The document provides guidance on dynamic and static stretching exercises and routines to be performed before and after training sessions. It also outlines sample 30-minute training sessions focusing on running drills, yoga poses, and weight training exercises targeting the chest, legs, back, hamstrings and core. Additionally, it lists various endurance and anaerobic training activities incorporating runs, sprints and agility drills.
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wku rugby, 2014-2015
1. Explained:
Dynamic Stretching-Should be conducted before agility and speed training,
endurance and anaerobic training and games (on Wednesdays). Have players jog*
about 400 yards at a low intensity before dynamic stretching. Each stretch should
last about 20 meters or have two separate 10-meter intervals.
Stiff leg- Have the players stick their arms and hands out at 180 degrees with their
palms facing down. Instruct them to raise their legs up, separately, and try to touch
their palm with the tip of their toe. The knee should not bend.
High knees-Have the player’s raise their knees up and try to touch their chest.
Movement should be fast and quick. Hands should be pointed and moving.
Butt kickers-Have the players lift their heels up, one at a time, and try to touch their
gluts with their heel. Hands should be pointed and moving.
Lunges-Have the players preform a normal lunge, but have them hold the lunge for
a split second once their knee has touched the ground. This should be preformed
slowly and the hands should be moving. Instruct the players that they should feel a
stretch in the hamstrings and gluts. The lunge may have to be preformed with a
slightly larger ‘step’ to feel the stretch.
Karaoke-Have the players turn 180 degrees and face one another’s backs. Instruct
them to move side-ways for 10 meters crossing one foot over the other and twisting
the obliques while the hands are raised and pointed. Once they have arrived at the
10 meter mark they should continue back with the opposite foot leading. Repeat this
Back pedal-Have the players back pedal 20 meters. Hands should be pointed and
should be moving. Make sure they are backpedaling on their toes.
Sprints-Finally, finish the stretching session with 2-4, 10 meter sprints to get the
blood moving through the muscles. Focus on the ‘takeoff’ of the sprint.
Static Stretching- Should be conducted after every gym session, after every session
before lunch, after games and after any event that is scheduled last for the day. Make
sure the muscles are warm before performing a static stretch session. Each stretch
should be performed on each side of the body and last about 15 seconds.
2. Stretches-
Chest stretch-Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees
slightly bent. Hold your arms out to the side parallel with the ground and the palms
of the hand facing forward. Stretch the arms back as far as possible. You should feel
a stretch across your chest.
Biceps stretch-Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder –width apart, knees
slightly bent. Hold your arms out to the side parallel with the ground and the palms
of the hand facing forward. Rotate the hands so the palms face to the rear. Stretch
the arms back as far as possible.
Shoulder stretch-Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees
slightly bent. Place your right arm, parallel with the ground across the front of your
chest. Bend the left arm up and use the left forearm to ease the right arm closer to
your chest. Repeat with the other arm.
Shoulder and triceps stretch-Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width
apart, knees slightly bent. Place both hands above your head and then slide both of
your hands down the middle of your spine.
Hamstring stretch- Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you,
bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg.
Allow the left leg to lie relaxed on the ground. Bend forward keeping the back
straight. Repeat with the other leg.
Calf stretch-Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder
height against the wall. Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it
straight and press the heel firmly in the floor. Keep your hips facing the wall and the
rear leg and spine in a straight line. Repeat with the other leg.
Hip and thigh stretch-Stand tall with your feet approximately two-shoulder widths
apart. Turn the feet and face to the right. Bend the right leg so that the right thigh is
parallel with the ground and the right lower leg is vertical. Gradually lower the
body. Keep your back straight and use the arms to balance. You will feel the stretch
along the front of the left thigh and along the hamstrings of the right leg. Repeat by
turning and facing to the left.
Adductor stretch-Stand tall with your feet approximately two-shoulder widths
apart. Bend the right leg and lower the body. Keep your back straight and use the
arms to balance. Repeat with left leg.
Groin stretch-Sit with tall posture. Ease both of your feet up towards your body and
place the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to come up and out to the
side. Resting your hands on your lower legs or ankles and ease both knees towards
the ground. Should stretch the inside of thighs and groin.
3. Iliotibial band stretch-Sitting tall with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend
the right knee and place the right foot on the ground to the left side of the left knee.
Turn your shoulders so that you are facing to the right. Using your left arm against
your right knee to help ease your further round. Use your right arm on the floor for
support. Repeat on opposite side.
Quadriceps stretch- Lie face down on the floor, resting your forehead on your right
hand. Press your hips firmly into the floor and bring your left foot up towards your
buttocks. Take hold of the left ankle with the left hand and ease the foot closer to
your buttocks. Repeat with right leg.
30-Minute Sessions
Morning run/ Indian run with rugby ball- Have players line-up in a single file
line. The first player in the line should have the rugby ball. Have the players begin
running at a low-moderate intensity (able to speak slightly while running) and have
the first player begin to pitch the ball to the player behind him. This should continue
until the last player in line has the ball. Once he/she has the ball they boot it past the
line and sprint after it. They retrieve the ball, follow back into line at the first place
position and set the pace for the rest of the group. This continues for 30 minutes.
Long distance run- Have players run at a moderate intensity for 30 minutes. They
should gradually progress. So they should begin at a low intensity.
3 mile run (less than 20 minutes?)- Have the players begin running on a 400-yard
track. Time them to make the session more competitive. Tell the players to shoot for
3 miles (12 laps) in less than 20 minutes. Make sure they cool down properly by
walking a lap after they are finished. Record all of the player’s times for future
reverence and comparison at the end of the 10 weeks.
Stationed run- Have the players set up on a 400-yard track. Stations should be
established for every 100 yards. The first 100 yards should be high knee skipping
(jump with one leg and extend the other leg’s knee into the air. The opposite hand
should reach up in to the air as if they are trying to grab something. Emphasize high
knees!). The second 100 yards should be backpedaling on the toes (quick and fast,
moving hands). The third 100 yards should be a very light jog. The forth 100 yards
should be high knees (make sure they are pointing and moving the hands). Continue
until 30 minutes has expired.
4. Yoga-players will simply be introduced to yoga and be asked to complete some
pretty simple poses. Make sure to get a good warm up before a yoga session so that
the muscles are warm and more elastic (dynamic stretching and small jog).
Mountain pose-Simply stand, feet hip-width apart, weight spread evenly, with your
arms at your sides. Then breathe slowly and deeply at even pace, keeping your neck
aligned with the rest of your spine. You can move your hands and arms as you focus.
You’re basically reaching up for the sky.
Downward facing dog-Get on all fours with hands and knees shoulder-and-hips-
width apart. Walk your hands forward and spread your fingers wide for stability.
Curl your toes under and carefully press your hips upward so your body looks like
an inverted V with your knees slightly bent. You can get a better stretch by keeping
your heels on the ground.
Warrior pose-Stand with your legs three to four feet apart. Turn out your right foot
90 degrees and your left foot in slightly. Keeping your shoulders down, extend your
arms to the sides with your palms down. Lunge into your right knee 90 degrees;
keep your knee over your foot and don’t let it go past your toes. Aim your focus over
your hand for as long as you like then switch sides.
Tree pose-Take mountain pose, then shift your weight onto your left leg. Keeping
your hips facing forward, place the sole of your right foot inside your left thigh and
find your balance. When you’re there, take prayer position with your hands. Be sure
to switch sides.
Bridge pose-Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides. With your knees bent,
press your feet into the floor as you lift your hips. Then clasp your hands under your
lower back and press your arms down for support. Lift your hips until they are
parallel to the floor as you bring your chest to your chin.
Triangle pose-Take warrior pose on your right side without lunging into your knee.
Then touch the inside of your right foot with the outside of your right hand. Reach
up to the ceiling with your left hand. Turn your gaze toward and past your left hand
to stretch your back. Repeat on other side.
Seated twist- Sit on the floor and extend your legs. Cross your right foot over the
outside of your left thigh. Bend your left knee keeping your right knee pointed
toward ceiling. Keep your right hand on the floor behind you to stay stable and place
your left elbow to the outside of your right knee. Twist to the right as far as you can,
moving from your abdomen. Make sure to keep both sides of your butt on the floor.
Do on both sides.
Upward facing dog-Lie facedown on the floor with your thumbs under your
shoulders, legs extended with the tops of your feet on the floor. Tuck your hips
5. downward as you squeeze your gluts. Keeping your shoulders down, push up and
lift your chest off the ground. Relax and repeat.
Pigeon pose-Start in a push-up position, your palms under your shoulders. Place
your left knee on the floor near your shoulders with your left heel by your right hip.
Press your hands to the floor and sit back with your chest lifted. Repeat on opposite
Child’s pose-Sit upright comfortably on your heels. Roll your torso forward and
bring your forehead to rest on the ground in front of you. Extending your arms
forward, lower your chest to your knees as close as you comfortably can. Hold the
pose and breathe into your torso. Exhale to greaten your fold.
Weight Training
Weight training-The players should be in the weight room 3 times a week. They
should be focusing on chest, legs and back and hamstrings (deadlifts). Lifting
sessions should change every other week. So the lifts should look something like
this; week 1-workout 1, week 2-workout 2, week 3-workout 1, week 4-workout 2,
etc. Make sure players partner with someone their own size and strength (2 to a
group). Workouts subject to change. One possibility is to switch sets and reps or
percentage of 1 RM between the two workouts.
Chest and core (workout 1, 50-60% of 1RM)-
Bench press-5 sets of 10 reps
Incline dumbbell press-3 sets of 10 reps
Sitting, overhead triceps extensions-3 sets of 10 reps
Dumbbell flys-3 sets of 10 reps
Sit-ups-4 sets of drop sets
Planks-4 sets at 60 seconds
Dips (full motion)- 3 sets of 10 reps
Power cleans-3 sets of 5 reps
Chest and core (workout 2, 70-85% of 1RM)-
Close grip bench press-3 sets of 5 reps
Incline barbell press-5 sets of 5 reps
Floor presses- 3 sets of 5 reps
Skull crushers-5 sets of 5
Jack hammers- 5 sets of drop sets
Mountain climbers-5 sets of drop sets
Power cleans-3 sets of 5 reps
6. Legs and core (workout 1, 50-60% of 1 RM)-
Back Squats-5 sets of 10-15 reps
Dumbbell Lunges- 5 sets of 14 steps
Hang cleans-5 sets of 10 reps
Deadlifts-3 sets of 10 reps
Bicycle crunches-5 sets of drop sets
Planks-5 sets of 60 seconds
Plyometric squats (bodyweight)-3 sets of drop sets
Legs and core (workout 2, 70-85% of 1 RM)-
Front squats-5 sets of 5 reps
Barbell lunges-3 sets of 10 steps
Hang cleans-5 sets of 5 reps
Straight leg deadlifts-3 sets of 5 reps
Bicycle crunches-5 sets of drop sets
Planks-5 sets of 60 seconds
Dumbbell step-ups-5 sets of 14 steps
Back, Hamstrings and core (workout 1, 50-60% of 1 RM)-
Barbell Rows-5 sets of 10 reps
Deadlifts-5 sets of 10 reps
Pull-ups (wide grip)-5 sets of drop sets
Good mornings-3 sets of 10 reps
Gluts and hams-5 sets of drop sets
Military press-5 sets of 10 reps
Mountain climbers-3 sets of 50 (25 each leg)
Planks-6 sets of 30 seconds
Back, Hamstrings and core (workout 2, 70-85% of 1 RM)-
Dumbbell rows-5 sets of 5 reps
Sumo deadlifts-5 sets of 5 reps
Pull-ups (wide grip)-5 sets of drop sets
Gluts and hams-5 sets of drop sets
Military press-3 sets of 5 reps
Bicycle crunches-5 sets of drop sets
Sit-ups-5 sets of drop sets
7. Endurance (Aerobic) and AnaerobicTraining activities
Endurance and anaerobic training activities-The players will be involved in drills
that include endurance activities, anaerobic activities, or both.
4 minute runs-Have the players run at a moderate intensity for 4 minutes. The
work to rest ratio here is 1:1, so a 4-minute run and a 4-minute rest. Repeat 4 times.
8 minute runs-Have the players run for 8 minutes at a moderate intensity. The
work to rest ratio is 1:1, so players should run for 8 minutes and rest for 8 minutes.
Repeat twice.
3 minute runs-Have the players run at a moderate to high intensity for 3 minutes.
Work to rest ratio is 1:1, so have players run for 3 minutes and rest for 3 minutes.
Repeat 5 times.
30 second sprints-Have the players sprint for 30 seconds. The work to rest ratio is
1:5, so have the players run 30 seconds and rest 150 seconds. Should be very high
intensity. Repeat 10 times.
60 or 90 second sprints-Depending on where the players are at physically, have
them sprint 60 or 90 seconds. The work to rest ratio is 1:5, so have players run 60
or 90 seconds and rest 300 seconds or 450 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
Jog to sprint-Stand on the 25-meter mark. Instruct the players to lightly jog toward
you and once they have reached your mark instruct them to immediately start
sprinting to the 50-meter mark. Repeat 10 times.
Suicides-Set cones up on the 10, 20, 30 and 40 meter mark. Instruct players to
sprint to the first cone, then back to the tri line, then to the 20 meter cone and back,
etc. until they have touched all 4 cones and arrive back at the tri line. Repeat 5 times.
Posts-Have players sprint at a very high intensity from post to post. Should be
competitive and toward the end of practice. Rest should be as long as it takes for the
players to arrive back at the original post (so time them from when they begin and
when the last player arrives at the original post). A work to rest ratio of 1:1. Repeat
3 times.
Half posts-Have the players sprint at a very high intensity from one post to the
other. Time them on when they begin and when the last player finishes. This will be
their rest time at a 1:1 ratio. Repeat 6 times.
8. Gassers (American football)-Have the players run the field horizontally from
sideline to sideline. Have them touch the line and run back. Rest periods should be 1
minute. Repeat 5-10 times depending on how exhausted players are.
10 meter sprints-Set up cones all the way down the pitch on each 10-meter mark.
Have the players sprint the first 10 and walk the second ten and continue this down
the field (sprint, walk, sprint, walk, etc.). Have them run the entire field 6 times total.
American rugby ‘captain’ drill-A drill we always ran at Western Kentucky
University. Have the players pair-up with someone their own speed. Set up 2
tackling bags 5 meters apart from each other and 10 meters away from the players.
Have the players lie on their bellies and wait to be called upon. Instruct the players
that they are competing against their partner. They should get up, sprint, tackle the
bag closest to them and sprint to the 50-meter mark. The first one to arrive wins. Do
this once for team or group moral. Great to see if a rookie can beat the captain!
Head to head tackle drill-Have the players split into two groups and match up with
someone their own size and strength. Set up a box with cones, the cones being 10
meters apart, horizontally and vertically. Have the pairs start in the middle of the
two horizontal cones and run in opposite directions, run around the corner cone, up
the line vertically and around the second corner cone, meeting the partner in the
middle. The idea is to see who can tackle whom. Mix it up and give one player the
ball and tell him/her to run past the partner when they meet.
Interval 1 (to be conducted one after the other)-
30 second high intensity sprint, 30 second walk, repeat 3 times
10 second high intensity sprint, 30 second walk, repeat 6 times
30 second high intensity sprint, 30 second walk, repeat 3 times
2 minute run, 2 minute walk, repeat twice
Focusing On Time Trials-
Time trials-Focus on having the players compete against one another. Take the pre
and post time trials of all the players, so times can be compared at the beginning of
the 10 weeks and when the 10 weeks conclude. This is done to evaluate progress,
and for physical conditioning.
40 yard dash-Set up 2 cones, 40 yards apart from one another and time how fast it
takes the player to run from one cone to the other.
400 yard sprint-Have the players, individually, run as fast as they can around a
track for one lap (400 yards).
800 yard sprint-Have the players, individually, run as fast as they can around a
track for two laps (800 yards).
9. 1 mile run-Have the players run a mile, preferably together for times sake, and
record their times.
100 meter dash-Have the players sprint the length of the rugby pitch as fast as
possible and record their times.
60 meter dash-Have the players sprint the width of the rugby pitch as fast as
possible and record their times.
Agility and Speed Drills
Agility and speed drills-Designed to prevent injury and to make the players faster.
Focus more on quickness and form, rather than intensity. Things in the anaerobic
category can tie in to speed and agility training; so don’t leave those options out of
the equation (i.e. sprints).
The snake-Set up a series of 6-8 cones in a straight line about 1 meter apart. Weave
through the cones, turn and weave back through back to the start. Repeat 10 times.
Follow the leader-Have the players get in groups of two, with someone their own
speed. Make sure there is a large area for this drill.*Have one partner jog, run and
sprint randomly over the large area or pitch. The partner must try to shadow them
as closely as possible. Continue for 10 minutes. Switch the leader after 5 minutes.
Ladder dills*-Important things to remember and coach: push off from the balls of
your feet and not the toes, pump your hands from shoulder height to hips, keep your
elbows at 90 degrees at all times, keep your arms, shoulders and hands relaxed, try
to keep your head still as possible.
Hopscotch drill-
Start with your feet hip width apart at the bottom of the ladder
Jump up with both feet and land on the left foot only in the first square
Imminently push off with your left foot and land with both feet in the second
Immediately push off with both feet and land on your right foot only
Push off from your right foot and land on both feet
Repeat for the full length of the ladder
Repeat 5 times
10. In-out drill-
Start with your feet hip width apart at the bottom of the ladder
Step into the first square with your left foot first, immediately followed by
the right foot
With your left foot step outside to the left of the second square, then
immediately step outside the second square with your right foot
Step back into the third square with your left foot first, followed by your right
Repeat until the entire length of the ladder is filled
Repeat 5 times
Lateral feet drill-
Start with both feet outside of the first square and to the left
Step into the first square with your left foot first, immediately followed by
your right foot…in a 1-2 motion
Step to the right, outside the first square again with your left foot first,
followed by your right
Now step diagonally left into the second square, with the left foot leading
always keeping the same 1-2 motion
Now step out to the left-hand side of the second square and repeat for the full
length of the ladder
Start at different sides of the ladder to change the lead foot
Repeat 6 times, 3 times on each side of the ladder
Tango drill-
Start with both feet outside of the first square and to the left
Cross your left leg over your right and into the center of the first square. Your
right leg should immediately follow to the right of the first square, followed
by your left leg
It’s a 1-2-3 motion like you’re dancing
From here your right foot comes across your left and into the center of the
second square as the pattern is repeated in the opposite direction
Repeat for the full length of the ladder
Repeat 5 times
Side-ways quick shuffle-
Start with your feet pointing away from the ladder at a 90 degrees angle
Step your right foot into the first square, immediately followed by your left
foot and continue this down the ladder
When you hit the end of the ladder come right back down the ladder facing
the same way
Repeat 5 times
20. Hip and thigh stretch
Adductor stretch
Groin stretch
21. Iliotibial band stretch
Quadriceps stretch
Pre-testing-The first week of the camp have the players go through pre-testing.
This would include asking them about their current diet, conducting a 1RM test and
getting their times for the time trials I listed earlier. Make sure to also take the
players through the motions the first go around. So, the first week show the players
the lifts in the weight room and how they are performed. This should go on even
through week 10, making sure they are lifting the weight properly with correct
form. This would also include showing the players how to conduct certain drills,
sprints or activities that are outlined in this document.
Anything and everything should be explained and shown the first week, and as
needed following the first week.
1RM test (Bench press and Squats, etc.)-
Light warm-up, 5-10 reps of 40-60% of perceived 1-RM
1 minute rest and light stretching
3-5 reps of 60-80% of perceived 1-RM
Add weight (5-10lbs) and attempt 1-RM
If successful, rest 3-5 minutes, attempt with more weight
Repeat until 1-RM is recorded as last successful lift
Note: 1-RM should be determined within 3-5 maximal efforts
Post-testing-Should be conducted the same as pre-testing, but solely to compare
results. Should see 1 RM improve and time trial times decrease. Wait 48 hours after
last lifting session before preforming 1 RM tests.