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Importance of Multimedia
in the Classroom
Presented by:
Misheck Mutuzana
“Using Multimedia in
teaching and Learning”
“Using Multimedia in
teaching and Learning”
 What is Multimedia?
 Elements of multimedia
 Types of multimedia devices
 Features of multimedia system
 Components of multimedia system
 Why use multimedia in the classroom?
 Effects of multimedia in the classroom.
 Advantages and Disadvantages of multimedia.
 Stages in Multimedia Production
 Types of Digital Video and Movie files
 Conclusion
 Reference -1-
The term multimedia is coined from two
terms: Multiple and Media. Hence
multimedia means using multiple medias
to communicate.
Multimedia is the combination of different
media elements like text, audio, graphics,
video and animations.
What is Multimedia?
Interactive Multimedia is the
means to interface/communicate
with computer keyboard, mouse,
touch screen, on screen buttons,
and text entry.
Interactive Multimedia?
Elements of Multimedia?
Animation Graphics
Words treated as data by a computer.
Hypertext is text which contains links
to other texts.
A typeface is a family of characters or
letters which have similar looks. E.g.
Arial-12 points, Times New Roman-
14points, Algerian-18 points etc
Elements of Multimedia
Examples of Text
 Arial
 Times New Romans
 Algerian
 Impact
 Bauhaus 93
 Broadway
 Brush Script
The term video ("video" meaning
"I see", from the Latin verb "videre")
commonly refers to several storage
formats for moving pictures: digital
video formats, including Blu-ray Disc,
DVD, QuickTime, MPEG-4, analog
videotapes, including VHS and
Elements of Multimedia
Is the Technology of electronically
capturing, recording, processing,
storing, transmitting, and
reconstructing a sequence of still
images representing scenes in
Elements of Multimedia
Examples of Video
Digital Video
Digital Video: Composed of a
series of still image frames and
produces the illusion of
movement by quickly displaying
one frame after another.
Elements of Multimedia
A simulation of movement
created by displaying a series of
pictures, or frames.
 Animation is a visual change
over time.
Elements of Multimedia
Examples of Animations
Graphics (from Greek γραφικός
graphikos) are visual presentations on
some surface, such as a wall, canvas,
computer screen. e.g photographs,
drawings, Line Art, graphs, etc.
This is an image that is generated by a
Elements of Multimedia
An image (from Latin imago) is an
artifact, for example a two-dimensional
picture, that has a similar appearance to
some subject—usually a physical object
or a person.
A digital image is a representation of a
two-dimensional image using ones and
zeros (binary).
Elements of Multimedia
Computers store images in form of
pixels map known as bitmap. A
bitmap is simple matrix of tiny dots
which forms an image on the
computer screen.
A Pixel (short for picture element) is
the small dot on the screen.
Elements of Multimedia
Examples of Images
This is art or an image that is
made by various artists to fit
numerous different categories
such as people, animals, school,
etc. that can be inserted into your
own document
Elements of Multimedia
Examples of ClipArt
An animated GIF (Graphics Interchange
Format) file:
 This is a graphic image on a Web page
that moves - for example, a twirling icon
or a banner with a hand that waves or
letters that magically get larger.
Elements of Multimedia
Examples of Animated GIF
Examples of Animated GIF
In computers, audio is the sound
system that comes with or can be
added to a computer.
 An audio file is a record of
captured sound that can be
played back.
Elements of Multimedia
Audio is sound within the acoustic range
available to humans.
Sound is the meaningful speech in a
 Sound is a sequence of naturally
analog signals that are converted to
digital signals by the audio card, an
analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
Elements of Multimedia
Examples of Audio
Types of multimedia devices include:
 Microphones
 Speakers
 Digital Cameras
 Headphones.
 Computers
 DVD Players
 LCD Projector
 Video Games
 Home theaters
 TV
Types of Multimedia Devices
 Very High Processing Power.
 Multimedia Capable File System
 Data Representations/File Formats that
support multimedia
 Efficient and High Input / Output
 Special Operating System
 Storage and Memory
 Software Tools
 Network Support
Features of a Multimedia System
 Capture devices
- Video Camera, Video Recorder,
- Audio Microphone, Keyboards,
- mice, graphics tablets,
- 3D input devices, tactile sensors,
- VR devices.
- Digitising/Sampling Hardware
 Storage Devices
-Hard disks, CD-ROMs,
-Zip drives, Flash drives,
-DVD, etc
Components of a Multimedia System
Communication Networks
- Intranets, Internets, Ethernet
Computer Systems
- Multimedia Desktop machines,
Workstations, MPEG/VIDEO/DSP
Display Devices
- CD-quality speakers, HDTV,SVGA,
- LCD, TFT, LED monitors, Colour
printers etc.
Components of a Multimedia System
 Multimedia activities encourage
students to work in groups.
 Express their knowledge in multiple
 Solve problems, revise their own
work, and construct knowledge.
 Effective collaboration techniques
 The value of teamwork
Why use multimedia in the classroom?
 The significance of presentation and
speaking skills
 The importance of research, planning,
and organization skills
 The impact and importance of
different media
 Techniques for synthesizing and
analyzing complex content
 How to express their ideas creatively
Why use multimedia in the classroom?
Change in Student and Teacher Roles
Increased Motivation and Self Esteem
Technical Skills
Accomplishment of More Complex Tasks
More Collaboration with Peers
Increased Use of Outside Resources
Improved Design Skills/Attention to
Effects of Multimedia in the
Increases learning effectiveness.
Is more appealing over traditional.
lecture-based learning methods.
Offers significant potential in
improving personal
communications, education and
training efforts.
Advantages of Multimedia
Reduces training costs.
Is easy to use.
Gains and Holds Attention
It is integrated and interactive.
Multimedia is Entertaining as Well
as Educational
Advantages of Multimedia
Tailors information to the individual.
Provides high-quality video images &
Offers system portability.
Frees the teacher from routine tasks.
Gathers information about the study
results of the student.
Advantages of Multimedia
Disadvantages of Multimedia
 It takes time to compile.
 Technological resources, both
hardware and software
 Technological skills, for both the
students and teacher
 It is expensive
Disadvantages of Multimedia
 Not always easy to configure
 Requires special hardware
 Not always compatible
 Time required to plan, design,
develop, and evaluate multimedia
Stages in Multimedia Production
 Research & Analysis
 Scripting or flowcharting
 Storyboarding
 Collection of media elements and
 Programming
 Testing
Stages in Multimedia Production
Research & Analysis
During this stage we
need to find out about the
audience, their skills,
needs and qualifications.
Stages in Multimedia Production
Scripting or flowcharting
Scripting or flowcharting
means deciding the flow of
the multimedia project
Stages in Multimedia Production
 During this stage the actual
visualization of the project takes
place. The designer decides how
each screen will look like, which
media elements will be used and
where to place them on the
Stages in Multimedia Production
Collection of media elements and
 At this stage the designer is ready
and starts creating the graphics
and other elements to be used in
the project.
Stages in Multimedia Production
 At this stage the media
elements are combined
together into a final product
using software packages like
PowerPoint Presentation,
macromedia Flash.
Stages in Multimedia Production
 This is the final stage of any
multimedia project. At this
stage we check if all the
elements are working as
per requirement or not.
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.bmp Bitmap Image Uncompressed
image File used to
store bitmap digital
.gif Graphical
Format File
Common for web
graphics with small
images with text.
Uses limited
number of colours
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.png Portable
Used to store
graphics for web
.jpeg / jpg Joint
Expert / Group
Image File
Common image
format used by
digital cameras
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.psd Photoshop
Image created by
Adobe Photoshop
.tif Tagged Image
File Format
Highly flexible and
independent format
which is widely
used today
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.avi Audio Video
Interleave File
Developed by
Microsoft to play
videos in windows
.wmv Windows
Media Format
Media Video)
This is a
compressed video
format for internet
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.mpg / .mpeg Moving
Pictures Expert
Group File
Popular video
format used for
creating movies
distributed over
.mov Quick Time
Format File
Developed by Apple.
Files are
compressed and are
easier to download
from the internet
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.rm / ram Real Video File
(Real Audio
Combination of
audio and video
.swf / .flv Adobe Flash
Shockwave File
(flv-Flash Video
(swf - Small
Web Format)
Animated file
containing text and
images. Created by
using Adobe Flash
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.mid / . midi MIDI File
Digital Interface)
File containing
Music Data
.wav Wave File Waveform audio file
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.mp3 / .mpga MPEG3 Audio
Pictures Expert
Group Layer 3)
Compressed audio
and music file, mp3
songs or ringtones
.mp4 MPEG4 Video
Commonly used for
sharing video files
on the internet.
Types of audio, video extensions
Type of File Description
.m4v iTunes Video
iTunes Video File
.asf Advanced
Format File
Advanced Systems
Format File
Usage of Multimedia
 Education and Training
 Recording or broadcasting lectures
 Using Video Conferencing we can
hear an expert speaker from a distant
 Demonstrating surgeries or other
techniques that learners may not
otherwise have the opportunity to see
and later put them in practice.
Usage of Multimedia
 Record student’s performance to
enable feedback
 Advertisements
 Entertainment
 Journalism
 Edutainment
 Animations and movies
 Design. Architects and
engineers’ projects
Applications of Multimedia
 World Wide Web
 Hypermedia courseware
 Video conferencing
 Video-on-demand
 Interactive TV
 Groupware
 Home shopping
 Games
 Virtual reality
 Digital video editing and
production systems
 Multimedia Database systems
Multimedia is the field concerned with
the computer-controlled integration of
text, graphics, drawings, still and
moving images (Video), animation,
audio, and any other media where
every type of information can be
represented, stored, transmitted and
processed digitally.
Multimedia system implements
multimedia technologies and in turn it is
used for enhancing multimedia
technology whereas multimedia
technology manages both the hardware
and software to create and run
multimedia system.
1. What is multimedia? List the
elements of multimedia
2. What is typeface and font?
3. Explain how multimedia is used in
various fields?
4. List various file formats used for the
following files:
(a) Audio (b) Image (c) Video
5. List the stages in multimedia
 DaveHax.com
 Edward Cheung email: icec@polyu.edu.hk Multimedia Systems 28 July, 2003.
 File formats for Popular PC Software: A Programmer’s Reference , Jeff Walden
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1986)
 Graphics File Formats , David C. Kay and John R. Levine(Windcrest Books/McGraw-
Hill 1995)
 Graphics File Formats: Reference and Guide , C. Wayne Brown and Barry J.
Shepherd (Manning Publications 1994)
 Halsall, Fred, Multimedia Communications – Applications, Networks, Protocols and
Standards, Addison-Wesley, 2001.
 http://graphicssoft.about.com/library/weekly/aa000104e.htm
 http://www.microsoft.com
 http://www.thinkfinity.org/uploadedimages
 http://www.YouTube.com
 Mohd Khairuddin Bin Abd Karim: PowerPoint Presentation “Graphics & Multimedia-
Basic Components” Civil Engineering Dept. Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
25350 Semambu, Kuantan Email: khairuddin_karim@polisas.edu.my
 PC File Formats & Conversions , Ralf Kussmann (Abacus 1990)
 Rao, K.R., Bojkovic, Z.S., Milovanovic, D.A., Multimedia Communication Systems,
Techniques, Standards and Networks, Ed., Prentice Hall PTR, 2002.
 Special Issue on Multimedia Signal Processing, Part One, Proceedings of The IEEE,
Vol. 86, No. 5, pp. 749-1024, May 1998.
 The Graphic File Toolkit: Converting and Using Graphic Files , Steve Rimmer
(Addison-Wesley 1994)
Thank you for your

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  • 1. Importance of Multimedia in the Classroom Presented by: Misheck Mutuzana mutuzana@gmail.com +260955418926 “Using Multimedia in teaching and Learning”
  • 3. Outline  What is Multimedia?  Elements of multimedia  Types of multimedia devices  Features of multimedia system  Components of multimedia system  Why use multimedia in the classroom?  Effects of multimedia in the classroom.  Advantages and Disadvantages of multimedia.  Stages in Multimedia Production  Types of Digital Video and Movie files extensions  Conclusion  Reference -1-
  • 4. The term multimedia is coined from two terms: Multiple and Media. Hence multimedia means using multiple medias to communicate. Multimedia is the combination of different media elements like text, audio, graphics, video and animations. -2- What is Multimedia?
  • 5. Interactive Multimedia is the means to interface/communicate with computer keyboard, mouse, touch screen, on screen buttons, and text entry. -2- Interactive Multimedia?
  • 7. Text: Words treated as data by a computer. Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. A typeface is a family of characters or letters which have similar looks. E.g. Arial-12 points, Times New Roman- 14points, Algerian-18 points etc -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 8. -2- Examples of Text  Arial  Times New Romans  Algerian  Impact  Bauhaus 93  Broadway  Brush Script
  • 9. Video The term video ("video" meaning "I see", from the Latin verb "videre") commonly refers to several storage formats for moving pictures: digital video formats, including Blu-ray Disc, DVD, QuickTime, MPEG-4, analog videotapes, including VHS and Betamax. -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 10. Video Is the Technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion. -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 12. Digital Video Digital Video: Composed of a series of still image frames and produces the illusion of movement by quickly displaying one frame after another. -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 13. Animation A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures, or frames.  Animation is a visual change over time. -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 15. Graphics Graphics (from Greek γραφικός graphikos) are visual presentations on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, computer screen. e.g photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, etc. This is an image that is generated by a computer -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 16. Images An image (from Latin imago) is an artifact, for example a two-dimensional picture, that has a similar appearance to some subject—usually a physical object or a person. A digital image is a representation of a two-dimensional image using ones and zeros (binary). -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 17. Images Computers store images in form of pixels map known as bitmap. A bitmap is simple matrix of tiny dots which forms an image on the computer screen. A Pixel (short for picture element) is the small dot on the screen. -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 19. Clipart This is art or an image that is made by various artists to fit numerous different categories such as people, animals, school, etc. that can be inserted into your own document -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 21. An animated GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) file:  This is a graphic image on a Web page that moves - for example, a twirling icon or a banner with a hand that waves or letters that magically get larger. -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 24. Audio In computers, audio is the sound system that comes with or can be added to a computer.  An audio file is a record of captured sound that can be played back. -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 25. Audio Audio is sound within the acoustic range available to humans. Sound is the meaningful speech in a language  Sound is a sequence of naturally analog signals that are converted to digital signals by the audio card, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) -2- Elements of Multimedia
  • 27. Types of multimedia devices include:  Microphones  Speakers  Digital Cameras  Headphones.  Computers  DVD Players  LCD Projector  Video Games  Home theaters  TV -2- Types of Multimedia Devices
  • 28.  Very High Processing Power.  Multimedia Capable File System  Data Representations/File Formats that support multimedia  Efficient and High Input / Output  Special Operating System  Storage and Memory  Software Tools  Network Support -2- Features of a Multimedia System
  • 29.  Capture devices - Video Camera, Video Recorder, - Audio Microphone, Keyboards, - mice, graphics tablets, - 3D input devices, tactile sensors, - VR devices. - Digitising/Sampling Hardware  Storage Devices -Hard disks, CD-ROMs, -Zip drives, Flash drives, -DVD, etc -2- Components of a Multimedia System
  • 30. Communication Networks - Intranets, Internets, Ethernet Computer Systems - Multimedia Desktop machines, Workstations, MPEG/VIDEO/DSP Hardware Display Devices - CD-quality speakers, HDTV,SVGA, - LCD, TFT, LED monitors, Colour printers etc. -2- Components of a Multimedia System
  • 31.  Multimedia activities encourage students to work in groups.  Express their knowledge in multiple ways.  Solve problems, revise their own work, and construct knowledge.  Effective collaboration techniques  The value of teamwork -2- Why use multimedia in the classroom?
  • 32.  The significance of presentation and speaking skills  The importance of research, planning, and organization skills  The impact and importance of different media  Techniques for synthesizing and analyzing complex content  How to express their ideas creatively -2- Why use multimedia in the classroom?
  • 33. Change in Student and Teacher Roles Increased Motivation and Self Esteem Technical Skills Accomplishment of More Complex Tasks More Collaboration with Peers Increased Use of Outside Resources Improved Design Skills/Attention to Audience -2- Effects of Multimedia in the Classroom
  • 34. Increases learning effectiveness. Is more appealing over traditional. lecture-based learning methods. Offers significant potential in improving personal communications, education and training efforts. -2- Advantages of Multimedia
  • 35. Reduces training costs. Is easy to use. Gains and Holds Attention It is integrated and interactive. Multimedia is Entertaining as Well as Educational -2- Advantages of Multimedia
  • 36. Tailors information to the individual. Provides high-quality video images & audio. Offers system portability. Frees the teacher from routine tasks. Gathers information about the study results of the student. -2- Advantages of Multimedia
  • 37. -2- Disadvantages of Multimedia  It takes time to compile.  Technological resources, both hardware and software  Technological skills, for both the students and teacher  It is expensive
  • 38. -2- Disadvantages of Multimedia  Not always easy to configure  Requires special hardware  Not always compatible  Time required to plan, design, develop, and evaluate multimedia activities
  • 39. -2- Stages in Multimedia Production  Research & Analysis  Scripting or flowcharting  Storyboarding  Collection of media elements and construction  Programming  Testing
  • 40. -2- Stages in Multimedia Production Research & Analysis During this stage we need to find out about the audience, their skills, needs and qualifications.
  • 41. -2- Stages in Multimedia Production Scripting or flowcharting Scripting or flowcharting means deciding the flow of the multimedia project
  • 42. -2- Stages in Multimedia Production Storyboarding  During this stage the actual visualization of the project takes place. The designer decides how each screen will look like, which media elements will be used and where to place them on the screen.
  • 43. -2- Stages in Multimedia Production Collection of media elements and construction  At this stage the designer is ready and starts creating the graphics and other elements to be used in the project.
  • 44. -2- Stages in Multimedia Production Programming  At this stage the media elements are combined together into a final product using software packages like PowerPoint Presentation, macromedia Flash.
  • 45. -2- Stages in Multimedia Production Testing  This is the final stage of any multimedia project. At this stage we check if all the elements are working as per requirement or not.
  • 46. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .bmp Bitmap Image Uncompressed image File used to store bitmap digital images. .gif Graphical Interchange Format File Common for web graphics with small images with text. Uses limited number of colours
  • 47. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .png Portable Network Graphics Used to store graphics for web images .jpeg / jpg Joint Photographic Expert / Group Image File Common image format used by digital cameras
  • 48. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .psd Photoshop Document Image created by Adobe Photoshop .tif Tagged Image File Format Highly flexible and platform independent format which is widely used today
  • 49. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .avi Audio Video Interleave File Developed by Microsoft to play videos in windows environment .wmv Windows Media Format File (Windows Media Video) This is a compressed video format for internet streaming applications
  • 50. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .mpg / .mpeg Moving Pictures Expert Group File Popular video format used for creating movies distributed over internet .mov Quick Time Format File Developed by Apple. Files are compressed and are easier to download from the internet
  • 51. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .rm / ram Real Video File Format (Real Audio Metadata) Combination of audio and video .swf / .flv Adobe Flash Shockwave File (flv-Flash Video File) (swf - Small Web Format) Animated file containing text and images. Created by using Adobe Flash Software
  • 52. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .mid / . midi MIDI File (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) File containing Music Data .wav Wave File Waveform audio file
  • 53. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .mp3 / .mpga MPEG3 Audio File (Motion Pictures Expert Group Layer 3) Compressed audio and music file, mp3 songs or ringtones .mp4 MPEG4 Video File Commonly used for sharing video files on the internet.
  • 54. -2- Types of audio, video extensions File Extension Type of File Description .m4v iTunes Video File iTunes Video File .asf Advanced Systems Format File Advanced Systems Format File
  • 55. -2- Usage of Multimedia  Education and Training  Recording or broadcasting lectures  Using Video Conferencing we can hear an expert speaker from a distant location.  Demonstrating surgeries or other techniques that learners may not otherwise have the opportunity to see and later put them in practice.
  • 56. -2- Usage of Multimedia  Record student’s performance to enable feedback  Advertisements  Entertainment  Journalism  Edutainment  Animations and movies  Design. Architects and engineers’ projects
  • 57. -2- Applications of Multimedia  World Wide Web  Hypermedia courseware  Video conferencing  Video-on-demand  Interactive TV  Groupware  Home shopping  Games  Virtual reality  Digital video editing and production systems  Multimedia Database systems
  • 58. -2- Conclusion Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.
  • 59. -2- Conclusion Multimedia system implements multimedia technologies and in turn it is used for enhancing multimedia technology whereas multimedia technology manages both the hardware and software to create and run multimedia system.
  • 60. -2- Exercise 1. What is multimedia? List the elements of multimedia 2. What is typeface and font? 3. Explain how multimedia is used in various fields? 4. List various file formats used for the following files: (a) Audio (b) Image (c) Video 5. List the stages in multimedia production
  • 62. References  DaveHax.com  Edward Cheung email: icec@polyu.edu.hk Multimedia Systems 28 July, 2003.  File formats for Popular PC Software: A Programmer’s Reference , Jeff Walden (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1986)  Graphics File Formats , David C. Kay and John R. Levine(Windcrest Books/McGraw- Hill 1995)  Graphics File Formats: Reference and Guide , C. Wayne Brown and Barry J. Shepherd (Manning Publications 1994)  Halsall, Fred, Multimedia Communications – Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards, Addison-Wesley, 2001.  http://graphicssoft.about.com/library/weekly/aa000104e.htm  http://www.microsoft.com  http://www.thinkfinity.org/uploadedimages  http://www.YouTube.com  Mohd Khairuddin Bin Abd Karim: PowerPoint Presentation “Graphics & Multimedia- Basic Components” Civil Engineering Dept. Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah 25350 Semambu, Kuantan Email: khairuddin_karim@polisas.edu.my  PC File Formats & Conversions , Ralf Kussmann (Abacus 1990)  Rao, K.R., Bojkovic, Z.S., Milovanovic, D.A., Multimedia Communication Systems, Techniques, Standards and Networks, Ed., Prentice Hall PTR, 2002.  Special Issue on Multimedia Signal Processing, Part One, Proceedings of The IEEE, Vol. 86, No. 5, pp. 749-1024, May 1998.  The Graphic File Toolkit: Converting and Using Graphic Files , Steve Rimmer (Addison-Wesley 1994)
  • 63. Thank you for your attention!!!
  • 64. END

Editor's Notes

  1. how