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Philip	Yankov	
Typical	Views	of	the	Internet	of	Things	
Industrial	Automa:on	 Smart	Health	
Smart	Home	 Smart	City
What	is	the	Internet	of	Things?
The	Internet	of	Things	
•  The	term	Internet	of	Things	
was	first	used	by	Kevin	Ashton	
in	1999	through	the	Auto-ID	
Center	at	MIT.	
•  Refers	to	uniquely	iden:fiable	
objects	(things)	and	their	
virtual	representa7ons	in	an	
Internet-like	structure
The	Internet	of	Things	
“Internet	of	
Machine	Era”	
	 (1)	 The	 Internet	 of	 Things,	 also	 called	 The	
Internet	of	Objects,	refers	to	a	wireless	network	
between	 objects,	 usually	 the	 network	 will	 be	
wireless	and	self-configuring,	such	as	household	
“Internet	of	
The	Internet	of	Things	
“Internet	of	
Machine	Era”	
					(2)	Internet	of	Things	refers	to	the	concept	that	
the	Internet	is	no	longer	just	a	global	network	for	
people	to	communicate	with	one	another	using	
computers,	but	it	is	also	a	plaXorm	for	devices	to	
communicate	electronically	with	the	world	around	
	 	 	--Center	for	Data	and	Innova:on	
“Internet	of	
Internet	Evolu:on
Internet	Usage	and	Popula7on	Stats
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
The	Future	of	IoT	
"The	Sky's	not	the	limit.	It's	only	the	beginning	with	IoT."
The	Poten7al	of	IoT	
GE’s	es:mates	on	poten:al	of	just	ONE	percent	savings	applied	
using	IoT	across	global	industry	sectors.
•  Society:	People,	security,	privacy	
–  A	policy	for	people	in	the	Internet	of	Things:		
–  Autonomy	and	Control	
•  Environmental	aspects	
–  Resource	efficiency		
–  Pollu:on	and	disaster	avoidance		
•  Technological		
–  Architecture	(edge	devices,	servers,	discovery	services,	security,	
privacy,	etc.)	
–  Governance,	naming,	iden:ty,	interfaces	
–  Service	openness,	interoperability	
–  Standards	
–  Connec:ons	of	real	and	virtual	world	
–  Fault	Tolerance	
–  Data	Volumes
IoT	Architecture
An	IOT	plaXorm	has	basically	three	building	blocks	
1. Things	
2. Gateway	
3. Network	and	Cloud	
IoT	Architecture	
Source:	Intel
IoT	Architecture	
Source:	Dzone
IoT	Gateway
The	heart	of	a	cloud	plaXorm	could	use	open	source	boards	like	the	Raspberry	Pi,	Beaglebone	Black,	
Intel	Galileo	etc.	These	are	usual	Linux	boards	that	run	different	flavours	of	Linux	like	Raspbian	on	the	
Raspberry	Pi,	Angstrom	on	the	Beaglebone	etc.	These	boards	interface	with	devices	on	the	one	hand	
and	the	cloud	plaXorm	on	the	other	and	connect	the	data	with	the	powerful	house	where	it	can	be	
stored	and	analyzed.	
IoT	Gateway	
Beaglebone	Back	Raspberry	Pi	 Intel	Galileo
IoT	Sensors
IoT	Network	Interfaces
The	next	interface	we	look	at	is	the	cloud	interface.	This	is	achieved	using	a	simple	WiFi	dongle	or	a	GPRS	shield.	The	WiFi	dongle	interfaces	
over	USB	and	the	GPRS	shield	uses	the	serial	interface.	Also	available	is	the	Ethernet	port	which	could	be	used	for	interface.	
Network	Interfaces	
GPRS shield
Wi-Fi dongleRaspberry Pi
Cloud	Architecture
Source:	iotechnology.com	
Cloud	Architecture
Data	Analy:cs
Data	Analy:cs
"The	Ul7mate	Goal	of	IOT	is	to	Automate	Human	Life."	
What	everyone	of	us	can	benefit?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
What	athletes	can	benefit?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
How	to	Make	it	faster/safer?
Important	ques:ons	for	Athletes?	
•  When	exactly	while	I	am	running	my	pulse	is	
•  What	percentage	of	the	distance	I	am	in	the	
top	20%	of	my	pulse?	
•  What	:me	do	I	need	to	recover?	
•  Am	I	in	correct	posture	(all	the	:me	during	the	
•  etc.
•  inves:gate	"how	(well)"	
an	ac:vity	was	performed	
by	the	wearer	
•  3	aspects	that	pertain	to	
qualita:ve	ac:vity	
–  correct	execu:on,	
–  the	automa:c	and	robust	
detec:on	of	execu:on	
mistakes,	and	
–  how	to	provide	feedback	
on	the	quality	of	execu:on	
to	the	user.	
Weight	liling	
•  exactly	according	to	the	
specifica:on	(Class	A),	
•  throwing	the	elbows	to	
the	front	(Class	B),	
•  liling	the	dumbbell	
only	halfway	(Class	C),	
•  lowering	the	dumbbell	
only	halfway	(Class	D)	
•  throwing	the	hips	to	the	
front	(Class	E)	
Weight	liling	
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Where	is	IoT?	
Thank	you!
IoT	Landscape
Efficient	Waste	Management	in	Smart	Ci:es	
Supported	by	the	Sensing-as-a-Service
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?
•  Ashton:	That	'Internet	of	Things'	Thing.	In:	RFID	Journal,	22.	Juli	2009.	
Abgerufen	am	8.	April	2011	
•  Cisco:	Over	50	billions	of	devices	connected	to	Internet	htp://blogs.cisco.com/
•  Vlad	Trifa:	HomeWeb	and	Android	at	Home	–	challenges?	htp://
•  htps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_Things	
•  Cisco	whitepaper,	"The	Internet	of	Things"	-	How	the	Next	Evolu:on	of	the	
Internet	Is	Changing	Everything,	by	Dave	Evans,	April	2011.	
•  GE	cloud	expo	2014,	"Industrial	Internet	as	a	Service",	by	Shyam	Varan	Nath,	
Principal	Architect.	
•  Huffington	Post	-	htp://www.huffingtonpost.com/vala-afshar/the-internet-of-
•  htps://github.com/openmhealth/shimmer	
•  htp://groupware.les.inf.puc-rio.br/har	

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Will Internet of Things change the world or it is yet another buzzword?