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Who I Am Essay Examples
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Who I Am Essay ExamplesWho I Am Essay Examples
Bill Beichick Persuasive Speech
At several points throughout someone s life, it is guaranteed that accusations will be made against
them. Some may be true, others may be false, but when they are made it is up to the accused to
prove themselves innocent. Within the past ten years, former Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich,
and Head Coach of the New England Patriots, Bill Belichick faced adversity which came along with
accusations made against them. With the use of ethos, pathos, and logos, otherwise known as the
three rhetorical appeals, both gentlemen attempted to persuade others to believe in their innocence.
After reading both situations it is evident that by using his credibility, being very informative to his
discourse community, and sharing intellectual and emotional experience, Bill Belichick was far
more successful in accomplishing his persuasive purpose.
The ethos appeal is the author s persuasive power to use credibility in a rhetorical situation.
Within his press conference, Rob Blagojevich s tone in addressing the topic at hand suggests to
the audience that he is strong and confident in his words. By saying, I m not going to quit a job
the people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob (Blagojevich 1),
he attempts to gain credibility by remaining firm and reminding the people of Illinois that they are
the ones who voted for him to be governor. He is implying that since they trusted him enough to
elect him as the representative of their state, they should have the
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Compare And Contrast In Cold Blood And A Good Man Is Hard...
Mr. Nate
English Adv.
Oct. 31th, 2017
Literary Comparison: In Cold Blood A Good Man is Hard to Find
The crime is defined as the law breaking cruel action committed by the criminals. These criminals
usually have some deep trauma deep in their heart and the sudden bursting of all the negative
sentiments will result in very devastating consequences of hurting other human beings. This essay
will mainly compare Perry Smith in In Cold Blood and Misfit in A Good Man is hard to find, which
is both the main character and the main criminal in the two crime stories. They have a lot of things
in common as a criminal with minor differences. They a are both cynical to the society; They have
both found themselves isolated from the society.
Firstly, Both Perry and Misfit are cynical to the society. The Misfit, in A Good Man Is Hard to
Find, says he was, a different breed of dog from his brothers and sisters (OConner 8), Meanwhile,
there is a revelation that is echoed by Perry Smith in Truman Capote s In Cold Blood: I hate you, all
of you Dad and everybody (Capote 254), He says to his sister, and claims to have a brilliant mind
and talent plus (Capote 281), attributes that set him apart from others. The common ... Show more
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At the end of A Good Man is Hard to Find, the Misfit reveled his uncertainty about the pleasure
with his meanness to kill the entire family by stating, It s no real pleasure in life (OConner 11).
As for In Cold Blood, Perry also implied to the Dick by his words that he has deep regrets about
the crimes they committed: There`s got to be something wrong with somebody who`d do a thing
like that (Capote 108). The reasons for the outcast state of both of these two characters seem to
hinge on their inability to cope with everydayness, or the mundane requirements of existence. Thus,
the deep regret of the criminals is a common trait that the criminal
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Alexander Hamilton Proposed Using A Banking System
Alexander Hamilton proposed using a banking system in America in 1781 after seeing how
beneficial they were in other nations for advancing trade. In 1791, First Bank of the United States
became the first commercial bank of the United States in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By the 1900
s, there were almost 170 banks per every million people in the United States, but because of this,
there was a lot of debate about banking and the regulations needed and the fears that people had
about the amount of control it was giving the government. This paper will be starting from the
Great Depressionand talk its way into the current situation of the United States banking regulations
and why there is a debate on if there should be more or fewer regulations on banking.
The Great Depression is a large reason for the beginning of many banking regulations. Many
believe that the banking and financial crises were a large contributor to how the Great
Depression went down, especially the three banking crises that hit the United States during that
time. The first panic happened in October of 1930, the second in March of 1931, and the third
began at the end of 1932. Because of all this, different reforms started to be passed into the
banking world. The Great Depression is a major reason on why banking regulations started being a
necessity. After Franklin Delano Roosevelt was inaugurated, the first major regulation put into
effect was the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, where a major part of it granted
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Reuniting With My Father For The Last Ten Years
Obed Mayienda
ENGL 1301
October 10, 2014
Reuniting with my father.
I had not seen my father for the last ten years and I wanted to see him. I also wanted to be in the
United States of America which had been my dream since I was a little child. My dad left for
United States to seek asylum. He escaped unhurt during the 1992 post election violence. Inter tribe
skirmishes erupted immediately the result of then heavily contested election was announced. My
father was one of main campaigners of the opposition party. Since he was in the forefront he was
the target in the skirmishes. He ran to the United States to save his life. After staying in the United
States of America for ten years, he was granted US citizenship. He decided that we join him. We
missed him, as he missed us too.
I was excited and couldn t wait until the last week I had to spend in Africa that is when I realized
I was going to leave behind: All my relatives and friends, our home. It was going to be hard for
me to leave the place I called home for eighteen years but what I wanted most is to see my father.
It was very early in the morning when I got up, the sky was clear; it had never looked so
beautiful like this day. The grass and bushes still filled with the morning dew. We got into my
mom s Volkswagen golf and we drove down to my grandparents to say the final word before our
journey was due. It was exactly sixty seven miles away from the garage to grandparents homestead.
I drove through the rift
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Internal And External Environmental Changes
Many people today find themselves living their lives within the confines of their comfortable
daily routines. Life does not always work out the way a person plans it and instead of finding
new ways to expand their experiences, they fall into a boring ritual of tasks to be completed
every day. Those individuals see no reason to change their pattern if it works. How many times do
we hear someone say, Why change it if it ain t broke? Unlike in a personal home setting, a
company that refuses to change in today s competitive business market is on a course to fail.
Businesses must continue to grow and adapt to both internal and external environmental changes to
stay equal with or even surpass its competitors. Organizational change is a... Show more content on
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The Flight Record technician drove their car to finance to drop off the documentation and returned
to the office with the signed receipt. They placed the receipt in a suspense file and were required to
follow up every five business days. After finance updated the transaction, the Flight Record s
technician drove back to finance to obtain a paper copy of the register of transaction. Noting this as
an area for improvement, key flight records leaders along with subject matter experts from the field
developed a method that directed the Flight Records technician to update the military pay request
directly into the Finance system. This system would generate an email to the Finance technician
alerting them a transaction needed their attention. The system continue to send emails every three
days if the finance technician did not complete the transaction. Once they validated the request and
paid the member, the system would send an email to the Flight Records technician notifying them
the process was complete. It also sent a register of transaction as proof of payment. The new process
essentially eliminated the need to generate hard copies of the orders, two trips to finance,
suspending the documentation and obtaining a receipt. Research showed this initiative would save
the government more than thirty eight man years annually. Many of the Flight Records section
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Pros Of Constructing A Dog Park
There has been a lot of controversy regarding the idea of constructing a dog within the city.
Personally, i am against this park for three reasons. The first reason is that it would not be a good
financial commitment to make. The second reason is that it would bring about an unecessary
amount of legal liability. Lastly, i believe that it would be disturbing to many residents of the area.
The cost of installing this dog park would be astronimical. There would have to be adequate
fencing as well as other equipment installed in order to make it functionable; all of this causing the
price to rise higher and higher. I feel that this would be an unwise committment to make considering
that there are much more vital issues that need to be
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Fluoride Mouth Rinses
Focus on Fluorides: Update on the use of Fluoride for the Prevention of Dental Caries This article
is based on the negative and positive impacts of fluoride uses. Topics discussed include: updates on
community water fluoridation, fluoride available in dentifrices, and fluoride varnish, use and
recommendations. Fluoride is the first line of defense, along with education, for preventing caries.
Fluoride is the only compound recognized by the FDA for the prevention of dental caries (Carey,
2014). Fluoride comes primarily from fluoridated community water, toothpastes, and mouth rinses.
The intake of water and processed beverages in the United States provides about 75% of a person s
fluoride intake (Carey, 2014). Community water fluoridation began... Show more content on
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Products that contain sodium fluoride (NaF) as the active ingredient also need to have sufficient
detergent to prevent the fluoride ions from reacting with the silica abrasives forming insoluble
fluorosilicates (Carey, 2014). There is a large effort to develop reliable methods of measurement
of available fluoride. The difficulty in achieving the analytical methods is related to the large
variety of ingredients used in toothpaste products and the different forms of fluoride delivered
during tooth brushing (Carey, 2014). There are three categories of fluoride form toothpaste during
tooth brushing: free ionic fluoride which has the ability to react with tooth structure, interfere with
microbial metabolism, absorb to the oral mucosa, and has anticaries efficacy; profluoride
compounds that are delivered or precipitate in the oral cavity during brushing, release ionic
fluoride over time, and contribute to anticaries efficacy; and unavailable fluoride compounds that
do not release fluoride ions, are either spat out or swallowed, and have no anticaries efficacy
(Carey, 2014). Monofluorophosphate is an example of a profluoride compound that is hydrolyzed
to release ionic fluoride through salivary enzyme action (Carey, 2014). The total and potentially
available fluoride can be
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Identity Formation
It is important to understand that immigration experiences are very personal and unique. There are
many different factors that play a role when immigrating to the United States, such as educational
challenges, family separations, and acculturation to say the least. Each individual has a different
story. However, for the most part the process of adapting to a new culturemeans creating a new
identity in order to feel welcomed into the new culture. There may be specific events that happen to
different families or individuals that make the transition and new identity formation more difficult
than others.
Identity formation affects first generation immigrants differently than second generation
immigrants because of having the space and acceptance ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If the neighborhood or school is clean, modern, and quiet there is an assumption that the community
is very wealthy. However when the characteristics are the complete opposite there will the
assumption that the community is made up of minority immigrants. This also applies for the
socioeconomic class that can be shown through the size of the house or the county one lives in
because some places have very high taxes. There is also a connection between the neighborhoods
where the schools are located because if a school has a heavy population of a minority group, then
the social interactions will remain with the same people rather than building tolerance with other
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Different Molarities Of Hydrochloric Acid On Marble
The Analyzation of the Different Molarities of Hydrochloric Acid on Marble
Shimi, Jamilah.
The rate of a reaction is the speed at which the chemical reaction is taking place (Merriam
Webster). There are many factors that can affect the rate of a reaction, such as adding heat to speed
up the reaction rate, removing heat to slow it down, change in concentration, and the particle size.
A reversible reaction is a reaction in which reactants form products. This theory was initially
introduced by French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet in 1803 (Encyclopedia Britannica). If a
reaction is in equilibrium, then it is making products and reactants at the same time. Le Chatlier s
Principle can be used to determine the effect of changes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was evident through the results that the 6M hydrochloric acid had the fastest reaction rate
compared to the 3M and the 1M. When conducting this experiment there are many factors that will
impinge on the outcome. For example, the type of rock being used and the amount of acid , and the
acid concentration can change the outcome. Ways the experiment can be furthered are using an
acid that is different than hydrochloric acid, different concentrations other than 1M, 3M, and 6M,
and testing different types of marble and
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Customer Centric Organization Of Fast Vision Products And...
Lenscrafters have differentiated themselves as unique providers of fast vision products and services
above their competitors. Specifically, the company s strengths are based on its timely glasses in one
hour service, the broad range of brand selection and the great customer experience in their stores.
Clients can, thus, be served within an hour through a lab consultation where a customercan choose
eyeglasses that meet their most needs. The firm surpasses competitors through offering the latest
brands with customized payment plans such as flexible credit offers at their Optometric service
shops. They provide excellent customer service experience in their on site labs where personal
consultants offer eye examination and frame selection advises that suit client needs. Lenscrafters
have created a customer centric organization that upholds customer relationship management
strategy as their competitive advantage.
The primary operations management activities include operational planning, designing of goods
and services, resource planning and capacity management, quality control and inventory control
affect the outcomes of customer contact with a company s goods and services (CordГіn, Sundtoft,
Seifert, 2013).
The operations management activities of a service firm such as Lenscrafters determine the level of
service quality as perceived by the clients; hence, the amount of entertainment the experience
provides. The operations management concept revolves around all the
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My Growing In Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
Growing in Port au Prince, Haiti, I truly was not receiving a proper education and I knew that my
education was the only way for a more successful future. When I was young, my mother read a
book to me every day until I was old enough to read by myself. She would purchase English and I
would read them to the best of my ability. This is how I began teaching myself English. I came to
the United Statesat the age of five years old because of all the violence, and was able to because of
my status as a Canadian citizen. The court assigned my aunt legal guardianship of me, the reason
being that it was not a safe choice for me to go back to Haiti, I became active in the U.S and
attended school. My mother always pushed me to be and do better, this is... Show more content on
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I am driven by my ambitions and thrive to learn not only to educate myself, but to use my
knowledge to educate others. Learning is not always associated with school; we learn things
through experiences, mistakes, life lessons, people around us, and most importantly ourselves.
In life I aspire to become a neurosurgeon like Dr. Ben Carson who has truly inspired me in various
ways, and have what is called Healing Hands . My favorite quote is from his mother, You can do
anything anybody else can do, except you can do it better. I carry these words with me every single
day, with ever decision I make. One of my main goals in life is to visit Africa and build schools and
manage a hospital so children in the area will receive a proper education, as well as a proper care.
Through my own experience, I can truly say that life in a developing country is very challenging
and I believe that these children deserve, as well as anyone else, the chance to learn in order to
be successful in the future. This audacious path, which I have chosen, involves a great deal of
learning and I know that I am most ready to do what is necessary for my
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The Ethics Of Adolescent Diversion Project Essay
Upon my research I found out that there are many justices related programs from a restorative or
community framework that are being offered and available to people all ages, from 0 to 4 and
even 55+, races and genders. In order to determine what program I want to look deeper into and
examine, I turned to the Office of Justice Programs website which lists over 400 programs
available. The website points out what programs work and where tested and those that where
deemed as failed researches and programs, more specifically 90 effective programs, 272 as
promising, and 81 as no effect. One particular program that I was interested in and is listed as one
of the effective programs and applies to my set of principles is Adolescent Diversion Project (ADP)
or another name they use is Michigan State UniversityAdolescent Project (MSUAP) which was
founded and is practiced at Michigan State University. The set of principles that I found
Adolescent Diversion Project (ADP) program relevant to are: restorative justice should not be
mandated in a top down authoritarian process, no single road map or blueprint for every
individual involved, all persons involved must be prepared to make mistakes, assistance provided
should help people involved in the long run, crimeinvolves disruptions in a three dimensional
relationship of victim, community, and offender, the primary goals should be to repair the harm,
heal the victim and the community, and rehabilitate offenders.
Adolescent Diversion
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The Alpha For Sonic Healthcare Limited
As of the 27th March 2015, Sonic Healthcare Limited announced a closing share price of $20.39.
The dividend yield was 3.29%. Price earnings ratio was 21.35. Total market capitalisation was
$8.196 billion, (Morningstar, 2015). The beta for Sonic Healthcare Limited was 0.50. The average
beta for healthcare and life sciences industry was 0.51. The book value for Sonic Healthcare
Limited was 2.64. The total shareholder return for Sonic Healthcare Limited throughout a three year
period was 22.44%, (Morningstar, 2015). The dividendper share and earnings per share for Sonic
Healthcare Limited are forecast to grow 86.2 cents per share and 118.5 cents for 2015. Both
figures represent a slight growth in overall value from their 2013 (DPS: 71.2... Show more content
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The firm was initially listed as a public trading company on the Australian Securities Exchange in
1987, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014). Equipment is distributed to the following suppliers throughout
Australia. They include independent and regional healthcare providers, life science research
institutions, medical practitioners and patients undergoing treatment for acute and chronic medical
conditions within both public and private hospitals, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014). As of 2014, Sonic
Healthcare has catapulted itself to become one of Australia s largest domestic and global
distributors and providers of biomedical science diagnostic and laboratory equipment. Total revenue
reached $3.9 billion and is reflective of significant growth from an initial revenue amount worth $25
million in 1993, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014).
Key Business Divisions
The main business specialisation of Sonic Healthcare Limited incorporates diagnostic pathology.
Over 500 accredited medical researchers and pathologists are employed locally and overseas
undertaking research to identify the latest medical breakthroughs, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014).
Additionally, the firm has a designated clinical laboratory entitled Sonic Clinical Trials. The aim
involves therapeutic testing of pharmaceuticals to determine their overall effectiveness on patients
undergoing treatment for medical conditions, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014).
In addition to its outstanding
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Violence Tends To Threaten The Organization Of Society.
Violence tends to threaten the organization of society. In today s society violence is permeated in
almost every aspect of our daily lives. Violence in our society enters our homes, workplace, and
schools and especially in the media. Violence is the intentional action or inaction causing physical,
sexual and psychological injury, including battering, pornography, sexual assault, incest, child abuse
and sexual harassment. Advertisers use sex to get our attention and they make claims about their
product s ability to make us popular, attractive and successful. In my opinion ads affect us in
potentially damaging ways. The ads portray bodies, especially those of women as objects, which
forces us to seeing each other in dehumanizing ways.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In today s society there have been many instances of workplace violence that has included physical
assaults, threats, verbal abuse, beatings, stabbing, rapes, obscene phone calls and shootings. I
think this is due in fact by increasing social and economic factors. At my place of employment,
we have many instances of work place violence involving staff on staff, as well as inmate against
staff. Working in such a volatile situation has kind of desensitized me to these acts and I have
found myself needing counseling and the use of anti depressants to just get through the
workweek. Being surrounded by violence and violent individuals has a negative effect on those
subjected to it on a regular basis. Many people working in this field deny that they are affected by
it emotionally, however the reality of it shows in the high rates of suicide and divorce amongst
correctional staff. 2.Compare psychological theories of aggression, in particular, the catharsis and
social learning theories. The psychological theories of aggression are that it is shaped by the brain
and also involves genetic factors. Aggression is a drive that is common to most animals and
humans. It is described as an accumulating force, which needs to be released, usually in response to
a specific stimulus. Aggressive behavior usually occurs because of an individual attempting to
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Euthanasia In Me Before You, By Jojo Moyes
In the book Me Before You, the author Jojo Moyes chooses to illustrate the importance of
euthanasia as an option for ending your life if unable to live it to it s full potential. Moyes
character, William Traynor had a perfect life before the accident that left him paralyzed and
unwilling to live. Some may see the novel as just another story about troubled love, but it has a
deeper, underlying message that Jojo Moyes wishes to express. The author wants to bring up the
issue of euthanasiaand discuss the different sides that people may have on it and the fine line
between what is right and morally wrong. Jojo Moyes wants to educate the reader on euthanasia
through insight on the feelings of the disabled, the people around them, and clues to... Show more
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Before the accident, his life was perfect in every way. He was active, adventurous, and had an
amazing job and an amazing girlfriend, and now that he is disabled, he can t have any of that.
Everywhere he looks, he is reminded of the life he used to have and he can t possibly imagine
living in any other way. While it is true that most disabled people still wish to live, Moyes
chooses to show the side of people who do not. Will sees his old friends making new
relationships and moving on without him. This reality truly sets in when his old girlfriend
Alicia and his old best friend drop by to give him some news, I thought, we thought that it would
only be right to let you know...but, well, here s the thing. Rupert and I are getting married. But,
you know, life goes on. You must know that. It s been two years, after all (56). Will s depression
had pushed them away from him and now, hearing that they are moving on has only made him
more upset. For Will, everyday life reminds him of what he can t have and what a disadvantage
he is at. Just a simple outing that may have been fun, can turn disastrous because of his disability,
like when his wheelchair got stuck in the mud at the track. By showing the reader these
inconveniences for Will and the people around him , Moyes reveals that even if Will were to
come out of his depression, he will never be able to escape the reality that life is is just not the
same, and therefore, euthanasia should be an accepted
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Analysing Observation in Social Work Essay
Contents Page
1. Family Details 3 2. Observation Analysis4 3. Life Span Development 7 4. Sociology10 5. Social
Policy13 6. References16 7. Appendices21 i) Recording Observation21 ii) Community Profile28 iii)
Consent form45
Family Details
This observation is based on a family consisting of a young professional married couple and their
three year old daughter. I observed them for one hour over three weeks, in the evening to fit into
their schedules. They have lived in the borough of Croydon in their three bedroom house for six
years. For the purpose of this assignment all the names have been changed and the family ... Show
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Writers on observation discuss about observers having insider and outsider perspectives (Riche
Tanner, 1998; Pellegrini, 1996:16), Pellegrini (1996) believe that observers should have outsider
perspective, and they should divorce themselves entirely from interaction. In addition to this
Wilson (1992:38) added that observers need to be appropriately responsive and yet remained
detached, to avoid being drawn in and offering advice or doing anything with, or to, the subject.
There are also issues around being obtrusive this could have an effect on the participants
especially when we want to observe them in their natural setting (Pellegrini, 1996:49). Riche
and Tanner (1998; Briggs, 1995) support this but they acknowledge that observers can find it
impossible to remain an outsider, and that the observer will become part of the process, though
that nature and degree may vary. When looking back on my experience I had every intention to
take on an outsider perspective however, during my observation I found it harder and harder and
on my last observation I was interacting with the whole family. I think that interacting with the
family (especially Paige) helped my observation (Appendix 2 2nd and 3rd observation) as I felt
they were more relaxed around and did not see me as an observer; I feel this helped them
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Critical Review Of Andrew Wakefield
Critical review on Wakefield s research paper
Andrew Wakefield is a former gastroenterologist and medical researcher who was discharged
from his medical register in the UK, because of his dishonest research paper he released back in
1998, that analysed a possible link between measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the
presence of autism and bowel disease (Godlee, F., et al, 2011). Wakefield s research generated a
substantial scare for the MMR vaccine and MMR vaccination rates began to drop because parents
were concerned about the risk of autism after vaccination (DeStefano, F., Chen, R.T., 1999). After
the paper was published by the Lancet medical newspaper, other reviews were trying to repeat
Wakefield s conclusions, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The fact that beforehand healthy child showing autistic sign the next day is casual and such
disorder would take weeks or months until the child s behaviour disorder gets altered, so it was
inconvenient when Wakefield stated the intervals between taking the vaccine and showing the
symptoms of behaviour disorder (Greenhalgh, T., 2004). Not to mention the short duration in which
the patients were examined, days or few weeks that resulted into more inconvenience. Lastly,
Wakefield was very ambiguous as his paper was very confusing due to the general tone that showed
that they highly trusted a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism but what Wakefield
and his group of researchers concluded was that they did not prove a link between MMR vaccine
and autism (Greenhalgh, T.,
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Ice Cream Sundae
ATTENTION GETTER: Can you describe the perfect cure for a blazing hot summer day? Upon
hearing the phrase so sinfully delicious, what sensations tend to stir within your body? Throughout
America, a common response typically emerges: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Introduce Self: Hi, my name is Maria Papadopoulos, and with summer rapidly approaching, there
proves no greater treat than indulging in a home made ice cream sundae.
THESIS: In fact, by following three simple steps, one can concoct the perfect ice cream sundae.
Main Point One: First of all, one must decide upon a base, a flavor that will accentuate the
delightful taste of this treat.
Main Point Two: Secondly, the smothering of a rich... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
TRANSITION: Upon pouring a rich sauce over the ice cream base, one can then enjoy
embellishing the sundae at the very top.
III. As the finishing touches to the creation of an ice cream sundae, an individual must emphasize
the extravagance of such a dessert through the application of tasty toppings.
A. Part of the beauty of a sundae lies in the notion of its having no restraint, for embellishment
options remain practically endless.
1. With its soft, dreamy peaks, whipped cream provides one with a fluffy effect.
2. At the same time, other toppings such as crushed oreos, sprinkles, nuts, and bright red
maraschino cherries together complete the perfect ice cream sundae.
B. Although it seems as if an ice cream sundae emerges as rather costly with its various toppings
and other ingredients, a home made sundae proves far less expensive than one from an actual ice
cream store.
1. I would like you to listen to this figure from a USA Today article in July of 2001. The price of
milk fat, which exists as the prime component of ice cream, has increased by nearly seventy percent!
2. Surely, even we can relate to this huge price increase here in Champaign Urbana, for a cup of
plain ice cream smaller than the size of my palm costs around two dollars at the Union.
3. For this very reason, it actually proves wise to create an ice cream sundae to one s own liking at
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Essay about Plane Crash
When I stepped into the large neatly organized white polished plane, I never though something
would go wrong. I woke up and found myself on an extremely hot bright sunny desert island
filled with shiny soft bright green palm trees containing rough bright yellow hard felt juicy
apples. The simple strong plane I was in earlier shattered into little pieces of broken glass and
metal when crashing onto the wet slimy coffee colored sand and burning with red orange colored
flames. After my realization to this heart throbbing incident I began to run pressing my eight inch
footsteps into the wet squishy slimy light brown sand looking in every direction with my wide
open eyes filled with confusion in search of other survivors. After finding four... Show more content
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As I slowly turned my small almond shaped eyes I saw greediness of some survivors and I knew
rules needed to be given. As the glowing bright mustard colored sun arose my bright pink
chapped lips began to move. I began setting rules such as everybody needs to help each other,
they need to be fair and not greedy with the food or resources, everybody needs to help on any
project that we do to get rescued. You cannot go past the tenth apple treeuntil we run out of food
and lastly if any of the rules are broken you will not be able to have any food for the day. As I
slowly moved my head in a clockwise direction I saw their faces filled with shock but as they
began discussing these rules to each other they agreed. Three days later, as I was walking back
to shore the ocean blue water seeped through my feet cooling them from the heated sand. As I
stood there my eyes widened, my eyebrows pushed together and I was angered and shocked.
David, one of the survivors, was running past the tenth tree. I quickly began moving, my heart
was pacing I could hardly breathe, I was running so fast that my feet began to burn. I finally
caught him stretching my arm forward and pulling his red filthy soft shirt. I quickly brought him
back to shore and called the other survivors. As his punishment David had to be starved for the
whole day, as the other survivors saw the pallor of his skin, and pain from
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Microsoft Flight Simulator Research Paper
Microsoft does not always get it right, but Microsoft Flight Simulator is the one product where
developers have received almost unanimous praise from gamers and critics alike. A much
improved follow up to Flight Simulator 2004, Simulator X has better graphics, better presentation
and higher level of replayability. In fact, Microsoft Flight Simulator comes close to the real
experience of flying, but you should be aware that the download size is a bit big at 636.2 MB. It
takes around five minutes to install, and then you will have three choices. You can do an
introductory test flight, drop flour on targets or do a Caribbean Landing. Dropping flour takes
practice while the other two options hone your experience with the controls and help you to master
the landing.
What gamers love about Flight Simulator ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The game brings a stunning level of realism and walkways, luggage belts and fuel trucks can all
be extended from the aircraft. Getting too close to the ground, you will see local wildlife running
around, and it proves that Microsoft has gone the extra mile making a game of both depth and
quality. The game has accurately mapped the positions of the stars and the time of the year, which
shows how much thought Microsoft put into this game. You can even fly according to the weather
patterns. You can also set the weather to practice flying in storms and blizzards.
For people looking for an added level of realism, Microsoft Flight Simulator includes a pre flight
briefing that lets you discuss the weather predictions, flight conditions and the factors that will
have an impact on the flying experience. If you want to practice for worst case scenarios, you can
pre program your plane to malfunction while flying. You will watch as your co pilot reacts to an
undercarriage that has been jammed and dropped off over Denver.
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Essay On A Trip To Kashmir
There s a beautiful quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero saying that The pursuit, even of the best
things, ought to be calm and tranquil. Many people say that to get rid of your boring daily
routine, it is important that you take some day off and visit a beautiful place. It will not only
prove to be recreational but also you can get to know something interesting about the culture and
heritage of that place. I ve been on a vacation to many places but there s one which no one can
resist going to Kashmir.
Down my memory lane, I recall that it was two years ago when all of a sudden my dad decided to
go on a vacation to Kashmir. Visiting Kashmir had been a dream for years. After learning about
this decision, I was on the top of the world! My friends who previously ... Show more content on
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We received a pleasant welcome from the locals of Kashmir. Due to the fact that it had been
snowing in Kashmir for the past two days, the temperature had fallen to 3oC. It was so cold
outside that we just couldn t bear the water. It was freezing cold!
Furthermore, I being the delicate darling of our family, my mom was worried that this fall in
temperature could make me fall sick. So the very next moment I was piled up with a bundle of
warm clothes. As we reached Kashmir during the night, we had to stay in the hotel for the next few
hours. Though the climate was quite chilly in the beginning, till the next morning I got very much
adapted to it.
The very next day, we decided to go on a city tour of Kashmir. Water in its peculiar form, charmed
Kashmir to the core. From beautiful springs to huge lakes, water has been the most vital part of
Kashmir s beauty. It is said that once emperor Jahangir, of the Mughal Dynasty had stated that
Kashmir is vowed to be the paradise on Earth. And yes it is true. Visiting Kashmir makes you feel
as though you have come to the heaven
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History, Uses, And Alternative Methods Of Kanban
Kanban in Japanese means visual signal or card according to LearnIt.com. The following document
discusses the history, uses, and alternative methods of Kanban. The term Kanban originally was
coined as a phrase to describe process work flows in the 1940s at a Toyota factory. Kanban uses
have now expanded beyond manufacturing and into project management. Alternative methods that
might use Kanban are waterfall, scrum, and eXtreme programming. There are a lot of best practices
to follow in Kanban such as being flexible to incremental changes throughout the project and
encouraging leadership at all managementlevels. It is also important visualize the workflow and
then to manage it. This will help for everyone to understand the logic and make the flows
consistent. Kanban can be really beneficial to Project Management because it allows everyone to
see the progress of all the phases of the project and how their part plays into the big picture. This
process also allows flexibility with its ability to make additional tasks and changes continuously.
There are also some downsides to Kanban in project management. When projects have too many
specialized workflows for tasks it makes it hard to have consistent workflows, and Kanban doesn
t always account for two or more people working on a task. Kanban can be a valuable tool for
Project Management and other Just In Time processes. The Kanban method is really useful for
visualizing the process flows for which each task must go
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Study Abroad Mission Statement
Iowa State University will lead the world in advancing the land grant ideals of putting science,
technology, and human creativity to work (Strategic plan 2010 2015). Iowa State s goals are to be
a world leader in science, technology and human creativity. This goal is evident in Iowa State s
Study Abroad Program. The Study Abroad Program allows IowaState students to explore the world
while continuing their education at an affordable rate. The Study Abroad program goes hand in
hand with the universitys mission statement, and its land grant status. The program has many
different locations to choose from all across the planet for any major. The Study Abroad program
helps spread Iowa State around the globe and become a world leader in science,... Show more
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The most popular semester or year program offered is in Australia, either in New Castle,
Tasmania, or Canberra. Secondly is Costa Rica. and the third most chosen semester or year
program is in Greece at The American College of Thessaloniki. Some popular summer programs
include Ireland, Italy at Lorenzo de Medici, and in London at Middlesex University(Study
Abroad Center). The Study Abroad program has the power to take a student to any culture or
lifestyle to study a wide variety of majors. Over 1300 Isu students studied abroad last year with
programs spanning from a week up to a full year.(Study Abroad Center) Studies also show that
students who study abroad typically graduate before students who stayed on University for all
four years(Study Abroad Center). The study abroad program spans far and wide spreading fellow
cyclones across the globe making Iowa State university more and more known every day
propelling Iowa State to a be a world leader in education. The Study Abroad Center is conveniently
located with many resources for
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Persuasive Essay On Government Privacy
In the years of government surveillance has improved in many ways such as the technology and
advancing the fundamental ideals of individuals rights, they use the technology to avoid many
terrorist attack. The government preferably and advancing the fundamental ideals of individual
rights, they use technology to avoid a numerous of restrictions on surveillanceon common civilians.
Between the citizens of this country, there is a rising concern for the issue of privacydue to such a
powerful creation, in this case the Utah Date Center, as they feel that they are feeling a severe
violation on the rights that they had previously considered impenetrable. In order to stop these
concerns, Congress should consider endorsing a law that seeks to join the government s use of
technology to our Constitutional values. The cause of terrorist attacks like 9/11 tragedy the
government has ramped ups the security and surveillance of the activist, journalist and dissidents. It
is no secret that the government are able to have assess of people phone call records and text
messages but for that reason that, activists avoid using telephones, instead they use tools like
Skype. Which they think they are immune to interception but they are wrong. Over the last years
there has been an industry of companies who provide surveillance technology to the government,
technology that allows the government to hack into computers. Rather that intercepting the
commutations as they go over the wire, instead the government now hacks into your computer,
enable your webcam and your microphone and able to steal and look through documents from your
computer. In the article Quasi Constitutional Protection and Government Surveillance by Emily
Berman argues The government may collect and analyze unprecedented amounts of information
about U.S persons communications, but without concomitant safeguards against infringing on
individual privacy (781). According to this, it indicates that all the access the government is able to
see and how it is invading American s privacy. The U.S. Government has turned the Internetinto
something it was never intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. Out
of control government
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The Consequences Of Human Rights In The Holocaust
Renowned Zimbabwean revolutionary Robert Mugabe states, Cooperation and respect for each
other will advance the course of human rights worldwide. Confrontation, vilification, and double
standards will not. This quote vocalizes what human rights are and the steps necessary for liberty.
However, this set of rights are constantly in violation of mankind itself in innumerable instances.
The most evident event that violated these rights is the Holocaustin World War II. This Holocaust
was the persecution of Jews and people deemed unfit by Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party
during the nineteen thirties and forties. Though this catastrophic event caught the attention of the
world, this is not the only time in history human rightsbeing in violation. The Japanese effort in
World War II to create biological weapons for the war is another example of human rights being
taken away by mankind. After this war, the United Nations created a Universal Declaration of
Human Rights , Article Five stating, No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment.
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Elie Wiesel, wrote the memoir, Night, that captured the hearts of
millions of people in his survival of the Holocaust as a Jew. One event Elie recalled is his first
time in the concentration camp, Auschwitz. Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes... children
thrown into the flames (Night Elie Wiesel pg.32). This scene during Elie s first moments in the camp
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The Films Of Tim Burton And Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
In the films of Tim Burton, the antagonists are always troublesome, self absorbed, and ill
mannered, while the protagonists are always the outsiders. Burton, director of many movies such
as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Frankenweenie and much more,
makes the protagonists outcasts because It s important to feel like you live or understand the
character. [...] Like young Victor, Burton grew up feeling isolated in the suburbs, with emotionally
distant parents and a beloved dog, bullied in school and probably a bit depressed... (Hollywood
Reporter). The great contrast between the protagonists and the antagonists convey the tone for how
he perceives the world and the people in it. In the films Edward Scissorhands and... Show more
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He is looking at things with wide eyes because he has never seen these things before. He even
pops Kim s waterbed with his Scissorhands. While the audience finds it humorous, the author
conveys a deeper meaning, showing that from the start, Edward was not able to fit into the
perfect society that was created. He was an abnormal child, but Burton still manages to show
that it s okay to be abnormal. He feels relatable to Edward, who grew up with no parents and in
an isolated castle, and when brought into the real world, he was looked at as an outsider. But he
was still treated the same as us, in the beginning. He was seen as special. So, Burton s use of
lighting and camera angles to show his pitiful In both movies, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
and Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton feels apathetic towards the antagonists and creates a sinister
tone. He uses long shot to convey that he feels apathy towards Augustus. For example, in Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory, when the group had entered the candy field, and Augustus drank from
the chocolate river. Then he fell into it and was sucked up by a pipe, while Willy Wonka was
complaining about his contaminated chocolate. This shows that Burton doesn t care for the
antagonists. His apathy towards them is shown very obviously here because he just let Augustus go
away and didn t even think about Augustus until the parents had made a fuss about it. In another
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Personal Fiscal Responsibility
Research Question: I am researching student fast food workers attending SUNY schools in the
North Country because I want to find out how the financial gains affect their overall personal fiscal
responsibility, in order to understand how students in this industry can put themselves through
Object Domain: My object domain would be limited to students attending either SUNY Canton or
SUNY Potsdam that work within the fast food industry to support themselves. I would limit this
further by only selecting candidates with this as their primary source of income, as individuals
with secondary jobs would complicate the data set. I would survey roughly 50 students of unequal
portions between the two schools, or as many are comfortable answering ... Show more content on
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Nearly 80 Percent of Students Work While in School. ThinkProgress, 7 Aug. 2013, https:/
/thinkprogress.org/nearly 80 percent of students work while in school 2f44edacd275/
Lindlof, Thomas R. and Bryan C. Taylor. Producing Data II: Qualitative Interviewing. Qualitative
Communication Research Method, SAGE Publications, 2011, pp. 177 179.
Pettinger, Tejvan. Definition of Fiscal Responsibility. EconomicsHelp, 13 Oct. 2016, https:/
/www.economicshelp.org/blog/14788/debt/definition of fiscal responsibility/
Powell, Farran. Estimate Living Expenses to Determine College Affordability. U.S. News World
Report LP., 5 July 2016, https://www.usnews.com/education/best colleges/paying for college
/articles/2016 07 05/estimate living expenses to determine college affordability Number of
Employees in the United States Fast Food Restaurant Industry from 2004 to 2018. Statista, 2018,
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Examples Of Mistakes In Atonement
Good morning, today I am going to talk about the ability to learn from mistakes. I ve based my
oral presentation on the novel Atonement by Ian McEwan. It can be said that it is in the nature
of all of us, human beings, to make mistakes. Of course, there are different kinds of mistakes;
there are some that are innocent and harmless and others that can affect ourselves and/ or other
people s lives. Still, it is mainly by making this second type of mistakes that we can learn
important life lessons. They can help us to identify our flaws, and thus help us mature and achieve
personal growth. Yet, not everybody may be able to learn from mistakes. This seems to be the case
of Briony Tallis, one of the main characters of the novelAtonement by... Show more content on
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For instance, like the young Briony that was unable to put herself in another person s place, the
older Briony kept displaying this selfish and arrogant type of behavior. An example of this
occurs when she came across the aged Lola and Robert, she did not stop to think about their lives
or feelings but only thought about how many years more it would take to publish her book as this
couple should be dead before publishing it for a question of avoiding legal problems. Briony
realized that she would outlive Robert, yet Lola will definitely outlive her . Also, Briony
unconsciously admitted her lack of change when she expressed when reflecting about herself that
busy, priggish, conceited little girl [...]was not dead... . Thus, despite all the years that passed,
Briony was incapable to achieve enough maturation to rectify her
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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou is an author and poet who has risen to fame for her emotionally filled novels and
her deep, heartfelt poetry. Her novels mainly focus on her life and humanity with special
emphasis on her ideas of what it means to live. The way she utilizes many different styles to grab
and keep readers attention through something as simple as an autobiography is astounding. This
command of the English language and the grace with which she writes allows for a pleasant
reading experience. Her style is especially prominent in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, where
the early events of Angelou s life are vividly described to the reader in the postmodern literary
fashion. In order to understand Maya Angelous works, one must first... Show more content on
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Although postmodernism deals with serious themes, humor is often apparent in postmodern
works (1940s Postmodernism) and is prevalent in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In the
novel, when Angelou was speaking about an elderly woman she disliked, she stated, I decided I
wouldn t pee on her if her heart was on fire (104). This subtly interjected humor and mixed literary
style keeps stories fresh and enticing to read.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings opens up with a prologue where Angelou is expressing her
displeasure with being black. It is apparent from the very beginning that Maya feels a strong
sense of displacement and racial inferiority. She continually states that she wishes she was white
and, somewhat humorously, describes her appearance as [ . . . ] a too big Negro girl, with
nappy black hair, broad feet, and a space between her teeth that would hold a number two pencil
(Angelou 4 5). This however, is where her journey begins. Throughout her childhood Maya
learns the proper skills to be a lady and to live a Christian lifestyle. This helps her to discover
herself as a person and begin to evolve more during her teenage years.
As she grows older, Maya begins to search for explanations about herself and her ever changing
life. She ended up living in a junk yard for a month before she returned home to San Francisco.
Here she learned about racial tolerance which helped her to develop into her own person and accept
the fact that she
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How could the Holocaust have beet prevented
You have probably heard about a period of time, not so long ago, known as The Holocaust. A
holocaust, according to Webster s dictionary, is a complete destruction by fire (Stadtler, 1). In
Europe, during this period, there was a complete destruction by fire of Jewish homes, Jewish
businesses, Jewish neighborhoods, and Jewish people. This destruction was carried out under the
direction of Adolf Hitler, during the years 1939 1945, but it actually began earlier, in 1933, when
Hitler came to power in Germany.
In my opinion, the Holocaust, which was caused by ignorance, could very well have been
prevented. There were many powerful nations, such as the United Stated, the USSR, and Britain,
whose ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With Germans of all outlooks desperately seeking solutions for the nation s problems, Adolf
Hitler and the Nazi Party began their climb to power. Hitler was gifted with effective political
talents. He offered an explanation for Germany s defeat, and a vision of Germany s future
destiny, that played upon the fears, prejudices, and hopes of many Germans. He promised to
rebuild Germany s power and restore its prosperity (Isaacman, 16). This won the support of many
Germans. Hitler was such an effective speaker that anything he said was believed even if it was not
Hitler believed that the German people were part of an Aryan race, a superior group that should
be kept pure to fulfill their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were sub
human, when in actuality they were virtually the same as his Aryan race. Not only did Hitler have
a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for stabbing Germany in the
back after Germany s defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a
minority and were easy to put the blame on. Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a
confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation. That anti Semitism festered
throughout the centuries in European culture is centrally important; the Jews were (and are) a
minority civilization in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of searching for the
solution of
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Watts Riot Research Paper
Yola Halpert
Professor Ottina
CRJ 102: Intro to Policing
May 5, 2016
The Watts Riots The Watts Riots erupted on the backdrop of simmering racial tensions in the
United States. There were many varied long term causes for the eruption of the riot that rocked
Watts and the surrounding areas, but the immediate cause of the riot was routine police work
police responding to a call of a concerned citizen worried about a man driving his car erratically.
The Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, was predominantly black and racial tension had reached a
breaking point when two white policemen stopped, Marquette Frye, a black motorist whom they
suspected of drunken driving on the evening of August 11, 1965. A crowd of spectators gathered
near the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most of the victims were killed by the LAPD and the National Guard
(www.southcentralhistory.com).The Watts riot was the worst urban riot in 20 years and
foreshadowed the many rebellions to occur in the years that followed in Detroit, Newark, and other
American cities (History.com). In the aftermath of the riot there were three major outcomes. One,
the McCone Commission was set up by the government to study the riots. The McCone
Commission found that people rioted because of unemployment, bad schools and education, and
prior instances of police brutality (www.southcentralhistory.com). A second outcome following was
an independent commission, chaired by former Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner, that investigated the
causes of the rioting. The Kerner Commission issued its landmark report in 1968, concluding:
Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white separate and unequal
(www.cnn.com). Another major outcome was the creation of SWAT teams. They were created
with the vision of three police officers: Officer Nelson, who originally came up with the concept
of a specially equipped and highly trained unit, Inspector Gates, who spear headed the push to
make it happen and Ed Davis had the foresight to approve the program. The term SWAT was
coined by Gates and originally stood for
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Internal Strengths And Weaknesses Of John Lewis
The aim of this report is to explore the internal strengths and weaknesses of John Lewis and the
external threats and opportunities for this organisation. Secondly, it will explore how John Lewis
could use this SWOT analysis to benefit them in the future.
John Lewis is a British department store that operates in the United Kindom and is well known for
its Never Knowingly Undersold policy that brings quality products to the UK high streets and
online shopping. A SWOT analysisis intended to analyse the organisation s current status and its
potential for the future. Morrison (2011, p. 158) states that a SWOT analysis is a strategic tool
used by businesses to assess the organisation s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Using a SWOT analysis will encompass a detailed evaluation of the organisation for John Lewis,
which could be used to benefit the company in the future. As Wetherly Otter (2008, pp. 24 25)
says The capacity of a business to take advantage of opportunities and resist threats will depend on
its internal strengths and weaknesses. But if John Lewis has the internal strengths to undertake a
change a SWOT analysis will help as it was designed to enable an organisation to take into account
internal and external factors that may affect its strategic planning decisions and thus improve its
prospects of success (Harrison, 2014, p. 6).
Main Body
Customer loyalty/service
Leading brands
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The Victorian Era had lasted from the years 1837-1901....
The Victorian Era had lasted from the years 1837 1901. People in this era were known through
their social class and how efficiently they were able to present themselves. Those who were
obligated to carry themselves is such a proficient manner, were the women of Victorian Era.
Although they had been expected to perform and execute many tasks, they were never recognized
just as equal to the men in society. They were never acknowledged to make judgments or decisions,
rather were best known for marriage, prostitution, and motherhood. As the men, dominated and took
control of every decision possible. They were known for their aggressive and independent attitude.
This led an extraordinary women named, Charlotte BrontГ« to begin a revolution of... Show more
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She had become their new guardian and instructor, as their father began to grow ill. Similarly,
Charlotte gives an overview of her in the Malik 2 novel, better known as Mrs. Reed. The aunt
who was cruel, unjust, and never treated Jane as one of her own. In 1831, Charlotte was sent to
Roe Head School, an institution headed by Mrs. Wooler. Due to Charlottes father s illness, she
had to step up and retain the responsibility of becoming economically independent by gaining
enough education. Unfortunately, due to her accent and manner of dressing, she suffered from
homesickness and had a hard time focusing. However, Mrs. Wooler, just like Mrs. Temple,
encouraged Charlotte to overcome her limits and receive a position as a teacher, right at school.
Charlotte had declined at first because she went back home to spend her time teaching her
sisters and explored writing short fictional work (Stacey). Charlotte had also established a great
bond with her two friends, Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor, both of whom she met at Roe Head,
just like Helen Burns, who had become a great companion of Jane s, in Lowood. Due to Charlotte
and her sisters lack of options in society, their abundance of knowledge allowed Charlotte and
Anne to assume a position as a governess. Charlotte worked for a few families for a several
months, in 1839. The fact that she suddenly became the eldest child in a motherless family
(Elizabeth), her
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Romeo And Juliet Disobedient Character
The play Romeo and Juliet is a comedy turned tragedy. Written during the Elizabethan era, by
William Shakespeare in 1596. The play is renowned for its tale of star crossed lovers from
opposing families. Although the play is written from Romeo s point of view, we see Juliet s
character progress through different stages in the play unlike Romeo s character, who for the
most part stays the same. The play shows Juliet develop from an (1) obedient child to a (2)
disobedient child; to a (3) strong young lady making her own decisions. Juliet is a young girl living
a sheltered life, she is a very obedient child and bases all her decisions on the wishes of her parents.
Juliet s father is making decisions for her because he believes her to... Show more content on
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Once he is sent away Juliet realizes she s alone. Her marriage to Paris is arranged faster than
before due to the want of her father. Juliet s father has found Juliet a husband with a higher
social status. If Juliet and Paris were to marry her status would elevate to. juliet s father is doing
his duty as a father to see her married to a man of honor. This is the issue the marriage is about
honor not love. This is an issue of honor and her father will not accept defiance Well get you
gone: o Thursday be it, then. (Act 3 Scene 4 Line 30). Saying this her father is promising Juliet
to Paris ensuring that the two will wed. As well as his thinking that she is sad because Tybalt is
dead. Lady Capulet: Evermore weeping for your cousin s death? What, wilt thou wash him from
his grave with tears?(Act 3 Sc. 5 Lns.70) is more direct than
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New Hampshire Primaries Analysis
In the New Hampshire primaries, many candidates in both Democratic and Republican categories.
The candidates who do not follow the political views society deems as better rose to the occasion
of winning the votes in both categories. The intense primaries depicted strengths and weaknesses
in all candidates and the immediate decision for its representatives Trump and Sanders. Two main
points that were arguably the most eye catching was the clear win of Sanders against Hillary and
the shocking results in the runner ups of the Republican party. In the Democratic results of the
New Hampshire primaries, Bernie Sanders s win against Hillary Clinton was although well
predicted, still a surprising win. Throughout this entire campaign trail, many people believed
Hillary was a straight win for the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though Trump s win is a bit of a scare to some in America and the Republican party, what
really stood out in this party s primary was the runner ups following Trump s clear win. Many
had thought Republican candidate Cruz would be second runner up, but shockingly other
candidate John Kasich followed Trump with 16% in the vote. Throughout the rest of the
primaries, candidates Bush and Cruz had been a battle for third place with both having 11%,
while Rubio had trailed in at 9%. Although Cruz and Rubio s failure had been a bit predicted, no
one would have predicted the first runner up to be not too talked about candidate Kasich. It
seemingly similar to the Democratic candidate Sanders who at first everyone thought would not
succeed in these presidential campaigns, but winds up winning the hearts of many Americans.
The close race between the two went on for a couple hours, slowly rising and falling in the
percentiles for Bush and Cruz. Once all the votes were in, the clear winner in third place of the
primaries was Bush with 17%, Cruz at 12%, and Rubio at
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How Does Elasticity Affect The Airline Industry
Elasticity is a term that describes how much the demand or supply for a product or service
changes in relation to that product s price. Every product on the market today has an alternate
level of elasticity. Products considered necessities by a majority of consumers are typically less
affected by price changes, causing them less elastic. In other word, if the product is not considered
essential for the consumers they are likely to buy less when the price increased, making that
product elastic.
The two markets I choose to discuss are Airline Industry which will be characterized as an elastic
demand and Pharmaceutical Companies (Insulin) which will be characterized by an inelastic
Elastic demand means that demand for a product is sensitive to price changes. For example, if
the market value of a product increased, there will be fewer units sold. If the market value of a
product decreases, there will be an increase in the quantity of units sold. Elastic demand is also
referred to as the price elasticity of demand . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The elasticity of demand is based purely on current market condition. The tragedy that happened on
September 11th had a huge negative effect in the travel industry. It did not only create a disaster
but it also affected the fiscal and monetary policies, supply and demand, and it causes staffing
problems nationwide. The airline industry is being looked at as unstable due to the current market
conditions. The market constantly changes, the purpose of travel has a possibility to change, there
is also other transportation available such as bus, car, train, ferry etc. Externalities keep on
influencing the elasticity of
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Themes InThe Swimmer, By John Cheever
In John Cheever s short story, The Swimmer, we are introduced to Neddy Merrill a man who, at
first glance, seemed to be an ordinary affluent suburban man enjoying some drinks by the pool
with his neighbors. After lounging around with his neighbor, Neddy decided he s going to go
home by swimming through his neighbor s pools. Through his swimming journey, Neddy
slowly begins to acknowledge what has happened in his life. It wasn t until the moment that
Neddy finally reaches his home that everything that has happened to him fully sinks in. At the
end of The Swimmer, Neddy s vulnerability and lonesomeness are exposed. As Cheever wrote He
shouted, pounded on the door, tried to force it with his shoulder, and then, looking in at the
windows, saw that the place was empty (Cheever 737). In this sentence, we see the climax and
conclusion of Neddy s journey, and the dawn of a new awareness. Before we reach the climax
though, Cheever uses close proximity rhyming in the beginning of the sentence when he writes,
He shouted, pounded on the door (Cheever 737). This literary device provides the reader with a
glimpse into the powerful emotion surging through Neddy as he realizes that the home he thought
he had no longer exists. As we see Neddy becoming increasingly frustrated, Cheever begins to
transition this sentence to the climax of the story with Neddy feeling desperate and nervous.
Neddy reaches his breaking point as he discovers what s in the house as Cheever wrote and
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Business For Business Service Marketing
Business to Business Service Marketing
Executive summary
The following report will give a description of the music industry and the good and the bad aspects
of spotify. We will then analyze how Spotify can outcome the risks it faces and future goals it could
take in continuing our success in the online music streaming business.
Through using of the marketing mix the gaps model and CRM we can closely identify the key
features for Spotify s improvement both in the digital service market but also for in current and
potential consumers.
As you know Spotify is an online music streaming service that was launched in 2008.(Spotify for
Dummies Introduction). Since, our launch Spotify has over 12.5 million subscribers currently
boasts a library of around 15 million music tracks and about 50 million users (Spotify Press 2015).
Spotify is a service and services are deeds processes and performances (Business Service Marketing
Page 5) our service provides consumers with music to suit their needs. Though Spotify still sour
behind some of the higher end contenders, Pandora being the current market leader, therefore it
important to understand how Spotify has managed to succeed in the music streaming industry thus
Let us look at first of all at the digital music industry which consists of two markets these are the
streaming markets which has various different competitors and the digital download markets.If we
look at
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Good Country People Hulga Character Analysis
An Induced Handicap In Flannery O Conner s short story, Good Country People, the author uses
various influences and instances in order to depict a handicapped woman, a woman who develops
deeper problems induced by a singular static factor. O Conner provides insight regarding the
handicaps in Hulga s life, such as her need to rebel, her guarded and insecure nature, and her
condescending nature, all of which, are products of her ultimate handicap, her prosthetic leg. Hulga
s demonstrates her rebellious side throughout the story in the form of rigid and rude behavior, as
well as action taken by her. Hulga demonstrates her rebellious nature in the introduction of the story,
as the author provides insight to her triumph associated with changing... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
do you ever look inside? Do you ever look inside and see what you are not? God! (1343). The
rigid and explicit behavior associated with the rebellious nature that Hulga exhibits is likely a
diversion technique that makes her feel secure and comfortable around others. Hulga also exhibits
a guarded personality through her unwillingness to trust others, which is another support for her
insecure nature. Her guarded personality shows when she begins to socialize with the bible
salesman in a very impersonal manner: Joy had given him one look on being introduced to him
and then throughout the meal has not glanced at him again (1346). Aside from the demonstration
of insecurity through rebellion, explicit behavior, and a guarded personality, Hulga also finds
comfort in her condescending nature that stems from her advanced philosophical education. Mrs.
Hopewell, Hulga s mother, describes Hulga s education as a Ph.D. in philosophy (1344). Hulga
uses her extensive educational background throughout the story as she condescends upon others,
and imagines herself as superior: True genius can get an idea across even to an inferior mind
(1349). Hulga s behavior of hiding behind condescending behavior and assumed superiority is
another shield to aid in her handicap related to
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The Reflection Of Social Status In African Art
The Reflection of Social Status in African Art The attachment of labels to particular groups of
people is something society just can t stop doing. Categorizing brings comfort in a world that
can often be very brutal and chaotic. Most people s first thoughts when looking at or meeting
someone are along the lines of trying to guess what kind of person they are based on how they
look, to get a better understanding of their social status. This idea is reflected within the arts as
well, such as in the use of distinguishing factors to discern a leader or deity from mere mortals. In
African culture, people of higher status often employed the fine arts in combination with other
methods, to embed their absolute power into the minds of their normal counterparts. Hierarchical
scale is a favorite among ancient artists when creating works featuring a high ranking member of
society, be it a god or a mortal king. People in power want to remain relevant to the people they
serve, and this relevance is often reiterated through forms of political propaganda that make them
appear more menacing or divine. One of the more blatant examples of art indicating and
reinforcing social status is the Altar to the Hand and Arm (Kleiner 402 403). Upon first glance, the
most important figure can be picked out of the other figures being depicted in this piece. Ancient
African artists had a solid grasp on proportion, but they often honored their leaders by giving them
larger heads to represent the endless
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Magnolia Multi Service Center Case Study
The Magnolia Multi Service Center provides various services to individuals in Houston. Some of
the services that this community center provides include dental care, daycare, WIC programs,
senior programs, etc. The service center also provides speech, language, and hearing services for
children. The speech language pathologist (SLP) and the clinical fellow provide therapy services in
small groups and individually. The SLP and clinical fellow provided individual therapy services for
a fluency disorder, an autism spectrum disorder, an intellectual disability, and an articulation
disorder within three hours. The Magnolia multi service center provides necessary speech language
and hearing services to individuals in the community. The University of Houston provides
evaluations, screenings, and treatment in a large room within the Magnolia Multi Service Center.
The speech... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are many advantages and disadvantages in working for community clinics, like the Magnolia
Multi Service Center. Working in this setting allows the clinician to help individuals with lower
socioeconomic statuses. A disadvantage to working in this setting is that the speech language
pathologist is required to adhere to a strict schedule and rules. For example, the clinical fellow had a
record sheet indicating the specific client and the time that the client arrived and left. If the client is
late then the clinical graduate is required to only work with them using the remaining time in their
appointment. Another disadvantage I noticed was the clinical graduate struggled to maintain the
child s attention. When the client did not want to follow instructions, the client would often look
towards their parent to try to avoid completing the task. There are many other advantage and
disadvantages to working at this center and the clinical fellow readily handled the challenges and
the unexpected occurrences in the
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Risk Management Task 1a
JIT Task 1 Risk Management
Risk Management
From the last decade risk management is the most researched and exciting area in the financial
industry as it elaborates how to minimize and avert the hazard of risk from the portfolios of
different assets and from the operations of financial institutions. Regulators and depositors mainly
emphasize the risk management and according to them risk management is an essential ingredient
to enhance the value of shareholders and increase their level of confidence. Risk management is the
assessment of risks to mitigate, monitor and control the probability or impact on uncertain events.
Risk management methods vary from industry to industry for instance it cannot be same for project
management, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Companies and
governments operating in the complex economic environment of the 21st century must contend
with a broad range of risks. Some do so in an adhoc or reactive fashion, responding to risks as
they appear, whilst others are proactive, planning in advance the risks that they wish to assume
and how they can best manage them. Since it has become clear over the past few years that risk
can be financially damaging when neglected, anecdotal and empirical evidence suggests that
institutions increasingly opt for formalized processes to manage uncertainties that can lead to
losses. Risk can be classified in a number of ways and though we do not intend to present a
detailed taxonomy of risk, a brief overview is useful in order to frame my discussion. To begin,
risk can be divided broadly into financial risk and operating risk. Financial risk is the risk of loss
arising from the movement of a market or performance of a counterparty and can be segregated
into market risk (the risk of loss due to movement in market references, such as interest rates,
stock prices or currency rates), liquidity risk (the risk of loss due to an inability to obtain
unsecured funding or sell assets in order to make payments) and credit risk (the risk of loss due to
non performance by a counterparty on its contractual obligations). A rise in funding costs, an
inability to sell financial assets at carrying value or the default by a counterparty on a loan are
examples of
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Plant Competition
Plant Competition
This experiment was used to show the different types of competition between species.
Competition was defined as being a relationship between members of the same or different species
in which individuals are adversely affected by those having the same living requirements, such as
food or space (Competition 2010). There are two different types of competition that we will be
observing during this experiment. The first type would be intraspecific, which means competition
between same species (1976). The second type of competition is interspecific, which is defined as
competition between different species (1976). These two types of competition have helped us look
at the different types of interactions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first pot was filled with bean seeds and exposed to only high light. The second pot was filled
with radish seeds and exposed to only high light. The third pot was filled with bean seeds but
exposed to low light. The fourth pot was filled with radish seeds and exposed to low light. The
fifth and final pot was filled with bean and radish seeds. After allowing the plants to grow we then
measured the length of the largest leaf on each plant. We then cut the plants and weighed them. To
measure the leaves we used a standard ruler measuring the largest leaf on each stalk. We then cut
the plants as close to the soil as possible and weighed them individually on a scale.
RESULTS Radish Leaf Length| Radish High| Radish Mixed| Mean| 42.63245| 31.7856| Variance|
73.44780158| 144.792493| Observations| 22| 20| df| 40| | t Stat| 3.388687743| | P(T lt;=t) two tail|
0.001589122| | t Critical two tail| 2.02107539| |
The significance is to show that this is an example of interspecific competition and which radish is
the better competitor. Based on this chart, the radish high is the better competitor because it
produced the most observed sprouts. However, the radish mixed had a higher variance and larger
leaves so this would mean that the radish mixed would be a better competitor the for leaf length.
Bean Leaf Length| Bean High| Bean Mixed| Mean| 55.81304348| 67.84434783| Variance|
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  • 11. Customer Centric Organization Of Fast Vision Products And... Lenscrafters have differentiated themselves as unique providers of fast vision products and services above their competitors. Specifically, the company s strengths are based on its timely glasses in one hour service, the broad range of brand selection and the great customer experience in their stores. Clients can, thus, be served within an hour through a lab consultation where a customercan choose eyeglasses that meet their most needs. The firm surpasses competitors through offering the latest brands with customized payment plans such as flexible credit offers at their Optometric service shops. They provide excellent customer service experience in their on site labs where personal consultants offer eye examination and frame selection advises that suit client needs. Lenscrafters have created a customer centric organization that upholds customer relationship management strategy as their competitive advantage. The primary operations management activities include operational planning, designing of goods and services, resource planning and capacity management, quality control and inventory control affect the outcomes of customer contact with a company s goods and services (CordГіn, Sundtoft, Seifert, 2013). The operations management activities of a service firm such as Lenscrafters determine the level of service quality as perceived by the clients; hence, the amount of entertainment the experience provides. The operations management concept revolves around all the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. My Growing In Port-Au-Prince, Haiti Growing in Port au Prince, Haiti, I truly was not receiving a proper education and I knew that my education was the only way for a more successful future. When I was young, my mother read a book to me every day until I was old enough to read by myself. She would purchase English and I would read them to the best of my ability. This is how I began teaching myself English. I came to the United Statesat the age of five years old because of all the violence, and was able to because of my status as a Canadian citizen. The court assigned my aunt legal guardianship of me, the reason being that it was not a safe choice for me to go back to Haiti, I became active in the U.S and attended school. My mother always pushed me to be and do better, this is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I am driven by my ambitions and thrive to learn not only to educate myself, but to use my knowledge to educate others. Learning is not always associated with school; we learn things through experiences, mistakes, life lessons, people around us, and most importantly ourselves. In life I aspire to become a neurosurgeon like Dr. Ben Carson who has truly inspired me in various ways, and have what is called Healing Hands . My favorite quote is from his mother, You can do anything anybody else can do, except you can do it better. I carry these words with me every single day, with ever decision I make. One of my main goals in life is to visit Africa and build schools and manage a hospital so children in the area will receive a proper education, as well as a proper care. Through my own experience, I can truly say that life in a developing country is very challenging and I believe that these children deserve, as well as anyone else, the chance to learn in order to be successful in the future. This audacious path, which I have chosen, involves a great deal of learning and I know that I am most ready to do what is necessary for my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Ethics Of Adolescent Diversion Project Essay Upon my research I found out that there are many justices related programs from a restorative or community framework that are being offered and available to people all ages, from 0 to 4 and even 55+, races and genders. In order to determine what program I want to look deeper into and examine, I turned to the Office of Justice Programs website which lists over 400 programs available. The website points out what programs work and where tested and those that where deemed as failed researches and programs, more specifically 90 effective programs, 272 as promising, and 81 as no effect. One particular program that I was interested in and is listed as one of the effective programs and applies to my set of principles is Adolescent Diversion Project (ADP) or another name they use is Michigan State UniversityAdolescent Project (MSUAP) which was founded and is practiced at Michigan State University. The set of principles that I found Adolescent Diversion Project (ADP) program relevant to are: restorative justice should not be mandated in a top down authoritarian process, no single road map or blueprint for every individual involved, all persons involved must be prepared to make mistakes, assistance provided should help people involved in the long run, crimeinvolves disruptions in a three dimensional relationship of victim, community, and offender, the primary goals should be to repair the harm, heal the victim and the community, and rehabilitate offenders. Adolescent Diversion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Alpha For Sonic Healthcare Limited As of the 27th March 2015, Sonic Healthcare Limited announced a closing share price of $20.39. The dividend yield was 3.29%. Price earnings ratio was 21.35. Total market capitalisation was $8.196 billion, (Morningstar, 2015). The beta for Sonic Healthcare Limited was 0.50. The average beta for healthcare and life sciences industry was 0.51. The book value for Sonic Healthcare Limited was 2.64. The total shareholder return for Sonic Healthcare Limited throughout a three year period was 22.44%, (Morningstar, 2015). The dividendper share and earnings per share for Sonic Healthcare Limited are forecast to grow 86.2 cents per share and 118.5 cents for 2015. Both figures represent a slight growth in overall value from their 2013 (DPS: 71.2... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The firm was initially listed as a public trading company on the Australian Securities Exchange in 1987, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014). Equipment is distributed to the following suppliers throughout Australia. They include independent and regional healthcare providers, life science research institutions, medical practitioners and patients undergoing treatment for acute and chronic medical conditions within both public and private hospitals, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014). As of 2014, Sonic Healthcare has catapulted itself to become one of Australia s largest domestic and global distributors and providers of biomedical science diagnostic and laboratory equipment. Total revenue reached $3.9 billion and is reflective of significant growth from an initial revenue amount worth $25 million in 1993, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014). Key Business Divisions The main business specialisation of Sonic Healthcare Limited incorporates diagnostic pathology. Over 500 accredited medical researchers and pathologists are employed locally and overseas undertaking research to identify the latest medical breakthroughs, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014). Additionally, the firm has a designated clinical laboratory entitled Sonic Clinical Trials. The aim involves therapeutic testing of pharmaceuticals to determine their overall effectiveness on patients undergoing treatment for medical conditions, (Sonic Healthcare, 2014). In addition to its outstanding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Violence Tends To Threaten The Organization Of Society. Violence tends to threaten the organization of society. In today s society violence is permeated in almost every aspect of our daily lives. Violence in our society enters our homes, workplace, and schools and especially in the media. Violence is the intentional action or inaction causing physical, sexual and psychological injury, including battering, pornography, sexual assault, incest, child abuse and sexual harassment. Advertisers use sex to get our attention and they make claims about their product s ability to make us popular, attractive and successful. In my opinion ads affect us in potentially damaging ways. The ads portray bodies, especially those of women as objects, which forces us to seeing each other in dehumanizing ways.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In today s society there have been many instances of workplace violence that has included physical assaults, threats, verbal abuse, beatings, stabbing, rapes, obscene phone calls and shootings. I think this is due in fact by increasing social and economic factors. At my place of employment, we have many instances of work place violence involving staff on staff, as well as inmate against staff. Working in such a volatile situation has kind of desensitized me to these acts and I have found myself needing counseling and the use of anti depressants to just get through the workweek. Being surrounded by violence and violent individuals has a negative effect on those subjected to it on a regular basis. Many people working in this field deny that they are affected by it emotionally, however the reality of it shows in the high rates of suicide and divorce amongst correctional staff. 2.Compare psychological theories of aggression, in particular, the catharsis and social learning theories. The psychological theories of aggression are that it is shaped by the brain and also involves genetic factors. Aggression is a drive that is common to most animals and humans. It is described as an accumulating force, which needs to be released, usually in response to a specific stimulus. Aggressive behavior usually occurs because of an individual attempting to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Euthanasia In Me Before You, By Jojo Moyes In the book Me Before You, the author Jojo Moyes chooses to illustrate the importance of euthanasia as an option for ending your life if unable to live it to it s full potential. Moyes character, William Traynor had a perfect life before the accident that left him paralyzed and unwilling to live. Some may see the novel as just another story about troubled love, but it has a deeper, underlying message that Jojo Moyes wishes to express. The author wants to bring up the issue of euthanasiaand discuss the different sides that people may have on it and the fine line between what is right and morally wrong. Jojo Moyes wants to educate the reader on euthanasia through insight on the feelings of the disabled, the people around them, and clues to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before the accident, his life was perfect in every way. He was active, adventurous, and had an amazing job and an amazing girlfriend, and now that he is disabled, he can t have any of that. Everywhere he looks, he is reminded of the life he used to have and he can t possibly imagine living in any other way. While it is true that most disabled people still wish to live, Moyes chooses to show the side of people who do not. Will sees his old friends making new relationships and moving on without him. This reality truly sets in when his old girlfriend Alicia and his old best friend drop by to give him some news, I thought, we thought that it would only be right to let you know...but, well, here s the thing. Rupert and I are getting married. But, you know, life goes on. You must know that. It s been two years, after all (56). Will s depression had pushed them away from him and now, hearing that they are moving on has only made him more upset. For Will, everyday life reminds him of what he can t have and what a disadvantage he is at. Just a simple outing that may have been fun, can turn disastrous because of his disability, like when his wheelchair got stuck in the mud at the track. By showing the reader these inconveniences for Will and the people around him , Moyes reveals that even if Will were to come out of his depression, he will never be able to escape the reality that life is is just not the same, and therefore, euthanasia should be an accepted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Analysing Observation in Social Work Essay Contents Page 1. Family Details 3 2. Observation Analysis4 3. Life Span Development 7 4. Sociology10 5. Social Policy13 6. References16 7. Appendices21 i) Recording Observation21 ii) Community Profile28 iii) Consent form45 Family Details This observation is based on a family consisting of a young professional married couple and their three year old daughter. I observed them for one hour over three weeks, in the evening to fit into their schedules. They have lived in the borough of Croydon in their three bedroom house for six years. For the purpose of this assignment all the names have been changed and the family ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Writers on observation discuss about observers having insider and outsider perspectives (Riche Tanner, 1998; Pellegrini, 1996:16), Pellegrini (1996) believe that observers should have outsider perspective, and they should divorce themselves entirely from interaction. In addition to this Wilson (1992:38) added that observers need to be appropriately responsive and yet remained detached, to avoid being drawn in and offering advice or doing anything with, or to, the subject. There are also issues around being obtrusive this could have an effect on the participants especially when we want to observe them in their natural setting (Pellegrini, 1996:49). Riche and Tanner (1998; Briggs, 1995) support this but they acknowledge that observers can find it impossible to remain an outsider, and that the observer will become part of the process, though that nature and degree may vary. When looking back on my experience I had every intention to take on an outsider perspective however, during my observation I found it harder and harder and on my last observation I was interacting with the whole family. I think that interacting with the family (especially Paige) helped my observation (Appendix 2 2nd and 3rd observation) as I felt they were more relaxed around and did not see me as an observer; I feel this helped them ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Critical Review Of Andrew Wakefield Critical review on Wakefield s research paper Introduction Andrew Wakefield is a former gastroenterologist and medical researcher who was discharged from his medical register in the UK, because of his dishonest research paper he released back in 1998, that analysed a possible link between measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the presence of autism and bowel disease (Godlee, F., et al, 2011). Wakefield s research generated a substantial scare for the MMR vaccine and MMR vaccination rates began to drop because parents were concerned about the risk of autism after vaccination (DeStefano, F., Chen, R.T., 1999). After the paper was published by the Lancet medical newspaper, other reviews were trying to repeat Wakefield s conclusions, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fact that beforehand healthy child showing autistic sign the next day is casual and such disorder would take weeks or months until the child s behaviour disorder gets altered, so it was inconvenient when Wakefield stated the intervals between taking the vaccine and showing the symptoms of behaviour disorder (Greenhalgh, T., 2004). Not to mention the short duration in which the patients were examined, days or few weeks that resulted into more inconvenience. Lastly, Wakefield was very ambiguous as his paper was very confusing due to the general tone that showed that they highly trusted a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism but what Wakefield and his group of researchers concluded was that they did not prove a link between MMR vaccine and autism (Greenhalgh, T., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Ice Cream Sundae Introduction ATTENTION GETTER: Can you describe the perfect cure for a blazing hot summer day? Upon hearing the phrase so sinfully delicious, what sensations tend to stir within your body? Throughout America, a common response typically emerges: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Introduce Self: Hi, my name is Maria Papadopoulos, and with summer rapidly approaching, there proves no greater treat than indulging in a home made ice cream sundae. THESIS: In fact, by following three simple steps, one can concoct the perfect ice cream sundae. Main Point One: First of all, one must decide upon a base, a flavor that will accentuate the delightful taste of this treat. Main Point Two: Secondly, the smothering of a rich... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... TRANSITION: Upon pouring a rich sauce over the ice cream base, one can then enjoy embellishing the sundae at the very top. III. As the finishing touches to the creation of an ice cream sundae, an individual must emphasize the extravagance of such a dessert through the application of tasty toppings. A. Part of the beauty of a sundae lies in the notion of its having no restraint, for embellishment options remain practically endless. 1. With its soft, dreamy peaks, whipped cream provides one with a fluffy effect. 2. At the same time, other toppings such as crushed oreos, sprinkles, nuts, and bright red maraschino cherries together complete the perfect ice cream sundae. B. Although it seems as if an ice cream sundae emerges as rather costly with its various toppings and other ingredients, a home made sundae proves far less expensive than one from an actual ice cream store. 1. I would like you to listen to this figure from a USA Today article in July of 2001. The price of milk fat, which exists as the prime component of ice cream, has increased by nearly seventy percent! 2. Surely, even we can relate to this huge price increase here in Champaign Urbana, for a cup of plain ice cream smaller than the size of my palm costs around two dollars at the Union. 3. For this very reason, it actually proves wise to create an ice cream sundae to one s own liking at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay about Plane Crash When I stepped into the large neatly organized white polished plane, I never though something would go wrong. I woke up and found myself on an extremely hot bright sunny desert island filled with shiny soft bright green palm trees containing rough bright yellow hard felt juicy apples. The simple strong plane I was in earlier shattered into little pieces of broken glass and metal when crashing onto the wet slimy coffee colored sand and burning with red orange colored flames. After my realization to this heart throbbing incident I began to run pressing my eight inch footsteps into the wet squishy slimy light brown sand looking in every direction with my wide open eyes filled with confusion in search of other survivors. After finding four... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As I slowly turned my small almond shaped eyes I saw greediness of some survivors and I knew rules needed to be given. As the glowing bright mustard colored sun arose my bright pink chapped lips began to move. I began setting rules such as everybody needs to help each other, they need to be fair and not greedy with the food or resources, everybody needs to help on any project that we do to get rescued. You cannot go past the tenth apple treeuntil we run out of food and lastly if any of the rules are broken you will not be able to have any food for the day. As I slowly moved my head in a clockwise direction I saw their faces filled with shock but as they began discussing these rules to each other they agreed. Three days later, as I was walking back to shore the ocean blue water seeped through my feet cooling them from the heated sand. As I stood there my eyes widened, my eyebrows pushed together and I was angered and shocked. David, one of the survivors, was running past the tenth tree. I quickly began moving, my heart was pacing I could hardly breathe, I was running so fast that my feet began to burn. I finally caught him stretching my arm forward and pulling his red filthy soft shirt. I quickly brought him back to shore and called the other survivors. As his punishment David had to be starved for the whole day, as the other survivors saw the pallor of his skin, and pain from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Microsoft Flight Simulator Research Paper Microsoft does not always get it right, but Microsoft Flight Simulator is the one product where developers have received almost unanimous praise from gamers and critics alike. A much improved follow up to Flight Simulator 2004, Simulator X has better graphics, better presentation and higher level of replayability. In fact, Microsoft Flight Simulator comes close to the real experience of flying, but you should be aware that the download size is a bit big at 636.2 MB. It takes around five minutes to install, and then you will have three choices. You can do an introductory test flight, drop flour on targets or do a Caribbean Landing. Dropping flour takes practice while the other two options hone your experience with the controls and help you to master the landing. What gamers love about Flight Simulator ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The game brings a stunning level of realism and walkways, luggage belts and fuel trucks can all be extended from the aircraft. Getting too close to the ground, you will see local wildlife running around, and it proves that Microsoft has gone the extra mile making a game of both depth and quality. The game has accurately mapped the positions of the stars and the time of the year, which shows how much thought Microsoft put into this game. You can even fly according to the weather patterns. You can also set the weather to practice flying in storms and blizzards. For people looking for an added level of realism, Microsoft Flight Simulator includes a pre flight briefing that lets you discuss the weather predictions, flight conditions and the factors that will have an impact on the flying experience. If you want to practice for worst case scenarios, you can pre program your plane to malfunction while flying. You will watch as your co pilot reacts to an undercarriage that has been jammed and dropped off over Denver. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Essay On A Trip To Kashmir There s a beautiful quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero saying that The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil. Many people say that to get rid of your boring daily routine, it is important that you take some day off and visit a beautiful place. It will not only prove to be recreational but also you can get to know something interesting about the culture and heritage of that place. I ve been on a vacation to many places but there s one which no one can resist going to Kashmir. Down my memory lane, I recall that it was two years ago when all of a sudden my dad decided to go on a vacation to Kashmir. Visiting Kashmir had been a dream for years. After learning about this decision, I was on the top of the world! My friends who previously ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We received a pleasant welcome from the locals of Kashmir. Due to the fact that it had been snowing in Kashmir for the past two days, the temperature had fallen to 3oC. It was so cold outside that we just couldn t bear the water. It was freezing cold! Furthermore, I being the delicate darling of our family, my mom was worried that this fall in temperature could make me fall sick. So the very next moment I was piled up with a bundle of warm clothes. As we reached Kashmir during the night, we had to stay in the hotel for the next few hours. Though the climate was quite chilly in the beginning, till the next morning I got very much adapted to it. The very next day, we decided to go on a city tour of Kashmir. Water in its peculiar form, charmed Kashmir to the core. From beautiful springs to huge lakes, water has been the most vital part of Kashmir s beauty. It is said that once emperor Jahangir, of the Mughal Dynasty had stated that Kashmir is vowed to be the paradise on Earth. And yes it is true. Visiting Kashmir makes you feel as though you have come to the heaven ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. History, Uses, And Alternative Methods Of Kanban Kanban in Japanese means visual signal or card according to LearnIt.com. The following document discusses the history, uses, and alternative methods of Kanban. The term Kanban originally was coined as a phrase to describe process work flows in the 1940s at a Toyota factory. Kanban uses have now expanded beyond manufacturing and into project management. Alternative methods that might use Kanban are waterfall, scrum, and eXtreme programming. There are a lot of best practices to follow in Kanban such as being flexible to incremental changes throughout the project and encouraging leadership at all managementlevels. It is also important visualize the workflow and then to manage it. This will help for everyone to understand the logic and make the flows consistent. Kanban can be really beneficial to Project Management because it allows everyone to see the progress of all the phases of the project and how their part plays into the big picture. This process also allows flexibility with its ability to make additional tasks and changes continuously. There are also some downsides to Kanban in project management. When projects have too many specialized workflows for tasks it makes it hard to have consistent workflows, and Kanban doesn t always account for two or more people working on a task. Kanban can be a valuable tool for Project Management and other Just In Time processes. The Kanban method is really useful for visualizing the process flows for which each task must go ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Study Abroad Mission Statement Iowa State University will lead the world in advancing the land grant ideals of putting science, technology, and human creativity to work (Strategic plan 2010 2015). Iowa State s goals are to be a world leader in science, technology and human creativity. This goal is evident in Iowa State s Study Abroad Program. The Study Abroad Program allows IowaState students to explore the world while continuing their education at an affordable rate. The Study Abroad program goes hand in hand with the universitys mission statement, and its land grant status. The program has many different locations to choose from all across the planet for any major. The Study Abroad program helps spread Iowa State around the globe and become a world leader in science,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most popular semester or year program offered is in Australia, either in New Castle, Tasmania, or Canberra. Secondly is Costa Rica. and the third most chosen semester or year program is in Greece at The American College of Thessaloniki. Some popular summer programs include Ireland, Italy at Lorenzo de Medici, and in London at Middlesex University(Study Abroad Center). The Study Abroad program has the power to take a student to any culture or lifestyle to study a wide variety of majors. Over 1300 Isu students studied abroad last year with programs spanning from a week up to a full year.(Study Abroad Center) Studies also show that students who study abroad typically graduate before students who stayed on University for all four years(Study Abroad Center). The study abroad program spans far and wide spreading fellow cyclones across the globe making Iowa State university more and more known every day propelling Iowa State to a be a world leader in education. The Study Abroad Center is conveniently located with many resources for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Persuasive Essay On Government Privacy In the years of government surveillance has improved in many ways such as the technology and advancing the fundamental ideals of individuals rights, they use the technology to avoid many terrorist attack. The government preferably and advancing the fundamental ideals of individual rights, they use technology to avoid a numerous of restrictions on surveillanceon common civilians. Between the citizens of this country, there is a rising concern for the issue of privacydue to such a powerful creation, in this case the Utah Date Center, as they feel that they are feeling a severe violation on the rights that they had previously considered impenetrable. In order to stop these concerns, Congress should consider endorsing a law that seeks to join the government s use of technology to our Constitutional values. The cause of terrorist attacks like 9/11 tragedy the government has ramped ups the security and surveillance of the activist, journalist and dissidents. It is no secret that the government are able to have assess of people phone call records and text messages but for that reason that, activists avoid using telephones, instead they use tools like Skype. Which they think they are immune to interception but they are wrong. Over the last years there has been an industry of companies who provide surveillance technology to the government, technology that allows the government to hack into computers. Rather that intercepting the commutations as they go over the wire, instead the government now hacks into your computer, enable your webcam and your microphone and able to steal and look through documents from your computer. In the article Quasi Constitutional Protection and Government Surveillance by Emily Berman argues The government may collect and analyze unprecedented amounts of information about U.S persons communications, but without concomitant safeguards against infringing on individual privacy (781). According to this, it indicates that all the access the government is able to see and how it is invading American s privacy. The U.S. Government has turned the Internetinto something it was never intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. Out of control government ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Consequences Of Human Rights In The Holocaust Renowned Zimbabwean revolutionary Robert Mugabe states, Cooperation and respect for each other will advance the course of human rights worldwide. Confrontation, vilification, and double standards will not. This quote vocalizes what human rights are and the steps necessary for liberty. However, this set of rights are constantly in violation of mankind itself in innumerable instances. The most evident event that violated these rights is the Holocaustin World War II. This Holocaust was the persecution of Jews and people deemed unfit by Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party during the nineteen thirties and forties. Though this catastrophic event caught the attention of the world, this is not the only time in history human rightsbeing in violation. The Japanese effort in World War II to create biological weapons for the war is another example of human rights being taken away by mankind. After this war, the United Nations created a Universal Declaration of Human Rights , Article Five stating, No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Elie Wiesel, wrote the memoir, Night, that captured the hearts of millions of people in his survival of the Holocaust as a Jew. One event Elie recalled is his first time in the concentration camp, Auschwitz. Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes... children thrown into the flames (Night Elie Wiesel pg.32). This scene during Elie s first moments in the camp ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Films Of Tim Burton And Charlie And The Chocolate Factory In the films of Tim Burton, the antagonists are always troublesome, self absorbed, and ill mannered, while the protagonists are always the outsiders. Burton, director of many movies such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Frankenweenie and much more, makes the protagonists outcasts because It s important to feel like you live or understand the character. [...] Like young Victor, Burton grew up feeling isolated in the suburbs, with emotionally distant parents and a beloved dog, bullied in school and probably a bit depressed... (Hollywood Reporter). The great contrast between the protagonists and the antagonists convey the tone for how he perceives the world and the people in it. In the films Edward Scissorhands and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is looking at things with wide eyes because he has never seen these things before. He even pops Kim s waterbed with his Scissorhands. While the audience finds it humorous, the author conveys a deeper meaning, showing that from the start, Edward was not able to fit into the perfect society that was created. He was an abnormal child, but Burton still manages to show that it s okay to be abnormal. He feels relatable to Edward, who grew up with no parents and in an isolated castle, and when brought into the real world, he was looked at as an outsider. But he was still treated the same as us, in the beginning. He was seen as special. So, Burton s use of lighting and camera angles to show his pitiful In both movies, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton feels apathetic towards the antagonists and creates a sinister tone. He uses long shot to convey that he feels apathy towards Augustus. For example, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, when the group had entered the candy field, and Augustus drank from the chocolate river. Then he fell into it and was sucked up by a pipe, while Willy Wonka was complaining about his contaminated chocolate. This shows that Burton doesn t care for the antagonists. His apathy towards them is shown very obviously here because he just let Augustus go away and didn t even think about Augustus until the parents had made a fuss about it. In another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Personal Fiscal Responsibility Research Question: I am researching student fast food workers attending SUNY schools in the North Country because I want to find out how the financial gains affect their overall personal fiscal responsibility, in order to understand how students in this industry can put themselves through schooling. Object Domain: My object domain would be limited to students attending either SUNY Canton or SUNY Potsdam that work within the fast food industry to support themselves. I would limit this further by only selecting candidates with this as their primary source of income, as individuals with secondary jobs would complicate the data set. I would survey roughly 50 students of unequal portions between the two schools, or as many are comfortable answering ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nearly 80 Percent of Students Work While in School. ThinkProgress, 7 Aug. 2013, https:/ /thinkprogress.org/nearly 80 percent of students work while in school 2f44edacd275/ Lindlof, Thomas R. and Bryan C. Taylor. Producing Data II: Qualitative Interviewing. Qualitative Communication Research Method, SAGE Publications, 2011, pp. 177 179. Pettinger, Tejvan. Definition of Fiscal Responsibility. EconomicsHelp, 13 Oct. 2016, https:/ /www.economicshelp.org/blog/14788/debt/definition of fiscal responsibility/ Powell, Farran. Estimate Living Expenses to Determine College Affordability. U.S. News World Report LP., 5 July 2016, https://www.usnews.com/education/best colleges/paying for college /articles/2016 07 05/estimate living expenses to determine college affordability Number of Employees in the United States Fast Food Restaurant Industry from 2004 to 2018. Statista, 2018, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Examples Of Mistakes In Atonement Good morning, today I am going to talk about the ability to learn from mistakes. I ve based my oral presentation on the novel Atonement by Ian McEwan. It can be said that it is in the nature of all of us, human beings, to make mistakes. Of course, there are different kinds of mistakes; there are some that are innocent and harmless and others that can affect ourselves and/ or other people s lives. Still, it is mainly by making this second type of mistakes that we can learn important life lessons. They can help us to identify our flaws, and thus help us mature and achieve personal growth. Yet, not everybody may be able to learn from mistakes. This seems to be the case of Briony Tallis, one of the main characters of the novelAtonement by... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, like the young Briony that was unable to put herself in another person s place, the older Briony kept displaying this selfish and arrogant type of behavior. An example of this occurs when she came across the aged Lola and Robert, she did not stop to think about their lives or feelings but only thought about how many years more it would take to publish her book as this couple should be dead before publishing it for a question of avoiding legal problems. Briony realized that she would outlive Robert, yet Lola will definitely outlive her . Also, Briony unconsciously admitted her lack of change when she expressed when reflecting about herself that busy, priggish, conceited little girl [...]was not dead... . Thus, despite all the years that passed, Briony was incapable to achieve enough maturation to rectify her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings By Maya Angelou Maya Angelou is an author and poet who has risen to fame for her emotionally filled novels and her deep, heartfelt poetry. Her novels mainly focus on her life and humanity with special emphasis on her ideas of what it means to live. The way she utilizes many different styles to grab and keep readers attention through something as simple as an autobiography is astounding. This command of the English language and the grace with which she writes allows for a pleasant reading experience. Her style is especially prominent in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, where the early events of Angelou s life are vividly described to the reader in the postmodern literary fashion. In order to understand Maya Angelous works, one must first... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although postmodernism deals with serious themes, humor is often apparent in postmodern works (1940s Postmodernism) and is prevalent in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In the novel, when Angelou was speaking about an elderly woman she disliked, she stated, I decided I wouldn t pee on her if her heart was on fire (104). This subtly interjected humor and mixed literary style keeps stories fresh and enticing to read. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings opens up with a prologue where Angelou is expressing her displeasure with being black. It is apparent from the very beginning that Maya feels a strong sense of displacement and racial inferiority. She continually states that she wishes she was white and, somewhat humorously, describes her appearance as [ . . . ] a too big Negro girl, with nappy black hair, broad feet, and a space between her teeth that would hold a number two pencil (Angelou 4 5). This however, is where her journey begins. Throughout her childhood Maya learns the proper skills to be a lady and to live a Christian lifestyle. This helps her to discover herself as a person and begin to evolve more during her teenage years. As she grows older, Maya begins to search for explanations about herself and her ever changing life. She ended up living in a junk yard for a month before she returned home to San Francisco. Here she learned about racial tolerance which helped her to develop into her own person and accept the fact that she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. How could the Holocaust have beet prevented COULD THE HOLOCAUST HAVE BEEN PREVENTED? You have probably heard about a period of time, not so long ago, known as The Holocaust. A holocaust, according to Webster s dictionary, is a complete destruction by fire (Stadtler, 1). In Europe, during this period, there was a complete destruction by fire of Jewish homes, Jewish businesses, Jewish neighborhoods, and Jewish people. This destruction was carried out under the direction of Adolf Hitler, during the years 1939 1945, but it actually began earlier, in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. In my opinion, the Holocaust, which was caused by ignorance, could very well have been prevented. There were many powerful nations, such as the United Stated, the USSR, and Britain, whose ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With Germans of all outlooks desperately seeking solutions for the nation s problems, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party began their climb to power. Hitler was gifted with effective political talents. He offered an explanation for Germany s defeat, and a vision of Germany s future destiny, that played upon the fears, prejudices, and hopes of many Germans. He promised to rebuild Germany s power and restore its prosperity (Isaacman, 16). This won the support of many Germans. Hitler was such an effective speaker that anything he said was believed even if it was not true. Hitler believed that the German people were part of an Aryan race, a superior group that should be kept pure to fulfill their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were sub human, when in actuality they were virtually the same as his Aryan race. Not only did Hitler have a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for stabbing Germany in the back after Germany s defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a minority and were easy to put the blame on. Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation. That anti Semitism festered throughout the centuries in European culture is centrally important; the Jews were (and are) a minority civilization in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of searching for the solution of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Watts Riot Research Paper Yola Halpert Professor Ottina CRJ 102: Intro to Policing May 5, 2016 The Watts Riots The Watts Riots erupted on the backdrop of simmering racial tensions in the United States. There were many varied long term causes for the eruption of the riot that rocked Watts and the surrounding areas, but the immediate cause of the riot was routine police work police responding to a call of a concerned citizen worried about a man driving his car erratically. The Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, was predominantly black and racial tension had reached a breaking point when two white policemen stopped, Marquette Frye, a black motorist whom they suspected of drunken driving on the evening of August 11, 1965. A crowd of spectators gathered near the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the victims were killed by the LAPD and the National Guard (www.southcentralhistory.com).The Watts riot was the worst urban riot in 20 years and foreshadowed the many rebellions to occur in the years that followed in Detroit, Newark, and other American cities (History.com). In the aftermath of the riot there were three major outcomes. One, the McCone Commission was set up by the government to study the riots. The McCone Commission found that people rioted because of unemployment, bad schools and education, and prior instances of police brutality (www.southcentralhistory.com). A second outcome following was an independent commission, chaired by former Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner, that investigated the causes of the rioting. The Kerner Commission issued its landmark report in 1968, concluding: Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white separate and unequal (www.cnn.com). Another major outcome was the creation of SWAT teams. They were created with the vision of three police officers: Officer Nelson, who originally came up with the concept of a specially equipped and highly trained unit, Inspector Gates, who spear headed the push to make it happen and Ed Davis had the foresight to approve the program. The term SWAT was coined by Gates and originally stood for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Internal Strengths And Weaknesses Of John Lewis Summary The aim of this report is to explore the internal strengths and weaknesses of John Lewis and the external threats and opportunities for this organisation. Secondly, it will explore how John Lewis could use this SWOT analysis to benefit them in the future. Introduction John Lewis is a British department store that operates in the United Kindom and is well known for its Never Knowingly Undersold policy that brings quality products to the UK high streets and online shopping. A SWOT analysisis intended to analyse the organisation s current status and its potential for the future. Morrison (2011, p. 158) states that a SWOT analysis is a strategic tool used by businesses to assess the organisation s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Using a SWOT analysis will encompass a detailed evaluation of the organisation for John Lewis, which could be used to benefit the company in the future. As Wetherly Otter (2008, pp. 24 25) says The capacity of a business to take advantage of opportunities and resist threats will depend on its internal strengths and weaknesses. But if John Lewis has the internal strengths to undertake a change a SWOT analysis will help as it was designed to enable an organisation to take into account internal and external factors that may affect its strategic planning decisions and thus improve its prospects of success (Harrison, 2014, p. 6). Main Body Strengths Customer loyalty/service Marketing Leading brands Quality Range ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Victorian Era had lasted from the years 1837-1901.... The Victorian Era had lasted from the years 1837 1901. People in this era were known through their social class and how efficiently they were able to present themselves. Those who were obligated to carry themselves is such a proficient manner, were the women of Victorian Era. Although they had been expected to perform and execute many tasks, they were never recognized just as equal to the men in society. They were never acknowledged to make judgments or decisions, rather were best known for marriage, prostitution, and motherhood. As the men, dominated and took control of every decision possible. They were known for their aggressive and independent attitude. This led an extraordinary women named, Charlotte BrontГ« to begin a revolution of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She had become their new guardian and instructor, as their father began to grow ill. Similarly, Charlotte gives an overview of her in the Malik 2 novel, better known as Mrs. Reed. The aunt who was cruel, unjust, and never treated Jane as one of her own. In 1831, Charlotte was sent to Roe Head School, an institution headed by Mrs. Wooler. Due to Charlottes father s illness, she had to step up and retain the responsibility of becoming economically independent by gaining enough education. Unfortunately, due to her accent and manner of dressing, she suffered from homesickness and had a hard time focusing. However, Mrs. Wooler, just like Mrs. Temple, encouraged Charlotte to overcome her limits and receive a position as a teacher, right at school. Charlotte had declined at first because she went back home to spend her time teaching her sisters and explored writing short fictional work (Stacey). Charlotte had also established a great bond with her two friends, Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor, both of whom she met at Roe Head, just like Helen Burns, who had become a great companion of Jane s, in Lowood. Due to Charlotte and her sisters lack of options in society, their abundance of knowledge allowed Charlotte and Anne to assume a position as a governess. Charlotte worked for a few families for a several months, in 1839. The fact that she suddenly became the eldest child in a motherless family (Elizabeth), her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Romeo And Juliet Disobedient Character The play Romeo and Juliet is a comedy turned tragedy. Written during the Elizabethan era, by William Shakespeare in 1596. The play is renowned for its tale of star crossed lovers from opposing families. Although the play is written from Romeo s point of view, we see Juliet s character progress through different stages in the play unlike Romeo s character, who for the most part stays the same. The play shows Juliet develop from an (1) obedient child to a (2) disobedient child; to a (3) strong young lady making her own decisions. Juliet is a young girl living a sheltered life, she is a very obedient child and bases all her decisions on the wishes of her parents. Juliet s father is making decisions for her because he believes her to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once he is sent away Juliet realizes she s alone. Her marriage to Paris is arranged faster than before due to the want of her father. Juliet s father has found Juliet a husband with a higher social status. If Juliet and Paris were to marry her status would elevate to. juliet s father is doing his duty as a father to see her married to a man of honor. This is the issue the marriage is about honor not love. This is an issue of honor and her father will not accept defiance Well get you gone: o Thursday be it, then. (Act 3 Scene 4 Line 30). Saying this her father is promising Juliet to Paris ensuring that the two will wed. As well as his thinking that she is sad because Tybalt is dead. Lady Capulet: Evermore weeping for your cousin s death? What, wilt thou wash him from his grave with tears?(Act 3 Sc. 5 Lns.70) is more direct than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. New Hampshire Primaries Analysis In the New Hampshire primaries, many candidates in both Democratic and Republican categories. The candidates who do not follow the political views society deems as better rose to the occasion of winning the votes in both categories. The intense primaries depicted strengths and weaknesses in all candidates and the immediate decision for its representatives Trump and Sanders. Two main points that were arguably the most eye catching was the clear win of Sanders against Hillary and the shocking results in the runner ups of the Republican party. In the Democratic results of the New Hampshire primaries, Bernie Sanders s win against Hillary Clinton was although well predicted, still a surprising win. Throughout this entire campaign trail, many people believed Hillary was a straight win for the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though Trump s win is a bit of a scare to some in America and the Republican party, what really stood out in this party s primary was the runner ups following Trump s clear win. Many had thought Republican candidate Cruz would be second runner up, but shockingly other candidate John Kasich followed Trump with 16% in the vote. Throughout the rest of the primaries, candidates Bush and Cruz had been a battle for third place with both having 11%, while Rubio had trailed in at 9%. Although Cruz and Rubio s failure had been a bit predicted, no one would have predicted the first runner up to be not too talked about candidate Kasich. It seemingly similar to the Democratic candidate Sanders who at first everyone thought would not succeed in these presidential campaigns, but winds up winning the hearts of many Americans. The close race between the two went on for a couple hours, slowly rising and falling in the percentiles for Bush and Cruz. Once all the votes were in, the clear winner in third place of the primaries was Bush with 17%, Cruz at 12%, and Rubio at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. How Does Elasticity Affect The Airline Industry Elasticity is a term that describes how much the demand or supply for a product or service changes in relation to that product s price. Every product on the market today has an alternate level of elasticity. Products considered necessities by a majority of consumers are typically less affected by price changes, causing them less elastic. In other word, if the product is not considered essential for the consumers they are likely to buy less when the price increased, making that product elastic. The two markets I choose to discuss are Airline Industry which will be characterized as an elastic demand and Pharmaceutical Companies (Insulin) which will be characterized by an inelastic demand. Elastic demand means that demand for a product is sensitive to price changes. For example, if the market value of a product increased, there will be fewer units sold. If the market value of a product decreases, there will be an increase in the quantity of units sold. Elastic demand is also referred to as the price elasticity of demand . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The elasticity of demand is based purely on current market condition. The tragedy that happened on September 11th had a huge negative effect in the travel industry. It did not only create a disaster but it also affected the fiscal and monetary policies, supply and demand, and it causes staffing problems nationwide. The airline industry is being looked at as unstable due to the current market conditions. The market constantly changes, the purpose of travel has a possibility to change, there is also other transportation available such as bus, car, train, ferry etc. Externalities keep on influencing the elasticity of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Themes InThe Swimmer, By John Cheever In John Cheever s short story, The Swimmer, we are introduced to Neddy Merrill a man who, at first glance, seemed to be an ordinary affluent suburban man enjoying some drinks by the pool with his neighbors. After lounging around with his neighbor, Neddy decided he s going to go home by swimming through his neighbor s pools. Through his swimming journey, Neddy slowly begins to acknowledge what has happened in his life. It wasn t until the moment that Neddy finally reaches his home that everything that has happened to him fully sinks in. At the end of The Swimmer, Neddy s vulnerability and lonesomeness are exposed. As Cheever wrote He shouted, pounded on the door, tried to force it with his shoulder, and then, looking in at the windows, saw that the place was empty (Cheever 737). In this sentence, we see the climax and conclusion of Neddy s journey, and the dawn of a new awareness. Before we reach the climax though, Cheever uses close proximity rhyming in the beginning of the sentence when he writes, He shouted, pounded on the door (Cheever 737). This literary device provides the reader with a glimpse into the powerful emotion surging through Neddy as he realizes that the home he thought he had no longer exists. As we see Neddy becoming increasingly frustrated, Cheever begins to transition this sentence to the climax of the story with Neddy feeling desperate and nervous. Neddy reaches his breaking point as he discovers what s in the house as Cheever wrote and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Business For Business Service Marketing Business to Business Service Marketing Executive summary The following report will give a description of the music industry and the good and the bad aspects of spotify. We will then analyze how Spotify can outcome the risks it faces and future goals it could take in continuing our success in the online music streaming business. Through using of the marketing mix the gaps model and CRM we can closely identify the key features for Spotify s improvement both in the digital service market but also for in current and potential consumers. SPOTIFY As you know Spotify is an online music streaming service that was launched in 2008.(Spotify for Dummies Introduction). Since, our launch Spotify has over 12.5 million subscribers currently boasts a library of around 15 million music tracks and about 50 million users (Spotify Press 2015). Spotify is a service and services are deeds processes and performances (Business Service Marketing Page 5) our service provides consumers with music to suit their needs. Though Spotify still sour behind some of the higher end contenders, Pandora being the current market leader, therefore it important to understand how Spotify has managed to succeed in the music streaming industry thus far. DIGITAL MUSIC INDUSTRY Let us look at first of all at the digital music industry which consists of two markets these are the streaming markets which has various different competitors and the digital download markets.If we look at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Good Country People Hulga Character Analysis An Induced Handicap In Flannery O Conner s short story, Good Country People, the author uses various influences and instances in order to depict a handicapped woman, a woman who develops deeper problems induced by a singular static factor. O Conner provides insight regarding the handicaps in Hulga s life, such as her need to rebel, her guarded and insecure nature, and her condescending nature, all of which, are products of her ultimate handicap, her prosthetic leg. Hulga s demonstrates her rebellious side throughout the story in the form of rigid and rude behavior, as well as action taken by her. Hulga demonstrates her rebellious nature in the introduction of the story, as the author provides insight to her triumph associated with changing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... do you ever look inside? Do you ever look inside and see what you are not? God! (1343). The rigid and explicit behavior associated with the rebellious nature that Hulga exhibits is likely a diversion technique that makes her feel secure and comfortable around others. Hulga also exhibits a guarded personality through her unwillingness to trust others, which is another support for her insecure nature. Her guarded personality shows when she begins to socialize with the bible salesman in a very impersonal manner: Joy had given him one look on being introduced to him and then throughout the meal has not glanced at him again (1346). Aside from the demonstration of insecurity through rebellion, explicit behavior, and a guarded personality, Hulga also finds comfort in her condescending nature that stems from her advanced philosophical education. Mrs. Hopewell, Hulga s mother, describes Hulga s education as a Ph.D. in philosophy (1344). Hulga uses her extensive educational background throughout the story as she condescends upon others, and imagines herself as superior: True genius can get an idea across even to an inferior mind (1349). Hulga s behavior of hiding behind condescending behavior and assumed superiority is another shield to aid in her handicap related to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Reflection Of Social Status In African Art The Reflection of Social Status in African Art The attachment of labels to particular groups of people is something society just can t stop doing. Categorizing brings comfort in a world that can often be very brutal and chaotic. Most people s first thoughts when looking at or meeting someone are along the lines of trying to guess what kind of person they are based on how they look, to get a better understanding of their social status. This idea is reflected within the arts as well, such as in the use of distinguishing factors to discern a leader or deity from mere mortals. In African culture, people of higher status often employed the fine arts in combination with other methods, to embed their absolute power into the minds of their normal counterparts. Hierarchical scale is a favorite among ancient artists when creating works featuring a high ranking member of society, be it a god or a mortal king. People in power want to remain relevant to the people they serve, and this relevance is often reiterated through forms of political propaganda that make them appear more menacing or divine. One of the more blatant examples of art indicating and reinforcing social status is the Altar to the Hand and Arm (Kleiner 402 403). Upon first glance, the most important figure can be picked out of the other figures being depicted in this piece. Ancient African artists had a solid grasp on proportion, but they often honored their leaders by giving them larger heads to represent the endless ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Magnolia Multi Service Center Case Study The Magnolia Multi Service Center provides various services to individuals in Houston. Some of the services that this community center provides include dental care, daycare, WIC programs, senior programs, etc. The service center also provides speech, language, and hearing services for children. The speech language pathologist (SLP) and the clinical fellow provide therapy services in small groups and individually. The SLP and clinical fellow provided individual therapy services for a fluency disorder, an autism spectrum disorder, an intellectual disability, and an articulation disorder within three hours. The Magnolia multi service center provides necessary speech language and hearing services to individuals in the community. The University of Houston provides evaluations, screenings, and treatment in a large room within the Magnolia Multi Service Center. The speech... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many advantages and disadvantages in working for community clinics, like the Magnolia Multi Service Center. Working in this setting allows the clinician to help individuals with lower socioeconomic statuses. A disadvantage to working in this setting is that the speech language pathologist is required to adhere to a strict schedule and rules. For example, the clinical fellow had a record sheet indicating the specific client and the time that the client arrived and left. If the client is late then the clinical graduate is required to only work with them using the remaining time in their appointment. Another disadvantage I noticed was the clinical graduate struggled to maintain the child s attention. When the client did not want to follow instructions, the client would often look towards their parent to try to avoid completing the task. There are many other advantage and disadvantages to working at this center and the clinical fellow readily handled the challenges and the unexpected occurrences in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Risk Management Task 1a JIT Task 1 Risk Management Risk Management From the last decade risk management is the most researched and exciting area in the financial industry as it elaborates how to minimize and avert the hazard of risk from the portfolios of different assets and from the operations of financial institutions. Regulators and depositors mainly emphasize the risk management and according to them risk management is an essential ingredient to enhance the value of shareholders and increase their level of confidence. Risk management is the assessment of risks to mitigate, monitor and control the probability or impact on uncertain events. Risk management methods vary from industry to industry for instance it cannot be same for project management, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Companies and governments operating in the complex economic environment of the 21st century must contend with a broad range of risks. Some do so in an adhoc or reactive fashion, responding to risks as they appear, whilst others are proactive, planning in advance the risks that they wish to assume and how they can best manage them. Since it has become clear over the past few years that risk can be financially damaging when neglected, anecdotal and empirical evidence suggests that institutions increasingly opt for formalized processes to manage uncertainties that can lead to losses. Risk can be classified in a number of ways and though we do not intend to present a detailed taxonomy of risk, a brief overview is useful in order to frame my discussion. To begin, risk can be divided broadly into financial risk and operating risk. Financial risk is the risk of loss arising from the movement of a market or performance of a counterparty and can be segregated into market risk (the risk of loss due to movement in market references, such as interest rates, stock prices or currency rates), liquidity risk (the risk of loss due to an inability to obtain unsecured funding or sell assets in order to make payments) and credit risk (the risk of loss due to non performance by a counterparty on its contractual obligations). A rise in funding costs, an inability to sell financial assets at carrying value or the default by a counterparty on a loan are examples of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Plant Competition Plant Competition INTRODUCTION This experiment was used to show the different types of competition between species. Competition was defined as being a relationship between members of the same or different species in which individuals are adversely affected by those having the same living requirements, such as food or space (Competition 2010). There are two different types of competition that we will be observing during this experiment. The first type would be intraspecific, which means competition between same species (1976). The second type of competition is interspecific, which is defined as competition between different species (1976). These two types of competition have helped us look at the different types of interactions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first pot was filled with bean seeds and exposed to only high light. The second pot was filled with radish seeds and exposed to only high light. The third pot was filled with bean seeds but exposed to low light. The fourth pot was filled with radish seeds and exposed to low light. The fifth and final pot was filled with bean and radish seeds. After allowing the plants to grow we then measured the length of the largest leaf on each plant. We then cut the plants and weighed them. To measure the leaves we used a standard ruler measuring the largest leaf on each stalk. We then cut the plants as close to the soil as possible and weighed them individually on a scale. RESULTS Radish Leaf Length| Radish High| Radish Mixed| Mean| 42.63245| 31.7856| Variance| 73.44780158| 144.792493| Observations| 22| 20| df| 40| | t Stat| 3.388687743| | P(T lt;=t) two tail| 0.001589122| | t Critical two tail| 2.02107539| | The significance is to show that this is an example of interspecific competition and which radish is the better competitor. Based on this chart, the radish high is the better competitor because it produced the most observed sprouts. However, the radish mixed had a higher variance and larger leaves so this would mean that the radish mixed would be a better competitor the for leaf length. Bean Leaf Length| Bean High| Bean Mixed| Mean| 55.81304348| 67.84434783| Variance| 169.6868403| ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...