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World Mental Health Day, October 10 2013
World Federation for Mental Health
World Mental Health Day
October 10 2013
1. Mental health of older adults, addressing a growing concern
2. A day to reflect on the mental health and wellbeing of older people around the world
3. More about dementia and older adults
4. A guide to mental wellness in older age: Depression and older adults
5. The role of social interventions and rehabilitation in the care of older adults
6. Managing complexity and multimorbidity in older adults: Time to act
7. Healthy ageing: Keeping mentally fit as you age
8. Mental health services for the elderly in Thailand
9. Person centered care for older adults - the “culture change” movement
10. Grief and older adults
11. Caring for the Alzheimer’s disease patient
12. Collaborating with families in the case of elderly patients
13. Fact sheet: Taking care of you: Self-care for family caregivers
14. Caregivers of older adults: Challenges and support
Mental Health of Older Adults, Addressing
M.T. Yasamy, T. Dua, M. Harper, S. Saxena
World Health Organization, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
The world population has never been as mature as
now. Currently, the number of people aged 60 and
over is more than 800 million. Projections indicate
that this figure will increase to over two billion in
2050. People aged 60 can now expect to survive an
additional 18.5 to 21.6 years (1). Soon the world
will have a higher number of older adults than
children. Contrary to common sense perceptions,
the majority of older people live in low- and middle-
income countries, and some of the fastest rates of
ageing are occurring in these areas (2, 3).
The United Nations uses the benchmark of 60 years
of age or above to refer to older people (UNFPA,
2012). However, in many high-income countries,
the age of 65 is used as a reference point for older
persons as this is often the age at which persons
become eligible for old-age social security benefits
(1, 2). This higher age category is less appropriate
to the situation in developing countries including
Africa where life expectancy is often lower than that
in high-income countries (4).
Older adults face special health challenges. Many of
the very old lose their ability to live independently
because of limited mobility, frailty or other physical
or mental health problems and require some form
of long-term care. Early on, in the beginning of the
millennium, it became clear in the USA that about
20% of adults aged 55 and over suffer from a mental
disorder (5). Subsequently, global statistics showed
this to be an almost universal problem (6). Mental
health problems of older adults are under-identified
by health care professionals and older people them-
selves, and older people are often reluctant to seek
Underlying factors of mental health problems in
older adults
A multitude of social, demographic, psychological,
and biological factors contribute to a person’s men-
tal health status. Almost all these factors are particu-
larly pertinent amongst older adults.
Factors such as poverty, social isolation, loss of in-
dependence, loneliness and losses of different kinds,
can affect mental health and general health. Older
adults are more likely to experience events such as
bereavements or physical disability that affect emo-
tional well-being and can result in poorer mental
health. They may also be exposed to maltreatment
at home and in care institutions (7). On the other
hand, social support and family interactions can
boost the dignity of older adults, and are likely to
have a protective role in the mental health outcomes
of this population.
There are more older women worldwide than older
men. This difference increases with advancing age
and has been called “feminization of ageing”. Older
men and women have different health and morbidity
patterns and women generally have lower income
but better family support networks (1). On the other
hand both depression and Alzheimer’s disease are
more prevalent among women (8).
Intergenerational solidarity is declining, especially
in high-income countries. In some low- and middle-
income countries a grandparent is increasingly
more likely to be living with a grandchild. These so
called “Skipped Generation” living arrangements
are becoming more common because of economic
migration, and in some societies as a consequence of
HIV/AIDS related deaths. The impact of this on the
perceived social stress amongst older people needs
further research (1).
The drastic demographic change brings about new
challenges but also potential opportunities. The
socioeconomic impacts, paired with health con-
sequences, are new concerns for the world. This
creates a paradoxical situation. Changes in the social
role of the elderly have an impact on their wellbe-
ing. In a considerable proportion of countries, older
adults are now in better health as compared with
the past. Older adults are increasingly “expected”
to be more productive and are even being asked to
contribute more to their family and/or community.
Conventional attitudes toward the elderly have typi-
cally been considerate of their dignity, with a few
exceptions in some cultures. However, the current
expected role of an elderly person seems to have
changed from the role of “sage advisor” as it used
to be in most parts of the world. Retirement age is
increasing in many high-income countries. Older
people are expected and are able to make important
contributions to society as family members, vol-
unteers and as active participants in the workforce,
provided they stay fit enough for carrying out such
roles. Nevertheless, improving productivity and ask-
ing older adults to provide support to communities
and families must be complemented by additional
support to them from society.
An important risk factor to the health and mental
health of older adults, and an important human
rights issue, is elder maltreatment. WHO defines
elder maltreatment as “a single or repeated act, or
lack of appropriate action, occurring within any re-
lationship where there is an expectation of trust that
causes harm or distress to an older person”. This
type of abuse includes; physical, sexual, psychologi-
cal, emotional, financial and material abuse; aban-
donment; neglect; and serious loss of dignity and
self-respect. In high-income countries where data
exists, around 4-6% of older persons have experi-
enced some form of maltreatment at home. The fre-
quency should be even higher, as many older adults
are too scared or are unable to report maltreatment.
Though data on the extent of the problem in institu-
tions including hospitals, nursing homes and other
long-term care facilities are scarce, it so far indicates
much higher rates as compared with maltreatment
at home. Elder maltreatment can lead not only to
physical injuries but also to serious, sometimes
long-lasting psychological consequences, including
depression and anxiety (9).
Promotion of mental health within a healthy age-
ing framework
Mental health of older adults can be improved
through promoting active and healthy ageing. To
promote healthy ageing, the socio-economic deter-
minants and inequalities in health need to be dealt
with and additional gender and minority dispari-
ties need to be tackled. Stereotypes against active
ageing are called “ageism” and need to be reversed.
Ageist attitudes consider older adults as frail, “past
their sell-by date”, unable to work, physically weak,
mentally slow, disabled or helpless. Ageism serves
as a social divider between young and old and
prevents participation in society. Age discrimina-
tion has a negative impact on the wellbeing of the
elderly (10). Ageing is a gradual process and there is
much we can do to promote good mental health and
well-being in later life. Participation in meaningful
activities, strong personal relationships and good
physical health are key factors. Poverty is a risk fac-
tor for the mental ill-health of older adults and needs
to be taken into consideration (11). Addressing elder
maltreatment is a critically important approach for
the promotion of mental health among the elderly.
Primary health and community care and social ser-
vice sectors need to be sensitized and supported to
deal with elderly abuse. Deinstitutionalization and
close monitoring of the remaining institutions are
important additional strategies towards better ser-
vice provision for the ageing population.
Promoting healthy life styles among the general
population, starting from an earlier age with strate-
gies such as increasing physical and mental activity,
avoiding smoking, preventing harmful use of alco-
hol and providing early identification and treatment
of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) can contrib-
ute to better mental health among older adults.
Involving civil society, non-governmental and non-
profit organizations, and public-private partnerships
could facilitate the implementation of health promo-
tion strategies for older adults.
Physical health problems in older adults
Even in resource-poor countries, more older people
die of NCDs such as heart disease, cancer and dia-
betes than from infectious and parasitic diseases. In
addition, older people often have several concurrent
health problems (8). Risk factors for degenerative
brain disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes
and high cholesterol levels are increasing among
older adults (12).
Mental health has a big impact on physical health.
For example, coexisting depression in people with
diabetes is associated with decreased adherence
to treatment, poor metabolic control, higher com-
plication rates, decreased quality of life, increased
healthcare use and cost, increased disability and
lost productivity, and increased risk of death (13).
Conversely, people with medical conditions such
as heart disease, diabetes, asthma and arthritis have
higher rates of depression than those who are medi-
cally well (14).
Mental disorders in older adults
Dementia is a syndrome involving deterioration
in memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to
perform everyday activities such as dressing, eating,
personal hygiene and toilet activities (15). It gener-
ally affects older people, although it is not a normal
part of ageing. A report by WHO and the Alzheimer
Disease Association International (ADI) in 2012
suggests a crude estimated prevalence of 4.7%
among people 60 years and over. This indicates
that 35.6 million people are living with dementia
(12). The total number of people with dementia is
projected to almost double every 20 years. That is,
to 65.7 million by 2030 and up to 115.4 million by
2050 (12). Much of this increase is attributable to
the rising numbers of people with dementia living in
low- and middle-income countries ( Figure 1). There
are significant social and economic implications in
terms of direct medical costs, direct social costs and
the costs of informal care. The total cost as a pro-
portion of GDP varied from 0.24% in low-income
countries to 1.24% in high-income countries (12).
Figure 1: Increase in numbers of people with dementia, by income group of countries
Though no cure is available, much can be done for
people with dementia and their caregivers. A range
of pharmacological and several non-pharmacologi-
cal interventions are available and can be delivered
by even non-specialized health providers (15 & 16).
Depression is common in old age. According to the
Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
2010 data, the Disability Adjusted Life Years
(DALYs) for depression (major depressive disorder
plus dysthymia) over 60 is 9.17 million years or
1.6% of total DALYs in this age group (17).
Symptoms of older adults’ depression differ only in
part from early life depression. They may however
have more somatic presentation (18). This, together
with high comorbidity with other physical condi-
tions, can create a challenge for diagnosis. Once
trained properly, non-specialized health care provid-
ers can identify and treat depression among older
adults. Effective psychological and pharmacological
treatments exist; however, great care needs to be
taken when prescribing antidepressants to this age
group. Health care providers should prescribe re-
duced initial doses of antidepressants and finish with
lower final doses (15, 19 & 20). If severe, depres-
sion may lead to suicide. Comorbidity with alcohol
use disorders increases the likelihood (21).
Other mental disorders
Though substance abuse problems are thought of as
young people’s problems, they should not be ne-
glected in older adults. Substance abuse problems
among the elderly are often overlooked or misdiag-
nosed. In Europe, the number of older adults with
such problems will double from 2001 to 2020 (22).
According to IHME 2010 data, the absolute DALYs
for alcohol disorders for people over 60 is about 1.5
million years. This constitutes about 0.3% of total
DALYs for this age group (17). The corresponding
figures for other substance use disorders are 338.000
years and 0.1%. Availability of maintenance treat-
ments and better health care have contributed to an
increased number of older adults who survive early
onset drug use. Stressful life events such as retire-
ment, marital breakdown or bereavement, social
isolation, financial problems, mental disorders and
some chronic physical conditions are main con-
tributing factors to substance abuse. Physiological
changes associated with ageing and increased use
of other medicines, especially sedatives, may make
drinking in lower doses more harmful for older
adults through inducing more liver damage and
causing more accidents and injuries (22).
Prescribing for older adults is common. Some pre-
scribed medicines such as benzodiazepines and opi-
oids have a potential for abuse or dependence and
this may occur within or outside a medical context.
Treatment of substance use disorders in older adults
is at least as effective as in younger adults. Treat-
ment of health conditions due to substance use,
especially management of withdrawal states or
substance-induced psychoses, should be delivered in
a supportive and, if necessary, medical environment,
with proper consideration given to interactions
between psychoactive substances and prescribed
medicines as well as to other health complications.
Mental disorders are more common among people
with intellectual disabilities (ID). Also the number
of people with intellectual disabilities who reach a
sufficiently advanced age to develop dementia is in-
creasing. The already challenged level of cognitive
functioning is more vulnerable to dementia. Many
high-income countries have strengthened their re-
search activities and services for this group of older
adults. Overall, this is a new area of work and so far
the preference is for involving primary and commu-
nity care and to prevent institutionalization (23).
Mental health of the caregivers
Older adults with dementia and depression com-
monly receive support from spouses, other fam-
ily members or friends. Caregivers commonly go
through high levels of burden, stress, and depression
(24). Providing psychosocial care to them should
be included in the intervention packages for mental
disorders of older adults. Psychoeducational inter-
ventions such as training for caregivers that involves
their active participation (e.g. role playing of behav-
ioural problem management) are effective interven-
tions for caregivers of people with dementia. Carer
psychological strain needs to be addressed with
support, counselling, and/or cognitive behavioural
interventions. Depression is common among care-
givers and should be managed properly (15).
WHO’s response to the need
WHO’s programmes for active and healthy ageing
have provided a global framework for action at the
country level (25). WHO recognizes dementia as
a public health priority and supports governments
in strengthening and promoting mental health in
older adults, particularly in low- and middle-income
countries. WHO’s flagship programme, the mental
health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) included
dementia as one of its main priority conditions. The
mhGAP-IG (intervention guide) includes evidence-
based interventions to be delivered by non-special-
ized health providers in low-income settings for all
priority conditions including dementia, depression,
and alcohol and substance abuse (15).
The WHO/Alzheimer’s Disease International report
Dementia: a public health priority, published in
2012, aims to provide information and raise aware-
ness about dementia. It also aims to strengthen pub-
lic and private efforts to improve care and support
for people with dementia and for their caregivers
The latest World Health Assembly of 24 May 2013
considered older people to be a vulnerable group
with a high risk of experiencing mental health prob-
lems in its report “Comprehensive mental health
action plan 2013–2020”. Among its requests to the
Director General of WHO, the Assembly included
long-term care for older people (27).
The number of older adults is growing fast all over
the world. The socioeconomic impact of such demo-
graphic changes is adding to overall mental health
WHO is supporting governments to narrow down
the service gap for mental health, particularly in
resource-poor settings.
Though we still need more research on the biologi-
cal, psychological and social aspects of older adults’
mental health, we already know enough to make a
We must improve general wellbeing through a life
course approach and by promoting healthy life
styles. We need to identify and treat mental disor-
ders among this age group as early as possible. It is
important to improve the social capital and involve
communities and families in supporting the older
adults. We need to support and engage non-profit
organizations, NGOs and the peer groups of older
adults. We should also establish public-private part-
nerships to fill the service gap.
Awareness on what has proved to be effective so far
is extremely important. We need to fight against the
maltreatment of older adults and abandon “ageist”
attitudes by inviting the full participation of older
adults into everyday life.
Many older adults still follow a life style that ag-
gravates a lack of mental wellbeing. They need to be
encouraged and educated do more physical exercise,
keep socially connected, keep their brains active,
reduce their weight, stop smoking or the harmful
use of alcohol, and control their blood pressure,
blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Most of these are
plausible interventions for a good proportion of the
older adults in the world.
15.	 WHO, mhGAP-IG http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publica-
tions/2010/9789241548069_eng.pdf WHO, 2010. Accessed 25.05.2013
16.	 Seitz DP, Brisbin S, Herrmann N, Rapoport MJ, Wilson K, Gill
SS, et al. Efficacy and feasibility of nonpharmacological interventions for
neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in long term care: a systematic review.
J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2012 Jul;13(6):503–506.
17.	 IHME. Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010) Data
Downloads http://ghdx.healthmetricsandevaluation.org/global-burden-disease-
study-2010-gbd-2010-data-downloads Accessed 20 June 2013
18.	 Hegeman JM, Kok RM, Mast RC van der, Giltay EJ. Phenomenol-
ogy of depression in older compared with younger adults: meta-analysis. BJP.
2012 Apr 1;200(4):275–81.
19.	 WHO, Pharmacological treatment of mental disorders in primary
health care. WHO, Geneva, 2009.1.
20.	 WHO. Evidence-based recommendations for management of
depression in non-specialized health settings. 2010. http://www.who.int/men-
tal_health/mhgap/evidence/depression/en/index.html Accessed 1 June 2013.
21.	 Blow FC, Brockmann LM, Barry KL. Role of alcohol in late-life
suicide. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 2004 May;28(5 Suppl):48S–56S.
22.	 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
(EMCDDA). Substance use among older adults: a neglected problem. EMCD-
DA, Lisbon, April 2008. Available at http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/html.cfm/
index50563EN.html accessed 27.05.2013
23.	 Report of the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities
and Dementia Practice. My Thinker’s Not Working. A National Strategy for
Enabling Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia to Remain
in Their Community and Receive Quality Supports. 2012. http://www.rrtcadd.
org/resources/NTG-Thinker-Report.pdf Accessed 20 June 2013.
24.	 Van Vliet D, de Vugt ME, Bakker C, Koopmans RTCM, Verhey
FRJ. Impact of early onset dementia on caregivers: a review. Int J Geriatr
Psychiatry. 2010. Nov;25(11):1091–100.
25.	 WHO. Care and independence in older age. 2013. http://www.who.
int/ageing/en/ Accessed 1 July 2013
26.	 WHO, Dementia, a public health priority. WHO/Alzheimer’s
Disease International, Geneva, 2012. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstre
am/10665/75263/1/9789241564458_eng.pdf Accessed 25.05.2013
27.	 WHA, Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2020.
We appreciate the comments provided by V.
Poznyak, M.VanOmmeren and D.Chisholm. Armin
Von Gunten and Deepti Kukreja from the WHO
Collaboration Centre of Service Universitaire de
Psychiatrie de l’Age Avancé (SUPAA), Lausanne
contributed to an earlier draft of a relevant WHO
1.	 UNFPA, The State of World Population 2012, http://www.unfpa.
org/webdav/site/global/shared/swp/2012/EN_SWOP2012_Report.pdf Ac-
cessed, 20.05.2013
2.	 WHO. Are you ready? What you need to know about ageing,
WHO, 2012, http://www.who.int/world-health-day/2012/toolkit/background/
en/ Accessed 25.05.2013
3.	 WHO. Functional decline and dependence in ageing populations,
panel side event at 66th World Health Assembly, 2013. http://www.who.int/
ageing/events/wha66/en/index.html Accessed 1 July 2013
4.	 WHO, Definition of an older or elderly person. Proposed Working
Definition of an Older Person in Africa for the MDS Project. http://www.who.
int/healthinfo/survey/ageingdefnolder/en/ Accessed 25.05.2013
5.	 Administration on Ageing. (2001). Older Adults and Mental
Health: Issues and Opportunities. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.
6.	 WHO, The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 update. WHO. Geneva
7.	 WHO, EURO. Risk factors of ill health among older people http://
facts-and-figures/risk-factors-of-ill-health-among-older-people Accessed
8.	 WHO, Interesting facts about ageing. 2012. http://www.who.int/
ageing/about/facts/en/index.html Accessed 30 June 2013
9.	 WHO. Elder maltreatment. Fact sheet N°357, August 2011. http://
www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs357/en/index.html Accessed 1 July
10.	 WHO, ageing and life course, fighting stereotypes. 2012. http://
www.who.int/ageing/about/fighting_stereotypes/en/index.html Accessed 1
July 2013
11.	 The Swedish National Institute of Public Health. Healthy ageing, a
challenge for Europe.2006. http://www.healthyageing.eu/sites/www.healthy-
for%20Europe.pdf Accessed 20 June 2013
12.	 WHO. Dementia: a public health priority. World Health Organiza-
tion, Alzheimer’s Disease International. Geneva, 2012. http://apps.who.int/
iris/bitstream/10665/75263/1/9789241564458_eng.pdf Accessed 25.05.2013
13.	 Egede LE, Ellis C. Diabetes and depression: Global perspectives.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2010 Mar;87(3):302–12.
14.	 Moussavi S, Chatterji S, Verdes E, Tandon A, Patel V, Ustun B.
Depression, chronic diseases, and decrements in health: results from the World
Health Surveys. The Lancet. 2007 Sep; 370(9590):851–8.
Mental Health in Older People: a Public Health
The World Health Organization definition of health
is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity” (1). This means that mental health is
essential to overall health and wellbeing, and should
be recognized in all older persons with the same
importance as physical health.
By 2050, the world population over the age of 60 is
estimated to be 2 billion (2). A rapid growth of older
persons will occur in low- and middle-income coun-
tries (LMICs) with huge consequences for these vul-
nerable economies (3). Many people live a long and
happy life without any mental health problem, and
despite the all-too-prevalent image of elderly people
being sad, slow, and forgetful, mental disorders are
not an inevitable consequence of ageing. Neverthe-
less, one of the possible negative consequences
of the rapid ageing of the global population is the
increase in the number of people with mental disor-
ders which will soon overwhelm the mental health
system in many countries (3).
More than 20% of people age 55 years or older
may have some type of mental health problem (4).
Biological changes may interfere with the brain’s
functioning. Social changes can lead to isolation or
feelings of worthlessness. Somatic diseases are often
important contributory factors too. Mental disor-
ders may exacerbate the symptoms and functional
disabilities associated with medical illnesses and
increase the use of healthcare resources, length of
hospital stay and overall cost of care (5).
Mental health problems can have a high impact on
an older person’s ability to carry out the basic activi-
ties of daily living, reducing their independence,
autonomy, and quality of life. The first step to re-
duce these negative consequences is simply making
a diagnosis. Unfortunately, too often mental health
problems are undiagnosed and untreated and many
older people struggle on without the proper help – or
any help at all (5).
Today’s older adult population is unlikely to ac-
knowledge mental illness or access mental health
services. Many stigmas exist regarding the meaning
A Day to Reflect on the
Around the World
Carlos Augusto de Mendonça Lima, M.D., D.Sci.
Chair, European Psychiatric Association Section of Geriatric Psychiatry
Secretary, World Psychiatric Association Section of Old Age Psychiatry
Centre de Psychiatrie et de Psychothérapie Les Toises, Lausanne, Switzerland
Jacobo Mintzer, M.D., M.B.A.
President, International Psychogeriatric Association
Department of Health Studies, Medical University of South Carolina, USA
of mental illness. Some older people view mental
illness as a sign of weakness and are unlikely to
admit to problems, especially when they fear loss
of independence. Too many persons consider that
symptoms of dementia and depression are a normal
part of ageing. Many elders lack availability of ser-
vices or access to them (6).
Other difficulties concern the work force: few
mental health providers have had specialized train-
ing in providing care for older adults, and many
come with a set of societally-transmitted biases
themselves. This therapeutic pessimism allows
health professionals to believe that older people
cannot change and that it is too late for psychiatric
care. Consequently there are few investments in the
development of policies, strategies, programmes,
and services for older persons with mental health
problems (3).
Mental Health Problems in Older Adults
Dementia describes a group of related symptoms,
where there is ongoing decline of the brain and its
abilities. Between 2% and 10% of all dementia cases
start before the age of 65. The prevalence doubles
with every five-year increment after age 65. The
number of people with dementia in 2011 around
the world was estimated to be 35.6 million, and this
number will grow quickly: numbers will double
every 20 years, to 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4
million in 2050, with the majority of these persons
living in LMICs (3).
Dementia is the leading cause of dependency and
disability among older persons. The estimated
worldwide cost of dementia is estimated to have
been $604 billion USD in 2010, with direct medi-
cal care costs only contributing to 16% of the global
cost. Dementia profoundly affects the quality of life
of people with dementia and their caregivers (3).
Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness and
understanding of dementia in most countries. This
affects the support for those concerned in a number
of ways. Low awareness levels contribute to stig-
matization and isolation. Poor understanding creates
barriers to timely diagnosis and to accessing ongo-
ing medical and social care, leading to a large gap
in treatment. Lack of awareness also takes its toll
on the resilience of the family unit and increases
financial and legal vulnerability. At a national level,
the lack of awareness and lack of infrastructure for
providing good and early support increase the likeli-
hood of high costs in supporting increased depen-
dence and morbidity. Although no treatments are
currently available to cure dementia, there is much
that can be offered to support and improve the lives
of all people concerned (3, 7).
There are more than 100 different diseases causing
dementia. Alzheimer’s disease probably accounts
for over 50 percent of cases of dementia. Vascular
dementia is also very common. Other types of de-
mentia include Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal
dementia, and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome as a
result of alcohol abuse (3).
Depression in the elderly
Depression is the most prevalent mental health prob-
lem among older adults. It is associated with distress
and suffering and can lead to impairments in physi-
cal, mental, and social functioning. The presence
of depressive disorders often affects the course and
complicates the treatment of other chronic diseases.
Older adults with depression visit the doctor and
emergency room more often, use more medication,
incur higher outpatient charges, and stay longer in
the hospital. Although the rate of older adults with
depressive symptoms tends to increase with age, de-
pression is not a normal part of growing older (5, 8).
There are symptoms which are more typical in older
people; they often do not actually complain of low
mood but become anxious, fearful, and lacking in
confidence. Anxiety is a warning sign for depres-
sion in the elderly. Older people may also express
their low mood through complaints about physical
symptoms – especially pain. Confusion and forget-
fulness are other common symptoms of depression
in old age. Social factors often underlie depression
in older persons, especially losses, difficulties in
socialization which lead to isolation, and sometimes
even boredom after retirement (8, 9, 10). The risk of
suicide is very high among older men in almost all
cultures (11, 12).
In the majority of cases depression in older persons
is a treatable condition. As with younger people,
treatment consists of a combination of antidepres-
sant drugs and supportive counselling or other forms
of psychotherapy. It is also important to rule out
physical causes of depression and avoid other treat-
ments able to cause depression (9, 10).
Anxiety in the elderly
Anxiety, panic, and phobias disrupt the lives of
10% of older persons. Fear is a normal emotion, but
sometimes it gets out of control and interferes with
the ability to do even simple things. Anxiety is also
often a sign of depression in older people and can
amplify the physical symptoms related to low mood
(13, 14). Cognitive behavioural therapy and drug
treatments, including some which work on both
anxiety and depression, can also be useful (13, 14).
Other common mental health problems in the
Most mental health issues can occur at any age so
conditions ranging from bipolar disorder to obses-
sive compulsive disorder, addiction, and less com-
monly, schizophrenia, may develop. Psychotic
disorders, characterized by a loss of contact with
reality, may be common in people in their later
years, causing hallucinations, abnormal beliefs,
and impaired insight. They may be caused by many
medical conditions such as dementia, infections,
metabolic or hormonal disorders, sensory impair-
ments, and substance abuse. Psychosis may trouble
up to five percent of the elderly in the community
and much higher numbers in nursing homes (15,
Mental Health and Wellbeing in Older Persons:
The Way Forward
Ageing well in physical and mental health is a right
of all persons. Such rights extend to enjoying ac-
tive and satisfying social lives, participation, hav-
ing equitable access to good quality health care and
social systems, and providing adequate support to
The ageing shift will have profound consequences
for the workforce, healthcare systems, informal and
formal caregiver capacity, and society. It will require
more and better strategies to ensure good mental
health and wellbeing in the growing older popula-
tion. The negative stereotypes and negative attitudes
against ageing and older people must be stopped.
The balance between vulnerability and resilience
is central in mental health promotion, and certain
groups with specific burdens face a higher risk of
poorer mental health. Older women often face spe-
cific risks which increase their vulnerability both as
sufferers of mental health problems and caregivers.
Policies to support them and interventions to pre-
vent mental health problems and isolation in older
women must be strengthened (17).
Interventions to prevent social isolation and loneli-
ness are effective measures. An increase in social
inclusion and participation of older people must be a
very high priority in order to promote active ageing
and quality of life in a holistic way by addressing:
•	 Life-long learning, training, and education of
older people
•	 Psychological and behavioural determinants of
•	 Socio-economic determinants of health
•	 Taking cultural and spiritual needs into account.
Mental health promotion research related to older
people should be strengthened in order to improve
scientific evidence and should concentrate on issues
where the evidence base is weakest. The promotion
of an appropriate use of medication is crucial for
optimal mental health and functioning among older
people (17).
In conclusion, the promotion of healthy ageing in all
its aspects is an important role for all societies. Ear-
ly recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of mental
disorders that are common in old age are important
to prevent avoidable suffering and disabilities.
1.	 World Health Organization (1948). Preamble to the Constitution of
the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Confer-
ence, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representa-
tives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p.
100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948. (http://www.who.int/about/defini-
tion/en/print.html) Acessed on 26 may 2013)
2.	 United Nations (2009). World Population Ageing 2009. UN, New
York, NY.
3.	 World Health Organization & Alzheimer’s Disease International
(2012). Dementia: a health public priority. WHO, Geneva.
4.	 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Geriatrics and men-
tal health—the facts (http://www.aagponline.org/prof/facts_mh.asp). Accessed
on 26 may 2013.
5.	 United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General
(1999). Mental Health. A report of the Surgeon General. NIMH, Washington,
D.C. (http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/retrieve/ResourceMetadata/NNBBHS).
Accessed on 26 may 2013.
6.	 Graham N, Lindesay J, Katona C, Bertolote JM, Camus V,
Copeland JRM, de Mendonça Lima CA, Gaillard M, Nargeot MCG, Gray
J, Jacobsson L, Kingma M, Kühne N, O’Loughlin A, Saracenon B, Taintor
Z, Wancata J. Reducing stigma and discrimination against older people with
mental disorders: a technical consensus statement. International Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry 2003; 18: 670-678.
7.	 de Mendonça Lima CA, Caldas de Almeida JM, Illiffe S, Rasmus-
sen J. Dementia in primary care mental health. In: Ivbijaro G. Companion to
Primary Care Mental Health. Radcliffe Publishing, London, 2012. Pp.: 571-
8.	 Geriatric Mental Health Foundation. Depression in late life: not a
natural part of ageing (http://www.gmhfonline.org/gmhf/consumer/factsheets/
depression_latelife.html). Accessed 26 may 2013.
Care for older adults with mental illness requires
sensitivity and observational and relational skills in
order to help the older person achieve and maintain
the highest possible level of function and wellbeing.
Those who care for older persons should always be
protected and supported in their tasks everywhere.
All these actions together can certainly contribute to
better mental health in old age.
9.	 Baldwin, R. C., Chiu, E., Katona, C., et al (2002). Guidelines on
Depression in Older People: Practising the Evidence. London: Martin Dunitz.
10.	 Blazer DG (2003). Depression in late life: review and commentary.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. Mar; 58(3): 249-65.
11.	 Bruce ML, Ten Have TR, Reynolds III CF, Katz II, Schulberg HC,
Mulsant BH, Brown GK, McAvay GJ, Pearson JL, Alexopoulos GS (2004).
Reducing Suicidal Ideation and Depressive Symptoms in Depressed Older
Primary Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Med Assoc
12.	 World Health Organization. Suicide Prevention (SUPRE). (http://
Accessed on 26 May 2013.
13.	 Geriatric Mental Health Foundation. Overcoming Worry and Fear.
Accessed on 26 May 2013
14.	 Vasiliadis HM, Dionne PA, Préville M, Gentil L, Berbiche D,
Latimer E (2013). The excess healthcare costs associated with depression
and anxiety in elderly living in the community. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry
15.	 Kyomen HH, Whitfield TH (2009). Psychosis in the Elderly. Am J
Psychiatry 166: 2: 146-150.
16.	 Girard C, Simard M (2012). Elderly patients with very late-onset
schizophrenia-like psychosis and early-onset schizophrenia: cross-selectional
and restrospective clinical findings. Open Journal of Psychiatry 2: 305-316.
17.	 European Communities (2010). Mental Health and Well-Being in
Older People – Making it Happen. Conclusions from the Thematic Confer-
ence. Luxembourg: European Communities.
What Is Dementia?
As we progress into old age, it is not uncommon
to experience more frequent episodes of forgetful-
ness. Older adults report lapses in memory such as
temporarily forgetting the name of the movie they
just saw or the name of a nearby street that is fa-
miliar. They can also be vulnerable to confusion in
thought processes when, for example, they need to
recall complex experiences or medical conditions.
If such occasional lapses in memory or thought do
not interfere with daily activities or interpersonal
relationships, they should be considered a normal
consequence of ageing. However, lapses in thought
and memory that interfere with normative activities
of daily living or interpersonal relationships may
signify a clinical syndrome known as dementia. It is
important to distinguish between normal forgetful-
ness and more serious memory problems of demen-
Dementia has been found to be a principle factor for
institutionalization, disability, and shorter survival
in older individuals (Qiu, De Ronchi, & Fratiglioni,
2007). Dementia may be understood as a non-specif-
ic neuro-degenerative syndrome where accelerated
deterioration within two or more functional areas
of cognition occurs. This functional deterioration is
not accounted for by normative factors of ageing.
Areas of accelerated functional deterioration are
typically observed in memory, language, emotional
control, problem solving ability, and judgment (Qiu,
Kivipelto, & Von Strauss, 2009; Toseland & Parker,
Risks Factors Associated with Dementia
While older age and genetic predisposition have
been well established as risk factors for demen-
tia, various other acquired medical conditions can
increase risk for it (Kaplan & Berkman, 2011).
Approximately 60-80% of cases of dementia are
attributed to a neuro-degenerative disease known as
Alzheimer’s (Cereda et al., 2013). A number of oth-
er neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s
and Huntington’s disease also cause dementia. In
these cases, the function or structure of neurons in
the brain slowly begin to degrade or atrophy. Vari-
ous other diseases and disorders that cause dementia
may do so by directly damaging brain tissue. Vascu-
lar conditions such as stroke, and chronic vascular
factors such as high blood pressure and elevated
cholesterol have also been implicated in both the
onset and acceleration of dementia (Qiu et al., 2007;
DeCarli, 2004). In addition, viral infections such as
syphilis, HIV, or Lyme disease; bacterial infections
such as tuberculosis and meningitis; demyelinat-
ing disorders such as multiple sclerosis; traumatic
brain injuries; tumors; and drug use can also cause
dementia (Emre, 2008). Psychosocial factors such
as poor social networks or reluctance to engage in
social networks, and poor physical activity, have
also been associated with increased risk for onset of
dementia (Qiu et al., 2007).
Diagnosing Dementia
Dementia is a non-specific syndrome with respect
to domains of cognitive impairment, and a diagno-
sis of dementia can only be made after ruling out
other factors. A diagnosis of dementia must pres-
ent deficits in cognitive functioning in two or more
domains that are more severe than mild cognitive
impairment (MCI) (Emre, 2008). That is, deficits
in cognitive functioning must disrupt normative
functions of daily living. As noted earlier, deficits in
domains of cognitive functioning may encompass
More About
Phillip Hamid
Developmental Psychology Programme, Columbia Teachers’College
and Columbia University Global Mental Health Programme, New York, USA
but are not limited to memory, language, emotional
control, problem-solving ability, and judgment (Qiu,
Kivipelto, & Von Strauss, 2009; Toseland & Parker,
2006). Also, other primary psychiatric disorders
such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression
should be ruled out as the cause of disruptions in
normative functions of daily living.
If you think you or a loved one may have
symptoms of dementia
It is important to remember that older adults may
believe that memory loss and significant functional
impairment are a normal part of ageing. As such,
many older adults may remain silent about their suf-
Alzheimer’s Association. (2013). 10 early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
In 10 Signs of
Alzheimer’s. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from https://www.alz.org/ alzheim-
Cereda, E., Pedrolli, C., Zagami, A., Vanotti, A., Piffer, S., Faliva, M., Cac-
cialanza, R. (2013). Alzheimer’s disease and mortality in traditional long-term
care facilities. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 56(2013), 437-441.
DeCarli, C. (2004). Vascular factors in dementia: An overview. Journal of
Sciences, 226(1-2), 19-23.
Emre, M. (2008). Classification and diagnosis of dementia: A mechanism-
based approach. European Journal of Neurology, 16, 168-173.
John A. Hartford Foundation. (2011). Mental health and the older adult. Re-
trieved April 10, 2013, from http://www.jhartfound.org/ar2011/index.html.
fering, needlessly living with an undiagnosed condi-
tion and receiving inadequate or no treatment (John
A. Hartford Foundation, 2011). If you think you or
a family member may be showing signs of demen-
tia you should schedule an appointment with your
doctor. The Alzheimer’s Association (2013) explains
that earlier detection will allow you to:
•	 Maximize benefits of available treatments.
•	 Have more time to plan for the future for you
and your family.
•	 Establish care and support services to maximize
quality of life for both the individual showing
signs of dementia and family members.
Kaplan, D. B., & Berkman, B. (2011). Dementia Care: A global concern and
social work challenge. International Social Work, 54(3), 361-373.
Qiu, C., De Ronchi, D., & Fratiglioni, L. (2007). The epidemiology of the
dementias: An update. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 20, 380-385.
Qiu, C., Kivipelto, M., & Von Strauss, E. (2009). Epidemiology of Alzheim-
er’s disease: Occurrence, determinants, and strategies toward intervention.
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 11(2), 111-128.
Toseland, R.W., & Parker, M. (2006). Older adults suffering from significant
dementia. In B. Berkman (Ed.), Handbook of Social Work in Health and Age-
ing, pp. 117–128. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
How to Use This Depression Recovery Tool Kit
The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation is
pleased to provide you with a depression recovery
tool kit online - A Guide to Mental Wellness in
Older Age: Recognizing and Overcoming Depres-
sion. The purpose of this kit is to help consumers, in
partnership with their health care providers, identify
and treat late-life depression.
The message is simple: late-life depression is treat-
able and recovery is possible. The first challenge
in treating depression is identifying the illness
and seeking help. You are not alone. Many people
experience depressed moods at some point in their
lives. When these experiences become severe or last
over a period of time, you may be suffering from a
depressive illness. Some people won’t tell anyone
what they are experiencing; they are afraid that oth-
ers may not understand, will not take them seriously,
or will blame them.
But, the first step to recovery is to tell someone what
you are feeling. That person could be a long-time
friend, family member, health care provider, or spiri-
tual advisor. They can help you get the assistance
you need to feel better. Get treatment now—before
it gets worse.
© Geriatric Mental Health Foundation 2004
7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1050
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
If you are a health care consumer (patient or family
member), we urge you to take this material to your
health care provider so you can discuss your symp-
toms and receive the best treatment.
If you are a health care provider, we encourage you
to use these materials in your patient education ef-
forts. You may want to give the entire kit to your
patient and his or her family member when your pa-
tient is first diagnosed. Or you may want to provide
different fact sheets as treatment progresses and the
patient and their family members require additional
information about the illness.
This recovery kit contains a series of fact sheets,
listed below, and resource material to help you get
•	 What is Late-Life Depression—The Facts
•	 Am I Depressed?
•	 Getting Good Medical Care—Talking to Your
Physician About Depression
•	 Treatment Options for Late-Life Depression
•	 Taking Care of Yourself—Healthy Lifestyle
•	 Monitoring Your Symptoms of Depression
•	 Caregiving—The Role of Family Members and
•	 Paying for Mental Health Services under Medi-
•	 Resources
Expert assistance was provided by Lissy F. Jarvik,
M.D., Professor Emerita of Psychiatry and Biobe-
havioral Sciences, University of California-Los An-
geles, School of Medicine; Susan Lieff, M.D., M.Ed.,
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry,
University of Toronto; and Stephen J. Bartels, M.D.,
M.S., Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Dartmouth
Medical School.
A Guide to Mental Wellness in Older Age:
Find the full toolkit at:
There is a global movement towards ‘successful
ageing’, and a model of care aimed at maximizing
health, wellbeing, functional capacity and social
participation in old age. Psychosocial interventions
have the ability to improve wellbeing, functioning
and promote social rehabilitation in older adults
with health problems such as dementia, depression,
and frailty. Cross-national research must continue to
develop methodologies and improve implementa-
tion and effectiveness of psychosocial interventions.
This is crucial to establish a sustainable and cost-
effective infrastructure to facilitate better health and
quality of life in old age.
The impact of ageing
The world population is ageing. It is estimated that
between 2010 and 2050, the number of individu-
als aged over 65 years will rise from 524 million to
1.5 billion (World Health Organization, 2011). The
proportion of those aged 85 years and over is also
rising rapidly, leading to increased numbers of frail
older adults. A consequence of an ageing population
is an increased prevalence of dementia. It is estimat-
ed that there will be 115 million people living with
dementia worldwide in 2050 (Alzheimer’s Disease
International, 2010 ).
For years, ageing has been associated with a decline
in cognitive, functional and social domains. Losses
include reduced cognitive resources, functional
capacity, and mobility difficulties often associated
with loneliness, dependence, and social isolation.
However in recent years, a more positive approach
towards ageing has emerged that recognizes the pos-
sibility for change. The term ‘active ageing’ refers
to ageing as a positive process (World Health Orga-
nization, 2002). Baltes & Baltes (1990) presented a
model of ‘successful ageing’ involving adaptation,
selection, optimization and compensation. Nygren et
al. (2005) found older adults to have inner strength,
such as resilience, sense of coherence, purpose in
life and self-transcendence, which can contribute to
better health.
The Role of
in the Care of Older Adults
Nadia Crellin, Researcher
Martin Orrell, Professor of Ageing and Mental Health
Mental Health Sciences Unit, Faculty of Brain Sciences, University College London, UK
Research and Development Department, North East London Foundation Trust, UK
Ideally, health and social care should work towards
ensuring that longer life is accompanied by a longer
period of health, wellbeing, and independence. It is
therefore important to establish ways to maximize
the health, wellbeing, and functional capacity of
older adults, and promote social participation. This
approach towards ageing highlights the potential of
psychosocial approaches to improve the functioning
and wellbeing of older adults as well as the potential
for social rehabilitation.
The role of psychosocial interventions
Social participation is an important component of
healthy ageing. It involves social contact and en-
gagement in meaningful activities. Socially active
older adults have improved quality of life, health,
and wellbeing, and are less likely to be depressed
or isolated (Perrin & May, 2001). Psychosocial
interventions such as cognitive, behavioural, and
supportive interventions can facilitate more active
ageing and rehabilitation in older adults. The impor-
tance of social participation in older adults will be
reviewed in the context of three major health prob-
lems: dementia, depression and frailty, considered in
both home and care home environments.
Kitwood and Bredin (1992) laid the foundations of
the psychosocial approach to dementia care, recog-
nizing that despite the inevitable decline, personal
growth and wellbeing are possible. More recently,
the biopsychosocial model for dementia care (Spec-
tor & Orrell, 2010), draws on Kitwood’s work to
highlight the problem of ‘excess disability’ when
people’s current cognitive, functional or social
performance is limited by confounding factors.
The model describes how excess disability can be
reduced by identifying and managing each of these
factors, leading to adaptation and improvement.
With greater understanding of the psychosocial
approach to dementia care and the limited efficacy
of pharmacological approaches, a new generation
of psychosocial interventions aimed at improving
wellbeing, quality of life, cognitive and behavioural
functioning have been developed (Woods & Clare
2008). Psychosocial interventions can provide a
cost-effective contribution to dementia care, with
some demonstrating similar efficacy to pharmaco-
logical approaches (Olazaran et al., 2010).
Psychosocial interventions may be effective in
improving cognition, mood, behaviour and quality
of life in people with dementia, as well as delay-
ing institutionalization (Olazaran et al., 2010). A
home-based occupational therapy programme in the
Netherlands used a social intervention involving the
patient, carer and occupational therapist to promote
independence and meaningful activity in people
with dementia. It was shown to be cost-effective and
improved ability to carry out activities, mood and
quality of life (Graff et al., 2006). Reminiscence,
involving peer and family participation has been
widely used in dementia care in both the community
and care homes (Woods et al., 2006). Its popularity
stems from its use of enjoyable activities to promote
communication and wellbeing. Group cognitive
stimulation therapy is also widely used and has been
found to have benefits for cognition and quality of
life and to be cost-effective in dementia care (Spec-
tor et al., 2003).
Many older adults with dementia live in care homes.
Activities that are highly valued by people with
dementia can include reminiscence, family & social
activities, and musical activities (Harmer & Orrell,
2008). Positive outcomes have been associated with
behaviour management techniques, cognitive stimu-
lation and physical activity in care homes (Vernooij-
Dassen et al., 2010). Psychosocial interventions
found to be beneficial often involve stimulated
conversation, enjoyable activities to enhance rela-
tionships (e.g. music, dance), and meaningful and
reminiscence activities such as sharing memories
(Lawrence et al., 2012).
Depression in older adults can be associated with
reduced functional ability, dependence, social isola-
tion, and loneliness (Forsman et al., 2012). Cogni-
tive behavioural therapy and pharmacological ap-
proaches have shown efficacy in treating depression
in older adults, although medication use is limited
by non-compliance and side effects. With grow-
ing evidence that social participation can improve
mental health in older adults, psychosocial interven-
tions may provide an attractive option in the care
of depression. Psychosocial interventions aimed at
promoting social contact (Forsman et al., 2012) or
social relationships (Kraaij & de Wilde, 2001) may
help prevent depression in older adults.
Physical activity is important for depressed older
adults living in the community or care homes, hav-
ing health benefits and protecting against depres-
sion. Singh et al. (2001) found that exercise was safe
and effective in reducing depression in older adults,
promoting a more positive attitude towards the age-
ing process. Reminiscence therapy is also a well-
established form of depression treatment in older
adults in the community and care homes (Pinquart
et al., 2007). It can be effective for depressed older
adults residing in the community (Watt and Cappe-
liez, 2000) and in care homes (Karimi et al., 2010).
Depression is common in older adults in care homes
and can be related to unmet psychosocial needs.
Social activities demonstrating benefits were: the
provision of new social roles to increase feelings of
appreciation, creative activities (e.g. singing, gar-
dening) to provide a sense of belonging, and family-
like meal times to enhance social interaction and
independence (Forsman et al., 2012).
Frail older adults
Many older adults living in the community and care
homes are frail and experience functional difficulties
associated with negative mental, physical and social
outcomes. Losses associated with frailty in older
adults include reduced social participation, social
isolation, loneliness and reduced quality of life.
Fear of falling is common in older adults in the
community, and is associated with social isolation
and reduced social participation. (Tennstedt et al.
1998) found a community-based group intervention
involving role play, exercise training, and problem
solving reduced fear of falling and increased levels
of intended activities and social function in older
There is growing recognition of the benefits of tech-
nology for frail older adults in care homes and the
community to reduce social isolation and loneliness.
Frail older adults living in the community or care
homes, when trained to use the Internet, experienced
improved wellbeing and empowerment (Straka
& Clark, 2000). For frail older adults residing in
care homes, the involvement of family members is
important for social support (Maas et al., 2004). A
video-conference intervention involving interaction
with family members reduced loneliness and depres-
sion in Taiwanese older adults (Tsai et al., 2010).
The future of psychosocial interventions in the
care of older adults
To facilitate a transition into old age with dignity
and wellbeing, research is crucial to determine
which psychosocial interventions are useful and pro-
vide best value for money. This will include an as-
sessment of the comparative effects of interventions
to develop methodologies, and improve implemen-
tation and effectiveness. Not only is the develop-
ment of existing psychosocial interventions crucial
but it is also vital to take advantage of technological
advances in designing new interventions.
Today, social network sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook
and Skype) and email are routine methods of com-
munication that make it possible to socialize from
within our own homes. This technology can enrich
the lives of older adults at home or in nursing homes
by promoting communication, maintaining social
networks, and broadening connections. Empowering
older adults can help in preventing loneliness and
reducing social isolation. Psychosocial interventions
involving technology are promising.
Internet training programmes in older adults can
facilitate interpersonal interaction and improve
independence (Shapira et al., 2007), as well as im-
prove quality of life and reduce social isolation and
depression (White et al., 2002). It is important for
future psychosocial interventions to move past age-
related biases and utilize technological advances in
the care of older adults.
There is a global movement towards ‘successful’
ageing and a model of care for older adults that fo-
cuses on maximizing health, wellbeing, and social
Alzheimer’s Disease International. (2010). World Alzheimer Report 2010: The
Global economic impact of dementia. Retrieved from http://www.alz.co.uk/
Baltes, P. B. & Baltes, M. M. (1990). Psychological perspectives on successful
ageing: The model of selective optimization with compensation. In Baltes, P.
B., Baltes, M. M. (Eds.) Successful Ageing: Perspectives from the Behavioural
Sciences (pp. 1-34). Cambridge University Press: New York.
Forsman, A. K., Schierenbeck, I., & Wahlbeck, K. (2012). Psychosocial Inter-
ventions for the Prevention of Depression in Older Adults: Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Ageing and Health, 23(3), 387–416.
Graff, M. J. L., Vernooij-Dassen, M. J. M., Thijssen, M., Dekker, J., Hoef-
nagels, W. H. L., & Olde Rikkert, M. G. M. (2006). Community based oc-
cupational therapy for patients with dementia and their caregivers: randomised
controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 333(7580), 1196-1201.
Harmer, B. J., & Orrell, M. (2008). What is meaningful activity for people
with dementia living in care homes? A comparison of the views of older
people with dementia, staff and family carers. Ageing & Mental Health, 12(5),
Karimi , H., Dolatshahee, B., Momeni, K., Khodabakhshi, A., Rezaei, M., &
Kamrani, A. A. (2010). Effectiveness of integrative and instrumental reminis-
cence therapies on depression symptoms reduction in institutionalized older
adults: An empirical study. Ageing & Mental Health, 14(7), 881-887.
Kitwood, T., & Bredin, K. (1992). Towards a theory of dementia care: Person-
hood and wellbeing. Ageing and Society, 12, 269-287.
Kraaij, V., & de Wilde, E. J. (2001). Negative life events and depressive
symptoms in the elderly: A life span perspective. Ageing and Mental Health,
5, 84-91.
Lawrence, V., Fossey, J., Ballard, C., Moniz-Cook, E., & Murray, J. (2012).
Improving quality of life for people with dementia in care homes: Making
psychosocial interventions work. British Journal of Psychiatry, 201, 344-351.
Maas, M. L., Rees, D., Park, M., Specht, J. P., Schutte, D., Kelly, L. S., &
Buckwalte, K. C. (2004). Outcomes of family involvement in care intervention
for caregivers of individuals with dementia. Nursing Research, 53, 76–86.
Nygren, B., Aléx, L., Jonsén, E., Gustafson, Y., Norberg, A., & Lundman, B.
(2005). Resilience, sense of coherence, purpose in life and self-transcendence
in relation to perceived physical and mental health among the oldest old. Age-
ing & Mental Health. 9(4), 354-362.
Olazarán, J., Reisberg, B., Clare, L., Cruz, I., Peña-Casanova, J., del Ser,
T., Woods, R., et al. (2010). Nonpharmacological therapies in Alzheimer’s
Disease: A systematic review of efficacy. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive
Disorders, 30, 161-178.
Perrin, T., & May, H. (2000) Wellbeing in dementia: An occupational approach
for therapists and carers. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Pinquart, M., Duberstein, P. R., & Lyness, J. M. (2007). Effects of psychother-
apy and other behavioural interventions on clinically depressed older adults: A
meta-analysis. Ageing and Mental Health, 11(6), 645–657.
participation in old age. As with dementia care,
there has been a shift towards a more psychosocial
model of care for older adults, emphasizing the
potential for adaptation, rehabilitation and positive
change. Psychosocial interventions are an integral
component in this model of care to promote active
ageing, and they assume a valuable role in main-
taining the wellbeing, dignity and morale of older
adults. It is vital that cross-national psychosocial
research continues to develop psychosocial interven-
tions to establish an infrastructure capable of facili-
tating better health and wellbeing in old age.
Shapira, N., Barak, A., & Gal, I. (2007). Promoting older adults’ well-being
through Internet training and use. Ageing & Mental Health, 11(5), 477-484
Singh, N. A., Clements, K. M., & Fiatarone Singh, M. A. (2001). The efficacy
of exercise as a long-term antidepressant in elderly subjects: A randomized
controlled trial. Journals of gerontology, 56, M497-M504.
Spector, A., & Orrell, M. (2010). Using a biopsychosocial model of dementia
as a tool to guide clinical practice. International Psychogeriatrics, 22(6), 957-
Spector, A., Thorgrimsen, L., Woods, B., Royan, L., Davies, S., Butterworth,
M., et al. (2003). Efficacy of an evidence-based cognitive stimulation therapy
programmeme for people with dementia: Randomised controlled trial. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 183, 248-254.
Straka, S. M., & Clark, F. (2000). Connections: Internet access for frail older
seniors to improve their psychological well-being. The McGill Centre for
Studies in Ageing. Montreal: Quebec. Retrieved from http://www.ageing.
Tennstedt, S., Howland, J., Lachman, M., Peterson, E., Kasten, L., & Jette, A.
(1998). A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Group Intervention To Reduce
Fear of Falling and Associated Activity Restriction in Older Adults. Journal of
Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 53B(6), 384-392.
Tsai, H-H., Tsai, Y-F., Wang, H-H., Chang, Y-C., & Chu, H. (2010). Videocon-
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World Health Organisation (2011). Global Health and Ageing. Retrieved from
World Mental Health Day 2013 is specifically fo-
cused on the elderly, and rightly so. With the im-
provements in science, technology, social care and
environments, more people are living longer and the
trend towards an ever-older population is universal.
In 2011, life expectancy had already exceeded 75
years in 57 countries of the world (1), and by 2017
the elderly population worldwide, defined as those
aged 65 years and over, is predicted to outnumber
that of children under 5 years (2).
This change in life expectancy, although welcome,
brings its own specific challenges; these include
the management of frailty, the prevention of social
isolation and loneliness and the management of co-
morbidity. Thousands of times each day physicians
encounter older adults with interacting medical, psy-
chological and social problems and this complexity
can sometimes be overwhelming (3). Families and
carers require a framework that will enable them to
become more confident in dealing with the complex
problems and issues that can arise with increasing
age, and World Mental Health Day 2013 provides us
with an opportunity to make a contribution towards
building such a framework.
We know frailty is related to age, is highly preva-
lent in the elderly and contributes to poorer health
outcomes, falls, mortality and hospitalization (4–6).
Health professionals can screen for frailty by identi-
fying shrinking, in the form of unintentional weight
loss and loss of muscle mass, weakness, poor endur-
ance, exhaustion, slowness and low activity (7).
Key Message One:
•	 Elderly individuals should be
screened for frailty so that it can
be recognized early.
•	 The elderly should be encouraged
to participate in dynamic exercises.
•	 Family doctors/general practitioners
should have access to community
resources that promote exercise.
Families and carers also need support to understand
what frailty is, in order to recognize it early and put
in place interventions that preserve as much autono-
my as possible in the frail elderly. Interventions such
as high-intensity resistance exercise training are
effective and help to reduce the risk of falls, func-
tional decline and impaired mobility in people who
are suffering from frailty (8).
Managing Complexity and Multimorbidity
in Older Adults:
Dr Gabriel Ivbijaro MBE, MBBS, FRCGP, FWACPsych, MMedSci, DFFP, MA
Medical Director Waltham Forest Community & Family Health Services
Vice President World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) Europe
It is a cause for celebration that an increasing num-
ber of people reach the age of 65 years every day
(9,10); however, multimorbidity is strongly associ-
ated with increasing age and we need to rise to this
Multimorbidity means that an individual has two
or more concurrent long-term diseases. There is a
strong relationship between ageing and multimor-
bidity; more than half of the elderly population
suffers from multimorbidity and the prevalence of
multimorbidity increases with lower social class.
Functional impairment, poor quality of life and
increased health costs are a major consequence of
multimorbidity (11). In the primary care setting,
multimorbidity is inversely related to quality of life,
so that the more multimorbidity an individual suf-
fers, the worse their quality of life is (12).
Examples of conditions associated with old age
and multimorbidity include malignancy, respira-
tory disorder, musculoskeletal problems, endocrine
disorders, blood disorders, neurosensory disorders,
mental health problems and cardiovascular disorders
Community and social capital and the elderly
Old age is often portrayed as a period of increased
social stress, social isolation, frailty, comorbidity
and poverty. It can also be a period in an individu-
al’s life associated with giving support to others and
volunteering for the community. This contributes to
community and social capital.
There are many definitions of social and commu-
nity capital. It can be described as a kind of public
good provided by a group or community (14). With
increasing life expectancy globally, we need to find
ways to capture the social and community capital
inherent in this population.
Key Message Three:
•	 Encouraging older adults to
participate in volunteering will
increase social and community
•	 Organizations should explore
ways to develop a global social
and community capital bank.
The elderly can contribute to social and commu-
nity capital in many ways. Often people contribute
financially – there is evidence that the likelihood
of giving to charity increases with age (15). Grand-
parents across the globe provide many aspects of
childcare, such as collecting children from school,
support with homework, reading with their grand-
children and imparting the wisdom that is associated
with lifelong experience. The elderly also support
other elderly people by providing opportunities to
maintain social networks by, for instance, running
lunch groups, sometimes through faith communities.
Contrary to the popular notion of social isolation in
later life, older Americans are shown to be well con-
nected to others (16).
Key Message Two:
•	 Multimorbidity affects more than
half of the elderly population.
•	 Multimorbidity increases with age
and with deprivation.
•	 Increasing multimorbidity is asso-
ciated with poorer quality of life.
•	 All professionals, families and
carers need to be able to recog-
nize multimorbidity, so that ho-
listic health and social care can
contribute to improving quality of
life in the elderly.
The world is also benefiting economically from
the expertise and wealth of the generation of baby
boomers who are now in their sixties and retiring,
and whose contribution increases the value of finan-
cial capital (17). The world should therefore look at
the elderly not just as net users of resources but as
those who have made a significant contribution to
national wealth and the stock market. It is predicted
that the contribution to volunteering among the baby
boomers will also increase with time (18).
One of the tasks in the management of complexity
in the elderly is to address stigmatizing attitudes
about age and ageing and to encourage the growth
of social and community capital. So let us celebrate
old age and its positive effects, which include an
increase in community wealth, in terms of both
finance and time donated to supporting the younger
generation as grandparents and volunteers, so im-
proving the quality of learning as well as care.
Schemes have been proposed to capture social
capital, such as “time banks” (19). These allow the
transference of gains and benefits in a system where
the “currency” is hours. This could be a useful
tool to enable the elderly to help build community
capital; for example, reading to a child in a hospi-
tal could earn a token for the recipient to attend a
cultural event of his or her choice, using resources
never previously tapped.
Integrated management
We already know that an increasing proportion of
the population will live to old age, especially in low-
and medium-income countries. A transition towards
an older society that took more than a century to
achieve in Europe is now taking place in less than
25 years in countries like Brazil, China and Thailand
According to the 1997 World Health Organization/
World Psychiatric Association consensus statement
(20), good quality care for older people should be:
•	 comprehensive;
•	 accessible;
•	 responsive;
•	 individualized;
•	 transdisciplinary;
•	 accountable;
•	 systematic.
These key principles apply to prevention, early
detection, comprehensive medical and social as-
sessments, evidence-based practice, links with
continuing care, social support, residential care and
housing, advocacy, spirituality and leisure linked
with good specialist and primary care. Fifteen years
on, these principles remain pertinent and can be best
delivered through an integrated approach (21).
Key Message Four:
•	 Complexity and multimorbidity in
older adults should be managed in
a holistic way.
•	 Holistic care in older adults is
best achieved through an integrat-
ed approach, supported by appro-
priate policies and protocols.
•	 Primary care has a role in coor-
dinating interventions to achieve
desirable health outcomes for the
An integrated approach (Figure 1) (22) gives an
opportunity to provide individualized support to an
individual, by:
•	 working in a transdisciplinary (multidisci-
plinary) way, by harnessing the wider determi-
nants of health, such as increased opportunities
for exercise;
•	 delivering social care interventions, such as
avoidance of loneliness and social isolation;
•	 developing a primary care workforce that is
responsive to multimorbidity and able to manage
individual needs in a holistic way, and recogniz-
es that multimorbidity in the elderly is the norm;
•	 recognizing that specialist services, including
psychological therapies, will be necessary for
some individuals, and are not a luxury.
Figure 1: Integrated care: the interrelationships between elements of holistic health care. Reproduced, with
permission, from Ivbijaro G. Aims, concept and structure of the book. In: Ivbijaro G, ed. Companion to pri-
mary care mental health. London and New York, Wonca and Radcliffe Publishing, 2012:4 (22)
I would like to thank all those people who have
freely given their time and expertise towards de-
veloping the material for WMHDAY 2013. I would
like to specifically thank Professor Sir David Gold-
berg, Professor Norman Sartorius, Professor Carlos
Augusto de Mendoça Lima, Professor Chris Dow-
rick, Dr Jill Benson, Dr Lucja Kolkiewicz, Profes-
sor George Christodoulou, Dr Patt Franciosi and Dr
Penny Howes for their valuable feedback and thanks
to the WFMH administration team.
1.	 World Health Organization. Life expectancy: life expectancy by
country (http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.3?lang=en, accessed 3 May
2.	 Chan M, World Health Organization. Director-Generals message
on World Health Day. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2012 (http://www.
who.int/dg/speeches/2012/ageing_roundtable_20120404/en/, accessed 3 May
3.	 Lacas A, Rockwood K. Frailty in primary care: a review of its
conceptualisation and implications for practice. BMC Medicine, 2012, 10:4.
4.	 Fried L et al., for the Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative
Research Group. Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. Journal of
Gerontology: Medical Sciences. 2001, 56A(3):146–156.
5.	 Speechley M, Tinetti M. Falls and injuries in frail and vigorous
community elderly persons. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 1991,
6.	 Winograd CH. Targeting strategies: an overview of criteria and
outcomes. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 1991, 39:25–35.
7.	 Rockwood K et al. A brief clinical instrument to classify frailty in
elderly people. The Lancet, 1999, 353:205–206.
8.	 Fiatarone MA et al. Exercise training and nutritional supplementa-
tion for physical frailty in very elderly people. The New England Journal of
Medicine, 1994, 330(25):1669–1775.
9.	 Cohen JE. Human population: the next half of the century. Science,
2003, 302:1172–1175.
10.	 Kinsella K, Velkoff VA. Global ageing: the challenge of success.
Population Bulletin, 2005, 60:3-42.
11.	 Marengoni A et al. Ageing with multimorbidity: a systematic
review of the literature. Ageing Research Reviews, 2011, 10:430–439.
12.	 Fortin M et al. Multimorbidity and quality of life in primary care: a
systematic review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2004, 2: 51.
13.	 Fratiglioni L et al. Occurrence of dementia in advanced age:
the study design of the Kungsholmen Project. Neuroepidemiology, 1992,
I am particularly grateful to all volunteers who
continue to make a contribution globally and are the
unsung heroes of society.
Gabriel Ivbijaro MBE
14.	 Kawachi I, Berkman LF. Social cohesion, social capital, and health.
In: Berkman LF, Kawachi I, eds. Social epidemiology. New York, Oxford
University Press, 2000:174–190.
15.	 National Council for Voluntary Organisations. UK Giving 2009: an
overview of charitable giving in the UK 2008/2009. West Malling and London,
Charities Aid Foundation and National Council for Voluntary Organisations,
2009 (http://www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/sites/default/files/UploadedFiles/NCVO/
ing_2009_FINAL.pdf, accessed 3 May 2013).
16.	 Cornwell B, Laumann EO, Schumm LP. The social connected-
ness of older adults: a national profile. American Sociology Review, 2008,
17.	 Abel AB. The effect of a Baby Boom on stock prices and capital
accumulation in the presence of social security. Econometrica, 2003,
18.	 Einolf CJ. Volunteering, retirement and the baby boom generation:
an analysis of data from the 1995 and 2005 Midlife in the United States Panel
Study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2009, 38 (2):181–199.
19.	 Timebanking UK (http://www.timebanking.org/about/what-is-a-
timebank/, accessed 3 May 2013).
20.	 World Health Organization/World Psychiatric Association. Orga-
nization of care in psychiatry of the elderly: a technical consensus statement.
Geneva, World Health Organization and World Psychiatric Association, 1997.
21.	 WHO/Wonca. Integrating mental health into primary care: a global
perspective. Geneva, World Health Organization and Wonca, 2008.
22.	 Ivbijaro G. Aims, concept and structure of the book. In: Ivbijaro G,
ed. Companion to primary care mental health. London and New York, Wonca
and Radcliffe Publishing, 2012:3–4.
Healthy Ageing:
As You Age
Geriatric Mental Health Foundation
Today, thoughts of ageing gracefully have been
replaced by efforts to age successfully. As we age
and look forward to longer life expectancies than
past generations, we strive to age with good health.
How do we do this? By eating nutritiously. Limiting
alcohol. Keeping physically active. Staying con-
nected with our friends and family. Seeking medical
treatment when necessary. These are the right steps
toward healthy ageing. And with good health, we
can enjoy life and pursue new dreams and endeavors
as we age.
Good health includes both physical and mental well-
being. And the two go hand in hand. A healthy mind
contributes to a healthy body. The mind, like the
body, benefits from low blood pressure, low choles-
terol, nourishing food, a healthy weight, and physi-
cal activity.
There are many healthy lifestyle choices we can
make to keep our bodies healthy and avoid illness
and disability. There are additional steps we can take
to help preserve healthy minds.
What changes in mental abilities can we expect
as we age? What’s normal?
As we age, we can expect certain changes in our
bodies and minds. We may not see and hear as well
as we did in our 20s. We may not be able to remem-
ber recent events or details as well or as quickly as
we did in our 30s. Beginning in our 30s, the brain’s
weight, the network of nerves, and its blood flow
begin to decrease. Our brains adapt, however, and
grow new patterns of nerve endings.
While certain changes in our mental abilities are
inevitable as we age, much remains the same. We
retain our intellect. Our ability to change and be
flexible remains. Old dogs can learn new tricks. We
just might need a little more time. We keep our abil-
ity to grow intellectually and emotionally.
What can I do to keep my mind healthy?
For the last several years, new research has emerged
that shows there are many things we can do to keep
our minds healthy. Many of the same things we do
to keep our bodies healthy contribute to healthy
minds. Physical activity and a diet that helps lower
cholesterol levels and blood pressure also help to
keep our minds healthy by allowing our bodies to
deliver oxygen-rich blood to our brains. In addition,
activities that stimulate our minds, like crossword
puzzles, reading, writing, and learning new things,
help to keep our brains healthy. Staying engaged
with the people around us and our communities
plays an equally big part in staying mentally fit.
Following are some specific recommendations to
keep a healthy mind and ward off mental health
Be physically active
The benefits are numerous. Being physically active
helps prevent bone density loss, maintain balance,
and ward off illnesses (like heart disease, stroke, and
some cancers). For some, illness and disability can
bring on or contribute to mental illness. For exam-
ple, those who live with diabetes, cancer, and heart
disease can also suffer from depression.
Regular physical activity helps to:
•	 Maintain and improve memory
•	 Maintain and improve mental ability
•	 Prevent dementia (impaired intellectual func-
tioning) including Alzheimer’s disease
•	 Make us happy and prevent and alleviate depres-
•	 Improve energy levels
How does exercise do all that?
Physical activity—whether it’s walking, running,
swimming, dancing (we have a lot of choices)—
helps to:
•	 Decrease heart rate
•	 Decrease blood pressure
•	 Decrease blood cholesterol
•	 Strengthen the heart and increase the flow of
oxygen to the brain
•	 Improve reaction time
•	 Improve mobility
If you are thinking about starting an exercise pro-
gramme, talk first with your doctor. Start slowly,
take proper precautions (for example, walk in well-
lit areas in sturdy shoes), and have fun. Remember,
you don’t have to be athletic to benefit from regular
physical activity.
Keep blood pressure down
Blood pressure below 120/80 mmHg is considered
healthy and helps reduce the risk of stroke, which
is tied to dementia including Alzheimer’s disease.
High blood pressure damages blood vessels, which
increases one’s risk of stroke, kidney failure, heart
disease, and heart attack. Nearly two-thirds of
adults over age 65 have high blood pressure, 140/90
mmHg or higher. Those with blood pressure be-
tween 120/80 mmHg and 139/89 mmHg are con-
sidered to have prehypertension, which means that
while the blood pressure is not too high, they are
likely to develop it in the future. To reduce or keep
blood pressure at a healthy level, keep your weight
down, don’t smoke, exercise regularly, eat a healthy
diet, and limit salt, alcohol and caffeine.
Keep your cholesterol levels low
High blood cholesterol is a risk factor for heart
disease as well as dementia. The higher your blood
cholesterol level, the greater your chance of disease
and illness. An excess of cholesterol (a fat-like
substance) in your blood can build up on the walls
of your arteries. This causes them to harden and nar-
row, which slows down and can block blood flow.
A blood cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dL
is considered healthy, 200-239 mg/dL is borderline
high, and 240 mg/dL and above is high. Heredity,
age, and gender can affect cholesterol levels. Cho-
lesterol rises with age and women’s levels tend to
rise beginning after menopause. Healthy changes to
diet, weight, and physical activity can help improve
blood cholesterol levels.
Eat your vegetables and more
We’ve heard it all our lives, the good advice to eat
our vegetables. The same diet that can help us stay
strong and healthy provides the nutrition neces-
sary for a healthy brain. It starts with a diet rich in
fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat dairy
products. Experiment and find out how you best like
to eat the good things that your entire body needs.
There’s an endless variety to suit every taste.
Some specific dietary recommendations for a
healthy brain:
Folate is a B vitamin found in foods such as spinach
and asparagus. Folic acid is the synthetic form used
in supplements and fortified foods. Folate is neces-
sary for the health of our cells, and helps to prevent
anemia and changes to DNA (the building blocks of
cells) that could lead to cancer. Folate is also neces-
sary to maintain normal levels of homocysteine, an
amino acid in the blood. Good sources of folate and
folic acid include fortified breakfast cereals, dark-
green leafy vegetables, asparagus, strawberries,
beans, and beef liver.
The vitamins E and C are important antioxidants
found in foods that help guard against cell damage
and may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
While there’s no conclusive evidence, vitamins E
and C may help boost mental ability and prevent
For adults, the recommended dietary allowance
(RDA) of vitamin E is 15 milligrams per day from
foods. Foods naturally rich in vitamin E include
nuts, such as almonds, vegetable oils, seeds, wheat
germ, spinach, and other dark-green leafy vegeta-
The RDA of vitamin C for adults is 75 milligrams
per day for women and 90 milligrams per day for
men. Vitamin C is found in oranges, grapefruits,
asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, bell peppers,
collard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, potatoes,
spinach, and turnip greens.
Monitor your medication use
Be sure to read labels and carefully follow your phy-
sician’s instructions. Some medications come with
certain precautions such as avoiding alcohol or not
combining with other medications, even over-the-
counter drugs and herbal remedies. Some memory
loss, some forms of dementia, and other problems of
the brain can be traced back to harmful drug combi-
nations or inappropriate drug use.
Drink moderately
If you don’t drink, don’t start. If you do drink, limit
yourself to no more than one drink a day if you are
over the age of 65 and do not have a drinking prob-
lem. One drink is 12 ounces of beer, 1.5 ounces of
distilled spirits, or 5 ounces of wine.
Give up smoking
If you are a smoker, don’t wait until you are debili-
tated by a serious disease before considering quit-
ting. Smoking significantly increases one’s chance
of having a stroke and developing lung and other
cancers, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, chronic ob-
structive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart attacks,
and peripheral vascular disease.
According to the American Lung Association, when
an older person quits smoking, circulation improves
immediately and lungs begin to heal. After one year,
the additional risk of heart disease caused by smok-
ing is cut almost in half, and the risk of stroke, lung
disease, and cancer decreases.
Maintain a healthy weight
People who are obese or overweight are at increased
risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes,
arthritis-related disabilities, and some cancers. The
health risks of being overweight include high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke.
Being underweight also carries risks including poor
memory and decreased immunity. Ask your health
care provider how much you should weigh and for
suggestions on reaching that weight. Whatever your
weight, a healthy diet and regular exercise will only
improve your overall health.
Take care of your teeth by
brushing and flossing and seeing
your dentist regularly
Recent studies have linked chronic inflammation
caused by gum disease to a number of health prob-
lems, including Alzheimer’s disease and heart dis-
ease. So, take care of your teeth not only to maintain
a dazzling smile and the ability to chew your favor-
ite foods but also to ward off disease.
Keep mentally fit
Just as we exercise our bodies to keep them in work-
ing order, so must we exercise our brains to stay
mentally agile and adept. It’s the use-it-or-lose-it
theory. By engaging in mentally stimulating activi-
ties, we can maintain our brain functions as we age.
We can continue to grow new connections among
the billions of brain cells we possess by learning
new things. This activity may help to ward off de-
mentia like Alzheimer’s disease. So, work out your
brain daily. Stimulate new areas of your brain and
grow more connections among brain cells by intel-
lectually challenging yourself. Solve a puzzle, learn
a new musical instrument, read a challenging book,
play a board or card game, attend a lecture or play,
or write a short story.
Reduce stress
Just as stress can wear our bodies down and increase
blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, it can
also affect the way we think, our moods, and abil-
ity to remember. In fact, the hormones our bodies
release when we are under stress may shrink the
brain, affecting memory and learning. Stress can
also cause or contribute to depression and anxiety.
•	 To deal with stress, first identify its causes and
determine what changes you can make to avoid
it. For example, if rush-hour traffic is causing
you stress, time your driving or change your
route to avoid heavy traffic. If party planning
and gift buying during the holidays overwhelm
you, simplify and concentrate on those aspects
you really look forward to, like getting together
with friends and family.
•	 Talk it out. Sometimes talking through your
stress with a friend or therapist, or even writing
in a journal, helps to put things in perspective.
•	 Relax. Whether it’s by taking walks, playing
golf, hitting a tennis ball, or meditating, find
ways to release your stress and take a break.
•	 Get moving. Physical activity on most days of
the week helps our bodies keep mental stress in
•	 Give yourself a break. If you must live with a
stressful situation, take mini-vacations. Whether
it’s 20 minutes or several days, take time to relax
and enjoy the things and people you find plea-
Protect your brain
A history of head injury or loss of consciousness can
affect the health of your brain. Falls are the leading
cause of brain injury in the elderly, according to the
Brain Injury Association of America. Take steps to
protect your head and the precious matter inside.
•	 To avoid falls, exercise regularly to improve
your balance.
•	 Clear your home of hazards like clutter on the
floor. Make sure you have proper lighting.
•	 In the car, wear your seatbelt. Ask someone
else to drive in situations where you are not as
comfortable as you once were, such as nighttime
driving or driving in bad weather.
•	 On your bike, wear a helmet.
•	 When walking or running, wear proper shoes
with good support and stay in well-lit areas.
•	 If your balance seems a bit unsteady, talk to your
doctor about any medications you may be tak-
Stay socially connected
The support we receive from our friends, family,
and colleagues helps maintain our mental health.
Studies have shown that those who are engaged with
family and community groups take longer to show
the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease than those
who are socially isolated. So stay or become con-
nected. Join a book club or a volunteer group and
interact with the world around you.
Look on the bright side. A positive outlook and
emotions contribute to a healthy mind and body. Fo-
cus on the good in the world and the activities and
people that make you happy.
Stay connected spiritually. If nurturing your spiritual
side has had meaning for you, keep up that aspect
of your life. Those with a strong faith often find
support and comfort from their beliefs and their
community. So whatever your religious or spiri-
tual beliefs, stay connected. This connection can
help prevent and relieve depression and may guard
against dementia.
How can I help my memory?
•	 Don’t expect to remember everything. In today’s
busy world, we’re all overloaded with informa-
tion. When necessary, use lists, calendars, re-
minders, and other memory aides. For example,
write down appointments on your calendar and
keep a list of chores in your pocket.
•	 Develop routines to help you remember. Take
medicines at the same time every day. Leave
your keys in the same place.
•	 Visual memory tends to be better than auditory
memory. That is, it’s easier to remember what
we see than what we hear. Using both at the
same time will enhance memory. For example,
if you need to pick up fruit at the grocery store,
picture blueberries in the produce isle.
•	 Associating stories with new things or ideas is
also helpful.
•	 Increasing attention improves learning and
memory. When learning something new, limit
the distractions (turn off the TV and choose a
quiet room), and focus your attention.
•	 More time helps learning and recall. Allow your-
self additional time and have patience.
What’s not normal as we get older? What might
indicate an illness?
While some forgetfulness is normal in older age,
persistent memory loss is not. And because we ex-
perience more loss as we age (family members who
move away, the death of loved ones), we are bound
to experience more sadness. However, prolonged
periods of sadness or depression are not normal as
we age.
If you experience any of the following warning
signs listed below, or notice that an older relative or
friend is experiencing any of these, seek help. Older
adults can first start by talking to friends or loved
ones, and find help from their family physician, in-
ternist, psychiatrist, or geriatric psychiatrist, to name
just a few professionals who can provide assistance.
Warning Signs
The following are not normal characteristics of age-
ing and can indicate an illness. Discuss these symp-
toms with your physician.
•	 Depressed mood or sadness lasting longer than
two weeks
•	 Unexplained crying spells
•	 Loss of interest or pleasure in the things and
people that were previously enjoyable
•	 Jumpiness or tiredness, lethargy, fatigue, or loss
of energy
•	 Irritability, quarrelsomeness
•	 Loss or increase in appetite or weight change
•	 Sleep change such as insomnia (not being able
to sleep) or sleeping more than usual
•	 Feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt,
hopelessness, helplessness
•	 Decreased ability to think, concentrate, or make
•	 Repeated thoughts of death or suicide, suicide
attempts—Seek help from a medical profes-
sional immediately.
•	 Aches and pains, constipation, or other physical
problems that cannot otherwise be explained
•	 Confusion and disorientation
•	 Memory loss, loss of recent, short-term memory
•	 Social withdrawal
•	 Trouble handling finances, working with num-
bers, paying the bills
•	 Change in appearance, standard of dress
•	 Problems maintaining the home, the yard
What might trigger or contribute to mental ill-
•	 Physical disability
•	 Physical illness
o	 With diseases of the heart and lungs, the
brain may not get enough oxygen, which
affects mental ability and behaviour.
o	 Diseases of the adrenal, thyroid, pituitary,
or other glands can affect emotions, percep-
tions, memory, and thought processes
•	 A change in environment such as moving into a
new home
•	 Loss or illness of a loved one
•	 A combination of medications
o	 On average, older adults take more medica-
tions than others. Because our metabolism
slows down as we age, drugs can remain
longer in an older person and reach toxic
levels more quickly
•	 Drug-alcohol interactions can cause confusion,
mood changes, symptoms of dementia
•	 Alcohol or drug abuse and misuse
•	 Poor diet
o	 Dental problems can contribute to a poor
diet. Some older adults may avoid foods
that are difficult to chew.
If I suspect a problem, what should I do?
•	 Talk with your physician. Explain how you feel
and describe what is not normal for you. Have a
list of all medications, and vitamin, mineral, and
herbal supplements.
•	 Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or spiri-
tual advisor.
Talking with Your Doctor, Pharmacist, or Other
Health Care Providers
•	 Have a list of all medications, herbal remedies,
and vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements.
•	 Don’t be shy or embarrassed. Explain how you
•	 Ask questions. Take a list and pencil if neces-
•	 Remind your doctors and pharmacist about your
medical history.
•	 Ask for advice and instructions in clear writing,
free of medical jargon.
•	 Ask for a follow-up visit if all your questions
cannot be answered during your appointment.
•	 If you have questions once at home, don’t hesi-
tate to phone your doctor.
The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation was es-
tablished by the American Association for Geriatric
Psychiatry to raise awareness of psychiatric and
mental health disorders affecting the elderly, elimi-
nate the stigma of mental illness and treatment, pro-
mote healthy ageing strategies, and increase access
to quality mental health care for the elderly.
Geriatric Mental Health Association
7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1050
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 301-654-7850
Fax: 301-654-4137
E-mail: info@GMHFonline.org
Website: www.GMHFonline.org
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Alzheimer’s Association -
Maintain Your Brain:
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Memory Fitness Institute:
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World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
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World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
World Mental Health Day 2013
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World Mental Health Day 2013

  • 1. MENTAL HEALTH AND OLDER PEOPLE World Mental Health Day, October 10 2013 World Federation for Mental Health
  • 2. World Mental Health Day October 10 2013
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Mental health of older adults, addressing a growing concern MENTAL HEALTH OF OLDER ADULTS 2. A day to reflect on the mental health and wellbeing of older people around the world 3. More about dementia and older adults 4. A guide to mental wellness in older age: Depression and older adults 5. The role of social interventions and rehabilitation in the care of older adults 6. Managing complexity and multimorbidity in older adults: Time to act 7. Healthy ageing: Keeping mentally fit as you age 8. Mental health services for the elderly in Thailand 9. Person centered care for older adults - the “culture change” movement 10. Grief and older adults CAREGIVERS, FAMILY & OLDER ADULTS 11. Caring for the Alzheimer’s disease patient 12. Collaborating with families in the case of elderly patients 13. Fact sheet: Taking care of you: Self-care for family caregivers 14. Caregivers of older adults: Challenges and support 2 4 10 11 15 17 18 22 27 33 35 38 40 41 49 52 59
  • 4. 3
  • 5. Mental Health of Older Adults, Addressing A GROWING CONCERN M.T. Yasamy, T. Dua, M. Harper, S. Saxena World Health Organization, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Background The world population has never been as mature as now. Currently, the number of people aged 60 and over is more than 800 million. Projections indicate that this figure will increase to over two billion in 2050. People aged 60 can now expect to survive an additional 18.5 to 21.6 years (1). Soon the world will have a higher number of older adults than children. Contrary to common sense perceptions, the majority of older people live in low- and middle- income countries, and some of the fastest rates of ageing are occurring in these areas (2, 3). The United Nations uses the benchmark of 60 years of age or above to refer to older people (UNFPA, 2012). However, in many high-income countries, the age of 65 is used as a reference point for older persons as this is often the age at which persons become eligible for old-age social security benefits (1, 2). This higher age category is less appropriate to the situation in developing countries including Africa where life expectancy is often lower than that in high-income countries (4). Older adults face special health challenges. Many of the very old lose their ability to live independently because of limited mobility, frailty or other physical or mental health problems and require some form of long-term care. Early on, in the beginning of the millennium, it became clear in the USA that about 20% of adults aged 55 and over suffer from a mental disorder (5). Subsequently, global statistics showed this to be an almost universal problem (6). Mental health problems of older adults are under-identified by health care professionals and older people them- selves, and older people are often reluctant to seek help. Underlying factors of mental health problems in older adults A multitude of social, demographic, psychological, and biological factors contribute to a person’s men- tal health status. Almost all these factors are particu- larly pertinent amongst older adults. Factors such as poverty, social isolation, loss of in- dependence, loneliness and losses of different kinds, can affect mental health and general health. Older adults are more likely to experience events such as bereavements or physical disability that affect emo- tional well-being and can result in poorer mental health. They may also be exposed to maltreatment at home and in care institutions (7). On the other hand, social support and family interactions can boost the dignity of older adults, and are likely to have a protective role in the mental health outcomes of this population. There are more older women worldwide than older men. This difference increases with advancing age and has been called “feminization of ageing”. Older men and women have different health and morbidity patterns and women generally have lower income but better family support networks (1). On the other hand both depression and Alzheimer’s disease are more prevalent among women (8). Intergenerational solidarity is declining, especially in high-income countries. In some low- and middle- income countries a grandparent is increasingly more likely to be living with a grandchild. These so called “Skipped Generation” living arrangements are becoming more common because of economic migration, and in some societies as a consequence of HIV/AIDS related deaths. The impact of this on the 4
  • 6. perceived social stress amongst older people needs further research (1). The drastic demographic change brings about new challenges but also potential opportunities. The socioeconomic impacts, paired with health con- sequences, are new concerns for the world. This creates a paradoxical situation. Changes in the social role of the elderly have an impact on their wellbe- ing. In a considerable proportion of countries, older adults are now in better health as compared with the past. Older adults are increasingly “expected” to be more productive and are even being asked to contribute more to their family and/or community. Conventional attitudes toward the elderly have typi- cally been considerate of their dignity, with a few exceptions in some cultures. However, the current expected role of an elderly person seems to have changed from the role of “sage advisor” as it used to be in most parts of the world. Retirement age is increasing in many high-income countries. Older people are expected and are able to make important contributions to society as family members, vol- unteers and as active participants in the workforce, provided they stay fit enough for carrying out such roles. Nevertheless, improving productivity and ask- ing older adults to provide support to communities and families must be complemented by additional support to them from society. An important risk factor to the health and mental health of older adults, and an important human rights issue, is elder maltreatment. WHO defines elder maltreatment as “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any re- lationship where there is an expectation of trust that causes harm or distress to an older person”. This type of abuse includes; physical, sexual, psychologi- cal, emotional, financial and material abuse; aban- donment; neglect; and serious loss of dignity and self-respect. In high-income countries where data exists, around 4-6% of older persons have experi- enced some form of maltreatment at home. The fre- quency should be even higher, as many older adults are too scared or are unable to report maltreatment. Though data on the extent of the problem in institu- tions including hospitals, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are scarce, it so far indicates much higher rates as compared with maltreatment at home. Elder maltreatment can lead not only to physical injuries but also to serious, sometimes long-lasting psychological consequences, including depression and anxiety (9). Promotion of mental health within a healthy age- ing framework Mental health of older adults can be improved through promoting active and healthy ageing. To promote healthy ageing, the socio-economic deter- minants and inequalities in health need to be dealt with and additional gender and minority dispari- ties need to be tackled. Stereotypes against active ageing are called “ageism” and need to be reversed. Ageist attitudes consider older adults as frail, “past their sell-by date”, unable to work, physically weak, mentally slow, disabled or helpless. Ageism serves as a social divider between young and old and prevents participation in society. Age discrimina- tion has a negative impact on the wellbeing of the elderly (10). Ageing is a gradual process and there is much we can do to promote good mental health and well-being in later life. Participation in meaningful activities, strong personal relationships and good physical health are key factors. Poverty is a risk fac- tor for the mental ill-health of older adults and needs to be taken into consideration (11). Addressing elder maltreatment is a critically important approach for the promotion of mental health among the elderly. Primary health and community care and social ser- vice sectors need to be sensitized and supported to deal with elderly abuse. Deinstitutionalization and close monitoring of the remaining institutions are important additional strategies towards better ser- vice provision for the ageing population. Promoting healthy life styles among the general population, starting from an earlier age with strate- gies such as increasing physical and mental activity, avoiding smoking, preventing harmful use of alco- hol and providing early identification and treatment of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) can contrib- ute to better mental health among older adults. Involving civil society, non-governmental and non- 5
  • 7. profit organizations, and public-private partnerships could facilitate the implementation of health promo- tion strategies for older adults. Physical health problems in older adults Even in resource-poor countries, more older people die of NCDs such as heart disease, cancer and dia- betes than from infectious and parasitic diseases. In addition, older people often have several concurrent health problems (8). Risk factors for degenerative brain disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol levels are increasing among older adults (12). Mental health has a big impact on physical health. For example, coexisting depression in people with diabetes is associated with decreased adherence to treatment, poor metabolic control, higher com- plication rates, decreased quality of life, increased healthcare use and cost, increased disability and lost productivity, and increased risk of death (13). Conversely, people with medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma and arthritis have higher rates of depression than those who are medi- cally well (14). Mental disorders in older adults Dementia Dementia is a syndrome involving deterioration in memory, thinking, behaviour and the ability to perform everyday activities such as dressing, eating, personal hygiene and toilet activities (15). It gener- ally affects older people, although it is not a normal part of ageing. A report by WHO and the Alzheimer Disease Association International (ADI) in 2012 suggests a crude estimated prevalence of 4.7% among people 60 years and over. This indicates that 35.6 million people are living with dementia (12). The total number of people with dementia is projected to almost double every 20 years. That is, to 65.7 million by 2030 and up to 115.4 million by 2050 (12). Much of this increase is attributable to the rising numbers of people with dementia living in low- and middle-income countries ( Figure 1). There are significant social and economic implications in terms of direct medical costs, direct social costs and the costs of informal care. The total cost as a pro- portion of GDP varied from 0.24% in low-income countries to 1.24% in high-income countries (12). 6 Figure 1: Increase in numbers of people with dementia, by income group of countries
  • 8. Though no cure is available, much can be done for people with dementia and their caregivers. A range of pharmacological and several non-pharmacologi- cal interventions are available and can be delivered by even non-specialized health providers (15 & 16). Depression Depression is common in old age. According to the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) 2010 data, the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) for depression (major depressive disorder plus dysthymia) over 60 is 9.17 million years or 1.6% of total DALYs in this age group (17). Symptoms of older adults’ depression differ only in part from early life depression. They may however have more somatic presentation (18). This, together with high comorbidity with other physical condi- tions, can create a challenge for diagnosis. Once trained properly, non-specialized health care provid- ers can identify and treat depression among older adults. Effective psychological and pharmacological treatments exist; however, great care needs to be taken when prescribing antidepressants to this age group. Health care providers should prescribe re- duced initial doses of antidepressants and finish with lower final doses (15, 19 & 20). If severe, depres- sion may lead to suicide. Comorbidity with alcohol use disorders increases the likelihood (21). Other mental disorders Though substance abuse problems are thought of as young people’s problems, they should not be ne- glected in older adults. Substance abuse problems among the elderly are often overlooked or misdiag- nosed. In Europe, the number of older adults with such problems will double from 2001 to 2020 (22). According to IHME 2010 data, the absolute DALYs for alcohol disorders for people over 60 is about 1.5 million years. This constitutes about 0.3% of total DALYs for this age group (17). The corresponding figures for other substance use disorders are 338.000 years and 0.1%. Availability of maintenance treat- ments and better health care have contributed to an increased number of older adults who survive early onset drug use. Stressful life events such as retire- ment, marital breakdown or bereavement, social isolation, financial problems, mental disorders and some chronic physical conditions are main con- tributing factors to substance abuse. Physiological changes associated with ageing and increased use of other medicines, especially sedatives, may make drinking in lower doses more harmful for older adults through inducing more liver damage and causing more accidents and injuries (22). Prescribing for older adults is common. Some pre- scribed medicines such as benzodiazepines and opi- oids have a potential for abuse or dependence and this may occur within or outside a medical context. Treatment of substance use disorders in older adults is at least as effective as in younger adults. Treat- ment of health conditions due to substance use, especially management of withdrawal states or substance-induced psychoses, should be delivered in a supportive and, if necessary, medical environment, with proper consideration given to interactions between psychoactive substances and prescribed medicines as well as to other health complications. Mental disorders are more common among people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Also the number of people with intellectual disabilities who reach a sufficiently advanced age to develop dementia is in- creasing. The already challenged level of cognitive functioning is more vulnerable to dementia. Many high-income countries have strengthened their re- search activities and services for this group of older adults. Overall, this is a new area of work and so far the preference is for involving primary and commu- nity care and to prevent institutionalization (23). Mental health of the caregivers Older adults with dementia and depression com- monly receive support from spouses, other fam- ily members or friends. Caregivers commonly go through high levels of burden, stress, and depression (24). Providing psychosocial care to them should be included in the intervention packages for mental disorders of older adults. Psychoeducational inter- ventions such as training for caregivers that involves their active participation (e.g. role playing of behav- ioural problem management) are effective interven- 7
  • 9. tions for caregivers of people with dementia. Carer psychological strain needs to be addressed with support, counselling, and/or cognitive behavioural interventions. Depression is common among care- givers and should be managed properly (15). WHO’s response to the need WHO’s programmes for active and healthy ageing have provided a global framework for action at the country level (25). WHO recognizes dementia as a public health priority and supports governments in strengthening and promoting mental health in older adults, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. WHO’s flagship programme, the mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) included dementia as one of its main priority conditions. The mhGAP-IG (intervention guide) includes evidence- based interventions to be delivered by non-special- ized health providers in low-income settings for all priority conditions including dementia, depression, and alcohol and substance abuse (15). The WHO/Alzheimer’s Disease International report Dementia: a public health priority, published in 2012, aims to provide information and raise aware- ness about dementia. It also aims to strengthen pub- lic and private efforts to improve care and support for people with dementia and for their caregivers (26). The latest World Health Assembly of 24 May 2013 considered older people to be a vulnerable group with a high risk of experiencing mental health prob- lems in its report “Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2020”. Among its requests to the Director General of WHO, the Assembly included long-term care for older people (27). Conclusion The number of older adults is growing fast all over the world. The socioeconomic impact of such demo- graphic changes is adding to overall mental health consequences. WHO is supporting governments to narrow down the service gap for mental health, particularly in resource-poor settings. Though we still need more research on the biologi- cal, psychological and social aspects of older adults’ mental health, we already know enough to make a difference. We must improve general wellbeing through a life course approach and by promoting healthy life styles. We need to identify and treat mental disor- ders among this age group as early as possible. It is important to improve the social capital and involve communities and families in supporting the older adults. We need to support and engage non-profit organizations, NGOs and the peer groups of older adults. We should also establish public-private part- nerships to fill the service gap. Awareness on what has proved to be effective so far is extremely important. We need to fight against the maltreatment of older adults and abandon “ageist” attitudes by inviting the full participation of older adults into everyday life. Many older adults still follow a life style that ag- gravates a lack of mental wellbeing. They need to be encouraged and educated do more physical exercise, keep socially connected, keep their brains active, reduce their weight, stop smoking or the harmful use of alcohol, and control their blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Most of these are plausible interventions for a good proportion of the older adults in the world. 8
  • 10. 15. WHO, mhGAP-IG http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publica- tions/2010/9789241548069_eng.pdf WHO, 2010. Accessed 25.05.2013 16. Seitz DP, Brisbin S, Herrmann N, Rapoport MJ, Wilson K, Gill SS, et al. Efficacy and feasibility of nonpharmacological interventions for neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia in long term care: a systematic review. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2012 Jul;13(6):503–506. 17. IHME. Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010) Data Downloads http://ghdx.healthmetricsandevaluation.org/global-burden-disease- study-2010-gbd-2010-data-downloads Accessed 20 June 2013 18. Hegeman JM, Kok RM, Mast RC van der, Giltay EJ. Phenomenol- ogy of depression in older compared with younger adults: meta-analysis. BJP. 2012 Apr 1;200(4):275–81. 19. WHO, Pharmacological treatment of mental disorders in primary health care. WHO, Geneva, 2009.1. 20. WHO. Evidence-based recommendations for management of depression in non-specialized health settings. 2010. http://www.who.int/men- tal_health/mhgap/evidence/depression/en/index.html Accessed 1 June 2013. 21. Blow FC, Brockmann LM, Barry KL. Role of alcohol in late-life suicide. Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 2004 May;28(5 Suppl):48S–56S. 22. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). Substance use among older adults: a neglected problem. EMCD- DA, Lisbon, April 2008. Available at http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/html.cfm/ index50563EN.html accessed 27.05.2013 23. Report of the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practice. My Thinker’s Not Working. A National Strategy for Enabling Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia to Remain in Their Community and Receive Quality Supports. 2012. http://www.rrtcadd. org/resources/NTG-Thinker-Report.pdf Accessed 20 June 2013. 24. Van Vliet D, de Vugt ME, Bakker C, Koopmans RTCM, Verhey FRJ. Impact of early onset dementia on caregivers: a review. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2010. Nov;25(11):1091–100. 25. WHO. Care and independence in older age. 2013. http://www.who. int/ageing/en/ Accessed 1 July 2013 26. WHO, Dementia, a public health priority. WHO/Alzheimer’s Disease International, Geneva, 2012. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstre am/10665/75263/1/9789241564458_eng.pdf Accessed 25.05.2013 27. WHA, Comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2020. SIXTY-SIXTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY, A66/70, 24 May 2013 9 Acknowledgement We appreciate the comments provided by V. Poznyak, M.VanOmmeren and D.Chisholm. Armin Von Gunten and Deepti Kukreja from the WHO Collaboration Centre of Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l’Age Avancé (SUPAA), Lausanne contributed to an earlier draft of a relevant WHO document. References 1. UNFPA, The State of World Population 2012, http://www.unfpa. org/webdav/site/global/shared/swp/2012/EN_SWOP2012_Report.pdf Ac- cessed, 20.05.2013 2. WHO. Are you ready? What you need to know about ageing, WHO, 2012, http://www.who.int/world-health-day/2012/toolkit/background/ en/ Accessed 25.05.2013 3. WHO. Functional decline and dependence in ageing populations, panel side event at 66th World Health Assembly, 2013. http://www.who.int/ ageing/events/wha66/en/index.html Accessed 1 July 2013 4. WHO, Definition of an older or elderly person. Proposed Working Definition of an Older Person in Africa for the MDS Project. http://www.who. int/healthinfo/survey/ageingdefnolder/en/ Accessed 25.05.2013 5. Administration on Ageing. (2001). Older Adults and Mental Health: Issues and Opportunities. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 6. WHO, The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 update. WHO. Geneva 2008. 7. WHO, EURO. Risk factors of ill health among older people http:// www.euro.who.int/en/what-we-do/health-topics/Life-stages/healthy-ageing/ facts-and-figures/risk-factors-of-ill-health-among-older-people Accessed 25.05.2013 8. WHO, Interesting facts about ageing. 2012. http://www.who.int/ ageing/about/facts/en/index.html Accessed 30 June 2013 9. WHO. Elder maltreatment. Fact sheet N°357, August 2011. http:// www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs357/en/index.html Accessed 1 July 2013 10. WHO, ageing and life course, fighting stereotypes. 2012. http:// www.who.int/ageing/about/fighting_stereotypes/en/index.html Accessed 1 July 2013 11. The Swedish National Institute of Public Health. Healthy ageing, a challenge for Europe.2006. http://www.healthyageing.eu/sites/www.healthy- ageing.eu/files/resources/Healthy%20Ageing%20-%20A%20Challenge%20 for%20Europe.pdf Accessed 20 June 2013 12. WHO. Dementia: a public health priority. World Health Organiza- tion, Alzheimer’s Disease International. Geneva, 2012. http://apps.who.int/ iris/bitstream/10665/75263/1/9789241564458_eng.pdf Accessed 25.05.2013 13. Egede LE, Ellis C. Diabetes and depression: Global perspectives. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2010 Mar;87(3):302–12. 14. Moussavi S, Chatterji S, Verdes E, Tandon A, Patel V, Ustun B. Depression, chronic diseases, and decrements in health: results from the World Health Surveys. The Lancet. 2007 Sep; 370(9590):851–8.
  • 12. 11 Mental Health in Older People: a Public Health Issue The World Health Organization definition of health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (1). This means that mental health is essential to overall health and wellbeing, and should be recognized in all older persons with the same importance as physical health. By 2050, the world population over the age of 60 is estimated to be 2 billion (2). A rapid growth of older persons will occur in low- and middle-income coun- tries (LMICs) with huge consequences for these vul- nerable economies (3). Many people live a long and happy life without any mental health problem, and despite the all-too-prevalent image of elderly people being sad, slow, and forgetful, mental disorders are not an inevitable consequence of ageing. Neverthe- less, one of the possible negative consequences of the rapid ageing of the global population is the increase in the number of people with mental disor- ders which will soon overwhelm the mental health system in many countries (3). More than 20% of people age 55 years or older may have some type of mental health problem (4). Biological changes may interfere with the brain’s functioning. Social changes can lead to isolation or feelings of worthlessness. Somatic diseases are often important contributory factors too. Mental disor- ders may exacerbate the symptoms and functional disabilities associated with medical illnesses and increase the use of healthcare resources, length of hospital stay and overall cost of care (5). Mental health problems can have a high impact on an older person’s ability to carry out the basic activi- ties of daily living, reducing their independence, autonomy, and quality of life. The first step to re- duce these negative consequences is simply making a diagnosis. Unfortunately, too often mental health problems are undiagnosed and untreated and many older people struggle on without the proper help – or any help at all (5). Today’s older adult population is unlikely to ac- knowledge mental illness or access mental health services. Many stigmas exist regarding the meaning A Day to Reflect on the MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF OLDER PEOPLE Around the World Carlos Augusto de Mendonça Lima, M.D., D.Sci. Chair, European Psychiatric Association Section of Geriatric Psychiatry Secretary, World Psychiatric Association Section of Old Age Psychiatry Centre de Psychiatrie et de Psychothérapie Les Toises, Lausanne, Switzerland climasj@yahoo.com Jacobo Mintzer, M.D., M.B.A. President, International Psychogeriatric Association Department of Health Studies, Medical University of South Carolina, USA mintzerj@musc.edu
  • 13. 12 of mental illness. Some older people view mental illness as a sign of weakness and are unlikely to admit to problems, especially when they fear loss of independence. Too many persons consider that symptoms of dementia and depression are a normal part of ageing. Many elders lack availability of ser- vices or access to them (6). Other difficulties concern the work force: few mental health providers have had specialized train- ing in providing care for older adults, and many come with a set of societally-transmitted biases themselves. This therapeutic pessimism allows health professionals to believe that older people cannot change and that it is too late for psychiatric care. Consequently there are few investments in the development of policies, strategies, programmes, and services for older persons with mental health problems (3). Mental Health Problems in Older Adults Dementia Dementia describes a group of related symptoms, where there is ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. Between 2% and 10% of all dementia cases start before the age of 65. The prevalence doubles with every five-year increment after age 65. The number of people with dementia in 2011 around the world was estimated to be 35.6 million, and this number will grow quickly: numbers will double every 20 years, to 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4 million in 2050, with the majority of these persons living in LMICs (3). Dementia is the leading cause of dependency and disability among older persons. The estimated worldwide cost of dementia is estimated to have been $604 billion USD in 2010, with direct medi- cal care costs only contributing to 16% of the global cost. Dementia profoundly affects the quality of life of people with dementia and their caregivers (3). Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of dementia in most countries. This affects the support for those concerned in a number of ways. Low awareness levels contribute to stig- matization and isolation. Poor understanding creates barriers to timely diagnosis and to accessing ongo- ing medical and social care, leading to a large gap in treatment. Lack of awareness also takes its toll on the resilience of the family unit and increases financial and legal vulnerability. At a national level, the lack of awareness and lack of infrastructure for providing good and early support increase the likeli- hood of high costs in supporting increased depen- dence and morbidity. Although no treatments are currently available to cure dementia, there is much that can be offered to support and improve the lives of all people concerned (3, 7). There are more than 100 different diseases causing dementia. Alzheimer’s disease probably accounts for over 50 percent of cases of dementia. Vascular dementia is also very common. Other types of de- mentia include Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome as a result of alcohol abuse (3). Depression in the elderly Depression is the most prevalent mental health prob- lem among older adults. It is associated with distress and suffering and can lead to impairments in physi- cal, mental, and social functioning. The presence of depressive disorders often affects the course and complicates the treatment of other chronic diseases. Older adults with depression visit the doctor and emergency room more often, use more medication, incur higher outpatient charges, and stay longer in the hospital. Although the rate of older adults with depressive symptoms tends to increase with age, de- pression is not a normal part of growing older (5, 8).
  • 14. 13 There are symptoms which are more typical in older people; they often do not actually complain of low mood but become anxious, fearful, and lacking in confidence. Anxiety is a warning sign for depres- sion in the elderly. Older people may also express their low mood through complaints about physical symptoms – especially pain. Confusion and forget- fulness are other common symptoms of depression in old age. Social factors often underlie depression in older persons, especially losses, difficulties in socialization which lead to isolation, and sometimes even boredom after retirement (8, 9, 10). The risk of suicide is very high among older men in almost all cultures (11, 12). In the majority of cases depression in older persons is a treatable condition. As with younger people, treatment consists of a combination of antidepres- sant drugs and supportive counselling or other forms of psychotherapy. It is also important to rule out physical causes of depression and avoid other treat- ments able to cause depression (9, 10). Anxiety in the elderly Anxiety, panic, and phobias disrupt the lives of 10% of older persons. Fear is a normal emotion, but sometimes it gets out of control and interferes with the ability to do even simple things. Anxiety is also often a sign of depression in older people and can amplify the physical symptoms related to low mood (13, 14). Cognitive behavioural therapy and drug treatments, including some which work on both anxiety and depression, can also be useful (13, 14). Other common mental health problems in the elderly Most mental health issues can occur at any age so conditions ranging from bipolar disorder to obses- sive compulsive disorder, addiction, and less com- monly, schizophrenia, may develop. Psychotic disorders, characterized by a loss of contact with reality, may be common in people in their later years, causing hallucinations, abnormal beliefs, and impaired insight. They may be caused by many medical conditions such as dementia, infections, metabolic or hormonal disorders, sensory impair- ments, and substance abuse. Psychosis may trouble up to five percent of the elderly in the community and much higher numbers in nursing homes (15, 16). Mental Health and Wellbeing in Older Persons: The Way Forward Ageing well in physical and mental health is a right of all persons. Such rights extend to enjoying ac- tive and satisfying social lives, participation, hav- ing equitable access to good quality health care and social systems, and providing adequate support to caregivers. The ageing shift will have profound consequences for the workforce, healthcare systems, informal and formal caregiver capacity, and society. It will require more and better strategies to ensure good mental health and wellbeing in the growing older popula- tion. The negative stereotypes and negative attitudes against ageing and older people must be stopped. The balance between vulnerability and resilience is central in mental health promotion, and certain groups with specific burdens face a higher risk of poorer mental health. Older women often face spe- cific risks which increase their vulnerability both as sufferers of mental health problems and caregivers. Policies to support them and interventions to pre- vent mental health problems and isolation in older women must be strengthened (17). Interventions to prevent social isolation and loneli- ness are effective measures. An increase in social inclusion and participation of older people must be a very high priority in order to promote active ageing and quality of life in a holistic way by addressing: • Life-long learning, training, and education of older people • Psychological and behavioural determinants of health • Socio-economic determinants of health • Taking cultural and spiritual needs into account. Mental health promotion research related to older people should be strengthened in order to improve scientific evidence and should concentrate on issues where the evidence base is weakest. The promotion
  • 15. 14 of an appropriate use of medication is crucial for optimal mental health and functioning among older people (17). Conclusion In conclusion, the promotion of healthy ageing in all its aspects is an important role for all societies. Ear- ly recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders that are common in old age are important to prevent avoidable suffering and disabilities. References 1. World Health Organization (1948). Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Confer- ence, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representa- tives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948. (http://www.who.int/about/defini- tion/en/print.html) Acessed on 26 may 2013) 2. United Nations (2009). World Population Ageing 2009. UN, New York, NY. 3. World Health Organization & Alzheimer’s Disease International (2012). Dementia: a health public priority. WHO, Geneva. 4. American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Geriatrics and men- tal health—the facts (http://www.aagponline.org/prof/facts_mh.asp). Accessed on 26 may 2013. 5. United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General (1999). Mental Health. A report of the Surgeon General. NIMH, Washington, D.C. (http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/retrieve/ResourceMetadata/NNBBHS). Accessed on 26 may 2013. 6. Graham N, Lindesay J, Katona C, Bertolote JM, Camus V, Copeland JRM, de Mendonça Lima CA, Gaillard M, Nargeot MCG, Gray J, Jacobsson L, Kingma M, Kühne N, O’Loughlin A, Saracenon B, Taintor Z, Wancata J. Reducing stigma and discrimination against older people with mental disorders: a technical consensus statement. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2003; 18: 670-678. 7. de Mendonça Lima CA, Caldas de Almeida JM, Illiffe S, Rasmus- sen J. Dementia in primary care mental health. In: Ivbijaro G. Companion to Primary Care Mental Health. Radcliffe Publishing, London, 2012. Pp.: 571- 607. 8. Geriatric Mental Health Foundation. Depression in late life: not a natural part of ageing (http://www.gmhfonline.org/gmhf/consumer/factsheets/ depression_latelife.html). Accessed 26 may 2013. Care for older adults with mental illness requires sensitivity and observational and relational skills in order to help the older person achieve and maintain the highest possible level of function and wellbeing. Those who care for older persons should always be protected and supported in their tasks everywhere. All these actions together can certainly contribute to better mental health in old age. 9. Baldwin, R. C., Chiu, E., Katona, C., et al (2002). Guidelines on Depression in Older People: Practising the Evidence. London: Martin Dunitz. 10. Blazer DG (2003). Depression in late life: review and commentary. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. Mar; 58(3): 249-65. 11. Bruce ML, Ten Have TR, Reynolds III CF, Katz II, Schulberg HC, Mulsant BH, Brown GK, McAvay GJ, Pearson JL, Alexopoulos GS (2004). Reducing Suicidal Ideation and Depressive Symptoms in Depressed Older Primary Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Med Assoc 291:1081-1091. 12. World Health Organization. Suicide Prevention (SUPRE). (http:// www.who.int/mental_health/prevention/suicide/suicideprevent/en/index.html). Accessed on 26 May 2013. 13. Geriatric Mental Health Foundation. Overcoming Worry and Fear. (http://www.gmhfonline.org/gmhf/consumer/factsheets/anxietyoldradult.html). Accessed on 26 May 2013 14. Vasiliadis HM, Dionne PA, Préville M, Gentil L, Berbiche D, Latimer E (2013). The excess healthcare costs associated with depression and anxiety in elderly living in the community. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry Jun;21(6):536-48. 15. Kyomen HH, Whitfield TH (2009). Psychosis in the Elderly. Am J Psychiatry 166: 2: 146-150. 16. Girard C, Simard M (2012). Elderly patients with very late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis and early-onset schizophrenia: cross-selectional and restrospective clinical findings. Open Journal of Psychiatry 2: 305-316. 17. European Communities (2010). Mental Health and Well-Being in Older People – Making it Happen. Conclusions from the Thematic Confer- ence. Luxembourg: European Communities.
  • 16. 15 What Is Dementia? As we progress into old age, it is not uncommon to experience more frequent episodes of forgetful- ness. Older adults report lapses in memory such as temporarily forgetting the name of the movie they just saw or the name of a nearby street that is fa- miliar. They can also be vulnerable to confusion in thought processes when, for example, they need to recall complex experiences or medical conditions. If such occasional lapses in memory or thought do not interfere with daily activities or interpersonal relationships, they should be considered a normal consequence of ageing. However, lapses in thought and memory that interfere with normative activities of daily living or interpersonal relationships may signify a clinical syndrome known as dementia. It is important to distinguish between normal forgetful- ness and more serious memory problems of demen- tia. Dementia has been found to be a principle factor for institutionalization, disability, and shorter survival in older individuals (Qiu, De Ronchi, & Fratiglioni, 2007). Dementia may be understood as a non-specif- ic neuro-degenerative syndrome where accelerated deterioration within two or more functional areas of cognition occurs. This functional deterioration is not accounted for by normative factors of ageing. Areas of accelerated functional deterioration are typically observed in memory, language, emotional control, problem solving ability, and judgment (Qiu, Kivipelto, & Von Strauss, 2009; Toseland & Parker, 2006). Risks Factors Associated with Dementia While older age and genetic predisposition have been well established as risk factors for demen- tia, various other acquired medical conditions can increase risk for it (Kaplan & Berkman, 2011). Approximately 60-80% of cases of dementia are attributed to a neuro-degenerative disease known as Alzheimer’s (Cereda et al., 2013). A number of oth- er neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease also cause dementia. In these cases, the function or structure of neurons in the brain slowly begin to degrade or atrophy. Vari- ous other diseases and disorders that cause dementia may do so by directly damaging brain tissue. Vascu- lar conditions such as stroke, and chronic vascular factors such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol have also been implicated in both the onset and acceleration of dementia (Qiu et al., 2007; DeCarli, 2004). In addition, viral infections such as syphilis, HIV, or Lyme disease; bacterial infections such as tuberculosis and meningitis; demyelinat- ing disorders such as multiple sclerosis; traumatic brain injuries; tumors; and drug use can also cause dementia (Emre, 2008). Psychosocial factors such as poor social networks or reluctance to engage in social networks, and poor physical activity, have also been associated with increased risk for onset of dementia (Qiu et al., 2007). Diagnosing Dementia Dementia is a non-specific syndrome with respect to domains of cognitive impairment, and a diagno- sis of dementia can only be made after ruling out other factors. A diagnosis of dementia must pres- ent deficits in cognitive functioning in two or more domains that are more severe than mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (Emre, 2008). That is, deficits in cognitive functioning must disrupt normative functions of daily living. As noted earlier, deficits in domains of cognitive functioning may encompass More About DEMENTIA & OLDER ADULTS Phillip Hamid Developmental Psychology Programme, Columbia Teachers’College and Columbia University Global Mental Health Programme, New York, USA ph2345@tc.columbia.edu
  • 17. 16 but are not limited to memory, language, emotional control, problem-solving ability, and judgment (Qiu, Kivipelto, & Von Strauss, 2009; Toseland & Parker, 2006). Also, other primary psychiatric disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or depression should be ruled out as the cause of disruptions in normative functions of daily living. If you think you or a loved one may have symptoms of dementia It is important to remember that older adults may believe that memory loss and significant functional impairment are a normal part of ageing. As such, many older adults may remain silent about their suf- References Alzheimer’s Association. (2013). 10 early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s. In 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from https://www.alz.org/ alzheim- ers_disease_10_signs_of_alzheimers.asp. Cereda, E., Pedrolli, C., Zagami, A., Vanotti, A., Piffer, S., Faliva, M., Cac- cialanza, R. (2013). Alzheimer’s disease and mortality in traditional long-term care facilities. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 56(2013), 437-441. DeCarli, C. (2004). Vascular factors in dementia: An overview. Journal of Neurological Sciences, 226(1-2), 19-23. Emre, M. (2008). Classification and diagnosis of dementia: A mechanism- based approach. European Journal of Neurology, 16, 168-173. John A. Hartford Foundation. (2011). Mental health and the older adult. Re- trieved April 10, 2013, from http://www.jhartfound.org/ar2011/index.html. fering, needlessly living with an undiagnosed condi- tion and receiving inadequate or no treatment (John A. Hartford Foundation, 2011). If you think you or a family member may be showing signs of demen- tia you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. The Alzheimer’s Association (2013) explains that earlier detection will allow you to: • Maximize benefits of available treatments. • Have more time to plan for the future for you and your family. • Establish care and support services to maximize quality of life for both the individual showing signs of dementia and family members. Kaplan, D. B., & Berkman, B. (2011). Dementia Care: A global concern and social work challenge. International Social Work, 54(3), 361-373. Qiu, C., De Ronchi, D., & Fratiglioni, L. (2007). The epidemiology of the dementias: An update. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 20, 380-385. Qiu, C., Kivipelto, M., & Von Strauss, E. (2009). Epidemiology of Alzheim- er’s disease: Occurrence, determinants, and strategies toward intervention. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 11(2), 111-128. Toseland, R.W., & Parker, M. (2006). Older adults suffering from significant dementia. In B. Berkman (Ed.), Handbook of Social Work in Health and Age- ing, pp. 117–128. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • 18. 17 How to Use This Depression Recovery Tool Kit The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation is pleased to provide you with a depression recovery tool kit online - A Guide to Mental Wellness in Older Age: Recognizing and Overcoming Depres- sion. The purpose of this kit is to help consumers, in partnership with their health care providers, identify and treat late-life depression. The message is simple: late-life depression is treat- able and recovery is possible. The first challenge in treating depression is identifying the illness and seeking help. You are not alone. Many people experience depressed moods at some point in their lives. When these experiences become severe or last over a period of time, you may be suffering from a depressive illness. Some people won’t tell anyone what they are experiencing; they are afraid that oth- ers may not understand, will not take them seriously, or will blame them. But, the first step to recovery is to tell someone what you are feeling. That person could be a long-time friend, family member, health care provider, or spiri- tual advisor. They can help you get the assistance you need to feel better. Get treatment now—before it gets worse. © Geriatric Mental Health Foundation 2004 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1050 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 301.654.7850 info@GMHFonline.org www.GMHFonline.org If you are a health care consumer (patient or family member), we urge you to take this material to your health care provider so you can discuss your symp- toms and receive the best treatment. If you are a health care provider, we encourage you to use these materials in your patient education ef- forts. You may want to give the entire kit to your patient and his or her family member when your pa- tient is first diagnosed. Or you may want to provide different fact sheets as treatment progresses and the patient and their family members require additional information about the illness. This recovery kit contains a series of fact sheets, listed below, and resource material to help you get better. • What is Late-Life Depression—The Facts • Am I Depressed? • Getting Good Medical Care—Talking to Your Physician About Depression • Treatment Options for Late-Life Depression • Taking Care of Yourself—Healthy Lifestyle Choices • Monitoring Your Symptoms of Depression • Caregiving—The Role of Family Members and Friends • Paying for Mental Health Services under Medi- care • Resources Expert assistance was provided by Lissy F. Jarvik, M.D., Professor Emerita of Psychiatry and Biobe- havioral Sciences, University of California-Los An- geles, School of Medicine; Susan Lieff, M.D., M.Ed., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto; and Stephen J. Bartels, M.D., M.S., Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Dartmouth Medical School. A Guide to Mental Wellness in Older Age: DEPRESSION & OLDER ADULTS Find the full toolkit at: http://www.gmhfonline.org/gmhf/consumer/depression_toolkit.html
  • 19. 18 Introduction There is a global movement towards ‘successful ageing’, and a model of care aimed at maximizing health, wellbeing, functional capacity and social participation in old age. Psychosocial interventions have the ability to improve wellbeing, functioning and promote social rehabilitation in older adults with health problems such as dementia, depression, and frailty. Cross-national research must continue to develop methodologies and improve implementa- tion and effectiveness of psychosocial interventions. This is crucial to establish a sustainable and cost- effective infrastructure to facilitate better health and quality of life in old age. The impact of ageing The world population is ageing. It is estimated that between 2010 and 2050, the number of individu- als aged over 65 years will rise from 524 million to 1.5 billion (World Health Organization, 2011). The proportion of those aged 85 years and over is also rising rapidly, leading to increased numbers of frail older adults. A consequence of an ageing population is an increased prevalence of dementia. It is estimat- ed that there will be 115 million people living with dementia worldwide in 2050 (Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2010 ). For years, ageing has been associated with a decline in cognitive, functional and social domains. Losses include reduced cognitive resources, functional capacity, and mobility difficulties often associated with loneliness, dependence, and social isolation. However in recent years, a more positive approach towards ageing has emerged that recognizes the pos- sibility for change. The term ‘active ageing’ refers to ageing as a positive process (World Health Orga- nization, 2002). Baltes & Baltes (1990) presented a model of ‘successful ageing’ involving adaptation, selection, optimization and compensation. Nygren et al. (2005) found older adults to have inner strength, such as resilience, sense of coherence, purpose in life and self-transcendence, which can contribute to better health. The Role of SOCIAL INTERVENTIONS AND REHABILITATION in the Care of Older Adults Nadia Crellin, Researcher Martin Orrell, Professor of Ageing and Mental Health Mental Health Sciences Unit, Faculty of Brain Sciences, University College London, UK Research and Development Department, North East London Foundation Trust, UK n.crellin@ucl.ac.uk
  • 20. 19 Ideally, health and social care should work towards ensuring that longer life is accompanied by a longer period of health, wellbeing, and independence. It is therefore important to establish ways to maximize the health, wellbeing, and functional capacity of older adults, and promote social participation. This approach towards ageing highlights the potential of psychosocial approaches to improve the functioning and wellbeing of older adults as well as the potential for social rehabilitation. The role of psychosocial interventions Social participation is an important component of healthy ageing. It involves social contact and en- gagement in meaningful activities. Socially active older adults have improved quality of life, health, and wellbeing, and are less likely to be depressed or isolated (Perrin & May, 2001). Psychosocial interventions such as cognitive, behavioural, and supportive interventions can facilitate more active ageing and rehabilitation in older adults. The impor- tance of social participation in older adults will be reviewed in the context of three major health prob- lems: dementia, depression and frailty, considered in both home and care home environments. Dementia Kitwood and Bredin (1992) laid the foundations of the psychosocial approach to dementia care, recog- nizing that despite the inevitable decline, personal growth and wellbeing are possible. More recently, the biopsychosocial model for dementia care (Spec- tor & Orrell, 2010), draws on Kitwood’s work to highlight the problem of ‘excess disability’ when people’s current cognitive, functional or social performance is limited by confounding factors. The model describes how excess disability can be reduced by identifying and managing each of these factors, leading to adaptation and improvement. With greater understanding of the psychosocial approach to dementia care and the limited efficacy of pharmacological approaches, a new generation of psychosocial interventions aimed at improving wellbeing, quality of life, cognitive and behavioural functioning have been developed (Woods & Clare 2008). Psychosocial interventions can provide a cost-effective contribution to dementia care, with some demonstrating similar efficacy to pharmaco- logical approaches (Olazaran et al., 2010). Psychosocial interventions may be effective in improving cognition, mood, behaviour and quality of life in people with dementia, as well as delay- ing institutionalization (Olazaran et al., 2010). A home-based occupational therapy programme in the Netherlands used a social intervention involving the patient, carer and occupational therapist to promote independence and meaningful activity in people with dementia. It was shown to be cost-effective and improved ability to carry out activities, mood and quality of life (Graff et al., 2006). Reminiscence, involving peer and family participation has been widely used in dementia care in both the community and care homes (Woods et al., 2006). Its popularity stems from its use of enjoyable activities to promote communication and wellbeing. Group cognitive stimulation therapy is also widely used and has been found to have benefits for cognition and quality of life and to be cost-effective in dementia care (Spec- tor et al., 2003). Many older adults with dementia live in care homes. Activities that are highly valued by people with dementia can include reminiscence, family & social activities, and musical activities (Harmer & Orrell, 2008). Positive outcomes have been associated with behaviour management techniques, cognitive stimu- lation and physical activity in care homes (Vernooij- Dassen et al., 2010). Psychosocial interventions found to be beneficial often involve stimulated conversation, enjoyable activities to enhance rela- tionships (e.g. music, dance), and meaningful and reminiscence activities such as sharing memories (Lawrence et al., 2012). Depression Depression in older adults can be associated with reduced functional ability, dependence, social isola- tion, and loneliness (Forsman et al., 2012). Cogni- tive behavioural therapy and pharmacological ap- proaches have shown efficacy in treating depression in older adults, although medication use is limited by non-compliance and side effects. With grow-
  • 21. 20 ing evidence that social participation can improve mental health in older adults, psychosocial interven- tions may provide an attractive option in the care of depression. Psychosocial interventions aimed at promoting social contact (Forsman et al., 2012) or social relationships (Kraaij & de Wilde, 2001) may help prevent depression in older adults. Physical activity is important for depressed older adults living in the community or care homes, hav- ing health benefits and protecting against depres- sion. Singh et al. (2001) found that exercise was safe and effective in reducing depression in older adults, promoting a more positive attitude towards the age- ing process. Reminiscence therapy is also a well- established form of depression treatment in older adults in the community and care homes (Pinquart et al., 2007). It can be effective for depressed older adults residing in the community (Watt and Cappe- liez, 2000) and in care homes (Karimi et al., 2010). Depression is common in older adults in care homes and can be related to unmet psychosocial needs. Social activities demonstrating benefits were: the provision of new social roles to increase feelings of appreciation, creative activities (e.g. singing, gar- dening) to provide a sense of belonging, and family- like meal times to enhance social interaction and independence (Forsman et al., 2012). Frail older adults Many older adults living in the community and care homes are frail and experience functional difficulties associated with negative mental, physical and social outcomes. Losses associated with frailty in older adults include reduced social participation, social isolation, loneliness and reduced quality of life. Fear of falling is common in older adults in the community, and is associated with social isolation and reduced social participation. (Tennstedt et al. 1998) found a community-based group intervention involving role play, exercise training, and problem solving reduced fear of falling and increased levels of intended activities and social function in older adults. There is growing recognition of the benefits of tech- nology for frail older adults in care homes and the community to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Frail older adults living in the community or care homes, when trained to use the Internet, experienced improved wellbeing and empowerment (Straka & Clark, 2000). For frail older adults residing in care homes, the involvement of family members is important for social support (Maas et al., 2004). A video-conference intervention involving interaction with family members reduced loneliness and depres- sion in Taiwanese older adults (Tsai et al., 2010). The future of psychosocial interventions in the care of older adults To facilitate a transition into old age with dignity and wellbeing, research is crucial to determine which psychosocial interventions are useful and pro- vide best value for money. This will include an as- sessment of the comparative effects of interventions to develop methodologies, and improve implemen- tation and effectiveness. Not only is the develop- ment of existing psychosocial interventions crucial but it is also vital to take advantage of technological advances in designing new interventions. Today, social network sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook and Skype) and email are routine methods of com- munication that make it possible to socialize from within our own homes. This technology can enrich the lives of older adults at home or in nursing homes by promoting communication, maintaining social networks, and broadening connections. Empowering older adults can help in preventing loneliness and reducing social isolation. Psychosocial interventions involving technology are promising.
  • 22. 21 Internet training programmes in older adults can facilitate interpersonal interaction and improve independence (Shapira et al., 2007), as well as im- prove quality of life and reduce social isolation and depression (White et al., 2002). It is important for future psychosocial interventions to move past age- related biases and utilize technological advances in the care of older adults. Conclusion There is a global movement towards ‘successful’ ageing and a model of care for older adults that fo- cuses on maximizing health, wellbeing, and social References Alzheimer’s Disease International. (2010). World Alzheimer Report 2010: The Global economic impact of dementia. Retrieved from http://www.alz.co.uk/ research/statistics. Baltes, P. B. & Baltes, M. M. (1990). Psychological perspectives on successful ageing: The model of selective optimization with compensation. In Baltes, P. B., Baltes, M. M. (Eds.) Successful Ageing: Perspectives from the Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1-34). Cambridge University Press: New York. Forsman, A. K., Schierenbeck, I., & Wahlbeck, K. (2012). Psychosocial Inter- ventions for the Prevention of Depression in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Ageing and Health, 23(3), 387–416. Graff, M. J. L., Vernooij-Dassen, M. J. M., Thijssen, M., Dekker, J., Hoef- nagels, W. H. L., & Olde Rikkert, M. G. M. (2006). Community based oc- cupational therapy for patients with dementia and their caregivers: randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 333(7580), 1196-1201. Harmer, B. J., & Orrell, M. (2008). What is meaningful activity for people with dementia living in care homes? A comparison of the views of older people with dementia, staff and family carers. Ageing & Mental Health, 12(5), 548-558. Karimi , H., Dolatshahee, B., Momeni, K., Khodabakhshi, A., Rezaei, M., & Kamrani, A. A. (2010). Effectiveness of integrative and instrumental reminis- cence therapies on depression symptoms reduction in institutionalized older adults: An empirical study. Ageing & Mental Health, 14(7), 881-887. Kitwood, T., & Bredin, K. (1992). Towards a theory of dementia care: Person- hood and wellbeing. Ageing and Society, 12, 269-287. Kraaij, V., & de Wilde, E. J. (2001). Negative life events and depressive symptoms in the elderly: A life span perspective. Ageing and Mental Health, 5, 84-91. Lawrence, V., Fossey, J., Ballard, C., Moniz-Cook, E., & Murray, J. (2012). Improving quality of life for people with dementia in care homes: Making psychosocial interventions work. British Journal of Psychiatry, 201, 344-351. Maas, M. L., Rees, D., Park, M., Specht, J. P., Schutte, D., Kelly, L. S., & Buckwalte, K. C. (2004). Outcomes of family involvement in care intervention for caregivers of individuals with dementia. Nursing Research, 53, 76–86. Nygren, B., Aléx, L., Jonsén, E., Gustafson, Y., Norberg, A., & Lundman, B. (2005). Resilience, sense of coherence, purpose in life and self-transcendence in relation to perceived physical and mental health among the oldest old. Age- ing & Mental Health. 9(4), 354-362. Olazarán, J., Reisberg, B., Clare, L., Cruz, I., Peña-Casanova, J., del Ser, T., Woods, R., et al. (2010). Nonpharmacological therapies in Alzheimer’s Disease: A systematic review of efficacy. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 30, 161-178. Perrin, T., & May, H. (2000) Wellbeing in dementia: An occupational approach for therapists and carers. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Pinquart, M., Duberstein, P. R., & Lyness, J. M. (2007). Effects of psychother- apy and other behavioural interventions on clinically depressed older adults: A meta-analysis. Ageing and Mental Health, 11(6), 645–657. participation in old age. As with dementia care, there has been a shift towards a more psychosocial model of care for older adults, emphasizing the potential for adaptation, rehabilitation and positive change. Psychosocial interventions are an integral component in this model of care to promote active ageing, and they assume a valuable role in main- taining the wellbeing, dignity and morale of older adults. It is vital that cross-national psychosocial research continues to develop psychosocial interven- tions to establish an infrastructure capable of facili- tating better health and wellbeing in old age. Shapira, N., Barak, A., & Gal, I. (2007). Promoting older adults’ well-being through Internet training and use. Ageing & Mental Health, 11(5), 477-484 Singh, N. A., Clements, K. M., & Fiatarone Singh, M. A. (2001). The efficacy of exercise as a long-term antidepressant in elderly subjects: A randomized controlled trial. Journals of gerontology, 56, M497-M504. Spector, A., & Orrell, M. (2010). Using a biopsychosocial model of dementia as a tool to guide clinical practice. International Psychogeriatrics, 22(6), 957- 965. Spector, A., Thorgrimsen, L., Woods, B., Royan, L., Davies, S., Butterworth, M., et al. (2003). Efficacy of an evidence-based cognitive stimulation therapy programmeme for people with dementia: Randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 183, 248-254. Straka, S. M., & Clark, F. (2000). Connections: Internet access for frail older seniors to improve their psychological well-being. The McGill Centre for Studies in Ageing. Montreal: Quebec. Retrieved from http://www.ageing. mcgill.ca/pdf/conn_proj_e.pdf. Tennstedt, S., Howland, J., Lachman, M., Peterson, E., Kasten, L., & Jette, A. (1998). A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Group Intervention To Reduce Fear of Falling and Associated Activity Restriction in Older Adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 53B(6), 384-392. Tsai, H-H., Tsai, Y-F., Wang, H-H., Chang, Y-C., & Chu, H. (2010). Videocon- ference programme enhances social support, loneliness, and depressive status of elderly nursing home residents. Ageing & Mental Health, 14(8), 947-954. Vernooij-Dassen, M., Vasse, E., Zuidema, S., Cohen-Mansfield, J., & Moyle, W. (2010). Psychosocial interventions for dementia patients in long-term care. International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 1121-1128. Watt, L. M., & Cappeliez, P. (2000). Integrative and instrumental reminiscence therapies for depression in older adults: Intervention strategies and treatment effectiveness. Ageing & Mental Health, 4(2), 166-177. White, H., McConnell, E., Clipp, E., Branch, L. G., Sloane, R., Pieper, C., & Box, T. L. (2002). A randomized controlled trial of the psychosocial impact of providing Internet training and access to older adults. Ageing & Mental Health, 6, 213-221. Woods, R. T., & Clare, L. (2008). Psychological interventions for people with dementia, in R.T. Woods and L. Clare (Eds.), Handbook of the Clinical Psychology of Ageing. Chichester: Wiley. Woods, B., Spector, A., Jones, C., Orrell, M., & Davies, S. (2006). Reminis- cence therapy for dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, Issue 2. World Health Organization. (2002). Active Ageing: A Policy Framework. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/ageing/en/ World Health Organisation (2011). Global Health and Ageing. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/ageing/publications/global_health.pdf
  • 23. 22 Introduction World Mental Health Day 2013 is specifically fo- cused on the elderly, and rightly so. With the im- provements in science, technology, social care and environments, more people are living longer and the trend towards an ever-older population is universal. In 2011, life expectancy had already exceeded 75 years in 57 countries of the world (1), and by 2017 the elderly population worldwide, defined as those aged 65 years and over, is predicted to outnumber that of children under 5 years (2). This change in life expectancy, although welcome, brings its own specific challenges; these include the management of frailty, the prevention of social isolation and loneliness and the management of co- morbidity. Thousands of times each day physicians encounter older adults with interacting medical, psy- chological and social problems and this complexity can sometimes be overwhelming (3). Families and carers require a framework that will enable them to become more confident in dealing with the complex problems and issues that can arise with increasing age, and World Mental Health Day 2013 provides us with an opportunity to make a contribution towards building such a framework. Frailty We know frailty is related to age, is highly preva- lent in the elderly and contributes to poorer health outcomes, falls, mortality and hospitalization (4–6). Health professionals can screen for frailty by identi- fying shrinking, in the form of unintentional weight loss and loss of muscle mass, weakness, poor endur- ance, exhaustion, slowness and low activity (7). Key Message One: FRAILTY • Elderly individuals should be screened for frailty so that it can be recognized early. • The elderly should be encouraged to participate in dynamic exercises. • Family doctors/general practitioners should have access to community resources that promote exercise. Families and carers also need support to understand what frailty is, in order to recognize it early and put in place interventions that preserve as much autono- my as possible in the frail elderly. Interventions such as high-intensity resistance exercise training are effective and help to reduce the risk of falls, func- tional decline and impaired mobility in people who are suffering from frailty (8). Managing Complexity and Multimorbidity in Older Adults: TIME TO ACT Dr Gabriel Ivbijaro MBE, MBBS, FRCGP, FWACPsych, MMedSci, DFFP, MA Medical Director Waltham Forest Community & Family Health Services Vice President World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH) Europe gabriel.ivbijaro@gmail.com
  • 24. 23 Multimorbidity It is a cause for celebration that an increasing num- ber of people reach the age of 65 years every day (9,10); however, multimorbidity is strongly associ- ated with increasing age and we need to rise to this challenge. Multimorbidity means that an individual has two or more concurrent long-term diseases. There is a strong relationship between ageing and multimor- bidity; more than half of the elderly population suffers from multimorbidity and the prevalence of multimorbidity increases with lower social class. Functional impairment, poor quality of life and increased health costs are a major consequence of multimorbidity (11). In the primary care setting, multimorbidity is inversely related to quality of life, so that the more multimorbidity an individual suf- fers, the worse their quality of life is (12). Examples of conditions associated with old age and multimorbidity include malignancy, respira- tory disorder, musculoskeletal problems, endocrine disorders, blood disorders, neurosensory disorders, mental health problems and cardiovascular disorders (13). Community and social capital and the elderly Old age is often portrayed as a period of increased social stress, social isolation, frailty, comorbidity and poverty. It can also be a period in an individu- al’s life associated with giving support to others and volunteering for the community. This contributes to community and social capital. There are many definitions of social and commu- nity capital. It can be described as a kind of public good provided by a group or community (14). With increasing life expectancy globally, we need to find ways to capture the social and community capital inherent in this population. Key Message Three: SOCIAL & COMMUNITY CAPITAL • Encouraging older adults to participate in volunteering will increase social and community capital. • Organizations should explore ways to develop a global social and community capital bank. The elderly can contribute to social and commu- nity capital in many ways. Often people contribute financially – there is evidence that the likelihood of giving to charity increases with age (15). Grand- parents across the globe provide many aspects of childcare, such as collecting children from school, support with homework, reading with their grand- children and imparting the wisdom that is associated with lifelong experience. The elderly also support other elderly people by providing opportunities to maintain social networks by, for instance, running lunch groups, sometimes through faith communities. Contrary to the popular notion of social isolation in later life, older Americans are shown to be well con- nected to others (16). Key Message Two: MULTIMORBIDITY • Multimorbidity affects more than half of the elderly population. • Multimorbidity increases with age and with deprivation. • Increasing multimorbidity is asso- ciated with poorer quality of life. • All professionals, families and carers need to be able to recog- nize multimorbidity, so that ho- listic health and social care can contribute to improving quality of life in the elderly.
  • 25. 24 The world is also benefiting economically from the expertise and wealth of the generation of baby boomers who are now in their sixties and retiring, and whose contribution increases the value of finan- cial capital (17). The world should therefore look at the elderly not just as net users of resources but as those who have made a significant contribution to national wealth and the stock market. It is predicted that the contribution to volunteering among the baby boomers will also increase with time (18). One of the tasks in the management of complexity in the elderly is to address stigmatizing attitudes about age and ageing and to encourage the growth of social and community capital. So let us celebrate old age and its positive effects, which include an increase in community wealth, in terms of both finance and time donated to supporting the younger generation as grandparents and volunteers, so im- proving the quality of learning as well as care. Schemes have been proposed to capture social capital, such as “time banks” (19). These allow the transference of gains and benefits in a system where the “currency” is hours. This could be a useful tool to enable the elderly to help build community capital; for example, reading to a child in a hospi- tal could earn a token for the recipient to attend a cultural event of his or her choice, using resources never previously tapped. Integrated management We already know that an increasing proportion of the population will live to old age, especially in low- and medium-income countries. A transition towards an older society that took more than a century to achieve in Europe is now taking place in less than 25 years in countries like Brazil, China and Thailand (2). According to the 1997 World Health Organization/ World Psychiatric Association consensus statement (20), good quality care for older people should be: • comprehensive; • accessible; • responsive; • individualized; • transdisciplinary; • accountable; • systematic. These key principles apply to prevention, early detection, comprehensive medical and social as- sessments, evidence-based practice, links with continuing care, social support, residential care and housing, advocacy, spirituality and leisure linked with good specialist and primary care. Fifteen years on, these principles remain pertinent and can be best delivered through an integrated approach (21). Key Message Four: INTEGRATED CARE • Complexity and multimorbidity in older adults should be managed in a holistic way. • Holistic care in older adults is best achieved through an integrat- ed approach, supported by appro- priate policies and protocols. • Primary care has a role in coor- dinating interventions to achieve desirable health outcomes for the individual.
  • 26. 25 An integrated approach (Figure 1) (22) gives an opportunity to provide individualized support to an individual, by: • working in a transdisciplinary (multidisci- plinary) way, by harnessing the wider determi- nants of health, such as increased opportunities for exercise; • delivering social care interventions, such as avoidance of loneliness and social isolation; • developing a primary care workforce that is responsive to multimorbidity and able to manage individual needs in a holistic way, and recogniz- es that multimorbidity in the elderly is the norm; • recognizing that specialist services, including psychological therapies, will be necessary for some individuals, and are not a luxury. Figure 1: Integrated care: the interrelationships between elements of holistic health care. Reproduced, with permission, from Ivbijaro G. Aims, concept and structure of the book. In: Ivbijaro G, ed. Companion to pri- mary care mental health. London and New York, Wonca and Radcliffe Publishing, 2012:4 (22)
  • 27. 26 Acknowledgements I would like to thank all those people who have freely given their time and expertise towards de- veloping the material for WMHDAY 2013. I would like to specifically thank Professor Sir David Gold- berg, Professor Norman Sartorius, Professor Carlos Augusto de Mendoça Lima, Professor Chris Dow- rick, Dr Jill Benson, Dr Lucja Kolkiewicz, Profes- sor George Christodoulou, Dr Patt Franciosi and Dr Penny Howes for their valuable feedback and thanks to the WFMH administration team. References 1. World Health Organization. Life expectancy: life expectancy by country (http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.3?lang=en, accessed 3 May 2013). 2. Chan M, World Health Organization. Director-Generals message on World Health Day. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2012 (http://www. who.int/dg/speeches/2012/ageing_roundtable_20120404/en/, accessed 3 May 2013). 3. Lacas A, Rockwood K. Frailty in primary care: a review of its conceptualisation and implications for practice. BMC Medicine, 2012, 10:4. 4. Fried L et al., for the Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative Research Group. Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. 2001, 56A(3):146–156. 5. Speechley M, Tinetti M. Falls and injuries in frail and vigorous community elderly persons. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 1991, 39:46–52. 6. Winograd CH. Targeting strategies: an overview of criteria and outcomes. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 1991, 39:25–35. 7. Rockwood K et al. A brief clinical instrument to classify frailty in elderly people. The Lancet, 1999, 353:205–206. 8. Fiatarone MA et al. Exercise training and nutritional supplementa- tion for physical frailty in very elderly people. The New England Journal of Medicine, 1994, 330(25):1669–1775. 9. Cohen JE. Human population: the next half of the century. Science, 2003, 302:1172–1175. 10. Kinsella K, Velkoff VA. Global ageing: the challenge of success. Population Bulletin, 2005, 60:3-42. 11. Marengoni A et al. Ageing with multimorbidity: a systematic review of the literature. Ageing Research Reviews, 2011, 10:430–439. 12. Fortin M et al. Multimorbidity and quality of life in primary care: a systematic review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 2004, 2: 51. 13. Fratiglioni L et al. Occurrence of dementia in advanced age: the study design of the Kungsholmen Project. Neuroepidemiology, 1992, 11(1):29–36. I am particularly grateful to all volunteers who continue to make a contribution globally and are the unsung heroes of society. Gabriel Ivbijaro MBE 14. Kawachi I, Berkman LF. Social cohesion, social capital, and health. In: Berkman LF, Kawachi I, eds. Social epidemiology. New York, Oxford University Press, 2000:174–190. 15. National Council for Voluntary Organisations. UK Giving 2009: an overview of charitable giving in the UK 2008/2009. West Malling and London, Charities Aid Foundation and National Council for Voluntary Organisations, 2009 (http://www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/sites/default/files/UploadedFiles/NCVO/ Publications/Publications_Catalogue/Sector_Research/FINAL_UK_Giv- ing_2009_FINAL.pdf, accessed 3 May 2013). 16. Cornwell B, Laumann EO, Schumm LP. The social connected- ness of older adults: a national profile. American Sociology Review, 2008, 73(2):185–203. 17. Abel AB. The effect of a Baby Boom on stock prices and capital accumulation in the presence of social security. Econometrica, 2003, 71(2):551–578. 18. Einolf CJ. Volunteering, retirement and the baby boom generation: an analysis of data from the 1995 and 2005 Midlife in the United States Panel Study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2009, 38 (2):181–199. 19. Timebanking UK (http://www.timebanking.org/about/what-is-a- timebank/, accessed 3 May 2013). 20. World Health Organization/World Psychiatric Association. Orga- nization of care in psychiatry of the elderly: a technical consensus statement. Geneva, World Health Organization and World Psychiatric Association, 1997. 21. WHO/Wonca. Integrating mental health into primary care: a global perspective. Geneva, World Health Organization and Wonca, 2008. 22. Ivbijaro G. Aims, concept and structure of the book. In: Ivbijaro G, ed. Companion to primary care mental health. London and New York, Wonca and Radcliffe Publishing, 2012:3–4.
  • 28. 27 Healthy Ageing: KEEPING MENTALLY FIT As You Age Geriatric Mental Health Foundation Today, thoughts of ageing gracefully have been replaced by efforts to age successfully. As we age and look forward to longer life expectancies than past generations, we strive to age with good health. How do we do this? By eating nutritiously. Limiting alcohol. Keeping physically active. Staying con- nected with our friends and family. Seeking medical treatment when necessary. These are the right steps toward healthy ageing. And with good health, we can enjoy life and pursue new dreams and endeavors as we age. Good health includes both physical and mental well- being. And the two go hand in hand. A healthy mind contributes to a healthy body. The mind, like the body, benefits from low blood pressure, low choles- terol, nourishing food, a healthy weight, and physi- cal activity. There are many healthy lifestyle choices we can make to keep our bodies healthy and avoid illness and disability. There are additional steps we can take to help preserve healthy minds. What changes in mental abilities can we expect as we age? What’s normal? As we age, we can expect certain changes in our bodies and minds. We may not see and hear as well as we did in our 20s. We may not be able to remem- ber recent events or details as well or as quickly as we did in our 30s. Beginning in our 30s, the brain’s weight, the network of nerves, and its blood flow begin to decrease. Our brains adapt, however, and grow new patterns of nerve endings. While certain changes in our mental abilities are inevitable as we age, much remains the same. We retain our intellect. Our ability to change and be flexible remains. Old dogs can learn new tricks. We just might need a little more time. We keep our abil- ity to grow intellectually and emotionally. What can I do to keep my mind healthy? For the last several years, new research has emerged that shows there are many things we can do to keep our minds healthy. Many of the same things we do to keep our bodies healthy contribute to healthy minds. Physical activity and a diet that helps lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure also help to keep our minds healthy by allowing our bodies to deliver oxygen-rich blood to our brains. In addition, activities that stimulate our minds, like crossword puzzles, reading, writing, and learning new things, help to keep our brains healthy. Staying engaged with the people around us and our communities plays an equally big part in staying mentally fit. Following are some specific recommendations to keep a healthy mind and ward off mental health problems. Be physically active The benefits are numerous. Being physically active helps prevent bone density loss, maintain balance, and ward off illnesses (like heart disease, stroke, and some cancers). For some, illness and disability can bring on or contribute to mental illness. For exam- ple, those who live with diabetes, cancer, and heart disease can also suffer from depression.
  • 29. 28 Regular physical activity helps to: • Maintain and improve memory • Maintain and improve mental ability • Prevent dementia (impaired intellectual func- tioning) including Alzheimer’s disease • Make us happy and prevent and alleviate depres- sion • Improve energy levels How does exercise do all that? Physical activity—whether it’s walking, running, swimming, dancing (we have a lot of choices)— helps to: • Decrease heart rate • Decrease blood pressure • Decrease blood cholesterol • Strengthen the heart and increase the flow of oxygen to the brain • Improve reaction time • Improve mobility If you are thinking about starting an exercise pro- gramme, talk first with your doctor. Start slowly, take proper precautions (for example, walk in well- lit areas in sturdy shoes), and have fun. Remember, you don’t have to be athletic to benefit from regular physical activity. Keep blood pressure down Blood pressure below 120/80 mmHg is considered healthy and helps reduce the risk of stroke, which is tied to dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. High blood pressure damages blood vessels, which increases one’s risk of stroke, kidney failure, heart disease, and heart attack. Nearly two-thirds of adults over age 65 have high blood pressure, 140/90 mmHg or higher. Those with blood pressure be- tween 120/80 mmHg and 139/89 mmHg are con- sidered to have prehypertension, which means that while the blood pressure is not too high, they are likely to develop it in the future. To reduce or keep blood pressure at a healthy level, keep your weight down, don’t smoke, exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and limit salt, alcohol and caffeine. Keep your cholesterol levels low High blood cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease as well as dementia. The higher your blood cholesterol level, the greater your chance of disease and illness. An excess of cholesterol (a fat-like substance) in your blood can build up on the walls of your arteries. This causes them to harden and nar- row, which slows down and can block blood flow. A blood cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dL is considered healthy, 200-239 mg/dL is borderline high, and 240 mg/dL and above is high. Heredity, age, and gender can affect cholesterol levels. Cho- lesterol rises with age and women’s levels tend to rise beginning after menopause. Healthy changes to diet, weight, and physical activity can help improve blood cholesterol levels. Eat your vegetables and more We’ve heard it all our lives, the good advice to eat our vegetables. The same diet that can help us stay strong and healthy provides the nutrition neces- sary for a healthy brain. It starts with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat dairy products. Experiment and find out how you best like to eat the good things that your entire body needs. There’s an endless variety to suit every taste. Some specific dietary recommendations for a healthy brain: Folate is a B vitamin found in foods such as spinach and asparagus. Folic acid is the synthetic form used in supplements and fortified foods. Folate is neces- sary for the health of our cells, and helps to prevent anemia and changes to DNA (the building blocks of cells) that could lead to cancer. Folate is also neces- sary to maintain normal levels of homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood. Good sources of folate and folic acid include fortified breakfast cereals, dark- green leafy vegetables, asparagus, strawberries, beans, and beef liver.
  • 30. 29 The vitamins E and C are important antioxidants found in foods that help guard against cell damage and may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. While there’s no conclusive evidence, vitamins E and C may help boost mental ability and prevent dementia. For adults, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin E is 15 milligrams per day from foods. Foods naturally rich in vitamin E include nuts, such as almonds, vegetable oils, seeds, wheat germ, spinach, and other dark-green leafy vegeta- bles. The RDA of vitamin C for adults is 75 milligrams per day for women and 90 milligrams per day for men. Vitamin C is found in oranges, grapefruits, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, bell peppers, collard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, potatoes, spinach, and turnip greens. Monitor your medication use Be sure to read labels and carefully follow your phy- sician’s instructions. Some medications come with certain precautions such as avoiding alcohol or not combining with other medications, even over-the- counter drugs and herbal remedies. Some memory loss, some forms of dementia, and other problems of the brain can be traced back to harmful drug combi- nations or inappropriate drug use. Drink moderately If you don’t drink, don’t start. If you do drink, limit yourself to no more than one drink a day if you are over the age of 65 and do not have a drinking prob- lem. One drink is 12 ounces of beer, 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, or 5 ounces of wine. Give up smoking If you are a smoker, don’t wait until you are debili- tated by a serious disease before considering quit- ting. Smoking significantly increases one’s chance of having a stroke and developing lung and other cancers, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, chronic ob- structive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart attacks, and peripheral vascular disease. According to the American Lung Association, when an older person quits smoking, circulation improves immediately and lungs begin to heal. After one year, the additional risk of heart disease caused by smok- ing is cut almost in half, and the risk of stroke, lung disease, and cancer decreases. Maintain a healthy weight People who are obese or overweight are at increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis-related disabilities, and some cancers. The health risks of being overweight include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke. Being underweight also carries risks including poor memory and decreased immunity. Ask your health care provider how much you should weigh and for suggestions on reaching that weight. Whatever your weight, a healthy diet and regular exercise will only improve your overall health. Take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing and seeing your dentist regularly Recent studies have linked chronic inflammation caused by gum disease to a number of health prob- lems, including Alzheimer’s disease and heart dis- ease. So, take care of your teeth not only to maintain a dazzling smile and the ability to chew your favor- ite foods but also to ward off disease. Keep mentally fit Just as we exercise our bodies to keep them in work- ing order, so must we exercise our brains to stay mentally agile and adept. It’s the use-it-or-lose-it theory. By engaging in mentally stimulating activi- ties, we can maintain our brain functions as we age. We can continue to grow new connections among the billions of brain cells we possess by learning new things. This activity may help to ward off de- mentia like Alzheimer’s disease. So, work out your
  • 31. 30 brain daily. Stimulate new areas of your brain and grow more connections among brain cells by intel- lectually challenging yourself. Solve a puzzle, learn a new musical instrument, read a challenging book, play a board or card game, attend a lecture or play, or write a short story. Reduce stress Just as stress can wear our bodies down and increase blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, it can also affect the way we think, our moods, and abil- ity to remember. In fact, the hormones our bodies release when we are under stress may shrink the brain, affecting memory and learning. Stress can also cause or contribute to depression and anxiety. • To deal with stress, first identify its causes and determine what changes you can make to avoid it. For example, if rush-hour traffic is causing you stress, time your driving or change your route to avoid heavy traffic. If party planning and gift buying during the holidays overwhelm you, simplify and concentrate on those aspects you really look forward to, like getting together with friends and family. • Talk it out. Sometimes talking through your stress with a friend or therapist, or even writing in a journal, helps to put things in perspective. • Relax. Whether it’s by taking walks, playing golf, hitting a tennis ball, or meditating, find ways to release your stress and take a break. • Get moving. Physical activity on most days of the week helps our bodies keep mental stress in check. • Give yourself a break. If you must live with a stressful situation, take mini-vacations. Whether it’s 20 minutes or several days, take time to relax and enjoy the things and people you find plea- surable. Protect your brain A history of head injury or loss of consciousness can affect the health of your brain. Falls are the leading cause of brain injury in the elderly, according to the Brain Injury Association of America. Take steps to protect your head and the precious matter inside. • To avoid falls, exercise regularly to improve your balance. • Clear your home of hazards like clutter on the floor. Make sure you have proper lighting. • In the car, wear your seatbelt. Ask someone else to drive in situations where you are not as comfortable as you once were, such as nighttime driving or driving in bad weather. • On your bike, wear a helmet. • When walking or running, wear proper shoes with good support and stay in well-lit areas. • If your balance seems a bit unsteady, talk to your doctor about any medications you may be tak- ing. Stay socially connected The support we receive from our friends, family, and colleagues helps maintain our mental health. Studies have shown that those who are engaged with family and community groups take longer to show the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease than those who are socially isolated. So stay or become con- nected. Join a book club or a volunteer group and interact with the world around you. Look on the bright side. A positive outlook and emotions contribute to a healthy mind and body. Fo- cus on the good in the world and the activities and people that make you happy. Stay connected spiritually. If nurturing your spiritual side has had meaning for you, keep up that aspect of your life. Those with a strong faith often find support and comfort from their beliefs and their community. So whatever your religious or spiri- tual beliefs, stay connected. This connection can help prevent and relieve depression and may guard against dementia.
  • 32. 31 How can I help my memory? • Don’t expect to remember everything. In today’s busy world, we’re all overloaded with informa- tion. When necessary, use lists, calendars, re- minders, and other memory aides. For example, write down appointments on your calendar and keep a list of chores in your pocket. • Develop routines to help you remember. Take medicines at the same time every day. Leave your keys in the same place. • Visual memory tends to be better than auditory memory. That is, it’s easier to remember what we see than what we hear. Using both at the same time will enhance memory. For example, if you need to pick up fruit at the grocery store, picture blueberries in the produce isle. • Associating stories with new things or ideas is also helpful. • Increasing attention improves learning and memory. When learning something new, limit the distractions (turn off the TV and choose a quiet room), and focus your attention. • More time helps learning and recall. Allow your- self additional time and have patience. What’s not normal as we get older? What might indicate an illness? While some forgetfulness is normal in older age, persistent memory loss is not. And because we ex- perience more loss as we age (family members who move away, the death of loved ones), we are bound to experience more sadness. However, prolonged periods of sadness or depression are not normal as we age. If you experience any of the following warning signs listed below, or notice that an older relative or friend is experiencing any of these, seek help. Older adults can first start by talking to friends or loved ones, and find help from their family physician, in- ternist, psychiatrist, or geriatric psychiatrist, to name just a few professionals who can provide assistance. Warning Signs The following are not normal characteristics of age- ing and can indicate an illness. Discuss these symp- toms with your physician. • Depressed mood or sadness lasting longer than two weeks • Unexplained crying spells • Loss of interest or pleasure in the things and people that were previously enjoyable • Jumpiness or tiredness, lethargy, fatigue, or loss of energy • Irritability, quarrelsomeness • Loss or increase in appetite or weight change • Sleep change such as insomnia (not being able to sleep) or sleeping more than usual • Feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt, hopelessness, helplessness • Decreased ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions • Repeated thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts—Seek help from a medical profes- sional immediately. • Aches and pains, constipation, or other physical problems that cannot otherwise be explained • Confusion and disorientation • Memory loss, loss of recent, short-term memory • Social withdrawal • Trouble handling finances, working with num- bers, paying the bills • Change in appearance, standard of dress • Problems maintaining the home, the yard What might trigger or contribute to mental ill- ness? • Physical disability • Physical illness o With diseases of the heart and lungs, the brain may not get enough oxygen, which affects mental ability and behaviour. o Diseases of the adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, or other glands can affect emotions, percep- tions, memory, and thought processes • A change in environment such as moving into a new home • Loss or illness of a loved one • A combination of medications o On average, older adults take more medica- tions than others. Because our metabolism slows down as we age, drugs can remain longer in an older person and reach toxic levels more quickly • Drug-alcohol interactions can cause confusion,
  • 33. 32 mood changes, symptoms of dementia • Alcohol or drug abuse and misuse • Poor diet o Dental problems can contribute to a poor diet. Some older adults may avoid foods that are difficult to chew. If I suspect a problem, what should I do? • Talk with your physician. Explain how you feel and describe what is not normal for you. Have a list of all medications, and vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements. • Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or spiri- tual advisor. Talking with Your Doctor, Pharmacist, or Other Health Care Providers • Have a list of all medications, herbal remedies, and vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements. • Don’t be shy or embarrassed. Explain how you feel. • Ask questions. Take a list and pencil if neces- sary. • Remind your doctors and pharmacist about your medical history. • Ask for advice and instructions in clear writing, free of medical jargon. • Ask for a follow-up visit if all your questions cannot be answered during your appointment. • If you have questions once at home, don’t hesi- tate to phone your doctor. The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation was es- tablished by the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry to raise awareness of psychiatric and mental health disorders affecting the elderly, elimi- nate the stigma of mental illness and treatment, pro- mote healthy ageing strategies, and increase access to quality mental health care for the elderly. Geriatric Mental Health Association 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 1050 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-654-7850 Fax: 301-654-4137 E-mail: info@GMHFonline.org Website: www.GMHFonline.org Mental Fitness Resources Alzheimer’s Association - Maintain Your Brain: www.alz.org/maintainyourbrain/overview.asp AARP Games and Puzzles: www.aarp.org/fun/puzzles Memory Fitness Institute: www.memoryfitnessinstitute.org/default.asp