedly ridicule the people involved in the
situation by creating a
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Hall And Warren And Henry 5 Comparison
Shakespeare produced works in tragedy and comedy that date back for centuries. Scholars can take
Shakespeare works throughout the years and fit them to the changing times. Edward Hall and Roger
Warren s 2012 scholarly edition of Henry the Fifth is an updated modern version of the original Henry
the Fifth. This versions focus is to modernize the work from a performance perspective. Hall and
warren provide the reader with plenty of information to help the reader understand the text as a
performance. Hall and Warren include text in the introduction by subcategories about the backstory of
the original Henry the Fifth, changes from the original text and performance to Hall and Warren s
performance, and design of this production Henry V. All the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In this section Warren starts with the opening scene where the audience would expect to see King
Henry as their first view because that is what the story is based off but after the Chorus s opening
panegyric, what does the audience see? Not the king in glory, but two ecclesiastical politicians . (9)
This is good information for the reader to understand that in the original story, although the focus was
on King Henry, the audience first sees what started the entire attack the politicians offering Henry a
bribe to invade France. (9) By Warren putting the backstory in his introduction and including text
about the opening seen if Henry V it allows the reader to get an idea of not only what the play is about
but begin to create a story or image in their minds of the play and character. Warren s summary of the
original play provides an abundance of information for the reader and contributes to the quality of this
edition of Henry V making it well rounded with information contributing to different versions of the
play to display the similarities and
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Indiana University Southeast s Future Success
The marketing audit is presented as a factor of Indiana University Southeast s future success. The
paper will compare Bellarmine, Sullivan, Spalding, Purdue Polytechnic of New Albany, and
University of Louisville to Indiana University Southeast. The five universities listed pose as serious
competition for Indiana University Southeast. The audit will go into depth on why these five all serve
the same target market. The paper presents the results of research conducted through the National
Center for Education Statistics and by various college search engines. Based on the research
conducted, the audit states the main factors influencing Indiana University Southeast s future growth
and a better retention rate that have an impact on IUS s progress now. In conclusion, the audit presents
findings and conditions that will better help in fixing IUS S barriers in operating.
I. Competitive Market Analysis
a. Indiana University Southeast has a target market that consists of traditional students that are under
the age of 25. These traditional students are mostly coming to IUS straight out of high school. Indiana
University Southeast is now expanding their target market again to non traditional students because of
the decreasing high school graduate rate from Clark, Floyd, and Harrison county high schools. Greater
Clark County Schools have decreased from 94.4 percent to 92.5 percent. Clarksville has decreased
97.7 percent to 95 percent. West Clark County Schools have decreased 97.7
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A Response On Nozick s Conception Of Knowledge
Emmaline DiPace
Professor Theodore Korzukhin
PHIL 10100
October 29, 2016
A Response to Nozick s Conception of Knowledge In everyday life, people often claim knowledge of
various facts and experiences. However, despite the regularity of such claims, it is difficult to
articulate what knowledge specifically is and what conditions are necessary to constitute knowledge of
a specific fact or event. One set of conditions for knowledge, known as justified true belief, states that
a person knows something if that thing is true, if they believe it, and if they are justified in believing it
(Gettier 345). This theory, however, was shown to be problematic by the philosopher Edmund Gettier.
By proposing two examples, Gettier showed that the conditions of justified true belief are not
sufficient to establish knowledge (345 346). Although Gettier found this flaw, he did not propose any
alternate conditions of knowledge to add to or replace those of justified true belief (346). This is where
Nozick s idea of knowledge, presented in Knowledge from Philosophical Explanations, becomes
relevant. Nozick s conditions for knowledge attempt to define knowledge without being swayed by
cases such as the Gettier examples. In this paper, I will first summarize Nozick s conception of
knowledge as well as some of the reasoning for including each condition. I will then try to find an
example to show that Nozick s conditions, although more widely applicable to knowledge than
justified true
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Blockbuster Out Of Business Essay
Blockbuster Out of Business In order to maintain a thriving business, the company must be able to
meet all the requirements needed in order to be successful. There are many different factors that
contribute to company s shutting down and becoming bankrupt, one of the main reasons why
companies go out of business is because either the customer service was questionable, the
establishment wasn t properly ran, and or they were taken out by other newer more competitive
counterparts. One business in particular that used to be the go to place to pick up the hottest and latest
movies was Blockbuster. Blockbuster shortly went out of business after their 29 year long reign of
being at the top. Blockbuster was one of the main chains for DVD rentals as well as video game
rentals. However, as the years went by new technological advances emerged and all of that seemed to
begin to change. First and foremost, Blockbusters predominant position as the leading DVD rental
business all began when it was established on October 19, 1985. Through the years their reign at being
at the top slowly began to deteriorate and they officially shut down for good in January 2014. Their ...
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New retailers began to emerge, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Red Box are all examples of
newer retailers that swept Blockbuster of its feet and into the gutter. In my opinion if Blockbuster
would have addressed all these issues then they still would have been a thriving business even today.
They could have trained their employees better and more efficiently in order to increase their customer
service skills and abilities. If they finally improved their customer service skills with the proper
training needed, then the customers would be rolling in even more than before, but their failure to do
so let their company out of business in the long
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The history of Sheffield, a city in South Yorkshire,...
The history of Sheffield, a city in South Yorkshire, England, can be traced back to the founding of a
settlement beside the River Sheaf in the second half of the 1st millennium AD, although the area has
seen human occupation since the last ice age. Following the Norman conquest of England, Sheffield
developed into a small town. By the 14th century it was noted for the production of knives, and by
1600 it had become the second main centre of cutlery production in England after London. In the
1740s the crucible steel process was improved by Sheffield resident Benjamin Huntsman, allowing a
much better production quality. At about the same time, Sheffield plate, a form of silver plating, was
invented, and the associated industries ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2003, Slipknot moved into The Mansion to work on the album. Initially, the band was
unproductive; lead vocalist Corey Taylor was drinking heavily. Nevertheless, they wrote more than
enough material for a new album the band s first to incorporate more traditional, melodic song
structures, guitar solos and acoustic guitars. The album received generally positive reviews; Q called it
a triumph . The album peaked within the top ten in album sales across eleven countries, and went
Platinum in the United States. The band also received the Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance
for the song Before I Forget . (Full article...) Recently featured: History of Sheffield Coonskin (film)
Hurricane Ginger Archive By email More featured articles...
Wikipedia:Today s featured article/May 26, 2014 (edit|[[Talk:Wikipedia:Today s featured article/May
26, 2014|talk]]|history|links|watch|logs|views) Triaenops menamena is a bat in the genus Triaenops
found on Madagascar, mainly in the drier regions. It was known as Triaenops rufus until 2009, when it
was discovered that that name had been incorrectly applied to the species. Triaenops rufus is a
synonym of Triaenops persicus, a closely related Middle Eastern species. Triaenops menamena is
mostly found in forests, but also occurs in other habitats. It often roosts in
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Delay Analysis Of Networked Control System Essay
Delay Analysis Of Networked Control System
Abstract Networked Control Systems (NCS) are the control systems in which the control loops are
closed through a communication network. In recent years, the use of Network Control System (NCS)
have gained increasing attentions due to their cost effective and flexible applications. But one of the
major challenges that need to be tackle in NCS is the delay of the data transmission which occurs
throughout the communication network and thus degrades the control system performance and also
causes the system instability. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of network delay in NCS. In
this paper, we have designed a model of delay control system for network induced delay using the
simulation model of network control system delay and thus analysed the effect of network delay on
the performance of the control system . The TrueTime simulator is used in this work.
Keywords networked control system, network delay, control performance, truetime, stability
In conventional control systems, control signals are sent over the loop using analog or digital
technology, while in modern computer control systems, the control loop is almost entirely closed over
a communication network . The Networked Control Systems (NCSs) are one type of distributed
control systems in which sensors, actuators and controllers are interconnected by communication
networks. The defining feature
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Coexistence of Equality and Inequality under the Social...
Political theories abound, considering many parts of society and the body politic. John Locke was one
of the first to expound on the origins of property, and sixty six years later Jean Jacques Rousseau
would also address the issues of property and inequality. According to Locke and Rousseau, the social
contract is sanctioned by formal equalities yet creates or gives way to inequalities after it is formed.
Though Locke would argue that inequalities in the private sphere don t fall under the jurisdiction of
the government, Rousseau would say justice gets deformed through inequality. Understanding how
both equality and inequality can be present under the terms of the social contract is important because
we cannot understand how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since everything was owned in common at first, Locke argues that individuals appropriate property
when they add their labor to something owned in common and therefore improve it. Locke would also
say that you don t just get to take as much as you want, but that there must be as much of and as good
of left for others. Locke also defines the public and private sphere(how/what is he defining it through?
Through him talking about slavery etc paragraph 85, 89 ). Political relationships are made between
equal men, and these relationships (civil society) cannot be dissolved. The establishment of civil
society established equality among men because each had to agree to it. Each man equally gives up
some rights, and equally receives the same protection from the sovereign. The civil society, as an
entity, makes a contract with the sovereign and in so doing, resigns the power to judge in their own
case to the sovereign. According to Locke, the whole point of civil society was to ensure that each had
their own property so that there was prosperity. For Rousseau, the first sign of inequality is when
people begin to be more highly regarded based on overall physical appearance and ability; from these
first preferences, vanity, contempt, shame, and envy were born. As soon as one man realized it was
beneficial to have the assistance of another, equality disappeared, property came into
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Color In Women s Equality By Marisol
Women s Equality, by the American artist Marisol, is a lithograph on paper created in 1975 . It is
currently on display at the Grand Rapids Art Museum. At its center, the print features a portrait of
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and one of Lucretia Mott. The portraits are colorless, rendered only in black
and white. The women s features are haggard, lined with advanced age and immensely serious. Their
eyes bore into the viewer in a nonverbal challenge. The faces of the early women s rights activists are
the only distinct images in the art work. They are the definite forms the viewer s eye is immediately
drawn toward. The black and white faces stand in sharp contrast to the colors that surround and engulf
them pink, red, blue, purple, green, yellow, orange. Arising from these seemingly purposelessly
splashed colors, hands emerge from the white background, clasping, reaching toward Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Lucretia Mott. In Women s Equality, Marisol endeavors to inspire women to fight for
equal rights through her use of color, rendering of the hands, and rendering of the facial features of
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Colors flow over the paper with, at first glance, no readily apparent rhyme or reason. The central
figures of the print are rendered in black and white, causing the colors dancing across the paper to
immediately catch the eye of the viewer and direct the eye across the print. The vibrant and bold hues
quickly instill an energy in the print that rubs off onto the viewer, urging the viewer into action. The
colors outline the forms of the hands in lines of differing length, reminiscent of beams of light. The
hands give off an otherworldly light, the vibrant light of a bright
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Criminal Justice Model
It is through the Criminal Justice System s close collaborations with like minded agencies such as the
Police, Prison and Courts Services, that the public s concerns and worries are resolved, in order to
bring about justice in our communities (Cavadino and Dignan, 2007 as cited in Fox, 2014). With that
in mind and out of the way, this essay will aim to explore some of the strengths and weaknesses,
which are prominent within the Criminal Justice System. To do this successfully, the Police and the
Courts Service will be the key agencies that will be explored in relation to the key Models that shape
the whole Criminal Justice System. These Models were founded by Herbert L. Packer (1968) and
Michael King (1981).
Firstly, an advantage of the Police ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This internal pressure that is placed upon the Courts is highlighted within the Bureaucratic Model,
which gives the impression that the employees of the Criminal justice do not have a straightforward
and easy job to do (King, 1981 as cited in Davies et al., 2005). As briefly mentioned above, efficiency
is the key factor affecting the effective functioning of the courts, the employees of the Criminal Justice
do not have the most impactful contribution to improve upon their own efficiency, but the defendants
do, because their decisions on accepting guilt or maintaining their innocence can mean the difference
between an appropriately shortened trial or more worryingly, a prolonged trial resulting in a guilty
verdict, in which this consumes excessive time and resources that could have otherwise been used
elsewhere(Davies et al., 2005) . From the above perspective, it is safe to say that the defendants have
the ability to ease some of the pressure that is put on the Courts Service, in order to allow them to
perform productively. According to (Sanders et al. 2010: ch.8 as cited in Sanders and Young, 2012:
860) 60 percent plead guilty in the Crown Court and 92 percent in the Magistrates Courts... From
these statistics, it is also acceptable to say that a fair amount of
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  • 9. An Installation Of A Structural Health Monitoring System Early detection of such failures will definitely save many lives and decrease the number of injuries. This can improve the public safety and provide more reliable economical feature. Eventually, the increased awareness of the economic and social effects of such degradation especially under extreme events intensifies the need for advanced SHM, damage detection, and damage localization tools. Consequently, SHM systems are basically used to monitor the structures behavior during the events of vibrations or natural excitation (earthquakes, winds and live loading). Moreover, in 2002 some building design codes mandate that structures should have an installation of a structural health monitoring system especially those located in high ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The following paragraphs discuss a review on SHM basically monitoring bridge performance. The first example is the monitoring of the Tsing Ma Bridge and Kap Shui Mun Bridge in Hong Kong [10]. A large amount of sensors include temperature sensors, strain gauges, displacement, anemometer, and accelerometers were installed on the bridge. These sensors were installed to monitor the bridge dynamic response in terms of displacement, acceleration, wind, and temperature. Approximately 320 channels of sensors were used in Tsing Ma Bridge [11].These sensors produced about 65 M Bytes of data every hour in an attempt toward in depth monitoring. This SHM system was able to monitor the structural health of the bridge and provide reliable information for civil engineers to plan accordingly for inspection visits. Another example of SHM is the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge located in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. That long term SHM system included 84 accelerometers channels [12]. This system was installed to evaluate the dynamic response of the bridge under seismic activities. One of the eminent examples of infrastructure SHM is that of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. The SHM system deployed 28 accelerometers where 12 of them were located on the main span, 6 on the side span and 10 on the pier lower ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Roger And Hammerstein s The Sound Of Music I wasn t really sure how to write about things that bring me joy, so I made parody to Roger and Hammerstein s The Sound of Music . This is my favorite musical and one of my favorite movies. I write frequently, and I often rewrite words to songs to fit my life. I thought it was appropriate to rewrite My Favorite Things and share with you why these things bring me joy. The first few stanzas, aside from the Oxford Comma, are about my family. My family brings so much joy, life, and color to my life. So much of who I am has been learned from who they are. Hugs are best given by my family. They are the kind of people who hug you so tightly that you think you might stop breathing. The hugs that make you think nothing in the world can harm you or break the bond of the other person s grip. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, at Christmas we have your normal decorations and then we also have Flick family decorations. This consists of old mini pie tins put into the shape of bells with ribbon around it. My grandparents made these when they were first married because they could afford a tree with a lights but no ornaments. They made these decorations and have kept them ever since. My sister and I love asking about the story of the pie tins. My grandma will share, It reminds us where we came from and how far we ve come as a family. Pie tin christmas ornaments will forever be one of my favorite traditions. In addition to holiday traditions, my brothers and I always have cake wars during our birthday parties when we re all together. Our birthdays all go June, July, August, and two in September. This means that we are usually lucky enough to celebrate outside. Ever since we were little, it wouldn t be uncommon for whoever s birthday it was to end up with their face in the cake. As we got older, we learned to fight back and everyone usually ended up with cake in their hair and on their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Tragic Events In Paris Research Paper On November 13, 2015 Paris was stuck with a variety of attacks, which had a lasting impact on the culture in Paris, as well as many other places. There were a series of planned terrorist attacks that occurred in Paris, the capital of France, and a Northern suburb Saint Denis. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) took responsibility for these events just a few days after they occurred. They claimed that the reason behind this was due to a retaliation to the French. Not only did this striking event effect Paris and the surrounding cities, but it also effected many other people in different countries by watching the tragedy unfold. During these attacks hundreds were killed and many were injured. Paris has been in a state of mourning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When events such as these occur, it reminds us all that this could happen to any of us and it help cultures become more aware in many ways. People often times can become hardened to these types of events because a lot of us never think it will happen to us, until they start occurring more and becoming more real to us. This tragic event brought the people of Paris together while they mourned the loss of so many. Events like these are often significant to cultures as well, because often times it draws everyone to come together and support one another in hard times such as these. All throughout our culture we are seeing more and more the true depravity of humans and the consequence of sin. This is not the first disastrous event that ISIS has caused on a country and it will not be the last. One of the main ways that this situation could be changed would be by taking out ISIS. ISIS has become a very big terrorist group and effects many countries. They are clearly not done with their attacks and it seems that they will continue to do so until they are stopped. To truly change this situation and prevent it from happening anymore, ISIS will need to be taken out or this will continue to happen to different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Horrors Of Adolf Hitler And The Holocaust The Holocaust was a very difficult and heart wrenching time period. This tragic event occurred because Adolf Hitler blamed the Jewish religion for Germany s corruption. Hitler kept many Jews in camps and put millions to death by gassing them or rather poisoning them. Hitler s deadly camps were mainly located in Germany during the second World War yet took place all over Europe.(around 1933 1945) For the Greek language, Holocaust means whole and burned .( as it says in source 2) The segregation against the Jewish religion had took place long before Hitler came along. On January 20th 1933, Hitler was named Chancellor over Germany. Yet when Germany s supreme ruler, Paul von Hindenburg passed away Hitler took it upon himself to fill his spot giving him more power than any of the Jews would have liked. My point of view, that the immediate cause for this was the racial and religious discrimination against the Jews; I think this is the main . In my opinion, since the jewish religion had so much already going against them from the past, it was easier to blame them. As I see it, this dreadful conflict could have easily been avoided without the numerous 6 million deaths during the time period of 1933 to 1945. Whether the Jews were to blame or not, I believe that Hitler could have been able to deal with what he disagreed with in a different manner. On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland which got WWII started in Europe. (source 1) In my opinion, Europe fell into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Alien Technology Research Paper A Tale of Alien Technology The year is 2058, Earth is peaceful, history is forever changed, for no wars have been fought, and no arms have been yielded. World peace wasn t an impossibility. But one solar afternoon, a giant metal chunk of metal, glowing green, beaming pure energy, bursts into the atmosphere. It it loud. It broke many sound barriers, and it caused a huge explosion. Scientists exhibit the crashed spacecraft, and find metal databases encrypted with an unknown language. Not too long, the databases were cracked, and it was revealed the blueprint technology of invisibility, teleportation, and immortality. Any of this information could have gotten in the wrong hands, and it did. The New World Order, the one giant government on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many transcriptions of history were lost in the war, many books and knowledge of what the earth once was were gone somewhere in the realms of oblivion. Without the technology, the world would have been a better place. The other worldly tech was weaponized for evil. And it changed the world ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Dhl Strategic Marketing Managment Basic Information of DHL Worldwide Express Author: John A. Quelch, Greg Conley Publisher: HBR Case Number: 9 593 011 Publication Date: Sep 10, 1992 Revision Date: Nov 24, 1997 Course Category: Marketing Case Summary of DHL Worldwide Express Ali Sarrahfzadeh, DHL s worldwide sales and marketing manager, had to present his recommendations on pricing at DHL s annual director s meeting. Options: Pricing Strategy Price leadership, charge premium prices and aim to deliver superior value added services in all markets OR market response, setting prices independently in each country, according to customer usage patterns and competitive pressures. Pricing Structure Weekly or monthly handling fee? Same price charged ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. How does DHL set prices? 3 pricing approaches: Monthly flat fee, where DHL automatically visited customer daily. o No volume discount. Frequently discount structure, based on volume (based on forecast demand). Nominal fee for pick up or could drop off at DHL office. 3. What are the pricing changes facing DHL? Moving to a consistent worldwide pricing structure, as opposed to regional pricing which would better gauge customer usage patterns and competitive pressures. 4. Should DHL offer worldwide pricing contracts? Why, or why not? External Link of DHL Worldwide Express
  • 15. Relevent File Cabinet of DHL Worldwide Express Article Purchase Link of DHL Worldwide Express http://harvardbusinessonline.hbsp.harvard.edu/b01/en/common/item_detail.jhtml?id=593011 _requestid=12770 Categories: Management | ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Importance Of HIV In The United States One of the many global health concerns is HIV. This disease is very deadly because HIV eventually can change to AIDS and at this time there is no prevention for it. In the United States, HIV is spread mainly by having sex with or sharing drug injection equipment with someone who is infected with HIV. Also mother to child transmission is the most common way that child get HIV. human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a lentivirus that causes HIV infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life threatening opportunities infections and cancers to thrive. The sign and symptoms, Headache, Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Fatigue Aching Muscles, Sore throat, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Government Interventions are Failing Introduction Around the world, governments, mostly intervenes in the market in order to accomplish their policy objectives. The government s policy objectives or goals could be related to economics, ranging from stabilization of prices, export promoting, encourage equal distributions for income and commodity protection. The examples as per above proves that government intervention is not only limited to economic effects but also influences the society. There are two (2) types of usual regulated government interventions, which are automatic and discretionary. Automatic can be defined as intervention which is based on rules and regulations. On the other side, government interventions which are discretionary mostly targets stopping, suspension or limitation of a certain contract market. An early review of government market interventions shows that discretionary based interventions usually fails in accomplishing targeted policy objective compared to interventions based on rules as the latter proves to be more successful in a market economy. At the same time, discretionary interventions give results that are undesired and this could be quite damaging to the government. The harmfulness in this aspect can be defined as total impact on those involved in either marketing or producing commodities. Government Intervention in the Markets Some of the reasons which cause government interventions are in order to overcome market failure, to accomplish an equal distribution ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Humanity and Its Way of Being Lost Sanity, slowly fading away, with savagery slowly taking its place. Within the book, Lord of the Flies, a group of young boys, ranging from ages of 3 to 13, were escaping from their all boys school within an airplane. But unfortunately, the boys plane is attacked and the boys end upon a deserted island, and all of the adults are dead. The boys take it upon themselves to survive, until they are rescued, but being upon that island for so long, the boys soon lose who they are. Some don t want to be rescued, and some have just lost it completely. Lives and personalities are lost to the invading savagery of the island. Throughout the book, Golding shows how the boys upon the island slowly lose themselves. The island s barbaric influence on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Someone tripped over Ralph and Piggy s corner became a complication of snarls and crashes and flying limbs (Golding, 167). The boys had already split apart, and the ones that had chosen the native life, had already resorted to violence. They did not truly think anymore. They resorted to violence to obtain Piggy s glasses instead of asking for fire. A sign that by changing the boys way of thinking, and their barbaric nature slowly kicking in, the boys actions will highly be influenced. They will only think of bloodshed as the answer. They will think of no other alternatives. Even if the alternative is one of their own, being covered in dirt and blood. The beast was on its knees in the center, its arms folded over its face. It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a body on the hill. The beast struggled forward, broke the ring and fell over the steep edge of the rock to the sand by the water. At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws (Golding, 153). The boys had became barbaric, and did not think anymore. Some knew what they were doing was wrong, but kept doing it. They killed one of their own, hoping to disillusion themselves with the knowledge that it was a beast in disguise, but they all knew the truth. They knew it was one of them, but because of the violent barbaric influence of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Genetic Diversity In America Genetic diversity is the variation of heritable characteristics in genetic makeup present in a population of the same species i.e. variation in the nucleotides, genes, chromosomes, or whole genomes of organisms. The species with greater genetic diversity has a chance of long time survival. Knowledge of diversity in a germplasm is very important for the improvement of crop plants through breeding program (Hallauer and Miranda Filho 1988). Assessment of genetic diversity is essential to understand the relationship among and within the landraces, as well as their genetic structure. It is also valuable for setting priorities for genetic conservation, parental selection and as a source of favorable traits. (Ferriol, Pico et al. 2004) analysed 47 accessions of C. moschata featuring the morphological characters which revealed considerable variability, comparable to that found in different C. moschata centers of diversity. Molecular analysis through AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers which analyze neutral genetic diversity and SRAP (sequence related amplified polymorphism) markers, which amplify gene regions both showed a genetic diversity in accordance with the morphological variability. With both markers clustered the genotypes according to their geographical origin: Central America, South America, and Spain, which suggested the existence of two independent domestications in both American areas, and/or introgressions from related species. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2011) analysed 39 inbred lines with twenty agronomic characters of C. moschata from China which were investigated and showed rich diversities among them. The diversities of the twenty characters can be summarized into 3 major principal components such as leaf, fruit and flesh quality ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Lauren Lark Reaction Paper On Friday, February 3rd, 2017, a Jazz artist named Lauren Lark came to perform in the Julia Ball Auditorium at Gwynedd Mercy University. This event was open to anyone who wanted to join and was in honor of Black History Month. Going into this event, I was not sure what to expect. I typically do not go to concerts and in particular, I do not listen to Jazz; however, I do like to learn about new things, so I was excited. This show brought to light the women composers of many ethnic backgrounds and because of Music Appreciation, not only was I able to enjoy the music, but I was now also able to pick out the different pitches, dynamics, and rhythms, along with many other musical components. My musical background is very narrow. I had basic music classes in elementary school and took flute lessons for about three months when I was eleven years old. I typically only listen to country, pop, and hip hop; however, I do teach Irish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First, Lord Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart was the blues and had a little bit of a minor tone towards it with lots of syncopation. I recognized this song because we sometimes sing it at my church. Lauren Lark s voice had octave leaps in it which sounds really cool and is probably pretty hard to do for someone with just an average singing voice. The second Billy Holiday song, Good Morning Heartache had a tempo at adagio to andante. The piano performed in a short, detached manner which can be referred to as staccato. The trumpet did a call and response with the vocalist which is when she sings and the trumpet echoes back. It was really cool to see that be done in a song since I have never seen something like that live before. They performed two other songs by Billy Holiday called God Bless The Child , which was played forte and the tempo was presto and Willow Weep For Me , which was played in a minor key and had a crescendo in the middle followed by a decrescendo to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. How Atv s Work Thesis statement: All terrain vehicles are helpful and useful and I will explain how they work and how to fix them in this paper. Outline: Inn this paper I will discuss ATV s and general knowledge and getting them wet. I also will discuss their origin and how they need care and how to keep them doing good for a long time. What is an ATV? It is an All Terrain Vehicle, also called three or four wheelers. It is also called a quad or ATV. An ATV is built to go where other vehicles cannot go. ATV s are also built to handle a lot of stress and abuse. ATV s are virtually indestructible; however, they have a few weaknesses and it is important to know and understand those few weaknesses. You should always do a complete check of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You generally replace the piston, rings and valve guide seals. If you do a lot of water riding you should do maintenance more often. If you should your quad drown out follow these four simple steps. (Microsoft Encarta 96 Internal Combustion Engine) Step one is to pull the quad out of the water. Pop the lid off the airbox to see if that s where the trouble is. If there is water in the spark plug dry it off and set it aside. Dry with a cloth, if possible. If the air filter is wet ring it out. Step two is if it s a four stroke, turn off the key and kick the water out. Watch it blow out the exhaust and cylinder head. Step three is to drain the float bowl. (If you suspect that water got in the tank )Which is very hard, set it on it s wheels and let the water fall to the bottom and turn the fuel petcock to reserve and drain for a second or so. Step four is once all the water is out is to replace the spark plug and the air filter. Pull the choke and try to start it. It will probably spit and sputter for a few minutes but DO NOT hit the throttle or you could do serious damage. If it won t start you better start pushing it home you probably have gotten the stator wet or one of the CDI boxes. which are sealed and are hard to get to. If you can check over the exposed electrical connections and dry them and get it to start good. but if it still will not start go home and begin the stripdown which involves a complete inspection of all electrical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Critique Nursing Essay preview The purpose of this assignment is to critique and evaluate the chosen article in terms of strengths and weaknesses, to demonstrate an understanding of the research process. According to Polit and Beck (2004) the aim of critically appraising an article is an attempt to determine its strengths and limitations. Therefore, the research critique should reflect an objective and balanced consideration of the study s validity and significance (Polit and Hungler 1999). The task of critiquing is, according to Lo Biondo Wood and Harber (2006) a challenging one and can only be effectively achieved through much practice and skill. For the purpose of this critique, the frameworks of Parahoo (1997) and Polit and Hungler (1999) have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cormack (2000) states that the literature review is a critical review of previous literature relating to the research topic. Therefore this section aims to provide the reader with an understanding of what the current state of evidence is in the selected area of study. This review is organised by heading that correspond to the key study concepts, which makes the review easy to follow. The researchers attempt to review previous studies relating to the topic, thus preparing the ground for new research. The studies presented highlight the significance of the problem under investigation. It was difficult to identify the exact research question, as there was no definite question asked. Although Valente (2003) states that sometimes researchers may hide the research question within the purpose of the study. The final statement of the literature review is therefore the purpose of this study it is timely that perceived barriers...are identified and acknowledged . Therefore as you read the review it moves from broad to specific relevance with the last section of the review clearly outlining the need for the study. Due to the article been published in 2004, it is expected that the references used will be relevantly recent. From reading the reference list, it can be seen that this is the case and only three references before 1994 have been used. There was a need for these older references as the original author who employed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Analysis Of The Circumplex Model In On Golden Pond The Circumplex Model: Adaptability and Flexibility Throughout On Golden Pond, it is apparent that Chelsea, Norman, and Ethel are rigidly enmeshed. According to Olson s circumplex model, rigidly enmeshed families have authoritarian leadership, strict discipline, roles rarely change, there is too little change. Additionally, enmeshment in families is illustrated by very high closeness, very high loyalty, high dependency, and a lack of individuality (Sanders Bell, 2011). Although Chelsea is distant with her family in the number of visits it is an artificial distance of time and space. They are strongly emotionally entangled as demonstrated through the ability of the family to emotionally affect one and other. Slightly like the characters in On Golden Pond, the family in Stepmom appear to be chaotically enmeshed. The circumplex model claims families who are chaotic present with a lack of leadership, erratic discipline, dramatic role shifts, and too much change (Sanders Bell, 2011). Chaos is present in the structure of the two living environments of the children: one environment is structured and the other one is disorderly. This leads to confusion for the children because the system lacks consistency. Enmeshment is personified through the children s emotional fusion with their mother. When Jackie is upset with Isabel, the children are upset with Isabel. The children and the mother s emotions are intertwined. On the other hand, Rita slightly contrasts the two families above as she appears to be rigidly disengaged instead of enmeshed. Rita and Denny are not intimately close. This is illustrated as Rita responds to a question by saying, loyalty? I [have] you know, I [have] tried to explain it to my husband ... I think he [is] thick (Gilbert, 1983). Rita s family lacks the flexibility to change. People get married and have kids. There is no self exploration, enlightenment, and adaptability is absent. The Concrete Content and Abstract Process Norman characterized several content and process issues throughout On Golden Pond. The first part of the movie exposes Norman s fixation on his age and pending death. From his confrontation with the kids, while refueling his boat to his efforts about getting a job, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Metaphors And The Natural World Whether we know it or not, we make use of metaphors daily in many ways to help us make sense of the world. A metaphor is defined as a figure of speech that identifies an object or an idea that is similar to an unrelated thing. The use of metaphors and the language that they portray help to create new insight into the universe. They not only help classify the natural world, and help interpret the scientific world, but they also set outlooks on individuals culture and society; however, some may argue that metaphors are an impractical use of our language that only complicate things that can instead be stated clearer. Our perspectives and the way we think are directly linked to how we talk and communicate in in the natural world and how we are viwed by society. This is explained further in detailed in Metaphors We Live By, because it clearly shows how individuals shape their perspectives based on their experiences in society: In most of the little things we do every day, we simply think and act more or less automatically along certain lines, (Lackoff Johnson 3). This furthers proves how much metaphors can affect the way we think and the way we see the world from what we undergo and experience in our life it is what gives us an opinion on certain matters of race, gender, religion, etc. We all think and act according to how we interact with our society and it is the power of metaphors that help guide and change one s beliefs to help portray our own perspective for others. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Iron Lab Report Introduction Irons chemical symbol eB comes from the Latin word ferrum which means iron. Iron is the second abundant metal and makes up about 5.6% of Earths crust. Iron has the atomic number of 26 and a mass number of 55.845. It s melting point is 1538°C and its boiling Point is 2861°C. It has a density of 7.874 g/cm³. It is a solid at room temperature and has an element classification of a metal. Irons compounds. Because I am can lose two or three compounds it allows online to make two or more compound with any given element. When the ion Fe2+ combines with another element the compound it forms is called a ferrous compound. When the ion Fe3+ combines with another element the compound it forms is called a ferric compound. Rust is a classic example of a iron compound. For something to rust it requires metal water and oxygen. Iron won t rust in pure oxygen that is moisture free just like it won t rust in pure water that is free of extra oxygen. When I and oxygen and water meet rust is formed, rust is the common name for ferric oxide. It is a ferric compound because the iron element loses three electrons ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Iron has given chlorine two electrons. Ferrous chloride it s a colourless crystalline substance. It is used as a sewage treatment and dying fabrics. It is known as a mordant. A mordant keeps the colour from fading in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Walt Disney Company The Walt Disney Company Jessica Weber Communications for Accountants / COM/530 September 13, 2010 Deborah Elver, MBA, CPA The Walt Disney Company Walt Disney founded the Walt Disney Company in the late 1920s in order to provide families across America and around the world with quality entertainment for every member in the family. Disney created entertainment for families in several different ways. The first being their television programs, which include animated and live movies, and animated and live television shows. The company even has their own television network called the Disney Channel. Another way that the Disney Company provides entertainment for families is their theme parks. The culture of the Walt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In conclusion, the Walt Disney Company provides families across America and around the world with quality entertainment for every member in the family. The culture of the Walt Disney Company includes six main values that makes Disney stand out; 1) innovation, 2) quality, 3) community, 4) storytelling, 5) optimism, and 6) decency (Culture, n.d.). Along with the culture making the Disney Company successful, the company s ability to communicate also helps to make the successful. According to the article Working their Magic: Disney Culture molds happy employees , Disney strongly believes extensive communication is key to a satisfied workforce (2003). The way that the company handles communication plays right into the company s culture because it helps the cast members to put their best efforts forward when it comes to innovation, quality, community, storytelling, optimism, and decency. Even though the Walt Disney Company strives to have good communication, there is always a chance for some kind of conflict to arise. Conflict of interest is one example of a conflict that can arise in the company. The Walt Disney Company can use these conflicts to improve communication within and among groups by using them as examples for future references. Reference Codes of Conduct for Directors. (n.d.). The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies. Retrieved September 07, 2010, from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Uncovering a Relationship Between Alcohol and Violence... Correlation research reveals a pattern between two variables that have been measured several times. To uncover a relationship between alcohol and violence, I would use the correlation research. Using naturalistic observation, I would observe public intoxication at common bars or clubs, and involve accessible records of already convicted violent offenders that acknowledge the use of alcohol. I would choose this method because I believe this would be an abundant amount of knowledge that could properly disclose a correlation, weather positive or negative, between alcohol and violence, and present a strong or weak number that predicts the correlation thus making this research method the most viable. Although this data may display a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This shock, this anxiety, the perturbed emotion were negative reinforcements for me not to break the law again, not to mention the monetary value. The target behavior that the police officer would be reinforcing is for me to be in submission to the governing laws of the state of Tennessee. A positive reinforcement occurs when an affirmative action encourages a satisfactory behavior in a person s environment. An illustration of positive reinforcement in my life comes from my marriage. My spouse brings me flowers home from work or other tokens of love, he sends me encouraging messages during each day, and continuously applauds my duties of wife and mother. These positive reinforcements on me and my environment safeguards and nourishes our relationship by maintaining a positive self image of my roles or identities in the marriage. The target behavior for our marriage would be a healthy, active and happy union. Shaping, according to our text book, is results from the reinforcement of successive approximations to a final desired behavior, in my two examples would be a law abiding, happy wife. Behavioral theory or behaviorism fits with my thoughts of psychology. Just like John Watson (1878 1958) thought that the goal of scientific psychology should be to predict or control behavior in ways that may benefit our society, according to our Psychology text book, I also believe the goal of psychology should be to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Meaning Of Race In The Film Understanding Race The Meaning Of Race The film Understanding Race gives many accounts of the meaning of the word race and what race actually is and what it isn t. According to the film, most scientists agree that race doesn t exists in the natural world. This conclusion was drawn in 1998, the concept of race was proven to have no scientific validity and is not scientifically proven. The film suggests that just because the concept of race isn t proven by science, that doesn t take away from the concept of race having a true meaning for humans. Although race has a meaning to humans, there is not a distinct answer to what race means. For example, during an interview in the film a comedian Margaret Cho, defines race as being what you are but not who you are. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dolores Newton points out during the film that one of the things that has made humans successful on Earth is that we have always been good at classifying things and looking at similarities and differences. Maya Angelo suggests during an in film interview that we use the differences because we don t know any better. She also suggests that we use the differences between ourselves in hopes that we can make our own lives better. Although over many centuries humans have tried to divide humans based on race, it has been proven that the human species cannot be divided into a small number of groups because nobody has came up with a reasonable list of racial groups. The film states that preconceptions about the race of people is something that all humans experience in their lifetime whether they like to admit or not. Many of the preconceptions that individuals have will cause them to act violently towards someone of a different race. Racial violence in America and the rest of World is not uncommon. Throughout the history of the World there have been an unprecedented amount of people who have suffered often fatal consequences simply because of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Paul Walker Research Paper Paul Walker was born on September 12, 1973, in Glendale, California. Paul Walker was a famous actor that starred in Fast Furious franchise. Walker appeared in front of cameras at an early age in television shows like Charles in Charge and Highway to Heaven. Walker made is big debut in a 1986 horror spoof Monster in Your Closet . After graduating high school, Walker went to various community colleges in California. He took a role in a soap opera called The Young and The Reckless. After many TV guests roles, he starred in a family comedy called Meet the Deedles. He left his TV career behind him for good. Paul Walker appeared with Reese Witherspoon in Pleasantville which had a big impact in his career. That point on, he found himself in 1990s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Death of General Wolfe Essay Analysis of The Death of General Wolfe by Benjamin West In 1770, artist Benjamin Wolfe completed what would become his most controversial and talked about piece of artwork, an oil on canvas painting titled The Death of General Wolfe, the purpose of which was to teach a moral lesson. The Death of General Wolfe portrays the Battle of Quebec, but more specifically it details the moment when Major General James Wolfe was on his deathbed shortly after the British had driven the French away in victory. Although this piece is considered to be historical since it details a true event, the details in it prove to be fabricated for the sake of art. Benjamin West was truly a remarkable artist who required no formal art education to learn how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fact that the clouds are passing by and opening can represent two things. The first is that it can be a symbol of General Wolfe, and as the clouds pass over head, his soul will similarly pass over and die. Second is that the passing clouds can be viewed as a sign of hope that the battle is now over and people can live peacefully. One other piece of symbolism is the flag behind General Wolfe, which serves as a directional force. Since it is pointed at both General Wolfe and the sky, it signifies the fact that Wolfe s soul will go up onto Heaven. The colors in this piece are instrumental in moving the eye across the piece and drawing attention to specific parts of the piece. For instance, for the most part, the colors that are used are dark. However, to emphasize General Wolfe, the focal point in the middle, his outfit is painted in a brighter red and yellow and the ground beneath him is light as well. Also, in order to allow the eye to glide across the painting almost all of the soldier s uniforms are red, creating rhythm. One solider, who is apparently rushing into see Wolfe, is painted in green, which is the complimentary color to red. The use of complimentary colors brings the eyes attention to the panicked solider, emphasizing the overall sense of urgency in the piece. The piece is also well balanced and uses appropriate scales and proportions. Overall I think West was successful in his piece. I admire the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Issue Of Gender Discrimination To look into the issue of gender discrimination in both Australia and China. 1.2 Parameters To investigate the problem of gender inequality involving workplace discrimination and domestic violence in Australia and China. This report will include words for about 2000 and will be divided into 4 sections. 1.3 Definitions Gender inequality can be defined as allowing people having different opportunities due to perceived differences based solely on issues of gender. In the meantime, the prejudicial treatment of an individual or group due to gender can be called as gender discrimination. (Parziale n.d.) 1.4 Thesis The people in both China and Australia and their government must pay attention to this serious social problem, and working together to improve it. 2. BACKGROUND TO THE ISSUE: Gender inequality and discrimination are generally discussed towards women (Parziale n.d.), and this report will mainly discuss it this way. But actually, in anyone s daily life, they will have a chance to experience gender inequality or discrimination. 2.1 Global Context As the world comes into the twenty second century, women with a full time job still earn 77% of their male counterparts earning, even if they have the exactly same education background. Also, 4/5 victims of human trafficking chose women as the target. On the worldwide average, 30% of women who have been in a relationship report that they experienced some form of sexual violence before, which was done by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. First Persian Empire Research Paper Sharif Bumpus World History 13 November 2017 Coach Flo Rise and fall of the First Persian Empire The First Persian Empire, also known as the Achaemenid Persian Empire, rose because of it s king s political genius and ability to restructure society, prospered because of leading economic and technological advances, and fell due to a successor s cruelness that caused provincial revolts, economic disparity, and the breaking down of what was once one of the most successful social systems. The First Persian Empire rose under the leadership of Cyrus the Great, who was also known as Cyrus the Elder to the Greeks. Cyrus came to power in the year 559 BC, when his father, Cambyses I, died. His political genius came at a young age when he started learning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were technologically ahead of other nations in many ways. One of the most complex inventions made by the Persians was the battery. It was known as the Baghdad battery, and was a five and a half inch clay vessel that contained pieces of copper held by asphalt and an iron rod. It would have been filled with an acid to create an electric charge. These batteries wouldn t have been used to power things, but to electroplate objects with rare metals like gold and silver. Electroplating is the process of spreading out a metal onto a surface into a thin layer to make the appearance of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Ashoka As The Last King Of The Mauryan Empire Of India Ashoka the Great ruled between 273 BCE and 231 BCE as the last Great King of the Mauryan Empire of India (von Sivers, pg. 219). Upon taking the throne, Ashoka continued his father s, as well as grandfather s, goal of expanding the empire (von Sivers, pg. 220). In doing so, he caused the death of thousands, which left him pained and questioning of his purpose. To find some sort of easement, he became a Buddhist and used violence for protection or as a last resort (von Sivers, pg. 220). After finding his new religion, Ashoka believed a king should set the morals for his people, a very different belief than most rulers. Ashoka s belief is made evident in his actions after adopting Buddhism and the Seven Pillar Edicts he instructed his people to follow. Thirteen years into his rule, King Ashoka adopted Buddhism as his personal religion, and this adoption changed how he viewed the role of a king (von Sivers, pg. 220). Since the beginning of the Mauryan Empire, the king was a great warrior who could lead in battle and expand the empire. Chandragupta Maurya, the first king of the Maurians, did this against the Nanda Kingdom (von Sivers, pg. 219). Chandragupta s son waged war to expand the empire to south (von Sivers, pg. 220). Chandragupta s grandson, Ashoka, followed the same pattern against the Kalinga Kingdom (von Sivers, pg. 220). When he adopted Buddhism, he lived by many of the religion s principles. He practiced ahimsa, or non violence, and dharma, or that which is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Napoleon s Rise to Power Napoleon Bonaparte was born Napoleone di Buonaparte in Corsica, August 15, 1769. His family consisted of his father, a lawyer and member of the Nobility, his mother, his sister and his seven brothers. He was a small child, and often was teased by his classmates when he was enrolled in military college at a very early age in 1777, and it is believed that this influenced the determination he had to win later in life. Later, he went to Ecole Militaire from 1784 to 1785. Also in 1785, his father died. Even so, he graduated with the rank of second lieutenant. At this time, great things were expected of Napoleon. However, no one could have guessed that this 16 year old would go on to make history. Napoleon was a rising star in the French ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When they finally fought, Napoleon did win, but found the capital in flames. He ordered a retreat, and while they withdrew, he lost more than 400,000 soldiers to the Russian winter and starvation. Then, when the army was sufficiently weak, an alliance of Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia ambushed them, easily seizing defeat. Napoleon returned to France, but the Russian British alliance soon took Paris, and after realizing that he could not recreate his army, he abdicated and went into exile. King Louis XVI s brother was allowed to rule again as King Louis XVIII. However, once King Louis XVIII came to power, many emigrates returned and demanded revenge on revolutionaries. Napoleon took this chance to return to France as well, where discontented soldiers welcomed him with open arms. In March 1815, he began to rebuild his army. It took him one hundred days. However, the British allies acted quickly, and he was crushed in June at the Battle of Waterloo. The Battle of Waterloo was the infamous conflict that marked the official end of Napoleon s reign. It pitted Napoleon s Armee du Nord against an army of British allies commanded by the Duke of Wellington, as well as a Prussian army under Gebhard von Blücher s command. The French army was easily outnumbered, with their 72,000 men pitted against Britains 68,000 and Prussia s 89,000. However, Wellington sid that Napoleon was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Travel And Tourism Essay According to Statista, a website that provide the statistic and study from more than 18,00 sources over the world, travel and tourism industry in the United States is one of the largest industry. In 2015, travel and tourism industry has made a total contribution of 1.5 trillion USD to GPD. In addition, they predict that the number will grow up to 2.6 trillion USD by 2027. Annually, travel and tourism directly provides about 5.5 million jobs for American people. The travel and tourism industry is very huge. Therefore, people try to break down it into a small sector, so they can easily target the visitor or the customer. Based on the purpose of the visitor, we usually have recreation tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, pleasure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, sustainable tourism should include 3 aspects. First of all, we should make optimal use of environmental resources in order to developing and maintaining essential ecological processes. It also helps to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity. Secondly, we should respect the socio cultural of host communities by conserving their built and living cultural heritage. Moreover, we also should respect their traditional value, and contribute to inter cultural understanding. Lastly, we should consider the long term economic operations by providing socio economic benefits to all stakeholders that are distributed. We should create stable employment for local people and opportunities to earn income. In addition, we also need to provide some social services to host community to help them maintain their property. Based on the definition of mass tourism and sustainable tourism, we could say that mass tourism is unsustainable. Anna Pollock from the article Six Reason Why Mass Tourism Is Unsustainable have come up with six reasons to prove that mass tourism is unsustainable. The first reason is because one product is substitutable for another. The mass tourism about distribution and consumption of packaged products. When the local people see the tourist interesting in something, they will focus more on that product and cut back from the other product. Therefore, that will destroy the balance and it can destroy a culture. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Victim Typology Sellin And Wolfgang Summary Summary Typology by Selling and Wolfgang Perry B Keaton Victimo logy 2 Instructor: Fabrienne McDowell July 26, 2015 Summary Typology by Selling and Wolfgang 1 Discuss the victim typology offered by Sellin and Wolfgang. In order for me to do this I first have to give a definition of the word to get a better understanding of it. Typology is the study or systematic classification of types that have characteristics or traits in common. But how do the definition correspond with Selling and Wolfgang theory I will try to explain it in this brief paper. After reading the short segment from Selling and Wolfgang it determine that they have broken down Typology into five category in which I will discuss each one and give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This involve more of a business of corporation selling you something that is faulty of a worst case scenario someone embezzle money from your local church. The third one Tertiary victimization is really no stranger to us because this one happens on a daily basis. It involves a highly government official who takes pleasure trips and writes them off as business expenses is cheating the public. Mutual victimization is when two or people are involved in a crime then all of certain the crime goes haywire and the others that are involved in the crime become the victim. How often have we seen this to occur? For example the first robber get angry at the other two because they did not divide the money correctly between them so he turn around and robs them. The final one of the five categories is called no victimization, I really did not understand this to the fullest but I think it involves when no one can be blame for crime which weird to me. I guess what they are trying to explain here if two individual committing and illegal act which one would take the blame for it. For example illegal prostitution between two adults in gage into a sexual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Comparing Satire in Canterbury Tales, Pride and Prejudice... Use of Satire in Canterbury Tales, Pride and Prejudice and The Rape of the Lock Jane Austen and Alexander Pope had had a myriad of writing styles and techniques from which to express the desired themes of their works. Satire, however, seemed to be the effective light hearted, yet condescending, tool that enabled them to surface the faults and follies of their moral and elite society. In Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, satire is used to the full extent in revealing the glutton within a pious and sacrificing nun, the vain hunter within a poor and meditative monk, and the vulgarity within a honorable woman of society. In Pride and Prejudice and The Rape of the Lock, Austen and Pope use contrasting forms of satire to obtain the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She believes in speaking her mind, exercising her wit with books, and falling in love with a man s character and soul rather than his yearly income. Elizabeth s character is essential to the satirical purpose of the novel because it clashes loudly with the vanities that society holds so dearly, and forces society to see how it blindly debases itself by believing in the importance of appearance and status rather than self importance and individuality. Austen further mocks society through Mary, Elizabeth s younger sister. Mary conspicuously tries to defy the standard rules of proper ladies in society by refusing to dance at the balls, reading books in public, and using a verbose vocabulary to create the illusion that she is a well accomplished woman. However, these actions only make her motives of being an individual to receive praise from society more obvious, adding another element of character satire to the novel. Pope s The Rape of the Lock is a mock epic that uses hyperboles to fill an otherwise absurd and unimportant situation with pompous splendor; therefore, with the additional extravagancies, the situation becomes even more trivial. For example, in Pope s poem a lord cuts a lock of hair from the head of a lovely maiden. The actual occurrence of such a trivial matter in Pope s society had caused great alarm, influencing him to light heartedly ridicule the people involved in the situation by creating a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Hall And Warren And Henry 5 Comparison Shakespeare produced works in tragedy and comedy that date back for centuries. Scholars can take Shakespeare works throughout the years and fit them to the changing times. Edward Hall and Roger Warren s 2012 scholarly edition of Henry the Fifth is an updated modern version of the original Henry the Fifth. This versions focus is to modernize the work from a performance perspective. Hall and warren provide the reader with plenty of information to help the reader understand the text as a performance. Hall and Warren include text in the introduction by subcategories about the backstory of the original Henry the Fifth, changes from the original text and performance to Hall and Warren s performance, and design of this production Henry V. All the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this section Warren starts with the opening scene where the audience would expect to see King Henry as their first view because that is what the story is based off but after the Chorus s opening panegyric, what does the audience see? Not the king in glory, but two ecclesiastical politicians . (9) This is good information for the reader to understand that in the original story, although the focus was on King Henry, the audience first sees what started the entire attack the politicians offering Henry a bribe to invade France. (9) By Warren putting the backstory in his introduction and including text about the opening seen if Henry V it allows the reader to get an idea of not only what the play is about but begin to create a story or image in their minds of the play and character. Warren s summary of the original play provides an abundance of information for the reader and contributes to the quality of this edition of Henry V making it well rounded with information contributing to different versions of the play to display the similarities and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Indiana University Southeast s Future Success The marketing audit is presented as a factor of Indiana University Southeast s future success. The paper will compare Bellarmine, Sullivan, Spalding, Purdue Polytechnic of New Albany, and University of Louisville to Indiana University Southeast. The five universities listed pose as serious competition for Indiana University Southeast. The audit will go into depth on why these five all serve the same target market. The paper presents the results of research conducted through the National Center for Education Statistics and by various college search engines. Based on the research conducted, the audit states the main factors influencing Indiana University Southeast s future growth and a better retention rate that have an impact on IUS s progress now. In conclusion, the audit presents findings and conditions that will better help in fixing IUS S barriers in operating. I. Competitive Market Analysis a. Indiana University Southeast has a target market that consists of traditional students that are under the age of 25. These traditional students are mostly coming to IUS straight out of high school. Indiana University Southeast is now expanding their target market again to non traditional students because of the decreasing high school graduate rate from Clark, Floyd, and Harrison county high schools. Greater Clark County Schools have decreased from 94.4 percent to 92.5 percent. Clarksville has decreased 97.7 percent to 95 percent. West Clark County Schools have decreased 97.7 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. A Response On Nozick s Conception Of Knowledge Emmaline DiPace Professor Theodore Korzukhin PHIL 10100 October 29, 2016 A Response to Nozick s Conception of Knowledge In everyday life, people often claim knowledge of various facts and experiences. However, despite the regularity of such claims, it is difficult to articulate what knowledge specifically is and what conditions are necessary to constitute knowledge of a specific fact or event. One set of conditions for knowledge, known as justified true belief, states that a person knows something if that thing is true, if they believe it, and if they are justified in believing it (Gettier 345). This theory, however, was shown to be problematic by the philosopher Edmund Gettier. By proposing two examples, Gettier showed that the conditions of justified true belief are not sufficient to establish knowledge (345 346). Although Gettier found this flaw, he did not propose any alternate conditions of knowledge to add to or replace those of justified true belief (346). This is where Nozick s idea of knowledge, presented in Knowledge from Philosophical Explanations, becomes relevant. Nozick s conditions for knowledge attempt to define knowledge without being swayed by cases such as the Gettier examples. In this paper, I will first summarize Nozick s conception of knowledge as well as some of the reasoning for including each condition. I will then try to find an example to show that Nozick s conditions, although more widely applicable to knowledge than justified true ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Blockbuster Out Of Business Essay Blockbuster Out of Business In order to maintain a thriving business, the company must be able to meet all the requirements needed in order to be successful. There are many different factors that contribute to company s shutting down and becoming bankrupt, one of the main reasons why companies go out of business is because either the customer service was questionable, the establishment wasn t properly ran, and or they were taken out by other newer more competitive counterparts. One business in particular that used to be the go to place to pick up the hottest and latest movies was Blockbuster. Blockbuster shortly went out of business after their 29 year long reign of being at the top. Blockbuster was one of the main chains for DVD rentals as well as video game rentals. However, as the years went by new technological advances emerged and all of that seemed to begin to change. First and foremost, Blockbusters predominant position as the leading DVD rental business all began when it was established on October 19, 1985. Through the years their reign at being at the top slowly began to deteriorate and they officially shut down for good in January 2014. Their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... New retailers began to emerge, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Red Box are all examples of newer retailers that swept Blockbuster of its feet and into the gutter. In my opinion if Blockbuster would have addressed all these issues then they still would have been a thriving business even today. They could have trained their employees better and more efficiently in order to increase their customer service skills and abilities. If they finally improved their customer service skills with the proper training needed, then the customers would be rolling in even more than before, but their failure to do so let their company out of business in the long ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The history of Sheffield, a city in South Yorkshire,... The history of Sheffield, a city in South Yorkshire, England, can be traced back to the founding of a settlement beside the River Sheaf in the second half of the 1st millennium AD, although the area has seen human occupation since the last ice age. Following the Norman conquest of England, Sheffield developed into a small town. By the 14th century it was noted for the production of knives, and by 1600 it had become the second main centre of cutlery production in England after London. In the 1740s the crucible steel process was improved by Sheffield resident Benjamin Huntsman, allowing a much better production quality. At about the same time, Sheffield plate, a form of silver plating, was invented, and the associated industries ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2003, Slipknot moved into The Mansion to work on the album. Initially, the band was unproductive; lead vocalist Corey Taylor was drinking heavily. Nevertheless, they wrote more than enough material for a new album the band s first to incorporate more traditional, melodic song structures, guitar solos and acoustic guitars. The album received generally positive reviews; Q called it a triumph . The album peaked within the top ten in album sales across eleven countries, and went Platinum in the United States. The band also received the Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance for the song Before I Forget . (Full article...) Recently featured: History of Sheffield Coonskin (film) Hurricane Ginger Archive By email More featured articles... Wikipedia:Today s featured article/May 26, 2014 (edit|[[Talk:Wikipedia:Today s featured article/May 26, 2014|talk]]|history|links|watch|logs|views) Triaenops menamena is a bat in the genus Triaenops found on Madagascar, mainly in the drier regions. It was known as Triaenops rufus until 2009, when it was discovered that that name had been incorrectly applied to the species. Triaenops rufus is a synonym of Triaenops persicus, a closely related Middle Eastern species. Triaenops menamena is mostly found in forests, but also occurs in other habitats. It often roosts in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Delay Analysis Of Networked Control System Essay Delay Analysis Of Networked Control System Abstract Networked Control Systems (NCS) are the control systems in which the control loops are closed through a communication network. In recent years, the use of Network Control System (NCS) have gained increasing attentions due to their cost effective and flexible applications. But one of the major challenges that need to be tackle in NCS is the delay of the data transmission which occurs throughout the communication network and thus degrades the control system performance and also causes the system instability. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of network delay in NCS. In this paper, we have designed a model of delay control system for network induced delay using the simulation model of network control system delay and thus analysed the effect of network delay on the performance of the control system . The TrueTime simulator is used in this work. Keywords networked control system, network delay, control performance, truetime, stability I.INTRODUCTION In conventional control systems, control signals are sent over the loop using analog or digital technology, while in modern computer control systems, the control loop is almost entirely closed over a communication network . The Networked Control Systems (NCSs) are one type of distributed control systems in which sensors, actuators and controllers are interconnected by communication networks. The defining feature ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Coexistence of Equality and Inequality under the Social... Political theories abound, considering many parts of society and the body politic. John Locke was one of the first to expound on the origins of property, and sixty six years later Jean Jacques Rousseau would also address the issues of property and inequality. According to Locke and Rousseau, the social contract is sanctioned by formal equalities yet creates or gives way to inequalities after it is formed. Though Locke would argue that inequalities in the private sphere don t fall under the jurisdiction of the government, Rousseau would say justice gets deformed through inequality. Understanding how both equality and inequality can be present under the terms of the social contract is important because we cannot understand how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since everything was owned in common at first, Locke argues that individuals appropriate property when they add their labor to something owned in common and therefore improve it. Locke would also say that you don t just get to take as much as you want, but that there must be as much of and as good of left for others. Locke also defines the public and private sphere(how/what is he defining it through? Through him talking about slavery etc paragraph 85, 89 ). Political relationships are made between equal men, and these relationships (civil society) cannot be dissolved. The establishment of civil society established equality among men because each had to agree to it. Each man equally gives up some rights, and equally receives the same protection from the sovereign. The civil society, as an entity, makes a contract with the sovereign and in so doing, resigns the power to judge in their own case to the sovereign. According to Locke, the whole point of civil society was to ensure that each had their own property so that there was prosperity. For Rousseau, the first sign of inequality is when people begin to be more highly regarded based on overall physical appearance and ability; from these first preferences, vanity, contempt, shame, and envy were born. As soon as one man realized it was beneficial to have the assistance of another, equality disappeared, property came into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Color In Women s Equality By Marisol Women s Equality, by the American artist Marisol, is a lithograph on paper created in 1975 . It is currently on display at the Grand Rapids Art Museum. At its center, the print features a portrait of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and one of Lucretia Mott. The portraits are colorless, rendered only in black and white. The women s features are haggard, lined with advanced age and immensely serious. Their eyes bore into the viewer in a nonverbal challenge. The faces of the early women s rights activists are the only distinct images in the art work. They are the definite forms the viewer s eye is immediately drawn toward. The black and white faces stand in sharp contrast to the colors that surround and engulf them pink, red, blue, purple, green, yellow, orange. Arising from these seemingly purposelessly splashed colors, hands emerge from the white background, clasping, reaching toward Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. In Women s Equality, Marisol endeavors to inspire women to fight for equal rights through her use of color, rendering of the hands, and rendering of the facial features of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Colors flow over the paper with, at first glance, no readily apparent rhyme or reason. The central figures of the print are rendered in black and white, causing the colors dancing across the paper to immediately catch the eye of the viewer and direct the eye across the print. The vibrant and bold hues quickly instill an energy in the print that rubs off onto the viewer, urging the viewer into action. The colors outline the forms of the hands in lines of differing length, reminiscent of beams of light. The hands give off an otherworldly light, the vibrant light of a bright ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Criminal Justice Model It is through the Criminal Justice System s close collaborations with like minded agencies such as the Police, Prison and Courts Services, that the public s concerns and worries are resolved, in order to bring about justice in our communities (Cavadino and Dignan, 2007 as cited in Fox, 2014). With that in mind and out of the way, this essay will aim to explore some of the strengths and weaknesses, which are prominent within the Criminal Justice System. To do this successfully, the Police and the Courts Service will be the key agencies that will be explored in relation to the key Models that shape the whole Criminal Justice System. These Models were founded by Herbert L. Packer (1968) and Michael King (1981). Firstly, an advantage of the Police ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This internal pressure that is placed upon the Courts is highlighted within the Bureaucratic Model, which gives the impression that the employees of the Criminal justice do not have a straightforward and easy job to do (King, 1981 as cited in Davies et al., 2005). As briefly mentioned above, efficiency is the key factor affecting the effective functioning of the courts, the employees of the Criminal Justice do not have the most impactful contribution to improve upon their own efficiency, but the defendants do, because their decisions on accepting guilt or maintaining their innocence can mean the difference between an appropriately shortened trial or more worryingly, a prolonged trial resulting in a guilty verdict, in which this consumes excessive time and resources that could have otherwise been used elsewhere(Davies et al., 2005) . From the above perspective, it is safe to say that the defendants have the ability to ease some of the pressure that is put on the Courts Service, in order to allow them to perform productively. According to (Sanders et al. 2010: ch.8 as cited in Sanders and Young, 2012: 860) 60 percent plead guilty in the Crown Court and 92 percent in the Magistrates Courts... From these statistics, it is also acceptable to say that a fair amount of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...