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What Is A Leader Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of leadership can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies not only in the need for comprehensive research and a deep understanding of the
topic but also in the nuanced nature of leadership itself. Defining what makes a leader involves
delving into a multitude of qualities, skills, and characteristics that may vary across different
contexts and perspectives.
To begin with, there is the task of establishing a clear framework for discussing leadership. This
involves grappling with diverse theories and models, from trait theories that focus on inherent
qualities to behavioral theories that emphasize actions and situational theories that consider the
context in which leadership occurs. Each perspective brings its own set of complexities, making
it essential to navigate through the labyrinth of ideas to provide a well-rounded view.
Furthermore, an effective essay on leadership demands a keen analysis of historical and
contemporary leaders. Studying their successes and failures helps in identifying common threads
that run through effective leadership, while also acknowledging the unique qualities that
differentiate one leader from another. This exploration necessitates thorough research and critical
thinking to discern patterns and draw insightful conclusions.
The challenge intensifies when one delves into the moral and ethical dimensions of leadership.
Assessing the ethical responsibilities of leaders, the impact of their decisions on followers, and
the role of integrity in leadership adds another layer of complexity to the essay. Juggling these
ethical considerations alongside the practical aspects of leadership requires a delicate balance and
a nuanced approach to argumentation.
In addition, the task of presenting a coherent and persuasive argument involves honing writing
skills. Clearly articulating thoughts, seamlessly transitioning between ideas, and maintaining a
logical flow are paramount. This process demands not only a mastery of language but also an
ability to distill complex concepts into digestible insights for the reader.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the nature of leadership is a formidable task that requires a
deep understanding of diverse theories, historical perspectives, and ethical considerations.
Navigating through this multifaceted topic necessitates not only research and critical thinking
but also effective communication skills. However, despite the challenges, the opportunity to
explore and articulate one's understanding of leadership can be intellectually enriching and
personally rewarding.
For those seeking assistance with essays or other academic tasks, various resources are available,
including professional writing services. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on
platforms like HelpWriting.net, providing support to individuals navigating the complexities of
academic writing.
What Is A Leader Essay What Is A Leader Essay


The Sins of Yesterday Essays
He opened the door to the diner and stepped inside. The door slammed shut behind
him. It always did that. It was probably the reason why the pane of glass had a
jagged crack running from top to bottom. The crack had been there for as long as
he could remember. It was a comfortable reminder of why he came here: no one
cared here. He sat in the same place he always sat: a booth in the back near the
bathroom. Dorothy, the only waitress this hole in the wall had to offer,
acknowledged him with a grunt and asked if he wanted anything. Just a cup of coffee
and some pancakes, please. She oinked with indifference and waddled to the kitchen
to put in the order. He watched her pour coffee that probably originated from the
same batch he ordered... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Perhaps everyone else knew to stay away. The booth in the back allowed him to take
in everything in the diner at once, and see people enter and exit. Nick the cook sat at
the booth opposite the room from him, reading a newspaper and smoking a cigar.
Nick wasn t a small man by any means, but he was a piglet to Dorothy s mother
sow. The acrid smoke from his cigar said it was a Carajo, a cheap brand. His
grizzled face, squinted eyes, and balding head made him look a lot older than he
knew him to be. Nick s pale t shirt and threadbare, faded jeans looked like they were
present at the same food explosion Dorothy must have survived, but neither one
seemed to notice. People came here to eat cheap food and try to escape their
problems, not admire the view. Nick mopped sweat from his brow with his greasy
shirt sleeve, and turned the page. There were two other people in the diner, both
customers. He had not seen them before, and he could almost say with certainty
that he would not see them in this place again. They were of no consequence. Most
people who came in here for the first time left without coming back. It must be the
food , he chuckled to himself. He had been coming to this diner for most of his
adult life, though it wasn t for the food or the service. The food was sub par and
the service was worse. There was no one here he knew outside of the diner, and he
wasn t greeted as regular when he came. But he always came here when


The Inca s Strong Government And Hierarchy
The elaborate and innovative structure of the Inca s strong government and hierarchy
was an interesting and different strategy compared to the other empires during this
time, but this complex strategy ended up being the most effective plan. Envisioned
by the Inca emperor Pachacuti, the new system of governmentand hierarchy would
allow the Incaempire to expand, yet still be controlled. The different strategy led to
the rapid progression of the Inca Empire from Chile to Colombia 1. The Inca empire
in many ways was an innovative society, with many different techniques in social
class, government, expansion, and socioeconomics that helped create their
dominance in the americas. There have been many different ways that empires have
been ruled, some became successful and dominant and others got too overwhelmed
by the power and responsibility of running an empire. The Incas created an
innovative government system called a bureaucracy 2. The Inca government had
many different policies and plans in place for the empire to progress and maintain its
power, such as: having a distinguished hierarchy with the Sapa Incaand Coya at the
top, followed by the Council of Nobles 3. Another policy that the Incas had in place
was that the empire was divided into four parts 4. The Incas were able to thrive
because of the support and structure of the government.
The classes of the Inca civilians were separated into three different hierarchies: social
class, religion, and military. At the


BPA Exposure Essay
Infant and Child Health Outcomes from BPA Exposure The general human
population worldwide could be constantly exposed to at least some level of BPA at
any given time. When total urinary concentrations of BPA were measured among
participants ≥ 6 years of age in the 2003 2004 National Health and Nutrition
Examination (NHANES) survey, results showed that about 93% of United States
general population have detectable levels of BPA (Calafat et al., 2008).
Furthermore, the median daily intake of BPA among the overall population is
around 34 ng/kg day (LaKind and Naiman, 2011). While 34 ng/kg day is lower
than the RfD of 50, it has been suspected that low dose exposures to BPA can cause
harmful health effects. There is especially great concern... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
These results were aligned with findings from past studies which demonstrated
adversely impacted neurobehavior among BPA exposed animal subjects (Braun et
al., 2011). Additional health outcomes related to prenatal and childhood BPA
exposure have recently been discovered. Donohue et al. (2012) examined the
development of childhood wheeze and asthma by measuring spot urinary samples
for BPA concentrations in mothers during the third trimester and children at ages
three, five, and seven years. While confounding variables may exist, the OR of
BPA urine levels at ages three, five and and its association with asthma was 1.5,
1.4, and 1.5, respectively (p = .04). Effects of BPA Exposure on Male and Female
Reproductive Health While FDA regulation has been only focused on prenatal and
infant exposure to BPA, there have been recent findings on male and female human
subjects that backup previous studies of BPA having harmful reproductive health
effects on animal models. For example, serum BPA levels were higher in women
with polycystic ovary syndrome when Takeuchi et al. (2004) compared women who
were obese and had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) to those who were normal.
Also, there was a significant and positive correlation between BPA and total
testosterone, BMI, and free testosterone (Takeuchi et al., 2004). This observed
relationship between BPA and androgen levels reinforce the suspicion of the effects
of androgen on BPA metabolism. The results from a preliminary study on


Calcium Channel Blockers Research Paper
Hypertension Calcium Chanel Blockers
Calcium channel blockers are antihypertensive medications that used in treating
cardiovascular conditions. There are three types of subclasses of calcium channel
blockers which are dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamines, and benzothiazipines
(Edmund Mayhew, 2014). Medications classified as dihydropyridines are procardia,
norvasc, plendil, and cardene. These medications do not affect the cardiac conduction
system. Dihydropyridines block calcium from moving into the cell membranes of the
cardiac and smooth muscle. The cell tissue affected by these antihypertensive drugs
is the cardiac muscle, SA AV node, coronary arteries and arterioles, and the peripheral
arterioles. Calcium channel blockers contract the heart by stopping calcium ions from
going through the cell membrane during the plateau phase. This leads to failure of
the calcium ions to release large amounts of calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
inside the cell. The calcium is needed to stimulate contractions by allowing the cross
bridge to form between the actin and myosin of ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
These symptoms are more likely to happen with procardia. Negative inotropic effects
can also happen with all three subclass but with verapamil first, diltiazem second and
procardia last. Cardiac conduction disturbances can happen when verapamil and
diltiazem. Gastrointestinal illness such as nausea and constipation are common with
Verapamil. Procardia, verapamil, and diltiazem produce metabolic effects such as
inhibiting insulin in the body and digoxin levels has been shown to elevate after
administering of verapamil and procardia. Calcium channel blockers should not be
used in patients with second, third degree heart blocks and heart failure because the
heart block can worsen or become fatal (Russell,


Counter Culture
Popular culture as a whole has always been both a driving force and a reflection of
the values of any particular society, increasingly so since the invention and
dispersion of Radio, TV, the Internet, and now social media. However, it seems as if
today, more so than ever, that pop culture is spreading and promoting ideas that are
counterproductive to society as a whole. Music in particular is one area within
popular culturethat has a tremendous impact on society. Music can easily get stuck
in your head and most people listen to their favorite songs over and over, so if these
songs are promoting anti social behavior then it can be a serious problem for society.
Rap/hip hop music has rapidly become one of the most popular genres of music
among ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I think that the corporate side of music plays into the fact that Solomon mentions,
deep down, we all wish that we could be the star quarterback or head cheerleader.
(Solomon 543). So they promote music that plays to this subconscious desire
within us all that we all want the most or best of everything: The best cars, the
most money, the biggest houses, prettiest women, the best drugs, etc. The
consumers embrace this kind of music because we all have that attitude inside of
us and hearing someone else talk about it makes us think that either we already
have it, or need to get it. So it is an endless cycle fueled by money and desire by
both the corporate side of music and the consumer side. The corporations want more
money so they promote music that they know will sell, and they know it will sell
because the consumers want more money too so they listen to music that makes them
feel like they have


What My Hard Work Has Shown Me
What My Hard Work Has Shown Me
The beat of my heart thumps harder by the second as my high school volleyball
coach announces at the 2016 end of the year banquet, that their is one Honorable
Mention and one All Conference award within the Wright County. After playing
volleyball for eight years as a setter, assisting 1,134 kills (with my two and a half
years on varsity), and receiving Heart Beat of the TeamAward, mentally and
physically I knew there might be a chance I had a shot at getting one of the two
awards. However my hardworking, and valuable teammates are just as talented.
Captain, starting libero, and MVP Skyler Wallisch can get low and pick up
anything. She s my right hand as a setter, I can rely on her to get the first pass up to
me. She is a very important player and has different colored jersey to signify her
position as a libero on the court. Also Co Captain Ashley Fuhrmann has a good
chance at getting one of the awards. She can jump really high for her height, and
swing fast. Many of my assists came from her. The Honorable Mention Award is
given to a player whose name was brought up, and signified as a valuable athlete in a
meeting held with all the Wright County volleyball coaches. The All Conference
Award is handed out to six players out of the entire Wright County Volleyball District
(East and West, consisting of fourteen teams) whom the volleyball coaches believe
would make the best team in the Wright County.
Coach Ogara leans into the microphone


A Book Report On The Movie Nope Essay
Two and a half months ago, faith brought me to face with a guy who I used to
consider horrible boyfriend material. He came off as rude, stubborn, malicious, and
cold hearted to a fault. And that s just the start of a long list of his horrible
characteristics. But somehow, and to my surprise, I ended up falling for this guy. Now
all I have to do is tell him and figure out if he feels the same about me. Easier said
than done.
Come on, Tre I begged, wanting him to severely come to the haunted house with Tia,
Michael, Mike, Naomi and me. We were in Mrs. Sorun s Relationship Development
I class at the time, doing what we usually do. Nothing. I know you can make some
spare time on your normal, non busy Saturday to join us.
Nope, he denied for the seventh time. He was lying down on the table, with his
typical left earbud in, trying to get some sleep in before our next class. I told you
already, I hate being involved in your little group activities, which by the way be
boring as hell, and wish you would stop including me in them. See what I mean by
when I say he can be rude, stubborn, malicious, and cold hearted to a fault.
Tia, help me out.
You re coming to the haunted house with us Dum Dum and that s final, she
demanded, giving him her famous death glare. Any objections?
I don t know who the fuck you think you are, but I m...
What did you just say?!
I said, I don t know who the...
Hey guy can t we all just get along? Michael tried reasoning with them. I don t


Similarities Between Roman And Greek Gods
There are many similarities between the Romans and the Greeks such as, how they
worship their gods, their social classes, their arts, and many more.In this paper, I will
be explaining the similarities between the Greek and the Romans.
In both Rome and Greece, the religion was most likely Polytheism or Christianity.
That is, the people that were polytheistic believed in either Roman or Greek gods.
The Roman gods were inspired by the Greek gods, but Greek and Roman
mythology have the same Gods but with different names, because many Roman
Gods are borrowed from Greek mythology. A lot of the stories told about the Roman
gods are somewhat the same as the Greek gods. For example, the story of Jupiter
and his father Saturn is the same as the story of Zeus and his father Cronos. Another
example to prove that this is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That is in Greece, women don t have that much right in the city states and there were
controlled and under the protection of their husband, father, or any male relative
they have in there life. Also, in Greece, women had no part or role in politics,
Instead the women would stay home and raise the kids. In Roman culture, they
allowed their women to get an education, to join the army, and they didn t become
properties of the men the like the Greeks women became.
Another reason way to that Greek and Rome have similar culture is through the
social classes. Social classes are a division of a society based on social and
economic status. In Greece, the society was divided into slaves, freedmen, metics,
citizens, and women. Rome had slaves, freedmen, plebeians, and patricians. In
ancient Greece, it was said that slavery was natural and nessacary. According to
Aristotle, the slave whole day was sum up in three work work, discipline, and
feeding . The reason for why I think that they similar is because of the way they
treated the group


Ducati Tpg
M amp;A (B) Ducati TPG
Question1: On a scale from 0 to 10, we would like to mark it with 2.
TPG is overwhelmingly acting as a financial buyer.
Firstly, picking up Ducati as its target company is quite opportunistic. From the
traditional investment style s point of view, TPG is interested in those companies
that had grown rapidly but still had the corporate structures of very small
companies which caused great stress to the management of the business, and the
assets of their target companies always being considered to be divided in order to
improve the business riping for LBO. Besides, TPG is expecting to add complexity
to the doing the deals and realize fiscal efficiency. Ducati is thus to be an ideal target
from these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this stage we would calculate the required rate of return of the asset, we can get
the required rate of return of the debt in the case (the 9th line, 4th paragraph, Page
9), and assume the debt to equity is 2:1 (the 4th line,3rd paragraph, Page 9) and
equity beta is equal to 1.1, the same as BMW s equity beta (Exhibit 4, Page 16), the
required rate of return of the market can use the Italian equity market data to take
average, and we use Italian Treasury Bond rate as risk free rate. Rd| | 11.25%| Rf| |
8.74%| Rm| | 21.42%| Beta| | 1.1| Re| | 22.69%| Ra| | 15.06%|
3. As we have capital cash flow and required rate of return, we almost can calculate
the firm value of Ducati, but first we should get the growth rate of the company,
since LBO affected the growth rate of first a few years, we just assume the long
term growth would be equal to GDP growth rate. g=8.45% V=PV(CCF1996) +
PV(CCF1997)+......+ PV(CCF2003)+CCF2003Г—(1+g)/[(Ra g)(1+Ra)9]
ETPC=51%E Firm Value| | 414.6908| billion lira| | | | Equity Value| | 134.6908| billion
lira| | | | Equity Value of TPC s shares| | 68.69232| billion lira| =| 44.76236| million
USD| Total Cash paid | | 348.6923| billion lira| =| 227.2203| million USD|
Question 3: How much should TPG be willing to bid? How does this relate to your
answers in questions 1 and 2?
We have the equation to


Process Essay On Owning A Vehicle
When owning a vehicle one of the most important parts of ensuring it s
sustainability to operate at a safe level for an extended period of time, is to make
sure it s taken care up. Due to use, constant wear and tear and age. Vehicles need to
be maintained over time in order to ensure it is safe to sue and will last as long as
possible. As a driver, it is your responsibility to make sure your vehicle is properly
maintained and safe to drive at all times. Proper maintenanceis important to make
sure your vehicle last as long as possible.
One of the most important regular maintenance regimens that should be done right a
vehicle is regular oil changes. Engine oil works by carrying heat away from your
engine while lubricating it as well. Over ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A dirty engine filter can cause a drop in fuel efficiency due to the lack of air flow
to the engine. But most importantly an old and dirty air filter can severely reduce
engine life, by allowing debris to enter the engine and damage it. Engine air filters
should be replaced every year to ensure proper airflow to your engine and even less if
you live is a rural or dusty environment. Most air filters isn t that expensive, with
the average price being anywhere from 15 10 dollars. The air filter is replaced by
opening up the filter box, removing the air filter and slipping the new on into its


Compare And Contrast Renaissance Music And Medieval
The Medieval period began in 500 A.D. and ended in 1450 A.D. During this time in
particular, the Catholic Church had significant influence on how music was used and
created. Sacred music, for example, was most prevalent because of this. Due to the
religious nature of this period, music in the church had to adhere to very specific
regulations, some of which included prayers such as plainchants or Gregorian chants.
A single melody without harmony, or one musical part sung together in unison, is
called a Monophonic melody, which was sung primarily by monks. Some time later,
around 900 A.D., the using of two melodic lines was permitted by the church, this
musicwas called organum. A low, continuous note called a drone, was sung at the
same time as the main melody. The two melodies were often moving in contrasting
motion to each other. By the Late Medieval period, 1100 A.D., the music of the
church had shifted from monophonic to more polyphonic, often two or more varying
parts. The Renaissance period, from 1450 A.D. to 1600 A.D., comprised of two main
types of music, sacred and secular. In comparison with the Medieval period, where
music was usually reserved for church purposes, the Renaissance period allowed
music to expand beyond the church into upper aristocratic society. Sacred music
included motets and mass, while secular included madrigals, instrumental and dance
music. Motets initially came about during the late Medieval period, but grew sizably
during the Renaissance,


The Intervention Plan By Hofstede s Intervention Plan
The Intervention plan, written for the board of directors of Bank X, consists of two
parts. The first part includes a diagnosis of information which define the core issues
that should be addressed, and secondly provide a fitting intervention plan to guide
Bank X into the right direction.
The board presented a set of problems, what we should solve, the most concerning
are the lack of loyalty among the employees and the lack of honesty of the Bank
towards its environment. We used two diagnostic approaches to reach the core of the
problems Bank X faces, the Onion model invented by Hofstede, which help us to
understand the different layers of the culture in the bank and the Behaviour approach
model, which aims to present a clear summary of the behaviour of your colleagues.
The diagnosed core issue, the outcome of the analysis, is related to the organizational
culture of Bank X. This connection ultimately leads to the question: How can the
management of Bank X overcome these cultural oracles concerning their lack of
loyalty, which mainly results because of the high fluctuation, the high risk taking of
the employees and their self interest and on the other hand, the lack of honesty? ...
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These sub issues lead to the following questions:
В· How can the top management of Bank X create motivation amongst all the
different types of employees in the organization towards the change effort?
В· How can the top management of Bank X tailor the goal setting to ensure adequate
measurement of employee contribution while contextual factors are addressed?
В· How can the top management of Bank X enhance the employee


Martin s Argument On Homosexuality
In recent years, Dale Martin has pioneered the idea that Paul did not, in fact,
condemn the practice of homosexuality. Martin argues that Paul was too
defamiliarized with the notion of homosexuality to pass a judgement on it. Thus, the
apostle was neither supporting it, condemning it, or even taking a neutral stance on
it. Paul was, according to Martin, completely oblivious to the concept. While Martin
s case is admittedly compelling, I would assert two major flaws in his argument.
Traditionally, the first chapter of Paul s letter to the Romans has been used as
evidence for New Testament condemnation of homosexuality. Scholars who argue
against homosexual condemnation must interpret men who gave up natural relations
with women and were consumed with passion for one another as being something
other than homosexual. Most commonly, such a scholar claims that Paul was
speaking specifically on the issue of pederasty, not globally on the issue of
homosexuality. This claim falls short when one comes to appreciate how well
understood pederasty was in antiquity. Unlike homosexuality, pederasty was well
defined in Greek thought as a relationship between an adult male (the erastes) and a
younger male (the eromenos). If Paul were really condemning only pederasty, he
certainly would have employed erastes/eromenos rhetoric in doing so. The second
flaw in Martin s claim about Paul is that Martin neglects to acknowledge Paul s
Greek/Jewish duality. Martin, who specializes in the social


Sexism And Its Effect On Society
Sexism in the society Sexism is a situation when people hold a belief which
supports discrimination against one gender. It is the prejudice held by people who
believe that one gender is superior to the other. In some cases, people have a belief
that women are not able to fit in certain careers and perform well in certain subjects.
Sexism manifests itself in different ways. To illustrate, women in some communities
are refrained from politics, military jobs, mathematics, and engineering careers,
among others. For those who get into these careers, they are also treated with less
concern and often given lower responsibilities in the view that they will not perform
as per the expectations. This belief affects the way people treat each other... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This has necessitated their liberation for them to contribute fully to the national
development. The Combahee River Collective statement explores the societal view of
sexism using the gender, class and race lenses. It notes the need for a progressive
society that judges women on their ability to participate in national development
regardless of their race and class.
The sexism views are further expounded by Clarke in her article Lesbianism: An act
of resistance. In concurrence with the Combahee River Collective, Clarke notes that
women are generally oppressed in most of the societies purely on the gender
grounds. The article, Lesbian: Act of Resistance notes that sexism is largely
propagated by the whites that work negatively for them. It hinders them from
achieving their full potential and inputs in national development. Clarke notes that
most societies view women as men properties, their servants and sexual tools. The
relationship appears more of that of slave and master and it leads to women
oppression. Racism and sexism theme is well expounded in this text. The paper calls
for a concerted effort among different players make sure that women are uplifted and
given the right chances and platforms to maximize their potential. Further, the author
establishes that sexism should had been viewed as a natural quality that women are
born with as opposed to grouping them as a weak institution.
In order to understand the effects of sexism in the society, it


A Study On Childhood Cancer
A study was conducted in Sierra Vista, Arizona and Churchill County, Nevada
concerning an increase in childhood cancer cases between the age of 0.8 and 12.8
years old.
Between the two locations, 14 children with Leukemia were chosen to take place in
this study.
The children were compared based off of demographics, urinary and blood levels
tungsten, pesticides, etc.) as well as location of residence compared to the rest of the
Population. Variables were used in the determination of whether or not environmental
was the cause of the increase in cancer related cases among children and to determine
if this was
indeed a cancer cluster. The results indicated that these findings were not a cancer
cluster, but
yet individual cancer cases.
The statistical test that was done for table 3 was the geometric mean in order to
the three groups. This type of test takes the average of a set of numbers. It is derived
by taking
the nth root of the product of n numbers. The geometric means of urinary levels of
tungsten in
Sierra Vista, AZ and Churchill County, NV were compared with the levels in the U.S.
population. The test determined that only 20% of the children in AZ had higher
levels of
tungsten and about half had levels below the national average. The data for Sierra


Vista and
Churchill County are not statistically significant; however, the data for the U.S.
Population is


Sample Case Management Personal Statement
Attn: Graduate Admissions Committee
I am applying to your master s graduate program in behavioral analysis for the fall
of 2016. After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology from University
of Memphis. Since 2010 I ve worked in several capacities within the behavioral
health system. December of 2010 I began working for Case Management Inc. where
I filled in as a Residential Technician at the Peabody House. In an emergency housing
unit for HIV/AIDS positive clients I advocated resources and provided crisis
intervention for six years. Within this capacity a handled an array of responsibilities,
including but not limited to: substance abuse rehabilitation assistance, composing
/receiving resident activity reports, overseeing nightly resident activity, establishing
treatment programs and training new PRN staff. I remained in this capacity until it
became a conflict of interest to my newest employer. June of 2013 I began working
as a Community Counselor for Lakeside Behavioral Health. In this role, until
February 2016. In this role I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I ve always prided myself on my skills of observation and to have a career where
my observation skills can be refined and used in a professional setting is an ideal
situation. Include the fact that I have always wanted to work in the private prison
sector. Seeing that Saint Joseph s University host it s program within its criminal
justice department, makes SJU number one on my list of schools to attend. Within
the criminal justice field I would like to perform behavioral analysis in the prison
system. Through reading and research I believe behavior modification is key to
rehabilitation. Building constructive environments, avoiding the counter control of
applied behavior analysis, as well priming inmates for a life outside of prison with
the necessary skills both socially and professionally are key factors that should be the
point of


Father Paneloux In The Plague
In the beginning of The Plague, Father Paneloux emotes the essence of the knight
of faith. The knight of faith is rooted in the world. He is never stuck questioning
descions; he keeps moving through life. The knight of faith never questions the
bad times in life. The knight of faith stand firm in his beliefs. But to be able to fall
down in such a way that the same second looks as if one were standing and walking
, to transform the leap of life into a walk, absolutely to express the sublime in
pedestrian that only the knight of faith can do. As the plagueprogresses, Father
Paneloux loses the characteristic of the knight of faith. He resigned everything
infinitely, and then grasped everything again by virtue of the absurd. He constantly
makes movement... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Father Paneloux believes the plague is a punishment from God. Through Father
Paneloux first sermon, there is a sense of him being the knight of faith. The first
time this scourge appears in history, it was wielded to strike down the enemies of
God. Pharaoh set himself up against the divine will, and the plague beat him to his
knees. Thus from dawn of recorded history the scourge of God has humble the
proud heart....Ponder This well, my friends and fall to your knees. Father
Paneloux believes strongly in his faith that the plague is there to teach the people a
lesson, either you repent for sins or suffer from the plague. If today the plague is in
your midst that is because the hour has struck for taking thought. The just man need
have no fear, but the evildoer has good cause to tremble. For plague is the flail of
God and the world His threshing floor, and implacably He will thresh out His harvest
until the wheat is separated from the chaff? Father Paneloux is not sitting around
pondering the reasons of the plague; he believe that God is punishing those who have
sinned. At this point in The Plague, Father Paneloux is a knight of


Transculturation In Zulay
Transculturation thus emerges as the key theme of Zulay, frente al siglo XXI.
However, PrelorГЎn does not approach this phenomenon as a purist defender of
traditional indigenous identities, but presents it instead as an intrinsic part of cultural
development. As Mabel reminds Zulay, the OtavaleГ±os have a long history of
forays into other communities and countries for the purpose of trade expansion,
stretching back to Incan times. Many current day OtavaleГ±os are devout Catholics,
but practice that religion alongside animist and shamanist beliefs. Zulay s father
decides to send his children to school in Quito, where they are taught in Spanish and
as Mabel points out with reference to the values and priorities of a national
curriculum; one of Zulay s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sherman finds that Zulay reveals the process of construction and collaboration that
is usually hidden from view and makes it a central issue. What begins as a project
about the Other ends as an extraordinary and evocative film by the self about the
self. While Zulay undoubtedly lays bare the collaborative process of ethnographic
filmmaking, Sherman jumps too quickly to the conclusion that these points of
reflexivity reveal that the primary knowledge gained is of the self. Rivera s film
gives us a very different reading of PrelorГЎn s work, emphasizing the very real
encounters with cultural difference staged in these films and their power to transform
both self and other. It points repeatedly to PrelorГЎn s choice to focus on the
transcultural, that which is shared between cultures, as a point from which an
understanding of cultural difference and a challenge to racial and ethnic prejudice
may begin. Rivera s film about filmmaking, his ethnography at a remove, shifts the
focus from the transcultural and transculturation to interculturalism: from a
recognition of shared human experience and an account of cultural exchange to the
active promotion of dialogue and interaction between different


Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis
Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis
After this, you should be able to:
Calculate and interpret the simple correlation between two variables
Determine whether the correlation is significant Calculate and interpret the simple
linear regression equation for a set of data Understand the assumptions behind
regression analysis Determine whether a regression model is significant
After this, you should be able to:
Calculate and interpret confidence intervals for the regression coefficients Recognize
regression analysis applications for purposes of prediction and description Recognize
some potential problems if regression analysis is used incorrectly Recognize ... Show
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sed to:
Predict the value of a dependent variable based on the value of at least one
independent variable Explain the impact of changes in an independent variable on the
dependent variable
Dependent variable: the variable we wish to explain Independent variable: the
variable used
Simple Linear Regression Model
Only one independent variable, x
Relationship between x and y is described by a linear function
Changes in y are assumed to be caused by changes in x
Types of Regression Models
Positive Linear Relationship Relationship NOT Linear
Negative Linear Relationship
No Relationship
Population Linear Regression
The population regression model:
Population y intercept Dependent Variable


Population Slope Coefficient
Independent Variable
y пЂЅ ОІ0 пЂ« ОІ1x пЂ« Оµ
Linear component
Random Error term, or residual
Random Error component
Linear Regression Assumptions
Error values (Оµ) are statistically independent Error values are normally distributed
for any given value of x
The probability distribution of the errors is normal
The probability distribution of the errors has constant variance The underlying
relationship between the x
Population Linear Regression y Observed Value of y for xi
y пЂЅ ОІ0 пЂ« ОІ1x пЂ« Оµ Оµi (continued)
Slope = ОІ1 Random Error for this x value
Predicted Value of y for xi Intercept = ОІ0
Estimated Regression Model
The sample regression line provides an estimate of the


Detectives Research Papers
A detective is a police officer, whose duty is to detect criminals, by in depth
investigation of cases. When attempting to solve a crime, detectives conduct a
criminal investigation that seeks all the facts about a crime to help determine the
truth: what happened and who is responsible. This involves making a preliminary and
final investigation. A detective#8217;s task is to gather, organize, and use information
about social behavior. To effectively complete that task a detective should possess
certain characteristics: intellectual, psychological, and physical. Studies were
conducted on the importance and efficiency of the criminal investigation system, and
on the need to integrate written policies, and rules. Detectives have many... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A confession is not always necessary, because sometimes enough incriminating
evidence has already been obtained. If there is sufficient evidence or a confession
is obtained, then detectives can arrest the suspect. It is the detective #8217;s job to
present the best possible case to the prosecution. After all this occurs the case is
disposed of. These steps are not always followed in this exact order, and sometimes
steps are eliminated. In conclusion, a detective #8217;s job is basically to clear or
dispose of a case (Bennett, 1981). Detectives, when conducting an investigation,
should first determine whether a crime has been committed. Thus, a detective who is
familiar with the different crimes and their elements (what must occur for an act to be
called a specific type of crime), knows immediately if a crime has actually been
committed. When a detective receives a case, he or she conducts a preliminary
investigation. When establishing a case, a preliminary investigation consists of
different aspects. A detective #8217;s job includes such things as measuring,
photographing, sketching, and searching the crime scene, as well as identifying,
collecting, examining, and processing physical evidence. In addition, a detective
questions victims, witnesses, and suspects. They record all statements and
observations in their notes. All aspects of the preliminary investigation are


Disadvantages Of Science In Mining
Science in Mining
Introduction: There is a lot of physical strengths involved in mining. However, before
people mine any landscape, they need people like: geologists, mathematicians,
biologists, engineers, economists, geographers, and other experts from narrower
areas (mineralogists, geophysicists petrologists) to plan acknowledge all of the
outcomes of their decisions (how mining is going to affect environment: flora fauna,
locals or people living around that area and the land itself).
A: Sciences: There are 2 major types of sciences that mining critically needs: Location
finds/plans/engineers/researches information about chosen area, tells cost/outcomes
/plans of the area.
These are: Geography, Geophysics, Economic Geology, Math.
Extraction extracts/identifies types of rocks/soils, uncovers origin/deformation and
helps to recover the land.
These are: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Mining
Geology, Mining Engineering.
B: Various types of Sciences help in mining of ores minerals.
Geochemistry helps to measure and identify properties/types of minerals in given
Geography provides with a correct location and information about land.
Geophysics provides with information (e.g. temperature maps) about subsurface
characteristics: geological structure, groundwater, impurities human artifacts.
Economic Geology shows the rates/cost of certain metals/minerals, gives predictions
about lifetime of ores and their costs.


The History and Factors Leading to Copernican Revolution
As humans we will always be challenged in our daily lives. When we have a view
on something we may have to fight to prove its validity. Some of us may be able to
do it on our own but many of us will need a helping hand. Nicolaus Copernicus was
this type of man. He developed a theory of a sun centered or heliocentric solar
system that went against the current popular belief of an earth centered or geocentric
solar system. It took many centuries for the world to accept his theory. Kepler,
Galileo and Newton were strong proponents to the Copernican model and continued
to advance his research where they later proved that a heliocentric solar system was a
correct model. Although Copernicus views suffered great backlash, he became the
prime... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tycho Brahe was able to calculate the most accurate measurements available to the
naked eye of planetary motions. Even though they were the most accurate to date, he
was still off by eight arc minutes. An arc minute is one sixtieth of a degree.
Inspired by Brahe s inaccurate measurements, mathematician Johannes Kepler of
Germany tried to continue working with Brahe s calculations but the 8 arc minute
flaw encouraged him keep searching. Kepler was a strong believer in the
Copernican model. He was not convinced though of the circular path. After much
research Kepler proposed an elliptical orbit. Using Brahe s extensive notes he was
able to conclude that an elliptical orbit was in fact correct. Using this he was able to
develop the Three Laws of Planetary motions: The first law states the orbit of every
planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of its focal points; the second states that line
joining the sun and a planet sweeps out at equal areas at every point on its orbit; and
the third equates the time it takes a planet to orbit the sun and the distance from the
sun to the planet. These three laws are still commonly used today.
With the use of the telescope Galileo was able to provide pivotal evidence for the
Copernican Revolution in the early 1600s. Galileo was the first person to use the
telescope for astronomy. He was able discover that the sun rotated on an axis by
observing the motion of sunspots. By this discovery he concluded that it was very
probable that


Chapter Summary Of Spongebob Squarepants Movie
Chapter 1 This chapter was very interesting to me. I feel this way because it opened
my eyes about what I m reading and how I m reading it. For example when Foster
was explaining the story he began talking about a quest. Now when I was reading
the passage, the word quest didn t even pop in my mind. I thought it was just a
regular kid going to the store to get some bread. Now I understand how to pick the
story apart and find a quest within that. He also explained the parts of a quest
which was very helpful for me. It made it that much easier to pick out each part of
what I was reading and be able to analyze it with no problem. I now understand that
you have to dig deeper into the story and you never know what you ll find. My first
example that focuses on the theme of this chapter would be The Spongebob
Squarepants Movie In the movie Spongebob gets turned down from the promotion
of his dreams because Mr.Krabs said he is a kid . However, he still goes on the
adventure to Shell City to stop Mr.Krabs from being executed. He faced many
obstacles in the way. At the end Mr.Krabs realizes he s not a kid after all.


America s First Nuclear Disaster
Sl 1: America s First Nuclear Disaster Describe the Incident and Identify Toxic
Materials On January 3, 1961 at 9:01 PM the United States experienced what any
believe the be the first nuclear reactor accident in world history (Adams, 1996).
The US Army had commissioned a small reactor prototype to be built in the Idaho
desert that surround Idaho Falls. They believed that they were isolated enough
that they could conduct experiments with a small reactor that would mimic the
conditions of the site they wished to have the reactor on while also allowing for a
safety zone for the people in the nearby town. The reactor was a small three rod
affair that did not have the shielding or the safety measures that would come in
response to this accident (Stacy, 2000, 144). For some reason, the center control
rod, possibly for maintenance purposes, was manually lifted approximately 50 cm
(Stacy, 2000, 141). This caused there to be an instant, or prompt, criticality which
caused the reactor to blow up (Stacy, 2000, 141). The reason for this appears to be
that the reactor activated due to the reaction caused by the influx of water, a
moderator, into the system. The reaction rapidly heated the moderator and the
cooling water to steam which expanded in the small containment vessel and caused
the reactor pressure lid to blow off of the vessel (Stacy, 2000, 141). Two of the three
men, who were working inside the reactor compartment, apparently died instantly
from the explosion. The other


Essay Crude Oil
CRUDE OIL For the past month and a half I have researched and followed Crude Oil
prices in order to gain a better understanding of exactly what this commodity is,
how it is traded, how it effects our overall market as well as our everyday lives.
During this time I ve learned the importance of understanding how and why
commodities are traded everyday and will share with you exactly what I have learned
from my research. In 1859 Colonel Drake stuck oil for the first time and became the
first man to create an oil well in which he produced roughly 15 barrels of oil per day.
Once word spread of this discovery you saw many men attempt to accomplish the
same feat and create oil wells of their own. Some of oil s first uses were as a lubricant
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As you can see the United States is the top importer and this is partially responsible
for our trade deficit and our attempt to search for not only a more eco friendly way
to fuel automobiles (a large use of our oil) but also to limit our import. In taking a
look at the contract specifications of trading Crude Oil as a commodity you may
notice it is traded on the NYMEX market and there are certain restrictions on the
minimum and maximum price fluctuations and the trading terms. These all have a
tremendous effect on what the final price is set at each and everyday and are
important to learn when studying this commodity. There are several factors that
can effect the supply and demand for Crude Oil including OPEC and any rules and
regulations they may set for trade, the ever changing inventory of oil as some
countries are experiencing depletion and new countries are finding oil. There is
also the relationship you hold with the country if you are an importer you must
maintain good relations and if you are an exporter the ball is in your court as to
how you decide to trade and also OPEC will often get involved if the country is
involved. In the past month and a half I have seen oil prices stay relatively stable
with some increase in prices during the summer months due to certain factors which
may include summer driving months here in the United States all the way to the
recent declines


The Environment Of The Global Carbon Market
The Global Carbon Market is a vast and ever changing market and an essential part of
it is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). In an effort to mitigate climate
change, the carbon market enables the trading of carbon credits to offset greenhouse
gas emissions. One of the instruments implemented under the Kyoto Protocolwas the
CDM enabling the buying and selling of Certified Emission Reductions (CER s)
between developed and developing countries. The encouraging of sustainable
development in developing countries to offset the emissions in developed countries is
the instruments main purpose. This paper aims to focus on the Clean Development
Mechanismwhile attempting to evaluate the instrument as a tool to mitigate climate
change. To understand the CDM, the origins of the policy tool will be presented
along with a discussion about the instruments used along with the CDM and a brief
case study involving Malaysia and Denmark will be presented as to present the real
world application of the mechanism.
Relation of the CDM to the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol
The preceding four decades have heralded in the awareness of anthropogenic climate
change and along with it, many solutions and ideas were proposed to mitigate the
known negative effects. Much more recently, a common solution has been the
introduction of a policy instrument that sets to regulate the emissions of the largest,
voluminous, industrial polluters. It has been argued that the more effective policies
utilise a


An Investigation Into the Differences Between Retail and...
An investigation into the differences between retail and investment banks
Over the past decades, retail banks have remained the main commercial bank for
consumers, rather than corporations or other banks. The investment bank has become
more popular amongst individuals, corporations and governments which are
interested in raising their profits. Retail banks and investment banks have different
organizational structures and activities. So they have many differences, such as
services, customers and profits. And this report aims to distinguish between the retail
bank and the investment bank in order to identify their specific service areas. Firstly,
the author will review some literature focusing on the definitions. Secondly, the
author will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are also many advantages of the investment banks which usually provide
services for the company. First of all, most of the investment banks are global
company and it can provide services more widely than the retail banks. Such as
Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of
investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management It
reports US$779 billion as assets under its management. Its headquarter located in
Midtown Manhattan , New York City. It has companies in 37 countries with over
1,200 offices, employees dedicated to local businesses, government agencies,
institutions and individuals. So the investment banks can provide the services (such
as trading of derivatives, fixed income instruments, foreign exchange and
commodities) all over the world. Secondly, the revenue of the investment banks
significantly more than profit of other types of banks. If you save your extra money
in the retail banks, you can only get the interest from the rates. But if you sand your
money to the investment banks you can get remarkable returns although it has a high
risk. For example the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American investment bank
and securities. And it provides mergers and acquisitions advice, underwriting services,
asset management, and prime brokerage to its clients, which include corporations,
governments and individuals. Amazingly, the company in US profits reached a


Ruby Morris Essay
H20 Character Personality by Matthew Duran
Ruby Morris, protagonist and titular character of a popular novel written by
Virginia Bergin titled H20 , is a fifteen year old high schooler with a very
interesting personality that changes for the better throughout the novel. In the
beginning of the book, Ruby was a very self centered, rude, selfish and ignorant
girl. She only cared about herself as well as her popularity; she had a stepdad
named Simon which she hated with a passion she never enjoyed talking to him no
matter how hard he tried to bond with her. When it began to rain acid she was
concerned about her boyfriend Caspar but didn t do anything to stop him from
getting himself in danger. When Zak s parents were explaining the rain to ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After Ruby s mom and step brother pass away, she relies on Simon and they finally
get the bonding experience he always wanted. Simon does eventually pass away,
nevertheless they had a good time together and Ruby learned valuable lessons.
Ruby goes to find refuge and find a fellow nerd, which also so happens to be her
classmate, Darius Spratt at first Ruby hated him, but it was required that Darius
and her got along so that Ruby could complete her journey of finding her real dad.
After a few days they split and Ruby becomes very sad, she realizes the importance
of a friend, but she becomes very determined, she would go anywhere to reunite with
her dad, it was her last hope. After a few days she finally found him and she burst
with excitement and now understood that life was more than makeup and her phone,
it was about family and relations with them, it was about others who mattered and
Ruby now understood that. The reader could now infer that Ruby has completely
changed into a brand new person for the better and that her life will forever be
changed with her new


The Regulation Of Cholesterol And Lipid Homeostasis
Table 1: Transgenic mice models involved in biological processes influenced by
cholesterol and their associated effects on male fertility.
Process influenced by cholesterolGene product and genePhenotypeReference
Cholesterol efflux and RCTATP binding cassette
Abca1Lipid accumulation in Sertoli cells
Fertility reduced 21%(Selva et al., 2004)
Cholesterol effluxNiemann Pick C1
Npc1Abnormal sperm morphology
Failed zona pellucida penetration
Decreased sperm count
Defects in epididymal maturation(Fan et al., 2006)
Cholesterol transportApolipoprotein B
ApoBDecreased sperm motility
Failed zona pellucida penetration(Huang et al., 1996)
Cholesterol binding in vitroNieman Pick C2
Npc2Defects in capacitation
Decreased sperm cholesterol
Failed zona pellucida penetration(Busso et al., 2014)
High levels of dietary cholesterol have also been shown to induce post testicular
infertility by the effects on epididymal sperm maturation (Ouvrier et al., 2011). The
regulation of cholesterol and lipid homeostasis in the epididymis via Liver X
Receptors (LXR) is a significant factor in maintaining male fertility.
Cholesterol during sperm maturation in the epididymis
Sperm from the seminiferous tubules of the testis are immotile and unable to fertilize
an oocyte. Epididymal maturation, a process in which severe surface protein and
lipid modifications take place (Caballero et al., 2010). Changes to the sperm plasma
membrane that occur during epididymal transit include


Essay on Should English Be the Official Language of the...
Should English be the Official Language of the United States
ENG 122
April 30, 2012
Should English be the Official Language of the United States The debate on whether
the United States should make English the official language has been raging within
the borders of the country for decades. Several bills have been presented to Congress
over the years, but have stagnated due to the opposition on either side. Though there
would certainly be drawbacks to introducing English as the official language of the
United States, there would also be immeasurable benefit. Not only would an official
language streamline government processes and reduce government spending, it
would also aid the United States by unifying its people. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
English, 1995). The federal government also spends millions of dollars funding the
Immigration and Naturalization Services which is currently required to translate the
citizenship test into multiple languages. In all, U.S. taxpayers shell out $13 billion a
year funding a multi lingual government (U.S. English, 1995).
The laws currently in the books are even being used to squeeze more money out of
the government and businesses. Executive Order 13166, which was signed by
President Clinton and later enforced by President Bush, requires all federal agencies
and recipients of federal funds to provide translation services for non English
speakers. This requirement is at the American tax payer s expense. An Iranian
immigrant in Oklahoma recently used the Executive Order as grounds for complaint
asking the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate the state because it failed
to give the driver s license exam in Farsi (McAlpin, 2008). The U.S. Supreme Court
rejected the argument citing an individual may not sue for foreign language services
by charging discrimination under the nation origin category of the Civil Rights Act.
Even the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Health and
Human Services (HHS) are rallying support for those citizens who do not currently
speak English well or at all. The EEOC is fighting


Analysis Of The Movie The Matrix
Ever since humans have existed, we have tried to understand the deeper meaning of
our surroundings whether that be through deep conversation or scientific research. In
the movie The Matrix , directed by Lana and Lilly Wachowski, the main character,
Neo, goes through an enlightening process of learning about the matrixand eventually
how to use it. He meets Trinity, a person already knowing of the matrix, and she
introduces him to Morpheus. Morpheus tells Neo he is the one and at first he is
confused and doesn t fully understand what this means. He goes through training to
grasp some of the power the matrix has. Throughout the entire movie Neo is
chased by agents who want to use the power he has for evil. Once his training was
finished Morpheus was captured by the agents and Neo goes to save him. It s on
this rescue mission that Neo finally utilizes the full power the matrix truly has. He
dodges bullet and fights with lightning quick speed and it is at this point that he
has become fully enlightened. The opening story in Plato s Allegory of the Cave
start off with a of a group of prisoner chained to look at a wall of shadows. The
prisoners only know of these shadows only and have no clue of what the object
making the shadow really is or what it truly looks like. Plato writes on saying that
if one of the prisoners is drug out of the cave he will be blinded by the light but
eventually he we become used to the light and hopefully use the light for good. Plato
refers to light as


John D Rockefeller Accomplishments
The turn of the century was a progressive era with many advancements in
technology. New industries such as, steel, copper, railroad and meat shipping were
formed. Many great men founded, improved and monopolized these industries. Two
of these people were Andrew Carnegie, the founder of the steel industry and John D.
Rockefeller, who owned a majority of the nation s oil industry. While these men
sometimes achieved their successes through questionable means, they were the pillars
of modern society and they brought us to where we are today.
In order for a person in the 20th century industrial age to become successful, like
John D. Rockefeller, they must have a great eye for opportunity and be vigilant
through the creation of their company. Rockefeller made his massive fortune
mainly through his exploits in the oil industry. As a young boy rockefeller was
already industrious and looking for ways to earn money. The real turning point in
his career was at age 16 when he got a job as an office clerk in cleveland. He
believed that this job is what set him on his course to becoming the wealthiest
industrialist of the 20th century. Less than ten years after his first job in business
Rockefeller and a few of his partners decided to invest in the rapidly growing oil
industry. This was a big move for Rockefeller s career, A careful and studious
businessman who refrained from taking unnecessary risks, Rockefeller sensed an
opportunity in the oil business in the early 1860s (John). This


Wilfred Owen s Dulce Et Decorum Est
Throughout the ages, poetry has played and continues to play a significant part in
the shaping of a generation. It ranges from passionate sonnets of love to the
gruesome realities of life. One such example of harsh realism is Wilfred Owen s
Dulce et Decorum Est. Owen s piece breaks the conventions of early 20th Century
modernism and idealistic war poetry, vividly depicts the traumatizing experiences of
World War I, and employs various poetic devices to further his haunted tone and
overall message of war s cruel truths. In order to fully understand and appreciate
great poetry, one must be acquainted with the poet. Wilfred Owen was born in
Shropshire, England. After being educated at the Technical School in Shrewsbury,
he later taught in France at the Berlitz School of English. It was in France where
Owen became interested in World War I. In 1915, Owen enlisted in the army,
unaware of the effects it would later have on his psychological state and overall
well being. After suffering battle wounds during combat in 1917, Owen was
diagnosed with shell shock more commonly known as post traumatic stress
disorder. Unfortunately, war had made yet another victim of Owen. However, from
the misfortune came a silver lining. As he resided in the Craiglockhart War
Hospital, he met a poet by the name of Siegfried Sassoon. Sassoon pulled Owen
deep into the world of literature, showing him acclaimed works and ...well known
literary figures such as Robert Graves and H.G. Wells


Outcomes From The Second Punic War
Outcomes from the Second Punic War
The second PГєnic war (herein after referred to as, the War ) came to a close in 201
BCE, following ScГpio s victory over HГЎnnibal at the battle of ZГЎma. After
seventeen years of warfare, and at a great loss of life on both sides, Rome defeated
CГЎrthage and came out on top as the new superpower in the MediterrГЎnean
region. The outcome of this war brought consequences to CГЎrthage and created
opportunities for Rome (Morey, 1901).
The Cost to CГЎrthage
CГЎrthage suffered from economic and territorial losses, political corruption and the
loss of autonomy. As the victors, Rome imposed war reparations on CГЎrthage. This
included an annual tribute of two hundred talents (an ancient measurement of
weight) of silver for fifty years. I was curious what this might represent in U.S.
dollars today. My initial research was inconclusive regarding the specific weight of a
talent in today s metric or English measurement systems. Digging deeper, I also came
to learn that it s more difficult to compare present day economic values with ancient
Rome, then with the last few hundred years. Using Chris Butler s suggestion of
sixty six pounds (29.9 Kilograms) per talent, Rome received over a half million
pounds of silver from the CarthagГnians (2007a). However this value might be
calculated, it was a steep penalty.
Following the War, CГЎrthage lost its territorial claims in Spain, Sicily, Sardinia and
Corsica (it was allowed to keep its


Customs And Courtesies Similar To Those Of The United
Customs and Courtesies
Denmark has many customs and courtesies similar to those of the United States.
Danish prefer to be greeted individually with a firm handshake while maintaining a
safe distance. Danish people are always punctual and expect the same of others.
They expect people to do things the right way, insisting on a certain form of
etiquette. Danish do not react positively to loud or boisterous people, so they
typically monitor public behavior closely. Small gifts are accepted in appropriate
circumstances, but the Danish do not focus as much on material values as they do
personal qualities.
The Danish eat three main meals per day including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Breakfast is similar to that in the United States. Adults


Compare How Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen
Communicate the...
Compare how Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen communicate the theme of loss in Out,
Out and Disabled .
In the two poems Out, Out and Disabled , a similar theme of loss is portrayed. Both
of these poems deal with the subject of physical loss, as both protagonists of these
poems experience accidental amputation. Both Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen
manage to captivate their audience s attention, and also a certain degree of sympathy
for the protagonists misfortune. They do this successfully, with the use of common
literary techniques and linguistic skills, such as simile, metaphor, personification,
contrast, and many more literary devices, which range from obvious to very subtle.
Out, Out , written by American poet Robert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Within such a short sentence, the boy s life was simply gone. This use of tripling is
very effective, as it may symbolise a heartbeat, slowly beating away, to its fate. The
dashes further enhance this, as they make the reader pause in the gaps between the
words, making the heartbeats seem further and further apart, and eventually dying
away. Another quote which gives the reader a sense of loss is the final stanzaof the
poem: And they, since they were not the ones dead, turned to their affairs , in line
33 34. This quote, to put into simpler words, means that the people who were
working with this young boy (who happen to be his family), had better things to do
than to care for the death of this young boy, and simply turned away, and got back
to work. This action seems alarmingly heartless, but nevertheless, Frost very
successfully makes the jreaders feel a huge sense of loss. This line once again shows
how meaningless and vulnerable life is.
Written in the 1910s by Wilfred Owen, Disabled is a poem describing the
experience of a young soldier losing his limbs after fighting in World War I. He later
gets discriminated against, and feels isolated and regretful of his naГЇve reason to go
to war. As opposed to Out, Out , Disabled does not have an ambiguous title at all.
The word disabled is


The Bell Jar Research Paper
Sylvia Plath s importance in American history stems from the literary eminence of
her writing, and her works show the rigid conditions of mid twentieth century
women. Plath s significance really comes from the ways in which she opened
doors with her writing that prior to her have never been explored before. She was a
feminist martyr who challenged a patriarchal society. She posed questions that no
one else seemed to be asking about the role that I woman plays in society. Her book
The Bell Jar, displayed a protagonist who struggled with basic questions about sex.
Questions like, if I decide to have sex before marriage am I a bad person? Why can
men have sex with multiple people and women can t? Sylvia Plath is still relevant
today with adolescences.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After researching the end of the book, the recognition of connections of all kinds
became obvious, the electrocution of the Rosenbergs and the shock treatment at
the end of the book have a metaphorical if not a realistic kinship. In the end the
Rosenbergs just meant death to Sylvia Plath. I couldn t help wondering what it
would be like, being burned alive, all along your nerves. The Bell Jar seems to be a
realistic account of her own suicide attempt while she attended Smith University.
Her use of sound, sensation and her poetic ordering of material all connect to the
sensational details of her personal life or more specifically her death. The dark
twist, as strange as it is, is the primary reason why readers find it so fascinating. Plath
s actual biography provides a clear conclusion to the ambiguous ending of The Bell
Jar, where Esther enters her exit interview at the psychiatric institution at which she
has spent months recovering. Thats the temptation at least, to simply place Plath s
life into the novel. However, it isn t certain that just because Plath ended her own life
that the fictional character in The Bell Jar, was intended to mimic that same


How Did F Scott Fitzgerald Succeed In The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired F.
Scott Fitzgerald said this about people he was noticing around him. He considered
himself a pursuer because he always had the dream of becoming a famous writer.
Through the many obstacles he had to get through like the military, academic
probation, and many other personal struggles he endured he never let any of that stop
him from becoming the great writer he was. F. Scott Fitzgeraldbecame a famous
writer due to his early life and education, his writingcareer, and for what he did before
he died.
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul,
Minnesota. At a young age his father got a job with Procter and Gamble in upper
New York which caused them to move quite often. His father lost his job with Procter
and Gambler in 1908, when F. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Paul to live off his mother s inheritance (F. Scott Fitzgerald Biography). Since F.
Scott Fitzgerald was so ambitious and intelligent, at the age of thirteen he attended
St. Paul Academy where he saw his first printed piece of writing. Two years later
he went to a Newman School where he got noticed by a father for his gifted writing
skills. After graduating from the Newman School in 1913, Fitzgerald decided to
stay in New Jersey to continue his artistic development at Princeton University (F.
Scott Fitzgerald Biography). There is where he worked on perfecting his writing
skills, writing musicals, articles, and stories. He started to struggle in different
classes so he dropped out of school to join the U.S. Army. Afraid that he might die in
World War I with his literary dreams unfulfilled, in the weeks before reporting to
duty, Fitzgerald hastily wrote a novel called The Romantic Egotist (F. Scott Fitzgerald
Biography). His novel was


Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton. One of the major flaws with the Copernican system manifested with
the retainment of perfect circular orbits, as theorized by Ptolemy, and even with the
removal of the equant, Copernicus still had to use some epicycles to explain
retrograde. This still left many issues, because this very unnatural movement didn t
make it that much less clunky than Ptolemy s system. Johannes Kepler, with his first
law of planetary motion, provided a solution for this issue. He theorized that planets
actually move in an elliptic orbit, with the sunnot necessarily at the very center of the
ellipse. When taken in account with Copernicus idea of the Earth s rotation, this got
rid of the need for epicycles, and provided a much smoother system. In addition,...
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Firstly, the heliocentric system driven by Copernicus disproved the ideas of two,
powerful, and at the time, most valid sources, the Ancient world and the Catholic
Church. This opened up questioning and curiosity of many other aspects of humanity
in the centuries that followed, and in parallel to this the rejection of the theological
idea that man has dominance in the universe (SECOND GALE SOURCE). This
curiosity led to so many great discoveries across the course of the entire revolution,
from chemistry, to calculus, and even biology. Even though heliocentrismoccurred as
an astronomical endeavor, it by itself influenced the development so many ideas
not just used in astronomy. Newton s laws of physics would never have been
possible if not for the heliocentric system to back it up, and in fact, nearly all of
Kepler s, Newton s, and Galileo s work described above built on Copernicus ideas.
It can also be said that the development of heliocentrism gave rise to modern
scientific method. The mathematical and rigorous approaches to proof all used by
Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus set a bar of quality differed greatly from the very
assumptive and proofless explanations for many phenomena, many set by the
Church or the Bible. The idea of developing an idea slowly, over the course of many
people s lives, while using mathematical proofs is essentially the process that occurs
today when developing important


Racism and Anti-Semitism in the United States
Racism and Anti Semitism in the United States Introduction One question that still
plagues scholars is whether racism and anti Semitism are a continuing problem
within the United States, despite all the efforts made to eradicate them and all the
work done to make everyone equal. Most people in the US today would agree that
equality is closer than it was in the past, but the truth of the matter is that all people
are still not completely equal. There are a disproportionate number of black people
in the prison systems and on welfare, for example, and women who do the same
work as men still do not receive the same salaries. Additionally, there are anti
Semitic groups in the United States that still talk of Hitler and the Nazis as if they
were heroes for what they did in an effort to eradicate the Jewish people. These
groups are not seen on the news often and are not that vocal in most circles, but
they are certainly in existence. It will be argued here that the United States is too
much of a melting pot of different cultures, races, and opinions for there to be true
equality, which means that racism and anti Semitism will always exist in some
degree. Abolishment by the government does not guarantee eradication of an idea
or belief. Racism and Anti Semitism Still Exist During the years since WWII and
the years since slavery has been abolished, there have been changes in the way
people feel about black people, Jewish people, and others. Because that is the case,


Probity Service Providers
The IAMA Practitioner s Certificate in Mediation is offered by nationally attributed
instructors and is conducted Australia wide. The course offer a practice centered
qualification in mediation and contestant who successfully complete the assessment
module may submit an application for accreditation under the National Mediator
Accreditation Scheme through IAMA. With mediation being accepted widely
crosswise the commercial, legal, industry, education and government sectors, a
perceptive of the practical application of mediation techniques is an important and
helpful professional skill.
The program is in 2 modules comprised 4 days of instruction and 2 days of
supervised coaching and assessment. It is also includes coverage of all issues ... Show
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Accreditation procedures for Probity Service Providers are at present under review.
The Course content stated on the official website includes;[ The Institute of
Arbitrators Mediators Australia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from https:/
/www.iama.org.au/events and training/training information]
The probity services environment
Roles and responsibilities of probity services practitioners
General and specialist procurement and similar processes
Specific areas of probity and ethics
Ethical behavior of buyers and suppliers
Probity risk management
Probity issues in contracting, and
Other issues impacting on probity and accountability.
Other than that they also offer training for Professional Certificate in Arbitration. The
Professional Certificate in Arbitration results from a joint venture between the
Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA) and the University of
Adelaide Law School combining expertise to offer high quality education in the field
of Arbitration. Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) at the University of
Adelaide provide administrative management for this special program. The
Professional Certificate in Arbitration is offered nationally and the program provides
knowledge and an appreciation of commercial arbitration and its role within the
Australian legal system. The syllabus covered in the course of Introduction to
Arbitration course by the Adelaide Law School is;[ Content. (2002). Retrieved May
14, 2016, from


Ionic Reactions Lab Essay
Ocean County College Department of Chemistry Ionic Reactions Submitted by
Erin Walsh Date Submitted: July 24, 2013 Date Performed: July 24, 2013 Lab
Section: Chem 181 DL1 Course Instructor: Amal Bassa Purpose To study the nature
of ionic reactions, write balanced equations, and write net ionic equations for
precipitation reactions. Procedure 1. Gather appropriate lab equipment and secure a
safe workspace with open ventilation, away from children and pets. All chemicals
will be combined in the 96 well plate. Don t contaminate end of pipet with other
chemicals. 2. a. Place 2 drops of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
| A6Pink precipitate| A7Blue precipitate| Copper (II) Nitrate| B1Cloudy blue
precipitate| B2Gold precipitate| B3NR| B4NR| B5Cloudy blue precipitate|
B6Cloudy blue precipitate| B7Cloudy blue precipitate| Iron (III) Nitrate| C1Cloudy
yellow precipitate| C2Brown precipitate| C3NR| C4NR| C5yellow| C6Yellow
precipitate| C7Yellow precipitate| Barium Nitrate| D1Pink/white precipitate|
D2NR| D3White precipitate| D4NR| D5White precipitate| D6White precipitate|
D7White precipitate| Nickel (II) Nitrate| E1White Precipitate| E2NR| E3NR|
E4NR| E5Light blue precipitate| E6White precipitate| E7White precipitate| |
Solubility Rules Table| | Negative Ion (Anions)| Positive Ions (Cations)| Solubility of
Compounds| All negative ions are ___ with| Alkali ions (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+)|
Soluble| All negative ions are ___ with| Hydrogen ion H+ (aq)| Soluble| All negative
ions are ___ with| Ammonium ion (NH4+)| Soluble| Nitrate ions (NO3 ) are ___
with| Essentially all| Soluble| Acetate (CH3OO ) ions are ___ with| Essentially all,
except Ag+| Soluble| Chloride (Cl )Bromide (Br )Iodide (I )| Ag+, Pb2+, Hg22+,
Cu+, Ti+All others| Low solubiltySoluble| Sulfate (SO42 )| Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Pb2+,
Ra2+All others| Low solubilitySoluble| Sulfide (S2 )| Alkali ions H+ (aq), NH4+,
Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Ra2+All others| SolubleLow solubility| Hydroxide
(OH )| Alkali Ions, H+ (aq), NH4+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Ra2+,


Auguste Rodin
The concept of Art is one so traditional and culturally ingrained, that it s meaning
and purpose is often simply presumed. Yet, certainly more as of late, the question
has been asked, what Art really is. There are numerous technicalities, and fields so
extensive as to be unable to ever explore every trade in Art, but what is clear is that
Art stays unchanged in that it always remains an ever changing form of
expression. In 1840 a man named Auguste Rodin was born in France, who later
became a renowned sculptor. Rodin s used various mediums such as clay and
bronze and his pieces often take on the human form. Rodin uses his skill in sculpting
to twist the bodies and pull muscles, which results in very dynamic pieces. His
frozen figures contorted faces bleed their emotions, and the context behind their pose
and mien, tells an animated tale. Rodin was known as a man breaking new ground in
the concept of Art in that era, but once again Art has changed from what it was in his
time.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Compared to Rodin, Weiwei s mediums are far more extensive and usually rather
miscellaneous. His forms have yet to take the human form, instead Weiwei create
objects and shapes. To the average viewer a majority of his sculptures and
installations are a unification of a particular repeated item with no seeming context
or deeper meaning. It can be seen as time passes that currently Art is changing yet
again. Artist appear to be moving further from the human form, and a
understandable sense of significance and moving more towards striping a piece to
its central core and having appreciation of the process, medium, or form of the piece
itself. Artist s today ask, What is Art ? , however I find the more intriguing question
to be, to where shall Art take us


Classification of Dangerous Goods in the Shipping Industry
This project was done in an effort to elaborate of the use of containers for the
stowage of dangerous goods as well as the impacts it has. As well as how the
International conventions, International Policies and Protocol for transporting
dangerous goods are taking into consideration. Throughout this assignment, the main
conventions will be examined and focused on such as MARPOL and SOLAS as well
as policies established that deals with the transportation al Dangerous cargo that was
established and enforced by the IMO (International Maritime Organization). There is
also a list of dangerous goods and their classification that are mentioned by the UN
(United Nation). Also giving the different classification of dangerous goods as ...
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Special software called Terminal Operating Systems (TOS) is used to assist in the
loading of dangerous goods. The planner inserts into the system, however the
software may or may not be able to properly stow cargo by means of checking for bad
stowage amp; segregation against the latest international requirements. It is highly
recommended to check stowage manually and by human perception for compliance.
According to the IMDG code, segregation requirements of the other local/national
regulations must be strictly adhered to. A key requirement for planners that to
recognize that he have knowledge that dangerous goods that are classified within to
the same class may have segregation requirements amongst them in terms of gases,
liquids and solid dangerous goods. (Ships Business, 2010)
When these DG s are loaded onto a ship, specific set of information about the said
good must be gathered, assessed and communicated to all relevant authorities with
observation and acknowledgement of the DG s type, composition and its flash factor
which is the temperature that is deemed combustible. By doing this, the authorities
and handlers know which type of good are being handled, how the good can be
contained when contamination or leakage occurs. With this, proper actions and
procedures can be performed for occurrences such accidents involving dangerous
goods while being transported and storing on the ship. This


Animal Farm By Vladimir Lenin
The novel Animal Farm is about a group of animals who rebel against the ranch
owner and take over the ranch. However, once the animals were at last all equal,
the pigs started to gradually make the farm a dictatorship by deceiving the other
animals. The point where the free farm became just as atrocious as the original was
when the pigs begun to walk on two legs, which was incredibly allegorical of the
pigs becoming the evil humans that they swore never to become. Overall, the whole
story was a metaphor of the Russian Revolution. Much like it occurred in Animal
Farm, the visions of a better future dreamed about by Vladimir Lenindo not transpire.
The philosophical goals and outcomes of communist societies are drastically
incongruent because humankind is avaricious. Once absolute power is given to a
person that does not genuinely believe in the purpose, that person often becomes
corrupt. In the case of Animal Farm, the pigs started to relish the luxuries of humans
and kept wanting more. To entirely understand why the philosophical goals and
outcomes of communist societies are drastically different, one must first understand
the reasons for the original development of socialist and communist philosophy in
Europe, the events that were impetus behind fundamental change in Russia, and the
social, political, economic, and cultural factors which cause the practices of newly
formed political systems to deviate from purist philosophy. The reasons for the
original development of


Who Is The Antagonist In The Wizard Of Oz
The Wizard of Oz is a movie about a girl who wants more then the life she has in
Kansas. The Protagonist is Dorothy, the antoagonist is the wicked witch, and the
conflict was person versus person. The protagonist of the Wizard of Oz was Dorothy.
First of all, in the text it said that Dorothy was the person going through change. At
first she was wanting to leave Kansa because she wanted more than her life now had
to offer but throughout the book she changed and all she wanted was her regular life
back. The antagonist was the wicked witch. The text states Dorothy was attacked by
the wicked witch, which hinders her from getting home. The definition of antagonist
is someon etht hinders the protagonist from solving the main problem/the force


Parachute Rigger History
A combination of both active duty and retired Parachute Riggers packed the Fleet
Readiness Center (FRC) Paraloft Building 1403 at the Patuxent River Naval Station
on Thursday, Sep. 07 at 11 a.m. to mark the 75th Diamond Anniversary of the
Aircrew Survival Equipmentmen or Parachute Rigger (PR) rating. The celebration
was to commemorate 75 years of the established Parachute Rigger rating set for
September 2017; and it included the photographing of PRs in line from youngest to
oldest on 81A Packing Deck, a cake cutting by the oldest and youngest PR, and the
sharing of sea stories. Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 1st Class Thiwa
Thipkhosithkun Tip , who addressed the celebration s attendees, gave a brief history
of the rating s evolution.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The whole reason for changing the title from Parachute Riggers was to provide a
more realistic description of the types of duties that PRs actually maintain. The
Parachute Rigger (PR) rating, which came to fruition in 1942 to satisfy World War II
parachute survival regulations, initially included the general service rating with
career ascendancy from striker level status through Chief Parachute Rigger (PRC)
status. Presently, service members are not permitted to strike for PR due to safety
concerns. Instead, they are required to attend technical schools that help them gain
the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve designation in this


How To Tie A Barbell
Different exercises vary on everything from the range of motion, the amount of
weight moved, and stress put on the body. A exercise or movement can occur using
one joint, two joints, three joints, etc. One exercise that is mainly a strength exercise
rather than a hypertrophy exercise would be for example the hang clean and jerk.
Many athletes use this exercisefor upper and lower body strength. From the starting
position the barbell with weights on each side is at rest on the ground and by the end
of the movement the barbell should be straight above your head with your arms
straight up. There are a few tips that you should know when performing this exercise
for maximal strength purposes and most importantly safety. For starters, when lifting
the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most of the time when athletes are performing this exercise the weight being
moved is extremely high and heavy for example anywhere for 150 pound to 400
pounds. Nobody can really just use pure strength to move that kind of weight above
their body. Momentum is your best friend which is gonna help you finish this
exercise along with the ability of your strength obviously. To finish the lift you will
bend at your knees again not to where you squat all the way down but to where you
can feel yourself building up enough momentum to jerk the weight up above you.
Finally you should stomp your feet against the floor to finish the momentum jerk
press portion of this lift. Now the lift is complete and the barbell should be high
above your body and with the lift safely performed. This exercise will help with lower
body strength with the squating motion and upper body strength with the getting
under the bar part. This builds core strength and pressing strength which is
outstanding for athletes in many sports such as football, wrestling, baseball, boxing,
etc. The best athlete has great strenght all around his or her

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  • 7. What My Hard Work Has Shown Me What My Hard Work Has Shown Me The beat of my heart thumps harder by the second as my high school volleyball coach announces at the 2016 end of the year banquet, that their is one Honorable Mention and one All Conference award within the Wright County. After playing volleyball for eight years as a setter, assisting 1,134 kills (with my two and a half years on varsity), and receiving Heart Beat of the TeamAward, mentally and physically I knew there might be a chance I had a shot at getting one of the two awards. However my hardworking, and valuable teammates are just as talented. Captain, starting libero, and MVP Skyler Wallisch can get low and pick up anything. She s my right hand as a setter, I can rely on her to get the first pass up to me. She is a very important player and has different colored jersey to signify her position as a libero on the court. Also Co Captain Ashley Fuhrmann has a good chance at getting one of the awards. She can jump really high for her height, and swing fast. Many of my assists came from her. The Honorable Mention Award is given to a player whose name was brought up, and signified as a valuable athlete in a meeting held with all the Wright County volleyball coaches. The All Conference Award is handed out to six players out of the entire Wright County Volleyball District (East and West, consisting of fourteen teams) whom the volleyball coaches believe would make the best team in the Wright County. Coach Ogara leans into the microphone
  • 8. A Book Report On The Movie Nope Essay Two and a half months ago, faith brought me to face with a guy who I used to consider horrible boyfriend material. He came off as rude, stubborn, malicious, and cold hearted to a fault. And that s just the start of a long list of his horrible characteristics. But somehow, and to my surprise, I ended up falling for this guy. Now all I have to do is tell him and figure out if he feels the same about me. Easier said than done. Come on, Tre I begged, wanting him to severely come to the haunted house with Tia, Michael, Mike, Naomi and me. We were in Mrs. Sorun s Relationship Development I class at the time, doing what we usually do. Nothing. I know you can make some spare time on your normal, non busy Saturday to join us. Nope, he denied for the seventh time. He was lying down on the table, with his typical left earbud in, trying to get some sleep in before our next class. I told you already, I hate being involved in your little group activities, which by the way be boring as hell, and wish you would stop including me in them. See what I mean by when I say he can be rude, stubborn, malicious, and cold hearted to a fault. Tia, help me out. You re coming to the haunted house with us Dum Dum and that s final, she demanded, giving him her famous death glare. Any objections? I don t know who the fuck you think you are, but I m... What did you just say?! I said, I don t know who the... Hey guy can t we all just get along? Michael tried reasoning with them. I don t
  • 9. Similarities Between Roman And Greek Gods There are many similarities between the Romans and the Greeks such as, how they worship their gods, their social classes, their arts, and many more.In this paper, I will be explaining the similarities between the Greek and the Romans. In both Rome and Greece, the religion was most likely Polytheism or Christianity. That is, the people that were polytheistic believed in either Roman or Greek gods. The Roman gods were inspired by the Greek gods, but Greek and Roman mythology have the same Gods but with different names, because many Roman Gods are borrowed from Greek mythology. A lot of the stories told about the Roman gods are somewhat the same as the Greek gods. For example, the story of Jupiter and his father Saturn is the same as the story of Zeus and his father Cronos. Another example to prove that this is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That is in Greece, women don t have that much right in the city states and there were controlled and under the protection of their husband, father, or any male relative they have in there life. Also, in Greece, women had no part or role in politics, Instead the women would stay home and raise the kids. In Roman culture, they allowed their women to get an education, to join the army, and they didn t become properties of the men the like the Greeks women became. Another reason way to that Greek and Rome have similar culture is through the social classes. Social classes are a division of a society based on social and economic status. In Greece, the society was divided into slaves, freedmen, metics, citizens, and women. Rome had slaves, freedmen, plebeians, and patricians. In ancient Greece, it was said that slavery was natural and nessacary. According to Aristotle, the slave whole day was sum up in three work work, discipline, and feeding . The reason for why I think that they similar is because of the way they treated the group
  • 10. Ducati Tpg M amp;A (B) Ducati TPG Question1: On a scale from 0 to 10, we would like to mark it with 2. Answer: TPG is overwhelmingly acting as a financial buyer. Firstly, picking up Ducati as its target company is quite opportunistic. From the traditional investment style s point of view, TPG is interested in those companies that had grown rapidly but still had the corporate structures of very small companies which caused great stress to the management of the business, and the assets of their target companies always being considered to be divided in order to improve the business riping for LBO. Besides, TPG is expecting to add complexity to the doing the deals and realize fiscal efficiency. Ducati is thus to be an ideal target from these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this stage we would calculate the required rate of return of the asset, we can get the required rate of return of the debt in the case (the 9th line, 4th paragraph, Page 9), and assume the debt to equity is 2:1 (the 4th line,3rd paragraph, Page 9) and equity beta is equal to 1.1, the same as BMW s equity beta (Exhibit 4, Page 16), the required rate of return of the market can use the Italian equity market data to take average, and we use Italian Treasury Bond rate as risk free rate. Rd| | 11.25%| Rf| | 8.74%| Rm| | 21.42%| Beta| | 1.1| Re| | 22.69%| Ra| | 15.06%| 3. As we have capital cash flow and required rate of return, we almost can calculate the firm value of Ducati, but first we should get the growth rate of the company, since LBO affected the growth rate of first a few years, we just assume the long term growth would be equal to GDP growth rate. g=8.45% V=PV(CCF1996) + PV(CCF1997)+......+ PV(CCF2003)+CCF2003Г—(1+g)/[(Ra g)(1+Ra)9] E=V D ETPC=51%E Firm Value| | 414.6908| billion lira| | | | Equity Value| | 134.6908| billion lira| | | | Equity Value of TPC s shares| | 68.69232| billion lira| =| 44.76236| million USD| Total Cash paid | | 348.6923| billion lira| =| 227.2203| million USD| Question 3: How much should TPG be willing to bid? How does this relate to your answers in questions 1 and 2? Answer: We have the equation to
  • 11. Process Essay On Owning A Vehicle When owning a vehicle one of the most important parts of ensuring it s sustainability to operate at a safe level for an extended period of time, is to make sure it s taken care up. Due to use, constant wear and tear and age. Vehicles need to be maintained over time in order to ensure it is safe to sue and will last as long as possible. As a driver, it is your responsibility to make sure your vehicle is properly maintained and safe to drive at all times. Proper maintenanceis important to make sure your vehicle last as long as possible. One of the most important regular maintenance regimens that should be done right a vehicle is regular oil changes. Engine oil works by carrying heat away from your engine while lubricating it as well. Over ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A dirty engine filter can cause a drop in fuel efficiency due to the lack of air flow to the engine. But most importantly an old and dirty air filter can severely reduce engine life, by allowing debris to enter the engine and damage it. Engine air filters should be replaced every year to ensure proper airflow to your engine and even less if you live is a rural or dusty environment. Most air filters isn t that expensive, with the average price being anywhere from 15 10 dollars. The air filter is replaced by opening up the filter box, removing the air filter and slipping the new on into its
  • 12. Compare And Contrast Renaissance Music And Medieval Music The Medieval period began in 500 A.D. and ended in 1450 A.D. During this time in particular, the Catholic Church had significant influence on how music was used and created. Sacred music, for example, was most prevalent because of this. Due to the religious nature of this period, music in the church had to adhere to very specific regulations, some of which included prayers such as plainchants or Gregorian chants. A single melody without harmony, or one musical part sung together in unison, is called a Monophonic melody, which was sung primarily by monks. Some time later, around 900 A.D., the using of two melodic lines was permitted by the church, this musicwas called organum. A low, continuous note called a drone, was sung at the same time as the main melody. The two melodies were often moving in contrasting motion to each other. By the Late Medieval period, 1100 A.D., the music of the church had shifted from monophonic to more polyphonic, often two or more varying parts. The Renaissance period, from 1450 A.D. to 1600 A.D., comprised of two main types of music, sacred and secular. In comparison with the Medieval period, where music was usually reserved for church purposes, the Renaissance period allowed music to expand beyond the church into upper aristocratic society. Sacred music included motets and mass, while secular included madrigals, instrumental and dance music. Motets initially came about during the late Medieval period, but grew sizably during the Renaissance,
  • 13. The Intervention Plan By Hofstede s Intervention Plan The Intervention plan, written for the board of directors of Bank X, consists of two parts. The first part includes a diagnosis of information which define the core issues that should be addressed, and secondly provide a fitting intervention plan to guide Bank X into the right direction. The board presented a set of problems, what we should solve, the most concerning are the lack of loyalty among the employees and the lack of honesty of the Bank towards its environment. We used two diagnostic approaches to reach the core of the problems Bank X faces, the Onion model invented by Hofstede, which help us to understand the different layers of the culture in the bank and the Behaviour approach model, which aims to present a clear summary of the behaviour of your colleagues. The diagnosed core issue, the outcome of the analysis, is related to the organizational culture of Bank X. This connection ultimately leads to the question: How can the management of Bank X overcome these cultural oracles concerning their lack of loyalty, which mainly results because of the high fluctuation, the high risk taking of the employees and their self interest and on the other hand, the lack of honesty? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These sub issues lead to the following questions: В· How can the top management of Bank X create motivation amongst all the different types of employees in the organization towards the change effort? В· How can the top management of Bank X tailor the goal setting to ensure adequate measurement of employee contribution while contextual factors are addressed? В· How can the top management of Bank X enhance the employee
  • 14. Martin s Argument On Homosexuality In recent years, Dale Martin has pioneered the idea that Paul did not, in fact, condemn the practice of homosexuality. Martin argues that Paul was too defamiliarized with the notion of homosexuality to pass a judgement on it. Thus, the apostle was neither supporting it, condemning it, or even taking a neutral stance on it. Paul was, according to Martin, completely oblivious to the concept. While Martin s case is admittedly compelling, I would assert two major flaws in his argument. Traditionally, the first chapter of Paul s letter to the Romans has been used as evidence for New Testament condemnation of homosexuality. Scholars who argue against homosexual condemnation must interpret men who gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another as being something other than homosexual. Most commonly, such a scholar claims that Paul was speaking specifically on the issue of pederasty, not globally on the issue of homosexuality. This claim falls short when one comes to appreciate how well understood pederasty was in antiquity. Unlike homosexuality, pederasty was well defined in Greek thought as a relationship between an adult male (the erastes) and a younger male (the eromenos). If Paul were really condemning only pederasty, he certainly would have employed erastes/eromenos rhetoric in doing so. The second flaw in Martin s claim about Paul is that Martin neglects to acknowledge Paul s Greek/Jewish duality. Martin, who specializes in the social
  • 15. Sexism And Its Effect On Society Sexism in the society Sexism is a situation when people hold a belief which supports discrimination against one gender. It is the prejudice held by people who believe that one gender is superior to the other. In some cases, people have a belief that women are not able to fit in certain careers and perform well in certain subjects. Sexism manifests itself in different ways. To illustrate, women in some communities are refrained from politics, military jobs, mathematics, and engineering careers, among others. For those who get into these careers, they are also treated with less concern and often given lower responsibilities in the view that they will not perform as per the expectations. This belief affects the way people treat each other... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This has necessitated their liberation for them to contribute fully to the national development. The Combahee River Collective statement explores the societal view of sexism using the gender, class and race lenses. It notes the need for a progressive society that judges women on their ability to participate in national development regardless of their race and class. The sexism views are further expounded by Clarke in her article Lesbianism: An act of resistance. In concurrence with the Combahee River Collective, Clarke notes that women are generally oppressed in most of the societies purely on the gender grounds. The article, Lesbian: Act of Resistance notes that sexism is largely propagated by the whites that work negatively for them. It hinders them from achieving their full potential and inputs in national development. Clarke notes that most societies view women as men properties, their servants and sexual tools. The relationship appears more of that of slave and master and it leads to women oppression. Racism and sexism theme is well expounded in this text. The paper calls for a concerted effort among different players make sure that women are uplifted and given the right chances and platforms to maximize their potential. Further, the author establishes that sexism should had been viewed as a natural quality that women are born with as opposed to grouping them as a weak institution. In order to understand the effects of sexism in the society, it
  • 16. A Study On Childhood Cancer Background A study was conducted in Sierra Vista, Arizona and Churchill County, Nevada concerning an increase in childhood cancer cases between the age of 0.8 and 12.8 years old. Between the two locations, 14 children with Leukemia were chosen to take place in this study. The children were compared based off of demographics, urinary and blood levels (metals, tungsten, pesticides, etc.) as well as location of residence compared to the rest of the U.S. Population. Variables were used in the determination of whether or not environmental exposure was the cause of the increase in cancer related cases among children and to determine if this was indeed a cancer cluster. The results indicated that these findings were not a cancer cluster, but yet individual cancer cases. Discussion The statistical test that was done for table 3 was the geometric mean in order to compare the three groups. This type of test takes the average of a set of numbers. It is derived by taking the nth root of the product of n numbers. The geometric means of urinary levels of tungsten in Sierra Vista, AZ and Churchill County, NV were compared with the levels in the U.S. population. The test determined that only 20% of the children in AZ had higher levels of tungsten and about half had levels below the national average. The data for Sierra
  • 17. Vista and Churchill County are not statistically significant; however, the data for the U.S. Population is statistically
  • 18. Sample Case Management Personal Statement Attn: Graduate Admissions Committee I am applying to your master s graduate program in behavioral analysis for the fall of 2016. After completing my undergraduate degree in psychology from University of Memphis. Since 2010 I ve worked in several capacities within the behavioral health system. December of 2010 I began working for Case Management Inc. where I filled in as a Residential Technician at the Peabody House. In an emergency housing unit for HIV/AIDS positive clients I advocated resources and provided crisis intervention for six years. Within this capacity a handled an array of responsibilities, including but not limited to: substance abuse rehabilitation assistance, composing /receiving resident activity reports, overseeing nightly resident activity, establishing treatment programs and training new PRN staff. I remained in this capacity until it became a conflict of interest to my newest employer. June of 2013 I began working as a Community Counselor for Lakeside Behavioral Health. In this role, until February 2016. In this role I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I ve always prided myself on my skills of observation and to have a career where my observation skills can be refined and used in a professional setting is an ideal situation. Include the fact that I have always wanted to work in the private prison sector. Seeing that Saint Joseph s University host it s program within its criminal justice department, makes SJU number one on my list of schools to attend. Within the criminal justice field I would like to perform behavioral analysis in the prison system. Through reading and research I believe behavior modification is key to rehabilitation. Building constructive environments, avoiding the counter control of applied behavior analysis, as well priming inmates for a life outside of prison with the necessary skills both socially and professionally are key factors that should be the point of
  • 19. Father Paneloux In The Plague In the beginning of The Plague, Father Paneloux emotes the essence of the knight of faith. The knight of faith is rooted in the world. He is never stuck questioning descions; he keeps moving through life. The knight of faith never questions the bad times in life. The knight of faith stand firm in his beliefs. But to be able to fall down in such a way that the same second looks as if one were standing and walking , to transform the leap of life into a walk, absolutely to express the sublime in pedestrian that only the knight of faith can do. As the plagueprogresses, Father Paneloux loses the characteristic of the knight of faith. He resigned everything infinitely, and then grasped everything again by virtue of the absurd. He constantly makes movement... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Father Paneloux believes the plague is a punishment from God. Through Father Paneloux first sermon, there is a sense of him being the knight of faith. The first time this scourge appears in history, it was wielded to strike down the enemies of God. Pharaoh set himself up against the divine will, and the plague beat him to his knees. Thus from dawn of recorded history the scourge of God has humble the proud heart....Ponder This well, my friends and fall to your knees. Father Paneloux believes strongly in his faith that the plague is there to teach the people a lesson, either you repent for sins or suffer from the plague. If today the plague is in your midst that is because the hour has struck for taking thought. The just man need have no fear, but the evildoer has good cause to tremble. For plague is the flail of God and the world His threshing floor, and implacably He will thresh out His harvest until the wheat is separated from the chaff? Father Paneloux is not sitting around pondering the reasons of the plague; he believe that God is punishing those who have sinned. At this point in The Plague, Father Paneloux is a knight of
  • 20. Transculturation In Zulay Transculturation thus emerges as the key theme of Zulay, frente al siglo XXI. However, PrelorГЎn does not approach this phenomenon as a purist defender of traditional indigenous identities, but presents it instead as an intrinsic part of cultural development. As Mabel reminds Zulay, the OtavaleГ±os have a long history of forays into other communities and countries for the purpose of trade expansion, stretching back to Incan times. Many current day OtavaleГ±os are devout Catholics, but practice that religion alongside animist and shamanist beliefs. Zulay s father decides to send his children to school in Quito, where they are taught in Spanish and as Mabel points out with reference to the values and priorities of a national curriculum; one of Zulay s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sherman finds that Zulay reveals the process of construction and collaboration that is usually hidden from view and makes it a central issue. What begins as a project about the Other ends as an extraordinary and evocative film by the self about the self. While Zulay undoubtedly lays bare the collaborative process of ethnographic filmmaking, Sherman jumps too quickly to the conclusion that these points of reflexivity reveal that the primary knowledge gained is of the self. Rivera s film gives us a very different reading of PrelorГЎn s work, emphasizing the very real encounters with cultural difference staged in these films and their power to transform both self and other. It points repeatedly to PrelorГЎn s choice to focus on the transcultural, that which is shared between cultures, as a point from which an understanding of cultural difference and a challenge to racial and ethnic prejudice may begin. Rivera s film about filmmaking, his ethnography at a remove, shifts the focus from the transcultural and transculturation to interculturalism: from a recognition of shared human experience and an account of cultural exchange to the active promotion of dialogue and interaction between different
  • 21. Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis Goals After this, you should be able to: Calculate and interpret the simple correlation between two variables Determine whether the correlation is significant Calculate and interpret the simple linear regression equation for a set of data Understand the assumptions behind regression analysis Determine whether a regression model is significant Goals (continued) After this, you should be able to: Calculate and interpret confidence intervals for the regression coefficients Recognize regression analysis applications for purposes of prediction and description Recognize some potential problems if regression analysis is used incorrectly Recognize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... sed to: Predict the value of a dependent variable based on the value of at least one independent variable Explain the impact of changes in an independent variable on the dependent variable Dependent variable: the variable we wish to explain Independent variable: the variable used Simple Linear Regression Model Only one independent variable, x Relationship between x and y is described by a linear function Changes in y are assumed to be caused by changes in x Types of Regression Models Positive Linear Relationship Relationship NOT Linear Negative Linear Relationship No Relationship Population Linear Regression The population regression model: Population y intercept Dependent Variable
  • 22. Population Slope Coefficient Independent Variable y пЂЅ ОІ0 пЂ« ОІ1x пЂ« Оµ Linear component Random Error term, or residual Random Error component Linear Regression Assumptions Error values (Оµ) are statistically independent Error values are normally distributed for any given value of x The probability distribution of the errors is normal The probability distribution of the errors has constant variance The underlying relationship between the x Population Linear Regression y Observed Value of y for xi y пЂЅ ОІ0 пЂ« ОІ1x пЂ« Оµ Оµi (continued) Slope = ОІ1 Random Error for this x value Predicted Value of y for xi Intercept = ОІ0 xi x Estimated Regression Model The sample regression line provides an estimate of the
  • 23. Detectives Research Papers A detective is a police officer, whose duty is to detect criminals, by in depth investigation of cases. When attempting to solve a crime, detectives conduct a criminal investigation that seeks all the facts about a crime to help determine the truth: what happened and who is responsible. This involves making a preliminary and final investigation. A detective#8217;s task is to gather, organize, and use information about social behavior. To effectively complete that task a detective should possess certain characteristics: intellectual, psychological, and physical. Studies were conducted on the importance and efficiency of the criminal investigation system, and on the need to integrate written policies, and rules. Detectives have many... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A confession is not always necessary, because sometimes enough incriminating evidence has already been obtained. If there is sufficient evidence or a confession is obtained, then detectives can arrest the suspect. It is the detective #8217;s job to present the best possible case to the prosecution. After all this occurs the case is disposed of. These steps are not always followed in this exact order, and sometimes steps are eliminated. In conclusion, a detective #8217;s job is basically to clear or dispose of a case (Bennett, 1981). Detectives, when conducting an investigation, should first determine whether a crime has been committed. Thus, a detective who is familiar with the different crimes and their elements (what must occur for an act to be called a specific type of crime), knows immediately if a crime has actually been committed. When a detective receives a case, he or she conducts a preliminary investigation. When establishing a case, a preliminary investigation consists of different aspects. A detective #8217;s job includes such things as measuring, photographing, sketching, and searching the crime scene, as well as identifying, collecting, examining, and processing physical evidence. In addition, a detective questions victims, witnesses, and suspects. They record all statements and observations in their notes. All aspects of the preliminary investigation are
  • 24. Disadvantages Of Science In Mining Science in Mining Introduction: There is a lot of physical strengths involved in mining. However, before people mine any landscape, they need people like: geologists, mathematicians, biologists, engineers, economists, geographers, and other experts from narrower areas (mineralogists, geophysicists petrologists) to plan acknowledge all of the outcomes of their decisions (how mining is going to affect environment: flora fauna, locals or people living around that area and the land itself). A: Sciences: There are 2 major types of sciences that mining critically needs: Location finds/plans/engineers/researches information about chosen area, tells cost/outcomes /plans of the area. These are: Geography, Geophysics, Economic Geology, Math. Extraction extracts/identifies types of rocks/soils, uncovers origin/deformation and helps to recover the land. These are: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Mining Geology, Mining Engineering. B: Various types of Sciences help in mining of ores minerals. Geochemistry helps to measure and identify properties/types of minerals in given environment. Geography provides with a correct location and information about land. Geophysics provides with information (e.g. temperature maps) about subsurface characteristics: geological structure, groundwater, impurities human artifacts. Economic Geology shows the rates/cost of certain metals/minerals, gives predictions about lifetime of ores and their costs.
  • 25. The History and Factors Leading to Copernican Revolution As humans we will always be challenged in our daily lives. When we have a view on something we may have to fight to prove its validity. Some of us may be able to do it on our own but many of us will need a helping hand. Nicolaus Copernicus was this type of man. He developed a theory of a sun centered or heliocentric solar system that went against the current popular belief of an earth centered or geocentric solar system. It took many centuries for the world to accept his theory. Kepler, Galileo and Newton were strong proponents to the Copernican model and continued to advance his research where they later proved that a heliocentric solar system was a correct model. Although Copernicus views suffered great backlash, he became the prime... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tycho Brahe was able to calculate the most accurate measurements available to the naked eye of planetary motions. Even though they were the most accurate to date, he was still off by eight arc minutes. An arc minute is one sixtieth of a degree. Inspired by Brahe s inaccurate measurements, mathematician Johannes Kepler of Germany tried to continue working with Brahe s calculations but the 8 arc minute flaw encouraged him keep searching. Kepler was a strong believer in the Copernican model. He was not convinced though of the circular path. After much research Kepler proposed an elliptical orbit. Using Brahe s extensive notes he was able to conclude that an elliptical orbit was in fact correct. Using this he was able to develop the Three Laws of Planetary motions: The first law states the orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of its focal points; the second states that line joining the sun and a planet sweeps out at equal areas at every point on its orbit; and the third equates the time it takes a planet to orbit the sun and the distance from the sun to the planet. These three laws are still commonly used today. With the use of the telescope Galileo was able to provide pivotal evidence for the Copernican Revolution in the early 1600s. Galileo was the first person to use the telescope for astronomy. He was able discover that the sun rotated on an axis by observing the motion of sunspots. By this discovery he concluded that it was very probable that
  • 26. Chapter Summary Of Spongebob Squarepants Movie Chapter 1 This chapter was very interesting to me. I feel this way because it opened my eyes about what I m reading and how I m reading it. For example when Foster was explaining the story he began talking about a quest. Now when I was reading the passage, the word quest didn t even pop in my mind. I thought it was just a regular kid going to the store to get some bread. Now I understand how to pick the story apart and find a quest within that. He also explained the parts of a quest which was very helpful for me. It made it that much easier to pick out each part of what I was reading and be able to analyze it with no problem. I now understand that you have to dig deeper into the story and you never know what you ll find. My first example that focuses on the theme of this chapter would be The Spongebob Squarepants Movie In the movie Spongebob gets turned down from the promotion of his dreams because Mr.Krabs said he is a kid . However, he still goes on the adventure to Shell City to stop Mr.Krabs from being executed. He faced many obstacles in the way. At the end Mr.Krabs realizes he s not a kid after all.
  • 27. America s First Nuclear Disaster Sl 1: America s First Nuclear Disaster Describe the Incident and Identify Toxic Materials On January 3, 1961 at 9:01 PM the United States experienced what any believe the be the first nuclear reactor accident in world history (Adams, 1996). The US Army had commissioned a small reactor prototype to be built in the Idaho desert that surround Idaho Falls. They believed that they were isolated enough that they could conduct experiments with a small reactor that would mimic the conditions of the site they wished to have the reactor on while also allowing for a safety zone for the people in the nearby town. The reactor was a small three rod affair that did not have the shielding or the safety measures that would come in response to this accident (Stacy, 2000, 144). For some reason, the center control rod, possibly for maintenance purposes, was manually lifted approximately 50 cm (Stacy, 2000, 141). This caused there to be an instant, or prompt, criticality which caused the reactor to blow up (Stacy, 2000, 141). The reason for this appears to be that the reactor activated due to the reaction caused by the influx of water, a moderator, into the system. The reaction rapidly heated the moderator and the cooling water to steam which expanded in the small containment vessel and caused the reactor pressure lid to blow off of the vessel (Stacy, 2000, 141). Two of the three men, who were working inside the reactor compartment, apparently died instantly from the explosion. The other
  • 28. Essay Crude Oil CRUDE OIL For the past month and a half I have researched and followed Crude Oil prices in order to gain a better understanding of exactly what this commodity is, how it is traded, how it effects our overall market as well as our everyday lives. During this time I ve learned the importance of understanding how and why commodities are traded everyday and will share with you exactly what I have learned from my research. In 1859 Colonel Drake stuck oil for the first time and became the first man to create an oil well in which he produced roughly 15 barrels of oil per day. Once word spread of this discovery you saw many men attempt to accomplish the same feat and create oil wells of their own. Some of oil s first uses were as a lubricant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As you can see the United States is the top importer and this is partially responsible for our trade deficit and our attempt to search for not only a more eco friendly way to fuel automobiles (a large use of our oil) but also to limit our import. In taking a look at the contract specifications of trading Crude Oil as a commodity you may notice it is traded on the NYMEX market and there are certain restrictions on the minimum and maximum price fluctuations and the trading terms. These all have a tremendous effect on what the final price is set at each and everyday and are important to learn when studying this commodity. There are several factors that can effect the supply and demand for Crude Oil including OPEC and any rules and regulations they may set for trade, the ever changing inventory of oil as some countries are experiencing depletion and new countries are finding oil. There is also the relationship you hold with the country if you are an importer you must maintain good relations and if you are an exporter the ball is in your court as to how you decide to trade and also OPEC will often get involved if the country is involved. In the past month and a half I have seen oil prices stay relatively stable with some increase in prices during the summer months due to certain factors which may include summer driving months here in the United States all the way to the recent declines
  • 29. The Environment Of The Global Carbon Market The Global Carbon Market is a vast and ever changing market and an essential part of it is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). In an effort to mitigate climate change, the carbon market enables the trading of carbon credits to offset greenhouse gas emissions. One of the instruments implemented under the Kyoto Protocolwas the CDM enabling the buying and selling of Certified Emission Reductions (CER s) between developed and developing countries. The encouraging of sustainable development in developing countries to offset the emissions in developed countries is the instruments main purpose. This paper aims to focus on the Clean Development Mechanismwhile attempting to evaluate the instrument as a tool to mitigate climate change. To understand the CDM, the origins of the policy tool will be presented along with a discussion about the instruments used along with the CDM and a brief case study involving Malaysia and Denmark will be presented as to present the real world application of the mechanism. Relation of the CDM to the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol The preceding four decades have heralded in the awareness of anthropogenic climate change and along with it, many solutions and ideas were proposed to mitigate the known negative effects. Much more recently, a common solution has been the introduction of a policy instrument that sets to regulate the emissions of the largest, voluminous, industrial polluters. It has been argued that the more effective policies utilise a
  • 30. An Investigation Into the Differences Between Retail and... An investigation into the differences between retail and investment banks Over the past decades, retail banks have remained the main commercial bank for consumers, rather than corporations or other banks. The investment bank has become more popular amongst individuals, corporations and governments which are interested in raising their profits. Retail banks and investment banks have different organizational structures and activities. So they have many differences, such as services, customers and profits. And this report aims to distinguish between the retail bank and the investment bank in order to identify their specific service areas. Firstly, the author will review some literature focusing on the definitions. Secondly, the author will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are also many advantages of the investment banks which usually provide services for the company. First of all, most of the investment banks are global company and it can provide services more widely than the retail banks. Such as Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, investment management and wealth management It reports US$779 billion as assets under its management. Its headquarter located in Midtown Manhattan , New York City. It has companies in 37 countries with over 1,200 offices, employees dedicated to local businesses, government agencies, institutions and individuals. So the investment banks can provide the services (such as trading of derivatives, fixed income instruments, foreign exchange and commodities) all over the world. Secondly, the revenue of the investment banks significantly more than profit of other types of banks. If you save your extra money in the retail banks, you can only get the interest from the rates. But if you sand your money to the investment banks you can get remarkable returns although it has a high risk. For example the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American investment bank and securities. And it provides mergers and acquisitions advice, underwriting services, asset management, and prime brokerage to its clients, which include corporations, governments and individuals. Amazingly, the company in US profits reached a
  • 31. Ruby Morris Essay H20 Character Personality by Matthew Duran Ruby Morris, protagonist and titular character of a popular novel written by Virginia Bergin titled H20 , is a fifteen year old high schooler with a very interesting personality that changes for the better throughout the novel. In the beginning of the book, Ruby was a very self centered, rude, selfish and ignorant girl. She only cared about herself as well as her popularity; she had a stepdad named Simon which she hated with a passion she never enjoyed talking to him no matter how hard he tried to bond with her. When it began to rain acid she was concerned about her boyfriend Caspar but didn t do anything to stop him from getting himself in danger. When Zak s parents were explaining the rain to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After Ruby s mom and step brother pass away, she relies on Simon and they finally get the bonding experience he always wanted. Simon does eventually pass away, nevertheless they had a good time together and Ruby learned valuable lessons. Ruby goes to find refuge and find a fellow nerd, which also so happens to be her classmate, Darius Spratt at first Ruby hated him, but it was required that Darius and her got along so that Ruby could complete her journey of finding her real dad. After a few days they split and Ruby becomes very sad, she realizes the importance of a friend, but she becomes very determined, she would go anywhere to reunite with her dad, it was her last hope. After a few days she finally found him and she burst with excitement and now understood that life was more than makeup and her phone, it was about family and relations with them, it was about others who mattered and Ruby now understood that. The reader could now infer that Ruby has completely changed into a brand new person for the better and that her life will forever be changed with her new
  • 32. The Regulation Of Cholesterol And Lipid Homeostasis Table 1: Transgenic mice models involved in biological processes influenced by cholesterol and their associated effects on male fertility. Process influenced by cholesterolGene product and genePhenotypeReference Cholesterol efflux and RCTATP binding cassette Abca1Lipid accumulation in Sertoli cells Fertility reduced 21%(Selva et al., 2004) Cholesterol effluxNiemann Pick C1 Npc1Abnormal sperm morphology Failed zona pellucida penetration Decreased sperm count Defects in epididymal maturation(Fan et al., 2006) Cholesterol transportApolipoprotein B ApoBDecreased sperm motility Failed zona pellucida penetration(Huang et al., 1996) Cholesterol binding in vitroNieman Pick C2 Npc2Defects in capacitation Decreased sperm cholesterol Failed zona pellucida penetration(Busso et al., 2014) High levels of dietary cholesterol have also been shown to induce post testicular infertility by the effects on epididymal sperm maturation (Ouvrier et al., 2011). The regulation of cholesterol and lipid homeostasis in the epididymis via Liver X Receptors (LXR) is a significant factor in maintaining male fertility. Cholesterol during sperm maturation in the epididymis Sperm from the seminiferous tubules of the testis are immotile and unable to fertilize an oocyte. Epididymal maturation, a process in which severe surface protein and lipid modifications take place (Caballero et al., 2010). Changes to the sperm plasma membrane that occur during epididymal transit include
  • 33. Essay on Should English Be the Official Language of the... Should English be the Official Language of the United States Name ENG 122 Instructor April 30, 2012 Should English be the Official Language of the United States The debate on whether the United States should make English the official language has been raging within the borders of the country for decades. Several bills have been presented to Congress over the years, but have stagnated due to the opposition on either side. Though there would certainly be drawbacks to introducing English as the official language of the United States, there would also be immeasurable benefit. Not only would an official language streamline government processes and reduce government spending, it would also aid the United States by unifying its people. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... English, 1995). The federal government also spends millions of dollars funding the Immigration and Naturalization Services which is currently required to translate the citizenship test into multiple languages. In all, U.S. taxpayers shell out $13 billion a year funding a multi lingual government (U.S. English, 1995). The laws currently in the books are even being used to squeeze more money out of the government and businesses. Executive Order 13166, which was signed by President Clinton and later enforced by President Bush, requires all federal agencies and recipients of federal funds to provide translation services for non English speakers. This requirement is at the American tax payer s expense. An Iranian immigrant in Oklahoma recently used the Executive Order as grounds for complaint asking the U.S. Department of Transportation to investigate the state because it failed to give the driver s license exam in Farsi (McAlpin, 2008). The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the argument citing an individual may not sue for foreign language services by charging discrimination under the nation origin category of the Civil Rights Act. Even the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Health and Human Services (HHS) are rallying support for those citizens who do not currently speak English well or at all. The EEOC is fighting
  • 34. Analysis Of The Movie The Matrix Ever since humans have existed, we have tried to understand the deeper meaning of our surroundings whether that be through deep conversation or scientific research. In the movie The Matrix , directed by Lana and Lilly Wachowski, the main character, Neo, goes through an enlightening process of learning about the matrixand eventually how to use it. He meets Trinity, a person already knowing of the matrix, and she introduces him to Morpheus. Morpheus tells Neo he is the one and at first he is confused and doesn t fully understand what this means. He goes through training to grasp some of the power the matrix has. Throughout the entire movie Neo is chased by agents who want to use the power he has for evil. Once his training was finished Morpheus was captured by the agents and Neo goes to save him. It s on this rescue mission that Neo finally utilizes the full power the matrix truly has. He dodges bullet and fights with lightning quick speed and it is at this point that he has become fully enlightened. The opening story in Plato s Allegory of the Cave start off with a of a group of prisoner chained to look at a wall of shadows. The prisoners only know of these shadows only and have no clue of what the object making the shadow really is or what it truly looks like. Plato writes on saying that if one of the prisoners is drug out of the cave he will be blinded by the light but eventually he we become used to the light and hopefully use the light for good. Plato refers to light as
  • 35. John D Rockefeller Accomplishments The turn of the century was a progressive era with many advancements in technology. New industries such as, steel, copper, railroad and meat shipping were formed. Many great men founded, improved and monopolized these industries. Two of these people were Andrew Carnegie, the founder of the steel industry and John D. Rockefeller, who owned a majority of the nation s oil industry. While these men sometimes achieved their successes through questionable means, they were the pillars of modern society and they brought us to where we are today. In order for a person in the 20th century industrial age to become successful, like John D. Rockefeller, they must have a great eye for opportunity and be vigilant through the creation of their company. Rockefeller made his massive fortune mainly through his exploits in the oil industry. As a young boy rockefeller was already industrious and looking for ways to earn money. The real turning point in his career was at age 16 when he got a job as an office clerk in cleveland. He believed that this job is what set him on his course to becoming the wealthiest industrialist of the 20th century. Less than ten years after his first job in business Rockefeller and a few of his partners decided to invest in the rapidly growing oil industry. This was a big move for Rockefeller s career, A careful and studious businessman who refrained from taking unnecessary risks, Rockefeller sensed an opportunity in the oil business in the early 1860s (John). This
  • 36. Wilfred Owen s Dulce Et Decorum Est Throughout the ages, poetry has played and continues to play a significant part in the shaping of a generation. It ranges from passionate sonnets of love to the gruesome realities of life. One such example of harsh realism is Wilfred Owen s Dulce et Decorum Est. Owen s piece breaks the conventions of early 20th Century modernism and idealistic war poetry, vividly depicts the traumatizing experiences of World War I, and employs various poetic devices to further his haunted tone and overall message of war s cruel truths. In order to fully understand and appreciate great poetry, one must be acquainted with the poet. Wilfred Owen was born in Shropshire, England. After being educated at the Technical School in Shrewsbury, he later taught in France at the Berlitz School of English. It was in France where Owen became interested in World War I. In 1915, Owen enlisted in the army, unaware of the effects it would later have on his psychological state and overall well being. After suffering battle wounds during combat in 1917, Owen was diagnosed with shell shock more commonly known as post traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, war had made yet another victim of Owen. However, from the misfortune came a silver lining. As he resided in the Craiglockhart War Hospital, he met a poet by the name of Siegfried Sassoon. Sassoon pulled Owen deep into the world of literature, showing him acclaimed works and ...well known literary figures such as Robert Graves and H.G. Wells
  • 37. Outcomes From The Second Punic War Outcomes from the Second Punic War The second PГєnic war (herein after referred to as, the War ) came to a close in 201 BCE, following ScГpio s victory over HГЎnnibal at the battle of ZГЎma. After seventeen years of warfare, and at a great loss of life on both sides, Rome defeated CГЎrthage and came out on top as the new superpower in the MediterrГЎnean region. The outcome of this war brought consequences to CГЎrthage and created opportunities for Rome (Morey, 1901). The Cost to CГЎrthage Economic CГЎrthage suffered from economic and territorial losses, political corruption and the loss of autonomy. As the victors, Rome imposed war reparations on CГЎrthage. This included an annual tribute of two hundred talents (an ancient measurement of weight) of silver for fifty years. I was curious what this might represent in U.S. dollars today. My initial research was inconclusive regarding the specific weight of a talent in today s metric or English measurement systems. Digging deeper, I also came to learn that it s more difficult to compare present day economic values with ancient Rome, then with the last few hundred years. Using Chris Butler s suggestion of sixty six pounds (29.9 Kilograms) per talent, Rome received over a half million pounds of silver from the CarthagГnians (2007a). However this value might be calculated, it was a steep penalty. Geopolitical Following the War, CГЎrthage lost its territorial claims in Spain, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica (it was allowed to keep its
  • 38. Customs And Courtesies Similar To Those Of The United States Customs and Courtesies Denmark has many customs and courtesies similar to those of the United States. Danish prefer to be greeted individually with a firm handshake while maintaining a safe distance. Danish people are always punctual and expect the same of others. They expect people to do things the right way, insisting on a certain form of etiquette. Danish do not react positively to loud or boisterous people, so they typically monitor public behavior closely. Small gifts are accepted in appropriate circumstances, but the Danish do not focus as much on material values as they do personal qualities. The Danish eat three main meals per day including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast is similar to that in the United States. Adults
  • 39. Compare How Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen Communicate the... Compare how Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen communicate the theme of loss in Out, Out and Disabled . In the two poems Out, Out and Disabled , a similar theme of loss is portrayed. Both of these poems deal with the subject of physical loss, as both protagonists of these poems experience accidental amputation. Both Robert Frost and Wilfred Owen manage to captivate their audience s attention, and also a certain degree of sympathy for the protagonists misfortune. They do this successfully, with the use of common literary techniques and linguistic skills, such as simile, metaphor, personification, contrast, and many more literary devices, which range from obvious to very subtle. Out, Out , written by American poet Robert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Within such a short sentence, the boy s life was simply gone. This use of tripling is very effective, as it may symbolise a heartbeat, slowly beating away, to its fate. The dashes further enhance this, as they make the reader pause in the gaps between the words, making the heartbeats seem further and further apart, and eventually dying away. Another quote which gives the reader a sense of loss is the final stanzaof the poem: And they, since they were not the ones dead, turned to their affairs , in line 33 34. This quote, to put into simpler words, means that the people who were working with this young boy (who happen to be his family), had better things to do than to care for the death of this young boy, and simply turned away, and got back to work. This action seems alarmingly heartless, but nevertheless, Frost very successfully makes the jreaders feel a huge sense of loss. This line once again shows how meaningless and vulnerable life is. Written in the 1910s by Wilfred Owen, Disabled is a poem describing the experience of a young soldier losing his limbs after fighting in World War I. He later gets discriminated against, and feels isolated and regretful of his naГЇve reason to go to war. As opposed to Out, Out , Disabled does not have an ambiguous title at all. The word disabled is
  • 40. The Bell Jar Research Paper Sylvia Plath s importance in American history stems from the literary eminence of her writing, and her works show the rigid conditions of mid twentieth century women. Plath s significance really comes from the ways in which she opened doors with her writing that prior to her have never been explored before. She was a feminist martyr who challenged a patriarchal society. She posed questions that no one else seemed to be asking about the role that I woman plays in society. Her book The Bell Jar, displayed a protagonist who struggled with basic questions about sex. Questions like, if I decide to have sex before marriage am I a bad person? Why can men have sex with multiple people and women can t? Sylvia Plath is still relevant today with adolescences.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After researching the end of the book, the recognition of connections of all kinds became obvious, the electrocution of the Rosenbergs and the shock treatment at the end of the book have a metaphorical if not a realistic kinship. In the end the Rosenbergs just meant death to Sylvia Plath. I couldn t help wondering what it would be like, being burned alive, all along your nerves. The Bell Jar seems to be a realistic account of her own suicide attempt while she attended Smith University. Her use of sound, sensation and her poetic ordering of material all connect to the sensational details of her personal life or more specifically her death. The dark twist, as strange as it is, is the primary reason why readers find it so fascinating. Plath s actual biography provides a clear conclusion to the ambiguous ending of The Bell Jar, where Esther enters her exit interview at the psychiatric institution at which she has spent months recovering. Thats the temptation at least, to simply place Plath s life into the novel. However, it isn t certain that just because Plath ended her own life that the fictional character in The Bell Jar, was intended to mimic that same
  • 41. How Did F Scott Fitzgerald Succeed In The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired F. Scott Fitzgerald said this about people he was noticing around him. He considered himself a pursuer because he always had the dream of becoming a famous writer. Through the many obstacles he had to get through like the military, academic probation, and many other personal struggles he endured he never let any of that stop him from becoming the great writer he was. F. Scott Fitzgeraldbecame a famous writer due to his early life and education, his writingcareer, and for what he did before he died. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. At a young age his father got a job with Procter and Gamble in upper New York which caused them to move quite often. His father lost his job with Procter and Gambler in 1908, when F. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Paul to live off his mother s inheritance (F. Scott Fitzgerald Biography). Since F. Scott Fitzgerald was so ambitious and intelligent, at the age of thirteen he attended St. Paul Academy where he saw his first printed piece of writing. Two years later he went to a Newman School where he got noticed by a father for his gifted writing skills. After graduating from the Newman School in 1913, Fitzgerald decided to stay in New Jersey to continue his artistic development at Princeton University (F. Scott Fitzgerald Biography). There is where he worked on perfecting his writing skills, writing musicals, articles, and stories. He started to struggle in different classes so he dropped out of school to join the U.S. Army. Afraid that he might die in World War I with his literary dreams unfulfilled, in the weeks before reporting to duty, Fitzgerald hastily wrote a novel called The Romantic Egotist (F. Scott Fitzgerald Biography). His novel was
  • 42. Isaac Newton Isaac Newton. One of the major flaws with the Copernican system manifested with the retainment of perfect circular orbits, as theorized by Ptolemy, and even with the removal of the equant, Copernicus still had to use some epicycles to explain retrograde. This still left many issues, because this very unnatural movement didn t make it that much less clunky than Ptolemy s system. Johannes Kepler, with his first law of planetary motion, provided a solution for this issue. He theorized that planets actually move in an elliptic orbit, with the sunnot necessarily at the very center of the ellipse. When taken in account with Copernicus idea of the Earth s rotation, this got rid of the need for epicycles, and provided a much smoother system. In addition,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Firstly, the heliocentric system driven by Copernicus disproved the ideas of two, powerful, and at the time, most valid sources, the Ancient world and the Catholic Church. This opened up questioning and curiosity of many other aspects of humanity in the centuries that followed, and in parallel to this the rejection of the theological idea that man has dominance in the universe (SECOND GALE SOURCE). This curiosity led to so many great discoveries across the course of the entire revolution, from chemistry, to calculus, and even biology. Even though heliocentrismoccurred as an astronomical endeavor, it by itself influenced the development so many ideas not just used in astronomy. Newton s laws of physics would never have been possible if not for the heliocentric system to back it up, and in fact, nearly all of Kepler s, Newton s, and Galileo s work described above built on Copernicus ideas. It can also be said that the development of heliocentrism gave rise to modern scientific method. The mathematical and rigorous approaches to proof all used by Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus set a bar of quality differed greatly from the very assumptive and proofless explanations for many phenomena, many set by the Church or the Bible. The idea of developing an idea slowly, over the course of many people s lives, while using mathematical proofs is essentially the process that occurs today when developing important
  • 43. Racism and Anti-Semitism in the United States Racism and Anti Semitism in the United States Introduction One question that still plagues scholars is whether racism and anti Semitism are a continuing problem within the United States, despite all the efforts made to eradicate them and all the work done to make everyone equal. Most people in the US today would agree that equality is closer than it was in the past, but the truth of the matter is that all people are still not completely equal. There are a disproportionate number of black people in the prison systems and on welfare, for example, and women who do the same work as men still do not receive the same salaries. Additionally, there are anti Semitic groups in the United States that still talk of Hitler and the Nazis as if they were heroes for what they did in an effort to eradicate the Jewish people. These groups are not seen on the news often and are not that vocal in most circles, but they are certainly in existence. It will be argued here that the United States is too much of a melting pot of different cultures, races, and opinions for there to be true equality, which means that racism and anti Semitism will always exist in some degree. Abolishment by the government does not guarantee eradication of an idea or belief. Racism and Anti Semitism Still Exist During the years since WWII and the years since slavery has been abolished, there have been changes in the way people feel about black people, Jewish people, and others. Because that is the case,
  • 44. Probity Service Providers The IAMA Practitioner s Certificate in Mediation is offered by nationally attributed instructors and is conducted Australia wide. The course offer a practice centered qualification in mediation and contestant who successfully complete the assessment module may submit an application for accreditation under the National Mediator Accreditation Scheme through IAMA. With mediation being accepted widely crosswise the commercial, legal, industry, education and government sectors, a perceptive of the practical application of mediation techniques is an important and helpful professional skill. The program is in 2 modules comprised 4 days of instruction and 2 days of supervised coaching and assessment. It is also includes coverage of all issues ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Accreditation procedures for Probity Service Providers are at present under review. The Course content stated on the official website includes;[ The Institute of Arbitrators Mediators Australia. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from https:/ /www.iama.org.au/events and training/training information] The probity services environment Roles and responsibilities of probity services practitioners General and specialist procurement and similar processes Specific areas of probity and ethics Ethical behavior of buyers and suppliers Probity risk management Probity issues in contracting, and Other issues impacting on probity and accountability. Other than that they also offer training for Professional Certificate in Arbitration. The Professional Certificate in Arbitration results from a joint venture between the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMA) and the University of Adelaide Law School combining expertise to offer high quality education in the field of Arbitration. Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) at the University of Adelaide provide administrative management for this special program. The Professional Certificate in Arbitration is offered nationally and the program provides knowledge and an appreciation of commercial arbitration and its role within the Australian legal system. The syllabus covered in the course of Introduction to Arbitration course by the Adelaide Law School is;[ Content. (2002). Retrieved May 14, 2016, from
  • 45. Ionic Reactions Lab Essay Ocean County College Department of Chemistry Ionic Reactions Submitted by Erin Walsh Date Submitted: July 24, 2013 Date Performed: July 24, 2013 Lab Section: Chem 181 DL1 Course Instructor: Amal Bassa Purpose To study the nature of ionic reactions, write balanced equations, and write net ionic equations for precipitation reactions. Procedure 1. Gather appropriate lab equipment and secure a safe workspace with open ventilation, away from children and pets. All chemicals will be combined in the 96 well plate. Don t contaminate end of pipet with other chemicals. 2. a. Place 2 drops of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... | A6Pink precipitate| A7Blue precipitate| Copper (II) Nitrate| B1Cloudy blue precipitate| B2Gold precipitate| B3NR| B4NR| B5Cloudy blue precipitate| B6Cloudy blue precipitate| B7Cloudy blue precipitate| Iron (III) Nitrate| C1Cloudy yellow precipitate| C2Brown precipitate| C3NR| C4NR| C5yellow| C6Yellow precipitate| C7Yellow precipitate| Barium Nitrate| D1Pink/white precipitate| D2NR| D3White precipitate| D4NR| D5White precipitate| D6White precipitate| D7White precipitate| Nickel (II) Nitrate| E1White Precipitate| E2NR| E3NR| E4NR| E5Light blue precipitate| E6White precipitate| E7White precipitate| | Solubility Rules Table| | Negative Ion (Anions)| Positive Ions (Cations)| Solubility of Compounds| All negative ions are ___ with| Alkali ions (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+)| Soluble| All negative ions are ___ with| Hydrogen ion H+ (aq)| Soluble| All negative ions are ___ with| Ammonium ion (NH4+)| Soluble| Nitrate ions (NO3 ) are ___ with| Essentially all| Soluble| Acetate (CH3OO ) ions are ___ with| Essentially all, except Ag+| Soluble| Chloride (Cl )Bromide (Br )Iodide (I )| Ag+, Pb2+, Hg22+, Cu+, Ti+All others| Low solubiltySoluble| Sulfate (SO42 )| Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Pb2+, Ra2+All others| Low solubilitySoluble| Sulfide (S2 )| Alkali ions H+ (aq), NH4+, Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Ra2+All others| SolubleLow solubility| Hydroxide (OH )| Alkali Ions, H+ (aq), NH4+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Ra2+,
  • 46. Auguste Rodin The concept of Art is one so traditional and culturally ingrained, that it s meaning and purpose is often simply presumed. Yet, certainly more as of late, the question has been asked, what Art really is. There are numerous technicalities, and fields so extensive as to be unable to ever explore every trade in Art, but what is clear is that Art stays unchanged in that it always remains an ever changing form of expression. In 1840 a man named Auguste Rodin was born in France, who later became a renowned sculptor. Rodin s used various mediums such as clay and bronze and his pieces often take on the human form. Rodin uses his skill in sculpting to twist the bodies and pull muscles, which results in very dynamic pieces. His frozen figures contorted faces bleed their emotions, and the context behind their pose and mien, tells an animated tale. Rodin was known as a man breaking new ground in the concept of Art in that era, but once again Art has changed from what it was in his time.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Compared to Rodin, Weiwei s mediums are far more extensive and usually rather miscellaneous. His forms have yet to take the human form, instead Weiwei create objects and shapes. To the average viewer a majority of his sculptures and installations are a unification of a particular repeated item with no seeming context or deeper meaning. It can be seen as time passes that currently Art is changing yet again. Artist appear to be moving further from the human form, and a understandable sense of significance and moving more towards striping a piece to its central core and having appreciation of the process, medium, or form of the piece itself. Artist s today ask, What is Art ? , however I find the more intriguing question to be, to where shall Art take us
  • 47. Classification of Dangerous Goods in the Shipping Industry Abstract This project was done in an effort to elaborate of the use of containers for the stowage of dangerous goods as well as the impacts it has. As well as how the International conventions, International Policies and Protocol for transporting dangerous goods are taking into consideration. Throughout this assignment, the main conventions will be examined and focused on such as MARPOL and SOLAS as well as policies established that deals with the transportation al Dangerous cargo that was established and enforced by the IMO (International Maritime Organization). There is also a list of dangerous goods and their classification that are mentioned by the UN (United Nation). Also giving the different classification of dangerous goods as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Special software called Terminal Operating Systems (TOS) is used to assist in the loading of dangerous goods. The planner inserts into the system, however the software may or may not be able to properly stow cargo by means of checking for bad stowage amp; segregation against the latest international requirements. It is highly recommended to check stowage manually and by human perception for compliance. According to the IMDG code, segregation requirements of the other local/national regulations must be strictly adhered to. A key requirement for planners that to recognize that he have knowledge that dangerous goods that are classified within to the same class may have segregation requirements amongst them in terms of gases, liquids and solid dangerous goods. (Ships Business, 2010) When these DG s are loaded onto a ship, specific set of information about the said good must be gathered, assessed and communicated to all relevant authorities with observation and acknowledgement of the DG s type, composition and its flash factor which is the temperature that is deemed combustible. By doing this, the authorities and handlers know which type of good are being handled, how the good can be contained when contamination or leakage occurs. With this, proper actions and procedures can be performed for occurrences such accidents involving dangerous goods while being transported and storing on the ship. This
  • 48. Animal Farm By Vladimir Lenin The novel Animal Farm is about a group of animals who rebel against the ranch owner and take over the ranch. However, once the animals were at last all equal, the pigs started to gradually make the farm a dictatorship by deceiving the other animals. The point where the free farm became just as atrocious as the original was when the pigs begun to walk on two legs, which was incredibly allegorical of the pigs becoming the evil humans that they swore never to become. Overall, the whole story was a metaphor of the Russian Revolution. Much like it occurred in Animal Farm, the visions of a better future dreamed about by Vladimir Lenindo not transpire. The philosophical goals and outcomes of communist societies are drastically incongruent because humankind is avaricious. Once absolute power is given to a person that does not genuinely believe in the purpose, that person often becomes corrupt. In the case of Animal Farm, the pigs started to relish the luxuries of humans and kept wanting more. To entirely understand why the philosophical goals and outcomes of communist societies are drastically different, one must first understand the reasons for the original development of socialist and communist philosophy in Europe, the events that were impetus behind fundamental change in Russia, and the social, political, economic, and cultural factors which cause the practices of newly formed political systems to deviate from purist philosophy. The reasons for the original development of
  • 49. Who Is The Antagonist In The Wizard Of Oz The Wizard of Oz is a movie about a girl who wants more then the life she has in Kansas. The Protagonist is Dorothy, the antoagonist is the wicked witch, and the conflict was person versus person. The protagonist of the Wizard of Oz was Dorothy. First of all, in the text it said that Dorothy was the person going through change. At first she was wanting to leave Kansa because she wanted more than her life now had to offer but throughout the book she changed and all she wanted was her regular life back. The antagonist was the wicked witch. The text states Dorothy was attacked by the wicked witch, which hinders her from getting home. The definition of antagonist is someon etht hinders the protagonist from solving the main problem/the force working
  • 50. Parachute Rigger History A combination of both active duty and retired Parachute Riggers packed the Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) Paraloft Building 1403 at the Patuxent River Naval Station on Thursday, Sep. 07 at 11 a.m. to mark the 75th Diamond Anniversary of the Aircrew Survival Equipmentmen or Parachute Rigger (PR) rating. The celebration was to commemorate 75 years of the established Parachute Rigger rating set for September 2017; and it included the photographing of PRs in line from youngest to oldest on 81A Packing Deck, a cake cutting by the oldest and youngest PR, and the sharing of sea stories. Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 1st Class Thiwa Thipkhosithkun Tip , who addressed the celebration s attendees, gave a brief history of the rating s evolution.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The whole reason for changing the title from Parachute Riggers was to provide a more realistic description of the types of duties that PRs actually maintain. The Parachute Rigger (PR) rating, which came to fruition in 1942 to satisfy World War II parachute survival regulations, initially included the general service rating with career ascendancy from striker level status through Chief Parachute Rigger (PRC) status. Presently, service members are not permitted to strike for PR due to safety concerns. Instead, they are required to attend technical schools that help them gain the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve designation in this
  • 51. How To Tie A Barbell Different exercises vary on everything from the range of motion, the amount of weight moved, and stress put on the body. A exercise or movement can occur using one joint, two joints, three joints, etc. One exercise that is mainly a strength exercise rather than a hypertrophy exercise would be for example the hang clean and jerk. Many athletes use this exercisefor upper and lower body strength. From the starting position the barbell with weights on each side is at rest on the ground and by the end of the movement the barbell should be straight above your head with your arms straight up. There are a few tips that you should know when performing this exercise for maximal strength purposes and most importantly safety. For starters, when lifting the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the time when athletes are performing this exercise the weight being moved is extremely high and heavy for example anywhere for 150 pound to 400 pounds. Nobody can really just use pure strength to move that kind of weight above their body. Momentum is your best friend which is gonna help you finish this exercise along with the ability of your strength obviously. To finish the lift you will bend at your knees again not to where you squat all the way down but to where you can feel yourself building up enough momentum to jerk the weight up above you. Finally you should stomp your feet against the floor to finish the momentum jerk press portion of this lift. Now the lift is complete and the barbell should be high above your body and with the lift safely performed. This exercise will help with lower body strength with the squating motion and upper body strength with the getting under the bar part. This builds core strength and pressing strength which is outstanding for athletes in many sports such as football, wrestling, baseball, boxing, etc. The best athlete has great strenght all around his or her