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Writing Term Papers For Money Writing Term Papers For Money
Tony Blair Research Paper
Intro/thesis Tony Blair is one of the most important figures in the Middle East conflict due to the
amount of involvement and the amount of tasks that he is assigned.
Relevant Background Tony Blair, a former prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007,
is believed to be disliked by Palestinians due to his closeness with Israel. His closeness with Israel is
because of previous discussions with a pro Israel lobby group, Labour Friends of Israel. At one point
he was a special representative of the Quartet of International powers that includes the United States,
United Nations, European Union, and Russia. His job was to seek a peace agreement between Israel
and the Palestinians and later he was given the task of helping the Palestinian ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore the Palestinians were angry, but since Israel had the help of the United States and the United
Nation the Palestinians lost the wars that followed and their country ceased to exist. The Israeli
believed that they needed a place where they could practice their beliefs, so they declared their
independence in 1948 and received the land that already belonged to Palestine. Hamas said that any
proposal for a long term truce with Israel would be brought to the attention of other Palestinian
factions in the Gaza Strip. Blair is acting as a broker to obstruct matters and we don t know what his
attentions are. At times given the scope of the conflict his projects seem quite small, an observation
made at one point by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who warned that Blair s state building
efforts would amount to little without a more substantive change in Israeli policy. The Palestinians
detested many of Blair s plans because they were supposed to be helpful, according to the Palestine
paper. A memo from late 2007 from the PA s Negotiations Support Unit has a large number of issues:
Agribusiness projects are a no more even the ones already proposed due to requirement of Palestinians
to commute from one place to another and for them to send off goods but not requesting for Israel to
use the 2005 Agreement on Movement and
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Ancient Greek And Rome s Impact On Western Literature
The impact greek and roman culture had on western civilization
The ancient Greeks and Romans were two of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world. The two
civilizations thrived in their ancient environments which eventually led to a large amount of wealth
within these two cultures. It is because of this that these ancient cultures were able to make a variety
of advancements in literature, architecture, art and many other fields. These two civilizations also
produced some of the ancient world s greatest leaders and philosophers. The cultures of ancient
Greece and Rome made many contributions to western civilization in the form of advancements in
literature, architecture, art, government, and philosophy.
The ancient Greeks and Romans ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Architecture played a role in both the religion and daily life of ancient Greek society. The Greeks
produced some of the world s strongest architectural monuments, many of which are still standing
today. These include the Temple of Zeus, and the Temple of Poseidon. Probably one of the largest
contributions of the ancient Greeks to western civilization in regard to architecture was their
development of the three fundamental architectural systems of design, the Doric, Iconic, and
Corinthian orders. The following excerpt from an article published by The Metropolitan Museum of
Art describes the lasting influences of these three orders of Greek architecture, Ancient Greek
architects strove for the precision and excellence of workmanship that are the hallmarks of Greek art
in general. The formulas they invented as early as the sixth century B.C. have influenced the
architecture of the past two millennia (Hemingway). All of these three ancient Greek orders of
architecture can still be seen today in famous national monuments such as the White House, the
Lincoln Memorial, and Monticello. The Romans also made many contributions to western civilization
in architecture. Some of the Romans most important developments in the field of architecture include
the development of the arch, the vault, and concrete. The most notable of these was concrete because
that revolutionized building. The following excerpt from an article published by
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Hernan Cortes Diary Report
Diary Of Hernan Cortes 1518 Govener Velaquez has asked me to lead the expedition to mexico. I will
accept his offer and return with great riches. That retchid dog Velaquez, he has gone back on his
previose order for me to lead the expedition to Mexico, and after the effort i put into gathering such a
large amount of men and ships. Well i shall continue anyway the 500 men and 11 ships will serve my
choice to continue my voyage. I am roughly half way on my voyage and i can only begin to imagine
the riches that await me. They shall be enough for me to live out my days as a lord. Hernan Cortes
1519 This voyage has taken me roughly a year to conquere but alas i have finally made it to my
destination. I shall begin to mak emy way to this great ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I will deal with this personally, While i am gone i have decided to leave my trusted lieutenant Pedro
De Alvarado in charge of maintaining the city and my rule over it while i am out dealing with this fool
Valequez. I have also been told that valequez is to cowardly to fight me himself so instead he has sent
his lieutenant Panifilo de Narvaez to capture me. Narvaez is a large, formidable foe and it will not help
us that he has a force of 800 men with him ranging from harquebusiers, cannons, crossbows and
horsemen. While i am preparing to leave montezuma has tried to convince me to leave with Narvaez,
this is very unlikely. Narveaz has sent three messangers to met me but instead i have sent one of my
commanders to met them
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Safe Haven Laws
Hardy 1
Adrew Hardy
Barbara Buchanan
ENG 112 003
7 December 2011
Safe Haven Laws The Safe Haven Laws for newborns is an alternative to leaving infants in unsafe
places. Not all women who get pregnant are ready to raise a child and sometimes they see no options
except to abandon the baby. Safe havens provide a new option; it allows a birth parent to leave a
newborn infant (less than 72 hours old) with a medical worker in a hospital, a medical worker at a fire
department or other emergency service organization, or peace officer at a law enforcement agency. If
the infant is left with a person at one of these places, and has not been abused, the parent will face no
legal consequences for making this choice. When a parent cannot care for an ... Show more content on
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So in some cases children from many parts of the country were dropped off. Lawmakers plan to
discuss an age limit now or discuss measures so that parents could give up their children in a campus
like setting where they could live and attend school (Coodley 61).
Many people think it is wrong to just leave your child at a hospital and forget about it, but there are
worse fates for children whose parents did not know about the Safe Haven Laws. The risk of homicide
on the first day of life is 10 times greater than the rate during any other time of life (Herman Giddens
1425). In a population based study called Newborns Killed or Left to Die by a Parent, five authors
describe cases of infant death and abandonment in North Carolina, Over a 16 year period in North
Carolina, we report 34 newborns known to be killed or discarded in the first day of life by (or likely)
the parents, an annual rate of 2.1 per 100,000 newborns (Herman Giddens 1428). Sadly, only a few
deaths were unintentional, The majority of these cases (91.2%) were ruled as homicides, while three
were found to be unintentional due to natural causes (Herman Giddens 1428). Mothers were usually
the ones that abandon or kill the newborn, mothers were the perpetrators in all cases where the
perpetrator was positively identified (Herman Giddens 1428). Hardy 4
This why people need to be educated on the Safe Haven Laws, many of the deaths previously stated
could have been prevented if the parents had known
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Write An Informative Essay On Atlantis
Did you know we have only explored 5% of the ocean? Did you know that there could be more myths
to discover? Did you know there could be more mysterious creatures and places to be discovered
inside that 95%? Atlantis is one of those many places that people have wondered about for years, since
the Greek author Plato, wrote about it. Some myths are very interesting and will truly surprise you.
Atlantis truly is a mysterious place that holds many theories and myths such as how it was created,
where it was and how it declined. One of the myths about Atlantis is how it was created. Many myths
say Poseidon created Atlantis. For example, Plato, a Greek writer, and the author of 2 books about
Atlantis stated that Poseidon established Atlantis. Plato described his writings very thoroughly detail.
Plato wrote that the sea god Poseidon (Neptune) was given Atlantis and on a hill in the middle of the
island the god built his mortal wife a large home. (Kidzworld 3) Many people believe that the creators
were extraterrestrial.(not from Earth) (Technically,the gods are extraterrestrial because they are not
mortal, or from Earth) The creators were said to be half god and half human. There are many more
theories, but I just listed the main ones. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nobody will ever quite know for sure. There are so many places that Atlantis could be. At least in his
books, Plato said that Atlantis was located near the Pillars of Hercules.(Strait of Gibraltar) But many
people think otherwise. Most people believe that Atlantis was located either in the Bermuda Triangle
or the Greek island of Santorini. That island disappeared after a lava eruption. Again, many people
still wonder to this day about the possible locations it could be. There are many places where Atlantis
is said to be discovered, but nobody still knows for sure. Many more theories have been told, but are
they actually
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Analysis of the Closet Scene in Hamlet the Movie Essay
Hamlet is often seen as one of the most well known examples of an Oedipus Complex presented in
literature. The reasons for this is probably because of the plot that resolves around the revenge that
Hamlet has against his step father Claudius and because of the relationship that Hamlet has with his
mother that is loaded with sexual energy. Hamlet s love for his mother is especially exemplified by the
Mel Gibson s interpretation of the infamous closet scene.
Traditionally a Queen s closet was not worth emphasizing a bedroom, but it is likely that most of the
readers would presume that the closet scene takes place in Gertrude?s bedroom because of the
obsession that Hamlet has about Gertrude?s bed. When Hamlet responds to his mother?s ... Show
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When the last kiss is given, the camera angle turns to have the bed as well as the two figures kissing in
the picture. Gertrude by the bed is the last focus of the camera you see when the scene ends.
Richardson?s Hamlet is not as much preoccupied with sexuality than Olivier?s or the Zeffirelli?s
Hamlet. The relationship between Gertrude and Hamlet in this film seems more impersonal than the
others. The viewer experience much more hate from Hamlet towards Gertrude in this film that
explains why Richardson left out a lot of the dialogue at the end of the scene, because he wanted the
focus to be more on the beginning of the scene where Hamlet?s words are much harsher towards
Gertrude, than at the end of it. At the end of the scene Hamlet accentuates the words: ?I must be cruel
to be kind? that demonstrate the point. The bed is not very prominent in Richardson?s version of
Hamlet that indicates that he did not want the viewer to focus on the on the sexual connotation that
goes with the bed. It is true on the other hand that Gertrude and Hamlet lied on the bed at the end of
the scene, but the viewer gets the feeling that it was more an indicator of the intimacy that goes with a
normal mother and son relationship than an Oedipus Complex case. Hamlet cried like a little boy that
lost his father and not like a lover that lost his mistress. When you compare the lighting of the closet
scene from the Richardson version with the Zeffirelli, it
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Summary Of On Thin Ice
In modern times, when individuals think about environmental problems, climate change seems to
always be at the forefront. Whether people learned through the Paris Climate Accord or the internet
about the devastating effects that a warming climate could bring, most of society can at least
acknowledge that climate change is a hot political talking point. Because of this, more and more
research has been focused on the effects that a changing climate could bring about. Research on the
effects of climate change range from the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its
effects on global temperatures, to the rate at which glacial ice is melting and sea level rise. This
documentary, On Thin Ice, is concerned with the relationship between a warming climate and the rate
at which the Gangotri Glacier has been melting over several years. This film discusses the different
effects that a rapidly melting Gangotri has on water scarcity in Indian villages located downstream as
well as the ways that Americans could be affected by this environmental phenomenon. On Thin Ice
begins with the host, David Brancaccio, presenting the main focus of the film: the effects that a
warming climate could have on the endangered Gangotri Glacier. Brancaccio then introduces Conrad
Anker, an accomplished mountaineer and environmentalist. Both Brancaccio and Anker decide to go
on a long hiking trek to see firsthand, the ways that the Gangotri Glacier has been affected by climate
change. Dr. Vandana
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A Note on the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster is an accident that took place at a
nuclear power plant in Ukraine in April 1986. The accident was because of a flawed Soviet reactor
design, severe mistakes by the plant operators, and direct result of Cold War isolation. As the resultant
steam explosion and fires emitted radioactive reactor core into the downwind and the Earth s
atmosphere, the accident was also attributed to the lack of any safety culture. The Chernobyl Nuclear
Disaster was a unique event because it s the only accident in commercial nuclear power history in
which radiation related losses took place. Nonetheless, the design of the reactor is exceptional and the
disaster of minimal relevance to other elements of the nuclear industry.
Background on the Disaster: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant consisted of four nuclear reactors
with each of them capable of producing 1 gigawatt of electric power. During the time when the
disaster took place, these four reactors were producing approximately 10 percent of the electricity
used in Ukraine. The construction of this power plant started in the 1970s with the first reactor
commissioned in 1977 and the fourth in 1983. At the time when the disaster happened, the other two
nuclear reactors were still under construction (West par, 4). In April 1986, the operating crew planned
to evaluate whether the turbines of the fourth reactor could produce adequate energy to maintain the
running of the coolant
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Circus Persuasive Speech
Summarize Written Text 1. A herd of elephants flies past you at sixty miles per hour, followed by a
streak of tigers, a pride of lions, and a bunch of clowns. What do you see? It must be a circus train!
One of the first uses of the circus train is credited to W.C. Coup. He partnered with P.T. Barnum in
1871 to expand the reach of their newly combined shows using locomotives. Before circus trains,
these operators had to lug around all of their animals, performers, and equipment with a team of more
than 600 horses. Since there were no highways, these voyages were rough and took a long time.
Circuses would stop at many small towns between the large venues. Performing at many of these
small towns was not very profitable. Because of these limitations, circuses could not grow as large as
the imaginations of the operators. After they began using circus trains, Barnum and Coup only brought
their show to large cities. These performances were much more profitable and the profits went toward
creating an even bigger and better circus. Multiple rings were added and the show went on. Today,
Ringling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You guessed it: it s a ninja! Perhaps the only thing more elusive than a ninja is the source of the word
ninja. In China ninja are more often referred to as shinobi. The Chinese word shinobi, short for
shinobi no mono, means to steal away. The word shinobi appears in Chinese poems as far back as the
eighth century. So how did this word become ninja? Some believe that during the Edo period in Japan,
the word shinobi no mono was appropriated and transformed to the very similar word ninja. This
probably happened because it was a lot quicker and easier to just say ninja. It is difficult to see how
such a transformation could have occurred when we look at the words using our alphabet, but if you
look at the kanji representing these words, it may make more sense to
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The Importance of Technology in the Production of 3d...
RMD 577
The importance of technology in the production of 3D animation films among the animators in
Issue 3D animation films
Problem importance of technology in the production
Sample animators
Location Malaysia
Direction the importance
Animation generally refers to the process of setting inanimate objects in motion. It is broadly
categorize into three forms namely 2D animation, 3D Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) and 3D
Motion Capture.
The oldest and most basic form ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
6) Would research findings lead to some useful change in best practice? The findings of the research
will change the level of quality of the 3D animation films production when the animator know about
and how to use technology in their films making process.
We know that 3D animation films in Malaysia still backward other than country such as Korea, Japan
and US. The animators need to know the importance of using high technology in their works so they
can produce more high quality of animation films. If we didn t take any action, this problem will
continue into the future. The animator need to understand and know the importance in using
technology in producing their films. So that, we can compete with other country in animation sector.
This problem affected all people in animation sector especially the animator and the producer itself.
The animator plays main role in this situation whereby they are the player in this sector and they
determine how the story line of their films. There have been a few research done before about this
problem too and this study is more to extend the existing knowledge. The findings of the research will
change the level of quality of the 3D animation films production when the animator know about and
how to use technology in their films making process.
The objective of this research is to find out what are the importance of technology in the
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Comparing Death Of A Salesman And American Beauty
By examining the connections between works composed in different time periods, responders may
elevate their understanding of how context influences composers. Arthur Miller s 1949 play Death of a
Salesman subverts the materialistic values promoted by the American Dream, whilst Sam Mendes film
1999 film American Beauty challenges the expansion of consumerist culture in the late 20th century.
Miller s play and Mendes film further challenge their respective societies focus on outward displays of
personal wealth and perfection, respectively. Both Miller and Mendes critique the materialistic nature
of American society by exploring how a preoccupation with material goods causes individual
emotional stress and discontent within a family. Miller s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This context is reflected in Willy s projection of his materialistic desires upon Biff: I ll get him a job
selling , the stage directions with pity and resolve highlighting Willy s determination to help his son
get big , or become wealthy. However, Willy finds himself unable to leave a financial legacy for his
family, embodied in the metaphorical seeds , which he has failed to plant . Willy s subsequent
emotional turmoil is palpable in the desperate tone of his lament: Ben, nothing s working out. I don t
know what to do . In his final moments, the pursuit of money remains as Willy s primary motivation,
underscored by the irony of his description of a life insurance payout as magnificent , emphasising
that he values an insurance pay out more than his own life. Therefore, Miller critiques the materialistic
nature of post war American society by demonstrating how Willy s relentless pursuit of wealth causes
his inner emotional conflict and suicide. Similarly, Mendes examines how Caroline Burnham s
obsession with material goods prevents her family from attaining emotional fulfilment. In the 90s
context of
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Analysis Of Elock-Eval Pyrolysis
Few of the outcrop samples were subjected forRock Eval pyrolysis because most of them with low
TOC values. The average S2(mg HC/g rock ) and hydrogen index (mg HC/g TOC) values of the
examined well samples is 4.22and 202 respectively. These values and thecross plot of hydrogen index
(HI)versus Tmax and S2 versus TOC (Fig.2 and 3)indicate that the kerogen contained in these rocksis
mixed II III. This result is supported by organic petrological study, which indicated that the organic
matter is mixed of marine and terrestrial origin; marine organic matter is dominated by alginite and
bituminite, whereas the terrestrial organic matter is dominated by sporinite with minor amounts of
vitrinite (Alkhafaji, 2017).
Figure 2: TOC versus S2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
VR% values, which were measured from a few particles found in few well samples, were between
0.35 0.49%. These VR% values are in agreement with Tmax data which indicates that the organic
matter is immature. The organic matters of the present study are highly yellow fluorescent and some
of them are shiny under the blue light excitation, indicating low thermal maturity level. This low level
of maturity of these shales is also supported by molecular geochemistry study represented by the
medium Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 ratios, which got an average of (0.27) and (0.46) respectively (Table 2).
Thermal gradient of the interval 1050 1450 m is 2.37 C0/100m in Akkas 1 well; and the present day
temperature between 45 and 55 C0 in this interval (Majedee, 1999). This temperature indicates that
the contained organic matter within these shales of this interval is immature (Peters and Cassa, 1994).
Table 2: Some of normal alkanes parameters
Sample Depth (m) Pr/Ph Pr/C17 Ph/C18 outcrop 1.02 0.27 0.44
Outcrop 1.60 0.27 0.51
Outcrop 1.32 0.22 0.38
Outcrop 1.16 0.24 0.47
Outcrop 1.45 0.23 0.42
Ak 1 1330 1.31 0.30 0.51
Ak 1 1365 1.09 0.30 0.50
Ak 1 1400 1.81 0.25 0.46
Ak 3 1233 0.96 0.33 0.47
Ak 3 1243 0.83 0.32 0.47
Depositional environment:
The total sulfur content (TS) was measured for some outcrop and well samples. The TSvalues, which
represents pyritic sulfur, are generally low in the
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Designated Hitter Essay
Designated Hitter
Do you prefer a bases loaded double that clears the bases and involves an exciting play at home plate?
Or a boring three run homerun where the base runners trot around the bases, while the defense stands
around with dazed looks on their faces? Do you prefer stolen bases, squeeze plays, and trying to move
the base runners to make something happen; as opposed to a team waiting for someone to hit a
homerun? If you answered yes then consider yourself a fan of small ball. The characteristic of a
Designated Hitter is the major difference between Major League Baseball s two leagues: The
American League and the National League.
The American League has many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are not relied upon to hit home runs, drive in runners in scoring position, or help the team win a
game with their offense. Older players whose careers and skills are on the decline have a chance to
play for an extra year or two.
George Brett, Carl Yastrzemski, Paul Moliter, Dave Winfield, Joe Carter, and Eddie Murray were all
able to extend their careers as designated hitters. This affects the way players are inducted into the hall
of fame. A player with declining physical abilities in the National League will simply be put on the
bench and become a substitute. While in the American League, that same player could keep getting the
same number of at bats by being switched to the Designated Hitter. As a result, American League
players are being inducted into the hall of fame more often because their statistics are aided by the DH
rule. American League Pitchers can go deeper into games because they don t need to be lifted for a
pinch hitter. American League pitchers can concentrate on just pitching; they don t have to go to the
plate and bat. They may be more likely to intimidate opposing batters by aggressively pitching inside
and even hit batters without fear of being thrown at themselves, knowing that they personally will not
have to enter the batter s box and deal with possible retaliation from the opposing pitcher.
The National League has its own advantages because of its lack of a Designated Hitter. Some National
League statistics have always been higher
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Abigail Adams’ Inspiring Rebellion for Women’s Rights Essay
Born on November 11, 1744, Abigail Smith entered the world in the Massachusetts colony during
troublesome time of England rule that was destined to end one day.1 Her family was well respected in
the town of Weymouth, where she was born. Her father, William Smith, was a Congregational
minister and her mother, Elizabeth Quincy, hailed from a prominent family in the colony.2 Abigail
spent her time at her grandmother s house where she was schooled in English, French, and history,
meanwhile, gaining a well rounded education from the many hours she spent in her father s library.
Her mother s father, John Quincy, was a member of the colonial Governor s council and colonel of the
militia. He was also the Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly, a ... Show more content on
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As the colonial fight for independence from the mother country started, Abigail Adams was appointed
by the Massachusetts Colony General Court in 1775, along with Mercy Warren and the governor s
wife, Hanna Winthrop, to question their fellow Massachusetts women, who were charged by their
word or action, of remaining loyal to the British crown and working against the independence
movement. ...you are now a politician and now elected into an important office, that of judges of Tory
ladies, which will give you, naturally, an influence with your sex , her husband wrote her in response
to the appointment.4 This was the first time for a First Lady to hold a quasi official government
position. Mrs. Adams wrote almost daily letters in which she actively questioned the status of women
in the fledgling United Stated. During this time in the 18th century, women received little formal
education. According to the rules of society, a women did not need to be educated in order to fulfill
her role as mother and homemaker. Adams strongly disagreed with this notion and argued that if
women were not better educated, then how could they adequately teach their sons to be future leaders
of this new county? Her husband agreed that all women should be educated, but
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The Rise Of The Late And Early 20th Century
The period surrounding the late and early 20th century was the most dramatic era in modern history. It
was a period where Western ideals were pushed by motivated empires with ambitions of wealth and
expanding territory and, while impossible to distinguish the most influencing factor that led to the
Westernization of nations on a global scale, it is easy to determine key points that played important
roles in world history. With Western cultures emerging with both technological and military advantage
over secluded and obsolete empires, it was only a matter of time before the West inspired and
impacted subjugated nations to build an empire of their own. Countries such as Japan, Russia, as well
as Europe s scramble for Africa are prime examples of existing legacies from the imperialistic era of
the late 19th century and onto the early 20th century. A balance of imperial expansion and their
eventual collapse were the key components utilized by Western nations to modernize and westernize
the world between the periods of 1850 and 1950. Perhaps the most dramatic example of a country
highly influenced by Western ideals was Japan in the early 20th Century. Initially, Japan faced severe
social issues, primarily with crop failure, economic turmoil, and a rising merchant class in the late
19th century under the Tokugawa rule. To further exacerbate domestic issues, Japan was also under
pressure from European nations who wanted to open trade ports in Japan. These demands were
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The Novel Fifth Business
In the novel Fifth Business, women played an important role that impacted Dunstan emotionally and
spiritually. From a young age, Dunstan s mother, Mrs. Ramsay, placed fear and isolation in his heart
and was the reason he became emotionally distanced from women. He turned towards Mrs. Dempster
as she provided him the love and affection that he wasn t able to receive from his mother. She also
sparked his interest in hagiography and to pursue his study in inner spirituality. As he comes of age
and meets Diana, she was able to introduce him to a new world while teaching him new experiences.
However, their relationship was short lived due to the treatment and mental damage he received from
his mother when he was younger. While women like Mrs. Ramsay affected Dunstan negatively, others
such as Diana and Mrs. Dempster were able to heal him and provide a greater growth for Dunstan
spiritually and emotionally.
Dunstan first got involved with Mrs. Dempster during the snowball incident where the snowball aimed
at him by the town bully instead hits the pregnant Mary Dempster, precipitating the premature birth of
her son and her descent into mental illness. (Bowers). Dunstan believed that by moving out of the
snowball s path, that he broke apart Mary Dempster s life and so he carries this guilt for the rest of his
life. By being caring towards Mrs. Dempster and helping her out in any way possible, it was his way
of repaying Percy s sins. Mrs. Dempster performed 3 miracles that sparked
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Football Team In High School
I have many hopes and dreams during high school,during college,and college My hopes, dreams is
making the varsity football team in 11th or 12th grade in high school,Make honor roll or distinguish
honor roll,Graduate high school and go to college after that,After college I would like to get a job that
pays a lot of money. My first hopes and dreams are to make the football varsity team. I would try out
for the team in 11th grade or in 12th grade.I want to try out for the football varsity team because most
division 1 college look at varsity team in high school, I would like to play football in college. My
second hopes and dreams are to make the honor roll or distinguish honor.I would like to get A s and B
s in every subject in all
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Oppression Is The Driving Force Behind The Violence
Oppression is the driving force behind the violence in Israel. It is based on a land dispute that led to
oppression and now the violence seen today. Israel is plagued with a cycle of violence and fear. There
are many factors behind the climate of terror that is taking place in Israel, but none as significant as
oppression. The establishment of Israel by Jews led to many changes for Palestinian Arabs, who were
already living in the area. Many of these changes were oppressive and intrusive to the Palestinian
Arabs way of life. As can be expected, wherever there is oppression, violence and fear normally
follow. Both sides have suffered losses amidst this violence. Jews claim they fled to Palestine to avoid
persecution and that establishing Israel as a Jewish state would be the only way to ensure their safety.
Yet their safety, and now the safety of Palestinian Arabs, are both unsure. In the late 1800 s, Jews
across Europe began fleeing to Palestine to avoid anti Semitism and persecution. During this era, there
was a movement known as the Zionist; the Zionists wanted to return to the Jewish Holy Land to
establish a Jewish state that would serve as a sanctuary for Jews. However, according to the State of
Israel Proclaimed (State), at this time the Zionist leadership was unable to persuade the Ottoman
Empire to grant them a charter. The following decades would see sporadic migration of Jews into
Palestine. World War I brought about more change in Palestine, including
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Heavy Equipment Operator
If you can t play the guitar and sing in Nashville, you might as well just be a construction worker
(Patrick Carney). This quote is said by the drummer for the The Black Keys in reference to someone
who can t sing or play the guitar. A heavy equipment operator is a valuable asset to any construction
crew.He ll help dig the foundation, unload the truck, move earth and dig pipe lines. These are some
things a heavy equipment operator does on the job site. Being a heavy equipment operator is an
excellent job choice because it allows one to work on different equipment, earn a solid pay, and have a
good work environment. Being a heavy equipment operator allows one to work on different types of
heavy equipment. One of the many equipment they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people think construction workers don t get paid well. Well that s true if you re a unskilled
tradesman. Luckily only the skilled tradesmen are allowed to work on the heavy equipement. The
salary for a heavy equipment operator is between $28,824 and $71,124(Career overview). That means
they get paid $12.75 to $28.29 an hour(Career overview). Heavy equipment operators are lucky they
get paid vacation. They can be relaxing on a beach and still get paid. They can t do that ,it s like used
for if their wife is having a child they can stay home and help take care of their wife and kid. Like any
other job they get workers comp so if they get hurt on the job. They can still get the money they
deserved while while they are recovering. Equipment operator get bonus pay once in awhile.
Whenever the boss man feels generous, it s close to a holiday or the crew has been doing a good job.
The bonus pay is between $o.oo to $2,071(Bureau of labor statistics). They also get paid overtime.
The overtime pay range is between $18.op to $39.40 an hour(Career on stop). Since there is a pay tax
some of their money is taken in out of their pay. A final benefit of being a heavy equipment operator is
there is a good work environment.Equipment operators work the regular construction hours 6 to 5 or 8
to 6. Those are pretty long hours. Some people enjoy those hours those hours are rugged doing some
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Withdrawal Design
Withdrawal Design Withdrawal designs are often used in determining if the treatment is directly
effecting the change in a behavior. In order to show a direct correlation between the treatment and the
altered behavior, withdrawal designs remove the treatment during one or more phases of the
experiment (Richards, Taylor, Ramasamy, 2014). Withdrawal designs allow the researcher to directly
show cause and effect between the behavior and the intervention treatment (Richards, Taylor,
Ramasamy, 2014). In order to present the experiment effects on a behavior the investigator must first
determine that the intervention is in fact the cause for the changed behavior, by showing a clear
functional relationship between variables. In order to measure ... Show more content on
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According to Byiers, Reichle, Symons (2012) in multiple baseline designs the evidence is answering
research questions regarding the effects of an independent variable across three or more variables such
as individuals, behaviors, stimuli, or settings. In other words, this design provides evidence of the
effects of the same independent variable across three variables. When a multiple base line design is
introduced all participants start in Baseline or the (A) phase. The second step is to introduce the
variable to the intervention in a scientific staggered method in order to show experimental control
which is considered the (B) phase ( Byiers, Reichle, Symons, 2012). Once the intervention phases is
stabilize the next step in the sequence is introduce. For each variable the data is individually
documented so that visual analysis can show the varying conditions throughout the process. The visual
analysis of graph often appears as a series of AB designed experiment stacked on top of each other
(Richards, Taylor, Ramasamy, 2014). Throughout the entire process data is collected and conditions
change in the sequence until all steps in the AB design is completed (Byiers, Reichle, Symons,
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Compare And Contrast The Society And The Giver
Most individuals are having their own idealistic society. They dream an imaginary place or state in
which everything is perfect which is called utopia. People who lived there, are having a happy life
without pain and disappointment just like The Giver. Seems to perfect society, people s lives are very
well organized, they do not decide to work, do not decide spouse, these societies have done for the
people to decide. And this world does not have any memory, emotion, color and music. They only
have the most basic needs of life. Compare our realistic society in china and the community in the
book The Giver, which are totally having some difference and similarity.
Primarily, release between two societies is totally different. On the one hand, the community in the
giver people s death is called release, however, it also deciding by the ... Show more content on
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Giver on the fiction of a region so, he is like a field experiment, people living in them, every day,
medication and follow their social division of labor, guarding their share of responsibility, does not
exceed but ask too much, we should all keep their job and live happily ever after. But society needs
heritage, so in the social division of labor among the many, there are a few people who were picked
out as a social memory of inheritors. This tradition, in the film called giver. The chosen one, you need
all the human emotions, including joy of joys and sorrows, including killings, including disaster, must
accept it and continue. And other peoples besides him, although looks too happy joy, but merely the
result of asymmetric information, the information is only rarely life, then happiness with. Like today s
North Korean people, completely shielded from the world, had considered himself the world s
happiest country. And every day they enjoy the drug, but also to suppress the people s feelings and
desires, reassuring reassuring leaders accept
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The Disquieting Duckling Asger Jorn
The Disquieting Duckling by Asger Jorn (1959) is oil on canvas painting. The style of this painting is
Neo Dada, a movement with audio, visual and literary manifestations that had similarities in method
or intent with earlier Dada artwork. Asger Jorn played a massive role in this movement. The title
refers to a fairy tale by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen called The Ugly Duckling. The
story is about a duckling that is born in a corral and who suffers abuse from his surroundings until,
much to his delight and the surprise of others, matures into a beautiful swan, the most beautiful bird of
all. In the story, there are descriptions of this idyllic scenery, where all appears to be nice and beautiful
but is not. They feel disturbed by the duckling because it is different and does not fit in. ... Show more
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The duckling was printed on the image. Another reason why the duckling is misplaced in this painting,
is that it is not formally a part of the art. It is a painting found at a flea market that Jorn has modified.
He makes only the abstracted elements, but since he chose to paint on this exact surface, it holds a
great significance as his adjustments. The Painting can roughly be divided into two. The left side of
the natural elements and the house that is made by an unknown painter and with its naturalistic style is
in high contrast to the right side with the duckling made by Asger Jorn himself. The duckling is
painted with very aggressive brush strokes that creates a movement in the figure. It has an extensive
range of colors uses primary and secondary pure colors to produce light. The placement of the house
gives a geometric element in the composition with the straight lines. The house is an essential part of
the painting because it adds the geometrical element and the element of humans in what otherwise is
nature and abstracted organic shapes. The bottom base is somewhat neutral and unifies the two
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Lean on Me and Mr. Joe Clark Essay
Lean on Me is a movie that focuses on an abrasive and tough principal that has been called to whip the
underprivileged inner city school of Eastside High into shape to avoid being run by the state as
opposed to the local school board. This movie brought about the controversial character of Mr. Joe
Clark was played by Morgan Freeman.
This film was released on March 3, 1989. Lean on Me was Morgan Freeman s first major motion
picture film where he stars as the lead role. This movie is loosely centered on Joe Clark, a real life
principal from Paterson, New Jersey, who, just as the fictional character of Mr. Joe Clark, is a tough,
hard, aggressive and abrasive. The fictional character of Joe Clark, who was also nicknamed Crazy
Joe , was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The students all took a practice test and only thirty three percent of the students have passed and the
states minimum average is seventy five percent. Throughout the school year, the students work
effortlessly with Mr. Clark along with their school teachers prepare for the real test. Mr. Clark s crazy
and wild antics start to get to the students and they begin to respect him even more for it. They begin
to see that he is only doing this with all of their best interests in mind. One of the students who was
expelled s mother complained about the way Mr. Clark ran things at his school and got the mayor
involved. After Mr. Clark is found with the chains on the door, which is illegal and a fire safety
hazard, and was arrested. All of the students came down to the Board of Education in Paterson and
basically protested and ranted on how they wanted Mr. Clark to be released and return to his duties as
principal. Eastside High s assistant principal Mrs. Barrett claims that Mr. Clark was not the right
choice to serve as principal of Eastside. But the students all say in rebuttal how Mr. Clark cares for
them like no other and how he has done so much good for them that they will not accept anyone
besides Mr. Clark. Soon after, Mr. Clark was released and good news was received. More than enough
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The Competitors Of American Express
Current Rivalry
The existing competitors of American Express include Discover Financial Services, Visa, Inc., and
MasterCard Worldwide. Unlike American Express and Discover, Visa, and MasterCard are not
financers, which means these companies are intermediaries and they don t directly finance credit card
transactions (Thangavelu, 2015). That being said, Discover is more in American Express strategic
group because they both issue cards and work within the same strategic group, so American Express
and Discover compete more directly.
Potential Entrants
Not only are there current rivals in every industry, there is always the threat and opportunity for
potential entrants to come to the industry. But not just anyone can enter an industry easily, as there are
barriers to entry that will prevent some competitors to entering a market. American Express has
worked hard to set itself apart from its competitors and create a product differentiation. Because
American Express is in the closed loop network, being the issuer and acquirer, they attract more of an
affluent customer base who are more likely to spend more on their transactions. Unlike other card
companies, American Express relies on their primary source of revenue being the discount fee that
they charge the companies that accept its cards. These fees are charged as a percentage of the charge
amount processed for the merchant (Forbes, 2014). With that being said, this means American Express
relies on its affluent customers
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Patient Confidentiality
What is confidentiality? Confidentiality is the right of an individual to have personal, identifiable
medical information kept private. It is ones private information that comes to the knowledge of a
person, in circumstances where an individual has been given notice, or is held to have agreed, that the
information is not to be disclosed. A non disclosure agreement is a standard written agreement that is
used when two or more companies work together. Anyone that have access to private information is
often required to sign a confidentiality agreement and it is often a clear indication that the information
is sensitive and non sharable. Non disclosure agreements are used in almost all professions, as people
rely more and more on confidential communications. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is when a patient s private information is disclosed to a third party. Breaches in patient
confidentiality can have long term adverse effects, even when no lawsuit is filed. Patients are at risk of
having their private information shared or the practice s reputation can be permanently damaged. The
HIPAA Privacy Rule can also come into play. HIPAA is the federal Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996. The main goal of this law is to make it easier for people to keep health
insurance, protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information and help the healthcare
industry control administrative costs. In doing so providers are rules that they are required to follow.
They must develop and implement a privacy policy. Train all employees to ensure their understanding
of and full participation with the privacy policies and procedures, and to also designate a person to see
that the practice s privacy policies are in affect and followed and ensure that patient records are secure
and accessible only to those who need them. A HIPAA violation can result in both civil and criminal
penalties and monetary civil penalties of $100 per violation can be incurred up to $25,000/person/year.
Anyone who knows and obtain or discloses private information in violation of HIPAA can be fined up
to $50,000 and be imprisoned up to one year. If the offense is committed with intent to sell or be used
for personal
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Balanced Scorecard
Balanced Scorecard: USPS
Keller School of Management
BSOP 588 Managing Quality
Professor Robert Lee
February 8, 2014
Introduction Performance management systems are often designed to enable organizations to plan,
measure and control their performance, so that decisions, resources and activities can be better aligned
with business strategies to achieve desired results and create shareholder value. The Balanced
Scorecard is a performance tool using financial and nonfinancial measures. It provides an organization
with ways to develop and evaluate strategic objectives and goals. For the past two decades, the
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been proposed as an integrated framework for the implementation of ...
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Cost associated with the orientation and training of a new employee as well as the cost associated with
employee separation can have an effect on the bottom line.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Balanced Scorecard Some organizations have a difficult
time establishing a process that can translate its strategic vision into concrete goals and actions. There
are clearly some beneficial advantages to applying the balanced scorecard approach. Some of these
benefits include gaining a cross organizational team that will open channels of communications. The
company will have enthusiastic people who are focused on carrying out the organization s mission and
commitment to quality. Also, the company will gain a unique competitive advantage relating to reduce
time frames, improved decisions and better solutions. Most importantly, initiatives are continually
measured and evaluated against industry standards. There can be some disadvantages as well. The
balanced scorecard takes a lot of planning and forethought. Defining clearly stated objectives and
setting goals are crucial to the process. There can be resistance from employees or even management.
Some individuals may see the implementation as a threat or indication of a lack of performance on
their part. While the balanced scorecard gives an extensive overview of the organization s
performance, it does not give recommendations regarding how to resolve discovered
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The Master-Slave Ideology
When it comes to the notion of our importance as a people during the slave era, would it be a fact or
opinion that we head a higher significance. The master slave ideology takes many shapes. But in the
essay I will start at the auction block. At the auction block is we re conniving masters first meet the
slave. Although some slaves were sold against their own will, many of them had a choice of the
master. Slave owners would attend auctions and persuade slaves to become theirs by filling their heads
with promises of a good plantation life. This is the first of bonds formed between the master and slave
on the foundation of lies. Although we can conclude that these promises weren t kept, we have to
admit that the slave owner was quite smart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But because he felt a sense of loyalty to his master, he ignores the advice of the freed blacks and
continued down the river until he reached his master s brother. A slave had no rights of his own. He
was the absolute possession of his master. And he was obligated to give his master unquestioning
obedience. It was a humble position that demanded a man to think of his duties and obligations rather
than his privileges. And it demanded the slaves loyalty to his master. The slave had no interests of his
own, all he did was for His Master. (Marji Mike Kruger). On December 18th, 1865, President
Abraham Lincoln declared slavery to be illegal and he made slave owners set them free. Although this
law was written down, it didn t mean that the idea and ideology of slave master relationship vanished
completely. As history progressed onward, the term slave was replaced with a more demeaning term,
nigger. During this age, the definition of a slave was a person oppressed to a degree which a person s
will can t be done. Niggers [Negroes] were considered the second, inferior race. We finally were
considered to be human beings. Although we were so called free, we were still forced to live under
limited conditions. Yes, the physical chains, bolts, and locks were done away with but we were still
bared down by many laws that restrained us still from being recognized for a full potential. Set free
but still forced to live under the rules of the white;
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Qing Dynasty Isolation
Isolation of China by the Qing Dynasty did not benefit the country in the end. Removing itself from
other nations had been in the works since the Ming Dynasty had ruled, and the emperors of the Qing
Dynasty supported isolation as well. China also had strict restrictions with their trade, which scared
many other countries away. In the 1800s, numerous countries finally attempted to escape China s trade
restrictions. These effects helped to collapse the already cracking country. At this point in history, the
Chinese only wanted fellow Chinese to be ruler of their country. In result of the Manchus not being
Chinese, rebellions took place habitually for decades. Nonetheless, this was soon to change. Kangxi
was the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These rules included trading at only special ports and paying tribute to China. The only country that
accepted these restrictions, however, were the Dutch. They paid tribute by performing the kowtow
ritual, which involved kneeling in front of the emperor and touching one s head to the ground nine
times. Because of this, the Chinese were in favor of the Dutch, and the latter returned back to their
country with porcelains, silk, and tea.
Great Britain also desired to trade with China but did not respect the restrictions. After the deliverer of
a trade arrangement refused to perform the kowtow ritual to Qianlong, the emperor wrote a letter back
to King George III and said that China was self sufficient and did not need the British. Because of
these events and others, China became more and more isolated from other countries. Later in the
1800s, the British, Dutch, and others attempted to get out of the stronghold that was China s trade
China going into isolation was most likely one of the largest errors done by the country. In retrospect,
it seems like a childish move to make from a prosperous, influential country. In the long run, going
into isolation helped destroy the empire expeditiously. What the dynasty thought would power the
country in the end actually became the reason of its
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In Many Developing Countries, Corruption Is A Barrier To
In many developing countries, corruption is a barrier to economic growth. Corruption can prevent the
fair allocation of goods and services to citizens by trickling to aspects of everyday life. On a
macroeconomic level, scholars are of the belief that corruption hinders economic growth and
development (Mauro, 1995).
Corruption is often described as a cancer, one official simply referred to it as the AIDs of democracy
(Johnston, 1996). Corruption has been defined in a variety of ways, including as dishonest or
fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery . There is no clear cut definition of
corruption. Nevertheless, as mentioned in the previous section the World Bank s definition will be
used in this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3. A corruption index sold by the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG), a private business
consulting company.
While the indicators have been widely used in empirical research, some researchers have questioned
about the accuracy of these measures and the validity of their use in empirical research (Campbell,
2013). As most estimates of corruption are based on surveys of perception. These perception surveys
have the advantage of good coverage it is much easier to ask someone s perceptions of corruption than
to measure corruption. However, the validity and reliability of perception indicators as measures of
corruption, they remain in fact, a reference for people and both businesses and political leaders to
make decisions, enabling them to gauge the impact of corruption on the economy. Some would see as
better to go in with some information rather than nothing at all.
There are two competing views when discussing corruption. The first suggest that corruption creates
barriers to a country s development. This is mainly seen in recent literature, for example, Rose
Ackerman (1999) and Knack and Keefer (1995). The second being that corruption can be beneficial
for a country s development as they can easily overcome barriers such as regulation to complete
projects although this is not a popular opinion. This review mainly tackles literature from the school of
thought that corruption can be harmful to a
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Examples Of The Mirabal Sisters
The Mirabal Sisters Courage
The word courage is a prime example of the Mirabal sisters. Each of the Mirabal sisters show their
courage in different ways because some of the sisters are more courageous than the others in certain
situations. Although Minerva is more assertive and brave the other girls can get just as assertive and
brave as Minerva. I think that the Mirabal sisters are very courageous but sometimes their decisions
are crazy and it can cost them a lot of pain and suffering. Each sister is very courageous and show it in
the book in many ways but Minerva is the most assertive and courageous of the Mirabal sisters. One
example from the sisters of being courageous but it was crazy when Minerva slapped Trujillo at the
party. On page 100 Minerva says, He yanks me by the wrist, thrusting his pelvis in a vulgar way, and I
can see my hand in an endless slow motion rise like a mind all on its own down on the astonished
made up face . You would think why in the world would she slap the most powerful man in the
country? Minerva felt violated and felt like she needed to do something about it. After the incident
happened Minerva didn t know the consequence of her action. Minerva then realized that a robust
punishment was coming because she knew that slapping Trujillo crazy, vacuous, and disastrous. ...
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On pages 296 297 Patria and Captain Pena (captain of the sim) states I was on the edge of my chair, so
the girls are coming home too , no no no , he said, wagging his finger at me. They seemed to like it in
prison, they have refused . The Mirabal sisters are saying that they don t want Trujillo s help. It was
deranged because the girls had a chance to get out of
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Family Abuse Research Paper
Thank you so much for all that you have done for me. You have gone through so much abuse all the
time that my family and I lived with you. You were annoyed by my sister and I or hurt by accidents so
many times that it is impossible to count. I remember the numerous times my sister drew on your
stairs and all of the food and drinks we spilled on your carpet.You also never complained with all of
the times you were hurt with water leaks, trees falling on you, and termites. You just roll with the
punches and accept everything that happens to you. You will never know how much my family
appreciates how you almost never speak up about your problems unless you really need it, like when
your plumbing is hurting. I remember having so many good times
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Starbucks Marketing Audit
As a marketing consultant, a report will be conducted to analyse the marketing strategy of an
organisation and to identify the alternative marketing strategies to facilitate business growth.
Starbucks, a key performer in the gourmet coffee sector and also in the specialty Eateries industry is
segmented in the service industry. Starbucks was first introduced in Seattle, Washington USA in 1985,
and then worldwide. Starbucks specialises in brewed coffee, hot chocolate, espresso based drink, teas,
frappuccinos and fruit smoothies. From 2008 onwards Starbucks owned over 16,226 stores
worldwide, along with 11,434 stores located in the United States.
PESTLE analysis on Starbucks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
* Information and Communication ingredients are easily found and available on the net. The
information and store locator is also obtainable off the website.
* New legislation may be taken place of the pub opening hours, to extend the hours longer, as it is
more likely to keep away Starbucks customers from drinking coffee. * Smoking ban in public place
has taken place, as this gives an advantage for Starbucks towards their non smoking environment they
created. * Starbucks may have to negotiate when new laws for trading takes place, by following the
trading policies to protect the companies in Restrictive Trade practices (1956 and 1976) and the Fair
trading Act (1973) * Guarantee Consumer rights and good service such as the Sale of Goods Act
(1979) and the Trade Description Act (1968) has been taken place. * Also ensure their advertising,
labelling and branding is not misleading and deceptive.
Economical * more buoyant than expected global growth from 2004 onwards is likely to raise real
incomes per head in many key markets (Griffiths, A et al 2005:612) * Changes in disposable income
could influence purchase levels. * Starbucks has rapidly enhanced their economy as they represent
3.7% increased their market share of fair trade in coffee.
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Finance and Par Value
Chapter 14
1. Templeton Extended Care Facilities, Inc. is considering the acquisition of a chain of cemeteries for
$410 million. Since the primary asset of this business is real estate, Templeton s management has
determined that they will be able to borrow the majority of the money needed to buy the business. The
current owners have no debt financing but Templeton plans to borrow $320 million and invest only
$90 million in equity in the acquisition. What weights should Templeton use in computing the WACC
for this acquisition? 2. In August of 2009 the capital structure of the Emerson Electric Corporation
(EMR) (measure in book and market values) appeared as follows:
Thousands of dollars Book Values Market values
Short term debt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 5.8% per year into the foreseeable future. The price of
this stock is now $25.18. c. A bond that has a $1,000 par value and a coupon interest rate of 12.7%. A
new issue would sell for $1,150 per bond and mature in 20 years. The firm s tax rate is 34%. d. A
preferred stock paying a 7.2% dividend on a $93 par value. If a new issue is offered, the shares would
sell for $85.32 per share. 7. Salte Corporation is issuing new common stock at a market price of
$27.24. Dividends last year were $1.47 and are expected to grow at an annual rate of 5.7% forever.
What is Salte s cost of common equity? 8. Falon Corporation is issuing new common stock at a
market price of $27.04. Dividends last year were $1.34 and are expected to grow at an annual rate of
7.3% forever. What is Falon s cost of common equity capital? 9. Temple Midland, Inc. is issuing a
$1,000 par value bond that pays 7.8% annual interest and matures in 15 years. Investors are willing to
pay $953 for the bond and Temple faces a tax rate of 34%. What is Temple s after tax cost of debt on
the bond? 10. Belton Distribution Company is issuing a $1,000 par value bond that pays 7.4% annual
interest and matures in 15 years. Investors are willing to pay $958 for the bond. The company is in the
18 percent marginal tax bracket. What is the firm s after tax cost of debt on the bond? 11. The
preferred stock of Walter Industries Inc.
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Renaissance And Scientific Revolution
The Renaissance and Scientific Revolution paved way to the beginning of the Enlightenment.
Different philosophers began to think rationally and using the scientific method to discover the world
around them, rather than believe what the Church told them to do. Instead of thinking religiously, they
took a more rational perspective on not only the world, but on how to effectively run society. They
were able to spread their ideals through various translations to reach a broader audience, and the
printing press allowed them to spread their works and ideas throughout the lands. Isaac Newton was a
famous figure in the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment because of his view of the world as
a machine, also known as the Newtonian World Machine.
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The Images Of The Digital Image
The Digital Image is a relatively new thing in the large scheme of things, with the advancement of
technology also came the evolution of this medium. The first instance of digital imaging came with
the invention of the camera. Photography as we know it today is usually considered to have begun in
1839 when Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre released the Daguerreotype image. Photography would
remain from this point a relatively expensive and crude medium that would slowly progress through
the years. In 1877 Eadweard Muybridge created a fast shutter that was capable of capturing motion.
This in itself was iconic and Eadweard would later be considered a pioneer for the digital image due to
his work on locomotion (famously the galloping horse). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nowadays it s easy to forget the impact that digital imaging has had on society as we are so use to its
benefits. Digital Imaging has done some amazing things, such as bring the ability to capture still and
moving images of everyday life to iconic moments such as the moon landing. We also have the ability
to create digital illustrations to provide insight, to persuade and to provoke thought.
Task 7 in this module was about expressive type. This project involved a lot of creative freedom and
to create whatever was wished as long as it was in some way expressive type. Expressive type is
essentially a method of design where text is used to create some kind of image. As shown in the
references, there is a finished piece of work for this task, the poster uses type to create the character
Tyrion from the TV show Game of Thrones. The type in the poster is actually a quote from the
character and is formed in a way to shape the characters stance from an iconic moment for him. The
development of this poster involved using a previously created illustration of the character and mixing
it with typography. The original image was placed into the Adobe Illustrator software as it provided a
lot of tools for type. The text was then written out and reshaped to form the body of the character. The
typeface was selected carefully as it was meant to match the minimalistic style of the previous
illustration, therefore the typeface was sans serif. After
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Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders Essay
EDC 2200 Indigenous studies Assignment 1 1500 words Introduction 100 150 words Background eg a
sentence to give the reader what the essay is about. Roadmap of whats in the body of essay.
Demonstrate an argument. Example intro: Colonisation has impacted profoundly on indigenous
communities worldwide and this essays examines and details some of those impacts. Initially, the
concept of colonisation will be explained, including the forces that were driving the colonisation and
the usual ways it was achieved. At a general level, the ideologies underpinning the colonisers
interactions with indigenous peoples will also be described. A comparison will then be made between
the experiences of colonisation for Aboriginal peoples ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Including colonisation. Class system. James Cook. Archibald Meston 1851 1924 newspaper
editor/writer lived with aboriginal communities and learnt their languages and customs. Rascist exotic
others although he wants good for indigenous peoples. The architect of the aboriginals protection and
prohibition of the sale of opium act 1897 qld. Right to remove aboriginal peoples to reserves. In effect
till 1970 s. employment, wages, clear guidelines. What were the usual consequences of colonisation?
Eg dispossession of land. Part 2 Compare the effects of colonisation of Australia s two Indigenous
groupings: Australian Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. At a specific level, your
argued position as to whether the effects of colonisation were similar or different on the two
groupings: Australian Aboriginal people; Torres Strait Islander peoples. Aboriginal experience Form
terra nullius Dispossession of land Culture sovereignty Torres strait Islander experience Annexation
Dispossession of sovereignty but not land Christianity integrated Coming of the light as a driving
influence of colonisation Some general similarities and differences Aboriginal experience: Torres
Strait Islander experience: previously isolated active os trade/integration terra nullius annexation Soon
outnumbered outnumbered by the Europeans Dispossession of land
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Winning The Lottery
If I won the lottery! Although the chances are low only 1 in 292.2 million we all have dreams , and
winning the lottery is certainly mine. I ve always thought winning the lottery would be fantastic since
I was even younger than I am now. I ve always asking myself what you I do will all that money.
I sure everyone has this thought of winning it big but few even get to experience it. When the lottery
get as high as it is now it becomes the talk of my family. We all have different ideas and plans of what
we would do with 1.3 billion dollars. Almost every time I talk about winning the lottery my idea of
what I would do changes. As I get older and wiser my ideas change, but I think i got it right this time.
I personally wouldn t want anyone to know
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Descriptive Essay About Ez Energy
The first thing that pops out in the room is the crinkled up wrappers, scattered around the room
everywhere, some torn up and in the trash. There were even some wrappers that were still brand new,
some on tubs and bottles, and some of them unfinished and uncolored. These wrappers had all
different colors and designs, but they all read, Ez Energy. All of the wrappers were very glossy but
also smooth, you could hear the crinkle noise when you felt the wrappers. In the room there were at
least over different 100 wrappers, but none of them perfect in the eyes of a perfectionist. These
wrappers were just the start of the items in the large office room. One of the most noticeable things in
the room were just two simple words, Ez Energy. Although it might not sound important, in this room
it those words are very important. There wasn t a spot that you can t glance at without seeing those
two words. The words were on everything that was possible to think of, large banners on the wall
reading, Ez Energy , brand new glossy stickers with those two words on them, even oversized t shirts
and hoodies with embroidered words on them which say, Ez Energy. In this room there were even
logos with those two words on them, everywhere plastered throughout the whole room. Those words
were the name of a failing energy drink company called, Ez Energy. Also in the office room, a large
king sized bed with many things scattered all over it. The bed frame was a nice oak wood frame, but
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A Comparison of Corrupt Kings in Shakespeare s Henry IV...
A successful monarchy relies upon a stable leader who is concerned with the satisfaction of those he
rules over. Henry Bolingbroke the IV in Shakespeare s Henry the IV Part I follows a trend set by his
predecessor in Richard II of self indulgence and neglect of his kingdom. These leaders worry about
the possibility of losing their kingdom or their soldiers to other nobles who were also concerned more
with obtaining a higher position rather than governing. The king must also be wary of his own life,
something that was once revered and guarded closely by other nobles. Wars once fought for gaining or
protecting land are overshadowed by personal battles fighting for the position of king.
Henry proved himself a powerful and fearless leader ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unfortunately, Gaunt would not have been much more satisfied with Richard s replacement, Henry.
Raising a child is always a challenging and time consuming task, and raising a prince is even more
difficult. Henry puts his leadership aside to focus his efforts upon preventing Prince Hal from absolute
corruption or even betrayal. Hal enjoys the company of an unruly thief, the drunkard John Falstaff, as
well as several other less respectable persons. Henry is more realistic and rational than Richard, and
he is able to see that his position is not a good one. He may fear that he is a bad example for his son,
for he too was a robber when he stole the throne. He fears that his son will ruin his image as king or
even assist in overthrowing him;
Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes, / Which are my nearest and dearest enemy? / Thou that art like
enough, through vassal fear, / Base inclination, and the start of the spleen, / To fight against me under
Percy s pay, / to dog his hells, and curtys at his frowns, / To show how much thou art degenerate.
(Henry, III, ii, 127 133).
When Henry hears Hal s promise to kill Percy as a display of his loyalty and ability to lead with valor,
he again puts his responsibilities as king aside to assist his son in battling personal foes. Hal becomes
the prodigal son; however, the
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Maus Sparknotes
Maus is a tale about a young man who is in search for answers about his own life and his father s life.
Vladek Spiegelman is a survivor of the holocaust who reconnects with his son Art Spiegelman by
telling him stories of his past. Art creates a well written comic tale about the Holocaust and the
relationship he has with his father. This survivor s tale takes you back to the Second World War to tell
us a story of a Jew who hardly survived life.
The story opens with Art visiting his father to get more information about his father s experiences in
WWII so he can write a book. The first chapter of the tale reveals Art s family. His father, who lives in
Rego Park, remarried a holocaust survivor named Mala. Mala and Vladek continuously fight and
Vladek wishes he never got remarried. Art s real mother committed suicide in 1968 when Art was
twenty years old. Art never really got to know his mother the way he wanted to. The book reveals that
Art s mother had diaries but Vladek threw them away because he did not want to relive those
memories. After Anja died I had to make an order with everything...these papers had to many
memories. So I burned them. (Maus 1, pg104). Art wanted those diaries because he wanted to know
what his mother went through. He had so many questions he wanted answers to. After Art s mother
died, he did not keep a close relationship with his father. They lived separate lives until Art
reconnected with his father again to write a story about his life. The tale
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  • 5. Safe Haven Laws Hardy 1 Adrew Hardy Barbara Buchanan ENG 112 003 7 December 2011 Safe Haven Laws The Safe Haven Laws for newborns is an alternative to leaving infants in unsafe places. Not all women who get pregnant are ready to raise a child and sometimes they see no options except to abandon the baby. Safe havens provide a new option; it allows a birth parent to leave a newborn infant (less than 72 hours old) with a medical worker in a hospital, a medical worker at a fire department or other emergency service organization, or peace officer at a law enforcement agency. If the infant is left with a person at one of these places, and has not been abused, the parent will face no legal consequences for making this choice. When a parent cannot care for an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So in some cases children from many parts of the country were dropped off. Lawmakers plan to discuss an age limit now or discuss measures so that parents could give up their children in a campus like setting where they could live and attend school (Coodley 61). Many people think it is wrong to just leave your child at a hospital and forget about it, but there are worse fates for children whose parents did not know about the Safe Haven Laws. The risk of homicide on the first day of life is 10 times greater than the rate during any other time of life (Herman Giddens 1425). In a population based study called Newborns Killed or Left to Die by a Parent, five authors describe cases of infant death and abandonment in North Carolina, Over a 16 year period in North Carolina, we report 34 newborns known to be killed or discarded in the first day of life by (or likely) the parents, an annual rate of 2.1 per 100,000 newborns (Herman Giddens 1428). Sadly, only a few deaths were unintentional, The majority of these cases (91.2%) were ruled as homicides, while three were found to be unintentional due to natural causes (Herman Giddens 1428). Mothers were usually the ones that abandon or kill the newborn, mothers were the perpetrators in all cases where the perpetrator was positively identified (Herman Giddens 1428). Hardy 4 This why people need to be educated on the Safe Haven Laws, many of the deaths previously stated could have been prevented if the parents had known ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Write An Informative Essay On Atlantis Did you know we have only explored 5% of the ocean? Did you know that there could be more myths to discover? Did you know there could be more mysterious creatures and places to be discovered inside that 95%? Atlantis is one of those many places that people have wondered about for years, since the Greek author Plato, wrote about it. Some myths are very interesting and will truly surprise you. Atlantis truly is a mysterious place that holds many theories and myths such as how it was created, where it was and how it declined. One of the myths about Atlantis is how it was created. Many myths say Poseidon created Atlantis. For example, Plato, a Greek writer, and the author of 2 books about Atlantis stated that Poseidon established Atlantis. Plato described his writings very thoroughly detail. Plato wrote that the sea god Poseidon (Neptune) was given Atlantis and on a hill in the middle of the island the god built his mortal wife a large home. (Kidzworld 3) Many people believe that the creators were extraterrestrial.(not from Earth) (Technically,the gods are extraterrestrial because they are not mortal, or from Earth) The creators were said to be half god and half human. There are many more theories, but I just listed the main ones. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nobody will ever quite know for sure. There are so many places that Atlantis could be. At least in his books, Plato said that Atlantis was located near the Pillars of Hercules.(Strait of Gibraltar) But many people think otherwise. Most people believe that Atlantis was located either in the Bermuda Triangle or the Greek island of Santorini. That island disappeared after a lava eruption. Again, many people still wonder to this day about the possible locations it could be. There are many places where Atlantis is said to be discovered, but nobody still knows for sure. Many more theories have been told, but are they actually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Analysis of the Closet Scene in Hamlet the Movie Essay Hamlet is often seen as one of the most well known examples of an Oedipus Complex presented in literature. The reasons for this is probably because of the plot that resolves around the revenge that Hamlet has against his step father Claudius and because of the relationship that Hamlet has with his mother that is loaded with sexual energy. Hamlet s love for his mother is especially exemplified by the Mel Gibson s interpretation of the infamous closet scene. Traditionally a Queen s closet was not worth emphasizing a bedroom, but it is likely that most of the readers would presume that the closet scene takes place in Gertrude?s bedroom because of the obsession that Hamlet has about Gertrude?s bed. When Hamlet responds to his mother?s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the last kiss is given, the camera angle turns to have the bed as well as the two figures kissing in the picture. Gertrude by the bed is the last focus of the camera you see when the scene ends. Richardson?s Hamlet is not as much preoccupied with sexuality than Olivier?s or the Zeffirelli?s Hamlet. The relationship between Gertrude and Hamlet in this film seems more impersonal than the others. The viewer experience much more hate from Hamlet towards Gertrude in this film that explains why Richardson left out a lot of the dialogue at the end of the scene, because he wanted the focus to be more on the beginning of the scene where Hamlet?s words are much harsher towards Gertrude, than at the end of it. At the end of the scene Hamlet accentuates the words: ?I must be cruel to be kind? that demonstrate the point. The bed is not very prominent in Richardson?s version of Hamlet that indicates that he did not want the viewer to focus on the on the sexual connotation that goes with the bed. It is true on the other hand that Gertrude and Hamlet lied on the bed at the end of the scene, but the viewer gets the feeling that it was more an indicator of the intimacy that goes with a normal mother and son relationship than an Oedipus Complex case. Hamlet cried like a little boy that lost his father and not like a lover that lost his mistress. When you compare the lighting of the closet scene from the Richardson version with the Zeffirelli, it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Summary Of On Thin Ice In modern times, when individuals think about environmental problems, climate change seems to always be at the forefront. Whether people learned through the Paris Climate Accord or the internet about the devastating effects that a warming climate could bring, most of society can at least acknowledge that climate change is a hot political talking point. Because of this, more and more research has been focused on the effects that a changing climate could bring about. Research on the effects of climate change range from the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and its effects on global temperatures, to the rate at which glacial ice is melting and sea level rise. This documentary, On Thin Ice, is concerned with the relationship between a warming climate and the rate at which the Gangotri Glacier has been melting over several years. This film discusses the different effects that a rapidly melting Gangotri has on water scarcity in Indian villages located downstream as well as the ways that Americans could be affected by this environmental phenomenon. On Thin Ice begins with the host, David Brancaccio, presenting the main focus of the film: the effects that a warming climate could have on the endangered Gangotri Glacier. Brancaccio then introduces Conrad Anker, an accomplished mountaineer and environmentalist. Both Brancaccio and Anker decide to go on a long hiking trek to see firsthand, the ways that the Gangotri Glacier has been affected by climate change. Dr. Vandana ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. A Note on the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster is an accident that took place at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine in April 1986. The accident was because of a flawed Soviet reactor design, severe mistakes by the plant operators, and direct result of Cold War isolation. As the resultant steam explosion and fires emitted radioactive reactor core into the downwind and the Earth s atmosphere, the accident was also attributed to the lack of any safety culture. The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster was a unique event because it s the only accident in commercial nuclear power history in which radiation related losses took place. Nonetheless, the design of the reactor is exceptional and the disaster of minimal relevance to other elements of the nuclear industry. Background on the Disaster: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant consisted of four nuclear reactors with each of them capable of producing 1 gigawatt of electric power. During the time when the disaster took place, these four reactors were producing approximately 10 percent of the electricity used in Ukraine. The construction of this power plant started in the 1970s with the first reactor commissioned in 1977 and the fourth in 1983. At the time when the disaster happened, the other two nuclear reactors were still under construction (West par, 4). In April 1986, the operating crew planned to evaluate whether the turbines of the fourth reactor could produce adequate energy to maintain the running of the coolant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Circus Persuasive Speech Summarize Written Text 1. A herd of elephants flies past you at sixty miles per hour, followed by a streak of tigers, a pride of lions, and a bunch of clowns. What do you see? It must be a circus train! One of the first uses of the circus train is credited to W.C. Coup. He partnered with P.T. Barnum in 1871 to expand the reach of their newly combined shows using locomotives. Before circus trains, these operators had to lug around all of their animals, performers, and equipment with a team of more than 600 horses. Since there were no highways, these voyages were rough and took a long time. Circuses would stop at many small towns between the large venues. Performing at many of these small towns was not very profitable. Because of these limitations, circuses could not grow as large as the imaginations of the operators. After they began using circus trains, Barnum and Coup only brought their show to large cities. These performances were much more profitable and the profits went toward creating an even bigger and better circus. Multiple rings were added and the show went on. Today, Ringling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You guessed it: it s a ninja! Perhaps the only thing more elusive than a ninja is the source of the word ninja. In China ninja are more often referred to as shinobi. The Chinese word shinobi, short for shinobi no mono, means to steal away. The word shinobi appears in Chinese poems as far back as the eighth century. So how did this word become ninja? Some believe that during the Edo period in Japan, the word shinobi no mono was appropriated and transformed to the very similar word ninja. This probably happened because it was a lot quicker and easier to just say ninja. It is difficult to see how such a transformation could have occurred when we look at the words using our alphabet, but if you look at the kanji representing these words, it may make more sense to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Importance of Technology in the Production of 3d... RMD 577 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT THE IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE PRODUCTION OF 3D ANIMATION FILMS AMONG THE ANIMATORS IN MALAYSIA. DINIZAR BIN DANIAL 2010273278 AD2214B LECTURER : EN MD SABRI MOHAMAD ASSIGNMENT 3 The importance of technology in the production of 3D animation films among the animators in Malaysia. Issue 3D animation films Problem importance of technology in the production Sample animators Location Malaysia Direction the importance INTRODUCTION Animation generally refers to the process of setting inanimate objects in motion. It is broadly categorize into three forms namely 2D animation, 3D Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) and 3D Motion Capture. The oldest and most basic form ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 6) Would research findings lead to some useful change in best practice? The findings of the research will change the level of quality of the 3D animation films production when the animator know about and how to use technology in their films making process. We know that 3D animation films in Malaysia still backward other than country such as Korea, Japan and US. The animators need to know the importance of using high technology in their works so they can produce more high quality of animation films. If we didn t take any action, this problem will
  • 12. continue into the future. The animator need to understand and know the importance in using technology in producing their films. So that, we can compete with other country in animation sector. This problem affected all people in animation sector especially the animator and the producer itself. The animator plays main role in this situation whereby they are the player in this sector and they determine how the story line of their films. There have been a few research done before about this problem too and this study is more to extend the existing knowledge. The findings of the research will change the level of quality of the 3D animation films production when the animator know about and how to use technology in their films making process. OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH The objective of this research is to find out what are the importance of technology in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Comparing Death Of A Salesman And American Beauty By examining the connections between works composed in different time periods, responders may elevate their understanding of how context influences composers. Arthur Miller s 1949 play Death of a Salesman subverts the materialistic values promoted by the American Dream, whilst Sam Mendes film 1999 film American Beauty challenges the expansion of consumerist culture in the late 20th century. Miller s play and Mendes film further challenge their respective societies focus on outward displays of personal wealth and perfection, respectively. Both Miller and Mendes critique the materialistic nature of American society by exploring how a preoccupation with material goods causes individual emotional stress and discontent within a family. Miller s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This context is reflected in Willy s projection of his materialistic desires upon Biff: I ll get him a job selling , the stage directions with pity and resolve highlighting Willy s determination to help his son get big , or become wealthy. However, Willy finds himself unable to leave a financial legacy for his family, embodied in the metaphorical seeds , which he has failed to plant . Willy s subsequent emotional turmoil is palpable in the desperate tone of his lament: Ben, nothing s working out. I don t know what to do . In his final moments, the pursuit of money remains as Willy s primary motivation, underscored by the irony of his description of a life insurance payout as magnificent , emphasising that he values an insurance pay out more than his own life. Therefore, Miller critiques the materialistic nature of post war American society by demonstrating how Willy s relentless pursuit of wealth causes his inner emotional conflict and suicide. Similarly, Mendes examines how Caroline Burnham s obsession with material goods prevents her family from attaining emotional fulfilment. In the 90s context of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Analysis Of Elock-Eval Pyrolysis Few of the outcrop samples were subjected forRock Eval pyrolysis because most of them with low TOC values. The average S2(mg HC/g rock ) and hydrogen index (mg HC/g TOC) values of the examined well samples is 4.22and 202 respectively. These values and thecross plot of hydrogen index (HI)versus Tmax and S2 versus TOC (Fig.2 and 3)indicate that the kerogen contained in these rocksis mixed II III. This result is supported by organic petrological study, which indicated that the organic matter is mixed of marine and terrestrial origin; marine organic matter is dominated by alginite and bituminite, whereas the terrestrial organic matter is dominated by sporinite with minor amounts of vitrinite (Alkhafaji, 2017). Figure 2: TOC versus S2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... VR% values, which were measured from a few particles found in few well samples, were between 0.35 0.49%. These VR% values are in agreement with Tmax data which indicates that the organic matter is immature. The organic matters of the present study are highly yellow fluorescent and some of them are shiny under the blue light excitation, indicating low thermal maturity level. This low level of maturity of these shales is also supported by molecular geochemistry study represented by the medium Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 ratios, which got an average of (0.27) and (0.46) respectively (Table 2). Thermal gradient of the interval 1050 1450 m is 2.37 C0/100m in Akkas 1 well; and the present day temperature between 45 and 55 C0 in this interval (Majedee, 1999). This temperature indicates that the contained organic matter within these shales of this interval is immature (Peters and Cassa, 1994). Table 2: Some of normal alkanes parameters Sample Depth (m) Pr/Ph Pr/C17 Ph/C18 outcrop 1.02 0.27 0.44 Outcrop 1.60 0.27 0.51 Outcrop 1.32 0.22 0.38 Outcrop 1.16 0.24 0.47 Outcrop 1.45 0.23 0.42 Ak 1 1330 1.31 0.30 0.51 Ak 1 1365 1.09 0.30 0.50 Ak 1 1400 1.81 0.25 0.46 Ak 3 1233 0.96 0.33 0.47 Ak 3 1243 0.83 0.32 0.47 Depositional environment: The total sulfur content (TS) was measured for some outcrop and well samples. The TSvalues, which represents pyritic sulfur, are generally low in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Designated Hitter Essay Designated Hitter Do you prefer a bases loaded double that clears the bases and involves an exciting play at home plate? Or a boring three run homerun where the base runners trot around the bases, while the defense stands around with dazed looks on their faces? Do you prefer stolen bases, squeeze plays, and trying to move the base runners to make something happen; as opposed to a team waiting for someone to hit a homerun? If you answered yes then consider yourself a fan of small ball. The characteristic of a Designated Hitter is the major difference between Major League Baseball s two leagues: The American League and the National League. The American League has many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are not relied upon to hit home runs, drive in runners in scoring position, or help the team win a game with their offense. Older players whose careers and skills are on the decline have a chance to play for an extra year or two. George Brett, Carl Yastrzemski, Paul Moliter, Dave Winfield, Joe Carter, and Eddie Murray were all able to extend their careers as designated hitters. This affects the way players are inducted into the hall of fame. A player with declining physical abilities in the National League will simply be put on the bench and become a substitute. While in the American League, that same player could keep getting the same number of at bats by being switched to the Designated Hitter. As a result, American League players are being inducted into the hall of fame more often because their statistics are aided by the DH rule. American League Pitchers can go deeper into games because they don t need to be lifted for a pinch hitter. American League pitchers can concentrate on just pitching; they don t have to go to the plate and bat. They may be more likely to intimidate opposing batters by aggressively pitching inside and even hit batters without fear of being thrown at themselves, knowing that they personally will not have to enter the batter s box and deal with possible retaliation from the opposing pitcher. The National League has its own advantages because of its lack of a Designated Hitter. Some National League statistics have always been higher ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Abigail Adams’ Inspiring Rebellion for Women’s Rights Essay Born on November 11, 1744, Abigail Smith entered the world in the Massachusetts colony during troublesome time of England rule that was destined to end one day.1 Her family was well respected in the town of Weymouth, where she was born. Her father, William Smith, was a Congregational minister and her mother, Elizabeth Quincy, hailed from a prominent family in the colony.2 Abigail spent her time at her grandmother s house where she was schooled in English, French, and history, meanwhile, gaining a well rounded education from the many hours she spent in her father s library. Her mother s father, John Quincy, was a member of the colonial Governor s council and colonel of the militia. He was also the Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the colonial fight for independence from the mother country started, Abigail Adams was appointed by the Massachusetts Colony General Court in 1775, along with Mercy Warren and the governor s wife, Hanna Winthrop, to question their fellow Massachusetts women, who were charged by their word or action, of remaining loyal to the British crown and working against the independence movement. ...you are now a politician and now elected into an important office, that of judges of Tory ladies, which will give you, naturally, an influence with your sex , her husband wrote her in response to the appointment.4 This was the first time for a First Lady to hold a quasi official government position. Mrs. Adams wrote almost daily letters in which she actively questioned the status of women in the fledgling United Stated. During this time in the 18th century, women received little formal education. According to the rules of society, a women did not need to be educated in order to fulfill her role as mother and homemaker. Adams strongly disagreed with this notion and argued that if women were not better educated, then how could they adequately teach their sons to be future leaders of this new county? Her husband agreed that all women should be educated, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Rise Of The Late And Early 20th Century The period surrounding the late and early 20th century was the most dramatic era in modern history. It was a period where Western ideals were pushed by motivated empires with ambitions of wealth and expanding territory and, while impossible to distinguish the most influencing factor that led to the Westernization of nations on a global scale, it is easy to determine key points that played important roles in world history. With Western cultures emerging with both technological and military advantage over secluded and obsolete empires, it was only a matter of time before the West inspired and impacted subjugated nations to build an empire of their own. Countries such as Japan, Russia, as well as Europe s scramble for Africa are prime examples of existing legacies from the imperialistic era of the late 19th century and onto the early 20th century. A balance of imperial expansion and their eventual collapse were the key components utilized by Western nations to modernize and westernize the world between the periods of 1850 and 1950. Perhaps the most dramatic example of a country highly influenced by Western ideals was Japan in the early 20th Century. Initially, Japan faced severe social issues, primarily with crop failure, economic turmoil, and a rising merchant class in the late 19th century under the Tokugawa rule. To further exacerbate domestic issues, Japan was also under pressure from European nations who wanted to open trade ports in Japan. These demands were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Novel Fifth Business In the novel Fifth Business, women played an important role that impacted Dunstan emotionally and spiritually. From a young age, Dunstan s mother, Mrs. Ramsay, placed fear and isolation in his heart and was the reason he became emotionally distanced from women. He turned towards Mrs. Dempster as she provided him the love and affection that he wasn t able to receive from his mother. She also sparked his interest in hagiography and to pursue his study in inner spirituality. As he comes of age and meets Diana, she was able to introduce him to a new world while teaching him new experiences. However, their relationship was short lived due to the treatment and mental damage he received from his mother when he was younger. While women like Mrs. Ramsay affected Dunstan negatively, others such as Diana and Mrs. Dempster were able to heal him and provide a greater growth for Dunstan spiritually and emotionally. Dunstan first got involved with Mrs. Dempster during the snowball incident where the snowball aimed at him by the town bully instead hits the pregnant Mary Dempster, precipitating the premature birth of her son and her descent into mental illness. (Bowers). Dunstan believed that by moving out of the snowball s path, that he broke apart Mary Dempster s life and so he carries this guilt for the rest of his life. By being caring towards Mrs. Dempster and helping her out in any way possible, it was his way of repaying Percy s sins. Mrs. Dempster performed 3 miracles that sparked ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Football Team In High School I have many hopes and dreams during high school,during college,and college My hopes, dreams is making the varsity football team in 11th or 12th grade in high school,Make honor roll or distinguish honor roll,Graduate high school and go to college after that,After college I would like to get a job that pays a lot of money. My first hopes and dreams are to make the football varsity team. I would try out for the team in 11th grade or in 12th grade.I want to try out for the football varsity team because most division 1 college look at varsity team in high school, I would like to play football in college. My second hopes and dreams are to make the honor roll or distinguish honor.I would like to get A s and B s in every subject in all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Oppression Is The Driving Force Behind The Violence Oppression is the driving force behind the violence in Israel. It is based on a land dispute that led to oppression and now the violence seen today. Israel is plagued with a cycle of violence and fear. There are many factors behind the climate of terror that is taking place in Israel, but none as significant as oppression. The establishment of Israel by Jews led to many changes for Palestinian Arabs, who were already living in the area. Many of these changes were oppressive and intrusive to the Palestinian Arabs way of life. As can be expected, wherever there is oppression, violence and fear normally follow. Both sides have suffered losses amidst this violence. Jews claim they fled to Palestine to avoid persecution and that establishing Israel as a Jewish state would be the only way to ensure their safety. Yet their safety, and now the safety of Palestinian Arabs, are both unsure. In the late 1800 s, Jews across Europe began fleeing to Palestine to avoid anti Semitism and persecution. During this era, there was a movement known as the Zionist; the Zionists wanted to return to the Jewish Holy Land to establish a Jewish state that would serve as a sanctuary for Jews. However, according to the State of Israel Proclaimed (State), at this time the Zionist leadership was unable to persuade the Ottoman Empire to grant them a charter. The following decades would see sporadic migration of Jews into Palestine. World War I brought about more change in Palestine, including ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Heavy Equipment Operator If you can t play the guitar and sing in Nashville, you might as well just be a construction worker (Patrick Carney). This quote is said by the drummer for the The Black Keys in reference to someone who can t sing or play the guitar. A heavy equipment operator is a valuable asset to any construction crew.He ll help dig the foundation, unload the truck, move earth and dig pipe lines. These are some things a heavy equipment operator does on the job site. Being a heavy equipment operator is an excellent job choice because it allows one to work on different equipment, earn a solid pay, and have a good work environment. Being a heavy equipment operator allows one to work on different types of heavy equipment. One of the many equipment they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people think construction workers don t get paid well. Well that s true if you re a unskilled tradesman. Luckily only the skilled tradesmen are allowed to work on the heavy equipement. The salary for a heavy equipment operator is between $28,824 and $71,124(Career overview). That means they get paid $12.75 to $28.29 an hour(Career overview). Heavy equipment operators are lucky they get paid vacation. They can be relaxing on a beach and still get paid. They can t do that ,it s like used for if their wife is having a child they can stay home and help take care of their wife and kid. Like any other job they get workers comp so if they get hurt on the job. They can still get the money they deserved while while they are recovering. Equipment operator get bonus pay once in awhile. Whenever the boss man feels generous, it s close to a holiday or the crew has been doing a good job. The bonus pay is between $o.oo to $2,071(Bureau of labor statistics). They also get paid overtime. The overtime pay range is between $18.op to $39.40 an hour(Career on stop). Since there is a pay tax some of their money is taken in out of their pay. A final benefit of being a heavy equipment operator is there is a good work environment.Equipment operators work the regular construction hours 6 to 5 or 8 to 6. Those are pretty long hours. Some people enjoy those hours those hours are rugged doing some physical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Withdrawal Design Withdrawal Design Withdrawal designs are often used in determining if the treatment is directly effecting the change in a behavior. In order to show a direct correlation between the treatment and the altered behavior, withdrawal designs remove the treatment during one or more phases of the experiment (Richards, Taylor, Ramasamy, 2014). Withdrawal designs allow the researcher to directly show cause and effect between the behavior and the intervention treatment (Richards, Taylor, Ramasamy, 2014). In order to present the experiment effects on a behavior the investigator must first determine that the intervention is in fact the cause for the changed behavior, by showing a clear functional relationship between variables. In order to measure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Byiers, Reichle, Symons (2012) in multiple baseline designs the evidence is answering research questions regarding the effects of an independent variable across three or more variables such as individuals, behaviors, stimuli, or settings. In other words, this design provides evidence of the effects of the same independent variable across three variables. When a multiple base line design is introduced all participants start in Baseline or the (A) phase. The second step is to introduce the variable to the intervention in a scientific staggered method in order to show experimental control which is considered the (B) phase ( Byiers, Reichle, Symons, 2012). Once the intervention phases is stabilize the next step in the sequence is introduce. For each variable the data is individually documented so that visual analysis can show the varying conditions throughout the process. The visual analysis of graph often appears as a series of AB designed experiment stacked on top of each other (Richards, Taylor, Ramasamy, 2014). Throughout the entire process data is collected and conditions change in the sequence until all steps in the AB design is completed (Byiers, Reichle, Symons, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Compare And Contrast The Society And The Giver Most individuals are having their own idealistic society. They dream an imaginary place or state in which everything is perfect which is called utopia. People who lived there, are having a happy life without pain and disappointment just like The Giver. Seems to perfect society, people s lives are very well organized, they do not decide to work, do not decide spouse, these societies have done for the people to decide. And this world does not have any memory, emotion, color and music. They only have the most basic needs of life. Compare our realistic society in china and the community in the book The Giver, which are totally having some difference and similarity. Primarily, release between two societies is totally different. On the one hand, the community in the giver people s death is called release, however, it also deciding by the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Giver on the fiction of a region so, he is like a field experiment, people living in them, every day, medication and follow their social division of labor, guarding their share of responsibility, does not exceed but ask too much, we should all keep their job and live happily ever after. But society needs heritage, so in the social division of labor among the many, there are a few people who were picked out as a social memory of inheritors. This tradition, in the film called giver. The chosen one, you need all the human emotions, including joy of joys and sorrows, including killings, including disaster, must accept it and continue. And other peoples besides him, although looks too happy joy, but merely the result of asymmetric information, the information is only rarely life, then happiness with. Like today s North Korean people, completely shielded from the world, had considered himself the world s happiest country. And every day they enjoy the drug, but also to suppress the people s feelings and desires, reassuring reassuring leaders accept ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Disquieting Duckling Asger Jorn The Disquieting Duckling by Asger Jorn (1959) is oil on canvas painting. The style of this painting is Neo Dada, a movement with audio, visual and literary manifestations that had similarities in method or intent with earlier Dada artwork. Asger Jorn played a massive role in this movement. The title refers to a fairy tale by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen called The Ugly Duckling. The story is about a duckling that is born in a corral and who suffers abuse from his surroundings until, much to his delight and the surprise of others, matures into a beautiful swan, the most beautiful bird of all. In the story, there are descriptions of this idyllic scenery, where all appears to be nice and beautiful but is not. They feel disturbed by the duckling because it is different and does not fit in. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The duckling was printed on the image. Another reason why the duckling is misplaced in this painting, is that it is not formally a part of the art. It is a painting found at a flea market that Jorn has modified. He makes only the abstracted elements, but since he chose to paint on this exact surface, it holds a great significance as his adjustments. The Painting can roughly be divided into two. The left side of the natural elements and the house that is made by an unknown painter and with its naturalistic style is in high contrast to the right side with the duckling made by Asger Jorn himself. The duckling is painted with very aggressive brush strokes that creates a movement in the figure. It has an extensive range of colors uses primary and secondary pure colors to produce light. The placement of the house gives a geometric element in the composition with the straight lines. The house is an essential part of the painting because it adds the geometrical element and the element of humans in what otherwise is nature and abstracted organic shapes. The bottom base is somewhat neutral and unifies the two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Lean on Me and Mr. Joe Clark Essay Lean on Me is a movie that focuses on an abrasive and tough principal that has been called to whip the underprivileged inner city school of Eastside High into shape to avoid being run by the state as opposed to the local school board. This movie brought about the controversial character of Mr. Joe Clark was played by Morgan Freeman. This film was released on March 3, 1989. Lean on Me was Morgan Freeman s first major motion picture film where he stars as the lead role. This movie is loosely centered on Joe Clark, a real life principal from Paterson, New Jersey, who, just as the fictional character of Mr. Joe Clark, is a tough, hard, aggressive and abrasive. The fictional character of Joe Clark, who was also nicknamed Crazy Joe , was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The students all took a practice test and only thirty three percent of the students have passed and the states minimum average is seventy five percent. Throughout the school year, the students work effortlessly with Mr. Clark along with their school teachers prepare for the real test. Mr. Clark s crazy and wild antics start to get to the students and they begin to respect him even more for it. They begin to see that he is only doing this with all of their best interests in mind. One of the students who was expelled s mother complained about the way Mr. Clark ran things at his school and got the mayor involved. After Mr. Clark is found with the chains on the door, which is illegal and a fire safety hazard, and was arrested. All of the students came down to the Board of Education in Paterson and basically protested and ranted on how they wanted Mr. Clark to be released and return to his duties as principal. Eastside High s assistant principal Mrs. Barrett claims that Mr. Clark was not the right choice to serve as principal of Eastside. But the students all say in rebuttal how Mr. Clark cares for them like no other and how he has done so much good for them that they will not accept anyone besides Mr. Clark. Soon after, Mr. Clark was released and good news was received. More than enough students ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Competitors Of American Express Current Rivalry The existing competitors of American Express include Discover Financial Services, Visa, Inc., and MasterCard Worldwide. Unlike American Express and Discover, Visa, and MasterCard are not financers, which means these companies are intermediaries and they don t directly finance credit card transactions (Thangavelu, 2015). That being said, Discover is more in American Express strategic group because they both issue cards and work within the same strategic group, so American Express and Discover compete more directly. Potential Entrants Not only are there current rivals in every industry, there is always the threat and opportunity for potential entrants to come to the industry. But not just anyone can enter an industry easily, as there are barriers to entry that will prevent some competitors to entering a market. American Express has worked hard to set itself apart from its competitors and create a product differentiation. Because American Express is in the closed loop network, being the issuer and acquirer, they attract more of an affluent customer base who are more likely to spend more on their transactions. Unlike other card companies, American Express relies on their primary source of revenue being the discount fee that they charge the companies that accept its cards. These fees are charged as a percentage of the charge amount processed for the merchant (Forbes, 2014). With that being said, this means American Express relies on its affluent customers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Patient Confidentiality What is confidentiality? Confidentiality is the right of an individual to have personal, identifiable medical information kept private. It is ones private information that comes to the knowledge of a person, in circumstances where an individual has been given notice, or is held to have agreed, that the information is not to be disclosed. A non disclosure agreement is a standard written agreement that is used when two or more companies work together. Anyone that have access to private information is often required to sign a confidentiality agreement and it is often a clear indication that the information is sensitive and non sharable. Non disclosure agreements are used in almost all professions, as people rely more and more on confidential communications. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is when a patient s private information is disclosed to a third party. Breaches in patient confidentiality can have long term adverse effects, even when no lawsuit is filed. Patients are at risk of having their private information shared or the practice s reputation can be permanently damaged. The HIPAA Privacy Rule can also come into play. HIPAA is the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The main goal of this law is to make it easier for people to keep health insurance, protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information and help the healthcare industry control administrative costs. In doing so providers are rules that they are required to follow. They must develop and implement a privacy policy. Train all employees to ensure their understanding of and full participation with the privacy policies and procedures, and to also designate a person to see that the practice s privacy policies are in affect and followed and ensure that patient records are secure and accessible only to those who need them. A HIPAA violation can result in both civil and criminal penalties and monetary civil penalties of $100 per violation can be incurred up to $25,000/person/year. Anyone who knows and obtain or discloses private information in violation of HIPAA can be fined up to $50,000 and be imprisoned up to one year. If the offense is committed with intent to sell or be used for personal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard: USPS Keller School of Management BSOP 588 Managing Quality Professor Robert Lee February 8, 2014 Introduction Performance management systems are often designed to enable organizations to plan, measure and control their performance, so that decisions, resources and activities can be better aligned with business strategies to achieve desired results and create shareholder value. The Balanced Scorecard is a performance tool using financial and nonfinancial measures. It provides an organization with ways to develop and evaluate strategic objectives and goals. For the past two decades, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been proposed as an integrated framework for the implementation of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cost associated with the orientation and training of a new employee as well as the cost associated with employee separation can have an effect on the bottom line. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Balanced Scorecard Some organizations have a difficult time establishing a process that can translate its strategic vision into concrete goals and actions. There are clearly some beneficial advantages to applying the balanced scorecard approach. Some of these benefits include gaining a cross organizational team that will open channels of communications. The company will have enthusiastic people who are focused on carrying out the organization s mission and commitment to quality. Also, the company will gain a unique competitive advantage relating to reduce time frames, improved decisions and better solutions. Most importantly, initiatives are continually measured and evaluated against industry standards. There can be some disadvantages as well. The balanced scorecard takes a lot of planning and forethought. Defining clearly stated objectives and setting goals are crucial to the process. There can be resistance from employees or even management. Some individuals may see the implementation as a threat or indication of a lack of performance on their part. While the balanced scorecard gives an extensive overview of the organization s performance, it does not give recommendations regarding how to resolve discovered ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Master-Slave Ideology When it comes to the notion of our importance as a people during the slave era, would it be a fact or opinion that we head a higher significance. The master slave ideology takes many shapes. But in the essay I will start at the auction block. At the auction block is we re conniving masters first meet the slave. Although some slaves were sold against their own will, many of them had a choice of the master. Slave owners would attend auctions and persuade slaves to become theirs by filling their heads with promises of a good plantation life. This is the first of bonds formed between the master and slave on the foundation of lies. Although we can conclude that these promises weren t kept, we have to admit that the slave owner was quite smart ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But because he felt a sense of loyalty to his master, he ignores the advice of the freed blacks and continued down the river until he reached his master s brother. A slave had no rights of his own. He was the absolute possession of his master. And he was obligated to give his master unquestioning obedience. It was a humble position that demanded a man to think of his duties and obligations rather than his privileges. And it demanded the slaves loyalty to his master. The slave had no interests of his own, all he did was for His Master. (Marji Mike Kruger). On December 18th, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln declared slavery to be illegal and he made slave owners set them free. Although this law was written down, it didn t mean that the idea and ideology of slave master relationship vanished completely. As history progressed onward, the term slave was replaced with a more demeaning term, nigger. During this age, the definition of a slave was a person oppressed to a degree which a person s will can t be done. Niggers [Negroes] were considered the second, inferior race. We finally were considered to be human beings. Although we were so called free, we were still forced to live under limited conditions. Yes, the physical chains, bolts, and locks were done away with but we were still bared down by many laws that restrained us still from being recognized for a full potential. Set free but still forced to live under the rules of the white; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Qing Dynasty Isolation Isolation of China by the Qing Dynasty did not benefit the country in the end. Removing itself from other nations had been in the works since the Ming Dynasty had ruled, and the emperors of the Qing Dynasty supported isolation as well. China also had strict restrictions with their trade, which scared many other countries away. In the 1800s, numerous countries finally attempted to escape China s trade restrictions. These effects helped to collapse the already cracking country. At this point in history, the Chinese only wanted fellow Chinese to be ruler of their country. In result of the Manchus not being Chinese, rebellions took place habitually for decades. Nonetheless, this was soon to change. Kangxi was the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These rules included trading at only special ports and paying tribute to China. The only country that accepted these restrictions, however, were the Dutch. They paid tribute by performing the kowtow ritual, which involved kneeling in front of the emperor and touching one s head to the ground nine times. Because of this, the Chinese were in favor of the Dutch, and the latter returned back to their country with porcelains, silk, and tea. Great Britain also desired to trade with China but did not respect the restrictions. After the deliverer of a trade arrangement refused to perform the kowtow ritual to Qianlong, the emperor wrote a letter back to King George III and said that China was self sufficient and did not need the British. Because of these events and others, China became more and more isolated from other countries. Later in the 1800s, the British, Dutch, and others attempted to get out of the stronghold that was China s trade restrictions. China going into isolation was most likely one of the largest errors done by the country. In retrospect, it seems like a childish move to make from a prosperous, influential country. In the long run, going into isolation helped destroy the empire expeditiously. What the dynasty thought would power the country in the end actually became the reason of its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. In Many Developing Countries, Corruption Is A Barrier To In many developing countries, corruption is a barrier to economic growth. Corruption can prevent the fair allocation of goods and services to citizens by trickling to aspects of everyday life. On a macroeconomic level, scholars are of the belief that corruption hinders economic growth and development (Mauro, 1995). Definition Corruption is often described as a cancer, one official simply referred to it as the AIDs of democracy (Johnston, 1996). Corruption has been defined in a variety of ways, including as dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery . There is no clear cut definition of corruption. Nevertheless, as mentioned in the previous section the World Bank s definition will be used in this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. A corruption index sold by the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG), a private business consulting company. While the indicators have been widely used in empirical research, some researchers have questioned about the accuracy of these measures and the validity of their use in empirical research (Campbell, 2013). As most estimates of corruption are based on surveys of perception. These perception surveys have the advantage of good coverage it is much easier to ask someone s perceptions of corruption than to measure corruption. However, the validity and reliability of perception indicators as measures of corruption, they remain in fact, a reference for people and both businesses and political leaders to make decisions, enabling them to gauge the impact of corruption on the economy. Some would see as better to go in with some information rather than nothing at all. There are two competing views when discussing corruption. The first suggest that corruption creates barriers to a country s development. This is mainly seen in recent literature, for example, Rose Ackerman (1999) and Knack and Keefer (1995). The second being that corruption can be beneficial for a country s development as they can easily overcome barriers such as regulation to complete projects although this is not a popular opinion. This review mainly tackles literature from the school of thought that corruption can be harmful to a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Examples Of The Mirabal Sisters IN THE TIME OF THE BUTTERFLIES The Mirabal Sisters Courage The word courage is a prime example of the Mirabal sisters. Each of the Mirabal sisters show their courage in different ways because some of the sisters are more courageous than the others in certain situations. Although Minerva is more assertive and brave the other girls can get just as assertive and brave as Minerva. I think that the Mirabal sisters are very courageous but sometimes their decisions are crazy and it can cost them a lot of pain and suffering. Each sister is very courageous and show it in the book in many ways but Minerva is the most assertive and courageous of the Mirabal sisters. One example from the sisters of being courageous but it was crazy when Minerva slapped Trujillo at the party. On page 100 Minerva says, He yanks me by the wrist, thrusting his pelvis in a vulgar way, and I can see my hand in an endless slow motion rise like a mind all on its own down on the astonished made up face . You would think why in the world would she slap the most powerful man in the country? Minerva felt violated and felt like she needed to do something about it. After the incident happened Minerva didn t know the consequence of her action. Minerva then realized that a robust punishment was coming because she knew that slapping Trujillo crazy, vacuous, and disastrous. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On pages 296 297 Patria and Captain Pena (captain of the sim) states I was on the edge of my chair, so the girls are coming home too , no no no , he said, wagging his finger at me. They seemed to like it in prison, they have refused . The Mirabal sisters are saying that they don t want Trujillo s help. It was deranged because the girls had a chance to get out of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Family Abuse Research Paper Thank you so much for all that you have done for me. You have gone through so much abuse all the time that my family and I lived with you. You were annoyed by my sister and I or hurt by accidents so many times that it is impossible to count. I remember the numerous times my sister drew on your stairs and all of the food and drinks we spilled on your carpet.You also never complained with all of the times you were hurt with water leaks, trees falling on you, and termites. You just roll with the punches and accept everything that happens to you. You will never know how much my family appreciates how you almost never speak up about your problems unless you really need it, like when your plumbing is hurting. I remember having so many good times ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Starbucks Marketing Audit As a marketing consultant, a report will be conducted to analyse the marketing strategy of an organisation and to identify the alternative marketing strategies to facilitate business growth. Starbucks Starbucks, a key performer in the gourmet coffee sector and also in the specialty Eateries industry is segmented in the service industry. Starbucks was first introduced in Seattle, Washington USA in 1985, and then worldwide. Starbucks specialises in brewed coffee, hot chocolate, espresso based drink, teas, frappuccinos and fruit smoothies. From 2008 onwards Starbucks owned over 16,226 stores worldwide, along with 11,434 stores located in the United States. PESTLE analysis on Starbucks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Information and Communication ingredients are easily found and available on the net. The information and store locator is also obtainable off the website. Legal * New legislation may be taken place of the pub opening hours, to extend the hours longer, as it is more likely to keep away Starbucks customers from drinking coffee. * Smoking ban in public place has taken place, as this gives an advantage for Starbucks towards their non smoking environment they created. * Starbucks may have to negotiate when new laws for trading takes place, by following the trading policies to protect the companies in Restrictive Trade practices (1956 and 1976) and the Fair trading Act (1973) * Guarantee Consumer rights and good service such as the Sale of Goods Act (1979) and the Trade Description Act (1968) has been taken place. * Also ensure their advertising, labelling and branding is not misleading and deceptive. Economical * more buoyant than expected global growth from 2004 onwards is likely to raise real incomes per head in many key markets (Griffiths, A et al 2005:612) * Changes in disposable income could influence purchase levels. * Starbucks has rapidly enhanced their economy as they represent 3.7% increased their market share of fair trade in coffee. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Finance and Par Value Chapter 14 1. Templeton Extended Care Facilities, Inc. is considering the acquisition of a chain of cemeteries for $410 million. Since the primary asset of this business is real estate, Templeton s management has determined that they will be able to borrow the majority of the money needed to buy the business. The current owners have no debt financing but Templeton plans to borrow $320 million and invest only $90 million in equity in the acquisition. What weights should Templeton use in computing the WACC for this acquisition? 2. In August of 2009 the capital structure of the Emerson Electric Corporation (EMR) (measure in book and market values) appeared as follows: Thousands of dollars Book Values Market values Short term debt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 5.8% per year into the foreseeable future. The price of this stock is now $25.18. c. A bond that has a $1,000 par value and a coupon interest rate of 12.7%. A new issue would sell for $1,150 per bond and mature in 20 years. The firm s tax rate is 34%. d. A preferred stock paying a 7.2% dividend on a $93 par value. If a new issue is offered, the shares would sell for $85.32 per share. 7. Salte Corporation is issuing new common stock at a market price of $27.24. Dividends last year were $1.47 and are expected to grow at an annual rate of 5.7% forever. What is Salte s cost of common equity? 8. Falon Corporation is issuing new common stock at a market price of $27.04. Dividends last year were $1.34 and are expected to grow at an annual rate of 7.3% forever. What is Falon s cost of common equity capital? 9. Temple Midland, Inc. is issuing a $1,000 par value bond that pays 7.8% annual interest and matures in 15 years. Investors are willing to pay $953 for the bond and Temple faces a tax rate of 34%. What is Temple s after tax cost of debt on the bond? 10. Belton Distribution Company is issuing a $1,000 par value bond that pays 7.4% annual interest and matures in 15 years. Investors are willing to pay $958 for the bond. The company is in the 18 percent marginal tax bracket. What is the firm s after tax cost of debt on the bond? 11. The preferred stock of Walter Industries Inc. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Renaissance And Scientific Revolution The Renaissance and Scientific Revolution paved way to the beginning of the Enlightenment. Different philosophers began to think rationally and using the scientific method to discover the world around them, rather than believe what the Church told them to do. Instead of thinking religiously, they took a more rational perspective on not only the world, but on how to effectively run society. They were able to spread their ideals through various translations to reach a broader audience, and the printing press allowed them to spread their works and ideas throughout the lands. Isaac Newton was a famous figure in the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment because of his view of the world as a machine, also known as the Newtonian World Machine. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Images Of The Digital Image The Digital Image is a relatively new thing in the large scheme of things, with the advancement of technology also came the evolution of this medium. The first instance of digital imaging came with the invention of the camera. Photography as we know it today is usually considered to have begun in 1839 when Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre released the Daguerreotype image. Photography would remain from this point a relatively expensive and crude medium that would slowly progress through the years. In 1877 Eadweard Muybridge created a fast shutter that was capable of capturing motion. This in itself was iconic and Eadweard would later be considered a pioneer for the digital image due to his work on locomotion (famously the galloping horse). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nowadays it s easy to forget the impact that digital imaging has had on society as we are so use to its benefits. Digital Imaging has done some amazing things, such as bring the ability to capture still and moving images of everyday life to iconic moments such as the moon landing. We also have the ability to create digital illustrations to provide insight, to persuade and to provoke thought. Task 7 in this module was about expressive type. This project involved a lot of creative freedom and to create whatever was wished as long as it was in some way expressive type. Expressive type is essentially a method of design where text is used to create some kind of image. As shown in the references, there is a finished piece of work for this task, the poster uses type to create the character Tyrion from the TV show Game of Thrones. The type in the poster is actually a quote from the character and is formed in a way to shape the characters stance from an iconic moment for him. The development of this poster involved using a previously created illustration of the character and mixing it with typography. The original image was placed into the Adobe Illustrator software as it provided a lot of tools for type. The text was then written out and reshaped to form the body of the character. The typeface was selected carefully as it was meant to match the minimalistic style of the previous illustration, therefore the typeface was sans serif. After ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders Essay EDC 2200 Indigenous studies Assignment 1 1500 words Introduction 100 150 words Background eg a sentence to give the reader what the essay is about. Roadmap of whats in the body of essay. Demonstrate an argument. Example intro: Colonisation has impacted profoundly on indigenous communities worldwide and this essays examines and details some of those impacts. Initially, the concept of colonisation will be explained, including the forces that were driving the colonisation and the usual ways it was achieved. At a general level, the ideologies underpinning the colonisers interactions with indigenous peoples will also be described. A comparison will then be made between the experiences of colonisation for Aboriginal peoples ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Including colonisation. Class system. James Cook. Archibald Meston 1851 1924 newspaper editor/writer lived with aboriginal communities and learnt their languages and customs. Rascist exotic others although he wants good for indigenous peoples. The architect of the aboriginals protection and prohibition of the sale of opium act 1897 qld. Right to remove aboriginal peoples to reserves. In effect till 1970 s. employment, wages, clear guidelines. What were the usual consequences of colonisation? Eg dispossession of land. Part 2 Compare the effects of colonisation of Australia s two Indigenous groupings: Australian Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. At a specific level, your argued position as to whether the effects of colonisation were similar or different on the two groupings: Australian Aboriginal people; Torres Strait Islander peoples. Aboriginal experience Form terra nullius Dispossession of land Culture sovereignty Torres strait Islander experience Annexation Dispossession of sovereignty but not land Christianity integrated Coming of the light as a driving influence of colonisation Some general similarities and differences Aboriginal experience: Torres Strait Islander experience: previously isolated active os trade/integration terra nullius annexation Soon outnumbered outnumbered by the Europeans Dispossession of land ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Winning The Lottery If I won the lottery! Although the chances are low only 1 in 292.2 million we all have dreams , and winning the lottery is certainly mine. I ve always thought winning the lottery would be fantastic since I was even younger than I am now. I ve always asking myself what you I do will all that money. I sure everyone has this thought of winning it big but few even get to experience it. When the lottery get as high as it is now it becomes the talk of my family. We all have different ideas and plans of what we would do with 1.3 billion dollars. Almost every time I talk about winning the lottery my idea of what I would do changes. As I get older and wiser my ideas change, but I think i got it right this time. I personally wouldn t want anyone to know ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Descriptive Essay About Ez Energy The first thing that pops out in the room is the crinkled up wrappers, scattered around the room everywhere, some torn up and in the trash. There were even some wrappers that were still brand new, some on tubs and bottles, and some of them unfinished and uncolored. These wrappers had all different colors and designs, but they all read, Ez Energy. All of the wrappers were very glossy but also smooth, you could hear the crinkle noise when you felt the wrappers. In the room there were at least over different 100 wrappers, but none of them perfect in the eyes of a perfectionist. These wrappers were just the start of the items in the large office room. One of the most noticeable things in the room were just two simple words, Ez Energy. Although it might not sound important, in this room it those words are very important. There wasn t a spot that you can t glance at without seeing those two words. The words were on everything that was possible to think of, large banners on the wall reading, Ez Energy , brand new glossy stickers with those two words on them, even oversized t shirts and hoodies with embroidered words on them which say, Ez Energy. In this room there were even logos with those two words on them, everywhere plastered throughout the whole room. Those words were the name of a failing energy drink company called, Ez Energy. Also in the office room, a large king sized bed with many things scattered all over it. The bed frame was a nice oak wood frame, but was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. A Comparison of Corrupt Kings in Shakespeare s Henry IV... A successful monarchy relies upon a stable leader who is concerned with the satisfaction of those he rules over. Henry Bolingbroke the IV in Shakespeare s Henry the IV Part I follows a trend set by his predecessor in Richard II of self indulgence and neglect of his kingdom. These leaders worry about the possibility of losing their kingdom or their soldiers to other nobles who were also concerned more with obtaining a higher position rather than governing. The king must also be wary of his own life, something that was once revered and guarded closely by other nobles. Wars once fought for gaining or protecting land are overshadowed by personal battles fighting for the position of king. Henry proved himself a powerful and fearless leader ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfortunately, Gaunt would not have been much more satisfied with Richard s replacement, Henry. Raising a child is always a challenging and time consuming task, and raising a prince is even more difficult. Henry puts his leadership aside to focus his efforts upon preventing Prince Hal from absolute corruption or even betrayal. Hal enjoys the company of an unruly thief, the drunkard John Falstaff, as well as several other less respectable persons. Henry is more realistic and rational than Richard, and he is able to see that his position is not a good one. He may fear that he is a bad example for his son, for he too was a robber when he stole the throne. He fears that his son will ruin his image as king or even assist in overthrowing him; Why, Harry, do I tell thee of my foes, / Which are my nearest and dearest enemy? / Thou that art like enough, through vassal fear, / Base inclination, and the start of the spleen, / To fight against me under Percy s pay, / to dog his hells, and curtys at his frowns, / To show how much thou art degenerate. (Henry, III, ii, 127 133). When Henry hears Hal s promise to kill Percy as a display of his loyalty and ability to lead with valor, he again puts his responsibilities as king aside to assist his son in battling personal foes. Hal becomes the prodigal son; however, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Maus Sparknotes Maus is a tale about a young man who is in search for answers about his own life and his father s life. Vladek Spiegelman is a survivor of the holocaust who reconnects with his son Art Spiegelman by telling him stories of his past. Art creates a well written comic tale about the Holocaust and the relationship he has with his father. This survivor s tale takes you back to the Second World War to tell us a story of a Jew who hardly survived life. The story opens with Art visiting his father to get more information about his father s experiences in WWII so he can write a book. The first chapter of the tale reveals Art s family. His father, who lives in Rego Park, remarried a holocaust survivor named Mala. Mala and Vladek continuously fight and Vladek wishes he never got remarried. Art s real mother committed suicide in 1968 when Art was twenty years old. Art never really got to know his mother the way he wanted to. The book reveals that Art s mother had diaries but Vladek threw them away because he did not want to relive those memories. After Anja died I had to make an order with everything...these papers had to many memories. So I burned them. (Maus 1, pg104). Art wanted those diaries because he wanted to know what his mother went through. He had so many questions he wanted answers to. After Art s mother died, he did not keep a close relationship with his father. They lived separate lives until Art reconnected with his father again to write a story about his life. The tale ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...