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Easily set clear business objectives, align your teams, focus
everyone on what matters, track progress,
and drive great results.
NEW 2017-2018 Expert Series
Why Should Your Company
Use OKR Goals ?
(Pronounced: A-Team)
for OKR Goals & Ongoing
Performance Management#1
Business Challenges
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
byPatrick Lencioni
Image Source: Teamapproach
A team that is not focused on results:
• Stagnatesand failstogrow
• Rarelydefeatstheircompetitors
• Losesresults-orientedemployees
• Everyone focuses on themselves
• Getseasilydistracted
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
byPatrick Lencioni
Image Source: The Table Group
95%of employees do not fully understand the
company’s goals or what’s expected of them to achieve
the company goals
Source: Harvard Business Review, Robert Kaplan and David Norton.
TopEmployeeComplaints AboutManagers
Source: Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2015/06/the-top-complaints-from-employees-about-their-leaders
Source: Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2016/03/two-thirds-of-managers-are-uncomfortable-communicating-with-employees
And What ManagersAdmit In an Anonymous Survey
% of Managers Admitting They Not Communicating Or Providing Feedback When…
Source: Gallup, http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/195803/employees-really-know-expected.aspx
Source: Brookings Institute & SHRM Research
Every CompanyWants to Answer These Questions
Is everyoneclear ontheirindividual goalsandhowtheytie tocorporategoals?
Canourcompanymeasure everyone’s performanceobjectively andconsistently?
Is ourorganizationgetting the performanceit needs fromouremployees andteams?
Doug Conant,
former CEOofCampbell Soup
The OKR Goals Revolution
Source: Objectives & Key Results, Paul R. Niven and Ben Lamorte
OKR video
80 Minutes & 500,000+ viewers!
Source: Google re:Work
Source: Google re:Work
Clear objectives align everyoneat yourcompanyand focuscollective
effort onwhat really matters so that you can achieve your top
corporate goals.
How Goal-SettingHas EvolvedIn 50 Years
• Aligned, not just astand-alone objective handed to anindividual
• Company-wide Transparency,visible to alland not just byone individual
• An Objective can be set with several KPIs, not just one KPI
• Allows for cross-functional alignment, not just isolated in a silo
• Quarterly objectives (but weekly check-ins),not just once a year
• Progress updated with a “check-in” every week, not a few times a year
• Taps into the collective wisdom of the team, not just handed down
7 ReasonsWhy GreatCompanies UseOKR Goals
1. Clear and Accurate Communication: inform everyoneabout what is trulyimportant.
2. Focus: focus (and re-focuses) all effort on the keypriorities that are the most important.
3. Alignment: align everyoneat your companyto workon the top objectives; break down silos.
4. Connect Employees: connectyour employees’ workto yourcompany’s mission -this impacts your employees’ performanceand your company’s
5. Improve Continuous Learning: OKRs offer your companyfaster learningand improvement that drive better results.
6. Create Transparency and Accountability: OKRs bringtransparencyto yourcompanyand everyonecan see what others areworking onand this
drives more collaboration and better performances.
7. Establish Measurable Progress Indicators that Drive Results: by establishing keyprogress indicators towards measurable results everyoneinyour
organization can beclear on how to accelerate performance and driver results.
How Using GoalsAffectOrganizations
• 74% - higher performance and results
• 76% - improved employee engagement
• 80% - better “managereffectiveness”
• 83% - employees clearly know top priorities
• 92% - better company-wide alignment
• 95% - more transparency, and…
• 97% - employees work harder when colleagues can seetheir goals
Sources: Atiim customer surveys; industry analysts, public data, Deloitte/Bersin
Great CompaniesUse Objectives ToSucceed
About Atiim Inc.
Atiim is an enterprise goals and performance management platform that transforms
the way organizations and their people align and revolutionizes how companies work
to achieve maximum
performance and stellar results.
Our mission is to make mid-market companies more:
aligned, competitive, effective and successful.
(Pronounced: A-Team)
for OKR Goals & Ongoing
Performance Management#1

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Why Should Your Company Use OKR Goals?

Editor's Notes

  1. Imagine you had technology to get an improvement of 25%.... Take that 25% and multiply by the average payroll cost 100 employees at a company then that's say 100 x $63k (i.e. $62,780 per year is the government average or $31.39/hour average x 2000 hours = $62,780k in USA ) then that is $1.6M saved EVERY year... ($62.3k * 100 people x 25% savings) 
  2. This is the future
  3. This is the future
  4. When you ask any employee at a high-performing, well-run company about what are the company’s top goals, they know clearly what they are, and not only that but they know exactly how their own work aligns directly to them (to help achieve the company’s top goals). Atiim helps every company run like that. Atiim is a truly unified and integrated goals & real-time performance management platform for the modern workplace.