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Wrestling College Essay
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Wrestling College EssayWrestling College Essay


College Football Argumentative Essay
White athletes seem to play the most mentally demanding parts of the game. They are usually
the starting quarterback, center, and kicker/punter. All three positions demand unique skills and
physical stature. While cornerbacks, wide receivers, and running backs are pre dominantly
black positions and require much more physical demanding qualities like; speed, jumping, and
strength. This doesn t mean that Christian Mccaffrey, a white 6 1, 201 pound running back, can t
dominate college football. Same goes for Deshaun Watson, a black 6 2, 205 pound quarter back
who piloted his team all the way to the College Football playoffs. The NCAA is committing a
financial injustice, also a racial one, because they won t pay black athletes. The conferences of
each team to make it into the college football playoffs will earn its conference six million dollars
each. The organization that is in charge of the college football playoffs will take in about 470
million each year from ESPN. Coaches make millions while the players of the teams help make
that coach rich. On January 11, 2016 players will work one last time for the season and help earn
the NCAA 1 billion dollars a year from unpaid labor. Black athletes are taking over college sports at
a rising rate, and are making the game more interesting. College football coaches... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
If most athletes don t make it out of an amateur sport why should they be getting paid to play?
They are already attending college with free education and earning up to 5,000 dollars a year or
even more. Black athletes graduate at the rate 50.2% of black male student athletes graduated
within six years (Perry). Black college athletes should graduate at a higher rate to earn more money
and make it worth the NCAA s time to pay them more. Who knows how many of the athletes spend
the money on alcohol or tattoos. The money isn t monitored so the athletes could be spending the
money on anything they
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Alphonse Mucha
Today March 16, 2017 Breaking News: Art.com announces sale on all Alphonse Mucha
paintings, prints and posters (Use voucher code on their site) Four Seasons Four Seasons
Alphonse Mucha BUY NOW FROM ART.COM Influenced by Hans Makart s The Five Senses
(1879), his style was also inspired by the Japanese woodcut decorative style. Mucha s Seasons
(1896) were painted on pГўnneaux dГ©coratifs (decorative panels). Each painting features a young
woman personifying the harmonious cycle of nature, with a background featuring distinctive
seasonal features, which communicates the mood of each season. In the Seasons, Mucha uses
nature, wildlife and women as subtle metaphors for life, death and rebirth: his spiritual philosophy
was beginning to emerge. Mucha chose to produce the Seasons on colour lithograph because he
was keen to make art accessible and affordable... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The translucent white dress is a metaphor for virginity. As she stands beneath blossoming tree, the
blossom flowers appear in her hair symbolises the potential of new life. In her hand she holds a
branch fashioned into a lyre. Three small birds sit on the lyre the use of birds in each season is one
of the consistent metaphors in these paintings. The Four Seasons: Summer (1896) With a delicate
background of blue sky, Mucha portrays Summer as a sultry brunette sunbathing in the glorious
sunshine. Lounging among red poppies, Summer leans against a grapevine, splashing her feet in
the shallow pool beneath. This serene image, and the metaphor for adulthood, is loved by many
people. The Four Seasons: Autumn (1896) Autumn is represented as a playful and bountiful figure.
Set amongst a rich tapestry of autumnal plants, fruits and flowers, her long auburn hair holds a
wreath of chrysanthemums. She gathers grapes from an abundant vine; a metaphor for the
bountiful supplies that Autumn offers. The Four Seasons: Winter
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The Rights Of The French Language
Outside of attempting to achieve sovereignty, the Parti Quebecois has advocated for French
language and cultural rights within Canada and Quebec for its entire existence. The most
prominent advocacy is perhaps Bill 101, which entrenches the rights of the French language in the
Canadian constitution . Championed by Leveque s government in 1977, it outlined the terms which
protected the French language in Quebecby setting out the terms of its use and access. The move
was crucial to maintaining the position of Quebec in conducting business and the language s ability
to be used in an official capacity where before the only inclusions were where the stipulations in the
British North America Act . Instituting such protection as law has gone from being part of their
platform to the focus, given the cultural force English Canadapossesses compared to Quebec s.
English Canada due to cultural dominance as Canada s majority group has the side effect of
creating the Canadian identity presented to the world. As a consequence, English Canada s
concept of Canadian identity is often the view presented to the public, nationally and globally of
what it means to be Canadian. This ability runs across multiple forms of media, but one clear
example comes from a beer commercial shown in the early 2000s, known as The Rant . The
tagline, I am Canadian goes on to accompany many images of Canada being experienced without a
definition of what being Canadian is, as if it is innately assumed . This
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Hannah Arendt on the Banality of Evil
Hannah Arendt is a German Jewish philosopher, born in 1906 and died in 1975. She studied
philosophy with Martin Heidegger as Professor. Her works deal with the nature of power and
political subjects such as democracy, authority, and totalitarianism. She flew away to France in
1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in Germany. She flew away from Europe to the
United States after escaping from the concentration camp of Gurs. She became a Professor in New
York city, in which she became an active member of the German Jewish community. In 1963, she
was sent to Jerusalem to report on Eichmann s trial by The New Yorker. Hannah Arendt s thoughts
on Eichmann s trial were expected to be harsh, considering the philosopher s roots. However, her...
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This complete absence of thinking is what attracted the philosopher s interest and that is how she
started to question the problem of the eventual inner connection between the ability or inability to
think and the problem of evil. Hannah Arendt elaborated on the notion of banality of evil through
the case of Eichmann. She argues in Eichmann in Jerusalem that Eichmann, far from being a
monster, was nothing less than a thoughtless bureaucrat, passionate only in his desire to please
his superiors. She describes him in these words: the unthinking functionary capable of enormous
evil who revealed the dark potential of modern bureaucratic men . According to Hannah Arendt,
evil would not come from wicked individuals, but from the nobodies , from those who do not
have the ability to think, and thus cannot tell what is wrong and what is right. As she was
influenced by the sociologist Max Weber, who wrote concerning bureaucracies that It is horrible
to think that the world could one day be filled with nothing but those little cogs, little men
clinging to their jobs and striving towards bigger ones , she elaborates on the danger of
bureaucracy and its possible responsibility when it comes to evil. Bureaucracies assign very
specific tasks to each individual and these specific tasks cannot be seen as right or wrong by the
ones accomplishing them, it is when they are all together that they can be examined this way.
Eichmann was simply obeying the rules,
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Fad Diet Essay
FAD Diets A fad diet is a diet that promises fast weight loss through unhealthy and unbalanced
meals, they are targeted for people who manly want to lose fat without exercising and it s not
good for your body. There are many types of fad diets and i m gonna start with one the the most
dangerous, the tapeworm diet. The tapeworm diet was created by Dr. Meyers of Sheffield and it
started to be advertised in the early 1900 s. During the process of this diet, you are digesting
tapeworm eggs and it grows in your stomach and basically crawls around eating all the food you
have consumed and you are losing weight at the same time. This can be very dangerous because
it could go to other parts of your body through the blood system and can cause abdominal pain,
weakness, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and even death. To me it is totally
disgusting and just not worth it. The tapeworm diet is thankfully illegal in the US and you
usually get the tapeworm eggs in a bottle commonly found in Mexico for $1500. Back then they
were usually advertised using posters saying No diet, no baths, no exercise. FAT the enemy that
is shortening your life BANISHED. How? With sanitized tapeworms jar packed This whole diet
is called unhealthy for many reasons, it is extremely risky, after the tapeworm is gone people are
most likely going to gain all the weight back they lost because of unhealthy eating habits, you are
not eating healthy or exercising so it s not good for your
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Performance Appraisal in the Contemporary World
In the International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies,
an article entitled Performance Appraisal in the Contemporary World gives a great overview of
how important performance appraisals are. The way that its employees perceive an organization in
important. There are five components of interaction within an organization. These consist of
structure, system, culture, leader behavior and employee s psychological needs When employees
are satisfied, their perception of the organization is positive. Employers demand commitment and
dedication from their employees and the employee expect more from the employer . Performance
appraisals are a great way to determine how effective an employee is. These are... Show more
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Organizations need to decide how performance appraisals will be done and determine the most
effective way of conducting these including the processes necessary. Some studies show that
performance appraisals are often interpreted in a negative way too. If an employee interprets it
as negative, it can have a negative effect on how they conduct their job going forward. This is
why it is crucial for an organization to choose the appropriate format. Rating scales were
developed by Smith and Kendall. One was called the Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
(BARS), and the other one was entitled the Extension Agent Behaviors and Results Anchored
Rating System (EABRARS) . Both of the rating scales consist of behavioral measures and not
personality based measures. In the EABRARS format, there were nine different dimensions
consisting of five behavior categories and four results categories . A study conducted in 1984 by
16 Extension administrators on 141 New England Extensions agents confirmed that this rating
scale was highly reliable and consistent. An article published in the International Journal of
Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) entitled Performance Appraisal System of
Employees of Private Banking Sector in Bangladesh: A Case Study on National Bank Limited
provides an overview regarding a study that was conducted. Performance appraisals recognize how
an employee is as a worker. Organizations can use performance appraisals to
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Taking a Look at Truman Capote
CAPOTE By all the accounts, Truman Capote was a mysterious man, being unhappy and self
absorbed even in some parties he over drink himself to death. In his masterpiece writing In Cold
Blood he invented a new sort of writing, the non fiction novel which was criticized on the basis of
his emotional manipulation of a condemned murderer with whom he seems to fall in love. Capoteis
actually the dramatization of his famous writing In Cold Bloodwhich covers the territory that the
movie is based on the subject of Truman Capotes attempt to somehow or other create the genre of
non fictional fiction. Capote illustrates a portrait of the interest of author in the two cold blooded
killers especially in the character of Perry Smith. (Brevet, 2009) By reading the masterpiece and
then watching the movie, audience can easily judge that Capote definitely manipulated Smith by
bounding his actions and making him realized compelled to himself. For several times, Capote
went out of his ways in order to save Smith s life. First it happened when Smith was in prison and
Capote visited him and then tried his best to bring him back to life. Then he paid for a lawyer I
order to offer appeal to Smith and Hickok s death sentence. Capote s contribution was major in
contrast so ultimately Smith felt obligated to repay him in some honorable way. Not only Capote
was interested in Smith but Smith also admired him throughout the story and even he did not want
to disappoint him in any way. Just to
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Bisexuality Erasure
Bisexuality Erasure
Saige Brey
Aug 15, 2015 When you hear the term bisexual , what comes to mind? For some it s what they
identify with in the LGBTQIA+, for others it s a confusing and broad term that somewhat covers
their sexuality, and for others it just seems like a foreign and strange idea. As a bisexual, I ve
heard the question, Well which gender do you prefer more? several times. My answer to that is
usually along the lines of neither , which leads to some confused looks or even some of disbelief.
To start, bisexuality is not a Well, you re either straight or gay! Pick one! . Bisexuality is within
the LGBTQIA+ and sexuality spectrum, but it is neither a preference of any of the genders. For
some, yes they prefer a gender, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, pansexuality is the attraction to all genders (not just male and female), and
polysexuality is the attraction to some (not all) genders. A plethora of people identify as all three
of these genders, and yes they are real, and some do have preferences, others do not.
Basically, bisexuality erasure is a becoming a prevalent problem in the LGBTQIA+ community,
as well as the straight community. I ve had people tell me that bisexuals are just pretending, and
then there s the ever present rumor that bisexual people are just in it for the sex. I m here to say
that s not true. A bisexual person can like two, many, or all genders, and it has literally nothing to
do with sex or the amount of sex that person has.
However, some people within the LGBTQIA+ community feel like bisexuals are the most
privileged of the sexualities, because they can just identify as straight if they felt like it (an actual
person has said this to me before), and haven t felt the homophobia and hostility faced towards the
community. But we have. Bisexuals may not encounter as much homophobia and hostility, but we
still get the constant, Which do you prefer more, boys or girls? and the Well you have to like one
more than the other, liking two (or more) doesn t make
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Best Summer Stripes
How to Select Best Summer Stripes for Womenswear Stripes have been extremely popular this
year and that pattern hints at no ceasing at any point in the near future. Regardless of whether you
re going for cool, easygoing, or chic, stripes can demonstrate to you the way. In spite of the fact
that stripes can be a genuinely conventional look, the runways were brimming with enterprise and
experimentation for Spring/Summer with planners truly grasping the look and taking it to another
level. Playing with hues and blending large scale with smaller than expected stripes with make a
feeling of energy and fun that we could all utilization somewhat more of in our closets! Erraticism
is in this year, so get into the soul of the pattern by getting beautiful!... Show more content on
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The blue and white stripes on this pajama gasp make this a fun one for the season. Highlights a
drawstring midsection. The wearing size of this model is S. 2 SUMMER STRIPE RUFFLE
Summer stripe in naval force and white looks incredible combined with your most loved blue or
white bottoms. Unsettle highlight at bustline proceeds around to the back. Delicate wrap base
in front and longer shirtail base toward the rear. 3 Summer Stripes V Neck Jumper Slip into
stripes for an effortless summer prepared look that won t let you down. Pointelle detail stripes
give a lightweight, summery complete while shading blocked boards will infuse a little games
luxury into your look. 4 SUMMER STRIPE DRESS This greatly cherished Liza shape, returned
to in a retro summer stripe print in naval force, peach, water and cream perfect for the summer
events. The Fiber Content of this dress is 100% polyester. 5 Summer Stripes Scoop Neck
Jumper No closet is finished without a great stripy weave and our delicate cotton mix style is the
best of the bundle. In a crisp spring prepared tint, it ll convey the ideal fly of shading to quelled
isolates this season. Hope these summer stripes for womenswear will be very beneficial for you as
they will enhance your beauty many a
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The Taming Of Samurai Summary
Eiko Ikegami is an academic writer who focuses on comparative historical sociology, specificially
that of Japanese society. Her book, The Taming of Samurai , explains us the underlying basis
behind Japanese organisational structure using the history of the samurai and Tokugawa state
formation. This book also demonstrates how such a risky imperious approach of enforcing a more
hierarchical structure to the population, especially samurai, would be quite a solution for the
setbacks that Tokugawa shogunatehad faced to impose its honorific authority and a process that
developed Japan s organisational culture instead.
Ikegami starts by summarising the background to the Battle of Sekigahara. She also adds that the
decisive battle is not merely a battle that marked the unofficial beginning of Tokugawa clan s reign
because it is essential to note events prior to Tokugawa period, including Battle of Sekigahara, as
phenomena of survival of the fittest amongst the daimyЕЌ during Japanese medieval period. In
addition to that, Ikegami emphasises in her writing that by eliminating the opposing parties, the
Tokugawa ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But it is worth mentioning that all of this changes were also propelled to protect Japan from the
foreigners. Therefore, to some people, this book seems to self orientalise how Japan could only
achieve its modernity in its own unique way which might have appeared to be improbable to other
countries facing the same challenges at that period of time. But if we account the history, we can
notice that there were also external factors playing a part that forced them to impose a strict social
order either nationally or internationally. One of the approach they had taken to achieve this was
the Closed Country Edict of
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Nozick s View On Liberty
Liberty is a concept that has many differently meanings. Throughout human history, there has been
a constant back and forth from those who lack liberties that others are given without second
thought. It is clear when analyzing liberty movements such as the American and French Revolution,
abolition, and civil rightsthat most everyone desires certain liberties. While libertymay not have a
single definition, most people can agree that it is something that should be given to those who wish
to live harmoniously in a society. I agree with Rawls s view on liberty because without cooperation
and division of resources amongst citizens, the liberty that everyone hopes to reach cannot be
attained. Compromises and the sharing of powers, opinions, and... Show more content on
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Nozick s entitlement theory, a person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle
of justice in acquisition is entitled to that holding. While I believe that everyone should have the
right to live comfortably, I also think that we should share our excesses with those who are not
able to fulfil their needs. Nevertheless, I believe that humans as an entity are more likely to agree
with Nozick s view, and I see how it could be better implemented into a preexisting society,
whereas Rawls s concept almost needs a complete blank slate to be fully implemented in the
purest way possible. While Rawls argues that, the idea of an overlapping consensus is
introduced to make the idea of a well ordered society more realistic and to adjust it to the
historical and social conditions of democratic societies, I believe that the conflicting religious,
philosophical, and moral views held collectively by people vary too much to implement Rawls s
ideas in an effective way. Rawls definitely predicted this criticism, as he justifies that through
opposing religious, philosophical, and moral doctrines that gain a significant body of adherents and
endure over time from one generation to the next. If this was truly the case, then sign me up for
Rawls s plan, but even Rawls himself admits that, no such
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How Rap Affects Society
A song on the radio starts off with a pleasant melody. Suddenly, another form of heavy beat music
enters. Numerous icons of guns, skulls, hoods, lighters, darkness, and graffiti art were
demonstrated by typing in three simple letters into the Oxford English Dictionary word search
bar: R a p. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of rap is accompanied with
the synonyms whack, strike, bash, bang, pound... (Simpson). All with negative connotations, this
reflects how rap affects our society today. Rap can be catchy, but it is harmful to our society for
freedom of speech is being taken advantage of and, as a result, other political issues have arisen
from them. Freedom of expression can extend a little bit too far. Countless rappers and
inappropriate statements are protected by the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Every day, thousands of YouTubers around the world post their personal covers online. Those
YouTubers sing to their heart s content. They embrace and remain in this profession because
they love what they do; they love music. The majority of them are not being paid; all they need
is a microphone and the instrument of their choice. Several have declined company offers
because they understand how business and wealth can manipulate their passion for music. Music
that was not made for profit is real music. To counteract the situations of rap music that are
putting an influence on how society is today, we need to be more aware of the language being
passed down to inexperienced and younger generations. America yearns for the resolution of
moral equality, yet mass manipulators in the rap industry put the public in a position where this is
not a reality. People need to raise their voice to these companies on how they are affecting our
lives today. Rap is not limited in what it can produce, but it needs to consider other factors such as
the damage it can do to society. When is the rap industry going to realize enough means
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Binary Data Analysis
Satellite sensors send bits of binary data to ground stations on Earth for processing into useful
meteorological and environmental information enabling enhanced decision making capabilities.
Thereby, preventing injuries and fatalities, preserving assets, and reducing time delays. Binary
data are comprised of zeroes and ones. One bit contains either a 0 or a 1 . A single bit, in and of
itself, does not have a lot of value until it is used. The same is true of information. Information does
not have value until it is utilized.
Prior attempts to value information have used deterministic methods. However, these methods have
been less than successful. There tends to be a level of uncertainty associated with information, and
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This framework can be used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various types of data
sources in relation to other types of data sources. For instance, how does data from buoys
contributes to forecast accuracy versus data ingested from microwave, satellite sensors versus
measurements obtained from radio occultation sensors versus observations from sondes, etc. The
framework can be applied at the macro or micro level. Although macro level uses should be
considered a rough order of magnitude. It is important when doing comparisons that the data is
normalized at the lowest level possible (ideally bits) is used. Consistent, standardized data is
required for this type of analysis.
Dollarizing the results is optional. Pegging the results to a currency will provide a benchmark for
accessing the value of meteorological and environmental information enabling better valuation
assessments from source to source and program to program. The pegging can be altered as better
insights are gained from actual results. In this case, the data were pegged to a less volatile digital
currency. The currency is less stable than the dollar (currently), but then information downlinked
from satellites is less stable than the words printed in a book. The selected digital currency has been
tested as a valid method for transmitting data and conducting transactions. In addition, pegging to a
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Fortunato Research Paper
For the past week, investigators have reported that a man by the name of Fortunato has suddenly
disappeared from the city of Rome. Fortunato was a rich, nice man who has been living in Rome
for the past twenty seven years. He was loved by his family and friends who thought of him at
the light of the party . He was always a very curious and adventurous man who wanted to explore
the world. Fortunato was last seen with his best friend Montresor at the Rome Carnival two weeks
ago. Investigators have claimed from different sources that Fortunato was on his way home when
he disappeared walking home with Montresor. Montresor said, We were walking to my house that
was ten minutes away from the Rome Carnival. When we got to my house, I turned behind me to
say Fortunato(left) with his best friend... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I tried my Montresor(right) inside their house. hardest to find him but I could not get a clue .
Police are continuing to try to get more information about Fortunato out of Montresor. Police have
found that Fortunato was addictedFortunato was last seen with long to wine and was very
wealthy. If he was intoxicated white hair and beard, a red and green had lots of money on him, this
could have beenshirt, brown gloves and pants, and lead to a kidnapping.black
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Realiti Hubungan Kaum Di Malaysia
sangat sinonim dengan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang bercirikan pelbagai kaum serta
identiti. Terdapat lebih 80 kaum di seluruh Malaysia. Daripada keseluruhan bangsa tersebut,
terdapat tiga bangsa yang paling utama iaitu Melayu, India dan Cina. Menurut J. S. Furnivall dalam
bukunya Natherlands India, masyarakat majmuk merupakan suatu masyarakat yang mengandungi
berbagai komuniti yang tinggal bersebelahan tetapi berasingan dalam unit politik yang sama.
Secara jelasnya, mereka yang berlainan budaya dan identiti hidup bersama dalam sesebuah
kawasan. Perkataan etnik berasal daripada perkataan Inggeris iaitu ethnic . Kamus Collins Gem
English Dictionary... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dalam konteks Malaysia, istilah Bumiputera sering digunakan. Kaum Bumiputera dianggap
sebagai kaum asal Malaysia, yang merangkumi pelbagai kaum antaranya kaum Melayu, Dayak,
Iban, Kadazan, Kadazan Dusun dan lain lain lagi. Berdasarkan kepada Buletin Perangkaan
Malaysia (terbitan Jun 2006), jumlah penduduk di Malaysia ialah seramai 26.64 juta orang. 24.8
juta orang merupakan warganegara Malaysia manakala bakinya 1.84 juta orang merupakan
bukan warganegara Malaysia. Kaum Melayu mewakili 54 % dari populasi penduduk iaitu
seramai 13.48 juta orang. Kaum Bumiputera (selain daripada Melayu) seramai 2.93 juta orang
mewakili 11.8 %. Justeru itu kaum Bumiputera mewakili 65.8 % dari jumlah keseluruhan
warganegara Malaysia. Kira kira 25 % daripada penduduk Malaysia ialah kaum Cina iaitu
seramai 6.22 juta orang, 7.5% terdiri daripada kaum India dengan seramai 1.86 juta orang,
manakala lain lain kaum pula seramai 1.7 % iaitu seramai 318.9 ribu orang. Hampir 85% daripada
kaum India di Malaysia merupakan masyarakat Tamil. Lebih separuh populasi Sarawak dan 66%
populasi Sabah terdiri daripada kaum bumiputera bukan Melayu. Mereka terbahagi kepada berpuluh
puluh kumpulan etnik tetapi memiliki budaya umum yang sama. Sehingga abad ke 20, kebanyakan
daripada mereka mengamalkan kepercayaan tradisional tetapi kini telah ramai yang sudah bertukar
kepada agama Kristian atau memeluk Islam. Selain itu, Malaysia juga mempunyai penduduk yang
berasal daripada Eropah yang dikenali sebagai
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Economic Impacts Of The Cold War
The Cold War was a period of economic, political and military tension between the United States
of America (USA) and the Soviet Union (USSR) from the 1940s to the late 80s after World War
II . It was called the Cold War because there was no large scale fighting directly between the two
nations, which was probably due to the differences in ideologies between USA and USSR, the
distrust between two countries, and actions in the Soviet zone of Germany had significant impacts
on these two countries. Undoubtedly, all of these views were about the Cold Warwas an intense
struggle for power between two nations.
In 1945, two superpowers emerged, the United States and the Soviet Union. USA was a capitalist
country which demanded democracy led by President ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Eventually, there was an Iron Curtain descends in Europe, which separated Europe into eastern and
western countries. The eastern sides were the Soviet s allies with more dictatorship and communist
countries.The western sides were the US s allies with democratic capitalist countries. The USSR
and the US didn t trade or negotiate with each other, they became very unfriendly and their
relationship turned out extremely cold and filled with tension. At last, Stalin turned out refuse to
acknowledge the Declaration of Liberated Europe, and refuse to allow free elections. Thus, these
actions led to the creation of satellite nations in Eastern Europe. These two countries created tension
and distrust each other, most importantly, both sides had access to lethality nuclear weapons. And
all of these factors were the central causes of the Cold War and lasted for almost half century.
To conclude, the distrust between two powerful countries led to Cold War, it had comprehensive
implications in the international affairs. It not only raised citizens fear of war but also to against
humanity. The unnecessary disbursement in the armament production created a barrier against the
progress of the world and slow down the improvement in the living standards of the
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The Battle Of The War I
Rushabh Shah
History 162B
Paper 1
While recruiting men to fight in World War I, the British Army appealed to ideals of masculinity,
bravery, patriotism and nationalism. This form of propaganda was intended to shape the public s
views, and shape their decisions to revolve around political, gender, and social identity. Thousands
of young British men like Siegfried Sassoon went into World War Iwith this idealism. The
bloodshed found there came as a tremendous shock, as the war was unlike the image portrayed;
the modern war was different and horrifying. It was during the First World War that literature from
these soldiers was developed as a result of the increase in education levels amongst the British
soldiers and public in the years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Using graphic detail and bitter imagery, Sassoon expressed the contrast between the beautiful
nature and the destruction of the war. Sassoon begins by using details and poetic language to
describe the beauty of the surroundings, almost to reflect upon the attractive and heroic image of
war portrayed through propaganda. This then contrasts sharply with the graphic and detailed
description of the battlefield. His clever use of vocabulary was employed with great effect often
using words that had more than one definite meaning. In the third line he describes the sun
smoldering through spouts of drifting smoke that shroud . The word smoldering evokes a clear
image of the sun being covered by this thick infected smoke, and used in conjunction with the word
shroud gives the reader an idea of obscurity within the battlefield. On a deeper level, shroud is a
metaphor expressing the concealing nature of the smoke to hide the reality of the war. The
menacing scarred slope creates a dark, threatening image reflecting the fear these soldiers endured
in battle. Although the poem starts of relatively slow, it builds momentum with each new line.
Sassoon successfully creates a sense of suspense, imitating the continuous anticipation of attack
these soldiers endured. The
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Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead Characters
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= t5UTLkfoUs
Benedict Cumberbatch has played major roles in theatre, television, and film; however, my favorite
role of his was in the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. Cumberbatch,
in his role as Rosencrantz, portrays an honorable depiction of the technique and feeling desired of in
an actor. As one of the protagonists in the play, Cumberbatch has to create a parallel between the
play s character and him to add truth to his performance. Once the play begins, Cumberbatch
immediately reveals Rosencrantz s character traits by integrating confusion, drawn out pauses,
existentialist questions, and circular arguments to his body language and actions.
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Polonius Advice In Hamlet
In act 1, scene 3 of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Polonius gives several advice to his son
Laertes about how to behave in France. These advice Polonius gives his son Laertes will help
Laertes be safe and become a successful person. Some of the advices Polonius gave Laertes
include: don t judge others opinions, choose your friends wisely, and be true to yourself. The
advices Poloniusgave his son can also help me succeed in college. The first piece of advice that
could help me succeed in college is in 1.3.68 1.3.71, which states, Those friends thou hast, and their
adoption tried ... Of each new hatched, unfledge courage. This suggests that you should know who
your true friends are based on their actions toward you. As well, it implies that
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Essay on Emerson And Thoreau
amp;#8220;Dance to the beat of your own drummer: ; A piece of advice that I have been told my
whole life, and have tried my hardest to follow. The words were taken from Thoreau amp;#8217;s
quote, amp;#8220;If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears
a different drummer. ;
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreauchanged our lives. How? Well, the answer is not
so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand
the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the relationship between the two. So let amp;#8217;s
begin with the relationship between Emerson and Thoreau.
Emerson was born in 1803, into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people claim that Thoreau amp;#8217;s ideas were simply taken from Emerson
amp;#8217;s, in fact, some critics call Thoreau Emerson amp;#8217;s miror. And although their
philosophies greatly reflected one another, they differed in many ways as well.
Emerson amp;#8217;s writing focused on nonconformity and individuality. In his essay quot;Self
Reliance, quot; he wrote, quot;Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind, quot;
and, quot;Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. quot;
Emerson writings were also more focused on the self; philosophy of humanism and Independence
from society are all things that Emerson wrote on frequently. Thoreau, while focusing on matters of
the self in many of his essays, tended to have more of a political overtone to his writing.
In amp;#8220;Civil Disobedience ;, Thoreau amp;#8217;s most famous social protest, He
explains that it is our civil right to disagree with laws. He believed that people must be free to act
according to their own idea of right and wrong, without government interference. In quot;Civil
Disobedience quot;, he said that people should refuse to obey any law they believe is unjust.
Thoreau practiced this type of passive resistance when, in 1846, he refused to pay poll taxes. He
did so to express his opposition to the Mexican War. Thoreau spent one night in jail for his refusal.
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The Application Of Direct Effect
This question concerns the application of direct effect to the facts in question. In particular, Fergie
requires advice on whether or not he can rely on Directive 15/2012 and enforce his EU law rights
in the national court. Fergie takes legal proceedings against Charlston Council to claim
compensation for his injury.
The council seems to have complied with the domestic law which stipulate only that, the caterers
has a duty to eliminate unhealthy food. The Act is silent on genetically modified food. The act also
does not stipulate the percentage limit of the production of genetically modified food. Charlston
Council is therefore not in breach of the national provisions. The directive, however, sets out more
stringent provisions in relation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, directives can only be vertically directly effective: that is, they can only be enforced
against a state or a public authority (Marshall)
In this case, the conditions seem to be met. The Directive is clear and precise as well as
unconditional. It sets out the limit percentage of the production of genetically modified food,
2%, if it is more than 2%, member states has to take all the necessary measures to eliminate it.
The Directive is not too vague. There is no evidence to suggest any conditions are attached to
these rights or that they are in any way ambiguous. The implementation deadline has clearly
passed. Fergie s claim is against the Charlston Council which is clearly an organ of the state. This
is not affected by the fact that in this case, it acts in the capacity of an employer (Marshall). Fergie
s claim is therefore vertical and he can rely on the Directive and the more generous rights within it
in preference to the more limited provisions of the national acts.
If Fergie is not employed by a state body or public body, the answer would be different as there
would be no direct effect, he cannot rely on Directive. The conditions for direct effect are not met.
While the conditions relating to clarity and precision as well as the passing of the implementation
deadline are the same as mentioned above and are thus not reiterated here, the requirement that
there exists a vertical relationship between
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Edna s Search For Identity In The Awakening
The Awakening
Do not give into the pressures of society and search for your own identity
Edna lives in a society that expects women to only take care of children and be an obedient wife.
However, Edna feels trapped and does not want to be only limited to being a good wife. One day,
she meets a young man named Robert who helps Edna awaken and she gradually begins to want to
search for her own identity. Therefore, she has sexual awakenings with Alcee, so she can try to
figure out herself. In addition, Edna has another awakening due to her time with Adele and she tries
to find her identity by expressing herself through art in the Pigeon House.
Being an individual against society leads to rejection, loneliness, and isolation.
Edna Pontellier was the only woman in the Grand Isle to try to go against the rules of society
which was to be an obedient. She desired to find her individuality and become independent due to
feeling trapped by just being a wife every day. Therefore, she goes through sexual awakenings
hoping to discover herself but all the men still thought of her as ... Show more content on
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She tries to find her individuality and has awakenings due to Adele and Robert.
Robert Lebrun: He talks with almost every woman in the Grand Isle and helps Edna have her
awakening where she wants to discover more about herself.
Leonce Pontellier: Edna s husband who is very wealthy and supports his children and wife very
well. However, he views Edna as a piece of property instead of a women.
Doctor Mandelet: He is the doctor that Leonce takes Edna to when he feels that Edna s behavior is
not ordinary, and the doctor notices that Edna is attempting to break away from society. Therefore,
the doctor tries to help her get back on track.
Adele Ratignolle: Edna s closest friend who represents the epitome of how a woman should act in
the society they live
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Musculoskeletal Disorders In Higher Education
The personal computer revolution has drasticallyaltered work system in offices and universities.
This multi computing device has now become an inevitable part of any VDT workstation. The ever
growing use of computer workstations in universities is fourfold (1)instructional (2) administrative
(3) research and (4) study purpose.
In universities, computers are being used for preparing lectures, presenting to the class, accessing
and analyzing numerous data available online, maintaining database of students, employees and
professors, making communication in the form of e mails or chat, browsing the Internet for
necessary information and to introduce oneself with the reality and veracity of the global job
market to have the competitive edge over ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Annual report on WMSD by United States Department of Labor in 2014 revealed that WMSD
incidents cost about $20 billion in the year 2013 as direct cost and five times to that amount as
indirect cost (OSHA, 2014). All these statistics are alarming and signifies the necessity of
assessment of design of computer workstations and the work postures of users to draw out the
root causes of growing number of cases of WMSDs.It has become a priority to prevent work
related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in many countries (da Costa and Vieira,
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Iago Revenge In Othello
In Othello, Iago s thoughts of himself easily described with one word: self centered. Iago thinks
the world and all those in it owe him something. He feels betrayed, mostly by all he thought were
friends and loved ones, true or not in his narcissistic mind it is. Iago sets out to get vengeance on
each and everyone that deserves it. Quiet intelligently he uses his talented, manipulative ways to
create himself a great reputation of being a loyal soldier and a friend, but is even better known as
an honest captain. Using this façade without any remorse, Iagoseeks revenge by using everyone s
insecurities to break them down one by one, turning each against the other, in order to have his
bittersweet revenge.
Iago initiates his plot by speaking with one of his pawns Roderigo, who he knows could be the key
player in the role of harming both, Othello and Cassio. Iago knows that Roderigo still loves
Desdemona, even after her marriage to Othello. As a result, he devises a lie to make Roderigo
think Desdemona doesn t really love Othello and in actuality, she is having an affair with Cassio.
Iago conveniences Roderigo that if he kills Cassio, he could win back the heart of Desdemona. At
the same time, Iago is testing Othello s insecurities by telling him the same malicious lies. Iago
feels he is on the path of revenge towards two men he hates and his very pawn, who would just be
another casualty in his war.
Thus do I ever make my fool my purse;
For I mine own gained knowledge should
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Did the Romans civilise Britain
This essay is about how Britain changed Britain, and how they brought civilisation to it. The
definition of civilisation has been questioned over the centuries. There are many different
meanings of the word but in the Romans case it is The type of culture and society developed by
a particular nation or in a particular era or time. In other words, this is what the Romans did to
Britain. In particular, I will discuss the Roman invasion and the effect the Romans had on
housing and roads. Before the Romans invaded, Celts lived in Britain. There were no towns so
most people lived in villages and were farmers. People were separated into tribes ruled by kings or
chiefs. Chiefs were the leaders in battle; they would lead warriors into battle in... Show more
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The Romans brought lots of things that we take for granted every day. For example calendars,
the census, indoor plumbing, fruit and vegetables, the police and even cats! One of the most
influential things the Romans did for Britain was build roads. When the Romans established in
Britain they built lots of high quality straight roads. The main roads that the Romans built were
from London to York (via Lincoln), London to Wroxeter (a village in Shropshire), London to
Dover and Exeter to York via Bath, Cirencester and Lincoln. The new roads meant that it was
much easier and simpler for the emperors to control their empire. This was because they could
send messages and orders quickly. The roads helped Romans to trade with each other. They also
provided people with a much easier option than to walk. The roads were mainly built by Roman
soldiers as the authorities could guarantee that the Roman soldiers would do the best they could
for the sake of Rome. The Roman roads were used a lot but many had to walk as chariots and
horses were expensive. In spite of all the work that was put in with the Roman roads, when they
left Britain the Britons did not make use of the roads. The Britons did not use the villas or baths
either because of their close association to the Romans. Moreover the Britons did not have any
knowledge of how to repair the roads because they
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The Theory Of Science And Technology
Alan Gonzalez
College Algebra
Science and technology is important to society and is often used in our everyday lives. We often
have no idea how science and technology really affect us. We work and live in a world driven by
technology and science. Science is crucial because it has helped form the world that we live in
today. Charles Robert Darwin was an English geologist and naturalist, best known for his significant
addition to the science of evolution. He had a theory that all species have inherited traits over time
from common ancestors, and in a partnership with Alfred Russel Wallace introduced his scientific
theory that this pattern of evolution resulted from an action that he called natural selection, in which
the struggle for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The purpose of the trip was to take a five year survey trip around the world Commanded by
Captain Robert FitzRoy. The voyage would prove the opportunity of a lifetime for the Charles
Robert Darwin.
The HMS Beagle set out on its voyage far and wide with Darwin on board on December 27, 1813.
Over the course of the excursion, Darwin recovered an assortment of characteristic examples,
including fossils, birds, and plants. Through extreme research, he had an exceptional opportunity to
watch the standards of topography, zoology, and natural science nearly. South America, The
Galapagos Archipelago, and The Pacific Island were of sure enthusiasm to Darwin. Charles Darwin
started to review his discoveries in the Diary of Examines, distributed as a component of Chief
FitzRoy s bigger report and later altered into the Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle, once
Darwin came back to Britain in 1836. The voyage enormously affected Darwin s perspective of
common history. He started to grow a significant hypothesis about the start of living creatures that
was inverse to the famous perspective of different naturalists at once.
Darwin s involvement with examples across the world brought up vital issues. Different
researchers trusted that all species either appeared toward the beginning of the world, or were made
after some time in natural history. In either case, the species were accepted to stay much the same
all through time.
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Never Enough Summary
The documentary that I chose to watch this time around was Kelly Anderson s 2010 short Never
Enough. This film was filmed in the observational style and featured many of the documentary
conventions that we have gone over in class, including formal interview and fly on the wall style
footage. It centers on three self proclaimed collectors and their hard journey to cleaning up their
act. Each of the three hoarders is guided in their endeavors by a man named Ron Alford. Alford is
the owner of a company called Disaster Masters, wherein they go out to hoarder s homes, as well
as other people in need of help organizing, and assist in cleaning up and downsizing. Throughout the
film, you can see just how badly each of the individuals being helped is... Show more content on
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That deeper purpose is to turn the spotlight on American consumerism and the rampant
materialism that runs so many Western lives. This can be seen with the two men that are
profiled in the film, David Guess and Jay Helfenbein. Both men have troubles with constant
purchasing of goods. David is a sucker for a good bargain, and as such fills his house and garage
with goods that he s found on sale. Guess openly admits that one of the reason he is constantly
making purchases is because buys things makes him feel good and allows him to feel of a
certain social standing because of his ability for consumerism. Jay, on the other hand, is addicted
to home shopping channels and his New York apartment is filled with QVC boxes that, after
having been opening, are left abandoned in towers. One of the reasons he is presumed to be so
addicted is because of the feelings of fulfilment he gets from speaking with the operators who
know him and his profile so well. This shines a much needed light on American hyper consumerism
and the affects, like hoarding, that such a thing can have on people. For these men, and to some
extent Michele, being surrounded by the things they have bought and collected is the best feeling
in the world for
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True Islam Has Been Hijacked
True Islam has been hijacked. The public image of the Muslim community, not only in America, but
globally, has been tainted by small groups of extremists. The extremists ideas stem from
conservative interpretations of the Quran, and are not as widely followed as most people assume.
Some examples from the Quran that extremists interpret differently than most often have to do with
the term disbelievers; Quran 48:29, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with
him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. The disbelievers in this verse
refers to those who persecuted and attacked Muslims, this is not a verse guiding Muslims to be
unpleasant to non Muslims; although it is interpreted that way. It only... Show more content on
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After the Golden Age, which is the age of the four rightfully guided caliphs, empires were
established. If Islam is likely to gain ground globally, he states that they must separate faith and
state. Mr. Hamid then goes on to state that this is unlikely to happen, because Sharia (Islam
canonical law) is tied so closely with the religion and state. The solution therefore, is stated that
Islam should follow Western pattern and separate faith and government. A partial reason that we
continue to see Islam struggling with separating their faith and government is, because some see
Islam as a political ideology and think it never was a religion since they never separated from the
government. Another is more simply because many Islamic states have tried numerous political
ideologies, such as: communism, secularism, democracy, tyranny, monarchy, and so on. Keeping
Islam s separation issues in mind, the first event to analyze is the Iranian Revolution, which led to
the hostage crisis. The Iranian Revolution was the result of persecuted Iranians who were tired of
the current dynastic governance. The Revolution was led by the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini and overthrew Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was friendly with the United States.
The Revolution began in October, 1977 and lasted until January, 1979, when Iranbecame an Islamic
Republic. This is an important event in Westerners perceptions of
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Essay about Timeline of Tolkien s Life
In 1902, Cuba peacefully gained independence from the United States. A few years earlier, the U.S.
had aided Cuban rebels in exorcising Spain from the colony. In 1898, after three years of fighting,
Spain signed a peace treaty with the U.S. relinquishing its hold on Cuba, but no Cuban delegates
were present. However, the Teller Amendment (4th Article of the Joint Resolution) confirmed that
the U.S. would not permanently remain in Cuba. Cubans lobbied for an early execution of the Joint
Resolution. After much resistance in the U.S., the Cuban Constitutional Convention met in 1900.
Then, in 1901, the Cuban Constitution was completed, including an appendix allowing U.S.
intervention if needed. Finally, in 1902, TomГЎs Estradas Palma was... Show more content on
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In 1918, the Germans were forced back behind the Hindenburg line, freeing occupied France.
Finally, On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed between Germany and the Allied
forces, officially concluding World War I. World War I was known as the first total war because
it was fought on land, on sea, and even in the air. WWI was also known as the war to end all
wars. Tolkien met Edith Bratt as a teenager when they (both orphans) had lived at Mrs. Faulkner
s boarding house. At the time, Edith was 19 and Tolkien, or Ronald (as his friends called him),
was 16. Edith and Ronald were inseparable, but she distracted him from his studies. When Father
Francis, Ronald s guardian, discovered their relationship, he forbade Ronald from seeing Edith
until he was 21 and moved Tolkien and his younger brother to different lodging. At the time,
Ronald was 17 but did as he was told and once again focused on his studies. Several years later,
the minute the clock struck midnight on his 21st birthday, Ronald wrote a letter to Edith
declaring his unending love. Edith wrote back with the shocking news that she was engaged to
someone else. Tolkien went to visit her and the two went on a walk. On that walk, Ronald
convinced Edith to break off the engagement and marry him instead. Finally, on March 22, 1916,
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien married Edith Bratt shortly before he was sent to France as a signaling
officer in WWI. In 1925, J.R.R. Tolkien moved to Oxford, his Alma Mater, to
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Human Composting Is Wrong
For centuries, people have looked to burying and burning their bodies after they die. After all,
they are considered ethical and normal by almost all cultures. However, these options do not
give back to the earth in the way they should after the earth has fed us, drenched our thirst, built
our homes, and given us a place to love; without it, we could not do any of these things. An
ecologist named Susanne Wiigh Masak from Sweden has given us an alternative that will not only
help the earth but then help the people in the process by providing them with a healthier place to
live. Wiigh Masak has proposed that instead of simply disposing of our bodies after we die, we
should help the earth and the living by composting human remains, a process... Show more content
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It is simply the way of the future. All revolutions come with a price; the American revolution came
with the price of many American lives and this smaller revolution will come with the price of
disregarding the cultural norms that society has sculpted around burial and cremation. This practice
is barely even a practice right now, but with the voices and bodies of the many who want to help
our earth, this will be the new norm someday. Giving back to the earth through human composting
is the ultimate thank you for keeping us alive and
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Search Engine Optimization Of Search Engines Optimization...
Search engine optimization referred for the addition and modification of all variables and extended
variables of a website to achieve a better position in the search engines. The variables contents to
META tags and content. And the extended variables as to links from other sites. This is done in
optimization stages.
Search engine optimization is not simple method as we think. It is all about strategy, method and
structure. It can be considered as a form of engineering. SEO services may be an expensive
advertising but the output got from it is the great achievements.SEO services will increase website
sales, traffic, and exposure of a website. `
Search Engine Optimization is a field to attain all the results, we need to get updated with the
algorithms as per the time to time the all related data goes updated. This means the data updated in
the past is now the outdated one and it is with no value now so needed to change as per the
demands. In my paper, we have mentioned on following the basic recommendations and building
links with different anchor texts like article submissions, forum links, websites, blog commenting
etc for diversity in link structure. Aims and Objectives:
The actual goal of the thesis is to research on latest search engine optimization techniques for
content management based websites. And other to analyze most popular content management
systems performance regarding SEO point of view. So how we can improve web development
processes to
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Tay Sachs Disease Research Paper
Daniel Compton
Human Physiology
April 17th 2015
Tay Sach s Disease
Tay Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder, which means it can be passed down
parents genes and is located on a non sex chromosome. The form ,ost discussed is known as
infantile Tay Sachs disease, the symptoms of which are the deterioration of mental and physical
abilities, which starts affecting children at six months old and normally results in death by the age
of four. It is caused by a genetic defect in a single gene with one defective copy of that gene
inherited from each parent. The disease occurs when harmful quantities of gangliosides gather in
the nerve cells of the brain, eventually leading to the premature death of those cells. The condition is
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Heritable traits are known to be passed from one generation to the next by DNA. This is a
molecule that encodes genetic information. DNA is a long polymere with four types of
interchangeable bases. The sequence of bases along a particular DNA molecule encodes the
genetic information. Before a cell goes through mitosis and divides, the DNA is copied, so each of
the two cells will inherit the DNA sequence. A portion of a DNA molecule that specifies a single
functional unit is called a gene. Within cells, the long strands of DNA form condensed structures
called chromosomes. The mutation for Tay Sachs Disease is located on chromosome 15. Organisms
inherit genetic material from their parents in the form of homologos chromosomes, containing a
unique combination of DNA sequences that code for
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Analysis Of The Poem The Blood On The Leaves By Abel...
Artists in modern music have been using more and more samples of older music as they run out
of ideas. Samples of older songs can enhance the feel of new music and give older people a
portion to relate to within current music. A lot of the time, the younger generation doesn t know
where the sample actually came from or the story behind it. Also many listeners don t know how
much it has changed or been through to fit into the song they are now listening to. Like in Kanye s
Blood on the Leaves , Kanye uses the Nina Simone s cover of Strange Fruitand not the original.
There is a long history behind the sample of Strange Fruit and the song itself coming from a very
dark period of time. The poem has been rearranged into small bits and... Show more content on
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Meeropol created tons of imagery while writing this poem. He starts off the poem with the line
Southern trees bear a strange fruit , saying that black bodies are like strange fruit that only grow
on southern trees, which was true. The next line saying, Blood on the leaves and blood at the
root , clearly showing that something or someone died in that tree. These two first lines share,
both rhymes in the middle and at the end with trees and fruit and leaves and root , which create
the flow within the poem. The next line Black body swinging in the southern breeze , Meeropol
creates the image of a black body swinging back and forth and you can imagine the wind whistling
through the trees, which creates a disturbing image, but also shows the power in it. The last line
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees echoes what is said in the first line of the poem. These
last two lines used end rhyme to continue the rhythm of the first two lines of the poem. The next
stanza continues the rhythm and rhyme by using end rhyme. Another thing that the next stanza
does, is that is creates a contrast between the nice things that can be in the South, but also the
misery and suffering that happens in the South. The word pastoral
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The Fruit And The Compute
The desert table is full with different fruit such as apples, raspberries, cherries, peaches, pears, and
the branches full with grapes hanging in the side. The artist uses the fruit colors as symbols to
express the type of life people used to live in that time such as love and happiness.
His work as the fruit and the Compute was one of the most recognized arts in the mid nineteenth
century. People buy this kind of art to decorate their houses and restaurants. When I saw the picture
in the first time, it looks very inquisitive to me. I start to think what s the meaning behind it? The
picture delivers a metaphor which it conveys a satisfying sense of wealth and abundance.
The composition is made from a basket of strawberries and arrangement
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Homeostasis In The Brain Case Study
The liver is the primary organ for drug metabolism. Any diseases that directly affect on the liver
can alter this process. Some alteration can cause a drug to have more bioavailability, which can
cause toxic effects. Cirrhosis and obstruction jaundice appear to decrease hepatic metabolism and
decrease drug excretion. Another organ function needs to be considered for drug metabolismis
thyroid glands. The activity of metabolizing enzymes in decrease with hypothyroidism and increase
with hyperthyroidism. Impaired liverfunctions significantly increase the risks if adverse drug
effects. Acute liver impairment interferes with drug metabolism and elimination, while chronic
liver impairment affects all aspects if pharmacokinetic. Consequently, dosage should be reduced for
drugs that are extensively metabolized by the liver. The practitioner needs to assess the degree of
hepatic impairment. Starting therapy with lower doses and monitor liver function... Show more
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Describe the four types of drug receptors and their respective roles in drug action. There are four
types of receptors. The primary function of the receptors is to bind to the ligand. Receptors
recognize specific ligand. Receptors only bind to only one or few ligands and allow them to
transmit a signal into the cell. The common receptors at the cell surface are Gated Ion Channels,
transmembranous receptors, and G Protein receptors.
Gated Ion Channels bind a ligand to open or close the channel through the membrane to allow
particular ion to pass through. When the ligand bind to the extracellular at the channel on the cell
surface; the protein structures chance their form and allow ion such as sodium, potassium, calcium
and hydrogen pass through gated ion channels. When the ions pass through the gate, it causes
cellular depolarization. For example, neurons or nerve cells have gate ion channels that are bonded
by neurotransmitter.
G Protein Coupled Receptors bind a ligand and activate a protein called
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The Internet And The Rights Of Private Citizens
The Internet and the Rights of Private Citizens
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentleman.
Today I would like to discuss a few of the laws that govern one of the world s greatest assets, the
Internet. It is the finest source of inspired, diverse, enabling and democratizing communication ever
to tie people across the globe together. Anyone with some simple computer equipment can
communicate their ideas to countless people at one time through what can truly be called the world
s first true mass media. Serving as a tool for community organizing and citizen participation it
stimulates tolerance and encourages mutual consideration by joining people from all over the
world. It is multifaceted indispensible tool for freedom.
If free speech and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was written to stop and or target online obscenity and
child pornography, however, these types of speech were previously illegal under other current
federal laws. According to the CDA it is a crime to send, display or view any content considered to
be that is considered indecent or patently offensive. Problem arises in the useable definitions of
indecent and patently offensive. In the past, the CDA has banned and attempted to prosecute
constitutionally protected speech on the Internet on topics like sexuality, reproduction, civil
liberties, and human rights. There were multiple lawsuits and court cases after President Clinton
signed this bill into law in 1996. Various online communication users and providers from political,
educational, medical, artistic, and social value venues were all possible targets for prosecution
under CDA. This government censorship was unnecessary because there are already laws and
filtering technologies in place to protect children in schools and libraries. Parents also have access
to screening and filtering technology to protect their children if they choose to use them. Parents
can also limit computer access and be diligent about scrutinizing where their children go on the
Internet. The CDA s law banning indecent and patently offensive material is an
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Critically Evaluate The Business Risk Audit Methodology
Q1. Critically evaluate the business risk audit methodology. (585 Words)
Business risk audit methodology (141 Words)
A risk based audit methodology is designed to be used throughout the audit to efficiently and
effectively focus the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to those areas that have the most
potential for causing material misstatements in the financial report. ASA 315 Identifying and
Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and its
Environment and ASA 330 The Auditor s Responses to Assessed Risks are auditingstandards that
specifically set out the riskbased audit approach, with other auditing standards containing specific
risk related principles and procedures appropriate to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Risk management processes, including the effectiveness of responses and the completion of actions,
are being monitored by management to ensure they continue to operate effectively
5. Risks, responses and actions are being properly classified and reported.
The fact that risk based auditing encourages auditors to have integrated knowledge of businesses
makes the whole process of auditing less daunting as it used to be. Other benefits of following the
risk based approach of auditing are better understanding of business and its environment, Increased
chance of achieving audit objective, Saves resources and makes audit planning easier.
Disadvantages of risk based audit approach (150 Words) risk based audit methodology is
inextricably linked to the risk management framework. During Stage 1 it allows a conclusion on the
risk maturity of the organisation. If this is not high, it provides internal audit with an opportunity to
report that fact promptly to management and the audit committee so that they can take immediate
action. While this allows the internal audit activity to provide value to its organisation, RBIA is a
challenging prospect. Organisations with a poor level of risk maturity may be that way because the
managers and directors do not accept that a good risk management framework is an essential
element of a sound system of internal control. Internal audit may need to undertake a longer term
programme of activity to champion
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Reflection On Competency
I am very confident with the course competencies. Over the past few months while working in
the classroom that I have been working in for the past three years I really focused on the
competencies and evaluating myself and how I could better these skills. At the beginning of the
semester I rated myself at a 90 percent for my confidence in the competencies, now I would rate
myself at a 100 percent. Not only did I evaluate myself, I was constantly asking the lead teacher
in my classroom how I was doing with the competencies. This really helped me zero in on the
skills and think about ways that I could use the different skills, change how I did some things, and
continue to do the skills that I was already strong at. When I started off the semester I found that
my weakness was doing full observations. I would find myself making short quick notes and then I
would have a hard time getting a full observation. I decided that I was going to focus on getting
better at observations I did. When making observations about children s behavior or their skills I
would write the short notes that had the information that I needed, then I would write the
observation out that same day in a longer format. I did it the same day so that I could remembers
everything that was going on or exactly what happened. This was very helpful for me to create a
full observation. Another competency that I worked on over the semester more than others was
using a wide range of positive guidance approaches to
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The Factors Influencing Human Behaviour Outside Of Other...
Animals are one of the top factors influencing human behavior outside of other non human animals.
The interactions that occur between people and non human animals, particularly in the Appalachian
region, has led to profound changes both on the local community. The most significant interaction
to take place and has influenced the area drastically is domestication. Four types of domestication at
the forefront of Appalachian cultureare livestock, blood sports, pet keeping, and animal s prevalence
in oral folklore. The introduction of domestication previous to and after the Neolithic Revolution
has harbored new relationships between humans and animals that have altered the mountain face,
culture, and economy of the Appalachian region.
The most prevalent human animal interaction to be observed and widely practiced in the
Appalachian Mountains is the keeping of domesticated animals. The region was widely used as
hunting and gathering land previous to colonial expansion. Animals were not domesticated by
Native Americans their animism, or the belief that all organisms and inanimate objects possess a
soul ( Constructing Animals ). However, it was not until the Neolithic Revolution reached the
Appalachians that sustainable agriculture became a standard way to obtain food. In doing so
domesticated animals, particularly livestock, became common in the mountains. Hogs cattle, and
chickens were kept on farms to allow for easier access to meat, dairy, and eggs. Consequently, when
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The Use Of Andromache In The Iliad, And Genesis
The Iliad centers around the use of moira to control the lives of the characters while Genesis
relies on God to set things in motion for his plans. Andromache, from the Iliad, and Rebekah,
from Genesis, are each used by the larger force at work to express the major themes of each
work. Andromache and Rebekah are each used by either God or moira to produce offspring that
are predestined for important events that have been predetermined by either God or moira. Each
woman also attempts to bend their husband to their will, in different ways, to get their husband to
act in the way that they see as most desirable. However, Rebekah is much more successful in her
attempt on Isaac than Andromache is in making Hector do what she wants him to do. Both
Andromache and Rebekah attempt to control their husbands, but Andromache has no real power
to influence her husband s decisions due to moira. Andromache is given very little power to
change the direction of her narrative due to the fated fall of Troy. Andromache and Rebekah are
given very different abilities to control their narratives due to what is predestined by moira, in
Andromache s case, and what God commands, in Rebekah s case. In both the Iliadand Genesis, the
only way for new beings to come into the world is through women. Andromache and Rebekah
are both used, by moira or God, to bring life into the world. The children that each woman has
are already fated for a predetermined event. In the case of Rebekah s son, Astyanax, he is
destined to fall with the city of Troy by moira to show just how far the city has fallen. Rebekah s
sons, Esauand Jacob, have an intertwining purpose from God to show that the younger or weaker
can always prosper. Andromache, after realizing that Hector has been murdered, realizes that
Troy will topple and fall (Il. 24.781) before Astyanax has a chance to grow up and that her son
was doomed when [Andromache and Hector] bore him because of moira (Il. 24.779). Andromache
holds onto the hope that Hector will return to her victorious and the prosperous life that she lived
with him before the war would return. As soon as Hector s death is announced, however, she
allows the reality of the situation to sink in as she accepts the almost
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The Accomplishments of Bouteflika s Presidency in Algeria
When he became President in April 1999, Bouteflika was in front of three enormous challenges.
The first one was the result of a decade of domestic violence and insecurity. The second was the
consequence of a catastrophic socio economic situation attributed to the legacy of decades of
statist economics (Bouandel 25 26). The third was the harmful product of the isolation of Algeria
from the rest of the world, or what Hugh Roberts called the virtual quarantine in which Algeria had
been confined since 1994 ( Demilitarising ... 1). In the course of his tenure, he brought about
national reconciliation, recovered and reformed the stalled Algerian economy and restored what he
described as Algeria s regional and international status .1 Under his leadership, Algiers has become
a much sought after interlocutor in major world capitals (GhilГЁs). His civil concord and national
reconciliation initiatives to re establish peace and security at home, and his projects to revive the
economy of his troubled nation, and to re integrate Algeria, one of the potentially richest and
important countries in the Arab world, in international trade and diplomacy persuaded many
foreign countries to mend relations with Algiers. Although Algeria s relations with global powers
continued to face difficulties, Bouteflika used his country s significant economic potential to give
Algeria a considerable importance in the eyes of all global actors.Wherever he went, he provided
an overview of the investment
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New Right Conservatism
n Australia the New Right refers to a late 1970s/1980s onward movement both within and outside
of the Liberal/National Coalition which advocates economically liberal and increased socially
conservative policies (as opposed to the old right which advocated economically conservative
policies and small l liberals with more socially liberal views). Unlike the United Kingdom and
United States, but like neighbouring New Zealand, the 1980s saw the Australian Labor Party
initiate Third Way economic reforms, which bear some familiarity to New Right ideology. After
the John Howard Coalition defeated 13 year Labor government at the 1996 federal election,
economic reforms were taken further, some examples being wholesale labour market... Show more
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Other noted New Right group in Germany is Thule Seminar of Dr. Pierre Krebs .
The New Right was the name of a far right/nationalist political party in the Netherlands.
New Zealand[edit]
Ambox current red.svg
This article is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available
information. (May 2009)
In New Zealand, as in Australia, it was the Labour Party that initially adopted New Right economic
policies, while also pursuing social liberal stances such as decriminalisation of male homosexuality,
pay equity for women and adopting a nuclear free policy. This meant temporary realignment within
New Zealand politics, as New Right middle class voters voted Labour at the New Zealand general
election, 1987 in approval of its economic policies. At first, Labour corporatised many former
government departments and state assets, then emulated the Conservative Thatcher administration
and privatised them altogether during Labour s second term of office. However, recession and
privatisation together led to increasing strains within the Labour Party, which led to schism, and the
exit of Jim Anderton and his NewLabour Party, which later formed part of the Alliance Party with
the Greens and other opponents of New Right economics.
However, dissent and schism were not to be limited to the Labour Party and Alliance Party
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Physical Rehab Services
If a doctor has told you that you or a family member is in need of physical rehab services, you do
not need to feel alone. Many people, for a variety of reasons, need physical rehab services at some
point in their lives. We will look at three examples of the types of people who often use physical
rehabilitation services.
The exact physical rehab services a person needs after a stroke depends upon that specific person.
For some people, services may consist of simply helping specific muscle groups to work together
properly. In more extreme cases, the person may need to relearn skills, such as walking, talking,
and dressing themselves. Sometimes, the person has to relearn skills, accounting for continuing
disabilities, such as loss of
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My Country Dorothea Mackellar Analysis
How do Mackellar and AD Hope use literary devices to convey their perspective of Australia?
Mackellar and AD Hope use literary devices like imagery, personification and tone to convey their
perspective of Australia. The Poem Australia by AD Hope describes his negative opinion of
Australia as he looks down on Australians way of life. Contrastingly, the poem My Country was
written by Dorothea Mackellar at age 19 in 1904. She wrote while she was homesick in England
and she expresses her deep passion and love for Australia as she compares the natural beauty of
Australia to the landscape of Britain.
Poem Australia by AD Hope
describes negative opinion of Australia
looks down on Australia and there way of life
Poem My ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mackellar and AD Hope utilize imagery to highlight their view of the Australian landscape.
Mackellar and AD Hope use the poetic technique of personification to express their perspective
of Australia. In both poem the country of Australia is personified and referred to as her and is
given human qualities. By making Australia a her the audience can see the tender and caring
nature of a woman in the good events, like rain that makes things grow, after the destruction, like
fires. The audience can also associate the beauty with that of a woman. Some examples of
personification are I love her far horizons and all you have not loved her (Mackellar, 1908). My
Country uses personification to help the audience understand the beauty and nature of Australia.
AD Hope also gives Australia human qualities he refers to the land as a women they call her a
young country . Australia is Hope s criticism of general Australian society and the country itself.
Australia is mentioned as women beyond her change in life, a breast still tender but within the
womb is dry . He furthermore says that people may call Australia a young country, but they lie .
Australia to him is the last of lands, the emptiest AD Hope is trying to express that
of droughts and flooding rains .
This describes Australia as cruel in times of droughts and unpredictable in the rainy
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Bill Gates Impact On Society
When people hear the name Bill Gates the first thing that come to their mind is money or the
richest man alive . Well they re also different thing that people should think about him.He has
change the game plan in this whole world and has created amazing things that people still don t
know yet about.
Gates early life was a unorganized puzzle that he was having trouble figuring out.Gates started with
an interest in computers in his early teenage life but at the same time he took the pathway of law
school after high school. Bill Gates became interested with what a computer could do and spend
much of his time working on terminals (Biography.com Editors).Gates passion was abusly
computers, he invented a tic tac toe program that let him play against the computer .It was a
reasonable idea to think that after high school he would go to college to study computer.
Everything was basically much a disaster. Gates enrolled at harvard university in the fall,
originally thinking of a career in law (Biography.com Editors).With a career of choice in his life
that he didn t really like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The number one thing that impacted was bill gates microsoft invention. 90 percent of the
computers we use today uses windows operating system which is made by
microsoft(nikolov,2013).without windows operations there wouldn t be people with computers
looking thru social media and enjoying the internet. Also because of windows operations we can
enjoy playing xbox 360 and play online with friends without going to their house, bill and melinda
have committed to give 95 percent of their fortune to charity over time (thorpe,2012).Gate
foundation is a global charity that his goal is to change the world of medicine and health. There a
lot of people suffering from their health because they don t have the money to visit a doctor or buy
medicine. Those are the cases that Gates foundation focus on in order to change the
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Greek Philosophers
People travel from many parts of the world to view the great architectural structures Greece has to
offer. They are not only intrigued by the beauty of the buildings but also by their complex
development. Greeks tradition of building structure came from the ideas of Philosophers such as
Thales,Pythagoras, and Archimedes, who questioned their being and challenged their world to find
meaning to certain practical applications. From their inquisitions, the Greek Philosophers
developed basic but complex strategies that served the purpose of a foundation to many other
technical advancements. The Philosopher s concepts were questioned at times for they went
completely against the Greeks normal way of life. In the Greek culture, gods were... Show more
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With Archimedes invention of the Archimedes Screw water from a lower location could be
easily transferred to a higher point. This advancement of simple technique placed Archimedes
face on the wall of great Philosophers. The screw pump was only just a start to the development
of the piping system. Farmers mostly benefitted from this advancement for now they were able
to transfer water from their wells to other parts of the field. With the screw pump came the lever
principle. If there is a heavy weight on one side then it should be equalized on the other side in
order to make it move. Architectures used this law of mechanics to make their work easier as
they would be able to move boulders that were in the way of their duty. Greek Philosophers have
made drastic changes from a basic lifestyle to one of questioning. Their persistence to find
meaning behind basic concepts has lead to great technological advancements that are still used in
today s world. The law of nature by Thales proved that there is a system to the world and there is
more to what is seen. Pythagoras uses that strategy of observation to create a rule for sound and the
way it travels. Archimedes used both theories to point out the rule of mechanics and the way things
move. Without these early advancements, the world would probably be an era
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Evaluation Of Performance Management Systems Essay
Evaluation of performance management systems (500 words) Recognition Business change and
adapt their goals and strategies all the time as the world of business changes rapidly. A very
critical but overlooked element of the renewal process is the impact of the businesses change has
on the employees behaviour and motivation. Managers must ensure that the rewards and
recognition systems are very carefully set aligned with operational goals and overall strategic. If
the reward and recognition system is misaligned with the objectives that the managers had in mind
the result in behaviour could hinder the organisation. The unanticipated actions may be a personal
benefit for the employee also may be beneficial to front line salesrepresents and floor managers but
this moves the organisation away from its overall goals. The challenge is to assess and implement
an incentive system that motivates employees to act in support of strategic and operational
objectives. But how does an operational manager or executive know when they have the right
rewards and recognition program, or if the one they have implemented is still having the desired
effect? In addition to measuring progress of employee performance toward corporate goals, well
defined performance measurement systems help gauge employee reception, understanding and buy
in for reward systems. This critical feedback can help managers make adjustments necessary to
drive improvements and avoid the unanticipated behaviours and
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New York, Los Angeles And Chicago
Date: My Home Town Although USA has many different cities, in this discussion, we will be
limited to three Cities i.e. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. In the 3 cities we shall broadly
discuss the growing up experience in each of the 3 states, strategic features and their staple
foods. Finally, the New South Wales in Australia and London in UK would also be looked at.
Lenape, an Algonquin who were hunters, fishers and farmers were the first natives of New York.
As a result when you meet people from New York interrogate them immediately on where exact
they lived on to see if they really mean it (Siegal, Allan and William 98). Childhood in New York
city was characterized by: First, going to school that actually had racial diversity, learning how
to ride the subways and catch up public buses at a very tender age, having friends from all
socioeconomic backgrounds, when you watched movies filmed in New York, you could almost
always recognize where they are so easily, begging your parents to let you take gymnastics and
ice skating lessons at Chelsea Piers, tasting every kind of cuisine out there ( from Ethiopian to
Greek Japanese Spanish fusion), Facebook albums from high school which often featured the
backdrop of the Union Square, high schools full of metal detectors and many security guards,
knowing the Grand Prospect Hall , and knowing what the owners look like, knowing who Doctor
Zizmor is and that it s worth your time to queue at Gray s Papaya and
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Social Communication And Human Characteristics Of Social...
It is extremely important to understand the traits of social media and the human factors impacting
technology because if we did not, there would be a lot more miscommunications and
misunderstandings between people. For example, social media users need to understand that social
media communication is limited compared to face to face communication. Factors such as Temporal
Structure, which is the time it takes to send and receive a message, affect how effective social
media communication is. Also, Asynchronous communication, which is communication that occurs
when participants are not co present, could cause communication problems because the people who
are communicating might not be as involved in a conversation. Tone and other signs that people
give off to relay emotions and messages are not present in many social communication forms as
There are three key steps in the Perception Process. The first is to Observe someone s behavior
and determine what the behavior means. The second is to describe the behavior to the person
objectively. It is important to not show any approval or disapproval to their actions in this step.
Next, you explain your personal perception of the behavior. This step is very important because
you let the person know how YOU feel, and this will allow them to respond to your feelings
accordingly. It is also important to be ready to change or alter your perception based on the person
s reaction to your perception checking process.
Automatic social cognition or perception means that someone is arriving to conclusions about
situations, people, or themselves, without much conscious awareness or intention on what the
future effects might be. On the other hand, conscious or controlled cognition means that someone
is stopping to think about something intentionally, because they realise that their thoughts can
affect what happens in a situation. This means that automatic social cognition is always happening
and can lead to someone making decisions and judgements that are not very thought out or
reasonable. One time I made the automatic and unconscious assumption that someone was weird
just because they watched Japanese cartoons, I told my friend and this ended up spreading to the
person I was
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Importance And Significance Of Forgiveness
The purpose of this research paper is the importance and significance of forgiveness in resolving
conflict. In order to resolve a conflict completely, forgiveness is at some point is a must. It may
not come immediately, and an I m sorry may not be enough for one person to be able to forgive
the other, but one has to be open to having the ability to both give and receive it in order for
reconciliation to be completely successful. One may ask how forgiving someone they are in conflict
with is important to achieving a positive outcome, such as reconciliation, as without forgivenessone
cannot be able to put the issue behind them and move forward in life. This paper is going to try
and explore that question and show that yes, having the ability to forgive, is very significant in
finding a resolution to the conflict. It will research, viewpoints on forgiveness and its much
needed contribution in order to resolve a conflict. It will look into how the field of psychology
views the importance of forgiveness and that of a biblical worldview and even the effects it can
have on your daily health when conflicts are allowed to keep going and one is overcome with
negativity and stress from the situation. Not everyone looks at forgiveness the same, or are able to
come to a point where they are willing to try to forgive another person but most all want some kind
of resolution or reconciliation when conflicts arise, and some need guidance in order to get to that
point. For some
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Oleanna by David Mamet Essay
Oleanna by David Mamet
The fast pace, repetition and interruptions evident in the interaction between Carol and John are
clear illustrations of the unwritten contest to have the last word and be right in act 1. The use of
these dramatic and linguistic techniques are what make the interaction between the two characters
so fascinating. Both are constantly struggling to keep their dignity and reputation. On page 11,
Carol pleads teach me. Teach me . Although this is imperative, the context in which it is said
suggests that she uses it passively in quite a begging, pleading manner. The active verb also
demonstrates her impatience towards education and frustration with not understanding.
In response, John pleads ?I?m trying to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Here it would seem that both john and carol do not understand each other and, again, John is
viewed as the more authoritative and powerful one.
The interruptions present in act 1 are significant to the play?s agenda. Although the audience is
meant to sympathise with Carol for her lack of understanding and the professor?s approach to
teaching her individually, the telephone calls, interrupting the conversation at key points,
represents a connection to the world outside of the room where the entire play takes place. It gives
the audience an immediate insight to John?s life so that we do not dismiss him for his difficulties
with expressing himself or his arguments. Mamet, having then made John into a ?3D character? is
then able to introduce him as realer person, showing his true emotions more and more towards the
end of the play. Without this link to the outside world, which is often forgotten in a context such as
this, John would seem pompous, intolerant, incompetent and unprofessional. Mamet has carefully
constructed the interaction and language to show the power corruption between the two and is
successful in balancing the two sides of the argument. A watching audience would very easily be
able to choose which side they believed right.
It can also be viewed that Mamet uses language to oppress others. John is often seen using
academic lexis, which unnecessarily complicates and blurs his point in case. This then
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Anthem For The Underdog Analysis
This has been one of the hardest papers I actually had to write for there are so many songs and
events. Most would say I have a somewhat normal life during this last decade. With the War on
Terror started in 2003, I was in high school at Goose Creek High School. During this time I was
careless, childish, prideful, stubborn, and somewhat idiotic. I dropped out of high schooland became
a bum. Eventually I grew up a little and decided to go to Job Corp in Bristol, TN. I attended there
GED and trade program which I graduated with both. After graduation in 2006, I joined the Army
six months later. The song that comes to mind is Anthem for the Underdog by 12 Stones. The song
reminds me of how I started out and how I became something else entirely due of the challenges I
faced at the time.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though I had grown up a bit, I always had a set way of thinking which made me take everything
so seriously. This would include what people said, did, and at times what I did. I was always on
edge and easily upset over petty things. Iraq made me re adjust how I looked at the world for
there is what I saw and reality. Luckily reality won out. Though I faced many challenges from
mortars and rockets, at that time the most challenging was learning how to deal with people. At
the end the tour I had changed and became colder with a cruel way of looking at life with a mean
sense of a humor that somewhat shielded me from others. The song that came with that time in
my life would be Goodbye for Now by P.O.D. The first verse of the song truly describes how I felt
early on in the tour but gradually came out somewhat dirtied by my
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Lesson 8 Ch 14 Quiz
п‚· Question 1
0 out of 0.5 points
Many organizations use these certifications, along with vendor neutral certifications, when
evaluating prospective employees and personnel. What kind of certifications are these?
Selected Answer:
[None Given]
Correct Answer:
vendor specific
п‚· Question 2
0 out of 0.5 points
Certifications can help identify you as someone who has pursued
__________________________training and complies with in your chosen specialty.
Selected Answer:
[None Given]
Correct Answer:
industry standards
п‚· Question 3
0 out of 0.5 points
Which organization s certifications focus on a Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)?
Selected Answer:
[None Given]
Correct Answer:
п‚· Question 4
0 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Selected Answer:
[None Given]
Correct Answer:


Wrestling College Essay


Wrestling College Essay


Wrestling College Essay


Wrestling College Essay


Wrestling College Essay


Wrestling College Essay

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Wrestling College Essay

  • 1. Wrestling College Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Wrestling College EssayWrestling College Essay
  • 2. College Football Argumentative Essay White athletes seem to play the most mentally demanding parts of the game. They are usually the starting quarterback, center, and kicker/punter. All three positions demand unique skills and physical stature. While cornerbacks, wide receivers, and running backs are pre dominantly black positions and require much more physical demanding qualities like; speed, jumping, and strength. This doesn t mean that Christian Mccaffrey, a white 6 1, 201 pound running back, can t dominate college football. Same goes for Deshaun Watson, a black 6 2, 205 pound quarter back who piloted his team all the way to the College Football playoffs. The NCAA is committing a financial injustice, also a racial one, because they won t pay black athletes. The conferences of each team to make it into the college football playoffs will earn its conference six million dollars each. The organization that is in charge of the college football playoffs will take in about 470 million each year from ESPN. Coaches make millions while the players of the teams help make that coach rich. On January 11, 2016 players will work one last time for the season and help earn the NCAA 1 billion dollars a year from unpaid labor. Black athletes are taking over college sports at a rising rate, and are making the game more interesting. College football coaches... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If most athletes don t make it out of an amateur sport why should they be getting paid to play? They are already attending college with free education and earning up to 5,000 dollars a year or even more. Black athletes graduate at the rate 50.2% of black male student athletes graduated within six years (Perry). Black college athletes should graduate at a higher rate to earn more money and make it worth the NCAA s time to pay them more. Who knows how many of the athletes spend the money on alcohol or tattoos. The money isn t monitored so the athletes could be spending the money on anything they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Alphonse Mucha Today March 16, 2017 Breaking News: Art.com announces sale on all Alphonse Mucha paintings, prints and posters (Use voucher code on their site) Four Seasons Four Seasons Alphonse Mucha BUY NOW FROM ART.COM Influenced by Hans Makart s The Five Senses (1879), his style was also inspired by the Japanese woodcut decorative style. Mucha s Seasons (1896) were painted on pГўnneaux dГ©coratifs (decorative panels). Each painting features a young woman personifying the harmonious cycle of nature, with a background featuring distinctive seasonal features, which communicates the mood of each season. In the Seasons, Mucha uses nature, wildlife and women as subtle metaphors for life, death and rebirth: his spiritual philosophy was beginning to emerge. Mucha chose to produce the Seasons on colour lithograph because he was keen to make art accessible and affordable... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The translucent white dress is a metaphor for virginity. As she stands beneath blossoming tree, the blossom flowers appear in her hair symbolises the potential of new life. In her hand she holds a branch fashioned into a lyre. Three small birds sit on the lyre the use of birds in each season is one of the consistent metaphors in these paintings. The Four Seasons: Summer (1896) With a delicate background of blue sky, Mucha portrays Summer as a sultry brunette sunbathing in the glorious sunshine. Lounging among red poppies, Summer leans against a grapevine, splashing her feet in the shallow pool beneath. This serene image, and the metaphor for adulthood, is loved by many people. The Four Seasons: Autumn (1896) Autumn is represented as a playful and bountiful figure. Set amongst a rich tapestry of autumnal plants, fruits and flowers, her long auburn hair holds a wreath of chrysanthemums. She gathers grapes from an abundant vine; a metaphor for the bountiful supplies that Autumn offers. The Four Seasons: Winter ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Rights Of The French Language Outside of attempting to achieve sovereignty, the Parti Quebecois has advocated for French language and cultural rights within Canada and Quebec for its entire existence. The most prominent advocacy is perhaps Bill 101, which entrenches the rights of the French language in the Canadian constitution . Championed by Leveque s government in 1977, it outlined the terms which protected the French language in Quebecby setting out the terms of its use and access. The move was crucial to maintaining the position of Quebec in conducting business and the language s ability to be used in an official capacity where before the only inclusions were where the stipulations in the British North America Act . Instituting such protection as law has gone from being part of their platform to the focus, given the cultural force English Canadapossesses compared to Quebec s. English Canada due to cultural dominance as Canada s majority group has the side effect of creating the Canadian identity presented to the world. As a consequence, English Canada s concept of Canadian identity is often the view presented to the public, nationally and globally of what it means to be Canadian. This ability runs across multiple forms of media, but one clear example comes from a beer commercial shown in the early 2000s, known as The Rant . The tagline, I am Canadian goes on to accompany many images of Canada being experienced without a definition of what being Canadian is, as if it is innately assumed . This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Hannah Arendt on the Banality of Evil Hannah Arendt is a German Jewish philosopher, born in 1906 and died in 1975. She studied philosophy with Martin Heidegger as Professor. Her works deal with the nature of power and political subjects such as democracy, authority, and totalitarianism. She flew away to France in 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in Germany. She flew away from Europe to the United States after escaping from the concentration camp of Gurs. She became a Professor in New York city, in which she became an active member of the German Jewish community. In 1963, she was sent to Jerusalem to report on Eichmann s trial by The New Yorker. Hannah Arendt s thoughts on Eichmann s trial were expected to be harsh, considering the philosopher s roots. However, her... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This complete absence of thinking is what attracted the philosopher s interest and that is how she started to question the problem of the eventual inner connection between the ability or inability to think and the problem of evil. Hannah Arendt elaborated on the notion of banality of evil through the case of Eichmann. She argues in Eichmann in Jerusalem that Eichmann, far from being a monster, was nothing less than a thoughtless bureaucrat, passionate only in his desire to please his superiors. She describes him in these words: the unthinking functionary capable of enormous evil who revealed the dark potential of modern bureaucratic men . According to Hannah Arendt, evil would not come from wicked individuals, but from the nobodies , from those who do not have the ability to think, and thus cannot tell what is wrong and what is right. As she was influenced by the sociologist Max Weber, who wrote concerning bureaucracies that It is horrible to think that the world could one day be filled with nothing but those little cogs, little men clinging to their jobs and striving towards bigger ones , she elaborates on the danger of bureaucracy and its possible responsibility when it comes to evil. Bureaucracies assign very specific tasks to each individual and these specific tasks cannot be seen as right or wrong by the ones accomplishing them, it is when they are all together that they can be examined this way. Eichmann was simply obeying the rules, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Fad Diet Essay FAD Diets A fad diet is a diet that promises fast weight loss through unhealthy and unbalanced meals, they are targeted for people who manly want to lose fat without exercising and it s not good for your body. There are many types of fad diets and i m gonna start with one the the most dangerous, the tapeworm diet. The tapeworm diet was created by Dr. Meyers of Sheffield and it started to be advertised in the early 1900 s. During the process of this diet, you are digesting tapeworm eggs and it grows in your stomach and basically crawls around eating all the food you have consumed and you are losing weight at the same time. This can be very dangerous because it could go to other parts of your body through the blood system and can cause abdominal pain, weakness, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and even death. To me it is totally disgusting and just not worth it. The tapeworm diet is thankfully illegal in the US and you usually get the tapeworm eggs in a bottle commonly found in Mexico for $1500. Back then they were usually advertised using posters saying No diet, no baths, no exercise. FAT the enemy that is shortening your life BANISHED. How? With sanitized tapeworms jar packed This whole diet is called unhealthy for many reasons, it is extremely risky, after the tapeworm is gone people are most likely going to gain all the weight back they lost because of unhealthy eating habits, you are not eating healthy or exercising so it s not good for your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Performance Appraisal in the Contemporary World In the International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, an article entitled Performance Appraisal in the Contemporary World gives a great overview of how important performance appraisals are. The way that its employees perceive an organization in important. There are five components of interaction within an organization. These consist of structure, system, culture, leader behavior and employee s psychological needs When employees are satisfied, their perception of the organization is positive. Employers demand commitment and dedication from their employees and the employee expect more from the employer . Performance appraisals are a great way to determine how effective an employee is. These are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Organizations need to decide how performance appraisals will be done and determine the most effective way of conducting these including the processes necessary. Some studies show that performance appraisals are often interpreted in a negative way too. If an employee interprets it as negative, it can have a negative effect on how they conduct their job going forward. This is why it is crucial for an organization to choose the appropriate format. Rating scales were developed by Smith and Kendall. One was called the Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS), and the other one was entitled the Extension Agent Behaviors and Results Anchored Rating System (EABRARS) . Both of the rating scales consist of behavioral measures and not personality based measures. In the EABRARS format, there were nine different dimensions consisting of five behavior categories and four results categories . A study conducted in 1984 by 16 Extension administrators on 141 New England Extensions agents confirmed that this rating scale was highly reliable and consistent. An article published in the International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) entitled Performance Appraisal System of Employees of Private Banking Sector in Bangladesh: A Case Study on National Bank Limited provides an overview regarding a study that was conducted. Performance appraisals recognize how an employee is as a worker. Organizations can use performance appraisals to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Taking a Look at Truman Capote CAPOTE By all the accounts, Truman Capote was a mysterious man, being unhappy and self absorbed even in some parties he over drink himself to death. In his masterpiece writing In Cold Blood he invented a new sort of writing, the non fiction novel which was criticized on the basis of his emotional manipulation of a condemned murderer with whom he seems to fall in love. Capoteis actually the dramatization of his famous writing In Cold Bloodwhich covers the territory that the movie is based on the subject of Truman Capotes attempt to somehow or other create the genre of non fictional fiction. Capote illustrates a portrait of the interest of author in the two cold blooded killers especially in the character of Perry Smith. (Brevet, 2009) By reading the masterpiece and then watching the movie, audience can easily judge that Capote definitely manipulated Smith by bounding his actions and making him realized compelled to himself. For several times, Capote went out of his ways in order to save Smith s life. First it happened when Smith was in prison and Capote visited him and then tried his best to bring him back to life. Then he paid for a lawyer I order to offer appeal to Smith and Hickok s death sentence. Capote s contribution was major in contrast so ultimately Smith felt obligated to repay him in some honorable way. Not only Capote was interested in Smith but Smith also admired him throughout the story and even he did not want to disappoint him in any way. Just to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Bisexuality Erasure Bisexuality Erasure Saige Brey Aug 15, 2015 When you hear the term bisexual , what comes to mind? For some it s what they identify with in the LGBTQIA+, for others it s a confusing and broad term that somewhat covers their sexuality, and for others it just seems like a foreign and strange idea. As a bisexual, I ve heard the question, Well which gender do you prefer more? several times. My answer to that is usually along the lines of neither , which leads to some confused looks or even some of disbelief. To start, bisexuality is not a Well, you re either straight or gay! Pick one! . Bisexuality is within the LGBTQIA+ and sexuality spectrum, but it is neither a preference of any of the genders. For some, yes they prefer a gender, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, pansexuality is the attraction to all genders (not just male and female), and polysexuality is the attraction to some (not all) genders. A plethora of people identify as all three of these genders, and yes they are real, and some do have preferences, others do not. Basically, bisexuality erasure is a becoming a prevalent problem in the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as the straight community. I ve had people tell me that bisexuals are just pretending, and then there s the ever present rumor that bisexual people are just in it for the sex. I m here to say that s not true. A bisexual person can like two, many, or all genders, and it has literally nothing to do with sex or the amount of sex that person has. However, some people within the LGBTQIA+ community feel like bisexuals are the most privileged of the sexualities, because they can just identify as straight if they felt like it (an actual person has said this to me before), and haven t felt the homophobia and hostility faced towards the community. But we have. Bisexuals may not encounter as much homophobia and hostility, but we still get the constant, Which do you prefer more, boys or girls? and the Well you have to like one more than the other, liking two (or more) doesn t make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Best Summer Stripes How to Select Best Summer Stripes for Womenswear Stripes have been extremely popular this year and that pattern hints at no ceasing at any point in the near future. Regardless of whether you re going for cool, easygoing, or chic, stripes can demonstrate to you the way. In spite of the fact that stripes can be a genuinely conventional look, the runways were brimming with enterprise and experimentation for Spring/Summer with planners truly grasping the look and taking it to another level. Playing with hues and blending large scale with smaller than expected stripes with make a feeling of energy and fun that we could all utilization somewhat more of in our closets! Erraticism is in this year, so get into the soul of the pattern by getting beautiful!... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The blue and white stripes on this pajama gasp make this a fun one for the season. Highlights a drawstring midsection. The wearing size of this model is S. 2 SUMMER STRIPE RUFFLE Summer stripe in naval force and white looks incredible combined with your most loved blue or white bottoms. Unsettle highlight at bustline proceeds around to the back. Delicate wrap base in front and longer shirtail base toward the rear. 3 Summer Stripes V Neck Jumper Slip into stripes for an effortless summer prepared look that won t let you down. Pointelle detail stripes give a lightweight, summery complete while shading blocked boards will infuse a little games luxury into your look. 4 SUMMER STRIPE DRESS This greatly cherished Liza shape, returned to in a retro summer stripe print in naval force, peach, water and cream perfect for the summer events. The Fiber Content of this dress is 100% polyester. 5 Summer Stripes Scoop Neck Jumper No closet is finished without a great stripy weave and our delicate cotton mix style is the best of the bundle. In a crisp spring prepared tint, it ll convey the ideal fly of shading to quelled isolates this season. Hope these summer stripes for womenswear will be very beneficial for you as they will enhance your beauty many a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Taming Of Samurai Summary Eiko Ikegami is an academic writer who focuses on comparative historical sociology, specificially that of Japanese society. Her book, The Taming of Samurai , explains us the underlying basis behind Japanese organisational structure using the history of the samurai and Tokugawa state formation. This book also demonstrates how such a risky imperious approach of enforcing a more hierarchical structure to the population, especially samurai, would be quite a solution for the setbacks that Tokugawa shogunatehad faced to impose its honorific authority and a process that developed Japan s organisational culture instead. Ikegami starts by summarising the background to the Battle of Sekigahara. She also adds that the decisive battle is not merely a battle that marked the unofficial beginning of Tokugawa clan s reign because it is essential to note events prior to Tokugawa period, including Battle of Sekigahara, as phenomena of survival of the fittest amongst the daimyЕЌ during Japanese medieval period. In addition to that, Ikegami emphasises in her writing that by eliminating the opposing parties, the Tokugawa ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But it is worth mentioning that all of this changes were also propelled to protect Japan from the foreigners. Therefore, to some people, this book seems to self orientalise how Japan could only achieve its modernity in its own unique way which might have appeared to be improbable to other countries facing the same challenges at that period of time. But if we account the history, we can notice that there were also external factors playing a part that forced them to impose a strict social order either nationally or internationally. One of the approach they had taken to achieve this was the Closed Country Edict of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Nozick s View On Liberty Liberty is a concept that has many differently meanings. Throughout human history, there has been a constant back and forth from those who lack liberties that others are given without second thought. It is clear when analyzing liberty movements such as the American and French Revolution, abolition, and civil rightsthat most everyone desires certain liberties. While libertymay not have a single definition, most people can agree that it is something that should be given to those who wish to live harmoniously in a society. I agree with Rawls s view on liberty because without cooperation and division of resources amongst citizens, the liberty that everyone hopes to reach cannot be attained. Compromises and the sharing of powers, opinions, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nozick s entitlement theory, a person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in acquisition is entitled to that holding. While I believe that everyone should have the right to live comfortably, I also think that we should share our excesses with those who are not able to fulfil their needs. Nevertheless, I believe that humans as an entity are more likely to agree with Nozick s view, and I see how it could be better implemented into a preexisting society, whereas Rawls s concept almost needs a complete blank slate to be fully implemented in the purest way possible. While Rawls argues that, the idea of an overlapping consensus is introduced to make the idea of a well ordered society more realistic and to adjust it to the historical and social conditions of democratic societies, I believe that the conflicting religious, philosophical, and moral views held collectively by people vary too much to implement Rawls s ideas in an effective way. Rawls definitely predicted this criticism, as he justifies that through opposing religious, philosophical, and moral doctrines that gain a significant body of adherents and endure over time from one generation to the next. If this was truly the case, then sign me up for Rawls s plan, but even Rawls himself admits that, no such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. How Rap Affects Society A song on the radio starts off with a pleasant melody. Suddenly, another form of heavy beat music enters. Numerous icons of guns, skulls, hoods, lighters, darkness, and graffiti art were demonstrated by typing in three simple letters into the Oxford English Dictionary word search bar: R a p. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of rap is accompanied with the synonyms whack, strike, bash, bang, pound... (Simpson). All with negative connotations, this reflects how rap affects our society today. Rap can be catchy, but it is harmful to our society for freedom of speech is being taken advantage of and, as a result, other political issues have arisen from them. Freedom of expression can extend a little bit too far. Countless rappers and inappropriate statements are protected by the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Every day, thousands of YouTubers around the world post their personal covers online. Those YouTubers sing to their heart s content. They embrace and remain in this profession because they love what they do; they love music. The majority of them are not being paid; all they need is a microphone and the instrument of their choice. Several have declined company offers because they understand how business and wealth can manipulate their passion for music. Music that was not made for profit is real music. To counteract the situations of rap music that are putting an influence on how society is today, we need to be more aware of the language being passed down to inexperienced and younger generations. America yearns for the resolution of moral equality, yet mass manipulators in the rap industry put the public in a position where this is not a reality. People need to raise their voice to these companies on how they are affecting our lives today. Rap is not limited in what it can produce, but it needs to consider other factors such as the damage it can do to society. When is the rap industry going to realize enough means ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Binary Data Analysis Satellite sensors send bits of binary data to ground stations on Earth for processing into useful meteorological and environmental information enabling enhanced decision making capabilities. Thereby, preventing injuries and fatalities, preserving assets, and reducing time delays. Binary data are comprised of zeroes and ones. One bit contains either a 0 or a 1 . A single bit, in and of itself, does not have a lot of value until it is used. The same is true of information. Information does not have value until it is utilized. Prior attempts to value information have used deterministic methods. However, these methods have been less than successful. There tends to be a level of uncertainty associated with information, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This framework can be used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various types of data sources in relation to other types of data sources. For instance, how does data from buoys contributes to forecast accuracy versus data ingested from microwave, satellite sensors versus measurements obtained from radio occultation sensors versus observations from sondes, etc. The framework can be applied at the macro or micro level. Although macro level uses should be considered a rough order of magnitude. It is important when doing comparisons that the data is normalized at the lowest level possible (ideally bits) is used. Consistent, standardized data is required for this type of analysis. Dollarizing the results is optional. Pegging the results to a currency will provide a benchmark for accessing the value of meteorological and environmental information enabling better valuation assessments from source to source and program to program. The pegging can be altered as better insights are gained from actual results. In this case, the data were pegged to a less volatile digital currency. The currency is less stable than the dollar (currently), but then information downlinked from satellites is less stable than the words printed in a book. The selected digital currency has been tested as a valid method for transmitting data and conducting transactions. In addition, pegging to a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Fortunato Research Paper For the past week, investigators have reported that a man by the name of Fortunato has suddenly disappeared from the city of Rome. Fortunato was a rich, nice man who has been living in Rome for the past twenty seven years. He was loved by his family and friends who thought of him at the light of the party . He was always a very curious and adventurous man who wanted to explore the world. Fortunato was last seen with his best friend Montresor at the Rome Carnival two weeks ago. Investigators have claimed from different sources that Fortunato was on his way home when he disappeared walking home with Montresor. Montresor said, We were walking to my house that was ten minutes away from the Rome Carnival. When we got to my house, I turned behind me to say Fortunato(left) with his best friend... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I tried my Montresor(right) inside their house. hardest to find him but I could not get a clue . Police are continuing to try to get more information about Fortunato out of Montresor. Police have found that Fortunato was addictedFortunato was last seen with long to wine and was very wealthy. If he was intoxicated white hair and beard, a red and green had lots of money on him, this could have beenshirt, brown gloves and pants, and lead to a kidnapping.black ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Realiti Hubungan Kaum Di Malaysia REALITI HUBUNGAN ANTARA KAUM DI MALAYSIA PENDAHULUAN Masyarakat majmuk sangat sinonim dengan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang bercirikan pelbagai kaum serta identiti. Terdapat lebih 80 kaum di seluruh Malaysia. Daripada keseluruhan bangsa tersebut, terdapat tiga bangsa yang paling utama iaitu Melayu, India dan Cina. Menurut J. S. Furnivall dalam bukunya Natherlands India, masyarakat majmuk merupakan suatu masyarakat yang mengandungi berbagai komuniti yang tinggal bersebelahan tetapi berasingan dalam unit politik yang sama. Secara jelasnya, mereka yang berlainan budaya dan identiti hidup bersama dalam sesebuah kawasan. Perkataan etnik berasal daripada perkataan Inggeris iaitu ethnic . Kamus Collins Gem English Dictionary... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dalam konteks Malaysia, istilah Bumiputera sering digunakan. Kaum Bumiputera dianggap sebagai kaum asal Malaysia, yang merangkumi pelbagai kaum antaranya kaum Melayu, Dayak, Iban, Kadazan, Kadazan Dusun dan lain lain lagi. Berdasarkan kepada Buletin Perangkaan Malaysia (terbitan Jun 2006), jumlah penduduk di Malaysia ialah seramai 26.64 juta orang. 24.8 juta orang merupakan warganegara Malaysia manakala bakinya 1.84 juta orang merupakan bukan warganegara Malaysia. Kaum Melayu mewakili 54 % dari populasi penduduk iaitu seramai 13.48 juta orang. Kaum Bumiputera (selain daripada Melayu) seramai 2.93 juta orang mewakili 11.8 %. Justeru itu kaum Bumiputera mewakili 65.8 % dari jumlah keseluruhan warganegara Malaysia. Kira kira 25 % daripada penduduk Malaysia ialah kaum Cina iaitu seramai 6.22 juta orang, 7.5% terdiri daripada kaum India dengan seramai 1.86 juta orang, manakala lain lain kaum pula seramai 1.7 % iaitu seramai 318.9 ribu orang. Hampir 85% daripada kaum India di Malaysia merupakan masyarakat Tamil. Lebih separuh populasi Sarawak dan 66% populasi Sabah terdiri daripada kaum bumiputera bukan Melayu. Mereka terbahagi kepada berpuluh puluh kumpulan etnik tetapi memiliki budaya umum yang sama. Sehingga abad ke 20, kebanyakan daripada mereka mengamalkan kepercayaan tradisional tetapi kini telah ramai yang sudah bertukar kepada agama Kristian atau memeluk Islam. Selain itu, Malaysia juga mempunyai penduduk yang berasal daripada Eropah yang dikenali sebagai ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Economic Impacts Of The Cold War The Cold War was a period of economic, political and military tension between the United States of America (USA) and the Soviet Union (USSR) from the 1940s to the late 80s after World War II . It was called the Cold War because there was no large scale fighting directly between the two nations, which was probably due to the differences in ideologies between USA and USSR, the distrust between two countries, and actions in the Soviet zone of Germany had significant impacts on these two countries. Undoubtedly, all of these views were about the Cold Warwas an intense struggle for power between two nations. In 1945, two superpowers emerged, the United States and the Soviet Union. USA was a capitalist country which demanded democracy led by President ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Eventually, there was an Iron Curtain descends in Europe, which separated Europe into eastern and western countries. The eastern sides were the Soviet s allies with more dictatorship and communist countries.The western sides were the US s allies with democratic capitalist countries. The USSR and the US didn t trade or negotiate with each other, they became very unfriendly and their relationship turned out extremely cold and filled with tension. At last, Stalin turned out refuse to acknowledge the Declaration of Liberated Europe, and refuse to allow free elections. Thus, these actions led to the creation of satellite nations in Eastern Europe. These two countries created tension and distrust each other, most importantly, both sides had access to lethality nuclear weapons. And all of these factors were the central causes of the Cold War and lasted for almost half century. To conclude, the distrust between two powerful countries led to Cold War, it had comprehensive implications in the international affairs. It not only raised citizens fear of war but also to against humanity. The unnecessary disbursement in the armament production created a barrier against the progress of the world and slow down the improvement in the living standards of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Battle Of The War I Rushabh Shah History 162B Paper 1 While recruiting men to fight in World War I, the British Army appealed to ideals of masculinity, bravery, patriotism and nationalism. This form of propaganda was intended to shape the public s views, and shape their decisions to revolve around political, gender, and social identity. Thousands of young British men like Siegfried Sassoon went into World War Iwith this idealism. The bloodshed found there came as a tremendous shock, as the war was unlike the image portrayed; the modern war was different and horrifying. It was during the First World War that literature from these soldiers was developed as a result of the increase in education levels amongst the British soldiers and public in the years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Using graphic detail and bitter imagery, Sassoon expressed the contrast between the beautiful nature and the destruction of the war. Sassoon begins by using details and poetic language to describe the beauty of the surroundings, almost to reflect upon the attractive and heroic image of war portrayed through propaganda. This then contrasts sharply with the graphic and detailed description of the battlefield. His clever use of vocabulary was employed with great effect often using words that had more than one definite meaning. In the third line he describes the sun smoldering through spouts of drifting smoke that shroud . The word smoldering evokes a clear image of the sun being covered by this thick infected smoke, and used in conjunction with the word shroud gives the reader an idea of obscurity within the battlefield. On a deeper level, shroud is a metaphor expressing the concealing nature of the smoke to hide the reality of the war. The menacing scarred slope creates a dark, threatening image reflecting the fear these soldiers endured in battle. Although the poem starts of relatively slow, it builds momentum with each new line. Sassoon successfully creates a sense of suspense, imitating the continuous anticipation of attack these soldiers endured. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead Characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= t5UTLkfoUs Benedict Cumberbatch has played major roles in theatre, television, and film; however, my favorite role of his was in the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. Cumberbatch, in his role as Rosencrantz, portrays an honorable depiction of the technique and feeling desired of in an actor. As one of the protagonists in the play, Cumberbatch has to create a parallel between the play s character and him to add truth to his performance. Once the play begins, Cumberbatch immediately reveals Rosencrantz s character traits by integrating confusion, drawn out pauses, existentialist questions, and circular arguments to his body language and actions. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Polonius Advice In Hamlet In act 1, scene 3 of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Polonius gives several advice to his son Laertes about how to behave in France. These advice Polonius gives his son Laertes will help Laertes be safe and become a successful person. Some of the advices Polonius gave Laertes include: don t judge others opinions, choose your friends wisely, and be true to yourself. The advices Poloniusgave his son can also help me succeed in college. The first piece of advice that could help me succeed in college is in 1.3.68 1.3.71, which states, Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried ... Of each new hatched, unfledge courage. This suggests that you should know who your true friends are based on their actions toward you. As well, it implies that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Essay on Emerson And Thoreau amp;#8220;Dance to the beat of your own drummer: ; A piece of advice that I have been told my whole life, and have tried my hardest to follow. The words were taken from Thoreau amp;#8217;s quote, amp;#8220;If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. ; Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreauchanged our lives. How? Well, the answer is not so simple as the statement. To understand fully how they affected our lives, we have to understand the philosophy of Emerson and Thoreau, and the relationship between the two. So let amp;#8217;s begin with the relationship between Emerson and Thoreau. Emerson was born in 1803, into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people claim that Thoreau amp;#8217;s ideas were simply taken from Emerson amp;#8217;s, in fact, some critics call Thoreau Emerson amp;#8217;s miror. And although their philosophies greatly reflected one another, they differed in many ways as well. Emerson amp;#8217;s writing focused on nonconformity and individuality. In his essay quot;Self Reliance, quot; he wrote, quot;Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind, quot; and, quot;Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. quot; Emerson writings were also more focused on the self; philosophy of humanism and Independence from society are all things that Emerson wrote on frequently. Thoreau, while focusing on matters of the self in many of his essays, tended to have more of a political overtone to his writing. In amp;#8220;Civil Disobedience ;, Thoreau amp;#8217;s most famous social protest, He explains that it is our civil right to disagree with laws. He believed that people must be free to act according to their own idea of right and wrong, without government interference. In quot;Civil Disobedience quot;, he said that people should refuse to obey any law they believe is unjust. Thoreau practiced this type of passive resistance when, in 1846, he refused to pay poll taxes. He did so to express his opposition to the Mexican War. Thoreau spent one night in jail for his refusal. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Application Of Direct Effect This question concerns the application of direct effect to the facts in question. In particular, Fergie requires advice on whether or not he can rely on Directive 15/2012 and enforce his EU law rights in the national court. Fergie takes legal proceedings against Charlston Council to claim compensation for his injury. The council seems to have complied with the domestic law which stipulate only that, the caterers has a duty to eliminate unhealthy food. The Act is silent on genetically modified food. The act also does not stipulate the percentage limit of the production of genetically modified food. Charlston Council is therefore not in breach of the national provisions. The directive, however, sets out more stringent provisions in relation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, directives can only be vertically directly effective: that is, they can only be enforced against a state or a public authority (Marshall) In this case, the conditions seem to be met. The Directive is clear and precise as well as unconditional. It sets out the limit percentage of the production of genetically modified food, 2%, if it is more than 2%, member states has to take all the necessary measures to eliminate it. The Directive is not too vague. There is no evidence to suggest any conditions are attached to these rights or that they are in any way ambiguous. The implementation deadline has clearly passed. Fergie s claim is against the Charlston Council which is clearly an organ of the state. This is not affected by the fact that in this case, it acts in the capacity of an employer (Marshall). Fergie s claim is therefore vertical and he can rely on the Directive and the more generous rights within it in preference to the more limited provisions of the national acts. If Fergie is not employed by a state body or public body, the answer would be different as there would be no direct effect, he cannot rely on Directive. The conditions for direct effect are not met. While the conditions relating to clarity and precision as well as the passing of the implementation deadline are the same as mentioned above and are thus not reiterated here, the requirement that there exists a vertical relationship between ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Edna s Search For Identity In The Awakening The Awakening Theme: Do not give into the pressures of society and search for your own identity Edna lives in a society that expects women to only take care of children and be an obedient wife. However, Edna feels trapped and does not want to be only limited to being a good wife. One day, she meets a young man named Robert who helps Edna awaken and she gradually begins to want to search for her own identity. Therefore, she has sexual awakenings with Alcee, so she can try to figure out herself. In addition, Edna has another awakening due to her time with Adele and she tries to find her identity by expressing herself through art in the Pigeon House. Being an individual against society leads to rejection, loneliness, and isolation. Edna Pontellier was the only woman in the Grand Isle to try to go against the rules of society which was to be an obedient. She desired to find her individuality and become independent due to feeling trapped by just being a wife every day. Therefore, she goes through sexual awakenings hoping to discover herself but all the men still thought of her as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She tries to find her individuality and has awakenings due to Adele and Robert. Robert Lebrun: He talks with almost every woman in the Grand Isle and helps Edna have her awakening where she wants to discover more about herself. Leonce Pontellier: Edna s husband who is very wealthy and supports his children and wife very well. However, he views Edna as a piece of property instead of a women. Doctor Mandelet: He is the doctor that Leonce takes Edna to when he feels that Edna s behavior is not ordinary, and the doctor notices that Edna is attempting to break away from society. Therefore, the doctor tries to help her get back on track. Adele Ratignolle: Edna s closest friend who represents the epitome of how a woman should act in the society they live ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Musculoskeletal Disorders In Higher Education The personal computer revolution has drasticallyaltered work system in offices and universities. This multi computing device has now become an inevitable part of any VDT workstation. The ever growing use of computer workstations in universities is fourfold (1)instructional (2) administrative (3) research and (4) study purpose. In universities, computers are being used for preparing lectures, presenting to the class, accessing and analyzing numerous data available online, maintaining database of students, employees and professors, making communication in the form of e mails or chat, browsing the Internet for necessary information and to introduce oneself with the reality and veracity of the global job market to have the competitive edge over ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Annual report on WMSD by United States Department of Labor in 2014 revealed that WMSD incidents cost about $20 billion in the year 2013 as direct cost and five times to that amount as indirect cost (OSHA, 2014). All these statistics are alarming and signifies the necessity of assessment of design of computer workstations and the work postures of users to draw out the root causes of growing number of cases of WMSDs.It has become a priority to prevent work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in many countries (da Costa and Vieira, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Iago Revenge In Othello In Othello, Iago s thoughts of himself easily described with one word: self centered. Iago thinks the world and all those in it owe him something. He feels betrayed, mostly by all he thought were friends and loved ones, true or not in his narcissistic mind it is. Iago sets out to get vengeance on each and everyone that deserves it. Quiet intelligently he uses his talented, manipulative ways to create himself a great reputation of being a loyal soldier and a friend, but is even better known as an honest captain. Using this faГ§ade without any remorse, Iagoseeks revenge by using everyone s insecurities to break them down one by one, turning each against the other, in order to have his bittersweet revenge. Iago initiates his plot by speaking with one of his pawns Roderigo, who he knows could be the key player in the role of harming both, Othello and Cassio. Iago knows that Roderigo still loves Desdemona, even after her marriage to Othello. As a result, he devises a lie to make Roderigo think Desdemona doesn t really love Othello and in actuality, she is having an affair with Cassio. Iago conveniences Roderigo that if he kills Cassio, he could win back the heart of Desdemona. At the same time, Iago is testing Othello s insecurities by telling him the same malicious lies. Iago feels he is on the path of revenge towards two men he hates and his very pawn, who would just be another casualty in his war. Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gained knowledge should ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Did the Romans civilise Britain This essay is about how Britain changed Britain, and how they brought civilisation to it. The definition of civilisation has been questioned over the centuries. There are many different meanings of the word but in the Romans case it is The type of culture and society developed by a particular nation or in a particular era or time. In other words, this is what the Romans did to Britain. In particular, I will discuss the Roman invasion and the effect the Romans had on housing and roads. Before the Romans invaded, Celts lived in Britain. There were no towns so most people lived in villages and were farmers. People were separated into tribes ruled by kings or chiefs. Chiefs were the leaders in battle; they would lead warriors into battle in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Romans brought lots of things that we take for granted every day. For example calendars, the census, indoor plumbing, fruit and vegetables, the police and even cats! One of the most influential things the Romans did for Britain was build roads. When the Romans established in Britain they built lots of high quality straight roads. The main roads that the Romans built were from London to York (via Lincoln), London to Wroxeter (a village in Shropshire), London to Dover and Exeter to York via Bath, Cirencester and Lincoln. The new roads meant that it was much easier and simpler for the emperors to control their empire. This was because they could send messages and orders quickly. The roads helped Romans to trade with each other. They also provided people with a much easier option than to walk. The roads were mainly built by Roman soldiers as the authorities could guarantee that the Roman soldiers would do the best they could for the sake of Rome. The Roman roads were used a lot but many had to walk as chariots and horses were expensive. In spite of all the work that was put in with the Roman roads, when they left Britain the Britons did not make use of the roads. The Britons did not use the villas or baths either because of their close association to the Romans. Moreover the Britons did not have any knowledge of how to repair the roads because they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Theory Of Science And Technology Alan Gonzalez 5/6A College Algebra Science and technology is important to society and is often used in our everyday lives. We often have no idea how science and technology really affect us. We work and live in a world driven by technology and science. Science is crucial because it has helped form the world that we live in today. Charles Robert Darwin was an English geologist and naturalist, best known for his significant addition to the science of evolution. He had a theory that all species have inherited traits over time from common ancestors, and in a partnership with Alfred Russel Wallace introduced his scientific theory that this pattern of evolution resulted from an action that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The purpose of the trip was to take a five year survey trip around the world Commanded by Captain Robert FitzRoy. The voyage would prove the opportunity of a lifetime for the Charles Robert Darwin. The HMS Beagle set out on its voyage far and wide with Darwin on board on December 27, 1813. Over the course of the excursion, Darwin recovered an assortment of characteristic examples, including fossils, birds, and plants. Through extreme research, he had an exceptional opportunity to watch the standards of topography, zoology, and natural science nearly. South America, The Galapagos Archipelago, and The Pacific Island were of sure enthusiasm to Darwin. Charles Darwin started to review his discoveries in the Diary of Examines, distributed as a component of Chief FitzRoy s bigger report and later altered into the Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle, once Darwin came back to Britain in 1836. The voyage enormously affected Darwin s perspective of common history. He started to grow a significant hypothesis about the start of living creatures that was inverse to the famous perspective of different naturalists at once. Darwin s involvement with examples across the world brought up vital issues. Different researchers trusted that all species either appeared toward the beginning of the world, or were made after some time in natural history. In either case, the species were accepted to stay much the same all through time. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Never Enough Summary The documentary that I chose to watch this time around was Kelly Anderson s 2010 short Never Enough. This film was filmed in the observational style and featured many of the documentary conventions that we have gone over in class, including formal interview and fly on the wall style footage. It centers on three self proclaimed collectors and their hard journey to cleaning up their act. Each of the three hoarders is guided in their endeavors by a man named Ron Alford. Alford is the owner of a company called Disaster Masters, wherein they go out to hoarder s homes, as well as other people in need of help organizing, and assist in cleaning up and downsizing. Throughout the film, you can see just how badly each of the individuals being helped is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That deeper purpose is to turn the spotlight on American consumerism and the rampant materialism that runs so many Western lives. This can be seen with the two men that are profiled in the film, David Guess and Jay Helfenbein. Both men have troubles with constant purchasing of goods. David is a sucker for a good bargain, and as such fills his house and garage with goods that he s found on sale. Guess openly admits that one of the reason he is constantly making purchases is because buys things makes him feel good and allows him to feel of a certain social standing because of his ability for consumerism. Jay, on the other hand, is addicted to home shopping channels and his New York apartment is filled with QVC boxes that, after having been opening, are left abandoned in towers. One of the reasons he is presumed to be so addicted is because of the feelings of fulfilment he gets from speaking with the operators who know him and his profile so well. This shines a much needed light on American hyper consumerism and the affects, like hoarding, that such a thing can have on people. For these men, and to some extent Michele, being surrounded by the things they have bought and collected is the best feeling in the world for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. True Islam Has Been Hijacked True Islam has been hijacked. The public image of the Muslim community, not only in America, but globally, has been tainted by small groups of extremists. The extremists ideas stem from conservative interpretations of the Quran, and are not as widely followed as most people assume. Some examples from the Quran that extremists interpret differently than most often have to do with the term disbelievers; Quran 48:29, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. The disbelievers in this verse refers to those who persecuted and attacked Muslims, this is not a verse guiding Muslims to be unpleasant to non Muslims; although it is interpreted that way. It only... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After the Golden Age, which is the age of the four rightfully guided caliphs, empires were established. If Islam is likely to gain ground globally, he states that they must separate faith and state. Mr. Hamid then goes on to state that this is unlikely to happen, because Sharia (Islam canonical law) is tied so closely with the religion and state. The solution therefore, is stated that Islam should follow Western pattern and separate faith and government. A partial reason that we continue to see Islam struggling with separating their faith and government is, because some see Islam as a political ideology and think it never was a religion since they never separated from the government. Another is more simply because many Islamic states have tried numerous political ideologies, such as: communism, secularism, democracy, tyranny, monarchy, and so on. Keeping Islam s separation issues in mind, the first event to analyze is the Iranian Revolution, which led to the hostage crisis. The Iranian Revolution was the result of persecuted Iranians who were tired of the current dynastic governance. The Revolution was led by the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and overthrew Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was friendly with the United States. The Revolution began in October, 1977 and lasted until January, 1979, when Iranbecame an Islamic Republic. This is an important event in Westerners perceptions of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Essay about Timeline of Tolkien s Life In 1902, Cuba peacefully gained independence from the United States. A few years earlier, the U.S. had aided Cuban rebels in exorcising Spain from the colony. In 1898, after three years of fighting, Spain signed a peace treaty with the U.S. relinquishing its hold on Cuba, but no Cuban delegates were present. However, the Teller Amendment (4th Article of the Joint Resolution) confirmed that the U.S. would not permanently remain in Cuba. Cubans lobbied for an early execution of the Joint Resolution. After much resistance in the U.S., the Cuban Constitutional Convention met in 1900. Then, in 1901, the Cuban Constitution was completed, including an appendix allowing U.S. intervention if needed. Finally, in 1902, TomГЎs Estradas Palma was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1918, the Germans were forced back behind the Hindenburg line, freeing occupied France. Finally, On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed between Germany and the Allied forces, officially concluding World War I. World War I was known as the first total war because it was fought on land, on sea, and even in the air. WWI was also known as the war to end all wars. Tolkien met Edith Bratt as a teenager when they (both orphans) had lived at Mrs. Faulkner s boarding house. At the time, Edith was 19 and Tolkien, or Ronald (as his friends called him), was 16. Edith and Ronald were inseparable, but she distracted him from his studies. When Father Francis, Ronald s guardian, discovered their relationship, he forbade Ronald from seeing Edith until he was 21 and moved Tolkien and his younger brother to different lodging. At the time, Ronald was 17 but did as he was told and once again focused on his studies. Several years later, the minute the clock struck midnight on his 21st birthday, Ronald wrote a letter to Edith declaring his unending love. Edith wrote back with the shocking news that she was engaged to someone else. Tolkien went to visit her and the two went on a walk. On that walk, Ronald convinced Edith to break off the engagement and marry him instead. Finally, on March 22, 1916, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien married Edith Bratt shortly before he was sent to France as a signaling officer in WWI. In 1925, J.R.R. Tolkien moved to Oxford, his Alma Mater, to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Human Composting Is Wrong For centuries, people have looked to burying and burning their bodies after they die. After all, they are considered ethical and normal by almost all cultures. However, these options do not give back to the earth in the way they should after the earth has fed us, drenched our thirst, built our homes, and given us a place to love; without it, we could not do any of these things. An ecologist named Susanne Wiigh Masak from Sweden has given us an alternative that will not only help the earth but then help the people in the process by providing them with a healthier place to live. Wiigh Masak has proposed that instead of simply disposing of our bodies after we die, we should help the earth and the living by composting human remains, a process... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is simply the way of the future. All revolutions come with a price; the American revolution came with the price of many American lives and this smaller revolution will come with the price of disregarding the cultural norms that society has sculpted around burial and cremation. This practice is barely even a practice right now, but with the voices and bodies of the many who want to help our earth, this will be the new norm someday. Giving back to the earth through human composting is the ultimate thank you for keeping us alive and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Search Engine Optimization Of Search Engines Optimization... Abstract: Search engine optimization referred for the addition and modification of all variables and extended variables of a website to achieve a better position in the search engines. The variables contents to META tags and content. And the extended variables as to links from other sites. This is done in optimization stages. Search engine optimization is not simple method as we think. It is all about strategy, method and structure. It can be considered as a form of engineering. SEO services may be an expensive advertising but the output got from it is the great achievements.SEO services will increase website sales, traffic, and exposure of a website. ` Review: Search Engine Optimization is a field to attain all the results, we need to get updated with the algorithms as per the time to time the all related data goes updated. This means the data updated in the past is now the outdated one and it is with no value now so needed to change as per the demands. In my paper, we have mentioned on following the basic recommendations and building links with different anchor texts like article submissions, forum links, websites, blog commenting etc for diversity in link structure. Aims and Objectives: The actual goal of the thesis is to research on latest search engine optimization techniques for content management based websites. And other to analyze most popular content management systems performance regarding SEO point of view. So how we can improve web development processes to make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Tay Sachs Disease Research Paper Daniel Compton Human Physiology April 17th 2015 Tay Sach s Disease Tay Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder, which means it can be passed down parents genes and is located on a non sex chromosome. The form ,ost discussed is known as infantile Tay Sachs disease, the symptoms of which are the deterioration of mental and physical abilities, which starts affecting children at six months old and normally results in death by the age of four. It is caused by a genetic defect in a single gene with one defective copy of that gene inherited from each parent. The disease occurs when harmful quantities of gangliosides gather in the nerve cells of the brain, eventually leading to the premature death of those cells. The condition is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Heritable traits are known to be passed from one generation to the next by DNA. This is a molecule that encodes genetic information. DNA is a long polymere with four types of interchangeable bases. The sequence of bases along a particular DNA molecule encodes the genetic information. Before a cell goes through mitosis and divides, the DNA is copied, so each of the two cells will inherit the DNA sequence. A portion of a DNA molecule that specifies a single functional unit is called a gene. Within cells, the long strands of DNA form condensed structures called chromosomes. The mutation for Tay Sachs Disease is located on chromosome 15. Organisms inherit genetic material from their parents in the form of homologos chromosomes, containing a unique combination of DNA sequences that code for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Analysis Of The Poem The Blood On The Leaves By Abel... Artists in modern music have been using more and more samples of older music as they run out of ideas. Samples of older songs can enhance the feel of new music and give older people a portion to relate to within current music. A lot of the time, the younger generation doesn t know where the sample actually came from or the story behind it. Also many listeners don t know how much it has changed or been through to fit into the song they are now listening to. Like in Kanye s Blood on the Leaves , Kanye uses the Nina Simone s cover of Strange Fruitand not the original. There is a long history behind the sample of Strange Fruit and the song itself coming from a very dark period of time. The poem has been rearranged into small bits and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Meeropol created tons of imagery while writing this poem. He starts off the poem with the line Southern trees bear a strange fruit , saying that black bodies are like strange fruit that only grow on southern trees, which was true. The next line saying, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root , clearly showing that something or someone died in that tree. These two first lines share, both rhymes in the middle and at the end with trees and fruit and leaves and root , which create the flow within the poem. The next line Black body swinging in the southern breeze , Meeropol creates the image of a black body swinging back and forth and you can imagine the wind whistling through the trees, which creates a disturbing image, but also shows the power in it. The last line Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees echoes what is said in the first line of the poem. These last two lines used end rhyme to continue the rhythm of the first two lines of the poem. The next stanza continues the rhythm and rhyme by using end rhyme. Another thing that the next stanza does, is that is creates a contrast between the nice things that can be in the South, but also the misery and suffering that happens in the South. The word pastoral ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Fruit And The Compute The desert table is full with different fruit such as apples, raspberries, cherries, peaches, pears, and the branches full with grapes hanging in the side. The artist uses the fruit colors as symbols to express the type of life people used to live in that time such as love and happiness. His work as the fruit and the Compute was one of the most recognized arts in the mid nineteenth century. People buy this kind of art to decorate their houses and restaurants. When I saw the picture in the first time, it looks very inquisitive to me. I start to think what s the meaning behind it? The picture delivers a metaphor which it conveys a satisfying sense of wealth and abundance. The composition is made from a basket of strawberries and arrangement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Homeostasis In The Brain Case Study The liver is the primary organ for drug metabolism. Any diseases that directly affect on the liver can alter this process. Some alteration can cause a drug to have more bioavailability, which can cause toxic effects. Cirrhosis and obstruction jaundice appear to decrease hepatic metabolism and decrease drug excretion. Another organ function needs to be considered for drug metabolismis thyroid glands. The activity of metabolizing enzymes in decrease with hypothyroidism and increase with hyperthyroidism. Impaired liverfunctions significantly increase the risks if adverse drug effects. Acute liver impairment interferes with drug metabolism and elimination, while chronic liver impairment affects all aspects if pharmacokinetic. Consequently, dosage should be reduced for drugs that are extensively metabolized by the liver. The practitioner needs to assess the degree of hepatic impairment. Starting therapy with lower doses and monitor liver function... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Describe the four types of drug receptors and their respective roles in drug action. There are four types of receptors. The primary function of the receptors is to bind to the ligand. Receptors recognize specific ligand. Receptors only bind to only one or few ligands and allow them to transmit a signal into the cell. The common receptors at the cell surface are Gated Ion Channels, transmembranous receptors, and G Protein receptors. Gated Ion Channels bind a ligand to open or close the channel through the membrane to allow particular ion to pass through. When the ligand bind to the extracellular at the channel on the cell surface; the protein structures chance their form and allow ion such as sodium, potassium, calcium and hydrogen pass through gated ion channels. When the ions pass through the gate, it causes cellular depolarization. For example, neurons or nerve cells have gate ion channels that are bonded by neurotransmitter. G Protein Coupled Receptors bind a ligand and activate a protein called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Internet And The Rights Of Private Citizens The Internet and the Rights of Private Citizens Good afternoon Ladies and Gentleman. Today I would like to discuss a few of the laws that govern one of the world s greatest assets, the Internet. It is the finest source of inspired, diverse, enabling and democratizing communication ever to tie people across the globe together. Anyone with some simple computer equipment can communicate their ideas to countless people at one time through what can truly be called the world s first true mass media. Serving as a tool for community organizing and citizen participation it stimulates tolerance and encourages mutual consideration by joining people from all over the world. It is multifaceted indispensible tool for freedom. If free speech and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was written to stop and or target online obscenity and child pornography, however, these types of speech were previously illegal under other current federal laws. According to the CDA it is a crime to send, display or view any content considered to be that is considered indecent or patently offensive. Problem arises in the useable definitions of indecent and patently offensive. In the past, the CDA has banned and attempted to prosecute constitutionally protected speech on the Internet on topics like sexuality, reproduction, civil liberties, and human rights. There were multiple lawsuits and court cases after President Clinton signed this bill into law in 1996. Various online communication users and providers from political, educational, medical, artistic, and social value venues were all possible targets for prosecution under CDA. This government censorship was unnecessary because there are already laws and filtering technologies in place to protect children in schools and libraries. Parents also have access to screening and filtering technology to protect their children if they choose to use them. Parents can also limit computer access and be diligent about scrutinizing where their children go on the Internet. The CDA s law banning indecent and patently offensive material is an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Critically Evaluate The Business Risk Audit Methodology Q1. Critically evaluate the business risk audit methodology. (585 Words) Business risk audit methodology (141 Words) A risk based audit methodology is designed to be used throughout the audit to efficiently and effectively focus the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to those areas that have the most potential for causing material misstatements in the financial report. ASA 315 Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and its Environment and ASA 330 The Auditor s Responses to Assessed Risks are auditingstandards that specifically set out the riskbased audit approach, with other auditing standards containing specific risk related principles and procedures appropriate to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Risk management processes, including the effectiveness of responses and the completion of actions, are being monitored by management to ensure they continue to operate effectively 5. Risks, responses and actions are being properly classified and reported. The fact that risk based auditing encourages auditors to have integrated knowledge of businesses makes the whole process of auditing less daunting as it used to be. Other benefits of following the risk based approach of auditing are better understanding of business and its environment, Increased chance of achieving audit objective, Saves resources and makes audit planning easier. Disadvantages of risk based audit approach (150 Words) risk based audit methodology is inextricably linked to the risk management framework. During Stage 1 it allows a conclusion on the risk maturity of the organisation. If this is not high, it provides internal audit with an opportunity to report that fact promptly to management and the audit committee so that they can take immediate action. While this allows the internal audit activity to provide value to its organisation, RBIA is a challenging prospect. Organisations with a poor level of risk maturity may be that way because the managers and directors do not accept that a good risk management framework is an essential element of a sound system of internal control. Internal audit may need to undertake a longer term programme of activity to champion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Reflection On Competency I am very confident with the course competencies. Over the past few months while working in the classroom that I have been working in for the past three years I really focused on the competencies and evaluating myself and how I could better these skills. At the beginning of the semester I rated myself at a 90 percent for my confidence in the competencies, now I would rate myself at a 100 percent. Not only did I evaluate myself, I was constantly asking the lead teacher in my classroom how I was doing with the competencies. This really helped me zero in on the skills and think about ways that I could use the different skills, change how I did some things, and continue to do the skills that I was already strong at. When I started off the semester I found that my weakness was doing full observations. I would find myself making short quick notes and then I would have a hard time getting a full observation. I decided that I was going to focus on getting better at observations I did. When making observations about children s behavior or their skills I would write the short notes that had the information that I needed, then I would write the observation out that same day in a longer format. I did it the same day so that I could remembers everything that was going on or exactly what happened. This was very helpful for me to create a full observation. Another competency that I worked on over the semester more than others was using a wide range of positive guidance approaches to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Factors Influencing Human Behaviour Outside Of Other... Animals are one of the top factors influencing human behavior outside of other non human animals. The interactions that occur between people and non human animals, particularly in the Appalachian region, has led to profound changes both on the local community. The most significant interaction to take place and has influenced the area drastically is domestication. Four types of domestication at the forefront of Appalachian cultureare livestock, blood sports, pet keeping, and animal s prevalence in oral folklore. The introduction of domestication previous to and after the Neolithic Revolution has harbored new relationships between humans and animals that have altered the mountain face, culture, and economy of the Appalachian region. The most prevalent human animal interaction to be observed and widely practiced in the Appalachian Mountains is the keeping of domesticated animals. The region was widely used as hunting and gathering land previous to colonial expansion. Animals were not domesticated by Native Americans their animism, or the belief that all organisms and inanimate objects possess a soul ( Constructing Animals ). However, it was not until the Neolithic Revolution reached the Appalachians that sustainable agriculture became a standard way to obtain food. In doing so domesticated animals, particularly livestock, became common in the mountains. Hogs cattle, and chickens were kept on farms to allow for easier access to meat, dairy, and eggs. Consequently, when people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Use Of Andromache In The Iliad, And Genesis The Iliad centers around the use of moira to control the lives of the characters while Genesis relies on God to set things in motion for his plans. Andromache, from the Iliad, and Rebekah, from Genesis, are each used by the larger force at work to express the major themes of each work. Andromache and Rebekah are each used by either God or moira to produce offspring that are predestined for important events that have been predetermined by either God or moira. Each woman also attempts to bend their husband to their will, in different ways, to get their husband to act in the way that they see as most desirable. However, Rebekah is much more successful in her attempt on Isaac than Andromache is in making Hector do what she wants him to do. Both Andromache and Rebekah attempt to control their husbands, but Andromache has no real power to influence her husband s decisions due to moira. Andromache is given very little power to change the direction of her narrative due to the fated fall of Troy. Andromache and Rebekah are given very different abilities to control their narratives due to what is predestined by moira, in Andromache s case, and what God commands, in Rebekah s case. In both the Iliadand Genesis, the only way for new beings to come into the world is through women. Andromache and Rebekah are both used, by moira or God, to bring life into the world. The children that each woman has are already fated for a predetermined event. In the case of Rebekah s son, Astyanax, he is destined to fall with the city of Troy by moira to show just how far the city has fallen. Rebekah s sons, Esauand Jacob, have an intertwining purpose from God to show that the younger or weaker can always prosper. Andromache, after realizing that Hector has been murdered, realizes that Troy will topple and fall (Il. 24.781) before Astyanax has a chance to grow up and that her son was doomed when [Andromache and Hector] bore him because of moira (Il. 24.779). Andromache holds onto the hope that Hector will return to her victorious and the prosperous life that she lived with him before the war would return. As soon as Hector s death is announced, however, she allows the reality of the situation to sink in as she accepts the almost ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Accomplishments of Bouteflika s Presidency in Algeria When he became President in April 1999, Bouteflika was in front of three enormous challenges. The first one was the result of a decade of domestic violence and insecurity. The second was the consequence of a catastrophic socio economic situation attributed to the legacy of decades of statist economics (Bouandel 25 26). The third was the harmful product of the isolation of Algeria from the rest of the world, or what Hugh Roberts called the virtual quarantine in which Algeria had been confined since 1994 ( Demilitarising ... 1). In the course of his tenure, he brought about national reconciliation, recovered and reformed the stalled Algerian economy and restored what he described as Algeria s regional and international status .1 Under his leadership, Algiers has become a much sought after interlocutor in major world capitals (GhilГЁs). His civil concord and national reconciliation initiatives to re establish peace and security at home, and his projects to revive the economy of his troubled nation, and to re integrate Algeria, one of the potentially richest and important countries in the Arab world, in international trade and diplomacy persuaded many foreign countries to mend relations with Algiers. Although Algeria s relations with global powers continued to face difficulties, Bouteflika used his country s significant economic potential to give Algeria a considerable importance in the eyes of all global actors.Wherever he went, he provided an overview of the investment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. New Right Conservatism n Australia the New Right refers to a late 1970s/1980s onward movement both within and outside of the Liberal/National Coalition which advocates economically liberal and increased socially conservative policies (as opposed to the old right which advocated economically conservative policies and small l liberals with more socially liberal views). Unlike the United Kingdom and United States, but like neighbouring New Zealand, the 1980s saw the Australian Labor Party initiate Third Way economic reforms, which bear some familiarity to New Right ideology. After the John Howard Coalition defeated 13 year Labor government at the 1996 federal election, economic reforms were taken further, some examples being wholesale labour market... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other noted New Right group in Germany is Thule Seminar of Dr. Pierre Krebs . Netherlands[edit] The New Right was the name of a far right/nationalist political party in the Netherlands. New Zealand[edit] Ambox current red.svg This article is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (May 2009) In New Zealand, as in Australia, it was the Labour Party that initially adopted New Right economic policies, while also pursuing social liberal stances such as decriminalisation of male homosexuality, pay equity for women and adopting a nuclear free policy. This meant temporary realignment within New Zealand politics, as New Right middle class voters voted Labour at the New Zealand general election, 1987 in approval of its economic policies. At first, Labour corporatised many former government departments and state assets, then emulated the Conservative Thatcher administration and privatised them altogether during Labour s second term of office. However, recession and privatisation together led to increasing strains within the Labour Party, which led to schism, and the exit of Jim Anderton and his NewLabour Party, which later formed part of the Alliance Party with the Greens and other opponents of New Right economics. However, dissent and schism were not to be limited to the Labour Party and Alliance Party ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Physical Rehab Services If a doctor has told you that you or a family member is in need of physical rehab services, you do not need to feel alone. Many people, for a variety of reasons, need physical rehab services at some point in their lives. We will look at three examples of the types of people who often use physical rehabilitation services. Stroke The exact physical rehab services a person needs after a stroke depends upon that specific person. For some people, services may consist of simply helping specific muscle groups to work together properly. In more extreme cases, the person may need to relearn skills, such as walking, talking, and dressing themselves. Sometimes, the person has to relearn skills, accounting for continuing disabilities, such as loss of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. My Country Dorothea Mackellar Analysis How do Mackellar and AD Hope use literary devices to convey their perspective of Australia? Introduction Mackellar and AD Hope use literary devices like imagery, personification and tone to convey their perspective of Australia. The Poem Australia by AD Hope describes his negative opinion of Australia as he looks down on Australians way of life. Contrastingly, the poem My Country was written by Dorothea Mackellar at age 19 in 1904. She wrote while she was homesick in England and she expresses her deep passion and love for Australia as she compares the natural beauty of Australia to the landscape of Britain. Poem Australia by AD Hope describes negative opinion of Australia looks down on Australia and there way of life Poem My ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mackellar and AD Hope utilize imagery to highlight their view of the Australian landscape. Personification Mackellar and AD Hope use the poetic technique of personification to express their perspective of Australia. In both poem the country of Australia is personified and referred to as her and is given human qualities. By making Australia a her the audience can see the tender and caring nature of a woman in the good events, like rain that makes things grow, after the destruction, like fires. The audience can also associate the beauty with that of a woman. Some examples of personification are I love her far horizons and all you have not loved her (Mackellar, 1908). My Country uses personification to help the audience understand the beauty and nature of Australia. AD Hope also gives Australia human qualities he refers to the land as a women they call her a young country . Australia is Hope s criticism of general Australian society and the country itself. Australia is mentioned as women beyond her change in life, a breast still tender but within the womb is dry . He furthermore says that people may call Australia a young country, but they lie . Australia to him is the last of lands, the emptiest AD Hope is trying to express that of droughts and flooding rains . This describes Australia as cruel in times of droughts and unpredictable in the rainy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Bill Gates Impact On Society When people hear the name Bill Gates the first thing that come to their mind is money or the richest man alive . Well they re also different thing that people should think about him.He has change the game plan in this whole world and has created amazing things that people still don t know yet about. Gates early life was a unorganized puzzle that he was having trouble figuring out.Gates started with an interest in computers in his early teenage life but at the same time he took the pathway of law school after high school. Bill Gates became interested with what a computer could do and spend much of his time working on terminals (Biography.com Editors).Gates passion was abusly computers, he invented a tic tac toe program that let him play against the computer .It was a reasonable idea to think that after high school he would go to college to study computer. Everything was basically much a disaster. Gates enrolled at harvard university in the fall, originally thinking of a career in law (Biography.com Editors).With a career of choice in his life that he didn t really like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The number one thing that impacted was bill gates microsoft invention. 90 percent of the computers we use today uses windows operating system which is made by microsoft(nikolov,2013).without windows operations there wouldn t be people with computers looking thru social media and enjoying the internet. Also because of windows operations we can enjoy playing xbox 360 and play online with friends without going to their house, bill and melinda have committed to give 95 percent of their fortune to charity over time (thorpe,2012).Gate foundation is a global charity that his goal is to change the world of medicine and health. There a lot of people suffering from their health because they don t have the money to visit a doctor or buy medicine. Those are the cases that Gates foundation focus on in order to change the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Greek Philosophers People travel from many parts of the world to view the great architectural structures Greece has to offer. They are not only intrigued by the beauty of the buildings but also by their complex development. Greeks tradition of building structure came from the ideas of Philosophers such as Thales,Pythagoras, and Archimedes, who questioned their being and challenged their world to find meaning to certain practical applications. From their inquisitions, the Greek Philosophers developed basic but complex strategies that served the purpose of a foundation to many other technical advancements. The Philosopher s concepts were questioned at times for they went completely against the Greeks normal way of life. In the Greek culture, gods were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With Archimedes invention of the Archimedes Screw water from a lower location could be easily transferred to a higher point. This advancement of simple technique placed Archimedes face on the wall of great Philosophers. The screw pump was only just a start to the development of the piping system. Farmers mostly benefitted from this advancement for now they were able to transfer water from their wells to other parts of the field. With the screw pump came the lever principle. If there is a heavy weight on one side then it should be equalized on the other side in order to make it move. Architectures used this law of mechanics to make their work easier as they would be able to move boulders that were in the way of their duty. Greek Philosophers have made drastic changes from a basic lifestyle to one of questioning. Their persistence to find meaning behind basic concepts has lead to great technological advancements that are still used in today s world. The law of nature by Thales proved that there is a system to the world and there is more to what is seen. Pythagoras uses that strategy of observation to create a rule for sound and the way it travels. Archimedes used both theories to point out the rule of mechanics and the way things move. Without these early advancements, the world would probably be an era ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Evaluation Of Performance Management Systems Essay Evaluation of performance management systems (500 words) Recognition Business change and adapt their goals and strategies all the time as the world of business changes rapidly. A very critical but overlooked element of the renewal process is the impact of the businesses change has on the employees behaviour and motivation. Managers must ensure that the rewards and recognition systems are very carefully set aligned with operational goals and overall strategic. If the reward and recognition system is misaligned with the objectives that the managers had in mind the result in behaviour could hinder the organisation. The unanticipated actions may be a personal benefit for the employee also may be beneficial to front line salesrepresents and floor managers but this moves the organisation away from its overall goals. The challenge is to assess and implement an incentive system that motivates employees to act in support of strategic and operational objectives. But how does an operational manager or executive know when they have the right rewards and recognition program, or if the one they have implemented is still having the desired effect? In addition to measuring progress of employee performance toward corporate goals, well defined performance measurement systems help gauge employee reception, understanding and buy in for reward systems. This critical feedback can help managers make adjustments necessary to drive improvements and avoid the unanticipated behaviours and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. New York, Los Angeles And Chicago Name: Course: Date: My Home Town Although USA has many different cities, in this discussion, we will be limited to three Cities i.e. New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. In the 3 cities we shall broadly discuss the growing up experience in each of the 3 states, strategic features and their staple foods. Finally, the New South Wales in Australia and London in UK would also be looked at. Lenape, an Algonquin who were hunters, fishers and farmers were the first natives of New York. As a result when you meet people from New York interrogate them immediately on where exact they lived on to see if they really mean it (Siegal, Allan and William 98). Childhood in New York city was characterized by: First, going to school that actually had racial diversity, learning how to ride the subways and catch up public buses at a very tender age, having friends from all socioeconomic backgrounds, when you watched movies filmed in New York, you could almost always recognize where they are so easily, begging your parents to let you take gymnastics and ice skating lessons at Chelsea Piers, tasting every kind of cuisine out there ( from Ethiopian to Greek Japanese Spanish fusion), Facebook albums from high school which often featured the backdrop of the Union Square, high schools full of metal detectors and many security guards, knowing the Grand Prospect Hall , and knowing what the owners look like, knowing who Doctor Zizmor is and that it s worth your time to queue at Gray s Papaya and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Social Communication And Human Characteristics Of Social... It is extremely important to understand the traits of social media and the human factors impacting technology because if we did not, there would be a lot more miscommunications and misunderstandings between people. For example, social media users need to understand that social media communication is limited compared to face to face communication. Factors such as Temporal Structure, which is the time it takes to send and receive a message, affect how effective social media communication is. Also, Asynchronous communication, which is communication that occurs when participants are not co present, could cause communication problems because the people who are communicating might not be as involved in a conversation. Tone and other signs that people give off to relay emotions and messages are not present in many social communication forms as well. There are three key steps in the Perception Process. The first is to Observe someone s behavior and determine what the behavior means. The second is to describe the behavior to the person objectively. It is important to not show any approval or disapproval to their actions in this step. Next, you explain your personal perception of the behavior. This step is very important because you let the person know how YOU feel, and this will allow them to respond to your feelings accordingly. It is also important to be ready to change or alter your perception based on the person s reaction to your perception checking process. Automatic social cognition or perception means that someone is arriving to conclusions about situations, people, or themselves, without much conscious awareness or intention on what the future effects might be. On the other hand, conscious or controlled cognition means that someone is stopping to think about something intentionally, because they realise that their thoughts can affect what happens in a situation. This means that automatic social cognition is always happening and can lead to someone making decisions and judgements that are not very thought out or reasonable. One time I made the automatic and unconscious assumption that someone was weird just because they watched Japanese cartoons, I told my friend and this ended up spreading to the person I was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Importance And Significance Of Forgiveness The purpose of this research paper is the importance and significance of forgiveness in resolving conflict. In order to resolve a conflict completely, forgiveness is at some point is a must. It may not come immediately, and an I m sorry may not be enough for one person to be able to forgive the other, but one has to be open to having the ability to both give and receive it in order for reconciliation to be completely successful. One may ask how forgiving someone they are in conflict with is important to achieving a positive outcome, such as reconciliation, as without forgivenessone cannot be able to put the issue behind them and move forward in life. This paper is going to try and explore that question and show that yes, having the ability to forgive, is very significant in finding a resolution to the conflict. It will research, viewpoints on forgiveness and its much needed contribution in order to resolve a conflict. It will look into how the field of psychology views the importance of forgiveness and that of a biblical worldview and even the effects it can have on your daily health when conflicts are allowed to keep going and one is overcome with negativity and stress from the situation. Not everyone looks at forgiveness the same, or are able to come to a point where they are willing to try to forgive another person but most all want some kind of resolution or reconciliation when conflicts arise, and some need guidance in order to get to that point. For some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Oleanna by David Mamet Essay Oleanna by David Mamet The fast pace, repetition and interruptions evident in the interaction between Carol and John are clear illustrations of the unwritten contest to have the last word and be right in act 1. The use of these dramatic and linguistic techniques are what make the interaction between the two characters so fascinating. Both are constantly struggling to keep their dignity and reputation. On page 11, Carol pleads teach me. Teach me . Although this is imperative, the context in which it is said suggests that she uses it passively in quite a begging, pleading manner. The active verb also demonstrates her impatience towards education and frustration with not understanding. In response, John pleads ?I?m trying to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here it would seem that both john and carol do not understand each other and, again, John is viewed as the more authoritative and powerful one. The interruptions present in act 1 are significant to the play?s agenda. Although the audience is meant to sympathise with Carol for her lack of understanding and the professor?s approach to teaching her individually, the telephone calls, interrupting the conversation at key points, represents a connection to the world outside of the room where the entire play takes place. It gives the audience an immediate insight to John?s life so that we do not dismiss him for his difficulties with expressing himself or his arguments. Mamet, having then made John into a ?3D character? is then able to introduce him as realer person, showing his true emotions more and more towards the end of the play. Without this link to the outside world, which is often forgotten in a context such as this, John would seem pompous, intolerant, incompetent and unprofessional. Mamet has carefully constructed the interaction and language to show the power corruption between the two and is successful in balancing the two sides of the argument. A watching audience would very easily be able to choose which side they believed right. It can also be viewed that Mamet uses language to oppress others. John is often seen using academic lexis, which unnecessarily complicates and blurs his point in case. This then ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Anthem For The Underdog Analysis This has been one of the hardest papers I actually had to write for there are so many songs and events. Most would say I have a somewhat normal life during this last decade. With the War on Terror started in 2003, I was in high school at Goose Creek High School. During this time I was careless, childish, prideful, stubborn, and somewhat idiotic. I dropped out of high schooland became a bum. Eventually I grew up a little and decided to go to Job Corp in Bristol, TN. I attended there GED and trade program which I graduated with both. After graduation in 2006, I joined the Army six months later. The song that comes to mind is Anthem for the Underdog by 12 Stones. The song reminds me of how I started out and how I became something else entirely due of the challenges I faced at the time.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though I had grown up a bit, I always had a set way of thinking which made me take everything so seriously. This would include what people said, did, and at times what I did. I was always on edge and easily upset over petty things. Iraq made me re adjust how I looked at the world for there is what I saw and reality. Luckily reality won out. Though I faced many challenges from mortars and rockets, at that time the most challenging was learning how to deal with people. At the end the tour I had changed and became colder with a cruel way of looking at life with a mean sense of a humor that somewhat shielded me from others. The song that came with that time in my life would be Goodbye for Now by P.O.D. The first verse of the song truly describes how I felt early on in the tour but gradually came out somewhat dirtied by my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Lesson 8 Ch 14 Quiz п‚· Question 1 0 out of 0.5 points Many organizations use these certifications, along with vendor neutral certifications, when evaluating prospective employees and personnel. What kind of certifications are these? Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: vendor specific п‚· Question 2 0 out of 0.5 points Certifications can help identify you as someone who has pursued __________________________training and complies with in your chosen specialty. Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: industry standards п‚· Question 3 0 out of 0.5 points Which organization s certifications focus on a Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)? Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: (ISC)2 п‚· Question 4 0 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Selected Answer: [None Given] Correct Answer: