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Silvana Wasitova
Agile Coach & Trainer @ Skype Prague
Women Scientists
2© 2013 Skype
Marie Currie
Marie Curie
First Woman Nobel Prize winner, twice!
Discovered polonium and radium
Hildegard of Bingen
Musician, Doctor,
Writer, Abbess
© 2012 Skype Slide 5
Biological scientists Environmental scientists and
Computer programmers Chemical engineers Electrical and electronics
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009, Women in the labor force: A databook (Report 1018) (Washington, DC), Table 11.
Women are under-represented in many
science/engineering occupations
• Set clear performance standards
• Recognize career-relevant skills
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009, Women in the labor force: A databook (Report 1018) (Washington, DC), Table 11.
Women in IT
7© 2013 Skype
Grace Hopper
“First Programmer”
US Navy Read Admiral
The Robot Creator at MIT
Cynthia Breazeal
Developed robot “Kismet”
MIT “Top Innovator under 35”
Linda Rising
Computer Scientist, Software Architect
Author “Fearless Change”
Sheryl Sandberg
COO Facebook, Author “Lean In”
“We (women) hold ourselves back in ways
both big and small, by lacking self-
confidence, by not raising our hands, and by
pulling back when we should be leaning in”
Take your piece, own it, NAIL IT!
Melissa Mayer
Carly Fiorina
Meg Whitman
Carol xxxx
Hillary Clinton
Angela Merkel
Marissa Mayer
CEO of Yahoo!
What about YOU?
13© 2013 Skype
Be your authentic self
Adverse Effects of Negative Stereotypes
•Expose girls to successful role models
•Explicitly talki to students about stereotype threats
Source: Spencer, S. J., Steele, C. M., & Quinn, D. M., 1999, "Stereotype threat and women's math performance," Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 35(1), p. 13.
Performance on a Challenging Math Test,
by Stereotype Threat Condition and Gender
Follow your passion
Compare to embroidery
Solve problems,
deliver results
Be Persistent
Be Persistent
Get a Mentor
*Make* your own path
You will make mistakes.
Forgive yourself.
Master your instrument
Have Fun!
© 2013 Skype 24
Your time is limited, don’t waste it living
somebody else’s life. Don't let the noise of
others' opinions drown out your own inner
voice. Have the courage to follow your heart
and intuition.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
Lean In
Silvana Wasitova

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Women in IT - June 2013

Editor's Notes

  1. Feedback:Mac team has a detailed checklistProviding visibility on pre release configuration of dependencies for QA.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Curie Maria SalomeaSkłodowskafirst woman to win a Nobel Prize, the only woman to win in two fields, and the only person to win in multiple sciences. She was also the first female professor at the University of Paris (La Sorbonne),
  3. Due to church limitation on public, discursive rhetoric, the medieval rhetorical arts included preaching, letter writing, poetry, and the encyclopedic tradition.[46]Hildegard’s participation in these arts speaks to her significance as a female rhetorician, transcending bans on women's social participation and interpretation of scripture. The acceptance of public preaching by a woman, even a well-connected abbess and acknowledged prophet, does not fit the stereotype of this time. Her preaching was not limited to the monasteries; she preached publicly in 1160 in Germany. (New York: Routledge, 2001, 9). She conducted four preaching tours throughout Germany, speaking to both clergy and laity in chapter houses and in public, mainly denouncing clerical corruption and calling for reform.[47]http://womenshistory.about.com/od/hildegardbingen/ss/Hildegard-Of-Bingen-Image-Gallery.htmHildegard of Bingen (1098 - 1179) was a medieval prophetic visionary. She wrote books on spirituality, medicine, health and nature, and was a correspondent with many powerful leaders. She also composed music -- and her music is enjoying new popularity today. Like many noblewomen of her time, she found that convent life enabled her to become educated and apply her education.Long venerated as a saint widely, but not recognized by the Roman Catholic church universally, Hildegard's discovery and promotion by feminists has led to much study of her life. And now it has led Pope Benedict XVI to include Hildegard on the official register of saints, as of May 10, 2012, and, in October 2012, to name her a Doctor of the Church.Some feminists have maintained that Hildegard, while a model of an educated woman active in the public sphere, was herself no feminist: she advocated a more conservative theology of the church, and she saw women's role very traditionally even where she went beyond that tradition herself."Doctor of the Church" means that the church accepts and recommends the teachings of that saint and finds them in accord with doctrinal authorities. Some have pointed out the irony of women being named Doctors of the Church, when the Biblical verses saying that women should not teach in the church are used to defend excluding women from the priesthood.
  4. Women are not making it to the topParliaments around the world: 13% members are womenHeads of state: of 190 only 9 are women C-level jobs in corporate sector 15-16% Non-profit – women at the top: 20% 2/3 of married men have children1/3 of married women have childrenWOMEN ARE DROPPING OUT
  5. This gender difference in self-assessment is shown here in the chart on the left. [Explain chart well.][Explanation of chart: The chart shows women’s self-assessments in green and men’s self-assessments in purple. When subjects were told that men are better at this task, men assessed their “contrast-sensitivity” abilities much higher than women. When subjects were told that there is no gender difference in performing this task, however, there was essentially no difference between how men and women assessed their abilities.]At the same time, girls held themselves to a higher standard than boys when told that men are better at “contrast-sensitivity” but men and women’s standards were nearly identical when told that there is no gender difference. This difference in standard is shown here in the chart on the right.[Explain chart.][Explanation of chart: The chart shows students’ standards for their own performance. Women’s standards are in green and men’s standards in purple. When subjects were told that men are better at this task and then asked “how high would you have to score to believe that you have high ability in this area”, women said they would have to score around 89%. Men, in contrast, said they would have to score around 79%. This is a full 10 percentage point difference! When subjects were told that there is no gender difference in performing this task, however, there was essentially no difference between the standard that men and women held themselves to.]If you think about this finding as it relates to math and science, fields in which men are considered to excel, it suggests that girls believe that they have to be better in math and science than boys believe they have to be in order to think of themselves as good in these fields.There are many elements to choosing a career, but researchers agree that one element is believing that you can be successful at it.Girls’ lower self-assessment of their math ability, even in the face of good grades and test scores, along with their higher standard for performance in “masculine” fields, helps explain why fewer girls than boys aspire to science and engineering careers. So what can be done to reduce gender differences in self-assessment?RecommendationsFirst, as many of you know, extremely low average test scores are common in many college science and engineering courses. Low scores increase uncertainty in all students, but they have a more negative effect on students who already feel like they don’t belong, as many women in science and engineering majors do. The same letter or number grade on an assignment or exam might signal somethingdifferent to girls than it does to boys. Female students may need to be reminded that a B in a difficult course is a grade to be proud of.The more that teachers and professors can reduce uncertainty about students’ performance, the better.And second, girls are less likely than boys to interpret their academic successes in math andscience as an indication that they have the skills necessary to become a successful engineer or computer scientist. Encourage girls to see their success in high school math and science for what it is: not just a requirement for going to college but also an indication that they have the skills to succeed in a whole range of science and engineering professions.
  6. Follow your dream - software dev, project manager, listere, coach and trainerApply your unique gift to Solve great problems – Marie Curie Why IT?Problem solvingWorking with other great and smart people
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_HopperAmerican computer scientist andUnited States Navy Rear Admiral. A pioneer in the field, she was one of the first programmers of theHarvard Mark I computer, and developed the first compiler for a computer programming language.[1][2][3][4][5] She conceptualized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL, one of the first modern programming languages. She is credited with popularizing the term "debugging" for fixing computer glitches (motivated by an actual moth removed from the computer). Owing to the breadth of her accomplishments and her naval rank, she is sometimes referred to as "Amazing Grace".[6][7] The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Hopper (DDG-70) is named for her, as was theCray XE6 "Hopper" supercomputer at NERSC.Grace Brewster Murray in New York City. She was the oldest in a family of three children. She was curious as a child, a lifelong trait – at the age of seven she decided to determine how an alarm clock worked. She dismantled seven alarm clocks before her mother realized what she was doing; she was then limited to one clock.[8] For her preparatory school education, she attended the Hartridge School in Plainfield, New Jersey. Rejected for early admission to Vassar College at age 16 (her test scores in Latin were too low), she was admitted the following year. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Vassar in 1928 with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics and earned her Master's degree atYale University in 1930.In 1934, she earned a Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale under the direction of Øystein Ore.[9][10] Herdissertation, New Types of Irreducibility Criteria, was published that same year.[11] Hopper began teaching mathematics at Vassar in 1931, and was promoted to associate professor in 1941.
  8. TED 2010 - http://youtu.be/eAnHjuTQF3MCynthia Breazeal, the Associate Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologyperson, author, academic, engineerCynthia Lynn Breazeal (born November 15, 1967 in Albuquerque, New Mexico)[1] is an Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at theMassachusetts Institute of Technology, where she is the director of the Personal Robots Group (formerly the Robotic Life Group) at the MIT Media Laboratory. She is best known for her work in robotics where she is recognized as a pioneer of Social Robotics and Human Robot Interaction.She developed the robot Kismet as a doctoral thesis looking into expressive social exchange between humans and humanoid robots. Kismet is internationally recognized, and is one of the best known robots developed to explore social and emotional aspects of human-robot interaction. Now you can see Kismet at the MIT Museum where you can find some of the other robots Breazeal co-developed while a graduate student at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. Notable examples include the upper torso humanoid robot Cog and the insect-like robot Hannibal.At the Media Lab, Breazeal continues to work on social interaction and socially situated learning between people and robots. Leonardo is another globally recognized robot (co-developed with Stan Winston Studio) that was developed as a successor to Kismet (recognized in 2006 by Wired Magazine as one of the "50 Best Robots Ever"). Leonardo was also used to investigate social cognition and Theory of Mind abilities on robots with application to human-robot collaboration, in addition to developing social learning abilities for robots such as imitation, tutelage, and social referencing. Nexi is the most recent robot in this tradition (awarded a TIME Magazine 50 Best Inventions of 2008). Nexi is a MDS robot (Mobile, Dexterous, Social) that combines rich social communication abilities with mobile dexterity to investigate more complex forms of human-robot teaming.Other social robots developed in Breazeal's Personal Robots Group include Autom, a robot diet and exercise coach (the PhD thesis of Cory Kidd). It was found to be more effective than a computer counterpart in sustaining engagement and building trust and a working alliance with users. Autom is in the process of being commercialized (see Intuitive Automata). Breazeal's group has also explored expressive remote presence robots (for example, MeBot and Huggable). The physical social embodiment of the MeBot was found to elicit greater psychological involvement, engagement, and desire to cooperate over purely screen based video conferencing or a mobile screen.Breazeal's Personal Robots Group has also done a number of design projects. See Cyberflora that was exhibited at the 2003 National Design Triennial at the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.Breazeal is recognized as a designer and innovator on the national and global stage. She received the Gilbreth Lectures Award by the National Academy of Engineering in 2008. She has spoken at a number of prominent global events including the World Science Festival, the World Economic Forum, and TEDWomen. Breazeal is a featured scientist in the Women's Adventures in Science series (sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences). In 2003, Breazeal was recognized as a Finalist in the National Design Awards in Communication at the White House.She is an Overseer at the Museum of Science in Boston, and she is on the Board of Advisors of the Science Channel.She also has a prominent role as a virtual participant in a popular exhibit on robots with the traveling exhibit, Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination, interacting with a real C-3PO (voiced by Anthony Daniels as she spoke to the audience through a pre-recorded message displayed on a large plasma flat-screen display.In 2003, she was named to the MIT Technology Review TR100 as one of the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35.[3]Cynthia Breazeal received her S.B. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She did her graduate work at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, and received her SM and ScD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At MIT, Cynthia and her team are building robots with social intelligence that communicate and learn the same way people do.Her robots have also been widely covered in the media including TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, documentaries and films.
  9.  Linda Rising: Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas, Addison-Wesley, 2004Defended her thesis for PhD in Computer Science one month before her 50th birthdayOriginally a chemisthttp://www.agilealliance.org/resources/learning-center/keynote-the-power-of-an-agile-mindset/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Rising
  10. Snip at 12:47 of this video http://leanin.org/education/creating-a-level-playing-field/http://www.ted.com/talks/sheryl_sandberg_why_we_have_too_few_women_leaders.html21 of the current Fortune 500 chief executives are women“women face invisible, even subconscious, barriers in the workplace, and not just from bosses21 of the current Fortune 500 chief executives are women. In her book, to be published by Knopf, Ms. Sandberg argues that is because women face invisible, even subconscious, barriers in the workplace, and not just from bosses. In her view, women are also sabotaging themselves. “We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in,” she writes, and the result is that “men still run the world.”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheryl_SandbergBorn 1969 In 2012, she was named in Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world assembled by Time.[3] Harvard College and graduated in 1991 summa cum laude with an A.B.in economics and was awarded the John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in economics.[10] While at Harvard, Sandberg met then-professor Larry Summers who became her mentor and thesis adviser.[11] Summers recruited her to be his research assistant at the World Bank,[4]where she worked on health projects in India dealing with leprosy, AIDS, and blindness.[12]In 1993, she enrolled at Harvard Business School and in 1995 she earned her M.B.A. with highest distinction.[10]After joining Facebook, Sandberg quickly began trying to figure out how to make Facebook profitable. Before she joined, the company was "primarily interested in building a really cool site; profits, they assumed, would follow."[4] By late spring, Facebook's leadership had agreed to rely on advertising, "with the ads discreetly presented"; by 2010, Facebook became profitable.[4] According to Facebook, Sandberg oversees the firm's business operations including sales, marketing, business development, human resources, public policy and communications.[15]women make up over 50 percent of college graduates they hold only 15 or 16 percent of C-level jobs and board seats in the private sector. While there are many reasons for the gap I believe the equally low number of men who are full-time parents which is rarely discussed and often stigmatized is a significant contributing factor. Sandberg notes in this Makers.com segment that women are still the default in charge at home and that until that fact changes they will never succeed as much as men in the workplace. Sandberg closes her 2010 TED talk by summing up the dilemma with the following statement.I want my son to have a choice to contribute fully in the workforce or at home, and I want my daughter to have the choice to not just succeed, but to be liked for her accomplishments.
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marissa_Mayer - My Favorite CEO Mayer was ranked number 14 on the list of America's most powerful businesswomen of 2012 by Fortune magazine.[12]Stanford University with a B.S. in symbolic systems and an M.S. incomputer science. both degrees, specialized in artificial intelligence. 2009,  Illinois Institute of Technology granted her honoriscausa doctorate in recognition of her work in the field of search.[18][19] joined Google in 1999 as employee number 20 and was the company's first female engineer.[20][21]During her 13 years with the company, she was an engineer, designer, product manager and executive. Mayer held key roles in Google Search, Google Images, Google News, Google Maps, Google Books,Google Product Search, Google Toolbar, iGoogle and Gmail. She also oversaw the layout of Google's well-known, unadorned search homepage.[22][23] In her final years with Google, she was Vice President of Local, Maps, and Location Services and, before that, vice president of search products and user experience.[24]In a recent interview, she said that, “Yahoo has a strong culture…I wanted to find a way to amplify it.  That is how you find the energy. You can harness that into innovation and say if we have people and they are excited about what they’re working on every day…you can take that energy around culture and find fun ways to apply it to engage users.”I love that she recognizes the importance of culture and of energy.  Even the most skillful worker is useless (or at least greatly hindered) if he or she isn’t personally invested in the tasks at hand.Google 20th employee in 1999 – 14 yearsYahoo’s xth CEO?Why She’s A Role ModelMayer is not the same as most female workers and that’s why she is a role model. She has reached a major leadership position through her own hard work, intelligence and achievements at the young, childbearing age of 37. Many, many women throughout the country are working toward doing the same thing.
  12. Nurture yourself, your personalityEllie May Challis born in Essex, England in 2004, was just 16 months old, when struck down with a near-fatal case of meningitis. She survived, but the severe effect of the deadly septicemia bacteria caused both her arms and legs to be amputated.Originally fitted with standard prosthetic legs, Ellie had a difficult time keeping up with her siblings (twin sister, Sophie and older siblings: Tai-la, 9 and Connor, 11) and other children her age.Ellie’s community falling in love with the little girl, raised enough money for new carbon-fiber Cheetah Flex-Foot prosthetic legs, same as those used by Paralympic sprinter, Oscar ‘Blade Runner’ Pistorius. This makes Ellie the youngest person ever to have carbon fiber prosthetic legs. On the first day of her school, Ellie walked on her own in her new carbon-fiber Cheetah Flex-Foot prosthetic legs.Girls’ achievements and interests in math and science are shaped by the environment around them.
  13. The first finding is research by Dr. Joshua Aronson, a psychologist at New York University that shows that negative stereotypes about girls’ and women’s abilities in math and science persist and can adversely affect their performance in these fields through a phenomenon known as stereotype threat. Stereotype threat arises in situations where a person fears that their performance will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype. For example, a female student taking a difficult math test might experience an extra cognitive and emotional burden of worry that if she performs poorly her performance will reinforce and confirm the stereotype that women are not good at math. This added burden of worry can adversely affect her performance. [Explain chart.][Explanation of chart: In one experiment, researchers gave a math test to female and male college students with similar math abilities . Half the group was told that men generally perform better than women on the test (the “stereotype threat” condition) and the other half was told that there were no gender differences (the “no stereotype threat” condition). The results are shown in this figure. Women performed significantly worse than men in the “threat” situation, but women and men performed equally well in the non- threat condition. ] If gender differences in performance were due to innate gender differences in math, then women would perform worse than men even in the no stereotype threat condition. This result has been shown hundreds of times in other experiments, not just with gender but with race and ethnicity as well. Fortunately, because stereotype threat is linked to the learning environment there are some simple ways to lessen its negative impact by changing the environment. These include:RecommendationsExposing girls to successful role models in math and science to combat the negative stereotype, and Explicitly talking to students about stereotype threat has resulted in improved performance.
  14. Follow your passion, your bliss – make your own path
  15. Deliver Results! But not at the expense of personal valuesYou will build a reputation – and I don’t mean just on LinkedIn leaders are committing a real dereliction of duties if all they care about are the numbers. They also have to care about how those numbers came to be. Were the right behaviors practiced? Was the company’s culture of integrity honored? Were people taken care of properly? Was the law obeyed, in both letter and spirit?Bliss Score: 4.154/5Growth Opportunity Score: 3.9/5Compensation: 3.9/5Benefits: 4/5Average Salary: $85,787Source: CareerBlissRead more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-23-happiest-companies-in-america-2012-2?op=1#ixzz2QXps18UX
  16. It doesn’t matter if you go slow, as long as you keep on going.Become visibleIt doesn’t matter how many times you fall, as long as you rebounce quickly.The more faults you make, the better, the faster you’ll go forward.RESTPersistence – I definitely see the value of that one in my business [and in my career]. If I go back in history, in the cases I was most persistent the successes where the biggest!Take risks – That is one I need to do more. Much more! I was alway taught to play it not to loose, instead of playing it to win. Thank you for this reminder, Vered!I can have it all – That is my biggest challenge! I WANT to have it all so I find myself often juggling with the balls called business, family [husband + three kids under 9], social life and me time…
  17. It doesn’t matter if you go slow, as long as you keep on going.Become visibleIt doesn’t matter how many times you fall, as long as you rebounce quickly.The more faults you make, the better, the faster you’ll go forward.RESTPersistence – I definitely see the value of that one in my business [and in my career]. If I go back in history, in the cases I was most persistent the successes where the biggest!Take risks – That is one I need to do more. Much more! I was alway taught to play it not to loose, instead of playing it to win. Thank you for this reminder, Vered!I can have it all – That is my biggest challenge! I WANT to have it all so I find myself often juggling with the balls called business, family [husband + three kids under 9], social life and me time…
  18. Solve problems
  19. Snip at 12:47 of this video http://leanin.org/education/creating-a-level-playing-field/A world where men ran half our homes and women ran half our institutions would be just a much better world. - Sheryl Sandberg, 2011 Barnard College CommencementThe first point, implied by title of her book, is that many women make small decisions early on in their career as if they already have a family and children and that the sum of those decisions combined, result in careers that are less ambitious and often get abandoned when the choice of staying home or returning to work finally presents itself. The second point has a significant effect on the first and creates a large gap in the goal of gender equality overall because the role of men has not yet been addressed sufficiently in the discussion.
  20. Feedback:Mac team has a detailed checklistProviding visibility on pre release configuration of dependencies for QA.