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Workshop on Network Security


Are We Secure ?


What you should know about hacking?

• The impact of hacking is much worse than we
  could possibly imagine..

• A single ID compromised can lead to the
  devastation of your reputation and even


What if your Gmail account is hacked!!


What if FaceBook??!!


•   Social Engineering
•   ARP Poisoning – MITM
•   Injection attacks
•   Cross Site Scripting
•   Wireless Security
•   Cross Site Request Forgery
•   Google Hacking
•   Linux vs. Microsoft
•   The Servers FaceOff


To catch a hacker, we should think like one

• What does a hacker want?
                             Aaha!! Got it 
• Why does he want it?

• How he gets it?


• Use at least eight characters, the more characters the
  better. (safe from Brute Force attacks)

• Don't use a word found in a dictionary. (Safe from
  Dictionary attacks)

• Never use the same password twice. (safe for obvious

• Use a random mixture of characters, upper and lower
  case, numbers, punctuation, spaces and symbols.


Social Engineering is
the first attack of the session


• Psychologically manipulating
  people into performing some
  action and extracting
  confidential information,
  instead of breaking in or using
  technical cracking skills..


1. Security Question

• You got 500 Facebook Friends who could
  answer all these questions!!


2. Social Networking
• Vulnerability : Human tendency to share
  intimate details of human life.

• Though few sites allow us to set privacy
  controls on visibility, still most of our details
  are shared to the applications.

• So any hacker could exploit this to find
  information about us.


• Cyber attack on Google in December 2009.

• Chinese rebels’ accounts were accessed.

• Led to Google pulling out from China.

• A combination of Social Engineering and Zero-
  day vulnerabilities in IE6


Protecting yourself
• Be aware that such attacks exist.


Workshop on Network Security


• Hacking is Illegal

• This workshop is for Educational Purposes Only

• Only use this stuff on your websites and your own


Workshop on Network Security


ARP Poison Routing (APR)
 MAC Address
     IP Address
        Address Resolution Protocol


ARP Poisoning
• Usually : Victim  Server

• In MITM : Victim  Attacker  Server

• Thus the Attacker becomes the “Man in the
  Middle” (MITM)

• This is done using ARP poisoning.


Technique - MITM


Counter Measures
• All Your ARP Are Belong To Us ! !
• Encryption
• Always Look out for the SSL Lock , if you are
  transferring confidential data.
• Public Key Cryptography
• MD5


Workshop on Network Security


PHP - Review

• HTML can only display static content. PHP is
  used for processing.

• PHP is a server side scripting language.


Workshop on Network Security


• Exploiting the weakness present in the code
  used for validation.

• Technology review:
  – PHP


Injection attack

• VULNERABILITY : Input from the user is
  processed as such by the PHP script in the


Workshop on Network Security






Traversing Directories in Windows and
 – cd ..  Takes us to the parent directory

 – cd pages  Takes us into the Directory “pages” in
   the current directory

 – cd ../etc/files  Goes back to parent directory
   then enters “etc” directory and then into “files”




Index.html                                             Jive.html
             Choose.php                  Pulsar.html


• Apache Tomcat was vulnerable to
  Directory Traversal attack till version
  6.0.18 (fixed July 30,2010)

• RAD platform ColdFusion was found
  vulnerable to DT technique (fixed
  August 13th , 2010)


Protection mechanisms
• Allow only Possible inputs..

• For the chosen scenario, make a list of Bike


Workshop on Network Security


SQL Injection


A little bit of SQL queries
• With SQL, we can query a database and have a
  result set returned
   SELECT last_name
     FROM users
     WHERE user_id= 10;
• Gives a result set like this:


What is SQL Injection?

The ability to inject SQL commands into the
  database engine through an existing


How does SQL Injection work?
Comments : # , --
username: ' or 1=1 #
Password: anything

Final query would look like this:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ' ' or 1=1
  #AND password = 'anything'


SQL Injection Defense
• Input Validation
     • Reject "select", "insert", "update", "shutdown",
       "delete", "drop", "--", “#'"
     • Implement stringent "allow only good" filters
     • If the input is supposed to be numeric, use a numeric
       variable in your script to store it.

• Magic quotes gpc is an awesome inbuilt input
  filter for PHP .


Cookies and Sessions
• A cookie(client-side) can keep information in the user's
  browser until deleted. Used for Authentication, site
  preferences ,focusing Ads.
• Sessions (server-side) assigs each user a unique number,
  called session id.
• This session id is stored in a cookie and passed in the URL
  between pages while the user browses.


Workshop on Network Security




Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
• What is it?:
  The Web Application is used to store, transport, and
  deliver malicious active content to an unsuspecting user.
• XSS typically results from a web application that takes
  user input from one user and displays it to another user (or
  set of users ).


Ways of Launching Cross-Site Scripting
Attacker's script must be sent to the victim
  o Inter-user communication within the target site
    (i.e., message board, etc.)
  o URL provided on a third-party web site (either
    clicked on by victim user or automatically loaded
    when visiting a malicious web site)
  o URL embedded in an email or newsgroup posting


Workshop on Network Security


Defending XSS
• Remove from user input all characters that are meaningful in
  scripting languages:
   – =<>"'();
   – You must do this filtering on the server side
   – You cannot do this filtering using Javascript on the client,
      because the attacker can get around such filtering
• More generally, on the server-side, your application must filter
  user input to remove:
   – Quotes of all kinds (', ", and `)
   – Semicolons (;), Asterisks (*), Percents (%), Underscores (_)
• Your best bet – define characters that are good and needed for
  the particular input (alpha and numeric), and filter everything
  else out .


Workshop on Network Security


Workshop on Network Security


• The ever changing network scenario..


Workshop on Network Security


What’s so special about Wireless
• Use internet anywhere, anytime.

• Save a lot of money.

• No need to carry cables.



The major problem in wireless networks
         – Plain text packets

• Wireless devices broadcast information.

• Access Anywhere, at the same time ACCESS


Need for Wireless Security


Evolution of Wireless Security
1. Open SSID

2. Hidden SSID

3. WEP

4. WPA

5. WPA2


1. Open SSID
• The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a name for the
  wireless network.
• Open SSID – SSID is broadcasted
  by the access point.

• So it is visible to everyone.

• And so anyone can connect to our network.


2. Hidden SSID
• First layer of security.

• The user should know the name of the SSID
  to connect to the internet.

• Problem : Hidden SSIDs could be
  found using Packet Sniffers.


Workshop on Network Security


3. WEP – Wired Equivalent Privacy
• Both the client PC and the
  Access point share a
  common key (Shared Key).
• The shared key generates a
  key-stream using RC4

• Then the key-stream is
  XORed with the plain text
  to create the cipher text.

• The cipher text is sent to
  the receiver.


Key unchanged  Same key-stream every time
 • If the shared key used is not changed for every frame
   transmitted, then the data will be XORed with the
   same key every time!!

 • So we use an Initialization Vector (IV) which changes
   for every frame sent thus making the key-stream
   unique for every frame using RC4 algorithm.


WEP Simplified


WEP Vulnerability
• IV changes for each frame transmitted.
• But IV is made up of 24 bits – Therefore only
  16 million combinations are possible. So
  surely the key-stream has to repeat after a
• If two cipher text frames using same key-
  stream are captured, then using statistical
  analysis the plain text can be found.


• Searching for Wifi Networks in a moving

• Once a Wifi network is found, the place is
  marked with necessary details to connect to
  that network. (WAR-CHALKING)


Workshop on Network Security


Picture showing
  availability of an
  Open SSID network
  with bandwidth 1.5


Is it not CRUEL?


Cracking the WEP Key

• Interested in knowing how your home
  wireless network is getting poached?

• Now on to a Live Demo!


So came WPA – Wifi Protected Alliance
• WPA – Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
  – TKIP (Personal)
  – EAP (Enterprise)

• WPA 2 – (Counter mode with Cipher Block
  Chaining Message Authentication Protocol)
  – CCMP (Personal)
  – EAP (Enterprise)


Workshop on Network Security




CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)
• A malicious exploit of a website whereby
  unauthorized commands are transmitted from
  a user that the website trusts.

• XSS exploits the trust a user has for a particular
  site, CSRF exploits the trust that a site has in a
  user's browser.


Bank Forgery


Social Networks

            Delete certain friends
            Add a person as friend
      id=44 Change the password

                    attacker’s post(CSRF Code) at blog.net



CSRF Defenses
• Secret Validation Token
                       <input type=hidden value=23a3af01b>

• Referer Validation


Workshop on Network Security


Workshop on Network Security


• The best search engine.

• Google hacking is not a exact hack. It just
  makes hacking easy.

• VULNERABILITY : We can google


• Version of the server our website uses.
• Error messages which contain too much
• Logon Portals
• Files containing passwords.


1. Google Caches
• Google caches pages whenever its crawler
  finds a new page in the internet.

• When Cached pages are viewed then the IP
  address of the hacker is not logged into the


2. Download anything from internet
• “parent directory” akon mp3 –xxx –html –htm
  –php –shtml –opendir –md5 –md5sum

• The above command returns the directory
  listing of all files under ‘Akon MP3’. Rest is
  “Right click” “Save Link As” 


3. Get server information

• Google provides
  information about the
  server which runs a
  website.. Some times
  even passwords

 • Moreover some error logs in the website’s
 can be exploited to find the actual internal
 implementation of a website..


Secure against Google hacks
• The password file should be saved in any
  name other than “password.txt” “Pass.db” or
  any other obviously funny names.

• Exceptions should be handled properly.


Workshop on Network Security


Workshop on Network Security


Workshop on Network Security


• Linux has NO open ports by default. But
  windows has open ports for Windows File
  Sharing even if no files are shared.

• Windows is susceptible to NULL session attack
  on port 139.

• Windows gives the root user the COMPLETE
  power to rule the PC!!


And that includes me too :P


Are We Secure ?

More Related Content

Workshop on Network Security

  • 3. What you should know about hacking? • The impact of hacking is much worse than we could possibly imagine.. • A single ID compromised can lead to the devastation of your reputation and even money..
  • 4. What if your Gmail account is hacked!!
  • 6. Agenda • Social Engineering • ARP Poisoning – MITM • Injection attacks • Cross Site Scripting • Wireless Security • Cross Site Request Forgery • Google Hacking • Linux vs. Microsoft • The Servers FaceOff
  • 7. To catch a hacker, we should think like one • What does a hacker want? Aaha!! Got it  • Why does he want it? • How he gets it?
  • 8. • Use at least eight characters, the more characters the better. (safe from Brute Force attacks) • Don't use a word found in a dictionary. (Safe from Dictionary attacks) • Never use the same password twice. (safe for obvious reasons) • Use a random mixture of characters, upper and lower case, numbers, punctuation, spaces and symbols.
  • 9. Social Engineering is the first attack of the session
  • 10. • Psychologically manipulating people into performing some action and extracting confidential information, instead of breaking in or using technical cracking skills..
  • 11. 1. Security Question • You got 500 Facebook Friends who could answer all these questions!!
  • 12. 2. Social Networking • Vulnerability : Human tendency to share intimate details of human life. • Though few sites allow us to set privacy controls on visibility, still most of our details are shared to the applications. • So any hacker could exploit this to find information about us.
  • 13. • Cyber attack on Google in December 2009. • Chinese rebels’ accounts were accessed. • Led to Google pulling out from China. • A combination of Social Engineering and Zero- day vulnerabilities in IE6
  • 14. Protecting yourself • Be aware that such attacks exist.
  • 16. DISCLAIMER • Hacking is Illegal • This workshop is for Educational Purposes Only • Only use this stuff on your websites and your own networks.
  • 18. ARP Poison Routing (APR) MAC Address IP Address Address Resolution Protocol
  • 19. ARP Poisoning • Usually : Victim  Server • In MITM : Victim  Attacker  Server • Thus the Attacker becomes the “Man in the Middle” (MITM) • This is done using ARP poisoning.
  • 21. Counter Measures • All Your ARP Are Belong To Us ! ! • Encryption • SSL • Always Look out for the SSL Lock , if you are transferring confidential data. • Public Key Cryptography • MD5
  • 23. PHP - Review • HTML can only display static content. PHP is used for processing. • PHP is a server side scripting language.
  • 25. • Exploiting the weakness present in the code used for validation. • Technology review: – PHP
  • 26. Injection attack • THUS A SIMPLE TEXTBOX BECOMES A PORTAL TO THE WEBSERVER. • VULNERABILITY : Input from the user is processed as such by the PHP script in the server.
  • 28. 1. DIRECTORY TRAVERSAL Directory File
  • 29. Traversing Directories in Windows and Linux – cd ..  Takes us to the parent directory – cd pages  Takes us into the Directory “pages” in the current directory – cd ../etc/files  Goes back to parent directory then enters “etc” directory and then into “files” directory.
  • 30. Website password.txt Pages Index.html Jive.html Choose.php Pulsar.html Stunner.html
  • 31. • Apache Tomcat was vulnerable to Directory Traversal attack till version 6.0.18 (fixed July 30,2010) • RAD platform ColdFusion was found vulnerable to DT technique (fixed August 13th , 2010)
  • 32. Protection mechanisms • Allow only Possible inputs.. • For the chosen scenario, make a list of Bike names.
  • 35. A little bit of SQL queries • With SQL, we can query a database and have a result set returned SELECT last_name FROM users WHERE user_id= 10; • Gives a result set like this: last_name rahul
  • 36. What is SQL Injection? The ability to inject SQL commands into the database engine through an existing application.
  • 37. How does SQL Injection work? Comments : # , -- username: ' or 1=1 # Password: anything Final query would look like this: SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ' ' or 1=1 #AND password = 'anything'
  • 38. SQL Injection Defense • Input Validation • Reject "select", "insert", "update", "shutdown", "delete", "drop", "--", “#'" • Implement stringent "allow only good" filters • If the input is supposed to be numeric, use a numeric variable in your script to store it. • Magic quotes gpc is an awesome inbuilt input filter for PHP .
  • 39. Cookies and Sessions • A cookie(client-side) can keep information in the user's browser until deleted. Used for Authentication, site preferences ,focusing Ads. • Sessions (server-side) assigs each user a unique number, called session id. • This session id is stored in a cookie and passed in the URL between pages while the user browses.
  • 41. XSS
  • 42. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) • What is it?: The Web Application is used to store, transport, and deliver malicious active content to an unsuspecting user. • XSS typically results from a web application that takes user input from one user and displays it to another user (or set of users ).
  • 43. Ways of Launching Cross-Site Scripting Attacks Attacker's script must be sent to the victim o Inter-user communication within the target site (i.e., message board, etc.) o URL provided on a third-party web site (either clicked on by victim user or automatically loaded when visiting a malicious web site) o URL embedded in an email or newsgroup posting
  • 45. Defending XSS • Remove from user input all characters that are meaningful in scripting languages: – =<>"'(); – You must do this filtering on the server side – You cannot do this filtering using Javascript on the client, because the attacker can get around such filtering • More generally, on the server-side, your application must filter user input to remove: – Quotes of all kinds (', ", and `) – Semicolons (;), Asterisks (*), Percents (%), Underscores (_) • Your best bet – define characters that are good and needed for the particular input (alpha and numeric), and filter everything else out .
  • 48. • The ever changing network scenario..
  • 50. What’s so special about Wireless networks? • Use internet anywhere, anytime. • Save a lot of money. • No need to carry cables. • IT IS ALWAYS THERE 
  • 51. The major problem in wireless networks – Plain text packets • Wireless devices broadcast information. • Access Anywhere, at the same time ACCESS TO ANYONE!!
  • 52. Need for Wireless Security
  • 53. Evolution of Wireless Security 1. Open SSID 2. Hidden SSID 3. WEP 4. WPA 5. WPA2
  • 54. 1. Open SSID • The SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a name for the wireless network. SSID SSID • Open SSID – SSID is broadcasted SSID by the access point. SSID • So it is visible to everyone. • And so anyone can connect to our network.
  • 55. 2. Hidden SSID • First layer of security. • The user should know the name of the SSID to connect to the internet. • Problem : Hidden SSIDs could be found using Packet Sniffers.
  • 57. 3. WEP – Wired Equivalent Privacy • Both the client PC and the Access point share a common key (Shared Key). Shared Key • The shared key generates a key-stream using RC4 algorithm. • Then the key-stream is XORed with the plain text to create the cipher text. • The cipher text is sent to the receiver.
  • 58. Key unchanged  Same key-stream every time • If the shared key used is not changed for every frame transmitted, then the data will be XORed with the same key every time!! • So we use an Initialization Vector (IV) which changes for every frame sent thus making the key-stream unique for every frame using RC4 algorithm.
  • 60. WEP Vulnerability • IV changes for each frame transmitted. • But IV is made up of 24 bits – Therefore only 16 million combinations are possible. So surely the key-stream has to repeat after a while. • If two cipher text frames using same key- stream are captured, then using statistical analysis the plain text can be found.
  • 61. • Searching for Wifi Networks in a moving vehicle. • Once a Wifi network is found, the place is marked with necessary details to connect to that network. (WAR-CHALKING)
  • 63. Picture showing availability of an Open SSID network with bandwidth 1.5 Mbps.
  • 64. Is it not CRUEL?
  • 65. Cracking the WEP Key • Interested in knowing how your home wireless network is getting poached? • Now on to a Live Demo!
  • 66. So came WPA – Wifi Protected Alliance • WPA – Temporal Key Integrity Protocol – TKIP (Personal) – EAP (Enterprise) • WPA 2 – (Counter mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Protocol) – CCMP (Personal) – EAP (Enterprise)
  • 68. CSRF
  • 69. CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) • A malicious exploit of a website whereby unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the website trusts. • XSS exploits the trust a user has for a particular site, CSRF exploits the trust that a site has in a user's browser.
  • 71. Social Networks soicalnetwork.com Delete certain friends https://social.com/deletefriends.p Add a person as friend hp?id=66 https://social.com/addfriend.php? id=44 Change the password https://social.com/changepass ?new_pass=hacked attacker’s post(CSRF Code) at blog.net 71
  • 72. CSRF Defenses • Secret Validation Token <input type=hidden value=23a3af01b> • Referer Validation Referer: http://www.facebook.com/home.php
  • 75. • The best search engine. • Google hacking is not a exact hack. It just makes hacking easy. • VULNERABILITY : We can google ANYTHING!!
  • 76. • Version of the server our website uses. • Error messages which contain too much information. • Logon Portals • Files containing passwords.
  • 77. 1. Google Caches • Google caches pages whenever its crawler finds a new page in the internet. • When Cached pages are viewed then the IP address of the hacker is not logged into the system.
  • 78. 2. Download anything from internet • “parent directory” akon mp3 –xxx –html –htm –php –shtml –opendir –md5 –md5sum • The above command returns the directory listing of all files under ‘Akon MP3’. Rest is “Right click” “Save Link As” 
  • 79. 3. Get server information • Google provides information about the server which runs a website.. Some times even passwords • Moreover some error logs in the website’s can be exploited to find the actual internal implementation of a website..
  • 80. Secure against Google hacks • The password file should be saved in any name other than “password.txt” “Pass.db” or any other obviously funny names. • Exceptions should be handled properly.
  • 84. LINUX vs. MICROSOFT • Linux has NO open ports by default. But windows has open ports for Windows File Sharing even if no files are shared. • Windows is susceptible to NULL session attack on port 139. • Windows gives the root user the COMPLETE power to rule the PC!!
  • 85. And that includes me too :P