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When Content Meets Applications
          Alex Choy     | VP, Engineering & Technical Marketing, LiveCycle
          Craig Randall | Principal Scientist, LiveCycle | @craigsmusings

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Adobe CEM
                                                           how enterprises
                                                             engage with
                                                          and how customer
                                                             experience is

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Adobe + Day = strong assets integrated to optimize customer experience


                                                                Customer Experience Management
                                                          Day                                             Adobe

                                                                     Social                 Interactive           Interactive
                        Global Web
                                                                 Collaboration             Applications           Documents

                                     Content                                     Process                      Analytics

                                        Transactional Systems (ERP, CRM, ECM, PLM, Banking Systems )

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.                             3
Current customer experience online…
                                                                                It’s real jungle
© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.           4
Customer interaction with an enterprise

                                                          Loyalty Site              Applications          Mobile Apps
            Social Media

                        Microsites                                                                    Application

                                                                                                   Call Center
                                 Point of Sale

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.                     5

   Customer /
   Citizen /                                                 Non-intuitive experience
                                                             Inconsistency across channels
                                                             Not contextual

                                                          Impact on organization
                                                             Low conversion rates
                                                             Lost revenues
                                                             High cost-to-service
                                                             Brand deterioration

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
What the customer wants

   Customer /
   Citizen /                                                 Personalized, responsive experiences
                                                             Right experience for right task for the right
                                                             Multi-channel communication

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
What the customer wants

   Customer /
   Citizen /                                                               Personalized, responsive experiences
                                                                           Right experience for right task for the right
                                                                           Multi-channel context aware

                                                          Guided navigation                                     PDF forms

          Rich, engaging
            experience                                                                                                Print
                                                                           Tablet         Tablet

                                                                                            Desktop / offline
© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
What the customer wants

   Customer /
   Citizen /                                                                Personalized, responsive experiences
                                                                            Right experience for right task for the right
                                                                            Multi-channel context aware

                                                                            Agent /     Mail &
            Online                   Call Center             Branch                                   Email        Mobile
                                                                             Field       Fax

                                                          Context flow across apps and channels

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

   IT Team                                                               Content, application and context problem
                                                                         Multiple stacks and project silos
                                                                         High cycle time for change
                                                                         Multiple systems to scale, manage and
                                                                          administer – high TCO

                                                          Context                 Content
                                                           flow                 integration
    Websites                                                                                           Portals
    Microsites                                                                                         Mobile apps
    Mobile Sites                                                                                       RIA
                                                          Websites    GAP        Applications          Web apps
    DAM                                                                                                Commerce
    Campaigns                                                                                          Business apps

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Adobe’s Customer Experience Management (CEM) vision

                                                                                    USER EXPERIENCE
                 Multiple                                                                                           Agent/   Mail &                    Call
                                                          Online          Social         Mobile       Branch                             Email
                 Channels                                                                                            Field    Fax                     Center


                       TOOLS                                              CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT PLATFORM
                          Creative                                                                  Solution Accelerators

                          Catalyst                         Dynamic                                                           Business            Document
                                                                                   Enterprise RIA           Analytics
                                                           Content                                                           Process              Services

                          LiveCycle                                                                        Foundation

                                              EXISTING APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS
                                                                                                                                        PUBLIC CLOUD
                  ECM                  Message                                                                 Legacy
                                                            Directories      Databases       Information
                Repository             Queues                                                  Systems         Systems                    Services

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Content + applications

                                                                                    USER EXPERIENCE
                 Multiple                                                                                           Agent/   Mail &                    Call
                                                          Online          Social         Mobile       Branch                             Email
                 Channels                                                                                            Field    Fax                     Center


                       TOOLS                                              CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT PLATFORM
                          Creative                                                                  Solution Accelerators

                          Catalyst                         Dynamic                                                           Business            Document
                                                                                   Enterprise RIA           Analytics
                                                           Content                                                           Process              Services

                          LiveCycle                                                                        Foundation

                                              EXISTING APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS
                                                                                                                                        PUBLIC CLOUD
                  ECM                  Message                                                                 Legacy
                                                            Directories      Databases       Information
                Repository             Queues                                                  Systems         Systems                    Services

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Enterprise RIA anatomy – client stack

                                               LiveCycle ES3 Solution Application
                                                  (e.g. Field Force Automation)

                            eRIA Component Libraries
                                                                                                             LC RIA
                                             Content           Collab          Mosaic                        Server
                                                                                                                      •   Custom web apps
                                                                                                                      •   RIA services
                                             Security          Guides          more…                                         •   Mosaic server
                                                                                                                             •   Data Services
                                                                                                                             •   Collab Service
                            eRIA Core Services
                                                                                                                             •   Content (CRX)
                                              Authentication              Logging                                     •   Common libraries
                                                                                                                             •   Caching
                                                 Persistence            Configuration                                        •   Logging

                                                                                             Data Services
                                                                                                                      •   User management
                                                    Context               more …                                          integration (LiveCycle ES)
                                                                                                                      •   Spring-based
                                                                                                                      •   OSGi-ready
                                     Dependency Injection                 Messaging

                                                    SWF/Module Loading

                            Flash Player

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.                                 13
Enterprise RIA component – presentation and domain/service pattern

                                                                      Client                                   Server

                                                                                              eRIA Component
                                      View                                          Domain & Service

                                                                                                                 LiveCycle RIA Server
                         Data Binding                                                Foo getFoo()
                                                                                     setFoo(Foo f)

                                                                                     Foo getFoo()
                                                                                     setFoo(Foo f)
                          {View State}
                          {Operations}                                                      IService
                          {Events}                                                   operation()


                                            Infrastructure              UtilityClasses

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.                            14
Content-centric RIA with CRX (future product vision)

       Common underlying repository for both content and application data/metadata
             Day CRX
             LiveCycle’s emerging enterprise RIA platform
       Mosaic catalog based on CRX
             Contextually agile applications (tile compositions) alongside contextually agile content (WCM, etc.)
             Consistent composition model
       Ability to leverage a common Package Share model for content + applications
       Common delivery platform for applications—both composite content apps (CCA) and rich
        Internet apps (RIA)
             AIR, Flex, Mobile, HTML5
             Integrated tooling
       Simplify content-centric RIA building via Fiber modeling of CRX (LCDS leverage)
             Highly extensible and agile (easy to add new fields, etc. vs. traditional RDBMS)
       Single workflow model for updating site content, application content/criteria/configuration

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.       15
Become more familiar with LiveCycle, RIA Services, etc.

       Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite
             http://www.adobe.com/products/livecycle/
       Adobe Partner Portal
             https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/partnerportal/index.cfm
       Adobe LiveCycle Developer Center
             http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/
       Adobe Enterprise Café
             http://www.adobe.com/devnet/enterprise/cafe.html

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.   16
© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Fully integrated design-development workflow

                   Design and Development Tools                                  Creative Suite Tools

                                                             Prototyping                Professional
                                                             Design / develop
                                        Catalyst              workflow

                                                             Eclipse IDE
                                                             Code profiling
                                                             Debugging

                                                             Eclipse IDE
                                                             Processes, forms
                                         RIA Plug-in          & docs                     InDesign
                                         Spring, WTP
                                                             Data modeling

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
LiveCycle Mosaic ES2 architecture

                                                 Desktop Client                                   Browser Client
                                            Runtime Perspective                                 Runtime Perspective
                                             Design Perspective*
                               Catalog Management Perspective*

                                                          AIR                                       Flash Player

                                                                      REST (HTTP + HTTP/S)

                                                                         Mosaic Server
                                                                Composite RIA           View                Authentication /
                                                                   Service           Management              Authorization

                                                                     WebDAV / Spring Security
                                                                                      LiveCycle ES2 Foundation
                                                                                  Repository             User Management
                                                                                         Java EE App Server

                                  Developer Deployment                                  Production Deployment                  * Preview

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
LiveCycle Data Services 3 architecture

                                                                                                                                                                                   NIO Streaming
                                                                                                                                                          NIO Long Poll
                                                                                                             Long Polling

                                                                                                                                            NIO Polling

                         LiveCycle                                                                                                                                                                   Flash Builder

                                                             Edge Server                                                                  Proxy Server                                             Introspector
                       Process                                                                                                                             Data                                      Plugin
                     Management                           Remoting                            Message
                                                           Service                            Service
                       Production                                        Model Driven Architecture
                          Print                                                                                                                                                                     Network

                            BAM                                                                                             Security




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LiveCycle Collaboration Service – SDK makeup

                                                     Roster           WhiteBoard            Chat           FileShare         Note          WebCam

                                                                                        RTC UI Components

                                                   Webcam Pub / Sub                File Pub / Sub          Audio Pub / Sub          Shared Cursors
                                                               Shared Managers                                         Shared Model

                                                                                                               Shared Property          UserQueue
                                                          Users               AV Streams
                                                                                                              Shared Collection            Baton
                                                              Files                Room
                                                                                                                Pub / Sub Messaging + Permissions

                                                                  (Connection, Authentication, Reconnect/Failover, RMI Routing)

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Power of the Adobe Flash Platform

    One Web, Any Device*                                  One UX, Any Device
          19 of top 20 OEMS are committed to                 We are committed to delivering
                     delivering Flash                     customer experiences to every device

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

More Related Content

When Content Meets Applications

  • 1. When Content Meets Applications Alex Choy | VP, Engineering & Technical Marketing, LiveCycle Craig Randall | Principal Scientist, LiveCycle | @craigsmusings © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 2. Adobe CEM revolutionizes how enterprises engage with customers and how customer experience is delivered © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. Adobe + Day = strong assets integrated to optimize customer experience Customers Customer Experience Management Day Adobe Social Interactive Interactive Global Web Collaboration Applications Documents Content Process Analytics Transactional Systems (ERP, CRM, ECM, PLM, Banking Systems ) © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 3
  • 4. Current customer experience online… It’s real jungle © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 4
  • 5. Customer interaction with an enterprise Web Loyalty Site Applications Mobile Apps Social Media Customer Statements Service Microsites Application Email Call Center Apps Websites Point of Sale Customer © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 5
  • 6. Challenges Customer / Citizen /  Non-intuitive experience Partner  Inconsistency across channels  Not contextual Impact on organization  Low conversion rates  Lost revenues  High cost-to-service  Brand deterioration © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 7. What the customer wants Customer / Citizen /  Personalized, responsive experiences Partner  Right experience for right task for the right device  Multi-channel communication © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 8. What the customer wants Customer / Citizen /  Personalized, responsive experiences Partner  Right experience for right task for the right device  Multi-channel context aware Guided navigation PDF forms Rich, engaging experience Print Tablet Tablet Desktop / offline Mobile © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 9. What the customer wants Customer / Citizen /  Personalized, responsive experiences Partner  Right experience for right task for the right device  Multi-channel context aware Agent / Mail & Online Call Center Branch Email Mobile Field Fax Context flow across apps and channels © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 10. Challenges IT Team  Content, application and context problem  Multiple stacks and project silos  High cycle time for change  Multiple systems to scale, manage and administer – high TCO Context Content flow integration Websites Portals Microsites Mobile apps Mobile Sites RIA Websites GAP Applications Web apps WCM DAM Commerce Campaigns Business apps Application Analytics integration © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 11. Adobe’s Customer Experience Management (CEM) vision USER EXPERIENCE Multiple Agent/ Mail & Call Online Social Mobile Branch Email Channels Field Fax Center Multiple Platforms TOOLS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT PLATFORM Creative Solution Accelerators Suite Flash Catalyst Dynamic Business Document Enterprise RIA Analytics Content Process Services Flash Builder Modules LiveCycle Foundation Workbench EXISTING APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS PUBLIC CLOUD Enterprise ECM Message Legacy Directories Databases Information Repository Queues Systems Systems Services © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 12. Content + applications USER EXPERIENCE Multiple Agent/ Mail & Call Online Social Mobile Branch Email Channels Field Fax Center Multiple Platforms TOOLS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT PLATFORM Creative Solution Accelerators Suite Flash Catalyst Dynamic Business Document Enterprise RIA Analytics Content Process Services Flash Builder Modules LiveCycle Foundation Workbench EXISTING APPLICATIONS & SYSTEMS PUBLIC CLOUD Enterprise ECM Message Legacy Directories Databases Information Repository Queues Systems Systems Services © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 13. Enterprise RIA anatomy – client stack LiveCycle ES3 Solution Application (e.g. Field Force Automation) eRIA Component Libraries LC RIA Content Collab Mosaic Server • Custom web apps • RIA services Security Guides more… • Mosaic server • Data Services • Collab Service eRIA Core Services • Content (CRX) Authentication Logging • Common libraries • Caching Persistence Configuration • Logging Data Services • User management Context more … integration (LiveCycle ES) • Spring-based • OSGi-ready Gravity Dependency Injection Messaging SWF/Module Loading Flash Player © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 13
  • 14. Enterprise RIA component – presentation and domain/service pattern Client Server eRIA Component Presentation View Domain & Service Events LiveCycle RIA Server IDomainModel Data Binding Foo getFoo() setFoo(Foo f) IPresentationModel DomainModel Foo getFoo() setFoo(Foo f) PresentationModel {View State} {Operations} IService {Events} operation() ServiceImpl operation() Infrastructure UtilityClasses © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 14
  • 15. Content-centric RIA with CRX (future product vision)  Common underlying repository for both content and application data/metadata  Day CRX  LiveCycle’s emerging enterprise RIA platform  Mosaic catalog based on CRX  Contextually agile applications (tile compositions) alongside contextually agile content (WCM, etc.)  Consistent composition model  Ability to leverage a common Package Share model for content + applications  Common delivery platform for applications—both composite content apps (CCA) and rich Internet apps (RIA)  AIR, Flex, Mobile, HTML5  Integrated tooling  Simplify content-centric RIA building via Fiber modeling of CRX (LCDS leverage)  Highly extensible and agile (easy to add new fields, etc. vs. traditional RDBMS)  Single workflow model for updating site content, application content/criteria/configuration © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 15
  • 16. Become more familiar with LiveCycle, RIA Services, etc.  Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite  http://www.adobe.com/products/livecycle/  Adobe Partner Portal  https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/partnerportal/index.cfm  Adobe LiveCycle Developer Center  http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/  Adobe Enterprise Café  http://www.adobe.com/devnet/enterprise/cafe.html © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 16
  • 17. © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 18. Fully integrated design-development workflow Design and Development Tools Creative Suite Tools Flash  Prototyping Professional Flash  Design / develop Catalyst workflow Illustrator  Eclipse IDE Flash  Code profiling Builder  Debugging Photoshop  Eclipse IDE Workbench,  Processes, forms RIA Plug-in & docs InDesign Spring, WTP  Data modeling © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 19. LiveCycle Mosaic ES2 architecture Desktop Client Browser Client Runtime Perspective Runtime Perspective Design Perspective* Catalog Management Perspective* AIR Flash Player REST (HTTP + HTTP/S) Mosaic Server Composite RIA View Authentication / Catalog Service Management Authorization WebDAV / Spring Security LiveCycle ES2 Foundation Repository User Management Tomcat Java EE App Server Developer Deployment Production Deployment * Preview © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 20. LiveCycle Data Services 3 architecture NIO Streaming NIO Long Poll Long Polling NIO Polling Streaming Polling RTMP HTTP AMF LiveCycle Flash Builder PDF Generation Service Edge Server Proxy Server Introspector Rights Management Modeler Process Data Plugin Management Remoting Message Mgmt Service Service Reader Service Code Extensions Generator Production Model Driven Architecture Print Network Monitor Hibernate BAM Security Others Spring Java JMS SQL © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 20
  • 21. LiveCycle Collaboration Service – SDK makeup Pods High-level Roster WhiteBoard Chat FileShare Note WebCam Components RTC UI Components Webcam Pub / Sub File Pub / Sub Audio Pub / Sub Shared Cursors Foundation Classes Shared Managers Shared Model Shared Property UserQueue Users AV Streams Shared Collection Baton Files Room Pub / Sub Messaging + Permissions Session (Connection, Authentication, Reconnect/Failover, RMI Routing) © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
  • 22. Power of the Adobe Flash Platform One Web, Any Device* One UX, Any Device 19 of top 20 OEMS are committed to We are committed to delivering delivering Flash customer experiences to every device © 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.