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Wild life
Wild life
        A large area of land on
        which trees and other
        plants grow naturally is
        called a forest, and the
        wild animals (like lion,
        tiger, elephant, deer,
        snakes, etc.) and birds
        which live in forest, are
        called wildlife.
              WILD LIF E
 It provides a great biological diversity.
 Many valuable products such as silk

  feathers, musk, honey, etc. are obtained
  from wildlife
 Wildlife maintain an eco logical balance in

 Indian forests
               Iare the adobe of various kind of
                 N DI A
animals and birds. The most important among the
animals are tigers, elephant, leopard, rhinoceros
and the lions. Like its flora, India is also rich in
fauna. It has more than 89,000 of animal species.
The country has more than 1200 species of birds.
They constitute of 13% of the world’s total. There
are 2500 species of fish, which account for nearly
12% of the world’s stock. It also shares between 5
and 8 per cent of the world’s amphibians, reptiles
and mammals.

       T h e G ir F o r e s t
               is t h e
       la s t r e m a in in g
              h a b it a t
        o f t h e A s ia t ic
                 lio n .
                    W I L Dwealth F wildlife found
No other continent matches the
                               L I of E
in Africa. Covering the full climate spectrum from
intense heat to bitter cold, its varied vegetation has
given rise to a wide range of animals, including
mammals birds, reptiles, fish, and insects. Among them
are more than 40 species of primate, ranging from tiny
galagos to huge gorillas, a great variety of antelopes,
gazelles, and other hoofed animals, and 70 species of
carnivore. Bird life, too, is extraordinary rich; more than
1,500 species live south of the Sahara. In addition,
Africa is inhabited by the world’s fastest land animal,
the cheetah; the biggest bird, the ostrich; and the
largest land animal, the elephant.
            W I the frozen ArcticF the north to the
Asia stretches from
                    L D L I in E
warm tropics in the south. Although much of Asia is
undulating plain, it also boasts the awesome mountain
range of the Himalayas. Much of the interior receives little
rain, but parts of India hold the world record for annual
rainfall. This continent of contrasts provides many habitats,
each with its own characteristics plants and animals. Many
of the world’s best known endangered species, such as
giant pandas and tigers, live in Asia. But many less
publicized, smaller animals and plants are also threatened
by the steady spread of human populations.
Australia has been isolated by water for more than
30 million years, resulting in the evolution of many
unique animals and plants. Half of all marsupials,
such as the koala and kangaroo, live only in
Australia, along with the platypus and echidna, the
world’s only egg-laying mammals, or monotremes.
Much of Australia is desert or scrub. The animals
and plants that live here are adapted to the hot, dry
conditions. There are also areas of tropical and
temperate forests, which contain the greatest
diversity of life in Australia.
                WI LD LI F E
Europe is a landmass that contains many different
habitats, ranging from the Arctic tundra, through
broad leaved forests, and mountainous areas, to
dry, hot regions around the Mediterranean. Only
deserts and tropical forests are missing from the
list. European wildlife is not as rich as it once was;
human intervention in the form of agriculture and
forest clearance, as well as the sheer size of the
human population, has diminished the number of
plants and animals. Yet in undisturbed forests and
wetlands, a large diversity of wildlife remains.
                                       Camel (SHIP OF THE DESRT)
The driest places on Earth are
known as deserts. Food is scarce,
and there is little shelter from the
sun and wind. Deserts are among
the most inhospitable of all places
in which to live. In spite of this,
many remarkable animals survive
and even thrive in these hostile
surroundings. Birds, mammals,
insects, arachnids, amphibians, and
reptiles are all represented,
together with some equally
remarkable plants.
Isolated locations and the lack of
large predators, competitors, and
disease has allowed the evolution
of a unique range of wildlife on
many islands. Island habitats vary
greatly, from the ice and rock of
Greenland      to    the    tropical
rainforests of Borneo. Island floras
faunas are fragile ecosystems,
easily upset by foreign invaders
and freak weather conditions.
Some islands posses unique
species found nowhere else
(endemics); other remote islands       Dense vegetation cover provides
are inhabited by species from             homes for many animals.
otherwise extinct groups (relicts).
The freshwater habitats on land may
be tiny in volume compared with the
oceans, but the many lakes, ponds,
and rivers are home to a huge
variety of wildlife. Plants take root in
the soft soil and provide food and
shelter for many different animals.
These include air-breathing that
enter the water froe the
surroundings as well as truly aquatic
creatures, which spend all their time
in water. Together, they show all
manner       of      adaptations      to
underwater life, including ways of
making shelters and of copying with
fast currents or murky conditions.         Lake contains cold, clear water
                                              from mountains streams
                                          Tree line – above this level
The great mountain chains of the                                       Snow on
                                             it is too cold and
world are very beautiful but they offer                                higher slopes
                                          harsh for trees to grow
testing conditions for wildlife. The
animals that live there, such as the
alpine ibex, are either exceptionally
hardy to cope with steep and rocky
terrain or, like the Andean condor,
specially adapted to high winds and
cold nights in thin air. In temperate
and cold climates, winter is very harsh
in the mountains, bringing gale force
winds and deep snow that drive many
animals down towards shelter. By
contrast, in summer , the strong
sunshine of high altitudes gives a real
boost to life, bringing the buzz of
insects and the songs of nesting birds        Dense trees cover and
to mountain slopes.                       other vegetation on lower slopes
The ocean covers two-third of the
Earth’s surface. This vast body of
water is home to a great variety of
plants and animals. On the ocean
floor, there are underwater mountains
ranges, plains covered with clays and
mud-like oozes, deep trenches, and
submerged mountains called sea
mounts. Animals live in all these
regions and in all depths of the
ocean. Generally, food is scarce in
the deep because there is no light for
photosynthesis , which enables plant
growth. Plants are restricted to the
sunlit waters near the surface, where
they either drift in the sea or float,
anchored to the seabed. Ocean
wildlife is at its richest in the warm,
shallow waters of coral reefs.
         D A N GE R
Since life began on Earth, many species of plants and
animals have died out- mostly because of human
interference. The main threats to wildlife today are
habitat destruction, hunting and collecting, and
pollution. Many plants and animals are now protected
by law. There are some environmental organizations
which are dedicated to helping plants and animals in
danger and finding solutions to worldwide ecological
problems, for e.g.:- Greenpeace, friends of the Earth,
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), World
Wildlife Fund (WWF) etc.
Species getting extinct

    E AG LE
Species getting extinct

 Bottle -nos e d olp h ins
Species getting extinct

P olar b e ar
Species getting extinct

Two h orne d rh inoce ros
E nvironmental OR GA N I SA T I ON
Some logos of environmental organization are:-

     E                                Friends of the Earth
                                      26-28 Underwood Street
  Canonbury Villas
                                      London N1 7JQ
  London N1 2PN
E nvironmental F A C T S
It is estimated that over the next 20 years almost half a
million species of plants and animals will become extinct.
The ivory-build woodpecker used to live in forest swamps. It
is one of the world’s rarest birds and is endangered.
All species of rhinoceros are now protected by law. Many
rhinoceros were killed for their horns, which are reputed to
have medicinal qualities.
The population of the komodo dragon, the largest-living
lizard, is at a dangerously low level because of over-hunting
by collectors.
         WI LD LI F E
The large scale poaching (killing) of wild animals
residing in the forests by man is a serious threat to
the survival of many animal and bird species. This
also disturbs the food chains in which these animals
occur resulting in undesirable consequences for the
whole ecosystem. Now, to make some money,
some people kill the animals indiscriminately in
large numbers to obtain their skin, horns, teeth, etc.
This large scale killing of animals disrupts the food
chains in which snakes occur and creates an
imbalance in nature.
           WI LD LI F E
It is very important to conserve wildlife to maintain the
ecological balance in nature and to preserve the gene
pool. Some of the measures (or steps) to be taken for the
conservation of wildlife are given below :-
Laws should be made to impose a total ban on poaching
(killing) or capturing of any animal or bird belonging to an
endangered species. The poaching of an endangered
species of animals and birds should be made a
punishable offence.
Even if some type of wild animals and birds are in
abundance today, their indiscriminate killing should not be
allowed by the forest authorities.
         WI LD LI F E
The natural habitats of wild animals and birds should
be preserved by establishing National Parks and
Sanctuaries throughout the country.
The Government Department connected with the
conservation of wildlife should conduct a periodic
survey in all forests, National Parks and Sanctuaries
to have a knowledge of all species of wild animals and
birds, so that these animals can be helped in the
times of distress like floods and famines.
Special attention should be paid to the conservation of
endangered species of wild animals and birds to
prevent their extinction altogether.
           F OR SP A C E

 With 2 percent(%) of the world’s land and 16
 percent of its people, India is fast losing its wildlife
 habitat. Sanctuaries such as Nagarahole—where
 men collects gaur skulls for a study of predator
 behavior—give scant haven to Indian's embattled
 animal species. Isolation of small groups weakens
 gene pools, but plans for protected corianders
 between parks are stalled.

                Made by:-
                Ashwani Kumar

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Wild life

  • 3. W IL D L IF E A large area of land on which trees and other plants grow naturally is called a forest, and the wild animals (like lion, tiger, elephant, deer, snakes, etc.) and birds which live in forest, are called wildlife.
  • 4. IM P O R TAN C E O F WILD LIF E  It provides a great biological diversity.  Many valuable products such as silk feathers, musk, honey, etc. are obtained from wildlife  Wildlife maintain an eco logical balance in nature.
  • 5. WI LD LI F E I N Indian forests Iare the adobe of various kind of N DI A animals and birds. The most important among the animals are tigers, elephant, leopard, rhinoceros and the lions. Like its flora, India is also rich in fauna. It has more than 89,000 of animal species. The country has more than 1200 species of birds. They constitute of 13% of the world’s total. There are 2500 species of fish, which account for nearly 12% of the world’s stock. It also shares between 5 and 8 per cent of the world’s amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
  • 6. D O Y OU K N OW ? T h e G ir F o r e s t is t h e la s t r e m a in in g h a b it a t o f t h e A s ia t ic lio n .
  • 7. A FRI CA N W I L Dwealth F wildlife found No other continent matches the L I of E in Africa. Covering the full climate spectrum from intense heat to bitter cold, its varied vegetation has given rise to a wide range of animals, including mammals birds, reptiles, fish, and insects. Among them are more than 40 species of primate, ranging from tiny galagos to huge gorillas, a great variety of antelopes, gazelles, and other hoofed animals, and 70 species of carnivore. Bird life, too, is extraordinary rich; more than 1,500 species live south of the Sahara. In addition, Africa is inhabited by the world’s fastest land animal, the cheetah; the biggest bird, the ostrich; and the largest land animal, the elephant.
  • 8. A SI A N W I the frozen ArcticF the north to the Asia stretches from L D L I in E warm tropics in the south. Although much of Asia is undulating plain, it also boasts the awesome mountain range of the Himalayas. Much of the interior receives little rain, but parts of India hold the world record for annual rainfall. This continent of contrasts provides many habitats, each with its own characteristics plants and animals. Many of the world’s best known endangered species, such as giant pandas and tigers, live in Asia. But many less publicized, smaller animals and plants are also threatened by the steady spread of human populations.
  • 9. AU S TR ALIAN WILD LIF E Australia has been isolated by water for more than 30 million years, resulting in the evolution of many unique animals and plants. Half of all marsupials, such as the koala and kangaroo, live only in Australia, along with the platypus and echidna, the world’s only egg-laying mammals, or monotremes. Much of Australia is desert or scrub. The animals and plants that live here are adapted to the hot, dry conditions. There are also areas of tropical and temperate forests, which contain the greatest diversity of life in Australia.
  • 10. E U R OP E A N WI LD LI F E Europe is a landmass that contains many different habitats, ranging from the Arctic tundra, through broad leaved forests, and mountainous areas, to dry, hot regions around the Mediterranean. Only deserts and tropical forests are missing from the list. European wildlife is not as rich as it once was; human intervention in the form of agriculture and forest clearance, as well as the sheer size of the human population, has diminished the number of plants and animals. Yet in undisturbed forests and wetlands, a large diversity of wildlife remains.
  • 11. D E S E R T WILD LIF E Camel (SHIP OF THE DESRT) The driest places on Earth are known as deserts. Food is scarce, and there is little shelter from the sun and wind. Deserts are among the most inhospitable of all places in which to live. In spite of this, many remarkable animals survive and even thrive in these hostile surroundings. Birds, mammals, insects, arachnids, amphibians, and reptiles are all represented, together with some equally remarkable plants.
  • 12. IS LAN D WILD LIF E Isolated locations and the lack of large predators, competitors, and disease has allowed the evolution of a unique range of wildlife on many islands. Island habitats vary greatly, from the ice and rock of Greenland to the tropical rainforests of Borneo. Island floras faunas are fragile ecosystems, easily upset by foreign invaders and freak weather conditions. Some islands posses unique species found nowhere else (endemics); other remote islands Dense vegetation cover provides are inhabited by species from homes for many animals. otherwise extinct groups (relicts).
  • 13. LAK E AN D R IVE R WILD LIF E The freshwater habitats on land may be tiny in volume compared with the oceans, but the many lakes, ponds, and rivers are home to a huge variety of wildlife. Plants take root in the soft soil and provide food and shelter for many different animals. These include air-breathing that enter the water froe the surroundings as well as truly aquatic creatures, which spend all their time in water. Together, they show all manner of adaptations to underwater life, including ways of making shelters and of copying with fast currents or murky conditions. Lake contains cold, clear water from mountains streams
  • 14. M OU N T A I N W I L D L I F E Tree line – above this level The great mountain chains of the Snow on it is too cold and world are very beautiful but they offer higher slopes harsh for trees to grow testing conditions for wildlife. The animals that live there, such as the alpine ibex, are either exceptionally hardy to cope with steep and rocky terrain or, like the Andean condor, specially adapted to high winds and cold nights in thin air. In temperate and cold climates, winter is very harsh in the mountains, bringing gale force winds and deep snow that drive many animals down towards shelter. By contrast, in summer , the strong sunshine of high altitudes gives a real boost to life, bringing the buzz of insects and the songs of nesting birds Dense trees cover and to mountain slopes. other vegetation on lower slopes
  • 15. O C E AN WILD LIF E The ocean covers two-third of the Earth’s surface. This vast body of water is home to a great variety of plants and animals. On the ocean floor, there are underwater mountains ranges, plains covered with clays and mud-like oozes, deep trenches, and submerged mountains called sea mounts. Animals live in all these regions and in all depths of the ocean. Generally, food is scarce in the deep because there is no light for photosynthesis , which enables plant growth. Plants are restricted to the sunlit waters near the surface, where they either drift in the sea or float, anchored to the seabed. Ocean wildlife is at its richest in the warm, shallow waters of coral reefs.
  • 16. WI LD LI F E I N D A N GE R Since life began on Earth, many species of plants and animals have died out- mostly because of human interference. The main threats to wildlife today are habitat destruction, hunting and collecting, and pollution. Many plants and animals are now protected by law. There are some environmental organizations which are dedicated to helping plants and animals in danger and finding solutions to worldwide ecological problems, for e.g.:- Greenpeace, friends of the Earth, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), World Wildlife Fund (WWF) etc.
  • 18. Species getting extinct Bottle -nos e d olp h ins
  • 20. Species getting extinct Two h orne d rh inoce ros
  • 21. E nvironmental OR GA N I SA T I ON Some logos of environmental organization are:- GR E E NP E AC E Friends of the Earth Greenpeace 26-28 Underwood Street Canonbury Villas London N1 7JQ London N1 2PN www.greenpeace.org www.foei.org
  • 22. E nvironmental F A C T S It is estimated that over the next 20 years almost half a million species of plants and animals will become extinct. The ivory-build woodpecker used to live in forest swamps. It is one of the world’s rarest birds and is endangered. All species of rhinoceros are now protected by law. Many rhinoceros were killed for their horns, which are reputed to have medicinal qualities. The population of the komodo dragon, the largest-living lizard, is at a dangerously low level because of over-hunting by collectors.
  • 23. C ON SE R V A T I ON OF WI LD LI F E The large scale poaching (killing) of wild animals residing in the forests by man is a serious threat to the survival of many animal and bird species. This also disturbs the food chains in which these animals occur resulting in undesirable consequences for the whole ecosystem. Now, to make some money, some people kill the animals indiscriminately in large numbers to obtain their skin, horns, teeth, etc. This large scale killing of animals disrupts the food chains in which snakes occur and creates an imbalance in nature.
  • 24. SOM E ST E P S T O C ON SE R V E WI LD LI F E It is very important to conserve wildlife to maintain the ecological balance in nature and to preserve the gene pool. Some of the measures (or steps) to be taken for the conservation of wildlife are given below :- Laws should be made to impose a total ban on poaching (killing) or capturing of any animal or bird belonging to an endangered species. The poaching of an endangered species of animals and birds should be made a punishable offence. Even if some type of wild animals and birds are in abundance today, their indiscriminate killing should not be allowed by the forest authorities.
  • 25. SOM E ST E P S T O C ON SE R V E WI LD LI F E The natural habitats of wild animals and birds should be preserved by establishing National Parks and Sanctuaries throughout the country. The Government Department connected with the conservation of wildlife should conduct a periodic survey in all forests, National Parks and Sanctuaries to have a knowledge of all species of wild animals and birds, so that these animals can be helped in the times of distress like floods and famines. Special attention should be paid to the conservation of endangered species of wild animals and birds to prevent their extinction altogether.
  • 26. A N I M A LS A N D H U M A N S V I E F OR SP A C E With 2 percent(%) of the world’s land and 16 percent of its people, India is fast losing its wildlife habitat. Sanctuaries such as Nagarahole—where men collects gaur skulls for a study of predator behavior—give scant haven to Indian's embattled animal species. Isolation of small groups weakens gene pools, but plans for protected corianders between parks are stalled.
  • 27. THANKS FOR YOUR KIND CONSIDERATION Made by:- Ashwani Kumar