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Write Essay For Me, Five Tips
That Helped Me To Write M
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Write Essay For Me, Five Tips That Helped Me To Write M Write Essay For Me, Five Tips That Helped Me To
Write M
The Land Of Opportunity For Immigrants
The Land of Opportunity Immigrants created America, a nation that has embraced immigration.
Throughout the years, America developed its American Dream concept, which states that anyone can
succeed in the United States as long as that person works hard and does gives up. That concept, hope
or dream attracts thousands of individuals, many of which leave their native countries with their
hearth full of hope and the illusion of reaching and living the American Dream. However, the
wonderful dream in many occasions has become nothing but a horrible and unbearable nightmare.
They arrive to the land of opportunity that they thought was awaiting for them with fortune and
instead encounter a divided society, in which some people understand their plight and sympathize with
them while other look at them with anger, resentment, and even hate as if they are anything but human
beings. To understand the struggle that many immigrants suffer in their quest for a better life, we have
to either be an immigrant, be the descendant of one or become close to one; otherwise, we might not
understand their experience enough to relate to them and what it meant to leave their country, family
and friends behind. Since both legal and illegal immigration exists in America, our society ought to
learn about immigration, what causes it, and what it contributes to our nation s prosperity. I believe
immigrants are essential to the well being of the nation for several reasons. One reason that
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Freedom Of Speech On College Campuses
After reviewing Supreme Court cases relevant to the issue of freedom of speech on public college
campuses it is evident that some guidance has been given, here is what we know when looking at free
speech on public college campuses. First, in Sweezy, there is a recognized right by the Court to
Academic Freedom, especially scholarship and the need for the freedom to inquire, evaluate, and
study (354 U.S. 234). Secondly, in Keyishian, the Court set the standard for Academic freedom as not
allowing ...laws that cast a pall of orthodoxy over the classroom (385 U.S. 603). Keyishian also
recognized that restrictions put forth by the college that administer a potential Chilling Effect, are
deemed unconstitutional. Lastly, in Healy, the Court recognized ... Show more content on
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UA s policy is vague because there is no correct answer and they want to be legally sound if their
policy is ever challenged. The Supreme Court cases are vague because there will be times when the
situation calls for an alteration of a previous opinion, such as Tinker in Kuhlmeier. The facts: what
happened, what was spoken, what actions were taken... are the most important aspects of free speech,
because there are only limited and uncertain guidelines to follow. Judging cases as they come along is
the only future for free speech, this is because if there ever is a narrowly defined definition for each
aspect of free speech two things may happen. First, there will be no end to the definition or second,
the definition will be so limiting that within a few years, the definition will not be inclusive enough or
incorporate the speech of an ever developing world. With technology changing, who knows what
speech will be like in the coming years. To have vague standards, with case by case facts and
interpretations will ensure that free speech is duly handled, maybe not always in the way the public
wants, but such is legality. If we take a step back, the questions being asked are often similar, but with
their own individuality. Where academics draw the line for speech will vary, and will often be
challenged. But, maybe the gray areas are what is needed. Interpretation on a
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Comparing Culture In Where Worlds Collide And Indian Father s
Culture in definition is: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time
(Merriam Webster s Learner s Dictionary). Thus, based on these certain beliefs, customs, traditions,
and arts, a person s thoughts, ideas, and views can be greatly affected since they lived with a lifestyle
based around a specific culture. Therefore, it can be coherent that the culture of a person is paramount
to one s views of the world and of others as seen throughout many texts such as, An Indian Father s
Pleas by Robert Lake and Where Worlds Collide by Pico Iyer. To begin with, the effect of culture on
one s views of the world and of others can be seen throughout the essay, And Indian Father s Plea by
Robert Lake (Medicine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Over there is a block long white limo, a Lincoln Continental, and, over there, a black Chevy Blazer
with Mexican Stickers all over its windows, being towed. (Iyer 62) Moreover, states, The blue skies
and palm trees they saw on TV are scarcely visible from here: just an undifferentiated smoggy haze,
billboards advertising Nissan and Panasonic and Canon, and beyond those an endlessly receding mass
of grey streets. Overhead, they can see the all too familiar signs of Hilton and Hyatt and Holiday Inn;
in the distance, a sea of tract houses, mini malls, and high rises. (Iyer 62) These describe how the
culture of the tourists or immigrants of the United States portrayed America in a positive way, a place
for opportunity, thus causing the travelers to deter their eyes from what is really there and see only
what they choose to see and what they choose to believe. Therefore, this proves how the people s
culture changed how they view certain things around the world which is evident in this when people
look away from reality and see only what they
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Research Paper On Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul the Second It was recently this year that the Catholic world had lost its leader, Pope
John Paul II. For many believers John Paul was a great icon and governed their church in the most
respectful way. Since his election in 1978, there have been many books, movies and articles on the life
of Karol Wojtyla. Many studies depicted him as one of the greatest Popes Catholicism ever had. He
has not only traveled the world and became famous on all continents, but has tried very hard to keep
peace with all religions far and wide. His theologies and philosophies are the ones that lead to believe
he was the person he really ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Out of necessity this also includes other human persons and human community. The Pope s
understanding of personalism found its practical application in his ethics: the indispensable role of
freedom, the fulfillment of freedom in the loving gift of self to others and the effect that moral choices
have on the person who makes them. These few attributes were the ones that made him the person he
was. It all came from the love he has received from his closest family, his brother and parents, of
whom all three have died by the time he was 22 years old. Personalism is so central to Karol Wojtyla s
internal psychological and spiritual structure, that it overflows into his theology. An example of that is
his divine revelation as the personal messenger of God to all people. This also ties in with the
quintessential congregation of two personal realities, one of which is human and one divine. It also
covers various aspects of the religious freedom of the human person, social ethics, grace and human
sexuality. John Paul II was much disciplined in all these matters and shared the love to oneself and
His theology and philosophy reached however even further than his religion. Despite his lack of
interest in politics, he has met and spoken to leaders of many countries. This was most
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Healthcare Should Be Suu Kyi s First Priority For...
Introduction Than Aung is the current minister for the Ministry of Health in Burma. Than Aung is
fairly new to this job; he assumed office 1 August 2014. Than Aung is preceded by Pe Thet Khin who
was the minister from March 2011 July 2014. Before Aung became minister, he was the Deputy
Minister of the Ministry of Health in Burma. He was also a member of the Naypidaw Council and was
the Director of the Myanmar Army Medical Corps. Having such a successful career so far, his opinion
is taken very seriously with issues of healthcare.
Topic 1: The Platform of Aung San Suu Kyi
Aung San Suu Kyi states, If suffering were an unavoidable part of our existence, we should try to
alleviate it as far as possible in practical, earthly ways. Healthcare should be Suu Kyi s first priority
for reforming Burma. Burmese citizens, namely children, are not getting the healthcare that they
deserve. Although Burma is striving for universal healthcare, the amount of money allotted is not
enough for people to get the proper care that they need. As of 2014, Burma allotted approximately
$USD18 per capita while the regional average of south east Asia was approximately $USD70 per
capita. Burma needs to budget more money for healthcare. The mortality rate of children under the age
of five in Burma is 9.3% higher than the global average, and children are not the only place where
issues arise. Almost 1 in 4 Burmese citizens between 30 70 die from a noncommunicable disease
(NCD) of either a cancer,
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Potential Of Microbial Fuel Cells
Potential of Microbial Fuel Cells
A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy by the
catalytic and metabolic reactions of microorganisms. The microorganisms function as a catalyst in the
electron transfer between the electrodes. A MFC is just like any other fuel cell in its function which
can undergo a half cell reaction. A typical microbial fuel cell consists of anode and cathode
compartments separated by a cation (positively charged ion) permitting specific membrane. At the
anode, the organic matter or substrate is oxidized by microorganisms, generating CO2, electrons and
protons. Electrons are transferred to the cathode through an external electric circuit, while protons are
transferred to the cathode through the membrane. Electrons and protons react in the cathode,
combining with oxygen to form water.
A simple REDOX reaction takes place in the fuel cell. The rate of the reactions can depend on the
internal resistance, bacteria, substrate, semi permeable membrane and electrode configuration. The
basic reactions that occur when microorganisms consume a substrate such as sugar in the presence of
O2 they produce CO2 and H2O. But, when oxygen is not present they produce CO2, H+ and e .
At Anode,
C12H22O11 +13H2O → 12CO2 + 48H+ + 48e−
At Cathode,
O2 + 4e− + 4H+ → 2H2O
The applications of MFC s are that, they can be used for electricity generation, bio hydrogen
production, wastewater treatment and bioremediation. While
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Captain Fantastic Film Techniques
Captain Fantastic directed by Matt Ross, a film about the journey of six children and the father in over
his head raising his children in the wilderness. Homeschooling his children to learn not only about the
many skills and topics from a traditional school, but also how to hunt and live off the land. Skills that
Ben the father describes as essential skills that are never taught in normal public education. His
training and firm regiment make his children not only superior intellectuals, but also physically
superior to children their ages. The director uses very specific and effective strategies to clue the
watcher into the story in the beginning of the movie. Ross uses similar but also drastically different
techniques in the ending scenes of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the first five to ten minutes of the film there is minimal to almost zero talking, this is not only
exclusive to the beginning the ending of the movie. The ending which will be elaborated about later
has a very carefully crafted minimal dialog to almost put the viewer in an awkward state where the
extreme lack of dialog, heightnes the other senses causing the viewer to notice carefully placed details
by the director. One of these details that is shown in both the beginning and end of the film is the use
of mason jars. The beginning the camera moves into a storage container where we see the shelves are
stock full of mason jars filled with fruit, dried and perserved roots and berries. This is juxtoposed
greatly to the end of the film when you see Ben with five brown paper bags packing lunches for his
children as they are going off to school. You see him place fresh apples and very similar food to the
begining of the film except they have evolved to be more farmers then hunters and and
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A New Product Line Of Cedar Dollhouses And The Ceo Of The...
Introduction The ABC Company is looking to add a new product line of cedar dollhouses and the
CEO of the company is trying to decide if it can be afforded. The purpose of this paper will be to
determine if the ABC Company can afford to add the new product line of cedar dollhouses. The paper
will discuss the cash flow of the business, risk factors involved in adding a new product line, and
possible depreciation. Finally, the paper will recommend whether the CEO is making a worthy
business decision.
Risk Analysis First we will discuss the overall risk profile of the company based on current economic
and industry issues. The economic issues the company may face includes a potential rise in raw
materials. This could make it difficult to determine the cost of production for one unit. Industry issues
the company may face include developing the new product and employee loss. The company has to
develop the new product which is a trial and error process; the market for this product may also be
filled causing the product to fail. The company also plans to use the same facility, equipment, and staff
which will definitely mean added expenses and a risk of losing employees.
Cash Flow Analysis A cash flow statement represents a compilation of all operating, investing, and
financing activities that cause a change in cash (Wainwright, 2012). The cash flow statement is
primarily used to get an idea of what the company s total financing and investing activities look like.
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The Ups Mission Statement
UPS has a deep legacy of experience and expertise, and a heritage of doing the right thing for their
customers, communities and employees. They are in the business of connecting their audiences to the
things, people, places and answers they need, the moment they need them. They never stop looking
for ways to be better so their team members can be at their best. They do this by uncovering new
ideas, transforming their business, or simply doing more with their day. The UPS brand helps them
bring this heritage and DNA to life, from the words they say, to the colors and photography they
choose, to the experiences they deliver. By upholding and protecting the brand, UPS continues to
build lasting relationships with their audiences, meet their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They set the agenda as the parent company and get people to take notice since they are already an
established brand. UPS helps their audience understand that The UPS Store goes further in every
connection they make so both UPS and The UPS Store customers can do more. It is the responsibility
of The UPS Store to drive in center traffic using compelling retail messages, maintaining proper center
imaging, and posting approved signage. In order to activate the brand at the local lever through
customized and localized promotions based on co op objectives and local opportunities to increase
traffic to centers, it is important for the co ops to take advantage of any and all local opportunities.
Lastly, it is important for centers to utilize local store marketing in order to increase their average sales
amounts and create repeat customer through up selling and cross selling techniques. All of these
efforts help UPS and The UPS Store facilitate the needs of their customers across multiple
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Nevada Is Not The Typical Lawyer
While Papantonio was able to predict a few quality of Nevada based on his research, Nevada is not the
typical lawyer. Papantonio sent out his survey to hundreds of lawyers and his data was based on
people who practiced in the 1990s, naturally some things that he predicted would be incorrect. It s also
worth noting that it s implausible that a lawyer would match the study in every category anyway. On
average Nevada is a better attorney than his colleagues. Unlike the typical attorney Nevada did take
time off for vacation. Another characteristic that Nevada doesn t share with the average lawyer written
by the scholars is that he handles far more cases on a yearly basis. A stated similarity is the negative
attitude toward the field but this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clients have respect for Nevada s work because it helps them to resolve fears that they could have
developed thinking about their mortality. Client are appreciative that concerns are met and that
Nevada has taken the time to explain every step. The week before I arrived to work at the firm Nevada
had taken a week long vacation but, that behavior was seen as rare within the confines of the book.
Papantonio accounted that between 20 and 26% of lawyers demand 5 to 4 weeks respectfully of
vacation (Papantonio, 1995). He proceeds to state that only 8% took 5 weeks off and 16% took 4
weeks off (Papantonio, 1995). Lawyers are by their very nature workaholics and they will refuse to
take time off but, Nevada was not constrained to that style of thinking. He took time off to travel and
relax which in turn mitigated is potential to burnout. The fact that most lawyers work 250 hours or
more a month should equate that they need to take time off from time to time but, most lawyers
ultimately refuse to. Papantonio accounts in his survey that 41.1 % of survey recipients can t relax
(Papantonio, 1995). As against his time during the internship, Nevada was refreshed and motivated to
try new ideas. A vacation every once and while seems to be a necessity to prevent burning out. Once
he returned from his
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King Henry Manipulation
Good morning/afternoon English teachers. All representations of people and politics are indeed acts of
manipulation as true political agendas must be hidden behind a misleading facade. Language plays a
particularly powerful role in portraying in these political representations. However ambiguous the
political motive may be, control is the ultimate goal in the world of politics. Contrary to popular
belief, not all acts of manipulation are inherently immoral or solely pragmatic. King Henry IV: Part 1
(1596 1597), the second historical play of the Henriad, by William Shakespeare, provides insight into
these ideas as his own work is as such a representation of people and politics of the Elizabethan Era,
two hundred years before his own time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The portrayal of Prince Hal is exemplary of Shakespeare s use of manipulation to position the
audience to favour a political figure. Initially he sets himself a bad impression to the audience by
being brash and irresponsible. Prince Hal s relationship to Falstaff and company was a tool for him in
order to create for himself a notorious image which he could later shed and expose his true valor. At
the end of Act 1, Scene 2, Hal, through his soliloquy, shows that he has a completely different
perspective on his own actions, conceding that they are unsuitable for a King but that he is engaging in
this behaviour for a clear political purpose. Hal uses the central metaphor of the sun in his speech: Yet
herein will I imitate the sun (1.2.157) and creating imagery of the sun appearing from the clouds,
symbolising his glorious rise from his behaviour: Being wanted, he may be more wondered at/By
breaking through the foul and ugly mists (1.2.161 62). He ends with a rhyming couplet I ll so offend,
to make offence a skill,/ Redeeming time when men think least I will (1.2.176 77). The conclusive
effect of the rhyming couplets establishes Hal s intent to exploit the tendency of humanity to
appreciate a change or reformation by behaving poorly
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The Principles of Scientific Management and Its...
The Principles of Scientific Management and its Applications in Modern Day Organizations
Managers have been continuously trying to figure out the best way to manage the workplace since the
start of the industrial revolution. The goal is to maximize production output and minimize cost
therefore getting maximized profit while still keeping workers happy and motivated. Different
methods have been introduced and tested. But perhaps one of the most influential and popular ideas in
management is scientific management or taylorism as people know it. Taylorism, along with fordism,
which follows after, are considered to be the classical work organization. The reason behind this is
because; these ideas correspond to the first ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This would make the production a lot quicker as the tasks are going to be less complicated. For
example, in a company that produces chair, the task in making the chair would be separated to, cutting
the parts off wood, assembly of the parts, paint and finishing touches, but even this can still be
separated into smaller components. This will result in reducing the skill required for a task
The second principal is separate planning and doing. At the time, workers do all the planning and
doing, in taylorism, the planning are taken from the workers and given to managers. This would make
planning more optimal; standardizing every task. Before, workers would do his job with the way that
he thinks is best, without or with only little help from the management. Now, the managers bear new
duties, which are; first is developing a science in a man s work for each element, second is to select
the workmen in a scientific way and the train and develop them, third is cooperating with the men to
insure that all the work are being done according to the principles of science that was developed, and
the fourth is the responsibility of the workers and the managers are now divided almost equally.
The third is the separation of direct and indirect labour. The skilled workers (direct labour) are
removed of all preparations and servicing tasks, and instead performed by unskilled and cheaper
labour (indirect labour). Because of the first principle, which is maximum
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Trifles By Susan Glaspell Critical Analysis Essay
Constantly being torn down and belittled over the course of a lifetime can put a toll on anyone s sense
of purpose and health, so it makes sense that in the 1916 play Trifles by Susan Glaspell someone
finally snaps. In the play, Minnie Wright is accused of killing her husband John Wright in his sleep.
The mystery, however, does not surround Minnie s innocence, but rather her motivation in killing her
husband. Ironically, the mystery is solved, not by those who purposefully came to the house to
investigate, by the women who came as friends of the accused. By the finale of the play, the men in
the party have still failed to find any useful evidence and are actively being worked against, as the
women are hiding a crucial bit of evidence. But ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Wright was worried about her fruit, the sheriff immediately jumps to insulting her instead of looking
at the emotional implications that are tied to Mrs. Wright caring more about her fruit then her dead
husband. He, like the rest of the men, looks over all of the hard work women do around the farm and
in the community, ignorant to the fact that his words are impart why Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters hiding
the most damning piece of evidence in the case. After discovering Mrs. Wright s dead bird and
surmising that Mr. Wright must have strangled it, Mrs. Peters says, My, it s a good thing the men
couldn t hear us. Wouldn t they just laugh! Getting all stirred up over a little thing like a dead canary.
As if that could have anything to do with with wouldn t they laugh! (949). Sheriff Peters s harsh and
dismissive attitude has made him impossible to trust. If you cannot trust someone whose main job
description is to serve and protect you, then who can you trust?
Given that this play is in part a murder mystery, the facts of the murder should be told through an
unbiased perspective so the audience can deduce the suspect at the same time as the characters.
However, in the case of Trifles, the circumstances of the case are presented from the point of view of a
man, Lewis Hale, who was a friend and neighbor of the victim. Throughout his description of the
events that play out when he discovered the body, Hale makes a few references to the greater
emotional strain
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Subliminal Perception Essay
Subliminal Perception
Subliminal Perception is a signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the
normal limits of perception. These messages are indiscernible by the conscious mind, but allegedly
affect the subconscious or deeper mind. Subliminal techniques have occasionally been used in
advertising, but the purpose, effectiveness and frequency of such techniques is debated. It is proven
though that stimulation below the level of a person s conscious awareness can be shown to have on
some aspects of behavior. Following my research regarding, subliminal perception, I came to the
conclusion that it is used in advertising, but I am not sure to what extent. Companies such as KFC and
McDonald s use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the majority of beer and alcohol ads prominently feature attractive women, naturally
leading to a unconditioned response. Classical conditioning is also used by well known brands, in
which a uncconditioned stimulus might consist with a well known brand symbol that implies products
that have certain qualities. The print advertisement that I chose for classical conditioning is from
Geico. The Strong brand symbol of the Geico Gecko did not happen over night, but through strong
marketing campaigns supported by repetition, The Gecko has become a household symbol.
Sensory Perception:
Sensory perception is defined as, The immediate response of our sensory receptors (eyes, ears, nose,
mouth fingers) to the basic stimuli such as light, color, sound, odor texture. Formed with the process
by which people select, organize and interpret these sensations. Understanding the role that the touch,
taste, smell and sight play in marketing is important. It is our senses that interpret information and
give us meaning to what objects are around us.
Scent marketing is taking interesting turns as manufacturers and marketers find innovative ways to put
scents into products.
The print work I chose to exemplify the smell perception is Air Wick. This particular advertisement,
although it is smaller than the average size, it offers a wide array of sensory stimuli. While the print
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Staining Teeth Essay
Logically, we could assume that coffee isn t the only substance that has ever stained your teeth.
Especially if you have been accumulating stains over the long term. Therefore, you want to first cut
out anything else that may be sabotaging your smile.
You have the usual suspects, like dark berries and cola. But a few other surprising foods and drinks
could be making your stains more obvious.
For example, if you think that sticking to white wine is better for white teeth, you may be wrong. As it
turns out, the acidity in white wine can make your enamel more porous.
So when you do eat or drink something that is overtly staining, it travels deeper into the surface of the
tooth. This can make the stain darker, more obvious, and tougher to ... Show more content on
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7. Change the way you brew. And for that matter, the way you grind. Dr. Scott Frey of FreySmiles has
done quite a bit of legwork in determining which methods stain the most.
According to his findings, Turkish and espresso making methods carry the most stain creating
probability. Additionally, he estimates that many household coffee makers are comparable to the pour
over method. The pour over comes in at number four on the spectrum of methods that stain teeth.
All the way at the very bottom is the cold brew method. Using coarsely ground beans, this method is
hypothesized to have the least negative impact on maintaining white teeth. Contrary to what the name
implies, you don t have to drink cold brew cold. By all means, heat it up!
It s also ridiculously easy to make at home, which is nice considering how trendy it s becoming. To
make cold brew, all you need is coarsely ground coffee, a sterilized jar, cold brew coffee bags, and
water. Or, just get an infusing pitcher suitable for cold brew.
Let the coffee and water steep together for 24 hours before straining well. That sounds like a long time
to make coffee, right? But the good news here is that you can make a large batch and store it in the
fridge. It will stay fresh for weeks!
On top of keeping your smile white, cold brew is much less acidic. And although I m not big on
coffee, I think it tastes much better than the countertop drip
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The Attachment Theory
The attachment theory is a theory by Bowlby that refers to the joint mutual relationship that babies
experience and develop with their primary caregiver (Bowlby, 1982). This theory is not supported by
research in various sceneries. However, even though the attachment theory began as an initiative, the
clinical application to the daily clinical understanding of adult mental health complications has penned
red behind the current available research. I believe that the theory can give valuable insight into both
the developing nature of recognized psychiatric disorders as well as in the development of the
therapeutic relationship in adults. My position provides an overview of (a) the application of
attachment theory to diverse psychopathologies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The remaining data available so far suggest that attachment insecurity indeed serves as a risk factor.
Secondly, on the other hand (Dozier et al, 1999) due to differences in attachment conceptualization
and measurement on one side and in how psychiatric disorders are diagnosed, results across studies
can readily be compared. This may in part explain some of the contradictory findings. Nevertheless,
one broad generalisation is emerging on the basis of the distinction between seizure strategies that
reduce and maximise attachment needs and behaviours (approximately corresponds with attachment
preoccupation and dismissal respectively) (Dozier et al, 1999). Externalising psychopathology (which
may involve misconduct behaviour, e.g. eating disorders) are to be associated with hypothesised (or
something) strategies, while s psychopathology (e.g. depression, anxiety and plate line personality
disorder) would transform with (or hyper active) associated strategies. As indicated above, this
generalisation has not been consistently supported. Finally, one can expect that the higher the load for
a genetic disorder, less the contribution social and/or environmental factors (including
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Literary Works about Success
In a world full of success gurus and books about success, it becomes ever so more important to
describe the one quality that ultimately leads to success. This plague conquered the human minds and
pushed us, till we came up with the ideas to sell success guiding books and making money which
leads to successfulness. In the story, the house, in which Paul s family lives in, is personified to be
standing for more money: And so the house came to be haunted by the unspoken phrase: There must
be more money! There must be more money! The children could hear it all the time though nobody
said it aloud. (151) . This is a symbolic element because it shows how much greed that house held,
and how greed was driven by an addiction to money in each member of that house. There is never
enough money for Paul s mother and the house is caught the bug of that overwhelming need. It is this
insatiable need for money that leads to consequences in the end as we read in the story and lead to
Paul s death. But Paul s death is just a small fraction of what is going on in the real world. Wars in the
name of success were fought and driven humans to kill each other. A simple example is Napoleon; he
conquered in the name of success. In other words, this communicates the theme of how money
corrupts humanity. In the short story, The Rocking Horse Winner, there is a little boy who competed
for his mother s love, and his mother brought her son to his death with her confusing vocabulary.
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Congressional Committees and Healthcare Policy Essay
Congressional Committees and Healthcare Policy (Chapter Review) An important point made in
Weissert and Weissert concerning Congress and its committee structure is that the majority of the
work in Congress is done through committees. They perform the majority of research on issues and
possible solutions, get legislation written, re written and amended, and support it as it moves through
Congress and finally gets passed. They are the workhorses of the legislature (Weissert and Weissert,
29). The breadth of information on any given issue that has to be assimilated, analyzed and formed
into a bill that can be passed by the two chambers of Congress is complex, and lawmakers cannot
realistically apply significant time and attention to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cabinet officers often spend a lot of time testifying before committees (Weissert and Weissert, 30).
Committees are responsible for oversight of federal agencies, and while this is described as
complicated...tedious, (Weissert and Weissert, 61) and seems to be a mostly a passive process, an
example was cited where at least one committee member was more active. Representative John
Dingell was essentially accused of bullying federal agencies (Weissert and Weissert, 61) when he was
chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, due to his apparent micro management style.
House committee investigations of presidential behavior, while becoming less common, are other
areas where committees have influence outside of Congress (Weissert and Weissert, 61). Another
example given is investigation by the House Judiciary Committee of the sentences handed down by
federal judges thought to be too soft (Weissert and Weissert, 78). A third point made by Weissert and
Weissert is that the power, effectiveness and popularity of Congressional committees can be
influenced and weakened. When party leadership is stronger, the power of committees is lessened.
Party leaders can find ways to get their pet
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Barbed Wire Research Paper
Wooden posts are sticked in ground and two dead men are entangled in a barbed wire. One has a gun
next to him, and another is lying on the barbed wire, tangled with it. The time is night and the sky is
full of stars. The picture has only white and black. Ground, stars, people, and a barbed wires are
printed white, and night sky is colored black. One man is lying and another seems to be tripped.
Wooden posts are sticked everywhere, and some of those are broken. Title, Les barbelés, means
barbed wire. It helps us to know what is the tangled lines and how did they died; they might died
because barbed wire blocked their way. But the picture is focused on two men not barbed wire. Two
men might be the comrades and in same army because they
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Horse Racing Bitcoin Betting Predictions
Horse Racing Bitcoin Betting Predictions As with many sporting events, in Bitcoin horse racing
betting there are a number of different predictions you can place. A long list of choices on the outcome
of a particular event lets you test your skills. Most of these horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions are
easy to understand. Some of the most common types include win bet and straight bets. Meanwhile,
there are also more specific and complicated bets that add more thrill to Bitcoin horse racing. You do
not need to know and bet on each and every single type of prediction, but knowing what the different
bets are may come in handy in the long run. The horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions terms might
vary from one sportsbook to another. Always ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These are usually the most common bets placed. Most, if not all, Bitcoin sportsbooks offer straight
bets. If you are new to sports betting, it is always a good idea to stay within the boundaries of straight
bets. Some of the horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions that fall under this category includes win
bets, place bets, show bets, across the board bets, and each way bet. Remember to look into each and
every single type of prediction to find out which one fits your needs. Exotic bets Exotic horse racing
Bitcoin betting predictions require more of your attention. Some of these bets might get too
complicated, so it s always a good thing to study the different exotic bets before moving forward. The
complex characteristics of exotic bets come with an advantage, though. If you get one right, you can
expect handsome returns. Some of the exotic bets include trifecta bets, reverse trifecta, exacta, and
reverse exacta bets. Multiple bets A number of the exotic horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions fall
under multiple bets. This is because they involve making multiple selections in a race. The term
multiple refers to a wager in which a bettor makes numerous selections across several races. Multiple
bets feature double and treble bets and
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Virtual Reality ( Vr ) Environments
Even the term virtual reality brings to mind a superficial view of the world. People can now enter
simulations where they see themselves as a different person in a different time and a different place.
When compared to the media available to people before the 21st century, this medium for taking in
information seems daunting. These simulations enable users to overwhelm themselves with
information and stimuli. As a result, people lose touch with the importance of critical thinking and
time away from virtual realities. As virtual reality technology develops, people will accustom
themselves to evaluating their environment through a technological medium, so they will begin to
accept information superficially rather than critically.
Virtual reality (VR) environments are three dimensional environments that create simulations for users
to interact with. For example, a VR user might wear a headset that simulates a roller coaster ride and
he or she will experience sensations similar to that of a physical roller coaster. These simulations are
becoming increasingly realistic as VR technology continues to progress, so users will continue to
experience more life like simulations as time goes on. Using VR immerses people into worlds that are
entirely different from their own, and while these simulations are beneficial in that they provide
experiences users might otherwise never have the opportunity to experience, it also distracts them
from their physical environment. They are
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How Social History Has Given Voice Of The Voiceless
When studying history, historians see how social history has given voice to the voiceless. There have
been countless ways and instances when social history has exposed the histories of ancient, medieval,
as well as early modern peoples that had previously not been investigated. Many great individuals
throughout history, with their writings have given the people of their time a great voice. While these
writings and actions have given these individuals a voice, these voices continue with the history of
their people throughout their time as well as after their time. The Loyalist Teaching , is an ancient
Egyptian set of texts with a series of instructions, in the text it is set as a father speaking to his
children. In the texts, it gives details about loyalty, more importantly, obedience and loyalty to the
pharaoh as well as how members of society must be respectful to the citizens and continue to
participate in their civic duty. In the texts, it is said, The king is Sustenance; his speech is Plenty. The
man he makes is someone who always exist. He is the heir of every god, the protector of his creators.
They strike his opponents for him. (Unknown 27) While in this text, it does not seem to be giving a
direct voice to those who do not have one, it gives a clear picture of how individuals in that respective
society were expected to praise their pharaoh, or they in return, they would ultimately die. These
teachings help historians to gain a clear picture of how this society ran
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Essay about Ray Charles
Ray Charles
Ray Charles was a revolutionary pianist and a soul singer who helped shape the sound of rhythm and
blues. He brought a soulful sound to everything from country music to pop standards to God Bless
America. His birth name was Ray Charles Robinson, but he shortened it when he entered show
business to avoid confusion with the famous boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. I chose Ray Charles as the
topic for my paper after seeing the movie Ray. After viewing this film I realized that there was a lot of
interesting information about Ray Charles that I had never heard about. Therefore, the focus of my
paper is to learn who Ray Charles really was and to discuss his life and achievements.
The Early Years Ray Charles was born in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this time he started recording and achieved his first hit song in 1951. The song was titled Baby,
Let Me Hold Your Hand. When Charles first began singing many felt as though his sound and piano
playing resembled those of Nat King Cole and Charles Brown. Ray was quoted saying, When I started
to sing like myself as opposed to imitating Nat Cole, which I had done for a while when I started
singing like Ray Charles, it had this spiritual and churchy, this religious or gospel sound. It had this
holiness and preachy tone to it. It was very controversial. I got a lot of criticism for it. (San Jose
Mercury News, 1994) Charles soon became more innovative when he realized that his first recordings
were only skillful imitations of his heroes. After joining Atlantic Records, Charles s sound became
more and more original and found breaking. He took many tunes from gospel music and put them to
secular lyrics performed in front of a jazz lineup playing R B with exceptionally tight arrangements.
He sometimes even added a country music feel to some of his arrangements for example in his version
of Hank Snow s I m Moving On.
The Middle Years Do it right or don t do it at all. That comes from my mom. If there s something I
want to do, I m one of those people that won t be satisfied until I get it done. If I m trying to sing
something and I can t get it, I m going to keep at it until I get it where I want it.
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Usefulness Of The Future Managers
Usefulness to the Future Managers
Over the recent past, many workers have developed a liking for startups over established corporate
jobs. The workers do not want to get fixed by rigid laws and hierarchical structure. The trend has both
risks and benefits. One of the risks is that the startup organizations do not give proper attention to the
human resources. Moreover, the startups may violate one or more aspects of the employment law. The
book is useful in training prospective future managers and employers since the workplace
discrimination scenario is a rapidly changing issue that requires a more intellectual approach. The
risks of violating the discrimination rules are devastating to both the employer and organization.
Knowledge is power, and the prospective managers will gain the knowledge surrounding employment
discrimination and harassment and are thus informed of the possible penalties for violating such laws.
The book also gives the potential managers the ability to interpret the laws governing a certain topic in
the contemporary business life. Additionally, the book enlightens the potential managers about the
existing legal bodies that address issues such as workplace discrimination. The students can get more
information not covered in the classroom or the book from these bodies. One such body is the United
States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The agency has a website that contains
the jurisdictions over claims of discrimination in the various
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Target Market Profile of the Cocktail Mixer
Positioning Strategy Since this is a new product entering in the market, we will be depositioning
competing cocktail mixers. The question that we will be answering is what the product differentiation
is relative to the competition. The reason that our cocktail mixer will be differentiated from all others
is that everything the person needs will be put together in one kit, including premeasured mix packets
(better than refrigerated mixes because this can be taken on the go, like a juice box) and a battery
operated operated shaker with a detailed instruction book and 1 gigabyte flash drive with hundreds of
extra mix recipes. There will be 24/7 product support as well as online support with online chat. The
product difference will be everything is available in a fool proof kit. Basically, anyone can make Las
Vegas style drinks like a professional bartender. To keep prices down, a call center will be located in
Israel in the Jerusalem are where there a large population of Anglos who speak American English
without an accent. While not as cheap as Indian customer service support, but the costs are cheaper
than the U.S. and there are no accent or cultural problems. Indeed, there are a number of the
population who are from the British Isles. The British accent has been proven to calm American
anxieties and feel as though they are being lectured to by a person who knows it all. A smattering of
Irish and Scottish accents will make the drink calls interesting with a bar
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Donald Trump As A Good Role Model
Many do not see Donald Trump as a good person, but he still has done some good things with his life.
He has donated to over 298 charities through his organization, giving about $5.5 million total. He
wants a tax plan to help the poor. Anyone earning under $25,000 would pay no income tax which
would be very helpful. Most people don t believe this, but he is a very confident person and a good
role model. Showing how even if you start with a small amount of money, you can turn it into a billion
or more dollars. Donald J. Trump was born in Queens New York, on June 14th 1946. Born to Fred and
Mary Anne Trump. He attended New York Military Academy at the age 13. After graduating he
attended Fordham University before transferring to Wharton School of Finance at the University of
Pennsylvania, to study economics. In 1971 Trump was given control of his father s business. He then
changed it to Trump Organization, moving to Manhattan to begin a new life, with powerful
connections. The pennsylvania central railroad entered bankruptcy, that s when trump then purchased
the property,and created the city convention center. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Well there is almost no argument to that it shows how black and white society can be, while truthfully
there is a lot of grey in between, no one tells it how it is, and media jumps on every chance it gets to
turn a bad situation into a political one. Donald Trump s ill mannered statements and actions seem
offensive, and some are, but sometimes that s what the people need to hear. The truth is not always
gonna be nice, and sometimes you got to admit that some parts of this beautiful country of ours, is
screwed up. And no, obviously Trump is not the perfect candidate, but is anyone? Will there be any
president who didn t mess something up?. Of course Donald Trump has very controversial ideas about
some things, but it doesn t make him all bad. Even someone like Donald Trump has a decent
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America s Mental Health System
Take a moment and think about those your care deeply for, those you would give your life for. Now,
imagine if he or she were sick, or in any other kind of trouble. What would you do to help them? Go
to the edge of the world and back, fight, not stopping for yourself until they were in good health once
more. Now imagine if you found a potential cure, or a solution, but it was held away because a few
people who had more money than you did not want it to be used. You have seen and heard of this
proponent being used in other countries and has had very promising results, yet still those who claim
they have power over you deny what you seek. The fact of the matter is thousands of Americans suffer
from some kind of mental illness, including my brother. Whether it be chronic anxiety, post traumatic
stress disorder, depression, bi polar, schizophrenia, addiction, the list can go on. America has a
botched mental health system, the main way we treat people is by shoving pills down their throats,
most that have little to no substantial effects, leaving people still feeling empty. The pills rather just
control or alleviate symptoms rather than eradicating them completely, leaving people to have to take
dose after dose daily to keep their lives in check. This is a serious problem, for that many have or
know some one who is suffering from mental illness, and continue to see them suffer or believe they
are just faking it. People, including my brother, shouldn t just get by with their
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Persuasive Essay On Habitat Loss
Habitat loss is a very real and very serious problem that goes on in our world today in every country.
An important species that has been experiencing habitat loss, which has caused them to become
endangered, is the sea turtle. Sea turtles have been on earth for over 110 million years and the fact that
humans have been able to introduce this much damage to them is crazy. Sea turtles are not only
extremely important to marine environments, but also to environments on shore. If sea turtles were to
go extinct, the oceans would become dead. Sea grass is one of the most important things that are
included in a sea turtles diet. When sea turtles eat sea grass, it actually helps it grow, which small fish,
shellfish and other small marine life live in. If sea turtles go extinct, this would eventually die and
with it, all marine life. The shore would suffer because sea turtles nest on the beach and their eggshells
provide nutrients to the beach, which helps beach vegetation grow and keep the sand from eroding.
Beaches have a hard time growing vegetation and sea turtle eggs help with this problem the most
Many ocean conservations have been trying their best to help protect sea turtle nests, which would
help replenish the sea turtle population. Sea turtle eggs and hatchlings have to try their best to protect
themselves from predators, which seem to be everywhere when sea turtle eggs and hatchlings are
around. Birds, foxes and fish are just some of the predators that prey on
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Happiness In The Great Gatsby
Everyone wants something they don t have for most people that is money, In Gatsby s situation that s
attention and the need for love and happiness. Gatsby is one man with a house who can fit plenty.
Throughout the novel Gatsby finds himself at a loss for he has no real friends has nobody who loves
him nor does he have any true happiness. It was a factual imitation of some Hôtel de Ville in
Normandy, [with] a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy (5). This
symbolizes Gatsby s large illegal income and even with his large income, nothing can buy him
happiness at least not for long. The house he feels he needs in order to win happiness . This is a great
example of how Gatsby is irresponsible with his money and is a major
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Thee Student In The Classroom
1. Describe the students in the classroom: Thee student enters the classroom quietly went to their
designated area for coats and backpacks to store them for the day. The students choose a chair and sat
at their table waiting for Mrs. Thomas instruction. The classroom consisted of more girls than boys
totaling fifteen in all. The class had one inclusionary child. The demographic makeup was eighty
percent African American, and twenty percent others.
2. Describe the purposes of the activity/lesson taught:. Mrs. Thomas pulled an assignment Know as,
Due Now for a student to pass out to the entire class. The first assignment given to the students
required them to recall the past lesson learn. The Due Now assignment reinforce the past lesson to
help the student retain and recall the lesson learned. Mrs. Thomas give the children thirty minutes to
complete the assignment and those that had not will complete later. Next she introduced the Reading
time on the carpet. The book of the day was Sherman Crunchy . The reading is to promote the student
to engage in the listening, recall, comprehension, and incorporate new words. The student were asked
question throughout the residing and required to respond ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What did you think about the teaching you observed? I believe Mrs. Thomas experience in the
classroom is evident through the tone, direction she provides her students and organizational skills.
Mrs. Thomas is prepared for the daily activities for the classroom. During my observation of Mrs.
Thomas she had many distractions, but never lose control of the classroom. She was able to
incorporate another class into her group seamlessly. Mrs. Thomas demonstrates excellent classroom
management without looking focus of her priorities which is the student lesson. She exhibits
wonderful leadership for other staff members when they had questions or need assistance to other
students. I believe I have a great opportunity to gain much needed knowledge of today s classroom
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Weather In A Thousand Splendid Suns
Foster points out that the weather plays a critical role in a work of literature. Whether it be for plot
development or for a democratic reason, rain, snow, or fog plays a significant role in literature. In
general, rain can bring about enlightenment and restoration, and snow can bring abstract thought.
What an author does with rain, snow, or fog in the novel can signify a change in character or parallel
the atmosphere or what is happening in the novel. For much of A Thousand Splendid Suns, the
characters must withstand a drought. However, when there was a snowfall during the winter of 1992,
[Laila] would retreat back to her room, sit on the bed, and watch the snow falling (208). Instead of
going outside to feel the snow, Laila remains
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The Effect Of Mineral Nutrition On The Toxicity Of Metals
There is a vast amount of literature which indicates that the mineral nutrition has an important role in
the toxicity of metals (Pond and Walker, 1972, 1975; Larson and Piscator, 1971; Petering et al., 1971,
1974; 1977; Hamilton and Valberg, 1974; Doyle and Pfander, 1975; Hastings et al., 1976; Waldron
and Stofen, 1974). It is true, especially to those micronutrients which are essential such as zinc,
copper, iron with respect to toxicity of certain metals like cadmium, arsenic, lead etc. It is assumed
that the dietary intake of metals in excessive such as copper, iron and zinc will be protective against
the toxic effects of the heavy metals like lead. The deficiency of calcium and other essential elements
result in the enhanced toxicity of lead and cadmium [ref]. There had been difficulty in evaluating the
role of essential nutrients like zinc, iron, copper etc on the toxicity of heavy metals, perhaps due to
differences in the animal models choosen, the route of administration and other metabolic and
physiological differences which leads to variable results between studies.
Lead zinc relationships
Cerklewski and Forbes (1976) reported that rats when fed a diet having low levels of zinc and
containing 200 ppm of lead cause a marked increase in the lead levels of tibia and urinary 8
aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Further it has been observed that the lead levels of tibia and urinary ALA
has reduced greatly when the zinc content of the diet was raised to optimal or super optimal
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U.s. Department Of Justice
The Drug Enforcement Administration also referred to as the DEA is an agency within the United
States that enforces federal law under the supervision of the U.S. department of Justice (United States
Department of Justice, 2014). The DEA has several sole responsibilities; in congruency with mid level
medical providers such as Nurse Practitioners (NP); it is the lead agency for domestic enforcement of
the Controlled Substance Act with the sole responsibility of coordinating and pursuing U.S. drug
investigations abroad (Baker Biederman, 2015). Within the DEA is a registration system in place that
authorizes medical professionals, such as APRN s to apply for authority, and if approved, will receive
the jurisdiction to prescribe controlled substances as outlines by his or her board of nursing regulations
(United States Department of Justice, 2014). As mentioned above, the practitioner applies for a DEA
registration number through the administration agency; once approved, the provider will be assigned a
DEA number by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration allowing them to prescribe controlled
substances while in his or her practice. I currently reside in the state of Kentucky, in which I plan on
staying and practicing after graduation. Insights concerning Kentucky s law on collaboration were
brought forth after research and speaking to my preceptor as well as her collaborating physician.
Kentucky requires a collaborative practice agreement between the FNP and the
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Assessing Renewable Energy Projects Essay
As aforediscussed, many authors agree that capital utilization play an important role in defining
business viability; however there is a lack of assessment methodologies for making such assessment
possible on the context of assessing Renewable Energy Projects. In view of that, and in order to tackle
this difficulty, a generic assessment model has been presented on Chapter three Within the context of
studying Renewable Energy Projects, this section provides an application of the generic model as to
provide a glance on the insights, or gains in knowledge that can be achieved from the exploration of
4.1 Case Study Motivations
As we have previously discussed in Chapter one, the global demand for biofuels is expected to
continue its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Due to these reasons, it has become of crucial importance to understand the Brazilian Renewable
Energy System. Therefore, this thesis applies its present assessment methodology in order to test its
ability in generating useful information to the viability analysis process.
4.1.1 Brazil
With its 8.5 million square kilometers and over 190 million inhabitants, Brazil is not only the fifth
largest territory, comprising nearly half of South America, but also the world s fourth largest
democracy (CIA, 2008). This tropical country is a major world player comprising one of the most
modern and sophisticated industrial economies of the developing world the tenth largest at market
exchange rates. Despite ranking as the world s 15th largest oil producer, advancing to become oil
independent due to recent massive discoveries in oil resources along its coast (see Mello, 2008), few
countries with reasonably good levels of industrialization and oil reserves have an energy matrix with
such an important share of renewable energy sources (as Brazil) (Walter, Dolzan, E. Piacente, 2006).
Brazil is considered to have the world s
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salem witchcraft trials cause and effect Essay
In 1692 the area of Salem town and Salem village became very vulnerable to conflict. Severe weather
such as hurricanes had damaged land and crops, the effects of King Phillips War began to impact New
England society, and colonists were being forced off of the frontiers by Native peoples. The Church
and the government were in heavy conflict. And those residing in Salem began to grow suspicious of
one another when some prospered and others hadn t (Marcus, p13).
Suddenly people seemed very paranoid and soon residents were placing blame on one another and
accusing each other of witchcraft. In a fifteen month period between 1691 and 1692 nearly twelve
dozen people were accused of witchcraft in or near Salem (Norton, p8). ... Show more content on
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Relationships between people and families seemed to crumble in the light of hysteria as children
accused parents and friends pointed out friends (Boyer, p67). Some confessed to witchcraft and saved
their own lives, others refused to tarnish their names and proclaimed innocence to their grave. The fact
that these people did not have freedom of speech and were proven guilty without any tangible
evidence caused even more hysteria throughout New England. People realized that at anytime anyone
of them could be pointed out and so the society fell even more.
One can see the Salem witch trials as being an excessive representation of the social and economic
changes taking place in New England at this time (Boyer, p67). Differences between those who
accepted change and those who feared it are what divided the colony. The hanging of witches can be
seen as the murder of difference or of change.
Perhaps if they had not been so insecure about their methods of governing the colony, the Puritans
wouldn t have felt threatened by the slightest change. It took nineteen innocent deaths for the leaders
of Salem to even begin to see the wrong doing in their trials. The Salem witch trials of the 1690 s had
an immense impact on American history. These dark times cast a shadow that would forever haunt this
country s past, knowing that our fore fathers were not the
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Eassy On Charlemagne
Charlemagne, who was called Charles the Great, was born on April 2nd, 742 in Aachen, which would
be Belgium today. Charlemagne Father was Pepin the Short who was the first Carolingians to become
King while Charlemagne mother was a Frankish queen. Charlemagne as born into a royal family, and
he was the youngest son that his parents had and one day he would be king of the Franks.
Charlemagne s family s religion was Roman Catholic and so was he. As for Charlemagne s education
he didn t have much of one. Charlemagne was brought up as a warrior and most of his knowledge
pertained to fighting never the less Charlemagne was still knew that education was important so when
he had his children he made sure the where educated.
Charlemagne adulthood was a very successful one. During his adulthood, he was crowned king on
Christmas day of the Roman Empire by the Pope. However, there was already a Roman Emperor. But
the Pope said that Charlemagne was the ruler of Western Europe only. When the Pope crowned
Charlemagne on Christmas day it began the start of the Holy Roman Empire that lasted from (800
1806). Charlemagne was the first ever Holy Roman Emperor. Charlemagne was a great military
leader. While Charlemagne was the Holy Roman Emperor, he ran a very discipline ... Show more
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He wanted make Catholicism the realign of all of Europe. One of the things that Charlemagne done to
reform the Catholic Church was he said that mandatory for everyone to pay tithes. That meant that
10% of all goods would go back to the church. He made all of the churches follow the liturgical
pattern that had been established in Rome. Charlemagne also made sure that the clergy was well
educated. Charlemagne was really concerned about the quality of sermons that clergy where
preaching. So he set up some basic sermons that he thought they should use if the person who was
speaking could not write one of his
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Conflict In Cynthia Ann Parker
Cynthia Ann Parker was only nine years old when she was kidnapped and taken away by Native
Americans also known as the Comanche warriors. She was taken away from her home, her family, and
her heritage.
Soon she had forgotten her childhood years she blocked the raid and her capture from her memory and
has finally adopted the ways of her people (Native Americans) She has forgotten the English language,
and has only one desire. For many years she had been raised by Native Americans. At first she was a
slave to the Native Americans, but eventually she was treated and saw as one of them. She learned
their heritage, ways of living, language, and ways. She even married the chief and great warrior, Peta
Nocona. With whom she had later had children with.
However, after ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cynthia Ann Parker became part of the Comanche culture. She lived among them, had a family and
participated in their traditions and learned the way they do things from raising children to making
food. Cynthia Ann Parker has two families in two different cultures and societies that are in conflict of
each other.
Throughout this book, the struggle to come to terms with who she is in relation to these two different
families. She never feels complete, fit in, or fully part pf the family after recapture and she has been
separated from her Native American family. But there are moment when she remembers her life
before the capture, and the memories help understand memories of her white family.
Where The Broken Heart Still Beats is a fiction version of Cynthia Ann Parker who was captured by
the Comanche when she was nine. As the novel begins she is united with her white family. Having
lived among the Comanche people for over twenty five years, she considers herself an American
Indian and must relearn the way of her white
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Hum By Naomi Shihab Nye Summary
On September 11, 2001 America was attacked by terrorists at the World Trade Center in New York
City and The Pentagon in Washington D.C. Planes crashed into these buildings and killed thousands of
people, and injured even more. This tore families apart. Also, many people believed that Muslim and
Islamic people were responsible for the terrorist attacks. This was a very sad time for the nation
because it was very rough for citizens with different races and religions. In the story Hum by Naomi
Shihab Nye, the cartoon Ahmed Mohamed by Adam Zyglis and the article How 9/11 Changed These
Muslims Americans Lives Forever by Lydia O Connor, it is clear that the aftermath of 9/11 resulted in
horrible discrimination around the USA. In the story, Hum, by Naomi Shihab Nye, a young
Palestinian boy named Sami faces discrimination first hand from his classmates after the terrorist
attacks of 9/11. Sami Salsa just moved to America from Israel with his mom and dad. When Sami
goes to school all the kids already think he is different because of his funny name, language, and
accent he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this cartoon Uncle Sam is holding a newspaper with the title that states, Texas teen Mohamed
Arrested for making a clock (Zyglis). The newspaper title clearly shows that Muslims and Arabs are
being treated unfairly because it is not a crime to build a clock. The young teen, Mohamed, was
arrested because people around him thought he was building a bomb since he is Muslim. This is one
of many acts of discrimination because people assumed that he was building an explosive. In the
picture, Uncle Sam says that his clock is stuck at 9/11 because 9/11 was a time period where
discrimination was so strong. This shows that even years after this terrible occurrence people in
America still discriminate against Muslims because of an event that happened so long
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Why There Are More Than Students
University is a place providing people with higher education and training, where they can
gain not only academic but also social knowledge. Historically, men have always been considered
superior to women for their strength and intelligence. Typical stereotypes are that while the
males are more rational, decisive and stronger; the females are more fragile and delicate. To
demonstrate the long held belief, it can be seen that the majority of leaders, politicians, scientists
and business people are men. However, the proportion of male students attending UK
universities has been falling behind the other gender in recent years, which may trigger several
problems. According to (TG,2013), In 2010 11, there were more female (55%) than male full
time undergraduates (45%) enrolled at university a trend which shows no sign of shrinking. This
essay will discuss the causes and effects of the manifested issue and possible solutions to attract
more male undergraduates to universities.
The reasons leading to this situation including individual, family, school, and social factors. university
student sex ratio imbalance on regional development and the future of human sex
ratio may cause serious adverse effects. Especially at present, economy desperately needs a
variety of people, college student sex ratio imbalance will impact on our future personnel
structure, thus affecting the country s overall innovative
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Taking a Look at Types of Disasters
According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (n.d), the
definition of disaster is known as: an unexpected, catastrophic event that extremely disturbs the
functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and environmental losses that go
beyond the community s ability to handle using its own resources. In addition, the disaster could be
classified into two category which are the natural disaster and also human made disaster. First, a
natural disaster is known as the naturally occurring event or changes in natural phenomenon that has
disastrous impacts towards the society. The extent of loss vary to the vulnerability of the population,
and also the scope and intensity of the disaster. Examples for natural disasters are earthquake,
typhoon, volcanic eruptions, flood and so on. Conversely, human made disaster is known as the event
that often caused by the negligence or human error which lead to a disastrous impacts towards the
society. Example of human made disasters are technological hazards such as nuclear weapons,
transportation hazards like airplane crash, and so on. Ten years ago, there was a massive undersea
earthquake which known as the Sumatra Andaman earthquake that occurred at 26 December 2004.
The earthquake was classified as natural disaster that caused by the movement of tectonic plates under
the ocean which lead to a series of destructive tsunamis that hit and impacted 14 countries in total.
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Space Telescope Research Paper
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was launched into low Earth orbit roughly 25 years ago to allow
scientists and astronomers to peer into space. Since that day, Hubble the largest and most versatile
space telescope has recorded some of the most detailed and awe inspiring images
(http://clapway.com/2015/08/27/hubble space telescope butterfly nebula123/), which have led to
several breakthroughs in astrophysics.
In line with its already established reputation, Hubble (http://hubblesite.org/the_telescope/) , along
with the Herschel (https://herschel.jpl.nasa.gov/) space telescope, was recently used to peer back in
time in order to provide astronomers with an idea of how galaxies within the vast expanse of the
Universe have undergone dramatic trasnforsatioms over the last eight billion years ro so. ... Show
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However, only 49 percent of stars that exist in the Universe today are located in these disc shaped
galaxies, the remainder are located in oval shaped galaxies, it according to a statement from the
Cardiff University s School of Physics and Astronomy, whose astronomers led the study.
The results suggest a massive transformation in which disc shaped galaxies became oval shaped
To explain the change, scientists have come up with two possible hypotheses. The first attributes
theformatioan of the oval galaxies to the a merging event, in which two disc shaped clusters that
happen to move to close to each come together due to gravity. The other explanation relates to stars in
a round, lfat galazxy, migrate towards the core to produce the same rough oval.
This galatical shape shifting, as Discovery News states, has been theorized before. Steve Eales, The
lead author of the
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The Disparities Between Races And Ethnicities
All men are created equal yet the glaring disparities between races and ethnicities say otherwise. The
African American demographic of America has the lowest poverty rate and household income than all
other races and ethnicities. The statistics about African American poverty are staggering in regards to
more than just unemployment, food insecurity, and nutrition. In the 21st century, decades after the
civil war and desegregation, and with such a diverse population, the poverty in our country still
pertains to race and the color of our skin. The following paragraphs will explicate the various
distinctions in socioeconomic statuses of the African American and white populations of America. It is
not my intention to pit the white and black ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
African Americans still have the lowest household income in comparison to all other races and
ethnicities. African Americans have the highest poverty rate at 27.4%.
The consequences faced by those under the poverty line are disconcerting. The organization, Feeding
America, reports that 26% of African American households suffer from food insecurity, which is more
than twice compared to the 11% of Caucasian households. 93% of counties that possess an African
American majority population fall into the top 10% of counties with the highest rates of food
insecurity. Also, African Americans are more likely to be uninsured than any other race or ethnicity.
The younger generation of African Americans is also severely affected by poverty. 45.8% of young
black children reside under the poverty line where as only 14.5% of white children do. Unfortunately,
black children are at a socioeconomic disadvantage that makes them more vulnerable than any other
racial groups to live in areas of highly concentrated poverty where they are at greater risks of being
involved with or exposed to violence leading to psychological issues later in life. 52.1% of black
children live in single parent homes as the rate of marriage among the African American demographic
has seen a steep decline during the recession compared to the white population. African American
children are less likely to have proper nutrition and immunization. For these children, concentration
on education is often
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Alice Walker Equality
I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don t notice it.
(Walker, 1982). One of the most recognized quotes from Alice Walker winning Pulitzer Prize of her
novel The Color Purple. Alice Walker known for her short stories, novels, and poems. Big on her
treatments for the culture of African American all over the world. Her focus was to write about essays
and poetry about the racial civil rights, peace around the world, and women s equality. As she
introduces herself to be a womanism.
On February 9, 1944. Alice Walker was born in Eatonton, Georgia. Alice Walker grew up with seven
siblings. Which their names are Willie Fred, Mamie Lee, Willian Henry, James Thomas, Annie Ruth,
Robert Luis, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Alice Walker first book, The Third Life of Grange Copeland. Dead with the issues that Alice Walker
saw on the rural of African American family that are trapped in a multigenerational cycle of the
violence and economic dependency. Alice Walker had a big impact on social issues during her life
growing up, as her parents were sharecropper. Alice Walker became a huge active in the Civil Rights
Movement for the equality for all African Americans. When Alice Walker won first place in the
national essay contest in 1967, her essay was, The Civil Rights Movement: What Good Was It? She
expresses the movement about the social restrictions that United States of America was facing in the
1960 s. Saw on Television of when Martin Luther King Jr, arrested for the leading march in the
Alabama First. Alice Walker as well felt strong for being a Political activist, for believing that
everyone should learn to extend the range of their compassion. Strong defender for all living beings
right, not just for the human rights. As Alice Walker stands for those who see the side for the
revolutionaries, leaders who see a change, teachers, and people who are transformation of the
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Richard Neustadt Research Paper
Joseph Tadrous Professor Derek POLI SCI January 15, 2017 Lincoln Many U.S citizens think that the
president is all powerful and he rules everyone for his oval office, but in fact he has limited power,
those powers were set by Richard Neustadt. Neustadt was a political science expert. He was also a
presidential advisor for many presidents. Richard Neustadt was born on june 26 1919. He went to
Harvard and berkeley. Neustadt has many very interesting point on U.S president s power. Neustadt
focuses on three important traits that any president must have to be able to succeed in the oval office,
the power to persuade, his professional reputation and his public prestige. All of these traits help in the
passing and success of the president s 4 8 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The better the reputation of the president, the easier it will be to negotiate. There are people in
agencies and departments that have a huge amount of power and can have a huge force on the
president. There is an example that Neustadt illustrates to show a president s reputation being
questioned Neustadt stated Eisenhower s secretary of treasury George Humphrey publicly questioned
the integrity of some of Eisenhower s changes to the budget for that year of 1957. The very public
scrutiny by Humphrey, caused a national questioning of the budget and coarsely the reputation of
Eisenhower . Although Humphrey s words may not have been justified, Eisenhower s reputation was
scarred nonetheless . The president must always act and keeping in mind that there are those powerful
enough to publicly embarrass him. The last and important thing of presidential power that Neustadt
explains is public prestige. Public prestige is related to the president s reputation. Public prestige is
basically how the public views the president. Even though the public has no direct link with the
president, the public s view of the president affects how congress will act
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Emerald Ash Borer Research Paper
What is an invasive species? An invasive species is a species not native to an area, in this case not
native to the Great Lakes area. A non native species is a species that originally was not in a certain
location but was brought there and causes a lot of damage. An invasive species also is a great danger
to the environment and can cause damage to humans, plants, and animals. In Illinois and the Great
Lakes area there are more than 180 invasive and non native species. That means a lot of damage is
made into our environment. One particular invasive species is Agrilus planipennis, more commonly
known as emerald ash borer. What is the life cycle of the emerald ash borer? The emerald ash borer
adult males live an average of 13 days, while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people think that to get rid of them we have to cut down the ash trees but that is not true.
Recently in Burnsville, this summer it injected 14 ash trees at City Hall with pesticide to protect them
against the emerald ash borer. Deborah McCullough, a professor of entomology and forestry at
Michigan State University. Based on her research, she says: There is no reason for a landscape ash tree
to die from emerald ash borer anymore. The treatment is so effective and so much cheaper than
removal and replacement that I can t get a single elected official to weigh in on the side of removing
healthy trees because we don t have to, and that is never popular with the public. Private ash trees that
were not injected are dead, while treated ash trees on city property stand nearby in good health.
Michigan and Ohio State research shows that injecting Tree age provides at least two years of almost
100 percent control of larvae, McCullough said. Applying pesticides every two years costs about $250
a tree, while removal and replacement is $700 to $1,200 a tree. The company says the product is a
safe, organic option. We should try that option instead of cutting down trees. This would help protect
the area of great lakes from emerald ash
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  • 10. The Ups Mission Statement UPS has a deep legacy of experience and expertise, and a heritage of doing the right thing for their customers, communities and employees. They are in the business of connecting their audiences to the things, people, places and answers they need, the moment they need them. They never stop looking for ways to be better so their team members can be at their best. They do this by uncovering new ideas, transforming their business, or simply doing more with their day. The UPS brand helps them bring this heritage and DNA to life, from the words they say, to the colors and photography they choose, to the experiences they deliver. By upholding and protecting the brand, UPS continues to build lasting relationships with their audiences, meet their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They set the agenda as the parent company and get people to take notice since they are already an established brand. UPS helps their audience understand that The UPS Store goes further in every connection they make so both UPS and The UPS Store customers can do more. It is the responsibility of The UPS Store to drive in center traffic using compelling retail messages, maintaining proper center imaging, and posting approved signage. In order to activate the brand at the local lever through customized and localized promotions based on co op objectives and local opportunities to increase traffic to centers, it is important for the co ops to take advantage of any and all local opportunities. Lastly, it is important for centers to utilize local store marketing in order to increase their average sales amounts and create repeat customer through up selling and cross selling techniques. All of these efforts help UPS and The UPS Store facilitate the needs of their customers across multiple ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Nevada Is Not The Typical Lawyer While Papantonio was able to predict a few quality of Nevada based on his research, Nevada is not the typical lawyer. Papantonio sent out his survey to hundreds of lawyers and his data was based on people who practiced in the 1990s, naturally some things that he predicted would be incorrect. It s also worth noting that it s implausible that a lawyer would match the study in every category anyway. On average Nevada is a better attorney than his colleagues. Unlike the typical attorney Nevada did take time off for vacation. Another characteristic that Nevada doesn t share with the average lawyer written by the scholars is that he handles far more cases on a yearly basis. A stated similarity is the negative attitude toward the field but this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clients have respect for Nevada s work because it helps them to resolve fears that they could have developed thinking about their mortality. Client are appreciative that concerns are met and that Nevada has taken the time to explain every step. The week before I arrived to work at the firm Nevada had taken a week long vacation but, that behavior was seen as rare within the confines of the book. Papantonio accounted that between 20 and 26% of lawyers demand 5 to 4 weeks respectfully of vacation (Papantonio, 1995). He proceeds to state that only 8% took 5 weeks off and 16% took 4 weeks off (Papantonio, 1995). Lawyers are by their very nature workaholics and they will refuse to take time off but, Nevada was not constrained to that style of thinking. He took time off to travel and relax which in turn mitigated is potential to burnout. The fact that most lawyers work 250 hours or more a month should equate that they need to take time off from time to time but, most lawyers ultimately refuse to. Papantonio accounts in his survey that 41.1 % of survey recipients can t relax (Papantonio, 1995). As against his time during the internship, Nevada was refreshed and motivated to try new ideas. A vacation every once and while seems to be a necessity to prevent burning out. Once he returned from his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. King Henry Manipulation Good morning/afternoon English teachers. All representations of people and politics are indeed acts of manipulation as true political agendas must be hidden behind a misleading facade. Language plays a particularly powerful role in portraying in these political representations. However ambiguous the political motive may be, control is the ultimate goal in the world of politics. Contrary to popular belief, not all acts of manipulation are inherently immoral or solely pragmatic. King Henry IV: Part 1 (1596 1597), the second historical play of the Henriad, by William Shakespeare, provides insight into these ideas as his own work is as such a representation of people and politics of the Elizabethan Era, two hundred years before his own time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The portrayal of Prince Hal is exemplary of Shakespeare s use of manipulation to position the audience to favour a political figure. Initially he sets himself a bad impression to the audience by being brash and irresponsible. Prince Hal s relationship to Falstaff and company was a tool for him in order to create for himself a notorious image which he could later shed and expose his true valor. At the end of Act 1, Scene 2, Hal, through his soliloquy, shows that he has a completely different perspective on his own actions, conceding that they are unsuitable for a King but that he is engaging in this behaviour for a clear political purpose. Hal uses the central metaphor of the sun in his speech: Yet herein will I imitate the sun (1.2.157) and creating imagery of the sun appearing from the clouds, symbolising his glorious rise from his behaviour: Being wanted, he may be more wondered at/By breaking through the foul and ugly mists (1.2.161 62). He ends with a rhyming couplet I ll so offend, to make offence a skill,/ Redeeming time when men think least I will (1.2.176 77). The conclusive effect of the rhyming couplets establishes Hal s intent to exploit the tendency of humanity to appreciate a change or reformation by behaving poorly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Principles of Scientific Management and Its... The Principles of Scientific Management and its Applications in Modern Day Organizations Introduction Managers have been continuously trying to figure out the best way to manage the workplace since the start of the industrial revolution. The goal is to maximize production output and minimize cost therefore getting maximized profit while still keeping workers happy and motivated. Different methods have been introduced and tested. But perhaps one of the most influential and popular ideas in management is scientific management or taylorism as people know it. Taylorism, along with fordism, which follows after, are considered to be the classical work organization. The reason behind this is because; these ideas correspond to the first ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This would make the production a lot quicker as the tasks are going to be less complicated. For example, in a company that produces chair, the task in making the chair would be separated to, cutting the parts off wood, assembly of the parts, paint and finishing touches, but even this can still be separated into smaller components. This will result in reducing the skill required for a task The second principal is separate planning and doing. At the time, workers do all the planning and doing, in taylorism, the planning are taken from the workers and given to managers. This would make planning more optimal; standardizing every task. Before, workers would do his job with the way that he thinks is best, without or with only little help from the management. Now, the managers bear new duties, which are; first is developing a science in a man s work for each element, second is to select the workmen in a scientific way and the train and develop them, third is cooperating with the men to insure that all the work are being done according to the principles of science that was developed, and the fourth is the responsibility of the workers and the managers are now divided almost equally. The third is the separation of direct and indirect labour. The skilled workers (direct labour) are removed of all preparations and servicing tasks, and instead performed by unskilled and cheaper labour (indirect labour). Because of the first principle, which is maximum ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Trifles By Susan Glaspell Critical Analysis Essay Constantly being torn down and belittled over the course of a lifetime can put a toll on anyone s sense of purpose and health, so it makes sense that in the 1916 play Trifles by Susan Glaspell someone finally snaps. In the play, Minnie Wright is accused of killing her husband John Wright in his sleep. The mystery, however, does not surround Minnie s innocence, but rather her motivation in killing her husband. Ironically, the mystery is solved, not by those who purposefully came to the house to investigate, by the women who came as friends of the accused. By the finale of the play, the men in the party have still failed to find any useful evidence and are actively being worked against, as the women are hiding a crucial bit of evidence. But ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wright was worried about her fruit, the sheriff immediately jumps to insulting her instead of looking at the emotional implications that are tied to Mrs. Wright caring more about her fruit then her dead husband. He, like the rest of the men, looks over all of the hard work women do around the farm and in the community, ignorant to the fact that his words are impart why Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters hiding the most damning piece of evidence in the case. After discovering Mrs. Wright s dead bird and surmising that Mr. Wright must have strangled it, Mrs. Peters says, My, it s a good thing the men couldn t hear us. Wouldn t they just laugh! Getting all stirred up over a little thing like a dead canary. As if that could have anything to do with with wouldn t they laugh! (949). Sheriff Peters s harsh and dismissive attitude has made him impossible to trust. If you cannot trust someone whose main job description is to serve and protect you, then who can you trust? Given that this play is in part a murder mystery, the facts of the murder should be told through an unbiased perspective so the audience can deduce the suspect at the same time as the characters. However, in the case of Trifles, the circumstances of the case are presented from the point of view of a man, Lewis Hale, who was a friend and neighbor of the victim. Throughout his description of the events that play out when he discovered the body, Hale makes a few references to the greater emotional strain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Subliminal Perception Essay Subliminal Perception Subliminal Perception is a signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. These messages are indiscernible by the conscious mind, but allegedly affect the subconscious or deeper mind. Subliminal techniques have occasionally been used in advertising, but the purpose, effectiveness and frequency of such techniques is debated. It is proven though that stimulation below the level of a person s conscious awareness can be shown to have on some aspects of behavior. Following my research regarding, subliminal perception, I came to the conclusion that it is used in advertising, but I am not sure to what extent. Companies such as KFC and McDonald s use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the majority of beer and alcohol ads prominently feature attractive women, naturally leading to a unconditioned response. Classical conditioning is also used by well known brands, in which a uncconditioned stimulus might consist with a well known brand symbol that implies products that have certain qualities. The print advertisement that I chose for classical conditioning is from Geico. The Strong brand symbol of the Geico Gecko did not happen over night, but through strong marketing campaigns supported by repetition, The Gecko has become a household symbol. Sensory Perception: Sensory perception is defined as, The immediate response of our sensory receptors (eyes, ears, nose, mouth fingers) to the basic stimuli such as light, color, sound, odor texture. Formed with the process by which people select, organize and interpret these sensations. Understanding the role that the touch, taste, smell and sight play in marketing is important. It is our senses that interpret information and give us meaning to what objects are around us. Smell: Scent marketing is taking interesting turns as manufacturers and marketers find innovative ways to put scents into products. The print work I chose to exemplify the smell perception is Air Wick. This particular advertisement, although it is smaller than the average size, it offers a wide array of sensory stimuli. While the print ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Staining Teeth Essay Logically, we could assume that coffee isn t the only substance that has ever stained your teeth. Especially if you have been accumulating stains over the long term. Therefore, you want to first cut out anything else that may be sabotaging your smile. You have the usual suspects, like dark berries and cola. But a few other surprising foods and drinks could be making your stains more obvious. For example, if you think that sticking to white wine is better for white teeth, you may be wrong. As it turns out, the acidity in white wine can make your enamel more porous. So when you do eat or drink something that is overtly staining, it travels deeper into the surface of the tooth. This can make the stain darker, more obvious, and tougher to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 7. Change the way you brew. And for that matter, the way you grind. Dr. Scott Frey of FreySmiles has done quite a bit of legwork in determining which methods stain the most. According to his findings, Turkish and espresso making methods carry the most stain creating probability. Additionally, he estimates that many household coffee makers are comparable to the pour over method. The pour over comes in at number four on the spectrum of methods that stain teeth. All the way at the very bottom is the cold brew method. Using coarsely ground beans, this method is hypothesized to have the least negative impact on maintaining white teeth. Contrary to what the name implies, you don t have to drink cold brew cold. By all means, heat it up! It s also ridiculously easy to make at home, which is nice considering how trendy it s becoming. To make cold brew, all you need is coarsely ground coffee, a sterilized jar, cold brew coffee bags, and water. Or, just get an infusing pitcher suitable for cold brew. Let the coffee and water steep together for 24 hours before straining well. That sounds like a long time to make coffee, right? But the good news here is that you can make a large batch and store it in the fridge. It will stay fresh for weeks! On top of keeping your smile white, cold brew is much less acidic. And although I m not big on coffee, I think it tastes much better than the countertop drip ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Attachment Theory The attachment theory is a theory by Bowlby that refers to the joint mutual relationship that babies experience and develop with their primary caregiver (Bowlby, 1982). This theory is not supported by research in various sceneries. However, even though the attachment theory began as an initiative, the clinical application to the daily clinical understanding of adult mental health complications has penned red behind the current available research. I believe that the theory can give valuable insight into both the developing nature of recognized psychiatric disorders as well as in the development of the therapeutic relationship in adults. My position provides an overview of (a) the application of attachment theory to diverse psychopathologies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The remaining data available so far suggest that attachment insecurity indeed serves as a risk factor. Secondly, on the other hand (Dozier et al, 1999) due to differences in attachment conceptualization and measurement on one side and in how psychiatric disorders are diagnosed, results across studies can readily be compared. This may in part explain some of the contradictory findings. Nevertheless, one broad generalisation is emerging on the basis of the distinction between seizure strategies that reduce and maximise attachment needs and behaviours (approximately corresponds with attachment preoccupation and dismissal respectively) (Dozier et al, 1999). Externalising psychopathology (which may involve misconduct behaviour, e.g. eating disorders) are to be associated with hypothesised (or something) strategies, while s psychopathology (e.g. depression, anxiety and plate line personality disorder) would transform with (or hyper active) associated strategies. As indicated above, this generalisation has not been consistently supported. Finally, one can expect that the higher the load for a genetic disorder, less the contribution social and/or environmental factors (including ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Literary Works about Success In a world full of success gurus and books about success, it becomes ever so more important to describe the one quality that ultimately leads to success. This plague conquered the human minds and pushed us, till we came up with the ideas to sell success guiding books and making money which leads to successfulness. In the story, the house, in which Paul s family lives in, is personified to be standing for more money: And so the house came to be haunted by the unspoken phrase: There must be more money! There must be more money! The children could hear it all the time though nobody said it aloud. (151) . This is a symbolic element because it shows how much greed that house held, and how greed was driven by an addiction to money in each member of that house. There is never enough money for Paul s mother and the house is caught the bug of that overwhelming need. It is this insatiable need for money that leads to consequences in the end as we read in the story and lead to Paul s death. But Paul s death is just a small fraction of what is going on in the real world. Wars in the name of success were fought and driven humans to kill each other. A simple example is Napoleon; he conquered in the name of success. In other words, this communicates the theme of how money corrupts humanity. In the short story, The Rocking Horse Winner, there is a little boy who competed for his mother s love, and his mother brought her son to his death with her confusing vocabulary. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Congressional Committees and Healthcare Policy Essay Congressional Committees and Healthcare Policy (Chapter Review) An important point made in Weissert and Weissert concerning Congress and its committee structure is that the majority of the work in Congress is done through committees. They perform the majority of research on issues and possible solutions, get legislation written, re written and amended, and support it as it moves through Congress and finally gets passed. They are the workhorses of the legislature (Weissert and Weissert, 29). The breadth of information on any given issue that has to be assimilated, analyzed and formed into a bill that can be passed by the two chambers of Congress is complex, and lawmakers cannot realistically apply significant time and attention to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cabinet officers often spend a lot of time testifying before committees (Weissert and Weissert, 30). Committees are responsible for oversight of federal agencies, and while this is described as complicated...tedious, (Weissert and Weissert, 61) and seems to be a mostly a passive process, an example was cited where at least one committee member was more active. Representative John Dingell was essentially accused of bullying federal agencies (Weissert and Weissert, 61) when he was chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, due to his apparent micro management style. House committee investigations of presidential behavior, while becoming less common, are other areas where committees have influence outside of Congress (Weissert and Weissert, 61). Another example given is investigation by the House Judiciary Committee of the sentences handed down by federal judges thought to be too soft (Weissert and Weissert, 78). A third point made by Weissert and Weissert is that the power, effectiveness and popularity of Congressional committees can be influenced and weakened. When party leadership is stronger, the power of committees is lessened. Party leaders can find ways to get their pet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Barbed Wire Research Paper Wooden posts are sticked in ground and two dead men are entangled in a barbed wire. One has a gun next to him, and another is lying on the barbed wire, tangled with it. The time is night and the sky is full of stars. The picture has only white and black. Ground, stars, people, and a barbed wires are printed white, and night sky is colored black. One man is lying and another seems to be tripped. Wooden posts are sticked everywhere, and some of those are broken. Title, Les barbelés, means barbed wire. It helps us to know what is the tangled lines and how did they died; they might died because barbed wire blocked their way. But the picture is focused on two men not barbed wire. Two men might be the comrades and in same army because they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Horse Racing Bitcoin Betting Predictions Horse Racing Bitcoin Betting Predictions As with many sporting events, in Bitcoin horse racing betting there are a number of different predictions you can place. A long list of choices on the outcome of a particular event lets you test your skills. Most of these horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions are easy to understand. Some of the most common types include win bet and straight bets. Meanwhile, there are also more specific and complicated bets that add more thrill to Bitcoin horse racing. You do not need to know and bet on each and every single type of prediction, but knowing what the different bets are may come in handy in the long run. The horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions terms might vary from one sportsbook to another. Always ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These are usually the most common bets placed. Most, if not all, Bitcoin sportsbooks offer straight bets. If you are new to sports betting, it is always a good idea to stay within the boundaries of straight bets. Some of the horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions that fall under this category includes win bets, place bets, show bets, across the board bets, and each way bet. Remember to look into each and every single type of prediction to find out which one fits your needs. Exotic bets Exotic horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions require more of your attention. Some of these bets might get too complicated, so it s always a good thing to study the different exotic bets before moving forward. The complex characteristics of exotic bets come with an advantage, though. If you get one right, you can expect handsome returns. Some of the exotic bets include trifecta bets, reverse trifecta, exacta, and reverse exacta bets. Multiple bets A number of the exotic horse racing Bitcoin betting predictions fall under multiple bets. This is because they involve making multiple selections in a race. The term multiple refers to a wager in which a bettor makes numerous selections across several races. Multiple bets feature double and treble bets and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Virtual Reality ( Vr ) Environments Even the term virtual reality brings to mind a superficial view of the world. People can now enter simulations where they see themselves as a different person in a different time and a different place. When compared to the media available to people before the 21st century, this medium for taking in information seems daunting. These simulations enable users to overwhelm themselves with information and stimuli. As a result, people lose touch with the importance of critical thinking and time away from virtual realities. As virtual reality technology develops, people will accustom themselves to evaluating their environment through a technological medium, so they will begin to accept information superficially rather than critically. Virtual reality (VR) environments are three dimensional environments that create simulations for users to interact with. For example, a VR user might wear a headset that simulates a roller coaster ride and he or she will experience sensations similar to that of a physical roller coaster. These simulations are becoming increasingly realistic as VR technology continues to progress, so users will continue to experience more life like simulations as time goes on. Using VR immerses people into worlds that are entirely different from their own, and while these simulations are beneficial in that they provide experiences users might otherwise never have the opportunity to experience, it also distracts them from their physical environment. They are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. How Social History Has Given Voice Of The Voiceless When studying history, historians see how social history has given voice to the voiceless. There have been countless ways and instances when social history has exposed the histories of ancient, medieval, as well as early modern peoples that had previously not been investigated. Many great individuals throughout history, with their writings have given the people of their time a great voice. While these writings and actions have given these individuals a voice, these voices continue with the history of their people throughout their time as well as after their time. The Loyalist Teaching , is an ancient Egyptian set of texts with a series of instructions, in the text it is set as a father speaking to his children. In the texts, it gives details about loyalty, more importantly, obedience and loyalty to the pharaoh as well as how members of society must be respectful to the citizens and continue to participate in their civic duty. In the texts, it is said, The king is Sustenance; his speech is Plenty. The man he makes is someone who always exist. He is the heir of every god, the protector of his creators. They strike his opponents for him. (Unknown 27) While in this text, it does not seem to be giving a direct voice to those who do not have one, it gives a clear picture of how individuals in that respective society were expected to praise their pharaoh, or they in return, they would ultimately die. These teachings help historians to gain a clear picture of how this society ran ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay about Ray Charles Ray Charles Ray Charles was a revolutionary pianist and a soul singer who helped shape the sound of rhythm and blues. He brought a soulful sound to everything from country music to pop standards to God Bless America. His birth name was Ray Charles Robinson, but he shortened it when he entered show business to avoid confusion with the famous boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. I chose Ray Charles as the topic for my paper after seeing the movie Ray. After viewing this film I realized that there was a lot of interesting information about Ray Charles that I had never heard about. Therefore, the focus of my paper is to learn who Ray Charles really was and to discuss his life and achievements. The Early Years Ray Charles was born in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this time he started recording and achieved his first hit song in 1951. The song was titled Baby, Let Me Hold Your Hand. When Charles first began singing many felt as though his sound and piano playing resembled those of Nat King Cole and Charles Brown. Ray was quoted saying, When I started to sing like myself as opposed to imitating Nat Cole, which I had done for a while when I started singing like Ray Charles, it had this spiritual and churchy, this religious or gospel sound. It had this holiness and preachy tone to it. It was very controversial. I got a lot of criticism for it. (San Jose Mercury News, 1994) Charles soon became more innovative when he realized that his first recordings were only skillful imitations of his heroes. After joining Atlantic Records, Charles s sound became more and more original and found breaking. He took many tunes from gospel music and put them to secular lyrics performed in front of a jazz lineup playing R B with exceptionally tight arrangements. He sometimes even added a country music feel to some of his arrangements for example in his version of Hank Snow s I m Moving On. The Middle Years Do it right or don t do it at all. That comes from my mom. If there s something I want to do, I m one of those people that won t be satisfied until I get it done. If I m trying to sing something and I can t get it, I m going to keep at it until I get it where I want it. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Usefulness Of The Future Managers Usefulness to the Future Managers Over the recent past, many workers have developed a liking for startups over established corporate jobs. The workers do not want to get fixed by rigid laws and hierarchical structure. The trend has both risks and benefits. One of the risks is that the startup organizations do not give proper attention to the human resources. Moreover, the startups may violate one or more aspects of the employment law. The book is useful in training prospective future managers and employers since the workplace discrimination scenario is a rapidly changing issue that requires a more intellectual approach. The risks of violating the discrimination rules are devastating to both the employer and organization. Knowledge is power, and the prospective managers will gain the knowledge surrounding employment discrimination and harassment and are thus informed of the possible penalties for violating such laws. The book also gives the potential managers the ability to interpret the laws governing a certain topic in the contemporary business life. Additionally, the book enlightens the potential managers about the existing legal bodies that address issues such as workplace discrimination. The students can get more information not covered in the classroom or the book from these bodies. One such body is the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The agency has a website that contains the jurisdictions over claims of discrimination in the various ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Target Market Profile of the Cocktail Mixer Positioning Strategy Since this is a new product entering in the market, we will be depositioning competing cocktail mixers. The question that we will be answering is what the product differentiation is relative to the competition. The reason that our cocktail mixer will be differentiated from all others is that everything the person needs will be put together in one kit, including premeasured mix packets (better than refrigerated mixes because this can be taken on the go, like a juice box) and a battery operated operated shaker with a detailed instruction book and 1 gigabyte flash drive with hundreds of extra mix recipes. There will be 24/7 product support as well as online support with online chat. The product difference will be everything is available in a fool proof kit. Basically, anyone can make Las Vegas style drinks like a professional bartender. To keep prices down, a call center will be located in Israel in the Jerusalem are where there a large population of Anglos who speak American English without an accent. While not as cheap as Indian customer service support, but the costs are cheaper than the U.S. and there are no accent or cultural problems. Indeed, there are a number of the population who are from the British Isles. The British accent has been proven to calm American anxieties and feel as though they are being lectured to by a person who knows it all. A smattering of Irish and Scottish accents will make the drink calls interesting with a bar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Donald Trump As A Good Role Model Many do not see Donald Trump as a good person, but he still has done some good things with his life. He has donated to over 298 charities through his organization, giving about $5.5 million total. He wants a tax plan to help the poor. Anyone earning under $25,000 would pay no income tax which would be very helpful. Most people don t believe this, but he is a very confident person and a good role model. Showing how even if you start with a small amount of money, you can turn it into a billion or more dollars. Donald J. Trump was born in Queens New York, on June 14th 1946. Born to Fred and Mary Anne Trump. He attended New York Military Academy at the age 13. After graduating he attended Fordham University before transferring to Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, to study economics. In 1971 Trump was given control of his father s business. He then changed it to Trump Organization, moving to Manhattan to begin a new life, with powerful connections. The pennsylvania central railroad entered bankruptcy, that s when trump then purchased the property,and created the city convention center. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Well there is almost no argument to that it shows how black and white society can be, while truthfully there is a lot of grey in between, no one tells it how it is, and media jumps on every chance it gets to turn a bad situation into a political one. Donald Trump s ill mannered statements and actions seem offensive, and some are, but sometimes that s what the people need to hear. The truth is not always gonna be nice, and sometimes you got to admit that some parts of this beautiful country of ours, is screwed up. And no, obviously Trump is not the perfect candidate, but is anyone? Will there be any president who didn t mess something up?. Of course Donald Trump has very controversial ideas about some things, but it doesn t make him all bad. Even someone like Donald Trump has a decent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. America s Mental Health System Take a moment and think about those your care deeply for, those you would give your life for. Now, imagine if he or she were sick, or in any other kind of trouble. What would you do to help them? Go to the edge of the world and back, fight, not stopping for yourself until they were in good health once more. Now imagine if you found a potential cure, or a solution, but it was held away because a few people who had more money than you did not want it to be used. You have seen and heard of this proponent being used in other countries and has had very promising results, yet still those who claim they have power over you deny what you seek. The fact of the matter is thousands of Americans suffer from some kind of mental illness, including my brother. Whether it be chronic anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, bi polar, schizophrenia, addiction, the list can go on. America has a botched mental health system, the main way we treat people is by shoving pills down their throats, most that have little to no substantial effects, leaving people still feeling empty. The pills rather just control or alleviate symptoms rather than eradicating them completely, leaving people to have to take dose after dose daily to keep their lives in check. This is a serious problem, for that many have or know some one who is suffering from mental illness, and continue to see them suffer or believe they are just faking it. People, including my brother, shouldn t just get by with their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Persuasive Essay On Habitat Loss Habitat loss is a very real and very serious problem that goes on in our world today in every country. An important species that has been experiencing habitat loss, which has caused them to become endangered, is the sea turtle. Sea turtles have been on earth for over 110 million years and the fact that humans have been able to introduce this much damage to them is crazy. Sea turtles are not only extremely important to marine environments, but also to environments on shore. If sea turtles were to go extinct, the oceans would become dead. Sea grass is one of the most important things that are included in a sea turtles diet. When sea turtles eat sea grass, it actually helps it grow, which small fish, shellfish and other small marine life live in. If sea turtles go extinct, this would eventually die and with it, all marine life. The shore would suffer because sea turtles nest on the beach and their eggshells provide nutrients to the beach, which helps beach vegetation grow and keep the sand from eroding. Beaches have a hard time growing vegetation and sea turtle eggs help with this problem the most efficiently. Many ocean conservations have been trying their best to help protect sea turtle nests, which would help replenish the sea turtle population. Sea turtle eggs and hatchlings have to try their best to protect themselves from predators, which seem to be everywhere when sea turtle eggs and hatchlings are around. Birds, foxes and fish are just some of the predators that prey on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Happiness In The Great Gatsby Everyone wants something they don t have for most people that is money, In Gatsby s situation that s attention and the need for love and happiness. Gatsby is one man with a house who can fit plenty. Throughout the novel Gatsby finds himself at a loss for he has no real friends has nobody who loves him nor does he have any true happiness. It was a factual imitation of some Hôtel de Ville in Normandy, [with] a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy (5). This symbolizes Gatsby s large illegal income and even with his large income, nothing can buy him happiness at least not for long. The house he feels he needs in order to win happiness . This is a great example of how Gatsby is irresponsible with his money and is a major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Thee Student In The Classroom 1. Describe the students in the classroom: Thee student enters the classroom quietly went to their designated area for coats and backpacks to store them for the day. The students choose a chair and sat at their table waiting for Mrs. Thomas instruction. The classroom consisted of more girls than boys totaling fifteen in all. The class had one inclusionary child. The demographic makeup was eighty percent African American, and twenty percent others. 2. Describe the purposes of the activity/lesson taught:. Mrs. Thomas pulled an assignment Know as, Due Now for a student to pass out to the entire class. The first assignment given to the students required them to recall the past lesson learn. The Due Now assignment reinforce the past lesson to help the student retain and recall the lesson learned. Mrs. Thomas give the children thirty minutes to complete the assignment and those that had not will complete later. Next she introduced the Reading time on the carpet. The book of the day was Sherman Crunchy . The reading is to promote the student to engage in the listening, recall, comprehension, and incorporate new words. The student were asked question throughout the residing and required to respond ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What did you think about the teaching you observed? I believe Mrs. Thomas experience in the classroom is evident through the tone, direction she provides her students and organizational skills. Mrs. Thomas is prepared for the daily activities for the classroom. During my observation of Mrs. Thomas she had many distractions, but never lose control of the classroom. She was able to incorporate another class into her group seamlessly. Mrs. Thomas demonstrates excellent classroom management without looking focus of her priorities which is the student lesson. She exhibits wonderful leadership for other staff members when they had questions or need assistance to other students. I believe I have a great opportunity to gain much needed knowledge of today s classroom ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Weather In A Thousand Splendid Suns Foster points out that the weather plays a critical role in a work of literature. Whether it be for plot development or for a democratic reason, rain, snow, or fog plays a significant role in literature. In general, rain can bring about enlightenment and restoration, and snow can bring abstract thought. What an author does with rain, snow, or fog in the novel can signify a change in character or parallel the atmosphere or what is happening in the novel. For much of A Thousand Splendid Suns, the characters must withstand a drought. However, when there was a snowfall during the winter of 1992, [Laila] would retreat back to her room, sit on the bed, and watch the snow falling (208). Instead of going outside to feel the snow, Laila remains ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Effect Of Mineral Nutrition On The Toxicity Of Metals There is a vast amount of literature which indicates that the mineral nutrition has an important role in the toxicity of metals (Pond and Walker, 1972, 1975; Larson and Piscator, 1971; Petering et al., 1971, 1974; 1977; Hamilton and Valberg, 1974; Doyle and Pfander, 1975; Hastings et al., 1976; Waldron and Stofen, 1974). It is true, especially to those micronutrients which are essential such as zinc, copper, iron with respect to toxicity of certain metals like cadmium, arsenic, lead etc. It is assumed that the dietary intake of metals in excessive such as copper, iron and zinc will be protective against the toxic effects of the heavy metals like lead. The deficiency of calcium and other essential elements result in the enhanced toxicity of lead and cadmium [ref]. There had been difficulty in evaluating the role of essential nutrients like zinc, iron, copper etc on the toxicity of heavy metals, perhaps due to differences in the animal models choosen, the route of administration and other metabolic and physiological differences which leads to variable results between studies. Lead zinc relationships Cerklewski and Forbes (1976) reported that rats when fed a diet having low levels of zinc and containing 200 ppm of lead cause a marked increase in the lead levels of tibia and urinary 8 aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Further it has been observed that the lead levels of tibia and urinary ALA has reduced greatly when the zinc content of the diet was raised to optimal or super optimal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. U.s. Department Of Justice The Drug Enforcement Administration also referred to as the DEA is an agency within the United States that enforces federal law under the supervision of the U.S. department of Justice (United States Department of Justice, 2014). The DEA has several sole responsibilities; in congruency with mid level medical providers such as Nurse Practitioners (NP); it is the lead agency for domestic enforcement of the Controlled Substance Act with the sole responsibility of coordinating and pursuing U.S. drug investigations abroad (Baker Biederman, 2015). Within the DEA is a registration system in place that authorizes medical professionals, such as APRN s to apply for authority, and if approved, will receive the jurisdiction to prescribe controlled substances as outlines by his or her board of nursing regulations (United States Department of Justice, 2014). As mentioned above, the practitioner applies for a DEA registration number through the administration agency; once approved, the provider will be assigned a DEA number by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration allowing them to prescribe controlled substances while in his or her practice. I currently reside in the state of Kentucky, in which I plan on staying and practicing after graduation. Insights concerning Kentucky s law on collaboration were brought forth after research and speaking to my preceptor as well as her collaborating physician. Kentucky requires a collaborative practice agreement between the FNP and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Assessing Renewable Energy Projects Essay As aforediscussed, many authors agree that capital utilization play an important role in defining business viability; however there is a lack of assessment methodologies for making such assessment possible on the context of assessing Renewable Energy Projects. In view of that, and in order to tackle this difficulty, a generic assessment model has been presented on Chapter three Within the context of studying Renewable Energy Projects, this section provides an application of the generic model as to provide a glance on the insights, or gains in knowledge that can be achieved from the exploration of capital. 4.1 Case Study Motivations As we have previously discussed in Chapter one, the global demand for biofuels is expected to continue its ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to these reasons, it has become of crucial importance to understand the Brazilian Renewable Energy System. Therefore, this thesis applies its present assessment methodology in order to test its ability in generating useful information to the viability analysis process. 4.1.1 Brazil With its 8.5 million square kilometers and over 190 million inhabitants, Brazil is not only the fifth largest territory, comprising nearly half of South America, but also the world s fourth largest democracy (CIA, 2008). This tropical country is a major world player comprising one of the most modern and sophisticated industrial economies of the developing world the tenth largest at market exchange rates. Despite ranking as the world s 15th largest oil producer, advancing to become oil independent due to recent massive discoveries in oil resources along its coast (see Mello, 2008), few countries with reasonably good levels of industrialization and oil reserves have an energy matrix with such an important share of renewable energy sources (as Brazil) (Walter, Dolzan, E. Piacente, 2006). Brazil is considered to have the world s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. salem witchcraft trials cause and effect Essay In 1692 the area of Salem town and Salem village became very vulnerable to conflict. Severe weather such as hurricanes had damaged land and crops, the effects of King Phillips War began to impact New England society, and colonists were being forced off of the frontiers by Native peoples. The Church and the government were in heavy conflict. And those residing in Salem began to grow suspicious of one another when some prospered and others hadn t (Marcus, p13). Suddenly people seemed very paranoid and soon residents were placing blame on one another and accusing each other of witchcraft. In a fifteen month period between 1691 and 1692 nearly twelve dozen people were accused of witchcraft in or near Salem (Norton, p8). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Relationships between people and families seemed to crumble in the light of hysteria as children accused parents and friends pointed out friends (Boyer, p67). Some confessed to witchcraft and saved their own lives, others refused to tarnish their names and proclaimed innocence to their grave. The fact that these people did not have freedom of speech and were proven guilty without any tangible evidence caused even more hysteria throughout New England. People realized that at anytime anyone of them could be pointed out and so the society fell even more. One can see the Salem witch trials as being an excessive representation of the social and economic changes taking place in New England at this time (Boyer, p67). Differences between those who accepted change and those who feared it are what divided the colony. The hanging of witches can be seen as the murder of difference or of change. Perhaps if they had not been so insecure about their methods of governing the colony, the Puritans wouldn t have felt threatened by the slightest change. It took nineteen innocent deaths for the leaders of Salem to even begin to see the wrong doing in their trials. The Salem witch trials of the 1690 s had an immense impact on American history. These dark times cast a shadow that would forever haunt this country s past, knowing that our fore fathers were not the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Eassy On Charlemagne Charlemagne, who was called Charles the Great, was born on April 2nd, 742 in Aachen, which would be Belgium today. Charlemagne Father was Pepin the Short who was the first Carolingians to become King while Charlemagne mother was a Frankish queen. Charlemagne as born into a royal family, and he was the youngest son that his parents had and one day he would be king of the Franks. Charlemagne s family s religion was Roman Catholic and so was he. As for Charlemagne s education he didn t have much of one. Charlemagne was brought up as a warrior and most of his knowledge pertained to fighting never the less Charlemagne was still knew that education was important so when he had his children he made sure the where educated. Charlemagne adulthood was a very successful one. During his adulthood, he was crowned king on Christmas day of the Roman Empire by the Pope. However, there was already a Roman Emperor. But the Pope said that Charlemagne was the ruler of Western Europe only. When the Pope crowned Charlemagne on Christmas day it began the start of the Holy Roman Empire that lasted from (800 1806). Charlemagne was the first ever Holy Roman Emperor. Charlemagne was a great military leader. While Charlemagne was the Holy Roman Emperor, he ran a very discipline ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He wanted make Catholicism the realign of all of Europe. One of the things that Charlemagne done to reform the Catholic Church was he said that mandatory for everyone to pay tithes. That meant that 10% of all goods would go back to the church. He made all of the churches follow the liturgical pattern that had been established in Rome. Charlemagne also made sure that the clergy was well educated. Charlemagne was really concerned about the quality of sermons that clergy where preaching. So he set up some basic sermons that he thought they should use if the person who was speaking could not write one of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Conflict In Cynthia Ann Parker Cynthia Ann Parker was only nine years old when she was kidnapped and taken away by Native Americans also known as the Comanche warriors. She was taken away from her home, her family, and her heritage. Soon she had forgotten her childhood years she blocked the raid and her capture from her memory and has finally adopted the ways of her people (Native Americans) She has forgotten the English language, and has only one desire. For many years she had been raised by Native Americans. At first she was a slave to the Native Americans, but eventually she was treated and saw as one of them. She learned their heritage, ways of living, language, and ways. She even married the chief and great warrior, Peta Nocona. With whom she had later had children with. However, after ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cynthia Ann Parker became part of the Comanche culture. She lived among them, had a family and participated in their traditions and learned the way they do things from raising children to making food. Cynthia Ann Parker has two families in two different cultures and societies that are in conflict of each other. Throughout this book, the struggle to come to terms with who she is in relation to these two different families. She never feels complete, fit in, or fully part pf the family after recapture and she has been separated from her Native American family. But there are moment when she remembers her life before the capture, and the memories help understand memories of her white family. Where The Broken Heart Still Beats is a fiction version of Cynthia Ann Parker who was captured by the Comanche when she was nine. As the novel begins she is united with her white family. Having lived among the Comanche people for over twenty five years, she considers herself an American Indian and must relearn the way of her white ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Hum By Naomi Shihab Nye Summary On September 11, 2001 America was attacked by terrorists at the World Trade Center in New York City and The Pentagon in Washington D.C. Planes crashed into these buildings and killed thousands of people, and injured even more. This tore families apart. Also, many people believed that Muslim and Islamic people were responsible for the terrorist attacks. This was a very sad time for the nation because it was very rough for citizens with different races and religions. In the story Hum by Naomi Shihab Nye, the cartoon Ahmed Mohamed by Adam Zyglis and the article How 9/11 Changed These Muslims Americans Lives Forever by Lydia O Connor, it is clear that the aftermath of 9/11 resulted in horrible discrimination around the USA. In the story, Hum, by Naomi Shihab Nye, a young Palestinian boy named Sami faces discrimination first hand from his classmates after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Sami Salsa just moved to America from Israel with his mom and dad. When Sami goes to school all the kids already think he is different because of his funny name, language, and accent he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this cartoon Uncle Sam is holding a newspaper with the title that states, Texas teen Mohamed Arrested for making a clock (Zyglis). The newspaper title clearly shows that Muslims and Arabs are being treated unfairly because it is not a crime to build a clock. The young teen, Mohamed, was arrested because people around him thought he was building a bomb since he is Muslim. This is one of many acts of discrimination because people assumed that he was building an explosive. In the picture, Uncle Sam says that his clock is stuck at 9/11 because 9/11 was a time period where discrimination was so strong. This shows that even years after this terrible occurrence people in America still discriminate against Muslims because of an event that happened so long ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Why There Are More Than Students WHY THERE ARE MORE FEMALE STUDENTS IN UNIVERSITY University is a place providing people with higher education and training, where they can gain not only academic but also social knowledge. Historically, men have always been considered superior to women for their strength and intelligence. Typical stereotypes are that while the males are more rational, decisive and stronger; the females are more fragile and delicate. To demonstrate the long held belief, it can be seen that the majority of leaders, politicians, scientists and business people are men. However, the proportion of male students attending UK universities has been falling behind the other gender in recent years, which may trigger several problems. According to (TG,2013), In 2010 11, there were more female (55%) than male full time undergraduates (45%) enrolled at university a trend which shows no sign of shrinking. This essay will discuss the causes and effects of the manifested issue and possible solutions to attract more male undergraduates to universities. The reasons leading to this situation including individual, family, school, and social factors. university student sex ratio imbalance on regional development and the future of human sex ratio may cause serious adverse effects. Especially at present, economy desperately needs a variety of people, college student sex ratio imbalance will impact on our future personnel structure, thus affecting the country s overall innovative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Taking a Look at Types of Disasters According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (n.d), the definition of disaster is known as: an unexpected, catastrophic event that extremely disturbs the functioning of a community or society and causes human, material, and environmental losses that go beyond the community s ability to handle using its own resources. In addition, the disaster could be classified into two category which are the natural disaster and also human made disaster. First, a natural disaster is known as the naturally occurring event or changes in natural phenomenon that has disastrous impacts towards the society. The extent of loss vary to the vulnerability of the population, and also the scope and intensity of the disaster. Examples for natural disasters are earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruptions, flood and so on. Conversely, human made disaster is known as the event that often caused by the negligence or human error which lead to a disastrous impacts towards the society. Example of human made disasters are technological hazards such as nuclear weapons, transportation hazards like airplane crash, and so on. Ten years ago, there was a massive undersea earthquake which known as the Sumatra Andaman earthquake that occurred at 26 December 2004. The earthquake was classified as natural disaster that caused by the movement of tectonic plates under the ocean which lead to a series of destructive tsunamis that hit and impacted 14 countries in total. Moreover, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Space Telescope Research Paper The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was launched into low Earth orbit roughly 25 years ago to allow scientists and astronomers to peer into space. Since that day, Hubble the largest and most versatile space telescope has recorded some of the most detailed and awe inspiring images (http://clapway.com/2015/08/27/hubble space telescope butterfly nebula123/), which have led to several breakthroughs in astrophysics. In line with its already established reputation, Hubble (http://hubblesite.org/the_telescope/) , along with the Herschel (https://herschel.jpl.nasa.gov/) space telescope, was recently used to peer back in time in order to provide astronomers with an idea of how galaxies within the vast expanse of the Universe have undergone dramatic trasnforsatioms over the last eight billion years ro so. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, only 49 percent of stars that exist in the Universe today are located in these disc shaped galaxies, the remainder are located in oval shaped galaxies, it according to a statement from the Cardiff University s School of Physics and Astronomy, whose astronomers led the study. The results suggest a massive transformation in which disc shaped galaxies became oval shaped galaxies. To explain the change, scientists have come up with two possible hypotheses. The first attributes theformatioan of the oval galaxies to the a merging event, in which two disc shaped clusters that happen to move to close to each come together due to gravity. The other explanation relates to stars in a round, lfat galazxy, migrate towards the core to produce the same rough oval. This galatical shape shifting, as Discovery News states, has been theorized before. Steve Eales, The lead author of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Disparities Between Races And Ethnicities All men are created equal yet the glaring disparities between races and ethnicities say otherwise. The African American demographic of America has the lowest poverty rate and household income than all other races and ethnicities. The statistics about African American poverty are staggering in regards to more than just unemployment, food insecurity, and nutrition. In the 21st century, decades after the civil war and desegregation, and with such a diverse population, the poverty in our country still pertains to race and the color of our skin. The following paragraphs will explicate the various distinctions in socioeconomic statuses of the African American and white populations of America. It is not my intention to pit the white and black ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... African Americans still have the lowest household income in comparison to all other races and ethnicities. African Americans have the highest poverty rate at 27.4%. The consequences faced by those under the poverty line are disconcerting. The organization, Feeding America, reports that 26% of African American households suffer from food insecurity, which is more than twice compared to the 11% of Caucasian households. 93% of counties that possess an African American majority population fall into the top 10% of counties with the highest rates of food insecurity. Also, African Americans are more likely to be uninsured than any other race or ethnicity. The younger generation of African Americans is also severely affected by poverty. 45.8% of young black children reside under the poverty line where as only 14.5% of white children do. Unfortunately, black children are at a socioeconomic disadvantage that makes them more vulnerable than any other racial groups to live in areas of highly concentrated poverty where they are at greater risks of being involved with or exposed to violence leading to psychological issues later in life. 52.1% of black children live in single parent homes as the rate of marriage among the African American demographic has seen a steep decline during the recession compared to the white population. African American children are less likely to have proper nutrition and immunization. For these children, concentration on education is often ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Alice Walker Equality I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don t notice it. (Walker, 1982). One of the most recognized quotes from Alice Walker winning Pulitzer Prize of her novel The Color Purple. Alice Walker known for her short stories, novels, and poems. Big on her treatments for the culture of African American all over the world. Her focus was to write about essays and poetry about the racial civil rights, peace around the world, and women s equality. As she introduces herself to be a womanism. Biography: On February 9, 1944. Alice Walker was born in Eatonton, Georgia. Alice Walker grew up with seven siblings. Which their names are Willie Fred, Mamie Lee, Willian Henry, James Thomas, Annie Ruth, Robert Luis, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alice Walker first book, The Third Life of Grange Copeland. Dead with the issues that Alice Walker saw on the rural of African American family that are trapped in a multigenerational cycle of the violence and economic dependency. Alice Walker had a big impact on social issues during her life growing up, as her parents were sharecropper. Alice Walker became a huge active in the Civil Rights Movement for the equality for all African Americans. When Alice Walker won first place in the national essay contest in 1967, her essay was, The Civil Rights Movement: What Good Was It? She expresses the movement about the social restrictions that United States of America was facing in the 1960 s. Saw on Television of when Martin Luther King Jr, arrested for the leading march in the Alabama First. Alice Walker as well felt strong for being a Political activist, for believing that everyone should learn to extend the range of their compassion. Strong defender for all living beings right, not just for the human rights. As Alice Walker stands for those who see the side for the revolutionaries, leaders who see a change, teachers, and people who are transformation of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Richard Neustadt Research Paper Joseph Tadrous Professor Derek POLI SCI January 15, 2017 Lincoln Many U.S citizens think that the president is all powerful and he rules everyone for his oval office, but in fact he has limited power, those powers were set by Richard Neustadt. Neustadt was a political science expert. He was also a presidential advisor for many presidents. Richard Neustadt was born on june 26 1919. He went to Harvard and berkeley. Neustadt has many very interesting point on U.S president s power. Neustadt focuses on three important traits that any president must have to be able to succeed in the oval office, the power to persuade, his professional reputation and his public prestige. All of these traits help in the passing and success of the president s 4 8 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The better the reputation of the president, the easier it will be to negotiate. There are people in agencies and departments that have a huge amount of power and can have a huge force on the president. There is an example that Neustadt illustrates to show a president s reputation being questioned Neustadt stated Eisenhower s secretary of treasury George Humphrey publicly questioned the integrity of some of Eisenhower s changes to the budget for that year of 1957. The very public scrutiny by Humphrey, caused a national questioning of the budget and coarsely the reputation of Eisenhower . Although Humphrey s words may not have been justified, Eisenhower s reputation was scarred nonetheless . The president must always act and keeping in mind that there are those powerful enough to publicly embarrass him. The last and important thing of presidential power that Neustadt explains is public prestige. Public prestige is related to the president s reputation. Public prestige is basically how the public views the president. Even though the public has no direct link with the president, the public s view of the president affects how congress will act ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Emerald Ash Borer Research Paper What is an invasive species? An invasive species is a species not native to an area, in this case not native to the Great Lakes area. A non native species is a species that originally was not in a certain location but was brought there and causes a lot of damage. An invasive species also is a great danger to the environment and can cause damage to humans, plants, and animals. In Illinois and the Great Lakes area there are more than 180 invasive and non native species. That means a lot of damage is made into our environment. One particular invasive species is Agrilus planipennis, more commonly known as emerald ash borer. What is the life cycle of the emerald ash borer? The emerald ash borer adult males live an average of 13 days, while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people think that to get rid of them we have to cut down the ash trees but that is not true. Recently in Burnsville, this summer it injected 14 ash trees at City Hall with pesticide to protect them against the emerald ash borer. Deborah McCullough, a professor of entomology and forestry at Michigan State University. Based on her research, she says: There is no reason for a landscape ash tree to die from emerald ash borer anymore. The treatment is so effective and so much cheaper than removal and replacement that I can t get a single elected official to weigh in on the side of removing healthy trees because we don t have to, and that is never popular with the public. Private ash trees that were not injected are dead, while treated ash trees on city property stand nearby in good health. Michigan and Ohio State research shows that injecting Tree age provides at least two years of almost 100 percent control of larvae, McCullough said. Applying pesticides every two years costs about $250 a tree, while removal and replacement is $700 to $1,200 a tree. The company says the product is a safe, organic option. We should try that option instead of cutting down trees. This would help protect the area of great lakes from emerald ash ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...