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World of Watson 2016
Watson IoT journey
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
The World of Watson offers a personalized journey for leaders who
are aiming to drive innovation and transformation with the Internet
of Things. Harriet Green, VP and GM of Internet of Things &
Education at IBM, will talk about how cognitive IoT is changing
every aspect of business and our daily lives. Key IBM clients will
share their stories about the real impact of IoT: Local Motors
created their first self-driving vehicle “Olli” using IoT to analyze high
volumes of transportation data; USA Cycling incorporated real-time
data analytics from IoT into their training to create competitive
advantage. Breakout sessions will cover the latest trends and
strategies spanning topics such as Industry 4.0, Edge analytics,
Blockchain and more. Join us to learn how the latest cognitive
technologies can transform your organization.
You can also take advantage of inspiring talks from the world’s
greatest minds, hundreds of immersive cognitive experiences,
demos of the latest IBM products and solutions, more than 1,500
breakout sessions and hands-on labs, and many opportunities to
network with 20,000 peers and experts. This is your opportunity to
gain valuable new skills and learn how to integrate cognitive
capabilities within your government organization right now. The
cognitive era is here, and World of Watson is your chance to join
the movement.


Who is speaking at
World of Watson?
Ginni Rometty
Chairman, President
Peter Diamandis
& Chairman, XPRIZE
Prof. Joichi Ito
MIT Media Labs
Stewart Butterfield
CEO & Co-Founder,
Shannon Vallor
Professor of
Philosophy, Santa
Clara University
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
The most influential thinkers, leaders, and innovators
will join Ginni Rometty and IBM’s greatest minds to
show you how data, analytics, and Watson will propel
you into the cognitive era.
David Brin
Scientist &
Best-Selling Author
Tom Friedman
Journalist, Author, &
3-time Pulitzer Prize
Sebastian Thrun
Founder & President,
Prashant Bhuyan
Co-Found, CEO, &
Chairman, Alpha
Modus Research




World of Watson IBM Keynotes
Redefining Development
in a Cognitive Era
Developer innovations
through the application of
intelligent APIs.
Mon., Oct 24th
4-4:45pm, Developers Zone
Bayside B
Bob Lord
Accelerating Knowledge
from Data
The building blocks for
digital transformation start
with data and insight.
Tues., Oct 25th
TMobile Arena
Bob Picciano
Reimaging Professions
in a Cognitive Era
How Watson scales,
elevates and enhances
individual performance
and expertise.
Tues., Oct 25th
1-1:45pm, Mandalay Bay
Harriet Green
A World
With Watson
A cognitive era, your world
with Watson today and
glimpse into the future.
Wed. Oct 26th
TMobile Arena
Ginni Rometty
Welcome to the
World of Watson
Welcome and setting the
stage for World of Watson
Tues., Oct 25th
TMobile Arena
John Kelly III
Internet of Things
in a Cognitive Era
Harness data in a connected
world to improve virtually every
aspect of your business.
Tues., Oct 25th
3-3:45pm, Mandalay Bay
Harriet Green


Session highlights:
Monday, October 24
Time Program Session # & title Location
08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Internet of Things
1428 Operationalize Industrial IoT Data with Predictive Maintenance and
Quality on Cloud Mandalay Bay Breakers J
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Internet of Things
2755 IBM Watson IoT Plus The Weather Company Equals a Game-
Changer for Energy and Utilties Mandalay Bay Breakers A
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things 2844 Exploring Blockchain in an Internet of Things Construct Mandalay Bay Breakers J
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Industries
3128 What is 2% Worth?: How Small Improvements Can Mean Major
Gains in Efficiency Mandalay Bay South Pacific A
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Internet of Things 2840 Bringing the Power of Watson IoT to the Edge Mandalay Bay Breakers A
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Industries 1743 Watson IoT AutoLAB's Olli Cognitive Self-Driving Minibus Mandalay Bay Islander G
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Internet of Things
1353 USA Cycling Team Pursuit with Mobile, Watson IoT and Spark
Streaming Analytics Mandalay Bay Breakers J
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Session highlights:
Monday, October 24
Time Program Session # & title Location
12:30 PM - 03:00 PM Internet of Things 1264 Controlling IoT Devices via Voice Using Watson APIs Mandalay Bay Bayside F 06
01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Internet of Things
1430 Real-World Application of the IBM Watson IoT Stack for Predictive
Maintenance Mandalay Bay Breakers A
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Industries 2541 Talking to Robots and Cognitive Manufacturing Mandalay Bay South Pacific A
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Internet of Things 2890 Aging with Dignity: A Cognitive Assistance Use Case Mandalay Bay Breakers J
03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Internet of Things
1469 Transforming Rio Tinto Using Data and Analytics to Plan and
Optimize a Global Supply Chain Mandalay Bay Breakers A
04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Industries 3397 IoT for Industry 4.0 Mandalay Bay South Pacific A
04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Internet of Things
1629 Thinking Outside the Toolbox: How Digital Technologies are
Powering the Operations Revolution Mandalay Bay Breakers J
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Session highlights:
Monday, October 24
Time Program Session # & title Location
04:00 PM - 06:30 PM Internet of Things 1321 Placeholder for hands on Watson IoT Developer Lab Mandalay Bay Bayside F 04
05:00 PM - 05:45 PM Internet of Things
3144 What's New with Watson IoT Platform Analytics: From Real-Time to
Predictive to Cognitive Mandalay Bay Breakers A
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Session highlights:
Tuesday, October 25
Time Program Session # & title Location
09:00 AM - 10:30 AM Keynote Welcome to the World of Watson Mandalay Bay Amphitheater
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Keynote Knowledge from Data Mandalay Bay Amphitheater
12:30 PM - 03:00 PM Internet of Things 2653 Hands-On Lab: IBM Watson IoT Real-Time Insights Walkthrough Mandalay Bay Bayside F 08
01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Internet of Things
2522 Harnessing Engineering Expertise for Predictive Maintenance to
Perform Cognitive Maintenance Mandalay Bay Breakers A
01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Keynote Reimagining Professions Mandalay Bay Amphitheater
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Internet of Things
3008 The Race Continues with IBM Watson IoT, SPSS and Bluemix as
Invaluable Crew Members Mandalay Bay Breakers J
03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Industries
1465 How Advanced Analytics are Transforming the Largest Global Iron
Mining Company Mandalay Bay Islander G
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Session highlights:
Tuesday, October 25
Time Program Session # & title Location
03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Keynote Watson Internet of Things Mandalay Bay Amphitheater
04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Internet of Things
1797 IBM Cloud Customer Reference Architecture for IoT, Including a
Smart Home for Insurance Example Mandalay Bay Breakers J
04:00 PM - 06:30 PM Internet of Things
2752 Unleash the Sensor Data on Your Smartphone with IBM Watson
IoT Platform Mandalay Bay Bayside F 11
04:00 PM - 06:30 PM Internet of Things 1321 Placeholder for hands on Watson IoT Developer Lab Mandalay Bay Bayside F 04
05:00 PM - 05:45 PM Internet of Things
3267 How Johnson & Johnson is Making Medical Containers Smarter
Using IBM Watson IoT and Bluemix Mandalay Bay Breakers J
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Time Program Session # & title Location
08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Industries
3006 Predicting Corrosion Under Insulation Using Risk-Based
Inspections and IBM Predictive Solutions Mandalay Bay Islander G
08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Internet of Things 2597 Transforming Supply Chains with IoT and Blockchain Mandalay Bay Breakers A
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Industries 1392 KONE Implements Predictive Maintenance with IBM Watson IoT Mandalay Bay South Pacific A
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Internet of Things Watson IoT Trends & Directions
Mandalay Bay South Seas
09:00 AM - 11:30 AM Internet of Things
2780 Device Management APIs with IBM Watson IoT Platform: A Walk-
Through Mandalay Bay Bayside F 08
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things 3644 IBM Watson IoT Platform: IBM's Platform for the Internet of Things Mandalay Bay South Pacific F
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Internet of Things
1823 Cognitive Environment of Care at Jefferson Hospital, Powered by
Watson IoT Mandalay Bay Breakers J
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool
Session highlights:
Wednesday, October 26


Time Program Session # & title Location
04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Internet of Things
3171 Creating intelligent buildings with smart lighting, sensors and cloud
analytics Mandalay Bay Breakers A
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool
Session highlights:
Wednesday, October 26


Session highlights:
Thursday, October 27
Time Program Session # & title Location
08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Internet of Things
2369 Cognitive Computing and the Internet of Things: Unlocking the
Data Challenge in Healthcare Mandalay Bay Breakers J
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Internet of Things 2422 Industrial Internet of Things in the Cognitive Era Mandalay Bay Breakers A
09:00 AM - 11:30 AM Internet of Things 1321 Placeholder for hands on Watson IoT Developer Lab Mandalay Bay Bayside F 04
09:00 AM - 11:30 AM Internet of Things 2823 IoT Real-Time Analytics on the Edge Mandalay Bay Bayside F 08
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things
1527 Fit and Forget: Self-Powered IoT Sensing and Control for Building
Asset and Real Estate Systems Mandalay Bay Breakers J
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things 1949 Unleashing the Power of the Cognitive Internet of Things Mandalay Bay Breakers H
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Internet of Things
2896 Weather and Location Should Be the Core of Your Business
Strategy Mandalay Bay Breakers A
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Session highlights:
Thursday, October 27
Time Program Session # & title Location
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Internet of Things
2530 How Weather Data and the IoT Improve Nutrition and Food Safety
throughout the Supply Chain Mandalay Bay Breakers J
01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Internet of Things
1402 An In-Depth Look into IBM's Internet of Things Platform for
Insurance Mandalay Bay Breakers A
01:00 PM - 03:30 PM Internet of Things 3282 Integrating IBM Watson IoT Platform and IBM Blockchain Mandalay Bay Bayside F13
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Internet of Things
2052 Cockpit for Big Systems and Big IoT Systems Leveraging IBM
Bluemix and Watson Mandalay Bay Breakers J
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Session highlights:
Cognitive Concourse
Time Program Session # & title Location
1:30 – 1:50
Internet of Things 3902 Industry 4.0 and Cognitive Manufacturing Transforming Industries
1:30 -1:50
Internet of Things
2893 Blockchain Explained: Ideas on Blockchain, Open-Source &
Reimaging Business Networks
Reimagining Professions
6:00 – 6:20
Internet of Things 3900 Watson IoT Platform: What you need to know in 20 Minutes Reimagining Professions
2:30 – 2:50
Internet of Things 3900 Watson IoT Platform: What you need to know in 20 Minutes
Reimagining Professions
4:00 – 4:50
Internet of Things 3705 IoT Expert Panel: What Will the IoT Look Like in Ten Years?
Reimagining Professions
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Session highlights:
Time Program Session # & title Location
4:00 – 6:30
Internet of Things
1321 Watson IoT Platform - Easy as Pi. Build a working IoT application
using sensors & recipe. Keep what you use. Share what you learn. HOL - L
12:30 – 3:30
Internet of Things 2653 IBM Watson IoT Realtime Insights Walkthrough
4:00 – 6:30
Internet of Things
1321 Watson IoT Platform - Easy as Pi. Build a working IoT application
using sensors & recipe. Keep what you use. Share what you learn. HOL - L
4:00 – 6:30
Internet of Things
2752 Unleash the sensor data on your Smart phone with IBM Watson
IoT platform HOL - O
9:00 – 11:30
Internet of Things 2780 Device Management API's with IBM Watson IoT Platform
9:00 – 11:30
Internet of Things 2823 Real Time Analytics at the Edge
9:00 – 11:30
Internet of Things
1321 Watson IoT Platform - Easy as Pi. Build a working IoT application
using sensors & recipe. Keep what you use. Share what you learn. HOL - L
1:00 -3:30
Internet of Things 3282 Integrating Watson IoT Platform and Blockchain
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016
This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete
listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool


Presentation Title
Grammy award-
winning rockers and
Las Vegas
hometown heroes
Imagine Dragons will
perform exclusively
for World of Watson
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 ibm.com/wow


Cognitive Concourse
Get hands-on with cognitive technologies
in this innovative, cutting-edge
experience. The Cognitive Concourse
features demonstrations of the latest
cognitive solutions, IBM Business Partner
showcases, networking lounges, theaters,
session viewing areas, and much more.
Participate in interactive demos of
cognitive technologies across areas such
as fashion, fantasy football, virtual reality,
craft beers, gaming, fitness, self-driving
vehicles, flight tracking, healthcare and
energy production. The cognitive era is
here and this is the place to immerse
yourself in the latest cognitive innovations.
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016

More Related Content

World of Watson IoT Journey Map

  • 1. World of Watson 2016 Watson IoT journey Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 The World of Watson offers a personalized journey for leaders who are aiming to drive innovation and transformation with the Internet of Things. Harriet Green, VP and GM of Internet of Things & Education at IBM, will talk about how cognitive IoT is changing every aspect of business and our daily lives. Key IBM clients will share their stories about the real impact of IoT: Local Motors created their first self-driving vehicle “Olli” using IoT to analyze high volumes of transportation data; USA Cycling incorporated real-time data analytics from IoT into their training to create competitive advantage. Breakout sessions will cover the latest trends and strategies spanning topics such as Industry 4.0, Edge analytics, Blockchain and more. Join us to learn how the latest cognitive technologies can transform your organization. You can also take advantage of inspiring talks from the world’s greatest minds, hundreds of immersive cognitive experiences, demos of the latest IBM products and solutions, more than 1,500 breakout sessions and hands-on labs, and many opportunities to network with 20,000 peers and experts. This is your opportunity to gain valuable new skills and learn how to integrate cognitive capabilities within your government organization right now. The cognitive era is here, and World of Watson is your chance to join the movement. ibm.com/wow
  • 2. Who is speaking at World of Watson? Ginni Rometty Chairman, President & CEO, IBM Peter Diamandis Co-Founder & Chairman, XPRIZE Foundation Prof. Joichi Ito Director MIT Media Labs Stewart Butterfield CEO & Co-Founder, SLACK Shannon Vallor Professor of Philosophy, Santa Clara University Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 The most influential thinkers, leaders, and innovators will join Ginni Rometty and IBM’s greatest minds to show you how data, analytics, and Watson will propel you into the cognitive era. David Brin Scientist & Best-Selling Author Tom Friedman Journalist, Author, & 3-time Pulitzer Prize winner Sebastian Thrun Founder & President, Udacity Prashant Bhuyan Co-Found, CEO, & Chairman, Alpha Modus Research ibm.com/wow
  • 4. World of Watson IBM Keynotes Redefining Development in a Cognitive Era Developer innovations through the application of intelligent APIs. Mon., Oct 24th 4-4:45pm, Developers Zone Bayside B Bob Lord Accelerating Knowledge from Data The building blocks for digital transformation start with data and insight. Tues., Oct 25th 11-12pm TMobile Arena Bob Picciano Reimaging Professions in a Cognitive Era How Watson scales, elevates and enhances individual performance and expertise. Tues., Oct 25th 1-1:45pm, Mandalay Bay Ballroom Harriet Green A World With Watson A cognitive era, your world with Watson today and glimpse into the future. Wed. Oct 26th 1-2:30pm TMobile Arena Ginni Rometty Welcome to the World of Watson Welcome and setting the stage for World of Watson Tues., Oct 25th 9-10:30am TMobile Arena John Kelly III Internet of Things in a Cognitive Era Harness data in a connected world to improve virtually every aspect of your business. Tues., Oct 25th 3-3:45pm, Mandalay Bay Ballroom Harriet Green
  • 5. Session highlights: Monday, October 24 Time Program Session # & title Location 08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Internet of Things 1428 Operationalize Industrial IoT Data with Predictive Maintenance and Quality on Cloud Mandalay Bay Breakers J 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Internet of Things 2755 IBM Watson IoT Plus The Weather Company Equals a Game- Changer for Energy and Utilties Mandalay Bay Breakers A 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things 2844 Exploring Blockchain in an Internet of Things Construct Mandalay Bay Breakers J 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Industries 3128 What is 2% Worth?: How Small Improvements Can Mean Major Gains in Efficiency Mandalay Bay South Pacific A 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Internet of Things 2840 Bringing the Power of Watson IoT to the Edge Mandalay Bay Breakers A 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Industries 1743 Watson IoT AutoLAB's Olli Cognitive Self-Driving Minibus Mandalay Bay Islander G 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Internet of Things 1353 USA Cycling Team Pursuit with Mobile, Watson IoT and Spark Streaming Analytics Mandalay Bay Breakers J Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 6. Session highlights: Monday, October 24 Time Program Session # & title Location 12:30 PM - 03:00 PM Internet of Things 1264 Controlling IoT Devices via Voice Using Watson APIs Mandalay Bay Bayside F 06 01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Internet of Things 1430 Real-World Application of the IBM Watson IoT Stack for Predictive Maintenance Mandalay Bay Breakers A 02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Industries 2541 Talking to Robots and Cognitive Manufacturing Mandalay Bay South Pacific A 02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Internet of Things 2890 Aging with Dignity: A Cognitive Assistance Use Case Mandalay Bay Breakers J 03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Internet of Things 1469 Transforming Rio Tinto Using Data and Analytics to Plan and Optimize a Global Supply Chain Mandalay Bay Breakers A 04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Industries 3397 IoT for Industry 4.0 Mandalay Bay South Pacific A 04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Internet of Things 1629 Thinking Outside the Toolbox: How Digital Technologies are Powering the Operations Revolution Mandalay Bay Breakers J Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 7. Session highlights: Monday, October 24 Time Program Session # & title Location 04:00 PM - 06:30 PM Internet of Things 1321 Placeholder for hands on Watson IoT Developer Lab Mandalay Bay Bayside F 04 05:00 PM - 05:45 PM Internet of Things 3144 What's New with Watson IoT Platform Analytics: From Real-Time to Predictive to Cognitive Mandalay Bay Breakers A Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 8. Session highlights: Tuesday, October 25 Time Program Session # & title Location 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM Keynote Welcome to the World of Watson Mandalay Bay Amphitheater 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Keynote Knowledge from Data Mandalay Bay Amphitheater 12:30 PM - 03:00 PM Internet of Things 2653 Hands-On Lab: IBM Watson IoT Real-Time Insights Walkthrough Mandalay Bay Bayside F 08 01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Internet of Things 2522 Harnessing Engineering Expertise for Predictive Maintenance to Perform Cognitive Maintenance Mandalay Bay Breakers A 01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Keynote Reimagining Professions Mandalay Bay Amphitheater 02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Internet of Things 3008 The Race Continues with IBM Watson IoT, SPSS and Bluemix as Invaluable Crew Members Mandalay Bay Breakers J 03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Industries 1465 How Advanced Analytics are Transforming the Largest Global Iron Mining Company Mandalay Bay Islander G Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 9. Session highlights: Tuesday, October 25 Time Program Session # & title Location 03:00 PM - 03:45 PM Keynote Watson Internet of Things Mandalay Bay Amphitheater 04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Internet of Things 1797 IBM Cloud Customer Reference Architecture for IoT, Including a Smart Home for Insurance Example Mandalay Bay Breakers J 04:00 PM - 06:30 PM Internet of Things 2752 Unleash the Sensor Data on Your Smartphone with IBM Watson IoT Platform Mandalay Bay Bayside F 11 04:00 PM - 06:30 PM Internet of Things 1321 Placeholder for hands on Watson IoT Developer Lab Mandalay Bay Bayside F 04 05:00 PM - 05:45 PM Internet of Things 3267 How Johnson & Johnson is Making Medical Containers Smarter Using IBM Watson IoT and Bluemix Mandalay Bay Breakers J Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 10. Time Program Session # & title Location 08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Industries 3006 Predicting Corrosion Under Insulation Using Risk-Based Inspections and IBM Predictive Solutions Mandalay Bay Islander G 08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Internet of Things 2597 Transforming Supply Chains with IoT and Blockchain Mandalay Bay Breakers A 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Industries 1392 KONE Implements Predictive Maintenance with IBM Watson IoT Mandalay Bay South Pacific A 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Internet of Things Watson IoT Trends & Directions Mandalay Bay South Seas Ballroom 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM Internet of Things 2780 Device Management APIs with IBM Watson IoT Platform: A Walk- Through Mandalay Bay Bayside F 08 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things 3644 IBM Watson IoT Platform: IBM's Platform for the Internet of Things Mandalay Bay South Pacific F 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Internet of Things 1823 Cognitive Environment of Care at Jefferson Hospital, Powered by Watson IoT Mandalay Bay Breakers J Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow Session highlights: Wednesday, October 26
  • 11. Time Program Session # & title Location 04:00 PM - 04:45 PM Internet of Things 3171 Creating intelligent buildings with smart lighting, sensors and cloud analytics Mandalay Bay Breakers A Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow Session highlights: Wednesday, October 26
  • 12. Session highlights: Thursday, October 27 Time Program Session # & title Location 08:00 AM - 08:45 AM Internet of Things 2369 Cognitive Computing and the Internet of Things: Unlocking the Data Challenge in Healthcare Mandalay Bay Breakers J 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Internet of Things 2422 Industrial Internet of Things in the Cognitive Era Mandalay Bay Breakers A 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM Internet of Things 1321 Placeholder for hands on Watson IoT Developer Lab Mandalay Bay Bayside F 04 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM Internet of Things 2823 IoT Real-Time Analytics on the Edge Mandalay Bay Bayside F 08 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things 1527 Fit and Forget: Self-Powered IoT Sensing and Control for Building Asset and Real Estate Systems Mandalay Bay Breakers J 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Internet of Things 1949 Unleashing the Power of the Cognitive Internet of Things Mandalay Bay Breakers H 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Internet of Things 2896 Weather and Location Should Be the Core of Your Business Strategy Mandalay Bay Breakers A Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 13. Session highlights: Thursday, October 27 Time Program Session # & title Location 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM Internet of Things 2530 How Weather Data and the IoT Improve Nutrition and Food Safety throughout the Supply Chain Mandalay Bay Breakers J 01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Internet of Things 1402 An In-Depth Look into IBM's Internet of Things Platform for Insurance Mandalay Bay Breakers A 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM Internet of Things 3282 Integrating IBM Watson IoT Platform and IBM Blockchain Mandalay Bay Bayside F13 02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Internet of Things 2052 Cockpit for Big Systems and Big IoT Systems Leveraging IBM Bluemix and Watson Mandalay Bay Breakers J Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 14. Session highlights: Cognitive Concourse Time Program Session # & title Location Monday 1:30 – 1:50 Internet of Things 3902 Industry 4.0 and Cognitive Manufacturing Transforming Industries Theater Monday 1:30 -1:50 Internet of Things 2893 Blockchain Explained: Ideas on Blockchain, Open-Source & Reimaging Business Networks Reimagining Professions Theater Monday 6:00 – 6:20 Internet of Things 3900 Watson IoT Platform: What you need to know in 20 Minutes Reimagining Professions Theater Tuesday 2:30 – 2:50 Internet of Things 3900 Watson IoT Platform: What you need to know in 20 Minutes Reimagining Professions Theater Wednesday 4:00 – 4:50 Internet of Things 3705 IoT Expert Panel: What Will the IoT Look Like in Ten Years? Reimagining Professions Theater Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 15. Session highlights: Hands-on-labs Time Program Session # & title Location Monday 4:00 – 6:30 Internet of Things 1321 Watson IoT Platform - Easy as Pi. Build a working IoT application using sensors & recipe. Keep what you use. Share what you learn. HOL - L Tuesday 12:30 – 3:30 Internet of Things 2653 IBM Watson IoT Realtime Insights Walkthrough HOL - D Tuesday 4:00 – 6:30 Internet of Things 1321 Watson IoT Platform - Easy as Pi. Build a working IoT application using sensors & recipe. Keep what you use. Share what you learn. HOL - L Tuesday 4:00 – 6:30 Internet of Things 2752 Unleash the sensor data on your Smart phone with IBM Watson IoT platform HOL - O Wednesday 9:00 – 11:30 Internet of Things 2780 Device Management API's with IBM Watson IoT Platform HOL - D Thursday 9:00 – 11:30 Internet of Things 2823 Real Time Analytics at the Edge HOL - D Thursday 9:00 – 11:30 Internet of Things 1321 Watson IoT Platform - Easy as Pi. Build a working IoT application using sensors & recipe. Keep what you use. Share what you learn. HOL - L Thursday 1:00 -3:30 Internet of Things 3282 Integrating Watson IoT Platform and Blockchain HOL - E Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 This guide provides key highlights of the conference. For a complete listing of Industrial-related sessions, visit the Session Preview tool ibm.com/wow
  • 16. Presentation Title 8/11/16 Grammy award- winning rockers and Las Vegas hometown heroes Imagine Dragons will perform exclusively for World of Watson attendees. Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016 ibm.com/wow
  • 17. Cognitive Concourse Get hands-on with cognitive technologies in this innovative, cutting-edge experience. The Cognitive Concourse features demonstrations of the latest cognitive solutions, IBM Business Partner showcases, networking lounges, theaters, session viewing areas, and much more. Participate in interactive demos of cognitive technologies across areas such as fashion, fantasy football, virtual reality, craft beers, gaming, fitness, self-driving vehicles, flight tracking, healthcare and energy production. The cognitive era is here and this is the place to immerse yourself in the latest cognitive innovations. ibm.com/wow Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas | October 24–27World of Watson 2016