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The Tourism Promotion Efforts Of Tunisia Essay
After questioning thirty tourists from several countries (Germany, France, Spain, Japan, Lebanon,
Turkey, Korea, Morocco, Russia, Italy and India) it turned out that ninety percent of them use Internet
for their booking, and ninety six percent of them use it to gather information about Tunisia.
Thanks to ICTs everybody can make a full research about the country he chooses to visit and he can
book by himself wherever and whenever he likes. It doesn t need to be with a high level of education
to do all of that, it is sufficient to have a little knowledge about the Internet and have a PC or phone,
according to the questionnaire, thirty three percent of tourists have a secondary level of education but
they use Internet.
Information and communication technology has become a key element for the development in
tourism; it is no longer an option for those in charge of the sector, but the inevitability imposed by the
current economic conditions for the development of the tourism industry. Under the Tourism
Promotion efforts, Tunisia is seeking to use e marketing system to keep up with developments in the
field of international tourism marketing. Constant communication between the Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology and the Ministry of Tourism aims to use ICTs tools to
maximize communication between tourists and the tourist attractions in Tunisia. Those tools aim to:
Access to a large number of visitors through mobile technology applications
Attract foreign
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Pine Trees of Georgia
There are pine trees just about everywhere in Georgia. Pine trees have always been important
resources to people in North America. Native Americans used pine trees as treatments for respiratory
conditions and to build items such as canoes or buildings. Today, pine trees are one the most important
timber sources in North America. Pine trees belong to a group of trees known as the conifers, meaning
the trees have cones and needle like or scale like leaves. There are about seven very common types of
pine trees found in Georgia that grow in several different environments from the Appalachian
Mountains all the way to the coast. Over many years pine trees have adapted to these very diverse
environments. The Eastern White Pine is found in Georgia through the mountains and the upper
Piedmont. These types of pine trees grow best in moist areas, such as near a river, or in areas that have
a lot of hardwood trees as well. They can be recognized by their leaves, which look like needles and
grow in bundles of five. The Eastern White Pine is known as one of the largest pines in Georgia.
Historically these trees grew to be up to 175 feet tall but now in recent years only grow to about 100
feet in height. This type of pine is also a rapid grower. An Eastern White pine can reach forty feet in
about twenty years, which is relatively fast for a tree. Another type of pine tree found in Georgia is the
Loblolly Pine. The Loblolly Pine can be found throughout the state, but is most common in the
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Greek Theatre And Medieval Drama
Greek Theatre and Medieval Drama: Distant Siblings Greek theatre and medieval drama were both
very popular artistic events in their own periods of performance. However, from ancient Greece to the
renaissance, time has set them apart in terms of methodology; their practitioners use a creative process
based off of different mindsets. Therefore, the significant time lapse between the two genres has had
an evident impact on the way theatre was perceived and presented. In comparing aspects such as
religious motivations, conditions of violence and character development, the distinct theatrical natures
of Greek theatre and medieval drama will be made apparent. Though both genres of theatre are closely
tied to religion, Greek theatre and medieval drama have different religious motivations that impact the
ways in which the theatrical event is utilized. In Greece, theatre was used to entertain or please the
Gods, more specifically the God Dionysus, during the most important of the four Athenian festivals:
the Great Dionysia. The first known Greek playwrights, such as Thespis and Euripides, were chosen to
compete in the festival and submit three tragedies and one satyr play to be performed in front of
approximately 15,000 spectators. In classical Greece, theatre was the center of citizenship and society;
religious ideologies towards Dionysus were not only realized by performances, but strongly
encouraged by the state. For example, if a citizen could not afford to attend the
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Physiological Response To Exercise Analysis
Marathon running has been associated with a number of physiological lapses that occurs when the
body and the organs can no longer sustain itself. Specifically ultra marathon running especially in the
heat. Exercise in the heat is a physiologically challenging for the function of the cardiovascular
(González Alonso Calbet 2003), thermoregulatory system (Johnson 2010; González Alonso et al.
2008; González Alonso 2012). Thus exposure to prolonged exercise in the heat that increases the body
temperature increases the risk of heat illnesses (Armstrong et al. 2007) such as acute heat
exhaustion/syncope which range from acute to chronical which can eventually lead to death such as
heat stroke. Heat also impairs the capacity of performance, subsequently, ... Show more content on
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2014), due to its high concentration in nitric oxide (NO). There is research evidence suggesting that
NO plays a vital role within the coronary and the peripheral hemodynamic by increasing the
peripheral perfusion control and metabolic regulations during exercise (Pinna et al. 2014) and
therefore reduces the physiological responses to exercise. Specifically NO has been reported to assist
in the thermoregulation system, by increasing the blood flow and muscle contractibility and
maintaining glucose level (Cermak et al. 2012). Clementi Nisoli (2005); Nisoli et al., (2004) reported
that exposure of cells to NO stimulates mitochondria biogenesis (Kingwell, 2000). Ingestion of
~500ml per day of beetroot juice has been reported to reduce pulmonary oxygen uptake (V̇ O₂) during
submaximal exercise and increase tolerance of high intensity work rates (Pinna et al. 2014),
suggesting that nitrate can be a potent ergogenic aid. However, research is still missing regrading
effect of nitrate ingestion on athletic performance (Lansley, et al. 2011) study found that the when
140ml of beetroot juice was ingested per day for six days during a 60 minute cycling time trial had,
and 10km time trial; the beetroot group performed better compared to the placebo group which was
administered with nitrate depleted beetroot juice. However, the efficiency of beetroot juice ability to
be able to improve performance still lacking and current studies are not certain how much beetroot
juice an ultra endurance athlete will need to ingest in order to improve
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Madera High Student Observation Report
It is quite different at Madera High which has a lots of brilliant minds and kids with dreams, and many
diverse personalities, that all want to according to the general opinion, all want move as far from
Madera as possible when they graduate. Although, at Madera High there s is not much of a diverse
culture. The majority of students at Madera High are hispanic, or come from some sort of latino
background. Which makes sense, since Madera is a predominately hispanic community. The rest of
Mhs students are a little bit of every other race, such as caucasian, asian and african american. For
example, the survey the students conducted, all had hispanic last names, except for one student. To get
a little more specific these research conductors
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Music In Sport
Music In Sport Can Music be considered a legal enhancer, increasing mental and physical
performance in sport? Jessica Newman Introduction Music in sport is seen on a regular bases at
sporting events and trainings even personal exercise sessions. This new trend has become a social
normality vey quickly as it only developed seriously with the appearance of speakers ,walkman and
Ipod. S ocietynaturally assumed that there must have been a benefit as it was becoming a phenominum
but is there any truth behind its development? Music in sport is a subject which in recent years has
become a more researched as, in 2007 the New York Marathon banned the use of music as it was
thought if the professional runners had access to technology they would ... Show more content on
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S., Smith, S. S. (1814). The Star Spangled Banner. The Star Spangled Banner . Baltimore, USA. Jabr,
F. (2013, March 20). Let s Get Physical: The Psychology of Effective Workout Music. Retrieved May
12, 2015, from Scientific American: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/psychology workout
music/ Sorenson, L., Czech, D. R., Gonzalez, S., Klein, J., Lachowetz, T. (n.d.). Listen Up! The
Experience of Music in Sport A Phenomenological Investigation. Retrieved June 20, 2015, from
Athletic Insight, the online journal: http://www.athleticinsight.com/Vol10Iss2/Music.htm Nielsen.
(2013, August 30). MUSIC AND SPORTS MAKE A NATURAL DUO. (Nielsen) Retrieved June 20,
2015, from Nielsen: http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2013/music and sports make a
natural duo.html Busch, B. (n.d.). Music to improve your performance. Retrieved from FourFourTwo
Performance: http://performance.fourfourtwo.com/health/psychology/music to improve your
performance Olson, C. A. (2015, January 29). Big Game, Big Pay? A Look at Music s Use in Sports.
(Billboard) Retrieved June 20, 2015, from Billboard:
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Brown V Board Of Education Summary
The book Brown v. Board of Education: A Civil Rights Milestone and Its Troubled Legacy by James
T. Patterson is about the struggles leading up to the fight for the desegregations of public schools and
the outcomes. The struggles accelerated to civil rights movement in the 1950s. Patterson describes in
details about the difficult road to the Supreme Court, the outcome of the Supreme Court decision, the
resistance by whites people, especially in the Deep South and the struggles to implement the
challenging transition. Discriminatory practices were apparent in the United States but it was a lot
worse in the Southern States. The Jim Crow Law mandated the segregation of public schools, public
places, public transportations, restrooms, restaurants, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Board of Education is a Supreme Court case compromised of five different cases. Attorney Thurgood
Marshall, founder of the Legal Defense and Education Fund, was an attorney during that time of
discrimination and segregation. Originally, on the five cases Marshall and his team of lawyers were
dealing with fighting inequality/social injustice. Soon they realized that what they were dealing with
was just the tip of an iceberg and decided to fight the main cause of the inequality, segregation. In
order for black kids to have a better future, they have to have good education and that seemed
impossible with the Jim Crow Law system and practices. Marshall and the lawyers felt they had a
chance in winning by basing their case on constitutional law. They used the Fourteenth Amendment of
the U.S. Constitution as a defense for equal treatment. The Supreme Court ruled that segregation in
public school systems violated the Constitution on May 17, 1954. The Courts decision faced great
resistance from whites in the South. They threatened with violence, intimidation and other means as a
reaction of the decision. After the decision, things were not easy and struggles remained. But through
it all, it was victorious. The implementation (Brown II v. Board of Education) proved to be difficult.
Lawyers can do right, they can do good, but they have their limits. The rest of the job is up to society
(Patterson, 2001, pp
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The On Rain Forest Floor During Ecology Research
In an attempt to avoid walking on the rain forest floor during ecology research in South America, rope
walkways were strung from tree to tree. To ensure the safety of the researchers, the maximum weight
that could be carried from tree to tree without the walkways collapsing had to be set. To model this
system, two pulleys containing a central object suspended halfway between them with counterweights
of equal mass on the outside of the pulleys was created, as shown in Figure 1. Our goal was to
determine how the sag of the walkway was related to the total mass at the center of the pulleys.
Figure 1: The apparatus used (not to scale). A and C are the masses of the counterweight objects. A
and C are equal masses. B is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
F1 is the weight of counterweight A, F2 is the weight of counterweight C, and Fw is the weight of the
central object. Also shown are the forces on a coordinate system for the counterweights and the central
object. The distances between the pulleys and the sag of the walkway are also shown on a coordinate
The system is in equilibrium, so we assumed that the horizontal and vertical components of the forces
will add up to zero. The counterweights A and C both had an equal mass, so they were both referred to
as F1 to simplify calculations. Where Mw is the force of the mass of object B and gravity is g, we
could solve for Fw. Fw = Mwg (1)
Using the mass of the counterweight objects A and C, the force F1 can be calculated using MA and
gravity. Because the pulleys are frictionless the force F1 should be the same magnitude on all parts of
the string between the center object and the object A.
F1 = MAg (2)
Using the trigonometry function sin, a combination of equations (1) and (2), and the law of
equilibrium ΣF = 0 where Fy=0 and Fx=0, the angle ϕ can be found.
F1sinϕ + F1sinϕ = Fw (3)
Rearranging equation (3) to give the angle ϕ by itself gives ϕ = sin 1(Fw/2F1) (4)
Since the walkway system creates a right triangle, the laws of trigonometry could also be used. With
the distance where the object B lies between the pulleys as L/2 and the angle ϕ, the sag of the central
object, D, could be found.
D = Ltanϕ/2 (5)
Combining equations (4) and (5) to
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Shrinking Profit Margins Case Study
How Do You Compensate for Shrinking Profit Margins?
American dealerships report a rise in new car sales, but also a drop in profit margin.
It s a perplexing contrast for sure. The direction for both numbers remains consistent for all five
publicly traded dealership groups. It s worth an examination and a handful of theories. And
interpretation of the numbers will influence how the groups proceed.
COMPETITION | When supply surpasses demand, it s a buyer s market. Dealerships hedge their bets
on a weaker margin to secure the car sale. Service revenue and back end gains become focal points.
CONSUMER TASTES | How many customers will sign on the line for a new car? Incentives from
one dealership force the hand at others. Consumer taste affects which ... Show more content on
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This can boost trucks and SUV sales and curtail non hybrid cars with better gas mileage.
Incentives to dealerships also can play a role. Sales departments might budge on price to reach sales
goals tied to incentive bonuses. A sale at a lesser margin might be better than no sale, Asbury president
Scott Smith said.
It s kind of the idea half a loaf is better than no loaf, Smith said told Automative News. You re selling
a car at a lower rate, but maybe your F T and service goes up. So instead of selling one car at a $5,000
profit, you re selling two cars at a $3,000 profit.
Small margin as strategy
Earnings tell just part of the story.
A rise in earnings becomes more pronounced with a corresponding drop in profit margin. A company
can sell its product at a steady volume, while it controls operating costs. Movement by either metric
toward each other can lead to an audit of pricing strategy.
Lithia Motors CEO Bryan DeBoer told Automotive News it s worth a loss of margin if sales climb.
We still believe if you can continue to drive top line in vehicles, it s worth the sacrifice in margin
because volume drives service revenue and back end gains, DeBoer
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The Plague Of Bubonic Plague
3. The bubonic plague was a devastating disease that rapidly swept across Europe. Also known as the
Black Death, the plague spread from port to port and started to wipe out entire civilizations. All of
Europe was eventually contaminated, with over two thirds of the population dieing to the infectious
disease. Believed to have started in 1346 when the Mongol armies overtook the Genoese trading
outpost of Caffa on the Black Sea, over half the soldiers on the boat returned dead. The quickness of
the infection and then death, brought a fear to these people they have never witnessed before. The
sudden death caused by the disease created a paranoria among the people that Armageden had arrived.
One of the reasons the bubonic plague spread so quickly, is due to the trade posts that connected
throughout all of Europe. These posts created pathways for the germs and provided travel. The deadly
microbes traveled by the land trails and sea lanes created by the Europeans. The old silk road even
became a breeding ground for the germs. It did not matter which community, class or culture one is
apart of; it infected all. The more populated a city was, the more devastation that ensued. For example,
the city of London was reduced from one hundred thousand people to just around thirty seven
thousand people. This is a massive loss which led to food shortages, work stoppages and unrest among
the survivors. The massive rate of death caused by the Black Death led people to search
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Media Influence On Teenagers
In today s age of technology, we are in almost constant contact with the mass media. Whether it be
from the portable devices it seems every person has or the TV that remains on throughout the day, we
are constantly absorbing the information they force upon us be it the good or bad. The ultimate
presence of the media guarantees that what we hear, see, and experience thru it will influence the mind
whether conscious of it or not. It is becoming increasingly clear that the media is one of the most
inseparable things from a teenager s life. Teenagers are naturally curious. Faced with a multitude of
choices and challenges, they often look for direction and guidance on how they can live their lives in
today s society (Fox, 1999.) Because of this, maturing children look to this as finding out what is
normal and acceptable or what is frowned upon and not accepted.
The literature on the influence of media on teenagers is vast and most of them have focused on the
negative impacts. They seem to advance the view that the way youth react to situations, or their mode
of thinking is wholly based on the effect of the media, particularly television and movies, music,
videogames, and the internet. Youth in sense represents the age group between 13 and 20. The
outcome of media influences has largely been negative, especially since the above forms of media
have negatively influenced the behaviors and sexuality of the teenagers (Stern and Handel, 2001).
Free media a term used in Roger
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Compare And Contrast Us Imperialism In The Panama And The...
U.S. Imperialism in the Panama Canal and the Philippines What would you do to gain more power?
The definition of imperialism is a policy of extending a country s power and influence through
diplomacy or military force. The Philippines and the Panama Canal are two victims of U.S.
Imperialism during the early 1800s to the 1900s. During this time the U.S. used several foreign
policies, tactics, and concepts to gain control over new territories. Theodore Roosevelt used his
foreign policy of dollar diplomacy to gain the Philippines and he used his big stick diplomacy as well
as the dollar diplomacy to get the Panama Canal, these two territories were consumed by the U.S. and
they have many similarities and differences during their transfer of powers. ... Show more content on
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When the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Spanish American War, the Philippines was to be
given to the U.S. for $20 million dollars. This overall means Roosevelt was using the dollar diplomacy
method because he used U.S. money to gain more land. When the Filipino army went against the U.S.
and wanted independence Roosevelt let in a little bit of his big stick diplomacy because he used
military force to control the land when they weren t listening. When it comes to the Panama Canal
Roosevelt used the big stick diplomacy and dollar diplomacy to gain control of the canal. He used the
big stick diplomacy because when Colombia didn t ratify the treaty granting the U.S. control over the
canal they sided with rebels in Panama to help them get their independence. The U.S. sent military
assistance and war ships in Colombia s territorial waters to show that Panama s independence was be
given one way or another. Roosevelt also used the dollar diplomacy because he used money to
persuade the Panama rebels to declare independence, he paid a lot of money to Panama to grant him
the rights to the canal, and he paid the French for their plans they had originally made to build the
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Inter Country Adoption Is Becoming More Prevalent Among...
Inter country adoption is becoming more prevalent amongst American citizens. The process of
adopting a child from another country can be tedious, but the very particular precautionary measures
and steps are set in place to ensure not only that the child s best interest are at the center of the
adoption but to also ensure that the adoption is legitimate in both the country of origin and in America.
The process of adopting from countries that have ratified The Hague and non Hague countries are
different and will be outlined below.
The Hague was ratified in 2007 in the United States and outlines the procedure for inter country
adoption for citizens of countries that have adopted it. Before an adoption can take place, it must be
established that the child is adoptable, meaning that the proper authorities have made efforts in pursuit
for the child to be adopted within the country and that the child does not have a suitable family to care
for him. (Article 4) After the child is deemed adoptable, with the child s best interest always at the
forefront, one needs to attain consent in writing from the birth mother and the proper authorities, it is
forbidden for such consent to be induced by payment of any sort. (Article 4) Also, after weighing the
factors of the child s age and maturity, the child needs to be counseled, his wishes and opinions need
to be considered, and only after he has freely consented without any form of bribe, then the process
can continue. (Article 4)
Next, the
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12 Angry Men- Jurors 4 and 8 Essay
Reginald Rose s 12 Angry Men brings 12 jurors together in a room to decide whether a young foreign
boy is guilty of killing his father. The play is interwoven with dynamic characterisation, striking
symbolism and intense moments of drama. Although Rose positions Juror 8 as the hero, the strongest
character is in fact Juror 4, who is an independent thinker, rational and calm even as tension begins to
build. Although Juror 4 initially votes guilty, he is able to admit his fault and change his vote.
The ability to remain independent proved to be the most important character trait of Juror 4.
Throughout the play, Rose s character is able to think freely and never lets his personal bias or peer
pressure affect his decision making. When ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Juror 4 was able to communicate his ideas and thought like a professional and did so in an organised
fashion. He analysed each piece of evidence with care and used logic and his skills of deduction to
guide his vote. Rose intended for the audience to realise that the not guilty vote was the right choice
and used Juror 4 as a catalyst for the final vote change.
Juror 4 is able to remain calm and composed throughout the most stressful of situations. While Juror
10 exhibits racial outbursts; They get drunk , That s the way they are! , VIOLENT! , These people are
dangerous. They re wild. Listen to me. Listen. Juror 4 sat through this entire scene without saying a
word. It is only until Juror 10 s monologue is finished that Juror 4 speaks, calmly asking Juror 10 to
Shut [his] filthy mouth. Juror 4 never discredits or implies anything towards the defendant and is
always careful of what he says. After Juror 10 s tirade, Juror 4 tries to soften the impact created by 10;
Slums are potential breeding grounds for criminals. He never attacks or hypes the situation at hand.
He draws around potential possibilities. Juror 4 initially had his doubts at the start of the case but was
the only character that overcame his predisposition based on the analysis of facts and evidence. Rose s
character and only this character had the intelligence, confidence and persistence to keep his head in
the tense moment Juror 10 created.
Juror 8 is
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Sin, Consequences And Redemption In Le Morte DArthur
The Sin, Consequences, and Redemption of Sir Lancelot Sir Lancelot is the dominant figure in Le
Morte D Arthur who presents us with the theme of sin and redemption. Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred
expose the courtly romance or otherwise adulterous affair between Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenever.
This sets in motion the conflicts and other events leading up to the death of Sir Lancelot and many
other noteworthy characters. Sir Lancelot betrays both King Arthur and Queen Guenever. If he is truly
a noble character as Sir Gawaine, Sir Gareth, and Sir Gaheris describe, would he have involved
himself in such a treacherous act? Sir Agravaine says, I marvel that we all be not ashamed both to see
and to know how Sir Launcelot lieth daily and nightly by the queen, and all we know it so; and it is
shamefully suffered of us all, that we all should suffer so noble a king as King Arthur is so to be
shamed (Location 12810). Sir Lancelot s betrayal raises opposition between the knights and breaks up
that which should remain united. His betrayal reaches beyond the king and queen. Thus, it is not a
surprise that the consequences of his sin affect the lives of so many. Now, Sir Agravaine and Sir
Mordred plot to find Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenever alone together, while the king is away. The
king warns Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred, ...he will fight with him that bringeth up the noise, and I
know no knight that is able to match him (Location 12836). With King Arthur s consent, they gather a
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Clinton Portis Baby Mama Research Paper
Clinton Portis Baby Mamma Doesn t Care if He s Evicted; She Wants Her Money Clinton Portis is in
the midst of a bankruptcy. He earned just shy of $50 million as an NFL star, but his lifestyle quickly
ate that nest egg away. In December, Portis told the court that he owed $5 million but only had $3
million. Granted, he was hoping to get another $10 million if he won lawsuits against two companies
that he is suing. He said there was only $150 in his checking account. Portis owes money to an
eclectic group of people. He owes his mother half a million dollars, another half million to a reporter,
more than a million to a mortgage company, nearly half a million to the IRS, a quarter million to a
casino, and almost half a million in past due child
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Essay about Advertising In Baseball Stadiums
Baseball is considered to be America s favorite pastime and has become popular all over the world.
This sport is watched by millions of people every time there is a game played. People will go to the
stadiums to watch and a lot of fans will watch the game on television. Since there are so many people
watching these games, advertising has become more and more apart of every baseball stadium due to
the amount of exposure a company can receive by using the many types of ads found in a baseball
stadium. The stadiums use billboards, fences, green screens, merchandise, airplanes, names of
stadiums, and scoreboards as all different ways to advertise a company s product.
Billboards play a huge ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is the background of the outfielders and whenever a ball is hit out there or someone wants to look at
the scoreboard, people have to look at the outfield and have really no choice to look at the
advertisements on the fences. GAP Inc. really benefited from company s putting there ads on the
fence, because left centerfield and right centerfield are called the gap in baseball leaving a lot of
stadiums to use GAP as their advertisement in that area on the fence. Fences are really useful due to
how visible they are throughout an entire game.
Green Screens
Technology is making advertising much easier in baseball stadiums and the use of green screens is
really starting to take off. Greens screens are only visible to fans watching the game on television, but
are very useful due to how easy it is to switch an advertisement during an inning of the game. The
green screens are usually located behind the umpire on the backstop to left of batter s box for left
handed batters. This is not a distraction to pitchers or infielders, because they use a green screen which
is similar to the centerfield sitting area. This area never sits any fans and is either black or green in a
stadium so that the batter is not distracted when a pitcher is throwing a pitch. Marketers like the ads
because they dominate the background behind the pitcher hitter confrontation, which is the central
image in a baseball telecast. Plus, if an advertisement takes place during
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The Role Of Playing Game ( Frpg ) Or Dungeons Dragons (...
When you hear the words Fantasy Role Playing Game (FRPG) or Dungeons Dragons (DnD) there is a
certain level of nurtured bias that is applied to the people who are interested in these things. If you
were to paint a picture of someone who plays this type of thing I m sure that person would have
glasses, be overweight, and probably have difficulty socializing as a normal person. However, you
might also see those same people as having above average intelligence and probably have a good job.
The stereotypes surrounding FRPGs are generally negative with positive undertones, most likely
because of a lack of general information regarding the FRPG community and those who take part in it.
Having played some FRPGs myself, I can say without a doubt that I wouldn t bring up the fact that I
play DnD to say, a pretty girl who I m attempting to court. However, maybe the fact that I ve played
FRPGs is helping me court this woman, or perhaps even make friends and socialize better than I had
before. This essay will concern itself not with just the negative stereotypes and proving or disproving
them. But with the culture and impact of FRPGs as a whole. I believe FRPGs in the United States
have a positive impact on the social development of young adults. When analyzing a specific subjects
effects on a person s social skills, it s important to understand as much as possible about what it means
to engage in this activity. Now while there is an array of different FRPGs, the biggest difference
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Strengths Of The Immune System And Ayurveda
Immune system and Ayurveda
What is Immune system:
The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect
the body. One of the important cells involved are white blood cells, also called leukocytes, which
come in two basic types that combine to seek out and destroy disease causing organisms or
What cause immune system to weaken:
Anything that weakens your immune system can lead to a secondary immunodeficiency disorder. Low
consumption of protein in your diet can weaken your immune system. Your body also produces
proteins when you sleep that help your body fight infection. For this reason, lack of sleep reduces your
immune defenses. There are several other factors too which cause the weakness of immune system.
How to Boost Immune system with Ayurveda:
If our Immune system is weak, that means our defense system is low and can result in several kind of
illness such as Fever, Flu and fatigue. It is very important to enhance your immune system so that it
can fight with the different kind of viruses and keep us safe. There are a lot of foods which can
enhance our immune system. Especially the food that turns into Ojas can be very beneficial. You can
always boost your immune system by following below mentioned ... Show more content on
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Intelligent food includes vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and fresh dairy products. Foods that are
processes, canned, packaged or frozen are hard to digest and create Ama. The fact is that these
products are old and denatured in the process. Also, these kinds of products include harmful
ingredients or chemical preservatives. Avoiding these kinds of food is highly recommended because
they are hard to digest and only transform into Ama. Organically grown foods are best because they
are full of natures and contain no chemical
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How Did Race And Alliances Cause Ww1
WWI was a devastating war with losses to all countries involved. It started in 1914. There are many
causes that started the war, but they were all dealing with power and money ultimately. The Great
powers started fighting and it all started from there. The main causes of WWI were Race and alliances
, Armaments, and Most importantly Imperialism. Race and alliances had a big part to do in the cause
of the war. The triple alliance, which was Germany Hungary Austria and Italy, were surrounded by
bigger countries and other alliances and that was a problem. Germany would be in big trouble and
they were worried because they feared they would have to fight a two front war. In 1915 Italy would
switch sides which hurt Germany and Austria Hungary because they lost an ally and they already had
the millions of Russians with pitchforks to deal with. Russia had a special ethnic group with Serbia
because they both had the Slavic race in there countries. When Austria Hungary declared war against
Serbia this seems like it could cause a major problem. If Serbia had Slavic population and Russia had
slavic population then Russia would probably help Serbia in the war which in turn would lead to the
United kingdom helping Russia and then Germany would help Austria Hungary as well as Italy, ...
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You have to have a good navy, military, and money to win a war. Germany spent about 115 million
dollars on their navy in 1914. Austria spent about 29 million. Countries are all spending millions of
dollars trying to get there arms and weapons stocked up and is this really a good thing? Well yes it is if
two countries both had bombs that could destroy half of each others countries then both of them would
be scared to fight in the first place. WWI just happened to be different countries got jealous of each
other and tension started to rise so instead of being nervous the Arms race took a negative affect and
became one of the major reasons WWI
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Effect Of The Business Cycle Essay
This study uses time series data from the CPS March data to investigate the effect of the business
cycle from 2003 to 2014 on the wage differentials between females and males. The CPS is a monthly
sample survey of approximately 60,000 households conducted by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, which can be considered as the primary source of labor force statistics for the
population of the United States. This study also uses data from the Local Area Unemployment
Statistics (LAUS) to get the state unemployment rate from 2003 to 2014. LAUS is a Federal State
cooperative effort that publishes monthly estimates of employment and unemployment for
approximately 7,300 areas, including all states, countries, metropolitan areas, and cities with a
population of 25,000 or more, by residence. Labor force data from the LAUS program follows the
same CPS concepts and definitions used for the national labor force data. In particular, this study uses
the seasonal adjustment monthly state unemployment rate, which eliminates the influences of weather,
holidays, the opening and closing of schools, and other recurring seasonal events from economic time
series. Since the CPS collects data through interviewing a limited amount of people, it cannot fully
represent the labor market of the United States because of the sample selection bias. Also, since the
CPS data is gathered by interviews, the status of survey respondents is only determined by how they
respond to the survey.
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Prenatal Testing
Prenatal testing can help woman identify any unknown health problems that can endanger their
unborn child that may or may not be treatable. There are four main processes, non invasive and
invasive, that will be evaluated being ultrasound, amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus Sample and
cordocentesis. Prenatal testing is used to detect changes in the foetus s genes or chromosomes. They
distinguish chromosomal abnormalities, monogenetic diseases caused by single gene mutations and
polygenetic diseases that are caused by mutations in several genes. Reasons for a karyotype analysis
or invasive prenatal testing are maternal age as the probability of chromosomal abnormalities increase
with maternal age, if an existing child of the couple s has a chromosomal ... Show more content on
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DNA is gathered and analysed within 24 hours, which abnormalities can be identified and used to
make more acceptable decisions about selective termination of the pregnancy.
Foetal blood sampling is the last method and known as cordocentesis or percutaneous umbilical cord
sampling (PUBS). This procedure is when a needle is being inserted into the umbilical cord and foetal
blood is taken and evaluated for metabolism and hematologic abnormalities (blood disorders). The use
of cordocentesis is decreasing since technology can now provide the same information from tests that
have smaller risk of miscarriage, such as amniocentesis and CVS, with limitations of structural
chromosomal abnormalities smaller than the achievable optical resolution to be undetected.
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A Student Of A Disadvantaged Elementary School And Co...
As a student of a disadvantaged elementary school and co director and mentor for Project F.A.M.E.
(Fostering the Arts to Motivate Excellence) Summer Camp, I found that that low self esteem and self
degradation accounts for many of the social and academic ills of black and low income children. My
aspiration to teach was first ignited by my desire to expose underprivileged black children to their
African American history and greatness (earlier on in their lives) to dispel the narrative that black
children are biologically inferior. I believe it is fundamental to reverse the psychological oppression
that is often pre ingrained into the minds and spirits of young (especially African American) children.
Expressly, I believe if children can understand and learn about their predecessors resilient and
tenacious spirits, then they are inclined to gain a greater sense of self and perform better in academic
environments. In another light, I yearn for an understanding of pedagogical strategies that births
critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and a culturally aware people. Arguably, the purpose of
education is comprised of four primary pillars that encourage the growth of a whole being so that he
or she can fruitfully contribute to society; as an illustration, education seeks to foster the development
of intellectual, social, economic, and political capacities. The school is a prominent growth house for
children s guided development and socialization. The most
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Origins of the Cold War Essay
Origins of the Cold War
Revisionist historians tend to regard the outbreak of the Cold War as a result of American hostility or,
at least , diplomatic incompetence, while the more traditional view lays the responsibility squarely at
the feet of the Soviet Union. Assess the validity of each view.
The Cold War,said to have lasted from the end of World War II to the dismantling of the Soviet Union
in 1991, was one of the most significant political events of the 20th century. For nearly 40 years the
world was under the constant threat of total devastation, caught between the nuclear arsenals of the
United States, Great Britain, and France on one side and the Soviet Union and the People s Republic
of China on the other. Any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One such act of aggression came when the Soviets attempted to gain complete control of Berlin by
forming a blockade against all of the other Allied forces. Despite the barrier, the United States airlifted
tons of supplies to those who were in need of them in Berlin. This was the very beginning of
antagonistic relations. Another form of aggression that angered the Americans was Stalin s refusal to
hold free elections in Eastern Europe, while he covertly set up their governments to act as puppet
satellites, forming a protective barrier around the U.S.S.R. The Soviets reluctance to reunify Korea
and the strong Communist atmosphere in North Korea also disgruntled Americans and hurt diplomatic
relations. Overall, each step that the Soviet Union took to strengthen its power and the power of the
Communist party was viewed as an act of aggression, and there are many historians who strongly
believe that the Soviets were at fault in the instigation of the Cold War due to these immense acts of
aggression. The period in the United States following World War II could more aptly be named
American Hysteria rather than history according to the more revisionist historians. As the Soviet
Union grew more and more powerful, every American grew more frightened of the Communist
movement. No event greater exemplified this than McCarthy s Communist witch hunt of the 1950 s.
The Cold War tensions stemmed from the fear and paranoia that
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Oj Simpson Reflection
After watching O.J. Made in America, I gained a different perspective of O.J Simpson and the
understanding of how society was back in the early 50 s. When I had first heard of O.J Simpson it was
not about football or him being in movies, it was about how he had brutally murdered his wife at the
time and her lover. Along with hearing about how he had brutally murdered the two, it was known
how he was self centered, very egocentric and would try to talk his way out of everything which the
film had stated. In the beginning of the film it showed O.J Simpson in court, being asked if he was
first arrested at the age of 46. Then instantly moved forward to how his football career started. I feel
like the director did this to show how O.J was before the allegation of him being convicted of
manslaughter. High school he was known for football and eventually a college recruiter scouted him
from the University of South California. Furthering his fame with football he was known in college
for the run . The run was when USC was playing against UCLA. When USC was losing badly within
11 minutes O.J made a touch down making the win for USC. Finally From there the New York
Buffalo s coach recruited him where later on he had retired from the football fame to now being an
actor. Although the majority of the film in Part 1 was of O.J s football career it also showed how
heavy segregation, police brutality, and the civil rights movement were. The documenter stated how
significant segregation was
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True Identities In April And Hercules
It is very important for a person to know their identity. A person s identity describes who they are and
how they live life. When he/she understand his/her identity they will know why they are on this Earth
and learn to accept who they are. If a person knows who they are they will not care about how people
think of them. April and Hercules have trouble finding their true identities because they care about
what people think instead of what they think. April and Hercules are very similar because they both
feel like there is a dark wall standing between them and their true identity. Both of their journeys were
very difficult. April had to face mean kids and everyone had labels, and Hercules had to face deadly
monsters to try and find who he is
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Mark Twain Analysis
Education may be conveyed in many formats, such as classrooms, laboratories, and books. Teachers
instruct within the classroom, while researchers and scientist utilize a laboratory setting for instruction
and education, while other forms of education derive from authors who communicate by the written
word. One well known author and educator is Samuel L. Clemens, more commonly known as Mark
Twain. Twain was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835 and utilized his childhood and
adolescent experiences as a method of education. Mark Twain is powerfully depicted as an
unconventional educator through his books, literature, and personal quotes.
Through some of Mark Twain s books he captures much of the history in which he lived. One of the
books that he has written is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, which is based upon his memories from
when he lived in Missouri (Twain, 1876). The adventures that he wrote about in this particular book
actually took place in history, giving us an insight into what it was like to live in that time period.
Another book that gave several details on the history in the 19th century was The Prince and the
Pauper, because instead of giving insight on a personal experience, it gave insight on the class
relations in which people were separated during that time (Twain, 1881). This insight gave us
knowledge on how the people were categorized by their job titles. He shows the differences between
the classes by writing about two young boys that switch
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The Role Of Accounting And Possible Future Of Accountancy...
Traditionally, accounting has a role to play in preparing financial reports, and tax preparation
manually (Zodage, 2015). According to World Report s Best Jobs (2014, cited in Hood (2014)), the
accountancy was recognised as the third rank of the best professionals, and it is one in all careers
having high demand (Hood, 2014). Nevertheless, the business practices and the environment have
continuously changed and reshaped aspects of the accountancy profession (Wolters Kluwer, 2014).
Some critics argued that services relating to accounting will be inevitably replaced by technology
(Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, 2015). Conversely, others believe that this career
will still exist; however, the role of accountants will be altered along with the changing in the business
environment (Towers, 2015). This report will present the crucial factors impacting the traditional
approach of professional accounting and possible future of accountancy.
Factors Disrupting Accounting Profession in the Future
● The development of technology
Advanced technologies are crucial factors causing a major change in accounting areas (Guthrie Parker,
2016). Since the development of technology will certainly grow, accountants will obtain various
benefits from embracing it. For example, cloud based technology allows the professionals to adopt
cheaper software, access to mobility of workplace and obtain real time data (Nixon, 2015). In contrast,
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Socrates, A Classical Greek Philosopher
Socrates, born in 470 BC in Athens, Greece, was a classical Greek philosopher and is believed to be
one of the founders of Western philosophy. He lived a good 71 years until his death in 399 BC.
Although Socrates never wrote anything down, we still know quite a bit about him. Everything we
know, we have learned through the writings of one of Socrates students, Plato. One very famous
phenomenon we learn from Socrates is Socrates Socratic method. It essentially laid down the building
blocks of Western logic and philosophy and it consists of five steps. The first step is to make a
statement; the second is to then look for exceptions. The third step comes in two parts. It states that if
an exception is found then the statement is either imprecise, or flat out false. Further comes step four
that says that if the statement is imprecise then to revise it. Finally step five is to repeat. A lot of
people were not Socrates biggest fans, which leads us to the charges and trial of Socrates. He was put
into trial for being impious and corrupting the youth. Although some may argue that Socrates was an
evil, unjust person that led a bad life and was a troublemaker, I affirm that Socrates led a good and
honorable life due to his great wisdom in admitting that he knows nothing. His awareness of his own
ignorance makes him an admirable person. To begin with, Socrates was quite the character. His soul
life mission consisted of using philosophy to achieve practical results for the
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The Islamic Banking System ( Credit Risk )
In the Islamic banking system,according to sources and causes of risks, it might be an external risk
which due to changes in risk policies and regulations caused by banking supervisory authorities (
regulatory risk ) or macro and external impact of benchmarks such as LIBOR interest rate factors,
namely the use of determine the speed mark Islamic Bank ( known as interest rate risk ) ;There are
risks to fulfill obligations related to the debtor by Islamic Banking( Credit risk ) , there are a set of
risks, operational risks collectively,Islamic banks themselves , the people involved / staff, including
errors, negligence and fraud, the system and the use of technology in the Islamic Banking , the
proceedings and / or processes and procedures ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sundarajan and Errico (2002) pointed out that attach to various non PLS methods, such as the specific
risks of Salam and Ijara. Firstly, the Islamic bank is exposed to credit and commodity price risk ;
Secondly, unlike traditional lease contracts, Islamic banks can not transfer ownership , and therefore
have to bear all risks until the end of the lease .
Credit risk in Islamic banks
Musharakah, Mudarabah, Istisna , Salam, Ijarah and murabahah is the main contract with their
customers to use in providing facilities for Islamic banks. Possible classification , these contracts may
be: Islamic pattern of non debt financing (Musharakah and Mudarabah) and debt creation mode ( the
Other ) . A third possible classification : Original Islamic mode of financing (Musharakah, Mudarabah,
Istisna , Salam ) and financing of reinventing mode (Ijarah and murabahah).
Credit risk is the most important source of risk in Islamic banking and in Conventional banks.Credit
risk ( counterparty risk of failure ) is significant for banks that 1988 standards of Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision Bank. Capital requirements , the establishment of a major deal with this risk.
Default risk which the risk of the bank portfolio covering 80 % of the average bank account ; It is 80%
of cases of bank failures reasons. It is generally considered the Islamic Banks face higher credit risk
than their traditional counterparts . Islamic banks ( which is not the Islamic Bank based on
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Jeremiah Vs Ezekiel
Among the Old Testament prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are probably the most outstanding ones.
Living in the same historical period, witnessing and being part of tragic, crucial changes in the Judas
history, having a similar background, these two men still differ a lot in their views, lifestyle and way
of prophesying.
Jeremiah was likely born between 650 and 645 B.C. not far from Jerusalem in a family of a priest and
was by being trained for holy service in the priesthood was prepared for his future role. Jeremiah s
contemporary Ezekiel also had the priestly background and was a functioning priest probably attached
to Jerusalem Temple staff, but his prophetic ministry developed in Babylon as he was exiled several
years before Jerusalem fall. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It contains a lot of historical and biographical material in addition to the prophet s own words, and
from all this, his personality is revealed. The Book makes a pessimistic impression, as Jeremiah is
persistent in challenging dishonesty and hypocrisy. When being called he is unsure of his ability to
speak in the name of God, but the Lord reassures him, giving the promise of support. Jeremiah starts
prophesying the future fall of Jerusalem and his role after it is to bring his word to the Jews in exile as
well, so here he develops a theology of repentance, exile and restoration. At the same time, Jeremiah
stays in the ruined city, encouraging the new ruler and the people, explaining what happened and
providing the directions for further actions. The final chapters mostly describe God s judgements for
other nations and the prediction of punishment for
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What Is the Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion...
What is the Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry, and how will it develop in the
next five years?
I am going to write about what the role of fashion promotion is within the fashion industry and discuss
how it might develop in the next five years. To do this I shall review what fashion promotion is by
defining it and finding out how, when and where it started. To understand what fashion promotion
really is in a contemporary context I shall broadly look at how it is used and what many forms it has
taken since the beginning up until the present day.
To look at how fashion promotion may develop in the next five years I shall analyse and critique
specific examples in more detail, such as finding out how these specific types ... Show more content
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Photography can tell us a story of periods in history; fashion photography constitutes a historical
document that offers us evidence of the practices and ideals of a given period (H.Radner (2000) in
S.Bruzzi P.Church Gibson Fashion Cultures: Theories, Explorations Analysis, London: Routledge, pp.
128 134). In the 1940 s photos were very staged, prim and proper and the models were the children of
the rich of that time, by the 50 s there were some social changes such as more disposable wealth, to
which the fashion industry responded by having studio lit photographs and beginning to move away
from static, manikin style shots. By the 60 s subject and style went under transformation as a result of
changes during the post Second World War era and the revolution of the ‘single girl began. Fashion
photography started to be shot outside with the model often walking or running to show that she is
‘active .
(Ruth Orkin, American Girl in Italy, 1951)
Fashion isn t fixed: it follows a repetitive cycle, which is moving so fast that cyclical ideas are being
used up too quickly. In response, brand new ideas and concepts are being invented. The growth in
virtual space means knowledge spreads faster, ideas are downloaded and lower designers take them
before higher designers who came up with the designs get it into their own store, which is one reason
why fashion is becoming cheaper. Boundaries between higher and lower level brands are becoming
blurred as is the distinction
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Mean Men Case Study
CHAPTER FOUR The Mainstreaming of Mean Mean men are hardly a new phenomenon, and the
tyrannical boss has been a familiar archetype in American culture ever since the invention of the
modern industrial era workplace. In fact, in many ways organizational culture is far more touchy feely
now than it used to be much as corporeal punishment in schools is out, along with spanking your kids.
Yet powerful forces have been at work in American society that have fueled bad behavior in high
places, allowing more mean men to get to the top and stay there, even as they create misery all around
them. These forces can be roughly divided in two baskets: first, thanks to changes in the economy and
business, men can rise to leadership roles without having to pay their dues in large organizations and
having their rough edges sanded down along the way. Second, thanks to a combination of economic
and cultural changes, men feel more license to exhibit outsized personality traits, including very
negative ones, and can more easily get away with bad behavior as long as they get results. Let s dig
into the both these baskets. Free Agent Nation It s unlikely that a guy like Aaron could ever have
become a boss fifty years ago. Why? Because he wouldn t have ... Show more content on
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Back in the age when William H. Whyte wrote his bestseller The Organization Man, the List of Ten
traits could be a serious liability for an ambitious young man in business. If you graduated from
business school in, say, 1960, the vast majority of career opportunities were in large corporations,
where you d be expected to take orders from others, follow rigid procedures, and check your
impulsivity behaviors that are difficult for entrepreneurial people. And if you couldn t learn to
subsume yourself to the group, becoming just another man in a gray flannel suit, chances are you didn
t have much of a future in
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Reason For European Imperialism
Imperialism, a policy in which one country seeks authority over another country by economic and
political domination. The Europeans at this time in history, were looking for resources and something
to help them show their national pride; the best way to do that was to imperialize different countries.
Africa, which was not industrialized, was seen as not capable to lead themselves into modernization.
The europeans as well as many other countries began to seek land in the divided, war filled country.
The reasons for europeans seeking imperialism is because of the strive for natural resources, the need
to show national pride, and thoughts upon racism.
In imperialism, natural resources where a large driving cause to the spread of authority all ... Show
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An empire such as Britain requires an imperial race (Primrose). People from all over saw how
different people and cultures came from all over the world which create hate and a variety of
disapproval for others. African people were seen as hated, uncivilized people only because, they had
so many different cultures and different ways of living. If Africa was to be industrialized before other
countries came it would have been seen as a land that is respected because the people who live in it
are capable of industrialization. But because the land was not industrialized before imperialism racism
became a strong attacking point upon the uncivilized. France went with a fully developed race into
territories marked by barbarism and people who cannot develop their own land (Merlin). France in
this description sees themselves as superior to the Africans because, they do not have fighting within
their country and they are industrialized. Without their ability to come together as a country and grow
an economy France would be another Africa. Racism drove France to come to Africa and show their
superiority over them. Racism was a large reason for imperialism.
Africa was a resource rich, divided, different country. Every country that took a part in Africa s
imperialism saw this matter and took advantage. If Africa had time to figure out how to develop an
economy, unify with each other, and industrialize itself; imperialism from other countries would
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Essay about The Spirit In Context
What are the possible points of agreement and points of tension between different religious schools of
thought on the body, in relation to the Holy Spirit? How might Christians respond to these?
Introduction Scripture seems to contradict itself with regard to the human body. Sometimes the body
is seen as precious, for instance in 1 Cor 6:19 30, and sometimes as a hinderance to unity with Christ,
2 Cor 5:6 8. This seeming ambiguity within scripture has created distinct and conflicting schools of
thought among Christian thinkers regarding the body and spirituality. Some advocate that the body is
an essential part of our spirituality and should be embraced; others that the body is a hinderance to it,
and should be approached with suspicion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Anthony of the Desert, who is considered to be the father of Christian monasticism, is said to have
experienced overwhelming shame at the prospect of food, rest and other bodily needs, so that he
would not be seen taking care of his physical needs by others.5 St Francis of Assisi was equally
undermining of his bodily needs. Even when close to death, he feared that accepting necessary
treatment was an indulgence. It was only at the last minute that he was successfully persuaded to serve
his body by caring for it in the same way that it had cared for him, by which point it was too late.
Dualism continued through the ages in various forms, but was specifically revived during the Age of
Enlightenment, which emphasized science and reason over faith and tradition. The movement sought
to release man from God s authority, resulting in a shift from Theism to Deism. Secularism took
Deism one step further, suggesting that if God does not interact with mankind and is not near, He is
not needed. This perspective unfolded throughout the western world,
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Research Report – Young Peoples’Attitude, Behaviour and...
Research Report
Young peoples attitude, behaviour and motivation for blood donation.
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Literature review 5 3. Research objective 6 4. Methodology 8 5.
Results 8 6. Discussion 12 7. Conclusions and Implications 13 8. Limitations and Recommendations
With one in three Australian s needing blood in their lifetime, but only one in thirty donating, the need
for the Australian Red Cross Blood Service to maximise donor recruitment and retention has never
been greater. Young adults are a largely untapped source of potentially long serving donors. In this
field of study, virtually no Australian research has targeted this segment and, combined with
international ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
| Hypothesis 2 | Advertising impacts young people s intention to donate blood. | Hypothesis 3 |
Awareness of The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is directly associated with young people s
attitudes towards blood donation | Hypothesis 4 | Family and friends need for blood donation increases
young people s awareness of blood donation. | Hypothesis 5 | Family and friends need for blood
donation influence young people s intention to donate blood. | Hypothesis 6 | Personal experiences
directly influence young people s intention to donate blood. | Hypothesis 7 | Community
engagement/sense of responsibility to the community influences young people s intention to donate. |
Hypothesis 8 | There is no difference in awareness of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service between
genders. | Hypothesis 9 | There is no difference in the intention to donate blood between genders. |
Table 1: Research objective and hypotheses
4. Methodology
62 Griffith University students, 35 female and 27 male age 18 30 were asked to participate in our
survey. Respondents had to fill out 20 questions which included demographic questions on age,
gender and nationality as well as questions regarding awareness, attitude and actual behaviour towards
blood donation. The quantitative data from our survey was entered into
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How Did The Dodge Challenger Change
The Dodge Challenger, Dodge s answer to the Ford Mustang... Six years too late. The Challenger
came out in 1970 to compete with Chevy s Camaro and Ford s Mustang. The Camaro and Mustang
were already too far ahead anf Dodge had to struggle. Dodge tried hard to make the Challenger seem
like a cool car by having performance borrowed from the Dodge Charger with an insane choice of
Nine different engines were available which ranged from family friendly v6 s to insane Hemi v8 s
pulling 400 plus horsepower, way more than the current Camaro and Mustang. After just one year the
Challenger received minor style updates enhancements that included two tail lights instead of a single
one in the rear like the Charger. The Challenger was changed throughout its first generation. Despite
the effort Dodge decided to cease production after only four years.
Dodge Challenger returned in 1978 as a rebadged Mitsubishi Galant Lambda with a design that was
already two years old. (Challenger Wiki) Which just means the Challenger wasn t even a pony car
anymore just a family car. Despite being sportier than the Mitsubishi model it did not live up to its
Pony car status. (Challenger Wiki) These were family cars that didn t have anything to do with the
Challenger namesake. In 1984 the Challenger siezed production again. ... Show more content on
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The production model debuted in 2008. Retro styling reminiscent of the first Challenger made the
third generation pony car an instant success. Double headlights and a rectangular grille indented into
the hood made it look almost identical to the 70s model. Even the lower grille and round fog lights
were in the same location, except the 70s Challenger had turn signals instead of fog lights. Despite
being inevitably longer and taller the 2008 model was like a modern day replica of Dodge s first pony
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Enduring Love Chapter 5 Summary
Waking up Naomi is the first scene of chapter five. Obasan begins to lead the excursion to the attic in
search of something. Naomi sees the tools Grandpa Nakane brought from Japan. Obasan finds an old
ID of Uncle s, signed by an RCMP inspector.Meanwhile, Naomi is bored and realizes that she was
encompassed by her dead relative s possessions. The amount of spiders in the attic impelled Naomi to
shine her flashlight to see them, but she ends up noticing just how disgusting the attic really is. A
glimpse of an old quilt makes her return to the old question of why her mother never came back. As a
child, Naomi asked Obasan about her mother, but Obasan provided no information. Now, Obasan can t
find what she is looking for, and Naomi helps her back ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While the two women search the attic, a quilt starts up Naomi s curiosity. This quilt compelled her to
seek an answer to a mature question that would define her life forever; Why did my mother not return?
She pleaded with Obasan for an answer; Obasan would not budge. I would have rejection and a parent
s rejection can fuel a child s life, whether positive or negative. In my life I never had to worry about
the love of my mother, it was my father s that made me wonder. After the age of six, I grew up with
my mother, sister and my grandfather, loved by all, except my father. At first I thought, I just needed
to work harder so he would be proud when he, one day sees me on TV. Grade seven came and my
father died so I was left with curiosity. I did not know why he left, I did not know what a father was, I
just did not know. Please tell me about ( Joy K, Obasan, 31) my father, I would say, hoping to hear he
was a hero or something that would make me believe he was capable of loving me just circumstances
made it impossible. Like Naomi I got hugs and all the wrong kinds of comfort. Where is she now? My
arms are suffused with urge to hold, but a hug would startle
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The Removal Of The Screening Current Induced Field
This paper presents the details of a recent study on the removal of the screening current induced field
(SCIF) in a pancake type noninsulated high temperature superconductor (HTS) coil (NI coil). To
determine the SCIF in the NI coil, the magnetic flux density (Bz) was calculated using the equivalent
circuit model of the coil and compared to Bz obtained empirically. The experimental results exhibited
that the SCIF elimination in the NI coil enhanced upon increasing the amplitude and frequency of the
AC current being supplied to the background coil. Moreover, the SCIF in the NI coil could be
successfully removed by applying the appropriate intensity of an external AC magnetic field. This is
because the magnetization direction of SCIF completely changed from radial to spiral, and the
phenomenon is termed the vortex shaking effect. Overall, this study confirmed that the SCIF in a
pancake type NI coil can be effectively removed by exposing the coil to an external AC magnetic
1. Introduction
The second generation (2G) high temperature superconductor (HTS) coated conductor (CC) is
regarded as a promising material for the development of ultrahigh field magnets for use in nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. This is because the
dependence of the critical current (Ic) in the CC on external magnetic fields is lower than those in its
low temperature counterparts [1 4]. However, in the case of a quench, the 2G HTS magnet is
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  • 9. The On Rain Forest Floor During Ecology Research Introduction In an attempt to avoid walking on the rain forest floor during ecology research in South America, rope walkways were strung from tree to tree. To ensure the safety of the researchers, the maximum weight that could be carried from tree to tree without the walkways collapsing had to be set. To model this system, two pulleys containing a central object suspended halfway between them with counterweights of equal mass on the outside of the pulleys was created, as shown in Figure 1. Our goal was to determine how the sag of the walkway was related to the total mass at the center of the pulleys. Figure 1: The apparatus used (not to scale). A and C are the masses of the counterweight objects. A and C are equal masses. B is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... F1 is the weight of counterweight A, F2 is the weight of counterweight C, and Fw is the weight of the central object. Also shown are the forces on a coordinate system for the counterweights and the central object. The distances between the pulleys and the sag of the walkway are also shown on a coordinate system. The system is in equilibrium, so we assumed that the horizontal and vertical components of the forces will add up to zero. The counterweights A and C both had an equal mass, so they were both referred to as F1 to simplify calculations. Where Mw is the force of the mass of object B and gravity is g, we could solve for Fw. Fw = Mwg (1) Using the mass of the counterweight objects A and C, the force F1 can be calculated using MA and gravity. Because the pulleys are frictionless the force F1 should be the same magnitude on all parts of the string between the center object and the object A. F1 = MAg (2) Using the trigonometry function sin, a combination of equations (1) and (2), and the law of equilibrium ΣF = 0 where Fy=0 and Fx=0, the angle ϕ can be found. F1sinϕ + F1sinϕ = Fw (3) Rearranging equation (3) to give the angle ϕ by itself gives ϕ = sin 1(Fw/2F1) (4) Since the walkway system creates a right triangle, the laws of trigonometry could also be used. With the distance where the object B lies between the pulleys as L/2 and the angle ϕ, the sag of the central object, D, could be found. D = Ltanϕ/2 (5)
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  • 12. The Plague Of Bubonic Plague Essays 3. The bubonic plague was a devastating disease that rapidly swept across Europe. Also known as the Black Death, the plague spread from port to port and started to wipe out entire civilizations. All of Europe was eventually contaminated, with over two thirds of the population dieing to the infectious disease. Believed to have started in 1346 when the Mongol armies overtook the Genoese trading outpost of Caffa on the Black Sea, over half the soldiers on the boat returned dead. The quickness of the infection and then death, brought a fear to these people they have never witnessed before. The sudden death caused by the disease created a paranoria among the people that Armageden had arrived. One of the reasons the bubonic plague spread so quickly, is due to the trade posts that connected throughout all of Europe. These posts created pathways for the germs and provided travel. The deadly microbes traveled by the land trails and sea lanes created by the Europeans. The old silk road even became a breeding ground for the germs. It did not matter which community, class or culture one is apart of; it infected all. The more populated a city was, the more devastation that ensued. For example, the city of London was reduced from one hundred thousand people to just around thirty seven thousand people. This is a massive loss which led to food shortages, work stoppages and unrest among the survivors. The massive rate of death caused by the Black Death led people to search ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Media Influence On Teenagers In today s age of technology, we are in almost constant contact with the mass media. Whether it be from the portable devices it seems every person has or the TV that remains on throughout the day, we are constantly absorbing the information they force upon us be it the good or bad. The ultimate presence of the media guarantees that what we hear, see, and experience thru it will influence the mind whether conscious of it or not. It is becoming increasingly clear that the media is one of the most inseparable things from a teenager s life. Teenagers are naturally curious. Faced with a multitude of choices and challenges, they often look for direction and guidance on how they can live their lives in today s society (Fox, 1999.) Because of this, maturing children look to this as finding out what is normal and acceptable or what is frowned upon and not accepted. The literature on the influence of media on teenagers is vast and most of them have focused on the negative impacts. They seem to advance the view that the way youth react to situations, or their mode of thinking is wholly based on the effect of the media, particularly television and movies, music, videogames, and the internet. Youth in sense represents the age group between 13 and 20. The outcome of media influences has largely been negative, especially since the above forms of media have negatively influenced the behaviors and sexuality of the teenagers (Stern and Handel, 2001). Free media a term used in Roger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Compare And Contrast Us Imperialism In The Panama And The... U.S. Imperialism in the Panama Canal and the Philippines What would you do to gain more power? The definition of imperialism is a policy of extending a country s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. The Philippines and the Panama Canal are two victims of U.S. Imperialism during the early 1800s to the 1900s. During this time the U.S. used several foreign policies, tactics, and concepts to gain control over new territories. Theodore Roosevelt used his foreign policy of dollar diplomacy to gain the Philippines and he used his big stick diplomacy as well as the dollar diplomacy to get the Panama Canal, these two territories were consumed by the U.S. and they have many similarities and differences during their transfer of powers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the Treaty of Paris was signed, ending the Spanish American War, the Philippines was to be given to the U.S. for $20 million dollars. This overall means Roosevelt was using the dollar diplomacy method because he used U.S. money to gain more land. When the Filipino army went against the U.S. and wanted independence Roosevelt let in a little bit of his big stick diplomacy because he used military force to control the land when they weren t listening. When it comes to the Panama Canal Roosevelt used the big stick diplomacy and dollar diplomacy to gain control of the canal. He used the big stick diplomacy because when Colombia didn t ratify the treaty granting the U.S. control over the canal they sided with rebels in Panama to help them get their independence. The U.S. sent military assistance and war ships in Colombia s territorial waters to show that Panama s independence was be given one way or another. Roosevelt also used the dollar diplomacy because he used money to persuade the Panama rebels to declare independence, he paid a lot of money to Panama to grant him the rights to the canal, and he paid the French for their plans they had originally made to build the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Inter Country Adoption Is Becoming More Prevalent Among... Inter country adoption is becoming more prevalent amongst American citizens. The process of adopting a child from another country can be tedious, but the very particular precautionary measures and steps are set in place to ensure not only that the child s best interest are at the center of the adoption but to also ensure that the adoption is legitimate in both the country of origin and in America. The process of adopting from countries that have ratified The Hague and non Hague countries are different and will be outlined below. The Hague was ratified in 2007 in the United States and outlines the procedure for inter country adoption for citizens of countries that have adopted it. Before an adoption can take place, it must be established that the child is adoptable, meaning that the proper authorities have made efforts in pursuit for the child to be adopted within the country and that the child does not have a suitable family to care for him. (Article 4) After the child is deemed adoptable, with the child s best interest always at the forefront, one needs to attain consent in writing from the birth mother and the proper authorities, it is forbidden for such consent to be induced by payment of any sort. (Article 4) Also, after weighing the factors of the child s age and maturity, the child needs to be counseled, his wishes and opinions need to be considered, and only after he has freely consented without any form of bribe, then the process can continue. (Article 4) Next, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. 12 Angry Men- Jurors 4 and 8 Essay Reginald Rose s 12 Angry Men brings 12 jurors together in a room to decide whether a young foreign boy is guilty of killing his father. The play is interwoven with dynamic characterisation, striking symbolism and intense moments of drama. Although Rose positions Juror 8 as the hero, the strongest character is in fact Juror 4, who is an independent thinker, rational and calm even as tension begins to build. Although Juror 4 initially votes guilty, he is able to admit his fault and change his vote. The ability to remain independent proved to be the most important character trait of Juror 4. Throughout the play, Rose s character is able to think freely and never lets his personal bias or peer pressure affect his decision making. When ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Juror 4 was able to communicate his ideas and thought like a professional and did so in an organised fashion. He analysed each piece of evidence with care and used logic and his skills of deduction to guide his vote. Rose intended for the audience to realise that the not guilty vote was the right choice and used Juror 4 as a catalyst for the final vote change. Juror 4 is able to remain calm and composed throughout the most stressful of situations. While Juror 10 exhibits racial outbursts; They get drunk , That s the way they are! , VIOLENT! , These people are dangerous. They re wild. Listen to me. Listen. Juror 4 sat through this entire scene without saying a word. It is only until Juror 10 s monologue is finished that Juror 4 speaks, calmly asking Juror 10 to Shut [his] filthy mouth. Juror 4 never discredits or implies anything towards the defendant and is always careful of what he says. After Juror 10 s tirade, Juror 4 tries to soften the impact created by 10; Slums are potential breeding grounds for criminals. He never attacks or hypes the situation at hand. He draws around potential possibilities. Juror 4 initially had his doubts at the start of the case but was the only character that overcame his predisposition based on the analysis of facts and evidence. Rose s character and only this character had the intelligence, confidence and persistence to keep his head in the tense moment Juror 10 created. Juror 8 is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Sin, Consequences And Redemption In Le Morte DArthur The Sin, Consequences, and Redemption of Sir Lancelot Sir Lancelot is the dominant figure in Le Morte D Arthur who presents us with the theme of sin and redemption. Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred expose the courtly romance or otherwise adulterous affair between Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenever. This sets in motion the conflicts and other events leading up to the death of Sir Lancelot and many other noteworthy characters. Sir Lancelot betrays both King Arthur and Queen Guenever. If he is truly a noble character as Sir Gawaine, Sir Gareth, and Sir Gaheris describe, would he have involved himself in such a treacherous act? Sir Agravaine says, I marvel that we all be not ashamed both to see and to know how Sir Launcelot lieth daily and nightly by the queen, and all we know it so; and it is shamefully suffered of us all, that we all should suffer so noble a king as King Arthur is so to be shamed (Location 12810). Sir Lancelot s betrayal raises opposition between the knights and breaks up that which should remain united. His betrayal reaches beyond the king and queen. Thus, it is not a surprise that the consequences of his sin affect the lives of so many. Now, Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred plot to find Sir Lancelot and Queen Guenever alone together, while the king is away. The king warns Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred, ...he will fight with him that bringeth up the noise, and I know no knight that is able to match him (Location 12836). With King Arthur s consent, they gather a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Clinton Portis Baby Mama Research Paper Clinton Portis Baby Mamma Doesn t Care if He s Evicted; She Wants Her Money Clinton Portis is in the midst of a bankruptcy. He earned just shy of $50 million as an NFL star, but his lifestyle quickly ate that nest egg away. In December, Portis told the court that he owed $5 million but only had $3 million. Granted, he was hoping to get another $10 million if he won lawsuits against two companies that he is suing. He said there was only $150 in his checking account. Portis owes money to an eclectic group of people. He owes his mother half a million dollars, another half million to a reporter, more than a million to a mortgage company, nearly half a million to the IRS, a quarter million to a casino, and almost half a million in past due child ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Essay about Advertising In Baseball Stadiums Introduction Baseball is considered to be America s favorite pastime and has become popular all over the world. This sport is watched by millions of people every time there is a game played. People will go to the stadiums to watch and a lot of fans will watch the game on television. Since there are so many people watching these games, advertising has become more and more apart of every baseball stadium due to the amount of exposure a company can receive by using the many types of ads found in a baseball stadium. The stadiums use billboards, fences, green screens, merchandise, airplanes, names of stadiums, and scoreboards as all different ways to advertise a company s product. Billboards Billboards play a huge ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is the background of the outfielders and whenever a ball is hit out there or someone wants to look at the scoreboard, people have to look at the outfield and have really no choice to look at the advertisements on the fences. GAP Inc. really benefited from company s putting there ads on the fence, because left centerfield and right centerfield are called the gap in baseball leaving a lot of stadiums to use GAP as their advertisement in that area on the fence. Fences are really useful due to how visible they are throughout an entire game. Green Screens Technology is making advertising much easier in baseball stadiums and the use of green screens is really starting to take off. Greens screens are only visible to fans watching the game on television, but are very useful due to how easy it is to switch an advertisement during an inning of the game. The green screens are usually located behind the umpire on the backstop to left of batter s box for left handed batters. This is not a distraction to pitchers or infielders, because they use a green screen which is similar to the centerfield sitting area. This area never sits any fans and is either black or green in a stadium so that the batter is not distracted when a pitcher is throwing a pitch. Marketers like the ads because they dominate the background behind the pitcher hitter confrontation, which is the central image in a baseball telecast. Plus, if an advertisement takes place during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Role Of Playing Game ( Frpg ) Or Dungeons Dragons (... When you hear the words Fantasy Role Playing Game (FRPG) or Dungeons Dragons (DnD) there is a certain level of nurtured bias that is applied to the people who are interested in these things. If you were to paint a picture of someone who plays this type of thing I m sure that person would have glasses, be overweight, and probably have difficulty socializing as a normal person. However, you might also see those same people as having above average intelligence and probably have a good job. The stereotypes surrounding FRPGs are generally negative with positive undertones, most likely because of a lack of general information regarding the FRPG community and those who take part in it. Having played some FRPGs myself, I can say without a doubt that I wouldn t bring up the fact that I play DnD to say, a pretty girl who I m attempting to court. However, maybe the fact that I ve played FRPGs is helping me court this woman, or perhaps even make friends and socialize better than I had before. This essay will concern itself not with just the negative stereotypes and proving or disproving them. But with the culture and impact of FRPGs as a whole. I believe FRPGs in the United States have a positive impact on the social development of young adults. When analyzing a specific subjects effects on a person s social skills, it s important to understand as much as possible about what it means to engage in this activity. Now while there is an array of different FRPGs, the biggest difference ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Strengths Of The Immune System And Ayurveda Immune system and Ayurveda What is Immune system: The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. One of the important cells involved are white blood cells, also called leukocytes, which come in two basic types that combine to seek out and destroy disease causing organisms or substances. What cause immune system to weaken: Anything that weakens your immune system can lead to a secondary immunodeficiency disorder. Low consumption of protein in your diet can weaken your immune system. Your body also produces proteins when you sleep that help your body fight infection. For this reason, lack of sleep reduces your immune defenses. There are several other factors too which cause the weakness of immune system. How to Boost Immune system with Ayurveda: If our Immune system is weak, that means our defense system is low and can result in several kind of illness such as Fever, Flu and fatigue. It is very important to enhance your immune system so that it can fight with the different kind of viruses and keep us safe. There are a lot of foods which can enhance our immune system. Especially the food that turns into Ojas can be very beneficial. You can always boost your immune system by following below mentioned ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Intelligent food includes vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and fresh dairy products. Foods that are processes, canned, packaged or frozen are hard to digest and create Ama. The fact is that these products are old and denatured in the process. Also, these kinds of products include harmful ingredients or chemical preservatives. Avoiding these kinds of food is highly recommended because they are hard to digest and only transform into Ama. Organically grown foods are best because they are full of natures and contain no chemical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. How Did Race And Alliances Cause Ww1 WWI was a devastating war with losses to all countries involved. It started in 1914. There are many causes that started the war, but they were all dealing with power and money ultimately. The Great powers started fighting and it all started from there. The main causes of WWI were Race and alliances , Armaments, and Most importantly Imperialism. Race and alliances had a big part to do in the cause of the war. The triple alliance, which was Germany Hungary Austria and Italy, were surrounded by bigger countries and other alliances and that was a problem. Germany would be in big trouble and they were worried because they feared they would have to fight a two front war. In 1915 Italy would switch sides which hurt Germany and Austria Hungary because they lost an ally and they already had the millions of Russians with pitchforks to deal with. Russia had a special ethnic group with Serbia because they both had the Slavic race in there countries. When Austria Hungary declared war against Serbia this seems like it could cause a major problem. If Serbia had Slavic population and Russia had slavic population then Russia would probably help Serbia in the war which in turn would lead to the United kingdom helping Russia and then Germany would help Austria Hungary as well as Italy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You have to have a good navy, military, and money to win a war. Germany spent about 115 million dollars on their navy in 1914. Austria spent about 29 million. Countries are all spending millions of dollars trying to get there arms and weapons stocked up and is this really a good thing? Well yes it is if two countries both had bombs that could destroy half of each others countries then both of them would be scared to fight in the first place. WWI just happened to be different countries got jealous of each other and tension started to rise so instead of being nervous the Arms race took a negative affect and became one of the major reasons WWI ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Effect Of The Business Cycle Essay This study uses time series data from the CPS March data to investigate the effect of the business cycle from 2003 to 2014 on the wage differentials between females and males. The CPS is a monthly sample survey of approximately 60,000 households conducted by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which can be considered as the primary source of labor force statistics for the population of the United States. This study also uses data from the Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) to get the state unemployment rate from 2003 to 2014. LAUS is a Federal State cooperative effort that publishes monthly estimates of employment and unemployment for approximately 7,300 areas, including all states, countries, metropolitan areas, and cities with a population of 25,000 or more, by residence. Labor force data from the LAUS program follows the same CPS concepts and definitions used for the national labor force data. In particular, this study uses the seasonal adjustment monthly state unemployment rate, which eliminates the influences of weather, holidays, the opening and closing of schools, and other recurring seasonal events from economic time series. Since the CPS collects data through interviewing a limited amount of people, it cannot fully represent the labor market of the United States because of the sample selection bias. Also, since the CPS data is gathered by interviews, the status of survey respondents is only determined by how they respond to the survey. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Prenatal Testing Prenatal testing can help woman identify any unknown health problems that can endanger their unborn child that may or may not be treatable. There are four main processes, non invasive and invasive, that will be evaluated being ultrasound, amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus Sample and cordocentesis. Prenatal testing is used to detect changes in the foetus s genes or chromosomes. They distinguish chromosomal abnormalities, monogenetic diseases caused by single gene mutations and polygenetic diseases that are caused by mutations in several genes. Reasons for a karyotype analysis or invasive prenatal testing are maternal age as the probability of chromosomal abnormalities increase with maternal age, if an existing child of the couple s has a chromosomal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DNA is gathered and analysed within 24 hours, which abnormalities can be identified and used to make more acceptable decisions about selective termination of the pregnancy. Foetal blood sampling is the last method and known as cordocentesis or percutaneous umbilical cord sampling (PUBS). This procedure is when a needle is being inserted into the umbilical cord and foetal blood is taken and evaluated for metabolism and hematologic abnormalities (blood disorders). The use of cordocentesis is decreasing since technology can now provide the same information from tests that have smaller risk of miscarriage, such as amniocentesis and CVS, with limitations of structural chromosomal abnormalities smaller than the achievable optical resolution to be undetected. ARGUMENT ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. A Student Of A Disadvantaged Elementary School And Co... As a student of a disadvantaged elementary school and co director and mentor for Project F.A.M.E. (Fostering the Arts to Motivate Excellence) Summer Camp, I found that that low self esteem and self degradation accounts for many of the social and academic ills of black and low income children. My aspiration to teach was first ignited by my desire to expose underprivileged black children to their African American history and greatness (earlier on in their lives) to dispel the narrative that black children are biologically inferior. I believe it is fundamental to reverse the psychological oppression that is often pre ingrained into the minds and spirits of young (especially African American) children. Expressly, I believe if children can understand and learn about their predecessors resilient and tenacious spirits, then they are inclined to gain a greater sense of self and perform better in academic environments. In another light, I yearn for an understanding of pedagogical strategies that births critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and a culturally aware people. Arguably, the purpose of education is comprised of four primary pillars that encourage the growth of a whole being so that he or she can fruitfully contribute to society; as an illustration, education seeks to foster the development of intellectual, social, economic, and political capacities. The school is a prominent growth house for children s guided development and socialization. The most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Origins of the Cold War Essay Origins of the Cold War Revisionist historians tend to regard the outbreak of the Cold War as a result of American hostility or, at least , diplomatic incompetence, while the more traditional view lays the responsibility squarely at the feet of the Soviet Union. Assess the validity of each view. The Cold War,said to have lasted from the end of World War II to the dismantling of the Soviet Union in 1991, was one of the most significant political events of the 20th century. For nearly 40 years the world was under the constant threat of total devastation, caught between the nuclear arsenals of the United States, Great Britain, and France on one side and the Soviet Union and the People s Republic of China on the other. Any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One such act of aggression came when the Soviets attempted to gain complete control of Berlin by forming a blockade against all of the other Allied forces. Despite the barrier, the United States airlifted tons of supplies to those who were in need of them in Berlin. This was the very beginning of antagonistic relations. Another form of aggression that angered the Americans was Stalin s refusal to hold free elections in Eastern Europe, while he covertly set up their governments to act as puppet satellites, forming a protective barrier around the U.S.S.R. The Soviets reluctance to reunify Korea and the strong Communist atmosphere in North Korea also disgruntled Americans and hurt diplomatic relations. Overall, each step that the Soviet Union took to strengthen its power and the power of the Communist party was viewed as an act of aggression, and there are many historians who strongly believe that the Soviets were at fault in the instigation of the Cold War due to these immense acts of aggression. The period in the United States following World War II could more aptly be named American Hysteria rather than history according to the more revisionist historians. As the Soviet Union grew more and more powerful, every American grew more frightened of the Communist movement. No event greater exemplified this than McCarthy s Communist witch hunt of the 1950 s. The Cold War tensions stemmed from the fear and paranoia that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Oj Simpson Reflection After watching O.J. Made in America, I gained a different perspective of O.J Simpson and the understanding of how society was back in the early 50 s. When I had first heard of O.J Simpson it was not about football or him being in movies, it was about how he had brutally murdered his wife at the time and her lover. Along with hearing about how he had brutally murdered the two, it was known how he was self centered, very egocentric and would try to talk his way out of everything which the film had stated. In the beginning of the film it showed O.J Simpson in court, being asked if he was first arrested at the age of 46. Then instantly moved forward to how his football career started. I feel like the director did this to show how O.J was before the allegation of him being convicted of manslaughter. High school he was known for football and eventually a college recruiter scouted him from the University of South California. Furthering his fame with football he was known in college for the run . The run was when USC was playing against UCLA. When USC was losing badly within 11 minutes O.J made a touch down making the win for USC. Finally From there the New York Buffalo s coach recruited him where later on he had retired from the football fame to now being an actor. Although the majority of the film in Part 1 was of O.J s football career it also showed how heavy segregation, police brutality, and the civil rights movement were. The documenter stated how significant segregation was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. True Identities In April And Hercules It is very important for a person to know their identity. A person s identity describes who they are and how they live life. When he/she understand his/her identity they will know why they are on this Earth and learn to accept who they are. If a person knows who they are they will not care about how people think of them. April and Hercules have trouble finding their true identities because they care about what people think instead of what they think. April and Hercules are very similar because they both feel like there is a dark wall standing between them and their true identity. Both of their journeys were very difficult. April had to face mean kids and everyone had labels, and Hercules had to face deadly monsters to try and find who he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Mark Twain Analysis Education may be conveyed in many formats, such as classrooms, laboratories, and books. Teachers instruct within the classroom, while researchers and scientist utilize a laboratory setting for instruction and education, while other forms of education derive from authors who communicate by the written word. One well known author and educator is Samuel L. Clemens, more commonly known as Mark Twain. Twain was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30, 1835 and utilized his childhood and adolescent experiences as a method of education. Mark Twain is powerfully depicted as an unconventional educator through his books, literature, and personal quotes. Through some of Mark Twain s books he captures much of the history in which he lived. One of the books that he has written is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, which is based upon his memories from when he lived in Missouri (Twain, 1876). The adventures that he wrote about in this particular book actually took place in history, giving us an insight into what it was like to live in that time period. Another book that gave several details on the history in the 19th century was The Prince and the Pauper, because instead of giving insight on a personal experience, it gave insight on the class relations in which people were separated during that time (Twain, 1881). This insight gave us knowledge on how the people were categorized by their job titles. He shows the differences between the classes by writing about two young boys that switch ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Role Of Accounting And Possible Future Of Accountancy... Introduction Traditionally, accounting has a role to play in preparing financial reports, and tax preparation manually (Zodage, 2015). According to World Report s Best Jobs (2014, cited in Hood (2014)), the accountancy was recognised as the third rank of the best professionals, and it is one in all careers having high demand (Hood, 2014). Nevertheless, the business practices and the environment have continuously changed and reshaped aspects of the accountancy profession (Wolters Kluwer, 2014). Some critics argued that services relating to accounting will be inevitably replaced by technology (Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, 2015). Conversely, others believe that this career will still exist; however, the role of accountants will be altered along with the changing in the business environment (Towers, 2015). This report will present the crucial factors impacting the traditional approach of professional accounting and possible future of accountancy. Factors Disrupting Accounting Profession in the Future ● The development of technology Advanced technologies are crucial factors causing a major change in accounting areas (Guthrie Parker, 2016). Since the development of technology will certainly grow, accountants will obtain various benefits from embracing it. For example, cloud based technology allows the professionals to adopt cheaper software, access to mobility of workplace and obtain real time data (Nixon, 2015). In contrast, Nixon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Socrates, A Classical Greek Philosopher Socrates, born in 470 BC in Athens, Greece, was a classical Greek philosopher and is believed to be one of the founders of Western philosophy. He lived a good 71 years until his death in 399 BC. Although Socrates never wrote anything down, we still know quite a bit about him. Everything we know, we have learned through the writings of one of Socrates students, Plato. One very famous phenomenon we learn from Socrates is Socrates Socratic method. It essentially laid down the building blocks of Western logic and philosophy and it consists of five steps. The first step is to make a statement; the second is to then look for exceptions. The third step comes in two parts. It states that if an exception is found then the statement is either imprecise, or flat out false. Further comes step four that says that if the statement is imprecise then to revise it. Finally step five is to repeat. A lot of people were not Socrates biggest fans, which leads us to the charges and trial of Socrates. He was put into trial for being impious and corrupting the youth. Although some may argue that Socrates was an evil, unjust person that led a bad life and was a troublemaker, I affirm that Socrates led a good and honorable life due to his great wisdom in admitting that he knows nothing. His awareness of his own ignorance makes him an admirable person. To begin with, Socrates was quite the character. His soul life mission consisted of using philosophy to achieve practical results for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Islamic Banking System ( Credit Risk ) In the Islamic banking system,according to sources and causes of risks, it might be an external risk which due to changes in risk policies and regulations caused by banking supervisory authorities ( regulatory risk ) or macro and external impact of benchmarks such as LIBOR interest rate factors, namely the use of determine the speed mark Islamic Bank ( known as interest rate risk ) ;There are risks to fulfill obligations related to the debtor by Islamic Banking( Credit risk ) , there are a set of risks, operational risks collectively,Islamic banks themselves , the people involved / staff, including errors, negligence and fraud, the system and the use of technology in the Islamic Banking , the proceedings and / or processes and procedures ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sundarajan and Errico (2002) pointed out that attach to various non PLS methods, such as the specific risks of Salam and Ijara. Firstly, the Islamic bank is exposed to credit and commodity price risk ; Secondly, unlike traditional lease contracts, Islamic banks can not transfer ownership , and therefore have to bear all risks until the end of the lease . Credit risk in Islamic banks Musharakah, Mudarabah, Istisna , Salam, Ijarah and murabahah is the main contract with their customers to use in providing facilities for Islamic banks. Possible classification , these contracts may be: Islamic pattern of non debt financing (Musharakah and Mudarabah) and debt creation mode ( the Other ) . A third possible classification : Original Islamic mode of financing (Musharakah, Mudarabah, Istisna , Salam ) and financing of reinventing mode (Ijarah and murabahah). Credit risk is the most important source of risk in Islamic banking and in Conventional banks.Credit risk ( counterparty risk of failure ) is significant for banks that 1988 standards of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Bank. Capital requirements , the establishment of a major deal with this risk. Default risk which the risk of the bank portfolio covering 80 % of the average bank account ; It is 80% of cases of bank failures reasons. It is generally considered the Islamic Banks face higher credit risk than their traditional counterparts . Islamic banks ( which is not the Islamic Bank based on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Jeremiah Vs Ezekiel Among the Old Testament prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel are probably the most outstanding ones. Living in the same historical period, witnessing and being part of tragic, crucial changes in the Judas history, having a similar background, these two men still differ a lot in their views, lifestyle and way of prophesying. Jeremiah was likely born between 650 and 645 B.C. not far from Jerusalem in a family of a priest and was by being trained for holy service in the priesthood was prepared for his future role. Jeremiah s contemporary Ezekiel also had the priestly background and was a functioning priest probably attached to Jerusalem Temple staff, but his prophetic ministry developed in Babylon as he was exiled several years before Jerusalem fall. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It contains a lot of historical and biographical material in addition to the prophet s own words, and from all this, his personality is revealed. The Book makes a pessimistic impression, as Jeremiah is persistent in challenging dishonesty and hypocrisy. When being called he is unsure of his ability to speak in the name of God, but the Lord reassures him, giving the promise of support. Jeremiah starts prophesying the future fall of Jerusalem and his role after it is to bring his word to the Jews in exile as well, so here he develops a theology of repentance, exile and restoration. At the same time, Jeremiah stays in the ruined city, encouraging the new ruler and the people, explaining what happened and providing the directions for further actions. The final chapters mostly describe God s judgements for other nations and the prediction of punishment for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. What Is the Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion... What is the Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry, and how will it develop in the next five years? I am going to write about what the role of fashion promotion is within the fashion industry and discuss how it might develop in the next five years. To do this I shall review what fashion promotion is by defining it and finding out how, when and where it started. To understand what fashion promotion really is in a contemporary context I shall broadly look at how it is used and what many forms it has taken since the beginning up until the present day. To look at how fashion promotion may develop in the next five years I shall analyse and critique specific examples in more detail, such as finding out how these specific types ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Photography can tell us a story of periods in history; fashion photography constitutes a historical document that offers us evidence of the practices and ideals of a given period (H.Radner (2000) in S.Bruzzi P.Church Gibson Fashion Cultures: Theories, Explorations Analysis, London: Routledge, pp. 128 134). In the 1940 s photos were very staged, prim and proper and the models were the children of the rich of that time, by the 50 s there were some social changes such as more disposable wealth, to which the fashion industry responded by having studio lit photographs and beginning to move away from static, manikin style shots. By the 60 s subject and style went under transformation as a result of changes during the post Second World War era and the revolution of the ‘single girl began. Fashion photography started to be shot outside with the model often walking or running to show that she is ‘active . (Ruth Orkin, American Girl in Italy, 1951) Fashion isn t fixed: it follows a repetitive cycle, which is moving so fast that cyclical ideas are being used up too quickly. In response, brand new ideas and concepts are being invented. The growth in virtual space means knowledge spreads faster, ideas are downloaded and lower designers take them before higher designers who came up with the designs get it into their own store, which is one reason why fashion is becoming cheaper. Boundaries between higher and lower level brands are becoming blurred as is the distinction ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Mean Men Case Study CHAPTER FOUR The Mainstreaming of Mean Mean men are hardly a new phenomenon, and the tyrannical boss has been a familiar archetype in American culture ever since the invention of the modern industrial era workplace. In fact, in many ways organizational culture is far more touchy feely now than it used to be much as corporeal punishment in schools is out, along with spanking your kids. Yet powerful forces have been at work in American society that have fueled bad behavior in high places, allowing more mean men to get to the top and stay there, even as they create misery all around them. These forces can be roughly divided in two baskets: first, thanks to changes in the economy and business, men can rise to leadership roles without having to pay their dues in large organizations and having their rough edges sanded down along the way. Second, thanks to a combination of economic and cultural changes, men feel more license to exhibit outsized personality traits, including very negative ones, and can more easily get away with bad behavior as long as they get results. Let s dig into the both these baskets. Free Agent Nation It s unlikely that a guy like Aaron could ever have become a boss fifty years ago. Why? Because he wouldn t have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back in the age when William H. Whyte wrote his bestseller The Organization Man, the List of Ten traits could be a serious liability for an ambitious young man in business. If you graduated from business school in, say, 1960, the vast majority of career opportunities were in large corporations, where you d be expected to take orders from others, follow rigid procedures, and check your impulsivity behaviors that are difficult for entrepreneurial people. And if you couldn t learn to subsume yourself to the group, becoming just another man in a gray flannel suit, chances are you didn t have much of a future in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Reason For European Imperialism Imperialism, a policy in which one country seeks authority over another country by economic and political domination. The Europeans at this time in history, were looking for resources and something to help them show their national pride; the best way to do that was to imperialize different countries. Africa, which was not industrialized, was seen as not capable to lead themselves into modernization. The europeans as well as many other countries began to seek land in the divided, war filled country. The reasons for europeans seeking imperialism is because of the strive for natural resources, the need to show national pride, and thoughts upon racism. In imperialism, natural resources where a large driving cause to the spread of authority all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An empire such as Britain requires an imperial race (Primrose). People from all over saw how different people and cultures came from all over the world which create hate and a variety of disapproval for others. African people were seen as hated, uncivilized people only because, they had so many different cultures and different ways of living. If Africa was to be industrialized before other countries came it would have been seen as a land that is respected because the people who live in it are capable of industrialization. But because the land was not industrialized before imperialism racism became a strong attacking point upon the uncivilized. France went with a fully developed race into territories marked by barbarism and people who cannot develop their own land (Merlin). France in this description sees themselves as superior to the Africans because, they do not have fighting within their country and they are industrialized. Without their ability to come together as a country and grow an economy France would be another Africa. Racism drove France to come to Africa and show their superiority over them. Racism was a large reason for imperialism. Africa was a resource rich, divided, different country. Every country that took a part in Africa s imperialism saw this matter and took advantage. If Africa had time to figure out how to develop an economy, unify with each other, and industrialize itself; imperialism from other countries would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay about The Spirit In Context What are the possible points of agreement and points of tension between different religious schools of thought on the body, in relation to the Holy Spirit? How might Christians respond to these? Introduction Scripture seems to contradict itself with regard to the human body. Sometimes the body is seen as precious, for instance in 1 Cor 6:19 30, and sometimes as a hinderance to unity with Christ, 2 Cor 5:6 8. This seeming ambiguity within scripture has created distinct and conflicting schools of thought among Christian thinkers regarding the body and spirituality. Some advocate that the body is an essential part of our spirituality and should be embraced; others that the body is a hinderance to it, and should be approached with suspicion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Anthony of the Desert, who is considered to be the father of Christian monasticism, is said to have experienced overwhelming shame at the prospect of food, rest and other bodily needs, so that he would not be seen taking care of his physical needs by others.5 St Francis of Assisi was equally undermining of his bodily needs. Even when close to death, he feared that accepting necessary treatment was an indulgence. It was only at the last minute that he was successfully persuaded to serve his body by caring for it in the same way that it had cared for him, by which point it was too late. Dualism continued through the ages in various forms, but was specifically revived during the Age of Enlightenment, which emphasized science and reason over faith and tradition. The movement sought to release man from God s authority, resulting in a shift from Theism to Deism. Secularism took Deism one step further, suggesting that if God does not interact with mankind and is not near, He is not needed. This perspective unfolded throughout the western world, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Research Report – Young Peoples’Attitude, Behaviour and... Research Report Young peoples attitude, behaviour and motivation for blood donation. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Literature review 5 3. Research objective 6 4. Methodology 8 5. Results 8 6. Discussion 12 7. Conclusions and Implications 13 8. Limitations and Recommendations 13 Abstract With one in three Australian s needing blood in their lifetime, but only one in thirty donating, the need for the Australian Red Cross Blood Service to maximise donor recruitment and retention has never been greater. Young adults are a largely untapped source of potentially long serving donors. In this field of study, virtually no Australian research has targeted this segment and, combined with international ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... | Hypothesis 2 | Advertising impacts young people s intention to donate blood. | Hypothesis 3 | Awareness of The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is directly associated with young people s attitudes towards blood donation | Hypothesis 4 | Family and friends need for blood donation increases young people s awareness of blood donation. | Hypothesis 5 | Family and friends need for blood donation influence young people s intention to donate blood. | Hypothesis 6 | Personal experiences directly influence young people s intention to donate blood. | Hypothesis 7 | Community engagement/sense of responsibility to the community influences young people s intention to donate. | Hypothesis 8 | There is no difference in awareness of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service between genders. | Hypothesis 9 | There is no difference in the intention to donate blood between genders. | Table 1: Research objective and hypotheses 4. Methodology 62 Griffith University students, 35 female and 27 male age 18 30 were asked to participate in our survey. Respondents had to fill out 20 questions which included demographic questions on age, gender and nationality as well as questions regarding awareness, attitude and actual behaviour towards blood donation. The quantitative data from our survey was entered into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. How Did The Dodge Challenger Change The Dodge Challenger, Dodge s answer to the Ford Mustang... Six years too late. The Challenger came out in 1970 to compete with Chevy s Camaro and Ford s Mustang. The Camaro and Mustang were already too far ahead anf Dodge had to struggle. Dodge tried hard to make the Challenger seem like a cool car by having performance borrowed from the Dodge Charger with an insane choice of Nine different engines were available which ranged from family friendly v6 s to insane Hemi v8 s pulling 400 plus horsepower, way more than the current Camaro and Mustang. After just one year the Challenger received minor style updates enhancements that included two tail lights instead of a single one in the rear like the Charger. The Challenger was changed throughout its first generation. Despite the effort Dodge decided to cease production after only four years. Dodge Challenger returned in 1978 as a rebadged Mitsubishi Galant Lambda with a design that was already two years old. (Challenger Wiki) Which just means the Challenger wasn t even a pony car anymore just a family car. Despite being sportier than the Mitsubishi model it did not live up to its Pony car status. (Challenger Wiki) These were family cars that didn t have anything to do with the Challenger namesake. In 1984 the Challenger siezed production again. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The production model debuted in 2008. Retro styling reminiscent of the first Challenger made the third generation pony car an instant success. Double headlights and a rectangular grille indented into the hood made it look almost identical to the 70s model. Even the lower grille and round fog lights were in the same location, except the 70s Challenger had turn signals instead of fog lights. Despite being inevitably longer and taller the 2008 model was like a modern day replica of Dodge s first pony ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Enduring Love Chapter 5 Summary Waking up Naomi is the first scene of chapter five. Obasan begins to lead the excursion to the attic in search of something. Naomi sees the tools Grandpa Nakane brought from Japan. Obasan finds an old ID of Uncle s, signed by an RCMP inspector.Meanwhile, Naomi is bored and realizes that she was encompassed by her dead relative s possessions. The amount of spiders in the attic impelled Naomi to shine her flashlight to see them, but she ends up noticing just how disgusting the attic really is. A glimpse of an old quilt makes her return to the old question of why her mother never came back. As a child, Naomi asked Obasan about her mother, but Obasan provided no information. Now, Obasan can t find what she is looking for, and Naomi helps her back ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While the two women search the attic, a quilt starts up Naomi s curiosity. This quilt compelled her to seek an answer to a mature question that would define her life forever; Why did my mother not return? She pleaded with Obasan for an answer; Obasan would not budge. I would have rejection and a parent s rejection can fuel a child s life, whether positive or negative. In my life I never had to worry about the love of my mother, it was my father s that made me wonder. After the age of six, I grew up with my mother, sister and my grandfather, loved by all, except my father. At first I thought, I just needed to work harder so he would be proud when he, one day sees me on TV. Grade seven came and my father died so I was left with curiosity. I did not know why he left, I did not know what a father was, I just did not know. Please tell me about ( Joy K, Obasan, 31) my father, I would say, hoping to hear he was a hero or something that would make me believe he was capable of loving me just circumstances made it impossible. Like Naomi I got hugs and all the wrong kinds of comfort. Where is she now? My arms are suffused with urge to hold, but a hug would startle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Removal Of The Screening Current Induced Field This paper presents the details of a recent study on the removal of the screening current induced field (SCIF) in a pancake type noninsulated high temperature superconductor (HTS) coil (NI coil). To determine the SCIF in the NI coil, the magnetic flux density (Bz) was calculated using the equivalent circuit model of the coil and compared to Bz obtained empirically. The experimental results exhibited that the SCIF elimination in the NI coil enhanced upon increasing the amplitude and frequency of the AC current being supplied to the background coil. Moreover, the SCIF in the NI coil could be successfully removed by applying the appropriate intensity of an external AC magnetic field. This is because the magnetization direction of SCIF completely changed from radial to spiral, and the phenomenon is termed the vortex shaking effect. Overall, this study confirmed that the SCIF in a pancake type NI coil can be effectively removed by exposing the coil to an external AC magnetic field. 1. Introduction The second generation (2G) high temperature superconductor (HTS) coated conductor (CC) is regarded as a promising material for the development of ultrahigh field magnets for use in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. This is because the dependence of the critical current (Ic) in the CC on external magnetic fields is lower than those in its low temperature counterparts [1 4]. However, in the case of a quench, the 2G HTS magnet is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...