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Wheel Of Life Research Paper
The Wheel of life has six main sections which represent the six realms it was designed by the
Buddha in order to simplify his teachings to ordinary people. The six realms are understood as the
forms of existence into which people are born according to their Karma. The realms can also be
interpreted as real life situations and it also contains images that represent the three poisons
(ignorance, attachment and aversion). Karma, the six realms of samsara, impermanence, nirvana and
the Buddha these are contained within the wheel of life. This shows that Buddhism is a dynamic,
living, religious tradition because Buddha used this to simplify his teachings to the ordinary people.
The wheel of life condenses much of Buddhist teachings and principal beliefs so that it can be
understood easily.
Impermanence is represented by the creature holding the Wheel of life he is known as Yama he is
believed to be the protector of Buddhists and Buddhism. He is not evil despite his appearance the
role that he plays in Buddhist life is reminding people about the transience of life. These ... Show
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The realm of gods is the highest of realms and it is always at war with the realm of Asuras anyone
born in the God realm will experience unlimited pleasure but they will be reborn in a less
pleasurable state if they do not attain Nirvana. Hungry Ghosts are for people whose Karma was not
bad enough for the hell realm but it was not good enough for the God Realm either. The realm of
Hell is depicted as a place of suffering where beings are subject to the utmost torture due to having a
terrible Karma. The animal realm is marked by ignorance and complacency. Animal beings find
contentment easily but are disinterested in anything unfamiliar. The human realm is the only place
where nirvana can be attained because the Dharma is accessible in the human realm only few seek
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Yama Study
A Study and Application of Yama and Niyama Principles
The Yama's and Niyama's are the "ten ethical precepts that allow us to be at peace with ourselves,
our family, and our community," according to Donna Farhi of Healthy.net. Yamas are the ethical
precepts that deal with social discipline and Niyamas are the ethical precepts that deal with
individual discipline (Iyengar, Brad). There are ten principles, five Yamas and five Niyamas. The
principles that resonated the most with me during my exploration of the Yamas and Niyamas are
Tapas, a Niyama principle and Aparigrah, a Yama principle.
The Yama principle, Aparigrah, is about taking only what you need and no more (Parnell, Deva). It
is about non–greed and non–possessiveness. This principle ... Show more content on
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One of the hardest poses to implement daily was the svadhyaya. It was hard to get my feet to fold in
the way shown on the website http://www.yogajournal.com/article/yoga–101/niyamas–svadhyaya–
self–study–yoga–practice/. Svadhyaya was also hardest to implement into my daily activities
because it was the one that I was least interested in. I know that I have to work hard to not feel this
way because none of the ten Yamas and Niyamas are less important than the other. I do not feel like
I have mastered any of the Yama or Niyama principles, but, I feel like I am off to the best start in the
Aparigrah and Tapas principles because of the noticeable effect they have had on my life thus far. I
think that in order to live a better life I have to remember to keep things in perspective and maintain
self discipline. I think this because I believe that negative emotions such as jealousy can be
minimized by remembering how short and meaningful life can be and how it is not worth it to worry
about small valueless things. Also, having self discipline can keep me on track when it comes to
being productive and achieving my goals. This will affect others because I believe when I feel
confident, pure, and accomplished, positive energy will ooze out of me and be noticed and
acknowledged by others. They then, I hope, will be encouraged and positively affected by the
energy I give off and it will be a chain reaction to all others
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Comparing The Phaedo And The Upanishads
The Phaedo and the Upanishads are two of the most influential philosophical texts that have ever
existed. The Phaedo originates from traditional Greek western philosophy and the Upanishads
originates from Hinduism. Plato's Phaedo is one of the most important dialogues of his period. It
depicts the death of Socrates and is also Plato's fourth and last dialogue where he details the
philosophers death. Throughout the book, Socrates discussed many aspects of philosophy such as:
afterlife, ultimate reality, the Soul, mind/body, and also, put forth key arguments. The Upanishads
contain the first concepts of some of the central religions such as: Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Jainism. The two Upanishads that were analyzed are the Katha Upanishad and the Mundaka
Upanishad. The Katha Upanishad which is also termed "Death as Teacher" discusses Nachiketa's
encounter with Yama: The Hindu God of death. Yama teaches Nachiketa about "What is pleasant"
and "What is beneficial". The Mundaka Upanishad discusses and categorizes two different forms of
knowledge that a person can possess. They can possess lower knowledge which essentially is
knowledge of material world. It is knowledge that is not valuable, or they ... Show more content on
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Like stated before, Plato introduces his theory of forms in The Phaedo. These forms essentially are
what make up ultimate reality and ultimate knowledge for Plato. In Plato's theory of recollection he
states that our souls possess innate knowledge of the forms and throughout our lives we recollect the
knowledge. This process of recollection is what we call "Learning". In Hinduism, Brahman is what
is said to be ultimate reality, and the Atman which is the soul must reach Self–realization and then
enters into the realm of Brahman. In Plato's case, the soul separating from the body is an integral
step in the process. In Hinduism, the mind must use meditation to learn more about the
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Detecting Autism In Toddlers
This paper considers the problem of detecting autism in toddlers at an age early enough to allow for
timely intervention. It begins with an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and explains
the importance of early screening for such disorders. It then outlines a range of possible screening
techniques, before focusing on the most prominent of these, the Modified Checklist for Autism in
Toddlers (M–CHAT). The paper explains the origins of M–CHAT, how it works, and what its results
have been so far. It also considers an important question guiding contemporary research on M–
CHAT, namely the appropriate age range at which M–CHAT is to be administered. The paper
concludes with a consideration of the limitations of research into ... Show more content on
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(2001) as a means of improving upon the earlier CHAT, both in terms of sensitivity and practicality.
It aims to detect ASDs early in toddlers and utilizes a parental questionnaire involving twenty–three
questions, six of which are designated as "critical." The latter refer to protodeclarative pointing,
response to name, interest in peers, bringing things to show a parent, following a point, and
imitation (Robins et al. 2001). In order to mitigate against false positives, M–CHAT requires the
practitioner to contact parents in the case of positive screenings and to get them to verify their
answers during a follow–up interview. A positive screen occurs in one of two cases: either if
responses to any two of the six critical questions indicate abnormal developmental progress, or if
any three of the twenty–three questions indicate the same. Because of the relatively simple
questionnaire format, which only takes around five to ten minutes to complete, it is possible to
administer the M–CHAT screen by telephone if
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


What Is The Importance Of Discipline In Life
The 'Discipline' is indispensable to each & every living being. For human it is even more crucial like
the spinal column. Without discipline humanity will be disintegrated. Discipline implies the
'observance of certain well–defined regulations'. Without such rules it is not possible to maintain
mankindness. Such directive contributes to the honour of human existence. Discipline cannot be
obtained from books. Nor can it be learnt from teachers. It has to be as natural ingredient of one's
daily life in the discharge of one's obligations. Discipline is vital from the moment of waking to the
time of going to sleep. One of the important constituents of discipline is physical purity. This does
not simply mean keeping the body clean by a good shower. Meanwhile the real bodily purity calls
for participation in good actions. The quality actions and standard thoughts lead to purity of mind
and the wisdom. The purpose of Yoga is to put an end to the mind of all muddling thoughts, and this
isn't ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When we choose to do the same thing again and over, it is our discipline. Unfortunately, many of the
things that people do again and again are not uplifting. It is not the things we do once in a while that
cause problems ––– the things we do all the time. If we eat the wrong things all the time, we will
have health problems; when you eat healthy all the time, the occasional treat is not a problem. If we
are always angry, we will be unhappy, even disappointed than the people I angry with; but when we
put ourself forth in a spirit of generosity and helpfulness, our anger simply vanishes, like fog in
sunlight. We may have a discipline of worrying – it is always possible to find something we can
worry about. We have a choice about what discipline we will follow. The hardest thing is to know
we have a choice. It is hard because when we are feeling badly, we cannot remember that we have
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Hinduism Research Paper
Hinduism is the religion based on individual devotion to identify basic spiritual personality through
truthfulness, self–control and happiness. Hinduism is rich in scripture and historic religious writings,
some of the Scriptures in Hindu's practices are, "Creation of the Universe", "Yama's instruction to
Nickiketas", "Self–Effort and Libration", "That is You" and "The Bhagavad Gita: Arjuna's refusal
fight". First, the Hindu belief and concept of creation of the universe has two separate principles.
One, the continuation of repeated nature of the universe and everything that inside the universe
represents "wheel of time", meaning considerably the cycle of life through soul, and rebirth in which
individual souls are repeatedly reincarnate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First, Yama was refused to give him the answer about secret of death and tries to scare him and
distract him from his challenging questions. But, Nickiketa was looking for the truth so he could not
stop asking. Yama gave up and started instructing him. First, Yama told him about the two paths that
appeal to humans which are being materialistic and spiritual through Self–knowledge, to identify the
separation of the human soul from the body. Nachiketa has seized his rejection of material through
of the path of realizing Brahman (universal spirit) and Moksha – liberation of the soul from rebirth.
The third scripture, Self–Effort and Libration is one of the paths to go through the spiritual progress
and acts for the good of society, and understanding the self, God, and the nature, and the purpose of
life between humans and the Divine through knowledge (Veda). The state of self–realization by
limited the existence of the world is an accomplishment of freedom and peace through higher
religious commitment of life and
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Yamas And Niyamas Research Paper
This post was submitted by a member of our community. Want to contribute? Click here.
In the wake of all that has been happening in our world, I find my revisiting of the yoga philosophy
and practices to be at the perfect time.
"Our inability to love and accept all the pieces of ourselves creates ripples–tiny acts of violence–that
have huge and lasting impacts on others."–Deborah Adele
I began reading a book on the yamas and niyamas. The yamas and niyamas are the foundation to all
yogic thought. It is not a religion in and of itself, but a way of life. You can think of them as
guidelines or ethical disciplines, or as restraints and observances. There are 10 jewels in all: The
first five are the yamas, or restraints, and the last five are the niyamas, or observances.
The yamas are: Nonviolence, truthfulness, non–stealing, non–excess, and ... Show more content on
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This takes courage: Courage to step outside of societal norms. Courage to accept not only ourselves,
but to accept others, just as they are. Courage to learn the difference between belonging and fitting
Courage to discern between real fear that keeps you alive, and fear that keeps you from living.
Here are five ways to begin practicing ahimsa.
1. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone.
Begin by doing one thing daily that you normally wouldn't do. If you're feeling brave, make that one
thing that scares you.
2. Listen to Your Body.
Create balance by finding guidance from messages of your body. Practice yoga or find movement
through a connection to your breath and listen.
3. Check In With Yourself.
Notice what you might be avoiding in your own life because you are so interested in others lives.
Are you a worrier? A fixer? Discern the difference between "help" and "support."
4. Pretend You Are Complete.


There is no need to expect anything from yourself, or to criticize, judge, or change anything about
you. Cultivate gratitude.
5. Practice
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


The Thoughts Of Brahma And The Creation Of God
The Thoughts of Brahma is one of the creation myths in Hindu scripture that explains the creation of
the world that is Earth today. In this story, Brahma, the Hindu creator God, re–creates the Earth
every four ages to bring the Earth to its original condition. To create beings, Brahma meditates and
uses his mind. Brahma's thoughts are then transformed into beings. To begin inhabiting the world,
Brahma starts by creating the evil or "demons," this becomes the darkness. Brahma then creates the
good, which became the light. Afterwards, Brahma begins to create human beings. Brahma then
began thinking strangely, and as a result, horrible creatures were created. Brahma was so horrified
with his actions that "all the hairs on his head fell out," and he mistakenly created ghouls as well.
Upon moving on from the dark thoughts, Brahma was able to create all of the other living things we
know today.
In Thoughts of Brahma, the central theme of the story is creation. Whether the creating is good or
evil, this myth focuses on explaining the process on how the world became what it is today, and how
its inhabitants were formed.
The Thoughts of Brahma and the Christian creation stories in the book of Genesis have similarities
and differences (Genesis Chapter 1). In both creation stories, a divine being creates the world and all
of the beings that inhabit it. Some differences are that in the Christian faith, God takes an active role
in up keeping and sustaining the earth. In the Hindu
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Yamas And Niyamas Eight Limbs Of Yoga
Yamas and Niyamas are the social ethical principles that are seen as the "ways of right living."
Yamas and Niyamas make up two of the eight limbs of yoga. The eight limbs of yoga focuses on
disciplining the mind. The three gunas are the energies that exsist inside the body that must be
balanced. The connection of the Yamas, Niyamas, and the other six limbs of yoga to the three gunas
is that in order to reach Sattva, on of the gunas that is identifed as balance and brings forth
happienes, one has to implement the use of the eight limbs of yoga. Practicing all of the eight limbs
off yoga and the three gunas can bring you deeper within your self and expand into the world
because with these practices you are becoming more self aware and disciplined.
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Comment On The Poetry Of B. R. Ambedkar '
QUESTION: Comment on how B.R.Ambedkar is a critical influence on the poetry of Namdeo
Dhasal, in relation to any three of his poems.
In writing this essay I am referring to three poems of Namdeo dhasal, Equality for all or deathfor
India,Ambedkar:79,Ambedkar: 1980 in expressing my views. Namdeo Dhasal was born a Mahar
,which was a community historically identified as untouchables. .Namdeo Dhasal and
B.R.Ambedkar both were born Mahars whose occupation was to burning of dead animals.
B.R.Ambedkar in 1956 ie two months before his death converted to Buddhism, which reflected
millions of untouchables to follow the same path. Dhasal was one among those ex–untouchables ...
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When he was writing this poem he was fed up with the society and the practices in the society(This
can be known from the first three lines, I'm not going to write anything obtuse Poetic twists and
counter–twists are not allowed). In this poem, the way of expression was a bit raw or rude. He
thought that the poem with such an anger creates multiple thinking in the people and he also
provided sound to the voice of the people who are revolting against the oppression and the caste
system.In this poem he is conveying the necessity and the urgency of annihilation of the caste
"Don't misfire: the earth might be there or not
Straight quick grab it by the root"
The untouchables are not allowed to stay in the villages, and they were not allowed in to the Hindu
temples. These sort of practices which were practiced. As Ambedkar is one of those who
experienced these in personal wanted to destroy this system and get freedom to their people.
Namdeo Dhasal was not only influenced by Ambedkar's views poetically but also practically. And
Namdeo Dhasal who was also one of those people inspired with the idealogy of Ambedkar wanted
to take part in the moment started Dalit panther movement. In the poem Ambedkar 79: Namdeo
Dhasal feel that the death of Ambedkar is a great loss to the movement.he compared the ill–
treatment or the oppression of Hindus with som mythological characters yama, yami in this poem
"Like Yama fucked Yami, they fuck their
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Who Is Yuniya Kawamura's Fashioning Japanese Subcultures?
According to Yuniya Kawamura , the writer of "Fashioning Japanese Subcultures", the female–
dominated Japanese subcultures often express a image of femininity, cuteness, and sexiness in an
exaggerating way. One of the key element of the Mori Girl style is identified as "girlie" but it is
different from the well–known Lolita's girlie style. Mori Girls has it's own version of "girlie" which
Yuniya Kawamura described as "innocently childlike". People often compare the more girl style and
lolita style together because the general knowledge of both these two types of fashion is to be girly–
in a different way. A Mori Girl who used to be a Lolita talks about the difference between these two
styles: "Lolita styles are difficult to put together,
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Multiple Suicide
This write up follows after the news of multiple suicide that shook the democratic republic of Nepal
this week; one case of a general public who committed suicide after allegation of pirating a block
buster Nepali movie – "Chakka Panja", and another; the curious case of Anil Adhikari who was
famously known world wide with his rapper alias – "Yama Buddha"
This should be my 15th attempt at erasing/re–writing the intro of this write up. Suicide has been
such an ostracized topic that one does not speak until it hits the news. I found it very hard to even
think about how I was going to present my thoughts on it. Until, I feel like I speak to you directly,
Yama Budhha, and hundreds of less known nevertheless equally important souls.
My assumption is that there is internet on the other side and you guys can see my posts on
Facebook. It would be understatement to let you know that we're not happy. And, more than that we
are sorry, sorry for everything that led you to the path of taking your own life, which never belonged
to you. I'm sorry again to drag you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The northern american climate was no match to the bitterness and cold they were feeling on the loss
of your mortal form. I watched the vlog by Girish on your demise, words were coming out of his
heart but we could feel the pain on his throat as he uttered the words of praise for you. You were the
inspiration for thousands of youth, and you will always remain as the inspiration for what you did
for us. For me, you were/are and will always remain a champion. I would not negate your
contribution to the nephop culture and the society with your last actions before you left the human
form. I wish I could be happy for your free soul, but, honestly your time was not done. You had
million more like me to inspire and make us ponder about how an artist could revolutionize the
industry and the
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


The Yoga Sutras, The Science Of The Mind, Body And Spirit
Introduction Top
In the Yoga Sutras, Yoga is defined as "union" of mind, body and spirit. Classically, Yoga is
understood as the science of the mind. [1] These days it is assuming importance in improving mental
health and quality of life in the treatment of a number of disorders. [2]
Several diseases affect a person 's biopsychosocial functioning to a greater or lesser degree. [3]
These diseases are known as psychosomatic diseases. Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and
body (soma). A psychosomatic disorder is a disease which involves both mind and body. There is a
mental aspect to every physical disease. How one reacts to and copes with disease varies greatly
from person to person. For example, a rash of psoriasis may not bother some people while it may
make some feel depressed and more ill. There can be physical effects from mental illness. For
example, with some mental illnesses one may not eat, or take care of oneself, and this can cause
physical problems. [4]
WHO defines quality of life as individuals ' perceptions of their position in life in the context of the
culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards
and concerns. Hence, definition focuses on respondents ' "perceived" quality of life. [3]
Quality of life means a good physical and mental condition, consisting of two elements: The ability
to cope with everyday tasks (the biopsychosocial level) and the patient 's satisfaction from his
activities at all
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


What Does The Term Soul Mean?
Where do souls go after death? But to actually understand that question we need to understand what
does the term soul mean? Soul is the principle of life, feeling and thought and action in humans, the
spiritual part of humans distinct from the physical part. Science doesn't have an answer really for
this question, this concept is based on beliefs, and each religion has different beliefs. In the creation
story God makes human beings out of the dust of the ground, into which God breathes the breath of
life (Gen. 2:7). While Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have traditionally seen the soul as a
substantive individual, enduring over time, Hindu and Buddhist literature have cast the individuality
of the soul in more conditional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many prophets actually began talking how people who worship god and who worship other false
gods have different fates, like Jeremiah as he said "a ravine outside Jerusalem, the dead lie unburied
their bones exposed to the sun and the stars whom they wrongly worshiped (7:30–8:2, 19:7). "The
essence of Hebrew religion was that the Lord had made a covenant (contract) with his chosen
people, Israel. Only Israelites could participate in that covenant, and only those who were faithful to
the covenant as expressed in Torah (the first five books of the Bible) could enter the Kingdom of
God" (heaven).
For Christians just like Jewish, heaven meant the presence of eternal god where Jesus Christ
descends with all his glory upon us ad judges each one according to what they did. According to
Christians death is more of a moral matter more than a natural one, for the physical death at the end
of one's present life meant almost nothing in comparison to the second death of those who are
rejected by the lord. The new testament of the Christian bible promises "the faithful eternal life, the
kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matt 25:41), also saint Paul talks
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


hindu death rituals
There is one thing that is certain in this lifetime that eventually we all must die. A belief in the
cyclical reincarnation of the soul is one of the foundations of the Hindu religion. Death is viewed as
a natural aspect of life, and there are numerous epic tales, sacred scriptures, and vedic guidance that
describe the reason for death 's existence, the rituals that should be performed surrounding it, and
the many possible destinations of the soul after departure from its earthly existence (Retrieved from
http://mailerindia.com/hindu/veda/index.php?death on 18th January, 2012).this essay will discuss
the rituals performed for the soul of the dead body so it reaches heaven peacefully.
Traditionally, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The standard cremation ceremony begins with the ritual cleansing, dressing and adorning of the
body. The body is then carried to the cremation ground as prayers are chanted to Yama, invoking his
It is usually the chief mourner and the eldest son who perform the "Agni" or fire ceremony. He
circumambulates the pyre counterclockwise– for everything is backward at the time of death and
lights the pyre. The death now is an offering to Agni. After burning the corpse the chief mourner
cracks the skull with a bamboo , thus releasing the soul from entrapment in the body. After
cremation a thirteen day ritual is done for the safety of the soul till it reaches heaven. Family read a
holy book called Bhagwat Geeta every afternoon for the deceased person. .Twelve hours after the
cremation, the ashes are thrown into a river, ideally the Ganges river, and the mourners walk away
without looking back. On the 3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th day, relatives gather for a meal of the deceased 's
favorite foods. A portion is offered before his photo and later ceremonially left at an abandoned
place, along with some lit camphor. On the 31st day, a memorial service is held. In some traditions it
is a repetition of the funeral rites. At home, all thoroughly clean the house. the chief priest than
prays for the deceased and his ancestors so their souls can reunite in the next world.
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Mount Fuji Research Paper
A symbol for pride and joy, Mount Fuji reigns over the land at 3776 meters or 12388 feet as the
highest volcano in Japan. Mount Fuji's formation from over 100 thousand years ago started at the
birth of Mount Komi–take and Ashitaka–yama. Two different volcanos that would be overtaken by
the new and young Mount Fuji that formed less than 10 thousand years ago. The reign of terror from
the new Mount Fuji is not over yet as it is still an active stratovolcano with as recent of an eruption
as 1707 whose activities today is still being closely monitored by Japanese scientists. While mighty
and powerful, the volcano's cultural history is surrounded by legends of ghosts or monsters and
people who worship the volcano, but the beautiful aspect is artist ... Show more content on
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Fuji sees over 200,000 climbers each year although there climbing season only opens for two
months during the Summer. The first ascent known was in 663 by a monk, and the first woman to
ascend was Lady Fanny Parkes in 1867. The first foreigner from the outside to experience and grasp
the might of Mt. Fuji was Sir Rutherford Alcock. He was the first British Consul–General in Japan
and the first foreigner to ascend the volcano, recording his ascent in his book 'The Capital of the
Tycoon'. Today, Mt. Fuji is registered as a World Heritage Site since 2013 for the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


The Many Deities Of Death
Bell 1
Casey Bell
Dr. Ward
Pre–AP English 2
30 October 2014
The Many Deities of Death Have you ever wondered how other religions viewed death? Have you
wondered why others celebrate it? Have you wondered which religions had which gods or
goddesses assigned to certain roles in the death hierarchy? Well, as you read this essay, you will
learn each of these things and more. While reading, remember that other religions are quite different
from your own and they may differ into the extremes.
The Many deities all have different names, though many have the same purpose. There are also
deities of the underworld and of resurrection that are commonly ... Show more content on
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One deity, often pictured darker or more menacing, is assigned the job of presiding over death.
Some polytheistic religions have a "departmental" deity of death. They make death seem as if it is
an amazing journey, but they do not glorify the points of death or dying. In monotheistic religion,
one god governs life and death. When a monotheistic is in practice, this seems to manifest in
different rituals and traditions. These rituals and traditions vary depending on geographical location,
local politics, main traditions, and the influences of other religions.
One of the many polytheistic religions is that of Babylonian Mythology. They have Freshkigal, the
first lady of the underworld. They also include Nergal as the second lord of the underworld. Another
polytheistic religion is Aztec Mythology. Their lord of the underworld is called Mictlantecuhtli,
while their queen of the underworld is called Mictecacihuatl. In Egyptian Mythology, they not only
have their lord of the dead, Osiris, they also have Anubis, he is the guardian of the dead,
mummification, and the afterlife. Along with Anubis' mother, Nephthys, who is sister to Osiris and
another guardian of the
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


My First Year In High School
Have you ever looked up from whatever you were doing and see the girl that you want to spend
your whole life with, the girl who shares some characteristics with you, who is looking right at you,
but you are too scared to say or do anything? It was autumn and the air was cold and crisp. "The bell
just rang Kotaro! Let's go, don't want to be late to class on the first day of school!" Yama said with
excitement in his voice. "I'll be right there!" I said as I packed my belongings into my backpack.
This is my third year in high school, and next year is my last, so I have to make these days count. As
I walked towards the school entrance, leaves were blown into the air by the wind and the smell of
oak wood trees filled my lungs. There were students everywhere enlightened to get to class; the
sound of autumn leaves crackling when students stepped on them made a very satisfying sound to
new. I could still taste the flavour of my peanut butter sandwich that I had this morning for
breakfast; It was quite cold out, so I had my hands inside my pocket, gasping for warmness. "Hey
Yama! I'm here, let's head to class now." I said. "Yeah Kotaro, I'm so happy that we have our first
class together!" Yama said excitedly. "Yes, I'm happy for us too!" My sophomore and freshmen ear
consisted of mostly C's and D's because I put too much time into my novels. I'm a very quiet person,
and Yama is like my only friend, but I plan to make more friends this year. I often think about my
future but can't express it to anyone but Yama because I'm a very shy person.
"Classroom number 46, history. We're here Kotaro! Let's see who our teacher is and meet our
classmates." Yama said as we stepped into the classroom. There were two empty seats in the front of
the class, so that's where we decided to sit. Our teacher is a girl and her name is Ms. Azumi. She
made me and Yama introduce ourselves and so we did.
"Salutations, my name is Kotaro and I'm a junior." I said shyly.
"Goodmorning, my name is Yama and I'm a junior as well!" He said loudly and happily. After
school ended, I waved goodbye to Yama as he walked home. My first day back at school felt great
even though nothing special happened. I've never felt this good on the first day of
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


The Five Yamas of Hatha Yoga Essay
The Five Yamas of Hatha Yoga
Yoga is a discipline both involving physical and mental control that originated in India. The word
Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word, "yug", meaning union and it means the joining of the
individual spirit with the universal spirit. The type of yoga known as Hatha Yoga, ("Ha"– sun, "tha"–
moon) is what is most commonly practiced and this yoga involves the path of the mind and body
and is the most physical. There are eight limbs or steps of Hatha Yoga, the first step being the five
Yamas. There are five yamas and these concern your behavior to the world.
The first of the yamas is Ahimsa, whose translation from Sanskrit is non–violence. The yama of
Ahimsa is about practicing non–violence in words, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Yet, as I became more knowledgeable and wise, I gave up meat and haven't eaten it in ten years. The
reason I did so was simply because I believe in the sanctity and integrity of all life forms.
The second yama is Satya, whose translation from Sanskrit is truthfulness. It requires one to respect
the truth in thinking, action, and speech. Satya is a very large concept. It means that you should not
say something that you know is false. It also means that you should not lead others into error by
making them believe that you know something when you only presume. Saying the truth is
extremely difficult, for, before telling the truth you must know it through personal experimentation;
you must discover the truth about yourself and release false pretenses. The way I live truthfulness in
my heart is to be truthful to myself and to my heart. I need to do that before I can open up the truth
to everyone else. One of the ways in which I practice truthfulness to myself is by knowing and
respecting my abilities and limitations. For example, I am very aware of my knowledge of other
subjects. In some subjects such as math and physics I excel, however, in others, such as politics or
history, I am not as capable as other people. So, when discussions of subjects in which I am not so
competent come up, I don't pretend to act knowledgeable or well–versed in that subject. Instead of
being fake and inferior, I try to
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Hinduism Symbolism
II. Part A
The fascinating religion, Hinduism, is composed of multiple complex gods and goddesses and filled
with interesting traditions, all of which can be studied through ancient arts that depict various parts
of the religion. The great gods and goddesses of Hinduism serve with different purposes, roles and
depicts based of their stories. For instance, the god Shiva is known as the destroyer because of his
creative power and furiousness. One of his popular tales describes how he took on a powerful trinity
of tyrannical cities that were corrupting the city. Like most gods, Shiva is depicted with superhuman
qualities; he often has serpents on his neck and unkempt hair. Another great god, Vishnu, is quite the
opposite from Shiva because he is known as the preserver, of the universe especially. His role is to
observe the cycle of the world and make sure everything is preserved and goes well; also, his
depiction varies from the other great god, so he is represented with a flower in his (multiple) hands.
Additionally, goddesses are also valued in the Hindu religion; for example, the goddess, Durga, is
responsible for restoring moral order and often fights, but she still has compassion and love. She is
often represented on a lion for courage. The representation for each god and goddesses varies but
each accessory is symbolic to their powers. The main reason why they are depicted with various
animal parts, weapons, or other certain appearances that may be unhuman like, is to show
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


What Is Karwachauth Festival Essay
One of the many festivals that we celebrate in India is Karwachauth. Karwachauth has a profound
significance in the lives of married women since they fast for their husband's long life and well–
being on this festival. Karwachauth falls in the month of October. According to Hindu lunisolar
calendar, this festival falls in the month of Kartik, on the fourth day past the full moon of the
Krishna Paksha.
'Karvachauth' word is a blend of two Hindi words: karva means the earthen pot (used in the puja)
and Chauth means the fourth day. Married women fast for their husband from the time the sun rises
till the moon rises and offer their prayers to the goddess 'Chauth maata' to get the blessing of the
longevity of their spouse.
Scriptures have it that this festival is celebrated because Satyavati had saved his husband, Satyavan,
king of Hastinapur from Yama– god of death by fasting and got her husband's life restored. There
are many stories associated with this puja therefore, this festival is celebrated with great belief and
devotion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Women celebrated this day with great enthusiasm and start preparations for it beforehand. Red is
preferably worn by the women since it is considered the auspicious color and the color of love. Who
should perform Karwachauth puja?
This festival is mainly celebrated in the Northern part of India but according to Hindu culture, all
married women should observe this fast for their husband's well–being and long life. Unmarried
women can also fast in order to get a loving husband. If someone is facing difficult times in their
marital life then one must perform this puja and get blessings of 'Chauth maata' for a happier
married life.
Since this puja requires fasting the whole day, it is not advisable to someone who is facing any
health issues. What are the benefits of doing Karwachauth
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Hinduism Religious Text
Hinduism, Religious Texts and the Afterlife Hinduism's sacred texts are known as the Vedas which
are comprised of four ancient books written from 1200 BC to 100 AD. These Vedas are the Rig
Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and the Atharva Veda. Over time these books have been extended by
other texts known as Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads. Other texts include the epics:
Ramayana and the Mahabharata, as well as the Puranas or the history of the universe. The Puranas
were "designed for and used by the average Hindu" (Hinduism–Sacred Texts). The earliest book is
the Rig Veda, which is contains more than a thousand hymns that were meant to be said during
sacrifices by priests. The realm of the dead is explained as being an earth like realm and ... Show
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One is supposed to conduct these rituals accordingly or will be punished in the afterlife. Shushan
explains, "those who fail to burn plants after placing them on the alter to Yama will, in the afterlife,
be bound by the neck and dragged by those plants" (205). However, this works both ways for the
ones conducting the rituals and sacrifices. One is rewarded for the sacrifices made in life in the
afterlife. Once again this is explained, "If a cow is sacrificed it is there to be milked in Svargaloka"
(Shushan 205). Svargaloka is a realm of heaven. The Atharva Veda contains more detailed
descritptions of Svargaloka and really points out the distinct differences between Yamaloka,
Svargaloka and Naraka. Unlike the Rig Veda, the dead "ascend" through darkness in beams of light
while being raised upwards by gods of storm known as Maruts. The sinners, or moral transgressors,
are met with lightning from Yama's dogs, (Shyama and Shybala), while heading to the hell realms
known as Paravatas. Once the transgressors arrive they are met by evil terrors and the immortals are
said to be sitting in a river flowing with blood and eating
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Comparing The Baghavad Gita And The Upanishads
Throughout a majority of religions there exists pieces of art and literature that represent the faith as
well as the God(s)/Goddess(s) in each practice. Though these mediums may be taken out of context,
they play a vital role in truly encompassing and expressing a specific religion. One religion that does
not fail to take a hold of these agencies is Hinduism. In Hinduism, art plays a huge part in showing
the Gods/Goddess's, in their respective forms, as well as bringing a visual representation of battles
and historic moments in the religion. On the flip side of this idea, literature plays an even more
important role, for example, the Baghavad Gita and the Upanishads are two significant pieces that
shape the Hindu religion. In order to truly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In reading through these different texts I found an affinity towards the Upanishads, specifically the
Katha Upanishad. While reading through it, I came across the conversation between Nachiketas and
Yama, the God of Death. In this conversation, Nachiketas is on his third boon and wishes to know
the truth of death, but Yama refuses and offers other boons. Nachiketas does not care for these boons
saying, "All these pleasures pass away, O End of all! They weaken the power of life. And indeed
how short is all life! Keep thy horses and dancing and singing." This quote was quite compelling to
me in that Yama offered Nachiketas everything anyone could possibly want, but he still denied it. A
majority of people would not be able to turn down wealth and power to gain wisdom and yet
Nachiketas continues to push Yama for answers. He does not care for all the "pleasures" to come
because he knows that they will just fade away like everything else. It's also interesting to see how
the writer creates the overarching idea that this quote creates at the end of the book. Eventually,
Nachiketas gains supreme wisdom and becomes immortal through surrender of all desires in the
heart (yoga). This ending brings the idea to fruition in that in order to gain immortality and purity
(being with Brahman) you must not be distracted by pleasures and have a stilled mind. While this
may be an easy thing to do for Nachiketas,
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Humorous Wedding Speech By Yama Middle School
"It is my great pleasure this fresh and glorious morning to welcome you to Yama Middle School's
100th Commencement. Class of 2016, you have long anticipated this day, some with eagerness,
some with anxiety, some with a complicated mix emotions–––but whatever you are feeling here
today, you deserve to hold a keen sense of pride. You've made it!" President Yu proclaims. Claps,
hollers and cheers filled the auditorium. When President Yu scanned the room, her lips curled
upwardly. It was a happy moment for both the graduates, families, and teachers that hold their
students dearly. When the commotion of pure happiness stopped, President Yu continues. "Certainly
all those gathered here today to celebrate with you have tremendous pride in you..." Sitting next to
[Y/N] was Hiro. Hiro grabbed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All 150 students were anticipating for their Principal to tell them to stand up, grab their tassel and
slide it to the left. Their hearts wanted to jump out and scream. Everyone couldn't wait to be alumnis
and go to their next chapter of life. Ten minutes into the speech, it was time. "If we can have all
Yama Middle School graduates to please stand." Boys were bro hugging, hitting the person in front,
and some started to holler. While the females were carefully wiping their tears away so their makeup
won't smudge and hugging their closest best friend. Principal Kawasaki took a moment to gather her
thoughts. Every student knew that she was a very emotional principal when she sees her lovely
graduates graduating. Everyone loves her. She was everyone mom's figure; gentle, intelligent, sweet,
and very caring. "As we take our white tessels with our right hand, sliding it over to the left and
congratulate the class of 2016!" Screaming of encouraging words filled the room. Most of the
graduates threw their hat in the air. [Y/N] and Hiro, stared at each other ready to cry any moment.
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A Brief Note On The And Criminal Law Essay
It gives me immense pleasure to express my heartfelt gratitude to my Women and Criminal Law
Teacher Priyanka Ghai for his valuable guidance and support in preparing this project.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and peers for their continuous support and guidance
for successful completion of my project.
Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 is law instituted by Government of Rajasthan in 1987. It turned into an
Act of the Parliament of India with the establishment of The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act,
1987 in 1988. The Act looks to avoid Sati hone or the intentional or constrained blazing or covering
alive of dowagers, and to preclude glorification of this activity through the recognition of any
service, the cooperation in any parade, the making of a monetary trust, the development of a
sanctuary, or any activities to remember or respect the memory of a widow who submitted sati.
Sati was initially banned under Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829
Sati–The Burning Of A Widow
Sati is portrayed as a Hindu custom in India in which the dowager was copied to fiery debris on her
dead spouse 's fire. Essentially the custom of Sati was accepted to be a deliberate Hindu act in which
the lady willful chooses to end her existence
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Cultural Diversity : Differences Between High- And Low...
Cultural Diversity: Differences between high– and low–context cultures
A culture of any region provides a complete framework to its inhabitants to how to organize
themselves, their actions and thoughts with respect to their environment. Thus culture is not innate;
instead it is learned by the people as they continue to live in that particular region. This culture
drives their thinking, actions and basically all kinds of interaction with their surroundings. Thus, it is
different for different areas and people from these areas learn different ways to interact by each
other(Neuliep, 2015).Moreover, people from different cultures differ from each other because of
their context in which they move about. This context plays an important role in providing meaning
to their interaction. There are some things that cannot be understood by verbal words alone; they
have to be justified by the context in which they exist. This has been argued by Edward Hall,
according to whom, "context carries varying proportions of the meaning" (Gamsrieglerm, 2005).
Because of these differences in interaction due to differences in the context in which these people
exist, culture has been divided into two sub–categories. One is high–context culture and the other is
low–context culture. These two terms are used to refer to the differences in culture between different
societies because of the difference in context, and have been suggested by a well–known U.S.
anthropologist Edward T. Hall (Hofstede, 2011).
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The Contribution of Patanjali's Yoga Suta
The Contribution of Patanjali's Yoga Suta
When we speak of Yoga the first thing in mind is the posture, the breaths, the exercise. Yoga is
commonly associated with flexibility and its complex postures. It is also associated with breathing
excercises and meditation. But this is not always the case. There is more to Yoga than just the
exercise. For those who studied Indian Philosophy, Hinduism or Indian culture and history, Yoga is
not just all those things; it is something more. So what is Yoga to begin with? The word yoga
literally means 'union'. Union in the sense of spiritual union of the individual soul with the Universal
Soul. Yoga is "a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind,
and will in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is abstention from avarice. Aparigraha is neutralizing the desire to acquire and hoard wealth.
This does not only apply on money but also to everything, material and immaterial things.
Aparigraha also means "to take only what is necessary, and not to take advantage of a situation or
act greedy."
Following the Yama is Niyama. Unlike Yama, Niyama is the inner discipline and responsibilities.
Niyama is considered as the duties to the self; culturing oneself. Like yama, there are also five
Niyamas. The first of these Niyamas is shauca or purity. Purity or cleanliness is to be observed both
in the outer (physical) and inner (spiritual) aspects. In the outer and physical aspect, one has to take
care of his/her body and environment. Purity of the body entails one to take proper care of one's
health and condition. Eating healthy foods and not abusing the body are examples of proper care for
the body. A clean surrounding also contributes to the purity of the body. The other aspect is the inner
and spiritual aspect. Shauca in this aspect requires one to acquire pure thoughts and words. Next is
santosha or contentment. This means the acceptance of things as they are. Throughout life's troubles,
one should find happiness and contentment. This brings peace in one's life. And so, one needs to
understand that he/she cannot have the best of both worlds. One should be happy with what he/she
has, rather than being unhappy about what he/she
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


The Body On The Day Of A Person 's Death
Many Hindus choose to cremate the body on the day of a person's death. The reasoning used for this
statement is due to the belief that death only applies to the physical body, and not of the soul.
Hindus do not believe that the material body would be resurrected, but they believe that the soul
would lose its physical restraints after death. This highly suggests that the physical body becomes
insignificant, meaning that there is no real point in its preservation. Although some Hindus do bury
their dead, the most common practice is cremation–to collect the ashes and distribute it to places of
importance. This would include places that were sacred to the person or sacred objects.
In some areas of India, it has become a normal practice to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
For example, the dead is particularly sensitive to matters of their death in Islam. The dead would be
able to witness the care for their bodies, their burial, and many believe that the dead should only be
talked about with kindness and praise.
Prior to cremation, the body goes through the process of being washed and oiled, the hair being
trimmed, and the body given new or clean clothes. This procedure is quite common to other
religions as well, indicating the significance of the journey. Afterward, the procession would carry
the body to the cremation ground while chanting verses that invoke in Yama's help. Yama, being the
lord of death, is a key figure in Hindu funeral rites. The procession would place the body on a
funeral pyre, and the eldest son would then walk around the pyre three times, each time pouring
sacred water on the deceased. He would then set the wood on fire with a torch that had been blessed
The funeral ceremony, which forms the last of the samskara (antyeshti samskara, the final
reincarnation) varies according to different traditions and locale. Commonly, the funerals are
conducted by a priest and the eldest son of the deceased. Some rituals include placing lamps by the
head of the body, prayers and hymns being sung, rice balls being offered (placed in coffin), and
water being sprinkled on the body. Some people would also place a mala (wooden beaded necklace)
around the
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The Eight Limbs of Yoga
The Eight Limbs. (n.d.). Eight Limbs of Yoga. Retrieved May 2, 2014, from
http://www.yogajournal.com/basics/158 Yoga is composed of eight limbs. The first limb is Yama.
Yama is focusing on our ethical standards and conducting ourselves in a positive manner. There are
five Yama's, the first is Ahimsa. Ahimsa teaches us to develop the ability to be compassionate to
ourselves. The second Yama is Satya. Satya encourages us to accept that we are not responsible for
someone else's emotional reactions. Asteya is the third Yama, which literally means not to steal.
Robbing people of opportunities and independence are forms of stealing. The fourth Yama is
Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya teaches us not to expend energy on activities that do not contribute to
developing our potential or that interfere with good relationships. Aparigraha is the fifth and final
Yama. Aparigraha teaches us to benefit our community by sharing our resources and only using
what we need at this time.
The Eight Limbs of Yoga, A Basic Overview. (n.d.). The Eight Limbs of Yoga, A Basic Overview.
Retrieved May 9, 2014, from http://www.expressionsofspirit.com/yoga/eight–limbs.htm
The second limb of Yoga is Niyama. Niyama deals with self–discipline and spiritual observances.
There are five Niyamas. Saucha is the first Niyama. Saucha is the precept of purity in body, mind
and environment. Pranayama or breath control can aid in cleaning your lungs, breathing conducts
heat which cleanses our organs and muscles. Choosing a
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Mary Yama Sow: Personal Statement
African parents often their name children after admired figures. Doing so, they aspire for their
children to embody the character of that figure as they mature. I was named Mary Yama Sow after
the exceptional Mt. Fuji, hoping their daughter would embody the traits of grace, majesty, and
strength with her as she grew. When informed of those namesake attributes by my parents at the age
of fourteen, my curiosity led me to self–teach how to write my middle name in Japanese. This
immediately formed the primary basis from of which my interest in Japan stemmed and blossomed.
In high school, I participated in the Harlem Children's Zone ("HCZ"), a non–profit organization
providing free educational resources such as tutoring and early college preparation for children from
poverty–stricken communities. My local high school did not offer courses in Japanese so I
challenged myself to learn Japanese independently, visiting the HCZ three days a week, to practice
reading and writing Kanji. Habitually, writing page after page of characters, much to the curious
amusement of my peers.As time progressed, my conspicuous study routine became well known of
HCZ, and a point of pride for me, urging me to continue and learn more. caught the attention of my
fellow peers. Due to the increasing popularity of Japanese ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In July 2014, I took the amazing opportunity to study abroad at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.
While living on campus, there were many occasions when I would share with local students while
exchanging language tips and discussed our respective cultures. The most memorable experiences I
learned was how to speak Kansai–ben and, in return, teaching common New York City such as
"fuhgeddaboutit". This journey ignited my motivation to complete my degree to prepare for my next
exchange in
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Katha Upanishad Essay
In Katha Upanishad, the meaning of Death (Yama) is seen as the distinction between 'the good and
'the gratifying,' Death (Yama) is the core of what makes us human, it is a common moral compass
that directs individuals in life and what truly matters. Choosing the path of life which leads to Death
(Yama) is an individual's right while it restrains us from doing what is undesirable. Furthermore,
Death (Yama) is inevitable part of life and it affects us all regardless of religion, culture, race, sex,
nationality, or socio–economic status.
In the World's Classics Upanishads Translated from the Original Sanskrit by Patrick Olivelle, Death
talks to Naciketas in chapter two about moralities as opposed to desires. Death also discusses the
implications of good or gratifying when Death stated, "The good is one thing, the gratifying is quite
another; their goals are different, both bind a man. Good things await him who picks the good; by
choosing the gratifying, one misses one's ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whether to live it morally and be the positive not only in this world but in the afterlife, or to choose
desires and enjoy the shortness of the pleasure and suffer the consequences later in life, it is up to
about to that person. However, whatever the individual chooses, the wiser always know the
differences. Only a foolish person will decide his/her destiny in the most obvious selection without
the power of knowledge. It is also important to note that Death (Yama) expresses 'the good' or the
wiser assess the meaning and understanding of what they're doing in this life has consequences
while 'the gratifying' or the foolish are rash which ultimately their reckless behavior turns into bad
karma. Death (Yama) is affirming that life without assessment of human connections or the purpose
for greater good is a life of commonly negative energy and therefore in the long run can cause bad
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Funerary Practices Used In Ancient India
Archaeologists have found many different funerary practices used in Ancient India. They have
found numerous graves and found a wide variety of funerary practices such as some bodies wrapped
in reeds, and some in cotton cloth. They were placed in wooden coffins and most people were buried
with pottery and urns that contain ashes. Families would wail at the death of a relative to show their
Cremation is the process of burning the body it was first introduced to the western world by the
Greeks in 1000BCE. Large pottery urns that were dated to around 1900BCE were use to store
human ashes which provided us with the earliest evidence for the practice of cremation–which is the
burning of a body. Cremation was very much associated with the
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Mara In Buddhism Research Paper
In religion, there are symbols that are formed from centuries before us and this can be anything from
the sun to cows. One symbol focuses more on the negative and evil spirits that are exist or existed
before us. This symbol is demons and when people think of demon they already stereotype as all
negative with no good in them. However, that is not alway the case because some demons like
Yama, who is one of the creators of Buddhism, this demon was a human eater demon, but he has a
message that tries to help people be more happy with their life and if they do not they would go to
hell. Just because typical demons are evil and negative spirits, does not mean that they all are. Mara
is one of the Buddhist demons that came from one of their ancient ... Show more content on
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This artist mostly works with sculptures and statues that are religious based from legends and myths.
Gandhara uses stone to be showing more of a the story and history of the piece, he is not doing it to
show personal art work but rather to show his take from the stories and legends.Gandhara art is in
the style of Buddhist visual art that developed in what is now the northwestern Pakistan and eastern
Afghanistan between the first century BCE. and the seventh century century BCE (The Editors of
Encyclopædia Britannica).The first textual mention of historical Gandhara was in the region, which
lies in the northwest of Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan, during the ninth century BCE (Art of
Gandhara). That means his art pieces was not founded until two or more centuries after his life.
Gandhara was a famous after his time like Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Cameren Yamamoto Research Paper
Who is Cameren Yamamoto? You may think this an average get to know the author blog, but you're
wrong. I am not your average blogger. I am crazy, funny, beautiful, and infalliable. I am 17 years
young and a senior at Konawaena High School. There are three other family members that reside in
my household. My mother (Clarissa Ymamoto), my father (Cy Yamamoto Jr.), and my brother
(Conner Yamamoto). Two other family membebers that play a huge roll in my life is my
grandmother (Rosemarie Yamamoto) and my grandfather (Cy Yamamoto Sr.) The photos you see
depict my family perfectly. I am in the top row on the left, top center is a photo of my grandfather,
top right is a photo of my dad. Next, in the center row on the left is a photo of my grandmother
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Religious Tradition Essay
1. Religious Tradition
The artwork is The Wheel of Life and was originally designed by Buddha and is seen in Tibetan
2. Artist and Motivation
The Wheel of Life was originally created by Buddha and is the most important painting in Tibetan
Buddhism. He wanted the design to be shown in front of every monastery and Buddhist temple so
his philosophy and teachings couldn't be learnt by those who were illiterate (I Tibet Travel, 2017). It
is often painted on cotton, silk applique, or human skin, this process is called Thangka and is done
by Tibetan Buddhists.
3. Symbols Contained Within the Work
As the purpose of the Wheel of Life is to teach those of a lower class, it contains many symbols.
Starting in the centre, there are three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Representing greed, hatred and delusion the animals in the middle of the wheel are the three
spiritual poisons of Buddha's philosophy (I Tibet Travel, 2017). The six realms represent the
reincarnation of a person into each individual stage. The heavenly realm contains beings who relish
great power, prosperity and longevity. They are blind to the suffering of others due to their high
status and privilege. The second realm is the realm of jealousy, in which beings are continuously
aspiring to be superior and have no tolerance for underlings. The realm of hungry ghosts is
associated with compulsion, obsession and addiction. They are constantly looking to fulfil the desire
within with materialistic objects. Beings in the hell realm, have a hot temper that makes them angry
at everything, and they push away those who express affection and kindness for them. The animal
realm is recognised by its prejudgment, stupidity and self–righteousness. Beings in this realm avoid
uneasiness, the unaccustomed and live comfortable lives. The human realm is the only realm from
which one can leave samsara (O'Brien, 2017). Depicting Yama as the carrier of the wheel shows that
everyone must escape the reoccurring cycle of death and rebirth, just as Buddha did. Therefore, he is
shown outside of the wheel as he has reached enlightenment and escaped the grasp of death
(Dharma Publishing Store,
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Essay about Religious Paths
Religious Paths
While examining different religious paths within Hinduism from the perspective of four patterns of
transcendence (ancestral, cultural, mythical and experiential) it is interesting to see how each pattern
found its dominance over four segments of Hinduism: Vedic sacrifice, the way of action, the way of
devotion and the way of knowledge.
When Hinduism originated as a religion it was mainly concerned with sacrifices for ancestors. The
sacred texts – called the Vedas – on which Hinduism was based were the main root of the many
different branches of Hindu philosophy. The Vedas originated around 1400–1200 BC. They
consisted of several different documents, the oldest of them called the Rigveda. The Rigveda is
considered to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Eventually the attempts of the Vedic texts to satisfy people's need to have contact with the sacred
reality have become insufficient. Even though the sacrifice was a way to
3 control the cosmos and insure well–being in the world of ancestors, it did not provide the means of
liberation from the realm of maya: reality which Hindus lived in but thought of it as an illusion.
Following the age of Vedas people of Hinduism looked for happiness through the way of action. The
way of action could be very well considered an example of cultural transcendence. The main
doctrine of such philosophy told that one must do all the tasks presented to him/her by the place in
society and social status; and the result of such rightful life would be the rebirth into a better social
With time "the way of action" philosophy became less satisfactory for its followers, since it seemed
to lack the total liberation from the infinite cycle of death and rebirth.
As Hindu religion became more complicated and people began to look for total liberation from the
circle of death and rebirth the segment of Hinduism known as the way of devotion came into
existence. Followers of the way of devotion based their beliefs on the myths about gods such as
Shiva, Vishnu and Krishna. These gods were believed to be a manifestation of ultimate reality.
Believers in the way of devotion were supposed to worship their god through sacrifices and rituals
devoting their lives to the belief
4 and
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


The Yama Glass Five-Cuppa
Have you heard many stories about the fuss taken to make a perfect cup of coffee using a siphon
coffee maker? It's all true if you happen to be a coffee snob (I have probably turned into one), and
proud to be taking all that effort to make a great cuppa. But even if you fall into the other category
of coffee drinkers, you may be interested in the Yama Glass 5–Cup Stovetop Coffee Siphon just
because it's fun to make coffee this way!
The Dramatic Coffee Maker
The Yama is a utilitarian vacuum–siphon coffee brewer that goes on the stovetop, but you can also
use a small gas burner if you want to impress your guests at the coffee table. It's one of the cheaper
siphon style coffee makers so if you're new to siphon coffee making, it's good to start ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Glass break easily, either from a knock, a fall or a sudden change in temperature. So you've got to
make sure the Yama goes through none of that. This means handling, washing, drying and storing it
very carefully.
Let's talk about washing up. Coffee grounds that stick to the funnel and filter have to be scraped out
(use your hand for efficiency) and the cloth filter needs to be rinsed thoroughly to make sure all of
the coffee grounds are washed away – any residue left will turn bad and this will affect the taste and
quality of your next pot.
While using this very manual, very time consuming coffee brewer, you should avoid adding too
much water and only apply low to medium heat. For it to work properly, make sure the upper funnel
is fitted snugly to the bottom chamber to properly form a vacuum seal – you can also try to wet the
rubber seal to help attach both parts together.
Even though I would not use the Yama Glass Coffee Siphon on a busy morning, the taste of the
coffee is worth all the trouble to use it on a lazy weekend, and it's certainly worth the trouble for the
theatrics and amazed looks on the faces of dinner guests (make sure you've gotten the method and
brew right first). Click here to find out more about: Yama Glass Coffee
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Diwali And Rituals In Hinduism
According to the Collings dictionary, a ritual is "a religious service or other ceremony which
involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order." Rituals can be performed individually,
which are very common to do them at home, or in community, which is led by a priest or a spiritual
leader. They are typically performed exactly the same, some are done once in a lifetime while others
are done every week or during festivals every year. Rituals are commonly found in religions and in
the following essay, a ritual from every religion given in this class will be explained and tell why it
is so important to that specific religion.
In Hinduism, I will be talking about the festival of Diwali and its rituals because I think the whole
festival can encapsulate the spiritual significance of this religion than just talking about a single
ritual. In this festival, one has a preview of how important is in Hinduism to celebrate the victory of
light over darkness and good over evil. Diwali is the biggest festival ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
They treat their ancestors with respect and believe that if they are ignored, they will cause them
trouble. In Daoism, they slaughter animals and Joss paper believing that when these things are
consumed by the fire, they will reappear in the spirit world making it available for the deceased
ones. Ancestor Worship plays a huge role in Confucianism, it is one of their primordial rite. Many
people tend to forget the ones who passed away because they no longer see them but in these
Chinese religions, the deceased ones are just in another world but are still there. Confuciaism gives
huge importance to the relationships you have and that is why remembering your dead relatives
seems like the essence of this religion. Sacrificing animals and burning gold paper seems like the
best way to show that you care for those in the spiritual world and thus helps maintain a strong
relationship with
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Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Wheel Of Life Research Paper


Ancient India Religion
Beginning around the fifth century, Ancient India played a huge role in shaping the world of sport
today. Ancient Indians brought us several games known all over the modern world, such as
competitive archery. To these people, sport was their highway to perfection. Their religion,
Hinduism, asked them to achieve perfect knowledge over their body to gain perfection. Not only did
sport pertain to their religion, but also to politics. Sport was entwined in Indian culture for hundreds
of years. Men were expected to be able to perform in a variety of sports, such as karate.
They even dabbled in many modern Olympic sports. It is clear that Ancient India played a huge role
in preparing the world of sport seen today. Their origins, Religion (s), ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This allows for greater cognitive focus, and is used to aid in meditation. Nivama focuses on five key
aspects: purity, contentment, austerity, self stidy and divine worship. These methods relieve the user
of negativity to focus on worshipping the divine. The Yama teaches that there should be no violence.
Followers should be peaceful, no exceptions. They must take up the Maha Vratas before
participating, swearing to never try to go around the Yamas. Pranayama is a mastery over breathing
cycles. Yogis use this method to change the way they breath to gain full mastery over their bodies.
The most focused ones are able to survive on little to no oxygen for days using this method.
Samadhi is the concept of becoming one with the mind, gaining full awareness of self
It is no coincidence that many of the Ancient Indian heroes were talented at sports.
Gautam Buddha was a world–class talent at archery and chariot racing. The Villas Mani Manjri is an
ancient document that describes sports such as archery, chariot racing, and hammer throwing– all
sports that are still played in the Olympics today. The Ancient Indian culture and religion played a
vital role in shaping the world of athletics we see
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  • 25. Yamas And Niyamas Research Paper This post was submitted by a member of our community. Want to contribute? Click here. In the wake of all that has been happening in our world, I find my revisiting of the yoga philosophy and practices to be at the perfect time. "Our inability to love and accept all the pieces of ourselves creates ripples–tiny acts of violence–that have huge and lasting impacts on others."–Deborah Adele I began reading a book on the yamas and niyamas. The yamas and niyamas are the foundation to all yogic thought. It is not a religion in and of itself, but a way of life. You can think of them as guidelines or ethical disciplines, or as restraints and observances. There are 10 jewels in all: The first five are the yamas, or restraints, and the last five are the niyamas, or observances. The yamas are: Nonviolence, truthfulness, non–stealing, non–excess, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This takes courage: Courage to step outside of societal norms. Courage to accept not only ourselves, but to accept others, just as they are. Courage to learn the difference between belonging and fitting in. Courage to discern between real fear that keeps you alive, and fear that keeps you from living. Here are five ways to begin practicing ahimsa. 1. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone. Begin by doing one thing daily that you normally wouldn't do. If you're feeling brave, make that one thing that scares you. 2. Listen to Your Body. Create balance by finding guidance from messages of your body. Practice yoga or find movement through a connection to your breath and listen. 3. Check In With Yourself. Notice what you might be avoiding in your own life because you are so interested in others lives. Are you a worrier? A fixer? Discern the difference between "help" and "support." 4. Pretend You Are Complete.
  • 26. There is no need to expect anything from yourself, or to criticize, judge, or change anything about you. Cultivate gratitude. 5. Practice ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 34. Yamas And Niyamas Eight Limbs Of Yoga Yamas and Niyamas are the social ethical principles that are seen as the "ways of right living." Yamas and Niyamas make up two of the eight limbs of yoga. The eight limbs of yoga focuses on disciplining the mind. The three gunas are the energies that exsist inside the body that must be balanced. The connection of the Yamas, Niyamas, and the other six limbs of yoga to the three gunas is that in order to reach Sattva, on of the gunas that is identifed as balance and brings forth happienes, one has to implement the use of the eight limbs of yoga. Practicing all of the eight limbs off yoga and the three gunas can bring you deeper within your self and expand into the world because with these practices you are becoming more self aware and disciplined. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Comment On The Poetry Of B. R. Ambedkar ' ENG–110 DRAFT OF FINAL ASSIGNMENT QUESTION: Comment on how B.R.Ambedkar is a critical influence on the poetry of Namdeo Dhasal, in relation to any three of his poems. In writing this essay I am referring to three poems of Namdeo dhasal, Equality for all or deathfor India,Ambedkar:79,Ambedkar: 1980 in expressing my views. Namdeo Dhasal was born a Mahar ,which was a community historically identified as untouchables. .Namdeo Dhasal and B.R.Ambedkar both were born Mahars whose occupation was to burning of dead animals. B.R.Ambedkar in 1956 ie two months before his death converted to Buddhism, which reflected millions of untouchables to follow the same path. Dhasal was one among those ex–untouchables ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When he was writing this poem he was fed up with the society and the practices in the society(This can be known from the first three lines, I'm not going to write anything obtuse Poetic twists and counter–twists are not allowed). In this poem, the way of expression was a bit raw or rude. He thought that the poem with such an anger creates multiple thinking in the people and he also provided sound to the voice of the people who are revolting against the oppression and the caste system.In this poem he is conveying the necessity and the urgency of annihilation of the caste system. "Don't misfire: the earth might be there or not Straight quick grab it by the root" The untouchables are not allowed to stay in the villages, and they were not allowed in to the Hindu temples. These sort of practices which were practiced. As Ambedkar is one of those who experienced these in personal wanted to destroy this system and get freedom to their people. Namdeo Dhasal was not only influenced by Ambedkar's views poetically but also practically. And Namdeo Dhasal who was also one of those people inspired with the idealogy of Ambedkar wanted to take part in the moment started Dalit panther movement. In the poem Ambedkar 79: Namdeo Dhasal feel that the death of Ambedkar is a great loss to the movement.he compared the ill– treatment or the oppression of Hindus with som mythological characters yama, yami in this poem "Like Yama fucked Yami, they fuck their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Who Is Yuniya Kawamura's Fashioning Japanese Subcultures? According to Yuniya Kawamura , the writer of "Fashioning Japanese Subcultures", the female– dominated Japanese subcultures often express a image of femininity, cuteness, and sexiness in an exaggerating way. One of the key element of the Mori Girl style is identified as "girlie" but it is different from the well–known Lolita's girlie style. Mori Girls has it's own version of "girlie" which Yuniya Kawamura described as "innocently childlike". People often compare the more girl style and lolita style together because the general knowledge of both these two types of fashion is to be girly– in a different way. A Mori Girl who used to be a Lolita talks about the difference between these two styles: "Lolita styles are difficult to put together, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Multiple Suicide This write up follows after the news of multiple suicide that shook the democratic republic of Nepal this week; one case of a general public who committed suicide after allegation of pirating a block buster Nepali movie – "Chakka Panja", and another; the curious case of Anil Adhikari who was famously known world wide with his rapper alias – "Yama Buddha" This should be my 15th attempt at erasing/re–writing the intro of this write up. Suicide has been such an ostracized topic that one does not speak until it hits the news. I found it very hard to even think about how I was going to present my thoughts on it. Until, I feel like I speak to you directly, Yama Budhha, and hundreds of less known nevertheless equally important souls. Hi, My assumption is that there is internet on the other side and you guys can see my posts on Facebook. It would be understatement to let you know that we're not happy. And, more than that we are sorry, sorry for everything that led you to the path of taking your own life, which never belonged to you. I'm sorry again to drag you ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The northern american climate was no match to the bitterness and cold they were feeling on the loss of your mortal form. I watched the vlog by Girish on your demise, words were coming out of his heart but we could feel the pain on his throat as he uttered the words of praise for you. You were the inspiration for thousands of youth, and you will always remain as the inspiration for what you did for us. For me, you were/are and will always remain a champion. I would not negate your contribution to the nephop culture and the society with your last actions before you left the human form. I wish I could be happy for your free soul, but, honestly your time was not done. You had million more like me to inspire and make us ponder about how an artist could revolutionize the industry and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Yoga Sutras, The Science Of The Mind, Body And Spirit Introduction Top In the Yoga Sutras, Yoga is defined as "union" of mind, body and spirit. Classically, Yoga is understood as the science of the mind. [1] These days it is assuming importance in improving mental health and quality of life in the treatment of a number of disorders. [2] Several diseases affect a person 's biopsychosocial functioning to a greater or lesser degree. [3] These diseases are known as psychosomatic diseases. Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). A psychosomatic disorder is a disease which involves both mind and body. There is a mental aspect to every physical disease. How one reacts to and copes with disease varies greatly from person to person. For example, a rash of psoriasis may not bother some people while it may make some feel depressed and more ill. There can be physical effects from mental illness. For example, with some mental illnesses one may not eat, or take care of oneself, and this can cause physical problems. [4] WHO defines quality of life as individuals ' perceptions of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. Hence, definition focuses on respondents ' "perceived" quality of life. [3] Quality of life means a good physical and mental condition, consisting of two elements: The ability to cope with everyday tasks (the biopsychosocial level) and the patient 's satisfaction from his activities at all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. What Does The Term Soul Mean? Afterlife Where do souls go after death? But to actually understand that question we need to understand what does the term soul mean? Soul is the principle of life, feeling and thought and action in humans, the spiritual part of humans distinct from the physical part. Science doesn't have an answer really for this question, this concept is based on beliefs, and each religion has different beliefs. In the creation story God makes human beings out of the dust of the ground, into which God breathes the breath of life (Gen. 2:7). While Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have traditionally seen the soul as a substantive individual, enduring over time, Hindu and Buddhist literature have cast the individuality of the soul in more conditional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many prophets actually began talking how people who worship god and who worship other false gods have different fates, like Jeremiah as he said "a ravine outside Jerusalem, the dead lie unburied their bones exposed to the sun and the stars whom they wrongly worshiped (7:30–8:2, 19:7). "The essence of Hebrew religion was that the Lord had made a covenant (contract) with his chosen people, Israel. Only Israelites could participate in that covenant, and only those who were faithful to the covenant as expressed in Torah (the first five books of the Bible) could enter the Kingdom of God" (heaven). For Christians just like Jewish, heaven meant the presence of eternal god where Jesus Christ descends with all his glory upon us ad judges each one according to what they did. According to Christians death is more of a moral matter more than a natural one, for the physical death at the end of one's present life meant almost nothing in comparison to the second death of those who are rejected by the lord. The new testament of the Christian bible promises "the faithful eternal life, the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matt 25:41), also saint Paul talks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. hindu death rituals There is one thing that is certain in this lifetime that eventually we all must die. A belief in the cyclical reincarnation of the soul is one of the foundations of the Hindu religion. Death is viewed as a natural aspect of life, and there are numerous epic tales, sacred scriptures, and vedic guidance that describe the reason for death 's existence, the rituals that should be performed surrounding it, and the many possible destinations of the soul after departure from its earthly existence (Retrieved from http://mailerindia.com/hindu/veda/index.php?death on 18th January, 2012).this essay will discuss the rituals performed for the soul of the dead body so it reaches heaven peacefully. Traditionally, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The standard cremation ceremony begins with the ritual cleansing, dressing and adorning of the body. The body is then carried to the cremation ground as prayers are chanted to Yama, invoking his aid. It is usually the chief mourner and the eldest son who perform the "Agni" or fire ceremony. He circumambulates the pyre counterclockwise– for everything is backward at the time of death and lights the pyre. The death now is an offering to Agni. After burning the corpse the chief mourner cracks the skull with a bamboo , thus releasing the soul from entrapment in the body. After cremation a thirteen day ritual is done for the safety of the soul till it reaches heaven. Family read a holy book called Bhagwat Geeta every afternoon for the deceased person. .Twelve hours after the cremation, the ashes are thrown into a river, ideally the Ganges river, and the mourners walk away without looking back. On the 3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th day, relatives gather for a meal of the deceased 's favorite foods. A portion is offered before his photo and later ceremonially left at an abandoned place, along with some lit camphor. On the 31st day, a memorial service is held. In some traditions it is a repetition of the funeral rites. At home, all thoroughly clean the house. the chief priest than prays for the deceased and his ancestors so their souls can reunite in the next world. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 62. Mount Fuji Research Paper A symbol for pride and joy, Mount Fuji reigns over the land at 3776 meters or 12388 feet as the highest volcano in Japan. Mount Fuji's formation from over 100 thousand years ago started at the birth of Mount Komi–take and Ashitaka–yama. Two different volcanos that would be overtaken by the new and young Mount Fuji that formed less than 10 thousand years ago. The reign of terror from the new Mount Fuji is not over yet as it is still an active stratovolcano with as recent of an eruption as 1707 whose activities today is still being closely monitored by Japanese scientists. While mighty and powerful, the volcano's cultural history is surrounded by legends of ghosts or monsters and people who worship the volcano, but the beautiful aspect is artist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fuji sees over 200,000 climbers each year although there climbing season only opens for two months during the Summer. The first ascent known was in 663 by a monk, and the first woman to ascend was Lady Fanny Parkes in 1867. The first foreigner from the outside to experience and grasp the might of Mt. Fuji was Sir Rutherford Alcock. He was the first British Consul–General in Japan and the first foreigner to ascend the volcano, recording his ascent in his book 'The Capital of the Tycoon'. Today, Mt. Fuji is registered as a World Heritage Site since 2013 for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 66. The Many Deities Of Death Bell 1 Casey Bell Dr. Ward Pre–AP English 2 30 October 2014 The Many Deities of Death Have you ever wondered how other religions viewed death? Have you wondered why others celebrate it? Have you wondered which religions had which gods or goddesses assigned to certain roles in the death hierarchy? Well, as you read this essay, you will learn each of these things and more. While reading, remember that other religions are quite different from your own and they may differ into the extremes. The Many deities all have different names, though many have the same purpose. There are also deities of the underworld and of resurrection that are commonly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One deity, often pictured darker or more menacing, is assigned the job of presiding over death. Some polytheistic religions have a "departmental" deity of death. They make death seem as if it is an amazing journey, but they do not glorify the points of death or dying. In monotheistic religion, one god governs life and death. When a monotheistic is in practice, this seems to manifest in different rituals and traditions. These rituals and traditions vary depending on geographical location, local politics, main traditions, and the influences of other religions. One of the many polytheistic religions is that of Babylonian Mythology. They have Freshkigal, the first lady of the underworld. They also include Nergal as the second lord of the underworld. Another polytheistic religion is Aztec Mythology. Their lord of the underworld is called Mictlantecuhtli, while their queen of the underworld is called Mictecacihuatl. In Egyptian Mythology, they not only have their lord of the dead, Osiris, they also have Anubis, he is the guardian of the dead, mummification, and the afterlife. Along with Anubis' mother, Nephthys, who is sister to Osiris and another guardian of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 70. My First Year In High School Have you ever looked up from whatever you were doing and see the girl that you want to spend your whole life with, the girl who shares some characteristics with you, who is looking right at you, but you are too scared to say or do anything? It was autumn and the air was cold and crisp. "The bell just rang Kotaro! Let's go, don't want to be late to class on the first day of school!" Yama said with excitement in his voice. "I'll be right there!" I said as I packed my belongings into my backpack. This is my third year in high school, and next year is my last, so I have to make these days count. As I walked towards the school entrance, leaves were blown into the air by the wind and the smell of oak wood trees filled my lungs. There were students everywhere enlightened to get to class; the sound of autumn leaves crackling when students stepped on them made a very satisfying sound to new. I could still taste the flavour of my peanut butter sandwich that I had this morning for breakfast; It was quite cold out, so I had my hands inside my pocket, gasping for warmness. "Hey Yama! I'm here, let's head to class now." I said. "Yeah Kotaro, I'm so happy that we have our first class together!" Yama said excitedly. "Yes, I'm happy for us too!" My sophomore and freshmen ear consisted of mostly C's and D's because I put too much time into my novels. I'm a very quiet person, and Yama is like my only friend, but I plan to make more friends this year. I often think about my future but can't express it to anyone but Yama because I'm a very shy person. "Classroom number 46, history. We're here Kotaro! Let's see who our teacher is and meet our classmates." Yama said as we stepped into the classroom. There were two empty seats in the front of the class, so that's where we decided to sit. Our teacher is a girl and her name is Ms. Azumi. She made me and Yama introduce ourselves and so we did. "Salutations, my name is Kotaro and I'm a junior." I said shyly. "Goodmorning, my name is Yama and I'm a junior as well!" He said loudly and happily. After school ended, I waved goodbye to Yama as he walked home. My first day back at school felt great even though nothing special happened. I've never felt this good on the first day of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. The Five Yamas of Hatha Yoga Essay The Five Yamas of Hatha Yoga Yoga is a discipline both involving physical and mental control that originated in India. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word, "yug", meaning union and it means the joining of the individual spirit with the universal spirit. The type of yoga known as Hatha Yoga, ("Ha"– sun, "tha"– moon) is what is most commonly practiced and this yoga involves the path of the mind and body and is the most physical. There are eight limbs or steps of Hatha Yoga, the first step being the five Yamas. There are five yamas and these concern your behavior to the world. The first of the yamas is Ahimsa, whose translation from Sanskrit is non–violence. The yama of Ahimsa is about practicing non–violence in words, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Yet, as I became more knowledgeable and wise, I gave up meat and haven't eaten it in ten years. The reason I did so was simply because I believe in the sanctity and integrity of all life forms. The second yama is Satya, whose translation from Sanskrit is truthfulness. It requires one to respect the truth in thinking, action, and speech. Satya is a very large concept. It means that you should not say something that you know is false. It also means that you should not lead others into error by making them believe that you know something when you only presume. Saying the truth is extremely difficult, for, before telling the truth you must know it through personal experimentation; you must discover the truth about yourself and release false pretenses. The way I live truthfulness in my heart is to be truthful to myself and to my heart. I need to do that before I can open up the truth to everyone else. One of the ways in which I practice truthfulness to myself is by knowing and respecting my abilities and limitations. For example, I am very aware of my knowledge of other subjects. In some subjects such as math and physics I excel, however, in others, such as politics or history, I am not as capable as other people. So, when discussions of subjects in which I am not so competent come up, I don't pretend to act knowledgeable or well–versed in that subject. Instead of being fake and inferior, I try to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Hinduism Symbolism II. Part A The fascinating religion, Hinduism, is composed of multiple complex gods and goddesses and filled with interesting traditions, all of which can be studied through ancient arts that depict various parts of the religion. The great gods and goddesses of Hinduism serve with different purposes, roles and depicts based of their stories. For instance, the god Shiva is known as the destroyer because of his creative power and furiousness. One of his popular tales describes how he took on a powerful trinity of tyrannical cities that were corrupting the city. Like most gods, Shiva is depicted with superhuman qualities; he often has serpents on his neck and unkempt hair. Another great god, Vishnu, is quite the opposite from Shiva because he is known as the preserver, of the universe especially. His role is to observe the cycle of the world and make sure everything is preserved and goes well; also, his depiction varies from the other great god, so he is represented with a flower in his (multiple) hands. Additionally, goddesses are also valued in the Hindu religion; for example, the goddess, Durga, is responsible for restoring moral order and often fights, but she still has compassion and love. She is often represented on a lion for courage. The representation for each god and goddesses varies but each accessory is symbolic to their powers. The main reason why they are depicted with various animal parts, weapons, or other certain appearances that may be unhuman like, is to show ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 82. What Is Karwachauth Festival Essay One of the many festivals that we celebrate in India is Karwachauth. Karwachauth has a profound significance in the lives of married women since they fast for their husband's long life and well– being on this festival. Karwachauth falls in the month of October. According to Hindu lunisolar calendar, this festival falls in the month of Kartik, on the fourth day past the full moon of the Krishna Paksha. 'Karvachauth' word is a blend of two Hindi words: karva means the earthen pot (used in the puja) and Chauth means the fourth day. Married women fast for their husband from the time the sun rises till the moon rises and offer their prayers to the goddess 'Chauth maata' to get the blessing of the longevity of their spouse. Scriptures have it that this festival is celebrated because Satyavati had saved his husband, Satyavan, king of Hastinapur from Yama– god of death by fasting and got her husband's life restored. There are many stories associated with this puja therefore, this festival is celebrated with great belief and devotion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Women celebrated this day with great enthusiasm and start preparations for it beforehand. Red is preferably worn by the women since it is considered the auspicious color and the color of love. Who should perform Karwachauth puja? This festival is mainly celebrated in the Northern part of India but according to Hindu culture, all married women should observe this fast for their husband's well–being and long life. Unmarried women can also fast in order to get a loving husband. If someone is facing difficult times in their marital life then one must perform this puja and get blessings of 'Chauth maata' for a happier married life. Since this puja requires fasting the whole day, it is not advisable to someone who is facing any health issues. What are the benefits of doing Karwachauth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 86. Hinduism Religious Text Hinduism, Religious Texts and the Afterlife Hinduism's sacred texts are known as the Vedas which are comprised of four ancient books written from 1200 BC to 100 AD. These Vedas are the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and the Atharva Veda. Over time these books have been extended by other texts known as Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads. Other texts include the epics: Ramayana and the Mahabharata, as well as the Puranas or the history of the universe. The Puranas were "designed for and used by the average Hindu" (Hinduism–Sacred Texts). The earliest book is the Rig Veda, which is contains more than a thousand hymns that were meant to be said during sacrifices by priests. The realm of the dead is explained as being an earth like realm and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One is supposed to conduct these rituals accordingly or will be punished in the afterlife. Shushan explains, "those who fail to burn plants after placing them on the alter to Yama will, in the afterlife, be bound by the neck and dragged by those plants" (205). However, this works both ways for the ones conducting the rituals and sacrifices. One is rewarded for the sacrifices made in life in the afterlife. Once again this is explained, "If a cow is sacrificed it is there to be milked in Svargaloka" (Shushan 205). Svargaloka is a realm of heaven. The Atharva Veda contains more detailed descritptions of Svargaloka and really points out the distinct differences between Yamaloka, Svargaloka and Naraka. Unlike the Rig Veda, the dead "ascend" through darkness in beams of light while being raised upwards by gods of storm known as Maruts. The sinners, or moral transgressors, are met with lightning from Yama's dogs, (Shyama and Shybala), while heading to the hell realms known as Paravatas. Once the transgressors arrive they are met by evil terrors and the immortals are said to be sitting in a river flowing with blood and eating ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 90. Comparing The Baghavad Gita And The Upanishads Throughout a majority of religions there exists pieces of art and literature that represent the faith as well as the God(s)/Goddess(s) in each practice. Though these mediums may be taken out of context, they play a vital role in truly encompassing and expressing a specific religion. One religion that does not fail to take a hold of these agencies is Hinduism. In Hinduism, art plays a huge part in showing the Gods/Goddess's, in their respective forms, as well as bringing a visual representation of battles and historic moments in the religion. On the flip side of this idea, literature plays an even more important role, for example, the Baghavad Gita and the Upanishads are two significant pieces that shape the Hindu religion. In order to truly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In reading through these different texts I found an affinity towards the Upanishads, specifically the Katha Upanishad. While reading through it, I came across the conversation between Nachiketas and Yama, the God of Death. In this conversation, Nachiketas is on his third boon and wishes to know the truth of death, but Yama refuses and offers other boons. Nachiketas does not care for these boons saying, "All these pleasures pass away, O End of all! They weaken the power of life. And indeed how short is all life! Keep thy horses and dancing and singing." This quote was quite compelling to me in that Yama offered Nachiketas everything anyone could possibly want, but he still denied it. A majority of people would not be able to turn down wealth and power to gain wisdom and yet Nachiketas continues to push Yama for answers. He does not care for all the "pleasures" to come because he knows that they will just fade away like everything else. It's also interesting to see how the writer creates the overarching idea that this quote creates at the end of the book. Eventually, Nachiketas gains supreme wisdom and becomes immortal through surrender of all desires in the heart (yoga). This ending brings the idea to fruition in that in order to gain immortality and purity (being with Brahman) you must not be distracted by pleasures and have a stilled mind. While this may be an easy thing to do for Nachiketas, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 94. Humorous Wedding Speech By Yama Middle School "It is my great pleasure this fresh and glorious morning to welcome you to Yama Middle School's 100th Commencement. Class of 2016, you have long anticipated this day, some with eagerness, some with anxiety, some with a complicated mix emotions–––but whatever you are feeling here today, you deserve to hold a keen sense of pride. You've made it!" President Yu proclaims. Claps, hollers and cheers filled the auditorium. When President Yu scanned the room, her lips curled upwardly. It was a happy moment for both the graduates, families, and teachers that hold their students dearly. When the commotion of pure happiness stopped, President Yu continues. "Certainly all those gathered here today to celebrate with you have tremendous pride in you..." Sitting next to [Y/N] was Hiro. Hiro grabbed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All 150 students were anticipating for their Principal to tell them to stand up, grab their tassel and slide it to the left. Their hearts wanted to jump out and scream. Everyone couldn't wait to be alumnis and go to their next chapter of life. Ten minutes into the speech, it was time. "If we can have all Yama Middle School graduates to please stand." Boys were bro hugging, hitting the person in front, and some started to holler. While the females were carefully wiping their tears away so their makeup won't smudge and hugging their closest best friend. Principal Kawasaki took a moment to gather her thoughts. Every student knew that she was a very emotional principal when she sees her lovely graduates graduating. Everyone loves her. She was everyone mom's figure; gentle, intelligent, sweet, and very caring. "As we take our white tessels with our right hand, sliding it over to the left and congratulate the class of 2016!" Screaming of encouraging words filled the room. Most of the graduates threw their hat in the air. [Y/N] and Hiro, stared at each other ready to cry any moment. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 98. A Brief Note On The And Criminal Law Essay WOMEN AND CRIMINAL LAW SATI PREVENTION ACT,1987 SUBMITTED BY : SARTHAK CHILLER (A11911113165) B.A. LLB (H), SECTION–C ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It gives me immense pleasure to express my heartfelt gratitude to my Women and Criminal Law Teacher Priyanka Ghai for his valuable guidance and support in preparing this project. Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and peers for their continuous support and guidance for successful completion of my project. Introduction Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 is law instituted by Government of Rajasthan in 1987. It turned into an Act of the Parliament of India with the establishment of The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987 in 1988. The Act looks to avoid Sati hone or the intentional or constrained blazing or covering alive of dowagers, and to preclude glorification of this activity through the recognition of any service, the cooperation in any parade, the making of a monetary trust, the development of a sanctuary, or any activities to remember or respect the memory of a widow who submitted sati. Sati was initially banned under Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829 Sati–The Burning Of A Widow Sati is portrayed as a Hindu custom in India in which the dowager was copied to fiery debris on her dead spouse 's fire. Essentially the custom of Sati was accepted to be a deliberate Hindu act in which the lady willful chooses to end her existence ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 102. Cultural Diversity : Differences Between High- And Low... Cultural Diversity: Differences between high– and low–context cultures A culture of any region provides a complete framework to its inhabitants to how to organize themselves, their actions and thoughts with respect to their environment. Thus culture is not innate; instead it is learned by the people as they continue to live in that particular region. This culture drives their thinking, actions and basically all kinds of interaction with their surroundings. Thus, it is different for different areas and people from these areas learn different ways to interact by each other(Neuliep, 2015).Moreover, people from different cultures differ from each other because of their context in which they move about. This context plays an important role in providing meaning to their interaction. There are some things that cannot be understood by verbal words alone; they have to be justified by the context in which they exist. This has been argued by Edward Hall, according to whom, "context carries varying proportions of the meaning" (Gamsrieglerm, 2005). Because of these differences in interaction due to differences in the context in which these people exist, culture has been divided into two sub–categories. One is high–context culture and the other is low–context culture. These two terms are used to refer to the differences in culture between different societies because of the difference in context, and have been suggested by a well–known U.S. anthropologist Edward T. Hall (Hofstede, 2011). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 106. The Contribution of Patanjali's Yoga Suta The Contribution of Patanjali's Yoga Suta When we speak of Yoga the first thing in mind is the posture, the breaths, the exercise. Yoga is commonly associated with flexibility and its complex postures. It is also associated with breathing excercises and meditation. But this is not always the case. There is more to Yoga than just the exercise. For those who studied Indian Philosophy, Hinduism or Indian culture and history, Yoga is not just all those things; it is something more. So what is Yoga to begin with? The word yoga literally means 'union'. Union in the sense of spiritual union of the individual soul with the Universal Soul. Yoga is "a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is abstention from avarice. Aparigraha is neutralizing the desire to acquire and hoard wealth. This does not only apply on money but also to everything, material and immaterial things. Aparigraha also means "to take only what is necessary, and not to take advantage of a situation or act greedy." Following the Yama is Niyama. Unlike Yama, Niyama is the inner discipline and responsibilities. Niyama is considered as the duties to the self; culturing oneself. Like yama, there are also five Niyamas. The first of these Niyamas is shauca or purity. Purity or cleanliness is to be observed both in the outer (physical) and inner (spiritual) aspects. In the outer and physical aspect, one has to take care of his/her body and environment. Purity of the body entails one to take proper care of one's health and condition. Eating healthy foods and not abusing the body are examples of proper care for the body. A clean surrounding also contributes to the purity of the body. The other aspect is the inner and spiritual aspect. Shauca in this aspect requires one to acquire pure thoughts and words. Next is santosha or contentment. This means the acceptance of things as they are. Throughout life's troubles, one should find happiness and contentment. This brings peace in one's life. And so, one needs to understand that he/she cannot have the best of both worlds. One should be happy with what he/she has, rather than being unhappy about what he/she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 110. The Body On The Day Of A Person 's Death Many Hindus choose to cremate the body on the day of a person's death. The reasoning used for this statement is due to the belief that death only applies to the physical body, and not of the soul. Hindus do not believe that the material body would be resurrected, but they believe that the soul would lose its physical restraints after death. This highly suggests that the physical body becomes insignificant, meaning that there is no real point in its preservation. Although some Hindus do bury their dead, the most common practice is cremation–to collect the ashes and distribute it to places of importance. This would include places that were sacred to the person or sacred objects. In some areas of India, it has become a normal practice to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the dead is particularly sensitive to matters of their death in Islam. The dead would be able to witness the care for their bodies, their burial, and many believe that the dead should only be talked about with kindness and praise. Prior to cremation, the body goes through the process of being washed and oiled, the hair being trimmed, and the body given new or clean clothes. This procedure is quite common to other religions as well, indicating the significance of the journey. Afterward, the procession would carry the body to the cremation ground while chanting verses that invoke in Yama's help. Yama, being the lord of death, is a key figure in Hindu funeral rites. The procession would place the body on a funeral pyre, and the eldest son would then walk around the pyre three times, each time pouring sacred water on the deceased. He would then set the wood on fire with a torch that had been blessed (Kramer). The funeral ceremony, which forms the last of the samskara (antyeshti samskara, the final reincarnation) varies according to different traditions and locale. Commonly, the funerals are conducted by a priest and the eldest son of the deceased. Some rituals include placing lamps by the head of the body, prayers and hymns being sung, rice balls being offered (placed in coffin), and water being sprinkled on the body. Some people would also place a mala (wooden beaded necklace) around the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 114. The Eight Limbs of Yoga The Eight Limbs. (n.d.). Eight Limbs of Yoga. Retrieved May 2, 2014, from http://www.yogajournal.com/basics/158 Yoga is composed of eight limbs. The first limb is Yama. Yama is focusing on our ethical standards and conducting ourselves in a positive manner. There are five Yama's, the first is Ahimsa. Ahimsa teaches us to develop the ability to be compassionate to ourselves. The second Yama is Satya. Satya encourages us to accept that we are not responsible for someone else's emotional reactions. Asteya is the third Yama, which literally means not to steal. Robbing people of opportunities and independence are forms of stealing. The fourth Yama is Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya teaches us not to expend energy on activities that do not contribute to developing our potential or that interfere with good relationships. Aparigraha is the fifth and final Yama. Aparigraha teaches us to benefit our community by sharing our resources and only using what we need at this time. The Eight Limbs of Yoga, A Basic Overview. (n.d.). The Eight Limbs of Yoga, A Basic Overview. Retrieved May 9, 2014, from http://www.expressionsofspirit.com/yoga/eight–limbs.htm The second limb of Yoga is Niyama. Niyama deals with self–discipline and spiritual observances. There are five Niyamas. Saucha is the first Niyama. Saucha is the precept of purity in body, mind and environment. Pranayama or breath control can aid in cleaning your lungs, breathing conducts heat which cleanses our organs and muscles. Choosing a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 118. Mary Yama Sow: Personal Statement African parents often their name children after admired figures. Doing so, they aspire for their children to embody the character of that figure as they mature. I was named Mary Yama Sow after the exceptional Mt. Fuji, hoping their daughter would embody the traits of grace, majesty, and strength with her as she grew. When informed of those namesake attributes by my parents at the age of fourteen, my curiosity led me to self–teach how to write my middle name in Japanese. This immediately formed the primary basis from of which my interest in Japan stemmed and blossomed. In high school, I participated in the Harlem Children's Zone ("HCZ"), a non–profit organization providing free educational resources such as tutoring and early college preparation for children from poverty–stricken communities. My local high school did not offer courses in Japanese so I challenged myself to learn Japanese independently, visiting the HCZ three days a week, to practice reading and writing Kanji. Habitually, writing page after page of characters, much to the curious amusement of my peers.As time progressed, my conspicuous study routine became well known of HCZ, and a point of pride for me, urging me to continue and learn more. caught the attention of my fellow peers. Due to the increasing popularity of Japanese ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In July 2014, I took the amazing opportunity to study abroad at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. While living on campus, there were many occasions when I would share with local students while exchanging language tips and discussed our respective cultures. The most memorable experiences I learned was how to speak Kansai–ben and, in return, teaching common New York City such as "fuhgeddaboutit". This journey ignited my motivation to complete my degree to prepare for my next exchange in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 122. Katha Upanishad Essay In Katha Upanishad, the meaning of Death (Yama) is seen as the distinction between 'the good and 'the gratifying,' Death (Yama) is the core of what makes us human, it is a common moral compass that directs individuals in life and what truly matters. Choosing the path of life which leads to Death (Yama) is an individual's right while it restrains us from doing what is undesirable. Furthermore, Death (Yama) is inevitable part of life and it affects us all regardless of religion, culture, race, sex, nationality, or socio–economic status. In the World's Classics Upanishads Translated from the Original Sanskrit by Patrick Olivelle, Death talks to Naciketas in chapter two about moralities as opposed to desires. Death also discusses the implications of good or gratifying when Death stated, "The good is one thing, the gratifying is quite another; their goals are different, both bind a man. Good things await him who picks the good; by choosing the gratifying, one misses one's ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whether to live it morally and be the positive not only in this world but in the afterlife, or to choose desires and enjoy the shortness of the pleasure and suffer the consequences later in life, it is up to about to that person. However, whatever the individual chooses, the wiser always know the differences. Only a foolish person will decide his/her destiny in the most obvious selection without the power of knowledge. It is also important to note that Death (Yama) expresses 'the good' or the wiser assess the meaning and understanding of what they're doing in this life has consequences while 'the gratifying' or the foolish are rash which ultimately their reckless behavior turns into bad karma. Death (Yama) is affirming that life without assessment of human connections or the purpose for greater good is a life of commonly negative energy and therefore in the long run can cause bad ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 126. Funerary Practices Used In Ancient India Archaeologists have found many different funerary practices used in Ancient India. They have found numerous graves and found a wide variety of funerary practices such as some bodies wrapped in reeds, and some in cotton cloth. They were placed in wooden coffins and most people were buried with pottery and urns that contain ashes. Families would wail at the death of a relative to show their grief. Cremation is the process of burning the body it was first introduced to the western world by the Greeks in 1000BCE. Large pottery urns that were dated to around 1900BCE were use to store human ashes which provided us with the earliest evidence for the practice of cremation–which is the burning of a body. Cremation was very much associated with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 130. Mara In Buddhism Research Paper In religion, there are symbols that are formed from centuries before us and this can be anything from the sun to cows. One symbol focuses more on the negative and evil spirits that are exist or existed before us. This symbol is demons and when people think of demon they already stereotype as all negative with no good in them. However, that is not alway the case because some demons like Yama, who is one of the creators of Buddhism, this demon was a human eater demon, but he has a message that tries to help people be more happy with their life and if they do not they would go to hell. Just because typical demons are evil and negative spirits, does not mean that they all are. Mara is one of the Buddhist demons that came from one of their ancient ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This artist mostly works with sculptures and statues that are religious based from legends and myths. Gandhara uses stone to be showing more of a the story and history of the piece, he is not doing it to show personal art work but rather to show his take from the stories and legends.Gandhara art is in the style of Buddhist visual art that developed in what is now the northwestern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan between the first century BCE. and the seventh century century BCE (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica).The first textual mention of historical Gandhara was in the region, which lies in the northwest of Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan, during the ninth century BCE (Art of Gandhara). That means his art pieces was not founded until two or more centuries after his life. Gandhara was a famous after his time like Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 134. Cameren Yamamoto Research Paper Who is Cameren Yamamoto? You may think this an average get to know the author blog, but you're wrong. I am not your average blogger. I am crazy, funny, beautiful, and infalliable. I am 17 years young and a senior at Konawaena High School. There are three other family members that reside in my household. My mother (Clarissa Ymamoto), my father (Cy Yamamoto Jr.), and my brother (Conner Yamamoto). Two other family membebers that play a huge roll in my life is my grandmother (Rosemarie Yamamoto) and my grandfather (Cy Yamamoto Sr.) The photos you see depict my family perfectly. I am in the top row on the left, top center is a photo of my grandfather, top right is a photo of my dad. Next, in the center row on the left is a photo of my grandmother ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 138. Religious Tradition Essay 1. Religious Tradition The artwork is The Wheel of Life and was originally designed by Buddha and is seen in Tibetan Buddhism. 2. Artist and Motivation The Wheel of Life was originally created by Buddha and is the most important painting in Tibetan Buddhism. He wanted the design to be shown in front of every monastery and Buddhist temple so his philosophy and teachings couldn't be learnt by those who were illiterate (I Tibet Travel, 2017). It is often painted on cotton, silk applique, or human skin, this process is called Thangka and is done by Tibetan Buddhists. 3. Symbols Contained Within the Work As the purpose of the Wheel of Life is to teach those of a lower class, it contains many symbols. Starting in the centre, there are three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Representing greed, hatred and delusion the animals in the middle of the wheel are the three spiritual poisons of Buddha's philosophy (I Tibet Travel, 2017). The six realms represent the reincarnation of a person into each individual stage. The heavenly realm contains beings who relish great power, prosperity and longevity. They are blind to the suffering of others due to their high status and privilege. The second realm is the realm of jealousy, in which beings are continuously aspiring to be superior and have no tolerance for underlings. The realm of hungry ghosts is associated with compulsion, obsession and addiction. They are constantly looking to fulfil the desire within with materialistic objects. Beings in the hell realm, have a hot temper that makes them angry at everything, and they push away those who express affection and kindness for them. The animal realm is recognised by its prejudgment, stupidity and self–righteousness. Beings in this realm avoid uneasiness, the unaccustomed and live comfortable lives. The human realm is the only realm from which one can leave samsara (O'Brien, 2017). Depicting Yama as the carrier of the wheel shows that everyone must escape the reoccurring cycle of death and rebirth, just as Buddha did. Therefore, he is shown outside of the wheel as he has reached enlightenment and escaped the grasp of death (Dharma Publishing Store, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 142. Essay about Religious Paths Religious Paths While examining different religious paths within Hinduism from the perspective of four patterns of transcendence (ancestral, cultural, mythical and experiential) it is interesting to see how each pattern found its dominance over four segments of Hinduism: Vedic sacrifice, the way of action, the way of devotion and the way of knowledge. When Hinduism originated as a religion it was mainly concerned with sacrifices for ancestors. The sacred texts – called the Vedas – on which Hinduism was based were the main root of the many different branches of Hindu philosophy. The Vedas originated around 1400–1200 BC. They consisted of several different documents, the oldest of them called the Rigveda. The Rigveda is considered to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Eventually the attempts of the Vedic texts to satisfy people's need to have contact with the sacred reality have become insufficient. Even though the sacrifice was a way to 3 control the cosmos and insure well–being in the world of ancestors, it did not provide the means of liberation from the realm of maya: reality which Hindus lived in but thought of it as an illusion. Following the age of Vedas people of Hinduism looked for happiness through the way of action. The way of action could be very well considered an example of cultural transcendence. The main doctrine of such philosophy told that one must do all the tasks presented to him/her by the place in society and social status; and the result of such rightful life would be the rebirth into a better social position. With time "the way of action" philosophy became less satisfactory for its followers, since it seemed to lack the total liberation from the infinite cycle of death and rebirth. As Hindu religion became more complicated and people began to look for total liberation from the circle of death and rebirth the segment of Hinduism known as the way of devotion came into existence. Followers of the way of devotion based their beliefs on the myths about gods such as Shiva, Vishnu and Krishna. These gods were believed to be a manifestation of ultimate reality. Believers in the way of devotion were supposed to worship their god through sacrifices and rituals devoting their lives to the belief 4 and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 146. The Yama Glass Five-Cuppa Have you heard many stories about the fuss taken to make a perfect cup of coffee using a siphon coffee maker? It's all true if you happen to be a coffee snob (I have probably turned into one), and proud to be taking all that effort to make a great cuppa. But even if you fall into the other category of coffee drinkers, you may be interested in the Yama Glass 5–Cup Stovetop Coffee Siphon just because it's fun to make coffee this way! The Dramatic Coffee Maker The Yama is a utilitarian vacuum–siphon coffee brewer that goes on the stovetop, but you can also use a small gas burner if you want to impress your guests at the coffee table. It's one of the cheaper siphon style coffee makers so if you're new to siphon coffee making, it's good to start ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Glass break easily, either from a knock, a fall or a sudden change in temperature. So you've got to make sure the Yama goes through none of that. This means handling, washing, drying and storing it very carefully. Let's talk about washing up. Coffee grounds that stick to the funnel and filter have to be scraped out (use your hand for efficiency) and the cloth filter needs to be rinsed thoroughly to make sure all of the coffee grounds are washed away – any residue left will turn bad and this will affect the taste and quality of your next pot. While using this very manual, very time consuming coffee brewer, you should avoid adding too much water and only apply low to medium heat. For it to work properly, make sure the upper funnel is fitted snugly to the bottom chamber to properly form a vacuum seal – you can also try to wet the rubber seal to help attach both parts together. Even though I would not use the Yama Glass Coffee Siphon on a busy morning, the taste of the coffee is worth all the trouble to use it on a lazy weekend, and it's certainly worth the trouble for the theatrics and amazed looks on the faces of dinner guests (make sure you've gotten the method and brew right first). Click here to find out more about: Yama Glass Coffee ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 150. Diwali And Rituals In Hinduism According to the Collings dictionary, a ritual is "a religious service or other ceremony which involves a series of actions performed in a fixed order." Rituals can be performed individually, which are very common to do them at home, or in community, which is led by a priest or a spiritual leader. They are typically performed exactly the same, some are done once in a lifetime while others are done every week or during festivals every year. Rituals are commonly found in religions and in the following essay, a ritual from every religion given in this class will be explained and tell why it is so important to that specific religion. In Hinduism, I will be talking about the festival of Diwali and its rituals because I think the whole festival can encapsulate the spiritual significance of this religion than just talking about a single ritual. In this festival, one has a preview of how important is in Hinduism to celebrate the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Diwali is the biggest festival ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They treat their ancestors with respect and believe that if they are ignored, they will cause them trouble. In Daoism, they slaughter animals and Joss paper believing that when these things are consumed by the fire, they will reappear in the spirit world making it available for the deceased ones. Ancestor Worship plays a huge role in Confucianism, it is one of their primordial rite. Many people tend to forget the ones who passed away because they no longer see them but in these Chinese religions, the deceased ones are just in another world but are still there. Confuciaism gives huge importance to the relationships you have and that is why remembering your dead relatives seems like the essence of this religion. Sacrificing animals and burning gold paper seems like the best way to show that you care for those in the spiritual world and thus helps maintain a strong relationship with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 154. Ancient India Religion Beginning around the fifth century, Ancient India played a huge role in shaping the world of sport today. Ancient Indians brought us several games known all over the modern world, such as competitive archery. To these people, sport was their highway to perfection. Their religion, Hinduism, asked them to achieve perfect knowledge over their body to gain perfection. Not only did sport pertain to their religion, but also to politics. Sport was entwined in Indian culture for hundreds of years. Men were expected to be able to perform in a variety of sports, such as karate. They even dabbled in many modern Olympic sports. It is clear that Ancient India played a huge role in preparing the world of sport seen today. Their origins, Religion (s), ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This allows for greater cognitive focus, and is used to aid in meditation. Nivama focuses on five key aspects: purity, contentment, austerity, self stidy and divine worship. These methods relieve the user of negativity to focus on worshipping the divine. The Yama teaches that there should be no violence. Followers should be peaceful, no exceptions. They must take up the Maha Vratas before participating, swearing to never try to go around the Yamas. Pranayama is a mastery over breathing cycles. Yogis use this method to change the way they breath to gain full mastery over their bodies. The most focused ones are able to survive on little to no oxygen for days using this method. Samadhi is the concept of becoming one with the mind, gaining full awareness of self consciousness. It is no coincidence that many of the Ancient Indian heroes were talented at sports. Gautam Buddha was a world–class talent at archery and chariot racing. The Villas Mani Manjri is an ancient document that describes sports such as archery, chariot racing, and hammer throwing– all sports that are still played in the Olympics today. The Ancient Indian culture and religion played a vital role in shaping the world of athletics we see ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...