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Why Copy – Paste is Bad for Your
    A short intro to Design Patterns
            Carlos C Tapang
             May 26th, 2012
How many are developers?
How many have studied OO in college? Studied on your own?
How many are applying OO concepts at work? Hobby?
How many of you would say that OO concepts are hard?

List of Requirements:
• Each type of Animal can have a different number of legs.
• Animal objects must be able to remember and retrieve this
• Each type of animal can have a different type of movement.
• Animal objects must be able to return how long it will take to move
    from one place to another given a specified type of terrain.

First-Cut Design                           Animal
enum Movement
                                      Movement movement
{ Walking, Flying, Slithering }

class Animal
Movement movement

class Mammal : Animal
int numLegs                         Mammal
                                  int numLegs
class Reptile : Animal
int numLegs

                                                 int numLegs
First-Cut Design                  --------------------------------------
enum Movement
                                  int numLegs
{ Walking, Flying, Slithering }   Movement movement

class Animal
int numLegs
Movement movement

class Mammal : Animal
class Reptile : Animal

First-Cut Design                            --------------------------------------
enum Movement
                                            int numLegs
{ Walking, Flying, Slithering }             Movement movement

enum Terrain
{ Mountains, SandDunes, Sea }

class Animal
int numLegs                         Mammal
Movement movement                   decimal Speed(Terrain t)
decimal virtual Speed(Terrain t)

class Mammal : Animal
decimal override Speed(Terrain t)

class Reptile : Animal                                    Reptile
decimal override Speed(Terrain t)
                                                          decimal Speed(Terrain t)
           decimal Speed(Terrain t)
Mammal                      Bird
switch (movement)           switch(movement)
{                           {
  case Walking:              case Walking:
   break;                      break;
  case Flying:                case Flying:
   break;                      break;
  case Slithering:            case Slithering:
   throw new Exception();      throw new Exception();
}                           }
             decimal Speed(Terrain t)
Mammal                                Bird
switch (movement)                     switch(movement)
{                                     {
  case Walking:
                                       case Walking:
   return WalkingSpeed(numLegs, t);
   break;                                return WalkingSpeed(numLegs, t);
  case Flying:                           break;
   if (this is Bat)                     case Flying:
     return BatFlyingSpeed();            return BirdFlyingSpeed();
   else throw new Exception();           break;
   break;                               case Slithering:
  case Slithering:
                                         throw new Exception();
   throw new Exception();
}                                     }
Second-Cut Design                              Animal
class Animal
                                            int numLegs
int numLegs

class AnimalThatWalks : Animal

class AnimalThatFlies : Animal


Second-Cut Design                                int numLegs
enum Terrain
{ Mountains, SandDunes, Sea}

class Animal
int numLegs
decimal Speed(Terrain t)            AnimalThatFlies        AnimalThatWalks

class AnimalThatWalks : Animal
decimal override Speed(Terrain t)

class AnimalThatFlies : Animal
decimal override Speed(Terrain t)
class Bird : AnimalThatFlies
decimal override Speed(Terrain t)

class Mammal : AnimalThatWalks

class Reptile : AnimalThatWalks
Animal             AnimalMovement
Third-cut design
class AnimalMovement

class Flying : AnimalMovement

class Walking : AnimalMovement            Walking

class Animal
int numLegs
AnimalMovement movement

class Mammal : Animal

class Reptile : Animal           Mammal        Reptile
Third-cut design                 decimal Speed(Terrain t)
enum Terrain { Mountains, …}

class AnimalMovement
decimal Speed(Terrain t)

class Flying : AnimalMovement                  AnimalMovement
decimal Speed(Terrain t)                       decimal Speed(Terrain t)
class Walking : AnimalMovement
decimal Speed(Terrain t)

class Animal
int numLegs
AnimalMovement movement          Walking                       Flying
decimal Speed(Terrain t)
                                 decimal Speed(…)              decimal Speed(…)
class Mammal : Animal

class Reptile : Animal
Third-Cut Design
Animal                                   AnimalMovement
class Animal                             class AnimalMovement
int numLegs;                             Animal animal;
decimal speedFactor;
AnimalMovement movement;                 public AnimalMovement(Animal a)
public Animal()                            animal = a;
{                                        }
  movement = new AnimalMovement(this);
}                                        public decimal Speed(Terrain t)
public decimal Speed(Terrain t)            return CalcSpeed(
{                                              animal.numLegs,
  return movement.Speed(t);                    animal.speedFactor, t);
}                                        }
If you find that you are doing a lot of copy-paste, it maybe time to step
back and review your design.

If I were to conduct a seminar on Design Patterns, would you attend?
How much is it worth to you? (full day seminar)
Yes, indeed I am conducting a seminar on June 23rd right here in Cebu.

If you need a copy of these slides and the sample, join me at Software
Design Patterns Philippines at LinkedIn.com or email me at


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Why Copy-Paste is Bad for Your Code

  • 1. Why Copy – Paste is Bad for Your Code A short intro to Design Patterns Carlos C Tapang May 26th, 2012
  • 2. How many are developers? How many have studied OO in college? Studied on your own? How many are applying OO concepts at work? Hobby? How many of you would say that OO concepts are hard? I HAVE QUESTIONS
  • 3. List of Requirements: • Each type of Animal can have a different number of legs. • Animal objects must be able to remember and retrieve this information. • Each type of animal can have a different type of movement. • Animal objects must be able to return how long it will take to move from one place to another given a specified type of terrain. BUILDING A WILDLIFE GAME : ANIMAL TAXONOMY
  • 4. First-Cut Design Animal enum Movement Movement movement { Walking, Flying, Slithering } class Animal Movement movement class Mammal : Animal int numLegs Mammal int numLegs class Reptile : Animal int numLegs Reptile int numLegs
  • 5. Animal First-Cut Design -------------------------------------- enum Movement int numLegs { Walking, Flying, Slithering } Movement movement class Animal int numLegs Movement movement class Mammal : Animal Mammal class Reptile : Animal Reptile
  • 6. Animal First-Cut Design -------------------------------------- enum Movement int numLegs { Walking, Flying, Slithering } Movement movement enum Terrain { Mountains, SandDunes, Sea } class Animal int numLegs Mammal Movement movement decimal Speed(Terrain t) decimal virtual Speed(Terrain t) class Mammal : Animal decimal override Speed(Terrain t) class Reptile : Animal Reptile decimal override Speed(Terrain t) decimal Speed(Terrain t)
  • 7. First-Cut decimal Speed(Terrain t) Mammal Bird switch (movement) switch(movement) { { case Walking: case Walking: break; break; case Flying: case Flying: break; break; case Slithering: case Slithering: throw new Exception(); throw new Exception(); } }
  • 8. First-Cut decimal Speed(Terrain t) Mammal Bird switch (movement) switch(movement) { { case Walking: case Walking: return WalkingSpeed(numLegs, t); break; return WalkingSpeed(numLegs, t); case Flying: break; if (this is Bat) case Flying: return BatFlyingSpeed(); return BirdFlyingSpeed(); else throw new Exception(); break; break; case Slithering: case Slithering: throw new Exception(); throw new Exception(); } }
  • 9. Second-Cut Design Animal class Animal int numLegs int numLegs class AnimalThatWalks : Animal class AnimalThatFlies : Animal AnimalThatFlies AnimalThatWalks
  • 10. Animal Second-Cut Design int numLegs enum Terrain { Mountains, SandDunes, Sea} class Animal int numLegs decimal Speed(Terrain t) AnimalThatFlies AnimalThatWalks class AnimalThatWalks : Animal decimal override Speed(Terrain t) class AnimalThatFlies : Animal decimal override Speed(Terrain t) Bird class Bird : AnimalThatFlies decimal override Speed(Terrain t) Mammal class Mammal : AnimalThatWalks class Reptile : AnimalThatWalks Reptile
  • 11. Animal AnimalMovement Third-cut design class AnimalMovement class Flying : AnimalMovement class Walking : AnimalMovement Walking Flying class Animal int numLegs AnimalMovement movement class Mammal : Animal class Reptile : Animal Mammal Reptile
  • 12. Animal Third-cut design decimal Speed(Terrain t) enum Terrain { Mountains, …} class AnimalMovement decimal Speed(Terrain t) class Flying : AnimalMovement AnimalMovement decimal Speed(Terrain t) decimal Speed(Terrain t) class Walking : AnimalMovement decimal Speed(Terrain t) class Animal int numLegs AnimalMovement movement Walking Flying decimal Speed(Terrain t) decimal Speed(…) decimal Speed(…) class Mammal : Animal class Reptile : Animal
  • 13. Third-Cut Design Animal AnimalMovement class Animal class AnimalMovement int numLegs; Animal animal; decimal speedFactor; AnimalMovement movement; public AnimalMovement(Animal a) { public Animal() animal = a; { } movement = new AnimalMovement(this); } public decimal Speed(Terrain t) { public decimal Speed(Terrain t) return CalcSpeed( { animal.numLegs, return movement.Speed(t); animal.speedFactor, t); } }
  • 14. If you find that you are doing a lot of copy-paste, it maybe time to step back and review your design. CONCLUSION
  • 15. If I were to conduct a seminar on Design Patterns, would you attend? How much is it worth to you? (full day seminar) Yes, indeed I am conducting a seminar on June 23rd right here in Cebu. If you need a copy of these slides and the sample, join me at Software Design Patterns Philippines at LinkedIn.com or email me at ctapang@hotmail.com A SEMINAR FOR YOU

Editor's Notes

  1. Self-Intro:Microsoft IT Division “We eat dogfood”Physics Instructor (Physics 101 for non-science majors)