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What Is The Best College E
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What Is The Best College E What Is The Best College E
God Is The Pure Essence Of Perfect
No one on this Earth is perfect, only our God is the pure essence of perfect. With God s love and
perfection He is able to use us, the imperfect, to carry out His will. We have all sinned and continue to
ask for forgiveness when needed. Although we are not perfect, God still has a plan for our lives and it
is our duty to follow out His will. In the Old Testament there are books of history, which discuss God s
use of some imperfect individuals to accomplish His purpose for Israel. There are twelve books
exactly that deal with the history of the nation of Israel and how God accomplished His goals. These
twelve books are Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd
Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. These books share a prophetic view of history describing
how the obedience or disobedience of God s people is directly tied to the blessings and curses of the
covenant. The first of these books is Joshua. In this book, the possession of the land by the nation is
the main point. It tells us the story of Israel s arrival at Canaan, otherwise known as the Promise Land,
while under the leadership of Joshua. God appoints Joshua as a leader and that he will never leave him
or forsake him. Joshua stood strong in his faith, his obedience to God, and he was courageous. So
although Joshua was one out of many men that were not apparently flawed, this book is a foundation
for all that was to come. The second book of history was Judges. The Book of Judges is
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World Leader Of Luxury Products
Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) is a luxury goods conglomerate based in France. Bernard
Arnault is the chairman and CEO. LVMH was formed in 1987 with the merger of Moët Hennessy and
Louis Vuitton thus becoming the world leader of luxury products. LVMH is the only group present in
all five major sectors of the luxury market Wine and Spirits, Fashion and Leather Goods, Perfumes
and Cosmetics, Watching and Jewelry, and Selective Retailing with 70 distinguished houses total.
They own 15 fashion leather goods houses, 24 wine spirit houses, 10 perfumes cosmetics houses, 7
watches jewelry houses, and 6 houses in selective retailing. LVMH is one of six companies that own
over forty fashion brands. In 1999 LVMH started the watches and jewelry division of the brand.
Additionally opening a New York headquarters around this same time. In 2000 the London based
house opened and it was used as training center for group leaders. In July 2015 Jean Claude Biver,
president of the watches division, stated the LVMH plans to launch watch to rival the Apple watch.
In 1992 they founded a division that focuses on the environment. LVMH has for as far back as 20
years foreseen and adjusted production procedures, propensities and practices, working every day to
discover better answers for the numerous ecological difficulties our industry faces. LVMH has a long
term commitment that products created by the group houses are made from natural and often rare and
exceptional raw materials.
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The Role Of The Direct Effect And State Liability
The given scenario involves a women name Suvi, a Finnish national who wants to work in UK as a
self employer offering her services as a Zoo technologist to the zoos in UK. In order to achieve that
she must be registered with National Authority of Zoo The problem with her situation is the that her
application for registration has been rejected based on two reasons, (1) she must obtain a qualification
in respective field from UK in line with 2014 UK Act and (2) she must obtain insurance in accordance
with EU Directive 2010/5.
The main issue for Suvi to concern with is the enforcement of EU law and the application of the
Direct effect and possible following of Indirect effect and State Liability. The Direct Effect is a term
given to judicial ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And to do that she must full fill the criteria of Van Gend en Loos [5] i.e (1) Be clear and precise (2) Be
unconditional and (3) Not dependent on further actions by EU institutions or by Member state .[6]
For Suvi s first reason of rejection of application of registration with NAZ, Under the Regulation EU
12/2012 of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL on the right of free of movement for
zoo technologisist 1 APRIL 2012. ART 1, ART 3 and ART 7 satisfies the Van Gen en loos test s first
and second condition because ART 1 and ART 3 of the regulation Gives right s to Suvi to work in UK
to as a self employed zoo technologist .she is a Finnish national, EU MS citizen, thus she can work in
any other MS and she is entitled to be registered with National Authority of Zoos (NAZ) the
regulation should have been applied by UK by December 2012 and by the facts given it it indicates
that UK government did not do the transposition properly therefore it will be safe to say that the time
of transpose has passed thus satisfying second condition and EU regulation can be enforced like the
case of Pubblico Ministero v Rotti 148/78 [7] principle where the date of implementation has passed
and the directive have not been implemented or implemented properly.
Even though the EU Regulation, under ART 288,EU law is directly applicable in host country, these
three Articles full fill the first two conditions of the criteria i.e. Be clear and precise, Be unconditional.
The third condition
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What Is The Walt Disney Conglomerate
The Walt Disney Company is a large conglomerate best known for its classic animated movies and
multi national amusement parks. What most people don t realize is however, is how much Disney
owns, including: theater and music production companies, retail locations, a cruise line, Marvel, Lucas
films, Pixar, ABC, ESPN, and more. According to Walt Disney Studios, the company was founded in
Los Angeles in 1923 by brothers Roy and Walt Disney, however they did not see their first major
success until the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in 1937. Through the 1930s and
1940s, Disney continued to make popular animated films such as Fantasia and Bambi; they also
produced propaganda films for the US government during the second world war.
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Pop Art Movement Essay
The Pop Art Movement was one of the biggest visual art movements of the 20th century. Therefore it
is extremely significant. Pop Art is simply an abbreviation for popular art work. Numerous artists such
as such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist and Claes Oldenburg started this
phenomenal movement form the 1950 s and onwards. It came at a time after a two decade period
where abstract art was extremely popular. Pop Art is the movement in art when artists began to create
art with the subject of things that are the iconic in nature such as famous people, advertising, and
movies (things that were popular at the time.) In London, in 1952, a group of artists calling themselves
the Independent Group began meeting regularly to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After which he became extremely famous. From 1962 onwards he started making silkscreen prints of
famous personalities like Marilyn Monroe (see below) or Elizabeth Taylor.
The Marilyn Diptych, along with his other famous Marilyn paintings, is based on a 1953 publicity
photograph for the film Niagara . He produced this amazing piece of art just a couple of weeks after
her death. He was genuinely amazed by her. He wanted to show her to the world in his own unique
way. It contains fifty images of the actress, which are all based on a single publicity photograph from
the film Niagara. The twenty five pictures on the left side of the diptych are brightly colored, while the
twenty five on the right are in black and white, and also blurred or faded. It can be found in Tate,
Liverpool. It was a very significant piece of art at the time. Roy Lichtenstein developed the comic
strip. His style was always the same: black outlines, bold colors and tones rendered by Benday dots (a
method of printing tones in comic books from the 1950 s and 60 s). He explored modern art styles
exploration of modernist art styles: Cubism, Futurism, Art Deco, De Stijl, Surrealism and Abstract
Expressionism. He made small adjustment to cartoon s, newspaper advertising and mainly comic
strips. His work is very entertaining and humorous which makes it enjoyable by all.
Look Mickey (1961), a large scale
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Explain The Five Ways Of Thomas Aquinas
On this summary I decided that I will write about the Five ways of Thomas Aquinas to prove the
existence of God. This was what stuck more to me when I was doing the Philosophy of religion quiz. I
also learned that Aquinas developed his argument from Aristotle. First way: Argument from motion.
He demonstrates God s existence by the observation that each thing in the universe that moves, is
moved by something else. Nothing can be at once in both actuality and responsibility in the same way.
From a series of movers, it must have begun with a prime mover. Second way: Argument from
efficient cause. Every efficient cause must itself have an efficient cause and because there cannot be
an infinite chain of efficient causes. If the first thing in
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Volume Estimates of the Heart through the Use of Simpson s...
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Objectives 3
2. Simpson s rule 3
2.1 First proof of Simpson s rule 4
2.2 Second proof of Simpson s rule 6
2.3 Error in Simpson s rule 7
2.4 Number of slices for the approximation to be exact up to a certain number 7
3. Application of the Simpson s rule to measuring the volume of the heart 8
3.3.2 Sample calculation. 10
4. Conclusion 11
5. Bibliography 12
6. Appendix 12
Introduction and Objectives
I was looking at a program on discovery channel where there were treasure hunter ships.They would
scan the seabed it. I noticed then when the seabed came up on the computer screen it was imaged one
part at a time, this made me think of integration with the trapezoidal rule where separate ... Show more
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Finally, I will draw the main conclusions from this project.
Simpson s rule
A way that we can see the trapezoidal (or midpoint) rule is that we approximate a function using a first
degree polynomial. Following this line of thinking we can say that by using Simpson s rule we
approximate a function using a second degree polynomial. In the graph here above f(x) represents the
function that we are trying to approximate
P(x) is the second degree polynomial that we use to approximate the function
The Simpson s rule can be derived in various ways described in the two following subsections.
First proof of Simpson s rule
(based on the proof in the book Calculus, Larson Hostetler Edwards s fifth edition)
∫_a^b▒█(f(x)dx=@ ) ∫_a^b▒〖(A〗 x^2+Bx+C)dx
Integral is taken
∫_a^b▒█(f(x)dx=@ ) [(Ax^3)/3+(Bx^2)/2+C] x = b a
∫_a^b▒█(f(x)dx=[(A(b^3 a^3))/3+(B〖(b〗^2 a^2))/2+C(b a)]@ )
By inverse distribution
∫_a^b▒f(x)dx=((b a)/6)[2A(a^2+ab+b^2 )+3B(b+a)+6C]
∫_a^b▒f(x)dx=((b a)/6)[(Aa^2+Ba+C)+4[A((b+a)/2)^2+B((b+a)/2)+C]+ (Ab^2+Bb+C)]
∫_a^b▒f(x)dx=((b a)/6)[f(a)+4f((b+a)/2)+f(b)]
To use Simpson s rule you divide the interval into n equal subintervals each of width ∆x=(b a)/n. N is
required to be even because for Simpson s rule we use coordinates to draw a polynomial of the least
degree to pass through. For a polynomial to be determined we need three coordinates, we reuse the
last coordinate of the previous polynomial to create our next one.
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Henderson Dahnke Case
Henderson, M Dahnke, M.D (2015, p.62) identifies that the greatest risk in use of social media in
health care is to the patient s privacy and confidentiality. If the established trust between a patient and
nurse is broken, the patient may no longer feel comfortable revealing crucial information to health
workers. As well as patient privacy and confidentiality, it is also possible for a nurse to cause harm by
sharing the private and confidential information of their colleagues via the use of social media. Aside
from a person s privacy and confidentiality, the inappropriate use of social media by a nurse can be
detrimental to a patient or colleague s personal beliefs, race, gender, religion and/ or sexual preference.
Henderson, M Dahnke,
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On January 20th, 2013, Barack Obama was inaugurated to his...
On January 20th, 2013, Barack Obama was inaugurated to his second term as president of the United
States. In his speech, he made history when he made a reference to gay rights, he said:
We the people, declare today that the most evident of truths that all of us are created equal is the star
that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just
as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to
hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is
inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on earth (Obama).
Seneca Falls, Selma, and Stonewall were all historical movements regarding ... Show more content on
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This was led by Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott. These conventions also were held in places like
Worcester, Massachusetts and thousands of women and men came to support the women s suffrage
movement (Imbornoni).
There were other ways women were advancing their political status. Due to the fact that women did
not have equal rights as men, until earlier in the 20th century, some would dress as men to achieve
higher political status or to get a better job. Gay women would cross dress just because it made them
feel more comfortable. Homosexuality was not an uncommon thing in the 19th century. It was normal
for members of the same sex to show affection to each other, and even sleep in the same bed. When
people would come out as homosexual; doctors automatically presumed they were mentally unstable
and they were put in an asylum. Doctors continued to say homosexuality was an illness until the
1970s. For about twenty years after the end of the 19th century, women, homosexuals, and African
Americans all struggled for their rights. Everything changed when the roaring twenties emerged.
In 1920, women finally were granted the right to vote with the passing of the nineteenth amendment.
This caused women to start rebelling against ladylike things that were considered normal behavior,
and the group known as the Flappers emerged. These young women drank and smoked excessively in
public, cut their hair, and wore short dresses. Some of these Flappers
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The Pros And Cons Of Police Body Cameras
The social media and the public might want police body cam footage release but sometimes it might
be to graphic or controversial. Police body cameras have been a topic since the incident with Michael
Brown in august of 2014. Police shot and killed an unarmed individual in ferguson, MO, leading to
many people wanting cameras on police. Whether the cameras are a good idea or not this paper will
explore the facts and sides of police body cameras. Overall body cameras should be required Because
they can save the lives of the innocent, keep innocent people from going to jail, and can help a case as
more evidence.
What is a body camera, a body camera is a small unit that is placed on police officer. It is usually a
small unit place on a officers glasses, shoulder, or on the chest. Most unit are self contained but if it
were malfunction the are a bit expensive to replace (Erstad). These cameras have to be manually
turned on and off (EInvestigators). These cameras can possibly break or malfunction on the job but
only in a rare cases (EInvestigators). Some of these cameras take a lot of maintenance to keep running
like software and SD cards storage. As these cameras are getting more widespread and so city are
making them mandatory to be on police at all times. But with more cameras there is more footage and
people want that footage released for the public to have an opinion on. But releasing the footage might
cause some controversy and may not be suitable for public eyes. This type of issue causes a lot of
problems Some examples of the raw footage being released into the public can cause problems. One
such case is Michael Bennet at the Mayweather vs. Mcgregor fight where there were falsely reported
gunshots and Michael was running out of the building when police stopped and was detained for 17
minutes. He seen as running from the cops so they considered him suspicious and was detained. There
were false accusations before the footage was released and the case was closed with no one being
arrested or hurt (Chiari). Another such case is with officer Anthony Cano who came up to a wrecked
car on the side of the road. When he searched the vehicle some one was inside and he seemed
suspicious and the officer asked
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Critical Analysis Of Doris Lessing
About the Author:
The Nobel laureate Doris Lessing is an African British writer of the Post War generation. She was
born in Persia (Iran) on October 22, 1919 to Captain Alfred Tayler and Emily Maude Tayler. Lessing
spent her early years in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In South Africa she was involved in the
Communist Party and black politics of violence. Lessing s oeuvre incorporates such diverse genres as
novels, short stories, poetry, drama, autobiography and other non fictional writing. In her fictional
works, Lessing has worked on diverse themes and employed a wide array of narrative techniques and
styles ranging from realism (socio political) of her early works to the surrealism, and science fiction of
some of her late literary career. Lessing focuses her attention on the 21st century s major issues in
novels. Doris Lessing is influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx, Idries Shah and Carl Jung. The
ideology of Karl Marx, theory of class struggle is implicitly reflected in her later novels. The novelist
since her childhood has experienced the pain of class ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a generic concept, literature exhibits the trauma of violence, anger, and act of terrorism. The
literature of modern days, shows the contemporary events very realistically. 4
Literature has different colours and shades. It is the reflection of day today incidents in human life. It
is the accurate picture of social lifestyle. The incidents and events of daily life are mirrored in it. In
modern life, violence and terror became the part and parcel of our daily life. The world is becoming
the victim of terrorist activities. There is dramatic fall and devaluation of moral values in the modern
society. Commercialism and materialism are eating into the moral fiber of our society like a cancerous
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The Best Practice Procedures The Cls Have Set Up A Number...
To coincide with the best practice procedures the CLS have set up a number of risk management
procedures for its members and the procedures to become a member. Every instruction must go
through various tests before it is accepted by the CLS. (Swiss National Bank p. 8) This series of test
includes that the institutions must have a positive overall account balance of the participant s sub
accounts with the CLS, a short position limit in any one currency, and aggregate shore positions.
(Swiss National Bank p. 8) The first factor of the test of an overall positive account balance is the
most important quota to meet for the CLS. By having a positive balance the institution is showing the
CLS that they have outstanding credit and will be able to make payments when they make a deal or
transaction through the CLS. By safeguarding the credit of institutions applying to be members of the
group the CLS are lowering the percentages and allowance for risk knowing that at the time of
admittance the pursuing member was in good credit and showed no signs of not being able to pay their
transactions. The second risk management of short position limits helps to ensure that institutions will
not run into liquidity problems. Each member of the group is allowed an identical limit per currency.
By creating these limits the CLS are trying to lower the risk and keep a fair and stable market. If one
currency takes a major dive it will not have such a large effect on a members liquidity as
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Description And Analysis Of The Run Time Pattern
Overview: This section describes the interpretation and analysis of the results from both of the
experiments. The analysis is based upon the comparison of the theories against the results of the
experiment, whether the results support or reject the theory. This section consists of the following
analysis: comparison of the run time pattern in three times execution, comparison of the overall run
time using an arithmetic mean approach and error analysis.
Run Time Pattern in Three Executions
MySQL (non cluster) had a stable pattern within three executions, while Hadoop did not. According to
my investigation, it caused by the following reason: I executed MySQL (non cluster) through SSH
window, whereas Hadoop was executed through Ambari client browser. The connection through SSH
did not use Internet public network, while client browser used it. In other words, the public Internet
network only affected client browser.
Based on 10 times bandwidth measurement (appendix F), the Internet speed was unstable. The
Internet speed was unstable because it was a public network. As a public Internet network used by
other people as well, the speed of the network was depending on the high/low network traffic. The
traffic of public network was unpredictable: some users might do heavy activities at one time, and few
seconds later the users did not do anything.
Hence, the instability of public Internet speed caused the instability of the total time taken of Hadoop s
activities. MySQL (non
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Marketing Objectives Of Vodafone Internet Security
E Marketing Objectives.........................................................................3
Pricing Strategy...................................................................................5
Internet for Distribution.........................................................................6
Customer Relationship Management.......................................................9
Marketing Organisational Structure........................................................12
Revenue Forecast..............................................................................15
Evaluation Cost.................................................................................16
Evaluation Plan.................................................................................17
APA Referencing...............................................................................18
E Marketing Objectives of Vodafone internet security for New Zealand for the year 2015 are:
Upsurge Reliability and Faith: As per Vodafone Internet security newly entering in the market, it is
essential to generate Reliability and Faith of consumers in Vodafone Internet security. So we are
aiming to achieve market penetration of 60% by 31 December 2015 by getting more customers by
providing exceptional customer services, new updates and services from Vodafone.
Targeted sales: The first aim is to achieve the targeted number of sales. Vodafone possesses to sell
22,000 Vodafone internet security product in the first six months. Moreover we are supposing to sell
minimum 27,000 vodafone internet security products by 31st December 2015 respectively, by
introducing new services, updates and market the same using digital marketing capabilities of internet
Online advertising: Online advertising is a marketing plan that contains
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Ma Joad In The Grapes Of Wrath
I believe Ma Joad is the ultimate hero of the novel The Grapes of Wrath . Ma Joad is the motherly
character who keeps the Joads together. Ma Joad displays multiple acts of care, discipline and decision
making that help keep the Joads somewhat together throughout the novel. The Joads are a large family
who experience a lot during their long journey to the state of California, where they hope to live a new
life. A female hero normally displays wisdom, self sacrifice and understanding. Ma easily displays
these in almost every major event in the Joads journey. Although she s not the center of the Joad
family, she s very important and has a positive role throughout the novel. Even with the loss of a
family member close to her, she remains stable
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The Utilization Of Ancient Greek Values
The utilization of Ancient Greek values through the use of characters in Medea
Throughout the play Medea written Euripides, an assortment of unique characters are presented to the
audience. At first glance, the characters in the play seem to serve as the normal society in Ancient
Greece. This is true to a certain degree but Euripides intended it to be more than their standard social
roles. Euripides utilizes characters such as the all women choir, King Creon, Medea and others to
convey his perception of what is his modern but now Ancient Greek traditional values are to him and
even pushes the boundaries by breaking some of the social standards set during his time. With a
deeper understanding of the characters, the audience will be able to ... Show more content on
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The Choir s disgust of King Creon is evident in the scene where he appeared to banish Medea from
Corinth, the First Woman said I have seen this man s arrogance, I watched and heard him. I am of
Corinth, and I say that Corinth is not well ruled. (Jeffers 12) Followed by the Second Woman saying
The city where even a foreigner, suffers unjustly the rods of power is not well ruled. (Jeffers 12) The
repeated phrase is not well ruled undoubtedly shows their displeasure under his rule along with the
Choir s constant criticism of him throughout their dialogue. The women are also sympathetic towards
Medea as would any other citizen would feel because of the traumatic events that had just occurred to
Medea. When judging Medea s actions, no one protest more to her plots then the women, First Woman
I think you ought to persuade Medea to come from the dark dwelling, and speak with us, before her
heart breaks. (Jeffers 6) The women are attempting to persuade Medea from her dark thoughts but to
little avail because Medea ultimately commits her revenge. Despite the women s simplistic appearance
in the play, Euripides exploits their role to represent the vast number of ordinary Greek citizens and to
counsel Medea on her actions.
Another similar role the audience will recognize is the presence of a tyrannical ruler in the play, this
role is placed in the hands of King Creon, the ruler of Corinth. King Creon s
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Rabies Virus ( Rv )
Introduction: Rabies virus (Rv) is a type species1 of the viral genus Lyssavirus from the phylogenetic
family Rhabdoviridae. The morphology pertaining to Lyssavirus consist of a spiked viral envelop
surrounding a protein matrix protein M2 and an inner ribonucleocapsid3 complex containing the viral
ribonucleic acid (RNA). The spiked appearance of the viral envelop is secondary to the presence of
glycoproteins that line its outer surface. Lyssavirus maintains both a helical and a cubical symmetry,
however, the cubic viral complex is most prevalent in mammals. Throughout the course of history
canines, both feral and domestic, have been the world s most influential vector for the spread of
rabies. Records dating back to the Babylonian era, 2300 B.C., detail civilian penalties for deaths
caused by their dogs biting other civilians. In 100 A.D. the Roman Empire, Greece and Crete fell
victim to the rabies pandemic. It later spread through Great Britain in 1026, and reached the Americas
in 1703. The growing threat of the Rv engendered an order to shoot all dogs on site around St. James,
London in 1753. The canine genocide did not cease the dissemination of the Rv. Dr. Emile Roux, MD,
and Dr. Louis Pasteur, PhD, isolated and studied the Rv in 1881. Understanding the mode of action of
the Rv, Roux and Pasteur were able to synthesis a killed vaccination from dried spinal cord laden with
viral particles in 1883. Pasteur holds the acclaim for the vaccine s discovery, because he
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Essay On Apollo 13
Apollo 13 was to be the third mission sent from the Apollo Project to land on the Moon. An explosion
in one of the oxygen tanks caused the spacecraft to become crippled during the flight and the crew
were forced to orbit the Moon and return to the Earth without landing. The Apollo 13 mission was
launched on Saturday afternoon, April 11, 1970 from launch complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center.
The space prime crew consisted of trained experts Commander James A. Lovell Jr., Command module
pilot Ken Mattingly and Lunar module pilot Fred W. Haise Jr. There was also three backup crew
members named John W. Young, John L. Swigert Jr. and Charles M. Duke. This crew was ready to
step in if for any reason something were to happen to any of the main ... Show more content on
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However, at 55hrs, 54mins and 53secs when the crew was 200,000 miles from Earth and closing in on
the moon, mission controller Sy Liebergot saw a low pressure warning signal on a hydrogen tank in
Odyssey. The signal could have shown a problem, or could have indicated the hydrogen just needed to
be resettled by heating and fanning the gas inside the tank. Swigert flipped the switch for the routine
procedure. However when flipping the switch one of the oxygen tanks in the service module exploded.
The explosion caused one of the spacecraft panels to rip off and damaged the fuel tanks killing the
crew s oxygen supply and the spacecraft then began to lose power. The crew notified Mission Control,
with Swigert s famous phrase, Houston, we ve had a problem... . Luckily the Apollo spacecraft was
made up of two independent spacecrafts joined by a tunnel the main spacecraft named Odyssey and
the lunar model named Aquarius. Luckily for Apollo 13, the explosion only damaged Odyssey so they
had Aquarius as backup, which wasn t supposed to be turned on until the crew was close to landing on
the moon. It didn t have a heat shield to survive the trip back to Earth, but it could keep the crew alive
long enough to get there. Then, the astronauts could switch to Odyssey for the rest of the trip home.
Haise and Lovell frantically worked to boot Aquarius up in less time than designed, while Swigert
remained in Odyssey to shut down its
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Career Goals For A Professional Career Goal
There must to be sacrifice and dedication on the road to obtaining a degree. That sacrifice and
dedication doubles when the student is a middle aged adult with a full time job and other financial
obligations. It is not easy juggling a full time job and being a full time student. The art of time
management is a valuable tool to master and will definitely help with balancing everything and getting
all tasks completed. Professional Career Statement Creating a professional career goal statement can
significantly impact a resume. According to (Starzee, 2012) a professional career goal statement
allows the candidate an opportunity to provide the employer a synopsis of the value they intend to
bring to the organization. Below is a professional goal statement for a Client Relationship
Professional: Engaging Client Relations Manager adept at evolving complex client proposals.
Expertly skilled in various business operations including client billing conflict resolution and the
implementation of effective business policies and procedures. Proficient in developing and nurturing
productive client relationships. The rationale for the above professional career goal statement is that it
shows that the professional is more than capable of performing the duties and also has the highest
level of personal skill to interact with clients. In Depth Analysis The jobs that I will be applying for
are managing others on the front lines of providing customer service. Jobs such as;
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Standford Prison Experiment
Standford Prison experiment 1.What are the effects of living in an environment with no clocks, no
view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation? * People living in an environment with
no clocks, no view of the outside world will change whom the people mentally. It would make the
people go crazy. There is no excitement or life in such an environment. People emotions change and
are influenced by their environment.
2. Consider the psychological consequences of stripping, delousing, and shaving the heads of
prisoners or members of the military. What transformations take place when people go through an
experience like this? * I believe that when people go through this experiences they feel less than
others. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
6. Compare the reactions of these visitors to the reactions of civilians in encounters with the police or
other authorities. How typical was their behavior? * The parent was upset about the experiment
because they saw the condition of their sons it was incredible for them to see their children on that
way. Also the children look so fatigue the condition was on good shape for them.
7. In an exploratory study such as this, one problem is defining what the data are the information we
should collect. Also, what should have been done to minimize the effects of experimenter bias on the
outcome of the study? What were the dangers of the principal investigator assuming the role of prison
8. In 2003 U.S. soldiers abused Iraqi prisoners held at Abu Ghraib, 20 miles west of Baghdad. The
prisoners were stripped, made to wear bags over their heads, and sexually humiliated while the guards
laughed and took photographs. How is this abuse similar to or different from what took place in the
Stanford Prison Experiment? * This kind of similar to the experiment because the US soldiers have
the same job than the guards from the experiment. However, because the prisoners and the soldiers
had been more time together I think other factors influenced the exaggerated actions taken by the
soldiers. These factors could hate, pride,
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Vimax Capsule Research Paper
Vimax capsule is a penis expansion pill that claims that you can expand your penis size to as much as
3 inches while you to take it. Is there any reality on this? Do Vimax capsules work? It s made using
average ingredients from plants.
Experiment conducted utilizing Vimax tablets on five participants revealed that it really works. 4 out
of those contributors encountered as much as 3 inch of increase to their penis after their 3 weeks of
taking the pill whilst the rest one person was handiest in a position to discover 1 inch increase. Before
the experiment was once implemented, each and every of their manhood was once measured using
tape and after they completed taking the tablets, a different measurement also took place.
Having visible
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Age And The Importance Of Voting In The United States
Although all Americans have the right over the age of 18, not all citizens vote because of four
common, yet relevant reasons. One s educational level, age, level of income, and prestige of
occupation determine if they will vote or not. First and for most, the education one has is the single
most important factor in predicting whether they vote. Although mostly, all American citizens know
they have the right to vote, they do not know how to get registered or where to vote. That does seem
like a poor excuse, considering we live in a technology based society and pretty much anything can be
looked up online. Despite the fact that some citizens truly do not understand the importance of voting,
some choose to not understand it. Secondly, age
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Chile Tariffs
Tariffs in Chile
From 1930 through 1960 the Chilean economy was highly protected with import and export quotas,
import permits, tariffs, noninterest bearing import deposits and multiple exchange rates imposed by
the government. The Central Bank negotiated, with each importer, which exchange rate to apply to
each transaction. Moreover, imports included only intermediate and capital goods and a few essential
consumer goods. Guidelines to approve products from other countries were followed and several
goods were prohibited for importation. Because of this situation, there were three attempts to
eliminate tariffs and all restrictions. By 1974, changes started taking place. Trade liberalization
allowed Chile to develop where they had a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also, Chile has a Trans Pacific Agreement known as P 4 with New Zealand, Singapore and Brunei
The Trans Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, also named P4 or TPP, is a trade
agreement between Chile, Brunei, New Zealand and Singapore signed in 2005 and has been in force
since 2006. It was designed to liberalize trade between the economies of the Asia Pacific region.
However, since 2010 negotiations have taken place to expand the original trade union to incorporate
eight other countries including Mexico, USA, Canada and Australia. Chile s economy has benefit from
trading with countries in the TPP. In 2012, almost $16 billion of Chile s overall $79 billion worth
exports went to TPP countries. At the same time, Chile imported $25 billion in return. Since 2003,
Chile s trade with TPP nations has grown by 16% each year.
Chile and USA entered into the U.S. Chile Free Trade Agreements on January 1, 2004. This agreement
eliminates tariffs and open markets, reduces barriers for trade in services, provides protection for
intellectual property, ensures regulatory transparency, guarantees nondiscrimination in the trade of
digital products, commits both parties to maintain competition laws that prohibit anticompetitive
business conduct and requires effective labor and environmental enforcement. Through duty
elimination, the agreement allows U.S. textile and apparel exporters to
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Juanes Activist
Is Juanes know as artist of activist? Some artists use their songs and fame to demonstrate to people
their opinions and stand on an issue. By issue one means a problem that affects a considerable amount
of people. One of this artists is is Juanes. His real name is Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez and he
was born on August 9, 1972, in Carolina del Príncipe, Antioquia, Colombia. He started his solo career
and became known in the 2000s. On one hand, he has done a lot of humanitarian work to help the
world, but on the other hand, his most popular songs aren t about the work he has done. Juanes is a
solo guitarist and singer, he has won 20 Latin grammy awards. He became known by his music. He
has also raised awareness about an issue in Colombia
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Compare and Contrast Gibson’s and Gregory’s theories of...
Compare and Contrast Gibson s and Gregory s theories of perception Gibson s and Gregory s theories
of perception both suggest that eye retina is important for perception. The both believe that without
eye retina, a person will not be able to see. This is a common view of both of the theories of
perception. The idea is supported by the case of SB. SB was a man who had been blind from birth due
to cataracts. When he was 52, he had an operation which restored his sight and hence he could see.
Thus, this case has shown the importance of eye retina for things to be perceived. And therefore,
supports both of theories of perception which eye retina is essential for perception.
Gibson believes in the direct theories of perception which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It may be that a genetic predisposition to perception exists, but that situational factors also have to be
in place for it to develop.
Apart from the above, there are a few more differences between Gibson s and Gregory s theories of
perception. Gregory believes that additional processing is required for perception which some forms
of background knowledge is needed to make sense of the environment than just the sensory input
while Gibson believes that perception is part of an inbuilt adaptive mechanism for survival which does
not rely on stored knowledge or past experience.
Gregory believes that expectations have an impact on perceptions which Gibson disagrees. There is
empirical evidence supporting the idea of Gregory, and this comes from a study carried out by Simons
and Levin. 50% of the participants failed to realise that there was a switch of people. This is probably
due to the fact that the participants had not expected a change of person. Hence, they were unable to
perceive it. Furthermore, a study carried out by Selfridge also supports the idea of Gregory. Selfridge s
study demonstrates that our perceptions are mediated by our expectations as people are able to read
the figures as the cat . This is because people have the expectations of the cat as they are words in
common usage. These studies have shown that people saw what they have been
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Reflection Paper About Reflection
Reflection Questions
Out of all the stories that I heard my favorite story was titled the Power Of Love . The author drew me
in by using a precise date and setting and that made me feel like I was there in that same setting. The
way she detailed the setting and used a lot of the sense such as stating that the room she sat in was
cold and as the doctor talked to her it turned chilly.
The speaker used a lot of elements in her story, but one of the strongest elements that I found that
would be extremely useful is how well she developed the story and how it was organized. She did not
over complicate the story and spoke very eloquently. The manner in which she carried the story also
made me understand her story easily and I would like to incorporate these elements in my story as
My biggest challenge with this project is going to be vocalizing my story in a strong manner, because
when I get nervous I tend to mumble. I hope that I do not mumble and that i convey my story clearly.
Before the story: My sister had a boyfriend, although she was not allowed to date. She would take me
along with her so that no one would suspect anything.
I would go with her under the condition that she would buy me my movie ticket and food.
How it began:
It all started when I was in the 7th grade.
My sister and I were going to go to the movies and as always I would be the one to wait on her,
because she always took a long time getting ready. I was laying on my bed and listening to music. As I
was waiting for her I looked in the mirror. I then suddenly noticed I had a unibrow. Ever since the
fourth grade I was aware of that unibrow, but this time it was a scary one.
How it began:
I told myself do not worry no one will notice, but then i thought no your in middle school someone
will notice. I then thought of another idea maybe I will shave it, get rid of that unibrow.
That idea alone did not convince me so then I though maybe I should just get bangs and cut them right
above my eyes and no one will even know.
Then my sister starts yelling at me to hurry up the irony of that statement when it was always me
getting her in trouble for being late.
Climax: I decided that I was gonna be bold and I was going to shave
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Deem Spell Analysis
This movie describes a first African American lawyer who became the Court s 96th justice. The movie
revolves around Thurgood Marshall. At a young aged he faced one of his greatest challenges while
working as a lawyer for the NAACP. Marshall traveled to a conservative Connecticut area but wealthy
well known person in society, named Eleanor Strubing accuses a black chauffeur, named Joseph Spell
of sexual assault and attempted murder. Spell soon teams up with Sam Friedman, a local Jewish
lawyer who s never handled a criminal case. The two men, together build a defense while contending
with racist and anti Semitic views from those who deem Spell to be guilty. One decision is made by
the sitting judge known as judge Foster, an imperious old white
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Explain How Asexual Reproduction Is Different From Sexual...
1. Explain how asexual reproduction is different from sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is
different from seucal reproduction because it reproduces through mitosis which clones the cell and
results in the new cells being identical to the parent cell. However, sexual reproduction takes 50%
(about) of the chromosomes of each parent to create a new diploid (zygote) which creates genetic
variation and could be advantageous to evolving/natural selection. 2. Explain what happens during
crossing over and when it occurs in meiosis. Crossing over occurs in prophase I which is the first
prophase of meiosis. Two chromosomes each from one parent can physically connect and share
genetic information (creating a chiasma). As a result, genetic variation increases. 3. How is metaphase
I different from metaphase of mitosis? Metaphase I is different from metaphase of mitosis because in
metaphase I homologous pairs are being separated and pulled to the opposite ends of the cell by
microtubules. However, in metaphase of mitosis, sister chromatids are being separated to opposite
ends of the cell. 4. Explain why sexual reproduction increases variation among offspring much more
than asexual reproduction does. Sexual reproduction ensures that the offspring will be a combination
traits from both the parents. Some traits from both parents will be present (hopefully advantageous
ones) and some traits will be inactive (disadvantageous ones). This increases variation because no
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The Differences Between Market Research And Marketing...
Marketing research refers to a well planned and rational study analysis and interpretation of marketing
problems undertaken for actionable decision making. Marketing research considers the more
immediate situation. It is primarily concerned with the provision of information about markets and the
reaction of these to various product, price, distribution and promotion decisions. (Boone, 2006)
Marketing research can be divided into two types; external continuous data and external ad hoc data.
Generally, marketing research helps in many different ways. It gives information on consumer groups,
it gives information on price, promotion, product and distribution, it gives information on the ... Show
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Market Research refers to the study of the entire market and consumer behaviour, within that market
while marketing research is a well planned and rational study, analysis and interpretation of marketing
problems undertaken for actionable decision making.
2. Market research is a branch of marketing research, whereas marketing research is a component of
marketing information system.
3. The scope of market research is limited as it studies about the aspects of market and consumer
behaviour only. On the other hand, marketing research involves the study of the whole marketing
process, i.e. the research of advertising, pricing, packaging, policymaking and the market as well.
4. Market research is specific in nature, as the research gives an understanding about the particular
market which is not applicable to other markets. While marketing research is generic in nature, as the
study can be helpful in solving various marketing problems.
5. Market research is conducted to check the viability of the product in the target market. Whereas
marketing research is carried out to make effective decisions regarding marketing activities and to
keep control on the marketing of economic output i.e. goods and services. (Kotler,
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The Island Of Dr. Moreau Essay
The Island of Dr. Moreau, by H.G. Wells is focused around a man fascinated with the difference
between animal and man. Dr. Moreau, a man surely seen as a mad scientist to the outside world, and
maybe correctly. Dr. Moreau is determined to establish a sustainable human population, but all he has
on his secluded island, are a bunch of beasts. Although, this appears to be a problem, he still works
toward his goal, in rather experimental stages.
The genre of the story is very much science fiction, but it is also realistic fiction. Although this is not
based on any true events, the idea of experimenting on and evolving humans is not only possible, but
would most likely be a common thing if not for the lack of legality of the practice. The point of view
is definitely first person as the book is written as a diary of sorts. The narrator is telling the reader, his
experiences on the island as if retelling a personal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Edward Prendick, being the protagonist as well as narrator of the book showed most development in
his opinion of the beast people. Prendick went from being scared to death of the beasts turned humans
when he first came ashore on the island, to being friendly, feeling pity when they were tortured, and
back to being scared to death again when one of them killed the doctor. He is very philosophical when
it comes to the comparison between man and beast.
Dr. Moreau is fascinated with evolution; he wants to turn the wild life of the island into humans. But
mainly he wants to create evolution directly. He is very spiritual in the sense that he seeks the meaning
of life. He declares himself god almost as he seeks the powers of god, the ability to manipulate both
life and nature at will. Although he is never successful because he lets the animals that he
experimented on, roam free and none survive long enough to
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Anesthesia After The Civil War
Another way anesthesia improved healthcare was through continued public acknowledgement of its
versatility. It also led to new discoveries in the medical field and impacted the rest of America s
medical related future. First off, it was widely used in the Crimean War over in Europe from 1853
1856. Because of anesthesia s success in the Crimean War, American physicians read up on the use of
chloroform through pamphlets and documents that detailed how chloroform was used in the Crimean
War and how it was used in civilian practices (Devine). As the war raged on, it soon became a
common realization, after trial and error, that doctors should use chloroform during surgical operations
when needed. By the end of the Civil War, Union records showed
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The Emotional Development Of Young Children
The emotional development in young children plays a very important role throughout their lives
especially in their education. From birth to about eight years of age, children are learning the meaning
behind each emotion and how to appropriately use them to express themselves. Erik Erikson,
psychologist, created an 8 socioemotional stage development theory explaining what skills were being
developed at certain ages. Parental monitoring is important during childhood to determine their
emotional progress to catch any delays or disabilities developing. Positive nurturing will create a more
positive outcome in their education. Also how the effects of bullying and child maltreatment can lead
to an poor outcome in your child s educational success. Erik Erikson, a German psychologist created
an eight stage socioemotional development theory about early childhood development. Each stage
shows what emotions and characteristics are being developed during each age of a child s life. Stage 1,
trust vs mistrust; occurs from infancy to 2 years of age. As a baby you must learn to trust that your
mother or caregiver will feed and take care of you until you are able to do so yourself. Stage 2,
autonomy vs shame; usually occurs between 18 months to 2 years and 3 and a half to 4 years of age.
Stage 3 is initiative vs guilt; occurs around 3 and a half years of age. Stage 4 is industry vs inferiority
by this time the child is mastering social studies, math, arithmetics. This occurs during
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Kim Jong Sung By Kim Il Sung
Kim Il Sung, originally born Kim Song ju, was born on April 15, 1912. Kim was born in a dark time
for the Koreans due to the occupation of Korea by Japan. It was around this time when North Koreans
grew tired of being Japan s puppets, and they were ready for a true Korean to stand up for them and
take back their beloved country. Kim IL Sung was not born to become anyone important, and he was
certainly not born to become the future dictator of North Korea. Kim s family came from nowhere
special they were ordinary farmers who kept to themselves and kept their Christian beliefs close to
their hearts. Kim did not have the same faith his family had; in fact he did not care much for religion
at all. Kim s main interest growing up was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once in the army Kim learned a great deal about politics and communism from his boss Wei
Zhengmin. Kim became part of a Korean guerilla group, and with his help his group became
notoriously known for their attacks. Eventually these guerrilla groups became a big enough threat that
Japan posted rewards for any information on these guerilla groups, and over time Japan attempted to
eliminate as many of these guerrilla groups as possible. Those groups that managed to evade Japan,
Kim il Sung was among them, found refuge in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union trained and armed
these guerilla groups. Kim quickly became known for his leadership skills and his knowledge in both
communism and politics his growing popularity with the Russians gained Kim more connections with
the Russians and the Chinese. When World War 2 was almost over the Korean Peninsula was cut at the
38 parallel line by the U.S. after the war ended the Soviet Union gained control of the Northern half of
the peninsula while the United States gained control of the southern half. At the time Joseph Stalin
was the dictator of the Soviet Union and he was not sure who he should appoint leader of North
Korea. Due to Kim Il Sung s many connections in the Soviet Union the Soviets appointed Kim as the
leader of the Northern half of the Korean peninsula. Kim was forever grateful to Stalin and always did
his best to mirror his leadership ways. Now that
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Advantages Of Debit Card Vs Credit Card
The Advantages of Debit Card versus Credit Card The advantages of debit card versus credit cards
used by young adults are debit cards will not allow you to mismanage, overspend or go into debt. The
most common explanation for credit card debt for people under the age of 25. Demographic and credit
trends show that young people, and in particular students, may be the next segment of credit users that
will face difficult financial times. In the United States, there are 19.1 million students who are
attending colleges and universities (US Department of Education 2009). They account for
approximately 6% of a population of 308 million people (US Census Bureau 2011). On average,
students possess 4.6 credit cards (SallieMae 2009). They also owe more on their credit cards than they
did just a few years ago; in 2004, students owed, on average, $2,900 on credit cards whereas in 2009
this figure soared by 78% to $4,100 (SallieMae 2009). Moreover, young consumers account for the
second largest rate of bankruptcy in the United States (Sullivan, Thorne, and Warren 2001). Together,
these figures suggest that young adult consumers in America spend more with their credit cards than
they should. In addition, research shows that credit card debt is associated with financial stress (Grable
and Joo 2006) as well as poor academic achievement (Pinto, Parente, and Palmer 2001). The desire to
use credit as a form of payment but with no steady income available to repay the credit line. For
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Thesis Effects Of Compression And Violence In Ice Hockey
I. Problem statement
II. Scope of study
III. Thesis statement
Background of study
I. Historical background
II. Rules governing physical contact
Effect of costumes and the sport setting on the aggressive behavior
I. False security from the costumes
II. The sport setting encourages violence
Consequences of the aggression and violence
I. physical consequences
II. emotional and social consequences
Effects of fans on the aggression in the sport
Sport is an integral part of the American society and culture. It is as important as other social
institutions like family, religion and education. It is impossible to ignore sport as it extends into a
multitude of social arenas, including the arts, mass media, the ... Show more content on
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The most common causes of the injuries are blows from the hockey sticks and collisions with other
players. Head and facial injuries include concussions, contusions and lacerations to the face, eye and
dental damage. Concussions result from being hit so hard that the player losses consciousness. Players
experiencing symptoms of a concussion should not be allowed to play but be taken to a medical
examiner. The other injury that players suffer is shoulder injuries. The shoulder in most cases
separates from the joint or the collarbone breaks. These result from collision with other players or the
ice. Elbow injuries also arise in Ice hockey due to constant contact resulting in a thick and scarred
bursal tissue. Wrist injuries are another category of injuries suffered by hockey players as a result of
playing with outstretched arms. Hockey players also suffer from back injuries because of the posture
they adopt when skating. The risk associated with the above injuries varies based on the player s
participation in the game, the equipment the player uses as well as the level of violence involved in the
game. Players with pre existing injuries also tend to suffer more injuries with each game (Stuart,
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Is Joseph Conrad Racist Or Racist
One of these creatures rose to his hands and knees, and went off on all four towards the river to drink
(Conrad 53). Is Joseph Conrad being racist by saying this? Or is he just telling the story how it was in
1890 s? These are some of the questions that goes through a reader s mind after they read the Heart of
Darkness. The more the reader thinks about the words said about African Americans and women.
They may come to the idea that Conrad is a racist. By no means does this mean Conrad s work is not a
piece of famous art. How can a reader say author is or is not a racist person? Is Conrad s not racist or
is it just the main character Marlow? These questions have been a very hot topic when it comes to
Conrad s book Heart of Darkness.
The conquest of the earth, which mostly means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No person that ever read the Heart of Darkness can say it does not contain racism. Yet the novel is still
considered a piece of art because of the history it beholds ( Marlowe s 2). Many critics such as Chinua
Achebe will say other wise because of the racism it tells ( Marlowe s 2) Heart of Darkness is the idea
of how wicked a human s soul/ heart actually can be ( Racism 8). This proves that no matter the color
of one s skin that does not determine their personality (Conrad 88). This novel shows the darkest sides
of any human white or african american. That does not mean a thing but what does is who that person
really is. The Heart of Darkness tells an accurate story of a very disgusting time in the world (
Exploration 1). Even with all the facts and literature that shows it has racism in it, Heart of Darkness is
still a wonderful work of art to many. One must remember that all novels are open for one s own
interpretation ( Marlowe s 7). Therefore the book can be racist depending on the reader s
comprehension of the novel ( Marlowe s
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Essay On Zimbardo And Milgram Experiment
The two experiments were a tested at different time periods and for different purposes. For instance,
the Milgram experiment was originally tested to study obedience to authority, in response to Adolf
Eichmann trial, a Nazi war criminal, that stated he, was just stating orders under the Reich. The
experiment proved to be that under authority rule, actions, even if morally wrong and unethical can be
still taken forward with due to a strict authority presence.
The two experiments were similar in which they attained two distinct experimental groups, except for
the Milgram experiment, and no control groups. The test subjects were classified in the Milgram
experiment as students, teachers, and experimenters. While in the Zimbardo experiment ... Show more
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Based on the results given in the Zimbardo experiment, Zimbardo (1975) contended that identity
contrasts of the subjects were substantially less vital than the social circumstance. Zimbardo went
considerably more further with his experiment than Milgram had by rejecting the significance of
identity qualities for a large portion of one s behavior in regular day to day existence: He states,
Individual behavior is largely under the control of social forces and environmental contingencies
rather than personality traits, character, will power or other empirically invalidated constructs. Thus,
we create an illusion of freedom by attributing more internal control to ourselves, to the individual,
than it actually exists. Thus underestimating the power and pervasiveness of situational controls over
behavior because: 1) they are often non obvious and subtle, 2) we can often avoid entering situations
where we might be so controlled, and 3) we label as weak or deviant people in those situations who do
behave differently from how we believe we would. (p. 115)
A noteworthy contrast amongst Zimbardo s and Milgram s investigations is that, in the jail think
about, just a single test control was performed being appointed to the part of detainee or protect. This
is a noteworthy impediment since we can t know, as we did in the Milgram think about, which factors
in the circumstance were most essential for the practices
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History Of Television And The Nba
Zachary Scanlon
Jerry Chandler
20 November 2015
COMM 201
The History of Television and the NBA
The National Basketball Association, or NBA has grown up over the last few decades. Once on the
verge of collapse, and unwanted by television, the NBA has rebounded to become quite possibly the
most popular league in the nation. It was through television that the league finally established itself as
a worthy opponent to Major League Baseball and the National Football League. The NBA got its first
television exposure during the 1953 54 season on the long since folded DuMont network. At that time,
baseball was still the national pastime, and pro football was beginning to take the spotlight as the
favorite sport. Even college basketball was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The savior for the NBA emerged in the form of Danny Biasone, who instituted the 24 second shot
clock that most agree, saved the league. The 1954 55 seasons was the first played with the shot clock,
and the results were a more wide open style of play far more attractive to television viewers. The NBA
has been selected for this study to determine how television coverage changed mass media coverage
of basketball and the way the viewers perceived the game.
Perhaps no sport was more influenced by the advent of television than professional basketball. From
the earliest days of television, NBA officials realized the power of the medium and they realized that
any chances they had for success were directly linked to their survival on television. Players and
coaches alike were concerned with the way their game was presented on television, even during the
league s first decade on television. This made it clear that everyone in the NBA knew that league
success was directly related to television. NBA officials also knew that in order to appeal to viewers,
they would have to implement rules that would make the NBA product more viewer friendly. In the
early 1950s, the NBA suffered from the perception that it was a slow paced game. This was due to the
fact that in those days, if a team had the lead into the fourth quarter, it would freeze the ball and turn
the game into a tedious foul shooting exhibition. This style of play threatened the NBA s survival
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Merinos Research Paper
The merino was originally bred in Spain. Spain is a country that has warm climate like Australia.
Merinos are known to have fine wool that is really suitable for spinning and weaving into a fine fibre
that many people use to produce clothing. John and Elizabeth Macarthur got married in Devonshire in
England in 1788. In 1790, on June 28, John Macarthur and his wife Elizabeth Macarthur arrived in
Port Jackson with their son Edward. Macarthur purposely did not cross breed his merino sheep and he
and Elizabeth worked hard to establish their flock. The hard work that they put in soon began to pay
off for the Macarthurs and by 1803, their flock numbered over 4000 almost pure merinos. In 1807, the
first wool was sent to England by the Macarthurs.
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The Lessons Learned From Park Play
Governments Are Overfunding Parks The lessons learned from park play are not comparable to what
sidewalk play has to offer. Learning Responsibility on City Sidewalks by Jane Jacobs opens the reader
s eyes on the benefits of simple street play. In her passage, Jane Jacobs compares the more beneficial
effects of sidewalk play compared to the overpraised parks. Jacobs tells us that parks don t build a
stronger form of morality and help with developing more knowledge on city life like sidewalk play do.
Park children are given less of a chance to visually learn how to become well rounded citizens in
society from adults around them. Parks are not as amazing as they re believed to be from the public.
They do not offer the many chances to learn compared to what sidewalk interactions have to offer.
Plus, the playgrounds do not have enough adults to actually watch over and teach children the good
and the bad. Playgrounds are built for the concept of having fun, but they do not guide and raise
children to be good citizens. I believe that government should not heavily fund parks because parks do
not revere the essential teachings needed in society such as social abilities. I believe that instead of
overfunding parks we could benefit more by having the government actually invest more in club
sports because I think club teams open up more of an opportunity for people to develop their social
skills, instead of playing in a park. Club sports are provided in many cities but each one I
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Best article
os t rP
DATE: 1995 (REV D. 04/05/06)
The workforce is dedicated to the company. They re Moonies basically. That s the way they
Edward J. Starkman, Airline Analyst, PaineWebber
Ann Rhoades, vice president of people for Southwest Airlines, was packing her briefcase at the end of
a 17 hour day. Tomorrow was an off site meeting with the top nine executives of
Southwest Airlines. The agenda for the meeting was to review Southwest s competitive position in
light of recent actions by United and Continental, both of whom had entered Southwest s low fare
market. That day s New York Times (September 16, 1994) had an article that characterized the
situation as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, she wanted to reflect one last time on these issues to be sure she was not missing anything.
Her major concerns were whether Southwest was getting the most in competitive advantage from its
own people, and whether the competition could imitate Southwest s successful human resource
No tC op
On June 18, 1971, Southwest Airlines, headquartered at Love Field in Dallas, began flying with three
Boeing 737 aircraft serving the Texas cities of Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.
Southwest s competition was Texas International and Braniff, and, to a lesser extent,
Continental. Continental used every political and regulatory means to ensure that Southwest would not
get off the ground, including keeping Southwest out of the recently built Dallas Fort
Worth airport and waging a four year legal battle that left Southwest almost bankrupt at the time of its
first flight. One outcome of the legal battle was the so called Wright Amendment, named after James
Wright, then Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Wright Amendment prohibited any air
carrier from offering direct service into Love Field from any place beyond
Texas and the four contiguous states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico. This law
meant that passengers flying into Southwest s central location at Love Field from
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  • 2. God Is The Pure Essence Of Perfect No one on this Earth is perfect, only our God is the pure essence of perfect. With God s love and perfection He is able to use us, the imperfect, to carry out His will. We have all sinned and continue to ask for forgiveness when needed. Although we are not perfect, God still has a plan for our lives and it is our duty to follow out His will. In the Old Testament there are books of history, which discuss God s use of some imperfect individuals to accomplish His purpose for Israel. There are twelve books exactly that deal with the history of the nation of Israel and how God accomplished His goals. These twelve books are Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. These books share a prophetic view of history describing how the obedience or disobedience of God s people is directly tied to the blessings and curses of the covenant. The first of these books is Joshua. In this book, the possession of the land by the nation is the main point. It tells us the story of Israel s arrival at Canaan, otherwise known as the Promise Land, while under the leadership of Joshua. God appoints Joshua as a leader and that he will never leave him or forsake him. Joshua stood strong in his faith, his obedience to God, and he was courageous. So although Joshua was one out of many men that were not apparently flawed, this book is a foundation for all that was to come. The second book of history was Judges. The Book of Judges is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 6. Pop Art Movement Essay The Pop Art Movement was one of the biggest visual art movements of the 20th century. Therefore it is extremely significant. Pop Art is simply an abbreviation for popular art work. Numerous artists such as such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist and Claes Oldenburg started this phenomenal movement form the 1950 s and onwards. It came at a time after a two decade period where abstract art was extremely popular. Pop Art is the movement in art when artists began to create art with the subject of things that are the iconic in nature such as famous people, advertising, and movies (things that were popular at the time.) In London, in 1952, a group of artists calling themselves the Independent Group began meeting regularly to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After which he became extremely famous. From 1962 onwards he started making silkscreen prints of famous personalities like Marilyn Monroe (see below) or Elizabeth Taylor. The Marilyn Diptych, along with his other famous Marilyn paintings, is based on a 1953 publicity photograph for the film Niagara . He produced this amazing piece of art just a couple of weeks after her death. He was genuinely amazed by her. He wanted to show her to the world in his own unique way. It contains fifty images of the actress, which are all based on a single publicity photograph from the film Niagara. The twenty five pictures on the left side of the diptych are brightly colored, while the twenty five on the right are in black and white, and also blurred or faded. It can be found in Tate, Liverpool. It was a very significant piece of art at the time. Roy Lichtenstein developed the comic strip. His style was always the same: black outlines, bold colors and tones rendered by Benday dots (a method of printing tones in comic books from the 1950 s and 60 s). He explored modern art styles exploration of modernist art styles: Cubism, Futurism, Art Deco, De Stijl, Surrealism and Abstract Expressionism. He made small adjustment to cartoon s, newspaper advertising and mainly comic strips. His work is very entertaining and humorous which makes it enjoyable by all. Look Mickey (1961), a large scale ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Explain The Five Ways Of Thomas Aquinas On this summary I decided that I will write about the Five ways of Thomas Aquinas to prove the existence of God. This was what stuck more to me when I was doing the Philosophy of religion quiz. I also learned that Aquinas developed his argument from Aristotle. First way: Argument from motion. He demonstrates God s existence by the observation that each thing in the universe that moves, is moved by something else. Nothing can be at once in both actuality and responsibility in the same way. From a series of movers, it must have begun with a prime mover. Second way: Argument from efficient cause. Every efficient cause must itself have an efficient cause and because there cannot be an infinite chain of efficient causes. If the first thing in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Volume Estimates of the Heart through the Use of Simpson s... Table of Contents 1. Introduction and Objectives 3 2. Simpson s rule 3 2.1 First proof of Simpson s rule 4 2.2 Second proof of Simpson s rule 6 2.3 Error in Simpson s rule 7 2.4 Number of slices for the approximation to be exact up to a certain number 7 3. Application of the Simpson s rule to measuring the volume of the heart 8 3.3.2 Sample calculation. 10 4. Conclusion 11 5. Bibliography 12 6. Appendix 12 Introduction and Objectives I was looking at a program on discovery channel where there were treasure hunter ships.They would scan the seabed it. I noticed then when the seabed came up on the computer screen it was imaged one part at a time, this made me think of integration with the trapezoidal rule where separate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Finally, I will draw the main conclusions from this project. Simpson s rule A way that we can see the trapezoidal (or midpoint) rule is that we approximate a function using a first degree polynomial. Following this line of thinking we can say that by using Simpson s rule we approximate a function using a second degree polynomial. In the graph here above f(x) represents the function that we are trying to approximate P(x) is the second degree polynomial that we use to approximate the function The Simpson s rule can be derived in various ways described in the two following subsections. First proof of Simpson s rule (based on the proof in the book Calculus, Larson Hostetler Edwards s fifth edition) ∫_a^b▒█(f(x)dx=@ ) ∫_a^b▒〖(A〗 x^2+Bx+C)dx Integral is taken ∫_a^b▒█(f(x)dx=@ ) [(Ax^3)/3+(Bx^2)/2+C] x = b a ∫_a^b▒█(f(x)dx=[(A(b^3 a^3))/3+(B〖(b〗^2 a^2))/2+C(b a)]@ ) By inverse distribution ∫_a^b▒f(x)dx=((b a)/6)[2A(a^2+ab+b^2 )+3B(b+a)+6C] ∫_a^b▒f(x)dx=((b a)/6)[(Aa^2+Ba+C)+4[A((b+a)/2)^2+B((b+a)/2)+C]+ (Ab^2+Bb+C)] ∫_a^b▒f(x)dx=((b a)/6)[f(a)+4f((b+a)/2)+f(b)]
  • 9. To use Simpson s rule you divide the interval into n equal subintervals each of width ∆x=(b a)/n. N is required to be even because for Simpson s rule we use coordinates to draw a polynomial of the least degree to pass through. For a polynomial to be determined we need three coordinates, we reuse the last coordinate of the previous polynomial to create our next one. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Henderson Dahnke Case Henderson, M Dahnke, M.D (2015, p.62) identifies that the greatest risk in use of social media in health care is to the patient s privacy and confidentiality. If the established trust between a patient and nurse is broken, the patient may no longer feel comfortable revealing crucial information to health workers. As well as patient privacy and confidentiality, it is also possible for a nurse to cause harm by sharing the private and confidential information of their colleagues via the use of social media. Aside from a person s privacy and confidentiality, the inappropriate use of social media by a nurse can be detrimental to a patient or colleague s personal beliefs, race, gender, religion and/ or sexual preference. Henderson, M Dahnke, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. On January 20th, 2013, Barack Obama was inaugurated to his... On January 20th, 2013, Barack Obama was inaugurated to his second term as president of the United States. In his speech, he made history when he made a reference to gay rights, he said: We the people, declare today that the most evident of truths that all of us are created equal is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on earth (Obama). Seneca Falls, Selma, and Stonewall were all historical movements regarding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was led by Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott. These conventions also were held in places like Worcester, Massachusetts and thousands of women and men came to support the women s suffrage movement (Imbornoni). There were other ways women were advancing their political status. Due to the fact that women did not have equal rights as men, until earlier in the 20th century, some would dress as men to achieve higher political status or to get a better job. Gay women would cross dress just because it made them feel more comfortable. Homosexuality was not an uncommon thing in the 19th century. It was normal for members of the same sex to show affection to each other, and even sleep in the same bed. When people would come out as homosexual; doctors automatically presumed they were mentally unstable and they were put in an asylum. Doctors continued to say homosexuality was an illness until the 1970s. For about twenty years after the end of the 19th century, women, homosexuals, and African Americans all struggled for their rights. Everything changed when the roaring twenties emerged. In 1920, women finally were granted the right to vote with the passing of the nineteenth amendment. This caused women to start rebelling against ladylike things that were considered normal behavior, and the group known as the Flappers emerged. These young women drank and smoked excessively in public, cut their hair, and wore short dresses. Some of these Flappers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Pros And Cons Of Police Body Cameras The social media and the public might want police body cam footage release but sometimes it might be to graphic or controversial. Police body cameras have been a topic since the incident with Michael Brown in august of 2014. Police shot and killed an unarmed individual in ferguson, MO, leading to many people wanting cameras on police. Whether the cameras are a good idea or not this paper will explore the facts and sides of police body cameras. Overall body cameras should be required Because they can save the lives of the innocent, keep innocent people from going to jail, and can help a case as more evidence. What is a body camera, a body camera is a small unit that is placed on police officer. It is usually a small unit place on a officers glasses, shoulder, or on the chest. Most unit are self contained but if it were malfunction the are a bit expensive to replace (Erstad). These cameras have to be manually turned on and off (EInvestigators). These cameras can possibly break or malfunction on the job but only in a rare cases (EInvestigators). Some of these cameras take a lot of maintenance to keep running like software and SD cards storage. As these cameras are getting more widespread and so city are making them mandatory to be on police at all times. But with more cameras there is more footage and people want that footage released for the public to have an opinion on. But releasing the footage might cause some controversy and may not be suitable for public eyes. This type of issue causes a lot of problems Some examples of the raw footage being released into the public can cause problems. One such case is Michael Bennet at the Mayweather vs. Mcgregor fight where there were falsely reported gunshots and Michael was running out of the building when police stopped and was detained for 17 minutes. He seen as running from the cops so they considered him suspicious and was detained. There were false accusations before the footage was released and the case was closed with no one being arrested or hurt (Chiari). Another such case is with officer Anthony Cano who came up to a wrecked car on the side of the road. When he searched the vehicle some one was inside and he seemed suspicious and the officer asked ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Critical Analysis Of Doris Lessing About the Author: The Nobel laureate Doris Lessing is an African British writer of the Post War generation. She was born in Persia (Iran) on October 22, 1919 to Captain Alfred Tayler and Emily Maude Tayler. Lessing spent her early years in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In South Africa she was involved in the Communist Party and black politics of violence. Lessing s oeuvre incorporates such diverse genres as novels, short stories, poetry, drama, autobiography and other non fictional writing. In her fictional works, Lessing has worked on diverse themes and employed a wide array of narrative techniques and styles ranging from realism (socio political) of her early works to the surrealism, and science fiction of some of her late literary career. Lessing focuses her attention on the 21st century s major issues in novels. Doris Lessing is influenced by the ideas of Karl Marx, Idries Shah and Carl Jung. The ideology of Karl Marx, theory of class struggle is implicitly reflected in her later novels. The novelist since her childhood has experienced the pain of class ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a generic concept, literature exhibits the trauma of violence, anger, and act of terrorism. The literature of modern days, shows the contemporary events very realistically. 4 Literature has different colours and shades. It is the reflection of day today incidents in human life. It is the accurate picture of social lifestyle. The incidents and events of daily life are mirrored in it. In modern life, violence and terror became the part and parcel of our daily life. The world is becoming the victim of terrorist activities. There is dramatic fall and devaluation of moral values in the modern society. Commercialism and materialism are eating into the moral fiber of our society like a cancerous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Best Practice Procedures The Cls Have Set Up A Number... To coincide with the best practice procedures the CLS have set up a number of risk management procedures for its members and the procedures to become a member. Every instruction must go through various tests before it is accepted by the CLS. (Swiss National Bank p. 8) This series of test includes that the institutions must have a positive overall account balance of the participant s sub accounts with the CLS, a short position limit in any one currency, and aggregate shore positions. (Swiss National Bank p. 8) The first factor of the test of an overall positive account balance is the most important quota to meet for the CLS. By having a positive balance the institution is showing the CLS that they have outstanding credit and will be able to make payments when they make a deal or transaction through the CLS. By safeguarding the credit of institutions applying to be members of the group the CLS are lowering the percentages and allowance for risk knowing that at the time of admittance the pursuing member was in good credit and showed no signs of not being able to pay their transactions. The second risk management of short position limits helps to ensure that institutions will not run into liquidity problems. Each member of the group is allowed an identical limit per currency. By creating these limits the CLS are trying to lower the risk and keep a fair and stable market. If one currency takes a major dive it will not have such a large effect on a members liquidity as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Description And Analysis Of The Run Time Pattern Overview: This section describes the interpretation and analysis of the results from both of the experiments. The analysis is based upon the comparison of the theories against the results of the experiment, whether the results support or reject the theory. This section consists of the following analysis: comparison of the run time pattern in three times execution, comparison of the overall run time using an arithmetic mean approach and error analysis. Run Time Pattern in Three Executions MySQL (non cluster) had a stable pattern within three executions, while Hadoop did not. According to my investigation, it caused by the following reason: I executed MySQL (non cluster) through SSH window, whereas Hadoop was executed through Ambari client browser. The connection through SSH did not use Internet public network, while client browser used it. In other words, the public Internet network only affected client browser. Based on 10 times bandwidth measurement (appendix F), the Internet speed was unstable. The Internet speed was unstable because it was a public network. As a public Internet network used by other people as well, the speed of the network was depending on the high/low network traffic. The traffic of public network was unpredictable: some users might do heavy activities at one time, and few seconds later the users did not do anything. Hence, the instability of public Internet speed caused the instability of the total time taken of Hadoop s activities. MySQL (non ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Marketing Objectives Of Vodafone Internet Security E Marketing Objectives.........................................................................3 Product.............................................................................................3 Pricing Strategy...................................................................................5 Internet for Distribution.........................................................................6 Communication...................................................................................7 Customer Relationship Management.......................................................9 Marketing Organisational Structure........................................................12 Revenue Forecast..............................................................................15 Evaluation Cost.................................................................................16 Evaluation Plan.................................................................................17 APA Referencing...............................................................................18 E Marketing Objectives of Vodafone internet security for New Zealand for the year 2015 are: Upsurge Reliability and Faith: As per Vodafone Internet security newly entering in the market, it is essential to generate Reliability and Faith of consumers in Vodafone Internet security. So we are aiming to achieve market penetration of 60% by 31 December 2015 by getting more customers by providing exceptional customer services, new updates and services from Vodafone. Targeted sales: The first aim is to achieve the targeted number of sales. Vodafone possesses to sell 22,000 Vodafone internet security product in the first six months. Moreover we are supposing to sell minimum 27,000 vodafone internet security products by 31st December 2015 respectively, by introducing new services, updates and market the same using digital marketing capabilities of internet technology. Online advertising: Online advertising is a marketing plan that contains ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Ma Joad In The Grapes Of Wrath I believe Ma Joad is the ultimate hero of the novel The Grapes of Wrath . Ma Joad is the motherly character who keeps the Joads together. Ma Joad displays multiple acts of care, discipline and decision making that help keep the Joads somewhat together throughout the novel. The Joads are a large family who experience a lot during their long journey to the state of California, where they hope to live a new life. A female hero normally displays wisdom, self sacrifice and understanding. Ma easily displays these in almost every major event in the Joads journey. Although she s not the center of the Joad family, she s very important and has a positive role throughout the novel. Even with the loss of a family member close to her, she remains stable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Utilization Of Ancient Greek Values The utilization of Ancient Greek values through the use of characters in Medea Throughout the play Medea written Euripides, an assortment of unique characters are presented to the audience. At first glance, the characters in the play seem to serve as the normal society in Ancient Greece. This is true to a certain degree but Euripides intended it to be more than their standard social roles. Euripides utilizes characters such as the all women choir, King Creon, Medea and others to convey his perception of what is his modern but now Ancient Greek traditional values are to him and even pushes the boundaries by breaking some of the social standards set during his time. With a deeper understanding of the characters, the audience will be able to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Choir s disgust of King Creon is evident in the scene where he appeared to banish Medea from Corinth, the First Woman said I have seen this man s arrogance, I watched and heard him. I am of Corinth, and I say that Corinth is not well ruled. (Jeffers 12) Followed by the Second Woman saying The city where even a foreigner, suffers unjustly the rods of power is not well ruled. (Jeffers 12) The repeated phrase is not well ruled undoubtedly shows their displeasure under his rule along with the Choir s constant criticism of him throughout their dialogue. The women are also sympathetic towards Medea as would any other citizen would feel because of the traumatic events that had just occurred to Medea. When judging Medea s actions, no one protest more to her plots then the women, First Woman I think you ought to persuade Medea to come from the dark dwelling, and speak with us, before her heart breaks. (Jeffers 6) The women are attempting to persuade Medea from her dark thoughts but to little avail because Medea ultimately commits her revenge. Despite the women s simplistic appearance in the play, Euripides exploits their role to represent the vast number of ordinary Greek citizens and to counsel Medea on her actions. Another similar role the audience will recognize is the presence of a tyrannical ruler in the play, this role is placed in the hands of King Creon, the ruler of Corinth. King Creon s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Rabies Virus ( Rv ) Introduction: Rabies virus (Rv) is a type species1 of the viral genus Lyssavirus from the phylogenetic family Rhabdoviridae. The morphology pertaining to Lyssavirus consist of a spiked viral envelop surrounding a protein matrix protein M2 and an inner ribonucleocapsid3 complex containing the viral ribonucleic acid (RNA). The spiked appearance of the viral envelop is secondary to the presence of glycoproteins that line its outer surface. Lyssavirus maintains both a helical and a cubical symmetry, however, the cubic viral complex is most prevalent in mammals. Throughout the course of history canines, both feral and domestic, have been the world s most influential vector for the spread of rabies. Records dating back to the Babylonian era, 2300 B.C., detail civilian penalties for deaths caused by their dogs biting other civilians. In 100 A.D. the Roman Empire, Greece and Crete fell victim to the rabies pandemic. It later spread through Great Britain in 1026, and reached the Americas in 1703. The growing threat of the Rv engendered an order to shoot all dogs on site around St. James, London in 1753. The canine genocide did not cease the dissemination of the Rv. Dr. Emile Roux, MD, and Dr. Louis Pasteur, PhD, isolated and studied the Rv in 1881. Understanding the mode of action of the Rv, Roux and Pasteur were able to synthesis a killed vaccination from dried spinal cord laden with viral particles in 1883. Pasteur holds the acclaim for the vaccine s discovery, because he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay On Apollo 13 Apollo 13 was to be the third mission sent from the Apollo Project to land on the Moon. An explosion in one of the oxygen tanks caused the spacecraft to become crippled during the flight and the crew were forced to orbit the Moon and return to the Earth without landing. The Apollo 13 mission was launched on Saturday afternoon, April 11, 1970 from launch complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center. The space prime crew consisted of trained experts Commander James A. Lovell Jr., Command module pilot Ken Mattingly and Lunar module pilot Fred W. Haise Jr. There was also three backup crew members named John W. Young, John L. Swigert Jr. and Charles M. Duke. This crew was ready to step in if for any reason something were to happen to any of the main ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, at 55hrs, 54mins and 53secs when the crew was 200,000 miles from Earth and closing in on the moon, mission controller Sy Liebergot saw a low pressure warning signal on a hydrogen tank in Odyssey. The signal could have shown a problem, or could have indicated the hydrogen just needed to be resettled by heating and fanning the gas inside the tank. Swigert flipped the switch for the routine procedure. However when flipping the switch one of the oxygen tanks in the service module exploded. The explosion caused one of the spacecraft panels to rip off and damaged the fuel tanks killing the crew s oxygen supply and the spacecraft then began to lose power. The crew notified Mission Control, with Swigert s famous phrase, Houston, we ve had a problem... . Luckily the Apollo spacecraft was made up of two independent spacecrafts joined by a tunnel the main spacecraft named Odyssey and the lunar model named Aquarius. Luckily for Apollo 13, the explosion only damaged Odyssey so they had Aquarius as backup, which wasn t supposed to be turned on until the crew was close to landing on the moon. It didn t have a heat shield to survive the trip back to Earth, but it could keep the crew alive long enough to get there. Then, the astronauts could switch to Odyssey for the rest of the trip home. Haise and Lovell frantically worked to boot Aquarius up in less time than designed, while Swigert remained in Odyssey to shut down its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Career Goals For A Professional Career Goal There must to be sacrifice and dedication on the road to obtaining a degree. That sacrifice and dedication doubles when the student is a middle aged adult with a full time job and other financial obligations. It is not easy juggling a full time job and being a full time student. The art of time management is a valuable tool to master and will definitely help with balancing everything and getting all tasks completed. Professional Career Statement Creating a professional career goal statement can significantly impact a resume. According to (Starzee, 2012) a professional career goal statement allows the candidate an opportunity to provide the employer a synopsis of the value they intend to bring to the organization. Below is a professional goal statement for a Client Relationship Professional: Engaging Client Relations Manager adept at evolving complex client proposals. Expertly skilled in various business operations including client billing conflict resolution and the implementation of effective business policies and procedures. Proficient in developing and nurturing productive client relationships. The rationale for the above professional career goal statement is that it shows that the professional is more than capable of performing the duties and also has the highest level of personal skill to interact with clients. In Depth Analysis The jobs that I will be applying for are managing others on the front lines of providing customer service. Jobs such as; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Standford Prison Experiment Standford Prison experiment 1.What are the effects of living in an environment with no clocks, no view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation? * People living in an environment with no clocks, no view of the outside world will change whom the people mentally. It would make the people go crazy. There is no excitement or life in such an environment. People emotions change and are influenced by their environment. 2. Consider the psychological consequences of stripping, delousing, and shaving the heads of prisoners or members of the military. What transformations take place when people go through an experience like this? * I believe that when people go through this experiences they feel less than others. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 6. Compare the reactions of these visitors to the reactions of civilians in encounters with the police or other authorities. How typical was their behavior? * The parent was upset about the experiment because they saw the condition of their sons it was incredible for them to see their children on that way. Also the children look so fatigue the condition was on good shape for them. 7. In an exploratory study such as this, one problem is defining what the data are the information we should collect. Also, what should have been done to minimize the effects of experimenter bias on the outcome of the study? What were the dangers of the principal investigator assuming the role of prison superintendent? 8. In 2003 U.S. soldiers abused Iraqi prisoners held at Abu Ghraib, 20 miles west of Baghdad. The prisoners were stripped, made to wear bags over their heads, and sexually humiliated while the guards laughed and took photographs. How is this abuse similar to or different from what took place in the Stanford Prison Experiment? * This kind of similar to the experiment because the US soldiers have the same job than the guards from the experiment. However, because the prisoners and the soldiers had been more time together I think other factors influenced the exaggerated actions taken by the soldiers. These factors could hate, pride, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Vimax Capsule Research Paper Vimax capsule is a penis expansion pill that claims that you can expand your penis size to as much as 3 inches while you to take it. Is there any reality on this? Do Vimax capsules work? It s made using average ingredients from plants. Experiment conducted utilizing Vimax tablets on five participants revealed that it really works. 4 out of those contributors encountered as much as 3 inch of increase to their penis after their 3 weeks of taking the pill whilst the rest one person was handiest in a position to discover 1 inch increase. Before the experiment was once implemented, each and every of their manhood was once measured using tape and after they completed taking the tablets, a different measurement also took place. Having visible ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Age And The Importance Of Voting In The United States Although all Americans have the right over the age of 18, not all citizens vote because of four common, yet relevant reasons. One s educational level, age, level of income, and prestige of occupation determine if they will vote or not. First and for most, the education one has is the single most important factor in predicting whether they vote. Although mostly, all American citizens know they have the right to vote, they do not know how to get registered or where to vote. That does seem like a poor excuse, considering we live in a technology based society and pretty much anything can be looked up online. Despite the fact that some citizens truly do not understand the importance of voting, some choose to not understand it. Secondly, age ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Chile Tariffs Tariffs in Chile From 1930 through 1960 the Chilean economy was highly protected with import and export quotas, import permits, tariffs, noninterest bearing import deposits and multiple exchange rates imposed by the government. The Central Bank negotiated, with each importer, which exchange rate to apply to each transaction. Moreover, imports included only intermediate and capital goods and a few essential consumer goods. Guidelines to approve products from other countries were followed and several goods were prohibited for importation. Because of this situation, there were three attempts to eliminate tariffs and all restrictions. By 1974, changes started taking place. Trade liberalization allowed Chile to develop where they had a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, Chile has a Trans Pacific Agreement known as P 4 with New Zealand, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam. The Trans Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, also named P4 or TPP, is a trade agreement between Chile, Brunei, New Zealand and Singapore signed in 2005 and has been in force since 2006. It was designed to liberalize trade between the economies of the Asia Pacific region. However, since 2010 negotiations have taken place to expand the original trade union to incorporate eight other countries including Mexico, USA, Canada and Australia. Chile s economy has benefit from trading with countries in the TPP. In 2012, almost $16 billion of Chile s overall $79 billion worth exports went to TPP countries. At the same time, Chile imported $25 billion in return. Since 2003, Chile s trade with TPP nations has grown by 16% each year. Chile and USA entered into the U.S. Chile Free Trade Agreements on January 1, 2004. This agreement eliminates tariffs and open markets, reduces barriers for trade in services, provides protection for intellectual property, ensures regulatory transparency, guarantees nondiscrimination in the trade of digital products, commits both parties to maintain competition laws that prohibit anticompetitive business conduct and requires effective labor and environmental enforcement. Through duty elimination, the agreement allows U.S. textile and apparel exporters to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Juanes Activist Is Juanes know as artist of activist? Some artists use their songs and fame to demonstrate to people their opinions and stand on an issue. By issue one means a problem that affects a considerable amount of people. One of this artists is is Juanes. His real name is Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez and he was born on August 9, 1972, in Carolina del Príncipe, Antioquia, Colombia. He started his solo career and became known in the 2000s. On one hand, he has done a lot of humanitarian work to help the world, but on the other hand, his most popular songs aren t about the work he has done. Juanes is a solo guitarist and singer, he has won 20 Latin grammy awards. He became known by his music. He has also raised awareness about an issue in Colombia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Compare and Contrast Gibson’s and Gregory’s theories of... Compare and Contrast Gibson s and Gregory s theories of perception Gibson s and Gregory s theories of perception both suggest that eye retina is important for perception. The both believe that without eye retina, a person will not be able to see. This is a common view of both of the theories of perception. The idea is supported by the case of SB. SB was a man who had been blind from birth due to cataracts. When he was 52, he had an operation which restored his sight and hence he could see. Thus, this case has shown the importance of eye retina for things to be perceived. And therefore, supports both of theories of perception which eye retina is essential for perception. Gibson believes in the direct theories of perception which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It may be that a genetic predisposition to perception exists, but that situational factors also have to be in place for it to develop. Apart from the above, there are a few more differences between Gibson s and Gregory s theories of perception. Gregory believes that additional processing is required for perception which some forms of background knowledge is needed to make sense of the environment than just the sensory input while Gibson believes that perception is part of an inbuilt adaptive mechanism for survival which does not rely on stored knowledge or past experience. Gregory believes that expectations have an impact on perceptions which Gibson disagrees. There is empirical evidence supporting the idea of Gregory, and this comes from a study carried out by Simons and Levin. 50% of the participants failed to realise that there was a switch of people. This is probably due to the fact that the participants had not expected a change of person. Hence, they were unable to perceive it. Furthermore, a study carried out by Selfridge also supports the idea of Gregory. Selfridge s study demonstrates that our perceptions are mediated by our expectations as people are able to read the figures as the cat . This is because people have the expectations of the cat as they are words in common usage. These studies have shown that people saw what they have been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Reflection Paper About Reflection Reflection Questions Out of all the stories that I heard my favorite story was titled the Power Of Love . The author drew me in by using a precise date and setting and that made me feel like I was there in that same setting. The way she detailed the setting and used a lot of the sense such as stating that the room she sat in was cold and as the doctor talked to her it turned chilly. The speaker used a lot of elements in her story, but one of the strongest elements that I found that would be extremely useful is how well she developed the story and how it was organized. She did not over complicate the story and spoke very eloquently. The manner in which she carried the story also made me understand her story easily and I would like to incorporate these elements in my story as well. My biggest challenge with this project is going to be vocalizing my story in a strong manner, because when I get nervous I tend to mumble. I hope that I do not mumble and that i convey my story clearly. Before the story: My sister had a boyfriend, although she was not allowed to date. She would take me along with her so that no one would suspect anything. I would go with her under the condition that she would buy me my movie ticket and food. How it began: It all started when I was in the 7th grade. My sister and I were going to go to the movies and as always I would be the one to wait on her, because she always took a long time getting ready. I was laying on my bed and listening to music. As I was waiting for her I looked in the mirror. I then suddenly noticed I had a unibrow. Ever since the fourth grade I was aware of that unibrow, but this time it was a scary one. How it began: I told myself do not worry no one will notice, but then i thought no your in middle school someone will notice. I then thought of another idea maybe I will shave it, get rid of that unibrow. That idea alone did not convince me so then I though maybe I should just get bangs and cut them right above my eyes and no one will even know. Then my sister starts yelling at me to hurry up the irony of that statement when it was always me getting her in trouble for being late. Climax: I decided that I was gonna be bold and I was going to shave ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Deem Spell Analysis This movie describes a first African American lawyer who became the Court s 96th justice. The movie revolves around Thurgood Marshall. At a young aged he faced one of his greatest challenges while working as a lawyer for the NAACP. Marshall traveled to a conservative Connecticut area but wealthy well known person in society, named Eleanor Strubing accuses a black chauffeur, named Joseph Spell of sexual assault and attempted murder. Spell soon teams up with Sam Friedman, a local Jewish lawyer who s never handled a criminal case. The two men, together build a defense while contending with racist and anti Semitic views from those who deem Spell to be guilty. One decision is made by the sitting judge known as judge Foster, an imperious old white ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Explain How Asexual Reproduction Is Different From Sexual... 1. Explain how asexual reproduction is different from sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is different from seucal reproduction because it reproduces through mitosis which clones the cell and results in the new cells being identical to the parent cell. However, sexual reproduction takes 50% (about) of the chromosomes of each parent to create a new diploid (zygote) which creates genetic variation and could be advantageous to evolving/natural selection. 2. Explain what happens during crossing over and when it occurs in meiosis. Crossing over occurs in prophase I which is the first prophase of meiosis. Two chromosomes each from one parent can physically connect and share genetic information (creating a chiasma). As a result, genetic variation increases. 3. How is metaphase I different from metaphase of mitosis? Metaphase I is different from metaphase of mitosis because in metaphase I homologous pairs are being separated and pulled to the opposite ends of the cell by microtubules. However, in metaphase of mitosis, sister chromatids are being separated to opposite ends of the cell. 4. Explain why sexual reproduction increases variation among offspring much more than asexual reproduction does. Sexual reproduction ensures that the offspring will be a combination traits from both the parents. Some traits from both parents will be present (hopefully advantageous ones) and some traits will be inactive (disadvantageous ones). This increases variation because no diploid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Differences Between Market Research And Marketing... THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MARKET RESEARCH AND MARKETING RESEARCH. Marketing research refers to a well planned and rational study analysis and interpretation of marketing problems undertaken for actionable decision making. Marketing research considers the more immediate situation. It is primarily concerned with the provision of information about markets and the reaction of these to various product, price, distribution and promotion decisions. (Boone, 2006) Marketing research can be divided into two types; external continuous data and external ad hoc data. Generally, marketing research helps in many different ways. It gives information on consumer groups, it gives information on price, promotion, product and distribution, it gives information on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Market Research refers to the study of the entire market and consumer behaviour, within that market while marketing research is a well planned and rational study, analysis and interpretation of marketing problems undertaken for actionable decision making. 2. Market research is a branch of marketing research, whereas marketing research is a component of marketing information system. 3. The scope of market research is limited as it studies about the aspects of market and consumer behaviour only. On the other hand, marketing research involves the study of the whole marketing process, i.e. the research of advertising, pricing, packaging, policymaking and the market as well. 4. Market research is specific in nature, as the research gives an understanding about the particular market which is not applicable to other markets. While marketing research is generic in nature, as the study can be helpful in solving various marketing problems. 5. Market research is conducted to check the viability of the product in the target market. Whereas marketing research is carried out to make effective decisions regarding marketing activities and to keep control on the marketing of economic output i.e. goods and services. (Kotler, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Island Of Dr. Moreau Essay The Island of Dr. Moreau, by H.G. Wells is focused around a man fascinated with the difference between animal and man. Dr. Moreau, a man surely seen as a mad scientist to the outside world, and maybe correctly. Dr. Moreau is determined to establish a sustainable human population, but all he has on his secluded island, are a bunch of beasts. Although, this appears to be a problem, he still works toward his goal, in rather experimental stages. The genre of the story is very much science fiction, but it is also realistic fiction. Although this is not based on any true events, the idea of experimenting on and evolving humans is not only possible, but would most likely be a common thing if not for the lack of legality of the practice. The point of view is definitely first person as the book is written as a diary of sorts. The narrator is telling the reader, his experiences on the island as if retelling a personal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Edward Prendick, being the protagonist as well as narrator of the book showed most development in his opinion of the beast people. Prendick went from being scared to death of the beasts turned humans when he first came ashore on the island, to being friendly, feeling pity when they were tortured, and back to being scared to death again when one of them killed the doctor. He is very philosophical when it comes to the comparison between man and beast. Dr. Moreau is fascinated with evolution; he wants to turn the wild life of the island into humans. But mainly he wants to create evolution directly. He is very spiritual in the sense that he seeks the meaning of life. He declares himself god almost as he seeks the powers of god, the ability to manipulate both life and nature at will. Although he is never successful because he lets the animals that he experimented on, roam free and none survive long enough to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Anesthesia After The Civil War Another way anesthesia improved healthcare was through continued public acknowledgement of its versatility. It also led to new discoveries in the medical field and impacted the rest of America s medical related future. First off, it was widely used in the Crimean War over in Europe from 1853 1856. Because of anesthesia s success in the Crimean War, American physicians read up on the use of chloroform through pamphlets and documents that detailed how chloroform was used in the Crimean War and how it was used in civilian practices (Devine). As the war raged on, it soon became a common realization, after trial and error, that doctors should use chloroform during surgical operations when needed. By the end of the Civil War, Union records showed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Emotional Development Of Young Children The emotional development in young children plays a very important role throughout their lives especially in their education. From birth to about eight years of age, children are learning the meaning behind each emotion and how to appropriately use them to express themselves. Erik Erikson, psychologist, created an 8 socioemotional stage development theory explaining what skills were being developed at certain ages. Parental monitoring is important during childhood to determine their emotional progress to catch any delays or disabilities developing. Positive nurturing will create a more positive outcome in their education. Also how the effects of bullying and child maltreatment can lead to an poor outcome in your child s educational success. Erik Erikson, a German psychologist created an eight stage socioemotional development theory about early childhood development. Each stage shows what emotions and characteristics are being developed during each age of a child s life. Stage 1, trust vs mistrust; occurs from infancy to 2 years of age. As a baby you must learn to trust that your mother or caregiver will feed and take care of you until you are able to do so yourself. Stage 2, autonomy vs shame; usually occurs between 18 months to 2 years and 3 and a half to 4 years of age. Stage 3 is initiative vs guilt; occurs around 3 and a half years of age. Stage 4 is industry vs inferiority by this time the child is mastering social studies, math, arithmetics. This occurs during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Kim Jong Sung By Kim Il Sung Kim Il Sung, originally born Kim Song ju, was born on April 15, 1912. Kim was born in a dark time for the Koreans due to the occupation of Korea by Japan. It was around this time when North Koreans grew tired of being Japan s puppets, and they were ready for a true Korean to stand up for them and take back their beloved country. Kim IL Sung was not born to become anyone important, and he was certainly not born to become the future dictator of North Korea. Kim s family came from nowhere special they were ordinary farmers who kept to themselves and kept their Christian beliefs close to their hearts. Kim did not have the same faith his family had; in fact he did not care much for religion at all. Kim s main interest growing up was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once in the army Kim learned a great deal about politics and communism from his boss Wei Zhengmin. Kim became part of a Korean guerilla group, and with his help his group became notoriously known for their attacks. Eventually these guerrilla groups became a big enough threat that Japan posted rewards for any information on these guerilla groups, and over time Japan attempted to eliminate as many of these guerrilla groups as possible. Those groups that managed to evade Japan, Kim il Sung was among them, found refuge in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union trained and armed these guerilla groups. Kim quickly became known for his leadership skills and his knowledge in both communism and politics his growing popularity with the Russians gained Kim more connections with the Russians and the Chinese. When World War 2 was almost over the Korean Peninsula was cut at the 38 parallel line by the U.S. after the war ended the Soviet Union gained control of the Northern half of the peninsula while the United States gained control of the southern half. At the time Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union and he was not sure who he should appoint leader of North Korea. Due to Kim Il Sung s many connections in the Soviet Union the Soviets appointed Kim as the leader of the Northern half of the Korean peninsula. Kim was forever grateful to Stalin and always did his best to mirror his leadership ways. Now that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Advantages Of Debit Card Vs Credit Card The Advantages of Debit Card versus Credit Card The advantages of debit card versus credit cards used by young adults are debit cards will not allow you to mismanage, overspend or go into debt. The most common explanation for credit card debt for people under the age of 25. Demographic and credit trends show that young people, and in particular students, may be the next segment of credit users that will face difficult financial times. In the United States, there are 19.1 million students who are attending colleges and universities (US Department of Education 2009). They account for approximately 6% of a population of 308 million people (US Census Bureau 2011). On average, students possess 4.6 credit cards (SallieMae 2009). They also owe more on their credit cards than they did just a few years ago; in 2004, students owed, on average, $2,900 on credit cards whereas in 2009 this figure soared by 78% to $4,100 (SallieMae 2009). Moreover, young consumers account for the second largest rate of bankruptcy in the United States (Sullivan, Thorne, and Warren 2001). Together, these figures suggest that young adult consumers in America spend more with their credit cards than they should. In addition, research shows that credit card debt is associated with financial stress (Grable and Joo 2006) as well as poor academic achievement (Pinto, Parente, and Palmer 2001). The desire to use credit as a form of payment but with no steady income available to repay the credit line. For ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Thesis Effects Of Compression And Violence In Ice Hockey Introduction I. Problem statement II. Scope of study III. Thesis statement Background of study I. Historical background II. Rules governing physical contact Effect of costumes and the sport setting on the aggressive behavior I. False security from the costumes II. The sport setting encourages violence Consequences of the aggression and violence I. physical consequences II. emotional and social consequences Effects of fans on the aggression in the sport Conclusion Introduction Sport is an integral part of the American society and culture. It is as important as other social institutions like family, religion and education. It is impossible to ignore sport as it extends into a multitude of social arenas, including the arts, mass media, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most common causes of the injuries are blows from the hockey sticks and collisions with other players. Head and facial injuries include concussions, contusions and lacerations to the face, eye and dental damage. Concussions result from being hit so hard that the player losses consciousness. Players experiencing symptoms of a concussion should not be allowed to play but be taken to a medical examiner. The other injury that players suffer is shoulder injuries. The shoulder in most cases separates from the joint or the collarbone breaks. These result from collision with other players or the ice. Elbow injuries also arise in Ice hockey due to constant contact resulting in a thick and scarred bursal tissue. Wrist injuries are another category of injuries suffered by hockey players as a result of playing with outstretched arms. Hockey players also suffer from back injuries because of the posture they adopt when skating. The risk associated with the above injuries varies based on the player s participation in the game, the equipment the player uses as well as the level of violence involved in the game. Players with pre existing injuries also tend to suffer more injuries with each game (Stuart, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Is Joseph Conrad Racist Or Racist One of these creatures rose to his hands and knees, and went off on all four towards the river to drink (Conrad 53). Is Joseph Conrad being racist by saying this? Or is he just telling the story how it was in 1890 s? These are some of the questions that goes through a reader s mind after they read the Heart of Darkness. The more the reader thinks about the words said about African Americans and women. They may come to the idea that Conrad is a racist. By no means does this mean Conrad s work is not a piece of famous art. How can a reader say author is or is not a racist person? Is Conrad s not racist or is it just the main character Marlow? These questions have been a very hot topic when it comes to Conrad s book Heart of Darkness. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No person that ever read the Heart of Darkness can say it does not contain racism. Yet the novel is still considered a piece of art because of the history it beholds ( Marlowe s 2). Many critics such as Chinua Achebe will say other wise because of the racism it tells ( Marlowe s 2) Heart of Darkness is the idea of how wicked a human s soul/ heart actually can be ( Racism 8). This proves that no matter the color of one s skin that does not determine their personality (Conrad 88). This novel shows the darkest sides of any human white or african american. That does not mean a thing but what does is who that person really is. The Heart of Darkness tells an accurate story of a very disgusting time in the world ( Exploration 1). Even with all the facts and literature that shows it has racism in it, Heart of Darkness is still a wonderful work of art to many. One must remember that all novels are open for one s own interpretation ( Marlowe s 7). Therefore the book can be racist depending on the reader s comprehension of the novel ( Marlowe s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay On Zimbardo And Milgram Experiment The two experiments were a tested at different time periods and for different purposes. For instance, the Milgram experiment was originally tested to study obedience to authority, in response to Adolf Eichmann trial, a Nazi war criminal, that stated he, was just stating orders under the Reich. The experiment proved to be that under authority rule, actions, even if morally wrong and unethical can be still taken forward with due to a strict authority presence. The two experiments were similar in which they attained two distinct experimental groups, except for the Milgram experiment, and no control groups. The test subjects were classified in the Milgram experiment as students, teachers, and experimenters. While in the Zimbardo experiment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Based on the results given in the Zimbardo experiment, Zimbardo (1975) contended that identity contrasts of the subjects were substantially less vital than the social circumstance. Zimbardo went considerably more further with his experiment than Milgram had by rejecting the significance of identity qualities for a large portion of one s behavior in regular day to day existence: He states, Individual behavior is largely under the control of social forces and environmental contingencies rather than personality traits, character, will power or other empirically invalidated constructs. Thus, we create an illusion of freedom by attributing more internal control to ourselves, to the individual, than it actually exists. Thus underestimating the power and pervasiveness of situational controls over behavior because: 1) they are often non obvious and subtle, 2) we can often avoid entering situations where we might be so controlled, and 3) we label as weak or deviant people in those situations who do behave differently from how we believe we would. (p. 115) A noteworthy contrast amongst Zimbardo s and Milgram s investigations is that, in the jail think about, just a single test control was performed being appointed to the part of detainee or protect. This is a noteworthy impediment since we can t know, as we did in the Milgram think about, which factors in the circumstance were most essential for the practices ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. History Of Television And The Nba Zachary Scanlon Jerry Chandler 20 November 2015 COMM 201 The History of Television and the NBA The National Basketball Association, or NBA has grown up over the last few decades. Once on the verge of collapse, and unwanted by television, the NBA has rebounded to become quite possibly the most popular league in the nation. It was through television that the league finally established itself as a worthy opponent to Major League Baseball and the National Football League. The NBA got its first television exposure during the 1953 54 season on the long since folded DuMont network. At that time, baseball was still the national pastime, and pro football was beginning to take the spotlight as the favorite sport. Even college basketball was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The savior for the NBA emerged in the form of Danny Biasone, who instituted the 24 second shot clock that most agree, saved the league. The 1954 55 seasons was the first played with the shot clock, and the results were a more wide open style of play far more attractive to television viewers. The NBA has been selected for this study to determine how television coverage changed mass media coverage of basketball and the way the viewers perceived the game. Perhaps no sport was more influenced by the advent of television than professional basketball. From the earliest days of television, NBA officials realized the power of the medium and they realized that any chances they had for success were directly linked to their survival on television. Players and coaches alike were concerned with the way their game was presented on television, even during the league s first decade on television. This made it clear that everyone in the NBA knew that league success was directly related to television. NBA officials also knew that in order to appeal to viewers, they would have to implement rules that would make the NBA product more viewer friendly. In the early 1950s, the NBA suffered from the perception that it was a slow paced game. This was due to the fact that in those days, if a team had the lead into the fourth quarter, it would freeze the ball and turn the game into a tedious foul shooting exhibition. This style of play threatened the NBA s survival ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Merinos Research Paper The merino was originally bred in Spain. Spain is a country that has warm climate like Australia. Merinos are known to have fine wool that is really suitable for spinning and weaving into a fine fibre that many people use to produce clothing. John and Elizabeth Macarthur got married in Devonshire in England in 1788. In 1790, on June 28, John Macarthur and his wife Elizabeth Macarthur arrived in Port Jackson with their son Edward. Macarthur purposely did not cross breed his merino sheep and he and Elizabeth worked hard to establish their flock. The hard work that they put in soon began to pay off for the Macarthurs and by 1803, their flock numbered over 4000 almost pure merinos. In 1807, the first wool was sent to England by the Macarthurs. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Lessons Learned From Park Play Governments Are Overfunding Parks The lessons learned from park play are not comparable to what sidewalk play has to offer. Learning Responsibility on City Sidewalks by Jane Jacobs opens the reader s eyes on the benefits of simple street play. In her passage, Jane Jacobs compares the more beneficial effects of sidewalk play compared to the overpraised parks. Jacobs tells us that parks don t build a stronger form of morality and help with developing more knowledge on city life like sidewalk play do. Park children are given less of a chance to visually learn how to become well rounded citizens in society from adults around them. Parks are not as amazing as they re believed to be from the public. They do not offer the many chances to learn compared to what sidewalk interactions have to offer. Plus, the playgrounds do not have enough adults to actually watch over and teach children the good and the bad. Playgrounds are built for the concept of having fun, but they do not guide and raise children to be good citizens. I believe that government should not heavily fund parks because parks do not revere the essential teachings needed in society such as social abilities. I believe that instead of overfunding parks we could benefit more by having the government actually invest more in club sports because I think club teams open up more of an opportunity for people to develop their social skills, instead of playing in a park. Club sports are provided in many cities but each one I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Best article os t rP CASE: HR 1A DATE: 1995 (REV D. 04/05/06) SOUTHWEST AIRLINES (A) yo The workforce is dedicated to the company. They re Moonies basically. That s the way they 1 operate. Edward J. Starkman, Airline Analyst, PaineWebber op Ann Rhoades, vice president of people for Southwest Airlines, was packing her briefcase at the end of a 17 hour day. Tomorrow was an off site meeting with the top nine executives of Southwest Airlines. The agenda for the meeting was to review Southwest s competitive position in light of recent actions by United and Continental, both of whom had entered Southwest s low fare market. That day s New York Times (September 16, 1994) had an article that characterized the situation as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, she wanted to reflect one last time on these issues to be sure she was not missing anything. Her major concerns were whether Southwest was getting the most in competitive advantage from its own people, and whether the competition could imitate Southwest s successful human resource practices. BACKGROUND No tC op On June 18, 1971, Southwest Airlines, headquartered at Love Field in Dallas, began flying with three Boeing 737 aircraft serving the Texas cities of Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Southwest s competition was Texas International and Braniff, and, to a lesser extent, Continental. Continental used every political and regulatory means to ensure that Southwest would not get off the ground, including keeping Southwest out of the recently built Dallas Fort Worth airport and waging a four year legal battle that left Southwest almost bankrupt at the time of its first flight. One outcome of the legal battle was the so called Wright Amendment, named after James Wright, then Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. The Wright Amendment prohibited any air carrier from offering direct service into Love Field from any place beyond
  • 44. Texas and the four contiguous states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico. This law meant that passengers flying into Southwest s central location at Love Field from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...