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Future directions in
         civil‑military responses
         to natural disasters
         Elizabeth Ferris Brookings Institution, Washington DC

    >    Paper 05/2012

The big picture: natural disasters
in the future
Over the last ten years natural disasters affected more
than 2.4 billion people—the equivalent of one-third of
the earth’s population—and they have wrought over
$910 billion in damages—equivalent to approximately
18 percent of global GDP.1                                                 growth, it is likely that disasters will affect more people
                                                                           and cause greater economic damage. Climate change will
Natural disasters affect not only individuals and                          also encourage rural-to-urban migration. As droughts, dry
communities but also economies, governments and the                        conditions and unpredictability in rainfall patterns increase,
international system. The 373 natural disasters recorded by                pressure will grow on rural communities and they will move to
the International Disaster Database EM-DAT in 2010 affected                cities in search of livelihoods. Climate change is also expected
some 300 million people from all regions: 300 000 lost their               to reduce potential agricultural output by up to 30 per cent
lives and many more suffered injuries, family separation and               in Africa and up to 21 per cent in Asia5, further adding to both
other trauma. Sudden-onset disasters displaced 42 million                  migratory pressure and food insecurity. Natural disasters will
people from their homes and caused $108.5 billion in                       continue to affect developed as well as developing countries,
economic losses. Ninety-two per cent of the disasters in                   with far higher loss of life in developing countries and far
2010 were climate-related.2 The number of disasters has                    greater economic damage in developed countries.
increased in recent decades—from about 100 to 150 a year
in the early 1980s to an annual average of 392 during the                  It is expected that rising sea levels will particularly affect
2000 to 2009 decade.3                                                      the nearly 634 million people—a tenth of the world’s
                                                                           population—who live in at-risk coastal areas, just a few
The projections are that the frequency and intensity of                    metres above existing sea levels.6 The impact of sea‑level
sudden-onset climate-related natural disasters—particularly                rise will be felt in a variety of ways, from increased
storms, hurricanes, cyclones and flooding—will increase                    salinisation of water on Pacific islands to thawing of the
in the future as a result of global warming.4 With projected               permafrost in the Arctic.7 In a recent article Robin Bronen
population increases, increased urbanisation and economic

1    ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
points out that winter temperatures have increased by an                   to deliver assistance and that protection and human
average of 2.0–3.5° since 1975 in the Arctic, causing the                  rights considerations must also be incorporated in the
rapid disappearance of ice, increased erosion, increased                   response.14 After the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami, reports of
exposure of communities to autumnal storms, and thawing                    discriminatory access to assistance, violence in temporary
of the permafrost, which is the ‘glue’ that keeps the land                 shelters and other protection concerns led the Inter-Agency
intact and habitable.8                                                     Standing Committee to adopt the Operational Guidelines on
                                                                           the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters.15
Although ‘natural disaster’ is a widely used term, it is
important to point out that natural hazards do not in                      Although it is the responsibility of national governments
themselves constitute disasters: rather, it is the interaction             to protect and assist those living in their countries when
between natural phenomena and human actions that                           disasters strike, governments themselves are often weakened
creates disasters. Deforestation, for example, has led heavy               by disaster and lack the capacity to respond adequately.
rains to cause landslides in Central America and Nepal, while              In some cases this leads international players to substitute
the failure to maintain levees along the southern Mississippi              for governments, which can have the paradoxical effect of
River intensified the effects of Hurricane Katrina.9                       actually weakening national capacity.16 The international
                                                                           humanitarian system is already stretched to respond to
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (the global
                                                                           present disasters; it will be even more stretched in the
coordination body, with representation of all international
                                                                           future. The humanitarian system that has developed in
humanitarian organisations) has defined a ‘disaster’ as ‘a
                                                                           the past five or six decades is made up of a multitude of
serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a
                                                                           actors—UN agencies, government aid departments, the Red
society causing widespread human, material, economic
                                                                           Cross Red Crescent movement, international and national
or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the
                                                                           non-government organisations, local civil society groups,
affected community or society to cope using its own
                                                                           military forces, and an increasing number of non‑traditional
resources’.10 In other words, the impact of natural disasters
                                                                           participants such as business and militias. In the aftermath
is a function of both the severity of the natural hazard and
                                                                           of the earthquake in Haiti, for example, hundreds of
the capacity of the population to deal with it. One analyst
                                                                           community groups and NGOs arrived in the country, most
noted, for example, that a citizen of Haiti had an 8 per cent
                                                                           of them with the best intentions but with little experience in
chance of dying in violent shaking during the January
                                                                           disaster response.
2010 earthquake, while a person living in Chile had only a
0.01 per cent chance of dying, even though the February                    This proliferation of participants has created enormous
2010 Chilean earthquake released 400 times more energy                     coordination problems. Systems that work effectively with
than the Haitian earthquake.11                                             20 or 30 participants are overstretched when hundreds of
                                                                           organisations are involved. There are particular difficulties
Most attention and media coverage focuses on
                                                                           coordinating the efforts of national governments,
mega‑disasters—such as the Japan earthquake of 2011
                                                                           international humanitarian organisations and local civil
or the Pakistan floods of 2010—but the fact is that 90
                                                                           society groups. The fundamental question is whether the
per cent of disasters cause fewer than 50 casualties12, and
                                                                           current ‘business model’ of humanitarian assistance is
(although there is no research on this) it seems likely that the
                                                                           capable of responding to the challenges of a world in which
cumulative effect of small disasters could be considerable
                                                                           there are more natural disasters, as well as conflicts that
on communities. The concentration of attention on
                                                                           create situations of humanitarian need.
mega‑disasters is paralleled by funding trends. More than
95.56 per cent of international disaster funding in 2010                   The media have always played a role in mobilising
went to only two emergencies—the Haitian earthquake and                    international attention and responses to disasters, but
the Pakistani floods—while the remaining 3.54 per cent of                  increasingly social media provide immediate coverage of
humanitarian funds was shared between 54 other disasters.                  major disasters and of the response to them (which will
The other 317 recorded disasters received no international                 almost always be much slower than people expect). One of
funding, or at least were not included in the UN’s Financial               the effects of social media coverage of disasters is that it
Tracking System.13                                                         increases political pressure for rapid response: governments
                                                                           that are perceived to respond slowly will suffer politically.
While awareness of the need to respond quickly and
effectively to communities affected by disasters has grown,                It is in this context of increasing numbers of disasters,
there has also been increasing recognition that disaster                   growing pressure for responses and a complex world of
response involves more than rapid mobilisation of assets                   humanitarian action that we turn to the question of the

2    ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
participation of military forces in disaster response and their             America in 1998, Hurricane Katrina in the United States in
relationship with civilian organisations. Although the focus                2005, the Szechuan earthquake in 2008, and the Japanese
of the discussion is the military, much of the analysis that                earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident in 2011.
follows also applies to police forces; in fact, police forces
                                                                            The role of the national military in disaster response varies
often have very specific skills that are crucial to providing
                                                                            from country to country. In most countries civil protection or
security for humanitarian operations.
                                                                            national disaster management organisations are civilian-led
                                                                            but include military and police forces in their governance
Civil–military relations in                                                 and planning and rely on these forces when civilian capacity
                                                                            is insufficient to respond. In other countries, such as
natural disaster response:                                                  Pakistan and China, the military takes the leading role in
five observations                                                           disaster response. In many, perhaps most, countries political
                                                                            authorities must declare a national emergency or, in the case
The military will increasingly be called to                                 of subnational authorities, submit a formal request to the
respond to sudden-onset natural disasters,                                  central government for the use of military forces before they
                                                                            can be deployed. In still other countries, such as the United
both at home and abroad                                                     States, there are legal restrictions on using the military to
Although the UN guidelines for humanitarian and military                    provide domestic security, although the National Guard and
professionals dealing with civil–military matters17 maintain                police forces are routinely called in.20
that military assets should be used only as a last resort
                                                                            For the military, involvement in disaster response can
in responding to natural disasters, in many countries—
                                                                            improve its image in a country, offer training opportunities,
particularly in Asia—the military has become the ‘first
                                                                            and be a way to demonstrate new relevance and a
resort’ in time of disaster. This role will increase in the
                                                                            diversification of their role at a time when armed forces
future.18 Some civilian humanitarian organisations oppose
                                                                            globally are experiencing budget cuts.21 As Yates and Bergin
any expansion of the military’s role in humanitarian settings,
                                                                            point out, providing military forces to respond to disasters
yet the reality is that military forces have specific assets
                                                                            in other countries can reinforce alliances and partnerships,
that are needed in major disasters, they often have the
                                                                            advance national security interests, and increase knowledge
capacity to respond more quickly and on a larger scale than
                                                                            of military operational capabilities.22 On the other hand,
civilian actors, and there are political reasons, both within
                                                                            there is sometimes concern that responding to disasters
the military and in government generally, for deploying
                                                                            detracts from the military’s mission and is more expensive
military forces at such times. As one senior official of a UN
                                                                            than civilian engagement, although it should be noted that
humanitarian agency said:
                                                                            there are different ways of allocating military expenditures in
                                                                            disaster operations. In some cases of international military
    You can’t hold the military back. The battle to keep the
                                                                            assistance the cost of military involvement is covered by
    military out of disaster response was lost long ago. And
                                                                            the military itself; in other cases it is billed to the civilian
    the fact is that in natural disasters you need the military.
                                                                            government development agency.
    Rather than trying to keep the military out of disaster
    response—which is a non-starter—you need to figure                      One striking example of the way in which a military
    out ways to work with the military so that their assets are             response to disasters can lead to a rethinking of the
    used effectively and they don’t complicate matters for                  military’s role in society is the involvement of Japan’s Self
    civilian responders.19                                                  Defense Forces in the response to the earthquake, tsunami
                                                                            and nuclear accident of 2011. The rapid engagement of
As noted shortly, there are differences in the military                     the Japanese military has drawn widespread praise and
response to disasters and to complex emergencies,                           could in the longer term lead to broader public support
especially when the military forces are involved as                         for defence spending and to increased Japanese military
belligerents in a conflict.                                                 assistance for disasters in other countries. Shortly after
The military has long played a role in responding to major                  the earthquake Japan dispatched 107 000 of its 230 000
disasters, and military involvement both at home and abroad                 troops to disaster relief and for the first time established
has grown since the early 1990s. For example, the military                  a joint command of its ground forces, marine assets and
played central roles in responding to disasters such as the                 air force. The Japanese military coordinated its efforts
1991 cyclone in Bangladesh, Hurricane Mitch in Central                      well with those of roughly 20 000 US service members
                                                                            who were called in to respond. This experience contrasts

3     ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
with that of the 1995 Kobe earthquake, when the local                      have been far higher than the 75 000 who were killed by the
government and the prime minister were reluctant to                        earthquake. In situations of large-scale flooding, military
summon the Self Defense Forces for help.23                                 boats often play vital roles in rescue. Further, the military’s
                                                                           use of remote-sensing capabilities is something that is
Generally there are fewer political tensions                               particularly needed in response to earthquakes and is likely
in civil–military relations at times of natural                            to be expanded in the future.
disaster compared with in conflict settings                                The military also can bring their own life-support systems,
In conflict settings or complex emergencies, serious tensions              a fact that decreases their dependence on limited host
usually arise with the civilian humanitarian community when                nation resources.28 In cases where there has been strong
the military provides humanitarian assistance. Although the                bilateral cooperation between the militaries of different
humanitarian principles of neutrality, independence and                    countries, coordination between military forces in
impartiality are central to the work, and indeed the identity,             responding to natural disasters is facilitated. Moreover, as
of humanitarian actors, military actors see humanitarian                   Wiley Thompson noted in relation to the response to the
assistance as a way in which they can advance their military               2005 Pakistan earthquake, even among troops meeting
mission and thus are not in any way independent or neutral                 each other for the first time military relationships can make
participants.24 Moreover, humanitarian agencies argue that                 coordination easier: ‘regardless of national origin, they seem
the ‘blurring of roles’ when the military becomes involved in              to understand each other’.29
humanitarian work during conflicts has an impact on the way                Tensions can and do emerge, however, even in the less
the agencies’ operations are perceived by the population                   politicised environment of natural disaster response. The way
and can adversely affect their security.                                   national military forces are perceived in a country will affect
Civil–military relationships are likely to deteriorate when the            the way the military can operate. So in Turkey’s Van Province
military engages in humanitarian efforts in conflicts in which             a stronghold of the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party)
it is a belligerent. Nancy Roberts summarises it: ‘While the               where the Turkish military has a long history of operations,
military sees NGOs and IOs [international organisations]                   the predominantly Kurdish population might not have seen
as “force multipliers” (a reality that they resent), NGOs and              the military as a neutral, impartial distributor of assistance
IOs see the military as trying to “politicize humanitarianism”             following the 2011 earthquake.30
(a reality that they resent)’.25                                           Even in this less politicised environment of disaster
The military’s role in responding to natural disasters is less             response there remain problems with communication
contentious, although there can be a residual resentment on                and the complementarity of roles. In the case of the US
the part of civilian agencies and a concern that the military              military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, there
might have other motives. For example, after the 2004                      was widespread acknowledgment that the military’s role
Indian Ocean tsunami some humanitarian organisations                       in re‑opening the airport and the port was crucial. And
were nervous about the involvement of the Indonesian                       yet there was resentment about the way the US military
military in Aceh, given the military’s history in East Timor               controlled the entry of relief flights31, and, at least in the
and in combating the insurgency in Aceh. The humanitarian                  early days, civilian humanitarian groups found it difficult
organisations were, however, generally favourably impressed                to meet with US military forces to coordinate action. In
by the military’s efforts to deliver assistance impartially and            terms of roles, the military is perceived as generally being
effectively.26 There have also been reports of human rights                very good at logistics but much weaker in protection and
abuses by military forces engaged in disaster response.27                  in the distribution of assistance. Thus, while military forces
                                                                           might do an excellent job of setting up camps (including to
By and large, however, military response to natural disasters
                                                                           accepted international standards), they are not as effective
is a different ball game compared with military involvement
                                                                           at actually administering the camps and can unknowingly
in humanitarian work during conflict. In large-scale disasters
                                                                           create further problems—for example, when they do not
especially, the military brings assets that civilians simply
                                                                           consult the affected communities or lack sufficient local
do not have. In particular, military assets in transportation,
                                                                           knowledge about cultural matters.
communications, logistics and security are often desperately
needed in the early days of a disaster. After the 2005                     Although no systematic research has been done in this
Pakistan earthquake the military’s air transportation assets               area, it seems that the military’s role in the immediate
were crucial to responding to remote communities that                      phases of disaster response is generally widely appreciated.
had been affected. Without the military, casualties would                  But as time goes on the military’s comparative advantage

4    ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
decreases and resentment and tensions increase.                            In the three phases of disaster management
This would seem to underline the importance of both                        —prevention, response and recovery—
clarifying the roles of different players and recognising the
importance of a military handover of responsibilities to
                                                                           the military’s role is most needed and
civilians as soon as practicable.                                          accepted in the response phase and least
                                                                           in the recovery phase
International actors, military or civilian, simply
                                                                           As noted, the military brings specific assets to disaster
are not—and perhaps cannot be—fast enough
                                                                           response and especially to initial rescue efforts. Recovery
in immediate response                                                      and reconstruction, however, are generally seen as
There is often a perception that the military can move more                the responsibility of civilian authorities. When national
quickly in responding to a natural disaster than civilian                  governments do not have the capacity to rebuild a country
humanitarian actors because the military has standing                      after a major disaster, international organisations—
forces. In the case of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the                    particularly development organisations—are called on to
Chinese Government reported that it mobilised troops within                do so.36
14 minutes of the disaster.32 Search and rescue teams, for                 Both military and civilian humanitarian actors are expected
example, operate under a protocol of rapid response, both                  to engage in preparedness activities in order to improve
nationally and internationally.33                                          their capacity to respond, but their involvement in disaster
It does, however, take time to mobilise an international                   risk reduction is much less clear. This is seen as long-term
response, whether by civilian organisations or military                    development work, yet the lines between prevention and
forces, which means that local responders will always be                   preparedness are often blurred. Community risk reduction
on the front line. Most of the lives saved are the result of               measures involve a range of activities, from training masons
local efforts, often by communities themselves rather than                 in techniques for building houses that are more resistant to
government, the military or non-government organisations.                  earthquakes to building typhoon shelters and educating the
Indeed, Malish et al. report that most military emergency                  population about their use. But there is a grey area where
relief team deployments do not arrive until one to six weeks               preparing for disaster response and reducing risk overlap—
after the event. For example, the US naval hospital ship Mercy             for example, in working with communities to identify
did not arrive on site in the Indian Ocean until five weeks                evacuation routes, developing organisational structures and
after the 2004 tsunami; the US Army 212th Mobile Army                      setting up early warning systems.37
Surgical Hospital was not operational in Pakistan until day 17
after the 2005 earthquake34, and of 13 international teams
                                                                           Preparedness: what can be done before a
deployed to assist with the 2004 earthquake in Bam, Iran,                  disaster to facilitate disaster response?
none arrived as early as day 2 of the disaster. With respect               In comparison with humanitarian groups, the military
to their experience with a mobile surgical team responding                 probably has more experience in preparedness activities
to the 2007 earthquake in Peru, Malish et al. concluded that               such as contingency planning, development of scenarios
‘arriving within 48 hours isn’t quick enough to make a major               and training exercises. Humanitarian groups do engage in
contribution to the provision of acute surgical care’.35                   such planning, but it is generally less comprehensive and
This leads to an emphasis on the importance of building local              perhaps not assigned as much importance as in military
capacity in disaster response, including building the capacity             circles. One way of strengthening civil–military relations is
of local and national military and police forces. It also leads            through joint contingency planning between civilian police
to recognition of the importance of response—both civilian                 and military responders before a disaster occurs.38 This
and military—in the regions where disasters occur and the                  not only increases preparedness but also has the potential
importance of strengthening regional response mechanisms.                  to increase trust and mutual understanding between the
Efforts to strengthen regional disaster response mechanisms                various participants.
are under way in most regions.                                             Another important area of preparedness concerns
                                                                           developing more effective civil–military coordination
                                                                           mechanisms. Amid the chaos and urgency of responding
                                                                           to a disaster is not the time or place to be discussing
                                                                           complementarity of roles, common language and protocols
                                                                           for communication. Civil–military guidelines and handbooks

5    ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
do abound, but they are perhaps most useful when tailored                  work with national ministries since provincial, municipal and
to particular national-level situations. For example, in early             other levels of authority are involved in disaster response.
2010 the Pakistani military and humanitarian players worked                Moreover, urban residents everywhere are more politically
out a memorandum of understanding for coordinating their                   active, more aware and more demanding than people
work in the event of a disaster; although the MOU was not                  living in rural environments. If aid is not delivered quickly
signed by the relevant authorities, it did form the basis for              to dispersed rural communities, people will suffer, but if
civil–military relations during the Pakistani floods later that            this happens in an urban environment there are likely to be
year and is widely seen to have been helpful in structuring                protests, riots and political consequences.
relations between the two sectors.39
                                                                           Working in urban environments will probably become
On the military side, strengthening bilateral relations                    more dangerous. Urban areas are more violent than rural
between the military forces of different countries can                     ones: a variety of armed groups—such as insurgents,
facilitate the rapid mobilisation of assistance40, and                     criminal gangs, drug traffickers, private security forces and
developing ‘status of forces’ agreements applicable to                     warlords—can come together or compete with one another.
disaster response can make rapid response more likely.                     When a natural disaster occurs in an urban area such groups
A rapid and effective response by both civilian and military               can play a role in organising the response or they might take
players is easier when governments have engaged in legal                   advantage of the situation for their own gain. Relief goods
preparedness since they then have laws and policies that                   are economic commodities. In these circumstances policing
facilitate the delivery of international relief. Few governments           is central to protection of the affected communities.
have taken the necessary steps to respond to the host of
questions that arise in disaster contexts, such as: Will there             Responding to disasters in developed countries
be expedited procedures to allow the entry of relief goods                 The year 2011 was a terrible one for developed countries—
and relief workers? And will foreign drivers licences and                  floods in Australia, the devastating earthquake in
medical credentials be recognised?41                                       Christchurch, the great eastern Japan earthquake, tsunami
                                                                           and nuclear accident, and drought, wildfires, tornadoes
Future responses: five challenges                                          and storms in the United States. The fact that rich countries
                                                                           are vulnerable to disasters has a number of implications.
Responding to urban disasters                                              At one level it narrows the gap between rich and poor
                                                                           countries and points to the need for rich countries to adopt
The earthquakes in Haiti and Christchurch brought to
                                                                           measures of disaster risk reduction and preparedness.
the fore the particular challenges of responding to urban
                                                                           Rich countries have a hard time responding to offers of
disasters. As noted, disasters in the future are expected to
                                                                           international assistance and need to have mechanisms for
increasingly affect people living in cities, and this creates
                                                                           responding when such offers pour in. The economic losses
a particular set of pressures for the disaster response.
                                                                           in developed countries tend to be higher, perhaps eventually
Half of the world’s population—some 3.3 billion people—
                                                                           affecting their ability to offer assistance to other countries.
currently live in urban areas, and this figure is expected
                                                                           It is notable in this regard that Japan’s official aid agency,
to rise to 5 billion by 2030. Eighty per cent of these urban
                                                                           JICA, has said it intends to maintain planned levels of official
dwellers will be in the developing world. At present 1 billion
                                                                           development assistance even in the face of US$300 billion in
people (one-third of the urban population) live in slums.42
                                                                           economic losses and new taxes on its citizens.
‘Already, around two-thirds of the world’s mega-cities with
populations greater than five million fall at least partly in              Natural disasters in conflict zones
low-lying flood-prone areas; possibly a fifth of the urban
populations of the poorest countries live in hazard-prone                  When a natural disaster occurs in an area experiencing
environments’.43                                                           conflict people are doubly affected. For example, in the
                                                                           Philippines camps for people displaced by conflict in
Urban areas are physically congested environments, which                   Mindanao were flooded in 2008, reportedly undermining the
heightens the risk of secondary impacts from disasters (for                victims’ coping skills. 44 A natural disaster can lead to further
example, fires or aftershocks affecting already weakened                   displacement as people displaced by conflict are forced to
buildings) and complicates the physical movement of                        move yet again because of the disaster. Thus in Sri Lanka
disaster responders. They are also complex environments,                   some of those displaced by the conflict were displaced again
with multiple levels of authority and many different actors.               by the 2004 tsunami. Natural disasters occurring in conflict
It is not enough for either civilian or military responders to             areas can cause increased hardship for communities hosting

6    ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
the displaced. In Somalia, for example, rural areas hard                   severity in the future, it is important that these measures are
hit by flooding in 2009 had already been having difficulty                 included. This is an area where the military has a particular
growing sufficient food for their communities, and the arrival             advantage in planning and thinking through catastrophic
of Somalis displaced by the fighting in Mogadishu increased                scenarios. Few humanitarian agencies would have the
the strain on these communities.45                                         capacity or have done the planning necessary to respond to
                                                                           such situations. Rather, response would fall under the state’s
Natural disasters occurring in conflict areas often mean
                                                                           disaster plans or military contingency planning.
greater difficulties for humanitarian agencies in gaining
access to affected communities. This is particularly the case              The humanitarian community needs much more expertise
when governments are unwilling to extend access to the                     in thinking through and planning for responses to the deadly
humanitarian agencies. For example, after the 7.7 magnitude                combination of natural hazards, simmering conflict, and
1990 earthquake in Gilan Province in Iran had killed 50,000                industrial and technological accidents—particularly if they
people and devastated entire villages46 the government                     occur in urban areas. For example, damage to a chemical
initially insisted that the country would handle the crisis on             plant caused by an earthquake in an urban area of a
its own and turned away international assistance. By the                   developing country is likely to pose enormous challenges for
time the government was willing to enlist assistance from                  the humanitarian response.
abroad, a major proportion of those affected had reportedly
died from otherwise preventable causes.47 A similar initial                Taking local capacity seriously
rejection of international aid by the Myanmar Government
                                                                              It is firstly through their own efforts, and through the
following May 2008’s Cyclone Nargis complicated the relief
                                                                              support of community and local institutions, that the
effort. And in the aftermath of severe flooding in Pakistan in
                                                                              basic needs of people affected by disaster or armed
July–August 2010 the government facilitated humanitarian
                                                                              conflict are met.48
access to many of the affected areas but maintained security
restrictions for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas
                                                                           Although international humanitarian agencies acknowledge
and Balochistan, where many thousands had already been
                                                                           that the role of local communities is vital, they often fail to
displaced by conflict.
                                                                           work with local communities in devising their assistance
In these complex environments national military forces,                    programs and, in the worst cases, might even undermine
as in Myanmar and Pakistan, can take the lead and limit                    communities’ efforts. In virtually every major natural disaster
the ability of other parties—civilian or military, national                in the past decade, local civil society organisations have
or international—to provide assistance. The role of                        complained about being bypassed, ignored and weakened by
international military forces in responding to disasters                   international humanitarian agencies. The local organisations
in conflict areas will carry with it the baggage of tension                rightfully argue that they were the first on the scene and
and suspicion that characterises the forces’ involvement                   will remain in the country long after the internationals have
in humanitarian work in complex emergencies. Thus in                       left, but there are cultural, organisational, political and
Afghanistan and Iraq when the US military is involved in                   often linguistic barriers to their participation in the response
drought relief such activity is likely to be perceived as part of          effort. Coordination meetings between representatives of
the broader military mission.                                              humanitarian agencies are typically held in English, are run
                                                                           by people using a particular jargon, and are based on the
When natural and technological                                             assumption that the internationals will play the dominant role.
disasters overlap
                                                                           The principle that it is the responsibility of national
The nuclear accident at Fukushima, resulting as it did from                governments to respond to the needs of people within their
the earthquake and consequent tsunami, was a wake-up                       territory is well established in international law. For example,
call. Although there is considerable debate about whether or               in 1991 the UN General Assembly affirmed:
not this accident could have been anticipated, the reality is
that there are nuclear facilities, chemical factories, pipelines              Each State has the responsibility first and foremost
and industrial complexes in areas vulnerable to disaster                      to take care of victims of natural disasters and other
in all regions. In the best of cases strict regulations and                   emergencies occurring on its territory. Hence, the
safety measures exist to ensure that natural hazards will not                 affected State has the primary role in the initiation,
cause massive further damage but, as the case of Japan                        organization, coordination, and implementation of
illustrates, such regulation might not be sufficient. In view of              humanitarian assistance within its territory.
the fact that sudden-onset disasters are likely to increase in

7    ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
The magnitude and duration of many emergencies may be                   2	
                                                                                 OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, Université Catholique
     beyond the response capacity of many affected countries.                de Louvain, Brussels, www.emdat.be. Figures on displacement are
     International cooperation to address emergency situations               taken from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre,
     and to strengthen the response capacity of affected                     www.internal‑displacement.org. The terms ‘sudden onset’ and ‘slow
                                                                             onset’ are widely used to differentiate between disasters that occur
     countries is thus of great importance. Such cooperation
                                                                             with little warning (such as earthquakes and tsunamis) and those that
     should be provided in accordance with international
                                                                             develop over a longer period (such as drought), yet there is no accepted
     and national laws. Intergovernmental and non-                           dividing line between sudden-onset and slow-onset disasters.
     governmental organizations working impartially and with                 3	
                                                                                 Elizabeth Ferris and Daniel Petz, A Year of Living Dangerously: a
     strict humanitarian motives should continue to make a
                                                                             review of natural disasters in 2010, Brookings–LSE Project on Internal
     significant contribution in supplementing national efforts.49           Displacement, Washington, DC, April 2011, p. 8. Also see S Jenny, Time’s
                                                                             Bitter Flood, Oxfam GB, Oxford UK, 27 May 2011, p. 4.
And yet the role of the affected state in responding to                      4	
                                                                                 See for example, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
disasters varies tremendously. As Paul Harvey has pointed
                                                                             Climate Change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, Fourth
out, governments have four principal roles to play in                        assessment report, 2007 (www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/ar4-wg2.htm);
emergencies: they are responsible for identifying a crisis and               ‘Climate change and displacement in the 21st century’, Background
inviting international assistance, for providing assistance                  paper, Nansen Conference, Oslo 6–7 June 2011,
and protection themselves, for monitoring and coordinating                   http://d2530919.hosted213.servetheworld.no/expose/sites/clientweb/
external assistance, and for setting regulatory and legal                    default.asp?s=1931&id=1937; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
frameworks governing assistance.50 In some cases—such                        Change, ‘Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to
as Indonesia, the Philippines and Mozambique—the state                       advance climate change adaptation: a special report of Working Group I
has established a relatively strong response capacity and                    and Working Group II’, forthcoming 2012, http://ipcc-wg2.gov/SREX/.
manages to set the terms for international engagement. In                    5	
                                                                                 See FAO, ‘2050: climate change will worsen the plight of the poor,
others, however—such as Haiti—international agencies                         future of agriculture and food security closely linked to climate change’,
simply bypass national and local authorities.                                FAO, Rome, 1 October 2009; see also FAO, ‘Agriculture to 2050—the
                                                                             challenges ahead: Diouf opens high-level forum on food’s future’, FAO,
In view of the likelihood that the scale and intensity of natural            Rome, 12 September 2009.
disasters will increase in the future, it is important that the              6	
                                                                                 Cited by Kirsten Gelsdorf, Global Challenges and their Impact
question of local capacity be taken much more seriously. In                  on International Humanitarian Action, OCHA Occasional Policy
the context of civil–military relations, this implies that local             Briefing Series No. 1, OCHA, Policy Development and Studies
and national authorities should be included in coordination                  Branch, New York, January 2010, p. 17, http://ochaonline.un.org/
mechanisms and that international military and humanitarian                  OCHAHome/InFocus/ClimateChangeHumanitarianImpact/
actors should ensure—at a minimum—that their activities do                   MozambiquePreparednessinAction/GlobalClimateImplications/
not undermine local capacity or state authority. 51                          tabid/5945/language/en-US/Default.aspx.
                                                                                See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Fourth

Conclusion                                                                   Assessment Report: climate change 2007, Working Group II, Impacts,
                                                                             Adaptation and Vulnerability, IPCC, Geneva, 2007.
The international humanitarian system consists of a complex                  8	
                                                                                 Robin Bronen, ‘Climate-induced community relocations: creating an
array of many different participants who have different                      adaptive governance framework based in human rights doctrine’, New
operating procedures, mandates, capacities and cultures.                     York Review of Law and Social Change, vol. 35, 2011, pp. 356–406.
Coordination between these different participants is always                  9	
                                                                                 Chris Kromm and Sue Sturgis, Hurricane Katrina and the Guiding
difficult and is likely to become more so in the future as even              Principles on Internal Displacement, Institute for Southern Studies,
more individuals and groups seek to respond to emergencies.                  Durham NC, January 2008, p. 11.
The probable increase in the frequency, severity and impact                  10	
                                                                                 Brookings–Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Inter-Agency
of sudden-onset natural disasters will challenge both civilian               Standing Committee Operational Guidelines on the Protection of
humanitarian agencies and military forces that are likely to be              Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters, Brookings Institution,
deployed in support of disaster response. As the experience                  Washington DC, January 2011, pp. 55, 58.
of the 2010 Pakistani floods demonstrated, civil–military                    11	
                                                                                 See Nicholas Dickson, ‘Preventing future natural disaster
coordination can be improved when relationships and roles                    casualties: partnering with USAID and the Office of Reconstruction and
are sorted out before disaster strikes.                                      Development’, Small Wars Journal, 26 August 2010,
                                                                             http://smallwarsjournal.com, p. 3, citing Ross Stein of National Public
                                                                             Radio; see also OCHA, Chile Earthquake Situation Report #9, OCHA,
Notes                                                                        New York, 29 March 2010.
    ‘Our world, your move: disaster laws discussion paper’, Prepared         12	
                                                                                ‘Out of sight, out of mind’, Red Cross Red Crescent
for 31st International Conference of the Red Cross Red Crescent              Magazine, issue 2, 2011, p. 20, www.scribd.com/doc/70209252/
Movement, Geneva, 28 November – 1 December 2011.                             Red‑Cross‑Red‑Crescent-Magazine-No-2-2011.

8      ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
    Elizabeth Ferris and Daniel Petz, A Year of Living Dangerously: a          28	
                                                                                    Wiley C Thompson, ‘Success in Kashmir: a positive trend in
review of natural disasters in 2010, Brookings–LSE Project on Internal         civil–military integration during humanitarian assistance operations’,
Displacement, Washington, DC, April 2011, p. 22.                               Disasters, 5 May 2009, pp. 361ff. See also Earl Authors, CDEMA,
    Brookings–Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Inter-Agency              presentation at civil–military seminar.
Standing Committee Operational Guidelines on the Protection of                 29	
                                                                                    Wiley C Thompson, ‘Success in Kashmir: a positive trend in
Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters, January 2011,                      civil–military integration during humanitarian assistance operations’,
www.brookings.edu/reports/2011/0106_operational_guidelines_                    Disasters, 5 May 2009, pp. 361ff.
nd.aspx.                                                                       30	
                                                                                  See, for example: www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/11/07/
    IASC, Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in               van‑earthquake-exposes-turkeys-ethnic-fault-lines/.
Situations of Natural Disasters, Brookings–LSE Project on Internal             31	
                                                                                   See, for example, Rory Campbell, ‘US accused of annexing airport
Displacement, 2011, www.brookings.edu/reports/2011/                            as squabbling hinders aid effort in Haiti’, The Guardian, 17 January 2010,
0106_operational_guidelines_nd.aspx.                                           www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jan/17/us-accused-aid-effort-haiti.
   See www.ifrc.org/en/what-we-do/idrl/international-dialogue-                 32	
                                                                                  Brian Hoyer, ‘Lessons from the Sichuan earthquake’, Humanitarian
on‑strengthening-partnership-in-disaster-response/.                            Exchange Magazine, issue 43, June 2009, www.odihpn.org/report.
    Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Civil–Military Guidelines and             asp?id=3008.
Reference for Complex Emergencies, October 2008,                               33	
                                                                                   OCHA, International Search and Rescue Advisory Group Guidelines
www.unocha.org/what-we-do/coordination-tools/UN-CMCoord/                       and Methodology, www.unocha.org/what-we-do/coordination-tools/
overview. See also Secretariat of the Oslo Guidelines, Draft Guidelines        insarag/overview.
on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United              34	
                                                                                   Although ground-based units arrived ahead of the ship, they were
Nations Humanitarian Activities in Complex Emergencies, 2009.
                                                                               not operational until day 22.
    Robert Kaplan, ‘US forces: the world’s best relief group’, New             35	
                                                                                   Richard Malish, David E Oliver, Robert M Rush Jr et al., ‘Potential
York Times, 12 October 2005, www.nytimes.com/2005/10/12/
                                                                               roles of military-specific response to natural disasters—analysis of
                                                                               the rapid deployment of a mobile surgical team to the 2007 Peruvian
    Interview with author, Geneva, 26 October 2011. Incidentally, a very       earthquake’, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, January–February
similar observation was made about the far more controversial role             2009, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 6–7, http://pdm.medicine.wisc.edu/
of the military in complex emergencies by a senior ICRC official in an         Volume_24/issue_1/malish.pdf.
interview with the author in March 2010.                                       36	
                                                                                  Note that the transition from humanitarian to development
     See, for example, Jean-Loup Samaan and Laurent Verneuil,                  response on the civilian side never runs smoothly. Discussion of this is,
Civil–Military Relations in Hurricane Katrina: a case study on crisis          however, beyond the scope of this paper.
management in natural disaster response, Global Public Policy                  37	
                                                                                   See, for example, Yates and Bergin (note 22). They make the case
Institute, Berlin, March 2009, pp. 416–17, www.diastergovernace.net/
                                                                               for greater military engagement in disaster risk management. An
                                                                               interesting aside is that the US military has overseen the building of
     Charles-Antoine Hoffman and Laura Hudson (British Red Cross),             structures such as schools, health clinics and government buildings in
‘Military responses to natural disasters: last resort or inevitable trends?’   Afghanistan that are not earthquake resistant. They are being built to
Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, September 2009, issue 44.                      Afghan standards but not internationally recognised good practice. As
    Athol Yates and Anthony Bergin, More Than Good Deeds: disaster             Dickson notes, failure of those buildings in an earthquake could cause
risk management and Australian, Japanese and US Defence forces,                significant deaths and set back US foreign policy significantly: Nicholas
Special report, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Canberra,               Dickson, ‘Preventing future natural disaster casualties: partnering with
December 2011, issue 43, p. 15, www.aspi.org.au/publications/                  USAID and the Office of Reconstruction and Development’, Small Wars
publication_details.aspx?ContentID=322.                                        Journal, 26 August 2010, pp.4–5, www.smallwarsjournal.com.
     Chico Harlan, ‘A pacifist nation comes to depend on the service of        38	
                                                                                   See, for example, Peter Walker, Colin Rasmussen and Sebastian
its troops’, Washington Post, 3 April 2011, p. A12.                            Molano, ‘Background paper 3: best practice experience at the national
    Andrew Wilder, Losing Hearts and Minds in Afghanistan,                     level’, Prepared for the International Dialogue on Strengthening
December 2009, https://wikis.uit.tufts.edu/confluence/display/FIC/             Partnership in Disaster Response: Bridging National and International
Losing+Hearts+and+Minds+in+Afghanistan.                                        Support, September 2011, www.ifrc.org/PageFiles/90118/
   Nancy C Roberts ‘Spanning “Bleeding” boundaries:
humanitarianism, NGOs and the civilian–military nexus in the post–Cold
                                                                                   There were, however, still communication problems. See, for
War era’, Public Administration Review, March–April 2010, p. 217.              example, Nicki Bennett, Civil–military principles in the Pakistan flood
                                                                               response’, Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, issue 49, February 2011,
      OCHA, interview with author, October 2011.
    Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Situations of                40	
                                                                                    Anne C Richard, Role Reversal: offers of help from other countries
Natural Disasters: a working visit to Asia by the representative
                                                                               in response to Hurricane Katrina, Center for Transatlantic Relations,
of the Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally
                                                                               Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins
Displaced Persons Walter Kälin, 27 February – 5 March 2005,
                                                                               University, Washington DC, 2006.
Brookings‑Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Washington DC,
April 2005, pp. 17–18, www.brookings.edu/projects/idp/~/link.aspx?_

9       ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
    IFRC, Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of
International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance [referred
to as the ‘IDRL Guidelines’], 2007, http://scm.oas.org/pdfs/2010/
   Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Meeting Humanitarian
Challenges in Urban Areas (MHCUA): draft assessment, IASC, Geneva, 2
October 2009, p. 2.
    Cited by Sarah Collinson, ‘Developing adequate humanitarian
responses’, German Marshall Fund of the US, Washington DC, 2010, p. 3.
    ICRC, ‘Philippines: heavy floods aggravate plight of civilians
displaced by conflict’, 24 September 2008, cited in Internal
Displacement Monitoring Centre, Philippines: an estimated 8 million
people affected by natural disasters in 2008,
   UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Representative of the
Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons,
Walter Kälin, A/HRC/13/21/Add.2, 21 January 2010.
    ‘When the world shook’, The Economist, 30 June 1990, p. 45, cited
in Rohan J Hardcastle and Adrian TL Chua, ‘Humanitarian assistance:
towards a right of access to victims of natural disasters’, International
Review of the Red Cross, no. 325, December 1998, p. 589.
    See Rohan J Hardcastle and Adrian TL Chua, ‘Humanitarian
assistance: towards a right of access to victims of natural disasters’,
International Review of the Red Cross, no. 325, December 1998.
  Sphere Humanitarian Charter 2010, section 2(1). draft,

   UN General Assembly, Resolution 46/182 (paragraphs 3–5), 9
December 1991.
   Paul Harvey, Towards Good Humanitarian Government,
Humanitarian Policy Group Brief 37, Overseas Development Institute,
London, September 2009, p. 1.

10    ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality

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  • 1. Future directions in civil‑military responses to natural disasters Elizabeth Ferris Brookings Institution, Washington DC > Paper 05/2012 The big picture: natural disasters in the future Over the last ten years natural disasters affected more than 2.4 billion people—the equivalent of one-third of the earth’s population—and they have wrought over $910 billion in damages—equivalent to approximately 18 percent of global GDP.1 growth, it is likely that disasters will affect more people and cause greater economic damage. Climate change will Natural disasters affect not only individuals and also encourage rural-to-urban migration. As droughts, dry communities but also economies, governments and the conditions and unpredictability in rainfall patterns increase, international system. The 373 natural disasters recorded by pressure will grow on rural communities and they will move to the International Disaster Database EM-DAT in 2010 affected cities in search of livelihoods. Climate change is also expected some 300 million people from all regions: 300 000 lost their to reduce potential agricultural output by up to 30 per cent lives and many more suffered injuries, family separation and in Africa and up to 21 per cent in Asia5, further adding to both other trauma. Sudden-onset disasters displaced 42 million migratory pressure and food insecurity. Natural disasters will people from their homes and caused $108.5 billion in continue to affect developed as well as developing countries, economic losses. Ninety-two per cent of the disasters in with far higher loss of life in developing countries and far 2010 were climate-related.2 The number of disasters has greater economic damage in developed countries. increased in recent decades—from about 100 to 150 a year in the early 1980s to an annual average of 392 during the It is expected that rising sea levels will particularly affect 2000 to 2009 decade.3 the nearly 634 million people—a tenth of the world’s population—who live in at-risk coastal areas, just a few The projections are that the frequency and intensity of metres above existing sea levels.6 The impact of sea‑level sudden-onset climate-related natural disasters—particularly rise will be felt in a variety of ways, from increased storms, hurricanes, cyclones and flooding—will increase salinisation of water on Pacific islands to thawing of the in the future as a result of global warming.4 With projected permafrost in the Arctic.7 In a recent article Robin Bronen population increases, increased urbanisation and economic 1 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 2. points out that winter temperatures have increased by an to deliver assistance and that protection and human average of 2.0–3.5° since 1975 in the Arctic, causing the rights considerations must also be incorporated in the rapid disappearance of ice, increased erosion, increased response.14 After the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami, reports of exposure of communities to autumnal storms, and thawing discriminatory access to assistance, violence in temporary of the permafrost, which is the ‘glue’ that keeps the land shelters and other protection concerns led the Inter-Agency intact and habitable.8 Standing Committee to adopt the Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters.15 Although ‘natural disaster’ is a widely used term, it is important to point out that natural hazards do not in Although it is the responsibility of national governments themselves constitute disasters: rather, it is the interaction to protect and assist those living in their countries when between natural phenomena and human actions that disasters strike, governments themselves are often weakened creates disasters. Deforestation, for example, has led heavy by disaster and lack the capacity to respond adequately. rains to cause landslides in Central America and Nepal, while In some cases this leads international players to substitute the failure to maintain levees along the southern Mississippi for governments, which can have the paradoxical effect of River intensified the effects of Hurricane Katrina.9 actually weakening national capacity.16 The international humanitarian system is already stretched to respond to The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (the global present disasters; it will be even more stretched in the coordination body, with representation of all international future. The humanitarian system that has developed in humanitarian organisations) has defined a ‘disaster’ as ‘a the past five or six decades is made up of a multitude of serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a actors—UN agencies, government aid departments, the Red society causing widespread human, material, economic Cross Red Crescent movement, international and national or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the non-government organisations, local civil society groups, affected community or society to cope using its own military forces, and an increasing number of non‑traditional resources’.10 In other words, the impact of natural disasters participants such as business and militias. In the aftermath is a function of both the severity of the natural hazard and of the earthquake in Haiti, for example, hundreds of the capacity of the population to deal with it. One analyst community groups and NGOs arrived in the country, most noted, for example, that a citizen of Haiti had an 8 per cent of them with the best intentions but with little experience in chance of dying in violent shaking during the January disaster response. 2010 earthquake, while a person living in Chile had only a 0.01 per cent chance of dying, even though the February This proliferation of participants has created enormous 2010 Chilean earthquake released 400 times more energy coordination problems. Systems that work effectively with than the Haitian earthquake.11 20 or 30 participants are overstretched when hundreds of organisations are involved. There are particular difficulties Most attention and media coverage focuses on coordinating the efforts of national governments, mega‑disasters—such as the Japan earthquake of 2011 international humanitarian organisations and local civil or the Pakistan floods of 2010—but the fact is that 90 society groups. The fundamental question is whether the per cent of disasters cause fewer than 50 casualties12, and current ‘business model’ of humanitarian assistance is (although there is no research on this) it seems likely that the capable of responding to the challenges of a world in which cumulative effect of small disasters could be considerable there are more natural disasters, as well as conflicts that on communities. The concentration of attention on create situations of humanitarian need. mega‑disasters is paralleled by funding trends. More than 95.56 per cent of international disaster funding in 2010 The media have always played a role in mobilising went to only two emergencies—the Haitian earthquake and international attention and responses to disasters, but the Pakistani floods—while the remaining 3.54 per cent of increasingly social media provide immediate coverage of humanitarian funds was shared between 54 other disasters. major disasters and of the response to them (which will The other 317 recorded disasters received no international almost always be much slower than people expect). One of funding, or at least were not included in the UN’s Financial the effects of social media coverage of disasters is that it Tracking System.13 increases political pressure for rapid response: governments that are perceived to respond slowly will suffer politically. While awareness of the need to respond quickly and effectively to communities affected by disasters has grown, It is in this context of increasing numbers of disasters, there has also been increasing recognition that disaster growing pressure for responses and a complex world of response involves more than rapid mobilisation of assets humanitarian action that we turn to the question of the 2 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 3. participation of military forces in disaster response and their America in 1998, Hurricane Katrina in the United States in relationship with civilian organisations. Although the focus 2005, the Szechuan earthquake in 2008, and the Japanese of the discussion is the military, much of the analysis that earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident in 2011. follows also applies to police forces; in fact, police forces The role of the national military in disaster response varies often have very specific skills that are crucial to providing from country to country. In most countries civil protection or security for humanitarian operations. national disaster management organisations are civilian-led but include military and police forces in their governance Civil–military relations in and planning and rely on these forces when civilian capacity is insufficient to respond. In other countries, such as natural disaster response: Pakistan and China, the military takes the leading role in five observations disaster response. In many, perhaps most, countries political authorities must declare a national emergency or, in the case The military will increasingly be called to of subnational authorities, submit a formal request to the respond to sudden-onset natural disasters, central government for the use of military forces before they can be deployed. In still other countries, such as the United both at home and abroad States, there are legal restrictions on using the military to Although the UN guidelines for humanitarian and military provide domestic security, although the National Guard and professionals dealing with civil–military matters17 maintain police forces are routinely called in.20 that military assets should be used only as a last resort For the military, involvement in disaster response can in responding to natural disasters, in many countries— improve its image in a country, offer training opportunities, particularly in Asia—the military has become the ‘first and be a way to demonstrate new relevance and a resort’ in time of disaster. This role will increase in the diversification of their role at a time when armed forces future.18 Some civilian humanitarian organisations oppose globally are experiencing budget cuts.21 As Yates and Bergin any expansion of the military’s role in humanitarian settings, point out, providing military forces to respond to disasters yet the reality is that military forces have specific assets in other countries can reinforce alliances and partnerships, that are needed in major disasters, they often have the advance national security interests, and increase knowledge capacity to respond more quickly and on a larger scale than of military operational capabilities.22 On the other hand, civilian actors, and there are political reasons, both within there is sometimes concern that responding to disasters the military and in government generally, for deploying detracts from the military’s mission and is more expensive military forces at such times. As one senior official of a UN than civilian engagement, although it should be noted that humanitarian agency said: there are different ways of allocating military expenditures in disaster operations. In some cases of international military You can’t hold the military back. The battle to keep the assistance the cost of military involvement is covered by military out of disaster response was lost long ago. And the military itself; in other cases it is billed to the civilian the fact is that in natural disasters you need the military. government development agency. Rather than trying to keep the military out of disaster response—which is a non-starter—you need to figure One striking example of the way in which a military out ways to work with the military so that their assets are response to disasters can lead to a rethinking of the used effectively and they don’t complicate matters for military’s role in society is the involvement of Japan’s Self civilian responders.19 Defense Forces in the response to the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident of 2011. The rapid engagement of As noted shortly, there are differences in the military the Japanese military has drawn widespread praise and response to disasters and to complex emergencies, could in the longer term lead to broader public support especially when the military forces are involved as for defence spending and to increased Japanese military belligerents in a conflict. assistance for disasters in other countries. Shortly after The military has long played a role in responding to major the earthquake Japan dispatched 107 000 of its 230 000 disasters, and military involvement both at home and abroad troops to disaster relief and for the first time established has grown since the early 1990s. For example, the military a joint command of its ground forces, marine assets and played central roles in responding to disasters such as the air force. The Japanese military coordinated its efforts 1991 cyclone in Bangladesh, Hurricane Mitch in Central well with those of roughly 20 000 US service members who were called in to respond. This experience contrasts 3 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 4. with that of the 1995 Kobe earthquake, when the local have been far higher than the 75 000 who were killed by the government and the prime minister were reluctant to earthquake. In situations of large-scale flooding, military summon the Self Defense Forces for help.23 boats often play vital roles in rescue. Further, the military’s use of remote-sensing capabilities is something that is Generally there are fewer political tensions particularly needed in response to earthquakes and is likely in civil–military relations at times of natural to be expanded in the future. disaster compared with in conflict settings The military also can bring their own life-support systems, In conflict settings or complex emergencies, serious tensions a fact that decreases their dependence on limited host usually arise with the civilian humanitarian community when nation resources.28 In cases where there has been strong the military provides humanitarian assistance. Although the bilateral cooperation between the militaries of different humanitarian principles of neutrality, independence and countries, coordination between military forces in impartiality are central to the work, and indeed the identity, responding to natural disasters is facilitated. Moreover, as of humanitarian actors, military actors see humanitarian Wiley Thompson noted in relation to the response to the assistance as a way in which they can advance their military 2005 Pakistan earthquake, even among troops meeting mission and thus are not in any way independent or neutral each other for the first time military relationships can make participants.24 Moreover, humanitarian agencies argue that coordination easier: ‘regardless of national origin, they seem the ‘blurring of roles’ when the military becomes involved in to understand each other’.29 humanitarian work during conflicts has an impact on the way Tensions can and do emerge, however, even in the less the agencies’ operations are perceived by the population politicised environment of natural disaster response. The way and can adversely affect their security. national military forces are perceived in a country will affect Civil–military relationships are likely to deteriorate when the the way the military can operate. So in Turkey’s Van Province military engages in humanitarian efforts in conflicts in which a stronghold of the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party) it is a belligerent. Nancy Roberts summarises it: ‘While the where the Turkish military has a long history of operations, military sees NGOs and IOs [international organisations] the predominantly Kurdish population might not have seen as “force multipliers” (a reality that they resent), NGOs and the military as a neutral, impartial distributor of assistance IOs see the military as trying to “politicize humanitarianism” following the 2011 earthquake.30 (a reality that they resent)’.25 Even in this less politicised environment of disaster The military’s role in responding to natural disasters is less response there remain problems with communication contentious, although there can be a residual resentment on and the complementarity of roles. In the case of the US the part of civilian agencies and a concern that the military military response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, there might have other motives. For example, after the 2004 was widespread acknowledgment that the military’s role Indian Ocean tsunami some humanitarian organisations in re‑opening the airport and the port was crucial. And were nervous about the involvement of the Indonesian yet there was resentment about the way the US military military in Aceh, given the military’s history in East Timor controlled the entry of relief flights31, and, at least in the and in combating the insurgency in Aceh. The humanitarian early days, civilian humanitarian groups found it difficult organisations were, however, generally favourably impressed to meet with US military forces to coordinate action. In by the military’s efforts to deliver assistance impartially and terms of roles, the military is perceived as generally being effectively.26 There have also been reports of human rights very good at logistics but much weaker in protection and abuses by military forces engaged in disaster response.27 in the distribution of assistance. Thus, while military forces might do an excellent job of setting up camps (including to By and large, however, military response to natural disasters accepted international standards), they are not as effective is a different ball game compared with military involvement at actually administering the camps and can unknowingly in humanitarian work during conflict. In large-scale disasters create further problems—for example, when they do not especially, the military brings assets that civilians simply consult the affected communities or lack sufficient local do not have. In particular, military assets in transportation, knowledge about cultural matters. communications, logistics and security are often desperately needed in the early days of a disaster. After the 2005 Although no systematic research has been done in this Pakistan earthquake the military’s air transportation assets area, it seems that the military’s role in the immediate were crucial to responding to remote communities that phases of disaster response is generally widely appreciated. had been affected. Without the military, casualties would But as time goes on the military’s comparative advantage 4 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 5. decreases and resentment and tensions increase. In the three phases of disaster management This would seem to underline the importance of both —prevention, response and recovery— clarifying the roles of different players and recognising the importance of a military handover of responsibilities to the military’s role is most needed and civilians as soon as practicable. accepted in the response phase and least in the recovery phase International actors, military or civilian, simply As noted, the military brings specific assets to disaster are not—and perhaps cannot be—fast enough response and especially to initial rescue efforts. Recovery in immediate response and reconstruction, however, are generally seen as There is often a perception that the military can move more the responsibility of civilian authorities. When national quickly in responding to a natural disaster than civilian governments do not have the capacity to rebuild a country humanitarian actors because the military has standing after a major disaster, international organisations— forces. In the case of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the particularly development organisations—are called on to Chinese Government reported that it mobilised troops within do so.36 14 minutes of the disaster.32 Search and rescue teams, for Both military and civilian humanitarian actors are expected example, operate under a protocol of rapid response, both to engage in preparedness activities in order to improve nationally and internationally.33 their capacity to respond, but their involvement in disaster It does, however, take time to mobilise an international risk reduction is much less clear. This is seen as long-term response, whether by civilian organisations or military development work, yet the lines between prevention and forces, which means that local responders will always be preparedness are often blurred. Community risk reduction on the front line. Most of the lives saved are the result of measures involve a range of activities, from training masons local efforts, often by communities themselves rather than in techniques for building houses that are more resistant to government, the military or non-government organisations. earthquakes to building typhoon shelters and educating the Indeed, Malish et al. report that most military emergency population about their use. But there is a grey area where relief team deployments do not arrive until one to six weeks preparing for disaster response and reducing risk overlap— after the event. For example, the US naval hospital ship Mercy for example, in working with communities to identify did not arrive on site in the Indian Ocean until five weeks evacuation routes, developing organisational structures and after the 2004 tsunami; the US Army 212th Mobile Army setting up early warning systems.37 Surgical Hospital was not operational in Pakistan until day 17 after the 2005 earthquake34, and of 13 international teams Preparedness: what can be done before a deployed to assist with the 2004 earthquake in Bam, Iran, disaster to facilitate disaster response? none arrived as early as day 2 of the disaster. With respect In comparison with humanitarian groups, the military to their experience with a mobile surgical team responding probably has more experience in preparedness activities to the 2007 earthquake in Peru, Malish et al. concluded that such as contingency planning, development of scenarios ‘arriving within 48 hours isn’t quick enough to make a major and training exercises. Humanitarian groups do engage in contribution to the provision of acute surgical care’.35 such planning, but it is generally less comprehensive and This leads to an emphasis on the importance of building local perhaps not assigned as much importance as in military capacity in disaster response, including building the capacity circles. One way of strengthening civil–military relations is of local and national military and police forces. It also leads through joint contingency planning between civilian police to recognition of the importance of response—both civilian and military responders before a disaster occurs.38 This and military—in the regions where disasters occur and the not only increases preparedness but also has the potential importance of strengthening regional response mechanisms. to increase trust and mutual understanding between the Efforts to strengthen regional disaster response mechanisms various participants. are under way in most regions. Another important area of preparedness concerns developing more effective civil–military coordination mechanisms. Amid the chaos and urgency of responding to a disaster is not the time or place to be discussing complementarity of roles, common language and protocols for communication. Civil–military guidelines and handbooks 5 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 6. do abound, but they are perhaps most useful when tailored work with national ministries since provincial, municipal and to particular national-level situations. For example, in early other levels of authority are involved in disaster response. 2010 the Pakistani military and humanitarian players worked Moreover, urban residents everywhere are more politically out a memorandum of understanding for coordinating their active, more aware and more demanding than people work in the event of a disaster; although the MOU was not living in rural environments. If aid is not delivered quickly signed by the relevant authorities, it did form the basis for to dispersed rural communities, people will suffer, but if civil–military relations during the Pakistani floods later that this happens in an urban environment there are likely to be year and is widely seen to have been helpful in structuring protests, riots and political consequences. relations between the two sectors.39 Working in urban environments will probably become On the military side, strengthening bilateral relations more dangerous. Urban areas are more violent than rural between the military forces of different countries can ones: a variety of armed groups—such as insurgents, facilitate the rapid mobilisation of assistance40, and criminal gangs, drug traffickers, private security forces and developing ‘status of forces’ agreements applicable to warlords—can come together or compete with one another. disaster response can make rapid response more likely. When a natural disaster occurs in an urban area such groups A rapid and effective response by both civilian and military can play a role in organising the response or they might take players is easier when governments have engaged in legal advantage of the situation for their own gain. Relief goods preparedness since they then have laws and policies that are economic commodities. In these circumstances policing facilitate the delivery of international relief. Few governments is central to protection of the affected communities. have taken the necessary steps to respond to the host of questions that arise in disaster contexts, such as: Will there Responding to disasters in developed countries be expedited procedures to allow the entry of relief goods The year 2011 was a terrible one for developed countries— and relief workers? And will foreign drivers licences and floods in Australia, the devastating earthquake in medical credentials be recognised?41 Christchurch, the great eastern Japan earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident, and drought, wildfires, tornadoes Future responses: five challenges and storms in the United States. The fact that rich countries are vulnerable to disasters has a number of implications. Responding to urban disasters At one level it narrows the gap between rich and poor countries and points to the need for rich countries to adopt The earthquakes in Haiti and Christchurch brought to measures of disaster risk reduction and preparedness. the fore the particular challenges of responding to urban Rich countries have a hard time responding to offers of disasters. As noted, disasters in the future are expected to international assistance and need to have mechanisms for increasingly affect people living in cities, and this creates responding when such offers pour in. The economic losses a particular set of pressures for the disaster response. in developed countries tend to be higher, perhaps eventually Half of the world’s population—some 3.3 billion people— affecting their ability to offer assistance to other countries. currently live in urban areas, and this figure is expected It is notable in this regard that Japan’s official aid agency, to rise to 5 billion by 2030. Eighty per cent of these urban JICA, has said it intends to maintain planned levels of official dwellers will be in the developing world. At present 1 billion development assistance even in the face of US$300 billion in people (one-third of the urban population) live in slums.42 economic losses and new taxes on its citizens. ‘Already, around two-thirds of the world’s mega-cities with populations greater than five million fall at least partly in Natural disasters in conflict zones low-lying flood-prone areas; possibly a fifth of the urban populations of the poorest countries live in hazard-prone When a natural disaster occurs in an area experiencing environments’.43 conflict people are doubly affected. For example, in the Philippines camps for people displaced by conflict in Urban areas are physically congested environments, which Mindanao were flooded in 2008, reportedly undermining the heightens the risk of secondary impacts from disasters (for victims’ coping skills. 44 A natural disaster can lead to further example, fires or aftershocks affecting already weakened displacement as people displaced by conflict are forced to buildings) and complicates the physical movement of move yet again because of the disaster. Thus in Sri Lanka disaster responders. They are also complex environments, some of those displaced by the conflict were displaced again with multiple levels of authority and many different actors. by the 2004 tsunami. Natural disasters occurring in conflict It is not enough for either civilian or military responders to areas can cause increased hardship for communities hosting 6 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 7. the displaced. In Somalia, for example, rural areas hard severity in the future, it is important that these measures are hit by flooding in 2009 had already been having difficulty included. This is an area where the military has a particular growing sufficient food for their communities, and the arrival advantage in planning and thinking through catastrophic of Somalis displaced by the fighting in Mogadishu increased scenarios. Few humanitarian agencies would have the the strain on these communities.45 capacity or have done the planning necessary to respond to such situations. Rather, response would fall under the state’s Natural disasters occurring in conflict areas often mean disaster plans or military contingency planning. greater difficulties for humanitarian agencies in gaining access to affected communities. This is particularly the case The humanitarian community needs much more expertise when governments are unwilling to extend access to the in thinking through and planning for responses to the deadly humanitarian agencies. For example, after the 7.7 magnitude combination of natural hazards, simmering conflict, and 1990 earthquake in Gilan Province in Iran had killed 50,000 industrial and technological accidents—particularly if they people and devastated entire villages46 the government occur in urban areas. For example, damage to a chemical initially insisted that the country would handle the crisis on plant caused by an earthquake in an urban area of a its own and turned away international assistance. By the developing country is likely to pose enormous challenges for time the government was willing to enlist assistance from the humanitarian response. abroad, a major proportion of those affected had reportedly died from otherwise preventable causes.47 A similar initial Taking local capacity seriously rejection of international aid by the Myanmar Government It is firstly through their own efforts, and through the following May 2008’s Cyclone Nargis complicated the relief support of community and local institutions, that the effort. And in the aftermath of severe flooding in Pakistan in basic needs of people affected by disaster or armed July–August 2010 the government facilitated humanitarian conflict are met.48 access to many of the affected areas but maintained security restrictions for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas Although international humanitarian agencies acknowledge and Balochistan, where many thousands had already been that the role of local communities is vital, they often fail to displaced by conflict. work with local communities in devising their assistance In these complex environments national military forces, programs and, in the worst cases, might even undermine as in Myanmar and Pakistan, can take the lead and limit communities’ efforts. In virtually every major natural disaster the ability of other parties—civilian or military, national in the past decade, local civil society organisations have or international—to provide assistance. The role of complained about being bypassed, ignored and weakened by international military forces in responding to disasters international humanitarian agencies. The local organisations in conflict areas will carry with it the baggage of tension rightfully argue that they were the first on the scene and and suspicion that characterises the forces’ involvement will remain in the country long after the internationals have in humanitarian work in complex emergencies. Thus in left, but there are cultural, organisational, political and Afghanistan and Iraq when the US military is involved in often linguistic barriers to their participation in the response drought relief such activity is likely to be perceived as part of effort. Coordination meetings between representatives of the broader military mission. humanitarian agencies are typically held in English, are run by people using a particular jargon, and are based on the When natural and technological assumption that the internationals will play the dominant role. disasters overlap The principle that it is the responsibility of national The nuclear accident at Fukushima, resulting as it did from governments to respond to the needs of people within their the earthquake and consequent tsunami, was a wake-up territory is well established in international law. For example, call. Although there is considerable debate about whether or in 1991 the UN General Assembly affirmed: not this accident could have been anticipated, the reality is that there are nuclear facilities, chemical factories, pipelines Each State has the responsibility first and foremost and industrial complexes in areas vulnerable to disaster to take care of victims of natural disasters and other in all regions. In the best of cases strict regulations and emergencies occurring on its territory. Hence, the safety measures exist to ensure that natural hazards will not affected State has the primary role in the initiation, cause massive further damage but, as the case of Japan organization, coordination, and implementation of illustrates, such regulation might not be sufficient. In view of humanitarian assistance within its territory. the fact that sudden-onset disasters are likely to increase in 7 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 8. The magnitude and duration of many emergencies may be 2 OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, Université Catholique beyond the response capacity of many affected countries. de Louvain, Brussels, www.emdat.be. Figures on displacement are International cooperation to address emergency situations taken from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, and to strengthen the response capacity of affected www.internal‑displacement.org. The terms ‘sudden onset’ and ‘slow onset’ are widely used to differentiate between disasters that occur countries is thus of great importance. Such cooperation with little warning (such as earthquakes and tsunamis) and those that should be provided in accordance with international develop over a longer period (such as drought), yet there is no accepted and national laws. Intergovernmental and non- dividing line between sudden-onset and slow-onset disasters. governmental organizations working impartially and with 3 Elizabeth Ferris and Daniel Petz, A Year of Living Dangerously: a strict humanitarian motives should continue to make a review of natural disasters in 2010, Brookings–LSE Project on Internal significant contribution in supplementing national efforts.49 Displacement, Washington, DC, April 2011, p. 8. Also see S Jenny, Time’s Bitter Flood, Oxfam GB, Oxford UK, 27 May 2011, p. 4. And yet the role of the affected state in responding to 4 See for example, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, disasters varies tremendously. As Paul Harvey has pointed Climate Change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, Fourth out, governments have four principal roles to play in assessment report, 2007 (www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/ar4-wg2.htm); emergencies: they are responsible for identifying a crisis and ‘Climate change and displacement in the 21st century’, Background inviting international assistance, for providing assistance paper, Nansen Conference, Oslo 6–7 June 2011, and protection themselves, for monitoring and coordinating http://d2530919.hosted213.servetheworld.no/expose/sites/clientweb/ external assistance, and for setting regulatory and legal default.asp?s=1931&id=1937; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate frameworks governing assistance.50 In some cases—such Change, ‘Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to as Indonesia, the Philippines and Mozambique—the state advance climate change adaptation: a special report of Working Group I has established a relatively strong response capacity and and Working Group II’, forthcoming 2012, http://ipcc-wg2.gov/SREX/. manages to set the terms for international engagement. In 5 See FAO, ‘2050: climate change will worsen the plight of the poor, others, however—such as Haiti—international agencies future of agriculture and food security closely linked to climate change’, simply bypass national and local authorities. FAO, Rome, 1 October 2009; see also FAO, ‘Agriculture to 2050—the challenges ahead: Diouf opens high-level forum on food’s future’, FAO, In view of the likelihood that the scale and intensity of natural Rome, 12 September 2009. disasters will increase in the future, it is important that the 6 Cited by Kirsten Gelsdorf, Global Challenges and their Impact question of local capacity be taken much more seriously. In on International Humanitarian Action, OCHA Occasional Policy the context of civil–military relations, this implies that local Briefing Series No. 1, OCHA, Policy Development and Studies and national authorities should be included in coordination Branch, New York, January 2010, p. 17, http://ochaonline.un.org/ mechanisms and that international military and humanitarian OCHAHome/InFocus/ClimateChangeHumanitarianImpact/ actors should ensure—at a minimum—that their activities do MozambiquePreparednessinAction/GlobalClimateImplications/ not undermine local capacity or state authority. 51 tabid/5945/language/en-US/Default.aspx. 7 See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Fourth Conclusion Assessment Report: climate change 2007, Working Group II, Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, IPCC, Geneva, 2007. The international humanitarian system consists of a complex 8 Robin Bronen, ‘Climate-induced community relocations: creating an array of many different participants who have different adaptive governance framework based in human rights doctrine’, New operating procedures, mandates, capacities and cultures. York Review of Law and Social Change, vol. 35, 2011, pp. 356–406. Coordination between these different participants is always 9 Chris Kromm and Sue Sturgis, Hurricane Katrina and the Guiding difficult and is likely to become more so in the future as even Principles on Internal Displacement, Institute for Southern Studies, more individuals and groups seek to respond to emergencies. Durham NC, January 2008, p. 11. The probable increase in the frequency, severity and impact 10 Brookings–Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Inter-Agency of sudden-onset natural disasters will challenge both civilian Standing Committee Operational Guidelines on the Protection of humanitarian agencies and military forces that are likely to be Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters, Brookings Institution, deployed in support of disaster response. As the experience Washington DC, January 2011, pp. 55, 58. of the 2010 Pakistani floods demonstrated, civil–military 11 See Nicholas Dickson, ‘Preventing future natural disaster coordination can be improved when relationships and roles casualties: partnering with USAID and the Office of Reconstruction and are sorted out before disaster strikes. Development’, Small Wars Journal, 26 August 2010, http://smallwarsjournal.com, p. 3, citing Ross Stein of National Public Radio; see also OCHA, Chile Earthquake Situation Report #9, OCHA, Notes New York, 29 March 2010. 1 ‘Our world, your move: disaster laws discussion paper’, Prepared 12 ‘Out of sight, out of mind’, Red Cross Red Crescent for 31st International Conference of the Red Cross Red Crescent Magazine, issue 2, 2011, p. 20, www.scribd.com/doc/70209252/ Movement, Geneva, 28 November – 1 December 2011. Red‑Cross‑Red‑Crescent-Magazine-No-2-2011. 8 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 9. 13 Elizabeth Ferris and Daniel Petz, A Year of Living Dangerously: a 28 Wiley C Thompson, ‘Success in Kashmir: a positive trend in review of natural disasters in 2010, Brookings–LSE Project on Internal civil–military integration during humanitarian assistance operations’, Displacement, Washington, DC, April 2011, p. 22. Disasters, 5 May 2009, pp. 361ff. See also Earl Authors, CDEMA, 14 Brookings–Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Inter-Agency presentation at civil–military seminar. Standing Committee Operational Guidelines on the Protection of 29 Wiley C Thompson, ‘Success in Kashmir: a positive trend in Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters, January 2011, civil–military integration during humanitarian assistance operations’, www.brookings.edu/reports/2011/0106_operational_guidelines_ Disasters, 5 May 2009, pp. 361ff. nd.aspx. 30 See, for example: www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/11/07/ 15 IASC, Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in van‑earthquake-exposes-turkeys-ethnic-fault-lines/. Situations of Natural Disasters, Brookings–LSE Project on Internal 31 See, for example, Rory Campbell, ‘US accused of annexing airport Displacement, 2011, www.brookings.edu/reports/2011/ as squabbling hinders aid effort in Haiti’, The Guardian, 17 January 2010, 0106_operational_guidelines_nd.aspx. www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jan/17/us-accused-aid-effort-haiti. 16 See www.ifrc.org/en/what-we-do/idrl/international-dialogue- 32 Brian Hoyer, ‘Lessons from the Sichuan earthquake’, Humanitarian on‑strengthening-partnership-in-disaster-response/. Exchange Magazine, issue 43, June 2009, www.odihpn.org/report. 17 Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Civil–Military Guidelines and asp?id=3008. Reference for Complex Emergencies, October 2008, 33 OCHA, International Search and Rescue Advisory Group Guidelines www.unocha.org/what-we-do/coordination-tools/UN-CMCoord/ and Methodology, www.unocha.org/what-we-do/coordination-tools/ overview. See also Secretariat of the Oslo Guidelines, Draft Guidelines insarag/overview. on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets to Support United 34 Although ground-based units arrived ahead of the ship, they were Nations Humanitarian Activities in Complex Emergencies, 2009. not operational until day 22. 18 Robert Kaplan, ‘US forces: the world’s best relief group’, New 35 Richard Malish, David E Oliver, Robert M Rush Jr et al., ‘Potential York Times, 12 October 2005, www.nytimes.com/2005/10/12/ roles of military-specific response to natural disasters—analysis of opinion/12iht‑edkaplan.html. the rapid deployment of a mobile surgical team to the 2007 Peruvian 19 Interview with author, Geneva, 26 October 2011. Incidentally, a very earthquake’, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, January–February similar observation was made about the far more controversial role 2009, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 6–7, http://pdm.medicine.wisc.edu/ of the military in complex emergencies by a senior ICRC official in an Volume_24/issue_1/malish.pdf. interview with the author in March 2010. 36 Note that the transition from humanitarian to development 20 See, for example, Jean-Loup Samaan and Laurent Verneuil, response on the civilian side never runs smoothly. Discussion of this is, Civil–Military Relations in Hurricane Katrina: a case study on crisis however, beyond the scope of this paper. management in natural disaster response, Global Public Policy 37 See, for example, Yates and Bergin (note 22). They make the case Institute, Berlin, March 2009, pp. 416–17, www.diastergovernace.net/ for greater military engagement in disaster risk management. An fileadmin/gppi/RTB_book_chp22.pdf. interesting aside is that the US military has overseen the building of 21 Charles-Antoine Hoffman and Laura Hudson (British Red Cross), structures such as schools, health clinics and government buildings in ‘Military responses to natural disasters: last resort or inevitable trends?’ Afghanistan that are not earthquake resistant. They are being built to Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, September 2009, issue 44. Afghan standards but not internationally recognised good practice. As 22 Athol Yates and Anthony Bergin, More Than Good Deeds: disaster Dickson notes, failure of those buildings in an earthquake could cause risk management and Australian, Japanese and US Defence forces, significant deaths and set back US foreign policy significantly: Nicholas Special report, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Canberra, Dickson, ‘Preventing future natural disaster casualties: partnering with December 2011, issue 43, p. 15, www.aspi.org.au/publications/ USAID and the Office of Reconstruction and Development’, Small Wars publication_details.aspx?ContentID=322. Journal, 26 August 2010, pp.4–5, www.smallwarsjournal.com. 23 Chico Harlan, ‘A pacifist nation comes to depend on the service of 38 See, for example, Peter Walker, Colin Rasmussen and Sebastian its troops’, Washington Post, 3 April 2011, p. A12. Molano, ‘Background paper 3: best practice experience at the national 24 Andrew Wilder, Losing Hearts and Minds in Afghanistan, level’, Prepared for the International Dialogue on Strengthening December 2009, https://wikis.uit.tufts.edu/confluence/display/FIC/ Partnership in Disaster Response: Bridging National and International Losing+Hearts+and+Minds+in+Afghanistan. Support, September 2011, www.ifrc.org/PageFiles/90118/ Background%20paper%203.pdf. 25 Nancy C Roberts ‘Spanning “Bleeding” boundaries: humanitarianism, NGOs and the civilian–military nexus in the post–Cold 39 There were, however, still communication problems. See, for War era’, Public Administration Review, March–April 2010, p. 217. example, Nicki Bennett, Civil–military principles in the Pakistan flood response’, Humanitarian Exchange Magazine, issue 49, February 2011, 26 OCHA, interview with author, October 2011. http://www.odihpn.org/report.asp?id=3167. 27 Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Situations of 40 Anne C Richard, Role Reversal: offers of help from other countries Natural Disasters: a working visit to Asia by the representative in response to Hurricane Katrina, Center for Transatlantic Relations, of the Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins Displaced Persons Walter Kälin, 27 February – 5 March 2005, University, Washington DC, 2006. Brookings‑Bern Project on Internal Displacement, Washington DC, April 2005, pp. 17–18, www.brookings.edu/projects/idp/~/link.aspx?_ id=C3E1899CE8B848B2A8F65BF958B923B1&_z=z. 9 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality
  • 10. 41 IFRC, Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance [referred to as the ‘IDRL Guidelines’], 2007, http://scm.oas.org/pdfs/2010/ CEPCD02642e.pdf. 42 Inter-Agency Standing Committee, Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas (MHCUA): draft assessment, IASC, Geneva, 2 October 2009, p. 2. 43 Cited by Sarah Collinson, ‘Developing adequate humanitarian responses’, German Marshall Fund of the US, Washington DC, 2010, p. 3. 44 ICRC, ‘Philippines: heavy floods aggravate plight of civilians displaced by conflict’, 24 September 2008, cited in Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Philippines: an estimated 8 million people affected by natural disasters in 2008, www.internal‑displacement.org. 45 UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons, Walter Kälin, A/HRC/13/21/Add.2, 21 January 2010. 46 ‘When the world shook’, The Economist, 30 June 1990, p. 45, cited in Rohan J Hardcastle and Adrian TL Chua, ‘Humanitarian assistance: towards a right of access to victims of natural disasters’, International Review of the Red Cross, no. 325, December 1998, p. 589. 47 See Rohan J Hardcastle and Adrian TL Chua, ‘Humanitarian assistance: towards a right of access to victims of natural disasters’, International Review of the Red Cross, no. 325, December 1998. Sphere Humanitarian Charter 2010, section 2(1). draft, 48 www.sphereproject.org. 49 UN General Assembly, Resolution 46/182 (paragraphs 3–5), 9 December 1991. 50 Paul Harvey, Towards Good Humanitarian Government, Humanitarian Policy Group Brief 37, Overseas Development Institute, London, September 2009, p. 1. 51 www.ifrc.org/en/what-we-do/idrl/international-dialogue-on- strengthening-partnership-in-disaster-response/. 10 ACMC Paper 5/2012 > Conflict prevention in practice: from rhetoric to reality