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What Makes You Unique And
Colorful Essay
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What Makes You Unique And Colorful EssayWhat Makes You Unique And Colorful Essay
Interventions Of A Case Manager
Two Interventions
Individuals living with HIV/AIDS vary across a wide and diverse spectrum of wealth, races,
religions and cultures, and many may benefit from the support interventions of a case manager.
Case managers can assist individuals in finding additional services and help to live longer and
more comfortably while living with the disease and reduce the risk of them falling through the
We have been aware of HIV and AIDS since the 1970s (Miller, 2012), and though there have been
treatments and reduction in the number of people infected, the disease remains. The disease results
in death usually following opportunistic infections as a result of AIDS destruction of the immune
system, but thanks to modern medicine many people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this setting the case manager would work best using the role based case management model
and with their primary role to function as a generalist, This role, widely used in human service
delivery, focuses primarily on providing the services that can be delivered by a helper with
knowledge and skills applicable to a range of clients in various settings (Woodside, McClam,
2013. p 75 para 3); following the role of generalist the case manager would likely take on the
roles of counselor, care coordinator, problem solver, and record keeper. Under the role of
counselor and broker an intervention strategy that could be implemented is for the case
manager to meet with the individuals on their caseload and after completing an assessment
create a treatment plan that would help to resolve any barriers that the individual may be facing
that would hinder their ability to attend their medical appointments and strict regimen of
medications, the case manager would then continue to hold regular meetings with their clients
to ensure the individual treatment plan is being adhered to (Wohl, et al. 2011). The problem a
case manager may see while trying to help provide services to people living with HIV/AIDS
under the model of role based manager is that the case manager may be working for an agency
with very limited resources which can then severely restrict the benefit of the program and leave
the case manager feeling frustrated and overwhelmed and the though there may be a wide array
of services that may be needed, the agency can only afford to focus on the cheapest. If the agency
does happen to be well funded then the benefits of role based case management model mean that
the individual will only have the one contact person to reach out to and allows for a better
relationship to develop which makes for a more effective case manager (Woodside, McClam,
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Victim Blaming Research Paper
Internalized victim blaming can be psychologically and emotionally exhausting, and it can be a
huge obstacle in healing after sexual assault. In 1998 Babalwa treated herself badly after being
sexually abused by someone whom she knew and trusted. That resulted in her pregnancy. In that
same year she met her lover whom later became her husband. Before committing to each other as
husband and wife, they behaved as a married couple, and there were no limits in their relationship.
Her worst moment was when she found out that her son was the fruit of sexual abuse and having
to face her attacker, come in contact with the person who took her innocence and changed her life
forever. Every time she would see him, she was felt with rage, uncontrollable... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The situation got worse since I kept this problem a secret and after my son discovered that my
ex husband is not his father, my son started using cocaine and all sorts of drugs It was then that I
broke into pieces, I lost hope and lost my job of which I occupied an important position. It was
like the ultimate embarrassment for me to be told that I had to be hospitalized in a mental
hospital for depression due to my terrible situation, I thought to myself, how am I supposed to
deal with the anger? This violation of my self efficacy and personal autonomy? Am I to be held
accountable for that? I reacted with anger, hateful, bitterness, fearful, insecure and confused. I
couldn t say the word rape, I harboured resentment, I was humiliated and infuriated, I told the
nurses very articulately that I was not sick mentally and there was no need to move to the
hospital, I was told I would spend 6 months for recovery. I got revolted against this situation and
took part of the Inner healing meetings held every Tuesdays 5pm. There was a specific meeting
that changed my mind set as I always thought I m fine, I don t need any sort of help. The topic for
that day was (Digging inside
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Path Integration for Navigation
Path Integration Forms of spatial sensitivity among organisms are exceedingly wide ranging.
Spatial sensitivity among lower animals has been studied in its role in navigation. Many of these
animals exhibit extraordinary navigational capacities. Amoebae have light sensitivities that lead
them to liquid areas that serve their chemical needs. Crickets locate mates using sound. Path
integration, or dead reckoning, is one of the four types of navigation. I begin by distinguishing the
differences among the four types of navigation. I continue by explaining in more detail the second
type of navigation: path integration. Next I explain why one might think that certain types of path
integration are not representational. Last I show why path integration doesn t depend on perceptual
constancies. Path integration is one of the four types of navigation. The other three are beaconing,
landmark use, and map use. Organism s can travel toward or away from a source of stimulation.
Beaconing, or homing, is an organism s movement toward a target. That movement is in response
to a stimulation that derives from the target s location. Beaconing allows organisms to move in
directions that are favorable to them. For example, salmon travel in the ocean for years. After a
couple years, they return to their home streams in straight a line. This is a result of them responding
to certain hormonal changes. Many organisms use another type of navigation called landmark use.
Landmark use
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Analysis Of Cinderella By Bruno Bettelheim
Bruno Bettelheim, the author of the article Cinderella : A Story of Sibling Rivalry and Oedipal
Conflicts expresses his opinions on how the fairytale Cinderella causes the views of sibling rivalry
and also displays oedipal conflicts. Bettelheim argues throughout his article that the tale Cinderella
leads children to feel emotions such as jealousy and envy towards their siblings. He also depicts the
belief that the story Cinderellaleads children into oedipal jealousy and makes them feel that they
need to get rid of the parent of the same sex. Bettelheim expresses his opinions and beliefs to
uncover the secrets held within the fairytale Cinderella. The issue of sibling rivalry in families is
one of the main topics within Bettelheim s article.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cinderella is innocent just as the child, and this allows the child to not feel guilt about his
jealous judgements towards siblings. Cinderella s story helps the child realize how terrible
things could be for them and to appreciate how lucky they are instead of looking at the negative
side of their life. The oedipal period is the second main point held within Bettelheim s article. He
explains the oedipal period as a time that the child feels they are the center of the universe and
there is no reason to experience any type of jealousy. During this period the child feels that the
only way their parent could disappoint them is if they have something wrong with them or their
desires. The child goes through a phase where they are unsure about how their parents feel about
them and start developing signs of jealousy. Bettelheim describes how towards the end of the
oedipal period the child usually wishes to replace the parents of the same gender. This leads the
child to feel disorderly and worthless because of their squalid wish. Cinderella allows the child to
feel they will eventually be rescued from these thoughts just as Cinderella was rescued in her
fairytale. He explains how Cinderella gives the children confidence in themselves because of how
well she relates to their
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Operational Plan
Manage Operational Plans| BSMMGT515A| TASK ONEDevelop an Operational PlanNKONDE
OfficeMax is one of the most leading retail shops in Australia. The company has a number of
stores in around Australia that mainly specializes in selling office products. The products sold
range from various departments but still cater for households and business of every size. We do
provide customers with ways to shop in store where customers enjoy friendly expert advice and
helpful services as well as online purchases through the company s website.
Figure 1.1
Table 1.1: OfficeMax Consultation Strategy
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* Number of operational related training programs completed| * Include strategic goals in induction
program * Ensure regular coaching * Management engagement with employees to achieve greater
buy in of Organization goals * Research effectiveness of possible insensitivities for safe work
achievement and healthy lifestyle| Increase in HR requirements| * Stand out for the employees
regarding matters of concern As well as help maintain the work structure| * Keep all detailed
information and ensure changes are made| Recognition of fixtures : to provide maximum service to
your customers and have a high turnover rate. | * Conduct stock control as for the unrequired
unnecessary products should be off stocked to create space| * Give information about the stock,
receipts and ,disbursement etc.| Attracting customers| * Write down the image of what you want
your customers to see of you| * Enforce or implement the resolution made on portrayal of image|
Business goal: To increase salesby 10% by 30th June 2016 through increasing the services and
products across our range of departments. We aim to supply customer with the
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Ancient Egyptian Religion and Worldview
1)Ancient Egyptian religion and worldview was simultaneously both extraordinarily simplistic and
extremely complicated.
The king s essential unique title, the Horus name, broadcasted that he was a part of the god
Horus, a sky god who was portrayed as a half man half falcon. Different aliases were added to this
one, remarkably Son of Re (the sun god) and Perfect God, both presented in the fourth
administration (c. 2575 2465 bce), when the incredible pyramids were developed. The name Son of
Re put the ruler in a nearby, however, impoverished connection with the heading figure in the
pantheon. This showed that the ruler had the status of a minor divinity, for which he was
consummated through promotion to his office; it confined the degree of his godlikeness and
divided him from full divinity.
In his halfway position between mankind and the divine beings, the king could accept the most
excessive praise, and in a few ways, was more unmistakable than any single god. In death he tried
to gain admittance to the afterlife, however couldn t get away from the human setting. Despite the
fact that illustrious funerary icons contrasted in sort from different tombs and were unfathomably
larger, they were excessively looted and vandalized, and few regal funeral home religions were
dependable. Especially after the old Kingdom, a few rulers, mainly Amenhotep III (1390 53 bce),
Ramses II (1279 13 bce), and a few of the Ptolemies, looked for idolization throughout their
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Beauty And Japanese Beauty
This era of Japan is notable by its visual impact, an area of life that the women had the most
influence upon their society at the time and that influence has continued within Japan today.
Beauty, in all things, was considered of utmost importance: in language, the written word, the
spoken word, the costume, gardens, and in the very essence of the culture. Mono no aware, a
term coined in the 19th century by Motoori Norinaga in regards to the Heian concept of beauty,
best describes the Heian thoughts of beauty. Beauty is precious, because it is brief (Hooker,
1999). The term aware during the Heian era represented sensitivity to things ranging from
beauty to sadness, life, love or death. In the letters, diaries, literature and poetry, the fashion
stands out and is the most obvious and most scrutinized aspect of Heian beauty personified.
While the men, too, had splendid robes to wear, their color options and individuality was
constrained by the sumptuary laws and their rank (Bryant, 2004). The women however wore juni
hitoe (called karaginu mo, with formal court layers, and allowed a huge canvas upon which to
express their individuality and fashion sense. For the women, colors for robes came to be
combined into discreetly named combinations known as irome no kasane. This sensitive layering
of colors developed into a full and subtle bloom over the course of 400 years. Very little in the
emerging style was Chinese, in fact of the 12 items of clothing usually worn, only two,
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Clothes In Their Eyes Were Watching God
Throughout Janie s three marriages in Their Eyes Were Watching God, she has a different set of
clothes that she describes wearing in each marriage. These outfits represent the type of relationship
she is in. Throughout the book, they also show how she evolves into a strong, self confident
woman. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, clothing symbolizes where Janie is in her life and the
type of relationship she is part of.
When Janie finds out that her grandmother wants her to marry Logan Killicks, she is horrified
because she is not attracted to him. She even goes so far as to say that He looks like some ole
skullhead in de graveyard (13). Soon after the start of her marriage, she finds out how unhappy she
truly is with her relationship. She wears an apron because of how much time she spends in the
kitchen. Although she already had a lot on her plate, Logan tells her that there is no reason why
she shouldn t work just as hard as he does, and demands her to help with the firewood. Janie s
wearing of the apron symbolized her heavy workload in her marriage to Logan. ... Show more
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He starts to make her put away parts of herself after another man touches her, and therefore acts
with jealousy: That night he ordered Janie to tie up her hair around the store. That was all. She
was in the store for him to look at, not those others (55). From that point on, Joe continued to take
more and more control of Janie. He stopped her from talking to other people, and towards the end
of their relationship, he even slapped her when she stood up to him. Forcing Janie to hide her hair
is just one example of how Joe took control over
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Week 4 Individual Assignment Interventions Case Study Essay
Interventions Case Study Matt Gunther BSHS/445 Amanda Williams The case of Sean The
case study chosen is about Sean which comes from chapter 7 in the Crisis Intervention Case
Book. Sean is a 19 year old sophomore who is currently on disciplinary probation for getting in a
fight during freshman year and breaking the other students jaw. Sean admits to drinking and also
smoking marijuana since high school and occasionally on campus. Currently Sean was brought to
the emergency room by a friend after passing out on the lawn at a beer party. His friend had seen
that Sean vomited all over himself and would not wake up. His friend then called 911 and an
ambulance came. At the emergency room Sean s stomach was pumped and a blood... Show more
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When speaking to the counselor Sean admits that, he does not remember what happened last
night or how he came to be at the hospital. He remembered being at the Sigma house and playing
a drinking game around 10:00 pm and did not remember much after that. He even mentioned a
story about drinking when he was in high school. Sean was very worried that his parents would
find out and that they would make him come home. He seemed to be very nervous about not
knowing whether his parents were called or not. Sean admitted to smoking marijuana before the
party. He also stated that a friend gave him oxycontin. Sean mentioned that his father was an
alcoholic and used to come home all the time drunk, which caused tension between his father and
mother. His father would come home slurring his speech, coming home buzzed or sometimes not
coming home at all. His father attended AA meeting and he no longer drinks. The counselor asked
Sean if it would be okay to set an appointment for him at the outpatient center at the medical
center, which Sean seemed willing to do anything to stay in school. The counselor also agreed to
meet with Sean s parents to discuss the plan they have made to make it easier for Sean to confront
them. There are other intervention strategies that could have been provided such as a support group
that Sean can be involved in with other students who are in the same situation as Sean or who have
been there. When trying to stop
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My Personal Note On Facebook
Slumped in my bed with my laptop is how I spend most days. A duvet, food and youtube are all
the things that make me happy nowadays. That sounds really sad I know, but I don t really see
anyone, not even family to be honest. I m home schooled and my mum is out of the house from
4:30am until 8:00pm trying to earn enough money to support the two of us. Yeah, it s a lonely
little life and yeah, it does feel very isolated.
That s why I find comfort in youtube. The videos are the most comfort I get at the moment, I mean
people are practically talking to you, and that s more than I get in real life. I don t know how to talk
to new people or make friends because I never had to, I m very shy, the only person I talk to is my
mum as we don ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are some youtubers that never fail to make me laugh, even if I m at a low, that can just make
me smile. It s kinda weird to like them for a 14 year old girl, I mean most people my age are
probably in love with Joe Sugg or Caspar Lee, Dan Howell or Phil Lester. But not me. Well, I do
love them, but the people I just can t get enough of are the Yogscast.
I don t know why, they re just hillarious and I absolutely love them. Yes sure call me a geek, a nerd
whatever but I play a lot of the games they do and never miss a new episode of anything. I ve
watched all their series at least twice.
That does sound rather sad but you have to remember I m alone with nothing to do most of the time.
I do all my maths, English, science and media studies (home) school work on my laptop, I also do
art. I sometimes do extra if I feel like I m going to be tired the next day so I can just watch
youtube videos. Yeah, I m taking my GCSEs this year as well as next year and that means that
because I m home schooled, I have to go into a school to take the exams. Not only are exams
terrifying, but going into a giant room full of strangers to do an exam is even scarier.
So, here I am, sat on my bed on a warm Monday afternoon, doing some Biology coursework. I
listened to Ed Sheerans album Multiply . I absolutely adored Ed and particularly enjoyed listening
to Runaway , I have no idea why, it just made the whole idea of running away sound rather
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Time India Brian Smith Summary
According to the article, Time India Bibliography by Brian Smith, the author mentions about how
time represented within the Indian culture, including religion and philosophy. From the India
tradition, they recognize the contingent temporality to be the world of suffering, which is the
change and impermanence. It knows as samsara, which is the cycle of death and rebirth of things.
The author says, the ultimate goal of all of the religious traditions that have sprung forth in India is
indeed to overcome and transcend time and the death it entails. The main point that the Indian
people were looking is the ending time of their life. In the religions tradition, the Indian people try
to overcome and transcend the death. In other words, the
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Des Moines Art Center
The Des Moines Art Center was established in 1948 in Des Moines Iowa. It s a nonprofit
institution with a various collection of sculpture, painting, modern art and mixed media. It s not
only a museum, but also a community school. Their school has over 3000 students and about 300
classes a year. The class grouped by age from children to adults. Include painting, printmaking,
sculpture, ceramics and jewelry. Aiming to help children and adults explore their interests The Art
Center s central hall will hold several exhibitions every year. Each display one to three months
which offering fresh, cutting edge of art like Halson Warhol. The remaining space in the museum is
permanent exhibition hall. Photographic art exhibition hall and video exhibition... Show more
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Here we mainly talk about three buildings. The first building of the Art Center was built in 1943
and actually was the first museum built in the United States and is a distinctly modern building.
Its name is Saarinen Building. It s an S shaped building located on the crest of a small hill. The S
shape creates a battery of wings connected to Saarinen s building from east to west side, include
different aspects of the center such as the auditorium and the classrooms. The building has a flat
roof which constructed of reinforced concrete and clad in Lannon stone from Wisconsin. There
s an ongoing program called Smart Sunday which is for families. The purpose is to engage in a
variety of community s children and their families and it s responding to either a permanent
collection object or temporary exhibition such as tony feher. The second building is I.M.PEI
building built in 1968 which is the Chinese American architect designed. It slopes down at the
south side of the Saarinen s open courtyard. It s made of two materials class in concrete
primarily. I.M.PEI took the same concrete and bush hammered stone from Saarinen building. But
after 25 years later from 1943, there was a need to expand and large scale works. So actually this
building is totally different than the Saarinen building, it s massive, open, and heavy. And Jackson
Pollock painting which painted in 1943 is an example of why this was needed
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Why Students Should Required Military Service
Students participating in the required military service will find a consecrated strong work ethic and
will fashion a new set of skills that will be required to be industrious in life. The prime focus of
remedial training is to produce quality students that will be ready for college. To be ready for the
future, all remedial training students will learn basic computer coding skills. Financial classes will
be taken by the students, and will cover topics such as credit scores, credit cards, student loans,
mortgages, investments and retirement. According to the Wall Street Journal, The rate of
household borrowing through car loans, student loans, credit cards, and other types of installment
debt other than mortgages increased in the U.S. in late 2011, which could indicate that consumers
are more willing to borrow or that households have financial stress (Mitchell). Learning how to
manage debit, while saving for retirement is a dexterity that needs to be taught to young adults.
Society will embrace financial training once installment and revolving debt rates start to decrease
while retirement accounts experience intensification in ending balances. Other important classes
that will be required, will include home economics, auto, wood and metal shop. Students will also
learn plumbing, masonry and electrical skills. Teaching students about solar power, while finding
alternative energy sources will restore the United States manufacturing by significantly lowering
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Identifying Differences Among Businesses
Identifying Differences Among Businesses In order to identify, analyse and evaluate the major
differences along the supply chain between the business to business (B2B) and the business to
consumer (B2C) marketing in the manufacture and retailing of fast moving consumer goods, it is
important to define the different terms. According to Wright, the supply chain can be defined as the
entire network of suppliers, factories, warehouses, distribution centres and retailers that participate
in the process from raw materials to finished products. (www.soltempo.com) The fast moving
consumer goods (FMCG) can be defined as the retail goods with a short shelf life either as a result
of high consumer... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The research market In B2B, Wright states that the pressure to get industrial products with the right
benefits to market ahead of the competition is the main concern (Wright 2004). Secondary
researches such as the market, the trends are more used than primary researches as organisations
activity is based on economic and industrial trend. In B2B, there is a focus on making the products
matching the consumer demand. Secondary researches are needed but primary researches about
consumers psychology are more important as their wants and needs are changing over the years.
(Minett 2002) 2.5. The segmentation In B2B, customers are segmented by industry and individual
company needs as they are not numerous. There are two types of segmentation, the macro
segmentation and the micro segmentation. Both must provide the supplier with added value to
offer. The macro segmentation uses different factors: it distinguishes one sector from another, one
industry from another and one type of organisation from another (Wright 2004). Segmentation is
by: В· type of market: industrial and/or consumer markets В· geographical area В· type of
industries: manufacturing, service or agricultural industries В· public, private or not for profit
sector В· small, medium or large companies В· products and services offered The micro
segmentation subdivides into smaller segments
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Lil Kim s Influence On Society
There are many Female MC s, like Missy Elliott, Remy Ma, and Da Brat, but no one has ever
compared to the likes of Lil Kim. She s a trendsetter, and has done many things with her life that
many female artists can t say they did. She s sold 20 million albums worldwide, won 40 awards,
and is considered the Queen Bee . While it may not be respected by the conservative press, she s
widely known as a sex symbol, and feminist in American Culture. Overall in her short lived life,
she s faced many hardships in her life, like losing her mentor, feuds, and even prison. Even
though she isn t someone who isn t credited enough, Lil Kim is still an influential person. Many
people in today s society look up to her as a fashion icon. From her looks in the 90 s to now, she
has had a great sense of style. Back in the 90 s, she wore tons of fur, leather, and brand name
clothes. Not many people can say they had Versace and Chanel wigs, but she can! She was even
credited to be the muses of Marc Jacobs, Alexander McQueen, and Donatella Versace. Despite her
success as a fashion icon, she also is best known for her main career, Rap. She was discovered by
Notorious B.I.G (Christopher Wallace) when she was just a teenager living out on the streets. She
has had many hardships despite... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She s had 3 top 10 hits, 1 number 1 single, 3 VMAS and 1 BBMA award. She is the only Female
rapper to get a 5 Mic rating by The Source . Overall, Lil Kim has been nominated for 82 awards,
winning 40. Her debut album Hardcore which was released November 12th, 1996 was certified
gold after only 3 months of release, then Platinum 6 months later. She s even the first person to be
nominated for a diss track at the Grammy s. Also with that nomination, she helped Kanye West win
his first Grammy nomination. No matter the awards, hits, and everything, she has been extremely
notable in Pop
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Oedipus As A Tragic Hero
Although not all who wander or deviate from the path are lost, some clearly are. When Oedipus,
the eponymous character of Sophocles tragedy Oedipus Rex, first learns that he is destined to kill
his father and marry his mother, he abandons his home intent on never returning in order to avoid
meeting his fate. Unbeknownst to the tragic hero, before the curtain s rise, the prophecy has already
been fulfilled. Consequently, due to the underlying corruption in Thebes, the people are perishing
of a plague that will not cease until the man responsible for the death of the previous Theban King,
King Laius, is identified and brought to justice. This urgency propels Oedipusto discover that his
biological father is not the King of Corinth who... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The significance of this theme is conveyed through Sophocles and Shakespeare s usage of dialog,
characterization, and symbolism. To start, Sophocles and Shakespeare utilize dialog to illustrate
the theme of exile within their respective works. Attempting to ease Oedipus s mind by
convincing him that he has nothing to fear in the predictions of the oracles, Jocasta gives the
ironic example of the plot to kill her own infant son to avoid a similar prophecy. Sophocles
dialog for Jocasta states, But Laius,/ so the report goes at least, was killed by strangers,/ thieves,
at a place where three roads meet ... [M]y son / he wasn t three days old and the boy s father
/ fastened his ankles, had a henchman fling him away on a barren, trackless mountain./ There, you
see? (787 793). Although exile, or at least the threat of exile, is prevalently addressed within the
dialog of both works, Jocasta s rashness to murder her child is jarring, even more so due to the
inappropriately comforting tone with which Jocasta retrospects on such a sinister deed. Likewise,
King Lear responds irrationally when he promptly arranges a marriage for Cordelia to the King
of France after Cordelia admits that she loves her father only to the extent that it is appropriate
for a daughter to love her father. Shakespeare s written dialog for Lear reads, Let her be thine,for
we/ Have no such daughter, nor shall ever see/That face of hers again (1.4.264 266). Like Jocasta,
who indicated by the
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Want to Make the Best Smoothies Ever?
You drink one for breakfast, then another after you work out and you do this at least three times
a week if not more. I know you must be tired of repeating the same old flavors in your smoothies
so we have come up with a solution and some very tasty recipe ideas. Our Ultra Shakes are already
made with organic fruits and vegetables, however, adding your own never hurt anybody. It just
means that you are getting more protein to suit your dietary needs.
The Ultra Shake s superfood smoothie flavors include Green Apple Pie, Chocolate Peanut Butter
and Blueberry Goji Mocha. For great tasting shakes, you have your choice of Chocolate Crazy
Coco and Strawberry Coconut Cream, which are made specifically ... Show more content on
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With the extra potassium, you are protecting the heart and increasing calcium absorption. Drink this
smoothie before or after a vigorous workout to prevent muscle cramps.
Blueberry Strawberry Blast with Grapes
I love grapes and adding them to strawberries and blueberries make a berry delicious tasting
smoothie to go with your high energy levels. Drink this concoctions before or after the gym. It
makes it easier for the body to absorb plenty of antioxidants, protein and vitamin C.
Chocolate Crazy Coco Frosty
Almost everyone loves the feeling when we get while eating ice cream. Well, making a frozen
dessert with the Chocolate Peanut Butter or Chocolate Crazy Coco Vegan shake will serve as a
healthy way to treat yourself. All you need to do is add some Xanthan gum to achieve the thickness
and creaminess.
Mango Alma Frozen Sensation
My mouth is watering just thinking about this as another frozen treat in a popsicle. There are so
many other ingredients you could add to spruce the Mango Alma Superfood Shake up with that the
possibilities are endless. You could try oranges, mojito, lemon, lemon lime, yogurt, blueberries,
apples and the list goes on and on. Vitamin C never tasted so
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Asian Cultural Identity
Growing up as an Asian American, I often struggle to identify my own cultural identity. Being the
first generation of both my mother and father s side of the family, I more than often get confused
between American and Asian culture when applying them to society or at home. While being
raised at home, I am largely influenced by culture and traditions from Asian parents and relatives.
However, when I go to school or someplace else, I am heavily judged for practicing part of my
Asian culture because it is entirely different than western or American. With that being noted, I
began to learn and adapt to the western culture in hopes of fitting with society as well of trying to
keep my Asian culture intact. As can be seen, this situation I dealt with is the same problem the
whole Asian Americancommunity faces. Mainly focusing on younger generations like me for
example, the Asian American community struggles to adapt to the western culture because they
were raised with an Asian influence. Wishing to fit in society and be part of the social norms, the
Asian Americans community faces issues that identify their cultural identity.
A child growing up in a certain environment is influenced on how he or she takes action in a
society. Such as Asian American children being exposed to two kinds of cultures, one that is Asian
and the other American. Asian American children being born in the United Statesare heavily
influenced by home life and society. Branding them with stereotypes and other
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Snapdragon 821 Research Paper
Snapdragon 821 Announced by Qualcomm, 10% Increase in Performance over SD820 Just
when you thought there couldn t be a better SoC than the Snapdragon 820, here comes another
one from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 821. Qualcomm was lauded at the Mobile World
Conference this year for the Snapdragon 820 and almost 80% of the flagships released this year
use it. Other competitors of the SD820 include the Exynos 8890 from Samsung, A9 from Apple
and the Kirin 950 from Huawei. But none of these chipsets come close to the 820, apart from
Apple s A9, which is still superior in single core performance. The Snapdragon 821 is not a
replacement to the 820, says Qualcomm. It is merely a new addition to the lineup that offers a
slight bump in performance. Many
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Economic Inequality In America
Economic inequality reigns as a massive divide in the United States of America. Many active
policies cause people to occupy an economic level which is meant to benefit those above them. With
that said, there have been many efforts taken in hopes of reducing the current levels of economic
inequality, but with these efforts, money and wealthwill have to be taken from the rich to give to
the poorer. This is where the problem lies with wealth inequality many have to sacrifice for those
whom they presume to be unworthy of benefiting from their fortunes. Education, wealth, race, and
power all play a role as to why action will not be taken to reduce the current levels of inequality in
The rich see their money and how it will benefit them. In What the Rich Won t Tell You, Rachel
Sherman addresses the mentality of the rich. Some rich people feel the need to conceal their wealth
when it benefits them, and on the other hand, they will flaunt their wealth when it benefits them.
For instance, Sherman interviewed a financially well off, middle aged woman named Beatrice.
Beatrice stated that she was uncomfortable with the inequality between herself and her nanny, a
Latina immigrant. (Sherman) Although her wealth made her uncomfortable, and she would remove
price tags from her clothing and food, Beatrice was unwilling to suppress her lifestyle to lift the
Latina nanny s financial situation any higher. The wealthy simply described themselves as normal
people who
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St. Francois Mountains
A search for scholarly reviewed material involving the St. Francois Mountains and Butler Hill
formations returned a four notable sources. Gary Lowell and Alex Blaxland produced one article
each while J. Ronald Sides produced two articles on the subject. However, the University of
Tennessee at Martin has a limited journal selection and the available material is that of J. Ronald
Sides articles.
Literature Review
Ronald describes the mountains as a shallow composite batholith located in southeastern Missouri
(1980). This batholith, or large igneous intrusion, is tilted to the southwest and beveled by erosion.
The complex is about one and a half billion years old and mostly comprised of silicic intrusive
units and rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Francois batholith and probably helped control the structural development of the batholith itself.
The Butler Hill Pluton was originally thought to be two different units, however, Ronald points out
that the contact between the two is gradational so therefore he refers to it as one singular pluton
referring to it as the Butler Hill Granite. The granite is markedly more fine grained on the southwest
side of the pluton and exhibits quartz, orthoclase micropherthite, and minor albite, muscovite,
chlorite, hematite, and fluorite. Ronald notes that the overall texture is hypidiomorphic, partly
idiomorphic or containing some crystalline features, but locally porphyritic. To the northeast, the
pluton consists major of quartz, orthoclase, and plagioclase, with minor chlorite, biotite, hematite,
fluorite, and amphibole. The overall texture is hypidiomorphic granular with a larger grain size
than that of the opposing side. The north easternmost rocks have rapakivi texture, or plagioclase
rims around orthoclase in a plutonic rock. The size difference between the two sides is contributed
to that of the cooling rate associated with the volcanic activity and the entrapment caused by the
Ronald sampled along three lines of traverse to compile data for chemical data. Samples were
tested at University of Kansas by X ray fluorescence and by flame spectrophotometric methods.
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Eyewitness Identification
Eyewitness Identification may be more reliable than we believe, if they are handled and assessed
correctly. Eyewitness testimonies are often used by law enforcement officers to identify suspects
and play a huge role in getting convictions. If witnesses identify the wrong person, an innocent
man could be punished for something they had no involvement in. There are many theories to
explain why witnesses may identify the wrong person as the perpetrator of a crime. The different
ways we retrieve memories affects what we remember. Other theories have to deal with how
lineups or photo arrays are displayed to the witness and the effect they have on the result. All of the
different theories of how our memories can be influenced, cause people to argue... Show more
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There are many different ways our memory might fail us. Encoding failure occurs when our
brain fails to realize all the information around us and can only store what we are most focused
on at the time. This causes people to lose information that could have beneficial because they
didn t focus on one single thing. This problem only gets worse with age. Storage decay can also
affect the reliability of our memories. Even if the information does get encoded into memory,
there is still a chance it could be forgotten over time. There is a forgetting curve that shows how
quickly people can forget events. Another way our memories may be clouded could be by the
misinformation effect. The misinformation effect can change the way people remember things. If
people hear someone tell a story about an event that happened, they could take that information and
believe it s their own information they experienced first hand. These memory failures cause for
controversy over whether or not eyewitness testimony should be used in court. These issues are
enough to cause reasonable doubt when trying to convict a person off of an eyewitness account. I
do believe their are ways for law enforcement agencies to avoid these issues to strengthen the
reliability of their eyewitnesses
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Compare And Contrast Iranian And French Revolution
French Revolution vs. Iranian/Islamic Revolutionоїї
I. Introduction
The word revolution means re birth. Many societies have had revolutions and this had affected
how our societies live today and how the politics are in country or area. In this essay I will
compare and contrast the french revolution that lasted from 1789 to 1799 and the Iranian or as
some call it the Islamic revolution that lasted from January 1978 to february 1979. The French and
iranian revolution were both political revolutions that has affected our lives and politics today.
The french and iranian revolutions are both political revolutions that have made politics today
different than if the revolutions hadn t happened.
II. French revolutiono A. Why it happened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The French revolution had more initiative from the people, they made uproar and made more
damage. The Iran citizens made uproar and were emotionally triggered about how their country and
they were treated, but the citizens did not have as numerous events where they demonstrated or
created uproar.
IV. Third compare/contrast point between the French revolution and Iranian/Islamic revolution is
the time period it happened in.
I think that revolutions time periods were crucial when they happened it has shaped how the
revolution turned out in the end. The time periods were very busy time periods in our history due
to the fact that there was different things happening in other country in that time.
To conclude all revolutions have something in common and that is to make a big change in how
society gets treated and every revolution begins with someone with a voice that decides to speak
up for himself. In Frances case Robespierre decided to lead the revolution and in Iran s case it
craved that Khomeini was brave and decided to come back to his country. If these revolution hadn
t happened both governments would not be as they are today and we would see politics in a whole
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The Importance Of The Patriots
The reigning Patriots, maintaining the title undefeated for ten games in a row, were striped of the
honor by the Broncos on Sunday, November 29. The final ended with the Broncos breaking the
tie in overtime with a touchdown, winning by a score 30 24. On average, the Patriots have
defeated these opponents by 14 points. This one loss, however, strikes to be more significant to the
players and fans than the winnings themselves. At first, the Patriots started strong in the first
quarter as Wide Receiver Ron Gronkowski made a 23 yard touchdown. However, this action led
the Broncos to strengthen their defense only to be met with more losses as the safety and defensive
lineman were carted off with injuries. In the second quarter, Patriots
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Being Homeless
Being homeless is one of the hardest things a person can go through. Not having a home to go to
or a place to sleep is depressing. Not having a job or money leaves people desperate to survive and
there is only so much help people can give. The problem with many countries, not just the United
States of America, is that the percent of homeless people are steadily increasing. According to the
HomelessnessOverview of Current Issues and GAO Studies, there is close to 600,000 homeless
people living on the streets of America. Some don t care to help the situation, people will walk
right by a homeless man or woman begging for food and won t even look at them, much less give
them a couple dollars. It s sad, really but that is just the way the world... Show more content on
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There have been many Acts and Programs made to also help prevent homelessness, one is
Entitled Homelessness: Coordination and Evaluation of Programs Are Essential. This is a study
that identifies 50 programs, administered by eight federal agencies, that either are specifically
targeted to the homeless or are non targeted and therefore available to low income people in
general, including those who are homeless. We found that both the targeted and non targeted
programs provide an array of services, such as housing, health care, job training, and
transportation. (p. 4). Unfortunately, there are people out in the world who don t care for
helping the homeless. Mostly, they ignore them and one reason for that is because it is easier to
ignore the homeless than it is to acknowledge and help them. But acknowledging them is the first
step to helping them, and helping them will decrease homelessness nationally. The Help the
Homeless Program is a good program to start and as long as there are people who care and join in
to get the program started, then it will make a difference in a homeless person s
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The Debate Over Stem Cell Research
Stem cell research is the study of basic cells that are grown in laboratories where tests are made
to determine the essential properties of the cells. Over the past few decades, stem cell research has
become a popular scientific debate and controversy. Stem cell research is still considered to be
relatively new technology that is responsible for taking human cells and developing them into 220
different cells in the human body. Stem cellresearch has the potential to help disease research and
management (Murnaghan, 2010). The two most common stem cells that scientist work within
animals and humans are embryonic and non embryonic ( somatic or adult ) stem cells (Stem cell
basics, 2009). This paper will examine the two different types... Show more content on
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If a scientist is able to manipulate embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, then maybe they
could use the differentiated cells to treat certain diseases like Parkinson s disease, traumatic
spinal cord injury diabetes, heart disease, and Duchenne s muscular dystrophy (Stem cell basics,
2009). Adult stem cells also known as multipotent stem cells and/or somatic stem cells are
present in the human body in small numbers. These cells specifically focus on one specific tissue
or organ as oppose to giving rise to all cells in the body. Over the past thirty years, adult stem
cells have been quite successful with bone marrow transplants. One great example of an adult
stem cell is the blood stem cell which is found mainly in the bone marrow of an adult
(Stöppler). It was discovered that bone marrow contains two kinds of stem cells, hematopoietic
stem cells and bone marrow stromal stem cells. Not only has adult stem cells been found in bone
marrow but they have also recently been found in the brain, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, heart,
liver, and blood vessels. Usually, the adult stem cells are found in small amounts in tissue,
especially once removed from the body. Many scientists are still trying to find ways to grow larger
quantities in cell culture (Stem cell basics, 2009). Embryonic stem cells and
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Personal Perspective On The Disney Animated Film Aladdin
Personal Perspective
At first glance, the website home page for the Disney animated film Aladdin displays the
emotion of excitement. I find Disney visuals very interesting to analyze because of the dynamic
visuals used in terms of color, shape, and animation. The site has so many central aspects of
visual valor that draw in the user. This webpage has several different eye catching points within
it. My eye is first drawn to Aladdin and Jasmine gazing into the distance with excited eyes, flying
on their magic carpet. My eye then goes to notice the sky in the background with the fiery colors
of red and yellow, creating the feeling of excitement, as well as creating a sun setting scene.
Then my eye is drawn to the big blue off to the side of the site with an enthusiastic facial
expression. I also notice that the site is very well put together. It is organized in a way that is
clear and easy to navigate, making it possible even for children to figure their way around the site.
This site has so much going on in it, but not too much to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
He is the same lyricist that worked on the famous Disney animated films The Little Mermaid and
Beauty and the Beast (norlinreelhistory.blogspot.com). Ashman and his college Alan Menken began
writing songs for the proposed film before the film idea was even confirmed. Shortly after the
films proposal by Ashman, the screenplay Linda Wooverton signed on to work on producing the
film, as well as directors Ron Clements and John Musker. What is interesting to note is out of
three proposed film projects including Swan Lake and King of the Jungle, the directors chose to
pursue Aladdin. Musker and Clements worked on the first draft of the screenplay that had to be
re written because it didn t engage . Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio wrote the second and final copy
of the screenplay for the film, and only then was it given the ok for
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Theme Of Immature In Romeo And Juliet
Even though they have made many immature mistakes (like marrying only after knowing each
other less than twenty four hours), Romeo and Juliet have matured throughout the play because
they have both put each other before themselves, they both have been more aware and
considerate of other people instead of being vain and inconsiderate, and they both have tried to
control their own fates instead of letting fate control them. In the first and second acts, both
Romeo and Juliet are childish and immature. First, Romeo keeps sulking over the fact that
Rosaline doesn t love him back. When the devout religion of mine eye Maintains such
falsehood, then turn tears to fires; and these, who, often drowned, could never die, Transparent
heretics, be burnt for liars! One fairer than my love? The all seeing sun Ne er saw her match
since first the world begun (Romeo and Juliet 1.2:88 93). In this quote, Romeo says that if the
love for he has for Rosaline, which is like a religion, is changed because he finds someone more
beautiful than her, let his tears turn to fire and his eyes be burned. Moreover, this just shows
how immature Romeo is in the first Act. Juliet is also immature in the first and second acts of
the play. I ll look to like, if looking liking move;/ But no more deep will I endart mine eye/ Than
your consent gives strength to make it fly (Romeo and Juliet 1.3:98 100). In this quote, Juliet that
she will look to see if she will like Paris if that is her mothers wish.
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Tom Brokaw’s The Greatest Generation Essay
Tom Brokaw s The Greatest Generation
In Tom Brokaw s book, The Greatest Generation, the author portrays ordinary people of a certain
generation as having qualities of greatness and heroism. He tells stories of average people that
lived inspiring lives through many hardships, and declares today s society as the beneficiary of
their challenging work and commitment. Brokaw s generous and proficient use of imagery helps to
persuade the reader to believe that the people of the greatest generation are, indeed, heroic. He
defines the strength and resilience of the greatest generation by what they were able to confront and
...when the nation was balanced precariously between the darkness of the Great Depression on one
side and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They traveled thousands of miles over the harsh seas to enter what was, to them, the unknown.
What those unsuspecting infants could not have realized, of course, was that these were
temporary conditions, a false spring to life that would be buffeted by winds of change
dangerous and unpredictable, so fierce that they threatened not just America but the very future
of the planet. (p4) Brokaw s use of imagery here helps the reader understand the drastic nature of
the change that occurred in the world between the 1920s and 1940s. He is stating that the youth
of our nation was living in a safe harbor for only a short period of time, almost as if under false
pretenses, and that this promising future of America veered radically off a path as they had to
face the unprecedented crash of the stock market, with damage so great that over a thousand
banks would close, millions of people would become unemployed and homeless, and an
overwhelming sense of economic calamity would sweep the feet out from under their fragile
vision of security. Brokaw described this in the chapter titled The Time of their Lives, as a time
when A mass of homeless and unemployed drifted across the American landscape. (p7) This gives
the reader an image of millions of people hopelessly wandering the country in search for work to
survive. The
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Unit 4 Study Guide Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 4 Lecture Study Guide
Use the lecture folder to help you complete this guide. The more detail you can provide the better
prepared for the test you will be.
1. What is the integumentary system and its primary characteristics?
The integumentary system is the skin and its derivatives; it provides external protection for the
body. Its characteristics are: covers the entire body, accounts for about 7% of total body weight,
pliable, yet durable, thickness: 1.5 to 4.0 mm, composed of the epidermis and dermis.
2. Describe and give at least one example of each of the functions of the integumentary system.
Protection 3 different barriers: Chemical Barriers (skin secretion and melanin) Physical/Mechanical
Barriers continuity of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is the ABCDE rule and what does it help to detect?
ABCDE rule will give you an idea of what to look for in a changing mole.
Asymmetry two sides don t match
Border irregularity not smooth and have indentations
Color more than one color
Diameter larger than 6mm in diameter
Elevation elevated above skin surface
11. List the functions of the skeletal system.
Support, movement and leverage, protection, mineral storage, blood cell synthesis (hematopoiesis)
12. What are the 3 types of cartilage and where would you find each type?
Hyaline found in the bronchi, larynx, nose trachea
Elastic external ear, epiglottis
Fibrocartilage found in the knees and elbows
13. List the main classifications for bones. Give an example for each classification.
Long bones femur and radius
Short bones lunate bone and first cuniform
Sesamoid bones patella
Flat bones frontal bone and scapulae
Irregular bones hyoid bone and atlas bone
14. Describe the structure of a long bone.
Diaphysis shaft
Epiphysis ends of bone; contain red marrow
Medullary cavity contains yellow marrow
Epiphysis plate found between diaphysis and epiphysis; long bone growth
15. Differentiate between osteocytes, osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
Osteoclast cells which dissolve bone
Osteoblast cells which build bone by removing calcium and phosphates form the blood in the
presence of the enzymes alkaline phosphates secrete by
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United States Immigration Policy
The United States Immigration policy is best summarized through the ancient proverb, the road to
hell, is paved on good intentions when a nation s immigration is based on entirely on fear, the
results will be hell towards the immigrants. this quote )[hook] [Thesis, rewrite] The United States
immigrationpolicy was crafted by racist politicians, influenced by anti immigration groups, in an
effort to prevent and oppress immigrants who were seen as undesirable from coming to the United
States. United States immigration policy was created to prevent undesirable immigrants such as the
Irish, Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Muslims, and African Americans, from legally
immigrating into the nation. From the mid 19th century until now, multiple... Show more content on
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The Know Nothings gained support from blue collar American workers, who were fearful of
losing their job to Irishmen, which was a justified belief at the time. Lewis Levin, the first known
leader of the Know Nothings, believed that the Irish would follow the Catholic Pope without
question, which would provide the pope the resources to take over the United States. The Know
Nothing spread their message of fear, through the spreading of rumors and lies about Irish workers,
as noted by Bruce Levine in his paper Conservatism, nativism, and slavery: Thomas R. Whitney and
the origins of the know Nothing Party which states Their critics branded the Irish as lazy, thieving
drunkards, poor material for either a labor force or a citizenry. And the Catholic Church, nativists
added, aggravated the problem by promoting ignorance and low superstition and offering
comforting, exculpatory rituals (notably confession and absolution) that only encouraged the
dissolute, undisciplined behavior of the canaille. The Know Nothing party, worked to ensure that
the common man would share their view of the Irish as a common drunk, who should never have
brought into the country. The know nothing party broke up, after their defeat in the 1860 elections,
where they failed to get any of their members into an elected
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The World Of The Eastern Hemisphere
Before the renowned expeditions of Christopher Columbus, or Ferdinand Magellan, the Polo family
were the original explorers whose triumphs and success stories inspired future travelers to discover
the unknown world of the Eastern hemisphere. During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,
Europe was in need of an intervention, something to bring life to the dull communities throughout
the continent. Marco Polobrought exactly this, and contributed so much more with his travels
across the world, bringing back religious morals, new spices, new languages, and new commercial
goods that were never heard of before. Although his intention might not have been as significant as
his impact, the obstacles he encountered and traversed through as written throughout his book,
sparked an interest and desire for international trade and traveling for Europeans to come. His
unique spark and impressive capabilities proved he was a tough man, especially with the voyages
he survived, the diseases he avoided, the country he governed, the bandit ambushes he fought, and
imprisonment he endured. Not only was he able to document his journey to various places, but he
was also able to spread his experience throughout Europe, thereby immortalizing his name.
Although Marco Polo was an exquisite explorer of his time and age, his wealthy merchant father
Niccolo and his uncle Matteo had originally introduced him to the world of the East with their
trading with the Middle East and pilgrimage to the great
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Women And The American Dream
The American Dream is the belief that every person in the United States has an equal opportunity
to become successful. However, some people are not entitled to the American Dream. Many
Americans are not treated equally under the law. Some of the groups lose their right to vote, have
a more difficult time finding jobs, or are a group that has been forgotten by politicians. The
American Dream is a controversial issue today because many groups in America have claimed that
they have not received the chance to have it. Some of the groups that are marginalized are women,
people of color, and immigrants that have come to America. Women are not entitled to the
American Dream like men are. In the Declaration of Independence, it only refers to men... Show
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Females are not the only group that do not have access to the American Dream, minorities also have
a difficult time getting the American Dream. Furthermore, minorities are often times denied the
right to the American Dream. In the history of the United States, non whites have been mistreated
and have been treated as different in society. In the poetry, Being Brought from Africa to
America , by Phillis Wheatley it discusses how many people in America view people of color. In
the poem it states, Some view our sable race with scornful eye, / Their color is a diabolic die
(Wheatley 73). In the poem Wheatley describes how people of color are looked down upon in
society. In addition, Wheatley states that some white people think that her skin color is a
diabolic die which implied that the color of the person s skin is evil. Throughout history people
of color have been segregated, discriminated, and suppressed. All of those things make it more
difficult for minorities to achieve success because they are not given the chance to succeed. The
American Dream could be possible for minorities if they were recognized as equals in society in
addition to being treated equally under the law. Phillis Wheatley also states, Remember, Christians,
Negros, black as Cain, / May be refin d, and join th angelic train (Wheatley 73). In the quote the
author states
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Religion Reflection Paper
Religion is practiced worldwide in many different forms. My family and I have been through a
religious journey throughout my lifetime. When I was younger, I would attend a Mennonite
church with my grandmother and my parents would come mostly for holidays. They were not
very much of the church going type until I was older. My dad did not see it was important for us
to attend church until his parents returned home from missionary work in Guadalajara, Mexico
when my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. I was in third grade when they returned
home and we did not start attending regularly until a few years after. We still lived in a Christian
home but as I have grown up, looking back, I see that it was not much of a Christian home. We
only prayed on holidays before we would eat our meal and that was when we were surrounded
by my grandparents of either side. Eventually we started attending church regularly at a United
Methodist church up the road from our house. I still do not believe we are that dedicated to the
church and to God, as we only pray before we eat on Sundays and holidays as well. We do not
speak much of God or ways we could work on being better Christians, we still go about the same
ways of life we had before, except now on Sundays we attend a sermon. After all of this, I am
slightly torn on what I personally believe. I feel as though I am lost in that part of my life. I hope
in the next few years, I find what I truly believe. Religion is practiced for a number
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Political Identity Of India And Pakistan
Political Identity of Nationalism in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: Introduction: Political
identities may be realized in this way but they may be and are accommodated in other fashion
(Taylor,1979 p 1) Identity is a quality of the individual that a part of the common criteria of
individual maturity according to national perspective. Identity crisis is an important theme of
adolescence a time when various type life of law are tired out. It is important to note that one
autonomy by the using social links for all. Language, religion and whole politics are each essential.
In this way, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh have given the great identity to keep off the nationalism
through politics. In Bangladesh heralded a new phase in South Asian nationalism because of
managing the first regional step of state in what had been British India. India in modern the world
is popular in nationalism in politics. About the language, cultural, religion are the continuous
process on India and Bangladesh. There were attempt by others who checked strongly with the
nationalist cause but not occupied points of power to again appropriate. This identity struggle for
mainly include student, freedom fighters, intellectuals and others. In Bangladesh, Bangladesh and
Bangali are the two terms that have created confusion and crisis of nationalism. The new aspect of
regional problem has been the demand from the states for additional power. In the case of Tamil
Nadu , where this demand has been most
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Introduction Of A Mobile Development Program
Introducing Cluster Development Programme in Bangladesh Bangladesh is one of the most
promising emerging economies in South Asia. The averaged GDP growth of the country is 6. 5%
which has been largely driven by its exports, remittance and agricultural sectors. Recently,
manufacturing industry and service sectors are growing rapidly and the involvement in farming is
decreasing. Bangladesh has a lucrative opportunity to become one of the leading economic powers
in Asia by properly utilising its cheap labour and geographical position. Bangladesh is the pioneer
in introducing microfinance in the world. Eventually, it encouraged the many micro and small
enterprises to be established in the fertile land. Many of the small and medium (SME)... Show more
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So this is the high time for the government, different organisations like the Bangladesh Bank,
BSCIC, SMEF, NGOs, banks and international organisations like the UNIDO, World Bank, Asian
Development Bank to work together for the SME clusters development. The higher educational
institutions in Bangladesh also can contribute to the CDP through conducting comprehensive
research and by organising continuous development programmes. Recently, I got a call from an
employee of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industry Corporation (BSCIC). He shared a problem
with me that he found some lentil producers from the BSCIC industry area who are struggling to
survive in the market because their sales are going down and some of them are thinking to wind
up their businesses. So he asked me for sharing some solutions considering their problems. I replied
to him that the lentil producers can create marketing consortia by doing which they can increase
their sales initially. Before that, they have to maintain a standard quality of their products so that
they can sell the produced lentils by a common brand locally and nationally maintaining the same
quality. They can also decrease the cost of the production and packaging as the volume will be huge
altogether. Later I also added some other recommendations which they can think to work with in the
long run like technological
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Persuasive Essay On The Open Carry Law
Ever since the president Donald J. Trump was elected, the country has been divided greatly due
to racism just how it occurred in the 1950 s. In 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman, was arrested
because she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. This event caused a great uproar
amongst the Whites and the Blacks that lead into many civil right movements in which the Black
peopleparticipated by protesting. For example, the incident that occurred on August 12 of this year
with the an anti white supremacist group who was protesting in the same city as the white
supremacist protesters. A random person drove their car into the crowd of the anti white
supremacist protesters and ended up killing one woman and left dozen more seriously injured. To
this incident, President Trump gave a press conference about the horrific act of the murder while
stating that there were good and bad people on either side, justifying the act of the murder of
running over the anti white supremacists. Sadly, while Trump remains in office, the country will
not become less violent and people from different races will end up shooting each with or without
the open carrylaw. California has become more violent over time, especially with President
Trump in office. No one is safe in public and if the decision to open carry is reinstated, the law
would be a much safer choice for anyone who wants to protect themselves and their loved ones.
While some people may argue that guns are better
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Western Treatment Of Horses
When I was in elementary school, I had very strong feelings about everything. If you said black,
I said white. If you said the sky was blue, I said it was not. Basically, if you thought you were
right, I would attempt to challenge that in any way I could, even if that meant going against all
logical thinking. This obstinance is best described in one time when I felt very strongly about
horses. My familyand I had horses for many years, and so did some of our friends. However, those
friends treated their horses much differently than we did. We treated our horses with loveand
respect, going with the Western style of riding. Our friends still loved their horses, you could tell,
but it was less of a pet type of love than a money making... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their horses were Tennessee Walkers, and once their horsereached a certain age, that horse was
simply too old and would be retired. In my opinion, though, this was not their main issue.
Tennessee Walking horse trainers used a technique called soring on their horses hooves to acquire
an exaggerated gait, or specialized type of walking, trotting, and cantering for show performance.
Along with my sister and a few other friends, I believed that this technique was harmful to horses.
After all, soring often involves chemicals, weighted shoes, pads, boots, and chains to achieve the
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Main Differences Between Larceny And Embezzlement
In chapter 9 of Criminal Law Today, the author describes the crimes of embezzlement and explains
the main differences between larceny and embezzlement. This chapter identifies the types of
property that were subject to the common law crime of larceny. In addition, the author describes the
differences between embezzlement and false pretenses, and the differences between robbery and
extortion. The most commonly occurring crimesin the United States are the theft crimes and drug
crimes. Crimes of theft are generally property crimes. There is a variety of property crimes, such as
larceny, burglary, criminal trespass, arson, and computer crimes. Crimes of theft are also known as
acquisitive offenses, which are crimes that involve the unlawful... Show more content on
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Forgery is the making of false written instrument or the material alteration of an existing genuine
written instrument. Forgery is only complete when the perpetrator makes or passes a false
instrument. Overall, the crime of forgery is the actual intent to defraud. The common law crime
of forgery included the act of uttering, which is the offering, passing, or attempted passing of a
forged document knowing that is forged. Receiving stolen property is another form of theft.
This can be defined as knowingly taking possession of, or control over, property that has been
taken in an unlawful way. There are four elements to the crime of receiving stolen property,
which are receiving, stolen property, the receiver knowing that it was stolen, and where the
property was received. Another form of theft is robbery. However, robbery is considered a
violent personal crime by the Uniform Crime Reporting program. Robbery is the unlawful
taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another by force or threat of force.
However, robbery, can be considered another form of larceny. The crime of robbery requires two
elements, that the property be taken from a person or removed from the victim s presence and
that the taking occur through the use of force or fear. But certain situations may be considered
larceny. For example, if property was stolen from a dead person, the crime is no longer a robbery
but a form of
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How Did The Hundred Years War Contribute To The French...
Helps the Middle Class to Rise The Hundred Years War was a conflict between England and France
that lasted (with some interruptions) from 1337 to 1453 ( The Hundred ). Although the war caused
many significant changes in both England and France, one of the most interesting ones was its
contribution to the end of feudalism and the development of a true middle class in England. The
Hundred Years War
helped the middle class to rise by reducing the number of available workers in
the population, exposing ordinary soldiers to the crossbow, and assisting in the formation of
overseas trade partnerships. One of the most obvious ways that the Hundred Years War helped
the Middle Class to rise was that it did away with surplus workers. Although it is impossible to
calculate exactly how many people were killed during the war, during the years of the most intense
fighting as many as 200,000 men a year may have been killed (Blackmon 225). The majority of
these casualties were not among the ruling class... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the opening battles of the war the French used battalions of Italian mercenary soldiers armed
with crossbows. The crossbows were no match for the English long bows in the hands of a
trained archer, but the advantage of the crossbow was that it could be fired by anybody who
could cock and aim it (Conrad 12). It required no special training. It could also be aimed
precisely enough to shoot through the gaps in armor, and some crank crossbows could even
shoot through thin armor (Crossbow Historical Society). English soldiers took these weapons
home, probably as spoils of war. They were then used by primitively organized militias, the so
called Pitchfork Police, who were forced into protecting their villages because all of the knights
were gone (Conrad 38). When ordinary people learned that they could protect themselves, one of
the primary reasons for the existence of feudalism was
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Organizational Structure and Culture
Organizational Structure and Culture
In this week s assignment we will be looking at organizational structure and organizational culture.
We will first look at how organizational culture impacts organizational structure and vice versa.
Then look at how organizational structure interacts and impacts the organization s decision process.
Organizational Cultures Impact on Organizational Structure The first part of this week s assignment
was to look at how organizational structure impacts organizational culture and vice versa. But before
we look at that let us review what organizational structure and culture are. Organizational culture as
defined from the text is the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that
influence the way organizational members set (Robbins, Decenzo, Coulter, 2013). Also an
organization s culture usually reflects the vision or mission of the organization s founders
(Robbins, Decenzo, Coulter, 2013). Organizational structure is a hierarchical arrangement of lines
of authority, communication, rights and duties of an organization (BusinessDictionary.com, 2013).
Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned,
controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between different levels of management
(BusinessDictionary.com, 2013). Now with a review of what organizational structure and culture
are let us look how they impact each other. There are many examples of structure
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Special Effects Technician Career Overview and Pay...
Special Effects Technician Career Overview and Pay Structure
A Special Effects Technician uses Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), pyrotechnics and physical
effects to create visual illusions in film, television, stage or video productions. I will attempt to
explain the major areas of work covered under the title of Special Effects Technician, the education
required and the salary expected in the field The Physical Effects Technician is the technician that
works to make props, models, scenery, prosthetics and mechanically animated pieces. The physical
effects technician works with a variety of mediums. Body and facial prosthetics utilize sculpting of
clay to make molds that are cast to fit the specific actors face and/or body. They are ... Show more
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This technique is used to layer foreground and background images based on color hues or the
chroma range. The CGI technician layers the computer modelling around the actor. Programs
such as PhotoKey 6 Pro make it possible to render the images seemlessly. Being a CGI
technician requires computer knowledge and takes hours to edit and add in the actors into the
computer generated world. An example of a seemless CGI movie is Avatar which cost
$425,000,000 to make but grossed $2.7 Billion worldwide (www.the numbers.com/movie
/budgets/). For every 1/24 of a second or one frame of film it took 47 hours of rendering
(www.imdb.com/title/tt0499549/trivia). There are specialized training school for Special Effects
Technicians,such as the Art institute with multiple locations across the country and a few in
California.. A College degree is not required it is common especially in the area of CGI. A
Pyrotechnician must be certified by the state that they work in and pass a Pyrotechnic safety and
handling course. The Physical Effects Technician should have a firm grasp of art styles and art
mediums. Now that we know what a Special Effects Technician does, what kind of monetary
compensation do they earn. A person can specialize in one or more areas of expertise.
Their earnings vary due to geographic location. Since a large majority of the special effects are
used in movies, California offers the highest yearly wage of $85,000 per year,New York has a
range of $41,000
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Tthe Improtance of Note Taking
Note taking
Taking note is one of the best ways to prepare for exam. Reading different books, collecting
information from other sources and merging all the notes together helps to gives a clear image
and deeper understanding on specific topic. Using an outline format I try to get as much
information as i can in a piece of paper and record the lecture at the same time as the tutor will not
wait for the student to write notes down. Listening to the recorder again and again helps to
reorganize my notes as well as avoid confusion. Recall the new terms mentioned by the teacher
while teaching in lesson as they might be very important for the exam. While writing notes, I try to
summarize each section on my own word by using abbreviation, different font style, bullet points
and diagrams. This helps me to develop my shorthand making it easier to memorize. As well as the
notes in lecture, I try using different revision aids like revision guide books and different revision
websites like www.s cool.co.uk and www.revisionworld.co.uk. Revision guides are a very
effective and good way of revising since they are very straightforward ,compressive and has all the
information that are essential to get a good grade in an examination. Highlighting the crucial data
using different highlighters while reading different books and underline any stressed terms.
Different colourful colours grasps my eyes attention quickly further avoiding time lost and
boredom whereas revision website is very easy to
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My Favorite Mistake In College
My Favorite Mistake After a long and tiring year of junior high, finally, the first day of summer
break. My brother s graduation was just around the corner however, i haven t made any plans for
the remainder of this vacation. He was studying to become a graphic designer at the Art Institute.
Till this day, i have high respect for him and his work ethic. During his collegedays, he lived
through sleepless nights working on projects and perfecting his craft. So, for him being an artist, I
thought it would be fun to do a design in my hair.
At the time, kids at my school were doing it, they had swirls on the side of their heads, little cuts
on their eyebrows, and they also had a tail growing in the back. I didn t want anything fancy, just
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The Impact Of Native Americans In The Novel Solar Storms
It is obvious that Americans have had an impact on Native American cultures, but most people do
not realize the true extent of the matter. Many Native Americans lives have changed drastically
because of the careless actions of the Americans and the American government. The novel Solar
Storms shows that Native Americans have experienced only negative influence from Americans. In
the novel, American colonization and industrialization threatens Angel and her family s way of life
by threatening to destroy their surrounding land and nature. This has the most effect on the Native
Americans. Before the construction of the dams even begin, nature is affected greatly by non
native trappers. Angel listens to many stories told by elders in her... Show more content on
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The Americans actions not only altered the land, but also people s lives, leaving many people
without a home. When Angel is at Adam s Rib, the American government does not require the
permission of the Native Americans for people to take or alter the land they live on. Angel takes
notice that, Without permission, roads had been built (58). In Angel s tribe, the people are
unaware of the construction of new dams until some random men make their way to Adam s
Rib to warn the people. Because of this, the native people were left no choice but to protest
against the construction, even though there was little hope. After one of the workers speaks,
Angel says that, his words made clear that if the corporation and government had their ways, the
Indian people had no say on this matter, no power to reverse what had already been decided by
men with other ways (279). After protesting for a while, the Native Americans are forced to fight
the construction in the court system of the American government. The court system which is
often biased. Tulik tells Angel, I want the judge to listen to me. I ll have to look like one of them
(342). This is the reason he gets his hair cut before he goes to court. In their case, It took more
than a year before the building of the dams ceased . (344). Although they win the court case, the
Native Americans are still forced to adapt to the culture of the white men. Many natives resort to
leaving the native culture and
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Weaknesses Of Coke
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding a company s strengths (S), weakness (W),
opportunities (O) and threats (T). Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be
classified as strengths or weakness, and those external to the firm can be classified as opportunities
or threats. SWOT analysis can help firm uncover opportunities that are well placed to exploit. And
by understanding the weaknesses of the business, firm can manage and eliminate threats that would
otherwise catch it unawares. Furthermore, firm can start to craft a strategy that helps it distinguish
itself from the competitors, so that the firm can compete successfully in the market.
Strengths are the skills and capabilities that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Threats include changing customer needs, changes in government regulations and changes in
economics of the country.
Coca Cola is getting indirect competition such as Starbucks and Dunkin Brands Group which do
not compete directly with Coca Cola. These businesses do place a dent in the company s market
share. These chains offer a healthy competition to Coca Cola s carbonated drinks. They might not
be a big competition for Coke, but they do give a dent to its beverage market.
There are changes in consumer preference in the society. Societies tend to be healthier; therefore,
they focus on drinking health beverages. People are changing their attitudes and keep their mind
on consuming health drinks in order to avoid diseases like obesity and diabetes. Many companies
have tried to invent a great variety of innovative drinks as it s a trend of consuming healthy drink
Water scarcity is a major threat to Coca Cola Company. When the water scarcity is on the rise,
with the climate changing and regions of various countries facing scarcity of water, sooner
someone might raise fingers on beverage companies. If the water is limited, Coca Cola can
experience a major downfall in their revenue and capacity of
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Pita Pit Marketing Plan
Healthy, speed, and tastiness are the priorities of Pita Pit and they cannot be compared to
competitors. Healthy eating has been proven to improve health, relationships and stress levels.
Prices will be comparable to the local economy and demographics of Abilene, TX. Military
discounts will be offered to any active members or veterans. The restaurants maximum capacity will
be 50 people.
Pita Pit s will be located near Hendricks Medical Center across the street for Hardin Simmons
University. Dyess Air Force Base and multiple other colleges within the community will provide a
great foundation for Pita Pit and ensure a successful operation. This location will grab the attention
of citizens who will be visiting the hospital ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most people use social media throughout the day, so sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
will provide the visual aspect of the marketing scheme by viewing the restaurants website. Our
website will include a menu and pricing for customers to gather information and decide prior to
arrival. Flyers displayed at the hospital and colleges will provide a reminder of the healthy, cost
effective choices available in close proximity of their location. Billboards will enhance the travels
by putting a mental and physical image to compliment the radio advertisement. The advertisements
will focus on healthy and sensible pricing meals especially when time is a factor. Radio
broadcasting brings the first attention to the restaurant because people listen to the radio or music
during their travels to and from work. Since the economy has pushed families into a two income
requirement, this provides the most abundant opportunity to attract this audience. Furthermore, Pita
Pit will have multi purchase redemption cards that will entice customers to buy a meal and be
rewarded for their loyalty with a future free
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Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis
The source that I found most helpful for this project is The Letter from Birmingham Jail. I think
it is the best source because it is a primary source. Also because it explains what it was like to be
a civil rights activist. Lastly, the message that MLK was writing was very detailed and easy to
visualize. Everything in this passage was true and from an activist perspective. The second most
helpful source that I have found Is the Photographs. This source was very so helpful for many
different reasons. One of those reasons is because the images helped understand how bad
segregation actually was. I could understand that by breaking down what I could see in the pictures
and breaking it down. Another thing that the photographs helped me understand how big of a role
the kids actually... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The whole presentation was not a primary source but there were many primary sources included in
it. These sources were very helpful because it helped understand what it was like to be an activist
during the civil rights movement. This presentation also tries to demonstrate the action that was
taken by children during the civil rights movement.
The last source that helped me during this presentation is 1963 Birmingham Civil Rights
Campaign Barbara Sylvia Shores. This source helped me by showing what civil rights activist went
through and the violence that was struck upon them. It also helped because it was a primary source.
Primary sources are important because it is coming first hand from an African American. This
source was very detailed and easy to visualize what it was like to be her. It also explains the police
brutality. The police blocked the roads to her house so she could be
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  • 7. Ancient Egyptian Religion and Worldview 1)Ancient Egyptian religion and worldview was simultaneously both extraordinarily simplistic and extremely complicated. The king s essential unique title, the Horus name, broadcasted that he was a part of the god Horus, a sky god who was portrayed as a half man half falcon. Different aliases were added to this one, remarkably Son of Re (the sun god) and Perfect God, both presented in the fourth administration (c. 2575 2465 bce), when the incredible pyramids were developed. The name Son of Re put the ruler in a nearby, however, impoverished connection with the heading figure in the pantheon. This showed that the ruler had the status of a minor divinity, for which he was consummated through promotion to his office; it confined the degree of his godlikeness and divided him from full divinity. In his halfway position between mankind and the divine beings, the king could accept the most excessive praise, and in a few ways, was more unmistakable than any single god. In death he tried to gain admittance to the afterlife, however couldn t get away from the human setting. Despite the fact that illustrious funerary icons contrasted in sort from different tombs and were unfathomably larger, they were excessively looted and vandalized, and few regal funeral home religions were dependable. Especially after the old Kingdom, a few rulers, mainly Amenhotep III (1390 53 bce), Ramses II (1279 13 bce), and a few of the Ptolemies, looked for idolization throughout their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Beauty And Japanese Beauty This era of Japan is notable by its visual impact, an area of life that the women had the most influence upon their society at the time and that influence has continued within Japan today. Beauty, in all things, was considered of utmost importance: in language, the written word, the spoken word, the costume, gardens, and in the very essence of the culture. Mono no aware, a term coined in the 19th century by Motoori Norinaga in regards to the Heian concept of beauty, best describes the Heian thoughts of beauty. Beauty is precious, because it is brief (Hooker, 1999). The term aware during the Heian era represented sensitivity to things ranging from beauty to sadness, life, love or death. In the letters, diaries, literature and poetry, the fashion stands out and is the most obvious and most scrutinized aspect of Heian beauty personified. While the men, too, had splendid robes to wear, their color options and individuality was constrained by the sumptuary laws and their rank (Bryant, 2004). The women however wore juni hitoe (called karaginu mo, with formal court layers, and allowed a huge canvas upon which to express their individuality and fashion sense. For the women, colors for robes came to be combined into discreetly named combinations known as irome no kasane. This sensitive layering of colors developed into a full and subtle bloom over the course of 400 years. Very little in the emerging style was Chinese, in fact of the 12 items of clothing usually worn, only two, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Clothes In Their Eyes Were Watching God Throughout Janie s three marriages in Their Eyes Were Watching God, she has a different set of clothes that she describes wearing in each marriage. These outfits represent the type of relationship she is in. Throughout the book, they also show how she evolves into a strong, self confident woman. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, clothing symbolizes where Janie is in her life and the type of relationship she is part of. When Janie finds out that her grandmother wants her to marry Logan Killicks, she is horrified because she is not attracted to him. She even goes so far as to say that He looks like some ole skullhead in de graveyard (13). Soon after the start of her marriage, she finds out how unhappy she truly is with her relationship. She wears an apron because of how much time she spends in the kitchen. Although she already had a lot on her plate, Logan tells her that there is no reason why she shouldn t work just as hard as he does, and demands her to help with the firewood. Janie s wearing of the apron symbolized her heavy workload in her marriage to Logan. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He starts to make her put away parts of herself after another man touches her, and therefore acts with jealousy: That night he ordered Janie to tie up her hair around the store. That was all. She was in the store for him to look at, not those others (55). From that point on, Joe continued to take more and more control of Janie. He stopped her from talking to other people, and towards the end of their relationship, he even slapped her when she stood up to him. Forcing Janie to hide her hair is just one example of how Joe took control over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Week 4 Individual Assignment Interventions Case Study Essay Interventions Case Study Matt Gunther BSHS/445 Amanda Williams The case of Sean The case study chosen is about Sean which comes from chapter 7 in the Crisis Intervention Case Book. Sean is a 19 year old sophomore who is currently on disciplinary probation for getting in a fight during freshman year and breaking the other students jaw. Sean admits to drinking and also smoking marijuana since high school and occasionally on campus. Currently Sean was brought to the emergency room by a friend after passing out on the lawn at a beer party. His friend had seen that Sean vomited all over himself and would not wake up. His friend then called 911 and an ambulance came. At the emergency room Sean s stomach was pumped and a blood... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When speaking to the counselor Sean admits that, he does not remember what happened last night or how he came to be at the hospital. He remembered being at the Sigma house and playing a drinking game around 10:00 pm and did not remember much after that. He even mentioned a story about drinking when he was in high school. Sean was very worried that his parents would find out and that they would make him come home. He seemed to be very nervous about not knowing whether his parents were called or not. Sean admitted to smoking marijuana before the party. He also stated that a friend gave him oxycontin. Sean mentioned that his father was an alcoholic and used to come home all the time drunk, which caused tension between his father and mother. His father would come home slurring his speech, coming home buzzed or sometimes not coming home at all. His father attended AA meeting and he no longer drinks. The counselor asked Sean if it would be okay to set an appointment for him at the outpatient center at the medical center, which Sean seemed willing to do anything to stay in school. The counselor also agreed to meet with Sean s parents to discuss the plan they have made to make it easier for Sean to confront them. There are other intervention strategies that could have been provided such as a support group that Sean can be involved in with other students who are in the same situation as Sean or who have been there. When trying to stop ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. My Personal Note On Facebook Slumped in my bed with my laptop is how I spend most days. A duvet, food and youtube are all the things that make me happy nowadays. That sounds really sad I know, but I don t really see anyone, not even family to be honest. I m home schooled and my mum is out of the house from 4:30am until 8:00pm trying to earn enough money to support the two of us. Yeah, it s a lonely little life and yeah, it does feel very isolated. That s why I find comfort in youtube. The videos are the most comfort I get at the moment, I mean people are practically talking to you, and that s more than I get in real life. I don t know how to talk to new people or make friends because I never had to, I m very shy, the only person I talk to is my mum as we don ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are some youtubers that never fail to make me laugh, even if I m at a low, that can just make me smile. It s kinda weird to like them for a 14 year old girl, I mean most people my age are probably in love with Joe Sugg or Caspar Lee, Dan Howell or Phil Lester. But not me. Well, I do love them, but the people I just can t get enough of are the Yogscast. I don t know why, they re just hillarious and I absolutely love them. Yes sure call me a geek, a nerd whatever but I play a lot of the games they do and never miss a new episode of anything. I ve watched all their series at least twice. That does sound rather sad but you have to remember I m alone with nothing to do most of the time. I do all my maths, English, science and media studies (home) school work on my laptop, I also do art. I sometimes do extra if I feel like I m going to be tired the next day so I can just watch youtube videos. Yeah, I m taking my GCSEs this year as well as next year and that means that because I m home schooled, I have to go into a school to take the exams. Not only are exams terrifying, but going into a giant room full of strangers to do an exam is even scarier. So, here I am, sat on my bed on a warm Monday afternoon, doing some Biology coursework. I listened to Ed Sheerans album Multiply . I absolutely adored Ed and particularly enjoyed listening to Runaway , I have no idea why, it just made the whole idea of running away sound rather ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Time India Brian Smith Summary According to the article, Time India Bibliography by Brian Smith, the author mentions about how time represented within the Indian culture, including religion and philosophy. From the India tradition, they recognize the contingent temporality to be the world of suffering, which is the change and impermanence. It knows as samsara, which is the cycle of death and rebirth of things. The author says, the ultimate goal of all of the religious traditions that have sprung forth in India is indeed to overcome and transcend time and the death it entails. The main point that the Indian people were looking is the ending time of their life. In the religions tradition, the Indian people try to overcome and transcend the death. In other words, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Des Moines Art Center The Des Moines Art Center was established in 1948 in Des Moines Iowa. It s a nonprofit institution with a various collection of sculpture, painting, modern art and mixed media. It s not only a museum, but also a community school. Their school has over 3000 students and about 300 classes a year. The class grouped by age from children to adults. Include painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics and jewelry. Aiming to help children and adults explore their interests The Art Center s central hall will hold several exhibitions every year. Each display one to three months which offering fresh, cutting edge of art like Halson Warhol. The remaining space in the museum is permanent exhibition hall. Photographic art exhibition hall and video exhibition... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here we mainly talk about three buildings. The first building of the Art Center was built in 1943 and actually was the first museum built in the United States and is a distinctly modern building. Its name is Saarinen Building. It s an S shaped building located on the crest of a small hill. The S shape creates a battery of wings connected to Saarinen s building from east to west side, include different aspects of the center such as the auditorium and the classrooms. The building has a flat roof which constructed of reinforced concrete and clad in Lannon stone from Wisconsin. There s an ongoing program called Smart Sunday which is for families. The purpose is to engage in a variety of community s children and their families and it s responding to either a permanent collection object or temporary exhibition such as tony feher. The second building is I.M.PEI building built in 1968 which is the Chinese American architect designed. It slopes down at the south side of the Saarinen s open courtyard. It s made of two materials class in concrete primarily. I.M.PEI took the same concrete and bush hammered stone from Saarinen building. But after 25 years later from 1943, there was a need to expand and large scale works. So actually this building is totally different than the Saarinen building, it s massive, open, and heavy. And Jackson Pollock painting which painted in 1943 is an example of why this was needed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Why Students Should Required Military Service Students participating in the required military service will find a consecrated strong work ethic and will fashion a new set of skills that will be required to be industrious in life. The prime focus of remedial training is to produce quality students that will be ready for college. To be ready for the future, all remedial training students will learn basic computer coding skills. Financial classes will be taken by the students, and will cover topics such as credit scores, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, investments and retirement. According to the Wall Street Journal, The rate of household borrowing through car loans, student loans, credit cards, and other types of installment debt other than mortgages increased in the U.S. in late 2011, which could indicate that consumers are more willing to borrow or that households have financial stress (Mitchell). Learning how to manage debit, while saving for retirement is a dexterity that needs to be taught to young adults. Society will embrace financial training once installment and revolving debt rates start to decrease while retirement accounts experience intensification in ending balances. Other important classes that will be required, will include home economics, auto, wood and metal shop. Students will also learn plumbing, masonry and electrical skills. Teaching students about solar power, while finding alternative energy sources will restore the United States manufacturing by significantly lowering operation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Identifying Differences Among Businesses Identifying Differences Among Businesses In order to identify, analyse and evaluate the major differences along the supply chain between the business to business (B2B) and the business to consumer (B2C) marketing in the manufacture and retailing of fast moving consumer goods, it is important to define the different terms. According to Wright, the supply chain can be defined as the entire network of suppliers, factories, warehouses, distribution centres and retailers that participate in the process from raw materials to finished products. (www.soltempo.com) The fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) can be defined as the retail goods with a short shelf life either as a result of high consumer... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The research market In B2B, Wright states that the pressure to get industrial products with the right benefits to market ahead of the competition is the main concern (Wright 2004). Secondary researches such as the market, the trends are more used than primary researches as organisations activity is based on economic and industrial trend. In B2B, there is a focus on making the products matching the consumer demand. Secondary researches are needed but primary researches about consumers psychology are more important as their wants and needs are changing over the years. (Minett 2002) 2.5. The segmentation In B2B, customers are segmented by industry and individual company needs as they are not numerous. There are two types of segmentation, the macro segmentation and the micro segmentation. Both must provide the supplier with added value to offer. The macro segmentation uses different factors: it distinguishes one sector from another, one industry from another and one type of organisation from another (Wright 2004). Segmentation is by: В· type of market: industrial and/or consumer markets В· geographical area В· type of industries: manufacturing, service or agricultural industries В· public, private or not for profit sector В· small, medium or large companies В· products and services offered The micro segmentation subdivides into smaller segments ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Lil Kim s Influence On Society There are many Female MC s, like Missy Elliott, Remy Ma, and Da Brat, but no one has ever compared to the likes of Lil Kim. She s a trendsetter, and has done many things with her life that many female artists can t say they did. She s sold 20 million albums worldwide, won 40 awards, and is considered the Queen Bee . While it may not be respected by the conservative press, she s widely known as a sex symbol, and feminist in American Culture. Overall in her short lived life, she s faced many hardships in her life, like losing her mentor, feuds, and even prison. Even though she isn t someone who isn t credited enough, Lil Kim is still an influential person. Many people in today s society look up to her as a fashion icon. From her looks in the 90 s to now, she has had a great sense of style. Back in the 90 s, she wore tons of fur, leather, and brand name clothes. Not many people can say they had Versace and Chanel wigs, but she can! She was even credited to be the muses of Marc Jacobs, Alexander McQueen, and Donatella Versace. Despite her success as a fashion icon, she also is best known for her main career, Rap. She was discovered by Notorious B.I.G (Christopher Wallace) when she was just a teenager living out on the streets. She has had many hardships despite... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She s had 3 top 10 hits, 1 number 1 single, 3 VMAS and 1 BBMA award. She is the only Female rapper to get a 5 Mic rating by The Source . Overall, Lil Kim has been nominated for 82 awards, winning 40. Her debut album Hardcore which was released November 12th, 1996 was certified gold after only 3 months of release, then Platinum 6 months later. She s even the first person to be nominated for a diss track at the Grammy s. Also with that nomination, she helped Kanye West win his first Grammy nomination. No matter the awards, hits, and everything, she has been extremely notable in Pop ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Oedipus As A Tragic Hero Although not all who wander or deviate from the path are lost, some clearly are. When Oedipus, the eponymous character of Sophocles tragedy Oedipus Rex, first learns that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother, he abandons his home intent on never returning in order to avoid meeting his fate. Unbeknownst to the tragic hero, before the curtain s rise, the prophecy has already been fulfilled. Consequently, due to the underlying corruption in Thebes, the people are perishing of a plague that will not cease until the man responsible for the death of the previous Theban King, King Laius, is identified and brought to justice. This urgency propels Oedipusto discover that his biological father is not the King of Corinth who... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The significance of this theme is conveyed through Sophocles and Shakespeare s usage of dialog, characterization, and symbolism. To start, Sophocles and Shakespeare utilize dialog to illustrate the theme of exile within their respective works. Attempting to ease Oedipus s mind by convincing him that he has nothing to fear in the predictions of the oracles, Jocasta gives the ironic example of the plot to kill her own infant son to avoid a similar prophecy. Sophocles dialog for Jocasta states, But Laius,/ so the report goes at least, was killed by strangers,/ thieves, at a place where three roads meet ... [M]y son / he wasn t three days old and the boy s father / fastened his ankles, had a henchman fling him away on a barren, trackless mountain./ There, you see? (787 793). Although exile, or at least the threat of exile, is prevalently addressed within the dialog of both works, Jocasta s rashness to murder her child is jarring, even more so due to the inappropriately comforting tone with which Jocasta retrospects on such a sinister deed. Likewise, King Lear responds irrationally when he promptly arranges a marriage for Cordelia to the King of France after Cordelia admits that she loves her father only to the extent that it is appropriate for a daughter to love her father. Shakespeare s written dialog for Lear reads, Let her be thine,for we/ Have no such daughter, nor shall ever see/That face of hers again (1.4.264 266). Like Jocasta, who indicated by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Ultra-Shakes Want to Make the Best Smoothies Ever? You drink one for breakfast, then another after you work out and you do this at least three times a week if not more. I know you must be tired of repeating the same old flavors in your smoothies so we have come up with a solution and some very tasty recipe ideas. Our Ultra Shakes are already made with organic fruits and vegetables, however, adding your own never hurt anybody. It just means that you are getting more protein to suit your dietary needs. The Ultra Shake s superfood smoothie flavors include Green Apple Pie, Chocolate Peanut Butter and Blueberry Goji Mocha. For great tasting shakes, you have your choice of Chocolate Crazy Coco and Strawberry Coconut Cream, which are made specifically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the extra potassium, you are protecting the heart and increasing calcium absorption. Drink this smoothie before or after a vigorous workout to prevent muscle cramps. Blueberry Strawberry Blast with Grapes I love grapes and adding them to strawberries and blueberries make a berry delicious tasting smoothie to go with your high energy levels. Drink this concoctions before or after the gym. It makes it easier for the body to absorb plenty of antioxidants, protein and vitamin C. Chocolate Crazy Coco Frosty Almost everyone loves the feeling when we get while eating ice cream. Well, making a frozen dessert with the Chocolate Peanut Butter or Chocolate Crazy Coco Vegan shake will serve as a healthy way to treat yourself. All you need to do is add some Xanthan gum to achieve the thickness and creaminess. Mango Alma Frozen Sensation My mouth is watering just thinking about this as another frozen treat in a popsicle. There are so many other ingredients you could add to spruce the Mango Alma Superfood Shake up with that the possibilities are endless. You could try oranges, mojito, lemon, lemon lime, yogurt, blueberries, apples and the list goes on and on. Vitamin C never tasted so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Asian Cultural Identity Growing up as an Asian American, I often struggle to identify my own cultural identity. Being the first generation of both my mother and father s side of the family, I more than often get confused between American and Asian culture when applying them to society or at home. While being raised at home, I am largely influenced by culture and traditions from Asian parents and relatives. However, when I go to school or someplace else, I am heavily judged for practicing part of my Asian culture because it is entirely different than western or American. With that being noted, I began to learn and adapt to the western culture in hopes of fitting with society as well of trying to keep my Asian culture intact. As can be seen, this situation I dealt with is the same problem the whole Asian Americancommunity faces. Mainly focusing on younger generations like me for example, the Asian American community struggles to adapt to the western culture because they were raised with an Asian influence. Wishing to fit in society and be part of the social norms, the Asian Americans community faces issues that identify their cultural identity. A child growing up in a certain environment is influenced on how he or she takes action in a society. Such as Asian American children being exposed to two kinds of cultures, one that is Asian and the other American. Asian American children being born in the United Statesare heavily influenced by home life and society. Branding them with stereotypes and other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Snapdragon 821 Research Paper Snapdragon 821 Announced by Qualcomm, 10% Increase in Performance over SD820 Just when you thought there couldn t be a better SoC than the Snapdragon 820, here comes another one from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon 821. Qualcomm was lauded at the Mobile World Conference this year for the Snapdragon 820 and almost 80% of the flagships released this year use it. Other competitors of the SD820 include the Exynos 8890 from Samsung, A9 from Apple and the Kirin 950 from Huawei. But none of these chipsets come close to the 820, apart from Apple s A9, which is still superior in single core performance. The Snapdragon 821 is not a replacement to the 820, says Qualcomm. It is merely a new addition to the lineup that offers a slight bump in performance. Many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Economic Inequality In America Economic inequality reigns as a massive divide in the United States of America. Many active policies cause people to occupy an economic level which is meant to benefit those above them. With that said, there have been many efforts taken in hopes of reducing the current levels of economic inequality, but with these efforts, money and wealthwill have to be taken from the rich to give to the poorer. This is where the problem lies with wealth inequality many have to sacrifice for those whom they presume to be unworthy of benefiting from their fortunes. Education, wealth, race, and power all play a role as to why action will not be taken to reduce the current levels of inequality in America. The rich see their money and how it will benefit them. In What the Rich Won t Tell You, Rachel Sherman addresses the mentality of the rich. Some rich people feel the need to conceal their wealth when it benefits them, and on the other hand, they will flaunt their wealth when it benefits them. For instance, Sherman interviewed a financially well off, middle aged woman named Beatrice. Beatrice stated that she was uncomfortable with the inequality between herself and her nanny, a Latina immigrant. (Sherman) Although her wealth made her uncomfortable, and she would remove price tags from her clothing and food, Beatrice was unwilling to suppress her lifestyle to lift the Latina nanny s financial situation any higher. The wealthy simply described themselves as normal people who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. St. Francois Mountains A search for scholarly reviewed material involving the St. Francois Mountains and Butler Hill formations returned a four notable sources. Gary Lowell and Alex Blaxland produced one article each while J. Ronald Sides produced two articles on the subject. However, the University of Tennessee at Martin has a limited journal selection and the available material is that of J. Ronald Sides articles. Literature Review Ronald describes the mountains as a shallow composite batholith located in southeastern Missouri (1980). This batholith, or large igneous intrusion, is tilted to the southwest and beveled by erosion. The complex is about one and a half billion years old and mostly comprised of silicic intrusive units and rhyolitic pyroclastic rocks. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Francois batholith and probably helped control the structural development of the batholith itself. The Butler Hill Pluton was originally thought to be two different units, however, Ronald points out that the contact between the two is gradational so therefore he refers to it as one singular pluton referring to it as the Butler Hill Granite. The granite is markedly more fine grained on the southwest side of the pluton and exhibits quartz, orthoclase micropherthite, and minor albite, muscovite, chlorite, hematite, and fluorite. Ronald notes that the overall texture is hypidiomorphic, partly idiomorphic or containing some crystalline features, but locally porphyritic. To the northeast, the pluton consists major of quartz, orthoclase, and plagioclase, with minor chlorite, biotite, hematite, fluorite, and amphibole. The overall texture is hypidiomorphic granular with a larger grain size than that of the opposing side. The north easternmost rocks have rapakivi texture, or plagioclase rims around orthoclase in a plutonic rock. The size difference between the two sides is contributed to that of the cooling rate associated with the volcanic activity and the entrapment caused by the roof. Ronald sampled along three lines of traverse to compile data for chemical data. Samples were tested at University of Kansas by X ray fluorescence and by flame spectrophotometric methods. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Eyewitness Identification Eyewitness Identification may be more reliable than we believe, if they are handled and assessed correctly. Eyewitness testimonies are often used by law enforcement officers to identify suspects and play a huge role in getting convictions. If witnesses identify the wrong person, an innocent man could be punished for something they had no involvement in. There are many theories to explain why witnesses may identify the wrong person as the perpetrator of a crime. The different ways we retrieve memories affects what we remember. Other theories have to deal with how lineups or photo arrays are displayed to the witness and the effect they have on the result. All of the different theories of how our memories can be influenced, cause people to argue... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many different ways our memory might fail us. Encoding failure occurs when our brain fails to realize all the information around us and can only store what we are most focused on at the time. This causes people to lose information that could have beneficial because they didn t focus on one single thing. This problem only gets worse with age. Storage decay can also affect the reliability of our memories. Even if the information does get encoded into memory, there is still a chance it could be forgotten over time. There is a forgetting curve that shows how quickly people can forget events. Another way our memories may be clouded could be by the misinformation effect. The misinformation effect can change the way people remember things. If people hear someone tell a story about an event that happened, they could take that information and believe it s their own information they experienced first hand. These memory failures cause for controversy over whether or not eyewitness testimony should be used in court. These issues are enough to cause reasonable doubt when trying to convict a person off of an eyewitness account. I do believe their are ways for law enforcement agencies to avoid these issues to strengthen the reliability of their eyewitnesses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Compare And Contrast Iranian And French Revolution French Revolution vs. Iranian/Islamic Revolutionоїї оїѕ I. Introduction The word revolution means re birth. Many societies have had revolutions and this had affected how our societies live today and how the politics are in country or area. In this essay I will compare and contrast the french revolution that lasted from 1789 to 1799 and the Iranian or as some call it the Islamic revolution that lasted from January 1978 to february 1979. The French and iranian revolution were both political revolutions that has affected our lives and politics today. The french and iranian revolutions are both political revolutions that have made politics today different than if the revolutions hadn t happened. II. French revolutiono A. Why it happened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The French revolution had more initiative from the people, they made uproar and made more damage. The Iran citizens made uproar and were emotionally triggered about how their country and they were treated, but the citizens did not have as numerous events where they demonstrated or created uproar. IV. Third compare/contrast point between the French revolution and Iranian/Islamic revolution is the time period it happened in. I think that revolutions time periods were crucial when they happened it has shaped how the revolution turned out in the end. The time periods were very busy time periods in our history due to the fact that there was different things happening in other country in that time. Conclusion To conclude all revolutions have something in common and that is to make a big change in how society gets treated and every revolution begins with someone with a voice that decides to speak up for himself. In Frances case Robespierre decided to lead the revolution and in Iran s case it craved that Khomeini was brave and decided to come back to his country. If these revolution hadn t happened both governments would not be as they are today and we would see politics in a whole other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Importance Of The Patriots The reigning Patriots, maintaining the title undefeated for ten games in a row, were striped of the honor by the Broncos on Sunday, November 29. The final ended with the Broncos breaking the tie in overtime with a touchdown, winning by a score 30 24. On average, the Patriots have defeated these opponents by 14 points. This one loss, however, strikes to be more significant to the players and fans than the winnings themselves. At first, the Patriots started strong in the first quarter as Wide Receiver Ron Gronkowski made a 23 yard touchdown. However, this action led the Broncos to strengthen their defense only to be met with more losses as the safety and defensive lineman were carted off with injuries. In the second quarter, Patriots ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Being Homeless Being homeless is one of the hardest things a person can go through. Not having a home to go to or a place to sleep is depressing. Not having a job or money leaves people desperate to survive and there is only so much help people can give. The problem with many countries, not just the United States of America, is that the percent of homeless people are steadily increasing. According to the HomelessnessOverview of Current Issues and GAO Studies, there is close to 600,000 homeless people living on the streets of America. Some don t care to help the situation, people will walk right by a homeless man or woman begging for food and won t even look at them, much less give them a couple dollars. It s sad, really but that is just the way the world... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There have been many Acts and Programs made to also help prevent homelessness, one is Entitled Homelessness: Coordination and Evaluation of Programs Are Essential. This is a study that identifies 50 programs, administered by eight federal agencies, that either are specifically targeted to the homeless or are non targeted and therefore available to low income people in general, including those who are homeless. We found that both the targeted and non targeted programs provide an array of services, such as housing, health care, job training, and transportation. (p. 4). Unfortunately, there are people out in the world who don t care for helping the homeless. Mostly, they ignore them and one reason for that is because it is easier to ignore the homeless than it is to acknowledge and help them. But acknowledging them is the first step to helping them, and helping them will decrease homelessness nationally. The Help the Homeless Program is a good program to start and as long as there are people who care and join in to get the program started, then it will make a difference in a homeless person s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Debate Over Stem Cell Research Stem cell research is the study of basic cells that are grown in laboratories where tests are made to determine the essential properties of the cells. Over the past few decades, stem cell research has become a popular scientific debate and controversy. Stem cell research is still considered to be relatively new technology that is responsible for taking human cells and developing them into 220 different cells in the human body. Stem cellresearch has the potential to help disease research and management (Murnaghan, 2010). The two most common stem cells that scientist work within animals and humans are embryonic and non embryonic ( somatic or adult ) stem cells (Stem cell basics, 2009). This paper will examine the two different types... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If a scientist is able to manipulate embryonic stem cells into specific cell types, then maybe they could use the differentiated cells to treat certain diseases like Parkinson s disease, traumatic spinal cord injury diabetes, heart disease, and Duchenne s muscular dystrophy (Stem cell basics, 2009). Adult stem cells also known as multipotent stem cells and/or somatic stem cells are present in the human body in small numbers. These cells specifically focus on one specific tissue or organ as oppose to giving rise to all cells in the body. Over the past thirty years, adult stem cells have been quite successful with bone marrow transplants. One great example of an adult stem cell is the blood stem cell which is found mainly in the bone marrow of an adult (StГ¶ppler). It was discovered that bone marrow contains two kinds of stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells and bone marrow stromal stem cells. Not only has adult stem cells been found in bone marrow but they have also recently been found in the brain, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, heart, liver, and blood vessels. Usually, the adult stem cells are found in small amounts in tissue, especially once removed from the body. Many scientists are still trying to find ways to grow larger quantities in cell culture (Stem cell basics, 2009). Embryonic stem cells and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Personal Perspective On The Disney Animated Film Aladdin Personal Perspective At first glance, the website home page for the Disney animated film Aladdin displays the emotion of excitement. I find Disney visuals very interesting to analyze because of the dynamic visuals used in terms of color, shape, and animation. The site has so many central aspects of visual valor that draw in the user. This webpage has several different eye catching points within it. My eye is first drawn to Aladdin and Jasmine gazing into the distance with excited eyes, flying on their magic carpet. My eye then goes to notice the sky in the background with the fiery colors of red and yellow, creating the feeling of excitement, as well as creating a sun setting scene. Then my eye is drawn to the big blue off to the side of the site with an enthusiastic facial expression. I also notice that the site is very well put together. It is organized in a way that is clear and easy to navigate, making it possible even for children to figure their way around the site. This site has so much going on in it, but not too much to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is the same lyricist that worked on the famous Disney animated films The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast (norlinreelhistory.blogspot.com). Ashman and his college Alan Menken began writing songs for the proposed film before the film idea was even confirmed. Shortly after the films proposal by Ashman, the screenplay Linda Wooverton signed on to work on producing the film, as well as directors Ron Clements and John Musker. What is interesting to note is out of three proposed film projects including Swan Lake and King of the Jungle, the directors chose to pursue Aladdin. Musker and Clements worked on the first draft of the screenplay that had to be re written because it didn t engage . Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio wrote the second and final copy of the screenplay for the film, and only then was it given the ok for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Theme Of Immature In Romeo And Juliet Even though they have made many immature mistakes (like marrying only after knowing each other less than twenty four hours), Romeo and Juliet have matured throughout the play because they have both put each other before themselves, they both have been more aware and considerate of other people instead of being vain and inconsiderate, and they both have tried to control their own fates instead of letting fate control them. In the first and second acts, both Romeo and Juliet are childish and immature. First, Romeo keeps sulking over the fact that Rosaline doesn t love him back. When the devout religion of mine eye Maintains such falsehood, then turn tears to fires; and these, who, often drowned, could never die, Transparent heretics, be burnt for liars! One fairer than my love? The all seeing sun Ne er saw her match since first the world begun (Romeo and Juliet 1.2:88 93). In this quote, Romeo says that if the love for he has for Rosaline, which is like a religion, is changed because he finds someone more beautiful than her, let his tears turn to fire and his eyes be burned. Moreover, this just shows how immature Romeo is in the first Act. Juliet is also immature in the first and second acts of the play. I ll look to like, if looking liking move;/ But no more deep will I endart mine eye/ Than your consent gives strength to make it fly (Romeo and Juliet 1.3:98 100). In this quote, Juliet that she will look to see if she will like Paris if that is her mothers wish. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Tom Brokaw’s The Greatest Generation Essay Tom Brokaw s The Greatest Generation In Tom Brokaw s book, The Greatest Generation, the author portrays ordinary people of a certain generation as having qualities of greatness and heroism. He tells stories of average people that lived inspiring lives through many hardships, and declares today s society as the beneficiary of their challenging work and commitment. Brokaw s generous and proficient use of imagery helps to persuade the reader to believe that the people of the greatest generation are, indeed, heroic. He defines the strength and resilience of the greatest generation by what they were able to confront and overcome. ...when the nation was balanced precariously between the darkness of the Great Depression on one side and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They traveled thousands of miles over the harsh seas to enter what was, to them, the unknown. What those unsuspecting infants could not have realized, of course, was that these were temporary conditions, a false spring to life that would be buffeted by winds of change dangerous and unpredictable, so fierce that they threatened not just America but the very future of the planet. (p4) Brokaw s use of imagery here helps the reader understand the drastic nature of the change that occurred in the world between the 1920s and 1940s. He is stating that the youth of our nation was living in a safe harbor for only a short period of time, almost as if under false pretenses, and that this promising future of America veered radically off a path as they had to face the unprecedented crash of the stock market, with damage so great that over a thousand banks would close, millions of people would become unemployed and homeless, and an overwhelming sense of economic calamity would sweep the feet out from under their fragile vision of security. Brokaw described this in the chapter titled The Time of their Lives, as a time when A mass of homeless and unemployed drifted across the American landscape. (p7) This gives the reader an image of millions of people hopelessly wandering the country in search for work to survive. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Unit 4 Study Guide Anatomy and Physiology Unit 4 Lecture Study Guide Use the lecture folder to help you complete this guide. The more detail you can provide the better prepared for the test you will be. 1. What is the integumentary system and its primary characteristics? The integumentary system is the skin and its derivatives; it provides external protection for the body. Its characteristics are: covers the entire body, accounts for about 7% of total body weight, pliable, yet durable, thickness: 1.5 to 4.0 mm, composed of the epidermis and dermis. 2. Describe and give at least one example of each of the functions of the integumentary system. Protection 3 different barriers: Chemical Barriers (skin secretion and melanin) Physical/Mechanical Barriers continuity of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is the ABCDE rule and what does it help to detect? ABCDE rule will give you an idea of what to look for in a changing mole. Asymmetry two sides don t match Border irregularity not smooth and have indentations Color more than one color Diameter larger than 6mm in diameter Elevation elevated above skin surface 11. List the functions of the skeletal system. Support, movement and leverage, protection, mineral storage, blood cell synthesis (hematopoiesis) 12. What are the 3 types of cartilage and where would you find each type? Hyaline found in the bronchi, larynx, nose trachea Elastic external ear, epiglottis Fibrocartilage found in the knees and elbows 13. List the main classifications for bones. Give an example for each classification. Long bones femur and radius Short bones lunate bone and first cuniform Sesamoid bones patella Flat bones frontal bone and scapulae Irregular bones hyoid bone and atlas bone 14. Describe the structure of a long bone. Diaphysis shaft Epiphysis ends of bone; contain red marrow Medullary cavity contains yellow marrow Epiphysis plate found between diaphysis and epiphysis; long bone growth 15. Differentiate between osteocytes, osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteoclast cells which dissolve bone Osteoblast cells which build bone by removing calcium and phosphates form the blood in the presence of the enzymes alkaline phosphates secrete by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. United States Immigration Policy The United States Immigration policy is best summarized through the ancient proverb, the road to hell, is paved on good intentions when a nation s immigration is based on entirely on fear, the results will be hell towards the immigrants. this quote )[hook] [Thesis, rewrite] The United States immigrationpolicy was crafted by racist politicians, influenced by anti immigration groups, in an effort to prevent and oppress immigrants who were seen as undesirable from coming to the United States. United States immigration policy was created to prevent undesirable immigrants such as the Irish, Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Muslims, and African Americans, from legally immigrating into the nation. From the mid 19th century until now, multiple... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Know Nothings gained support from blue collar American workers, who were fearful of losing their job to Irishmen, which was a justified belief at the time. Lewis Levin, the first known leader of the Know Nothings, believed that the Irish would follow the Catholic Pope without question, which would provide the pope the resources to take over the United States. The Know Nothing spread their message of fear, through the spreading of rumors and lies about Irish workers, as noted by Bruce Levine in his paper Conservatism, nativism, and slavery: Thomas R. Whitney and the origins of the know Nothing Party which states Their critics branded the Irish as lazy, thieving drunkards, poor material for either a labor force or a citizenry. And the Catholic Church, nativists added, aggravated the problem by promoting ignorance and low superstition and offering comforting, exculpatory rituals (notably confession and absolution) that only encouraged the dissolute, undisciplined behavior of the canaille. The Know Nothing party, worked to ensure that the common man would share their view of the Irish as a common drunk, who should never have brought into the country. The know nothing party broke up, after their defeat in the 1860 elections, where they failed to get any of their members into an elected ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The World Of The Eastern Hemisphere Before the renowned expeditions of Christopher Columbus, or Ferdinand Magellan, the Polo family were the original explorers whose triumphs and success stories inspired future travelers to discover the unknown world of the Eastern hemisphere. During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Europe was in need of an intervention, something to bring life to the dull communities throughout the continent. Marco Polobrought exactly this, and contributed so much more with his travels across the world, bringing back religious morals, new spices, new languages, and new commercial goods that were never heard of before. Although his intention might not have been as significant as his impact, the obstacles he encountered and traversed through as written throughout his book, sparked an interest and desire for international trade and traveling for Europeans to come. His unique spark and impressive capabilities proved he was a tough man, especially with the voyages he survived, the diseases he avoided, the country he governed, the bandit ambushes he fought, and imprisonment he endured. Not only was he able to document his journey to various places, but he was also able to spread his experience throughout Europe, thereby immortalizing his name. Although Marco Polo was an exquisite explorer of his time and age, his wealthy merchant father Niccolo and his uncle Matteo had originally introduced him to the world of the East with their trading with the Middle East and pilgrimage to the great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Women And The American Dream The American Dream is the belief that every person in the United States has an equal opportunity to become successful. However, some people are not entitled to the American Dream. Many Americans are not treated equally under the law. Some of the groups lose their right to vote, have a more difficult time finding jobs, or are a group that has been forgotten by politicians. The American Dream is a controversial issue today because many groups in America have claimed that they have not received the chance to have it. Some of the groups that are marginalized are women, people of color, and immigrants that have come to America. Women are not entitled to the American Dream like men are. In the Declaration of Independence, it only refers to men... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Females are not the only group that do not have access to the American Dream, minorities also have a difficult time getting the American Dream. Furthermore, minorities are often times denied the right to the American Dream. In the history of the United States, non whites have been mistreated and have been treated as different in society. In the poetry, Being Brought from Africa to America , by Phillis Wheatley it discusses how many people in America view people of color. In the poem it states, Some view our sable race with scornful eye, / Their color is a diabolic die (Wheatley 73). In the poem Wheatley describes how people of color are looked down upon in society. In addition, Wheatley states that some white people think that her skin color is a diabolic die which implied that the color of the person s skin is evil. Throughout history people of color have been segregated, discriminated, and suppressed. All of those things make it more difficult for minorities to achieve success because they are not given the chance to succeed. The American Dream could be possible for minorities if they were recognized as equals in society in addition to being treated equally under the law. Phillis Wheatley also states, Remember, Christians, Negros, black as Cain, / May be refin d, and join th angelic train (Wheatley 73). In the quote the author states ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Religion Reflection Paper Religion is practiced worldwide in many different forms. My family and I have been through a religious journey throughout my lifetime. When I was younger, I would attend a Mennonite church with my grandmother and my parents would come mostly for holidays. They were not very much of the church going type until I was older. My dad did not see it was important for us to attend church until his parents returned home from missionary work in Guadalajara, Mexico when my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. I was in third grade when they returned home and we did not start attending regularly until a few years after. We still lived in a Christian home but as I have grown up, looking back, I see that it was not much of a Christian home. We only prayed on holidays before we would eat our meal and that was when we were surrounded by my grandparents of either side. Eventually we started attending church regularly at a United Methodist church up the road from our house. I still do not believe we are that dedicated to the church and to God, as we only pray before we eat on Sundays and holidays as well. We do not speak much of God or ways we could work on being better Christians, we still go about the same ways of life we had before, except now on Sundays we attend a sermon. After all of this, I am slightly torn on what I personally believe. I feel as though I am lost in that part of my life. I hope in the next few years, I find what I truly believe. Religion is practiced for a number ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Political Identity Of India And Pakistan Political Identity of Nationalism in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: Introduction: Political identities may be realized in this way but they may be and are accommodated in other fashion (Taylor,1979 p 1) Identity is a quality of the individual that a part of the common criteria of individual maturity according to national perspective. Identity crisis is an important theme of adolescence a time when various type life of law are tired out. It is important to note that one autonomy by the using social links for all. Language, religion and whole politics are each essential. In this way, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh have given the great identity to keep off the nationalism through politics. In Bangladesh heralded a new phase in South Asian nationalism because of managing the first regional step of state in what had been British India. India in modern the world is popular in nationalism in politics. About the language, cultural, religion are the continuous process on India and Bangladesh. There were attempt by others who checked strongly with the nationalist cause but not occupied points of power to again appropriate. This identity struggle for mainly include student, freedom fighters, intellectuals and others. In Bangladesh, Bangladesh and Bangali are the two terms that have created confusion and crisis of nationalism. The new aspect of regional problem has been the demand from the states for additional power. In the case of Tamil Nadu , where this demand has been most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Introduction Of A Mobile Development Program Introducing Cluster Development Programme in Bangladesh Bangladesh is one of the most promising emerging economies in South Asia. The averaged GDP growth of the country is 6. 5% which has been largely driven by its exports, remittance and agricultural sectors. Recently, manufacturing industry and service sectors are growing rapidly and the involvement in farming is decreasing. Bangladesh has a lucrative opportunity to become one of the leading economic powers in Asia by properly utilising its cheap labour and geographical position. Bangladesh is the pioneer in introducing microfinance in the world. Eventually, it encouraged the many micro and small enterprises to be established in the fertile land. Many of the small and medium (SME)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So this is the high time for the government, different organisations like the Bangladesh Bank, BSCIC, SMEF, NGOs, banks and international organisations like the UNIDO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank to work together for the SME clusters development. The higher educational institutions in Bangladesh also can contribute to the CDP through conducting comprehensive research and by organising continuous development programmes. Recently, I got a call from an employee of Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industry Corporation (BSCIC). He shared a problem with me that he found some lentil producers from the BSCIC industry area who are struggling to survive in the market because their sales are going down and some of them are thinking to wind up their businesses. So he asked me for sharing some solutions considering their problems. I replied to him that the lentil producers can create marketing consortia by doing which they can increase their sales initially. Before that, they have to maintain a standard quality of their products so that they can sell the produced lentils by a common brand locally and nationally maintaining the same quality. They can also decrease the cost of the production and packaging as the volume will be huge altogether. Later I also added some other recommendations which they can think to work with in the long run like technological ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Persuasive Essay On The Open Carry Law Ever since the president Donald J. Trump was elected, the country has been divided greatly due to racism just how it occurred in the 1950 s. In 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman, was arrested because she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. This event caused a great uproar amongst the Whites and the Blacks that lead into many civil right movements in which the Black peopleparticipated by protesting. For example, the incident that occurred on August 12 of this year with the an anti white supremacist group who was protesting in the same city as the white supremacist protesters. A random person drove their car into the crowd of the anti white supremacist protesters and ended up killing one woman and left dozen more seriously injured. To this incident, President Trump gave a press conference about the horrific act of the murder while stating that there were good and bad people on either side, justifying the act of the murder of running over the anti white supremacists. Sadly, while Trump remains in office, the country will not become less violent and people from different races will end up shooting each with or without the open carrylaw. California has become more violent over time, especially with President Trump in office. No one is safe in public and if the decision to open carry is reinstated, the law would be a much safer choice for anyone who wants to protect themselves and their loved ones. While some people may argue that guns are better ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Western Treatment Of Horses When I was in elementary school, I had very strong feelings about everything. If you said black, I said white. If you said the sky was blue, I said it was not. Basically, if you thought you were right, I would attempt to challenge that in any way I could, even if that meant going against all logical thinking. This obstinance is best described in one time when I felt very strongly about horses. My familyand I had horses for many years, and so did some of our friends. However, those friends treated their horses much differently than we did. We treated our horses with loveand respect, going with the Western style of riding. Our friends still loved their horses, you could tell, but it was less of a pet type of love than a money making... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their horses were Tennessee Walkers, and once their horsereached a certain age, that horse was simply too old and would be retired. In my opinion, though, this was not their main issue. Tennessee Walking horse trainers used a technique called soring on their horses hooves to acquire an exaggerated gait, or specialized type of walking, trotting, and cantering for show performance. Along with my sister and a few other friends, I believed that this technique was harmful to horses. After all, soring often involves chemicals, weighted shoes, pads, boots, and chains to achieve the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Main Differences Between Larceny And Embezzlement In chapter 9 of Criminal Law Today, the author describes the crimes of embezzlement and explains the main differences between larceny and embezzlement. This chapter identifies the types of property that were subject to the common law crime of larceny. In addition, the author describes the differences between embezzlement and false pretenses, and the differences between robbery and extortion. The most commonly occurring crimesin the United States are the theft crimes and drug crimes. Crimes of theft are generally property crimes. There is a variety of property crimes, such as larceny, burglary, criminal trespass, arson, and computer crimes. Crimes of theft are also known as acquisitive offenses, which are crimes that involve the unlawful... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Forgery is the making of false written instrument or the material alteration of an existing genuine written instrument. Forgery is only complete when the perpetrator makes or passes a false instrument. Overall, the crime of forgery is the actual intent to defraud. The common law crime of forgery included the act of uttering, which is the offering, passing, or attempted passing of a forged document knowing that is forged. Receiving stolen property is another form of theft. This can be defined as knowingly taking possession of, or control over, property that has been taken in an unlawful way. There are four elements to the crime of receiving stolen property, which are receiving, stolen property, the receiver knowing that it was stolen, and where the property was received. Another form of theft is robbery. However, robbery is considered a violent personal crime by the Uniform Crime Reporting program. Robbery is the unlawful taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another by force or threat of force. However, robbery, can be considered another form of larceny. The crime of robbery requires two elements, that the property be taken from a person or removed from the victim s presence and that the taking occur through the use of force or fear. But certain situations may be considered larceny. For example, if property was stolen from a dead person, the crime is no longer a robbery but a form of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. How Did The Hundred Years War Contribute To The French... Helps the Middle Class to Rise The Hundred Years War was a conflict between England and France that lasted (with some interruptions) from 1337 to 1453 ( The Hundred ). Although the war caused many significant changes in both England and France, one of the most interesting ones was its contribution to the end of feudalism and the development of a true middle class in England. The Hundred Years War helped the middle class to rise by reducing the number of available workers in the population, exposing ordinary soldiers to the crossbow, and assisting in the formation of overseas trade partnerships. One of the most obvious ways that the Hundred Years War helped the Middle Class to rise was that it did away with surplus workers. Although it is impossible to calculate exactly how many people were killed during the war, during the years of the most intense fighting as many as 200,000 men a year may have been killed (Blackmon 225). The majority of these casualties were not among the ruling class... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the opening battles of the war the French used battalions of Italian mercenary soldiers armed with crossbows. The crossbows were no match for the English long bows in the hands of a trained archer, but the advantage of the crossbow was that it could be fired by anybody who could cock and aim it (Conrad 12). It required no special training. It could also be aimed precisely enough to shoot through the gaps in armor, and some crank crossbows could even shoot through thin armor (Crossbow Historical Society). English soldiers took these weapons home, probably as spoils of war. They were then used by primitively organized militias, the so called Pitchfork Police, who were forced into protecting their villages because all of the knights were gone (Conrad 38). When ordinary people learned that they could protect themselves, one of the primary reasons for the existence of feudalism was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Organizational Structure and Culture Organizational Structure and Culture Introduction In this week s assignment we will be looking at organizational structure and organizational culture. We will first look at how organizational culture impacts organizational structure and vice versa. Then look at how organizational structure interacts and impacts the organization s decision process. Organizational Cultures Impact on Organizational Structure The first part of this week s assignment was to look at how organizational structure impacts organizational culture and vice versa. But before we look at that let us review what organizational structure and culture are. Organizational culture as defined from the text is the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members set (Robbins, Decenzo, Coulter, 2013). Also an organization s culture usually reflects the vision or mission of the organization s founders (Robbins, Decenzo, Coulter, 2013). Organizational structure is a hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communication, rights and duties of an organization (BusinessDictionary.com, 2013). Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between different levels of management (BusinessDictionary.com, 2013). Now with a review of what organizational structure and culture are let us look how they impact each other. There are many examples of structure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Special Effects Technician Career Overview and Pay... Special Effects Technician Career Overview and Pay Structure A Special Effects Technician uses Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), pyrotechnics and physical effects to create visual illusions in film, television, stage or video productions. I will attempt to explain the major areas of work covered under the title of Special Effects Technician, the education required and the salary expected in the field The Physical Effects Technician is the technician that works to make props, models, scenery, prosthetics and mechanically animated pieces. The physical effects technician works with a variety of mediums. Body and facial prosthetics utilize sculpting of clay to make molds that are cast to fit the specific actors face and/or body. They are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This technique is used to layer foreground and background images based on color hues or the chroma range. The CGI technician layers the computer modelling around the actor. Programs such as PhotoKey 6 Pro make it possible to render the images seemlessly. Being a CGI technician requires computer knowledge and takes hours to edit and add in the actors into the computer generated world. An example of a seemless CGI movie is Avatar which cost $425,000,000 to make but grossed $2.7 Billion worldwide (www.the numbers.com/movie /budgets/). For every 1/24 of a second or one frame of film it took 47 hours of rendering (www.imdb.com/title/tt0499549/trivia). There are specialized training school for Special Effects Technicians,such as the Art institute with multiple locations across the country and a few in California.. A College degree is not required it is common especially in the area of CGI. A Pyrotechnician must be certified by the state that they work in and pass a Pyrotechnic safety and handling course. The Physical Effects Technician should have a firm grasp of art styles and art mediums. Now that we know what a Special Effects Technician does, what kind of monetary compensation do they earn. A person can specialize in one or more areas of expertise. Their earnings vary due to geographic location. Since a large majority of the special effects are used in movies, California offers the highest yearly wage of $85,000 per year,New York has a range of $41,000 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Tthe Improtance of Note Taking Note taking Taking note is one of the best ways to prepare for exam. Reading different books, collecting information from other sources and merging all the notes together helps to gives a clear image and deeper understanding on specific topic. Using an outline format I try to get as much information as i can in a piece of paper and record the lecture at the same time as the tutor will not wait for the student to write notes down. Listening to the recorder again and again helps to reorganize my notes as well as avoid confusion. Recall the new terms mentioned by the teacher while teaching in lesson as they might be very important for the exam. While writing notes, I try to summarize each section on my own word by using abbreviation, different font style, bullet points and diagrams. This helps me to develop my shorthand making it easier to memorize. As well as the notes in lecture, I try using different revision aids like revision guide books and different revision websites like www.s cool.co.uk and www.revisionworld.co.uk. Revision guides are a very effective and good way of revising since they are very straightforward ,compressive and has all the information that are essential to get a good grade in an examination. Highlighting the crucial data using different highlighters while reading different books and underline any stressed terms. Different colourful colours grasps my eyes attention quickly further avoiding time lost and boredom whereas revision website is very easy to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. My Favorite Mistake In College My Favorite Mistake After a long and tiring year of junior high, finally, the first day of summer break. My brother s graduation was just around the corner however, i haven t made any plans for the remainder of this vacation. He was studying to become a graphic designer at the Art Institute. Till this day, i have high respect for him and his work ethic. During his collegedays, he lived through sleepless nights working on projects and perfecting his craft. So, for him being an artist, I thought it would be fun to do a design in my hair. At the time, kids at my school were doing it, they had swirls on the side of their heads, little cuts on their eyebrows, and they also had a tail growing in the back. I didn t want anything fancy, just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Impact Of Native Americans In The Novel Solar Storms It is obvious that Americans have had an impact on Native American cultures, but most people do not realize the true extent of the matter. Many Native Americans lives have changed drastically because of the careless actions of the Americans and the American government. The novel Solar Storms shows that Native Americans have experienced only negative influence from Americans. In the novel, American colonization and industrialization threatens Angel and her family s way of life by threatening to destroy their surrounding land and nature. This has the most effect on the Native Americans. Before the construction of the dams even begin, nature is affected greatly by non native trappers. Angel listens to many stories told by elders in her... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Americans actions not only altered the land, but also people s lives, leaving many people without a home. When Angel is at Adam s Rib, the American government does not require the permission of the Native Americans for people to take or alter the land they live on. Angel takes notice that, Without permission, roads had been built (58). In Angel s tribe, the people are unaware of the construction of new dams until some random men make their way to Adam s Rib to warn the people. Because of this, the native people were left no choice but to protest against the construction, even though there was little hope. After one of the workers speaks, Angel says that, his words made clear that if the corporation and government had their ways, the Indian people had no say on this matter, no power to reverse what had already been decided by men with other ways (279). After protesting for a while, the Native Americans are forced to fight the construction in the court system of the American government. The court system which is often biased. Tulik tells Angel, I want the judge to listen to me. I ll have to look like one of them (342). This is the reason he gets his hair cut before he goes to court. In their case, It took more than a year before the building of the dams ceased . (344). Although they win the court case, the Native Americans are still forced to adapt to the culture of the white men. Many natives resort to leaving the native culture and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Weaknesses Of Coke SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a useful technique for understanding a company s strengths (S), weakness (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T). Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths or weakness, and those external to the firm can be classified as opportunities or threats. SWOT analysis can help firm uncover opportunities that are well placed to exploit. And by understanding the weaknesses of the business, firm can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch it unawares. Furthermore, firm can start to craft a strategy that helps it distinguish itself from the competitors, so that the firm can compete successfully in the market. Strengths Strengths are the skills and capabilities that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Threats include changing customer needs, changes in government regulations and changes in economics of the country. Coca Cola is getting indirect competition such as Starbucks and Dunkin Brands Group which do not compete directly with Coca Cola. These businesses do place a dent in the company s market share. These chains offer a healthy competition to Coca Cola s carbonated drinks. They might not be a big competition for Coke, but they do give a dent to its beverage market. There are changes in consumer preference in the society. Societies tend to be healthier; therefore, they focus on drinking health beverages. People are changing their attitudes and keep their mind on consuming health drinks in order to avoid diseases like obesity and diabetes. Many companies have tried to invent a great variety of innovative drinks as it s a trend of consuming healthy drink nowadays. Water scarcity is a major threat to Coca Cola Company. When the water scarcity is on the rise, with the climate changing and regions of various countries facing scarcity of water, sooner someone might raise fingers on beverage companies. If the water is limited, Coca Cola can experience a major downfall in their revenue and capacity of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Pita Pit Marketing Plan Price: Healthy, speed, and tastiness are the priorities of Pita Pit and they cannot be compared to competitors. Healthy eating has been proven to improve health, relationships and stress levels. Prices will be comparable to the local economy and demographics of Abilene, TX. Military discounts will be offered to any active members or veterans. The restaurants maximum capacity will be 50 people. Place: Pita Pit s will be located near Hendricks Medical Center across the street for Hardin Simmons University. Dyess Air Force Base and multiple other colleges within the community will provide a great foundation for Pita Pit and ensure a successful operation. This location will grab the attention of citizens who will be visiting the hospital ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most people use social media throughout the day, so sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will provide the visual aspect of the marketing scheme by viewing the restaurants website. Our website will include a menu and pricing for customers to gather information and decide prior to arrival. Flyers displayed at the hospital and colleges will provide a reminder of the healthy, cost effective choices available in close proximity of their location. Billboards will enhance the travels by putting a mental and physical image to compliment the radio advertisement. The advertisements will focus on healthy and sensible pricing meals especially when time is a factor. Radio broadcasting brings the first attention to the restaurant because people listen to the radio or music during their travels to and from work. Since the economy has pushed families into a two income requirement, this provides the most abundant opportunity to attract this audience. Furthermore, Pita Pit will have multi purchase redemption cards that will entice customers to buy a meal and be rewarded for their loyalty with a future free ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Letter From Birmingham Jail Analysis The source that I found most helpful for this project is The Letter from Birmingham Jail. I think it is the best source because it is a primary source. Also because it explains what it was like to be a civil rights activist. Lastly, the message that MLK was writing was very detailed and easy to visualize. Everything in this passage was true and from an activist perspective. The second most helpful source that I have found Is the Photographs. This source was very so helpful for many different reasons. One of those reasons is because the images helped understand how bad segregation actually was. I could understand that by breaking down what I could see in the pictures and breaking it down. Another thing that the photographs helped me understand how big of a role the kids actually... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The whole presentation was not a primary source but there were many primary sources included in it. These sources were very helpful because it helped understand what it was like to be an activist during the civil rights movement. This presentation also tries to demonstrate the action that was taken by children during the civil rights movement. The last source that helped me during this presentation is 1963 Birmingham Civil Rights Campaign Barbara Sylvia Shores. This source helped me by showing what civil rights activist went through and the violence that was struck upon them. It also helped because it was a primary source. Primary sources are important because it is coming first hand from an African American. This source was very detailed and easy to visualize what it was like to be her. It also explains the police brutality. The police blocked the roads to her house so she could be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...