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Writing A Scholarship Essay
Examples Norwalk | Thesis
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Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk | Thesis Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk | Thesis
Karl Marx Punishment
Punishment in the U.S In society, we punish those that deviate from our social norms. These norms are
usually things that society defines by things they feel are morally wrong. In this paper, we will
examine sex offenders that have the urge to commit a sexual crime against others and how they must
suffer the consequences that the law as intact for those crimes. Sex offenders in the United States are
punished harshly because we try to protect our citizens and try to isolate certain problems to avoid
more deviant behavior. Therefore, we isolate these individuals from society. Sex offenders have a hard
time re entering society, which cause them to sometimes led them to creating their own community
that excludes them for society. In the United ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Foucault, modern society has moved to a more private punishment method. However, I
think the current U.S approach to dealing with sex offenders is trying to punish them privately, but
also make them a public display for society. In Pervert Park, the documentary show how individuals
that are now label and registry as sex offenders have to live in a community that is just confined to
them. Sex offenders are being punished by having to live under a certain system. For instance, the
maintenance man that is a sex offender and even though he as re enter society as a productive member
under the law he is still deviant, which means he must document all his locations. Therefore, they
community is set up like a panopticon because it s like their community is surrounded by a bunch of
guards who are either the citizens around them and the law. Sex offenders are under twenty four hour
surveillance it s like they are still in jail. However, I must agree with Foucault that since the law is so
power the community controls them because it s the only place they feel
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Elder Self Neglect And Abuse Essay
In the Journal of JAMA, Volume 302: Issue no. 5 published on August 5 2009 Elder Self neglect and
Abuse and Mortality Risk in a Community Dwelling Population. The authors: X. Dong, MD, Melissa
Simon, MD, Mph, Carols Mendes de Leon, PhD, Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, Todd Beck, MS, Liesi
Herbert, ScD, Carmel Dyer, MD, Gregory Paveza PhD, MSW, Denis Evans, MD argue that both elder
self neglect and abuse is becoming more clear in regards to public health concerns, and that elder self
neglect or abuse is linked with mortality and not just on those that were vulnerable. In addition, that
both elder neglect and abuse reported to social agencies there was an increased risk of mortality (Dong
et al., 2009, p. 517). The Elder Self neglect and Abuse case study was based out of three neighboring
communities in Chicago, Illinois (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). In this article the authors, investigate the
risk of mortality connected with reported elder self neglect or abuse in a large and
sociodemographically diverse group and across different levels of mental and physical function (Dong
et al., 2009, p. 517). The authors objective of conducting this study was to examine the relationship of
elder self neglect and abuse reported to social services agencies with all causing mortality among a
community dwelling elderly population (Dong et al., 2009, p. 517). Elder self neglect and abuse is a
serious and growing problem in the U.S., there are about 2 million cases today (Dong et al., 2009, p.
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First Ladies Research Paper
With each new president elected, along with him came a First Lady. First Ladies are very important
and have a lot of influence over the president. The First Lady has the influence to change history, and
many First Ladies have changed history. Without the contributions of First Ladies, the United States
would not be what it is today. No one can deny the contributions of First Ladies and how they helped
shape the United States. I will address the early life, the kindness, and the influence of Lucy Hayes,
Eleanor Roosevelt, and Michelle Obama. Lucille Lucy Hayes is the First Lady that comes first in this
sequence. Lucy Hayes was the First Lady of Rutherford B. Hayes. She played a big role during his
presidency. She mainly helped out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She loved to be around other people and especially children. She was involved with all kinds of less
fortunate people than herself. She was especially involved with children and veterans. She always got
along really well with children. When she noticed that the kids were not allowed to have an easter egg
hunt, she generously offered up the White House grounds to host the event. This demonstration of
kindness really proved that Lucy Hayes was a sweet soul that loved kids. While she was a First Lady,
she visited the Deaf and the National Soldier s Home for disabled veterans. She did all kinds of great
things for this organization including donating money to them and giving them attention. Lucy also
gave generous gifts to children s hospitals around her area. History.com says, arranged for flowers to
be delivered from her greenhouses to the local children s hospital (Lucy Hayes). She was a very
generous person and felt a need to help others. She enjoyed the feeling she got after she knew that she
was helping people less fortunate than her. Lucy also demonstrated her kindness when she was raising
funds for the poorer communities in Washington D.C. She urged members of her husband s cabinet to
donate money to help the less fortunate. Of course, she led by example and donated around $1,000
dollars of her own money. This truly showed what a kind person she was and that she held other
people in a high regard (Lucy
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French As A Native Language
French As A Native Language: An analysis and examination of areas in Western Europe
Language has consistently been a fundamental tool and method in order to communicate with diverse
individuals, who associate themselves and belong to various civilizations of the world. Every human
being born in this world grows up learning a native language. A native language is learned from one s
parents in one s home, and an individual can have more than one native language if they were brought
up speaking different languages at the same time. Native languages cannot be gained later in life, and
a language is only native if one grew up speaking it. The continent of Europe is a conventional way of
thinking of the world. Europe is a grand landmass that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Europe accounts for 39.87% of the French speaking population [...] In Europe (excluding France), the
largest populations of French speakers are essentially to be found in Belgium (45% of the population),
Switzerland (20% of the population) and Luxembourg. French is Europe s second most widely spoken
mother tongue with over 77 million speakers . The French language can be seen spoken in different
environments. It is spoken in homes, schools, the government, such as in the United Nations and most
distinctively in the European Union. In Western Europe a large majority of the population learns more
than one language growing up due to the close proximity to other countries who s official language
may be different. There are five distinct regions in Western Europe where the French language is the
population s native language: the French Republic, Wallonia, the Principality of Monaco, the Swiss
Federation, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The French Republic is characterized as a unitary state
and a semi presidential system enabled by the French Fifth Republic. The French Fifth Republic was
established in 1958 as the aftermath of the French Fourth Republic, which preceded the governmental
system and Republican Constitution set into place. The current President of the French Republic is
François Holland with Prime Minister Manuel Valls. In this governmental system elections are held
democratically. The citizen elects the President, who then appoints the
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The Eternal Power Of A Loving Bond Between Two People
Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare comments on the eternal power of a loving bond between two
people. The first quatrain begins with the argument for love s constancy and stability despite the
changes and unpredictable forces that rule human lives. In the second quatrain, the speaker continues
to build his argument for the power of love comparing love to a beacon of safety and guidance. In the
final quatrain, the speaker continues to build upon the strength of love when he moves to the subject
of love s power against time and death. The speaker ends the sonnet with a seemingly contradictory
statement that his claims can only be untrue if no one has ever loved or he has never written.
Shakespeare s Sonnet 116 argues that love is superior to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The repetition and alliteration of the phrases alters when it alteration finds and bends with the remover
to remove emphasize the idea that love does not change in the face of changing circumstances (3 4).
When love between two people is faced with change, whether it be in circumstances, appearance, or
age, love stands its ground and remains strong. When external forces seek to remove love, love stays.
In the second quatrain, the speaker continues to build upon his argument with the metaphor of the
landmarks visible from sea and the North Star and an argumentative tone.. The speaker compares love
to a stable fixture that is not shaken by external factors like weather: O no, it is an ever fixed mark, /
That looks on tempests and is never shaken (5 6). The metaphor comparing love to a beacon of safety
in light of a powerful storm explains the ability for people to depend on love. It is as powerful as a
landmark or lighthouse looking over the sea, and not moving despite the forces that move against it. A
lighthouse serves as a beacon of safety and is visible from many vantage points, much like how love is
often seen as an emotion that involves caring for others and keeping them from harm. Like a
lighthouse visible from afar, love is also visible to and shared with those that may be close to a pair
that share a loving bond. When the speaker begins the line with O no, it creates defensive tone that
reflects the sonnet s
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New Business Plan for a Gas Station Start Up
The customer need that will be satisfied is that my gas station will have gasoline, diesel, and a service
station to get the repairs or inspections they will need to have. There will be a free air pump, so they
can have the option of filling up their tires. I will also have coffee, snacks and different beverages the
customer can purchase as well, so they can also fuel up their bodies as well for the ride they are going
to make. The product will be unique by my station having a self service, but also a full service section
for customers at no extra cost, but if the customer is getting 5 gallons or less than there will be a slight
increase on the price per gallon. I will have two self service gasoline pumps; two full service gasoline
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The customers needs are that they feel that this is a place that will take care of them and will treat
them with the most upstanding customer service so they will keep on coming back. With the amenities
I will provide I will hopefully be going above and beyond their expectations of the service they would
receive at another gas station. The customer may need to use the service station, and they re vehicle
will be treated with the proper care it deserves.
The Exxon station, located at the corner of Baltimore Avenue and Church lane in East Lansdowne, PA.
The Giant supermarket that has a gas station that s located right by Baltimore avenue and Union
avenue in east Lansdowne, PA. The Exxon station s strengths are that they sell cigarettes and have the
lottery. They also have a convenience store that you can go inside with an ATM machine in it. Their
weaknesses are that there is only one employee that works there. They have an air pump and vacuum
section that you have to pay for. They do not have a full service option, nor do they have a service
station to work on vehicles or a diesel fuel pump. It also isn t a very clean or well maintained place.
The Giant supermarket s strengths are that they have the same option of accumulating points from
purchases made inside of their supermarket. They also have an entire supermarket
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Biography Of Whitney Fryer
Whitney Fryer, 19, slipped into a state of sleep deprivation late Monday night and passed away early
Tuesday morning. Official cause of death, caffeine overdose. The culprit, a vanilla latte.
Besides her inability to pass up a cup of coffee, Fryer could never say no to a good novel or a political
debate. On any given day, she could often be found debating the latest in politics. Her other interests
included dance, writing, and spending quality time with those closest to her.
Fryer, originally from Hartford, South Dakota, was raised in Sioux Falls, SD where she graduated
from Roosevelt High School in 2014. In high school, Fryer was quiet and reserved, however, it was
through her writing she found her voice. A voice that was never afraid to speak the truth; Fryer always
stood up for her beliefs. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fryer is remembered by those closet to her, including many friends, who were her second family.
Close friend Zoe Robinson, shared, She will be forever around us saving us from our crazy events.
She was the rain who puts out our fires. And the little voice in our heads that says no with a
disappointed look. She may have been sassy, but deep, deep, deep down in her heart we know she
loved us.
Fryer is survived by her parents, Ernest Fryer and Christy Blom Fryer, as well as by her younger
brother Dominik Fryer. Services will be helped on Friday at 2 pm at the Miller Funeral home on 507
South Main
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Philosophies of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius Essay...
Marcus Aurelius
Even today, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is read by every class from kings to common people. The
book is a universal classic, meaning it can be related to at any time, by anyone. The philosophies
included in his book have spanned the centuries, and Meditations remains to be one of the most
influential books ever written.
Marcus Aurelius was born on April 20, 121 AD into a family of royalty. His uncle and adoptive father,
Antoninus Pius, was the emperor of Rome. Aurelius, too, was trained from birth to be a great ruler like
his father. At age eleven, he dedicated himself to religion, although he considered philosophy to be the
true, inward religion, one which did not require ceremonies necessary in others. ... Show more content
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He also tried to humanize criminal laws, and have masters treat there slaves in a humane way. After
Aurelius, Romans would miss such fair treatment.
#9;After nineteen years of ruling Rome, Marcus Aurelius died on March 17, 180 in Vindobona, which
is currently Vienna. He died of a plague while in the middle of yet another war to defend the territory
of Rome. Aurelius was succeeded by his son, Commodus, who was the polar opposite of his father.
Commodus was a corrupt and evil ruler. Apparently, his father was never aware of this fact, for
Commodus fooled him into believing they were of the same mind when it came to ruling. Commodus
was the first of the bad emperors to Aurelius last of the good emperors. This lack of an able ruler
cemented the descent of the Roman empire.
#9;Throughout his life, Aurelius was never able to be happy being an emperor. Even though he had
money and privileges, and was royalty, he never became tranquil, or at peace with himself, with these
material riches. It is evident when a person reads Meditations that Aurelius would much rather have
lived the quite life of a philosopher than the public life of an emperor. He always wished that, at some
point in his life, maybe when the wars were over, he would have some time to actively pursue
philosophy. He never received that opportunity. However, he did, in the midst of all the wars he fought
in, find the time to write down his thoughts into a
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The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Mental Illness and Confinement in the 19th Century: Escaping The Yellow Wallpaper
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860 1935) whom is most acclaimed for her short story The Yellow
Wallpaper (1891) was a women s author that was relatively revolutionary. Gilman makes an appalling
picture of captivity and confinement in the short story, outlining a semi personal photo of a young lady
experiencing the rest cure treatment by her spouse, whom in addition to being her husband was also
her therapist. Gilman misused the rest cure in The Yellow Wallpaper to alarm other ladies of the
harming impacts of the treatment.
In 1887 after the conception of her little girl, Gilman turned out to be seriously depressed and looked
for treatment for anxious weariness by therapist Silas Weir Mitchell. Mitchell s rest cure comprised
bed rest, seclusion, overloading, and knead/power massage on her muscles. At the point when Gilman
understood that Mitchell s treatment compounded her sorrow, she cleared out both her spouse and
specialist. Quite a while later, Gilman composed The Yellow Wallpaper as a response to her doctor
Mitchell s recommended rest cure. In her paper Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper? Gilman
commented Being naturally moved by this narrow escape, I wrote The Yellow Wallpaper with its
embellishments and additions to carry out the ideal (I never had hallucinations or objections to my
mural decorations) and sent a duplicate to the doctor who so nearly drove me mad. He never
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How Do Advertisers Target Our Youth
Advertisers are using many different techniques to try to target our youth. Some of the ways take place
through schools, stores, and even in your own home. Now, i m going to explain where and how
advertisers target our youth. To start off with, one big way marketers target our youth are at the store.
Why? Simple because that s where they are selling there products and and where they target kids the
most. Marketers try to make eye contact levels on their products so it attracts viewers eyes more
easily. Their goal is to try to make interesting characters or thing that pop so that it seems cool or good
to them so kids will want it. It is stated in the film Marketing to kids that Kids have to nag their
parents approximately 9 times in order for them to respond or get them whatever it is they want. They
use that strategy because their parents will eventually get tired of hearing them and let them get the
product. Advertisers probably use this method a lot to get marketers. Another way kids are targeted is
at home. You can see ads on basically any electronic device or any commercial on T.V. In fact most of
the commercials we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You cant go a full school day without at least seeing one type of ad. From worksheets, to computers,
to the science experiment your doing in science class there is different foods or store proucts involved.
You can even add and subtract in math using food such as M M s. The goal is for kids to think that is
looks interesting then go home and tell their parents they want it. Sometimes even when you turn on
your computer there s some type of ad that pops up for some kind of app, or game, or shoes and food.
All you can do is ignore it or click to learn more. If it looks interesting then your more then likely
going to click on it and learn more. So, with that being said that s the job of marketers to make things
look fun so people will look into it
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Percussion Instruments Comparison Essay
The difference between a drum and a percussion instrument creates confusion among those that don t
know the intricacies of both instrument categories. While both instruments share similar
characteristics, a drum consists of a very specific type of percussion instrument. Percussionists and
drummers learn very early on to distinguish the difference by identifying the specific characteristics of
each instrument.
Main Differences
Drums fall under the category of percussion instruments. However, not all percussion instruments can
be considered drums. A drum specifically requires the instrument to produce an indefinite pitch and
applies to instruments that are struck with drumsticks, mallets, beaters or the hands. Percussion
instruments include any instrument that can be struck or hit with a mallet or that produces an extra
musical effect.
Drum Instruments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each of these instruments historically used an animal skin that was stretched over a membrane. The
skin, or drum head, can then be struck to produce rapidly developing rhythms, booming bass and help
to drive the pulse of the piece forward. Drums must have a skin stretched over the top membrane of
the instrument. For this reason, drums are often referred to as membranophones.
Pitched Percussion
Pitched percussion instruments are also commonly referred to as barred instruments. These
instruments include any percussive instrument that must be struck to create sound, but produce a
definite sound. Some examples of pitched percussion instruments are the xylophone, marimba,
glockenspiel, tubular bells and the celesta. Each of these instruments are commonly available in
symphony orchestras. They serve to provide accents to the main beats of a musical work and color
melodies that double in the woodwind or brass section of the orchestra.
Non pitched
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The Great Schism Analysis
Amelia Kasgorgis
Ms. Argue
March, 10 2015
The Great Schism The Great Schism of 1378 was caused when the papal court, which was based in
Rome, elected an Italian Pope named Pope Urban VI. The French cardinals refused to accept the
Italian Pope so they announced that his election was invalid and elected a new Pope, Pope Clement
VII. Urban VI began to show absence in self control when he criticized the cardinals for their luxury
and laziness and when he revealed his plan of reforming the Church. Urban VI s violent and abusive
treatment towards the cardinals caused them to fear for their lives and believe he was mentally ill; this
lead to the turn against the cardinals to abandon Rome. At Anagni on August 2 the dissidents
published a manifesto in which they pronounced his election null and void, on the ground that
pressure from the Romans had made a free election impossible (Great Western Schism). When they
took away the position as Pope from Urban they elected his rival which was Clement VII. ... Show
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The Avignon cardinals did the same when Pope Clement died, when they elected Benedict XIII.
Trying to find a solution the University of Paris suggested that the two Popes should resign with
judgment by a summoning of a general council. Pope Boniface IX died and another Roman Pope was
elected, Innocent VII, and after him Gregory XII, both who promised to resign simultaneously with
the French Pope but they never went through with it. Eventually cardinals from both Rome and
Avignon abandoned their Popes and agreed to summon a great council to end the schism On March
28, 1409. Neither Pope showed up at this council meeting where they were both deposed as Pope on
Jane 5, 1409. The cardinals of the council elected a new Pope, named Alexander and after his death
John XXIII, which didn t work because both Rome and Avignon Pope would officially step down
from their
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Evaluation Of Mentoring Programs For The United States
Jordan Woltjer
Course Project Part 2
Matz shows that mentoring programs were first instituted in the U.S. in the late 19th century as an
alternative to incarceration to be used in Juvenile Courts under the supervision of probation officers
(2014). According to Matz, these sentencing policies were inspired by the progressive era s focus on
alleviating the mass poverty that was caused by industrialization, immigration, and urbanization
(2014). Blakeslee and Keller state that The highly renowned Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
(BBBS) mentoring program, for example, began in 1904 in New York City and today consists of over
375 agencies serving more than 210,000 youth across the United States (2012). Matz (2014) argues
that though mentoring programs are compatible with a large range of sociological and criminological
theories, that their creation was motivated by a theoretically undeveloped humanitarian instinct that
pervaded the Progressive Era. Despite this, we can still use the empirical evidence of BBBS programs
to test theoretical perspectives such as Differential Association.
The BBBS program matches at risk youth between the ages of 6 and 18 with a volunteer mentor
whose prior screening demonstrated that they are capable of providing socialization to curb
delinquency and anti social behavior (Limber, 2001). Susan Jekielek says that The Big Brothers/Big
Sisters program takes applications from volunteers in the community and subjects each Mentor to an
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Persuasive Essay On Banana Donut
Bananas being the natural source of fiber, provides up to 10% of the daily nutritional requirements
which your body needs. The more ripened a banana is, the more easy it is to digest. A Harvard
research reports that a diet full of nutrients, like a banana, can decrease the number of medical
problems. Sounds beneficial, no? Bananas have no particular time to be eaten during day; they can be
on your breakfast table, lunch and or at dinner. Moreover, there are dozens of delightful recipes that
one can easily make, serve and eat.
Want to know how? Here are 20 amazing recipes for you to try at home:
H1 Baked banana nut donuts:
Did you ever try banana flavored donuts? If not, here s your chance to do it now. Easy to make, it will
take only 10 minutes so you do not need to rush to any bakery, and your will kitchen also smell divine.
Take a clean bowl, add all the ingredients and mix them well. When it takes the form of a smooth
dough, shape your donuts, whichever way you like, and place in the oven for baking. Topping to make
it extra delicious:
Take 3 tablespoons low fat cream cheese, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon non fat milk, 2
tablespoons finely chopped walnuts (toasted if desired). Mix them well and dip your freshly baked
donuts in it.
Voila! All ready.
Muffins are very famous among children, because of their heart winning taste. You do not need to buy
them from the market, you can easily make them at home. First, you need to preheat your oven to
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Barabas And Hamlet Research Paper
Christopher Marlowe is well known for his tragic Marlovian character, the morally ambiguous hero.
Barabas of The Jew of Malta is a prime example. His character is greedy, ruthless, and the murderer of
the citizens of Malta. Yet the audience still roots for this character as he commits sin after sin in the
name of justice. He is ambitious and charismatic, and unjust circumstances earn him sympathy.
Shakespeare, inspired by the idea of a villainous hero, creates a marlovian character with a twist. The
character of Hamlet exhibits the same qualities of the Marlovian character, but lacks to drive to
execute his revenge, as he deliberates on his own morality.
The forefront similarity between the characters of Hamlet and Barabas is their desire ... Show more
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His ploy of madness is nothing but a delay of action. Hamlet is highly aware of the severity of the
crime he is planning to commit and bides his time in taking any formal action. His hesitation comes
from his awareness of his own moral ambiguity. Hamlet expresses contempt for his cowardliness but
admits hesitation as the ghost, may be the devil...perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy, as
he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me (Shakespeare 2.2.628 632). With this he
acknowledges the possible consequence on his soul for his crime. Once Hamlet gains the proof he
hunted for of Claudius guilt, he continues with his excuses. Hamlet believes if Claudius is killed while
he is praying his soul will be forgiven and go straight to heaven. The Danish prince claims this is hire
and salary, not revenge (Shakespeare 3.3.84), therefore losing an uncomplicated opportunity to kill
Claudius. Due to his hesitation throughout the play, enough time passes for a murder plot to be
conspired against him. This leads to his ultimate downfall but also springs him into action. In the final
scene, Hamlet has only moments to live and morality is no longer of value. Here he is at his most
Marlovian, as he vindictively murders
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Moral Disagreement By Kwame Anthony Appiah
All around the world today, there is a lot of tension revolving around concepts of morality. In Moral
Disagreement by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Appiah writes about differing values and morals around
the world and within our society. He points out, we aren t the only people who have the concepts of
right and wrong, good and bad; every society, it seems, has terms that correspond to these thin
concepts (658). However, these concepts are not always the same with each other in every society. In
the same way that not everyone in our society believes in the same moral concepts. Unfortunately, it is
these disagreements that often separate us as people. Forming different cultures, large and small,
throughout the world. This is not a bad thing, but it does separate us as a race, leaving us to care more
for one group of people rather than humanity as a whole. In Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism, by
Martha Nussbaum, Nussbaum suggest that a way to fix this problem, and to become a cosmopolitan
person, is to teach students in our education systems more of different cultures throughout the world.
Yet not only should we learn to accept other cultures and their beliefs, but we should also educate
ourselves to accept everybody we meet, giving respect to them as individuals, if we ever truly want to
become a citizen of the world. Acceptance is a quality that is lacking within the world. Many people
do not want to accept that, for example, not everybody thinks like the. In recognition of this
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Adult Attachment Style And Forgiveness
Adult Attachment Style Forgiveness. Adult attachment style may be a key component in
understanding an individual s willingness to forgive a partner after a transgression. Attachment
behavior is dependent on the impact of the close relationships individuals have experienced starting
from childhood. Adult attachment styles include: secure attachment, characterized by a
comfortableness with both intimacy and independence in romantic relationships; anxious preoccupied
attachment, encompassing a strong desire for intimacy and attention from a partner; dismissive
avoidant attachment, including a desire for independence, suppression of feelings, and denial of the
need for intimate relationships; and fearful avoidant attachment, including a desire to have
emotionally close relationships, but also possessing an inability to express emotions, display affection,
and also illustrating mistrust of the intents of a partner.
There is considerable evidence that attachment security is associated with many cognitive, emotional,
and social benefits, and contributes to positive adjustment by fostering an open, flexible, and
optimistic approach to life s diverse and often unpredictable challenges, coined as ego resilience
(Block Block, 1980; Mikulincer Shaver, 2008). This suggests that repeated experiences in secure
attachment relationships may allow for organization and optimization of emotion regulation strategies,
which are aimed at alleviating distress and maintaining comfortable,
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Essay On Things They Carried
In the list of all the things the soldiers carried, what item was most surprising? Which item did you
find most evocative of the war? Foot powder was most surprising to me. This also shows us how
much these soldiers had to travel in the war. In what sense does Jimmy love Martha? Why does he
construct this elaborate, mostly fictional, relationship with her: What does this reveal about his
character? The sense Jimmy loves Martha is that she gives him perseverance. Martha is the thing that
makes Jimmy get through the war, she s like Jimmy s rock she gives him the motivation to be with
her. Why do the soldiers tell jokes about the war?About killing? I think soldiers joke to help cope what
they re facing out there in the war. Also, to stay in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
THE STRATEGIES What is significant about the poncho in paragraph 2? What effect is created by its
use? The significance of the poncho explains how Ted was shot and how he was brought to the
helicopter in a poncho. This is a fast way to bring up death and sadness into a part of the story. In
paragraph 11 O Brien talks about unweighed fear . What does he mean by that? How does that further
the theme of the text? Unweighted fear includes all of the bad memories that were made during the
war as well as the good memories of the war. This furthers the theme because we are introduced to
physical burden but as the story progress, we slowly see mental burden are being introduced. what
tone is established by the last sentence of paragraph 13?The tone in the last paragraph is somewhat
nostalgic because Jimmy is replaying memories of Martha and imaging new incidents as his way to
escape war and work. What effect is created by the use of rhetorical questions in paragraph 18? The
rhetorical questions further describe how no one wanted to go down the tunnel. Furthermore,
rhetorical question creates a sense of paranoia because the tunnel wasn t as bad as they anticipated.
How would you characterize the diction O Brien uses? What is the effect the word choice he uses? O
Brien word choice emphasizes the hard work of the soldier. Also, the use of rhetorical question helps
us understand the thought process of a soldier THE ISSUES How did you view warfare
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The Stigma of Mental Illness
Corrigan argues that clinical diagnosis might exacerbate the stigma of mental illness. In Corrigan s
study clinical diagnosis adds groupness for the collection of people with mental illness which worsens
the level of prejudice (Corrigan 34). Corrigan states that this ultimately leads to overgeneralization, as
there is an assumption that all individuals diagnosed with the same mental disorders behave the same
way (Corrigan 34). According to Corrigan the stereotypic description of mental illness perceives to the
public that, people with diagnosis are not likely to recover from those disorders, which can lead to
pessimistic attitudes from the public (Corrigan 35). Corrigan suggests that one of the solutions is to
understand the diagnosis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Theriot, students who have attended more seminars regarding about mental illness have
shown deeper understanding of schizophrenia and showed reduction in stigma of mental illness
(Theriot 122). According to the Council of Ontario Universities, Ontario universities have many
initiatives to educate the public and the patients to reduce the stigma of mental illness (COUO 8). For
example according to the council, Queen s University hosts a program called Overcoming Stigma in
Mood and Anxiety Disorders that is promoted by the Bell Mental Health and Anti Stigma Research
Chair Dr. Stuart. This program s ultimate goal is to change the way people think about mental illness
change the fears and prejudices of mental illness (Queen s University 2). Other universities such as the
University of Ottawa, Brock University and the University of Waterloo have similar initiatives to
educate (COUO 6). Other strategy that universities use to counter stigma of mental illness is by
contact as it challenges attitudes about mental illness through a direct connection (Corrigan et al. 31).
There are two different contacts that could be made to reduce the stigma: contact between the public
and an individual with mental illness (Corrigan et al. 31) and contact between mental health
professional and a recovered individual (Corrigan 36). According to Corrigan and other authors,
felicitating interactions between citizens and a
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The Future Of Investment Banking
The Future of Investment Banking
Investment banking is an industry that faces crisis in different forms. First, crisis of trust, which
implies that banks profit is more important that needs of their customers. Second, productivity and
efficiency crisis with stagnant revenue, increasing costs and low ROE. In order to solve the complex
challenges they face, the investment banks have to focus on transforming their business by being more
Regulatory pressure, driving up costs, might lead to ROEs further fall. Moreover, clients become less
loyal and easily switch to new more nimble institutions that provide better services by leveraging their
technological advances.
Taking into account all aforementioned circumstances, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Ernst Young, 2015). It is essential for capital markets institutions to upgrade technologies in house or
through joint ventures, strategic alliances or acquisitions of permitted technology firms that are closely
aligned with banking to make valuable operational and financial decisions. (KPMG, 2015). Bank must
also invest in technology preventing financial crimes and cyber threats. Furthermore, investment
banks can enable their staff to access necessary information to perform their work more efficiently and
support better connectivity with clients by using social media and mobile technology. Technology will
enable the bank to transform , to take control, to rebuild trust, to drive efficiency and to become
Client centric approach
Trust in investment banks has generally been eroded due to a common perception that banks do not
operate in the interest of their clients. Not the least role in the erosion of relationship between banks
and their clients played the global financial crisis and attendant scandals. As the result, clients have
diversified their relationships and spread their business across various firms to manage the risk.
Moreover, the clients demand better services and are not willing to pay a premium.
To rebuild trust among clients, public and regulatory, investment banks must focus on their ultimate
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Conformity In Ken Kesey s One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Merriam Webster defines conformity as action in accordance with some specified standard or
authority . As it is a type of influence that involves change in belief or behavior in order to fit into a
group. Where in Ken Kesey s One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, conformity is a matter of life or
death. In the novel and in life, conformity is viewed as an easy way to shape into society s mold.
Societal expectations are shaped by the so called Combine a mysterious and in the dark figure that is
view as the puppeteer of the way society functions. In the Novel, Chief Bromden a long time patient at
a psychiatric ward is the first to recognize the Combine and its powers. At the same time that this
novel was written, the society of the 1950s was being challenged by a group known as the beat
generation who wanted to reject and challenge the stringent norms that the majority deemed as
appropriate and necessary. While many members of society supported the beliefs of conformity, in
many ways the need for societal misfits was vital to secure a community where all people would have
a voice. While many did their best to challenge the Combine, in the end the Combine would prevail,
but the ideas of those who spoke out would resonate with others. The Combine is an unstoppable force
fueled by conformity, but Ken Kesey explains that the only way for progress in the novel (and society)
is for a McMurphy type of character to challenge the Combine.
In the 1950s, there was this prevalent
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Cooperative Procurement Essay
Research Gap
Key questions
Key Literature
The idea is how a combination of theories and frameworks concerning to Cooperative Procurement, e
Sourcing and Outsourcing can represent a benefit to SME and an opportunity for a new business.
Cooperative Procurement; Cooperative Purchasing; Collaborative Procurement and Purchasing
In the current literature, the concept of Cooperative Purchasing has been vaguely defined. Beyond
that, there is a vast terminology to nominate the concept regarding to Cooperative Procurement or the
other terms aforementioned. Schotanus (2007) in his thesis included a list of the most employed
denomination. The table present more than 150 terms and according to him the most common used in
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although he is a Public sector specialist, he extends the idea describing as two or more group of
organization or people that are engaging in Procurement for reciprocal benefit. Although there are
many source about Purchasing Consortia, this concept is not very frequently adopted by the industrial
sector (Essig, 2000). This idea of cooperation between organizations is not recent. Some Japanese
companies used sogo shoshas, a group of companies with common ownership and leadership that is
vertically integrated. Another similar approach is virtual organization, that consist in independent
organizations forming a temporary network with a common goal to share skills and cost. This derives
from another Japanese s concept, Keiretsu: a collective organizational based on mutual shareholding
and cooperation that includes different companies as finance, trading, suppliers (Rey, 2002).
The advantages and disadvantages of Cooperative Purchasing has been largely discussed in the
literature. There is a vast literature about interorganisational cooperation, however there is not a
comprehensive theory for the successful for this cooperation (Das and Teng, 2000). The most related
advantage is the cost reduction, considering the consolidation of demand and reduction of
administrative cost. In fact, it is not just a financial saving, but the operational time is optimized as
well in some cases. Nollet and Beaulieu
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Summary Of The Room And Waiting For Godot
Laurin Neely
Professor Matthew Byrge
English 2030 14
22 September 2015
Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter Absurd Influences in Theatre There are a wide variety of theatrical
movements that have occurred over time. One of these includes the theatre of the absurd. Theater of
the absurd refers to the literary movement in drama popular throughout European countries from the
1940s to approximately 1989. A definition of the term absurdism is referred to a literary and
philosophical movement that flourished after the Second World War and bears a close relationship to
Existentialism. Absurdism s signature attitude is therefore black humor, an ambiguous mixture of
tragic pathos and preposterous comedy, which finds it compelling literary expression in the work of
authors such as Samuel Beckett ( Absurdism 3). In this paper, I will explore the development of
absurdism in two different plays, The Room and Waiting for Godot.
The absurdist type of plays often seek to explore the spiritual loneliness, isolation, and anxiety of the
down and outs of society. Theater of the Absurd are often pointless and contain no underlying
messages. They have been described as moving in a circle with no true plot. The movement of the
absurd commonly refers to the work of a group of dramatists who first emerged during and after
World War II. I have choose to pick a play from Samuel Beckett as well as Harold Pinter to observe
their influence on the movement of absurd theatre.
Absurdist works often
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Consequences Of Climate Change In Yosemite National Park
Climate change is a growing presence that continues to become noticeable. The predicted outcomes of
climate change include rise in temperatures, longer growing seasons, change in precipitation patterns,
more droughts and heat waves, and rise in sea level (NASA, 2016). With the variety of effects on the
environment, climate change will start to affect National Park Systems, their ecosystems, and their
plans and actions. The national park system is dealing with a range of ecosystems within each park.
Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve is the largest national park in the United States and has
very important glaciers due to their uniqueness and importance. Many of the glaciers provide water
for rivers during the spring when the glaciers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Continuously improve environmental performance is focused on the parks keeping up to date on
environmental laws, National Park Service policy, Executive Orders, and Environmental Management
Systems. Be climate friendly and climate ready expresses the reduction of greenhouse gases for the
climate friendly part. The climate ready aspect investigates ways to adapt the parks facilities, like
changing location structure or function, for the predicted changes relaying with climate change. The
parks track the energy usage in buildings, design more energy efficient new buildings or renovations,
use renewable energy and much more to complete the be energy smart. Be water wise consists of track
the water usage and of lowering the water intensity of drinkable water. Exploring the transportation
methods at the parks and evaluating the efficiency of work vehicles and on park transportation
contributes to green our rides . The buy green and reduce, reuse, and recycle breaks down into
recycling old electronic, cutting down on their solid wastes by recycling and reusing, and prefer
products that are better for the environment. By the way the park is running, preserve outdoor values
look into minimal sound and light pollution and establish the minimal impact to the parks landscape
and natural environment. Adopt best practices look into how the facilities are operated and reinforcing
the methods are sustainable. Foster
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We have always lived in the Castle
In the story We have always lived in the Castle, by Shirley Jackson, the reader is presented with only
one perspective and that is Mary Katherine Merricat Blackwood s point of view. While many aspect
were present, the one that really stood out was that the Blackwood family does not appreciate change.
Everything is preserved: objects, food, routines, rooms, etc. So, it is clear that when facing situations
that cause change, both Mary Katherine and Constance Blackwood, the two sisters who survived the
murder of the family, would react a certain way. Merricat s reaction is seen through different stages
from non verbal, to verbal, to violent. On the other hand, Constance seemed to welcome change for
the most part ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That step was mostly seen when Merricat talked about her dislike of cousin Charles. She had, on
multiple occasions, said that Charles is a ghost (p.69), that he would soon go away, and that he is
causing uncle Julian to become more sick. The last straw was when Mary Katherine had asked Charles
directly Please will you go way? (p.80) and his reply was no. The third step appeared when Charles
kept threatening Merricat that he would win Constance over. She was worried about losing her sister s
affection, so, this young girl decided to scare Charles away. She started listing off poisonous foods and
their effect on the human body. On top of that, she trashed his bedroom to the point where it became
unrecognizable. Her last act of violence towards Charles was when she started a fire in his bedroom
which had successfully gotten her rid of him. She had said: There would be nothing of Charles in there
now, even his pipe must have been consumed [by the fire] (p.102). In this scene, Merricat had
repeatedly said that the fire that she had started was Charles fire. This sentence alone represented her
disconnection to the fire that she had started, nothing was her fault, she merely took a measure to get
rid of a nuisance. This concept was mostly visible when Merricat said I wondered if I could go up the
stairs and shut the door to our father s room and keep the fire inside, belonging entirely to
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The Unforgettable Cruise Of Hawaii And The Seagull Friend...
The Unforgettable Cruise to Hawaii and the Seagull Friend Worldly fame, power, and money are all
great values in life; but the greatest value of all, in life, is love. Christian muse s to himself as he walks
down the stairway of the San Francisco airport terminal. He makes his way to the taxi ward for a ride
to the Sunshine cruise liner. It will be en route from San Francisco, California to Honolulu, Hawaii. It
will pass through vast seas, emerald tropical islands, and reflect the beauty of the ocean life. For all
this Christian will walk down its planks, as liken unto a rich man. In reality, he is a low class,
paycheck to paycheck, average built, six ft. 2in. dark haired, ordinary, country guy. He would have
likely never done this, had it not been for her. Rose is the tall, slim, beautiful Thai girl that came into
his life and finally, can take her hand, as they walk their way to this Pacific honeymoon. Unknown to
Christian and Rose, this voyage is will bring them the adventure, Golden Ties, and love of their
Christian and Rose arrive at the cruise just before it launches. They climb on board and find their
palace cabin. Just then, they heard the ship plunge into the waves of the vast ocean. Overhead, a
seagull flies. Then it is gone; into the light, misty fog. Later, the seagull returns, with it, the sun, as it
sets in the deep of the west. The water sparkles like prisms. Above this, is a cruise. On its deck,
soaking in the sunlight, is the happiest couple
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The Effect Of Communication On The Satisfaction Of A...
Why take another look at communication again? because most studies that have been done, do the
same thing over and over. They use self reports that are coded themselves or that the research will
have the participants code, tons of different questionnaires that take time for the participants to do, and
it is really not relevant for the new generations. With the studies that have been done, almost half of all
first marriage still end in divorce. It looks like the system that we use to study and try to help curb this
just isn t working, because of the measures that are used it just speak to the generation anymore. This
study is different, it will use a video game as the measure to study the effects of communication on the
satisfaction in a relationship. The video game doesn t take much time, and time is very important to
this generation that is always on the go. It is also a lot more relevant for this generation of couples as
well. This study will also be looking at specifically communication in a stressful situation, which the
studies have not covered before. This is important because every couple as arguments and by studying
this hopefully it will curb the amount of arguments in the relationship and help lower the first
marriage divorce rates. There was a study done just recently that looked at whether communication
predicted satisfaction or satisfaction predicted communication? The study didn t really find whether
one predicted the other.(Lavner, et al, 2016, p. 1 15)
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Three Things Romeo And Juliet Could Have Done To Live
Three things Romeo An Juliet could have done to live. One is romeo had a bad feeling about the part
an said hes sure to die if he gose . Another is staied on her bounkeny for as long as he did an he
shouldn t have killed tybalt he would have be put to death anyways for killing mercutio.
Romeo had a bad feeling about the party anyways but got talked in to going. At the party he seen
rosealin the girl he loved till he seen Juliet that s when he fell in love with her.he began to follow
when all he had to do was let her be because he falls in love to fast. Then he kissed her an he had to
At the bockeny seen befor he leaves the party he runs away an sneaks to the back to seen Juliet. When
he gets there he here where out thy Romeo an
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Security Vulnerability Of A Computer System
Vulnerability is a weakness which helps an attacker to decease a system s information. The security
professionals have to be aware of these threats and keep up to date with all the latest threats and issues
because if they do not have to be aware of these threats so there could be a great loss to an
organization. An organization could be update their systems profiles if there are all systems are not
working properly and have any kind of problem because some of the systems are vulnerable in the
Definition of Security Vulnerability
The security vulnerability is a random detects which is open in the form of unauthorized access like
viruses, Trojan Horse, spyware and adware in a system.
According to Matt Bishop and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
to the websites which will helpful to the attackers to acquire all the details such as username,
passwords, credit card details and sometimes money also.
3. System it attacks
The warm link sent to the e bay website and there was a download button and ample of people clicked
on that link and their systems were infected by the malicious code like Trojan Horse. When victim
installs the infected malware by the e mail and they are directly log into their eBay accounts after that
all the login details send to the hackers.
Figure 1 = Profile of the threat
http://image.slidesharecdn.com/dc21suicideinterventionandriskassessement 130805113346
phpapp01/95/suicide risk assessment and intervention tactics 41 638.jpg?cb=1375721508
4. How it perform its attack
When we click on the infected link which tells us to change your security issues, then all our personal
details sent to the attackers from where they misuse our details and purchase from our s login and also
pay from clients credit cards. The system of eBay was infected on 27 May 2014 , only some of the
anti virus recognized the malware and named as it Trojan Horse. They also have exploited their about
me page from their website through this dangerous virus which infected the full website including all
their customer details.
Moore said via email. The addition of one click payments via Paypal mean it s now more urgent than
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Food Inc Documentary
According to the Oxford dictionary, documentaries use pictures or interviews with people involved in
real events to provide a factual report on a particular subject. However, documentaries are much more
than that, they educate the general public and make them aware of what is going on in the world and
within our society, some are for entertainment purposes or can just be observational. Good morning /
afternoon fellow documentary filmmakers, my name is Charlotte Thompson and the documentary I
am presenting to you is Food, Inc . Food, Inc. is about how the production of food has drastically
changed since the 1950s, how it is controlled primarily by a handful of multinational corporations and
it has changed my perspective on food consumption as it has shown the negative consequences of
cheap fast food.
Robert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Direct interviews allow people to speak directly about certain events and topics by answering
questions from the filmmaker. Whereas in indirect interviews, the questions are not asked by the
filmmaker, the speakers discuss the same answers and questions in a casual conversation without
directly asking each other questions. This technique gives the viewers both a sense of realism and
comprehensive information about the topics.
Among interviews, there are many other film techniques incorporated in this documentary. These
techniques include: camera shots, camera angles, camera movements and transitions. These techniques
used effectively create a greater emotional pull. (SLIDE 3) Some camera shots used are extreme long
shots, long shots, medium shots and close ups, camera movements such as panning and tilting and
many more. These film techniques are extremely beneficial to the making of this documentary as they
help the viewer have a higher understanding of the subject, creates an effective outlook and have a
more interesting
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My Internship At The Superdome
Over the first month of my new internship, I had the opportunity to work on new projects and
experience many new things. For instance, my supervisor gave me the responsibility of inventing a
new program for the Superdome. When the idea was presented and approved, I then was in charge of
creating the marketing campaign. The new program was to introduce the idea of having a company
picnic or company outing at the Superdome to large corporations. They would be able to rent out the
entire Dome, 80,000 square feet of field space, as well as a party room and outdoor fields to use for
their employees and employees families. My first mission was to create a flyer for which I could
advertise the new program and event to the corporations. Draft ... Show more content on
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For example, yesterday was the start of our Summer camps. Children have the option of paying for
lunch in the morning, $5 a day, or $20 for the week on Mondays. I was writing the names down,
indicating whether they paid for the day or the week. Today, Tuesday, I did the same thing, however, I
noticed it was difficult to find the names of the children who paid for the week because it was not
alphabetized. I also found it difficult to stay organized with people who were paying for the rest of the
week, for just that day, or who were checking in for their stamp. Therefore, when all the commotion
cleared from the lobby, I sat down and figured out a new system to implement tomorrow, for a
smoother, easier way of lunch check in. I also have noticed that the Superdome can be unorganized in
its staffing of coaches. A lot of the coaches are college students and have all different schedules.
Therefore, it is difficult to know who is coming in for what event, and it is even more difficult to
figure out who is coming in, if they are not already in, when the time comes. My plan is to coordinate
a system of staffing to distribute the most effective and organized way of communication and
efficiency. This way, all of the employees can know who and when someone is
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Repeated Measures Design
Procedure This study was a semi experimental study with a repeated measures design. To start the
experiment, the examinee wore the stretch pants and the standard Oxford shoes. Then reflective
markers were attached to the subject and he was asked to walk with free speed walking on the
walkway during the test. After this preparation phase, the examinee walked along a three meter
walkway in six different subsets and data were collected. Each subset of trial with different conditions
was repeated three times. A trial was considered successful if the subject s right foot landed on the
force plate. In order to prevent fatigue and to have the same condition in all trials, the subjects took
five minute intervals between trials. Test conditions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An α level of 0.05 was accepted as significant for all tests in this study. Results Table 2 shows the
mean and standard deviation of coefficient of friction (COF), walking speed (WS), stride length (SL),
stride duration (SD) and cadence in 6 different conditions of the test. Coefficient of friction Table 3
shows ANOVA (Tukey s post hoc) results of coefficient of friction on slippery and dry surfaces
(p=0.014). Results depict that COF on dry surface was more than slippery surface. In addition, COF
between the shoe and the contact surface would increase by increasing the groove depth of shoe sole
on both dry and slippery floors (see fig. 2). The highest COF was related to the deepest tread groove
(5.0 mm) on the dry surface. Walking velocity and cadence Table 4 shows Friedman analysis of
walking speed (WS), stride length (SL) and stride duration (SD), and cadence on both slippery and dry
surfaces. Results depict that there were no statistical difference among (WS), (SD), and cadence using
different groove depths on dry and slippery surfaces (p≥0.05). It is necessary to mention that the
highest SL was related to deepest tread groove (5.0 mm) on the dry surface. Discussion Coefficient of
friction In our study COF (measured in the mid stance phase of gait) was increased by‫‏‬increasing
groove depth of the shoe sole, so that the highest value of COF was correlated to the deepest groove
depth (5.0 mm) on both
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Essay on Art Exhibit
Art Exhibit
The art exhibit was in the Gordon Hightower Library. The exhibit was on Thursday, April 10, 2002
and lasted all day long and is still going on. There were not many paintings, but the two main painters
were Marlin Adams and R. Defamore. Adams painted portraits of fruit and people. Defamore painted
a series of paintings that were all similar but very different and dark such as The Victim Talking Hand
and Screaming Heads and The Hero To Tell Or Not To Tell .
Deafmore s paintings appear to all be etchings, which is a very hard technique. The technique is like
that of Kathe Kollwitz s etching March of the Weavers , from the Weavers cycle. The paintings that ...
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The Imposter painting has a deformed man with wrinkled fingers and an old man in a painting behind
him. The colors are mostly black and white and some hints of colors here and there. There is lots of
emotion and anger. There are also characters at each of the bottom corners, which are starring at each
other. The Hero painting has a man with his mouth tied up and a pendulum hanging from his neck and
two spears pointed at his chest. The situation is inescapable and there is a man that is behind him and
is trying to hear the man s noises.
Marlin Adams pictures are basic and don t really shoe any emotion or movement. I do not like pictures
of normal people or vegetables because it is dull and boring. One of his paintings is of a white girl
maybe 10 to 12 years old with no nature background. She has long hair and a burgundy dress on. The
painting is from the chest and up and shows some light shadowing. Another on of Adams painting is
of a bowl with two yellow onions, one red onion, and one piece of garlic. The bowl is on a table and
the picture itself is somewhat small.
I really like seeing fellow student s art because it makes me feel that if they can do it so can I. The
etchings were by far some of the coolest paintings I
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Comparing Taming Of The Shrew And Zeffirelli s
One s true sentiments lie buried beneath what seems to be multiple layers of personal propaganda.
However, despite these fabricated personas deceiving most, may only be seen through by those who
dare to look further; those who remain unfooled by the performance. This statement abides intact for
Katherina Minola, one of William Shakespeare s protagonists in The Taming of the Shrew, as well as
the protagonist for the Zeffirelli Burton production of the same name, with Elizabeth Taylor as
Katherina. Throughout both works, the portrayal of Katherina is a fiercely independent and quite
violent woman who suffers great internal conflicts hidden by this shrewish personality, yet the
Zeffirelli Burton production spares little room for interpretation ... Show more content on
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Perhaps due to the egregious difference in the perception of a character when acted out by a human
being, Katherina appears to be more violent and physical in her behaviours compared to her character
in the play. For instance, during her argument with Bianca in the play, she simply strikes her once
before the interference of Baptista. However, Katherina chases her through the corridors of the Minola
residence with a large sword acting as a threat, as she unabatingly enjoins her to confess which suitor
she favours. Destroying furniture and throwing items during the process of her beseeching Bianca for
a confession, Katherina almost uses the sword on her as she flies towards her in a stabbing stance,
until the appearance of Baptista interferes with her intention to impale her younger sister. In
comparison with the pure striking of Bianca in the play, Katherina presents herself as not only more
physically violent, but more malicious and willing to cause injury, indicating a greater temper as well.
In addition, Katherina s violence ensues with her first encounter with Petruchio. Arriving at the
Minola residence to woo Katherina, she is not at all impressed by his first appearance. When the two
are placed into solidarity and Petruchio quite suddenly proposes to Katherina, she becomes enraged by
his forward
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Why Was Ray Charles So Popular
Have you ever wanted to go deeper into learning about musical entertainers from the past? All of the
types of music we have today came from people deeper in history. Ray Charles is one of many
musical entertainers that created a different type of music. One reason he was so popular was because
he combined many types of music to create an enjoyable sound for everyone.I chose Ray Charles
because I wanted to learn more about why he was so popular in the 1940s 1970s and how he
influenced music. In this essay I am going to talk about Ray Charles s childhood, family, and
entertaining career.
Ray Charles had a rough childhood growing up. On www.biography.com it stated , Ray Charles
Robinson was born on September 23, 1930, in Albany, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On www.notablebiographies.com they said, In 1959, on the ABC Paramount label, Charles recorded
his famous Georgia on My MInd, which later became the official song of the state of Georgia. Ray
Charles donated one million dollars to an all black college in Atlanta,Georgia. Charles won ten
Grammy awards from a national studio for arts and science. Charles gave two million dollars to
Wilberforce University, which they greatly appreciated. The universities both gave Charles honorary
degrees for what he had given to them. He also received a Kennedy Center honor award in 1986. Ray
also got married to the former Della Altwine and had three children.Charles s final album was called
Genius Loves Company and was released two months after he had died. He was also invited to Las
Vegas to introduce a new line of slot machines. In 1993, he was awarded with a Presidential medal
from President Bill Clinton. Ray was on an ABC show called Now where they had asked him his
views on Elvis Presley.Even though he knew that he would lose many he still said what he had
thought about Elvis. He said that Elvis just copied African American artists.Charles was very popular
in the 1950s when he made
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Russell On Truth
Bertrand Russell discussed certain problems he found with philosophy. Russell was concerned about
how much did we really know. There is the stuff we know with our mind when we have a particular
idea, and stuff we know through actually experiencing it which would justify it. But how do we know
if it is real, or even there, for that matter? Russell says, For if we cannot be sure of the independent
existence of object, we cannot be sure of the independent existence of other people s bodies, and
therefore still less of other peoples minds, since we have no grounds for believing in their minds
except such as are derived from observing their bodies (Russell, 47). How can Farmer Brown be sure
that the dairyman just didn t have an idea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This brings us to knowledge of things. Russell believed that all of our knowledge, both knowledge of
things and knowledge of truths, rest upon acquaintance as its foundation. It is therefore important to
consider what kinds of things there are which we have acquaintance (Russell, 57). You know stuff
through acquaintance by directly experiencing it and you know stuff through description from hearing
what other have told you from there direct experiences. William James on the other hand would have
had different views than Russell in some aspects. James believed that you needed more than just an
idea to make something true, it needed power. James believes that truth is dynamic rather than static.
James feels truth happens when everything holds together, when what you believe actually fits in with
other things you also believe. While at the same time, James believed something is false when it doesn
t fit in with the systems of your beliefs. James said, The most violent revolutions in an individual s
beliefs leave most of his old order standing. Time and space, cause and effect, nature and history, and
one s biography remain untouched. New truth is always a go between, a smoother over of transitions.
It marries old opinion to new fact so as ever to show a minimum of jolt, a maximum of continuity
(James, 124). Truth is a web where each belief contributes to support our other beliefs. James would
have reacted
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  • 1. Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk | Thesis 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk | Thesis Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk | Thesis
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  • 11. How Do Advertisers Target Our Youth Advertisers are using many different techniques to try to target our youth. Some of the ways take place through schools, stores, and even in your own home. Now, i m going to explain where and how advertisers target our youth. To start off with, one big way marketers target our youth are at the store. Why? Simple because that s where they are selling there products and and where they target kids the most. Marketers try to make eye contact levels on their products so it attracts viewers eyes more easily. Their goal is to try to make interesting characters or thing that pop so that it seems cool or good to them so kids will want it. It is stated in the film Marketing to kids that Kids have to nag their parents approximately 9 times in order for them to respond or get them whatever it is they want. They use that strategy because their parents will eventually get tired of hearing them and let them get the product. Advertisers probably use this method a lot to get marketers. Another way kids are targeted is at home. You can see ads on basically any electronic device or any commercial on T.V. In fact most of the commercials we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You cant go a full school day without at least seeing one type of ad. From worksheets, to computers, to the science experiment your doing in science class there is different foods or store proucts involved. You can even add and subtract in math using food such as M M s. The goal is for kids to think that is looks interesting then go home and tell their parents they want it. Sometimes even when you turn on your computer there s some type of ad that pops up for some kind of app, or game, or shoes and food. All you can do is ignore it or click to learn more. If it looks interesting then your more then likely going to click on it and learn more. So, with that being said that s the job of marketers to make things look fun so people will look into it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Percussion Instruments Comparison Essay The difference between a drum and a percussion instrument creates confusion among those that don t know the intricacies of both instrument categories. While both instruments share similar characteristics, a drum consists of a very specific type of percussion instrument. Percussionists and drummers learn very early on to distinguish the difference by identifying the specific characteristics of each instrument. Main Differences Drums fall under the category of percussion instruments. However, not all percussion instruments can be considered drums. A drum specifically requires the instrument to produce an indefinite pitch and applies to instruments that are struck with drumsticks, mallets, beaters or the hands. Percussion instruments include any instrument that can be struck or hit with a mallet or that produces an extra musical effect. Drum Instruments ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each of these instruments historically used an animal skin that was stretched over a membrane. The skin, or drum head, can then be struck to produce rapidly developing rhythms, booming bass and help to drive the pulse of the piece forward. Drums must have a skin stretched over the top membrane of the instrument. For this reason, drums are often referred to as membranophones. Pitched Percussion Pitched percussion instruments are also commonly referred to as barred instruments. These instruments include any percussive instrument that must be struck to create sound, but produce a definite sound. Some examples of pitched percussion instruments are the xylophone, marimba, glockenspiel, tubular bells and the celesta. Each of these instruments are commonly available in symphony orchestras. They serve to provide accents to the main beats of a musical work and color melodies that double in the woodwind or brass section of the orchestra. Non pitched ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Great Schism Analysis Amelia Kasgorgis Ms. Argue Mission March, 10 2015 The Great Schism The Great Schism of 1378 was caused when the papal court, which was based in Rome, elected an Italian Pope named Pope Urban VI. The French cardinals refused to accept the Italian Pope so they announced that his election was invalid and elected a new Pope, Pope Clement VII. Urban VI began to show absence in self control when he criticized the cardinals for their luxury and laziness and when he revealed his plan of reforming the Church. Urban VI s violent and abusive treatment towards the cardinals caused them to fear for their lives and believe he was mentally ill; this lead to the turn against the cardinals to abandon Rome. At Anagni on August 2 the dissidents published a manifesto in which they pronounced his election null and void, on the ground that pressure from the Romans had made a free election impossible (Great Western Schism). When they took away the position as Pope from Urban they elected his rival which was Clement VII. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Avignon cardinals did the same when Pope Clement died, when they elected Benedict XIII. Trying to find a solution the University of Paris suggested that the two Popes should resign with judgment by a summoning of a general council. Pope Boniface IX died and another Roman Pope was elected, Innocent VII, and after him Gregory XII, both who promised to resign simultaneously with the French Pope but they never went through with it. Eventually cardinals from both Rome and Avignon abandoned their Popes and agreed to summon a great council to end the schism On March 28, 1409. Neither Pope showed up at this council meeting where they were both deposed as Pope on Jane 5, 1409. The cardinals of the council elected a new Pope, named Alexander and after his death John XXIII, which didn t work because both Rome and Avignon Pope would officially step down from their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Evaluation Of Mentoring Programs For The United States Jordan Woltjer 11/16/2016 Course Project Part 2 Matz shows that mentoring programs were first instituted in the U.S. in the late 19th century as an alternative to incarceration to be used in Juvenile Courts under the supervision of probation officers (2014). According to Matz, these sentencing policies were inspired by the progressive era s focus on alleviating the mass poverty that was caused by industrialization, immigration, and urbanization (2014). Blakeslee and Keller state that The highly renowned Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) mentoring program, for example, began in 1904 in New York City and today consists of over 375 agencies serving more than 210,000 youth across the United States (2012). Matz (2014) argues that though mentoring programs are compatible with a large range of sociological and criminological theories, that their creation was motivated by a theoretically undeveloped humanitarian instinct that pervaded the Progressive Era. Despite this, we can still use the empirical evidence of BBBS programs to test theoretical perspectives such as Differential Association. The BBBS program matches at risk youth between the ages of 6 and 18 with a volunteer mentor whose prior screening demonstrated that they are capable of providing socialization to curb delinquency and anti social behavior (Limber, 2001). Susan Jekielek says that The Big Brothers/Big Sisters program takes applications from volunteers in the community and subjects each Mentor to an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Banana Donut Bananas being the natural source of fiber, provides up to 10% of the daily nutritional requirements which your body needs. The more ripened a banana is, the more easy it is to digest. A Harvard research reports that a diet full of nutrients, like a banana, can decrease the number of medical problems. Sounds beneficial, no? Bananas have no particular time to be eaten during day; they can be on your breakfast table, lunch and or at dinner. Moreover, there are dozens of delightful recipes that one can easily make, serve and eat. Want to know how? Here are 20 amazing recipes for you to try at home: H1 Baked banana nut donuts: Did you ever try banana flavored donuts? If not, here s your chance to do it now. Easy to make, it will take only 10 minutes so you do not need to rush to any bakery, and your will kitchen also smell divine. Take a clean bowl, add all the ingredients and mix them well. When it takes the form of a smooth dough, shape your donuts, whichever way you like, and place in the oven for baking. Topping to make it extra delicious: Take 3 tablespoons low fat cream cheese, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon non fat milk, 2 tablespoons finely chopped walnuts (toasted if desired). Mix them well and dip your freshly baked donuts in it. Voila! All ready. Muffins are very famous among children, because of their heart winning taste. You do not need to buy them from the market, you can easily make them at home. First, you need to preheat your oven to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Barabas And Hamlet Research Paper Christopher Marlowe is well known for his tragic Marlovian character, the morally ambiguous hero. Barabas of The Jew of Malta is a prime example. His character is greedy, ruthless, and the murderer of the citizens of Malta. Yet the audience still roots for this character as he commits sin after sin in the name of justice. He is ambitious and charismatic, and unjust circumstances earn him sympathy. Shakespeare, inspired by the idea of a villainous hero, creates a marlovian character with a twist. The character of Hamlet exhibits the same qualities of the Marlovian character, but lacks to drive to execute his revenge, as he deliberates on his own morality. The forefront similarity between the characters of Hamlet and Barabas is their desire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His ploy of madness is nothing but a delay of action. Hamlet is highly aware of the severity of the crime he is planning to commit and bides his time in taking any formal action. His hesitation comes from his awareness of his own moral ambiguity. Hamlet expresses contempt for his cowardliness but admits hesitation as the ghost, may be the devil...perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me (Shakespeare 2.2.628 632). With this he acknowledges the possible consequence on his soul for his crime. Once Hamlet gains the proof he hunted for of Claudius guilt, he continues with his excuses. Hamlet believes if Claudius is killed while he is praying his soul will be forgiven and go straight to heaven. The Danish prince claims this is hire and salary, not revenge (Shakespeare 3.3.84), therefore losing an uncomplicated opportunity to kill Claudius. Due to his hesitation throughout the play, enough time passes for a murder plot to be conspired against him. This leads to his ultimate downfall but also springs him into action. In the final scene, Hamlet has only moments to live and morality is no longer of value. Here he is at his most Marlovian, as he vindictively murders ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Moral Disagreement By Kwame Anthony Appiah All around the world today, there is a lot of tension revolving around concepts of morality. In Moral Disagreement by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Appiah writes about differing values and morals around the world and within our society. He points out, we aren t the only people who have the concepts of right and wrong, good and bad; every society, it seems, has terms that correspond to these thin concepts (658). However, these concepts are not always the same with each other in every society. In the same way that not everyone in our society believes in the same moral concepts. Unfortunately, it is these disagreements that often separate us as people. Forming different cultures, large and small, throughout the world. This is not a bad thing, but it does separate us as a race, leaving us to care more for one group of people rather than humanity as a whole. In Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism, by Martha Nussbaum, Nussbaum suggest that a way to fix this problem, and to become a cosmopolitan person, is to teach students in our education systems more of different cultures throughout the world. Yet not only should we learn to accept other cultures and their beliefs, but we should also educate ourselves to accept everybody we meet, giving respect to them as individuals, if we ever truly want to become a citizen of the world. Acceptance is a quality that is lacking within the world. Many people do not want to accept that, for example, not everybody thinks like the. In recognition of this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Adult Attachment Style And Forgiveness Adult Attachment Style Forgiveness. Adult attachment style may be a key component in understanding an individual s willingness to forgive a partner after a transgression. Attachment behavior is dependent on the impact of the close relationships individuals have experienced starting from childhood. Adult attachment styles include: secure attachment, characterized by a comfortableness with both intimacy and independence in romantic relationships; anxious preoccupied attachment, encompassing a strong desire for intimacy and attention from a partner; dismissive avoidant attachment, including a desire for independence, suppression of feelings, and denial of the need for intimate relationships; and fearful avoidant attachment, including a desire to have emotionally close relationships, but also possessing an inability to express emotions, display affection, and also illustrating mistrust of the intents of a partner. There is considerable evidence that attachment security is associated with many cognitive, emotional, and social benefits, and contributes to positive adjustment by fostering an open, flexible, and optimistic approach to life s diverse and often unpredictable challenges, coined as ego resilience (Block Block, 1980; Mikulincer Shaver, 2008). This suggests that repeated experiences in secure attachment relationships may allow for organization and optimization of emotion regulation strategies, which are aimed at alleviating distress and maintaining comfortable, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Essay On Things They Carried In the list of all the things the soldiers carried, what item was most surprising? Which item did you find most evocative of the war? Foot powder was most surprising to me. This also shows us how much these soldiers had to travel in the war. In what sense does Jimmy love Martha? Why does he construct this elaborate, mostly fictional, relationship with her: What does this reveal about his character? The sense Jimmy loves Martha is that she gives him perseverance. Martha is the thing that makes Jimmy get through the war, she s like Jimmy s rock she gives him the motivation to be with her. Why do the soldiers tell jokes about the war?About killing? I think soldiers joke to help cope what they re facing out there in the war. Also, to stay in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... THE STRATEGIES What is significant about the poncho in paragraph 2? What effect is created by its use? The significance of the poncho explains how Ted was shot and how he was brought to the helicopter in a poncho. This is a fast way to bring up death and sadness into a part of the story. In paragraph 11 O Brien talks about unweighed fear . What does he mean by that? How does that further the theme of the text? Unweighted fear includes all of the bad memories that were made during the war as well as the good memories of the war. This furthers the theme because we are introduced to physical burden but as the story progress, we slowly see mental burden are being introduced. what tone is established by the last sentence of paragraph 13?The tone in the last paragraph is somewhat nostalgic because Jimmy is replaying memories of Martha and imaging new incidents as his way to escape war and work. What effect is created by the use of rhetorical questions in paragraph 18? The rhetorical questions further describe how no one wanted to go down the tunnel. Furthermore, rhetorical question creates a sense of paranoia because the tunnel wasn t as bad as they anticipated. How would you characterize the diction O Brien uses? What is the effect the word choice he uses? O Brien word choice emphasizes the hard work of the soldier. Also, the use of rhetorical question helps us understand the thought process of a soldier THE ISSUES How did you view warfare ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Stigma of Mental Illness Corrigan argues that clinical diagnosis might exacerbate the stigma of mental illness. In Corrigan s study clinical diagnosis adds groupness for the collection of people with mental illness which worsens the level of prejudice (Corrigan 34). Corrigan states that this ultimately leads to overgeneralization, as there is an assumption that all individuals diagnosed with the same mental disorders behave the same way (Corrigan 34). According to Corrigan the stereotypic description of mental illness perceives to the public that, people with diagnosis are not likely to recover from those disorders, which can lead to pessimistic attitudes from the public (Corrigan 35). Corrigan suggests that one of the solutions is to understand the diagnosis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Theriot, students who have attended more seminars regarding about mental illness have shown deeper understanding of schizophrenia and showed reduction in stigma of mental illness (Theriot 122). According to the Council of Ontario Universities, Ontario universities have many initiatives to educate the public and the patients to reduce the stigma of mental illness (COUO 8). For example according to the council, Queen s University hosts a program called Overcoming Stigma in Mood and Anxiety Disorders that is promoted by the Bell Mental Health and Anti Stigma Research Chair Dr. Stuart. This program s ultimate goal is to change the way people think about mental illness change the fears and prejudices of mental illness (Queen s University 2). Other universities such as the University of Ottawa, Brock University and the University of Waterloo have similar initiatives to educate (COUO 6). Other strategy that universities use to counter stigma of mental illness is by contact as it challenges attitudes about mental illness through a direct connection (Corrigan et al. 31). There are two different contacts that could be made to reduce the stigma: contact between the public and an individual with mental illness (Corrigan et al. 31) and contact between mental health professional and a recovered individual (Corrigan 36). According to Corrigan and other authors, felicitating interactions between citizens and a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Future Of Investment Banking The Future of Investment Banking Investment banking is an industry that faces crisis in different forms. First, crisis of trust, which implies that banks profit is more important that needs of their customers. Second, productivity and efficiency crisis with stagnant revenue, increasing costs and low ROE. In order to solve the complex challenges they face, the investment banks have to focus on transforming their business by being more strategic. Regulatory pressure, driving up costs, might lead to ROEs further fall. Moreover, clients become less loyal and easily switch to new more nimble institutions that provide better services by leveraging their technological advances. Taking into account all aforementioned circumstances, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Ernst Young, 2015). It is essential for capital markets institutions to upgrade technologies in house or through joint ventures, strategic alliances or acquisitions of permitted technology firms that are closely aligned with banking to make valuable operational and financial decisions. (KPMG, 2015). Bank must also invest in technology preventing financial crimes and cyber threats. Furthermore, investment banks can enable their staff to access necessary information to perform their work more efficiently and support better connectivity with clients by using social media and mobile technology. Technology will enable the bank to transform , to take control, to rebuild trust, to drive efficiency and to become digital. Client centric approach Trust in investment banks has generally been eroded due to a common perception that banks do not operate in the interest of their clients. Not the least role in the erosion of relationship between banks and their clients played the global financial crisis and attendant scandals. As the result, clients have diversified their relationships and spread their business across various firms to manage the risk. Moreover, the clients demand better services and are not willing to pay a premium. To rebuild trust among clients, public and regulatory, investment banks must focus on their ultimate target ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Conformity In Ken Kesey s One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Merriam Webster defines conformity as action in accordance with some specified standard or authority . As it is a type of influence that involves change in belief or behavior in order to fit into a group. Where in Ken Kesey s One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, conformity is a matter of life or death. In the novel and in life, conformity is viewed as an easy way to shape into society s mold. Societal expectations are shaped by the so called Combine a mysterious and in the dark figure that is view as the puppeteer of the way society functions. In the Novel, Chief Bromden a long time patient at a psychiatric ward is the first to recognize the Combine and its powers. At the same time that this novel was written, the society of the 1950s was being challenged by a group known as the beat generation who wanted to reject and challenge the stringent norms that the majority deemed as appropriate and necessary. While many members of society supported the beliefs of conformity, in many ways the need for societal misfits was vital to secure a community where all people would have a voice. While many did their best to challenge the Combine, in the end the Combine would prevail, but the ideas of those who spoke out would resonate with others. The Combine is an unstoppable force fueled by conformity, but Ken Kesey explains that the only way for progress in the novel (and society) is for a McMurphy type of character to challenge the Combine. In the 1950s, there was this prevalent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Cooperative Procurement Essay Introduction Research Gap Key questions Key Literature The idea is how a combination of theories and frameworks concerning to Cooperative Procurement, e Sourcing and Outsourcing can represent a benefit to SME and an opportunity for a new business. Cooperative Procurement; Cooperative Purchasing; Collaborative Procurement and Purchasing Consortia. In the current literature, the concept of Cooperative Purchasing has been vaguely defined. Beyond that, there is a vast terminology to nominate the concept regarding to Cooperative Procurement or the other terms aforementioned. Schotanus (2007) in his thesis included a list of the most employed denomination. The table present more than 150 terms and according to him the most common used in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although he is a Public sector specialist, he extends the idea describing as two or more group of organization or people that are engaging in Procurement for reciprocal benefit. Although there are many source about Purchasing Consortia, this concept is not very frequently adopted by the industrial sector (Essig, 2000). This idea of cooperation between organizations is not recent. Some Japanese companies used sogo shoshas, a group of companies with common ownership and leadership that is vertically integrated. Another similar approach is virtual organization, that consist in independent organizations forming a temporary network with a common goal to share skills and cost. This derives from another Japanese s concept, Keiretsu: a collective organizational based on mutual shareholding and cooperation that includes different companies as finance, trading, suppliers (Rey, 2002). The advantages and disadvantages of Cooperative Purchasing has been largely discussed in the literature. There is a vast literature about interorganisational cooperation, however there is not a comprehensive theory for the successful for this cooperation (Das and Teng, 2000). The most related advantage is the cost reduction, considering the consolidation of demand and reduction of administrative cost. In fact, it is not just a financial saving, but the operational time is optimized as well in some cases. Nollet and Beaulieu ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Summary Of The Room And Waiting For Godot Laurin Neely Professor Matthew Byrge English 2030 14 22 September 2015 Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter Absurd Influences in Theatre There are a wide variety of theatrical movements that have occurred over time. One of these includes the theatre of the absurd. Theater of the absurd refers to the literary movement in drama popular throughout European countries from the 1940s to approximately 1989. A definition of the term absurdism is referred to a literary and philosophical movement that flourished after the Second World War and bears a close relationship to Existentialism. Absurdism s signature attitude is therefore black humor, an ambiguous mixture of tragic pathos and preposterous comedy, which finds it compelling literary expression in the work of authors such as Samuel Beckett ( Absurdism 3). In this paper, I will explore the development of absurdism in two different plays, The Room and Waiting for Godot. The absurdist type of plays often seek to explore the spiritual loneliness, isolation, and anxiety of the down and outs of society. Theater of the Absurd are often pointless and contain no underlying messages. They have been described as moving in a circle with no true plot. The movement of the absurd commonly refers to the work of a group of dramatists who first emerged during and after World War II. I have choose to pick a play from Samuel Beckett as well as Harold Pinter to observe their influence on the movement of absurd theatre. Absurdist works often ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Consequences Of Climate Change In Yosemite National Park Climate change is a growing presence that continues to become noticeable. The predicted outcomes of climate change include rise in temperatures, longer growing seasons, change in precipitation patterns, more droughts and heat waves, and rise in sea level (NASA, 2016). With the variety of effects on the environment, climate change will start to affect National Park Systems, their ecosystems, and their plans and actions. The national park system is dealing with a range of ecosystems within each park. Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve is the largest national park in the United States and has very important glaciers due to their uniqueness and importance. Many of the glaciers provide water for rivers during the spring when the glaciers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Continuously improve environmental performance is focused on the parks keeping up to date on environmental laws, National Park Service policy, Executive Orders, and Environmental Management Systems. Be climate friendly and climate ready expresses the reduction of greenhouse gases for the climate friendly part. The climate ready aspect investigates ways to adapt the parks facilities, like changing location structure or function, for the predicted changes relaying with climate change. The parks track the energy usage in buildings, design more energy efficient new buildings or renovations, use renewable energy and much more to complete the be energy smart. Be water wise consists of track the water usage and of lowering the water intensity of drinkable water. Exploring the transportation methods at the parks and evaluating the efficiency of work vehicles and on park transportation contributes to green our rides . The buy green and reduce, reuse, and recycle breaks down into recycling old electronic, cutting down on their solid wastes by recycling and reusing, and prefer products that are better for the environment. By the way the park is running, preserve outdoor values look into minimal sound and light pollution and establish the minimal impact to the parks landscape and natural environment. Adopt best practices look into how the facilities are operated and reinforcing the methods are sustainable. Foster ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. We have always lived in the Castle In the story We have always lived in the Castle, by Shirley Jackson, the reader is presented with only one perspective and that is Mary Katherine Merricat Blackwood s point of view. While many aspect were present, the one that really stood out was that the Blackwood family does not appreciate change. Everything is preserved: objects, food, routines, rooms, etc. So, it is clear that when facing situations that cause change, both Mary Katherine and Constance Blackwood, the two sisters who survived the murder of the family, would react a certain way. Merricat s reaction is seen through different stages from non verbal, to verbal, to violent. On the other hand, Constance seemed to welcome change for the most part ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That step was mostly seen when Merricat talked about her dislike of cousin Charles. She had, on multiple occasions, said that Charles is a ghost (p.69), that he would soon go away, and that he is causing uncle Julian to become more sick. The last straw was when Mary Katherine had asked Charles directly Please will you go way? (p.80) and his reply was no. The third step appeared when Charles kept threatening Merricat that he would win Constance over. She was worried about losing her sister s affection, so, this young girl decided to scare Charles away. She started listing off poisonous foods and their effect on the human body. On top of that, she trashed his bedroom to the point where it became unrecognizable. Her last act of violence towards Charles was when she started a fire in his bedroom which had successfully gotten her rid of him. She had said: There would be nothing of Charles in there now, even his pipe must have been consumed [by the fire] (p.102). In this scene, Merricat had repeatedly said that the fire that she had started was Charles fire. This sentence alone represented her disconnection to the fire that she had started, nothing was her fault, she merely took a measure to get rid of a nuisance. This concept was mostly visible when Merricat said I wondered if I could go up the stairs and shut the door to our father s room and keep the fire inside, belonging entirely to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Unforgettable Cruise Of Hawaii And The Seagull Friend... The Unforgettable Cruise to Hawaii and the Seagull Friend Worldly fame, power, and money are all great values in life; but the greatest value of all, in life, is love. Christian muse s to himself as he walks down the stairway of the San Francisco airport terminal. He makes his way to the taxi ward for a ride to the Sunshine cruise liner. It will be en route from San Francisco, California to Honolulu, Hawaii. It will pass through vast seas, emerald tropical islands, and reflect the beauty of the ocean life. For all this Christian will walk down its planks, as liken unto a rich man. In reality, he is a low class, paycheck to paycheck, average built, six ft. 2in. dark haired, ordinary, country guy. He would have likely never done this, had it not been for her. Rose is the tall, slim, beautiful Thai girl that came into his life and finally, can take her hand, as they walk their way to this Pacific honeymoon. Unknown to Christian and Rose, this voyage is will bring them the adventure, Golden Ties, and love of their lifetime. Christian and Rose arrive at the cruise just before it launches. They climb on board and find their palace cabin. Just then, they heard the ship plunge into the waves of the vast ocean. Overhead, a seagull flies. Then it is gone; into the light, misty fog. Later, the seagull returns, with it, the sun, as it sets in the deep of the west. The water sparkles like prisms. Above this, is a cruise. On its deck, soaking in the sunlight, is the happiest couple ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Effect Of Communication On The Satisfaction Of A... Why take another look at communication again? because most studies that have been done, do the same thing over and over. They use self reports that are coded themselves or that the research will have the participants code, tons of different questionnaires that take time for the participants to do, and it is really not relevant for the new generations. With the studies that have been done, almost half of all first marriage still end in divorce. It looks like the system that we use to study and try to help curb this just isn t working, because of the measures that are used it just speak to the generation anymore. This study is different, it will use a video game as the measure to study the effects of communication on the satisfaction in a relationship. The video game doesn t take much time, and time is very important to this generation that is always on the go. It is also a lot more relevant for this generation of couples as well. This study will also be looking at specifically communication in a stressful situation, which the studies have not covered before. This is important because every couple as arguments and by studying this hopefully it will curb the amount of arguments in the relationship and help lower the first marriage divorce rates. There was a study done just recently that looked at whether communication predicted satisfaction or satisfaction predicted communication? The study didn t really find whether one predicted the other.(Lavner, et al, 2016, p. 1 15) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Three Things Romeo And Juliet Could Have Done To Live Three things Romeo An Juliet could have done to live. One is romeo had a bad feeling about the part an said hes sure to die if he gose . Another is staied on her bounkeny for as long as he did an he shouldn t have killed tybalt he would have be put to death anyways for killing mercutio. Romeo had a bad feeling about the party anyways but got talked in to going. At the party he seen rosealin the girl he loved till he seen Juliet that s when he fell in love with her.he began to follow when all he had to do was let her be because he falls in love to fast. Then he kissed her an he had to leave. At the bockeny seen befor he leaves the party he runs away an sneaks to the back to seen Juliet. When he gets there he here where out thy Romeo an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Security Vulnerability Of A Computer System Introduction Vulnerability is a weakness which helps an attacker to decease a system s information. The security professionals have to be aware of these threats and keep up to date with all the latest threats and issues because if they do not have to be aware of these threats so there could be a great loss to an organization. An organization could be update their systems profiles if there are all systems are not working properly and have any kind of problem because some of the systems are vulnerable in the organization. Definition of Security Vulnerability The security vulnerability is a random detects which is open in the form of unauthorized access like viruses, Trojan Horse, spyware and adware in a system. According to Matt Bishop and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... to the websites which will helpful to the attackers to acquire all the details such as username, passwords, credit card details and sometimes money also. 3. System it attacks The warm link sent to the e bay website and there was a download button and ample of people clicked on that link and their systems were infected by the malicious code like Trojan Horse. When victim installs the infected malware by the e mail and they are directly log into their eBay accounts after that all the login details send to the hackers. Figure 1 = Profile of the threat http://image.slidesharecdn.com/dc21suicideinterventionandriskassessement 130805113346 phpapp01/95/suicide risk assessment and intervention tactics 41 638.jpg?cb=1375721508 4. How it perform its attack When we click on the infected link which tells us to change your security issues, then all our personal details sent to the attackers from where they misuse our details and purchase from our s login and also pay from clients credit cards. The system of eBay was infected on 27 May 2014 , only some of the anti virus recognized the malware and named as it Trojan Horse. They also have exploited their about me page from their website through this dangerous virus which infected the full website including all their customer details. Moore said via email. The addition of one click payments via Paypal mean it s now more urgent than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Food Inc Documentary (SLIDE 1) According to the Oxford dictionary, documentaries use pictures or interviews with people involved in real events to provide a factual report on a particular subject. However, documentaries are much more than that, they educate the general public and make them aware of what is going on in the world and within our society, some are for entertainment purposes or can just be observational. Good morning / afternoon fellow documentary filmmakers, my name is Charlotte Thompson and the documentary I am presenting to you is Food, Inc . Food, Inc. is about how the production of food has drastically changed since the 1950s, how it is controlled primarily by a handful of multinational corporations and it has changed my perspective on food consumption as it has shown the negative consequences of cheap fast food. Robert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Direct interviews allow people to speak directly about certain events and topics by answering questions from the filmmaker. Whereas in indirect interviews, the questions are not asked by the filmmaker, the speakers discuss the same answers and questions in a casual conversation without directly asking each other questions. This technique gives the viewers both a sense of realism and comprehensive information about the topics. Among interviews, there are many other film techniques incorporated in this documentary. These techniques include: camera shots, camera angles, camera movements and transitions. These techniques used effectively create a greater emotional pull. (SLIDE 3) Some camera shots used are extreme long shots, long shots, medium shots and close ups, camera movements such as panning and tilting and many more. These film techniques are extremely beneficial to the making of this documentary as they help the viewer have a higher understanding of the subject, creates an effective outlook and have a more interesting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. My Internship At The Superdome Over the first month of my new internship, I had the opportunity to work on new projects and experience many new things. For instance, my supervisor gave me the responsibility of inventing a new program for the Superdome. When the idea was presented and approved, I then was in charge of creating the marketing campaign. The new program was to introduce the idea of having a company picnic or company outing at the Superdome to large corporations. They would be able to rent out the entire Dome, 80,000 square feet of field space, as well as a party room and outdoor fields to use for their employees and employees families. My first mission was to create a flyer for which I could advertise the new program and event to the corporations. Draft ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, yesterday was the start of our Summer camps. Children have the option of paying for lunch in the morning, $5 a day, or $20 for the week on Mondays. I was writing the names down, indicating whether they paid for the day or the week. Today, Tuesday, I did the same thing, however, I noticed it was difficult to find the names of the children who paid for the week because it was not alphabetized. I also found it difficult to stay organized with people who were paying for the rest of the week, for just that day, or who were checking in for their stamp. Therefore, when all the commotion cleared from the lobby, I sat down and figured out a new system to implement tomorrow, for a smoother, easier way of lunch check in. I also have noticed that the Superdome can be unorganized in its staffing of coaches. A lot of the coaches are college students and have all different schedules. Therefore, it is difficult to know who is coming in for what event, and it is even more difficult to figure out who is coming in, if they are not already in, when the time comes. My plan is to coordinate a system of staffing to distribute the most effective and organized way of communication and efficiency. This way, all of the employees can know who and when someone is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Repeated Measures Design Procedure This study was a semi experimental study with a repeated measures design. To start the experiment, the examinee wore the stretch pants and the standard Oxford shoes. Then reflective markers were attached to the subject and he was asked to walk with free speed walking on the walkway during the test. After this preparation phase, the examinee walked along a three meter walkway in six different subsets and data were collected. Each subset of trial with different conditions was repeated three times. A trial was considered successful if the subject s right foot landed on the force plate. In order to prevent fatigue and to have the same condition in all trials, the subjects took five minute intervals between trials. Test conditions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An α level of 0.05 was accepted as significant for all tests in this study. Results Table 2 shows the mean and standard deviation of coefficient of friction (COF), walking speed (WS), stride length (SL), stride duration (SD) and cadence in 6 different conditions of the test. Coefficient of friction Table 3 shows ANOVA (Tukey s post hoc) results of coefficient of friction on slippery and dry surfaces (p=0.014). Results depict that COF on dry surface was more than slippery surface. In addition, COF between the shoe and the contact surface would increase by increasing the groove depth of shoe sole on both dry and slippery floors (see fig. 2). The highest COF was related to the deepest tread groove (5.0 mm) on the dry surface. Walking velocity and cadence Table 4 shows Friedman analysis of walking speed (WS), stride length (SL) and stride duration (SD), and cadence on both slippery and dry surfaces. Results depict that there were no statistical difference among (WS), (SD), and cadence using different groove depths on dry and slippery surfaces (p≥0.05). It is necessary to mention that the highest SL was related to deepest tread groove (5.0 mm) on the dry surface. Discussion Coefficient of friction In our study COF (measured in the mid stance phase of gait) was increased by‫‏‬increasing groove depth of the shoe sole, so that the highest value of COF was correlated to the deepest groove depth (5.0 mm) on both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay on Art Exhibit Art Exhibit The art exhibit was in the Gordon Hightower Library. The exhibit was on Thursday, April 10, 2002 and lasted all day long and is still going on. There were not many paintings, but the two main painters were Marlin Adams and R. Defamore. Adams painted portraits of fruit and people. Defamore painted a series of paintings that were all similar but very different and dark such as The Victim Talking Hand and Screaming Heads and The Hero To Tell Or Not To Tell . Deafmore s paintings appear to all be etchings, which is a very hard technique. The technique is like that of Kathe Kollwitz s etching March of the Weavers , from the Weavers cycle. The paintings that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Imposter painting has a deformed man with wrinkled fingers and an old man in a painting behind him. The colors are mostly black and white and some hints of colors here and there. There is lots of emotion and anger. There are also characters at each of the bottom corners, which are starring at each other. The Hero painting has a man with his mouth tied up and a pendulum hanging from his neck and two spears pointed at his chest. The situation is inescapable and there is a man that is behind him and is trying to hear the man s noises. Marlin Adams pictures are basic and don t really shoe any emotion or movement. I do not like pictures of normal people or vegetables because it is dull and boring. One of his paintings is of a white girl maybe 10 to 12 years old with no nature background. She has long hair and a burgundy dress on. The painting is from the chest and up and shows some light shadowing. Another on of Adams painting is of a bowl with two yellow onions, one red onion, and one piece of garlic. The bowl is on a table and the picture itself is somewhat small. I really like seeing fellow student s art because it makes me feel that if they can do it so can I. The etchings were by far some of the coolest paintings I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Comparing Taming Of The Shrew And Zeffirelli s One s true sentiments lie buried beneath what seems to be multiple layers of personal propaganda. However, despite these fabricated personas deceiving most, may only be seen through by those who dare to look further; those who remain unfooled by the performance. This statement abides intact for Katherina Minola, one of William Shakespeare s protagonists in The Taming of the Shrew, as well as the protagonist for the Zeffirelli Burton production of the same name, with Elizabeth Taylor as Katherina. Throughout both works, the portrayal of Katherina is a fiercely independent and quite violent woman who suffers great internal conflicts hidden by this shrewish personality, yet the Zeffirelli Burton production spares little room for interpretation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Perhaps due to the egregious difference in the perception of a character when acted out by a human being, Katherina appears to be more violent and physical in her behaviours compared to her character in the play. For instance, during her argument with Bianca in the play, she simply strikes her once before the interference of Baptista. However, Katherina chases her through the corridors of the Minola residence with a large sword acting as a threat, as she unabatingly enjoins her to confess which suitor she favours. Destroying furniture and throwing items during the process of her beseeching Bianca for a confession, Katherina almost uses the sword on her as she flies towards her in a stabbing stance, until the appearance of Baptista interferes with her intention to impale her younger sister. In comparison with the pure striking of Bianca in the play, Katherina presents herself as not only more physically violent, but more malicious and willing to cause injury, indicating a greater temper as well. In addition, Katherina s violence ensues with her first encounter with Petruchio. Arriving at the Minola residence to woo Katherina, she is not at all impressed by his first appearance. When the two are placed into solidarity and Petruchio quite suddenly proposes to Katherina, she becomes enraged by his forward ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Why Was Ray Charles So Popular Have you ever wanted to go deeper into learning about musical entertainers from the past? All of the types of music we have today came from people deeper in history. Ray Charles is one of many musical entertainers that created a different type of music. One reason he was so popular was because he combined many types of music to create an enjoyable sound for everyone.I chose Ray Charles because I wanted to learn more about why he was so popular in the 1940s 1970s and how he influenced music. In this essay I am going to talk about Ray Charles s childhood, family, and entertaining career. Ray Charles had a rough childhood growing up. On www.biography.com it stated , Ray Charles Robinson was born on September 23, 1930, in Albany, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On www.notablebiographies.com they said, In 1959, on the ABC Paramount label, Charles recorded his famous Georgia on My MInd, which later became the official song of the state of Georgia. Ray Charles donated one million dollars to an all black college in Atlanta,Georgia. Charles won ten Grammy awards from a national studio for arts and science. Charles gave two million dollars to Wilberforce University, which they greatly appreciated. The universities both gave Charles honorary degrees for what he had given to them. He also received a Kennedy Center honor award in 1986. Ray also got married to the former Della Altwine and had three children.Charles s final album was called Genius Loves Company and was released two months after he had died. He was also invited to Las Vegas to introduce a new line of slot machines. In 1993, he was awarded with a Presidential medal from President Bill Clinton. Ray was on an ABC show called Now where they had asked him his views on Elvis Presley.Even though he knew that he would lose many he still said what he had thought about Elvis. He said that Elvis just copied African American artists.Charles was very popular in the 1950s when he made ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Russell On Truth Bertrand Russell discussed certain problems he found with philosophy. Russell was concerned about how much did we really know. There is the stuff we know with our mind when we have a particular idea, and stuff we know through actually experiencing it which would justify it. But how do we know if it is real, or even there, for that matter? Russell says, For if we cannot be sure of the independent existence of object, we cannot be sure of the independent existence of other people s bodies, and therefore still less of other peoples minds, since we have no grounds for believing in their minds except such as are derived from observing their bodies (Russell, 47). How can Farmer Brown be sure that the dairyman just didn t have an idea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This brings us to knowledge of things. Russell believed that all of our knowledge, both knowledge of things and knowledge of truths, rest upon acquaintance as its foundation. It is therefore important to consider what kinds of things there are which we have acquaintance (Russell, 57). You know stuff through acquaintance by directly experiencing it and you know stuff through description from hearing what other have told you from there direct experiences. William James on the other hand would have had different views than Russell in some aspects. James believed that you needed more than just an idea to make something true, it needed power. James believes that truth is dynamic rather than static. James feels truth happens when everything holds together, when what you believe actually fits in with other things you also believe. While at the same time, James believed something is false when it doesn t fit in with the systems of your beliefs. James said, The most violent revolutions in an individual s beliefs leave most of his old order standing. Time and space, cause and effect, nature and history, and one s biography remain untouched. New truth is always a go between, a smoother over of transitions. It marries old opinion to new fact so as ever to show a minimum of jolt, a maximum of continuity (James, 124). Truth is a web where each belief contributes to support our other beliefs. James would have reacted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...