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Wtsda Black Belt Essay
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Wtsda Black Belt Essay Wtsda Black Belt Essay
The Hitchhiker Plot Analysis
The Hitchhiker plot In most ghost stories, there suspenseful, scary, and thrilling, and which are all
elements that most people find enjoyable. In Lucille Fletcher s the Hitchhiker, a man had a sudden
urge to go on a journey, but this wasn t your average journey. On the other hand, Ronald Adams
repeatedly sees this perplexing man on every road he went on. After continuously seeing this man it
drives him insane. She uses exposition, climax, and resolution as the plotelements, they play a big
role with each other to make this play effective. Fletchers uses exposition to create this
suspenseful play that everyone would like. To begin with Fletchers development of the suspense is
the exposition. The hitchhiker stated I left Brooklyn to drive to California (1001). This is the start
of the exposition that shows how this story started and where the setting will mostly take place,
these were the roots of the play to get the suspense going. The Second way is when the... Show
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When he gets done with the call after he finds out hes dead, he freezes. After he get done with
the call, the whole mood of the story changes, it goes from going on a journey to seeing the
hitchhiker and then founding out your dead. The mood changed throughout the story and that s
how Fletcher wanted it go. After realizing hes dead, hes sees the ghost. Seeing the ghost seeing
ghost and try to found out who he is. The realization of his death he wants to seek out to find
who the mysterious man is who s been following him everywhere and how his journey changed
from California has changed to journey of searching who the man is. He s finding out who
hitchhiker is but he also needs to find out who he is. Trying to find out who he is, after finding
out he s dead, he doesn t know who is any more like he s just a ghost now, and he don t what to
do anymore and he just needs find out who he is. Fletcher uses these many elements for this play to
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Pierre Bourdieu Coins the Term †Habitus’ to Explain the...
Sociology of the Body Pierre Bourdieu coins the term habitus to explain the role of the body in class
reproductive dynamics. Summarize his position Introduction Pierre Bourdieu s account of class
reproductive dynamics stems from his belief that your habitus dictates how your body engages in
the reproductive dynamics of class theory. This notion of habitus has become central to the studies
on social inequality. Bourdieu and Structuralism Bourdieu is a typical example of a structuralist.
Structuralism is concerned with macro theories and the functionalist school of thought along with
conflict theories, which were illustrated by Durkheim and Marx, respectively. Structure confines the
person to a certain area, and restrains them to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In other words, the habitus enables sociologists, more or less, to resolve the troublesome dichotomy
between subject/object and structure/agency. The habitus is rooted in the body and exists through
the practice of actors and their interactions with each other and their environment. It does not
comprise manifestations of social behaviour but is integral to that behaviour and a combination of
the personal and the systemic (Jenkins 1992: 74) (Butler Robson, 2003, p 37) The power of habitus
derives from the thoughtlessness of habit and habituation, rather than consciously learned rules and
principles (Jenkins, 1992, p76) Reproduction Theory The reproduction theory, started by the left
Neo Marxist phase in the 60 s concentrates on the concept of ideology and the nature of capitalism
and the state apparatus The ideology of capitalism is what holds together the exploitative system of
social inequality. Schools are perpetuated by capitalism, which leads to a meritocracy society. All of
these class structures and inequalities are produced by institutional systems like education, religion
and family. These internal workings of such institutions send the tacit message that people are in the
place they deserve in society. This can be compared to the far right, chain of thought Thatcherism,
being one.
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A Nation Worth Defending By William Bennet
The Meaning of Being American What does it mean to be an American? Can this statement ever
really be defined since America is a melting pot of different races, religions, political views, social
views and so on and so fourth. To be an American can mean virtually anything and whether or not
somebody supports national symbols is just another part of being and American. As Americans we
have the right to disagree with the government, the right to protest against something unjust, the
right to burn a flag in disgrace because after all we have freedom of speech. To some these things
are un American, but to others they are the reasons America is such a wonderful place to live. There
is no definite answer to this question, but many... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Iraq is a perfect example. The Iraqis were in trouble and they needed help. It was our duty as
Americans to go into Iraq and liberate the Iraqi people. As Americans it was and still is our duty
to support this kind of war, as democracy is the best form of government and it should spread
throughout the world. Along this same line, it is the duty of Americans to believe and support
democracy to the fullest extent. Our for fathers gave their lives in the pursuit of democracy and
to go against this would treason to an extent. As William Bennet said in his essay, A Nation
Worth Defending , American patriotism has always been rooted in love of the principles upon
which the nation was founded: liberty, equality, justice, and democracy. America is the greatest
nation on Earth and we are privileged to be a citizen of it. America was founded on the principal
of freedom: Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom to choose who and what
you want to be, these are all rights outlined in the bill of rights and the constitution. So, what does
it mean to be an American? Well, it means that you support and accept people of different
nationalities, political beliefs, religions and everything about another person s culture. America is
a country were Freedom rings from sea to shining sea. American is a place where people should
be able to express themselves any way they want with out the fear of censorship or persecution. To
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Essay on Reflexivity and Modern Works of Anthropology
Reflexivity and Modern Works of Anthropology
The role of reflexivity in Anthropology has changed a great deal over time. The effects of doing
ethnography on the ethnographer was not considered an important mode of inquiry in the past.
While inevitably, going to far distant lands and living with a culture so different from your own
will at least cause the ethnographer to reflect on personal issues but most likely will cause
profound changes in the way he or she will view the world. But in the past these changes were not
important. What was necessary for the ethnographer to do in the past was to document a culture
break it down structurally and quantify the observations made. The reflexive nature of his or her
experiences were of little ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Malinowski, 11) This basically means that it is the role of the ethnographer to rationalize and
put in writing the ways of existence of another culture. What he gains from the experience of
living with the trobriand islanders is of no concern the people he was writing for. It is my belief
that perhaps the reason that the anthropologists of the past have placed so much importance on
structuralizing and bringing into written fruition the laws that the natives live by but are not
aware of, is to give others the idea that their research and inquiry are purely scientific and by no
means reflexive. The reason that they do this is probably to get backing by institutions in order
so they may have their travels paid for and so they may be recognized as a scholar by a scholarly
reading audience.
As time has gone on more and more Anthropologists have talked about how their ethnographic
research has effected their thinking. At first they integrated the reflexive nature of their research in
a sort of roundabout way. For instance the notion that different cultures and peoples really don t
structure their realities all that differently. (Levi Strauss) While this may not seem to be reflexive
and it definitely is not blatantly expressed in the text, it is more philosophical and more geared
towards stimulating thoughts about the nature of life as we know it. While Levi Strauss may not
have stated this outright (he still had to appear
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A Project On The Process Of Induction
Project origin:
The process of induction in our organizations is poor and unsatisfactory which needs to change and
for that we will amend the induction policy. It s a huge project and it will require continuous input
from different individuals for the best results.
Project benefits:
Amendments for the policy of induction
New process of induction
New employees will understand about our organization within 10 days.
Minimum chance of misguidance
Incensement in the productivity of the organization
Total amount that has been allocated for the project is =$230,000
It s been prioritized for valuable things first
15% of the budget is reserved for miscellaneous expenses
Timeline of the project is 1 12 2015 to 10 12 2015
All work will be completed before 28 11 2015
Feedback will be provided till 15 10 2015
Consider the plans before to check in details about the deadlines step by step for each action.
Sign off approval:
Project plan
Project Plan
The background of this project is given as:
The induction process is extremely unsatisfactory.
From now on the hiring will be conducted on decided days on a monthly basis.
Due to this change in the induction structure. we need amendments in our induction policy.
2.Aims and Objectives
A plan to provide new employees an appropriate introduction and overview of the organization
A plan to provide all new employees discrete
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Router and Switches
Router and Switches II In Routers and Switches we learned several things such as: what is a
Router, why we need Routers, what is the importance of a Router. We also learned what VLSM
is and how to do it and use it. Throughout CCNA we learned how to configure a Router; the
different types of Routing protocols and most importantly what, when and how to use those
protocols in the field. Finally I will discuss Switches in how they are use to set up a LAN.
Throughout this paper these topic will be discuss to cover what was learned through class lecture
and text book (CCNA study guide by Lammle) and actually applied through hands on labs which
were done with actual Cisco Router and Switches within a working LAN and Ethernet connection...
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The most common of the two link state protocols is OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) it is widely
used throughout the field (#1) due to it being a non proprietor protocol as well as its ability to
interface with other networks. With OSPF you can group router into small areas and link them
through a back bone when this is done you create the following a back bone router within the
area of the back bone there is an area border router (ABR), ABR must have one interface in each
area meaning the back bone and the area trying to link to the back bone, OSPF can also connect
to multiple Autonomous System. When configuring OSPF you must assign a process number in
all router within that group must use that same number, the number can range for 1 to 65,535
you can also have more than one each one will maintain its own separate topology table as well
as manage it independently. There is also distance vectors RIP vs. 1 and 2 (Routing Information
Protocol) these work well on small networks, IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) and
EIGRP (is the enhanced version of IGRP). The thing about these two meaning IGRP and EIGRP is
that they are proprietary protocols so they only work
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Exploratory Factor Analysis Essay
The results indicated that the Cronbach alpha for climate for sexual harassment measure was
well above 0.70 as recommended by Nunnally (1978) i.e. 0.934. The corrected item total
correlation for all the items within the scale was positive and exceeded the value of 0.3 by a
wide margin (Pallant, 2005). An examination of the scale s inter item correlation matrix indicated
that the scale showed a moderate to strong positive correlation between all the items within the
scale (Gliem Gliem, 2003). The result determined that all items within the scales were stable
enough to assess the intended construct. Exploratory factor analysis was utilized to determine the
construct validity using principle axis factoring with varimax rotation. For climate of sexual
harassment, the value of Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) was .919 which is superb (Hutcheson
Sofroniou, 1999, p 224 225) and the Bartlett test of sphericity was highly significant (p .001;
df=55; Approx. Chi Square=2777.314) thus, supporting the factorability of the correlation matrix,
proving that the factor analysis was appropriate (Table 4). An examination of the correlation matrix
disclosed many coefficients of .3 and above and there no values that were above .9, indicating that
there s no sign of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The analysis divulged the presence of a single factor with eigenvalues exceeding 1; the first factor
accounted for a variance of 6.809 explaining 61.904 % of the total variance (Table 43). The
interpretation of the one factor was consistent with the definition of climate for sexual harassment
which was labelled as Climate for sexual harassment . The factor loadings in the rotated factor
matrix for all the singular items were more than .6, thus proofing convergent validity (Table 4).
Furthermore, all items had loaded significantly on to one factor, hence proofing discriminant
validity. The result of the analysis supports the use of the
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The Environmental Issue Of Air Pollution Essay
The environmental issue for my Milestone project is Air pollution. Air pollution is the introduction
of particulates, biological molecules, and many harmful substances into Earth s atmosphere,
causing diseases, allergies, and death to humans, damage of other living organisms like animals and
crops, or the natural environment (National Geographic, 2016). Georgia air pollutionhas been a
focus for many years. Environmental protection Agency and Clean air act has been one of the main
contributors to controlling environmental air pollution from increasing. The research is on scholars,
chemicals and gases connected to air pollution and health hazards. Solution for Georgia is
conserving, alternative energy and renewable resources.
This paper will discuss some of the major problems with air pollution in Atlanta, Georgia. The
paper will also tell about the connection to health problem from air pollution from research and
scholars. Air pollution is a global problem in many different areas and with laws and agency there
is room for improvement. Some of the topic will be on chemicals and gases connected to air
pollution. I will also discuss finding a solution to some of the air pollution problems in Georgia.
In 2014 Georgia population was 10.1 million and growing. Population growth has been connected to
air pollution by each person ecological footprint. Ecological foot print is the impact of an individual
or community on the environment (Global footprint Network, 2016). The footprint
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Comparing My Writings Of My Personal Writings
As I have considered how to approach this essay, I thought it would be best to compare two of my
writings for each example. Providing two quotes for each example will be most effective in
showing the progression I ve made. Kind of a before and after take on this essay.
Example 1: Introduction
Everyone likes him. How can I blame them? What wasn t there to like? But, I didn t like him...I
love him. He is one of my best friends and has been one of my heroes ever since I can remember. I
have taken a lot of advice from him over the years, but there is one piece of advice I will never
...Chinese confidence skyrocketed in their own country. Due to this confidence boost, the Chinese
have become a world superpower economically, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
America is not their only option in foreign trade.
I chose these two snippets because they effectively demonstrate the difference in how the
confidence in my writing has increased. With the second piece, I was assertive, I did not speak in
passive voice; it was very direct. I chose also chose this because it demonstrates the progression
from the body of my essays specifically.
I ve come to find that my writing has progressed from very emotionally filled with lots of fluff, to
very informative with lots of evidence to back up what I ve said. As I m going into Political Science
, feeling does have a part to play, but what you say doesn t mean anything if you can t back it up.
So it really depends on what kind of writing you re doing, whether it be a research paper,
biography, or a newspaper column. Although, I do feel that my writing is taking the turn it needs
to for the profession I m wanting to pursue. It may not be what was wanted in this class or what
seems interesting to most, but it is exactly what I need for my future. So in that way, my writing
has progressed. These two quotes show this difference clearly.
Example 3: Conclusion
I will change the world, one person at a
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Elizabeth Siddal And The Femme Fatale
In pre Raphaelite paintings, a famously known model, Elizabeth Siddal appears as an idealised
form of female body. In the 19th century, she was the central figure of the muse that often
combined with man s fantasy and sensuality with poetic idealism. Although Rossetti and Siddal s
marriage was not so idealised rather a tragedy, but they formed a relationship of an artist and the
muse. After the death of Siddal, Rossetti departed from the notion of ideal women but he was
preoccupied with the theme of Lilith in both his paintings and poetry. Rossetti manifested many of
the demonized figure imagery, the femme fatal , in his art and to a certain extent, we could see that
he was not free from the memory of his wronged wife. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that many male
artists depicted the female body imagery in two categories, which are either the idealised, the muse
or the cult of feminine beauty, the femme fatale. Those binary structured perception between the
muse and the femme fatale have a strong relationship with the man s agony and anxiety over the
female challenges that were emerging at different levels of society. Bear this ideas in mind, the
paper attempts to explore the Lilith images in Rossetti s art with the particular focus on how the
muse turned into femme fatale. Furthermore, it will discuss Rossetti s engagements with his wife,
Elizabeth Siddal from the perspective of personal and psychological aspects. First, the paper will
briefly discuss the
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Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara...
Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara Garson *No Works Cited Summary In
her introduction, Barbara Garson gives the reader an idea of her personal work experience as a
clerk with automation. One can see that Garson is a strong critique of automation. In order to
convey how automation is affecting our society the author begins by analyzing and studying
various jobs from the bottom on up (i.e. starting with the most unskilled labor). Chapter one
examines the various occupations at McDonalds s. Barbara Garson finds that most workers here
tend to dislike their jobs. Due to the tremendous amount of stress created by automated systems
such as timers and computer generated productivity statistics McDonald s has a high... Show more
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At first I tried to use my own conversational skills when dealing with customers, but it did not
take long until my supervisors started to discipline me about how important it supposedly is to
follow the given scripts. Hence, I used these scripts and my 5 hour work day seemed like an
eternity. I felt like a wind up doll and eventually quit the job although I was desperately in need
of money. The reason I am mentioning this is because I believe that in reality there is no
difference between the fast food employee and the reservation agent in terms of individuality.
Through automation, both professions have lost their personal touch to the public. In my case I
tried to solicit funds from individuals using my own ideas and creativity, yet was not allowed to
do so. Hence, my job became monotonous. Quite honestly I do not believe Kenny when he
states that he likes his work. He argues that he gets to deal with the public. But in order to do so
he follows an unoriginal set of scripts and phrases. Thus, does he really get to talk to the public
or is he merely a machine or parrot triggered by certain key words such as Yes, No, or Maybe.
Furthermore, Kenny was an actor. This profession also requires one to follow scripts, yet what sets
one actor apart from another is their individuality. When Kenny plays a role where he has to
portray certain emotions he does not follow a
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The Violent Myth Of Appalachia Essay
Brooks 3
ENGL 330
Appalachian Literature
Julie A. Brooks
November 17, 2016
the violent myth of appalachia
Appalachia may be the most misconceived region in the United States. To many Americans,
Appalachia has been thought of as a poverty stricken, backwards, violent region, and to some it
still is perceived as such. Often it has been labeled with titles such as hillbilly, redneck,
moonshiner, and feudists. Appalachia?s residents are seen as lazy, non trusting, drunk, illiterate,
and in need of a savior to pull them out of the darkness into the light. This research paper will
seek to challenge the myth of a violent Appalachia by describing documented proof that violence
in Appalachia is not, as most thought, a product of its geographical location, or because its people
are isolated. Violence in Appalachia was, just as in other areas of America, a result of tensions and
frustration that was deep seeded in the fabric of all American society.
To understand the concepts of violence in Appalachia, it is imperative to explain how Appalachia
is defined. The Appalachian Region, as defined in ARC s authorizing legislation, is a 205,000
square mile region that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from southern New York to
northern Mississippi. It includes all West Virginia and parts of 12 other states: Alabama, Georgia,
Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
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Beginners Guide to Essay Writing
As many of my fellow batch mates are facing the writer s block in completing Essay I decided to
write this guide to help them, so that they can put to best use the last few days they have with their
family members (current and would be).
DISCLAIMER First and the most important thing. This is not for those unearthly souls who
want to touch that legendary upper word limit. Try to be humble and be content with 80%. It s
not that bad a number you see. This is also not for those who think it s their god assigned duty to
find if what you are answering is what was asked. So if you are one of these, the best action you
can take now with respect to this document is click the small X button in the top right corner of this
document. This is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
10. Stretch the meaning of the word describe to its limits. When they say describe, you
DESCRIBE. No detail is unnecessary and no information trivial unless you have crossed the word
11. Anyone from IT industry will know the importance of reuse of work already done by you or
someone else does, even if that reuse meant copy paste and portraying it as new effort and billing
the client for the same. Use that approach in your answers. For example answer question 9 properly
and you do not need to answer question 15 again. All you will need is a trimming of 50 words.
12. I have skipped question 13 as I had no intention of creating an imaginary situation in my
pretty normal and straight forward life of 24 years which would have asked me to act in a non
traditional way. In case you feel you can do it, then you are most welcome.
13. When the whole world is for gender equality we as future managers should not lag behind.
Bring gender equality in your answers. When you are referring to a third person use him or her, he
or she instead of just him and he.
14. If you were not a part of any social or cultural organization then you cannot skip question 14.
Some senior has already posted as to how you can write about the clubs you were part of in the
college. And there is no shortage of clubs and committees in any college. Cultural club, movie club,
Cricket club, Soccer club. You name it and
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Borrelia Burgdorferi Research Paper
Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorfer, this bacterium is transmitted to humans
through ticks. Borrelia burgdorferi is a gram negative bacterium that belongs to the spirochetes
class, its usually 1um wide but can be up to 10 25um long. Some of the structures that Borrelia
burgdorferi have are the flagellum, which allows the bacterium to migrate through viscous fluids
(i.e. blood) and burrow through tissues, the bacterium also has outer surface proteins that are OspA
and OspC which play a direct role in the transmission of the bacteriainto the host cell. Bacteria in
general do not have the limitations that viruses do, viruses must have a living host in order to
reproduce. Most bacteria are able to grow on non living surfaces and live intercellularly. Lyme
diseaseis easy to identify because of the bullseye that results from the tickbite infected with Borrelia
burgdorfer. Viruses are extremely unique to the microbial world they are the smallest and
simplest microbe. Virions are only 20 400nm in size, and they do not have any way to replicate
outside the host cell. Viruses do not have a cell wall, instead of a cell wall... Show more content on
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A possible alternative diagnosis to the hikers ailments could be measles virus, or shingles virus.
The symptoms of measles consist of high fever, runny nose, rash and could be a possible diagnosis
and the proper ELISA assays would need to be performed on the hikers to determine this. Shingles
virus occurs when the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates. The symptoms of shingles include
headache, flu like symptoms, and a painful
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Harland Sanders
Oh yes the past can hurt, but you can either learn from it or learn from it. Rhafika The quote is
pretty much saying that you should learn from the past and make better choices because of your
past. This quote is appealing to social life because everyone lives by this quote without even
knowing. This source shows examples of this quote and how people learned because of their
Robert Downey Jr. thrived and learned from the past in many ways. Although he is thriving now,
his early life was not so good but he found a way to pull through. In Britannica s Biography she
states that Robert Downey Jr. dropped out of highschool pursuing an actor career and progressed
very slowly(Dow 1). At first, success was slow, but his success slowly... Show more content on
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For half of Sanders life, he was not known and not popular but that changed drastically.
According to Hutchingson s biography he states, Reduced to living on social security payments,
Sanders took to the road franchising his fried chicken recipe(Har 1). Sanders success came very
slowly. The fact that he was poor and is now the founder of a very popular chain restaurant
shows that he succeeded even though he had a lot of troubles. Although Sanders had a recipe, he
couldn t really do much with it, but it will soon make him wealthy. In Britannica s biographies
she states, After selling his restaurant, Sanders took to the road armed with his recipe but signed
up only five restaurants in two years. By 1964, however, there were more than 600 franchises in
the U.S and Canada and Sanders was making $300,000 a year(Har 1). Seeing how Sanders only
signed up five restaurants in two years shows that he was not really that successful with his
recipe. He did infact overcome this because later down the road he was signed up to 600
different franchises and started making money. Although Sanders is as popular and successful
as he is know, he never got handed anything, he succeeded all on his own. Another passage from
Hutchingson s biography states, Sanders founded the Kentucky fried chicken(KFC) franchise in
1956, at the age of 65, using his monthly $105 dollar social security check(Har 1). Sanders failure
of jobs and lack of money would be something most people can t overcome. Sanders only made
105 dollars a month at the age of 65 and still found a way to become rich. This shows that he
learned from the past and changed yet his
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Karen L. Edwards The Mother Of All Femmes
Eve has been considered as the mother of femmes fatales. Karen L. Edwards, in The Mother of All
Femmes Fatales: Eve as Temptress in Genesis 3 argue that allusions to the story of the fall
regularly assume Eve to be the archetypal femme fatale: she tempts Adam to participate with her in
a divinely forbidden act in order to gain illicit knowledge, thus luring him to death, and with him the
rest of human kind (35). Another good illustration of the fatal womanis Lilith, who has been
dismissed from the Garden of Aden after claiming her equality with Adam in terms of sexuality and
desires. Moreover, Lilith is seen as a destructive women who brought death to humanity by
murdering children. This turns her into an evil woman in the masquerade
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Wizard Of Oz Color Analysis
L. Frank Baum wrote an amazing story using colors to describe each part of Dorothy s journey to
Oz. The color changes throughout the story symbolized setting changes and different stages in her
journey. The colors also represented danger, beauty, power, mood and identified characters and
The story begins with the color gray. Dorothy s home, her dog Toto, the farm she lived on with
her Aunt and Uncle, the land and sky are all gray and dull. Once the house had been painted, but
the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray
as everything else (Baum, ch.1). Her hardworking relatives were too busy working on the farm to
have any fun with Dorothy. The best part of Dorothy s life is her best friend Toto, who is black
and the only thing that isn t gray in her life. A fast approaching cyclone is about to change Dorothy
s life forever.
Dorothy s first experience with color came when her house was thrown by a cyclone into the land ...
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The tin woodman, the scarecrow and the lion become her friends and help her on the scary
journey. They travel through dark and dangerous forests, encounter Kalidahs which are monster
like beasts and deadly poppy fields. When they arrive in the city of Oz the color changes to
green. The houses and streets are made of green marble and emeralds. This fantasy like land is
bright, the sky is green and the sun shines green. The people are wearing green and selling green
lemonade. The Palace of Oz is green and everything in it is green including the carpet, furniture,
flowers and books. The throne room where the great and powerful Oz lives is made of emeralds
and green marble too. When Dorothy meets Oz, he tells her the only way he can help her get back
to Kansas is if she kills the wicked witch of the West. Dorothy and her friends leave the City of
Emerald heading west to find the witch they must
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Morquio Syndrome In Freak The Mighty
Teamwork is recognizing that working together gets things done. In the novel Freak the Mighty
there is a kid named Kevin who has Morquio syndrome. Kevin meets a kid his age named Max,
who is the complete opposite of Kevin. Max is big for his age, while Kevin is very small. Kevin
is also super smart. When the two of them are together they are Freak the Mighty. Kevin and Max
are able to accomplish much more together than they can separately. One example of when Freak
and Max worked together to get things done that they could not have done alone is when Blade
was trying to attack them. Freak was on Max s shoulders directing where he needed to go. Go! Go!
And I run over this punk, he s so surprised he loses his bubble gum and he tries to grab
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Mascot Analysis
Rationale, explanation of interest, or area of focus
This analysis will focus on the importance of mascots for the selected institutions and how they
relate to the normal livelihoods of the students in both universities. The term mascot is used to refer
to an animal, a person or object that is believed to bring some sense of good luck in various
perspectives. It is a term and phenomenon that has been consistently used through history to relate
to the success of various institutional activities, especially in the sports arena. Institutions with
mascots tend to have a deep history in terms of its selection and related significance. The two
selected universities in this assessment have peculiar mascot symbols that have been used for many
years to derive distinct meanings that represent respective cultures. ... Show more content on
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Since then, the institution has passed a joint ideology about the nocturnal bird to its students with
emphasis put on how it represents a sense of knowledge and wisdom thus a perfect symbol to use in
any center of learning (Temple University, 2015). Also, the owl mascot has been attributed to the
goddess Athena, who is mythically known for her wisdom, knowledge, arts, skills and precision in
warfare. From nature s perspective, the owl is deemed a resourceful, perceptive, courageous and
fierce fighter. These attributes have been prescribed to the university students for years with an
objective of building a learning culture in the institution. The main problem noted with the
perception created for this mascot is that the university has not reiterated on how the symbol can be
incorporated to ensure success in the extra curriculum activities. The university is not famous or
well established in sporting events, and this can be attributed to the message passed by the
institution to the students (Owlsports,
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Manhunt Incident
Have you ever had that scare where your heart just stops and you freeze up? Well, I have and it was
so scary I ran 15 mph. It was a saturday night and it was my neighbor s birthday party. I called my
friend Gabby and I and said let s meet up at the courts ,and so we did. When we met up and I saw
a lot of other people that came for his party. We were getting bored, so we decided to play a
game called Manhunt. Before we got to play a police officer came and said have you kids seen
anything suspicious in this neighborhood we all said, no at the same time. Then we picked our
teams and made them even 11 vs. 11. My team had to hide first. The rules were you can only hide
around the block and you had to make it back to the driveway without getting
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Havisham Essay
Havisham essay.
Miss Havisham is a bitter and twisted character from the novel Great Expectations by Charles
Dickens. Carol Ann Duffy takes this character and explores her tragic life in the poem Havisham .
Duffy uses Dark themes, structure, symbolism and other poetic techniques to express Havisham s
hatred for men after her tragic wedding when she was rejected by her fiancГ©. Duffy s use of
these poetic techniques create a sinister character and makes Havisham feel real to the reader.
To begin the poem Duffy uses a shocking short sentence, which contains contrasting word choice to
convey an ironic tone from Havisham. The contradictory oxymoron also startles the reader and
grasps our attention as we do not expect this beginning. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She even begins to make animalistic screams which are symbolic of darkness and death. cawing
nooooo this neologism of no suggests an animalistic persona where her sense of language has
broken down to a series of noises which highlight her extreme mental decay. This also suggests
her self pity but makes the reader feel sympathy for the narrator as she desperately screams at the
wall showing how lost and pathetic she has become over time. The cawing is also symbolic of
death and darkness as it is resembling a crow which the reader links with death, darkness and the
devil. This combination of neologism and symbolism creates a sinister mood. Duffy s use of
neologism to emphasis Havisham s mental decay makes her feel real to the reader and her
animalistic person adds to her sinister character.
Duffy goes on to show Havisham s layers of feelings as she expresses her exterior feelings of
hatred, anger and revenge which contrast with her true feelings of love for her past lover. It is the
rejection from her lover which sends her into this downward spiral which eventually results in her
feelings of hatred for all men and desperate want for revenge. love s hate behind a white veil This
oxymoron places love and hate side by side and conceals both emotions behind a symbolic white
bridal veil, which is ironically white and contrasts with her
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Difference Between ISIS And Al Qaeda
bureaucracy effectively make policy recommendations to combat terrorism, inform those under
attack, and lower the risk of attacks in the future.
The perceived image of modern terrorism is different than the face of terror in the past, due to the
increasing use of technology as a means for aiding extremists and terrorist activities. This paper will
argue that modern tactics require different approaches from what has been done in the past to fight
terrorism, and explore this difference between this past and present technological recruitment
phenomenon. I will examine this issue using ISIS and Al Qaeda as a case study, by finding how it
effectively utilizes and issues propaganda, therefore influencing citizens to join their fight. What is
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Airline Food Quality Improvements At The Food Industry
Airline Food Quality Improvements Culinary arts are the act of preparing, cooking and
presenting food in the form of a meal. This process is a science with infinite possibilities and no
limits of opportunities. Sullivan (2014) makes the case that food preparation is considered an art.
He defines art as to reveal something hidden . While the preparation of meals can take many
shapes and forms the end means is to allow consumers to consume. People consume meals of a
vast variety for many different reasons. Whether it is the weight lifter bulking up, the traveling
sales man grabbing a quick bite, or a mother preparing a dinner for her family consumption is a
necessary and routine event. The consistent and necessary event provides... Show more content on
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Having the information provides the foundation of understanding. This allows offerings to be
tailored to meet consumer wants. While food preparation can be considered an art, there are some
mitigating factors affecting what type of food offerings can be made available in certain settings.
Complementary items, necessary to prepare meals, can limit the availability of what can be
offered. For example if a kitchen does not have a fryer it is not able to prepare fried foods. An
airliner will not maintain a fully stocked kitchen and therefore may be limited to microwaveable
dishes. These challenges must be accounted for when determining the culinary menu.
Understanding potential limiting factors can assure the best possible offerings are available for the
target audience.
This analysis will evaluate how a suffering airline, respective to its quality of food offerings, can
improve outcomes using market research and customer feedback. This information can be used to
support changes in their airline menu. These changes can ensure a better consumer perception
toward the airlines food offerings. The use of secondary research, surveys, questionnaires and small
pilot groups can assist the airliner with making changes that meet the target audiences expectations.
This analysis will identify the abstract constructs used to measure acceptability of airline food
offerings. Both culinary offerings and people s opinions of what constitutes
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The Army White Paper
Frequent deployments and changing times created a distraction in the Professional aspect of the
Army. The distraction created a deficiency in maintaining the highest standards of the Profession
of Arms. In an effort to refine their understanding of the Army Profession, the Secretary of the
Army and the Army Chief of Staff directed that a review of the Army Profession be conducted,
thus the creation of the Profession of Arms Campaign. The Profession of Arms Campaign
jumpstarted with An Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms . The white paper is used as a
catalyst for the professional discourse we want to have about our profession. The Army White
Paper is an article which discussed the following topics as it relates to the Profession of Arms;
The Army as a Profession of Arms, The Army s Professional Culture, the Army Ethic, The Army
Ethic and External Relations, and Adapting the Army as Profession of Arms after a Decade of
War. (retrieved from Youtube.com) The second proponent in carrying out functions related to the
Army Profession and Ethic is a web based resource named CAPE (Center for the Army Profession
and Ethic). CAPE is fairly similar to The Army White paper, in terms of topics. Subsequently, both
publications provide an overview of the Profession of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Institutional culture has a unique way of shaping professional behavior. Army culture is defined as
a collective belief amongst Soldier s. Every Soldier took the same Oath on their day of Enlistment.
With that Oath birthed a bond. A bond where members of an organization appreciate and carry out
the beliefs, attitudes, values, goals and practices of that of that organization. An example of The
Army Culture is its artifacts. The United States Flag, Uniforms, ceremonies, monuments, myths and
stories that will be passed on through different generations, all play a role in Army Culture. (An
Army White Paper: The Profession Of
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Lost in Translation by Ewa Hoffman Essay
Lost in Translation A Place to Remember
As people grow up, there are special places that remain in the memories. These places become a
safe haven when life becomes too rough to handle. All the bad qualities of this place disappear
in their minds so that only a perfect world exists. This is a place where everything is right and
everyday troubles do not exist. In the novel Lost in Translation by Ewa Hoffman, she describes
this paradise of sorts as her hometown of Cracow, Poland.
Cracow, Poland is where Ewa spent the majority of her childhood up until age fourteen when she
emigrated to the Canada with her mother, father, and younger sister Alina. Although she only spent
fourteen years there, this place ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
From the beginning of Ewa s emigration, she realized the difference in monetary values. In Poland
two dollars could have bought a bicycle whereas on the train the two dollars only bought four
bowls of soup. This is one reason why Cracow was a special place to her; it provided her with
In Cracow, Ewa was considered a piece of beauty. She was considered a porcelain princess and
often received comments about her attractiveness. She always had the finest clothes and was
very up to date with her sense of style. When arriving in Canada her perception of herself
changed as she realized that she was not the most attractive girl. All of the other girls walked
around with thin eyebrows and red lipstick, whereas Ewa had bushy eyebrows and wore no
lipstick. The clothing the Ewa wore was also quite different than that of Ewa s. Because of her
family s lower political caste, her family was unable to provide the money for Ewa to look like
all the other girls. She had to rely on the charitable donations of people such as the Rosenbergs. In
Cracow, this would never be the case.
Growing up in Cracow, Ewa had many close friendships. However, there was one boy in
particular that was always there for her, Marek. Ewa and Marek s parents were best friends which
eventually led to the two children becoming best friends. It was with Marek that Ewa had her first
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Leadership As An Effective Leader
The world of healthcare, its delivery and services are forever evolving; and in the interim so is its
infrastructure and workforce capacity (Klienman, 2003). Healthcare executives must be equipped
with the proper skills in order to be effective leaders in the field. Dye and Garman (2006) highlight
various critical competencies all healthcare executives should harness in order to be influential
leaders in their present or future leadershiprole. Some competences may come natural to
individuals, while others have to be developed and strengthened over time. Leaders are faced with
challenges such as ethical dilemmas, budgetary cuts and organizational restructuring. Furthermore
they are also responsible for sustaining employee morale, being a visionary and a role model
within their respective agencies. However, the key to their success in being an effective leader is
based upon a foundation of the ability to influence and an understanding of their ethical approach to
decision making (Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan Switzler, 2013).
Based upon what I have learned throughout the course, I define influential leadership as an
individuals ability to affect their team positively through motivation and inspiration to achieve
organizational outcomes. Leaders should not use their authority in an abusive manner through
negative influence; in turn it should be used to empower their employees and to make them feel
appreciated for their work. Influence is a vital asset when it
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Civil War Short Story
It was a day like any other, it started with the sun rising above the hills and the light reflecting off
of the dew on the grass. However, everything would soon change, when four warriors unlikely to
have ever met, come together to face a group of men terrorizing a city. The warriors were
Deallus and his friend Ffyddlon, Unig, and Cyfiawn. They all had heard of a group of men
terrorizing the city of Tynged, they went on a killing spree every night. Each warrior had their
own reason for going to the city to face these terrible men. For Deallus and Ffyddlon, it was for
the adventure. For Unig it was out of guilt, his entire village had been destroyed and he was the
last of his people. The last one, Cyfiawn came for justice for he was a righteous... Show more
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As soon as they entered the men attacked, Wyneb Coch had a face red with fury and swiftly
attacked Cyfiawn trying to stab him but failing because Cyfiawn was prepared and deflected the
attack. Ffyddlon and Deallus were attacked by Seico who only had a dagger but was a great fighter,
Deallus tried to fight him but Seico overpowered him. Ffyddlon saw the attack and lunged in
front of Deallus, and ended up getting stabbed in the side. Realizing what had just happened, in
a fit of rage Deallus sliced Seico s head clean off. He then rushed over to Ffyddlon mumbling
words of encouragement, he then placed pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, he ripped
part of his shirt and tied it around Ffyddlon s waist. When Ffyddlon had enough strength he
stood up and was ready to fight again. He was a very strong man who had endured a lot worse in
previous battles. Unig was attacked by Wallgof who had been in so many battles he went mad.
Wallgof did not have any weapons and Unig deemed that unfair so he threw his sword away and
settled to hand to hand combat. Unig was clearly the better but hated to resort to violence, but he
reasoned with himself that this man had killed people and overpowered him and with one swift
blow to the head, rendered him unconscious. He then got some rope he had packed and tied his
hands and feet. When Unig got up he realized Cyfiawn was still fighting Wyneb Coch, he called
for Ffyddlon and Deallus and
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Pop art was a direct response to the commercial and...
Pop art was a direct response to the commercial and consumer society of modern time . Explain
why this might be true. Pop art was an art formed by artist expressing their views.
Pop art was a direct response to the commercial and consumer society of modern time . Explain
why this might be true.
Pop art was an art formed by artist expressing their views on modern day society. Pop art
originally emerged from England in the fifties; although it was not exploited in England, in fact
during the fifties it wasn t very well implemented. In the sixties, in New York, pop art began to
have a high prospective. Many artists soon realized that pop art could be expressed in a variety of
forms, this soon related to its commercial use. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1961 Roy Lichtenstein made use of the Ben Day dots . This was the first time an artist had used
this device. Lichtenstein exploited this and turned it into a signature for himself on his paintings of
cartoon characters.
Many Pop artists have attempted to and inspired an impersonal approach in to work trying not to
offend any community. Although in many circumstances pop artist did impose their own views in
their work, Pop artist took this opportunity to criticize society.
Quadrant 1982: The piece of art work on the left which Andy Warhol had created criticized the
way society is fixated on money. Warhol was an idealist. He had managed to survive W.W.II., he
realized the important values of life. The Quadrant symbolized how society had always been.
It shows the $ symbol in four different colors. This translated to people as different times but the
same agenda, money.
The Ben Day dots led the way for commercial use of pop art.
Lichtenstein used this to his advantage and exploited it. The Ben Day dots was an efficient use in
advertising. This device allowed unique paintings and large scale posters to be created. The more
striking pop art was created by Roy Lichtenstein. Lichtenstein manipulated the way we see day to
day objects and cartoon drawings.
Reverie 1965: Roy Lichtenstein always enjoyed illustrating and implementing carton drawings into
his work. He often read comic magazines to be inspired for
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Praxis And Girls On The Run
Throughout this course, I have always come back to the same idea: praxis. It was a difficult
concept for me to initially understand. I blindly believed that those who are protesting and
trying to bring about change are already educated. I had a blanket understanding of the idea of
praxis, but it was not until we started the praxis assignment that it made sense. Going into it, I
believed that what we were doing was truly intersectional; after all, we were providing
transportation so more young girls could have access to Girls on the Run. But reflecting on my
experience now that I have learned more about intersectionality, I look at this experience as only
a starting point. I can now reflect on the fact that the program is only beginning to make efforts
to become more intersectional and has a lot to improve upon. Once I applied the concepts from
class to the work I was doing, I finally understood what praxis meant. I have learned that praxis is
constantly evolving, and as it does, it is important to reevaluate the initial objective and make
efforts to improve and expand it. Low income families experience unique challenges. They often
do not have access to necessities, let alone their wants. Programs like Girls on the Run are great
and could really help these low income girls, but these are the girls who are likely unable to
participate in the program. Although the walking school busis a step in the right direction, it is not
all that is needed to provide greater access to
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Efficacy Of Monsanto s Ethical Culture
Case study Analysis
Question 1
Efficacy of Monsanto s Ethical Culture
Ethical issues remain relevant aspects for businesses operation and competitiveness. The elements
aforesaid ensure that every firm has what it takes to connect well with the community to provide
consistent market and productive relationship with other stakeholders. Monsanto Company that was
in a tussle with the community over the production of the genetically modified products that
seemed detrimental to the society responded by creating awareness to the people about the need for
sustainable farming practices (Carroll, 2015). The company notified farmers that the world
population was increasingly going up thus a need for sustainable agricultural practices. The
company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The capability to withstand water shortages and the havoc caused by the harvest passes makes the
plants to mature early with its productivity level being high. Regions suffering from food shortages
can only undergo starvation for short period before it can start to enjoy the food. On the other
hand, the abovementioned advantages make farmers engage in profitable farming business with the
low level of costs of farm inputs and high outputs. This aspect benefits not only the farmers but also
the population that stands to enjoy a large variety of food stuff at their disposal.
However, the use of the GM seeds for food production can quickly render a harmful impact to the
user. Lee Burrell (2002) stated, Intense concerns about the uncertain health and environmental of
GM farming have been the subject of high profile debate. The effects of GM farming on existing
forms of agriculture, raised by the prospect of cross pollination by GM seed, provoke similarly
polarized views It is common that genetic engineering process often takes place by joining different
genes of plants together to come up with a whole species of the plant. Unfortunately, this process
can easily result in coming up with plants with genes that are harmful to the consumers. Most of the
genetically modified food staffs can
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Reflection of Care Management Essay
This assignment will reflect on and critically analyse my personal and professional development
in the domain of care management over the last three years. It will additionally outline how I
plan to continue to develop in this domain once I have qualified as a registered nurse. My
development so far will be analysed from the perspective of the skills, knowledge and values
required of a registered nurse. Through this reflection I hope to confirm that my practice meets the
standards for entry onto the nursing register as outlined by the nursing and midwifery council
((NMC) 2008). Due to the nature of this assignment and for the purpose of reflection, as supported
by Fulbrook (2003), I will adopt a narrative approach that conveys thoughts,... Show more content
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Hogston and Simpson (2002) describe this traditional task orientated method of nursing care as
contrary to the nursing process, compromising the concept of individualised patient centred care.
Price (2006) supports this view, suggesting that patient centred care requires the nurse to be
flexible and not confined to set care pathways or task orientated methods. I complied with
functional nursing and completed tasks assigned to me which Higginson (2006) states many first
year nursing students do as they are preoccupied with worries about their ability to perform
nursing duties. However, through this I found that I did not engage completely with the patients
which according to Squire (2001) would have built a good, therapeutic and interpersonal
relationship with the patients. Reflecting using Benner (1984), in terms of starting to become a
proficient and capable staff nurse, I was a novice. Rather (2007) states that novices are taught
rules to help them perform, and although I was not taught these rules within my first placement I
still adhered to them and reflecting back I would consider my practice as limited and inflexible
due to these rules. Consequently I saw managerial skills such as time management, prioritising and
delegation beyond my capabilities, Hill and Howlett (2005) state feeling incapable of managing
patient care is normal for a first year student nurse. During my second placement in Theatre
Recovery is when
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Delillo Death s Uncertainty
According to Don DeLillo, a modern author, playwright, and essayist, The modern meaning of
life s end when does it end? How does it end? How should it end? What is the value of life? How
do we measure it? ( Don DeLillo Quotes, 2012). Through this quote, DeLillo questions death s
uncertainty by providing various wonders concerning its mysterious nature. With one of his most
popular novels, White Noise, DeLillo explores many contemporary issues through his characters
and plot. DeLillo frequently explores ideas such as people s dependence on consumerism, the
devastating effects of mediocrity, and the persistent nature of advertisements in order to press a
focus on modern society through lenses of the past and the evolution of society. Just... Show more
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DeLillo utilizes Babette throughout his novel in a similar way to how he uses Jack. In a similar
way to Jack, Babette serves an unformed character towards the beginning of the novel and is built
to present death s uncertainty as one prevalent theme throughout the novel. Some of the evidence
which DeLillo uses to illustrate Babette as a portrayal of death s uncertainty includes Babette s
work with the elderly, Babette s use of Dylar to escape her fear of death, and Babette s obsession
with Wilder s ignorance of death. Firstly, DeLillo goes through the same effort of assigning
Babette a symbolic passion which he goes through with Jack s character. Babette holds the same
fervor for her classes teaching the elderly which Jack holds for his Hitler studies. In this way,
Babette serves as a reflection of Jack s character. Comparatively, while Babette holds many
different positions within her life, she also goes to great lengths to primarily focus on her coaching
position in the same way that Jack focuses on his Hitler studies position. DeLillo employs this
same heavy focus on the elderly through Babette s character in order to press forth his theme of
death s uncertainty. Accordingly, in order to gain certainty concerning death, Babette constructs her
employment around the elderly. Consequently, Babette utilizes her position heavily in order to
maintain an intimacy and understanding of death while distancing herself from death s
uncertainty. Babette s classes with the elderly become a means of assessing death s uncertainty
while also existing as Babette s form of understanding it. Secondly, Babette s use of Dylar towards
the end of the novel is a perfect example of her character being faced with death s uncertainty.
Babette turns to using Dylar in order to face her fear of death s uncertainty. As Babette states
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Paper On Writing Service Contract Essay
Paper Shapers Writing Service Contract
Paper Shapers has designed this agreement to protect the rights of both parties entering into this
service agreement. Please read each section carefully and feel free to address any question or
concerns you may have about this agreement.
Due to the value we place on the time of our Paper Shapers staff as well as our customers, writing
appointments will be scheduled for 1 hour interval per page. All appointments will promptly
begin at the time agreed upon by both parties regardless of time lost due to customer lateness.
There will be no time or price adjustments made for time lost due to the lateness of a customer. All
time requested beyond the 1 hour interval, if permissible due to the open availability of a staff
member, shall be subject to an extension fee of $40 per hour. It is strongly advised and
recommended that all customers show up on time and thoroughly prepared for all appointments in
order to avoid any extra fees.
Cancellation Notice
Missed or cancelled appointments are subject to a cancelation charge of 20% of the service
charge. All clients are able to reschedule an appointment up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled to
the appointment time in order to avoid any occurring fees. There will be a $20 fee charged for the
rescheduling of an appointment that occur A client will have two opportunities to reschedule an
appointment before an appointment is marked as a cancellation.
A deposit of 20% of the
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Evaluation Of Norm Sample
Evaluation of Norm Sample for KeyMath 3 DA
The following evaluation presents the components of the normative sample applied in the KeyMath
3 Diagnostic Assessment (KeyMath 3 DA). For reference, a norm sample characterizes as a
selected sample of test takers from various common characteristics such as gender, age, grade, race,
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or some combination thereof, for the purpose of creating test
norms. The KeyMath 3 DA is a comprehensive, norm referenced measure of essential mathematical
concepts and skill which is untimed and individually administered (Connolly, p. 1, 2007).
Furthermore, the test consists of 372 full color test items and 10 subtests covering three general
math areas: Basic Concepts (numeration, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and
probability), Operations (mental computation and estimation; addition and subtraction; and
multiplication and division), and Applications (foundations of problem solving and applied
problem solving). Additionally, data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census (2004) reinforced the
integrity of the normative sample to establish the target counts in age, grade and season, race
/ethnicity, geographic region and socioeconomic status.
Ages/Grades of Students To accomplish an age norm sample, the KeyMath 3 DA tested students
beginning from the ages of 4 years 6 months through 21 years 11 months. In order to accommodate
the goal of testing 220 students per group, Connolly (2007) divided the groups such
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Difference Between Plant And Animal Cells
By Alexandra Escaja Heiss, Ashley Reeves, Christine Constant
Period G1/B3a Living Systems
Purpose To identify the difference between plant and animal cells, recognize their structures, and to
better understand the various functions of those cell organelles.
II. Background In 1665 Robert Hooke used an early light microscope to look at a thin slice of
cork. Under the microscope the cork looked to have thousands on empty chambers, which Hooke
noted looked like cells , so he coined the term.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch scientist who was named the father of microbiology. He
was the first person to look at living cells and bacteria under a slightly more advanced single lens
microscope in 1676 and 1683.
Matthias Schleiden was a German scientist who observed different plants in the late 1830 s. His
observations concluded that the plants were all composed of cells. Another German scientist,
Theodor Schwann, observed that animals were also composed of cells.
Later on, Rudolf Virchow concluded that the nucleus was the structures responsible for cell
division, which created the third part of the cell theory, stating that all cells came from other pre
existing cells.
The Cell Theory is as follows
1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells
2. The cell is the basic unit of structure in organisms
3. All cells come from pre existing cells
More Information on Cells:
Cell size is limited
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Amazon Ceo Strategy Project
Bus 109 CEO Project Group Members: John Kim Jane Fong Frank Lee Christian Heredra Duc
Phan Kung Yen Lin Yu Ju Chien Peter Huang Here s some articles I found that could start us off:
Sample Strategic Analysis Presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/MaxJallifier/final presentation
16443977 http://seekingalpha.com/article/1262831 amazon to face major challenges over its
business complexity and rising costs http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/12/19/3
challenges for amazoncom in.aspx Here are the 2 guidelines for Stage One that was given by the
TA: Stage One (Week 2) Single Spaced Business Block Format Include: * Current Situation *
Major issues impacting the Board * Major competitive... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This sort of global expansion adds great complexity to the functionality of Amazon s management,
personnel, operation systems, technical performance, financial resources, and internal financial
control and reporting functions. With the perplexity of current situations, Amazon may not be able
to sustain growth effectively, which ultimately could bring damage to their reputation and limit
their operating growth as well. . PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS * 2.Portfolio Analysis (Chapter
7.3) * BCG s Growth Share Matrix PARENTING STRATEGY * 3.Corporate Parenting *
What organizational structure, management processes, and philosophy will foster superior
performance from the company s business units? *
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Socrates Punishment And Punishments
In most circumstances ending the life of a criminal as their punishment usually reflects the
magnitude of the crimes that they committed, crimes that often involve the deaths of others or
equally heinous actions, yet one historical example stands out for not following this rule. In 399
BC, in Athens, Greece, two men put a meek philosopher named Socrateson trial for two crimes he
purportedly committed: not following state gods and corrupting the youth. These charges alleged
against Socrates reflected the general sentiment of Athenians regarding Socrates; namely that he
was an atheistic charlatan. The jury found Socrates guilty of these crimes and executed, a
punishment that does not logically befit the supposed crimes that he committed. No sane or logical
jury would find him guilty of such vague claims, especially in such a vehemently democratic polis
as Athens, and they would never have executed Socrates for such meager offenses, nonetheless he
was. Execution was especially unnecessary because Socrates himself was on the verge of death;
he was in his seventies in the Greek era, so he was bound to die soon anyways. The central focus,
then, is of understanding how on Earth the birthplace of democracy could have gone so awry and
when they tried, convicted, and executed Socrates. Athens sentenced Socrates to death because his
beliefs were against the flow of the changing Athenian ideological landscape, people regarded him
as a pompous, elitist charlatan who impugned their core
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Great West Description
The Great West
The western United States is amazing. My parents took my family and I out west when I young.
The Great West was a sensational place, I have seen many sensational places with great majestic
sites. There are 2 places that I preferred. The Rocky Mountains in Colorado and Big Sur,
California. I was very excited for this road trip, because it was the first time I did something on
my own. My vehicle was a shiny Black Toyota Celica. It contained a smell of ocean breezes, and
cigarettes in the interior of the car. The sun was bright and the sky dark baby blue. It was cold that
day and windy. The humidity was high and when the wind would blow it was freezing. In addition,
I began my trip West, I was earnest about this trip.
Next, I noticed things changing rapidly. The first 1500 miles was boring. After that, I was driving
through Kansas. It started to look, feel, and even smell different. Kansas is a long state to drive
across. The eastern part of Kansas had high humidity and weather and it felt sticky. The western
part of Kansas had no humidity, and an elevation of roughly 4000 ft. It was the beginning of the
desert. The desert was quiet but peaceful, it was a very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Rocky s were 30 40 miles west of the airport, in addition, these Mountains were unlike any
Mountains I ve seen. The view of the Mountains was a very bright and vibrant view. The Rocky
s had tall green aspen trees , snow , and 14000 ft. mountain peaks . I was assertive and
overwhelmed with excitement. There was no pollution, the air was clean. It felt like I was
breathing fresh oxygen. The smell and taste are difficult to explain, however, you could taste and
smell how clean the air was. I could feel and even hear the air when the wind approached. In
addition, depending on where you were the clouds above you and below you at high elevations were
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Read-Recite-Review Study Strategy
An independent variable is a set variable that does not change due to a change in another variable.
The independent variables in the Read Recite Review Study Strategy research article were the types
of study methods. The types of study methods were measured as the 3R, rereading, and note taking
strategies. These strategies did not change and would determine the dependent variables.
The dependent variable is a variable whose results rely on another variable. The dependent variable
in the study was the amount of retained information from each study methods. The amount of
retained information depended on which study method was used. The retained information was
measured by the scores on each test that was taken.
Design Procedure:
The design of the study was experimental The study was set up to uncover the causal relationship
between study methods and the amount of information that was retained. Participants were
randomly assigned to each of the study methods. The researchers used the type of study method as
a potential cause to determine how much information could be remembered on ... Show more
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The 3R method was beneficial towards immediate and delayed recall in Experiment 1. The mean
correct performance in Experiment 1 showed better test scores in free recall and short answer
testing when using the 3R method compared to the other methods. In Experiment 2, the 3R method
increased scores for multiple choice and problem solving tests. Experiment 2 also showed 3R being
the most beneficial in retaining information. The participants results on delayed testing were higher
on each test than any other study method. Thus, the benefits of 3R go beyond boosting performance
on a criterial test that parallels recitation (McDaniel, Howard, Einstein, 2009). Both studies
concluded that testing over material improves long term learning and retaining
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Colonial America Depend On The Enslavement Of Indigenous...
then after Massasoit felt better, and was cured of the disease. If it wasn t for the Europeans,
Massasoit would have never gotten sick of the diseases the Europeans brought with them.In the
article, Colonial America Depended on the Enslavement of Indigenous People by Marissa
Fessenden, Fessenden uncovers the truth about how the colonist lied at the fact that they did
actually enslave indigenous people. According to Brethren by Nature, it states that Colonists living
in New England relied on the labor of thousands of Native Americans to build their new lives (1).
This demonstrates that the book Nature wrote is an overlooked story that informs how back then
colonist did have slaves. In order to learn that the colonist did rely on Native
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Swot Analysis Of English Restaurant
NASHIK according to me it is a city attached with Indian Mythology,traditions,culture and attracting
climate with splendid picturesque environs.Apart from this,the city is also famous for its wide
range of tempting restaurants with different cuisines.So,now let us explore some of the best
Restuarants which can help you when you are in a trip to this scenaric city.
1.Soleil by La Plage
Soleil by La plage is a perfect restaurant for the food delighters in a beautiful sula wineyards
where they can experience farm to fork dining experience.The rustic theme of interior is the
added feature which makes the visitors to have a fresh dining experience. The interior of Soleil
are being made from recycled material and turned into a framing or furniture.This restaurant
prepares its fare from locally sourced ingredients which keeps best taste and nourishes health.One
can enjoy the distinctive tastes of the special recipes.They have their own cattle farms and grape
yards.Romantic ambience makes it a perfect place to spend with your companions.Children can
also have fun and play around lush greenery in the lounge areas. If you are visting sula wineyards
do visit Soleli to have fun relaxed holiday with various recipes. Address: Survey 32
/2,Govardhan,Off Gangapur Ganghavare Road,Nashik. 2.Barbeque Ville
Barbeque Ville!!one of the best
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Hypocrisy In Pride And Prejudice Comparative Essay
Although Austen lived before Wilde was born, the two authors shared very common themes in their
work. The theme of deceit, hypocrisy, and lies are present in both of their novels. These authors use
characterization. Austen and Wilde used hypocrisy to show the shallowness of the upper class and
their belief that no one should be better than them. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austenuses
hypocrisy through her female characters, such as Mrs. Bennet, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth
Bennet. Mrs. Bennet is seen being hypocritical when referring to Mrs. Long, saying she is a
selfish, hypocritical woman (Austen, 4) and continues on to say that [she has] no opinion of her
(Austen 4). When she clearly does making her hypocritical and makes her seem... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
She is just as deceitful as Jack and Algernon but she is only deceitful towards her husband. She
makes it seem as though she loves him when in fact Lord Bracknell is degraded by her in front of
other guest at dinners (LiЕЎkovГЎ, 22). And he fails to notice it. Not only is she deceitful in her
marriage but she is deceitful to Lord Bracknell when it comes to their daughter and her
whereabouts. Her [Gwendolen s] unhappy father is, I am glad to say, under the impression that she
is attending a more than usually lengthy lecture by the University Extension Scheme on the
Influence of a permanent income on Thought. I do not propose to undeceive him. Indeed I have
never undeceived him on any question. I would consider it wrong (Wilde, 54). Lady Bracknell is,
an example of a woman whose hypocritical conduct stands for snobbism of the British elite
(LiЕЎkovГЎ, 25). Which in fact what Oscar Wilde was trying to convey out of
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John Kasich Political Analysis
You would think never losing an election, being the governor of a swing state, and creating 317,000
jobs (Hunt,) would cause one to be in the national spotlight, but in the perplexing case of the 2016
United States presidential election, Ohio governor John Kasich has not gained any traction and is
largely unknown among most votingrepublicans. In 2016, Kasich offers the Republican party a
moderate candidate for the presidency, as he is known for sharing views and making compromises
with the Democratic party. John Kasich has made a name for himself by holding various positions
in and out of the government, which has given him the experience necessary for the presidency.
Currently Kasich is pursuing a bid for the presidency, but his campaign... Show more content on
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During his time in Ohio, Kasich balanced the budget and the state is now working its way out
of debt. Kasich is a leader who had a 62 percent approval rating in his home state of Ohio, which
shows the fact that he is an effective leader who is supported by his people (Gold.) Views held
by the Governor include defunding Planned Parenthood, having education be controlled at the
local and state level, having the right to bear arms, keeping social safety nets but also removing
Obamacare from that category. Kasich has been campaigning with the Kasich Action Plan, which
outlines Kasich s specific strategy that creates the climate for job creation by balancing the
budget in eight years (Kasich.) Kasich believes that cutting taxes, reforming entitlement
programs, and using reliable energy will help grow the economy. The action plan presents a
philosophy that reforming the economy is the most important part of the federal government and
other issues such as education should be controlled at the state and federal level. So far in the
race for presidency Kasich has won the Ohio primary, which granted him 66 delegates and he has
accrued 143 total (RealClearPolitics.) While it is mathematically impossible for Kasich to gain the
necessary 1,237 delegates, he hopes to prevent Donald Trump and Ted Cruz from getting that many
so there can be a brokered (or contested) convention. Kasich has gone on the record and has said
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Singer s Distinction Between Sentience and Self-Consciousness
Singer s distinction between sentience and self consciousness Introduction In the past, a number of
uprisings rose from the oppressed groups all over the world. The oppressed realized the ill treatment
and consequently to the initiative to campaign vigorously for equality. Equality is the treatment of
all persons with the same preference. For instance, the Black Liberation Movement called for
equality with the whites (Chappell, 2011). These are people with a consciousness and ability to
sense. They saw and felt the oppressive nature of the white s treatment against them and reacted.
However, the innate things such as trees, animals, both human and non human do not have
expressive ability that people can understand. Rights activist people and groups continue to elicit
mixed reactions due to their call for fair treatment of such animals. Sentience and self consciousness
It is difficult to realize the latent prejudice in the personal attributes towards particular groups until
the prejudiced forcefully point it to us. A liberation call demands that we expand the moral
horizons and the reinterpretation of basic moral principle of equality. The practices that in the
previous were natural are now inevitably unjustifiable prejudice (HoМ€chsmann, 2002). This raises
the question of whether the attitudes we exhibit are void of criticism. The rise of animal protection
groups and the laws that govern and guard the animal s rights brings a completely different
perspective of equality.
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  • 1. Wtsda Black Belt Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Wtsda Black Belt Essay Wtsda Black Belt Essay
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  • 8. Exploratory Factor Analysis Essay The results indicated that the Cronbach alpha for climate for sexual harassment measure was well above 0.70 as recommended by Nunnally (1978) i.e. 0.934. The corrected item total correlation for all the items within the scale was positive and exceeded the value of 0.3 by a wide margin (Pallant, 2005). An examination of the scale s inter item correlation matrix indicated that the scale showed a moderate to strong positive correlation between all the items within the scale (Gliem Gliem, 2003). The result determined that all items within the scales were stable enough to assess the intended construct. Exploratory factor analysis was utilized to determine the construct validity using principle axis factoring with varimax rotation. For climate of sexual harassment, the value of Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) was .919 which is superb (Hutcheson Sofroniou, 1999, p 224 225) and the Bartlett test of sphericity was highly significant (p .001; df=55; Approx. Chi Square=2777.314) thus, supporting the factorability of the correlation matrix, proving that the factor analysis was appropriate (Table 4). An examination of the correlation matrix disclosed many coefficients of .3 and above and there no values that were above .9, indicating that there s no sign of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The analysis divulged the presence of a single factor with eigenvalues exceeding 1; the first factor accounted for a variance of 6.809 explaining 61.904 % of the total variance (Table 43). The interpretation of the one factor was consistent with the definition of climate for sexual harassment which was labelled as Climate for sexual harassment . The factor loadings in the rotated factor matrix for all the singular items were more than .6, thus proofing convergent validity (Table 4). Furthermore, all items had loaded significantly on to one factor, hence proofing discriminant validity. The result of the analysis supports the use of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Environmental Issue Of Air Pollution Essay The environmental issue for my Milestone project is Air pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, and many harmful substances into Earth s atmosphere, causing diseases, allergies, and death to humans, damage of other living organisms like animals and crops, or the natural environment (National Geographic, 2016). Georgia air pollutionhas been a focus for many years. Environmental protection Agency and Clean air act has been one of the main contributors to controlling environmental air pollution from increasing. The research is on scholars, chemicals and gases connected to air pollution and health hazards. Solution for Georgia is conserving, alternative energy and renewable resources. This paper will discuss some of the major problems with air pollution in Atlanta, Georgia. The paper will also tell about the connection to health problem from air pollution from research and scholars. Air pollution is a global problem in many different areas and with laws and agency there is room for improvement. Some of the topic will be on chemicals and gases connected to air pollution. I will also discuss finding a solution to some of the air pollution problems in Georgia. In 2014 Georgia population was 10.1 million and growing. Population growth has been connected to air pollution by each person ecological footprint. Ecological foot print is the impact of an individual or community on the environment (Global footprint Network, 2016). The footprint ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Comparing My Writings Of My Personal Writings As I have considered how to approach this essay, I thought it would be best to compare two of my writings for each example. Providing two quotes for each example will be most effective in showing the progression I ve made. Kind of a before and after take on this essay. Example 1: Introduction Everyone likes him. How can I blame them? What wasn t there to like? But, I didn t like him...I love him. He is one of my best friends and has been one of my heroes ever since I can remember. I have taken a lot of advice from him over the years, but there is one piece of advice I will never forget. ...Chinese confidence skyrocketed in their own country. Due to this confidence boost, the Chinese have become a world superpower economically, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... America is not their only option in foreign trade. I chose these two snippets because they effectively demonstrate the difference in how the confidence in my writing has increased. With the second piece, I was assertive, I did not speak in passive voice; it was very direct. I chose also chose this because it demonstrates the progression from the body of my essays specifically. I ve come to find that my writing has progressed from very emotionally filled with lots of fluff, to very informative with lots of evidence to back up what I ve said. As I m going into Political Science , feeling does have a part to play, but what you say doesn t mean anything if you can t back it up. So it really depends on what kind of writing you re doing, whether it be a research paper, biography, or a newspaper column. Although, I do feel that my writing is taking the turn it needs to for the profession I m wanting to pursue. It may not be what was wanted in this class or what seems interesting to most, but it is exactly what I need for my future. So in that way, my writing has progressed. These two quotes show this difference clearly. Example 3: Conclusion I will change the world, one person at a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Elizabeth Siddal And The Femme Fatale In pre Raphaelite paintings, a famously known model, Elizabeth Siddal appears as an idealised form of female body. In the 19th century, she was the central figure of the muse that often combined with man s fantasy and sensuality with poetic idealism. Although Rossetti and Siddal s marriage was not so idealised rather a tragedy, but they formed a relationship of an artist and the muse. After the death of Siddal, Rossetti departed from the notion of ideal women but he was preoccupied with the theme of Lilith in both his paintings and poetry. Rossetti manifested many of the demonized figure imagery, the femme fatal , in his art and to a certain extent, we could see that he was not free from the memory of his wronged wife. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that many male artists depicted the female body imagery in two categories, which are either the idealised, the muse or the cult of feminine beauty, the femme fatale. Those binary structured perception between the muse and the femme fatale have a strong relationship with the man s agony and anxiety over the female challenges that were emerging at different levels of society. Bear this ideas in mind, the paper attempts to explore the Lilith images in Rossetti s art with the particular focus on how the muse turned into femme fatale. Furthermore, it will discuss Rossetti s engagements with his wife, Elizabeth Siddal from the perspective of personal and psychological aspects. First, the paper will briefly discuss the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara... Critical Analysis of The Electronic Sweatshop by Barbara Garson *No Works Cited Summary In her introduction, Barbara Garson gives the reader an idea of her personal work experience as a clerk with automation. One can see that Garson is a strong critique of automation. In order to convey how automation is affecting our society the author begins by analyzing and studying various jobs from the bottom on up (i.e. starting with the most unskilled labor). Chapter one examines the various occupations at McDonalds s. Barbara Garson finds that most workers here tend to dislike their jobs. Due to the tremendous amount of stress created by automated systems such as timers and computer generated productivity statistics McDonald s has a high... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At first I tried to use my own conversational skills when dealing with customers, but it did not take long until my supervisors started to discipline me about how important it supposedly is to follow the given scripts. Hence, I used these scripts and my 5 hour work day seemed like an eternity. I felt like a wind up doll and eventually quit the job although I was desperately in need of money. The reason I am mentioning this is because I believe that in reality there is no difference between the fast food employee and the reservation agent in terms of individuality. Through automation, both professions have lost their personal touch to the public. In my case I tried to solicit funds from individuals using my own ideas and creativity, yet was not allowed to do so. Hence, my job became monotonous. Quite honestly I do not believe Kenny when he states that he likes his work. He argues that he gets to deal with the public. But in order to do so he follows an unoriginal set of scripts and phrases. Thus, does he really get to talk to the public or is he merely a machine or parrot triggered by certain key words such as Yes, No, or Maybe. Furthermore, Kenny was an actor. This profession also requires one to follow scripts, yet what sets one actor apart from another is their individuality. When Kenny plays a role where he has to portray certain emotions he does not follow a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Violent Myth Of Appalachia Essay Brooks 3 THE VIOILENT MYTH OF APPALACHIA ENGL 330 Appalachian Literature By Julie A. Brooks November 17, 2016 the violent myth of appalachia Appalachia may be the most misconceived region in the United States. To many Americans, Appalachia has been thought of as a poverty stricken, backwards, violent region, and to some it still is perceived as such. Often it has been labeled with titles such as hillbilly, redneck, moonshiner, and feudists. Appalachia?s residents are seen as lazy, non trusting, drunk, illiterate, and in need of a savior to pull them out of the darkness into the light. This research paper will seek to challenge the myth of a violent Appalachia by describing documented proof that violence in Appalachia is not, as most thought, a product of its geographical location, or because its people are isolated. Violence in Appalachia was, just as in other areas of America, a result of tensions and frustration that was deep seeded in the fabric of all American society. To understand the concepts of violence in Appalachia, it is imperative to explain how Appalachia is defined. The Appalachian Region, as defined in ARC s authorizing legislation, is a 205,000 square mile region that follows the spine of the Appalachian Mountains from southern New York to northern Mississippi. It includes all West Virginia and parts of 12 other states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Beginners Guide to Essay Writing As many of my fellow batch mates are facing the writer s block in completing Essay I decided to write this guide to help them, so that they can put to best use the last few days they have with their family members (current and would be). DISCLAIMER First and the most important thing. This is not for those unearthly souls who want to touch that legendary upper word limit. Try to be humble and be content with 80%. It s not that bad a number you see. This is also not for those who think it s their god assigned duty to find if what you are answering is what was asked. So if you are one of these, the best action you can take now with respect to this document is click the small X button in the top right corner of this document. This is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 10. Stretch the meaning of the word describe to its limits. When they say describe, you DESCRIBE. No detail is unnecessary and no information trivial unless you have crossed the word limit. 11. Anyone from IT industry will know the importance of reuse of work already done by you or someone else does, even if that reuse meant copy paste and portraying it as new effort and billing the client for the same. Use that approach in your answers. For example answer question 9 properly and you do not need to answer question 15 again. All you will need is a trimming of 50 words. 12. I have skipped question 13 as I had no intention of creating an imaginary situation in my pretty normal and straight forward life of 24 years which would have asked me to act in a non traditional way. In case you feel you can do it, then you are most welcome. 13. When the whole world is for gender equality we as future managers should not lag behind. Bring gender equality in your answers. When you are referring to a third person use him or her, he or she instead of just him and he. 14. If you were not a part of any social or cultural organization then you cannot skip question 14. Some senior has already posted as to how you can write about the clubs you were part of in the college. And there is no shortage of clubs and committees in any college. Cultural club, movie club, Cricket club, Soccer club. You name it and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Borrelia Burgdorferi Research Paper Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorfer, this bacterium is transmitted to humans through ticks. Borrelia burgdorferi is a gram negative bacterium that belongs to the spirochetes class, its usually 1um wide but can be up to 10 25um long. Some of the structures that Borrelia burgdorferi have are the flagellum, which allows the bacterium to migrate through viscous fluids (i.e. blood) and burrow through tissues, the bacterium also has outer surface proteins that are OspA and OspC which play a direct role in the transmission of the bacteriainto the host cell. Bacteria in general do not have the limitations that viruses do, viruses must have a living host in order to reproduce. Most bacteria are able to grow on non living surfaces and live intercellularly. Lyme diseaseis easy to identify because of the bullseye that results from the tickbite infected with Borrelia burgdorfer. Viruses are extremely unique to the microbial world they are the smallest and simplest microbe. Virions are only 20 400nm in size, and they do not have any way to replicate outside the host cell. Viruses do not have a cell wall, instead of a cell wall... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A possible alternative diagnosis to the hikers ailments could be measles virus, or shingles virus. The symptoms of measles consist of high fever, runny nose, rash and could be a possible diagnosis and the proper ELISA assays would need to be performed on the hikers to determine this. Shingles virus occurs when the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates. The symptoms of shingles include headache, flu like symptoms, and a painful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Harland Sanders Oh yes the past can hurt, but you can either learn from it or learn from it. Rhafika The quote is pretty much saying that you should learn from the past and make better choices because of your past. This quote is appealing to social life because everyone lives by this quote without even knowing. This source shows examples of this quote and how people learned because of their hardships. Robert Downey Jr. thrived and learned from the past in many ways. Although he is thriving now, his early life was not so good but he found a way to pull through. In Britannica s Biography she states that Robert Downey Jr. dropped out of highschool pursuing an actor career and progressed very slowly(Dow 1). At first, success was slow, but his success slowly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For half of Sanders life, he was not known and not popular but that changed drastically. According to Hutchingson s biography he states, Reduced to living on social security payments, Sanders took to the road franchising his fried chicken recipe(Har 1). Sanders success came very slowly. The fact that he was poor and is now the founder of a very popular chain restaurant shows that he succeeded even though he had a lot of troubles. Although Sanders had a recipe, he couldn t really do much with it, but it will soon make him wealthy. In Britannica s biographies she states, After selling his restaurant, Sanders took to the road armed with his recipe but signed up only five restaurants in two years. By 1964, however, there were more than 600 franchises in the U.S and Canada and Sanders was making $300,000 a year(Har 1). Seeing how Sanders only signed up five restaurants in two years shows that he was not really that successful with his recipe. He did infact overcome this because later down the road he was signed up to 600 different franchises and started making money. Although Sanders is as popular and successful as he is know, he never got handed anything, he succeeded all on his own. Another passage from Hutchingson s biography states, Sanders founded the Kentucky fried chicken(KFC) franchise in 1956, at the age of 65, using his monthly $105 dollar social security check(Har 1). Sanders failure of jobs and lack of money would be something most people can t overcome. Sanders only made 105 dollars a month at the age of 65 and still found a way to become rich. This shows that he learned from the past and changed yet his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Karen L. Edwards The Mother Of All Femmes Eve has been considered as the mother of femmes fatales. Karen L. Edwards, in The Mother of All Femmes Fatales: Eve as Temptress in Genesis 3 argue that allusions to the story of the fall regularly assume Eve to be the archetypal femme fatale: she tempts Adam to participate with her in a divinely forbidden act in order to gain illicit knowledge, thus luring him to death, and with him the rest of human kind (35). Another good illustration of the fatal womanis Lilith, who has been dismissed from the Garden of Aden after claiming her equality with Adam in terms of sexuality and desires. Moreover, Lilith is seen as a destructive women who brought death to humanity by murdering children. This turns her into an evil woman in the masquerade ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Wizard Of Oz Color Analysis L. Frank Baum wrote an amazing story using colors to describe each part of Dorothy s journey to Oz. The color changes throughout the story symbolized setting changes and different stages in her journey. The colors also represented danger, beauty, power, mood and identified characters and surroundings. The story begins with the color gray. Dorothy s home, her dog Toto, the farm she lived on with her Aunt and Uncle, the land and sky are all gray and dull. Once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else (Baum, ch.1). Her hardworking relatives were too busy working on the farm to have any fun with Dorothy. The best part of Dorothy s life is her best friend Toto, who is black and the only thing that isn t gray in her life. A fast approaching cyclone is about to change Dorothy s life forever. Dorothy s first experience with color came when her house was thrown by a cyclone into the land ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The tin woodman, the scarecrow and the lion become her friends and help her on the scary journey. They travel through dark and dangerous forests, encounter Kalidahs which are monster like beasts and deadly poppy fields. When they arrive in the city of Oz the color changes to green. The houses and streets are made of green marble and emeralds. This fantasy like land is bright, the sky is green and the sun shines green. The people are wearing green and selling green lemonade. The Palace of Oz is green and everything in it is green including the carpet, furniture, flowers and books. The throne room where the great and powerful Oz lives is made of emeralds and green marble too. When Dorothy meets Oz, he tells her the only way he can help her get back to Kansas is if she kills the wicked witch of the West. Dorothy and her friends leave the City of Emerald heading west to find the witch they must ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Morquio Syndrome In Freak The Mighty Teamwork is recognizing that working together gets things done. In the novel Freak the Mighty there is a kid named Kevin who has Morquio syndrome. Kevin meets a kid his age named Max, who is the complete opposite of Kevin. Max is big for his age, while Kevin is very small. Kevin is also super smart. When the two of them are together they are Freak the Mighty. Kevin and Max are able to accomplish much more together than they can separately. One example of when Freak and Max worked together to get things done that they could not have done alone is when Blade was trying to attack them. Freak was on Max s shoulders directing where he needed to go. Go! Go! And I run over this punk, he s so surprised he loses his bubble gum and he tries to grab ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Mascot Analysis Rationale, explanation of interest, or area of focus This analysis will focus on the importance of mascots for the selected institutions and how they relate to the normal livelihoods of the students in both universities. The term mascot is used to refer to an animal, a person or object that is believed to bring some sense of good luck in various perspectives. It is a term and phenomenon that has been consistently used through history to relate to the success of various institutional activities, especially in the sports arena. Institutions with mascots tend to have a deep history in terms of its selection and related significance. The two selected universities in this assessment have peculiar mascot symbols that have been used for many years to derive distinct meanings that represent respective cultures. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since then, the institution has passed a joint ideology about the nocturnal bird to its students with emphasis put on how it represents a sense of knowledge and wisdom thus a perfect symbol to use in any center of learning (Temple University, 2015). Also, the owl mascot has been attributed to the goddess Athena, who is mythically known for her wisdom, knowledge, arts, skills and precision in warfare. From nature s perspective, the owl is deemed a resourceful, perceptive, courageous and fierce fighter. These attributes have been prescribed to the university students for years with an objective of building a learning culture in the institution. The main problem noted with the perception created for this mascot is that the university has not reiterated on how the symbol can be incorporated to ensure success in the extra curriculum activities. The university is not famous or well established in sporting events, and this can be attributed to the message passed by the institution to the students (Owlsports, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Manhunt Incident Have you ever had that scare where your heart just stops and you freeze up? Well, I have and it was so scary I ran 15 mph. It was a saturday night and it was my neighbor s birthday party. I called my friend Gabby and I and said let s meet up at the courts ,and so we did. When we met up and I saw a lot of other people that came for his party. We were getting bored, so we decided to play a game called Manhunt. Before we got to play a police officer came and said have you kids seen anything suspicious in this neighborhood we all said, no at the same time. Then we picked our teams and made them even 11 vs. 11. My team had to hide first. The rules were you can only hide around the block and you had to make it back to the driveway without getting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Havisham Essay Havisham essay. Miss Havisham is a bitter and twisted character from the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Carol Ann Duffy takes this character and explores her tragic life in the poem Havisham . Duffy uses Dark themes, structure, symbolism and other poetic techniques to express Havisham s hatred for men after her tragic wedding when she was rejected by her fiancГ©. Duffy s use of these poetic techniques create a sinister character and makes Havisham feel real to the reader. To begin the poem Duffy uses a shocking short sentence, which contains contrasting word choice to convey an ironic tone from Havisham. The contradictory oxymoron also startles the reader and grasps our attention as we do not expect this beginning. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She even begins to make animalistic screams which are symbolic of darkness and death. cawing nooooo this neologism of no suggests an animalistic persona where her sense of language has broken down to a series of noises which highlight her extreme mental decay. This also suggests her self pity but makes the reader feel sympathy for the narrator as she desperately screams at the wall showing how lost and pathetic she has become over time. The cawing is also symbolic of death and darkness as it is resembling a crow which the reader links with death, darkness and the devil. This combination of neologism and symbolism creates a sinister mood. Duffy s use of neologism to emphasis Havisham s mental decay makes her feel real to the reader and her animalistic person adds to her sinister character. Duffy goes on to show Havisham s layers of feelings as she expresses her exterior feelings of hatred, anger and revenge which contrast with her true feelings of love for her past lover. It is the rejection from her lover which sends her into this downward spiral which eventually results in her feelings of hatred for all men and desperate want for revenge. love s hate behind a white veil This oxymoron places love and hate side by side and conceals both emotions behind a symbolic white bridal veil, which is ironically white and contrasts with her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Difference Between ISIS And Al Qaeda bureaucracy effectively make policy recommendations to combat terrorism, inform those under attack, and lower the risk of attacks in the future. The perceived image of modern terrorism is different than the face of terror in the past, due to the increasing use of technology as a means for aiding extremists and terrorist activities. This paper will argue that modern tactics require different approaches from what has been done in the past to fight terrorism, and explore this difference between this past and present technological recruitment phenomenon. I will examine this issue using ISIS and Al Qaeda as a case study, by finding how it effectively utilizes and issues propaganda, therefore influencing citizens to join their fight. What is different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Airline Food Quality Improvements At The Food Industry Airline Food Quality Improvements Culinary arts are the act of preparing, cooking and presenting food in the form of a meal. This process is a science with infinite possibilities and no limits of opportunities. Sullivan (2014) makes the case that food preparation is considered an art. He defines art as to reveal something hidden . While the preparation of meals can take many shapes and forms the end means is to allow consumers to consume. People consume meals of a vast variety for many different reasons. Whether it is the weight lifter bulking up, the traveling sales man grabbing a quick bite, or a mother preparing a dinner for her family consumption is a necessary and routine event. The consistent and necessary event provides... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Having the information provides the foundation of understanding. This allows offerings to be tailored to meet consumer wants. While food preparation can be considered an art, there are some mitigating factors affecting what type of food offerings can be made available in certain settings. Complementary items, necessary to prepare meals, can limit the availability of what can be offered. For example if a kitchen does not have a fryer it is not able to prepare fried foods. An airliner will not maintain a fully stocked kitchen and therefore may be limited to microwaveable dishes. These challenges must be accounted for when determining the culinary menu. Understanding potential limiting factors can assure the best possible offerings are available for the target audience. This analysis will evaluate how a suffering airline, respective to its quality of food offerings, can improve outcomes using market research and customer feedback. This information can be used to support changes in their airline menu. These changes can ensure a better consumer perception toward the airlines food offerings. The use of secondary research, surveys, questionnaires and small pilot groups can assist the airliner with making changes that meet the target audiences expectations. This analysis will identify the abstract constructs used to measure acceptability of airline food offerings. Both culinary offerings and people s opinions of what constitutes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Army White Paper Frequent deployments and changing times created a distraction in the Professional aspect of the Army. The distraction created a deficiency in maintaining the highest standards of the Profession of Arms. In an effort to refine their understanding of the Army Profession, the Secretary of the Army and the Army Chief of Staff directed that a review of the Army Profession be conducted, thus the creation of the Profession of Arms Campaign. The Profession of Arms Campaign jumpstarted with An Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms . The white paper is used as a catalyst for the professional discourse we want to have about our profession. The Army White Paper is an article which discussed the following topics as it relates to the Profession of Arms; The Army as a Profession of Arms, The Army s Professional Culture, the Army Ethic, The Army Ethic and External Relations, and Adapting the Army as Profession of Arms after a Decade of War. (retrieved from Youtube.com) The second proponent in carrying out functions related to the Army Profession and Ethic is a web based resource named CAPE (Center for the Army Profession and Ethic). CAPE is fairly similar to The Army White paper, in terms of topics. Subsequently, both publications provide an overview of the Profession of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Institutional culture has a unique way of shaping professional behavior. Army culture is defined as a collective belief amongst Soldier s. Every Soldier took the same Oath on their day of Enlistment. With that Oath birthed a bond. A bond where members of an organization appreciate and carry out the beliefs, attitudes, values, goals and practices of that of that organization. An example of The Army Culture is its artifacts. The United States Flag, Uniforms, ceremonies, monuments, myths and stories that will be passed on through different generations, all play a role in Army Culture. (An Army White Paper: The Profession Of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Lost in Translation by Ewa Hoffman Essay Lost in Translation A Place to Remember As people grow up, there are special places that remain in the memories. These places become a safe haven when life becomes too rough to handle. All the bad qualities of this place disappear in their minds so that only a perfect world exists. This is a place where everything is right and everyday troubles do not exist. In the novel Lost in Translation by Ewa Hoffman, she describes this paradise of sorts as her hometown of Cracow, Poland. Cracow, Poland is where Ewa spent the majority of her childhood up until age fourteen when she emigrated to the Canada with her mother, father, and younger sister Alina. Although she only spent fourteen years there, this place ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From the beginning of Ewa s emigration, she realized the difference in monetary values. In Poland two dollars could have bought a bicycle whereas on the train the two dollars only bought four bowls of soup. This is one reason why Cracow was a special place to her; it provided her with luxury. In Cracow, Ewa was considered a piece of beauty. She was considered a porcelain princess and often received comments about her attractiveness. She always had the finest clothes and was very up to date with her sense of style. When arriving in Canada her perception of herself changed as she realized that she was not the most attractive girl. All of the other girls walked around with thin eyebrows and red lipstick, whereas Ewa had bushy eyebrows and wore no lipstick. The clothing the Ewa wore was also quite different than that of Ewa s. Because of her family s lower political caste, her family was unable to provide the money for Ewa to look like all the other girls. She had to rely on the charitable donations of people such as the Rosenbergs. In Cracow, this would never be the case. Growing up in Cracow, Ewa had many close friendships. However, there was one boy in particular that was always there for her, Marek. Ewa and Marek s parents were best friends which eventually led to the two children becoming best friends. It was with Marek that Ewa had her first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Leadership As An Effective Leader The world of healthcare, its delivery and services are forever evolving; and in the interim so is its infrastructure and workforce capacity (Klienman, 2003). Healthcare executives must be equipped with the proper skills in order to be effective leaders in the field. Dye and Garman (2006) highlight various critical competencies all healthcare executives should harness in order to be influential leaders in their present or future leadershiprole. Some competences may come natural to individuals, while others have to be developed and strengthened over time. Leaders are faced with challenges such as ethical dilemmas, budgetary cuts and organizational restructuring. Furthermore they are also responsible for sustaining employee morale, being a visionary and a role model within their respective agencies. However, the key to their success in being an effective leader is based upon a foundation of the ability to influence and an understanding of their ethical approach to decision making (Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan Switzler, 2013). Based upon what I have learned throughout the course, I define influential leadership as an individuals ability to affect their team positively through motivation and inspiration to achieve organizational outcomes. Leaders should not use their authority in an abusive manner through negative influence; in turn it should be used to empower their employees and to make them feel appreciated for their work. Influence is a vital asset when it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Civil War Short Story It was a day like any other, it started with the sun rising above the hills and the light reflecting off of the dew on the grass. However, everything would soon change, when four warriors unlikely to have ever met, come together to face a group of men terrorizing a city. The warriors were Deallus and his friend Ffyddlon, Unig, and Cyfiawn. They all had heard of a group of men terrorizing the city of Tynged, they went on a killing spree every night. Each warrior had their own reason for going to the city to face these terrible men. For Deallus and Ffyddlon, it was for the adventure. For Unig it was out of guilt, his entire village had been destroyed and he was the last of his people. The last one, Cyfiawn came for justice for he was a righteous... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As soon as they entered the men attacked, Wyneb Coch had a face red with fury and swiftly attacked Cyfiawn trying to stab him but failing because Cyfiawn was prepared and deflected the attack. Ffyddlon and Deallus were attacked by Seico who only had a dagger but was a great fighter, Deallus tried to fight him but Seico overpowered him. Ffyddlon saw the attack and lunged in front of Deallus, and ended up getting stabbed in the side. Realizing what had just happened, in a fit of rage Deallus sliced Seico s head clean off. He then rushed over to Ffyddlon mumbling words of encouragement, he then placed pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, he ripped part of his shirt and tied it around Ffyddlon s waist. When Ffyddlon had enough strength he stood up and was ready to fight again. He was a very strong man who had endured a lot worse in previous battles. Unig was attacked by Wallgof who had been in so many battles he went mad. Wallgof did not have any weapons and Unig deemed that unfair so he threw his sword away and settled to hand to hand combat. Unig was clearly the better but hated to resort to violence, but he reasoned with himself that this man had killed people and overpowered him and with one swift blow to the head, rendered him unconscious. He then got some rope he had packed and tied his hands and feet. When Unig got up he realized Cyfiawn was still fighting Wyneb Coch, he called for Ffyddlon and Deallus and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Pop art was a direct response to the commercial and... Pop art was a direct response to the commercial and consumer society of modern time . Explain why this might be true. Pop art was an art formed by artist expressing their views. Pop art was a direct response to the commercial and consumer society of modern time . Explain why this might be true. Pop art was an art formed by artist expressing their views on modern day society. Pop art originally emerged from England in the fifties; although it was not exploited in England, in fact during the fifties it wasn t very well implemented. In the sixties, in New York, pop art began to have a high prospective. Many artists soon realized that pop art could be expressed in a variety of forms, this soon related to its commercial use. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1961 Roy Lichtenstein made use of the Ben Day dots . This was the first time an artist had used this device. Lichtenstein exploited this and turned it into a signature for himself on his paintings of cartoon characters. Many Pop artists have attempted to and inspired an impersonal approach in to work trying not to offend any community. Although in many circumstances pop artist did impose their own views in their work, Pop artist took this opportunity to criticize society. Quadrant 1982: The piece of art work on the left which Andy Warhol had created criticized the way society is fixated on money. Warhol was an idealist. He had managed to survive W.W.II., he realized the important values of life. The Quadrant symbolized how society had always been. It shows the $ symbol in four different colors. This translated to people as different times but the same agenda, money. The Ben Day dots led the way for commercial use of pop art. Lichtenstein used this to his advantage and exploited it. The Ben Day dots was an efficient use in advertising. This device allowed unique paintings and large scale posters to be created. The more striking pop art was created by Roy Lichtenstein. Lichtenstein manipulated the way we see day to day objects and cartoon drawings. Reverie 1965: Roy Lichtenstein always enjoyed illustrating and implementing carton drawings into his work. He often read comic magazines to be inspired for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Praxis And Girls On The Run Throughout this course, I have always come back to the same idea: praxis. It was a difficult concept for me to initially understand. I blindly believed that those who are protesting and trying to bring about change are already educated. I had a blanket understanding of the idea of praxis, but it was not until we started the praxis assignment that it made sense. Going into it, I believed that what we were doing was truly intersectional; after all, we were providing transportation so more young girls could have access to Girls on the Run. But reflecting on my experience now that I have learned more about intersectionality, I look at this experience as only a starting point. I can now reflect on the fact that the program is only beginning to make efforts to become more intersectional and has a lot to improve upon. Once I applied the concepts from class to the work I was doing, I finally understood what praxis meant. I have learned that praxis is constantly evolving, and as it does, it is important to reevaluate the initial objective and make efforts to improve and expand it. Low income families experience unique challenges. They often do not have access to necessities, let alone their wants. Programs like Girls on the Run are great and could really help these low income girls, but these are the girls who are likely unable to participate in the program. Although the walking school busis a step in the right direction, it is not all that is needed to provide greater access to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Efficacy Of Monsanto s Ethical Culture Case study Analysis Question 1 Efficacy of Monsanto s Ethical Culture Ethical issues remain relevant aspects for businesses operation and competitiveness. The elements aforesaid ensure that every firm has what it takes to connect well with the community to provide consistent market and productive relationship with other stakeholders. Monsanto Company that was in a tussle with the community over the production of the genetically modified products that seemed detrimental to the society responded by creating awareness to the people about the need for sustainable farming practices (Carroll, 2015). The company notified farmers that the world population was increasingly going up thus a need for sustainable agricultural practices. The company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The capability to withstand water shortages and the havoc caused by the harvest passes makes the plants to mature early with its productivity level being high. Regions suffering from food shortages can only undergo starvation for short period before it can start to enjoy the food. On the other hand, the abovementioned advantages make farmers engage in profitable farming business with the low level of costs of farm inputs and high outputs. This aspect benefits not only the farmers but also the population that stands to enjoy a large variety of food stuff at their disposal. However, the use of the GM seeds for food production can quickly render a harmful impact to the user. Lee Burrell (2002) stated, Intense concerns about the uncertain health and environmental of GM farming have been the subject of high profile debate. The effects of GM farming on existing forms of agriculture, raised by the prospect of cross pollination by GM seed, provoke similarly polarized views It is common that genetic engineering process often takes place by joining different genes of plants together to come up with a whole species of the plant. Unfortunately, this process can easily result in coming up with plants with genes that are harmful to the consumers. Most of the genetically modified food staffs can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Reflection of Care Management Essay This assignment will reflect on and critically analyse my personal and professional development in the domain of care management over the last three years. It will additionally outline how I plan to continue to develop in this domain once I have qualified as a registered nurse. My development so far will be analysed from the perspective of the skills, knowledge and values required of a registered nurse. Through this reflection I hope to confirm that my practice meets the standards for entry onto the nursing register as outlined by the nursing and midwifery council ((NMC) 2008). Due to the nature of this assignment and for the purpose of reflection, as supported by Fulbrook (2003), I will adopt a narrative approach that conveys thoughts,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hogston and Simpson (2002) describe this traditional task orientated method of nursing care as contrary to the nursing process, compromising the concept of individualised patient centred care. Price (2006) supports this view, suggesting that patient centred care requires the nurse to be flexible and not confined to set care pathways or task orientated methods. I complied with functional nursing and completed tasks assigned to me which Higginson (2006) states many first year nursing students do as they are preoccupied with worries about their ability to perform nursing duties. However, through this I found that I did not engage completely with the patients which according to Squire (2001) would have built a good, therapeutic and interpersonal relationship with the patients. Reflecting using Benner (1984), in terms of starting to become a proficient and capable staff nurse, I was a novice. Rather (2007) states that novices are taught rules to help them perform, and although I was not taught these rules within my first placement I still adhered to them and reflecting back I would consider my practice as limited and inflexible due to these rules. Consequently I saw managerial skills such as time management, prioritising and delegation beyond my capabilities, Hill and Howlett (2005) state feeling incapable of managing patient care is normal for a first year student nurse. During my second placement in Theatre Recovery is when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Delillo Death s Uncertainty According to Don DeLillo, a modern author, playwright, and essayist, The modern meaning of life s end when does it end? How does it end? How should it end? What is the value of life? How do we measure it? ( Don DeLillo Quotes, 2012). Through this quote, DeLillo questions death s uncertainty by providing various wonders concerning its mysterious nature. With one of his most popular novels, White Noise, DeLillo explores many contemporary issues through his characters and plot. DeLillo frequently explores ideas such as people s dependence on consumerism, the devastating effects of mediocrity, and the persistent nature of advertisements in order to press a focus on modern society through lenses of the past and the evolution of society. Just... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DeLillo utilizes Babette throughout his novel in a similar way to how he uses Jack. In a similar way to Jack, Babette serves an unformed character towards the beginning of the novel and is built to present death s uncertainty as one prevalent theme throughout the novel. Some of the evidence which DeLillo uses to illustrate Babette as a portrayal of death s uncertainty includes Babette s work with the elderly, Babette s use of Dylar to escape her fear of death, and Babette s obsession with Wilder s ignorance of death. Firstly, DeLillo goes through the same effort of assigning Babette a symbolic passion which he goes through with Jack s character. Babette holds the same fervor for her classes teaching the elderly which Jack holds for his Hitler studies. In this way, Babette serves as a reflection of Jack s character. Comparatively, while Babette holds many different positions within her life, she also goes to great lengths to primarily focus on her coaching position in the same way that Jack focuses on his Hitler studies position. DeLillo employs this same heavy focus on the elderly through Babette s character in order to press forth his theme of death s uncertainty. Accordingly, in order to gain certainty concerning death, Babette constructs her employment around the elderly. Consequently, Babette utilizes her position heavily in order to maintain an intimacy and understanding of death while distancing herself from death s uncertainty. Babette s classes with the elderly become a means of assessing death s uncertainty while also existing as Babette s form of understanding it. Secondly, Babette s use of Dylar towards the end of the novel is a perfect example of her character being faced with death s uncertainty. Babette turns to using Dylar in order to face her fear of death s uncertainty. As Babette states ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Paper On Writing Service Contract Essay Paper Shapers Writing Service Contract Paper Shapers has designed this agreement to protect the rights of both parties entering into this service agreement. Please read each section carefully and feel free to address any question or concerns you may have about this agreement. Scheduling Due to the value we place on the time of our Paper Shapers staff as well as our customers, writing appointments will be scheduled for 1 hour interval per page. All appointments will promptly begin at the time agreed upon by both parties regardless of time lost due to customer lateness. There will be no time or price adjustments made for time lost due to the lateness of a customer. All time requested beyond the 1 hour interval, if permissible due to the open availability of a staff member, shall be subject to an extension fee of $40 per hour. It is strongly advised and recommended that all customers show up on time and thoroughly prepared for all appointments in order to avoid any extra fees. Cancellation Notice Missed or cancelled appointments are subject to a cancelation charge of 20% of the service charge. All clients are able to reschedule an appointment up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled to the appointment time in order to avoid any occurring fees. There will be a $20 fee charged for the rescheduling of an appointment that occur A client will have two opportunities to reschedule an appointment before an appointment is marked as a cancellation. Fees A deposit of 20% of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Evaluation Of Norm Sample Evaluation of Norm Sample for KeyMath 3 DA The following evaluation presents the components of the normative sample applied in the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment (KeyMath 3 DA). For reference, a norm sample characterizes as a selected sample of test takers from various common characteristics such as gender, age, grade, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or some combination thereof, for the purpose of creating test norms. The KeyMath 3 DA is a comprehensive, norm referenced measure of essential mathematical concepts and skill which is untimed and individually administered (Connolly, p. 1, 2007). Furthermore, the test consists of 372 full color test items and 10 subtests covering three general math areas: Basic Concepts (numeration, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability), Operations (mental computation and estimation; addition and subtraction; and multiplication and division), and Applications (foundations of problem solving and applied problem solving). Additionally, data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census (2004) reinforced the integrity of the normative sample to establish the target counts in age, grade and season, race /ethnicity, geographic region and socioeconomic status. Ages/Grades of Students To accomplish an age norm sample, the KeyMath 3 DA tested students beginning from the ages of 4 years 6 months through 21 years 11 months. In order to accommodate the goal of testing 220 students per group, Connolly (2007) divided the groups such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Difference Between Plant And Animal Cells CELL OBSERVATION LAB By Alexandra Escaja Heiss, Ashley Reeves, Christine Constant Period G1/B3a Living Systems 10/22/15 Purpose To identify the difference between plant and animal cells, recognize their structures, and to better understand the various functions of those cell organelles. II. Background In 1665 Robert Hooke used an early light microscope to look at a thin slice of cork. Under the microscope the cork looked to have thousands on empty chambers, which Hooke noted looked like cells , so he coined the term. Anton van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch scientist who was named the father of microbiology. He was the first person to look at living cells and bacteria under a slightly more advanced single lens microscope in 1676 and 1683. Matthias Schleiden was a German scientist who observed different plants in the late 1830 s. His observations concluded that the plants were all composed of cells. Another German scientist, Theodor Schwann, observed that animals were also composed of cells. Later on, Rudolf Virchow concluded that the nucleus was the structures responsible for cell division, which created the third part of the cell theory, stating that all cells came from other pre existing cells. The Cell Theory is as follows 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells 2. The cell is the basic unit of structure in organisms 3. All cells come from pre existing cells More Information on Cells: Cell size is limited ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Amazon Ceo Strategy Project Bus 109 CEO Project Group Members: John Kim Jane Fong Frank Lee Christian Heredra Duc Phan Kung Yen Lin Yu Ju Chien Peter Huang Here s some articles I found that could start us off: Sample Strategic Analysis Presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/MaxJallifier/final presentation 16443977 http://seekingalpha.com/article/1262831 amazon to face major challenges over its business complexity and rising costs http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/12/19/3 challenges for amazoncom in.aspx Here are the 2 guidelines for Stage One that was given by the TA: Stage One (Week 2) Single Spaced Business Block Format Include: * Current Situation * Major issues impacting the Board * Major competitive... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This sort of global expansion adds great complexity to the functionality of Amazon s management, personnel, operation systems, technical performance, financial resources, and internal financial control and reporting functions. With the perplexity of current situations, Amazon may not be able to sustain growth effectively, which ultimately could bring damage to their reputation and limit their operating growth as well. . PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS * 2.Portfolio Analysis (Chapter 7.3) * BCG s Growth Share Matrix PARENTING STRATEGY * 3.Corporate Parenting * What organizational structure, management processes, and philosophy will foster superior performance from the company s business units? * ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Socrates Punishment And Punishments In most circumstances ending the life of a criminal as their punishment usually reflects the magnitude of the crimes that they committed, crimes that often involve the deaths of others or equally heinous actions, yet one historical example stands out for not following this rule. In 399 BC, in Athens, Greece, two men put a meek philosopher named Socrateson trial for two crimes he purportedly committed: not following state gods and corrupting the youth. These charges alleged against Socrates reflected the general sentiment of Athenians regarding Socrates; namely that he was an atheistic charlatan. The jury found Socrates guilty of these crimes and executed, a punishment that does not logically befit the supposed crimes that he committed. No sane or logical jury would find him guilty of such vague claims, especially in such a vehemently democratic polis as Athens, and they would never have executed Socrates for such meager offenses, nonetheless he was. Execution was especially unnecessary because Socrates himself was on the verge of death; he was in his seventies in the Greek era, so he was bound to die soon anyways. The central focus, then, is of understanding how on Earth the birthplace of democracy could have gone so awry and when they tried, convicted, and executed Socrates. Athens sentenced Socrates to death because his beliefs were against the flow of the changing Athenian ideological landscape, people regarded him as a pompous, elitist charlatan who impugned their core ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Great West Description The Great West The western United States is amazing. My parents took my family and I out west when I young. The Great West was a sensational place, I have seen many sensational places with great majestic sites. There are 2 places that I preferred. The Rocky Mountains in Colorado and Big Sur, California. I was very excited for this road trip, because it was the first time I did something on my own. My vehicle was a shiny Black Toyota Celica. It contained a smell of ocean breezes, and cigarettes in the interior of the car. The sun was bright and the sky dark baby blue. It was cold that day and windy. The humidity was high and when the wind would blow it was freezing. In addition, I began my trip West, I was earnest about this trip. Next, I noticed things changing rapidly. The first 1500 miles was boring. After that, I was driving through Kansas. It started to look, feel, and even smell different. Kansas is a long state to drive across. The eastern part of Kansas had high humidity and weather and it felt sticky. The western part of Kansas had no humidity, and an elevation of roughly 4000 ft. It was the beginning of the desert. The desert was quiet but peaceful, it was a very ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Rocky s were 30 40 miles west of the airport, in addition, these Mountains were unlike any Mountains I ve seen. The view of the Mountains was a very bright and vibrant view. The Rocky s had tall green aspen trees , snow , and 14000 ft. mountain peaks . I was assertive and overwhelmed with excitement. There was no pollution, the air was clean. It felt like I was breathing fresh oxygen. The smell and taste are difficult to explain, however, you could taste and smell how clean the air was. I could feel and even hear the air when the wind approached. In addition, depending on where you were the clouds above you and below you at high elevations were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Read-Recite-Review Study Strategy An independent variable is a set variable that does not change due to a change in another variable. The independent variables in the Read Recite Review Study Strategy research article were the types of study methods. The types of study methods were measured as the 3R, rereading, and note taking strategies. These strategies did not change and would determine the dependent variables. The dependent variable is a variable whose results rely on another variable. The dependent variable in the study was the amount of retained information from each study methods. The amount of retained information depended on which study method was used. The retained information was measured by the scores on each test that was taken. Design Procedure: The design of the study was experimental The study was set up to uncover the causal relationship between study methods and the amount of information that was retained. Participants were randomly assigned to each of the study methods. The researchers used the type of study method as a potential cause to determine how much information could be remembered on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The 3R method was beneficial towards immediate and delayed recall in Experiment 1. The mean correct performance in Experiment 1 showed better test scores in free recall and short answer testing when using the 3R method compared to the other methods. In Experiment 2, the 3R method increased scores for multiple choice and problem solving tests. Experiment 2 also showed 3R being the most beneficial in retaining information. The participants results on delayed testing were higher on each test than any other study method. Thus, the benefits of 3R go beyond boosting performance on a criterial test that parallels recitation (McDaniel, Howard, Einstein, 2009). Both studies concluded that testing over material improves long term learning and retaining ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Colonial America Depend On The Enslavement Of Indigenous... then after Massasoit felt better, and was cured of the disease. If it wasn t for the Europeans, Massasoit would have never gotten sick of the diseases the Europeans brought with them.In the article, Colonial America Depended on the Enslavement of Indigenous People by Marissa Fessenden, Fessenden uncovers the truth about how the colonist lied at the fact that they did actually enslave indigenous people. According to Brethren by Nature, it states that Colonists living in New England relied on the labor of thousands of Native Americans to build their new lives (1). This demonstrates that the book Nature wrote is an overlooked story that informs how back then colonist did have slaves. In order to learn that the colonist did rely on Native ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Swot Analysis Of English Restaurant 10 BEST RESTAURANTS IN NASHIK CITY: ~m.pravalika Source:Internet NASHIK according to me it is a city attached with Indian Mythology,traditions,culture and attracting climate with splendid picturesque environs.Apart from this,the city is also famous for its wide range of tempting restaurants with different cuisines.So,now let us explore some of the best Restuarants which can help you when you are in a trip to this scenaric city. 1.Soleil by La Plage Source:Internet Soleil by La plage is a perfect restaurant for the food delighters in a beautiful sula wineyards where they can experience farm to fork dining experience.The rustic theme of interior is the added feature which makes the visitors to have a fresh dining experience. The interior of Soleil are being made from recycled material and turned into a framing or furniture.This restaurant prepares its fare from locally sourced ingredients which keeps best taste and nourishes health.One can enjoy the distinctive tastes of the special recipes.They have their own cattle farms and grape yards.Romantic ambience makes it a perfect place to spend with your companions.Children can also have fun and play around lush greenery in the lounge areas. If you are visting sula wineyards do visit Soleli to have fun relaxed holiday with various recipes. Address: Survey 32 /2,Govardhan,Off Gangapur Ganghavare Road,Nashik. 2.Barbeque Ville Source:Internet Barbeque Ville!!one of the best ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Hypocrisy In Pride And Prejudice Comparative Essay Although Austen lived before Wilde was born, the two authors shared very common themes in their work. The theme of deceit, hypocrisy, and lies are present in both of their novels. These authors use characterization. Austen and Wilde used hypocrisy to show the shallowness of the upper class and their belief that no one should be better than them. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austenuses hypocrisy through her female characters, such as Mrs. Bennet, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet. Mrs. Bennet is seen being hypocritical when referring to Mrs. Long, saying she is a selfish, hypocritical woman (Austen, 4) and continues on to say that [she has] no opinion of her (Austen 4). When she clearly does making her hypocritical and makes her seem... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She is just as deceitful as Jack and Algernon but she is only deceitful towards her husband. She makes it seem as though she loves him when in fact Lord Bracknell is degraded by her in front of other guest at dinners (LiЕЎkovГЎ, 22). And he fails to notice it. Not only is she deceitful in her marriage but she is deceitful to Lord Bracknell when it comes to their daughter and her whereabouts. Her [Gwendolen s] unhappy father is, I am glad to say, under the impression that she is attending a more than usually lengthy lecture by the University Extension Scheme on the Influence of a permanent income on Thought. I do not propose to undeceive him. Indeed I have never undeceived him on any question. I would consider it wrong (Wilde, 54). Lady Bracknell is, an example of a woman whose hypocritical conduct stands for snobbism of the British elite (LiЕЎkovГЎ, 25). Which in fact what Oscar Wilde was trying to convey out of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. John Kasich Political Analysis You would think never losing an election, being the governor of a swing state, and creating 317,000 jobs (Hunt,) would cause one to be in the national spotlight, but in the perplexing case of the 2016 United States presidential election, Ohio governor John Kasich has not gained any traction and is largely unknown among most votingrepublicans. In 2016, Kasich offers the Republican party a moderate candidate for the presidency, as he is known for sharing views and making compromises with the Democratic party. John Kasich has made a name for himself by holding various positions in and out of the government, which has given him the experience necessary for the presidency. Currently Kasich is pursuing a bid for the presidency, but his campaign... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During his time in Ohio, Kasich balanced the budget and the state is now working its way out of debt. Kasich is a leader who had a 62 percent approval rating in his home state of Ohio, which shows the fact that he is an effective leader who is supported by his people (Gold.) Views held by the Governor include defunding Planned Parenthood, having education be controlled at the local and state level, having the right to bear arms, keeping social safety nets but also removing Obamacare from that category. Kasich has been campaigning with the Kasich Action Plan, which outlines Kasich s specific strategy that creates the climate for job creation by balancing the budget in eight years (Kasich.) Kasich believes that cutting taxes, reforming entitlement programs, and using reliable energy will help grow the economy. The action plan presents a philosophy that reforming the economy is the most important part of the federal government and other issues such as education should be controlled at the state and federal level. So far in the race for presidency Kasich has won the Ohio primary, which granted him 66 delegates and he has accrued 143 total (RealClearPolitics.) While it is mathematically impossible for Kasich to gain the necessary 1,237 delegates, he hopes to prevent Donald Trump and Ted Cruz from getting that many so there can be a brokered (or contested) convention. Kasich has gone on the record and has said ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Singer s Distinction Between Sentience and Self-Consciousness Singer s distinction between sentience and self consciousness Introduction In the past, a number of uprisings rose from the oppressed groups all over the world. The oppressed realized the ill treatment and consequently to the initiative to campaign vigorously for equality. Equality is the treatment of all persons with the same preference. For instance, the Black Liberation Movement called for equality with the whites (Chappell, 2011). These are people with a consciousness and ability to sense. They saw and felt the oppressive nature of the white s treatment against them and reacted. However, the innate things such as trees, animals, both human and non human do not have expressive ability that people can understand. Rights activist people and groups continue to elicit mixed reactions due to their call for fair treatment of such animals. Sentience and self consciousness It is difficult to realize the latent prejudice in the personal attributes towards particular groups until the prejudiced forcefully point it to us. A liberation call demands that we expand the moral horizons and the reinterpretation of basic moral principle of equality. The practices that in the previous were natural are now inevitably unjustifiable prejudice (HoМ€chsmann, 2002). This raises the question of whether the attitudes we exhibit are void of criticism. The rise of animal protection groups and the laws that govern and guard the animal s rights brings a completely different perspective of equality. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...