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What is UX?
Mike Gallers -
Enterprise UX
Mike Rapp -
Startup UX
Julia Lubarsky -
Vanderbilt Thought Leader


Who are we?
Mike G -
Psychology > Computer Science > Front End Dev > Front End
Design & User Testing > Strategy, Innovation & User Research
Mike R -
Front end design and dev > User interface design > Product
design and strategy > User testing > Information architecture


UX defined
(noun) short for user experience — Google
"User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-
user's interaction with the company, its services, and its
products.— Nielsen Norman Group (NNG)


user interface
user experience
web app design
design solutions
solving problems
user research
business research
easy to use
fun to interact with
voice of the customer
the journey
What do normal people think UX is?


What do normal people think UX is?
customer experience
interaction design
brand perception
technical constraints
user needs
form & function


What do normal people think UX is?
completing a task
i have no idea
couldn’t have told you
process flow
abnormal conditions
improving experiences
habits & needs of people
make life easier


What do normal people think UX is?
how something works


holistic process of your audience interacting with your product
designing useful products
the way a person feels when interacting with a product
human + system interaction
What do normal people think UX is?


a user’s experience is the set of thoughts, actions, and emotions a
person has while interacting with a thing.
UX Design aims to produce products and services that results in
customers/users having positive experiences.
What do I think UX is?


The UX Process
1. Understand the (real) problem
2. Ideate
3. Sketch
4. Prototype
5. Test
6. Refine
7. Re-test


Who is ‘doing’ UX?
UX Designers
Digital Strategists
UI Designers
Interaction Designers
Product Designers
Full stack developers
Market researchers
Customer Insights
Education managers
Product owners


Who is ‘doing’ UX?
Process Designers
Portfolio Managers
Digital Solutioners
Customer experience
Agile developers
Directors of product
Head of product design
Mobile app designers
Brand stewards
Customer service
IT Managers


So, who is ‘doing’ UX?


Typical UX roles
- UX Strategist/Architect (Lead)
- User Researcher
- Visual Designer/Graphic Designer
- (G)UI Designer
- VUI Designer (Voice)
- Interaction Designer
- Front End Developer (HTML/CSS/JS)
- Content Strategist/Writer


Samples of UX Artifacts
Research Plan:
List of questions that people
want answered.
Your plan for how you will get
answers to the questions.
(e.g. survey? interview?
usability test?)


Samples of UX Artifacts
Wireframes (Sketches)


Samples of UX Artifacts
Comps (Compisitions. High Fidelity Mockups)


Samples of UX Artifacts
Prototypes (Axure, Invision, Balsamiq, HTML/CSS/JS…)


How can you ‘do UX’ better?
• ask questions all along - challenge everything! - leadership
MUST understand & support this
• Talk to YOUR customers & prospects - have them use
prototypes - prototype with a purpose


How can you ‘do UX’ better?
• find out if your interface is needed (can you automate?)
• find out if the interface is usable, desirable and even delightful


How can you ‘do UX’ better?
Iterate over and over and over and over and over and over and
over and over and over and over and over and over and over
and over …
Obsess over your customers. Focus isn’t enough.


So, what is the goal of “UX”?
Create products that get used by the customer.
They won’t come just because you build it.
Its a form of Risk Mitigation! Don’t guess, know!


Qualifying experiences
Bad experiences are caused by unmet expectations.
Good experiences are caused by meeting expectations.
Great experiences are caused by exceeding expectations.


What is design and research?
Design is a way to solve a problem. Its great if you know
what the problem is. If you don’t, research is a great way to
find out.
Then usability testing will help you know if your design
solution solves the problem.


Things you never want to say to a
UX Designer:
1. It’s only for our internal people.
2. It’s MVP. We will design it in the next iteration.
3. The customer will figure it out.
4. It makes sense to me.
5. That’s how we’ve always done it, no one ever complained.
6. Were doing this because it’s on our roadmap.
7. Some people will use it, that’s who it’s for.
8. We need to do this to get this client, we will make it right later.
9. Our customer is (fill in the blank). Implication that there is only one persona.
10. We will do research after we figure out whether people like it.


(s0me) Resources
• Nielsen/Norman Group
• A List Apart / An Event Apart
• Boxes and Arrows
• Twitter/Medium
• Pinterest for ideation
• Comparative/Competitive analysis
• Nashville UX Slack
• Webaim (accessibility)
• Invision blog
• Smashing magazine
• LukeW - form design/usability testing
• UIpatterns
There are thousands more


(s0me) Tools
• UserTesting.com
• validately.com
• Axure
• Sketch
• Invision
• Your brain
• Photoshop
• Illustrator
• Napkins and sharpies
• Whiteboards
• Your arm
There are hundreds more
• Adobe XD
• Paper and pencil
• Balsamiq
• Mike Rapp
• Mike Gallers
• TheUserIsDrunk


Questions ?


Mike Gallers
Mike Rapp


POs have to be incentivized/motivated not JUST by releasing stuff quickly, but by
releasing QUALITY stuff.
HAS to come from top of the house and trickle down.
Say NO more! build rapport. know your internal clients, train them, teach them.
Interview the company! What do THEY think they’re hiring you for vs what you think
you’re being hired for vs what you actually end up doing. Do you want to fight and sell
UX? or do you want to go into a place where they already know and support what you


Notes (cont.)
UX thinking is cultural, not just a checkbox
design systems, pattern libraries can be your friend
don’t ask a Sr UX architect to do UI design
don’t lie! communicate! be open! don’t be afraid!
CEOs are like scarlet witch. they can suspend and shape reality at their whim.
Use case studies for a “UX” portfolio vs just visual samples for a Visual Designer


Notes (cont.)
Conversations with people are THE MOST IMPORTANT thing! its not just photoshop
and sketch and envision.
VERY Hard to ‘do UX’ if you’re an introvert.
be prepared to present/sell your own work. justify every character and pixel that is
there’s an art to presenting. take an improv class. know your audience. LEARN.
house metaphor - architect, electrician, city planner, brick layer, roofer


Notes (cont.)
Its okay not to know things!! Not knowing things is where i want to spend most of my
Very few people question things and challenge. Most are doers.
humans don’t always want a better way to do things, they want to do things the way
they know how to do things.
define “good”, “better”
Try to know as fast as you can. be honest about what you don’t know!
Don’t wait for acceptance criteria!


Slides from Great American Teach In
Mike G talked to a 3rd and 5th grade class about what UX
design is


What is UX Design?
Designing experiences for people.
Usually between a person and an object or
computer system.


What is UX Design?
Problem Solving
Graphic/Visual Design
Information Architecture
Asking questions
Designing for everyone (accessibility)
User research
UI Development
Content strategy/content creation
Sketching 36


Where is UX Design?
Web sites
Phone apps
Tablet apps
Remote controls
Car dashboards
DVR menus


Why is UX Design important?
If your goal is for people to have a
good experience with your product,
service, website, app then that
experience needs design, research,
and testing. NO ONE gets it right the
first time (not even Apple)


What do I need to learn and be
passionate about to be a UX Designer?
Cognitive Psychology
Peoples’ desires and needs
Peoples’ situations and emotions
How to research
How to ask the right questions
How and why people use certain things (phones, laptops, tablets,
ATM machines, car dashboards, TV menus, microwave displays,
More specifically:


What is good (and
bad) design?


Is this good design?


Is this good?


• The main task users have is to search for flights, and
that form is hidden.
What about this? Good? Bad? Meh?


Huh? What is what now?
If your buttons need instructions, they aren’t useful
Small dialogs and error messages
also need design


Imagine if it was your job to
use this every day.


Does your toilet have this many buttons?


Even door handles need design!


Handles are for pulling, flat
panels are for pushing.


What are you supposed to do here?


• Its pretty clear what the site is and what the site’s designer
wants you to do


What is the most important thing
apple wants you to know about?


Apple – then (1997) and now


Amazon - Then (1995ish) and now


Yahoo – then (1994) and now


People have experiences
every day with many things.
Our job as UX Designers is to
make sure they are positive
Mike Gallers – UX Designer – Regions Bank

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What is UX v2

  • 1. What is UX? Mike Gallers - Enterprise UX Mike Rapp - Startup UX Julia Lubarsky - Vanderbilt Thought Leader
  • 2. Who are we? Mike G - Psychology > Computer Science > Front End Dev > Front End Design & User Testing > Strategy, Innovation & User Research Mike R - Front end design and dev > User interface design > Product design and strategy > User testing > Information architecture
  • 3. UX defined (noun) short for user experience — Google "User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end- user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products.— Nielsen Norman Group (NNG) :( ok
  • 4. user interface user experience web app design design solutions solving problems user research business research easy to use fun to interact with design voice of the customer the journey context images What do normal people think UX is? https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-H2TFYT3HL/
  • 5. What do normal people think UX is? feedback testing customer experience IA layout interaction design usability satisfaction brand perception technical constraints user needs graphics strategy form & function https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-H2TFYT3HL/
  • 6. What do normal people think UX is? frictionless completing a task i have no idea couldn’t have told you evolution process flow responsiveness abnormal conditions information improving experiences habits & needs of people delightful make life easier expectations https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-H2TFYT3HL/
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  • 8. holistic process of your audience interacting with your product designing useful products the way a person feels when interacting with a product human + system interaction What do normal people think UX is? https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-H2TFYT3HL/
  • 9. a user’s experience is the set of thoughts, actions, and emotions a person has while interacting with a thing. UX Design aims to produce products and services that results in customers/users having positive experiences. What do I think UX is?
  • 10. The UX Process 1. Understand the (real) problem 2. Ideate 3. Sketch 4. Prototype 5. Test 6. Refine 7. Re-test
  • 11. Who is ‘doing’ UX? UX Designers Sales Digital Strategists UI Designers Communications Interaction Designers Product Designers Full stack developers Market researchers Customer Insights Education managers Developers Designers Product owners https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-H2TFYT3HL/
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  • 13. So, who is ‘doing’ UX? EVERYONE!
  • 14. Typical UX roles - UX Strategist/Architect (Lead) - User Researcher - Visual Designer/Graphic Designer - (G)UI Designer - VUI Designer (Voice) - Interaction Designer - Front End Developer (HTML/CSS/JS) - Content Strategist/Writer
  • 15. Samples of UX Artifacts Research Plan: List of questions that people want answered. Your plan for how you will get answers to the questions. (e.g. survey? interview? usability test?)
  • 16. Samples of UX Artifacts Wireframes (Sketches)
  • 17. Samples of UX Artifacts Comps (Compisitions. High Fidelity Mockups)
  • 18. Samples of UX Artifacts Prototypes (Axure, Invision, Balsamiq, HTML/CSS/JS…)
  • 19. How can you ‘do UX’ better? • ask questions all along - challenge everything! - leadership MUST understand & support this • Talk to YOUR customers & prospects - have them use prototypes - prototype with a purpose
  • 20. How can you ‘do UX’ better? • find out if your interface is needed (can you automate?) • find out if the interface is usable, desirable and even delightful
  • 21. How can you ‘do UX’ better? Iterate over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over … Obsess over your customers. Focus isn’t enough.
  • 22. So, what is the goal of “UX”? Create products that get used by the customer. They won’t come just because you build it. Its a form of Risk Mitigation! Don’t guess, know!
  • 23. Qualifying experiences Bad experiences are caused by unmet expectations. Good experiences are caused by meeting expectations. Great experiences are caused by exceeding expectations.
  • 24. What is design and research? Design is a way to solve a problem. Its great if you know what the problem is. If you don’t, research is a great way to find out. Then usability testing will help you know if your design solution solves the problem.
  • 25. Things you never want to say to a UX Designer: 1. It’s only for our internal people. 2. It’s MVP. We will design it in the next iteration. 3. The customer will figure it out. 4. It makes sense to me. 5. That’s how we’ve always done it, no one ever complained. 6. Were doing this because it’s on our roadmap. 7. Some people will use it, that’s who it’s for. 8. We need to do this to get this client, we will make it right later. 9. Our customer is (fill in the blank). Implication that there is only one persona. 10. We will do research after we figure out whether people like it.
  • 26. (s0me) Resources • Nielsen/Norman Group • A List Apart / An Event Apart • Boxes and Arrows • Twitter/Medium • Pinterest for ideation • Comparative/Competitive analysis • Nashville UX Slack • Webaim (accessibility) • Invision blog • Smashing magazine • LukeW - form design/usability testing • UIpatterns There are thousands more
  • 27. (s0me) Tools • UserTesting.com • validately.com • Axure • Sketch • Invision • Your brain • Photoshop • Illustrator • Napkins and sharpies • Whiteboards • Your arm There are hundreds more • Adobe XD • Paper and pencil • Balsamiq • Mike Rapp • Mike Gallers • TheUserIsDrunk
  • 30. Notes POs have to be incentivized/motivated not JUST by releasing stuff quickly, but by releasing QUALITY stuff. HAS to come from top of the house and trickle down. Say NO more! build rapport. know your internal clients, train them, teach them. Interview the company! What do THEY think they’re hiring you for vs what you think you’re being hired for vs what you actually end up doing. Do you want to fight and sell UX? or do you want to go into a place where they already know and support what you do
  • 31. Notes (cont.) UX thinking is cultural, not just a checkbox design systems, pattern libraries can be your friend don’t ask a Sr UX architect to do UI design don’t lie! communicate! be open! don’t be afraid! CEOs are like scarlet witch. they can suspend and shape reality at their whim. Use case studies for a “UX” portfolio vs just visual samples for a Visual Designer
  • 32. Notes (cont.) Conversations with people are THE MOST IMPORTANT thing! its not just photoshop and sketch and envision. VERY Hard to ‘do UX’ if you’re an introvert. be prepared to present/sell your own work. justify every character and pixel that is visual. there’s an art to presenting. take an improv class. know your audience. LEARN. PRACTICE house metaphor - architect, electrician, city planner, brick layer, roofer
  • 33. Notes (cont.) Its okay not to know things!! Not knowing things is where i want to spend most of my time. Very few people question things and challenge. Most are doers. humans don’t always want a better way to do things, they want to do things the way they know how to do things. define “good”, “better” Try to know as fast as you can. be honest about what you don’t know! Don’t wait for acceptance criteria!
  • 34. Slides from Great American Teach In (2014) Mike G talked to a 3rd and 5th grade class about what UX design is
  • 35. What is UX Design? 35 Designing experiences for people. Usually between a person and an object or computer system.
  • 36. What is UX Design? Problem Solving Graphic/Visual Design Information Architecture Asking questions Designing for everyone (accessibility) User research UI Development Content strategy/content creation Usability Marketing Sales Sketching 36
  • 37. Where is UX Design? Web sites Phone apps Tablet apps Stores Buildings Remote controls Car dashboards DVR menus …everywhere! 37
  • 38. Why is UX Design important? If your goal is for people to have a good experience with your product, service, website, app then that experience needs design, research, and testing. NO ONE gets it right the first time (not even Apple) 38
  • 39. What do I need to learn and be passionate about to be a UX Designer? People People People 39 Cognitive Psychology Behavior Peoples’ desires and needs Peoples’ situations and emotions How to research How to ask the right questions How and why people use certain things (phones, laptops, tablets, ATM machines, car dashboards, TV menus, microwave displays, etc More specifically:
  • 40. What is good (and bad) design?
  • 41. 41 Is this good design?
  • 43. 43 • The main task users have is to search for flights, and that form is hidden. http://www.southwest.com What about this? Good? Bad? Meh?
  • 44. 44 Huh? What is what now? If your buttons need instructions, they aren’t useful buttons. Small dialogs and error messages also need design
  • 45. 45 Imagine if it was your job to use this every day.
  • 46. 46 Does your toilet have this many buttons?
  • 47. 47 Even door handles need design!
  • 48. 48 Handles are for pulling, flat panels are for pushing.
  • 49. What are you supposed to do here? 49
  • 50. 50 • Its pretty clear what the site is and what the site’s designer wants you to do https://www.spotify.com/us/
  • 51. 51 http://www.apple.com/ What is the most important thing apple wants you to know about?
  • 52. 52 Apple – then (1997) and now
  • 53. 53 Amazon - Then (1995ish) and now
  • 54. 54 Yahoo – then (1994) and now
  • 55. People have experiences every day with many things. Our job as UX Designers is to make sure they are positive experiences. 55 Mike Gallers – UX Designer – Regions Bank