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Why I Need A Scholarship Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Why I Need A Scholarship" can be a challenging endeavor that
requires careful consideration and thoughtful articulation. This task involves not only expressing
your financial need but also highlighting your achievements, aspirations, and personal
experiences that make you a deserving candidate for the scholarship.
To begin with, you must delve into your own life story, extracting relevant details that showcase
your dedication, perseverance, and potential. This introspective process can be emotionally
taxing as you confront your own challenges and triumphs, searching for the perfect balance
between vulnerability and resilience.
Moreover, the essay demands a keen understanding of the scholarship's specific criteria and
values. Tailoring your narrative to align with these requirements is crucial for making a
compelling case. This requires meticulous research and a nuanced approach to addressing both
the explicit and implicit expectations of the scholarship committee.
The challenge lies in maintaining authenticity while strategically presenting your case. It's not
just about narrating your story but doing so in a way that captivates the reader, evokes empathy,
and persuades them of your worthiness for financial support. Striking this balance can be akin to
walking a tightrope, as you navigate between humility and confidence, showcasing your
achievements without sounding boastful.
Additionally, organizing your thoughts coherently and adhering to any specified word count can
be daunting. The essay must flow smoothly, capturing the reader's attention from the
introduction to the conclusion. Ensuring a clear and concise expression of your thoughts while
addressing all relevant aspects within the limited space can be a formidable task.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Why I Need A Scholarship" is a multifaceted challenge that
demands self-reflection, research, strategic storytelling, and meticulous attention to detail. It's
not merely about financial need but a holistic portrayal of your character and potential. Aspiring
scholarship recipients should approach this task with dedication and a commitment to presenting
their unique stories compellingly.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various
platforms like HelpWriting.net offer professional writing services. Expert writers can provide
guidance, polish your ideas, and help you present a compelling case for scholarships or any other
academic endeavors.
Why I Need A Scholarship EssayWhy I Need A Scholarship Essay
Unit 3 Ip Essay
MGMT305 1301B 06 Management Information Systems
Shanika Buckner
1. What Internet business model would be appropriate for the company to follow in
creating a Web site and why?
In creating a business model based on a website I would choose a virtual candy
store. Having a virtual candy store would be an excellent idea for children and for
those that has to travel to the candy store warehouses. Having a virtual candy store
would also make it convenient for customers to shop and buy whatever kind of candy
they want and have it delivered right to their front door. With this website, there
would also be an opportunity for customers to order online and if some can t afford
to pay for the candy to be shipped to them, they ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
4. Prepare functional specifications for the company s use of the Web and the Internet
. Include links to and from other sites in your design.
The Virtual Candy Store Warehouse Inc. can be based off the http:/
/www.candywarehouse.com website. The Candy Warehouse website has lots of
varieties of candies to choose from, they have displays of candies for different
events, they have a tab for their new candies, their top sellers, and the company s
favorite candies. The Virtual Candy Store Warehouse Inc. website should be set up
not exactly the same but with the same ideas in mind. The Virtual Candy Store
website should include the different types of candies, the warehouse best sellers,
best candies, and customers favorite candies. The website should also have a
shopping cart so that when customers are shopping, they can add their products to
their carts so that they can checkout, the website should be a secure website so that
customers can use their credit cards, and the website should also include the history
of the company. On this website, all the links should have their own individual tabs
so that each one can be viewed and shown on a screen of their own. Most websites
that we see on the Internet has the tabs at the top of the page, maybe this website can
the tabs at the bottom. Another
Fashion In Ancient Roman
Fashion has been a major piece of each culture and civilization throughout time and
Ancient Rome was one of the reasons of it all. Huge numbers of our styles can be
followed back to the simple yet rich fashion of Ancient Rome. At the time, there was
a clear distinction between the clothing of the average public and the high societies,
and not only did it differed in styles however, it also was fashioned from various
materials. There was additionally a contrast between the apparel of youngsters and
the adults of Rome. Furthermore, unique sorts of attire were saved for religious
services and other extraordinary events which held high significance in this ancient
society. Examining at the fashion of Ancient Rome, it s community was a class and
status cognizant society which implied that in the regular day to day existence of the
people, social status was reflected and this was accurate for the clothing as well.
For Roman men, the colors and width of the groups, or stripes on tunics and togas
were known as the clavus. The clavus, together with its style and color, were
immediately unmistakable as a sign of office or rank and managed by the Roman
Sumptuary Laws. Even though the colors, adornments and materials that were used
as part of the make of a Roman clothing varied the tunic, the toga and the cloak were
the key items worn by Roman men.
First, the Toga was the loose flowing outer article of clothing which was
extravagantly hung around the body with careful folds. There are
Deviant Youths Essay
Deviant youths are sent to boot camps or detention centers for committing crimes
in their society. Together, they are our youth correction facilities but they are not
as safe as one may speculate; they are flawed for reasons that like how they
produce faulty results, the abusive treatment from staff and the poor living
conditions. One example of a fault for many of these facilities is the unfair
treatment from the staff. A report has shown that 1 in 10 kids in Juvenile Facilities
have reported sexual abuse from staff. Homosexual youths are even more at risk; 1
in 5 has reported such abuse as well (Human Rights Watch.) These adults are not
promoting the safety and security these institutions are supposed to live by and for
many it may... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, in boot camps kids who enter there with bad habits are more likely to
leave with them, learning nothing (Boarding Schools Troubled Teens.) In jail,
studies found that 50 70% of offenders were rearrested within one to two years
after they are released (Mahidol University.) These camps and facilities only work
with longer sentences; short term sentencing doesn t benefit them in the long run
because improvements don t develop right away to work. Finally, certain youth
correctional facilities have poor living conditions that are unstable to live. For
example, in boot camps, the focus is mainly on physical activity and discipline
military style (Teen Boot Camps.) These methods prove to be physically
demanding and for many it may be too much to handle. Youths are stipped from
their freedoms and are locked away in cells that can be dirty and cramped. They
have to live everyday with no privacy, constant threats and curses from other youths
as well as feelings of anger and fear that often resurfaces. As a result, this isolation
has a notable effect on behaviour. Disruptive disorders may arise with high
possibilities of substance abuse and suicides (The National Center for Mental Health
and Juvenile Justice). The lack of healthcare is also a problem. In one facility, over
44% were diagnosed with a substance use disorder. Only 50% were getting the
treatment. In another,
Legal Issues Related To The Fashion Industry
The major problems facing companies, especially smaller ones, in resolving product
adaptation issues are things that can differ in different cultures such as the taste of
the product, the style, the color, or symbols, language, but also more specific like
differences in technology, environmental differences, religion etc. The taste of a
product is very important for the food, drinks and cigarette industry. Style is more
important in car and fashion industry, which also includes the color and symbols.
The meaning of a color or a symbol can differ from culture to culture. The package of
the product can also need adaptations. Special symbols and the language need to
adapt to the country/culture. Some symbols can be offensive in one... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
4. Propose ways in which intellectual property piracy could be stopped permanently.
I believe that it is simply not realistic to speak of eliminating all piracy, as there
will always be at least a small segment of the population who can t be deterred from
stealing others ideas and creativity. Instead, what we can and should strive for is
the reduction of piracy to the lowest levels possible; levels that will not rob authors
and copyright owners of the incentive to create and distribute their works. I believe
that this could be accomplished through a two step copyright protection program of:
1) crafting a proper legal framework and 2) the adequate and proper implementation
of the said framework. The legal framework provides the basic rights to copyright
owners and establishes procedures for the enforcement of those rights. Those
procedures must provide the opportunity to obtain adequate remedies when those
rights are violated as well as the possibility of punitive monetary judgments and, in
appropriate cases, imprisonment of the infringer. The second part of this copyright
protection program is the application of these legal rules to ensure that copyright
owners have actual, effective protection against infringement of their rights. 5.The
software industry is the hardest hit by piracy. Using the Web site of the Business
Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) and WTO (www.wto.org) check out egroups
LINKS assess how this
Sacrifice In The Poisonwood Bible
In the novel, The Poisonwood Bible , every character has to sacrifice some aspect of
themselves for the approval of Nathan Price, but Orleanna surrenders herself
completely. Orleanna sacrificed her happiness, independence, goals for the
confirmation of Nathan. By doing this the reader can understand that Orleanna
values everyone else s happiness and her husband s drive towards religion. The
values illuminated by Orleanna help to understand the meaning of the novel alone,
which is that sometimes the sacrifices made for others can lead to your reward in the
end. Throughout the novel, leading up to Bel and the Serpent, Orleanna is seen as
only a mother and a wife who focuses on action, rather than the reasoning behind it.
Once the family has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By stating this, the reader can see that even though Orleanna worked her hardest at
trying to be a good wife, nothing was ever going to be good enough for Nathan s
approval. In describing her years of baring her children and raising them, the
reader can see just how Nathan s neglect of his family affected Orleanna greatly.
For six years, from age nineteen 2 until I turned twenty five, I did not sleep
uninterrupted through a single night, (pg.200). After describing these experiences
Orleanna begins to question herself as to why she hasn t gave up and left Nathan.
With questioning herself she answers back to form her general purpose of staying,
which is to wake up knowing that she can make it through her abuse with Nathan
and that maybe one day he will realize that he needs a balance between family and
religion. Orleanna also sees herself as captured and consumed into Nathan s plan.
She compares herself to the Congo because she is colonized and stripped of her
independence and individuality. Swallowed by Nathan s mission, body and soul.
Occupied as if by a foreign power...But now every cell of me was married to Nathan s
plan, (pg.198 199). By making
To What Extend Did the Local Community Profit from the...
The FIFA World Cup in Brazil took place from the 12th of June to the 13th of July
2014. Attracting approximately one million foreign tourists in just one month
(Loretta, 2014) it was without a doubt the major global sporting event of the year.
Discussions about holding such an event in yet another developing country where
controversial from the start and with regard to the 2016 Olympic Games also held in
Brazil, they still are.
In this essay I want to evaluate to what extent Brazil as a tourism destination
benefitted from the World Cup or not and how this affects the destination in the long
term. Therefore, I firstly provide three positive impacts on Brazil, of economic, social
and environmental nature. This is followed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This can be in a positive way e.g. gaining of the knowledge but also in a negative way,
such as staged authenticity. Furthermore, they can have positive and negative
environmental impacts, namely an improvement of infrastructure or littering. Lastly,
there can be economical impacts (Page amp; Connell, 2009). Although these can
prove negative in the long term, most economical impacts are positive because the
tourists come and spend money at a destination.
If we take a look at the perspective of Brazilian tourism with regard to events such as
the World Cup 2014, we can conclude that a lot of its success depends on the
Olympic Games of 2016. Ainsworth Wells (2013) describes the preparation of Rio
for the Olympic Games as rather positive: If I could draw a graph depicting Rio de
Janeiro s trajectory and status against these factors as it prepares to host the 2016
Olympics it would currently be somewhere in the middle, but heading in one
direction upwards (Ainswort Wells, 2013). Positive developments, such as the fact
that the accommodation sector is largely dominated by Brazilian companies or the
renovation of port areas through public private partnerships, can be recognized. Yet
one of the biggest concerns is the traffic. As there will not be enough time anymore to
work on the underground metro system, the city of Rio aims at revolutionizing the
bus system. Taking into account the fact that during the World Cup 2014 the vast
majority perceived their visit
Use Of Nanomaterials On Civil Engineering- A Review
Recently, the use of nanomaterials is increasing day by day in the various fields such
as biomedicine, automobile, electronics, robotics, construction industry etc. This is
mainly because of unique mechanical, chemical, electronic and optical properties of
nanomaterials. Particularly, construction industry may possibly be one of the chief
beneficiaries of these materials, because the properties of concrete, steel, glass and
other building materials will improve with the applications of nanomaterials.
Therefore, the potential use of nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, Cu
nanoparticles, Ag nanoparticles, TiO2, SiO2, Al2O3, ZrO2, and Fe2O3 nano oxides
for enhancing the mechanical strengths and durability of concrete have been explored
in the current study. It has been observed that the addition of nanomaterials would
improve the corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, compressive strength, tensile
strength, flexural strength etc. of cementitious composites. However, the exact
mechanism responsible for improvement in the characteristics of nano based
cementitious materials is not clear so far. Thus, more researches and investigations
are required in order to use the nanomaterials in civil engineering and construction
sector effectively.
Key words: nanomaterials, construction industry, concrete, mechanical strengths,
I. Introduction
Nanotechnology was first introduced by physicist Richard P.
Napoleon s Campaign In Egypt
Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who significantly
influenced European history. Born in Corisca on August 15th 1769, Napoleon first
rose to prominence as a general in the French Revolution (Hutt, 4). With his strength
of will, character, application, and daring (Napoleon) characteristics, Captain
Bonaparte made a name for himself. Staging a coup d etat in late 1799, Napoleon
managed to install himself as First Consul and within three years, as Consul for life
(Hutt, 3 4). Ultimately, Napoleon s military background and cunning character led
him to become a self crowned emperor of Francebeginning in 1804(Dziewanowski,
90). Under Napoleon s new military dictatorship, many of the French Revolution s
reforms... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, of the scholars and civilians amongst Napoleon s expeditionary force many
managed to greatly influence modern understanding of Egyptian culture and
language, marking a great historical achievement. Enough information and
knowledge was collected during Napoleon s campaign by his collection of scholars
and artists to complete generations of encyclopedias (Rosensweig, 1).
With his troops at hand, Napoleon set out for Egypt hoping to undermine Britain s
access to India while gaining more land and extensive knowledge. On his way to
Egypt, Napoleon conquered Malta and left approximately 3000 of his crewman
there (Hutt, 27). After departing from Malta, Napoleon arrived on the coast of
Alexandria on July 1st and encountered his first battle on Egyptian soil against the
Mamelukes, fearsome warriors that ruled Egypt in the name of the Turkish sultan
(Hutt, 28). Within a day, Napoleon s forces managed to conquer the opposing army
with its outstanding military tactics. Napoleon organized his infantry within small
hollow square formations that faced four directions, allowing his army to repel
attacks coming from either side (Dziewanowski, 91). This tactic and Napoleon s
military leadership helped the French army to defeat this much larger army.
However, the celebration of victory was not long lasted as the British Royal Navy
captured all but two of
Situational Analysis Of Coca Cola Company
The Coca Cola Company (TCCC) was founded since 1886 and it has been 129
years today. TCCC is the worldwide carbonated soft drinks industry from United
States of America. There are four top five soft drinks brands of Coca Cola, Diet,
Coke, Fanta and Sprite. The other products are: Juice juice drinks, waters, energy
drinks, sports drinks, cordials and iced tea. It has licenses and markets more than 500
beverage brands. The company has relationship with over 250 bottling partners
worldwide. TCCC is manufacturing by nearly 900 plants to worldwide markets. In
strengthening operations through an integrated supply chain, the company make
alliances with the Walt Disney and the McDonalds. In 2012, the key performance are
highlighted by increasing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Impact: Tax has to be paid periodically on the electricity use per month, factory
waste disposal per disposure, land use tax once a year, water usage tax and tax on
income responsibly. Economical The new foreign investment law of 2012 aimed at
liberalizing the economy by allowing the foreign investments without partnering
with local businesses (Trefis, 2013). Impact: TCCC can play business without
partnering with local businesses in the Myanmar markets. Social The consumers in
Myanmar are low brand loyalty and there is price sensitivity. Impact: Consumers
lead to the low price brands according to the price sensitivity. Technological In
accessing the electricity power form the Ministry of Electric Power, it is found that
there is a limitation due to a lack of water and limited reservoir size in the dry
seasons (3 4 months) (Dapice, 2014). Impact: The Company may face some
difficulties in obtaining electricity during hot seasons so the company should have
backup plans to
Social Research On Natural Disasters And The Disaster
Kathleen Tierney s article explains the ways in which social research on natural
disasters came to be and how it is currently at the threshold of much needed
evolution. Beginning during the Cold War, research on natural disasters began to
take place. The US government and military leaders were concerned on how the
public would react during times of social crisis, particularly during the event of a
nuclear strike. Government and military officials were concerned about possible
panic and the breakdown of society. They wondered if citizens would rise to the
occasion and help in recovery efforts, or if they would become unstable and
destructive in their response to sociological breakdowns. While much researchhad
already been done during World War II, it was believed that more research was
necessary to establish a clearer idea of how citizens would react in the face of social
upheaval. To provide these answers, officials believed that they could evaluate the
aftermath of natural disasters. Funders of such potential research believed that
...natural and technological disasters provided useful laboratories for studying social
behavior under conditions of large scale physical destruction and social disruption
(Tierney, 2007, p. 504).
Stemming from the need of this information came the creation of various research
centers such as the DRC, or the Disaster Research Center. One of the Founders of
the DRC was E. L. Quarantelli, who was highly influenced by ...research traditions
in collective behavior and symbolic interactionism (Tierney, 2007, p. 504). Two
other founders of the DRC, Russell Dynes and J. Euguene Haas, were
...organizational researchers (Tierney, 2007, p. 504). The influence of the founders
of the DRC enabled many studies to be conducted on the ways society handled
natural disasters. The DRC was focused on conducting studies that were more
qualitive than quantitative, meaning they were more focused on observational
studies that included interviews, field observations, and the collection of archival
materials than on traditional surveys and statistics (Tierney, 2007, p. 505). These
approaches allowed researchers to go into the field and conduct studies on various
types of social crises. Research was
Essay On Saffronart
About Saffronart.com
Saffronart.com is an innovative online auction firm started by Minal and Dinesh
Vazirani in 2000 who are both alumni of Harvard Business School. It is one of the
first of its kind of auction website in India and it focuses on auction of modern and
contemporary Indian art. The company started off with selling arts in the Indian
market but later expanded geographically and extended its offerings including the
prime real estate which is the latest addition. It is considered to be the pioneer and
has created a market for modern and contemporary Indian art in the world of arts.
From the beginning, the revenue of the company are constantly increasing and in
2006, there revenue touch $45 million.
Saffronart held various auctions both online and live accompanied by ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thus, Saffronart has managed not to compete with the existing auction houses but
complementing them. Art galleries contacts Saffronart which then arranges for the
catalogue preparation and post that on its website for the auction which happens in
lot. The sold goods are then shipped by Saffronart to the buyer. Saffronart takes
commission from the art galleries to provide this service, whereas the auction of the
buyers are free in which they have to register themselves for an upcoming auction,
the Saffronart team then recognize that buyer as a genuine buyer and the login is
created. The buyer then bid for the artifacts either using the website of the mobile
bidding platform that the Saffronart is providing. Until recently, Saffronart was
focusing on the online medium for selling the artifacts but now it has also opened
several art galleries itself for the art exhibitions in places like Mumbai and Delhi.
Now, they are following both the medium, the online and brick and mortar
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Chemical Senses
Chemical Senses
Smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing, are all senses that individuals take for granted
every day. These senses allow humans to better understand their environment. Two
senses that is important to an individual everyday meal, is the sense of smell and
taste. Smell allows the aromas around the meal, to enter the nose to determine if the
meal either smells good or bad. Taste gives the mouth the opportunity to understand
if a meal either needs more seasoning or if it is just perfect. Taste and smell can also
bring back a memory that is associated with a particular meal. These memories could
be a harmful memory from a fight in a restaurant, or a delightful time with
Grandmother in the kitchen. Taste
Taste occurs when a certain chemical substance enters the mouth and makes contact
with a nerve cell, which activates it by changing the protein that is in the sensory
cell. This allows the cell to give messages to other nerve cells to pass information to
the brain on the particular flavor that is being transmitted by the mouth. The papillae
are the bumps that are on the tongue, is responsible for an individual to be able to
have a more magnifying taste. Inside of the papillae is the taste buds. Each taste bud
has sensory cells that are connected to different nerve fibers.
Each individual has five important tastes, which are salty, sweet, sour, bitter and
umami. When food or liquids enter
Key Strengths And Responsibilities Of Emelda
PERSONAL SUMMARY Emelda believes that with the biggest teaching challenges
come the biggest rewards. With this mind set she comes to you as a committed
teacher who is ready to take on the responsibility for teaching within any challenging
school. She is an energetic teacher who can plan and deliver engaging and
stimulating lessons that encourage student achievement. One of her key strengths is
her ability to work closely with pupils to establish good student and teacher
relationships. As an effective classroom practitioner she can teach across the
curriculum and always has up to date knowledge of the subject matter she has to
teach. Teaching is not all about ABC, the ultimate goal for herself as a teacher is the
Joy of Learning. To make sure students learn with joy... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Teaching children how to think for themselves in a fast paced academic environment.
Looking after and supervising the control and proper use of teaching rooms, materials
and resources. Experience of dealing with challenging and disruptive pupils. Marking
pupil s coursework and then providing constructive feedback to students. Providing
nurturing and attentive pastoral care for all pupils. Preparing the classroom for
lessons, and also tidying up at the end of a session. PERSONAL Able to inspire,
challenge and motivate students. Giving information, emotional support and
reassurance to pupils, their parents and fellow
Bauer Performance Sports Ltd.
Bauer Performance Sports Ltd. is a company based out of Exeter, New Hampshire
that produces ice hockey equipment, fitness and recreational skates, and apparel.
They are best known for their skates but after acquiring multiple companies they
have expanded into manufacturing wide range of equipment from skates to
hockey sticks. The company has expanded to new levels and now has the face of
many NHL stars to represent their brand. For an athlete to stay relevant in their
sport they have to adapt and get better year after year. It is the same for a worker,
once they are not up to date on everything they need to know they became more of
a liability for the company. This is because they are not as efficient as another
work who would be up to date and could replace them. This is the same for
manufactures of products, the product they are selling must be the best or top of
the line so that it is appealing to the consumers. Another big part of issues
manufactures have is that they need to have more than one version of the product.
When marketing to a large number of consumers the product has to be the most
appeal one on the shelf and in their price range. Bauer has to maintain a product
line that will be affordable to a player who is trying a sports for his first time all the
way up to the professional players. Bauer was founded in 1927 in the town of
Kitchener, Ontario. They changed hockey skates forever when they developed the
first skate with the blade attached. In
Tartrazine Experiment
In eighth grade, while on a school run food interest trip, I learned the significance of
ingredients and nutrition in food. One of the activities was to differentiate between
fresh ramen noodles and instant noodles by scrutinizing the ingredients and
nutritional labels as well as by taste testing. Upon inspection, there were several
recurring ingredients such as the coloring agent tartrazine. Later that day, a bolt of
curiosity surged through me, and an Internet search on tartrazine forever changed the
way I looked at food.
What I found shocked me. Articles full of evidence indicated the harmful effects of
the coloring agent, ranging from allergic reactions to hyperactivity in children. As a
result, I was compelled to probe further into the
Rhetorical Analysis of the Children s Era by Margaret
Rhetorical Analysis of The Children s Era Today, the availability of birth control is
taken for granted. There was a time, not long passed, during which the subject was
illegal ( Margaret Sanger, 2013, p.1). That did not stop the resilient leader of the
birth control movement. Margaret Sanger was a nurse and women s activist. While
working as a nurse, Sanger treated many women who had suffered from unsafe
abortions or tried to self induce abortion (p.1). Seeing this devastation and noting that
it was mainly low income women suffering from these problems, she was inspired to
dedicate her life to educating women on family planning even though the discussion
of which was highly illegal at the time (p.1). She was often in trouble with... Show
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4). To prove this point she demonstrated the inefficiency of the children s programs
that were already in place. She used another metaphor to show the logical
breakdown of efficiency in the system. Sanger (1925) went on to interpret the
children s charities that were currently in effect as the Grand Central Station of life,
with trainloads and trainloads of children being dumped off faster than anyone knew
what to do with them (para. 4). This analogy is influential because everyone in New
York, where the speech was delivered, was familiar with Grand Central Station and
how it was a hectic, main hub. Relating the amount of children to the overwhelming
atmosphere of the crowded station illustrated the difficulties and insufficiencies the
receiving committee faced as they tried to care for the massive amount of abandoned
children (Sanger, 1925, para. 4). Sanger proceeded to emphasize her points using
both emotion and logic. She used alliteration and powerful word choice to invoke
emotion about parentless children, listing out that the children were unwelcome,
unwanted, unprepared for, [and] unknown (Sanger, 1925, para 4). These are very
strong words to use to describe children. No one wants to think of children in these
ways because it is sad. Further explaining the ineffective system, she structured her
The Development Of Diabetes Mellitus
Specific cells of the pancreas produce a hormone called insulin to correct metabolism.
this hormone, glucose cannot enter body cells and blood glucose levels rise. As a
result, the individual
may begin to experience symptoms of hyperglycemia. Plainly expressed, this process
is the
development of diabetes mellitus. Numbers have increased in recent years because so
Americans are overweight. Also, testing accuracy has improved, therefore confirming
more cases. The
number of people with diabetes is expected to double as more people live to middle
and old age. There
are a few different classifications of Diabetes. Two of the common ones are: *Type
1(Formerly known
as type I; insulin dependent diabetes mellitus[IDDM]; ... Show more content on
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This buildup of glucose in the blood is called hyperglycemia. The body is unable to
use the glucose for energy. This leads to the symptoms of type 1 diabetes.
The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown. Most likely it is an autoimmune
disorder. This is a condition that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks
and destroys healthy body tissue. With type 1 diabetes, an infection or another
trigger causes the body to mistakenly attack the cells in the pancreas that make
insulin. The tendency to develop autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, is
hereditary. (Wisse, MD, 2015) The following symptoms may be the first signs of
type 1 diabetes. Or they may occur when blood sugar is high: being very thirsty,
feeling hungry ,feeling tired all the time ,having blurry eyesight, feeling numbness or
tingling in your feet, losing weight without trying, urinating more often (including
urinating at night or bed wetting in children who were dry overnight before) For
other people, these serious warning symptoms may be the first signs of type 1
diabetes. Or, they may happen when blood sugar is very high (diabetic ketoacidosis):
deep, rapid breathing, dry skin and mouth, flushed face, fruity breath odor, nausea or
vomiting; inability to keep down fluids, stomach pain.
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can develop quickly in people with diabetes who
are taking insulin. Symptoms usually appear when a person s blood sugar level falls
Pro And Cons For Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy became an American
ProtГ©gГ©. All over the world people believed Columbus to be the finest explorer.
He had numerous discoveries in his lifetime and was fancied by many rulers who
sought what he sought. However, he had very high demands on what he would
receive if sponsored, so many foreign rulers rejected him and his demands. He was a
Catholic and this stood out to Queen Isabella because she wanted to spread
Catholicism to non believers. This gave Columbus a better standing with the queen.
In Spain, a new federal power was beginning to drive the Moors out of the Iberian
Peninsula and this would increase the availability of resources to the monarchs on
this land. This involved the king and it pushed him towards sponsoring Columbus
because he was so familiar with the land. They soon agreed with all of Columbus
claims and sponsored his voyage in search of a water route from Europeto the East
Indies. Columbus was foreign to the country of Spain, so this leaves people to
wonder why would Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand sponsor a foreign explorer
for such an important voyage? Since Columbus was not from Spain he was
considered a foreign explorer. A monarchfrom another country would only want a
foreign explorer if they had expertise in their field of voyaging. The explorers would
most likely be chosen if they shared common interests with the monarch, because they
would help benefit the ruler while receiving their own
Improving Patient Satisfaction Patients
Patient satisfaction has been considered as when patients feel that their needs and
expectations are being met by the services provided. Some of the important factors
which are strongly effective, are included: availability of out of hours care, doctor s
style, care delivery and continuity of care. All of these happen when there is a good
communication between doctors and their patients. Clear understanding of the
patients concerns as well as an accurate clinical diagnosis. Doctor and patient s
relationship always has described as cornerstone of general practice. If there is trust
between the patients and them, patients are more likely to connect to the
recommended treatment. Continuity of care provided by the same doctor most of the
Wild Things Are Book
Books are the beginning of humankind, it s the thing that said we are human it has
everything about us written in a book on a shelf. It has your name, his name, her
name, and my name written in it. It might be unsettling to hear, but it pretty much
says I m a free person. The most important part of books are used to inform us,
describe us, and let us think out loud. Books allow us to explain our bad times and
our good times. The book Where the Wild Things Are is a great example of this.
Now I know this book is fake, but it s a great example and a good kids book. The
book only contains 338 words and is yet an extraordinary book. Where the Wild
Things Are is about a young boy named Max who, starts off in a wolf costume and
he wrecks the
Comparing G-Eazy And Pop Music
What inspires me is the desire to be on. The desire to be successful. The desire to
reach people through my music and make a living off of it and never have to do
anything else. Being able to do music full time and travel the world and share this
music with everybody. That s the dream. says rapper, G Eazy, about his career
choices of being an artist. For both artists, and listeners of these artists, music has
influenced us in many ways. It has helped us through bad times, good times, crazy
times, the worse times, and especially the best times. In a way, music genres have
defined us for the best. Music is a big part of my life, especially the genres R B, hip
hop, and pop. It has good rhythms to dance to, it helps boost my mood and confidence
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Hip hop music talks about how if you work hard at what you want, then you can
get it; it s all about determination and having a goal. Hip hop music also tells
listeners to be confident and love who you are and what you do; it tells us to love
ourselves, inside and out. It helps me learn to love myself, the way I look, my
personality, and what I want to do. When I listen to my favorite hip hop songs, it
helps me relate to things going on in my life and it helps me through the good, and
especially the bad. Sometimes I just listen to hip hop to have a good time and to let
go of my feelings. Hip hop music has very good messages about wanting to just live
life as it comes and to have fun, which is basically want I want to do with my life.
Hip hop is one of my favorite genres because of the messages it tells, how it helps me
through life, and to have a good life by living however you feel like
Dr Maria Montessori took this idea that the human has a mathematical mind from a
French philosopher Pascal and developed a revolutionary math learning material for
children as young as 3 years old. Her mathematical materials allow the children to
begin their mathematical journey from a concrete concept to abstract idea . With
reference to the above statement please discuss how these children utilize their
mathematical mind as part of their natural progression, to reason, to calculate and
estimate with these Montessori mathematical materials in conjunction with their aims
and presentations? What is a mathematical mind? The Mathematical Mind refers to
the unique tendencies of the human mind. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal said
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A significant discovery that Dr. Montessori made was the importance of offering
indirect preparation for the math materials while children were in the sensitive
periods for movement and the refinement of the senses. It is through children s work
with the Exercises of Practical Life and Sensorial materials that they first encounter
and experience the concepts of measurement, sequence, exactness, and calculation
Sensorial education is the basis of mathematics. Dr. Montessori said that children
are sensorial learners. They learn and experience the world through their five
senses. So sensorial education helps the child to create a mental order of the
concepts he grasps using his five senses. The skill of man s hand is bound up with
the development of his mind, and in the light of history we see it connected with the
development of civilization. Maria Montessori, THE ABSORBENT MIND, Chap 14.
pg. 138 Montessori firmly believed that the hands are the mother of skills. By
providing Montessori sensorial materials to the child she was convinced that correct
manipulation with quality and quantity would certainly create a lasting impression in
the child s mind with the understanding of mathematics. We place materials quite
intentionally on trays, we color code activities, materials are displayed
Netflix Case
Davor RameЕЎa k0956979 Netflix case Executive summary What is Netflix s
strategy in the on line movie rental market? What are Netflix s sources of
competitive advantage? Identify the competences key to the success of Netflix s
strategy and explain why. Netflix was a late entrant to the movie rental market and
it was a first mover in the on line movie rental market. Netflix s strategy in the movie
rental market is differentiation from traditional movie rental stores. Instead of
attracting customers to a retail location, Netflix offered home delivery of DVDs
through the mail. Why only DVDs? In 1998, most available movies were in VHS
cassette format but Netflix concentrated on using only DVDs because its... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Answer lies in the number of total subscribers which has grown from 107 000 in
1999 to 6 316 000 in 2006. (source: Netflix 2006 10 k). Number of subscribers was
constantly growing since 1998 due to good strategy decisions like : proprietary
recommendation system , hiring of Ted Sarandos and opening more distribution
centers. All of these moves had one purpose: to add value to their product by
increasing customer s satisfaction. How does Netflix s strategy compare to
Blockbuster? Compare and contrast each s value chain. Factors which determine the
value of the product: Price of the movie Delivery Time how long do the customers
wait for getting the movie Convenience what actions do the customers have to do to
get the movie Other factors(recommendation system, availability of new movies)
Late fees Although prices of Netflix and Blockbuster for a single DVD rental are now
the same (10$ per movie source: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520 11445_7 6325775
1.html), Netflix had an additional value because it offered unlimited rental with
the same pricing (an example: you pay monthly fee and you can exchange movies,
so you can watch several different DVD s for the price of one). If you want to rent
a movie from a Blockbuster retail store, you can do it in a relatively short time
(time you need to get to a retail store) as management proclaimed 10 minute drive for
70% of US population. Delivery time for
History of Electronic and Virtual Currencies
оїїHistory of Electronic and Virtual Currencies Emerging Cryptocurrencies Attributes
of Cryptocurrencies Technology behind Cryptocurrencies Risks to Cryptocurrencies
Business and Institutional Adoption of Cryptocurrencies Future Alternative Uses of
Cryptocurrencies#оїѕ History of Electronic and Virtual Currencies Traditionally,
currencies have been tied to physical tangible items, such as paper or gold, and
provided three functions: a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of
value. The earliest published research using cryptography as a basis for
electronically transferring cash is from 1982 by David Chaum, a Ph.D. graduate in
Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley. He founded a
company in 1990 called DigiCash, which originally sold smart cards for closed
systems, such as for highway tolls. In 1994, the company sent the first electronic cash
( ecash ) payment over public computer networks. The history of DigiCash is
controversial, but the ecash system appears to have been centralized and proprietary
and no corporate partnerships were formally established. Other companies, such as
Dexit, InternetCash, Qpass, Flooz, Mondex and NetCheque, performed similar online
payments, but none of these companies gained meaningful traction due to the
complexities and expenses of navigating the technological, economic, legal, political,
social, and cultural challenges in virtualizing currencies.[ ][ ] The two most common
types of virtual currencies are:
Were Peasants Good Or Bad
The earth is the earth as a peasant sees it, the world is the world as a duchess sees
it, and anyway a duchess would be nothing if the earth was not there as the peasant
sees it, Gertrude Stein once stated. Stein is trying to get across to us that peasants
were needed in this world. Peasants were considered poor, trashy, and no good.
These things that the upperclassmen people would say about the peasants might be
true but these poor, trashy, and no good peasants were needed on Earth. Peasants
were the ones that did all of the hard work but did not get near enough credit for it.
Peasants were the ones that would work long hours in the fields so not just their
family will have food to eat but also other families. Peasants were the ones who...
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Peasants had to work round the year in the fields of the lord and their lives were all
the time revolving according to the farming season (Difference). If the farm or the
crops were not going well then neither were the peasant s life. Farming is what
peasants did for living and it was their main concern in life. Many worked as
farmers in fields owned by the lords and their lives were controlled by the farming
year (Trueman). Peasants did not get to choose if they worked on the farm or not
because they had to. In order for them to live they had to have everyone s hands on
deck helping out with the farm work. They would not have attended school for a
start. As soon as was possible, children joined their parents working on the land
(Trueman). Peasant and serf families did not have enough time or money to send
their children off to school because they need all the available hands working on
the farm. In a peasant household, everyone was needed to work in the fields. Often
children as young as age 2 were left alone. Children did not go to school or have
tutors, so few knew how to read (Peasants). Children not going to school is a good
thing because they are able to stay at home and help their parents work, but
children not being able to go to school is bad because they never learned how to
read or write. The peasant may well have been justified in following old rules; he
did not have the knowledge to risk experiments. He worked steadily and long, in
every weather, but he seems to have taken his time (Bishop 234). Peasants could
not mess up on anything in his farm or it would have messed up everything else,
and their families just did not have time for that. Peasants and serfs would have
worked in every kind of weather to keep their crops alive. If the farm work would get
out of control to where the men couldn t handle it on their own then the women
would have helped out,
Reflective Essay On Save The Children
My duties as an intern are to fundraise for a charity, either The Nature Conservancy
or Save the Children. The way we acquire donors is by street canvassing and
educating them on the benefits of supporting varying charitable projects within the
charity. The expectation for a number of donors to sign up in a week is eight. My
average sign ups per week that I have achieved has been ten. After achieving the site
rep title by getting twelve donors in two consecutive weeks, I gained leadership
where I help and train others. What I gained from this internship was knowledge
about the nonprofits that I fundraised for, direct communicationskills, and being in a
unique work environment. The Nature Conservancy(TNC) was founded in 1951
which is the oldest and largest environmental non profit that works in all 50 states
and 72 countries. Their mission states conserving the lands and waters on which
all life depends. It is rated number nineteen on Forbes. Some of the local projects
TNC does in California includes a project that prevented the Marin Headlands from
becoming a town and turning it into a regional park instead and maintaining Hetch
Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite where most of the SF Bay area gets their water from.
They restored the Great Barrier Reef since it almost died. A global project they are
currently working on is planting a billion trees in the Amazon by 2025.
Save the Children (STC) was founded in 1919 which is the oldest and largest
children nonprofit. STC works
Piracy In The Elizabethan Era
Although pirates were popular in the Elizabethan Era, they are now negligible.
There are anti piracy groups who despise and are against piracy. From receiving
support from the government, they expect the anti piracy groups to make legal
impacts on piracy cases. Even though schools talk about it and may even have a
brief lecture about modern pirates and about today s pirates, they have deteriorated
over the years. Somalia is an old fashioned country in Africa where they are not
updated on today s clothing and technology showing that they re still accustomed to
old traditions which include piracy. Ultimately, piracy s attire evolved throughout the
past six hundred years, but the reasons pirates are remembered, why people wanted
to become a pirate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their weapons and clothing may be more updated, but what they sail on and their
main goal of piracy has not changed. Ultimately, piracy in the Elizabethan Era may
have evolved over the past six hundred years, but there are numerous traditions and
customs that are still precise to modern day piracy.
Work Cited
The Age of Exploration. The Age of Exploration. Accessed 12, Dec. 2017.
Boot, Max. Pirates, Then and Now. Foreign Affairs, 2 Mar. 2016. Accessed 12, Dec.
Charles SchniberЕ› SonЕ›. Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. Galen Lyon. Charles
Scribner s Sons,
Francis Drake. Biography.com, A E Networks Television, 9 Nov. 2017.
Giles, Milton. A Swashbuckling Life at Sea. Sunday Times, The, n.d. EBSCOhost.
Humanity, History of. Boarding a Ship. Pirate Ships | Boarding a
Bennett Belluvue University I will look at some of the ways that PTSD and
Somatization Disorder are alike. One symptom that they have in common is
musculoskeletal conditions. Another symptom that they have in common is GI
problems. Some of the treatments for both disorders that are the same are cognition
therapy and the use of antidepressant medications. I will now look at how each of
these is different and also will look at some of the different treatments for each.
Somatization disorder is defined as a psychiatric condition marked by multiple,
medically unexplained physical or somatic symptoms. In order to qualify for the
diagnosis of somatization disorder, somatic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I will now discuss PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder is defined as being a mental
health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event. (Loeb, J., Stettler, E.,
Gavila, T., Stein, A., amp; Chinitz, S., 2011) Some of the theories that can cause
PTSD are when a person goes through, sees or learns about an event that causes
intense fear, helplessness, or horror. There are some researchers that think that a
person is more likely to develop PTSD than others when their risk of anxiety and
depression increases, a person s life experiences, a person s temperament and/or the
way the brain regulates the chemicals and hormones their body releases in response
to stress. There are several risk factors associated with PTSD. Some of them being
female, experiencing intense or long lasting trauma, having experienced other trauma
earlier in life, having other mental health problems, and/or lacking a good support
system. PTSD can disrupt a person s everyday life from their jobs to their enjoyment
of everyday activities. There are three groups of medications that may help someone
with PTSD antipsychotics, antidepressants and antianxiety. There is one medication
that has been shown to decrease the nightmares of PTSD victims. prazosin. There are
two other types of therapy that have been shown to help in the treatment of PTSD
exposure therapy especially virtual exposure therapy where a person is virtually
exposed to the situation that initially caused their PTSD and eye movement
Twinkie Man Research Paper
There was a group of fighters together each known for their roles they did. We have
Dr. Medi Magica who treats her team members when they are sick or get hurt. Ms.
Adventurer comes up with the places for the team to go for the fight when a token
glimmers over her head. She has her own weapons. Twinkie Man is a laid back
person that loves to sit somewhere minding his business eating Twinkies. The last
team member, The Beast Scar, is our big protector that is undefeatable in almost
every single fight except for when he is out of energy and needs help. We call him
our captain. In every fight, we support Beast Scar. Today is the first fight. Ms.
Adventurer had notified us the night before. The purpose was to prove to some
zombielike people that we could still beat them even if we had an animal or
whatever in our group. The zombie like group of people that moved very slowly like
a snail that seemed to just be haters... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We hardly ever get a notice from any group saying they want to fight us. About six
months later, we heard a loud BOOM! Ms. Adventurer looked at us and said she
never had another token glimmer over her head to inform us about getting
prepared for another fight. This time it was aliens storming around us. Dr. Medi
Magica quickly tried to make as many as she could weak so there would be less
running around to defeat the aliens. Ms. Adventurer got out a gun that shoots
multiple bullets to shoot two or more at once. Twinkie Man laid Twinkies as he
fought to affect the strength of the aliens, making it easier for him to fight them.
Beast Scar headed to the nearby space shuttle where he took care of the rest of the
aliens in there instead of letting them come out. This was not a fair fight after all
but at the end we had won. Beast Scar had broken a limb moving so fast while
fighting the aliens, that is when Dr. Medi Magica had to fight really hard as she
made her way to where Beast Scar was to cure his limb. No cast had to be
Comparing Charles And Miss Awful By Arthur Cavanaugh
Charles by Shirly Jakson and miss awful by Arthur Cavanaugh In this essay I am
going to compare and contrast the characters, setting and themes of the short
stories, Charles and Miss Awful . The story, Charles , by Shirly Jackson is a funny
story about a boy who blames his behaviors on an imaginary classmate. The story,
Miss Awful , by Arthur Cavanaugh, is a story about a nice teacher who is replaced
by a strict substitute. While both stories involve a school, teachers and students the
theme is different in each story and teaches its readers a different lesson. The setting
in each story is very similar because they both involve classrooms and being at home.
In Charles the setting is mostly Laurie telling his parents about Charles and the bad
behavior he had at school.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The characters in each story is very similar because they are both school related
and have teachers, students and parents in them. In Miss Awful , Roger has a sister
named Elizabeth while in Charles , Laurie talks about Charlie all the time. Roger
has a lot of friends at school while Laurie does not have a lot of friends but blames
it on Charles. The theme for Miss Awful is that strict teachers might not be that
bad after all and kids need to have discipline. The theme in Charles is more about
how the truth is bound to come out and you can t blame your problems on other
people. Another similarity between the two stories is that Laurie is blaming his
problems on someone else and Roger is blaming his problems on the teacher. In this
essay I have talked about the setting, characters, and theme of two different short
stories. The setting in Charles and Miss Awful we re the same they both took place
at home and at school. The characters were similar because they both dealt with
kids, teachers and schools. The themes in each story were different and made each
story really interesting to read.b The story Charles was true to life
Actus And Mens Rea Case Study
When it comes to figuring out if an action made is a crime or not it is important to
understand the common law. Actus Reus and Mens Rea are where each case is
based off of in order to make a stance as to why the act should be punished for or
not. Actus Reus is known as guilty act, which means actually committing an act
intentionally or unintentionally and following through with it (Silver, 2011). As in
assaulting an individual, stealing or any other criminal act of that sort. Mens Rea
can be thought of as guilty mind, which is best explained as wanting or thinking of
doing something, but the inability or ability to follow through with it (Silver, 2011).
In order for a crimeto be a crime, there needs to be thought or planning,... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
An unlawful act and intent to act in a certain way, such as residential burglary
require a certain mental state, whereas a general intent crime does not. Say a person
did commit a residential burglary but was under the influence of alcohol, they will
aim for the intoxication defense to reduce liability for their actions even if the
intoxication was voluntary. If the intoxication was involuntary, along the lines of
saying when they drink was spiked. This type of defense will only decreases prison
or jail sentence. Now if this certain individual were to purposefully intoxicate
themselves because they intentionally know that they will commit a crime, they the
intoxication defense would be denied. According to the video what is the criminal
charge of larceny? The term theft and larceny mean the same thing in most
jurisdictions the differences in the petty and grand larceny are dependent on the
amount of the item (cost). The punishment can range from a misdemeanor up to a
felony depending on the amount of the item. Petty larceny is usually a misdemeanor
and is usually punishable with a fine or jail time in a county or city jail. Grand larceny
Persuasive Essay About Summer Camp
Have you ever been in summer camp?
Do you remember twitters lasting all night, camp fires, and toothpaste on your nose
in the morning? That is the moments we bear in mind with a smile on our faces. But
do you know the hidden part, that grants us with experiences that benefits us during
our lifetime?
If you re puzzled over what to amuse your child with, summer camp is definitely the
best choice.
Baldauren is a republician health and education center situated in Kokshetau region,
right near the lake Shuch e. Baldauren accepts children all around a year.
In order to encourage you to send your offspring to summer camp this summer, I ve
compiled top reasons to send your kids to summer camp, particularly by sharing my
experience at camp Baldauren! Prepare your luggage for road onwards, as you will ...
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I still remember how 3 of us, from very different parts of a country, Oskemen,
Pavlodar and Aktobe built up very strong friendly relationships. I remember how
almost whole camp participants were crying right before departure, including me.
More surprising fact is that I met a number of them here, in university, that serves as
proof that you never really say Goobye пЃЉ
b)No I in team
There are a plenty of activities that summer camps involve children in: rope courses,
scavenger hunt, camp songs. All of them are intended to strengthen relationships
between children, emphasizing significance of everyone s contribution.
I remember a case when all our group at Baldauren was punished because the one in
team didn t hand in his phone. After that case, even some of us extremely wanted
to secretly keep their ownings the didn t do that because they were aware about
effect of one s action to a group. That s one of the lessons I learned from camp.
Everyone is a part of a community he lives in and every action influences on others,
whether you want it or not.
c)Outside comfort
Case Analysis Of Crown Cork And Seal
Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S)
Assignment 1: Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S)
This Assignment will develop your skills in industry analysis. This must be done as
individual work, so you must not discuss the case with anyone else before completing
the Assignment. Please use the following questions to structure your answer:
What are the industry structures and dynamics of the metal can industry?
The industry structure analysis of the metal can industry mainly depends on the
assessment of the five competitive forces which shapes the industry which is
1.Bargaining power of suppliers:
There are three aluminium suppliers who dominate the market which are Alcan
Aluminium, Aloca and Reynold metal. These three world leading companies have
huge bargaining power on can manufacturers as they were responsible for huge part
of production of aluminium market.
2.Bargaining power of customers:
There are four vital companies who play a very important role in the metal industry
and these are Anheuser Busch companies, Pepsico, Coca cola enterprise and Coca
cola company. These companies could have a great bargaining power over can
companies while having multimple suppliers and being able to switch suppliers
which gave the companies more flexibility to choose from if there was any issue
with the price, quality or service.
3.Barriers to entry:
In this case some big companies dominate the whole industry and as a result the small
Canada Goose Case Study
a. According to the textbook, the reasons that provide motivation for companies
international expansion and describe them.
Traditional motivations
Resource Seeking: secure supplies.
Low cost factor: exploit factor cost differences
Market Seeking: fulfill capability; exploit scale economies and scope economies.
Emerging motivations
Competitive positioning: match competitors, preempt markets, capture the global
scale, play global chess .
Global scanning: global intelligence scan, access scare knowledge.
Market and resource seeking: this motivation was particularly strong for companies
that had some intrinsic advantage, typically related to their technology and brand
recognition, which gave them a competitive advantage in offshore markets (Bartlett
Beamish, 2014).
Competitive positioning: the most controversial of the many global competitive
strategic actions taken by MNEs...have been those base on cross subsidization of
markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014).
Global scanning/ learning: when trying to get low cost resources, the company is
exposed to new technologies and markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014).
c. By expanding internationally, Canada Goose can have many opportunities to
seek new markets, grow, increase sales, and improve its brand recognition overseas.
With those extra sales, it will enable to exploit scale and scope economies; thereby it
will have a source of competitive advantage over its domestic
My Trip to Saint Petersburg Dali Museum
For our assigned cultural exposure I chose to visit the Saint Petersburg Dali
Museum. I drove over on a windy day across the causeway in a Jeep that is less
than running well, so by the time I found the museum I was a bit relieved. I had
wanted to go to the Museum since moving here in early 2011 but have just never
made the time. I lived in southern Spain for several years and one of the few regrets
I have from my time there is that I never made it to the museum there.
Upon my arrival and paying my admission fee I was informed that there was a
guided tour about to begin. I hurried up the stairs and filled in the back of the pack.
There are about 30 35 other patrons there as well. The guide starts with a brief
history of Dali s early life growing up in southeastern Spain, the death of his mother
and his fathers remarrying of Dali s aunt (which he commemorated in a painting), to
his marring to the Famous Gala. The guide then informed us that it was Gala who
helped to manage Dali s career acting as his agent. Not only was his love for Gala
shown in his art but also her tenacity reflected in several of the pieces on display
featuring her.
Several of the paintings on display this year either in the Morse Family collection
or on loan to the museum were discussed on the tour to included a painting Dali did
about the age of 15 after his mothers passing and his fathers marring his deceased
wife s sister. The painting was done to commemorate the occasion and even at 15 his
skills as
Talent Mr. Ripley
The 1999 American psychological thriller The Talented Mr. Riley was directed by
Anthony Minghella and was adapted from the novel by Patricia Highsmith. The
film starts in 1950 s New York and moves to multiple cities in Italy. The film stars
Matt Damon as Tom Ripley, who is hired by his boss to go to Italy and retrieve his
son, Dickie Greenleaf (Jude Law). While he ventures to return Mr. Greenleaf s son
to him, he meets Dickie s fiancГ©, Marge Sherwood (Gwyneth Paltrow) and is
accepted into their walk of life for the time being. Tom sees the lavish and careless
lifestyle that Dickie lives and becomes obsessed with the things that he has. He
becomes jealous of Dickie s friends and infuriated by his way of life and this causes
him to lash out violently. After a confrontation, Tom kills Dickie and starts to live life
falsely under... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the film The Talented Mr. Ripley, director Anthony Minghella uses the portrayed
actions of Tom Ripley to accentuate the notion that men would rather sin to become a
false somebody rather than return to their antecedent real nothingness.The film opens
with Mr. Ripley s first lie as he is playing the piano at a luncheon in the place of
someone else. Immediately after his performance, he returns the Princeton
University blazer that he was wearing to its rightful owner and returns to work as a
bathroom assistant. Early in the movie, the viewer sees that Tom would rather lie
about who he is to get a taste of the limelight instead of stay devoted to his humble
line of work. This instance is not immensely extreme because most people would
trade the task of brushing rich, pompous men s jackets for the opportunity to show
off raw talent. Here, Tom is willing to fake and lie about who he is as long as it
delivers him from the simple life that he currently has and this theme is transcended
Seawater Lab
All four tests involved eight clean test tubes (per test) filled with our water samples
from Long Wharf, Rowes Wharf, Hewitt s Cove, Short Beach, Doggy Beach, a
fresh pond water reservoir and the Charles River by B.U. as well as M.I.T. All tests
were taken using the LaMotte Urban Water Test Kit. For the nitrate test, all of the
test tubes were filled to 5 mL with the water we collected, and one Nitrate WR
TesTab was added into each tube. Immediately after adding the tablet, each tube was
placed into a protective sleeve due to UV light sensitivity. The test tubes are then
capped and mixed for two minutes and set to rest for five minutes before analyzing
the results in comparison to the nitrate color chart (LaMotte, 2010).
The phosphate procedure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fish and Wildlife Endangered Species database, from 1981 to 2007, 112 recovery
plans were put in place for 156 species that were put in danger because of
eutrophication (Dodds, 2008). One of these plans includes the recovery of the
Nashville crayfish (Orconectes shoupi), starting in 1989 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 1989). The plan included spreading education and awareness around the
local area and starting a program to monitor the population and their activities.
Scientists also searched for additional populations to introduce to the remaining
species. In addition, service biologists worked with groups like the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers to create permits that created efforts to protect the species.
Scientists investigated the crayfish s aquatic habitat and found that their primary
threat was the Mill Creek drainage in Nashville, Tennessee (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 2017). Currently, the Nashville crayfish species are stable and have
recovered up to 25 percent. Although the Nashville crayfish are stable and are being
recommended to be downlisted to threatened, their recovery required a lot of time
and money to aid (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2017). It is estimated that the
government is spending $44 million annually to combat the biodiversity losses that
are linked to eutrophication (Dodds,
How Teachers Reinforce The Kiddos For Good Behavior
In the classrooms I am observing I have noticed many ways in which teachers
reinforce the kiddos for good behavior. Each teacher has their own rewards system.
I have witnessed a rainbow chart, a marble system and a stick chart. I have also
noticed that many of the teachers do multiple activities with a lesson in hopes that
the information will reach the kiddos long term memory. The teachers use verbal
lessons, hands on activities and written reflections. Each class has their rules and
what is considered appropriate behavior. It has been interesting to see how each
teacher rewards their students and how they make it known what is and isn t okay for
the students to do.
Two of the teachers I work with a lot have a very good rewards system going as a
way of reinforcing good behavior. The first teacher uses a rainbow chart and when
the students get to the top they get to choose a prize from the bucket. The other
teacher uses a marble system. Each table and student has the chance to gain marbles
along with the class as a whole. If students are listening and behaving they may get
marbles to put in their tables container. If the whole class is doing an awesome job,
the marbles get put into the classes jar. When the students get enough marbles their
table gets a prize or reward of some sort, positive reinforcement. The kiddos get so
excited when they get a prize. Negative punishment is used when they are
misbehaving. The students can also get marbles taken out of their tables jar and
The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book...
The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not a
condemnation of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not an escapee s manual. The
Book of Exodus does not even incorporate one journal entry, one trial transcript, or
one eye witness account of the slavery endured by the Israelites in Egypt. Despite its
lack of address, the Book of Exodus solidifies man s need for Godand God s need for
worship. Before returning to Egypt with his purpose at hand, Mosesdiscovers God on
Mt. Sinai during a solitary journey with his father in law s flock. By bringing
Moses to a mountain, God shows Moses that holiness is not a quality known to
man; holiness is known only to God. God may reveal holiness to man, as he does to
Moses;... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Immediately thereafter, God introduces Himself, I am the God of your father, the
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. (Exodus 3:6) God s
relationship to Moses renews generation after generation, from host to host and
blessed father to blessed son. Without this continuity, God would be a stranger, or
at best a long lost relative, someone whom Moses would not need and probably
would not recognize. Recognition of God s sovereignty is at the heart of worship,
the driving theme of the Book of Exodus, and the reason God so severely punishes
the Egyptians. God does not punish the Egyptians for keeping the Israelites as
slaves. God punishes the Egyptians for Pharaoh s attempt to better God by
sacrificing His firstborn: Israel. Although many arguments can be made against
human sacrifice, none mitigates God s anger with Pharaoh. In general, God s anger
is rarely pacified: not even Moses protects the Israelite idol worshipers at Mt. Sinai.
At Moses command, the Levites slay three thousand of their brothers, friends, and
neighbors the innocent along with the guilty. Believing God s wrath has branded
them with righteousness, Moses praises the survivors as blessed. God has other
plans: another plague. With the deaths of those who break Faith, God is satisfied. As
Supreme Ruler, God defends those who worship Him and destroys those who
worship idols. After leading the defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim, Moses
The preanesthetic drug consisted of 0.1 to 0.2 mg / kg of midazolam administered
orally 35 minutes before surgery. Anesthetic induction was performed with 0.2 to 0.3
mg / kg of etomidate, 3 to 5 Ојg / kg of fentanyl, 0.05 mg / kg midazolam and 0.1 mg
/ kg intravenous pancuronium. Maintenance was performed with isoflurane
combined with a mixture of oxygen and compressed air, and fentanyl if necessary.
During cardiopulmonary bypass, additional doses of midazolam and pancuronium
were used on demand. All patients were followed with pulmonary artery catheters
and invasive blood pressure. After orotracheal intubation, patients were ventilated
with intermittent positive pressure with a tidal volume of 8 mL / kg, final
expiratory positive pressure of 5 to 8 cmH2O and FiO2 of 60 to 100% to maintain
arterial oxygen saturation above 95%.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The IAB was installed in the operating room, respecting the standard catheter
numbering, conditioned by the individual anthropometric data of each research
participant. In all patients, the percutaneous puncture of the femoral artery was
performed by the surgeon responsible for the surgery. The counterpulsation
equipment used was the DATASCOPE CS100
The Downside Of Teleporting In Star Trek
An Introduction to Teleporting
Beam me up, Scotty!
When Star Trek was first released in 1966, teleportation was only a dream. Now a
days, people are claiming that future generations as soon as great grandchildren will
be able to teleport with ease. There are, however, many things that Star Trek hasn t
prepared fans for, and although there are many perks to teleportation, people need to
weigh in the risk factors as well. The pros may sound promising but, the cons
tremendously outweigh them.
The Downside of Teleportation
This paper could go on and on about the definition of life or crap like that, however
that would be a large waste of time and space. So, with that in mind, this paper shall
continue on wayward.
First of all, by teleporting, all of the atoms in the human body would essentially
deconstruct and then reconstruct in a new place. With all of this assembling and
disassembling taking place, an issue that needs to be brought up and spoken about
is whether or not there would be any mixed up body parts as a complication. While
the body is disassembling, the heart would temporarily stop beating and the person
would die . However, the person would not really die. The body would continue on
with life . It would just be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No more super slow text messages being sent in a group chat. Just teleport that
information right over to anyone of choosing. No telling when this will actually be
possible, but it certainly does seem worthy of trying out. The speed of light transfer
of the encoded information from one photon to another demonstrates the possibility
of secure communication between a network of remotely located quantum computers
in the future.[3] This could lead to more secure networks on the governmental level
(if used properly) and maybe it could be open for the public to use in the more distant
Sensory Processing Disorders And The Central Nervous
Auditory Processing Disorders, also known as Central Processing Disorders, are
difficulties in the processing of auditory information in the central nervous system.
The definition for an Auditory Processing Disorder is frequently changing and
evolving. According to ASHA standards in 2005, a central processing disorder refers
to difficulties in the perceptual processing of auditory information in the central
nervous systemand the neurobiological activity that underlies the processing and
gives rise to the electrophysiological auditory potentials (ASHA 2005). Recent
evidence has declared auditory processing disorders to be a legitimate clinical
disorder resulting from confirmation of the link between well defined lesions of the
central nervous system and deficits on behavioral and electrophysiological central
auditory measures (Musiek, F. Journal of American Academy of Audiology). An
individual is likely to perform normally in tests including clicks and tones, rather than
speech. There is a significant difference between the receptors for audition and
speech processing. It is imperative that these disorders are diagnosed and treated early
in a child s development to eliminate developmental negative consequences.
The physiology of hearing starts with a vibration that occurs in the air which sends
an acoustic signal to the ear drum. The signal is transduced into a mechanical signal
that transmits through the inner ear and the cochlear nerve. Finally, the signal is
The Security Of The Usa Patriot Act Essay
Although the main concern of this case had to do with Computin and protecting
national security, Shelton can also technically be charged for possessing marijuana
since it is illegal under federal law. However, it is important to look at how the FBI
kept surveillance on him and the questionable manner in which they entered and
searched his apartment. Shelton does have substantial grounds on which he can move
to suppress the evidence of marijuana against him; however, there is no guarantee that
he will be successful in court.
Firstly, he could look at the faulty affidavit used to get the sneak and peek warrant
against him. Since the warrant obtained to search his apartment were based on
untrue grounds, he can claim that the FBI had no right to enter his apartment under
false pretenses. Moreover, he can also look at the nature of sneak and peek warrants,
which allows for the delayed notice of the execution of a warrant under the USA
Patriot Act that was implemented in light of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Was the
information that he was harboring so important that the FBI could use a false
affidavit and delay the notification of a warrant in order to search his home? If the
answer is no, then Shelton has grounds that the FBI should not have been able to
search him in the first place. If the answer is yes, then Shelton can also argue that the
FBI had already gained information that they needed through the handwritten notes
between him and Holmgren. Under normal search
The Departure Of The Ship Headed South
Following the departure, the ship headed south. She passed Lisbon on the 15th and
had passed through the Suez Canal by the end of the month. Australian waters
were reached by the end of July and passen gers unloaded in Townsville from the
1st to the 3rd of August, in Rock hampton from the 5th to the 6th, and deposited the
remainder in Bris bane after her arrival there on the 13th. She departed in ballast on
the 26th and proceeded to load wool in Newcastle and Sydney. Destined for London
via Adelaide and Port Augusta, Archibald and Gulf of Carpenta ria departed Sydney
at 6 a.m. on the 13th of September.
On the morning of the 15th, Gulf of Carpentaria steamed eastwards through the rock
strewn and partially charted waters of Bass ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
She was then going down very fast aft, and had all the appearance as if she would
sink in a few minutes. I then ordered the boats to be lowered, and directed the en
gineers and firemen to come up form below. All the orders were obeyed as quickly
as possible, and the whole of the officers, engi neers, sailors, and firemen behaved
admirably in carrying out my in structions, and no one left his station until he was
directed to do so. Before leaving the engine room the engineer eased the safety
valves and closed the tunnel doors, and to this cause I attribute the fact that the
ship was so long going down. We were all in the boats and clear of the doomed ship
at a quarter to 9 o clock and exactly 20 minutes after we struck. Neither myself nor
anyone else saved any of our ef fects. I also lost all of the books, papers,
certificates, and everything belonging to me. I did not consider it safe to go back
on board. Some of the crew and officers volunteered to do so, but I advised them
not, as I wished to make sure of saving all the people, whatever else was lost. At
15.52 p.m. she keeled over to port, and her head be ing then deepest, went down
bows first. A quantity of wreckage came to the surface, and also my long telescope,
which was picked up by the third officer. With the exception of a small cashbox
which I took with me when leaving the ship, the telescope constitutes all that was
The Journey Of Mark. Mr. And Mrs.
The Longs are regarded as the Christian believers who already knew all stories of
Jesus Christ and teachings. Even though knowing the stories vividly, they were
unsure about the actual dating and author of the book of Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Long
having give us their story of Mark in their perspective. The Longs attempted to make
it clear that you need to understand the connection between the introduction and the
purpose of Mark to therefore get an answer of whether the opening is important or
not. Scholars on the other hand claim the book was written to circulate the churches
and enlighten the general Christian community therefore a prologue isn t as
important. For the location of where the book was written remains unknown, but was
for sure written to the Christians at large.
According to the readings in the book of Mark, that is filled with effective healings,
casting out of demons, confrontations, teaching and instructing of his disciples it was
a very fast narrative teaching. There were very effective teachings such as the
preliminaries to the ministries where Mark is heading to the ministries to spread the
good news on Jesus Christ and Jesus temptation of satan. Galilean ministry part 1
Jesus entry in Galilee spreading news that the kingdom of God was near. During this
time here, Jesus calls out his four disciples and daily healings, made appearances at
synagogues where he performed and preached the gospel. In Jesus second part of this
ministry, He continues to spread
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living In
Everyone has a dream to further their study at university, whether in locally or
overseas. When they get the chance, the things that play in their mind are how
their room is, will they get a shared room or single room and if they need to share a
room, who will they stay with. Rooms that are usually provided in university are of
two kinds which are single room or shared room. A single room is where the room
is owned by yourselves and you do not need to share the facilities with others.
Meanwhile, a shared room means you will have a a roommate and you need to share
the room with them. Sometimes, a student who stays in shared rooms can have one,
two or a maximum of three roommates in one room. Since a long time ago, almost all
public universities... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What a person needs to understand is that it is extremely more safe and secure to stay
in shared rooms rather than stay in a single room. When you stay in a shared
room, you know the person who is he/she when your properties lost and you can
get your things back. Meanwhile, in a single room, if your properties lost, you did
not know who take your things and your percentage to get back yours is less.
Other than that, lately a lot of robberies seem to happen to someone who stays
single rather than when you stay with your roommate. As April Sanders (Oct
21,2013) in the articles What Are the Benefits of Having a Roommate? said, There
s safety in numbers, and two or more people living in one home mean that the
home is less likely to be empty, and therefore less likely to be robbed. . Next,
imagine you are in an emergency situation such as you lock your door
unconsciously and left the key in the room, who is going to help you open the door?
When you have a roommate and meet the situation, you can depend to your
roommate and get his/her help to open the door. In concluding, by stay with
aroommate you can have someone when you having difficulties and you will feel
more secure and
Solitary Confinement
Solitary Confinement has been a practice, dating all the way back to 1787 with the
idea that when inmates would be left alone in silence, they would show regret and
become more remorseful. In 2005, the sentence still thrived with nearly 82,000 men
and women were in solitary confinement in federal adult prisons with the title of
restricted housing. This statistic doesn t even include jails or immigration facilities.
In the 70s and 80s, the rate of confinement for juveniles skyrocketed to the point
where we define that time as an epidemic. In that time, there became definitions of a
super predator, defining it as teenagers who are fatherless, Godless, and jobless and
don t have anything better to do than to terrorize their community. In... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1988, an evaluation was completed in Kentucky, where Korn reported massive
amounts of appetite loss, weight loss, visual disturbances, and heart palpitations
(Shalev 11). This evaluation was done in a maximum security prison for adults, so
when you transfer the results to children, they would have extreme setbacks in their
growth and physical development. While in the walls of solitary confinement a
fifteen year old girl, named Melanie H., reported how she came to the solution of
cutting herself by, somehow, acquiring staples and beginning to carve letters and
symbols into her forearms in order to show her own personal apology to her family
and herself for what she has done, expecting people to understand her cry for help.
Another girls said that she would cut herself with staples and show the officers and
the staff, but they wouldn t do anything in order to help her mentally and especially
physically. She was denied medical treatment for her self harm outbursts, and she did
it only to get attention and for someone to talk to her and understand what was
happening. Twelve teenagers reported to the Human Rights Watch about their
experience with either trying to take their own life, or witnessing an attempt or a
successful act someone taking their own life.
Oral Transit Stage
Oral Transit Phase:
The oral transit phase is initiated when the bolus is prepared to be propelled back
into the oropharynx by the posterior movement of the tongue. The purpose of this
phase is to propel the bolus back in the pharynx to trigger the swallow reflex. This
phase lasts for less than 1 to 1.5 seconds to complete (Logemann, 1997). The bolus is
formed and prepared. At this point, the tongue tip is elevated at the alveolar ridge
while the bolus is held against the hard palate (Groher Crary, 2010). The midline of
the tongue progressively moves anteriorly to posteriorly forcing the bolus to propel to
the back (Logemann, 1997). This movement of the tongue is known as the stripping
action. The retraction of the tongue is carried ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
If sensory input is impaired during this phase there will likely be a disconnect with
the swallowing and breathing system which could cause impaired timing allowing
for food to go into the airway while the airway is not being protected (Cichero, 2006).
Further, sensory input is used to determine the volume of the bolus. Volume is the
most important variable in changing the normal pharyngeal stage of swallowing in its
timing and coordination (Logemann, 2014). The pharyngeal trigger initiates
velopharyngeal closure (muscles in Appendix A) so food will not go up the nose.
Moreover, the pharyngeal trigger initiates the tongue base movement to touch the
posterior pharyngeal wall and the movement of the lateral pharyngeal wall to move
to meet the base of the tongue (Logemann, 2014). Because of this velopharyngeal
closure a buildup of pressure is accumulated in the pharynx. The elevation of the
hyoid bone and larynx contribute to the closure of the airway (Cichero, 2006). As the
posterior tongue and the posterior pharyngeal wall move towards each other to make
contact, pressure builds allowing the bolus to move more efficiently. The bolus is
split and goes around into the pyriform sinuses where the bolus is directed and
pushed downward into the pharyngeal constrictors (Cichero, 2006). When the bolus
enters the pharynx, the superior,
Breast Feeding Vs. The Bottle
Breast feeding vs. The Bottle: The Decision is yours Some mothers have to give
up breastfeeding even though they want to breastfeed. To give up breastfeeding
can be a sensitive issue in a time when breastfeeding is promoted as the healthiest
for mother and child (Larsen Kronborg, 2013, p. 848). The debate over whether
breast feeding is better than bottle feeding or vice versa has been a debate for
many years. With more and more research that is continuously being developed, the
option to breast feed or bottle feed is ultimately up to the parents of the child.
Although the decision could be based on factors such as a physical incapability or
financial burdens, the end result should always be what is going to be best for the
baby. As research continues to grow, there has been proven evidence of the positive
and negative aspects that come with breast feeding and bottle feeding.
The Benefits of Breast Feeding Starting from infancy, parents have the right to make
the decisions in their new child s life, which includes breast feeding their child. Infant
nutrition is important in development and health throughout life (Klag, McNamara,
Geraghty, Keim, 2015, p. 1059) Although the process has been known to bring some
complications and many attempts, the end result has been proven to be beneficial to
not only the infant during that time but can be tracked in their life down the line.
The decision to breast feed is a decision that will not only impact the child, but can
The Discovery Of Fossilized Hyoid Bones
By 0.6 Mya, H. heidelbergensis appeared. Likely an ancestor of our own species,
their fossils have been found with the remnants of large, butchered animals and hand
axes suggesting a good degree of tool usage. It is unknown whether or not they
actively hunted the large animals that they hunted, but the prolifacy of these
butchering sites would suggest that Heidelbergensis was able to have consistent
access to these large carcasses. Examination of fossilized hyoid bones in
Heidelbergensis indicates that they were also capable of making the nuanced sounds
required for speech (MartГnez I, et. al.). Their easy access to food and fire probably
came in handy during the Kansan glacial period, which lasted from 0.46 to 0.30
Mya. It was during this icy period that the lineages of Homo sapiens and Homo
neanderthalensis finally split from that of H. heidelbergensis and begin to truly hunt
for their food.
As the ice thaws, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo rhodesiensis first appear.
Neanderthals were stockier than modern humans, standing at about 160 cm. They
likely possessed a pale complexion and reddish hair (indicated by sequencing the
genetics of the bones of two particularly well preserved specimens), which allowed
them to produce the large amounts of Vitamin D needed to survive in their primarily
northern European habitats (O Neil). Rhodesiensis, on the other hand, likely a human
ancestor, showed features consistent with a mix between heidelbergensis and H.
sapiens, including an

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  • 5. Legal Issues Related To The Fashion Industry The major problems facing companies, especially smaller ones, in resolving product adaptation issues are things that can differ in different cultures such as the taste of the product, the style, the color, or symbols, language, but also more specific like differences in technology, environmental differences, religion etc. The taste of a product is very important for the food, drinks and cigarette industry. Style is more important in car and fashion industry, which also includes the color and symbols. The meaning of a color or a symbol can differ from culture to culture. The package of the product can also need adaptations. Special symbols and the language need to adapt to the country/culture. Some symbols can be offensive in one... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4. Propose ways in which intellectual property piracy could be stopped permanently. I believe that it is simply not realistic to speak of eliminating all piracy, as there will always be at least a small segment of the population who can t be deterred from stealing others ideas and creativity. Instead, what we can and should strive for is the reduction of piracy to the lowest levels possible; levels that will not rob authors and copyright owners of the incentive to create and distribute their works. I believe that this could be accomplished through a two step copyright protection program of: 1) crafting a proper legal framework and 2) the adequate and proper implementation of the said framework. The legal framework provides the basic rights to copyright owners and establishes procedures for the enforcement of those rights. Those procedures must provide the opportunity to obtain adequate remedies when those rights are violated as well as the possibility of punitive monetary judgments and, in appropriate cases, imprisonment of the infringer. The second part of this copyright protection program is the application of these legal rules to ensure that copyright owners have actual, effective protection against infringement of their rights. 5.The software industry is the hardest hit by piracy. Using the Web site of the Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) and WTO (www.wto.org) check out egroups LINKS assess how this
  • 6. Sacrifice In The Poisonwood Bible In the novel, The Poisonwood Bible , every character has to sacrifice some aspect of themselves for the approval of Nathan Price, but Orleanna surrenders herself completely. Orleanna sacrificed her happiness, independence, goals for the confirmation of Nathan. By doing this the reader can understand that Orleanna values everyone else s happiness and her husband s drive towards religion. The values illuminated by Orleanna help to understand the meaning of the novel alone, which is that sometimes the sacrifices made for others can lead to your reward in the end. Throughout the novel, leading up to Bel and the Serpent, Orleanna is seen as only a mother and a wife who focuses on action, rather than the reasoning behind it. Once the family has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By stating this, the reader can see that even though Orleanna worked her hardest at trying to be a good wife, nothing was ever going to be good enough for Nathan s approval. In describing her years of baring her children and raising them, the reader can see just how Nathan s neglect of his family affected Orleanna greatly. For six years, from age nineteen 2 until I turned twenty five, I did not sleep uninterrupted through a single night, (pg.200). After describing these experiences Orleanna begins to question herself as to why she hasn t gave up and left Nathan. With questioning herself she answers back to form her general purpose of staying, which is to wake up knowing that she can make it through her abuse with Nathan and that maybe one day he will realize that he needs a balance between family and religion. Orleanna also sees herself as captured and consumed into Nathan s plan. She compares herself to the Congo because she is colonized and stripped of her independence and individuality. Swallowed by Nathan s mission, body and soul. Occupied as if by a foreign power...But now every cell of me was married to Nathan s plan, (pg.198 199). By making
  • 7. To What Extend Did the Local Community Profit from the... Introduction The FIFA World Cup in Brazil took place from the 12th of June to the 13th of July 2014. Attracting approximately one million foreign tourists in just one month (Loretta, 2014) it was without a doubt the major global sporting event of the year. Discussions about holding such an event in yet another developing country where controversial from the start and with regard to the 2016 Olympic Games also held in Brazil, they still are. In this essay I want to evaluate to what extent Brazil as a tourism destination benefitted from the World Cup or not and how this affects the destination in the long term. Therefore, I firstly provide three positive impacts on Brazil, of economic, social and environmental nature. This is followed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can be in a positive way e.g. gaining of the knowledge but also in a negative way, such as staged authenticity. Furthermore, they can have positive and negative environmental impacts, namely an improvement of infrastructure or littering. Lastly, there can be economical impacts (Page amp; Connell, 2009). Although these can prove negative in the long term, most economical impacts are positive because the tourists come and spend money at a destination. If we take a look at the perspective of Brazilian tourism with regard to events such as the World Cup 2014, we can conclude that a lot of its success depends on the Olympic Games of 2016. Ainsworth Wells (2013) describes the preparation of Rio for the Olympic Games as rather positive: If I could draw a graph depicting Rio de Janeiro s trajectory and status against these factors as it prepares to host the 2016 Olympics it would currently be somewhere in the middle, but heading in one direction upwards (Ainswort Wells, 2013). Positive developments, such as the fact that the accommodation sector is largely dominated by Brazilian companies or the renovation of port areas through public private partnerships, can be recognized. Yet one of the biggest concerns is the traffic. As there will not be enough time anymore to work on the underground metro system, the city of Rio aims at revolutionizing the bus system. Taking into account the fact that during the World Cup 2014 the vast majority perceived their visit
  • 8. Use Of Nanomaterials On Civil Engineering- A Review USE OF NANOMATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING A REVIEW Abstract Recently, the use of nanomaterials is increasing day by day in the various fields such as biomedicine, automobile, electronics, robotics, construction industry etc. This is mainly because of unique mechanical, chemical, electronic and optical properties of nanomaterials. Particularly, construction industry may possibly be one of the chief beneficiaries of these materials, because the properties of concrete, steel, glass and other building materials will improve with the applications of nanomaterials. Therefore, the potential use of nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, Cu nanoparticles, Ag nanoparticles, TiO2, SiO2, Al2O3, ZrO2, and Fe2O3 nano oxides for enhancing the mechanical strengths and durability of concrete have been explored in the current study. It has been observed that the addition of nanomaterials would improve the corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength etc. of cementitious composites. However, the exact mechanism responsible for improvement in the characteristics of nano based cementitious materials is not clear so far. Thus, more researches and investigations are required in order to use the nanomaterials in civil engineering and construction sector effectively. Key words: nanomaterials, construction industry, concrete, mechanical strengths, durability I. Introduction Nanotechnology was first introduced by physicist Richard P.
  • 9. Napoleon s Campaign In Egypt Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who significantly influenced European history. Born in Corisca on August 15th 1769, Napoleon first rose to prominence as a general in the French Revolution (Hutt, 4). With his strength of will, character, application, and daring (Napoleon) characteristics, Captain Bonaparte made a name for himself. Staging a coup d etat in late 1799, Napoleon managed to install himself as First Consul and within three years, as Consul for life (Hutt, 3 4). Ultimately, Napoleon s military background and cunning character led him to become a self crowned emperor of Francebeginning in 1804(Dziewanowski, 90). Under Napoleon s new military dictatorship, many of the French Revolution s reforms... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, of the scholars and civilians amongst Napoleon s expeditionary force many managed to greatly influence modern understanding of Egyptian culture and language, marking a great historical achievement. Enough information and knowledge was collected during Napoleon s campaign by his collection of scholars and artists to complete generations of encyclopedias (Rosensweig, 1). With his troops at hand, Napoleon set out for Egypt hoping to undermine Britain s access to India while gaining more land and extensive knowledge. On his way to Egypt, Napoleon conquered Malta and left approximately 3000 of his crewman there (Hutt, 27). After departing from Malta, Napoleon arrived on the coast of Alexandria on July 1st and encountered his first battle on Egyptian soil against the Mamelukes, fearsome warriors that ruled Egypt in the name of the Turkish sultan (Hutt, 28). Within a day, Napoleon s forces managed to conquer the opposing army with its outstanding military tactics. Napoleon organized his infantry within small hollow square formations that faced four directions, allowing his army to repel attacks coming from either side (Dziewanowski, 91). This tactic and Napoleon s military leadership helped the French army to defeat this much larger army. However, the celebration of victory was not long lasted as the British Royal Navy captured all but two of
  • 10. Situational Analysis Of Coca Cola Company The Coca Cola Company (TCCC) was founded since 1886 and it has been 129 years today. TCCC is the worldwide carbonated soft drinks industry from United States of America. There are four top five soft drinks brands of Coca Cola, Diet, Coke, Fanta and Sprite. The other products are: Juice juice drinks, waters, energy drinks, sports drinks, cordials and iced tea. It has licenses and markets more than 500 beverage brands. The company has relationship with over 250 bottling partners worldwide. TCCC is manufacturing by nearly 900 plants to worldwide markets. In strengthening operations through an integrated supply chain, the company make alliances with the Walt Disney and the McDonalds. In 2012, the key performance are highlighted by increasing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Impact: Tax has to be paid periodically on the electricity use per month, factory waste disposal per disposure, land use tax once a year, water usage tax and tax on income responsibly. Economical The new foreign investment law of 2012 aimed at liberalizing the economy by allowing the foreign investments without partnering with local businesses (Trefis, 2013). Impact: TCCC can play business without partnering with local businesses in the Myanmar markets. Social The consumers in Myanmar are low brand loyalty and there is price sensitivity. Impact: Consumers lead to the low price brands according to the price sensitivity. Technological In accessing the electricity power form the Ministry of Electric Power, it is found that there is a limitation due to a lack of water and limited reservoir size in the dry seasons (3 4 months) (Dapice, 2014). Impact: The Company may face some difficulties in obtaining electricity during hot seasons so the company should have backup plans to
  • 11. Social Research On Natural Disasters And The Disaster Kathleen Tierney s article explains the ways in which social research on natural disasters came to be and how it is currently at the threshold of much needed evolution. Beginning during the Cold War, research on natural disasters began to take place. The US government and military leaders were concerned on how the public would react during times of social crisis, particularly during the event of a nuclear strike. Government and military officials were concerned about possible panic and the breakdown of society. They wondered if citizens would rise to the occasion and help in recovery efforts, or if they would become unstable and destructive in their response to sociological breakdowns. While much researchhad already been done during World War II, it was believed that more research was necessary to establish a clearer idea of how citizens would react in the face of social upheaval. To provide these answers, officials believed that they could evaluate the aftermath of natural disasters. Funders of such potential research believed that ...natural and technological disasters provided useful laboratories for studying social behavior under conditions of large scale physical destruction and social disruption (Tierney, 2007, p. 504). Stemming from the need of this information came the creation of various research centers such as the DRC, or the Disaster Research Center. One of the Founders of the DRC was E. L. Quarantelli, who was highly influenced by ...research traditions in collective behavior and symbolic interactionism (Tierney, 2007, p. 504). Two other founders of the DRC, Russell Dynes and J. Euguene Haas, were ...organizational researchers (Tierney, 2007, p. 504). The influence of the founders of the DRC enabled many studies to be conducted on the ways society handled natural disasters. The DRC was focused on conducting studies that were more qualitive than quantitative, meaning they were more focused on observational studies that included interviews, field observations, and the collection of archival materials than on traditional surveys and statistics (Tierney, 2007, p. 505). These approaches allowed researchers to go into the field and conduct studies on various types of social crises. Research was
  • 12. Essay On Saffronart About Saffronart.com Saffronart.com is an innovative online auction firm started by Minal and Dinesh Vazirani in 2000 who are both alumni of Harvard Business School. It is one of the first of its kind of auction website in India and it focuses on auction of modern and contemporary Indian art. The company started off with selling arts in the Indian market but later expanded geographically and extended its offerings including the prime real estate which is the latest addition. It is considered to be the pioneer and has created a market for modern and contemporary Indian art in the world of arts. From the beginning, the revenue of the company are constantly increasing and in 2006, there revenue touch $45 million. Saffronart held various auctions both online and live accompanied by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus, Saffronart has managed not to compete with the existing auction houses but complementing them. Art galleries contacts Saffronart which then arranges for the catalogue preparation and post that on its website for the auction which happens in lot. The sold goods are then shipped by Saffronart to the buyer. Saffronart takes commission from the art galleries to provide this service, whereas the auction of the buyers are free in which they have to register themselves for an upcoming auction, the Saffronart team then recognize that buyer as a genuine buyer and the login is created. The buyer then bid for the artifacts either using the website of the mobile bidding platform that the Saffronart is providing. Until recently, Saffronart was focusing on the online medium for selling the artifacts but now it has also opened several art galleries itself for the art exhibitions in places like Mumbai and Delhi. Now, they are following both the medium, the online and brick and mortar
  • 13. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Chemical Senses Chemical Senses Smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing, are all senses that individuals take for granted every day. These senses allow humans to better understand their environment. Two senses that is important to an individual everyday meal, is the sense of smell and taste. Smell allows the aromas around the meal, to enter the nose to determine if the meal either smells good or bad. Taste gives the mouth the opportunity to understand if a meal either needs more seasoning or if it is just perfect. Taste and smell can also bring back a memory that is associated with a particular meal. These memories could be a harmful memory from a fight in a restaurant, or a delightful time with Grandmother in the kitchen. Taste Taste occurs when a certain chemical substance enters the mouth and makes contact with a nerve cell, which activates it by changing the protein that is in the sensory cell. This allows the cell to give messages to other nerve cells to pass information to the brain on the particular flavor that is being transmitted by the mouth. The papillae are the bumps that are on the tongue, is responsible for an individual to be able to have a more magnifying taste. Inside of the papillae is the taste buds. Each taste bud has sensory cells that are connected to different nerve fibers. Each individual has five important tastes, which are salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami. When food or liquids enter
  • 14. Key Strengths And Responsibilities Of Emelda PERSONAL SUMMARY Emelda believes that with the biggest teaching challenges come the biggest rewards. With this mind set she comes to you as a committed teacher who is ready to take on the responsibility for teaching within any challenging school. She is an energetic teacher who can plan and deliver engaging and stimulating lessons that encourage student achievement. One of her key strengths is her ability to work closely with pupils to establish good student and teacher relationships. As an effective classroom practitioner she can teach across the curriculum and always has up to date knowledge of the subject matter she has to teach. Teaching is not all about ABC, the ultimate goal for herself as a teacher is the Joy of Learning. To make sure students learn with joy... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teaching children how to think for themselves in a fast paced academic environment. Looking after and supervising the control and proper use of teaching rooms, materials and resources. Experience of dealing with challenging and disruptive pupils. Marking pupil s coursework and then providing constructive feedback to students. Providing nurturing and attentive pastoral care for all pupils. Preparing the classroom for lessons, and also tidying up at the end of a session. PERSONAL Able to inspire, challenge and motivate students. Giving information, emotional support and reassurance to pupils, their parents and fellow
  • 15. Bauer Performance Sports Ltd. Bauer Performance Sports Ltd. is a company based out of Exeter, New Hampshire that produces ice hockey equipment, fitness and recreational skates, and apparel. They are best known for their skates but after acquiring multiple companies they have expanded into manufacturing wide range of equipment from skates to hockey sticks. The company has expanded to new levels and now has the face of many NHL stars to represent their brand. For an athlete to stay relevant in their sport they have to adapt and get better year after year. It is the same for a worker, once they are not up to date on everything they need to know they became more of a liability for the company. This is because they are not as efficient as another work who would be up to date and could replace them. This is the same for manufactures of products, the product they are selling must be the best or top of the line so that it is appealing to the consumers. Another big part of issues manufactures have is that they need to have more than one version of the product. When marketing to a large number of consumers the product has to be the most appeal one on the shelf and in their price range. Bauer has to maintain a product line that will be affordable to a player who is trying a sports for his first time all the way up to the professional players. Bauer was founded in 1927 in the town of Kitchener, Ontario. They changed hockey skates forever when they developed the first skate with the blade attached. In
  • 16. Tartrazine Experiment In eighth grade, while on a school run food interest trip, I learned the significance of ingredients and nutrition in food. One of the activities was to differentiate between fresh ramen noodles and instant noodles by scrutinizing the ingredients and nutritional labels as well as by taste testing. Upon inspection, there were several recurring ingredients such as the coloring agent tartrazine. Later that day, a bolt of curiosity surged through me, and an Internet search on tartrazine forever changed the way I looked at food. What I found shocked me. Articles full of evidence indicated the harmful effects of the coloring agent, ranging from allergic reactions to hyperactivity in children. As a result, I was compelled to probe further into the
  • 17. Rhetorical Analysis of the Children s Era by Margaret Sanger Rhetorical Analysis of The Children s Era Today, the availability of birth control is taken for granted. There was a time, not long passed, during which the subject was illegal ( Margaret Sanger, 2013, p.1). That did not stop the resilient leader of the birth control movement. Margaret Sanger was a nurse and women s activist. While working as a nurse, Sanger treated many women who had suffered from unsafe abortions or tried to self induce abortion (p.1). Seeing this devastation and noting that it was mainly low income women suffering from these problems, she was inspired to dedicate her life to educating women on family planning even though the discussion of which was highly illegal at the time (p.1). She was often in trouble with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4). To prove this point she demonstrated the inefficiency of the children s programs that were already in place. She used another metaphor to show the logical breakdown of efficiency in the system. Sanger (1925) went on to interpret the children s charities that were currently in effect as the Grand Central Station of life, with trainloads and trainloads of children being dumped off faster than anyone knew what to do with them (para. 4). This analogy is influential because everyone in New York, where the speech was delivered, was familiar with Grand Central Station and how it was a hectic, main hub. Relating the amount of children to the overwhelming atmosphere of the crowded station illustrated the difficulties and insufficiencies the receiving committee faced as they tried to care for the massive amount of abandoned children (Sanger, 1925, para. 4). Sanger proceeded to emphasize her points using both emotion and logic. She used alliteration and powerful word choice to invoke emotion about parentless children, listing out that the children were unwelcome, unwanted, unprepared for, [and] unknown (Sanger, 1925, para 4). These are very strong words to use to describe children. No one wants to think of children in these ways because it is sad. Further explaining the ineffective system, she structured her logical
  • 18. The Development Of Diabetes Mellitus Specific cells of the pancreas produce a hormone called insulin to correct metabolism. Without this hormone, glucose cannot enter body cells and blood glucose levels rise. As a result, the individual may begin to experience symptoms of hyperglycemia. Plainly expressed, this process is the development of diabetes mellitus. Numbers have increased in recent years because so many Americans are overweight. Also, testing accuracy has improved, therefore confirming more cases. The number of people with diabetes is expected to double as more people live to middle and old age. There are a few different classifications of Diabetes. Two of the common ones are: *Type 1(Formerly known as type I; insulin dependent diabetes mellitus[IDDM]; ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This buildup of glucose in the blood is called hyperglycemia. The body is unable to use the glucose for energy. This leads to the symptoms of type 1 diabetes. The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown. Most likely it is an autoimmune disorder. This is a condition that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. With type 1 diabetes, an infection or another trigger causes the body to mistakenly attack the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. The tendency to develop autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, is hereditary. (Wisse, MD, 2015) The following symptoms may be the first signs of type 1 diabetes. Or they may occur when blood sugar is high: being very thirsty, feeling hungry ,feeling tired all the time ,having blurry eyesight, feeling numbness or tingling in your feet, losing weight without trying, urinating more often (including urinating at night or bed wetting in children who were dry overnight before) For other people, these serious warning symptoms may be the first signs of type 1 diabetes. Or, they may happen when blood sugar is very high (diabetic ketoacidosis): deep, rapid breathing, dry skin and mouth, flushed face, fruity breath odor, nausea or vomiting; inability to keep down fluids, stomach pain. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can develop quickly in people with diabetes who are taking insulin. Symptoms usually appear when a person s blood sugar level falls
  • 19. Pro And Cons For Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus, born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy became an American ProtГ©gГ©. All over the world people believed Columbus to be the finest explorer. He had numerous discoveries in his lifetime and was fancied by many rulers who sought what he sought. However, he had very high demands on what he would receive if sponsored, so many foreign rulers rejected him and his demands. He was a Catholic and this stood out to Queen Isabella because she wanted to spread Catholicism to non believers. This gave Columbus a better standing with the queen. In Spain, a new federal power was beginning to drive the Moors out of the Iberian Peninsula and this would increase the availability of resources to the monarchs on this land. This involved the king and it pushed him towards sponsoring Columbus because he was so familiar with the land. They soon agreed with all of Columbus claims and sponsored his voyage in search of a water route from Europeto the East Indies. Columbus was foreign to the country of Spain, so this leaves people to wonder why would Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand sponsor a foreign explorer for such an important voyage? Since Columbus was not from Spain he was considered a foreign explorer. A monarchfrom another country would only want a foreign explorer if they had expertise in their field of voyaging. The explorers would most likely be chosen if they shared common interests with the monarch, because they would help benefit the ruler while receiving their own
  • 20. Improving Patient Satisfaction Patients Patient satisfaction has been considered as when patients feel that their needs and expectations are being met by the services provided. Some of the important factors which are strongly effective, are included: availability of out of hours care, doctor s style, care delivery and continuity of care. All of these happen when there is a good communication between doctors and their patients. Clear understanding of the patients concerns as well as an accurate clinical diagnosis. Doctor and patient s relationship always has described as cornerstone of general practice. If there is trust between the patients and them, patients are more likely to connect to the recommended treatment. Continuity of care provided by the same doctor most of the time
  • 21. Wild Things Are Book Books are the beginning of humankind, it s the thing that said we are human it has everything about us written in a book on a shelf. It has your name, his name, her name, and my name written in it. It might be unsettling to hear, but it pretty much says I m a free person. The most important part of books are used to inform us, describe us, and let us think out loud. Books allow us to explain our bad times and our good times. The book Where the Wild Things Are is a great example of this. Now I know this book is fake, but it s a great example and a good kids book. The book only contains 338 words and is yet an extraordinary book. Where the Wild Things Are is about a young boy named Max who, starts off in a wolf costume and he wrecks the
  • 22. Comparing G-Eazy And Pop Music What inspires me is the desire to be on. The desire to be successful. The desire to reach people through my music and make a living off of it and never have to do anything else. Being able to do music full time and travel the world and share this music with everybody. That s the dream. says rapper, G Eazy, about his career choices of being an artist. For both artists, and listeners of these artists, music has influenced us in many ways. It has helped us through bad times, good times, crazy times, the worse times, and especially the best times. In a way, music genres have defined us for the best. Music is a big part of my life, especially the genres R B, hip hop, and pop. It has good rhythms to dance to, it helps boost my mood and confidence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hip hop music talks about how if you work hard at what you want, then you can get it; it s all about determination and having a goal. Hip hop music also tells listeners to be confident and love who you are and what you do; it tells us to love ourselves, inside and out. It helps me learn to love myself, the way I look, my personality, and what I want to do. When I listen to my favorite hip hop songs, it helps me relate to things going on in my life and it helps me through the good, and especially the bad. Sometimes I just listen to hip hop to have a good time and to let go of my feelings. Hip hop music has very good messages about wanting to just live life as it comes and to have fun, which is basically want I want to do with my life. Hip hop is one of my favorite genres because of the messages it tells, how it helps me through life, and to have a good life by living however you feel like
  • 23. HOW CHILDREN UTILIZE THEIR MATHEMATICAL MIND AS PART OF... Dr Maria Montessori took this idea that the human has a mathematical mind from a French philosopher Pascal and developed a revolutionary math learning material for children as young as 3 years old. Her mathematical materials allow the children to begin their mathematical journey from a concrete concept to abstract idea . With reference to the above statement please discuss how these children utilize their mathematical mind as part of their natural progression, to reason, to calculate and estimate with these Montessori mathematical materials in conjunction with their aims and presentations? What is a mathematical mind? The Mathematical Mind refers to the unique tendencies of the human mind. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal said ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A significant discovery that Dr. Montessori made was the importance of offering indirect preparation for the math materials while children were in the sensitive periods for movement and the refinement of the senses. It is through children s work with the Exercises of Practical Life and Sensorial materials that they first encounter and experience the concepts of measurement, sequence, exactness, and calculation Sensorial education is the basis of mathematics. Dr. Montessori said that children are sensorial learners. They learn and experience the world through their five senses. So sensorial education helps the child to create a mental order of the concepts he grasps using his five senses. The skill of man s hand is bound up with the development of his mind, and in the light of history we see it connected with the development of civilization. Maria Montessori, THE ABSORBENT MIND, Chap 14. pg. 138 Montessori firmly believed that the hands are the mother of skills. By providing Montessori sensorial materials to the child she was convinced that correct manipulation with quality and quantity would certainly create a lasting impression in the child s mind with the understanding of mathematics. We place materials quite intentionally on trays, we color code activities, materials are displayed
  • 24. Netflix Case Davor RameЕЎa k0956979 Netflix case Executive summary What is Netflix s strategy in the on line movie rental market? What are Netflix s sources of competitive advantage? Identify the competences key to the success of Netflix s strategy and explain why. Netflix was a late entrant to the movie rental market and it was a first mover in the on line movie rental market. Netflix s strategy in the movie rental market is differentiation from traditional movie rental stores. Instead of attracting customers to a retail location, Netflix offered home delivery of DVDs through the mail. Why only DVDs? In 1998, most available movies were in VHS cassette format but Netflix concentrated on using only DVDs because its... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Answer lies in the number of total subscribers which has grown from 107 000 in 1999 to 6 316 000 in 2006. (source: Netflix 2006 10 k). Number of subscribers was constantly growing since 1998 due to good strategy decisions like : proprietary recommendation system , hiring of Ted Sarandos and opening more distribution centers. All of these moves had one purpose: to add value to their product by increasing customer s satisfaction. How does Netflix s strategy compare to Blockbuster? Compare and contrast each s value chain. Factors which determine the value of the product: Price of the movie Delivery Time how long do the customers wait for getting the movie Convenience what actions do the customers have to do to get the movie Other factors(recommendation system, availability of new movies) Late fees Although prices of Netflix and Blockbuster for a single DVD rental are now the same (10$ per movie source: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520 11445_7 6325775 1.html), Netflix had an additional value because it offered unlimited rental with the same pricing (an example: you pay monthly fee and you can exchange movies, so you can watch several different DVD s for the price of one). If you want to rent a movie from a Blockbuster retail store, you can do it in a relatively short time (time you need to get to a retail store) as management proclaimed 10 minute drive for 70% of US population. Delivery time for
  • 25. History of Electronic and Virtual Currencies оїїHistory of Electronic and Virtual Currencies Emerging Cryptocurrencies Attributes of Cryptocurrencies Technology behind Cryptocurrencies Risks to Cryptocurrencies Business and Institutional Adoption of Cryptocurrencies Future Alternative Uses of Cryptocurrencies#оїѕ History of Electronic and Virtual Currencies Traditionally, currencies have been tied to physical tangible items, such as paper or gold, and provided three functions: a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. The earliest published research using cryptography as a basis for electronically transferring cash is from 1982 by David Chaum, a Ph.D. graduate in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley. He founded a company in 1990 called DigiCash, which originally sold smart cards for closed systems, such as for highway tolls. In 1994, the company sent the first electronic cash ( ecash ) payment over public computer networks. The history of DigiCash is controversial, but the ecash system appears to have been centralized and proprietary and no corporate partnerships were formally established. Other companies, such as Dexit, InternetCash, Qpass, Flooz, Mondex and NetCheque, performed similar online payments, but none of these companies gained meaningful traction due to the complexities and expenses of navigating the technological, economic, legal, political, social, and cultural challenges in virtualizing currencies.[ ][ ] The two most common types of virtual currencies are:
  • 26. Were Peasants Good Or Bad The earth is the earth as a peasant sees it, the world is the world as a duchess sees it, and anyway a duchess would be nothing if the earth was not there as the peasant sees it, Gertrude Stein once stated. Stein is trying to get across to us that peasants were needed in this world. Peasants were considered poor, trashy, and no good. These things that the upperclassmen people would say about the peasants might be true but these poor, trashy, and no good peasants were needed on Earth. Peasants were the ones that did all of the hard work but did not get near enough credit for it. Peasants were the ones that would work long hours in the fields so not just their family will have food to eat but also other families. Peasants were the ones who... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Peasants had to work round the year in the fields of the lord and their lives were all the time revolving according to the farming season (Difference). If the farm or the crops were not going well then neither were the peasant s life. Farming is what peasants did for living and it was their main concern in life. Many worked as farmers in fields owned by the lords and their lives were controlled by the farming year (Trueman). Peasants did not get to choose if they worked on the farm or not because they had to. In order for them to live they had to have everyone s hands on deck helping out with the farm work. They would not have attended school for a start. As soon as was possible, children joined their parents working on the land (Trueman). Peasant and serf families did not have enough time or money to send their children off to school because they need all the available hands working on the farm. In a peasant household, everyone was needed to work in the fields. Often children as young as age 2 were left alone. Children did not go to school or have tutors, so few knew how to read (Peasants). Children not going to school is a good thing because they are able to stay at home and help their parents work, but children not being able to go to school is bad because they never learned how to read or write. The peasant may well have been justified in following old rules; he did not have the knowledge to risk experiments. He worked steadily and long, in every weather, but he seems to have taken his time (Bishop 234). Peasants could not mess up on anything in his farm or it would have messed up everything else, and their families just did not have time for that. Peasants and serfs would have worked in every kind of weather to keep their crops alive. If the farm work would get out of control to where the men couldn t handle it on their own then the women would have helped out,
  • 27. Reflective Essay On Save The Children My duties as an intern are to fundraise for a charity, either The Nature Conservancy or Save the Children. The way we acquire donors is by street canvassing and educating them on the benefits of supporting varying charitable projects within the charity. The expectation for a number of donors to sign up in a week is eight. My average sign ups per week that I have achieved has been ten. After achieving the site rep title by getting twelve donors in two consecutive weeks, I gained leadership where I help and train others. What I gained from this internship was knowledge about the nonprofits that I fundraised for, direct communicationskills, and being in a unique work environment. The Nature Conservancy(TNC) was founded in 1951 which is the oldest and largest environmental non profit that works in all 50 states and 72 countries. Their mission states conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends. It is rated number nineteen on Forbes. Some of the local projects TNC does in California includes a project that prevented the Marin Headlands from becoming a town and turning it into a regional park instead and maintaining Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite where most of the SF Bay area gets their water from. They restored the Great Barrier Reef since it almost died. A global project they are currently working on is planting a billion trees in the Amazon by 2025. Save the Children (STC) was founded in 1919 which is the oldest and largest children nonprofit. STC works
  • 28. Piracy In The Elizabethan Era Although pirates were popular in the Elizabethan Era, they are now negligible. There are anti piracy groups who despise and are against piracy. From receiving support from the government, they expect the anti piracy groups to make legal impacts on piracy cases. Even though schools talk about it and may even have a brief lecture about modern pirates and about today s pirates, they have deteriorated over the years. Somalia is an old fashioned country in Africa where they are not updated on today s clothing and technology showing that they re still accustomed to old traditions which include piracy. Ultimately, piracy s attire evolved throughout the past six hundred years, but the reasons pirates are remembered, why people wanted to become a pirate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their weapons and clothing may be more updated, but what they sail on and their main goal of piracy has not changed. Ultimately, piracy in the Elizabethan Era may have evolved over the past six hundred years, but there are numerous traditions and customs that are still precise to modern day piracy. Work Cited The Age of Exploration. The Age of Exploration. Accessed 12, Dec. 2017. Boot, Max. Pirates, Then and Now. Foreign Affairs, 2 Mar. 2016. Accessed 12, Dec. 2017. Charles SchniberЕ› SonЕ›. Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. Galen Lyon. Charles Scribner s Sons, 1999. Francis Drake. Biography.com, A E Networks Television, 9 Nov. 2017. Giles, Milton. A Swashbuckling Life at Sea. Sunday Times, The, n.d. EBSCOhost. Humanity, History of. Boarding a Ship. Pirate Ships | Boarding a
  • 29. Ptsd DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PTSD AND SOMATIZATION DISORDER Laura Bennett Belluvue University I will look at some of the ways that PTSD and Somatization Disorder are alike. One symptom that they have in common is musculoskeletal conditions. Another symptom that they have in common is GI problems. Some of the treatments for both disorders that are the same are cognition therapy and the use of antidepressant medications. I will now look at how each of these is different and also will look at some of the different treatments for each. Somatization disorder is defined as a psychiatric condition marked by multiple, medically unexplained physical or somatic symptoms. In order to qualify for the diagnosis of somatization disorder, somatic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I will now discuss PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder is defined as being a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event. (Loeb, J., Stettler, E., Gavila, T., Stein, A., amp; Chinitz, S., 2011) Some of the theories that can cause PTSD are when a person goes through, sees or learns about an event that causes intense fear, helplessness, or horror. There are some researchers that think that a person is more likely to develop PTSD than others when their risk of anxiety and depression increases, a person s life experiences, a person s temperament and/or the way the brain regulates the chemicals and hormones their body releases in response to stress. There are several risk factors associated with PTSD. Some of them being female, experiencing intense or long lasting trauma, having experienced other trauma earlier in life, having other mental health problems, and/or lacking a good support system. PTSD can disrupt a person s everyday life from their jobs to their enjoyment of everyday activities. There are three groups of medications that may help someone with PTSD antipsychotics, antidepressants and antianxiety. There is one medication that has been shown to decrease the nightmares of PTSD victims. prazosin. There are two other types of therapy that have been shown to help in the treatment of PTSD exposure therapy especially virtual exposure therapy where a person is virtually exposed to the situation that initially caused their PTSD and eye movement
  • 30. Twinkie Man Research Paper There was a group of fighters together each known for their roles they did. We have Dr. Medi Magica who treats her team members when they are sick or get hurt. Ms. Adventurer comes up with the places for the team to go for the fight when a token glimmers over her head. She has her own weapons. Twinkie Man is a laid back person that loves to sit somewhere minding his business eating Twinkies. The last team member, The Beast Scar, is our big protector that is undefeatable in almost every single fight except for when he is out of energy and needs help. We call him our captain. In every fight, we support Beast Scar. Today is the first fight. Ms. Adventurer had notified us the night before. The purpose was to prove to some zombielike people that we could still beat them even if we had an animal or whatever in our group. The zombie like group of people that moved very slowly like a snail that seemed to just be haters... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We hardly ever get a notice from any group saying they want to fight us. About six months later, we heard a loud BOOM! Ms. Adventurer looked at us and said she never had another token glimmer over her head to inform us about getting prepared for another fight. This time it was aliens storming around us. Dr. Medi Magica quickly tried to make as many as she could weak so there would be less running around to defeat the aliens. Ms. Adventurer got out a gun that shoots multiple bullets to shoot two or more at once. Twinkie Man laid Twinkies as he fought to affect the strength of the aliens, making it easier for him to fight them. Beast Scar headed to the nearby space shuttle where he took care of the rest of the aliens in there instead of letting them come out. This was not a fair fight after all but at the end we had won. Beast Scar had broken a limb moving so fast while fighting the aliens, that is when Dr. Medi Magica had to fight really hard as she made her way to where Beast Scar was to cure his limb. No cast had to be
  • 31. Comparing Charles And Miss Awful By Arthur Cavanaugh Charles by Shirly Jakson and miss awful by Arthur Cavanaugh In this essay I am going to compare and contrast the characters, setting and themes of the short stories, Charles and Miss Awful . The story, Charles , by Shirly Jackson is a funny story about a boy who blames his behaviors on an imaginary classmate. The story, Miss Awful , by Arthur Cavanaugh, is a story about a nice teacher who is replaced by a strict substitute. While both stories involve a school, teachers and students the theme is different in each story and teaches its readers a different lesson. The setting in each story is very similar because they both involve classrooms and being at home. In Charles the setting is mostly Laurie telling his parents about Charles and the bad behavior he had at school.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The characters in each story is very similar because they are both school related and have teachers, students and parents in them. In Miss Awful , Roger has a sister named Elizabeth while in Charles , Laurie talks about Charlie all the time. Roger has a lot of friends at school while Laurie does not have a lot of friends but blames it on Charles. The theme for Miss Awful is that strict teachers might not be that bad after all and kids need to have discipline. The theme in Charles is more about how the truth is bound to come out and you can t blame your problems on other people. Another similarity between the two stories is that Laurie is blaming his problems on someone else and Roger is blaming his problems on the teacher. In this essay I have talked about the setting, characters, and theme of two different short stories. The setting in Charles and Miss Awful we re the same they both took place at home and at school. The characters were similar because they both dealt with kids, teachers and schools. The themes in each story were different and made each story really interesting to read.b The story Charles was true to life
  • 32. Actus And Mens Rea Case Study When it comes to figuring out if an action made is a crime or not it is important to understand the common law. Actus Reus and Mens Rea are where each case is based off of in order to make a stance as to why the act should be punished for or not. Actus Reus is known as guilty act, which means actually committing an act intentionally or unintentionally and following through with it (Silver, 2011). As in assaulting an individual, stealing or any other criminal act of that sort. Mens Rea can be thought of as guilty mind, which is best explained as wanting or thinking of doing something, but the inability or ability to follow through with it (Silver, 2011). In order for a crimeto be a crime, there needs to be thought or planning,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An unlawful act and intent to act in a certain way, such as residential burglary require a certain mental state, whereas a general intent crime does not. Say a person did commit a residential burglary but was under the influence of alcohol, they will aim for the intoxication defense to reduce liability for their actions even if the intoxication was voluntary. If the intoxication was involuntary, along the lines of saying when they drink was spiked. This type of defense will only decreases prison or jail sentence. Now if this certain individual were to purposefully intoxicate themselves because they intentionally know that they will commit a crime, they the intoxication defense would be denied. According to the video what is the criminal charge of larceny? The term theft and larceny mean the same thing in most jurisdictions the differences in the petty and grand larceny are dependent on the amount of the item (cost). The punishment can range from a misdemeanor up to a felony depending on the amount of the item. Petty larceny is usually a misdemeanor and is usually punishable with a fine or jail time in a county or city jail. Grand larceny
  • 33. Persuasive Essay About Summer Camp Have you ever been in summer camp? Do you remember twitters lasting all night, camp fires, and toothpaste on your nose in the morning? That is the moments we bear in mind with a smile on our faces. But do you know the hidden part, that grants us with experiences that benefits us during our lifetime? If you re puzzled over what to amuse your child with, summer camp is definitely the best choice. Baldauren is a republician health and education center situated in Kokshetau region, right near the lake Shuch e. Baldauren accepts children all around a year. In order to encourage you to send your offspring to summer camp this summer, I ve compiled top reasons to send your kids to summer camp, particularly by sharing my experience at camp Baldauren! Prepare your luggage for road onwards, as you will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I still remember how 3 of us, from very different parts of a country, Oskemen, Pavlodar and Aktobe built up very strong friendly relationships. I remember how almost whole camp participants were crying right before departure, including me. More surprising fact is that I met a number of them here, in university, that serves as proof that you never really say Goobye пЃЉ b)No I in team There are a plenty of activities that summer camps involve children in: rope courses, scavenger hunt, camp songs. All of them are intended to strengthen relationships between children, emphasizing significance of everyone s contribution. I remember a case when all our group at Baldauren was punished because the one in team didn t hand in his phone. After that case, even some of us extremely wanted to secretly keep their ownings the didn t do that because they were aware about effect of one s action to a group. That s one of the lessons I learned from camp. Everyone is a part of a community he lives in and every action influences on others, whether you want it or not. c)Outside comfort
  • 34. Case Analysis Of Crown Cork And Seal Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S) ASSIGNMENT 1 Assignment 1: Case Analysis of Crown Cork and Seal (CC S) This Assignment will develop your skills in industry analysis. This must be done as individual work, so you must not discuss the case with anyone else before completing the Assignment. Please use the following questions to structure your answer: What are the industry structures and dynamics of the metal can industry? The industry structure analysis of the metal can industry mainly depends on the assessment of the five competitive forces which shapes the industry which is following: 1.Bargaining power of suppliers: There are three aluminium suppliers who dominate the market which are Alcan Aluminium, Aloca and Reynold metal. These three world leading companies have huge bargaining power on can manufacturers as they were responsible for huge part of production of aluminium market. 2.Bargaining power of customers: There are four vital companies who play a very important role in the metal industry and these are Anheuser Busch companies, Pepsico, Coca cola enterprise and Coca cola company. These companies could have a great bargaining power over can companies while having multimple suppliers and being able to switch suppliers which gave the companies more flexibility to choose from if there was any issue with the price, quality or service. 3.Barriers to entry: In this case some big companies dominate the whole industry and as a result the small companies
  • 35. Canada Goose Case Study a. According to the textbook, the reasons that provide motivation for companies international expansion and describe them. Traditional motivations Resource Seeking: secure supplies. Low cost factor: exploit factor cost differences Market Seeking: fulfill capability; exploit scale economies and scope economies. Emerging motivations Competitive positioning: match competitors, preempt markets, capture the global scale, play global chess . Global scanning: global intelligence scan, access scare knowledge. b. Market and resource seeking: this motivation was particularly strong for companies that had some intrinsic advantage, typically related to their technology and brand recognition, which gave them a competitive advantage in offshore markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014). Competitive positioning: the most controversial of the many global competitive strategic actions taken by MNEs...have been those base on cross subsidization of markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014). Global scanning/ learning: when trying to get low cost resources, the company is exposed to new technologies and markets (Bartlett Beamish, 2014). c. By expanding internationally, Canada Goose can have many opportunities to seek new markets, grow, increase sales, and improve its brand recognition overseas. With those extra sales, it will enable to exploit scale and scope economies; thereby it will have a source of competitive advantage over its domestic
  • 36. My Trip to Saint Petersburg Dali Museum For our assigned cultural exposure I chose to visit the Saint Petersburg Dali Museum. I drove over on a windy day across the causeway in a Jeep that is less than running well, so by the time I found the museum I was a bit relieved. I had wanted to go to the Museum since moving here in early 2011 but have just never made the time. I lived in southern Spain for several years and one of the few regrets I have from my time there is that I never made it to the museum there. Upon my arrival and paying my admission fee I was informed that there was a guided tour about to begin. I hurried up the stairs and filled in the back of the pack. There are about 30 35 other patrons there as well. The guide starts with a brief history of Dali s early life growing up in southeastern Spain, the death of his mother and his fathers remarrying of Dali s aunt (which he commemorated in a painting), to his marring to the Famous Gala. The guide then informed us that it was Gala who helped to manage Dali s career acting as his agent. Not only was his love for Gala shown in his art but also her tenacity reflected in several of the pieces on display featuring her. Several of the paintings on display this year either in the Morse Family collection or on loan to the museum were discussed on the tour to included a painting Dali did about the age of 15 after his mothers passing and his fathers marring his deceased wife s sister. The painting was done to commemorate the occasion and even at 15 his skills as
  • 37. Talent Mr. Ripley The 1999 American psychological thriller The Talented Mr. Riley was directed by Anthony Minghella and was adapted from the novel by Patricia Highsmith. The film starts in 1950 s New York and moves to multiple cities in Italy. The film stars Matt Damon as Tom Ripley, who is hired by his boss to go to Italy and retrieve his son, Dickie Greenleaf (Jude Law). While he ventures to return Mr. Greenleaf s son to him, he meets Dickie s fiancГ©, Marge Sherwood (Gwyneth Paltrow) and is accepted into their walk of life for the time being. Tom sees the lavish and careless lifestyle that Dickie lives and becomes obsessed with the things that he has. He becomes jealous of Dickie s friends and infuriated by his way of life and this causes him to lash out violently. After a confrontation, Tom kills Dickie and starts to live life falsely under... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the film The Talented Mr. Ripley, director Anthony Minghella uses the portrayed actions of Tom Ripley to accentuate the notion that men would rather sin to become a false somebody rather than return to their antecedent real nothingness.The film opens with Mr. Ripley s first lie as he is playing the piano at a luncheon in the place of someone else. Immediately after his performance, he returns the Princeton University blazer that he was wearing to its rightful owner and returns to work as a bathroom assistant. Early in the movie, the viewer sees that Tom would rather lie about who he is to get a taste of the limelight instead of stay devoted to his humble line of work. This instance is not immensely extreme because most people would trade the task of brushing rich, pompous men s jackets for the opportunity to show off raw talent. Here, Tom is willing to fake and lie about who he is as long as it delivers him from the simple life that he currently has and this theme is transcended throughout
  • 38. Seawater Lab All four tests involved eight clean test tubes (per test) filled with our water samples from Long Wharf, Rowes Wharf, Hewitt s Cove, Short Beach, Doggy Beach, a fresh pond water reservoir and the Charles River by B.U. as well as M.I.T. All tests were taken using the LaMotte Urban Water Test Kit. For the nitrate test, all of the test tubes were filled to 5 mL with the water we collected, and one Nitrate WR TesTab was added into each tube. Immediately after adding the tablet, each tube was placed into a protective sleeve due to UV light sensitivity. The test tubes are then capped and mixed for two minutes and set to rest for five minutes before analyzing the results in comparison to the nitrate color chart (LaMotte, 2010). The phosphate procedure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fish and Wildlife Endangered Species database, from 1981 to 2007, 112 recovery plans were put in place for 156 species that were put in danger because of eutrophication (Dodds, 2008). One of these plans includes the recovery of the Nashville crayfish (Orconectes shoupi), starting in 1989 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1989). The plan included spreading education and awareness around the local area and starting a program to monitor the population and their activities. Scientists also searched for additional populations to introduce to the remaining species. In addition, service biologists worked with groups like the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to create permits that created efforts to protect the species. Scientists investigated the crayfish s aquatic habitat and found that their primary threat was the Mill Creek drainage in Nashville, Tennessee (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2017). Currently, the Nashville crayfish species are stable and have recovered up to 25 percent. Although the Nashville crayfish are stable and are being recommended to be downlisted to threatened, their recovery required a lot of time and money to aid (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2017). It is estimated that the government is spending $44 million annually to combat the biodiversity losses that are linked to eutrophication (Dodds,
  • 39. How Teachers Reinforce The Kiddos For Good Behavior In the classrooms I am observing I have noticed many ways in which teachers reinforce the kiddos for good behavior. Each teacher has their own rewards system. I have witnessed a rainbow chart, a marble system and a stick chart. I have also noticed that many of the teachers do multiple activities with a lesson in hopes that the information will reach the kiddos long term memory. The teachers use verbal lessons, hands on activities and written reflections. Each class has their rules and what is considered appropriate behavior. It has been interesting to see how each teacher rewards their students and how they make it known what is and isn t okay for the students to do. Two of the teachers I work with a lot have a very good rewards system going as a way of reinforcing good behavior. The first teacher uses a rainbow chart and when the students get to the top they get to choose a prize from the bucket. The other teacher uses a marble system. Each table and student has the chance to gain marbles along with the class as a whole. If students are listening and behaving they may get marbles to put in their tables container. If the whole class is doing an awesome job, the marbles get put into the classes jar. When the students get enough marbles their table gets a prize or reward of some sort, positive reinforcement. The kiddos get so excited when they get a prize. Negative punishment is used when they are misbehaving. The students can also get marbles taken out of their tables jar and
  • 40. The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book... The Book of Exodus is not a narrative of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not a condemnation of slavery. The Book of Exodus is not an escapee s manual. The Book of Exodus does not even incorporate one journal entry, one trial transcript, or one eye witness account of the slavery endured by the Israelites in Egypt. Despite its lack of address, the Book of Exodus solidifies man s need for Godand God s need for worship. Before returning to Egypt with his purpose at hand, Mosesdiscovers God on Mt. Sinai during a solitary journey with his father in law s flock. By bringing Moses to a mountain, God shows Moses that holiness is not a quality known to man; holiness is known only to God. God may reveal holiness to man, as he does to Moses;... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Immediately thereafter, God introduces Himself, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. (Exodus 3:6) God s relationship to Moses renews generation after generation, from host to host and blessed father to blessed son. Without this continuity, God would be a stranger, or at best a long lost relative, someone whom Moses would not need and probably would not recognize. Recognition of God s sovereignty is at the heart of worship, the driving theme of the Book of Exodus, and the reason God so severely punishes the Egyptians. God does not punish the Egyptians for keeping the Israelites as slaves. God punishes the Egyptians for Pharaoh s attempt to better God by sacrificing His firstborn: Israel. Although many arguments can be made against human sacrifice, none mitigates God s anger with Pharaoh. In general, God s anger is rarely pacified: not even Moses protects the Israelite idol worshipers at Mt. Sinai. At Moses command, the Levites slay three thousand of their brothers, friends, and neighbors the innocent along with the guilty. Believing God s wrath has branded them with righteousness, Moses praises the survivors as blessed. God has other plans: another plague. With the deaths of those who break Faith, God is satisfied. As Supreme Ruler, God defends those who worship Him and destroys those who worship idols. After leading the defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim, Moses
  • 41. Midazolam The preanesthetic drug consisted of 0.1 to 0.2 mg / kg of midazolam administered orally 35 minutes before surgery. Anesthetic induction was performed with 0.2 to 0.3 mg / kg of etomidate, 3 to 5 Ојg / kg of fentanyl, 0.05 mg / kg midazolam and 0.1 mg / kg intravenous pancuronium. Maintenance was performed with isoflurane combined with a mixture of oxygen and compressed air, and fentanyl if necessary. During cardiopulmonary bypass, additional doses of midazolam and pancuronium were used on demand. All patients were followed with pulmonary artery catheters and invasive blood pressure. After orotracheal intubation, patients were ventilated with intermittent positive pressure with a tidal volume of 8 mL / kg, final expiratory positive pressure of 5 to 8 cmH2O and FiO2 of 60 to 100% to maintain arterial oxygen saturation above 95%.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The IAB was installed in the operating room, respecting the standard catheter numbering, conditioned by the individual anthropometric data of each research participant. In all patients, the percutaneous puncture of the femoral artery was performed by the surgeon responsible for the surgery. The counterpulsation equipment used was the DATASCOPE CS100
  • 42. The Downside Of Teleporting In Star Trek Teleportation An Introduction to Teleporting Beam me up, Scotty! When Star Trek was first released in 1966, teleportation was only a dream. Now a days, people are claiming that future generations as soon as great grandchildren will be able to teleport with ease. There are, however, many things that Star Trek hasn t prepared fans for, and although there are many perks to teleportation, people need to weigh in the risk factors as well. The pros may sound promising but, the cons tremendously outweigh them. The Downside of Teleportation This paper could go on and on about the definition of life or crap like that, however that would be a large waste of time and space. So, with that in mind, this paper shall continue on wayward. First of all, by teleporting, all of the atoms in the human body would essentially deconstruct and then reconstruct in a new place. With all of this assembling and disassembling taking place, an issue that needs to be brought up and spoken about is whether or not there would be any mixed up body parts as a complication. While the body is disassembling, the heart would temporarily stop beating and the person would die . However, the person would not really die. The body would continue on with life . It would just be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No more super slow text messages being sent in a group chat. Just teleport that information right over to anyone of choosing. No telling when this will actually be possible, but it certainly does seem worthy of trying out. The speed of light transfer of the encoded information from one photon to another demonstrates the possibility of secure communication between a network of remotely located quantum computers in the future.[3] This could lead to more secure networks on the governmental level (if used properly) and maybe it could be open for the public to use in the more distant
  • 43. Sensory Processing Disorders And The Central Nervous System Auditory Processing Disorders, also known as Central Processing Disorders, are difficulties in the processing of auditory information in the central nervous system. The definition for an Auditory Processing Disorder is frequently changing and evolving. According to ASHA standards in 2005, a central processing disorder refers to difficulties in the perceptual processing of auditory information in the central nervous systemand the neurobiological activity that underlies the processing and gives rise to the electrophysiological auditory potentials (ASHA 2005). Recent evidence has declared auditory processing disorders to be a legitimate clinical disorder resulting from confirmation of the link between well defined lesions of the central nervous system and deficits on behavioral and electrophysiological central auditory measures (Musiek, F. Journal of American Academy of Audiology). An individual is likely to perform normally in tests including clicks and tones, rather than speech. There is a significant difference between the receptors for audition and speech processing. It is imperative that these disorders are diagnosed and treated early in a child s development to eliminate developmental negative consequences. The physiology of hearing starts with a vibration that occurs in the air which sends an acoustic signal to the ear drum. The signal is transduced into a mechanical signal that transmits through the inner ear and the cochlear nerve. Finally, the signal is
  • 44. The Security Of The Usa Patriot Act Essay Although the main concern of this case had to do with Computin and protecting national security, Shelton can also technically be charged for possessing marijuana since it is illegal under federal law. However, it is important to look at how the FBI kept surveillance on him and the questionable manner in which they entered and searched his apartment. Shelton does have substantial grounds on which he can move to suppress the evidence of marijuana against him; however, there is no guarantee that he will be successful in court. Firstly, he could look at the faulty affidavit used to get the sneak and peek warrant against him. Since the warrant obtained to search his apartment were based on untrue grounds, he can claim that the FBI had no right to enter his apartment under false pretenses. Moreover, he can also look at the nature of sneak and peek warrants, which allows for the delayed notice of the execution of a warrant under the USA Patriot Act that was implemented in light of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Was the information that he was harboring so important that the FBI could use a false affidavit and delay the notification of a warrant in order to search his home? If the answer is no, then Shelton has grounds that the FBI should not have been able to search him in the first place. If the answer is yes, then Shelton can also argue that the FBI had already gained information that they needed through the handwritten notes between him and Holmgren. Under normal search
  • 45. The Departure Of The Ship Headed South Following the departure, the ship headed south. She passed Lisbon on the 15th and had passed through the Suez Canal by the end of the month. Australian waters were reached by the end of July and passen gers unloaded in Townsville from the 1st to the 3rd of August, in Rock hampton from the 5th to the 6th, and deposited the remainder in Bris bane after her arrival there on the 13th. She departed in ballast on the 26th and proceeded to load wool in Newcastle and Sydney. Destined for London via Adelaide and Port Augusta, Archibald and Gulf of Carpenta ria departed Sydney at 6 a.m. on the 13th of September. On the morning of the 15th, Gulf of Carpentaria steamed eastwards through the rock strewn and partially charted waters of Bass ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was then going down very fast aft, and had all the appearance as if she would sink in a few minutes. I then ordered the boats to be lowered, and directed the en gineers and firemen to come up form below. All the orders were obeyed as quickly as possible, and the whole of the officers, engi neers, sailors, and firemen behaved admirably in carrying out my in structions, and no one left his station until he was directed to do so. Before leaving the engine room the engineer eased the safety valves and closed the tunnel doors, and to this cause I attribute the fact that the ship was so long going down. We were all in the boats and clear of the doomed ship at a quarter to 9 o clock and exactly 20 minutes after we struck. Neither myself nor anyone else saved any of our ef fects. I also lost all of the books, papers, certificates, and everything belonging to me. I did not consider it safe to go back on board. Some of the crew and officers volunteered to do so, but I advised them not, as I wished to make sure of saving all the people, whatever else was lost. At 15.52 p.m. she keeled over to port, and her head be ing then deepest, went down bows first. A quantity of wreckage came to the surface, and also my long telescope, which was picked up by the third officer. With the exception of a small cashbox which I took with me when leaving the ship, the telescope constitutes all that was
  • 46. The Journey Of Mark. Mr. And Mrs. The Longs are regarded as the Christian believers who already knew all stories of Jesus Christ and teachings. Even though knowing the stories vividly, they were unsure about the actual dating and author of the book of Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Long having give us their story of Mark in their perspective. The Longs attempted to make it clear that you need to understand the connection between the introduction and the purpose of Mark to therefore get an answer of whether the opening is important or not. Scholars on the other hand claim the book was written to circulate the churches and enlighten the general Christian community therefore a prologue isn t as important. For the location of where the book was written remains unknown, but was for sure written to the Christians at large. According to the readings in the book of Mark, that is filled with effective healings, casting out of demons, confrontations, teaching and instructing of his disciples it was a very fast narrative teaching. There were very effective teachings such as the preliminaries to the ministries where Mark is heading to the ministries to spread the good news on Jesus Christ and Jesus temptation of satan. Galilean ministry part 1 Jesus entry in Galilee spreading news that the kingdom of God was near. During this time here, Jesus calls out his four disciples and daily healings, made appearances at synagogues where he performed and preached the gospel. In Jesus second part of this ministry, He continues to spread
  • 47. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Living In A... Everyone has a dream to further their study at university, whether in locally or overseas. When they get the chance, the things that play in their mind are how their room is, will they get a shared room or single room and if they need to share a room, who will they stay with. Rooms that are usually provided in university are of two kinds which are single room or shared room. A single room is where the room is owned by yourselves and you do not need to share the facilities with others. Meanwhile, a shared room means you will have a a roommate and you need to share the room with them. Sometimes, a student who stays in shared rooms can have one, two or a maximum of three roommates in one room. Since a long time ago, almost all public universities... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What a person needs to understand is that it is extremely more safe and secure to stay in shared rooms rather than stay in a single room. When you stay in a shared room, you know the person who is he/she when your properties lost and you can get your things back. Meanwhile, in a single room, if your properties lost, you did not know who take your things and your percentage to get back yours is less. Other than that, lately a lot of robberies seem to happen to someone who stays single rather than when you stay with your roommate. As April Sanders (Oct 21,2013) in the articles What Are the Benefits of Having a Roommate? said, There s safety in numbers, and two or more people living in one home mean that the home is less likely to be empty, and therefore less likely to be robbed. . Next, imagine you are in an emergency situation such as you lock your door unconsciously and left the key in the room, who is going to help you open the door? When you have a roommate and meet the situation, you can depend to your roommate and get his/her help to open the door. In concluding, by stay with aroommate you can have someone when you having difficulties and you will feel more secure and
  • 48. Solitary Confinement Solitary Confinement has been a practice, dating all the way back to 1787 with the idea that when inmates would be left alone in silence, they would show regret and become more remorseful. In 2005, the sentence still thrived with nearly 82,000 men and women were in solitary confinement in federal adult prisons with the title of restricted housing. This statistic doesn t even include jails or immigration facilities. In the 70s and 80s, the rate of confinement for juveniles skyrocketed to the point where we define that time as an epidemic. In that time, there became definitions of a super predator, defining it as teenagers who are fatherless, Godless, and jobless and don t have anything better to do than to terrorize their community. In... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1988, an evaluation was completed in Kentucky, where Korn reported massive amounts of appetite loss, weight loss, visual disturbances, and heart palpitations (Shalev 11). This evaluation was done in a maximum security prison for adults, so when you transfer the results to children, they would have extreme setbacks in their growth and physical development. While in the walls of solitary confinement a fifteen year old girl, named Melanie H., reported how she came to the solution of cutting herself by, somehow, acquiring staples and beginning to carve letters and symbols into her forearms in order to show her own personal apology to her family and herself for what she has done, expecting people to understand her cry for help. Another girls said that she would cut herself with staples and show the officers and the staff, but they wouldn t do anything in order to help her mentally and especially physically. She was denied medical treatment for her self harm outbursts, and she did it only to get attention and for someone to talk to her and understand what was happening. Twelve teenagers reported to the Human Rights Watch about their experience with either trying to take their own life, or witnessing an attempt or a successful act someone taking their own life.
  • 49. Oral Transit Stage Oral Transit Phase: The oral transit phase is initiated when the bolus is prepared to be propelled back into the oropharynx by the posterior movement of the tongue. The purpose of this phase is to propel the bolus back in the pharynx to trigger the swallow reflex. This phase lasts for less than 1 to 1.5 seconds to complete (Logemann, 1997). The bolus is formed and prepared. At this point, the tongue tip is elevated at the alveolar ridge while the bolus is held against the hard palate (Groher Crary, 2010). The midline of the tongue progressively moves anteriorly to posteriorly forcing the bolus to propel to the back (Logemann, 1997). This movement of the tongue is known as the stripping action. The retraction of the tongue is carried ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If sensory input is impaired during this phase there will likely be a disconnect with the swallowing and breathing system which could cause impaired timing allowing for food to go into the airway while the airway is not being protected (Cichero, 2006). Further, sensory input is used to determine the volume of the bolus. Volume is the most important variable in changing the normal pharyngeal stage of swallowing in its timing and coordination (Logemann, 2014). The pharyngeal trigger initiates velopharyngeal closure (muscles in Appendix A) so food will not go up the nose. Moreover, the pharyngeal trigger initiates the tongue base movement to touch the posterior pharyngeal wall and the movement of the lateral pharyngeal wall to move to meet the base of the tongue (Logemann, 2014). Because of this velopharyngeal closure a buildup of pressure is accumulated in the pharynx. The elevation of the hyoid bone and larynx contribute to the closure of the airway (Cichero, 2006). As the posterior tongue and the posterior pharyngeal wall move towards each other to make contact, pressure builds allowing the bolus to move more efficiently. The bolus is split and goes around into the pyriform sinuses where the bolus is directed and pushed downward into the pharyngeal constrictors (Cichero, 2006). When the bolus enters the pharynx, the superior,
  • 50. Breast Feeding Vs. The Bottle Breast feeding vs. The Bottle: The Decision is yours Some mothers have to give up breastfeeding even though they want to breastfeed. To give up breastfeeding can be a sensitive issue in a time when breastfeeding is promoted as the healthiest for mother and child (Larsen Kronborg, 2013, p. 848). The debate over whether breast feeding is better than bottle feeding or vice versa has been a debate for many years. With more and more research that is continuously being developed, the option to breast feed or bottle feed is ultimately up to the parents of the child. Although the decision could be based on factors such as a physical incapability or financial burdens, the end result should always be what is going to be best for the baby. As research continues to grow, there has been proven evidence of the positive and negative aspects that come with breast feeding and bottle feeding. The Benefits of Breast Feeding Starting from infancy, parents have the right to make the decisions in their new child s life, which includes breast feeding their child. Infant nutrition is important in development and health throughout life (Klag, McNamara, Geraghty, Keim, 2015, p. 1059) Although the process has been known to bring some complications and many attempts, the end result has been proven to be beneficial to not only the infant during that time but can be tracked in their life down the line. The decision to breast feed is a decision that will not only impact the child, but can also
  • 51. The Discovery Of Fossilized Hyoid Bones By 0.6 Mya, H. heidelbergensis appeared. Likely an ancestor of our own species, their fossils have been found with the remnants of large, butchered animals and hand axes suggesting a good degree of tool usage. It is unknown whether or not they actively hunted the large animals that they hunted, but the prolifacy of these butchering sites would suggest that Heidelbergensis was able to have consistent access to these large carcasses. Examination of fossilized hyoid bones in Heidelbergensis indicates that they were also capable of making the nuanced sounds required for speech (MartГnez I, et. al.). Their easy access to food and fire probably came in handy during the Kansan glacial period, which lasted from 0.46 to 0.30 Mya. It was during this icy period that the lineages of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis finally split from that of H. heidelbergensis and begin to truly hunt for their food. As the ice thaws, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo rhodesiensis first appear. Neanderthals were stockier than modern humans, standing at about 160 cm. They likely possessed a pale complexion and reddish hair (indicated by sequencing the genetics of the bones of two particularly well preserved specimens), which allowed them to produce the large amounts of Vitamin D needed to survive in their primarily northern European habitats (O Neil). Rhodesiensis, on the other hand, likely a human ancestor, showed features consistent with a mix between heidelbergensis and H. sapiens, including an