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Wholesale Price Index


What is WPI?

 Index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market
  basket of goods) over time
 It is also substituted for the annual average inflation at times
 It gives an idea of the week-to-week fluctuations in the prices of all the traded
  commodities in the country as a whole
 It is calculated for wholesale prices in which the quantities of the base year and
  current year are different
Origin and History
   The Office of the Economic Adviser to the Government of India undertook to publish for the first time,
    WPI with base week ended August 19, 1939, from the week commencing January 10, 1942
   The index was calculated as the geometric mean of the price relatives of 23 commodities
   These commodities were classified into four groups
       Food & tobacco
       Agricultural commodities
       Raw materials
       Manufactured articles
   Each item was assigned equal weight
   There was a single price quotation for each item
   An important modification in the WPI was that in the ‘70-71 series, weights were assigned on the basis
    of the entire wholesale transactions and therefore the values of transactions of the non-selected
    commodities (which did not find place in the index) were assigned to those selected commodities whose
    nature and price trends were similar.
   The base year of the WPI which commenced in India in week ending in august 1942 was revised to year
    ending august 1942, 1981-82
   The current base year is 1993-94
   The latest series includes three broad sectors namely,
         Primary Articles
         Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants
         Manufactured Products
Functions & Uses
    It is used by the Reserve Bank of India and the Government of India to frame their
    monetary and fiscal policies and to take appropriate corrective steps during
    inflationary periods
   It is also utilized for purposes like forecasting changes in business conditions
    indicating supply-demand relationships, deflating aggregates such as national
    income, etc
   It is used by a number of departments of the Government of India, semi-
    government bodies, chambers of commerce, trade associations and private
   Conventionally, it has been used to measure the variations in exchange value or
    purchasing power of money
   Other organizations like the Planning Commission, Department of Civil Supplies,
    Central Statistical Organization, base their various schemes on the price trends
    revealed by the index numbers of wholesale prices
   Also used by some of the units in public and private sectors for the purpose of
    escalation clause in the supply of raw materials, machinery and construction work
Advantages & Disadvantages

 It represents the wholesale trade transactions of all the commodities produced and
  traded in the system
 It is available on a weekly basis with the least time lag
 The traditional WPI is important in so far as it provides an economy- wide measure
  at the level of overall transactions in the economy with money as its numeraire
 It is quite handy for purposes of comparisons


 It is non-specific in nature for use by various agencies
 It is not a proper measure for measuring inflation in the basket of final use
 It does not include the range of services which cater to both businesses and
  consumers thus they all tend to use a series which is not designed with their
  specific requirements
Construction Methodology
Index Calculation(1/4)
 It is calculated on the principle of weighted arithmetic mean, according to the
  Lasperyre’s formula which has a fixed base-year weighting diagram operative
  through the entire life span of the series.

                 I= Σ (Ii . Ri)/Σ Wi

   Where, I = Index Number of wholesale prices of a sub-group/group/major group/all
           Wi = The weight assigned to the ith item/sub-group/group/major group.
            Ii = Index of the ith item/subgroup/group/major group
 The weekly WPI at the time of its initial compilation and release is provisional as it
  does not take into account some of the price quotations that are received belatedly.
 The prices of the missing quotations are either repeated or estimated depending on
  the nature of the commodity.
 The provisional index is made ‘final’ after a period of eight weeks by which time
  almost all the required price quotations are expected to have become available.
Index Calculation(2/4)
      The WPI Index is composed of three broad heads namely Manufactured Products,
       Primary Articles & Fuel, Power, Lights and Lubricants with weight 63.75%, 22.02 %
       and 14.23% respectively
      Let us examine the detailed breakup of the Manufactured Products along with the
       indexed prices of each of the sub heads
         Description          Base Price Current Price Price Relative(p) Avg. P(Ii)   Wi     Wi*Ii
        Coal Mining                                                        117.67     1.75   205.93
        Coking Coal               50           56             112
      Non Coking Coal             56           65            116.07
           Coke                   48           58            120.83
          Lignite                 78           95            121.79

        Mineral Oils                                                       103.68     6.99   724.71
             LPG                 350           375           107.14
            Petrol               48            49            102.08
          Keros ene              15            12              80
    Aviation turbine Fuel        850          1020             120
    High s peed dies el oil      625           569            91.04
       Light dies el oil         425           498           117.18
           Naptha                536           592           110.45
           Bitum in              658           689           104.71
         Furnace oil             468           450            96.15
         Lubricants              249           269           108.03

       Electricity                                                         121.67     5.48   666.73
    Elec.(Dom es tic)              4            5             125
   Elec(Com m ercial)              8           10             125
     Elec(Indus try)               6            7            116.67
 Elec(Railway Traction)            5            6             120
          Sum                                                                         14.2 1597.38
Index Calculation(3/4)
 Thus the manufactured products index stands at
       I = Σ (Ii . Ri)/Σ Wi
         = 1597.38/14.23
         = 38.74

 Similarly the Primary articles and the Fuel, Lights, Power and Lubricants index can
  be calculated and let us take their values as 52.26 and 85.96 respectively

 Thus the value of WPI index for the week ‘x’ is equal to

                = Manufactured products Index + Primary articles Index + Fuel, Lights
           = 38.74+46.35+29.78
           = 114.87

 Now let us assume that the prices in each of the sub heads of the manufactured
  products index changes in the next week say ‘y’
Index Calculation(4/4)
    Description           Base Price Current Price Price Relative(p) Avg. P(Ii) Wi    Wi*Ii
    Coal Mining                                                       129.04 1.75    225.82      Thus the new manufactured
    Coking Coal              50           60             120                                      products index value is
  Non Coking Coal            56           63            112.50                                    1614.73/41.2 = 39.16
       Coke                  48           82            170.83
      Lignite                78           88            112.82                                   Corresponding value for the
                                                                                                  primary articles and fuel,
    Mineral Oils                                                     103.64   6.99   724.46       lights index is at 46.63 and
        LPG                  350          360          102.86                                     32.63 respectively
        Petrol               48           50           104.17
      Keros ene              15           10            66.67                                     Thus the value of WPI index
Aviation turbine Fuel        850         1200          141.18                                     is at the end of week ‘y’
High s peed dies el oil      625          558           89.28                                     stands at 39.16 + 46.63 +
   Light dies el oil         425          512          120.47
       Naptha                536          568          105.97
                                                                                                  32.63 = 118.42
       Bitum in              658          698          106.08                                     Thus the Index has grown by
     Furnace oil             468          465           99.36                                     3.09% in week ‘y’ compared
     Lubricants              249          250          100.40
                                                                                                  to its value in week ‘x’
      Electricity                                                    121.25   5.48   664.45       This signifies a growth in the
   Elec.(Dom es tic)          4           4.5           112.5                                     wholesale price in India
  Elec(Com m ercial)          8           11            137.5
    Elec(Indus try)           6           7.5            125                                     For the week ended ‘Y’ the
Elec(Railway Traction)        5           5.5            110                                      inflation rate in India is at
         Total                                                                41.2 1614.73        3.09%
Salient features of the series with base 1993-94
   The latest series contains 435 items in the commodity basket.
   "Primary articles" contribute 98 items
   "Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants" 19 items
    "Manufactured products" provide 318 items
   Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco Products and Machinery and Machine
    tools have considerably increased in terms of the number of
   The groups with a marginal increase are Textiles and Rubber &
    Plastics Products
   However the Wood & Wood products and Paper & Paper Products
    remained constant in the terms of number of commodities
   In all, there are 136 new items added in the revised series
   Out of that, Primary articles account for 13, Fuel, Power, Light and
    Lubricants contribute 1, and Manufactured Products have 122 new
   The Group Machine and Machine Tools within Manufactured Products
    has the highest number of new commodities
Problems of Price data Collection System

 It has happened very frequently that instead of wholesale prices, price data have
  been collected from sources as "producers’ prices" from manufacturing units.
 The above prices correspond to farm-gate, factory-gate or mine-head prices
 They at times refer to prices at the level of primary markets, secondary markets or
  other wholesale or even retail markets.
 It is also the case that producers’ prices, other than in wholesale markets may
  contain significant components of transport and other allied costs which could move
  autonomously of the basic prices of commodities in question.
 It is therefore recommended that a new system of data collection based on a
  network of centers spread throughout the country be put in place and linked
  through nodal centers by means of high speed computing and data transmission
  facilities with the assistance of the NIC.
 It is difficult to collect wholesale prices from the market except contemporaneously
  and so it is difficult to conceive of collecting historical data from the market,
 Therefore, the Working Group further recommends that the system of data
  collection may be started immediately with a view that this data base will be of
  invaluable use for future revision exercises.
Selection of Items & Source of Data
   To ensure that the items in the index basket are as best representatives as possible, efforts
    are made to include all the important items transacted in the economy during the base year
   In the existing WPI series, items, their specifications and markets have been finalized in
    consultation of with the Directorate of E&S (M/O Agriculture), National Horticulture Board,
    Spices Board, Tea board, Coffee Board and Rubber Board, Silk Board, Directorate Of
    Tobacco, Cotton Corporation of India etc
   As there is a little scope of emergence of new commodities in the agriculture, the selection of
    new items in the basket is done on the basis of increased importance in wholesale markets
   The inclusion and exclusion of mineral items, their grades, market centers etc. are taken on
    the suggestions of Indian Bureau of Mines
   Specifications of coal, coke and lignite have been decided in consultation with the
    Department of Coal
   The selection of petroleum products the Ministry of Petroleum is consulted and for electricity
    suggestions are taken from Central Electricity Authority
   Regular time series data of organized manufacturing sector on value of production are
    available through Annual Survey of Industries covering factory sector
   The criterion for selection of items has been based on the cut off traded value of a product
    during the base year which is 120 cr.
   Selection of data sources for manufactured products is done on subjective sampling basis
   For each item, a list of 10 major manufacturers/ producers is prepared and efforts are made
    to seek willing cooperation from the top five manufacturers for regular supply of weekly
    wholesale price quotations
Choice of base Year
 The base year of a price index series has to be carefully chosen since the base
  year would have a considerable influence both on the movement of price relatives
  of the individual commodities and on the weighting pattern thus influencing the
  movement of the Index as a whole
 The base year should be a normal year in respect of production and trade. The
  base year should be a normal year in respect of prices of commodities in general.
  The period at least should not be one representing abnormal prices and their
 Reliable price data may be available for the selected base year
 The base year should be aligned with the base year of other important economic
  indicators and indices, such as national income series, other price series, etc
 The base year should be as recent as possible so that by the time the revised
  series is released it has not outlived its utility
 The current base year which is 1993-94 should be revised to 2004-05 because a
  base year so old does not have any significance
WPI – A Myth(1/2)
 WPI should not be considered as a measure for inflation since it has many flaws
  because the price spread information is not even because the subscribed number
  of price quotation to be received for assessing changes in WPI is 1918 quotations,
  whereas Indian agencies responsible for calculating WPI receive not more than
  1200 quotations
 Two-thirds of the price quotations are sourced from only four metros. Price
  reporting by manufacturers is voluntary and often not forthcoming
 Service sector accounts for 55% of GDP but they are not duly accounted in WPI
 Services such as rail and road transport, health care, education, postal, banking
  and insurance, for example, are not part of the WPI basket
 Scrutiny of data by the collection agency is lax
 Transparency is lacking with respect to pricing data and index computation
WPI – A Myth(2/2)
 The items that are considered for the WPI and their respective weights were fixed
  back in 1999- 2000 and have not been revised since then though there have been
  major changes in the economy over the last decade
 The products of the unorganized sector that are estimated to constitute about 35%
  of the total manufactured output of the country are not part of 'WPI basket'
 The index thus falls well short of being a broad based indicator of the price level
   even in its construction
 There is a huge difference between the provisional and final index figure and it is
  sometimes more than 100 basis points difference between them which is not
  acceptable for such a sensitive index
 Out of 435 commodities, more than 100 commodities are unimportant from
  consumer point of view so their price changes does not really affect the consumers
Difference between CPI and WPI
 WPI essentially measures the price changes from the production side and not from
  the consumption side and hence it is a lop sided viewpoint of consumers
 WPI measures inflation at each stage of production while CPI measures inflation
  only at the final stage of production thus bringing a calculation fallacy in WPI
  through double counting
 WPI does not reflect the actual price hike, which the consumer is paying because it
  measures the general level of price changes at the level of either the wholesaler or
  at the producer and does not take into account retail margins
 WPI gives very little weightage to the food component which actually is one of the
  most important component of CPI
Corrections to be made
    A new WPI series is supposed to be out in October,2009
    It is expected that the base of the series will be revised from 1993-94 to 2004-05
    It is suggested that attempt should be made to set up a network of data collection system
    with the help of NIC, and data should be sourced from wholesale markets as far as possible
    The wholesale transactions that are to be used to determine the prices that go into the index
    are not precisely specified.
    Service sector constitutes nearly one-half of the economy and and is increasing in
    importance. Thus, a separate exercise may be undertaken to develop a price index for
    services sector.
    The weights of the various components should be restructured
    Importance or weightage of food-articles should be increased
    It should include seasonally adjusted data
    It should use quarter-to-quarter or month-to-month changes instead of year-on-year ones
Story behind a falling WPI......
    Most economies like US, UK, Japan, China, France, Singapore etc uses CPI as the
    official measure to calculate inflation
    But India uses WPI as the official measure of inflation
    Food accounts for 53 per cent of the average rural Indian's and 40 per cent of the
    average urban Indian's monthly expenditure
    The poorer the family, the higher is the proportion of budget on food, and greater the
     Food prices have sky-rocketed in previous few months
     In this context, it is astonishing that WPI is zero or negative
     It is happening due to meager contribution of food articles in WPI
     While CPI is showing high figures because it has a high weightage of food articles
    The government's obsession with WPI clearly shows a strong bias towards the
    interests of business to the virtual neglect of the interests of the common man
    The WPI 'basket' is clearly far removed from any consumers 'basket' and meant
    only as an indicator of a change in the general level of prices in the economy
CPI at its best yet WPI; a measure of
    Government has a problem in choosing among the five measures of inflation—one
    wholesale price index and four consumer price indexes
    WPI is often seen as a comfortable tool to take measure against price rise by the policy
    makers as it gives direction before the commodity actually hits the market
    The different CPI's are-CPI for urban non-manual employees (CPI-UNME) CPI for
    industrial workers (CPI-IW), for agricultural laborers (CPI-AL) and for all rural laborers
    Each CPI series is meant to reflect the cost of living for a homogenous group of
    The inflation as measured by the CPI-AL and CPI-IW is extremely important for another
    reason - it is used in arriving at the official poverty line
    The poverty line identifies the families that will have access to government subsidies;
    underestimation of inflation denies access to families who should legitimately be
    All 4 CPI indexes do not provide a true and accurate picture of inflation because of the
    lack of care of the government to keep them up to date by reflecting changes in the
    consumer expenditure patterns.
Budget Deficit and Inflation (1/2)

• In the latest budget the government has spent heavily and has lead to a
  problem of aggravating budget deficit
• Fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP is projected at 6.8% compared to
  2.5% in B.E. 2008-09 and 6.2 per cent as per provisional accounts 2008-09
• This increase in fiscal deficit combined with the state deficit takes the total
  deficit to a level of around 13%
• The funding of this high deficit also causes an upward movement of the
  general price levels in the system and leads to inflation
• This depends on the ways in which the government tackles the deficit
• The next slides gives an analysis of impact of deficit on inflation
Budget Deficit and Inflation (2/2)

      Mechanism             Method of Paying for           Effect on Balance of      Effect on Prices         Causing Inflation?
                                   the Deficit                     Payments
Foreign Currency            Attract foreign currency   Made worse because         Prices increase                    Yes
      Deposits                    deposits by               higher amount of            because interest
                                  increasing the            interest has to be          rates in whole
                                  rate of interest          paid                        country increase
                                                                                        and cost of
                                                                                        investment and of
                                                                                        working capital

Foreign Debt                Long-term borrowing of     Made worse because         Prices increase as                 Yes
                                  foreign capital           regular interest            costs increase
                                                            payments and                because of
                                                            capital                     additional
                                                            repayments have             taxation to pay
                                                            to be made                  the interest and to
                                                                                        pay off the loan

Money in Circulation*       Print more money                                      Prices increase                    Yes
                                                                                        because each
                                                                                        note (money
                                                                                        unit) is now
                                                                                        backed by less,
                                                                                        is worth less so
                                                                                        that its
                                                                                        power is less

*This is the tool which government is using currently, which will lead to a rising price levels
WPI & Currency

•   High WPI leads to an                                                                                                                      Rising WPI Leading
    erosion in the currency's                                              Inflation & Currency Movement
                                                                                                                                                to a Weakening
    value                               15
•   It results in the loss of         13.5
                                        12                                                                                                                           50
    purchasing power of the           10.5
    currency and thus                    9

    depreciation of the

                                         6                                                                                                                           42

    currency                             3                                                                                                                           38
•   Thus it means that the             1.5
                                         0                                                                                                                           34
    currency depreciates in           -1.5
                                        -3                                                                                                                           30
    relation to the currency







    of other countries
•   This leads to a                                                                                 Time

    weakening performance                                                                          WPI            INR
    of the sectors which are
    import depended and
    boost for the companies
    which export
WPI & Interest Rates

•   A very high inflation leads to a contractionary monetary policy by the Reserve bank
    of India
•   This leads to a reduction in the total money supply in the system which results in
    the upward movement of the interest rates
•   The rationale behind the hike in interest rates is that it reduces the money demand
    and hence the demand for goods and services, because inflation is mainly an
    outcome of too much money chasing too few goods
•   Thus with the hike in interest rates consumption demands partly switches to
    investment demand and leads to a reduction in inflation
•   This hike in interest rates have a double impact on corporate profitability lower
    profitability of the corporate because
     – Higher cost of capital and
     – Lower realizations because of a reduction in the demand for their products
Primary Articles

                                                              Goods that are sold (for consumption or
               The components of Primary articles              production) just as they were found in
                           Minerals ,                           For e.g.: oil, coal, iron, and agricultural
                             0.48%                             products like wheat or cotton
  Articles ,                                                  It has a weightage of 22.02% in the WPI
    6.14%                                                      which is the second highest
                                                              It consists of 98 items
                                                              The 3 sectors of primary articles are
                                          Food Articles,
                                                               further sub-divided into groups and sub-
                                                              Food has a very small weightage in
                                                               Primary articles
Fuel, Power, Lights & Lubricants
  The Components of Fuel,Power,Lights & Lubricants
                                                            It has the least contribution in WPI
                                                            It has a weigtage of only 14.23
              Coal Mining,
                1.75%                                       This segment consists of major items
                                          Mineral Oils ,
                                             6.99%          They are fuel, power, lights and
   Electricity,                                              lubricants
                                                            As we can see this segment is a
                                                             mixture of many varied products
                                                            It consists of 19 items
Manufactured Products

      Manufactured Products             Weights (in%)   
                                                          Manufactured products are goods that have
         Chemical Products                  11.93       been processed by way of machinery
           Food Products                    11.54       
                                                          They include intermediate as well as final
               Textiles                      9.8          goods
     Machinery & Machine Tools              8.36
                                                          For e.g. bakery products, dairy products,
                                                          edible oil, etc.
 Basic Metal, Alloys & Metal Products       8.34        
                                                          Manufactured Products is the segment
                                                           which has the highest contribution in the
    Transport Equipment & Parts             4.29
   Non-Metallic Mineral Products            2.52
                                                          It has a weightage of 63.75% in the WPI
                                                          It consists of 318 items
      Plastic & Plastic Products            2.39        
                                                          It has 12 sectors under it which have been
       Paper & Paper Products               2.04          sorted according to their weightage in the
                                                          manufactured products
   Beverages & Tobbaco Products             1.34

     Leather & Leather Products             1.02
       Wood & wood Products                 0.17
Inflation and
Impact on
Sensitive Sectors
                       •   There are certain sectors in the
                           industry which are sensitive to
        Sectors            fluctuations in the interest-rates which
                           in turn occurs due to persisting
      Real Estate          inflation or deflation in the economy
     Infrastructure    •    The above occurs because heavy
                           capital investment is required in these
      Automobiles          sectors
                       •   The amount of investment depends
   Banking & Finance       on the lending rates offered by the
        Cement         •    If the rates are high the investment
                           slows down and vice-versa
     Capital Goods     •    Some of the sectors affected by the
                           scenario are listed beside and their
                           details are given in next slides
Realty Sector
                                    With interest rate coming down coupled
                                    with valuations being attractive, several
    The top 5 companies             fund houses have increased their
                                    exposure in the realty sector
          D L F Ltd             •   FM has announced a subsidy of 1% on
                                    home loan up to Rs.I0 lakh when the
         Unitech Ltd                overall cost of the house does not exceed
                                    Rs 20 lakh. This could benefit realty firms
   Housing Development &        •   Another measure that that could provide a
     Infrastructure Ltd             boost to the realty sector the government
                                    has allowed developers of housing
   Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd       projects a tax holiday under section 80
                                    IB(10) of the Income Tax Act on profits
      Anant Raj Inds. Ltd           from projects approved between 1 April
                                    2007 and 31 March 2008
                                •    The benefit is subject to a condition
                                    that the projects are completed on
                                    or before 31 March 2012
                                •    The top 5 companies in this sector are
                                    sorted in a decreasing order according
                                    to their market cap
Event Analysis

                                                     Realty & WPI

        0.00                                                                               High interest-                        14.00
                                                                                         rates caused realty                     12.00
       -20.00                                                                                  to fall
       -40.00                                                                                                                    6.00


       -60.00                                                                                                                    4.00
       -80.00                                                                                                                    0.00
      -100.00                                                                                                                    -4.00








                                  REALTY                                                                       WPI
Infrastructural Sector
                                   A huge capital investment is required in
                                   this sector which depends on the interest-
   The top 5 companies             rate prevailing in the market
                                   The falling interest-rates have provided
  Jaiprakash Associates Ltd        the much needed boost attracting inflows
                                   of capital
    Lanco Infratech Ltd        
                                   Government also has provided support
                                   from its side by announcing stimulus
 I V R C L Infrastructures &       packages
        Projects Ltd           
                                    The Finance Minister has announced tax
                                   breaks for industrial park schemes and
 Hindustan Construction Co.        road projects to stimulate the economy
            Ltd                    and lift growth to 8-9 percent by the end of
 Nagarjuna Construction Co.    
                                   The government has also extended tax
            Ltd                    holiday to developers of industrial parks
                                   by two years until March 2011
                                   The top 5 companies in this sector are
                                   sorted in a decreasing order according
                                   to their market cap
Event Analysis
                                       Infrastructure & WPI
                                                                                    Did not perform well
   200.00                                                                           because of economic                    14.00
   150.00                                                                                slowdown                          12.00
   100.00                                                                                                                  8.00


     0.00                                                                                                                  4.00
   -50.00                                                                                                                  2.00
  -100.00                                                                                                                  -2.00
  -150.00                                                                                                                  -4.00







                          INFRASTUCTURE                                                                             WPI
Automobiles Sector
                           •   This sector's growth depends on the
                               disposable income of the consumers
 The top 5 companies           which is in turn affected by inflation
                           •    After two decades of impressive
    Tata Motors Ltd            growth, the automobile sector’s
                               performance has not been
 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd       encouraging after 2006-07, but its
                               growth turned modestly positive last
Hero Honda Motors Ltd          fiscal, and in 2008-09, the industry
                               has witnessed a modest growth of
     Bajaj Auto Ltd            3%
                           •   Almost all the big-wigs of auto-sector
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd        have reported a decent profit
                           •    The top 5 companies in this sector are
                               sorted in a decreasing order according
                               to their sales value
Event Analysis

                                                           Auto & WPI
                                                 Auto sector at its
        150.00                                   peak due to low                                                                       14.00
                                                   interest-rate                                                                       12.00
        100.00                                                                                                                         10.00


          0.00                                                                                                                         4.00
         -50.00                                                                                                                        0.00
        -100.00                                                                                                                        -4.00








                                         AUTO                                             Apr-08                     WPI
Banking & Finance
    The top 5 non-banking financial
              institutions                                              The top 5 banks

      Housing Development Finance                                     State Bank Of India
              Corpn. Ltd
                                                                       I C I C I Bank Ltd
           Reliance Capital Ltd
                                                                       H D F C Bank Ltd
    Infrastructure Development Finance
                   Co. Ltd.                                               Axis Bank Ltd
                                                                  Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd
    Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd
        L I C Housing Finance Ltd
        With interest rate coming down coupled with valuations being attractive, several fund houses have
        increased their exposure in the banking sector in April compared to March 2009
        Banking stocks jumped on hopes falling interest rates will boost lending growth
        Almost all the banks have made a neat profit
         Bankex, banking index of BSE increased to 0.67% in August compared to 6.88% in May
         The top 5 banks and non-financial institutions are sorted in a decreasing order according to
        their market cap
Event Analysis

                                                     Bankex & WPI                                                      High inflation
                                                                                                                    caused Bankex to be
       150.00                                                                                                               low        14.00
       100.00                                                                                                                           10.00
        50.00                                                                                                                           8.00


          0.00                                                                                                                          4.00
        -50.00                                                                                                                          0.00
       -100.00                                                                                                                          -4.00








                                    BANKEX                                                                              WPI
                        •   A 4% cut in excise duty, sharp correction
                            in imported coal, petcoke and crude oil
                            prices by 67.8%, 49% and 66%
                            respectively from their peak levels have
The top 5 companies         reduced cost pressures from the cement

  Binani Cement Ltd     •   Softening of intrest-rates would reduce the
                            intrest-rate burden of small cement
 Ambuja Cements Ltd     •    The correction in sea freight has further
                            reduced the landing cost of imported coal
     A C C Ltd          •    Reduction in crude oil prices has led to a
                            saving in packing cost and cut in domestic
Grasim Industries Ltd       diesel prices
                        •   All the above components of the cement
                            division has made it intrest-sensitive
Ultratech Cement Ltd        and has contributed in reducing its
                            production cost
                        •   The top 5 companies in this sector
                            are sorted in a decreasing order
                            according to their sales value
Event Analysis
                                                                                                                Trickledown effect of
                                                      Cement & WPI                                                 poor performing
                                                                                                                realty and infra sector

        150.00                                                                                                                        14.00
        100.00                                                                                                                        10.00
         50.00                                                                                                                        6.00

          0.00                                                                                                                        4.00
        -50.00                                                                                                                        0.00
    -100.00                                                                                                                           -4.00









                                   CEMENT                                                                            WPI
Capital Goods

                                 That investment by firms in
  The top 5 companies            capital goods is highly
                                 sensitive to fluctuations in real
   Larsen & Toubro Ltd           interest rates
                                 The sensitivity of investment
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd          in capital is high because of
                                 low capital depreciation rates
       Escorts Ltd           
                                 Companies in this sector are
                                 not performing well
Tractors & Farm Equipment    
                                 Due to monsoon deficit this
            Ltd                  year the sale of tractors have
                                 really slowed down
 Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd   
                                 After some disappointing
                                 performances the IIP figure in
                                 June for this sector stood at a
                                 modest 11.4%
                                 The top 5 companies in this
                                 sector are sorted in a
                                 decreasing order according
                                   to their sales value
Event Analysis
                                                                                                           WPI is an all time
                                                Capital & WPI                                             high because of both
                                                                                                          demand-pull & cost-
                                                                                                             push inflation

       200.00                                                                                                                        14.00
       150.00                                                                                                                        12.00
       100.00                                                                                                                        8.00


        50.00                                                                                                                        4.00
         0.00                                                                                                                        2.00
       -50.00                                                                                                                        0.00
      -100.00                                                                                                                        -4.00








                                                                                                                                     Low investment
                                                                                                                                       caused this
                                     CAPITAL                                                                            WPI             sector to
                                                                                                                                      perform badly
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Wholesale Price Index

  • 1. Wholesale Price Index (WPI) Primer
  • 3. What is WPI?  Index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time  It is also substituted for the annual average inflation at times  It gives an idea of the week-to-week fluctuations in the prices of all the traded commodities in the country as a whole  It is calculated for wholesale prices in which the quantities of the base year and current year are different
  • 4. Origin and History  The Office of the Economic Adviser to the Government of India undertook to publish for the first time, WPI with base week ended August 19, 1939, from the week commencing January 10, 1942  The index was calculated as the geometric mean of the price relatives of 23 commodities  These commodities were classified into four groups  Food & tobacco  Agricultural commodities  Raw materials  Manufactured articles  Each item was assigned equal weight  There was a single price quotation for each item  An important modification in the WPI was that in the ‘70-71 series, weights were assigned on the basis of the entire wholesale transactions and therefore the values of transactions of the non-selected commodities (which did not find place in the index) were assigned to those selected commodities whose nature and price trends were similar.  The base year of the WPI which commenced in India in week ending in august 1942 was revised to year ending august 1942, 1981-82  The current base year is 1993-94  The latest series includes three broad sectors namely,  Primary Articles  Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants  Manufactured Products
  • 5. Functions & Uses  It is used by the Reserve Bank of India and the Government of India to frame their monetary and fiscal policies and to take appropriate corrective steps during inflationary periods  It is also utilized for purposes like forecasting changes in business conditions indicating supply-demand relationships, deflating aggregates such as national income, etc  It is used by a number of departments of the Government of India, semi- government bodies, chambers of commerce, trade associations and private concerns  Conventionally, it has been used to measure the variations in exchange value or purchasing power of money  Other organizations like the Planning Commission, Department of Civil Supplies, Central Statistical Organization, base their various schemes on the price trends revealed by the index numbers of wholesale prices  Also used by some of the units in public and private sectors for the purpose of escalation clause in the supply of raw materials, machinery and construction work
  • 6. Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages  It represents the wholesale trade transactions of all the commodities produced and traded in the system  It is available on a weekly basis with the least time lag  The traditional WPI is important in so far as it provides an economy- wide measure at the level of overall transactions in the economy with money as its numeraire  It is quite handy for purposes of comparisons Disadvantages  It is non-specific in nature for use by various agencies  It is not a proper measure for measuring inflation in the basket of final use commodities  It does not include the range of services which cater to both businesses and consumers thus they all tend to use a series which is not designed with their specific requirements
  • 8. Index Calculation(1/4)  It is calculated on the principle of weighted arithmetic mean, according to the Lasperyre’s formula which has a fixed base-year weighting diagram operative through the entire life span of the series. I= Σ (Ii . Ri)/Σ Wi Where, I = Index Number of wholesale prices of a sub-group/group/major group/all commodities Wi = The weight assigned to the ith item/sub-group/group/major group. Ii = Index of the ith item/subgroup/group/major group  The weekly WPI at the time of its initial compilation and release is provisional as it does not take into account some of the price quotations that are received belatedly.  The prices of the missing quotations are either repeated or estimated depending on the nature of the commodity.  The provisional index is made ‘final’ after a period of eight weeks by which time almost all the required price quotations are expected to have become available.
  • 9. Index Calculation(2/4)  The WPI Index is composed of three broad heads namely Manufactured Products, Primary Articles & Fuel, Power, Lights and Lubricants with weight 63.75%, 22.02 % and 14.23% respectively  Let us examine the detailed breakup of the Manufactured Products along with the indexed prices of each of the sub heads Description Base Price Current Price Price Relative(p) Avg. P(Ii) Wi Wi*Ii Coal Mining 117.67 1.75 205.93 Coking Coal 50 56 112 Non Coking Coal 56 65 116.07 Coke 48 58 120.83 Lignite 78 95 121.79 Mineral Oils 103.68 6.99 724.71 LPG 350 375 107.14 Petrol 48 49 102.08 Keros ene 15 12 80 Aviation turbine Fuel 850 1020 120 High s peed dies el oil 625 569 91.04 Light dies el oil 425 498 117.18 Naptha 536 592 110.45 Bitum in 658 689 104.71 Furnace oil 468 450 96.15 Lubricants 249 269 108.03 Electricity 121.67 5.48 666.73 Elec.(Dom es tic) 4 5 125 Elec(Com m ercial) 8 10 125 Elec(Indus try) 6 7 116.67 Elec(Railway Traction) 5 6 120 Sum 14.2 1597.38
  • 10. Index Calculation(3/4)  Thus the manufactured products index stands at I = Σ (Ii . Ri)/Σ Wi = 1597.38/14.23 = 38.74  Similarly the Primary articles and the Fuel, Lights, Power and Lubricants index can be calculated and let us take their values as 52.26 and 85.96 respectively  Thus the value of WPI index for the week ‘x’ is equal to = Manufactured products Index + Primary articles Index + Fuel, Lights Index = 38.74+46.35+29.78 = 114.87  Now let us assume that the prices in each of the sub heads of the manufactured products index changes in the next week say ‘y’
  • 11. Index Calculation(4/4) Description Base Price Current Price Price Relative(p) Avg. P(Ii) Wi Wi*Ii Coal Mining 129.04 1.75 225.82  Thus the new manufactured Coking Coal 50 60 120 products index value is Non Coking Coal 56 63 112.50 1614.73/41.2 = 39.16 Coke 48 82 170.83 Lignite 78 88 112.82  Corresponding value for the primary articles and fuel, Mineral Oils 103.64 6.99 724.46 lights index is at 46.63 and LPG 350 360 102.86 32.63 respectively Petrol 48 50 104.17 Keros ene 15 10 66.67  Thus the value of WPI index Aviation turbine Fuel 850 1200 141.18 is at the end of week ‘y’ High s peed dies el oil 625 558 89.28 stands at 39.16 + 46.63 + Light dies el oil 425 512 120.47 Naptha 536 568 105.97 32.63 = 118.42 Bitum in 658 698 106.08  Thus the Index has grown by Furnace oil 468 465 99.36 3.09% in week ‘y’ compared Lubricants 249 250 100.40 to its value in week ‘x’ Electricity 121.25 5.48 664.45  This signifies a growth in the Elec.(Dom es tic) 4 4.5 112.5 wholesale price in India Elec(Com m ercial) 8 11 137.5 Elec(Indus try) 6 7.5 125  For the week ended ‘Y’ the Elec(Railway Traction) 5 5.5 110 inflation rate in India is at Total 41.2 1614.73 3.09%
  • 12. Salient features of the series with base 1993-94  The latest series contains 435 items in the commodity basket.  "Primary articles" contribute 98 items  "Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants" 19 items  "Manufactured products" provide 318 items  Beverages, Tobacco & Tobacco Products and Machinery and Machine tools have considerably increased in terms of the number of commodities  The groups with a marginal increase are Textiles and Rubber & Plastics Products  However the Wood & Wood products and Paper & Paper Products remained constant in the terms of number of commodities  In all, there are 136 new items added in the revised series  Out of that, Primary articles account for 13, Fuel, Power, Light and Lubricants contribute 1, and Manufactured Products have 122 new commodities  The Group Machine and Machine Tools within Manufactured Products has the highest number of new commodities
  • 13. Problems of Price data Collection System  It has happened very frequently that instead of wholesale prices, price data have been collected from sources as "producers’ prices" from manufacturing units.  The above prices correspond to farm-gate, factory-gate or mine-head prices  They at times refer to prices at the level of primary markets, secondary markets or other wholesale or even retail markets.  It is also the case that producers’ prices, other than in wholesale markets may contain significant components of transport and other allied costs which could move autonomously of the basic prices of commodities in question.  It is therefore recommended that a new system of data collection based on a network of centers spread throughout the country be put in place and linked through nodal centers by means of high speed computing and data transmission facilities with the assistance of the NIC.  It is difficult to collect wholesale prices from the market except contemporaneously and so it is difficult to conceive of collecting historical data from the market,  Therefore, the Working Group further recommends that the system of data collection may be started immediately with a view that this data base will be of invaluable use for future revision exercises.
  • 14. Selection of Items & Source of Data  To ensure that the items in the index basket are as best representatives as possible, efforts are made to include all the important items transacted in the economy during the base year  In the existing WPI series, items, their specifications and markets have been finalized in consultation of with the Directorate of E&S (M/O Agriculture), National Horticulture Board, Spices Board, Tea board, Coffee Board and Rubber Board, Silk Board, Directorate Of Tobacco, Cotton Corporation of India etc  As there is a little scope of emergence of new commodities in the agriculture, the selection of new items in the basket is done on the basis of increased importance in wholesale markets  The inclusion and exclusion of mineral items, their grades, market centers etc. are taken on the suggestions of Indian Bureau of Mines  Specifications of coal, coke and lignite have been decided in consultation with the Department of Coal  The selection of petroleum products the Ministry of Petroleum is consulted and for electricity suggestions are taken from Central Electricity Authority  Regular time series data of organized manufacturing sector on value of production are available through Annual Survey of Industries covering factory sector  The criterion for selection of items has been based on the cut off traded value of a product during the base year which is 120 cr.  Selection of data sources for manufactured products is done on subjective sampling basis  For each item, a list of 10 major manufacturers/ producers is prepared and efforts are made to seek willing cooperation from the top five manufacturers for regular supply of weekly wholesale price quotations
  • 15. Choice of base Year  The base year of a price index series has to be carefully chosen since the base year would have a considerable influence both on the movement of price relatives of the individual commodities and on the weighting pattern thus influencing the movement of the Index as a whole  The base year should be a normal year in respect of production and trade. The base year should be a normal year in respect of prices of commodities in general. The period at least should not be one representing abnormal prices and their fluctuations  Reliable price data may be available for the selected base year  The base year should be aligned with the base year of other important economic indicators and indices, such as national income series, other price series, etc  The base year should be as recent as possible so that by the time the revised series is released it has not outlived its utility  The current base year which is 1993-94 should be revised to 2004-05 because a base year so old does not have any significance
  • 17. WPI – A Myth(1/2)  WPI should not be considered as a measure for inflation since it has many flaws because the price spread information is not even because the subscribed number of price quotation to be received for assessing changes in WPI is 1918 quotations, whereas Indian agencies responsible for calculating WPI receive not more than 1200 quotations  Two-thirds of the price quotations are sourced from only four metros. Price reporting by manufacturers is voluntary and often not forthcoming  Service sector accounts for 55% of GDP but they are not duly accounted in WPI  Services such as rail and road transport, health care, education, postal, banking and insurance, for example, are not part of the WPI basket  Scrutiny of data by the collection agency is lax  Transparency is lacking with respect to pricing data and index computation
  • 18. WPI – A Myth(2/2)  The items that are considered for the WPI and their respective weights were fixed back in 1999- 2000 and have not been revised since then though there have been major changes in the economy over the last decade  The products of the unorganized sector that are estimated to constitute about 35% of the total manufactured output of the country are not part of 'WPI basket'  The index thus falls well short of being a broad based indicator of the price level even in its construction  There is a huge difference between the provisional and final index figure and it is sometimes more than 100 basis points difference between them which is not acceptable for such a sensitive index  Out of 435 commodities, more than 100 commodities are unimportant from consumer point of view so their price changes does not really affect the consumers
  • 19. Difference between CPI and WPI  WPI essentially measures the price changes from the production side and not from the consumption side and hence it is a lop sided viewpoint of consumers  WPI measures inflation at each stage of production while CPI measures inflation only at the final stage of production thus bringing a calculation fallacy in WPI through double counting  WPI does not reflect the actual price hike, which the consumer is paying because it measures the general level of price changes at the level of either the wholesaler or at the producer and does not take into account retail margins  WPI gives very little weightage to the food component which actually is one of the most important component of CPI
  • 20. Corrections to be made  A new WPI series is supposed to be out in October,2009  It is expected that the base of the series will be revised from 1993-94 to 2004-05  It is suggested that attempt should be made to set up a network of data collection system with the help of NIC, and data should be sourced from wholesale markets as far as possible  The wholesale transactions that are to be used to determine the prices that go into the index are not precisely specified.  Service sector constitutes nearly one-half of the economy and and is increasing in importance. Thus, a separate exercise may be undertaken to develop a price index for services sector.  The weights of the various components should be restructured  Importance or weightage of food-articles should be increased  It should include seasonally adjusted data  It should use quarter-to-quarter or month-to-month changes instead of year-on-year ones
  • 21. Story behind a falling WPI......  Most economies like US, UK, Japan, China, France, Singapore etc uses CPI as the official measure to calculate inflation  But India uses WPI as the official measure of inflation  Food accounts for 53 per cent of the average rural Indian's and 40 per cent of the average urban Indian's monthly expenditure  The poorer the family, the higher is the proportion of budget on food, and greater the impact  Food prices have sky-rocketed in previous few months  In this context, it is astonishing that WPI is zero or negative  It is happening due to meager contribution of food articles in WPI  While CPI is showing high figures because it has a high weightage of food articles  The government's obsession with WPI clearly shows a strong bias towards the interests of business to the virtual neglect of the interests of the common man  The WPI 'basket' is clearly far removed from any consumers 'basket' and meant only as an indicator of a change in the general level of prices in the economy
  • 22. CPI at its best yet WPI; a measure of inflation  Government has a problem in choosing among the five measures of inflation—one wholesale price index and four consumer price indexes  WPI is often seen as a comfortable tool to take measure against price rise by the policy makers as it gives direction before the commodity actually hits the market  The different CPI's are-CPI for urban non-manual employees (CPI-UNME) CPI for industrial workers (CPI-IW), for agricultural laborers (CPI-AL) and for all rural laborers  Each CPI series is meant to reflect the cost of living for a homogenous group of consumers  The inflation as measured by the CPI-AL and CPI-IW is extremely important for another reason - it is used in arriving at the official poverty line  The poverty line identifies the families that will have access to government subsidies; underestimation of inflation denies access to families who should legitimately be covered.  All 4 CPI indexes do not provide a true and accurate picture of inflation because of the lack of care of the government to keep them up to date by reflecting changes in the consumer expenditure patterns.
  • 23. Budget Deficit and Inflation (1/2) • In the latest budget the government has spent heavily and has lead to a problem of aggravating budget deficit • Fiscal deficit as a percentage of GDP is projected at 6.8% compared to 2.5% in B.E. 2008-09 and 6.2 per cent as per provisional accounts 2008-09 • This increase in fiscal deficit combined with the state deficit takes the total deficit to a level of around 13% • The funding of this high deficit also causes an upward movement of the general price levels in the system and leads to inflation • This depends on the ways in which the government tackles the deficit problem • The next slides gives an analysis of impact of deficit on inflation
  • 24. Budget Deficit and Inflation (2/2) Mechanism Method of Paying for Effect on Balance of Effect on Prices Causing Inflation? the Deficit Payments Foreign Currency Attract foreign currency Made worse because Prices increase Yes Deposits deposits by higher amount of because interest increasing the interest has to be rates in whole rate of interest paid country increase correspondingly and cost of investment and of working capital increases Foreign Debt Long-term borrowing of Made worse because Prices increase as Yes foreign capital regular interest costs increase payments and because of capital additional repayments have taxation to pay to be made the interest and to pay off the loan Money in Circulation* Print more money   Prices increase Yes because each note (money unit) is now backed by less, is worth less so that its purchasing power is less *This is the tool which government is using currently, which will lead to a rising price levels
  • 25. WPI & Currency • High WPI leads to an Rising WPI Leading erosion in the currency's Inflation & Currency Movement to a Weakening value 15 Rupee 54 • It results in the loss of 13.5 12 50 purchasing power of the 10.5 currency and thus 9 7.5 46 depreciation of the USDINR 6 42 WPI 4.5 currency 3 38 • Thus it means that the 1.5 0 34 currency depreciates in -1.5 -3 30 relation to the currency Jan-06 Jun-07 Mar-07 Jan-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Nov-08 Nov-06 Sep-07 Apr-06 Apr-08 Aug-06 Aug-08 of other countries • This leads to a Time weakening performance WPI INR of the sectors which are import depended and boost for the companies which export
  • 26. WPI & Interest Rates • A very high inflation leads to a contractionary monetary policy by the Reserve bank of India • This leads to a reduction in the total money supply in the system which results in the upward movement of the interest rates • The rationale behind the hike in interest rates is that it reduces the money demand and hence the demand for goods and services, because inflation is mainly an outcome of too much money chasing too few goods • Thus with the hike in interest rates consumption demands partly switches to investment demand and leads to a reduction in inflation • This hike in interest rates have a double impact on corporate profitability lower profitability of the corporate because – Higher cost of capital and – Lower realizations because of a reduction in the demand for their products
  • 28. Primary Articles  Goods that are sold (for consumption or The components of Primary articles production) just as they were found in nature Minerals ,  For e.g.: oil, coal, iron, and agricultural 0.48% products like wheat or cotton Non-Food Articles ,  It has a weightage of 22.02% in the WPI 6.14% which is the second highest  It consists of 98 items  The 3 sectors of primary articles are Food Articles, 15.40% further sub-divided into groups and sub- groups  Food has a very small weightage in Primary articles
  • 29. Fuel, Power, Lights & Lubricants The Components of Fuel,Power,Lights & Lubricants  It has the least contribution in WPI  It has a weigtage of only 14.23 Coal Mining, 1.75%  This segment consists of major items Mineral Oils , 6.99%  They are fuel, power, lights and Electricity, lubricants 5.48%  As we can see this segment is a mixture of many varied products  It consists of 19 items
  • 30. Manufactured Products Manufactured Products Weights (in%)  Manufactured products are goods that have Chemical Products 11.93 been processed by way of machinery Food Products 11.54  They include intermediate as well as final Textiles 9.8 goods Machinery & Machine Tools 8.36  For e.g. bakery products, dairy products, edible oil, etc. Basic Metal, Alloys & Metal Products 8.34  Manufactured Products is the segment which has the highest contribution in the Transport Equipment & Parts 4.29 WPI Non-Metallic Mineral Products 2.52  It has a weightage of 63.75% in the WPI  It consists of 318 items Plastic & Plastic Products 2.39  It has 12 sectors under it which have been Paper & Paper Products 2.04 sorted according to their weightage in the manufactured products Beverages & Tobbaco Products 1.34 Leather & Leather Products 1.02 Wood & wood Products 0.17
  • 32. Sensitive Sectors • There are certain sectors in the industry which are sensitive to Sectors fluctuations in the interest-rates which in turn occurs due to persisting Real Estate inflation or deflation in the economy Infrastructure • The above occurs because heavy capital investment is required in these Automobiles sectors • The amount of investment depends Banking & Finance on the lending rates offered by the banks Cement • If the rates are high the investment slows down and vice-versa Capital Goods • Some of the sectors affected by the scenario are listed beside and their details are given in next slides
  • 33. Realty Sector  With interest rate coming down coupled with valuations being attractive, several The top 5 companies fund houses have increased their exposure in the realty sector D L F Ltd • FM has announced a subsidy of 1% on home loan up to Rs.I0 lakh when the Unitech Ltd overall cost of the house does not exceed Rs 20 lakh. This could benefit realty firms Housing Development & • Another measure that that could provide a Infrastructure Ltd boost to the realty sector the government has allowed developers of housing Indiabulls Real Estate Ltd projects a tax holiday under section 80 IB(10) of the Income Tax Act on profits Anant Raj Inds. Ltd from projects approved between 1 April 2007 and 31 March 2008 • The benefit is subject to a condition that the projects are completed on or before 31 March 2012 • The top 5 companies in this sector are sorted in a decreasing order according to their market cap
  • 34. Event Analysis Realty & WPI 0.00 High interest- 14.00 rates caused realty 12.00 -20.00 to fall 10.00 8.00 -40.00 6.00 (%) (%) -60.00 4.00 2.00 -80.00 0.00 -2.00 -100.00 -4.00 May-09 Nov-08 Feb-09 Oct-08 Jan-09 Mar-09 Jun-09 Jul-08 Sep-08 Aug-09 Aug-08 Apr-09 REALTY WPI
  • 35. Infrastructural Sector  A huge capital investment is required in this sector which depends on the interest- The top 5 companies rate prevailing in the market  The falling interest-rates have provided Jaiprakash Associates Ltd the much needed boost attracting inflows of capital Lanco Infratech Ltd  Government also has provided support from its side by announcing stimulus I V R C L Infrastructures & packages Projects Ltd  The Finance Minister has announced tax breaks for industrial park schemes and Hindustan Construction Co. road projects to stimulate the economy Ltd and lift growth to 8-9 percent by the end of 2010 Nagarjuna Construction Co.  The government has also extended tax Ltd holiday to developers of industrial parks by two years until March 2011  The top 5 companies in this sector are sorted in a decreasing order according to their market cap
  • 36. Event Analysis Infrastructure & WPI Did not perform well 200.00 because of economic 14.00 150.00 slowdown 12.00 10.00 100.00 8.00 50.00 (%) 6.00 (%) 0.00 4.00 -50.00 2.00 0.00 -100.00 -2.00 -150.00 -4.00 Jan-08 Feb-08 Jun-08 Dec-08 Jun-09 Mar-09 May-09 Feb-09 Jul-08 Oct-08 Sep-08 Apr-08 INFRASTUCTURE WPI
  • 37. Automobiles Sector • This sector's growth depends on the disposable income of the consumers The top 5 companies which is in turn affected by inflation • After two decades of impressive Tata Motors Ltd growth, the automobile sector’s performance has not been Maruti Suzuki India Ltd encouraging after 2006-07, but its growth turned modestly positive last Hero Honda Motors Ltd fiscal, and in 2008-09, the industry has witnessed a modest growth of Bajaj Auto Ltd 3% • Almost all the big-wigs of auto-sector Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd have reported a decent profit • The top 5 companies in this sector are sorted in a decreasing order according to their sales value
  • 38. Event Analysis Auto & WPI Auto sector at its 150.00 peak due to low 14.00 interest-rate 12.00 100.00 10.00 8.00 50.00 (%) 6.00 (%) 0.00 4.00 2.00 -50.00 0.00 -2.00 -100.00 -4.00 Jan-06 Nov-06 Feb-07 Jun-07 Nov-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Jan-08 Jul-06 Sep-07 Apr-06 Aug-08 AUTO Apr-08 WPI
  • 39. Banking & Finance The top 5 non-banking financial institutions The top 5 banks Housing Development Finance State Bank Of India Corpn. Ltd I C I C I Bank Ltd Reliance Capital Ltd H D F C Bank Ltd Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Ltd. Axis Bank Ltd Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd L I C Housing Finance Ltd  With interest rate coming down coupled with valuations being attractive, several fund houses have increased their exposure in the banking sector in April compared to March 2009  Banking stocks jumped on hopes falling interest rates will boost lending growth  Almost all the banks have made a neat profit  Bankex, banking index of BSE increased to 0.67% in August compared to 6.88% in May  The top 5 banks and non-financial institutions are sorted in a decreasing order according to their market cap
  • 40. Event Analysis Bankex & WPI High inflation (interest-rate) caused Bankex to be 150.00 low 14.00 12.00 100.00 10.00 50.00 8.00 6.00 (%) (%) 0.00 4.00 2.00 -50.00 0.00 -2.00 -100.00 -4.00 Jan-06 Jul-06 Mar-09 Nov-06 Feb-07 Nov-08 Jun-07 Jan-08 Jun-09 Sep-07 Apr-06 Apr-08 Aug-08 BANKEX WPI
  • 41. Cement • A 4% cut in excise duty, sharp correction in imported coal, petcoke and crude oil prices by 67.8%, 49% and 66% respectively from their peak levels have The top 5 companies reduced cost pressures from the cement industry Binani Cement Ltd • Softening of intrest-rates would reduce the intrest-rate burden of small cement players Ambuja Cements Ltd • The correction in sea freight has further reduced the landing cost of imported coal A C C Ltd • Reduction in crude oil prices has led to a saving in packing cost and cut in domestic Grasim Industries Ltd diesel prices • All the above components of the cement division has made it intrest-sensitive Ultratech Cement Ltd and has contributed in reducing its production cost • The top 5 companies in this sector are sorted in a decreasing order according to their sales value
  • 42. Event Analysis Trickledown effect of Cement & WPI poor performing realty and infra sector 150.00 14.00 12.00 100.00 10.00 8.00 50.00 6.00 (%) (%) 0.00 4.00 2.00 -50.00 0.00 -2.00 -100.00 -4.00 Jan-06 Jul-06 Mar-09 Nov-06 Feb-07 Jun-07 Jan-08 Nov-08 Jun-09 Sep-07 Apr-06 Apr-08 Aug-08 CEMENT WPI
  • 43. Capital Goods  That investment by firms in The top 5 companies capital goods is highly sensitive to fluctuations in real Larsen & Toubro Ltd interest rates  The sensitivity of investment Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd in capital is high because of low capital depreciation rates Escorts Ltd  Companies in this sector are not performing well Tractors & Farm Equipment  Due to monsoon deficit this Ltd year the sale of tractors have really slowed down Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd  After some disappointing performances the IIP figure in June for this sector stood at a modest 11.4%  The top 5 companies in this sector are sorted in a decreasing order according to their sales value
  • 44. Event Analysis WPI is an all time Capital & WPI high because of both demand-pull & cost- push inflation 200.00 14.00 150.00 12.00 10.00 100.00 8.00 6.00 (%) (%) 50.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 -50.00 0.00 -2.00 -100.00 -4.00 Nov-06 Feb-07 Nov-08 Jan-06 Jun-07 Jan-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Jul-06 Sep-07 Apr-06 Aug-08 Apr-08 Low investment caused this CAPITAL WPI sector to perform badly
  • 45. Disclaimer: This document is for private circulation only. Neither the information nor any opinion expressed constitutes an offer or any invitation to make an offer, to buy or sell any securities or any options, futures or other derivatives related to such securities (“related investment”). Kredent Brokerage Services Limited (KBSL) or any of its Associates or employees does not accept any liability whatsoever direct or indirect that may arise from the use of the information herein. KBSL and its may trade for their own accounts as market maker, block positioner, specialist and/or arbitrageur in any security of this Issuer(s) or in related investments, and may be on the opposite side of public orders. KBSL, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees and employee benefit programmers may have a long or short position in any securities of this Issuer(s) or in related investments. No matter contained herein may be reproduced without prior consent of KBSL. While this report has been prepared on the basis of published/other publicly available information considered reliable, we are unable to accept any liability for the accuracy of its contents.