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Writing Paper To Print Free - Free Printable Stationery F Writing Paper To Print Free - Free Printable Stationery F
Identification Of The Specific Standard, Guideline Or...
Identification of the specific standard, guideline or criteria The report makes it publicly known the
harsh implications that errors in healthcare are a leading cause of death and injury. In the late1999,
Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies of the United States released the report, To Err
Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. The report cited the findings of a major study that found
medical errors kill at least 44,000 and perhaps as many as 98,000 Americans in hospitals each year.
Deaths due to preventable adverse events exceed the deaths attributable to motor vehicle accidents
(43,458), breast cancer (42,297), or AIDS (l6, 5l6). Total national costs are estimated to be between
$37.6 billion and $50 billion for these events. A depressing comparison of about 6,000 Americans die
from workplace injuries every year and medication errors are estimated to account for about 7,000 of
this deaths (Gray, E., Gray, I., Yodice P., Rezai, F., Fless, K.). Computerized Physician Order Entry
(CPOE) is the process of entering medication orders and other physician s instructions electronically
using a computer based system to ensure standardized, legible and complete orders. Its
implementation has been recommended to improve patient safety and outcomes primarily by reducing
medication errors that usually arise from faulty prescriptions (Al Dorzi, Hasan M., Tamim, Hani M.,
Cherfan, Antoine, Hassan, Mohamad A., Taher, S. and Arabi, Y.). Hospitals are continuing to
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Compare And Contrast Beowulf And Achilles
Beowulf and Achilles Epic warriors have significant inspiration in British literature. An epic is an
enlightening story to portray a historical or fictional figure who centralizes on concepts such as
braveness, glory and physical strength. Despite of extraordinary abilities, epic heroes do not have
longevity because they prefer a short life with remarked glory rather than dying in obscurity. Achilles
is known as one of the great warriors of Greek mythology, and a heroic character participated in the
Trojan War. Both Beowulf and Achilles are remarkable figures in the British literature which portrays
them as examples of heroic archetype. It goes without to say that Beowulf and Achilles are depicted as
epic warriors; however, they do perform different motivation of their parents desire for glory, so
Beowulf fights for his King s peace and communities while Achilles fights for revenge. First of all,
Beowulf and Achilles are excellent symbols of the epic warriors who chase for the victory. They
exemplify for epic warrior traits such as courage and physical strength. In the Beowulf book, the
author describes Beowulf such a brave hero, even in an old age, I hereby renounce sword and the
shelter of the broad shield, the heavy war board: hand to hand is how it will be, a life and death fight
with the fiend, says Beowulf (line 433 440.) To analyze this point, Beowulf makes his battle with
Grendel as a simple task. According to the book, Beowulf fights with Grendel barehanded
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Response To Conflict Research Paper
What is conflict? It is a word commonly used by humans, but some can t even define the word.
Conflict is a battle, fight, or struggle, and there are many ways that humans can respond to it.
However, the most effective way to respond is by compromising. Throughout history, compromise has
saved so many lives, and has kept peaceful relations between people. Even though war is a terrible
thing, there are times when it is necessary to effectively settle disputes, as shown by Elie Wiesel, who
survived a concentration camp, and Winston Churchill, who was struggling to defeat Nazi Germany.
Overall, compromise is the most effective way to respond to conflict.
There are multiple examples throughout history where conflict has had a better effect than ... Show
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On the battlefield, soldiers are hurt and killed every day. But, according to the Science Museum,
Soldiers not only suffered on the battlefield. Veterans often needed long term care owing to the
physical and psychological impact of war. Especially in the Vietnam War, since the soldiers were
constantly being attacked, but couldn t see their enemy. This messed with their minds, and the ones
still alive today have never been the same since they got back from Vietnam. War not only has
negative effects on soldiers, but also on the townspeople who live near war. The Science Museum also
writes, Civilians, particularly children, can also suffer the effects of trauma. Civilians don t only have
the constant fear of the war getting too close to them, but also the fear of bombs and harmful
chemicals. Again, in the Vietnam War, US forces used a chemical called agent orange to destroy the
foliage of forests so they could see their enemy better. This, though, has had a long term effect on
everyone who was exposed to the chemical by giving them radiation poisoning, or in some cases,
cancer. Also in the Vietnam War, the US dropped bombs on North Vietnam, and hit many houses,
villages, and fields where the civilians grew their food. Many people died who weren t even part of
the war. It can be very hard for countries to regain their strength and money once a long war is
finished. Take Germany, for example. After WW1, Germany s economy was very unstable, so the US
gave them reparation loans to rebuilt it. An article written by Wikipedia says, The German
Government estimated it had paid the equivalent of 67.8 billion gold marks in reparations. And they
didn t pay it off until 2010! War has many negative effects, which is why compromising is a better
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Snow Removal Research Paper
Looking for a Calgary Snow Removal NE Service? Well, now is the time to start your search for the
right snow removal service. Time and time again, most people wait till they are in the middle of a big
snowstorm or blizzard before they even think about hiring a snow removal company. Well, it is just a
part of human nature to wait until the last minute to do the right thing. The fact is that hiring a snow
removal crew under tremendous pressure due to an impending storm leads to making vital mistakes.
Therefore, it is important to think ahead, before storm warnings approach.
Seasonal VS Professional
It is important to understand that there are two types of Calgary Snow Removal NE Services to
consider. Of course, there are the professional services
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Research Study On A Nurse Practitioner Operated Diabetic...
Research Methodology Sample Setting and Strategy The setting for this research proposal study will
be a Nurse practitioner operated diabetic clinic with a population of 2,500 patients. A targeted
population of older adults from age 45 to 70 years, who have graduated from high school, and were
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for greater than 6 months will be used. The inclusion criteria for this
research study will be: age 45 years or older, high school graduates, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for
6 months or greater, with a hemoglobin AIC of 7.0 or greater; exclusion criteria would be: age less
than 45 years, did not graduate from high school, not diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and a
hemoglobin AIC of less than 7.0 (Riley, 2013). Of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The rational for this selection is that quasi experimental designs are used to determine the effects of an
intervention, such as diabetes group office visits on participants receiving and not receiving this
intervention (Grove, Burns, Gray, 2013). Even though convenience sampling is known to be a weak
method of sampling due to its lack of bias control, it can work significantly well when knowledge and
care is used to perform a study (Grove, Burns, Gray, 2013). Extraneous Variables Extraneous variables
are variables that are not desired by the researcher, but they influence the relationship of the study
variables (Dictionary of Nursing Theory and Research, 2010). In order to properly interpret study
results, the goal of the research design is to control these variables (Dictionary of Nursing Theory and
Research, 2010). A study environment that is not controlled introduces extraneous variables, so it is
important to have an environment that is equal to all participants (Grove, Burns, Gray, 2013). An
example of an extraneous variable in this study would be previous diabetes knowledge, because level
of education is an important extraneous variable (Grove, Burns, Gray, 2013). It would be ideal if all
participants had the same education level. An
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The Effects Of High-Profile Vehicles
Consumer sentiment for high profile vehicles continues. A quick scan of the automotive landscape,
especially in the United States, reveals that consumers are snapping up SUVs and pickup trucks to the
detriment of coupes, sedans, and wagons. Some brands, such as Buick, are selling as many as three
SUVs to one car, underscoring the wholesale shift away from traditional transportation choices. Some
analysts see a permanent shift away from cars to high profile vehicles and are essentially calling the
segment dead. Indeed, just this past week we ve heard rumors that GM may cancel two large sedans
the Chevrolet Impala and Cadillac XTS, with even a few smaller models such as the Chevrolet Sonic
possibly on the chopping block. Also, it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This makes sense because the 2019 Avalon is based on the same platform underpinning the Toyota
Camry and also shares its wheelbase with the Lexus ES Series. Avalon sales may be falling, but
Toyota is poised to fill the void left with its own model. Livery owners everywhere rejoice! 3.
Shrinking, but not dying. Not all car segments are going away. One reason large sedan sales are falling
is because midsize sedans are taking up the slack. Today s midsize models are nearly as large as the
big sedans sold 15 years ago. They re also better made, well equipped, and affordable. Doubtlessly,
the D segment pie will continue to shrink, but there is opportunity for those who are patient. Indeed,
both the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord are all new for 2018, while a refreshed Hyundai Sonata
rolls out. Sales of such remaining models as the Ford Fusion, Nissan Altima, Chevrolet Malibu, and
Kia Optima remain strong. It is doubtful the Subaru Legacy will go away, although models such as the
Mazda 6 and Volkswagen Passat may not receive an update anytime soon. 4. Gas prices are a driving
factor. Low fuel prices have people running away from fuel efficient models. That said, today s utility
vehicles are more efficient than ever. Still, if gas prices begin to rise, consumers may suddenly shift
demand to vehicles currently in low demand. No utility vehicle delivers anywhere near the
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Assess The Role Of Rahab In The Book Of Joshua
In the account of Rahab in the book of Joshua, she is a woman, though labeled a harlot, ultimately
became an instrument during the battle for control of Jericho. The story of Rahab illustrates to the
reader how God can and does use people who, by society s standards and paradigms, are considered
disreputable or dishonorable. Rahab, is given the designation of harlot, which is defined in Collins
Dictionary as a a prostitute or promiscuous woman . However, there are divided viewpoints stated by
Dr. Claude Mariottini, Professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Seminary that say that Rahab,
may not have been a harlot but an innkeeper and that she also possibly had a fabric business, but as an
unmarried woman it seemingly was easier to label
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Analysis Of The Book Theories Of International Politics...
Cameron Lurcook
Dr. Michael Allen
Political Science 306
September 21, 2015
Drezner Reaction Analysis In Daniel W. Drezner s book, Theories of International Politics and
Zombies, Drezner explores the theoretical impact a zombie apocalypse would have on international
relations. In his exploration of ideas, Drezner analyzes the approaches of different types of feminism
disciplines to a zombie apocalypse. The two feminist ideas he explores are liberal feminism and post
structuralist feminism. Drezner however, ignores the idea of a radical feminist approach in a critical
time such as a zombie apocalypse. As an important discipline and idea around feminism, Drezner s
lack of acknowledgement of this idea proves to be hurtful to his argument of the reaction of feminists
as a whole to a potential zombie apocalypse. I will apply radical feminism to a zombie apocalypse to
better understand Drezner s focus on feminism, and contrast these ideas with those explored in the
book. I am to explore the differences between radical feminism and the two feminist theories Drezner
focuses on, liberalism and post structuralism.
Daniel Drezner explains the ideas that many feminist s share: the world is vastly different for women
than it is for men. The gap between the genders is to the detriment of women. Radical feminist would
concur with this point. Radical feminism centers on the idea that the suppression of the female gender
is the main focus of all oppression within the world (Rowland and
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The Positive And Negative Effects Of Mosquitoes
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, every year more than 1.5 million people around the
globe lose their lives due to mosquito borne diseases (2012). A mosquito is an insect which lives
around the world, especially in tropical and subtropical countries. The mosquito has both positive and
negative effects. As part of positive effects, larvae of mosquitoes are food for fish and dragonflies, and
when mosquitoes consume nectar, they help the flowers to pollinate. On the other hand, mosquitoes
make people annoyed and cause many diseases. World Health Organization (2016) explains that the
mosquito is the greatest menace which causes many diseases and they are responsible for more than
million deaths and cases every year. There are many diseases that caused by mosquitoes, but the
diseases are commonly found and get people s attention because they have many negative effects on
people such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus disease. A disease that kills a child patient every
two minutes and gets patient to infect again is malaria. As World Health Organization explains,
Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites
of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes (2016). Malaria is transmitted in tropical and subtropical
countries. The countries that mostly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an
infected Aedes species mosquito. These are the same mosquitoes that spread dengue and chikungunya
viruses (2016). The first human cases of Zika were detected in 1952. Tropical Africa, Southeast Asia,
and the Pacific Islands have been reported on Zika virus. World Health Organization (2016) reports
that Since 2015, 67 countries and territories reported evidence of vector borne Zika virus
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Sonnet 73 Metaphors
In William Shakespeare s Sonnet 73, the speaker claims that through recognizing life s brevity, love
can be made stronger, and more permanent, by learning to appreciate the limited time each person has
left. Shakespeare establishes this argument by developing three metaphors comparing a succinct
amount of time to life. The first metaphor compares the seasons of a year to stages of life. The second
quatrain contains the next metaphor comparing the sun s journey across the sky to the speaker s
lifetime. And the final metaphor, found in the third quatrain, compares the glow of a fire to a lifetime.
Shakespeare s choice of applying shorter periods of time being compared to the speaker s lifetime
emphasizes the brevity of a person s life.
In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The tone strengthens the metaphor in this quatrain through adding emphasis that the speaker is still
reminiscing about what he has lost and has yet to look towards what the future holds.
The speaker starts the second quatrain, again, telling the listener to witness in him the approach of old
age. The extended metaphor in the second quatrain compares the sun s journey across the sky to the
speaker s lifetime. The speaker tells the listener that they can see the twilight of such day, as after
sunset fadeth in the west , or the aging of the speaker after the brightness and energy of his youth have
started to fade just like the sun does as it approaches the end of its journey. The speaker continues with
which by and by black night doth take away , black night signifying old age taking away what little
remains of the speaker s youthfulness, and the eventual passing away of the speaker. A shift in tone
occurs here from somber to one of forlorn as the speaker recognises that he will eventually die. The
speaker finishes the metaphor by explicitly saying the dark of night represents Death s second self,
that seals all up in rest. Night in the metaphor seals up all in eternal rest through death. The rhyme
between day and away draws attention to the number of days the speaker has left are diminishing. The
image of the diminishing number of days builds on the depressed tone already expressed in the
quatrain by emphasizing the certainty of
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Academic Service Learning ( Asl ) Questions
Academic Service Learning (ASL) Questions
1. Describe the environment in which you observed. Before you interacted with the agency s clients or
school s students, what expectations, assumptions, and prejudgments do you have? Where did these
come from, and why do you think you have them?
For my ASL hours I observed two different environments. The first environment was an Adapted
Sports Night here at the University of Texas. Prior to arriving to the event a couple of prejudgments I
had was that, majority of the athletes there would be from recreational sport teams in the area and that
the games would be pretty simple to understand. Essentially, I thought that they would show me how
to play different sports and how they are adapted to their wheelchairs or their particular disability. I
believe that these assumptions came from not realizing that adapted sports is more than just playing
basketball or rugby in a basic wheelchair.
Sammy s house was the second environment in which I completed ASL hours at. Sammy s house is a
childcare center that provides inclusion of children without disabilities and children with disabilities
and medically fragile children. Upon my first day at Sammy s House I did not have many
prejudgments other than I expected that children who attended Sammy s house would be composed of
mainly disabled children. The reason I thought this was because I saw Sammy s House as a childcare
location for medically fragile and disabled children and even though I
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The Un Peacekeeping Operations Is Impacted By Internal...
More than 2 million inhabitants moved as refugees to neighboring countries. This conflict proves that
innocent people suffer more than militaries during combats. If internal security issues will not end, it
will be very difficult for the UN mission to accomplish the main tasks. This is because the internal
fighting creates more difficult conditions for the peacekeeping operations. Therefore, the success of
the UN peacekeeping operations is impacted by internal security problems. The host government and
security agencies are often gridlocked the UN peacekeeping mission. As a result, the missions cannot
implement mandated tasks because internal security issues.
Besides combat actions between the government forces and local rebels, neighboring country s armed
groups or rebels also play an instrumental role in the battle of the host nation. The neighboring
country s rebels not only create a complex situation in the neighboring country s conflict area, but is
also becoming more dangerous for the peacekeepers because rebels do not have any restrictions. They
have one interest which is money. The neighboring country s rebels survive on looting, robbery, and
kidnapping. For instance, at the beginning of the conflict in South Sudan, the government of South
Sudan was supported by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which was an armed group located
in north Sudan. The JEM joined the government forces to kill Nuer tribes, rape girls, and women as
well as loot from Nuer
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Lack Of Regulation On The Market Essay
With the intention of creating a more unified Europe, European countries formed the Eurozone hoping
that peace and stability would ensue. By integrating economically and politically, member countries
hoped to continue a sense of safety that they fostered after the Second World War. While this appears
to be a good idea, many complex issues did not receive enough attention. Now these issues are
emerging and play a significant role in current policy structure, leading many to question the
effectiveness of the Eurozone. What used to be a positive institution now seems controversial, and
furthermore causes many leaders to stray away from further integration. Scholars such as Copelovitch,
Rosato, Webber, and Hall all approach the subject in unique ways, however they all agree that the
Eurozone needs severe changes in order to flourish. A lack of regulation on the market comprises most
of Copelovitch s article, as well as Hall s article, while Rosato focuses mainly on the lack of relevance
the Eurozone has with the collapse of the Soviet Union and an increase in national interests. Lastly,
Webber emphasizes Germany s powerful position in the European Union and Eurozone, and explains
how these institutions rely heavily on Germany for future prosperity. Differing economies and a lapse
in financial judgment are at the forefront of the euro crisis, and while the Eurozone used to be an
incredible asset, it now serves as somewhat of a setback for member countries. Thus, Europe needs
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Ethos Pathos Logos In Julius Caesar
In Julius Caesar by Shakespeare there are three persuasions, these persuasions are called logos, ethos,
and pathos. Logos, pathos, and ethos are three utensils used by Shakespeare in Caesar s funeral
presented by Mark Antony. Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker, Logos is appeal
based on logic or reason and Pathos is appeal based on emotion (Examples). Antony uses these three
utensils to turn the Roman crowd of citizens against the conspirators with an exciting persuasive
What does logos mean? Logos can be facts that are used to persuade someone (Ethos). Mark Antony
uses many facts throughout his speech. One of the key facts in his speech is; When that the poor have
cried, Caesar hath wept (Shakespeare). To use this is extremely intelligent by Mark Antony since most
of the people that he is trying to persuade aren t the richest people in Rome. Therefor, when he uses
poor as the type of people that Caesar cried for, the crowd thinks that it is wrong to brutally murder
someone who cared so much for them that they opened their eyes to Mark Antony and really took in
what he was saying by thinking that Caesar was the best thing for them (Shakespeare). ... Show more
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When Antony says, My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, and I must pause till it comes back to
me (Shakespeare) he wants the citizens to believe that Caesar was a noble and trustworthy man. This
makes the citizens question Brutus when he said, Censure me in your wisdom, and awake your senses
that you may be the better judge... not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more (Shakespeare) .
Brutus underestimated how powerful of a speech that Antony was able to deliver without breaking his
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Why The Uk Should Join The Eurozone
A question reviewed on numerous occasions, weather the UK should join the Eurozone, considering
what a currency union intakes, the benefits and costs, a judgment can be entailed weather the
Eurozone would be a valid investment for an economy such as the UK. Exchange rate, capital risk,
interest rates or any monetary policy and fiscal policies, shall be taken in to account when formation a
judgment to weather the UK should become a member of the Eurozone. The heart of this case is
revolved around interest rates and to whether it shall cause a great impact on the financial sector of the
economy, as the UK largest revenue resource is from there banking sector.
A currency union is where more than two economies share the same currency, without having any
additional economic and monetary union, in which resulting in a single market and custom union.
The Eurozone is the economic region formed by those member countries of the European Union that
have adopted the euro. (Perry, S. 1994).
Optimum currency union is a theory published by Mundell in 1961, the theory is used to debate is a
certain area has the requirements to become a currency union, one of the final stages in economic
integration, in which a monetary unions benefits compensate the costs.
Some of the criteria for an optimum currency union are high capital and labour mobility, which allows
capital and workers to move freely through different areas of the union. Wage and price flexibility
through different areas, allowing
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Xylitol Research Paper
The benefits of xylitol is a healthy alternative to sugar, or is it?
I got a little excited when I came across it. I thought it might be a better, healthier option for me to
include into my anti aging routine.
I am always on the look out for a healthy sugar substitute. Especially since I have such a sweet tooth,
yet I always seem to come back to the same one I have always use, raw honey.
Yes, it seems to get yourself worked up over xylitol, is all for nothing.
There are of course so many good and bad arguments about this stuff. It is difficult to find a clear
opinion or argument on the benefits of xylitol.
I have a little rule I like to follow when it comes to what goes in my body.
If there are too many questions marks about something I avoid it. Bbecause healthy and natural should
not have two conflicting sides ever.
For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This to me is a much healthier option.
I get my kids to brush their teeth with activated charcoal another healthy alternative.
It has become a popular substitute as it is the only sweetener on the market that tastes very much like
sugar and yet offers fewer calories.
benefits of xylitol
Benefits Of Xylitol
What makes the benefits of xylitol so popular is the belief the general population has about it being a
healthier choice.
You know, it actually occurs naturally in many stone fruits, oats, mushrooms, birch tree bark and corn
Sadly, however, most of the Xylitol you find on the local supermarket shelf sourced from the corn cob.
It is cheaper and usually from genetically modified corn, produced in China.
One product I found Nirvana has a great marketing angle for using corn cob, it does so, because it is
helping protect the birch tree.
Well, yes, protecting the birch tree is good, but, if it s coming from the corn cob left over from ethanol
production which is GMO, then it has to just be all about the
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Progress in Xenotransplantation Essay
Progress in Xenotransplantation
In the last few years, progress has been made toward successfully using animal organs in humans who
need transplants, an operation called xenotransplantation. The biggest obstacle has been preventing the
body from destroying the transplant as a foreign body. The speed of rejection depends on the species
and tissue involved. In transplants between discordant species, such as pig to human, the recipient has
natural antibodies against the donor organ. In untreated discordant vascularized xenografts, hyperacute
rejection (HAR) occurs within minutes or hours after transplantation.
Recently, HAR has been successfully inhibited, and a second stage of rejection, termed delayed ...
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While one heart perfused with normal blood survived for only 25 ± 5.6 minutes, the heart perfused
with IgM depleted blood survived for 228.5 ± 45.2 minutes. Furthermore, there were lower levels of
complement in the IgM depleted model. The experiment revealed that the elimination of IgM from the
blood reduced C activation ability by 80%. An understanding of the exact mechanism of hyperacute
rejection has allowed for more effective inhibition of HAR since there are several stages which can be
Prevention of HAR with CVF
Cobra Venom Factor (CVF) is known to deplete the C complement cascade. In one experiment,
Azimzadeh et al. (1996) transplanted rat hearts into monkeys without removing the original heart.
Untreated hearts stopped beating after 5.5 ± 1.4 minutes, while CVF treated hearts survived for 18 or
94 hours. Because of this success, investigators in a more recent study administered CVF to all
subjects to prevent HAR and to study other drugs for the suppression of DXR (Hancock et al., 1997).
However, prevention of HAR with high doses of CVF came at a cost for the monkeys treated with
CVF by Azimzadeh et al. (1996); CVF apparently caused the monkeys to die within days of the
operation. This observation suggests a need for alternatives to countering HAR
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Thermodynamics Lab Essay
Thermodynamics Enthalpy of Reaction and Hess s Law
1. To calculate the heat of reaction of a given reaction using the concepts derived from Hess s Law.
Pre lab Questions:
1. Define Heat of Reaction.
The enthalpy change associated with the completion of a chemical reaction.
2. Define Specific Heat.
The energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by one degree Celsius.
3. Calculate the heat of reaction assuming no heat is lost to the calorimeter. Use correct significant
Q = c x m x t q = (4.18)(1.02 g/ml x 50ml )(3.9 oC) = 831 J
4. In problem 3 above, the calorimeter has a heat capacity of 8.20 J/goC. If a correction is made to
account for heat absorbed by the calorimeter, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is meant by calorimetry?
Calorimetry is the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes
2. How does graphical analysis improve the accuracy of the data?
By precisely graphing data points, one is able to improve the accuracy of the data due to being able to
accurately calculate, not predict, the initial temperatures that the solutions had at time 0 by extending
the graph backwards 20 seconds.
3. What is the meaning of the negative sign in front of the brackets in the heat of reaction equation?
The negative sign indicates that the given reaction is
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Drink Chaimps Persuasive Speech
Good Day this is Myxtique Galloway and I m reaching out to you on behalf of Drink Champs TV
Show airing on Revolt TV. Currently we re looking for advertisement sponsors for our show and
product placement for our drink table. What is our drink table? Well it s where our guests celebrities
have great discussions over drinks. Celebrity guest pour their own drinks on the show in layback,
relax environment on live on television . The show is produced and hosed by veteran Latin rapper and
one half of Capone n Noreaga N.O.R.E. alongside Miami Latin hip hop pioneer DJ EFN come
together, as Drink Champs an exciting TV show airing Thursdays @ 10 PM on Revolt TV reaching
over 50 million homes. Drink Champs has become the ultimate destination
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Different Nature Views
The cold air is relentless and the fire can only do so much to keep a person safe in the elements, but
this isn t always the case in stories. The short story, The Outcasts of Poker Flat, written by Bret Harte
entails the life changing experiences that outcasts have to endure in horrible weather that becomes
inevitable. Albeit this story deals with the unpleasant side of nature, the short story, A White Heron, by
Sarah Orne Jewett illustrates the exact opposite. Rather, nature becomes Sylvie s one true love. The
juxtaposing ideas of nature in these two short stories still manage to make the characters make
extremely critical life decisions. The short stories A White Heron, by Sarah Orne Jewett and The
Outcasts of Poker Flat, by Bret Harte, have key aspects that make themselves coincide and contrast
with each other and assist the characters make difficult decisions mainly through the settings in which
they are placed; the season that the story occurs in, and the situations in which the characters have to
tackle. To begin with, these Realism short stories rely a lot on the area that they take place in. A White
Heron takes place at a farm in the upper part of Maine; a different atmosphere from which Sylvie was
born in, the city. Although it s a different setting for her Sylvie becomes one with nature instantly. The
woods and the life within it make her feel so welcomed and at home. Sylvie sees A White Heron as
such an innocent creature. She could not tell the heron s secret
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Multinational Corporations, Their Challenges and Successes
Multinational Corporation Defined
A multinational corporation is an organization headquartered in one nation that that has operations in
one or several foreign nations to leverage additional market penetration (Luthans Doh, 2012). By
entering into the global market organizations essentially enter into the threshold of a multinational
corporation (MNC). This paper will provide an explanation of globalization, the primary challenges of
multinational management, and discuss two separate case studies and their challenges and successes.
Increasing globalization
Global expansion has developed a tactical imperative for nearly all large organizations and MNC
managers have a great deal on their hands in developing, monitoring and changing ... Show more
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Global orientation is not as easy as one may consider. Many issues may develop when a firm or
foreign marketer attempts to move into a foreign location. The strangeness of the market environment
where programs are executed are extremely difficult and accomplishment pivots on the capability to
evaluate and change properly to the influence of the new strange market an organization attempts to
juncture (Cateora et al., 2013).
Research indicates that even though the U.S. has one of the larger economies we tend to struggle with
globalization. To observe the general result of globalization, the KOF is used to determine for the
globalization index. The KOF globalization index reveals the economic, social, and political
magnitudes of globalization. Economic globalization is defined as the flow of goods, foreign direct
investment (FDI), and market exchanges; social globalization is appearance, people, and participation
in ideas; political globalization is governmental policies (Cateora et al., 2013). The following tables
shows how the U.S. rated in 2012: Table 1: 2012 KOF Index of Globalization ( 2012 KOF Index of
Globalization , 2012, p. 1)
Global orientation is a must for firms that want to emerge into foreign markets. According to Simic
(2005), successful involvement of an organization in the process of globalization means, in addition,
the good knowledge of the basic
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The Problem Of Energy Production
In today s society, it s nearly impossible to open a newspaper, fire up a computer, or hold a
conversation that isn t someway related to energy. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution over
a century and a half ago, nothing has been more pivotal to mankind s rise to power as the apex species
of planet earth. Had our ancestors not discovered the potential of using million year old plant and
animal remains to create combustible power, the world would look very different. There is no denying
that energy production is one of, if not, the most important developments in human history. After a
hundred and fifty years of recklessly burning oil and coal, we find ourselves having to deal with the
literal mess unforeseen by our industrious ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are dozens, if not hundreds of oil and coal alternatives that are being considered, however,
while many options look promising in theory the overwhelming majority of them such as: wind, solar,
and biofuel just aren t economically feasible on a global scale. Nuclear power is growing in popularity
around the world for its extreme potency and zero emissions, but advancements in the field are few
and far between due to the bad stigma that surrounds nuclear power. This negative stigma stems from
its military roots and its potential for catastrophic disaster, which has become very real in the wake of
Japan s recent natural disasters. The answer to kicking our oil habit may actually be much simpler than
any of these other alternatives. The key to securing our energy independence may have been under our
feet the entire time we were bending to the oil cartel s (OPEC s) every demand.
Here in America we have been sitting atop a goldmine of natural gas wells that rank among the most
abundant in the world. While natural gas is by no means a renewable source of energy, reserves are
much more plentiful in America than oil. Natural gas also burns much cleaner than coal making it
friendlier to our heavily burdened atmosphere. Current estimates put our nation s natural gas supply
somewhere around twenty five hundred trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable natural gas from
all sources (Deutch, 2011). Approximately six hundred to seven hundred cubic feet lies
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Ippolito V Four Seasons Hotel
Several guests travel with essential items. When a guest stays in a hotel, there is a need to secure these
valuables. According to the Statue of the innkeeper, the hotel should provide a safe and convenient
storage for guests valuables. In the case of Thelma G. Paraskevaides, et al. v. Four Seasons
Washington, over one million dollar jewelry stolen from the hotel room and the Ippolito luggage with
jewelry valued about $ 500,000 and $8,000 in cash. The Paraskevaides were provided a safety deposit
boxes and in room convenience safes. The jewelry stolen became a liability to the hotel even though
the hotel provided storage to the guest. In this case, the Paraskevaides in room safety box had notice
of the declaimer posted, and the limited liability notice displayed on the back of the door, the
concerned not in public areas. Therefore, the hotel failed to comply with the innkeeper s liability
statute which would have limited their liability, if the law posted in public places (Finlaw.com). In
other to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the case of Ippolito v. the Hospitality Management Associate and Holiday Inns, Inc., the hotel had a
previous security issue (Jefferies Brown, 2010, p. 209). When the Ippolitos registered at the front
desk, they were notified about the statues and provided with front office safety deposit boxes and in
rooms safe. Instead, the Ippolitos chose to keep their valuables with them. Since the jewelry stolen
from the room, the hotel is liable for the property. On the Ippolitos defense, there was no posted statue
notice in the room or any other areas with information on how to keep guest items safe. The hotel
liability was limited because they provide a front office safety boxes for the Ippolitos. The guest on
their side is responsible for the security of their belongings since they chose to use the in room
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The Character Of Simon As An Allegory Of Jesus Christ
The character of Simon, from the novel Lord of the Flies , is often viewed as an allegory of Jesus
Christ, which is highly important, as Simon plays a significant role through the novel. Simon and
Christ do not only share natural, unconditional kindness, there are many parallels to be drawn with
Simon s and Jesus lives. Many would argue that the following arguments discussed are more than just
a coincidence, and that Golding intended and/or based Simon on Christ.
Firstly, a main reason why it can be interpreted that Simon is an allegory of Christ, is their role that
they both had society which can be described as controversial and tendentious; essentially, they are
both viewed as outcasts. This can be shown when he said: Maybe, he said hesitantly, maybe there is a
beast [...] What I mean is . . . maybe it s only us [...] We could sort of . . . . This tells us that the
concept of the beast being an illusion of fear, is a very taboo and a neglected concept on the island.
Moreover, the repetition of the word maybe and the use of could , indicates that Simon is very
precarious with his wording and does not want to Ralph to think of him as batty , as referenced
numerous times through the novel. Therefore, it could be argued that maybe and could connotes open
mindedness, and willingness to express ideas peacefully, not by force, because those words sound very
open and free to interpretation. This contrasts with considerable extent that Jack and the other boys
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The State Of The Art Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms
The paper reviews the state of the art nature inspired metaheuristic algorithms in optimization,
including the Firefly algorithm, PSO algorithms and ABC algorithm. By implementing them in
Matlab, we will use worked examples to show how each algorithm works. Firefly algorithm is an
evolutionary optimization algorithm, and is inspired by the flashing behavior of special flies called
fireflies in nature. There are some noisy non linear mathematical optimization problems that can be
effectively solved by Metaheuristic Algorithms. Firefly algorithm is one of the new metaheuristic
algorithms for these optimization problems. The algorithm is inspired by the flashing behavior of
fireflies. Firefly Algorithm (FA) is a recent nature inspired optimization algorithm, which simulates
the flash pattern and characteristics of fireflies. It is a powerful swarm intelligence algorithm inspired
by the flashing phenomenon of the fireflies. The optimization results of both PSO and Firefly are
analyzed from the results obtained in Matlab and the results are used to compare both the algorithms.
Index Terms Firefly algorithm, Metaheuristic algorithm, PSO
Most of the conventional or classic algorithms are deterministic. For example, the simplex method in
the linear programming is deterministic. Some deterministic optimization algorithms used the gradient
information, they are called the gradient based algorithms. Firefly is a metaheuristic algorithm that is
inspired by the
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Making a Suitable Environment for Your Disabled Child
Children with disabilities will make a significant improvement in their skills if they live in
comprehensive and inclusive environment for them. Inclusive environment will benefit the child in
several ways. The primary goal of creating an inclusive environment is to involve the disabled child
with their peers, family, and the outside world. The suitable environment will support them by making
modification and training on their behavior and attitude. Therefore, they will be prepared to life s
experiences and daily life activities.
A special needs child s early years are different as his later years. Inclusive environment is what makes
the difference in the child s development. The development is achieved through several settings and
strategies. Home environment and interaction with the family will build a strong base of personality
and behavioral aspects for the child s first years. Afterward school environment starts to intervene and
affect a child s intellectual and learning skills. As well as a playground and activities which include
social communication and behavior skills. Therefore, providing facilities and inclusive environment
for disabled children will make them learn to interact with non disabled children and develop their
skills. A suitable environment for special needs children is created in the school, house, and
First, school is the main source for promoting skills for disabled children. The school environment
which includes techniques or
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How Does Beowulf Show Anger In The Wife s Lament
In both Beowulf and The Wife s Lament the characters all express their anger differently to the reader.
In Beowulf, Unferth shows his feeling of anger through jealousy toward Beowulf in doing so Unferth
tries to put Beowulf on the spot when he tells the story of when Beowulf lost a swimming match to
Brecca. Unferth tries to make the others think less of Beowulf in telling the story. It is to be known
that Unferth was drunk at this moment when he is telling the story. Beowulf lashes back by telling his
experience and what really happened according to him. After he has finished Beowulf fires back at
Unferth saying Neither you nor Brecca have yet dared such a deed with shining sword in battle I do
not boast because of this though of course
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Geography Of Canada s Unique Geographic Characteristics
Geography of Canada
Canada has many unique geographic characteristics. Unlike the United States, Canada is divided into
provinces instead of states. Canada has tundras, mountains, volcanos, forests and prairies. This always
them to have many different opportunities, such as shipping of ore.
Canada s two longest rivers are the Mackenzie, which empties into the Arctic Ocean, and the St.
Lawrence, which begins the Great Lakes and empties into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, connecting
Canada to the Atlantic Ocean. The Mackenzie is over 2,600 miles long and the St. Lawrence is over
1900 miles long. There are also many other rivers, but these two are the main ones.
The Canadian Shield is one of the world s richest areas in terms of mineral ores. It
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Effective Leadership Analysis
Having effective leadership helps to establish a clear direction for the organization. Communicating
by conveying a compelling vision in writing, speaking, and presenting helps to keep everything
organized (Duggan 2015). These leaders help to motivate and inspire their subordinates to take action
for different, while enabling transitions and transformations. There are a couple of aspects that could
be compared and contrasted between leaders and managers. These aspects are vision and change.
Effective leaders are able to define what their vision is and know exactly how to motivate their
subordinates. This can take place during meetings or even through newsletters. These type of people
are able to show a means of empathy, integrity, assertiveness, ... Show more content on
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It very superficial to only focus on the requirements that are needed for the company. I would learn
about why that person in interested and if there is any connection with their past. I would even try to
tie everything in with their personality because that can help enhance the company. Everyone is
different and we should treat every potential applicant as
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1984 Commentary
The second half of 1984 was good but not what I imagined. Winston meets Julia, a girl that he works
with. He thinks she work for ¨big brother¨ but when they get to know each other they both dislike big
brother. They start to do illegal things and disobey big brother without telling anyone. Another one of
their co workers named O brien invites them over. He tells them that he is against big brother and
Winston and Julia tells him that they are too. Later that night the police come and take Winston and
Julia away, O brien lied to Winston and Julia and is actually part of big brother. They get tortured until
they become under full control of big brother. Once they are under big brothers control they are put
back into the world to do nothing. I thought the end would be more exciting, I thought Winston and
Julia would actually put up a fight against big brother. The big word I chose for the second half of
1984 is innumerable. I believe that innumerable means thin or weak. The context clues that led me to
believe that are ¨They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes. The sunlight, filtering through the
innumerable leaves, was still hot on their faces.¨ When it says the sunlight is filtering through the
innumerable leaves, that makes me believe the leaves are so thin that ... Show more content on
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I chose this because in the second half of this book Winston truly changes as a character. He starts out
not trusting anyone or anything afraid of big brother. Then he meets a girl that works at the same place
as Winston, her name Julia. Winston and Julia start to disobey big brother by doing illegal things. A co
worker of Julia and Winston named O Brien is working for big brother. He catches them and gets them
in big trouble. Big brother brainwashes the both of them and now they are released back into the
world. Winston is not normal anymore, he went from being afraid of big brother to being controlled by
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Ap Us
A. OP 1 Between 1607 and 1763, the British North American colonies developed experience in, and
the expectation of self government in the political, religious, economic and social aspects of life.
THESIS: Between the years of 1607and 1763, the British North American colonies developed
experience and the expectation of self government in the political such as the Mayflower Compact,
religious dealing with the Puritans, economic with the establishment of tobacco, and social such as
Indians, aspects of life. SUPPORT: Self government: House of Burgess this was the colonist s first
step towards self government, 1619. 1619 was also the year that slave trade was first introduced; this
was very controversial and hypocritical. Political: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3. Geography was a primary factor in the shaping the development of the British colonies in North
America Assess the validity of this statement for the 1600 s. THESIS: During the 1600 s many
colonies in North America was beginning to form. Geography such as where ports where and
assessable to westward lands helped in the shaping of these British colonies. SUPPORT/ANALYSIS:
Located by ports: All of the Southern colonies that were located by waters were the best location for
ports. These ports would bring in trading goods and would easily allow these colonies the export there
goods anywhere along the waters, especially the major trade partner England. This helped to shape
these select colonies by labeling them as primarily trading colonies; therefore they would be making
the most amount of money amongst the colonists. Westward expansion: On the other hand there were
a select few new colonies that were located away from ports, thus allowing them only to product
agricultural goods, making money mainly from the businesses that needed to export them. This shaped
these colonies because this also allowed them to move westward. Although these lands were filled
with Indians, colonists didn t care; this gave them more land to produce crops and to make more
money. C. Multiple Choices 1. _______ reaped the greatest benefit from the land policies of the head
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Coaching Track Essay
Coaching Track Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a successful track coach and
coach your protégés to a successful season? Through job shadowing, personal experience, and
research, I have found out just how much hard work goes into coaching. Of the more than twenty
million Americans who are running today, most who start do so for the wrong reasons, with the wrong
attitude, and tend to lose interest after a few weeks or months. Many quit. This is usually because they
become concerned with superficial goals such as time and distance and never discover the more
profound mental benefits that running offers. (Lilliefors 15) To be a successful coach, the first thing a
coach has to do ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When asked why don t they do the same workouts, he said, You guys are different runners, he might
need to work on the speed aspect of running, while you already have that part down. You might need
to work on the form aspect of running, and he has that down. So why would you guys be doing the
same workout, when it would only benefit one of you (Washington). Not only does a coach prepare
athletes body but also their minds. A coach prepares the athletes mind by getting them to think about
what they are going to be doing before there event comes up. If one were to look at Maurice Green
before a race, one would notice that he is very concentrated and thinking about what he needs to do to
win. Another example of that would be football or basketball players. Before the game, each athlete
has his or her own ritual before game time. That concentration is called getting in the zone. What I do
know is how to get you in the best shape of your life so that you ll be stronger and more explosive
than you ve ever been. I can also help you prepare your mind for competition (Connolly 14). When
one becomes a track coach, one has to make many important decisions concerning their athletes.
When accessing an athlete, the coach will have to decide what events will work best for the athlete,
and the team. If an athlete gets injured, the coach will have to decide whether or not the athlete should
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How Has Volleyball Changed Over The Years
Volleyball has been played for many years by many people. The sport was invented in 1895 by
William G. Morgan. To emphasize, the sports of basketball, baseball, tennis, and hand ball. The first
game of volleyball was played at Springfield College on July 7th, 1896. As a result, volleyball is
played by over 50 million people each year in over 60 countries. The game was first called
Mintonette, but was soon changed to volleyball. For example, the players seemed to be volleying the
ball back and forth over the net. All in all, the sport has had a tremendous outcome in the way it has
been played for many years (History of Volleyball).
Women s uniforms have not changed as much as the sport has. In the 70 s women s volleyball
uniforms were form fitting but not tight. For example, they wore mid length shorts and form fitting
shirts. The uniforms soon transferred in to what was called bun huggers . In addition, they resembled a
bikini brief that were a higher cut and allowed for full range of motion. The spandex that are worn
today are chosen for comfort and practicality. As a result, this allows for freedom of motion ... Show
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The amount of points switches back and forth between 21 and 15 until it shops at 25. First, the points
started at 21 points, and then in 1917 the points were changed to 25. Many techniques and attack rules
were later added. For example, in 1920 the back row attack rules were instituted. Also, in the 1960 s
new techniques added to the game included the soft spike, forearm pass, blocking across the net, and
defensive diving and rolling. The court and net have also gone through many changes. First, in 1900
the net was raised to 7ft. 6in., and then in 1916, the net was raised to 8ft. Finally, in 1912 the court
size became 35x60 ft., and then in 1920 the court was changed to 30x60ft. In summary, the game of
volleyball is very technical and challenging (General
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Helen Keller Hero
Helen Keller
The definition of heroine is is a woman, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding
achievements, or noble qualities ( Dictionary ). Helen Keller was a woman who was an important role
model, and trailblazer for the deaf and blind community. Even a person with all their senses has not
achieved as much she has. Helen Keller was a hero because she faced many challenges as a deaf blind
woman, she won different awards in her life, and made many contributions to the world. First reason
Helen Keller is a hero because she has faced many challenges, one of the first challenges she faced
was she blind and deaf. Helen wasn t always that way she became ill and became blind, deaf, and
mute (Biography). This did not stop her, though Helen Keller was the first deaf, blind person to earn a
college degree, and she graduated from Radcliffe college with honors in 1904 (American). Also at the
time Radcliffe was basically Harvard for women. Although she was blind, she has made over 13
books such as Light in My Darkness, Optimism, and The Story of My Life. This is just another reason
Helen is a hero being deaf and blind and achieving such outstanding work. ... Show more content on
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Helen has won the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom. In the U.S The Presidential Medal of
Freedom is the highest award that can be given to a civilian in peace time (White). She even has her
own award about her called the Helen Keller Prize (Helen). Another award she won was the Alumnae
Achievement Award. Keller later received Brazil s Order of the Southern Cross, the Philippines
Golden Heart, Japan s Sacred Treasure, and in 1991, was named one of the most important people of
the twentieth century by Life magazine (Perkins). Helen has also won an Oscar for her documentary
Helen Keller in Her Story (American). This is why Helen Keller is a
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Difference Between Fixed And Fixed Cost
Fixed Cost:
Fixed cost as the name suggests implies any cost that remains fixed or does not change due to an
increase or decrease in the amount of services or goods produced. It is a periodic cost that remains
unchanged irrespective of the sales revenue or output, such as depreciation, insurance, wages, salaries,
The concept of fixed cost is used in short term accounting.
Fixed costs are those expenses that are necessary to be paid by a company, independent of any
business activity that is does. It is one of the two components of the total cost of a good or service,
along with variable cost. Fixed costs are not fixed permanently; they change over time, but they are
fixed in relation to the overall production quantity for the relevant period. For example, a company
may be having unexpected expenses not related to production; and warehouse costs and costs like that
are fixed only over the time period of the lease. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Suppose a company has to pay $10,000 each month if it wants to cover the cost of the lease but it is
not able to manufacture anything during the month, the lease payment still remains due in full.
In economics, if a business wants to achieve economies of scale, it must produce enough goods to
spread fixed costs. For example, the $100,000 lease spread out over 100,000 widgets implies that each
widget carries $1 in fixed costs. If the company produces 200,000 widgets, the fixed cost per unit
would drop to 50 cents.
Why it Matters:
If a company has large amount of fixed costs, it has less predictable per unit profit margins than a
company having relatively large amount of variable
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The Controversial Topic of Genetic Testing
Genetic testing has become a highly controversial issue among both the general population and the
scientific community. It is a process that exposes a person s entire genome sequence, allowing it to be
read and evaluated to identify potential risks for genetic diseases or diseases that could be passed onto
offspring (Holt Productions, 2012). With thousands of genetic tests already being used, and more
being established, it seems logical to put this growing technology to use. Some agree that it is a person
s right to know and understand his or her genetic makeup. However, others argue that, despite the
benefits of genetic testing, caution should be used to carefully inspect the risks associated with this
new technology.
Relatively simple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Embryonic screening allows for the elimination of inherited diseases before birth or a treatment plan
before birth. In breast cancer patients, genetic testing allows the physician to know if chemotherapy is
necessary, which would expand treatment options. Genetic testing could eliminate years of
experimental testing and medication use used to diagnose a new disease. Overall, genetic testing is in
alignment with the core medical philosophy that early prevention leads to early treatment, which leads
to an overall better outcome for the patient.
The opposing side argues, however, that society is not ready for this technology. People may not be
capable of handling the emotional or psychological stress associated with genetic testing. Results may
vary between genetic testing companies and many variables, such as sampling errors, could lead to a
false positive or false negative test. Further, it is possible that some people may interpret the
seriousness or implications of their results incorrectly. This could result in people making unnecessary,
and even dangerous, lifestyle changes. For example, if a person is told that he or she has a 60% of
being diagnosed with breast cancer, that person may undergo preventative surgery to avoid the
disease; however, such surgery may have been unnecessary, as the person may never have developed
the disease.
Additionally, as the popularity of genetic testing increases, some fear that a
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Prisoner Number 600001 Summary
In Prisoner Number 600001 , Tessa Morris Suzuki argues that Matsushita Kazutoshi, a Japanese
soldier who fought in the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean wars, shows the harsh truth of the treatment
of prisoners of war by the forces of the United Nations. After abandoning his country, Kazutoshi
became a prisoner of war to both China and Korea. Most people don t think about all of the things that
prisoners of war had to go through and how the things that they had to do would scar them for life.
They were forced to fight in wars that they had nothing to do with and fulfill any other needs that they
had. Suzuki shows Kazutoshi s life journey through his time as a POW, which also sheds a light on
how deeply involved each country was involved in its neighbors business during the wars. ... Show
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He took, in the eyes of the army and in most countries, the coward s way out and tried to escape the
war and desert his fellow soldiers. But in the end, he was thrown deeper into war than he could ever
imagine. Suzuki explains Kazutoshi s situation when she talks about his capture, But he was not dead;
he had deserted, though it remains uncertain whether this was a response to the horrors he had seen on
the battlefield or simply a desperate effort to survive...Soon after, the victorious Chinese Nationalist
Army arrived, captured him... Japan s surrender did not bring peace, but only a change in the name
and nature of the war . This situation is something that Kazutoshi would have never expected. This is
the life of many POWs around the world and in history. Kazutoshi was thrown country to country
fighting different wars and it could be suggested that none of this would ve happened if he had stayed.
This article shows the consequences of Kazutoshi s cowardly
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Piglets Decomposition
Decomposition of a corpse is a continual process that can take from weeks and possibly even years,
depending on the environment. To illustrate the process of decomposition, we use the piglets as the
model corpse. We had piglets that were in all dissimilar states to watch each decompose differently. In
this essay, I will explain to you the exploit I had while examining the decomposition of piglets.
It is safe to say that we all are at curiosity to which piglets decomposes the quickest. We had a piglet
that was in its natural state, one that was burnt, one that is buried, and one that is buried in a wooden
box. The piglet that was in its natural state decomposed the rapidly than each and every other piglet.
The piglet that was in its natural ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The rate of decay increases, and the smells and body fluids that begin to release from the body attract
more blowflies, flesh flies, beetles, and mites. When maggots become part of the picture, they feed off
of the decaying flesh.
The succession of insects on a suspended piglet and piglet on the ground and cement are engrossing.
From the moment of death flies are attracted to bodies. Without the normal defenses of a living
animal, blowflies and house flies are able to lay eggs around wounds and natural body openings.
These eggs hatch and move into the body. Wasps begin to get attracted to the decomposing piglet in
the air and they lay their eggs inside maggots. Animals can feed on hair like moths.
The outcome of a decomposing piglet on the soil underneath changes. The moisture, temperature and
the nature of soil are key factors in the rate of decay. While the piglet is decomposing on the soil, the
grass beneath begins to die. It gets moisture of the decomposing piglet but it has no sunlight to grow.
The grass then begins to grow around the piglet. When you look at a rock that has been misplaced in
your yard, you will see grass beginning to form around it and over top of it. When you move the rock,
you ll see just wet soil and insects underneath. That is what a decomposing piglet in the grass
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Custody Of Child Custody
Marriage is a union of two humans. More often than not marriages result in children. Some might
even say reproduction is main aim and objective of the union through marriage. Parents take immense
care of their children; they put them on a pedestal and dedicate their entire lives to the upbringing of
their children.
But what happens in cases of divorce? When parents have exceeded their threshold and divorce is
inevitable the settlement of child custody is very important. When we use the term custody we must
understand its legal meaning. Custody of a child, when parents divorce, only implies as to who the
child will physically reside with. Both parents continue to be natural guardians. The custodial parent
will be the primary caretaker ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By saying that older children are given the choice of custody the court does not neglect the welfare of
the child aspect. Even though the courts believe that male children of age sixteen years and above and
female children of age fourteen years and above should not be compelled to live in a custody they
dislike it is also important that this factor alone cannot determine the custody of the children. This is
because in Venkataramma v. Tulsi the court found that the wishes of the children are found to be
induced by persuasion and even torture in some cases.
Other than these, in certain exceptional cases it is noted that the custody of minor children may be
granted to third persons if that is what the welfare of the child requires. In Baby v. Vijay, granting
custody of two minor children to their maternal grandfather, the court observed that, even if the father
is not found unfit, custody might be given to a third person in the interest of welfare of the
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1. Technology Lab Or Self-Help Technology Law Center. The
1. Technology Lab or Self Help Technology Law Center The University of Maryland Carey School of
law establishes a law practice technology center within the law school or within the UMB Community
Engagement Center. The purpose of the center is to provide a means to assist self represented litigants
and to provide law students with the opportunity to deliver legal services in a client centric practice.
Self represented litigants will have access to the building (during business hours), to computers in
order to access the clinical law firm s created online delivery of legal service, which contains
document assembly software (e.g. Hot Docs or RapidDOCS). The law students volunteer to assist the
self represented litigants through the created ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3. Technology practicum The clinical law program establishes a course to teach law practice
technology using the classroom and the clinic components. This program can be modeled after the
Justice Technology Practicum taught at IIT Chicago Kent College). The program is as follows: The
Justice and Technology practicum offers both clinical and classroom methods using technology to
provide legal services to moderate low income individuals. A real life justice problem is posed to each
student or student team. The students are challenged to utilize document assembly or the A2J Author®
software to solve the justice problem. In class, the students explore how technologies are changing the
practice of law. List of readings assist students as they begin their research to define the scope of their
projects. The research should address the ethical issues of using the new technology. As student create
a new technology to deliver legal services, they are encouraged to write plain language for the public,
which is becoming an admirable trait for lawyers as providing legal services moves towards more self
represented litigants (S M, p. 712). In the clinical portion, students are required to spend several weeks
observing the legal processes that are at the core of the justice problem that they are assigned to solve
(p. 712). Secondly, student spend a minimum of twenty hours during first five weeks of the semester
in direct contact with self represented
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Aristotle s Four Criterion Of Eudaimonia
: Aristotle describes eudaimonia as the short way of reaching a final end. He believes that it is not a
guarantee that one reaches eudaimonia even if he/she is a virtuous person. Arete plays a vital role in
Aristotle s explanation because in the Nicomachean Ethics he claims that eudaimonia is an end result
of actively exhibiting virtue in accordance with reason. He goes on to argue that one must be fully
engaged in their work and be obtaining excellence in order for happiness to be present. There are four
criterion of eudaimonia: durability, you must be able to take a punch because we cannot lose you
easily; finality, it must be an ends to a final end, it cannot be a step towards another means; self
sufficiency, if you have this, you would not be in search for more; and function, it must be an
expression on humans doing what we ought to do. He believes that virtue is necessary but not
sufficient for eudaimonia. Along with virtue, he makes sure to mention the importance of other goods
that contribute to a eudaimonic life. Some of the goods he mentions are friends, money and power ...
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Aristotle takes an extremely elitist point of view by believing that a wealth and privilege positively
effect ones chances for reaching eudaimonia. He says that the possibility of living a eudaimonic life is
much less if one is ugly or not physically pleasing. Therefore, according to Aristotle, the achievement
of eudaimonia does in fact rely quite heavily on external forces and is not completely controllable. If
one is ugly, they still might still be refused a eudaimonic life even if they are a virtuous and a morally
correct person. It is important to realize that external goods cannot lead to a life of happiness on their
own, a life with honesty and pleasure cannot be considered a happy
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Making Positive Changes For Expectant Parents
Within this essay, I will reflect on an event that I witnessed during clinical placement, focussing on the
process of non directed donation (RCOG, 2006) of umbilical cord blood via the onsite NHS Blood and
Transport (NHSBT) team, as well as the related issue with the antenatal communication and
subsequent consent to utilise the service. In order to maintain confidentiality in accordance with the
Nursing and Midwifery Council s Code of Conduct (NMC, 2008) and The Data Protection Act (1998),
the hospital and the people involved in the event, (as well as those involved in subsequent
conversations as a result) will not be referred to by name. I have used the Gibbs reflective cycle
(Gibbs, 1988), and will be relating the event back to recent research and relevant hospital and
governmental procedures wherever possible. As a result of this assignment, I have undertaken further
research that will be outlined below, which I hope will assist in making positive changes for expectant
parents in the future.
Donation of umbilical cord blood is a trend that has grown in popularity in recent years, and is now
offered on site at several NHS trust hospitals (RCOG, 2006). Despite this service being readily
available to expectant parents within my placement hospital, it became clear during my second week
that the relevant information regarding donation was not being provided soon enough in the antenatal
period which would allow for an informed decision to be made as to whether or not
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Eisenhower s Last Speech Summary
Eisenhower s last speech was based on telling America the risks of moving forward with the military
industrial complex. The military industrial complex is an agreement which allows private companies
to produce and sell weapons to the U.S. government. Eisenhower talks about how he was worried
about spending too much money on the weapons from private companies since he came into office.
Eisenhower is weary about the sudden increase of the military industry and thinks that it could help
America but at the same time could harm them. He thinks it could be dangerous to quickly become
reliable on the new technology and advancements in war industry and spend too much money on these
items. In the end, Eisenhower wishes well to the authorities coming
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Argumentative Essay On Charter Schools
Charter schools are described to be a unique public school that offers an alternative education outside
of traditional public schools in the Unites States. Charter schools are usually created by a group of
people parents, educators, community leaders who come together and create a charter plan which
explains the schools guiding principles, course curriculum, and so on. Once that charter is approved
by the state, the state continues to fund the charter schools. In the early 1990s, a small group of
educators and policymakers came together to develop the charter school model. Minnesota s
legislature passed the first charter law in 1991, and the first charter school opened in 1992. Charter
schools. Retrieved from http://www.publiccharters.org/get the facts/public charter schools/ Charter
schools are one of the top preforming schools in the United States, and a higher percentage of students
who have attended a charter school, get excepted to university and colleges.
Charter schools foster a bond between teachers, parents and students, to create an environment that
parents can be more interactive, teachers are able to be revolutionized, and students are provided with
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They operate with freedom, with some regulations on district schools. Charter schools are accountable
for the academic results as well have keeping the promises made by their charters. If a charter school
does not comply with its charter regulations, it may be closed. The individuals who authorize charter
school are depending on which state they are in, as well as the state s charter law. In New York, there
are three authorizers: the New York State Board of Regents, the State University of New York Board
of Trustees, and local boards of education. In New Jersey, there is one authorizer, the state
Commissioner of Education. In Massachusetts, the authorizer is the Board of Elementary and
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The Ict And Its Impact On Education
1. Introduction
The ICT subjects was introduced in secondary schools early 2000 s with poor methodologies. It was
that time I was in secondary schools so I saw and even experienced how the mode of computer skills
delivery was. The word computer itself was a bit knew to most students thou I was very good in
mathematics. Shortage of instructors and teaching tools was a big issue. Most young generation fails
to express themselves in terms of their future vision because they are blind to the rapid innovations in
computer technology. We are coming from different background with different family economic
levels. Not all of the young people are aware of this computerized system of the world. Not all are
privileged with computerized cellular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I believe that the gap/problems lies at the middle (secondary) schools whereby the introduction of IT
could reveal the vision and ability of most youth. Its more than ten (10) year of introduction of
secondary IT knowledge, I expect to see some positive changes. Learning ICT is a process of growing
awareness on various realities of life, thus lack of this skills problems won t be evaluated. The
ongoing invasion of outsider s technologies gives me warning alarm that the indoor capability is still
Monitoring and Evaluation of every project is a key way to development; the ICT to secondary
schools need a special M E section to ensure that there is positive progress annually. I know that
computer programming is mathematics based in one way or another, and the big number of secondary
students do no like mathematics. This should be tackled with sharp stick lest the mind set and
capability of students lowers down. Indicator for ICT development in Tanzania will be openly to all
teachers so as to improve their efforts.
With a lot of ICT knowledge and skills, what changes can we say that this program is bringing to our
upcoming generation? Several field like engineering, medicine, finances and social science needs a lot
of ICT skills. Does this syllabus real brings change? What are the factor hindering big results? If we
have big results, how can we improve it? What are the indicators for ICT development in Tanzania.
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How The Current Copyright Laws Are Not Be Reformed For...
Due to how abusable current copyright laws are, they must be reformed to prevent copyright trolling.
According to Matthew Sag, The essence of trolling is that the plaintiff is more focused on the business
of litigation than on selling a product or service or licensing their IP to third parties to sell a product or
a service ( Copyright Trolling, An Empirical Study page 4). Copyright trolls seek to acquire their
income from suing others on copyright violations, rather than continually creating new works and
using copyright to protect them. Copyright, whether one agrees with the concept or not, was not
designed for this purpose. People should not be allowed to make a business off of suing others. This is
not only unjust, but wastes the court s time with actual crimes. The United States must reform its
current laws to prevent this type of behavior from happening. According to Parker Higgins, Like email
spammers, copyright trolls depend on the ability to cheaply cast a very wide net, sending out hundreds
or thousands of accusations at once and getting settlement payments back from some percentage (
Copyright trolls suffer big loss par. 3). Many trolls do not target specific groups or people; rather, they
spread it in such a way that any company or organization can accidentally misuse it. This creates an
environment in which it is impossible for many groups to tell if they can use another party s content
without invoking a ludicrous copyright lawsuit. This is not a
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The Band, Queen Essay
The Band, Queen
In early 1970 the band Queen was formed. Freddie Mercury on vocals, Brian May on guitar, Roger
Taylor on drums and Mike Gross on bass. They had known each other for years. All living in the town
of Kensington in Britain, sometimes even living together. Brian and Roger belonged to a band called
Smile, and Freddie was a very talented vocalsit playing for the band Ibex. They decided to join forces,
to better themselves, and their chances of obtaining fame and fortune. After a few months with only a
few gigs Mike Gross left the band. He was replaced by Barry Mitchell, who only played a few gigs
with them. After a few short months they were looking for their third bass player. Roger, was at a
party one night and was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1973, Queen had completed the demo tapes which would later become their first album. Trident
helped sign them to their parent company EMI after many negotiations. EMI granted them more
studio time, and paid them a descent amount of money. Even then EMI could see that under the raw
demo tapes, was a talented group of musicians. On July 6, the band s fist single Keep Yourself Alive
was released. It received mixed reaction from both Britain and the U.S. The album titled Queen 1 was
released later that week. It climbed to #24 in Britain, but stalled at #83 in the U.S. They were asked to
be the opening band for the band Mott The Hoople on their tour of the U.K. They won many of the
crowds over, and let the world know how talented they were. After the tour they recorded their second
album appropriately titled Queen 2 . The single Seven Seas Of Rhye was a huge hit in the U.K The
album climbed to #4 in the U.K and even reached the top 50 in the U.S. where the bands popularity
was growing rapidly. They continued their exhausting tour scheduele going throughout the U.K. and
even to Japan! The japanese loved them They were recognized almost as Gods. In 1974 they released
their next album Sheer Heart Attack and it reched the top fifteen in the U.K. as well as the U.S. In
1975 all the hard work was recognized. A Night At The Opera was released backed by the epic single
Bohemian Rhapsody . The song gave them their first #1 in the U.K., and it reached the top
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Compare And Contrast Dracula And Parable Of The Sower
Similarly to Dracula, in Parable of the Sower, Lauren is initially condescended by more dominant
males, including her father, Harry, Bankhole, and Travis. Her religion has not taken full form and she
cannot yet present it in a compelling and coherent manner to convince people to join her community.
She is somewhat fantastical about venturing beyond her housing wall and fully forming her religion.
She literally lives surrounded by walls, symbolizing a cave that shields her from all that the outside
world has to offer. Even if the exterior of the wall only presents her with danger, violence, and a
crumbling society, it is reality and a dangerous reality is safer than the illusion of safety. Once she is
forced to exist and live on her own, she structures Earthseed, her religion, and becomes able to fend
for herself. Parable of the Sower takes place in a dystopian california in the not too distant future. At
first, Lauren resides in the relative safety of a walled community of eleven homes, but her community
is burned to the ground and she is forced to undergo a change. As she enters the real world and leaves
her home, she gains knowledge and knowledge is powerful. Her change is apparent in both her actions
and excerpts from her religion. Lauren exclaims, There has to be more that we can do, a better destiny
that we can shape. Another place. Another way. Something! (151). Here, she haphazardly searches for
something. She cannot even identify what she is looking for. Her desires are unclear and she presents
them immaturely. It is a very youthful manner in trying to solve problems; irrationally looking for
something, anything, to help, but refusing to step back and analyze the situation in a methodical way
to discover what actually needs to be done. She had dreams of moving north, but never actually
implemented or underwent a plan to relocate to a better living condition. Logging accounts of the
annihilation of her neighborhood, lauren writes, Last night, when I escaped from the neighborhood, it
was burning. The houses, the trees, the people: burning (153). She is then forced to escape and
develop a new life. She approaches her trip in a very practical manner, taking note of her funds, food
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  • 8. Assess The Role Of Rahab In The Book Of Joshua In the account of Rahab in the book of Joshua, she is a woman, though labeled a harlot, ultimately became an instrument during the battle for control of Jericho. The story of Rahab illustrates to the reader how God can and does use people who, by society s standards and paradigms, are considered disreputable or dishonorable. Rahab, is given the designation of harlot, which is defined in Collins Dictionary as a a prostitute or promiscuous woman . However, there are divided viewpoints stated by Dr. Claude Mariottini, Professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Seminary that say that Rahab, may not have been a harlot but an innkeeper and that she also possibly had a fabric business, but as an unmarried woman it seemingly was easier to label ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Analysis Of The Book Theories Of International Politics... Cameron Lurcook Dr. Michael Allen Political Science 306 September 21, 2015 Drezner Reaction Analysis In Daniel W. Drezner s book, Theories of International Politics and Zombies, Drezner explores the theoretical impact a zombie apocalypse would have on international relations. In his exploration of ideas, Drezner analyzes the approaches of different types of feminism disciplines to a zombie apocalypse. The two feminist ideas he explores are liberal feminism and post structuralist feminism. Drezner however, ignores the idea of a radical feminist approach in a critical time such as a zombie apocalypse. As an important discipline and idea around feminism, Drezner s lack of acknowledgement of this idea proves to be hurtful to his argument of the reaction of feminists as a whole to a potential zombie apocalypse. I will apply radical feminism to a zombie apocalypse to better understand Drezner s focus on feminism, and contrast these ideas with those explored in the book. I am to explore the differences between radical feminism and the two feminist theories Drezner focuses on, liberalism and post structuralism. Daniel Drezner explains the ideas that many feminist s share: the world is vastly different for women than it is for men. The gap between the genders is to the detriment of women. Radical feminist would concur with this point. Radical feminism centers on the idea that the suppression of the female gender is the main focus of all oppression within the world (Rowland and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Positive And Negative Effects Of Mosquitoes According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, every year more than 1.5 million people around the globe lose their lives due to mosquito borne diseases (2012). A mosquito is an insect which lives around the world, especially in tropical and subtropical countries. The mosquito has both positive and negative effects. As part of positive effects, larvae of mosquitoes are food for fish and dragonflies, and when mosquitoes consume nectar, they help the flowers to pollinate. On the other hand, mosquitoes make people annoyed and cause many diseases. World Health Organization (2016) explains that the mosquito is the greatest menace which causes many diseases and they are responsible for more than million deaths and cases every year. There are many diseases that caused by mosquitoes, but the diseases are commonly found and get people s attention because they have many negative effects on people such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus disease. A disease that kills a child patient every two minutes and gets patient to infect again is malaria. As World Health Organization explains, Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes (2016). Malaria is transmitted in tropical and subtropical countries. The countries that mostly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. These are the same mosquitoes that spread dengue and chikungunya viruses (2016). The first human cases of Zika were detected in 1952. Tropical Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands have been reported on Zika virus. World Health Organization (2016) reports that Since 2015, 67 countries and territories reported evidence of vector borne Zika virus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Sonnet 73 Metaphors In William Shakespeare s Sonnet 73, the speaker claims that through recognizing life s brevity, love can be made stronger, and more permanent, by learning to appreciate the limited time each person has left. Shakespeare establishes this argument by developing three metaphors comparing a succinct amount of time to life. The first metaphor compares the seasons of a year to stages of life. The second quatrain contains the next metaphor comparing the sun s journey across the sky to the speaker s lifetime. And the final metaphor, found in the third quatrain, compares the glow of a fire to a lifetime. Shakespeare s choice of applying shorter periods of time being compared to the speaker s lifetime emphasizes the brevity of a person s life. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The tone strengthens the metaphor in this quatrain through adding emphasis that the speaker is still reminiscing about what he has lost and has yet to look towards what the future holds. The speaker starts the second quatrain, again, telling the listener to witness in him the approach of old age. The extended metaphor in the second quatrain compares the sun s journey across the sky to the speaker s lifetime. The speaker tells the listener that they can see the twilight of such day, as after sunset fadeth in the west , or the aging of the speaker after the brightness and energy of his youth have started to fade just like the sun does as it approaches the end of its journey. The speaker continues with which by and by black night doth take away , black night signifying old age taking away what little remains of the speaker s youthfulness, and the eventual passing away of the speaker. A shift in tone occurs here from somber to one of forlorn as the speaker recognises that he will eventually die. The speaker finishes the metaphor by explicitly saying the dark of night represents Death s second self, that seals all up in rest. Night in the metaphor seals up all in eternal rest through death. The rhyme between day and away draws attention to the number of days the speaker has left are diminishing. The image of the diminishing number of days builds on the depressed tone already expressed in the quatrain by emphasizing the certainty of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Academic Service Learning ( Asl ) Questions Academic Service Learning (ASL) Questions 1. Describe the environment in which you observed. Before you interacted with the agency s clients or school s students, what expectations, assumptions, and prejudgments do you have? Where did these come from, and why do you think you have them? For my ASL hours I observed two different environments. The first environment was an Adapted Sports Night here at the University of Texas. Prior to arriving to the event a couple of prejudgments I had was that, majority of the athletes there would be from recreational sport teams in the area and that the games would be pretty simple to understand. Essentially, I thought that they would show me how to play different sports and how they are adapted to their wheelchairs or their particular disability. I believe that these assumptions came from not realizing that adapted sports is more than just playing basketball or rugby in a basic wheelchair. Sammy s house was the second environment in which I completed ASL hours at. Sammy s house is a childcare center that provides inclusion of children without disabilities and children with disabilities and medically fragile children. Upon my first day at Sammy s House I did not have many prejudgments other than I expected that children who attended Sammy s house would be composed of mainly disabled children. The reason I thought this was because I saw Sammy s House as a childcare location for medically fragile and disabled children and even though I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Un Peacekeeping Operations Is Impacted By Internal... More than 2 million inhabitants moved as refugees to neighboring countries. This conflict proves that innocent people suffer more than militaries during combats. If internal security issues will not end, it will be very difficult for the UN mission to accomplish the main tasks. This is because the internal fighting creates more difficult conditions for the peacekeeping operations. Therefore, the success of the UN peacekeeping operations is impacted by internal security problems. The host government and security agencies are often gridlocked the UN peacekeeping mission. As a result, the missions cannot implement mandated tasks because internal security issues. Besides combat actions between the government forces and local rebels, neighboring country s armed groups or rebels also play an instrumental role in the battle of the host nation. The neighboring country s rebels not only create a complex situation in the neighboring country s conflict area, but is also becoming more dangerous for the peacekeepers because rebels do not have any restrictions. They have one interest which is money. The neighboring country s rebels survive on looting, robbery, and kidnapping. For instance, at the beginning of the conflict in South Sudan, the government of South Sudan was supported by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) which was an armed group located in north Sudan. The JEM joined the government forces to kill Nuer tribes, rape girls, and women as well as loot from Nuer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Lack Of Regulation On The Market Essay With the intention of creating a more unified Europe, European countries formed the Eurozone hoping that peace and stability would ensue. By integrating economically and politically, member countries hoped to continue a sense of safety that they fostered after the Second World War. While this appears to be a good idea, many complex issues did not receive enough attention. Now these issues are emerging and play a significant role in current policy structure, leading many to question the effectiveness of the Eurozone. What used to be a positive institution now seems controversial, and furthermore causes many leaders to stray away from further integration. Scholars such as Copelovitch, Rosato, Webber, and Hall all approach the subject in unique ways, however they all agree that the Eurozone needs severe changes in order to flourish. A lack of regulation on the market comprises most of Copelovitch s article, as well as Hall s article, while Rosato focuses mainly on the lack of relevance the Eurozone has with the collapse of the Soviet Union and an increase in national interests. Lastly, Webber emphasizes Germany s powerful position in the European Union and Eurozone, and explains how these institutions rely heavily on Germany for future prosperity. Differing economies and a lapse in financial judgment are at the forefront of the euro crisis, and while the Eurozone used to be an incredible asset, it now serves as somewhat of a setback for member countries. Thus, Europe needs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Ethos Pathos Logos In Julius Caesar In Julius Caesar by Shakespeare there are three persuasions, these persuasions are called logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos, pathos, and ethos are three utensils used by Shakespeare in Caesar s funeral presented by Mark Antony. Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker, Logos is appeal based on logic or reason and Pathos is appeal based on emotion (Examples). Antony uses these three utensils to turn the Roman crowd of citizens against the conspirators with an exciting persuasive speech. What does logos mean? Logos can be facts that are used to persuade someone (Ethos). Mark Antony uses many facts throughout his speech. One of the key facts in his speech is; When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept (Shakespeare). To use this is extremely intelligent by Mark Antony since most of the people that he is trying to persuade aren t the richest people in Rome. Therefor, when he uses poor as the type of people that Caesar cried for, the crowd thinks that it is wrong to brutally murder someone who cared so much for them that they opened their eyes to Mark Antony and really took in what he was saying by thinking that Caesar was the best thing for them (Shakespeare). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Antony says, My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, and I must pause till it comes back to me (Shakespeare) he wants the citizens to believe that Caesar was a noble and trustworthy man. This makes the citizens question Brutus when he said, Censure me in your wisdom, and awake your senses that you may be the better judge... not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more (Shakespeare) . Brutus underestimated how powerful of a speech that Antony was able to deliver without breaking his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Why The Uk Should Join The Eurozone A question reviewed on numerous occasions, weather the UK should join the Eurozone, considering what a currency union intakes, the benefits and costs, a judgment can be entailed weather the Eurozone would be a valid investment for an economy such as the UK. Exchange rate, capital risk, interest rates or any monetary policy and fiscal policies, shall be taken in to account when formation a judgment to weather the UK should become a member of the Eurozone. The heart of this case is revolved around interest rates and to whether it shall cause a great impact on the financial sector of the economy, as the UK largest revenue resource is from there banking sector. A currency union is where more than two economies share the same currency, without having any additional economic and monetary union, in which resulting in a single market and custom union. The Eurozone is the economic region formed by those member countries of the European Union that have adopted the euro. (Perry, S. 1994). Optimum currency union is a theory published by Mundell in 1961, the theory is used to debate is a certain area has the requirements to become a currency union, one of the final stages in economic integration, in which a monetary unions benefits compensate the costs. Some of the criteria for an optimum currency union are high capital and labour mobility, which allows capital and workers to move freely through different areas of the union. Wage and price flexibility through different areas, allowing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Xylitol Research Paper The benefits of xylitol is a healthy alternative to sugar, or is it? I got a little excited when I came across it. I thought it might be a better, healthier option for me to include into my anti aging routine. I am always on the look out for a healthy sugar substitute. Especially since I have such a sweet tooth, yet I always seem to come back to the same one I have always use, raw honey. Yes, it seems to get yourself worked up over xylitol, is all for nothing. There are of course so many good and bad arguments about this stuff. It is difficult to find a clear opinion or argument on the benefits of xylitol. I have a little rule I like to follow when it comes to what goes in my body. If there are too many questions marks about something I avoid it. Bbecause healthy and natural should not have two conflicting sides ever. For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This to me is a much healthier option. I get my kids to brush their teeth with activated charcoal another healthy alternative. It has become a popular substitute as it is the only sweetener on the market that tastes very much like sugar and yet offers fewer calories. benefits of xylitol Benefits Of Xylitol What makes the benefits of xylitol so popular is the belief the general population has about it being a healthier choice. You know, it actually occurs naturally in many stone fruits, oats, mushrooms, birch tree bark and corn cob. Sadly, however, most of the Xylitol you find on the local supermarket shelf sourced from the corn cob. It is cheaper and usually from genetically modified corn, produced in China.
  • 18. One product I found Nirvana has a great marketing angle for using corn cob, it does so, because it is helping protect the birch tree. Well, yes, protecting the birch tree is good, but, if it s coming from the corn cob left over from ethanol production which is GMO, then it has to just be all about the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Progress in Xenotransplantation Essay Progress in Xenotransplantation Introduction In the last few years, progress has been made toward successfully using animal organs in humans who need transplants, an operation called xenotransplantation. The biggest obstacle has been preventing the body from destroying the transplant as a foreign body. The speed of rejection depends on the species and tissue involved. In transplants between discordant species, such as pig to human, the recipient has natural antibodies against the donor organ. In untreated discordant vascularized xenografts, hyperacute rejection (HAR) occurs within minutes or hours after transplantation. Recently, HAR has been successfully inhibited, and a second stage of rejection, termed delayed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While one heart perfused with normal blood survived for only 25 ± 5.6 minutes, the heart perfused with IgM depleted blood survived for 228.5 ± 45.2 minutes. Furthermore, there were lower levels of complement in the IgM depleted model. The experiment revealed that the elimination of IgM from the blood reduced C activation ability by 80%. An understanding of the exact mechanism of hyperacute rejection has allowed for more effective inhibition of HAR since there are several stages which can be blocked. Prevention of HAR with CVF Cobra Venom Factor (CVF) is known to deplete the C complement cascade. In one experiment, Azimzadeh et al. (1996) transplanted rat hearts into monkeys without removing the original heart. Untreated hearts stopped beating after 5.5 ± 1.4 minutes, while CVF treated hearts survived for 18 or 94 hours. Because of this success, investigators in a more recent study administered CVF to all subjects to prevent HAR and to study other drugs for the suppression of DXR (Hancock et al., 1997). However, prevention of HAR with high doses of CVF came at a cost for the monkeys treated with CVF by Azimzadeh et al. (1996); CVF apparently caused the monkeys to die within days of the operation. This observation suggests a need for alternatives to countering HAR ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Thermodynamics Lab Essay Thermodynamics Enthalpy of Reaction and Hess s Law Objectives: 1. To calculate the heat of reaction of a given reaction using the concepts derived from Hess s Law. Pre lab Questions: 1. Define Heat of Reaction. The enthalpy change associated with the completion of a chemical reaction. 2. Define Specific Heat. The energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by one degree Celsius. 3. Calculate the heat of reaction assuming no heat is lost to the calorimeter. Use correct significant figures. Q = c x m x t q = (4.18)(1.02 g/ml x 50ml )(3.9 oC) = 831 J 4. In problem 3 above, the calorimeter has a heat capacity of 8.20 J/goC. If a correction is made to account for heat absorbed by the calorimeter, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is meant by calorimetry? Calorimetry is the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes 2. How does graphical analysis improve the accuracy of the data? By precisely graphing data points, one is able to improve the accuracy of the data due to being able to accurately calculate, not predict, the initial temperatures that the solutions had at time 0 by extending the graph backwards 20 seconds. 3. What is the meaning of the negative sign in front of the brackets in the heat of reaction equation? The negative sign indicates that the given reaction is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Drink Chaimps Persuasive Speech Good Day this is Myxtique Galloway and I m reaching out to you on behalf of Drink Champs TV Show airing on Revolt TV. Currently we re looking for advertisement sponsors for our show and product placement for our drink table. What is our drink table? Well it s where our guests celebrities have great discussions over drinks. Celebrity guest pour their own drinks on the show in layback, relax environment on live on television . The show is produced and hosed by veteran Latin rapper and one half of Capone n Noreaga N.O.R.E. alongside Miami Latin hip hop pioneer DJ EFN come together, as Drink Champs an exciting TV show airing Thursdays @ 10 PM on Revolt TV reaching over 50 million homes. Drink Champs has become the ultimate destination ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Different Nature Views The cold air is relentless and the fire can only do so much to keep a person safe in the elements, but this isn t always the case in stories. The short story, The Outcasts of Poker Flat, written by Bret Harte entails the life changing experiences that outcasts have to endure in horrible weather that becomes inevitable. Albeit this story deals with the unpleasant side of nature, the short story, A White Heron, by Sarah Orne Jewett illustrates the exact opposite. Rather, nature becomes Sylvie s one true love. The juxtaposing ideas of nature in these two short stories still manage to make the characters make extremely critical life decisions. The short stories A White Heron, by Sarah Orne Jewett and The Outcasts of Poker Flat, by Bret Harte, have key aspects that make themselves coincide and contrast with each other and assist the characters make difficult decisions mainly through the settings in which they are placed; the season that the story occurs in, and the situations in which the characters have to tackle. To begin with, these Realism short stories rely a lot on the area that they take place in. A White Heron takes place at a farm in the upper part of Maine; a different atmosphere from which Sylvie was born in, the city. Although it s a different setting for her Sylvie becomes one with nature instantly. The woods and the life within it make her feel so welcomed and at home. Sylvie sees A White Heron as such an innocent creature. She could not tell the heron s secret ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Multinational Corporations, Their Challenges and Successes Multinational Corporation Defined A multinational corporation is an organization headquartered in one nation that that has operations in one or several foreign nations to leverage additional market penetration (Luthans Doh, 2012). By entering into the global market organizations essentially enter into the threshold of a multinational corporation (MNC). This paper will provide an explanation of globalization, the primary challenges of multinational management, and discuss two separate case studies and their challenges and successes. Increasing globalization Global expansion has developed a tactical imperative for nearly all large organizations and MNC managers have a great deal on their hands in developing, monitoring and changing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Global orientation is not as easy as one may consider. Many issues may develop when a firm or foreign marketer attempts to move into a foreign location. The strangeness of the market environment where programs are executed are extremely difficult and accomplishment pivots on the capability to evaluate and change properly to the influence of the new strange market an organization attempts to juncture (Cateora et al., 2013). Research indicates that even though the U.S. has one of the larger economies we tend to struggle with globalization. To observe the general result of globalization, the KOF is used to determine for the globalization index. The KOF globalization index reveals the economic, social, and political magnitudes of globalization. Economic globalization is defined as the flow of goods, foreign direct investment (FDI), and market exchanges; social globalization is appearance, people, and participation in ideas; political globalization is governmental policies (Cateora et al., 2013). The following tables shows how the U.S. rated in 2012: Table 1: 2012 KOF Index of Globalization ( 2012 KOF Index of Globalization , 2012, p. 1) Global orientation is a must for firms that want to emerge into foreign markets. According to Simic (2005), successful involvement of an organization in the process of globalization means, in addition, the good knowledge of the basic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Problem Of Energy Production In today s society, it s nearly impossible to open a newspaper, fire up a computer, or hold a conversation that isn t someway related to energy. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution over a century and a half ago, nothing has been more pivotal to mankind s rise to power as the apex species of planet earth. Had our ancestors not discovered the potential of using million year old plant and animal remains to create combustible power, the world would look very different. There is no denying that energy production is one of, if not, the most important developments in human history. After a hundred and fifty years of recklessly burning oil and coal, we find ourselves having to deal with the literal mess unforeseen by our industrious ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are dozens, if not hundreds of oil and coal alternatives that are being considered, however, while many options look promising in theory the overwhelming majority of them such as: wind, solar, and biofuel just aren t economically feasible on a global scale. Nuclear power is growing in popularity around the world for its extreme potency and zero emissions, but advancements in the field are few and far between due to the bad stigma that surrounds nuclear power. This negative stigma stems from its military roots and its potential for catastrophic disaster, which has become very real in the wake of Japan s recent natural disasters. The answer to kicking our oil habit may actually be much simpler than any of these other alternatives. The key to securing our energy independence may have been under our feet the entire time we were bending to the oil cartel s (OPEC s) every demand. Here in America we have been sitting atop a goldmine of natural gas wells that rank among the most abundant in the world. While natural gas is by no means a renewable source of energy, reserves are much more plentiful in America than oil. Natural gas also burns much cleaner than coal making it friendlier to our heavily burdened atmosphere. Current estimates put our nation s natural gas supply somewhere around twenty five hundred trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable natural gas from all sources (Deutch, 2011). Approximately six hundred to seven hundred cubic feet lies ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Ippolito V Four Seasons Hotel Several guests travel with essential items. When a guest stays in a hotel, there is a need to secure these valuables. According to the Statue of the innkeeper, the hotel should provide a safe and convenient storage for guests valuables. In the case of Thelma G. Paraskevaides, et al. v. Four Seasons Washington, over one million dollar jewelry stolen from the hotel room and the Ippolito luggage with jewelry valued about $ 500,000 and $8,000 in cash. The Paraskevaides were provided a safety deposit boxes and in room convenience safes. The jewelry stolen became a liability to the hotel even though the hotel provided storage to the guest. In this case, the Paraskevaides in room safety box had notice of the declaimer posted, and the limited liability notice displayed on the back of the door, the concerned not in public areas. Therefore, the hotel failed to comply with the innkeeper s liability statute which would have limited their liability, if the law posted in public places (Finlaw.com). In other to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the case of Ippolito v. the Hospitality Management Associate and Holiday Inns, Inc., the hotel had a previous security issue (Jefferies Brown, 2010, p. 209). When the Ippolitos registered at the front desk, they were notified about the statues and provided with front office safety deposit boxes and in rooms safe. Instead, the Ippolitos chose to keep their valuables with them. Since the jewelry stolen from the room, the hotel is liable for the property. On the Ippolitos defense, there was no posted statue notice in the room or any other areas with information on how to keep guest items safe. The hotel liability was limited because they provide a front office safety boxes for the Ippolitos. The guest on their side is responsible for the security of their belongings since they chose to use the in room ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Character Of Simon As An Allegory Of Jesus Christ The character of Simon, from the novel Lord of the Flies , is often viewed as an allegory of Jesus Christ, which is highly important, as Simon plays a significant role through the novel. Simon and Christ do not only share natural, unconditional kindness, there are many parallels to be drawn with Simon s and Jesus lives. Many would argue that the following arguments discussed are more than just a coincidence, and that Golding intended and/or based Simon on Christ. Firstly, a main reason why it can be interpreted that Simon is an allegory of Christ, is their role that they both had society which can be described as controversial and tendentious; essentially, they are both viewed as outcasts. This can be shown when he said: Maybe, he said hesitantly, maybe there is a beast [...] What I mean is . . . maybe it s only us [...] We could sort of . . . . This tells us that the concept of the beast being an illusion of fear, is a very taboo and a neglected concept on the island. Moreover, the repetition of the word maybe and the use of could , indicates that Simon is very precarious with his wording and does not want to Ralph to think of him as batty , as referenced numerous times through the novel. Therefore, it could be argued that maybe and could connotes open mindedness, and willingness to express ideas peacefully, not by force, because those words sound very open and free to interpretation. This contrasts with considerable extent that Jack and the other boys ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The State Of The Art Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms The paper reviews the state of the art nature inspired metaheuristic algorithms in optimization, including the Firefly algorithm, PSO algorithms and ABC algorithm. By implementing them in Matlab, we will use worked examples to show how each algorithm works. Firefly algorithm is an evolutionary optimization algorithm, and is inspired by the flashing behavior of special flies called fireflies in nature. There are some noisy non linear mathematical optimization problems that can be effectively solved by Metaheuristic Algorithms. Firefly algorithm is one of the new metaheuristic algorithms for these optimization problems. The algorithm is inspired by the flashing behavior of fireflies. Firefly Algorithm (FA) is a recent nature inspired optimization algorithm, which simulates the flash pattern and characteristics of fireflies. It is a powerful swarm intelligence algorithm inspired by the flashing phenomenon of the fireflies. The optimization results of both PSO and Firefly are analyzed from the results obtained in Matlab and the results are used to compare both the algorithms. Index Terms Firefly algorithm, Metaheuristic algorithm, PSO INTRODUCTION Most of the conventional or classic algorithms are deterministic. For example, the simplex method in the linear programming is deterministic. Some deterministic optimization algorithms used the gradient information, they are called the gradient based algorithms. Firefly is a metaheuristic algorithm that is inspired by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Making a Suitable Environment for Your Disabled Child Children with disabilities will make a significant improvement in their skills if they live in comprehensive and inclusive environment for them. Inclusive environment will benefit the child in several ways. The primary goal of creating an inclusive environment is to involve the disabled child with their peers, family, and the outside world. The suitable environment will support them by making modification and training on their behavior and attitude. Therefore, they will be prepared to life s experiences and daily life activities. A special needs child s early years are different as his later years. Inclusive environment is what makes the difference in the child s development. The development is achieved through several settings and strategies. Home environment and interaction with the family will build a strong base of personality and behavioral aspects for the child s first years. Afterward school environment starts to intervene and affect a child s intellectual and learning skills. As well as a playground and activities which include social communication and behavior skills. Therefore, providing facilities and inclusive environment for disabled children will make them learn to interact with non disabled children and develop their skills. A suitable environment for special needs children is created in the school, house, and playground. First, school is the main source for promoting skills for disabled children. The school environment which includes techniques or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. How Does Beowulf Show Anger In The Wife s Lament In both Beowulf and The Wife s Lament the characters all express their anger differently to the reader. In Beowulf, Unferth shows his feeling of anger through jealousy toward Beowulf in doing so Unferth tries to put Beowulf on the spot when he tells the story of when Beowulf lost a swimming match to Brecca. Unferth tries to make the others think less of Beowulf in telling the story. It is to be known that Unferth was drunk at this moment when he is telling the story. Beowulf lashes back by telling his experience and what really happened according to him. After he has finished Beowulf fires back at Unferth saying Neither you nor Brecca have yet dared such a deed with shining sword in battle I do not boast because of this though of course ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Geography Of Canada s Unique Geographic Characteristics Geography of Canada Canada has many unique geographic characteristics. Unlike the United States, Canada is divided into provinces instead of states. Canada has tundras, mountains, volcanos, forests and prairies. This always them to have many different opportunities, such as shipping of ore. Canada s two longest rivers are the Mackenzie, which empties into the Arctic Ocean, and the St. Lawrence, which begins the Great Lakes and empties into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, connecting Canada to the Atlantic Ocean. The Mackenzie is over 2,600 miles long and the St. Lawrence is over 1900 miles long. There are also many other rivers, but these two are the main ones. The Canadian Shield is one of the world s richest areas in terms of mineral ores. It ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Effective Leadership Analysis Having effective leadership helps to establish a clear direction for the organization. Communicating by conveying a compelling vision in writing, speaking, and presenting helps to keep everything organized (Duggan 2015). These leaders help to motivate and inspire their subordinates to take action for different, while enabling transitions and transformations. There are a couple of aspects that could be compared and contrasted between leaders and managers. These aspects are vision and change. Effective leaders are able to define what their vision is and know exactly how to motivate their subordinates. This can take place during meetings or even through newsletters. These type of people are able to show a means of empathy, integrity, assertiveness, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It very superficial to only focus on the requirements that are needed for the company. I would learn about why that person in interested and if there is any connection with their past. I would even try to tie everything in with their personality because that can help enhance the company. Everyone is different and we should treat every potential applicant as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. 1984 Commentary The second half of 1984 was good but not what I imagined. Winston meets Julia, a girl that he works with. He thinks she work for ¨big brother¨ but when they get to know each other they both dislike big brother. They start to do illegal things and disobey big brother without telling anyone. Another one of their co workers named O brien invites them over. He tells them that he is against big brother and Winston and Julia tells him that they are too. Later that night the police come and take Winston and Julia away, O brien lied to Winston and Julia and is actually part of big brother. They get tortured until they become under full control of big brother. Once they are under big brothers control they are put back into the world to do nothing. I thought the end would be more exciting, I thought Winston and Julia would actually put up a fight against big brother. The big word I chose for the second half of 1984 is innumerable. I believe that innumerable means thin or weak. The context clues that led me to believe that are ¨They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes. The sunlight, filtering through the innumerable leaves, was still hot on their faces.¨ When it says the sunlight is filtering through the innumerable leaves, that makes me believe the leaves are so thin that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I chose this because in the second half of this book Winston truly changes as a character. He starts out not trusting anyone or anything afraid of big brother. Then he meets a girl that works at the same place as Winston, her name Julia. Winston and Julia start to disobey big brother by doing illegal things. A co worker of Julia and Winston named O Brien is working for big brother. He catches them and gets them in big trouble. Big brother brainwashes the both of them and now they are released back into the world. Winston is not normal anymore, he went from being afraid of big brother to being controlled by big ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Ap Us A. OP 1 Between 1607 and 1763, the British North American colonies developed experience in, and the expectation of self government in the political, religious, economic and social aspects of life. THESIS: Between the years of 1607and 1763, the British North American colonies developed experience and the expectation of self government in the political such as the Mayflower Compact, religious dealing with the Puritans, economic with the establishment of tobacco, and social such as Indians, aspects of life. SUPPORT: Self government: House of Burgess this was the colonist s first step towards self government, 1619. 1619 was also the year that slave trade was first introduced; this was very controversial and hypocritical. Political: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. Geography was a primary factor in the shaping the development of the British colonies in North America Assess the validity of this statement for the 1600 s. THESIS: During the 1600 s many colonies in North America was beginning to form. Geography such as where ports where and assessable to westward lands helped in the shaping of these British colonies. SUPPORT/ANALYSIS: Located by ports: All of the Southern colonies that were located by waters were the best location for ports. These ports would bring in trading goods and would easily allow these colonies the export there goods anywhere along the waters, especially the major trade partner England. This helped to shape these select colonies by labeling them as primarily trading colonies; therefore they would be making the most amount of money amongst the colonists. Westward expansion: On the other hand there were a select few new colonies that were located away from ports, thus allowing them only to product agricultural goods, making money mainly from the businesses that needed to export them. This shaped these colonies because this also allowed them to move westward. Although these lands were filled with Indians, colonists didn t care; this gave them more land to produce crops and to make more money. C. Multiple Choices 1. _______ reaped the greatest benefit from the land policies of the head right ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Coaching Track Essay Coaching Track Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a successful track coach and coach your protégés to a successful season? Through job shadowing, personal experience, and research, I have found out just how much hard work goes into coaching. Of the more than twenty million Americans who are running today, most who start do so for the wrong reasons, with the wrong attitude, and tend to lose interest after a few weeks or months. Many quit. This is usually because they become concerned with superficial goals such as time and distance and never discover the more profound mental benefits that running offers. (Lilliefors 15) To be a successful coach, the first thing a coach has to do ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When asked why don t they do the same workouts, he said, You guys are different runners, he might need to work on the speed aspect of running, while you already have that part down. You might need to work on the form aspect of running, and he has that down. So why would you guys be doing the same workout, when it would only benefit one of you (Washington). Not only does a coach prepare athletes body but also their minds. A coach prepares the athletes mind by getting them to think about what they are going to be doing before there event comes up. If one were to look at Maurice Green before a race, one would notice that he is very concentrated and thinking about what he needs to do to win. Another example of that would be football or basketball players. Before the game, each athlete has his or her own ritual before game time. That concentration is called getting in the zone. What I do know is how to get you in the best shape of your life so that you ll be stronger and more explosive than you ve ever been. I can also help you prepare your mind for competition (Connolly 14). When one becomes a track coach, one has to make many important decisions concerning their athletes. When accessing an athlete, the coach will have to decide what events will work best for the athlete, and the team. If an athlete gets injured, the coach will have to decide whether or not the athlete should compete ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. How Has Volleyball Changed Over The Years Volleyball has been played for many years by many people. The sport was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan. To emphasize, the sports of basketball, baseball, tennis, and hand ball. The first game of volleyball was played at Springfield College on July 7th, 1896. As a result, volleyball is played by over 50 million people each year in over 60 countries. The game was first called Mintonette, but was soon changed to volleyball. For example, the players seemed to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net. All in all, the sport has had a tremendous outcome in the way it has been played for many years (History of Volleyball). Women s uniforms have not changed as much as the sport has. In the 70 s women s volleyball uniforms were form fitting but not tight. For example, they wore mid length shorts and form fitting shirts. The uniforms soon transferred in to what was called bun huggers . In addition, they resembled a bikini brief that were a higher cut and allowed for full range of motion. The spandex that are worn today are chosen for comfort and practicality. As a result, this allows for freedom of motion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The amount of points switches back and forth between 21 and 15 until it shops at 25. First, the points started at 21 points, and then in 1917 the points were changed to 25. Many techniques and attack rules were later added. For example, in 1920 the back row attack rules were instituted. Also, in the 1960 s new techniques added to the game included the soft spike, forearm pass, blocking across the net, and defensive diving and rolling. The court and net have also gone through many changes. First, in 1900 the net was raised to 7ft. 6in., and then in 1916, the net was raised to 8ft. Finally, in 1912 the court size became 35x60 ft., and then in 1920 the court was changed to 30x60ft. In summary, the game of volleyball is very technical and challenging (General ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Helen Keller Hero Helen Keller The definition of heroine is is a woman, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities ( Dictionary ). Helen Keller was a woman who was an important role model, and trailblazer for the deaf and blind community. Even a person with all their senses has not achieved as much she has. Helen Keller was a hero because she faced many challenges as a deaf blind woman, she won different awards in her life, and made many contributions to the world. First reason Helen Keller is a hero because she has faced many challenges, one of the first challenges she faced was she blind and deaf. Helen wasn t always that way she became ill and became blind, deaf, and mute (Biography). This did not stop her, though Helen Keller was the first deaf, blind person to earn a college degree, and she graduated from Radcliffe college with honors in 1904 (American). Also at the time Radcliffe was basically Harvard for women. Although she was blind, she has made over 13 books such as Light in My Darkness, Optimism, and The Story of My Life. This is just another reason Helen is a hero being deaf and blind and achieving such outstanding work. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Helen has won the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom. In the U.S The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest award that can be given to a civilian in peace time (White). She even has her own award about her called the Helen Keller Prize (Helen). Another award she won was the Alumnae Achievement Award. Keller later received Brazil s Order of the Southern Cross, the Philippines Golden Heart, Japan s Sacred Treasure, and in 1991, was named one of the most important people of the twentieth century by Life magazine (Perkins). Helen has also won an Oscar for her documentary Helen Keller in Her Story (American). This is why Helen Keller is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Difference Between Fixed And Fixed Cost Fixed Cost: Fixed cost as the name suggests implies any cost that remains fixed or does not change due to an increase or decrease in the amount of services or goods produced. It is a periodic cost that remains unchanged irrespective of the sales revenue or output, such as depreciation, insurance, wages, salaries, etc. The concept of fixed cost is used in short term accounting. Fixed costs are those expenses that are necessary to be paid by a company, independent of any business activity that is does. It is one of the two components of the total cost of a good or service, along with variable cost. Fixed costs are not fixed permanently; they change over time, but they are fixed in relation to the overall production quantity for the relevant period. For example, a company may be having unexpected expenses not related to production; and warehouse costs and costs like that are fixed only over the time period of the lease. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Suppose a company has to pay $10,000 each month if it wants to cover the cost of the lease but it is not able to manufacture anything during the month, the lease payment still remains due in full. In economics, if a business wants to achieve economies of scale, it must produce enough goods to spread fixed costs. For example, the $100,000 lease spread out over 100,000 widgets implies that each widget carries $1 in fixed costs. If the company produces 200,000 widgets, the fixed cost per unit would drop to 50 cents. Why it Matters: If a company has large amount of fixed costs, it has less predictable per unit profit margins than a company having relatively large amount of variable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Controversial Topic of Genetic Testing Genetic testing has become a highly controversial issue among both the general population and the scientific community. It is a process that exposes a person s entire genome sequence, allowing it to be read and evaluated to identify potential risks for genetic diseases or diseases that could be passed onto offspring (Holt Productions, 2012). With thousands of genetic tests already being used, and more being established, it seems logical to put this growing technology to use. Some agree that it is a person s right to know and understand his or her genetic makeup. However, others argue that, despite the benefits of genetic testing, caution should be used to carefully inspect the risks associated with this new technology. Relatively simple ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Embryonic screening allows for the elimination of inherited diseases before birth or a treatment plan before birth. In breast cancer patients, genetic testing allows the physician to know if chemotherapy is necessary, which would expand treatment options. Genetic testing could eliminate years of experimental testing and medication use used to diagnose a new disease. Overall, genetic testing is in alignment with the core medical philosophy that early prevention leads to early treatment, which leads to an overall better outcome for the patient. The opposing side argues, however, that society is not ready for this technology. People may not be capable of handling the emotional or psychological stress associated with genetic testing. Results may vary between genetic testing companies and many variables, such as sampling errors, could lead to a false positive or false negative test. Further, it is possible that some people may interpret the seriousness or implications of their results incorrectly. This could result in people making unnecessary, and even dangerous, lifestyle changes. For example, if a person is told that he or she has a 60% of being diagnosed with breast cancer, that person may undergo preventative surgery to avoid the disease; however, such surgery may have been unnecessary, as the person may never have developed the disease. Additionally, as the popularity of genetic testing increases, some fear that a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Prisoner Number 600001 Summary In Prisoner Number 600001 , Tessa Morris Suzuki argues that Matsushita Kazutoshi, a Japanese soldier who fought in the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean wars, shows the harsh truth of the treatment of prisoners of war by the forces of the United Nations. After abandoning his country, Kazutoshi became a prisoner of war to both China and Korea. Most people don t think about all of the things that prisoners of war had to go through and how the things that they had to do would scar them for life. They were forced to fight in wars that they had nothing to do with and fulfill any other needs that they had. Suzuki shows Kazutoshi s life journey through his time as a POW, which also sheds a light on how deeply involved each country was involved in its neighbors business during the wars. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He took, in the eyes of the army and in most countries, the coward s way out and tried to escape the war and desert his fellow soldiers. But in the end, he was thrown deeper into war than he could ever imagine. Suzuki explains Kazutoshi s situation when she talks about his capture, But he was not dead; he had deserted, though it remains uncertain whether this was a response to the horrors he had seen on the battlefield or simply a desperate effort to survive...Soon after, the victorious Chinese Nationalist Army arrived, captured him... Japan s surrender did not bring peace, but only a change in the name and nature of the war . This situation is something that Kazutoshi would have never expected. This is the life of many POWs around the world and in history. Kazutoshi was thrown country to country fighting different wars and it could be suggested that none of this would ve happened if he had stayed. This article shows the consequences of Kazutoshi s cowardly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Piglets Decomposition Decomposition of a corpse is a continual process that can take from weeks and possibly even years, depending on the environment. To illustrate the process of decomposition, we use the piglets as the model corpse. We had piglets that were in all dissimilar states to watch each decompose differently. In this essay, I will explain to you the exploit I had while examining the decomposition of piglets. It is safe to say that we all are at curiosity to which piglets decomposes the quickest. We had a piglet that was in its natural state, one that was burnt, one that is buried, and one that is buried in a wooden box. The piglet that was in its natural state decomposed the rapidly than each and every other piglet. The piglet that was in its natural ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The rate of decay increases, and the smells and body fluids that begin to release from the body attract more blowflies, flesh flies, beetles, and mites. When maggots become part of the picture, they feed off of the decaying flesh. The succession of insects on a suspended piglet and piglet on the ground and cement are engrossing. From the moment of death flies are attracted to bodies. Without the normal defenses of a living animal, blowflies and house flies are able to lay eggs around wounds and natural body openings. These eggs hatch and move into the body. Wasps begin to get attracted to the decomposing piglet in the air and they lay their eggs inside maggots. Animals can feed on hair like moths. The outcome of a decomposing piglet on the soil underneath changes. The moisture, temperature and the nature of soil are key factors in the rate of decay. While the piglet is decomposing on the soil, the grass beneath begins to die. It gets moisture of the decomposing piglet but it has no sunlight to grow. The grass then begins to grow around the piglet. When you look at a rock that has been misplaced in your yard, you will see grass beginning to form around it and over top of it. When you move the rock, you ll see just wet soil and insects underneath. That is what a decomposing piglet in the grass ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Custody Of Child Custody INTRODUCTION Marriage is a union of two humans. More often than not marriages result in children. Some might even say reproduction is main aim and objective of the union through marriage. Parents take immense care of their children; they put them on a pedestal and dedicate their entire lives to the upbringing of their children. But what happens in cases of divorce? When parents have exceeded their threshold and divorce is inevitable the settlement of child custody is very important. When we use the term custody we must understand its legal meaning. Custody of a child, when parents divorce, only implies as to who the child will physically reside with. Both parents continue to be natural guardians. The custodial parent will be the primary caretaker ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By saying that older children are given the choice of custody the court does not neglect the welfare of the child aspect. Even though the courts believe that male children of age sixteen years and above and female children of age fourteen years and above should not be compelled to live in a custody they dislike it is also important that this factor alone cannot determine the custody of the children. This is because in Venkataramma v. Tulsi the court found that the wishes of the children are found to be induced by persuasion and even torture in some cases. Other than these, in certain exceptional cases it is noted that the custody of minor children may be granted to third persons if that is what the welfare of the child requires. In Baby v. Vijay, granting custody of two minor children to their maternal grandfather, the court observed that, even if the father is not found unfit, custody might be given to a third person in the interest of welfare of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. 1. Technology Lab Or Self-Help Technology Law Center. The 1. Technology Lab or Self Help Technology Law Center The University of Maryland Carey School of law establishes a law practice technology center within the law school or within the UMB Community Engagement Center. The purpose of the center is to provide a means to assist self represented litigants and to provide law students with the opportunity to deliver legal services in a client centric practice. Self represented litigants will have access to the building (during business hours), to computers in order to access the clinical law firm s created online delivery of legal service, which contains document assembly software (e.g. Hot Docs or RapidDOCS). The law students volunteer to assist the self represented litigants through the created ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. Technology practicum The clinical law program establishes a course to teach law practice technology using the classroom and the clinic components. This program can be modeled after the Justice Technology Practicum taught at IIT Chicago Kent College). The program is as follows: The Justice and Technology practicum offers both clinical and classroom methods using technology to provide legal services to moderate low income individuals. A real life justice problem is posed to each student or student team. The students are challenged to utilize document assembly or the A2J Author® software to solve the justice problem. In class, the students explore how technologies are changing the practice of law. List of readings assist students as they begin their research to define the scope of their projects. The research should address the ethical issues of using the new technology. As student create a new technology to deliver legal services, they are encouraged to write plain language for the public, which is becoming an admirable trait for lawyers as providing legal services moves towards more self represented litigants (S M, p. 712). In the clinical portion, students are required to spend several weeks observing the legal processes that are at the core of the justice problem that they are assigned to solve (p. 712). Secondly, student spend a minimum of twenty hours during first five weeks of the semester in direct contact with self represented ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Aristotle s Four Criterion Of Eudaimonia : Aristotle describes eudaimonia as the short way of reaching a final end. He believes that it is not a guarantee that one reaches eudaimonia even if he/she is a virtuous person. Arete plays a vital role in Aristotle s explanation because in the Nicomachean Ethics he claims that eudaimonia is an end result of actively exhibiting virtue in accordance with reason. He goes on to argue that one must be fully engaged in their work and be obtaining excellence in order for happiness to be present. There are four criterion of eudaimonia: durability, you must be able to take a punch because we cannot lose you easily; finality, it must be an ends to a final end, it cannot be a step towards another means; self sufficiency, if you have this, you would not be in search for more; and function, it must be an expression on humans doing what we ought to do. He believes that virtue is necessary but not sufficient for eudaimonia. Along with virtue, he makes sure to mention the importance of other goods that contribute to a eudaimonic life. Some of the goods he mentions are friends, money and power ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aristotle takes an extremely elitist point of view by believing that a wealth and privilege positively effect ones chances for reaching eudaimonia. He says that the possibility of living a eudaimonic life is much less if one is ugly or not physically pleasing. Therefore, according to Aristotle, the achievement of eudaimonia does in fact rely quite heavily on external forces and is not completely controllable. If one is ugly, they still might still be refused a eudaimonic life even if they are a virtuous and a morally correct person. It is important to realize that external goods cannot lead to a life of happiness on their own, a life with honesty and pleasure cannot be considered a happy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Making Positive Changes For Expectant Parents Within this essay, I will reflect on an event that I witnessed during clinical placement, focussing on the process of non directed donation (RCOG, 2006) of umbilical cord blood via the onsite NHS Blood and Transport (NHSBT) team, as well as the related issue with the antenatal communication and subsequent consent to utilise the service. In order to maintain confidentiality in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council s Code of Conduct (NMC, 2008) and The Data Protection Act (1998), the hospital and the people involved in the event, (as well as those involved in subsequent conversations as a result) will not be referred to by name. I have used the Gibbs reflective cycle (Gibbs, 1988), and will be relating the event back to recent research and relevant hospital and governmental procedures wherever possible. As a result of this assignment, I have undertaken further research that will be outlined below, which I hope will assist in making positive changes for expectant parents in the future. Donation of umbilical cord blood is a trend that has grown in popularity in recent years, and is now offered on site at several NHS trust hospitals (RCOG, 2006). Despite this service being readily available to expectant parents within my placement hospital, it became clear during my second week that the relevant information regarding donation was not being provided soon enough in the antenatal period which would allow for an informed decision to be made as to whether or not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Eisenhower s Last Speech Summary Eisenhower s last speech was based on telling America the risks of moving forward with the military industrial complex. The military industrial complex is an agreement which allows private companies to produce and sell weapons to the U.S. government. Eisenhower talks about how he was worried about spending too much money on the weapons from private companies since he came into office. Eisenhower is weary about the sudden increase of the military industry and thinks that it could help America but at the same time could harm them. He thinks it could be dangerous to quickly become reliable on the new technology and advancements in war industry and spend too much money on these items. In the end, Eisenhower wishes well to the authorities coming ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Argumentative Essay On Charter Schools Charter schools are described to be a unique public school that offers an alternative education outside of traditional public schools in the Unites States. Charter schools are usually created by a group of people parents, educators, community leaders who come together and create a charter plan which explains the schools guiding principles, course curriculum, and so on. Once that charter is approved by the state, the state continues to fund the charter schools. In the early 1990s, a small group of educators and policymakers came together to develop the charter school model. Minnesota s legislature passed the first charter law in 1991, and the first charter school opened in 1992. Charter schools. Retrieved from http://www.publiccharters.org/get the facts/public charter schools/ Charter schools are one of the top preforming schools in the United States, and a higher percentage of students who have attended a charter school, get excepted to university and colleges. Charter schools foster a bond between teachers, parents and students, to create an environment that parents can be more interactive, teachers are able to be revolutionized, and students are provided with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They operate with freedom, with some regulations on district schools. Charter schools are accountable for the academic results as well have keeping the promises made by their charters. If a charter school does not comply with its charter regulations, it may be closed. The individuals who authorize charter school are depending on which state they are in, as well as the state s charter law. In New York, there are three authorizers: the New York State Board of Regents, the State University of New York Board of Trustees, and local boards of education. In New Jersey, there is one authorizer, the state Commissioner of Education. In Massachusetts, the authorizer is the Board of Elementary and Secondary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Ict And Its Impact On Education 1. Introduction The ICT subjects was introduced in secondary schools early 2000 s with poor methodologies. It was that time I was in secondary schools so I saw and even experienced how the mode of computer skills delivery was. The word computer itself was a bit knew to most students thou I was very good in mathematics. Shortage of instructors and teaching tools was a big issue. Most young generation fails to express themselves in terms of their future vision because they are blind to the rapid innovations in computer technology. We are coming from different background with different family economic levels. Not all of the young people are aware of this computerized system of the world. Not all are privileged with computerized cellular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I believe that the gap/problems lies at the middle (secondary) schools whereby the introduction of IT could reveal the vision and ability of most youth. Its more than ten (10) year of introduction of secondary IT knowledge, I expect to see some positive changes. Learning ICT is a process of growing awareness on various realities of life, thus lack of this skills problems won t be evaluated. The ongoing invasion of outsider s technologies gives me warning alarm that the indoor capability is still low. Monitoring and Evaluation of every project is a key way to development; the ICT to secondary schools need a special M E section to ensure that there is positive progress annually. I know that computer programming is mathematics based in one way or another, and the big number of secondary students do no like mathematics. This should be tackled with sharp stick lest the mind set and capability of students lowers down. Indicator for ICT development in Tanzania will be openly to all teachers so as to improve their efforts. With a lot of ICT knowledge and skills, what changes can we say that this program is bringing to our upcoming generation? Several field like engineering, medicine, finances and social science needs a lot of ICT skills. Does this syllabus real brings change? What are the factor hindering big results? If we have big results, how can we improve it? What are the indicators for ICT development in Tanzania. Which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. How The Current Copyright Laws Are Not Be Reformed For... Due to how abusable current copyright laws are, they must be reformed to prevent copyright trolling. According to Matthew Sag, The essence of trolling is that the plaintiff is more focused on the business of litigation than on selling a product or service or licensing their IP to third parties to sell a product or a service ( Copyright Trolling, An Empirical Study page 4). Copyright trolls seek to acquire their income from suing others on copyright violations, rather than continually creating new works and using copyright to protect them. Copyright, whether one agrees with the concept or not, was not designed for this purpose. People should not be allowed to make a business off of suing others. This is not only unjust, but wastes the court s time with actual crimes. The United States must reform its current laws to prevent this type of behavior from happening. According to Parker Higgins, Like email spammers, copyright trolls depend on the ability to cheaply cast a very wide net, sending out hundreds or thousands of accusations at once and getting settlement payments back from some percentage ( Copyright trolls suffer big loss par. 3). Many trolls do not target specific groups or people; rather, they spread it in such a way that any company or organization can accidentally misuse it. This creates an environment in which it is impossible for many groups to tell if they can use another party s content without invoking a ludicrous copyright lawsuit. This is not a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Band, Queen Essay The Band, Queen In early 1970 the band Queen was formed. Freddie Mercury on vocals, Brian May on guitar, Roger Taylor on drums and Mike Gross on bass. They had known each other for years. All living in the town of Kensington in Britain, sometimes even living together. Brian and Roger belonged to a band called Smile, and Freddie was a very talented vocalsit playing for the band Ibex. They decided to join forces, to better themselves, and their chances of obtaining fame and fortune. After a few months with only a few gigs Mike Gross left the band. He was replaced by Barry Mitchell, who only played a few gigs with them. After a few short months they were looking for their third bass player. Roger, was at a party one night and was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1973, Queen had completed the demo tapes which would later become their first album. Trident helped sign them to their parent company EMI after many negotiations. EMI granted them more studio time, and paid them a descent amount of money. Even then EMI could see that under the raw demo tapes, was a talented group of musicians. On July 6, the band s fist single Keep Yourself Alive was released. It received mixed reaction from both Britain and the U.S. The album titled Queen 1 was released later that week. It climbed to #24 in Britain, but stalled at #83 in the U.S. They were asked to be the opening band for the band Mott The Hoople on their tour of the U.K. They won many of the crowds over, and let the world know how talented they were. After the tour they recorded their second album appropriately titled Queen 2 . The single Seven Seas Of Rhye was a huge hit in the U.K The album climbed to #4 in the U.K and even reached the top 50 in the U.S. where the bands popularity was growing rapidly. They continued their exhausting tour scheduele going throughout the U.K. and even to Japan! The japanese loved them They were recognized almost as Gods. In 1974 they released their next album Sheer Heart Attack and it reched the top fifteen in the U.K. as well as the U.S. In 1975 all the hard work was recognized. A Night At The Opera was released backed by the epic single Bohemian Rhapsody . The song gave them their first #1 in the U.K., and it reached the top ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Compare And Contrast Dracula And Parable Of The Sower Similarly to Dracula, in Parable of the Sower, Lauren is initially condescended by more dominant males, including her father, Harry, Bankhole, and Travis. Her religion has not taken full form and she cannot yet present it in a compelling and coherent manner to convince people to join her community. She is somewhat fantastical about venturing beyond her housing wall and fully forming her religion. She literally lives surrounded by walls, symbolizing a cave that shields her from all that the outside world has to offer. Even if the exterior of the wall only presents her with danger, violence, and a crumbling society, it is reality and a dangerous reality is safer than the illusion of safety. Once she is forced to exist and live on her own, she structures Earthseed, her religion, and becomes able to fend for herself. Parable of the Sower takes place in a dystopian california in the not too distant future. At first, Lauren resides in the relative safety of a walled community of eleven homes, but her community is burned to the ground and she is forced to undergo a change. As she enters the real world and leaves her home, she gains knowledge and knowledge is powerful. Her change is apparent in both her actions and excerpts from her religion. Lauren exclaims, There has to be more that we can do, a better destiny that we can shape. Another place. Another way. Something! (151). Here, she haphazardly searches for something. She cannot even identify what she is looking for. Her desires are unclear and she presents them immaturely. It is a very youthful manner in trying to solve problems; irrationally looking for something, anything, to help, but refusing to step back and analyze the situation in a methodical way to discover what actually needs to be done. She had dreams of moving north, but never actually implemented or underwent a plan to relocate to a better living condition. Logging accounts of the annihilation of her neighborhood, lauren writes, Last night, when I escaped from the neighborhood, it was burning. The houses, the trees, the people: burning (153). She is then forced to escape and develop a new life. She approaches her trip in a very practical manner, taking note of her funds, food ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...