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oto : G
lobal W ar ming Im
ages / WWF-Canon


Policy Expectations
for COP 19,
Warsaw 2013
The scientific imperative for ambitious
action to curb climate change is more
clear than ever. The first working group
report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth
Assessment report (AR5) released in
September 2013 finds that it is extremely
likely (more than 95% certain) that
CO2 released due to human activities is
causing climate change. Unfortunately as
this certainty has increased, so too have
the impacts of climate change. Each of
the last three decades has been warmer

than all preceding decades since 1850,
the extent and volume of snow and ice
have diminished and sea level rise has
accelerated1. Regarding future predictions
the IPCC finds that “continued emissions
of greenhouse gases will cause further
warming and changes in all components
of the climate system. Limiting climate
change will require substantial and
sustained reductions of greenhouse
gas emissions.” The report backs this
statement up by providing an emissions
reduction scenario showing that it is
possible to prevent a catastrophic future
and to limit aggregate global warming to
less than 2°C by 2100 – if governments act
ambitiously and urgently.
While the IPCC report reminds us of the
danger of inaction, 2013 has also showed
that it is possible to take steps in the right
direction. During the year China started
implementing pilot emissions trading
schemes; universities, state pension funds,
the European Investment Bank and the
World Bank have taken key steps to divest
from fossil fuels; South Africa showed how
a coal-dependent economy can increase

1	 The IPCC is by nature a slow-moving organisation, Based on the latest science the World Bank also released
a 2013 report: Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience which
makes an even stronger case for urgent action.
Currently 5% of
greenhouse gases
are generated
by shipping and
aircraft, and if
unchanged, this
percentage could
rise to


investment in renewables by more than
20 000 per cent over a year2; Mexico
released an ambitious climate plan for
2030; and the Australian economy proved
that a carbon price does not mean the end
of economic growth.
The United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
has a critical role to play in ramping up
global action. Parties need to come to
COP 19 in Warsaw prepared to work from
day one. With little more than two years
left before the deadline for a new climate
agreement and for global emissions to
have peaked in terms of the science, we
cannot afford 2013 to be another lost year
for climate action.

In Warsaw WWF expects parties to:
„„ Agree to concrete steps to close the
pre-2020 emissions gap.
„„ Set up an independent expert process
on equity tasked with proposing an
equity reference framework.
„„ Devote high-level political energy
to mobilizing climate finance, and
ensure that a clear trajectory is
agreed at COP 19 for scaling up public
finance towards
US$ 100 billion per annum by 2020.
„„ Agree on a roadmap for the 2015

This year concentration of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere, surpassed 400 parts
per million for the first time in 2.5 million
years3. This places an immense burden of
responsibility on governments to act with
urgency to ensure that emissions peak
within the decade to ensure that we do not
cross the dangerous threshold of 1.5°C of

Closing the pre-2020 mitigation gap
Ensuring that emissions peak well before
2020 is essential to minimize the risk
of passing the dangerous threshold of
climate change, to protect the livelihoods
of millions of people across the world, and
the continued existence of low-lying island
states. Urgent action is also necessary
to avoid further investment in carbon
intensive infrastructure that will only
become stranded in a post-2020 world.
For these reasons, as well as the urgent
need to build trust between parties,
short-term mitigation is the most critical
element of the current negotiations.
Concrete steps that need to be taken
„„ Developed countries need to
commit to increase their 2020
emission reduction targets and
take the lead in reducing global
emissions to avoid dangerous
climate change. The scheduled review
of the Kyoto Protocol targets provides
developed countries with an important
opportunity to present emission
reduction targets at levels commensurate
with what is required to address
the gigatonne gap. Those developed
countries that are not party to the
second commitment period of the Kyoto
Protocol, should take their fair share of

2	 PEW Centre. 2013. Who’s Winning the Clean Energy Race? 2012 Edition. Available at: http://www.
3	 The last time CO 2 concentrations remained at such a high level for a sustained period of time average global
temperatures were 3° Celsius warmer and sea levels were at least 5 meters higher than they are today. Even
more frightening - CO 2 concentration increases in this past epoch were based on million year cycles while the
current rate of increase over a few decades is unprecedented in the history of the earth (IPCC. 2007. IPCC
Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/ch6s6-32.html.)
responsibility and present comparable
levels of emission reduction targets
under directly comparable accounting
„„ Developing countries that have
not yet submitted nationally
appropriate pledges for mitigation
action should do so by COP 19.
Those developing countries with
higher respective capability should
indicate how their mitigation action
could be enhanced through increased
international support for the means of
„„ All developed countries should urgently
develop and implement economywide zero carbon development
strategies that includes a long-term
action plan towards at least 2050.
„„ All developing countries should develop
and implement economy-wide climate
resilient low carbon development
strategies that include a long-term
action plan towards at least 2050.
„„ Parties should agree on concrete
complementary measures and actions
that could increase short-term
mitigation and assist with closing the
mitigation gap, including:
ƒƒ Rapidly scaling up renewable
energy and energy efficiency
actions: (see WWF Submission on
Increasing pre-2020 Mitigation
Ambition through scaled up
Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency Initiative4) Renewable
energy and energy efficient
technologies offer the opportunity for
the UNFCCC to make a significant
contribution to scaling up shortterm mitigation action to close the
gigatonne gap5 while preventing
the lock in of carbon intensive
development. Wind and solar

photovoltaic technologies are reaching
maturity and are already providing
cost competitive electricity in many
countries. To maximize the mitigation
and developmental potential held
by these technologies, parties must
leave Warsaw having made concrete
decisions to use the powers of the
UNFCCC to scale up action on
this front.
At a minimum this should include
the establishment of a framework
that could hasten the rollout of
renewable energy and energy efficient
technologies through enhanced
international collaboration and
addressing the barriers that are
currently hampering faster scale-up.
The COP should also invite parties
to adopt ambitious targets for
renewable energy and energy
efficiency, provide for financial
and technology support for
achieving those targets through the
institutions under the UNFCCC,
as well as invite parties to provide
support through other channels.
Agreement on concrete urgent actions
would serve to instill new confidence
in the UNFCCC amongst citizens and
„„ Parties should also identify other
initiatives that can close the mitigation
gap in the pre-2020 period such as:
ƒƒ A just phase-out of fossil fuel
subsidies. These subsidies encourage
long-term lock-in to carbon intensive
infrastructure and delay essential
investment in clean energy. A recent
IMF study6 confirmed that global
fossil fuel subsidies, including carbon
pollution impacts from fossil fuels and
post-tax incentives, account for more
than 8% of all annual country budgets
amounting to a staggering US$
1.9 trillion. Their careful removal could

4	 The full submission is available at: http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2013/smsn/ngo/369.pdf
5	 Renewable Energy rollout can account for between 1 -2.5 Gt CO 2 eq emission reductions by 2020. (The IEA
World Energy Outlook 2012 and The UNEP The Emissions Gap Report 2012 suggests a potential of 1.5 to 2.5
Gt CO 2 eq). Energy efficiency measures could contribute around 2 Gt CO 2 eq of emission reductions by 2020
(World Energy Outlook 2012).
6	 IMF. 2013. Energy Subsidy Reform: Lessons and Implications. http://www.imf.org/external/np/pp/
lead to a 13% decline in CO2 emissions
without raising living costs for the
poor and sending powerful longterm signals to investors. This action
would immediately free-up billions for
sustainable investment.
ƒƒ International shipping and
aviation sector emissions: The
international transport sector accounts
for more than 5% of global greenhouse
gas emissions which, if unmitigated
could grow to more than 30% of
emissions7. It is critical that this sector
be included in the work of the ADP.
WWF proposes that the UNFCCC
sends a clear request to both the
International Maritime Organisation
and International Civil Aviation
Organization to agree to measures in
2015 that would ensure that emissions
from these sectors peak by 2020.These
bodies have failed to take ambitious
action in 2013 and need a clear signal
from the UNFCCC to ensure that the
international transport sector takes
up its share of the global mitigation
ƒƒ Explore other options such as
the phase out of short-lived climate
forcers and other greenhouse gases not
covered by the Kyoto Protocol.

Laying the basis for an effective and
equitable post-2020 agreement

400 parts
per million

IN 2013, For the first
time in 2.5 million
years, concentration
of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere
exceeded 400 PPM

To ensure that an effective and equitable
climate agreement is agreed to in 2015
and implemented by 2020, parties need
to work towards the following elements for
a COP 19 outcome under Workstream 1 of
the ADP:
„„ Agree on the key elements to
be included in a new global
agreement. These elements should
serve as the basis for all discussions
under Workstream 1 of the ADP from
Warsaw up to the final agreement in
Paris. Parties need to prioritize those

elements that are fundamental to the
equitable achievement of keeping
temperature rise well below 2°C, as well
as dealing with already felt impacts of
climate change. These would include:
ƒƒ A long-term vision, carbon budget and
global mitigation goals
ƒƒ Application of the equity and
common but differentiated
responsibility (CBDR) principles
through an equity reference
framework: WWF proposes the
setting up of an independent expert
process, constituted by the COP and in
line with the submissions of the parties
and observers, tasked with proposing
an equity reference framework that
includes a well-specified basket of
indicators, all of which are themselves
based on the convention’s equity
principles. Such a basket of indicators
would provide parties with a set of
agreed measures through which they
could evaluate their targets.
ƒƒ Individual parties’ mitigation targets
for the 2020-2030 period and the
pathways towards them.
ƒƒ Building resilience and supporting
adaptation to climate change.
ƒƒ A monitoring, reporting and
verification system that ensures
accountability, comparability and
ƒƒ Implementation guidelines for zero
and low carbon, climate resilient
development strategies, which include
action plans to decarbonise economies
towards 2050.
ƒƒ Ensuring the efficacy of institutions
set up under the UNFCCC (e.g. the
Green Climate Fund and Adaptation
ƒƒ Enhanced and scaled-up means of
implementation such as climate
finance and technology transfer, to
assist developing countries to make
the transition to climate-resilient
low-carbon development pathways.

7	 David S. Lee, Ling Lim, Bethan Owen. 2012. Shipping and aviation emissions in the context of a 2°C emission
pathway. http://www.transportenvironment.org/sites/te/files/publications/Shipping%20and%20aviation%20
„„ Explore options for the
architecture of a new agreement.
Parties need to start more formal
discussions on the final legal form of the
2015 outcome and ensure that draft text
is available for negotiations at the latest
by the end of 2014.
„„ Establish concrete milestones and
timelines for the UNFCCC sessions
leading up to 2015 to ensure that a
global agreement can be adopted in
2015. Parties should avoid the usual
practice of “nothing is agreed until all
is agreed”. They should be prepared to
reach agreement on issues when there is
earlier consensus, such as low emission
development strategies and monitoring,
reporting and verification systems.

It has been encouraging to note that
there is some consensus in the ADP on
the need to include adaptation elements
in the post 2020 package, but it is also
imperative that adaptation be given
consideration under the pre-2020
discussions to protect those bearing
the brunt of already unavoidable climate
change impacts.
In Warsaw parties must take the following
key decisions:
„„ Establish an international
mechanism on loss and damage
resulting from climate change impacts.
Parties must also decide to extend the
existing work program on loss and
damage, and further to elaborate the
principles, modalities and function of the
international mechanism, to be agreed
by COP 20 and fully operationalized by
COP 21.
„„ Developed countries must commit
adaptation finance of al least US$
300 million for the Adaptation Fund
(AF) and Least Developed Country Fund
(LDCF) In Warsaw.

8	 FCCC/CP/2012/8/Add.1para 67.

„„ Formally agree that adaptation is an
integral part of 2015 package and
that it cannot be dealt with separately
in COP decisions. Particular elements
of adaptation that need to be discussed
under the ADP include the means of
implementation for adaptation (finance,
technology and capacity building), the
international mechanism on loss and
damage, and periodic reviews of post2020 adaptation needs.
„„ Formal opportunities must be created to
review the IPCC findings on the potential
loss and damage impacts of climate
change when released, so that the latest
scientific findings can inform further

Delivery on finance commitments
is critical for scaling up mitigation
efforts by developing countries
as well as building resilience and
dealing with impacts of climate
change. It is also an important
prerequisite for building trust among
parties. Ministers attending the
ministerial roundtable on finance in
Warsaw must agree on a financing
package that includes a concrete roadmap
to scaling up public financing to meet the
US$100 billion per annum commitment
by 2020 as was decided in Doha8.
In addition to the agreement on a
roadmap to deliver the US$100 billion
per annum by 2020 Warsaw must also
„„ Commitments and concrete pledges
by developed countries in Warsaw to
collectively contribute US$ 6090 billion in public finance for the
period 2013-2015 towards the Green
Climate Fund.
„„ Rapid progress on sources of
additional public finance such
as carbon pricing for international
transport and financial transaction taxes.

Tasneem Essop
Head, Low Carbon
Frameworks, WWF
Global Climate and
Energy Initiative
Tel: +27 83 998 6290

„„ Full operationalization of the Green
Climate Fund early in 2014.
„„ Agreement that new and additional
resources will be mobilized to
support the scaling up of energy
efficiency and renewable energy
actions in developing countries in the
period before 2020.
„„ Agreement to rapidly phase out
subsidies to fossil fuels and shift to
investments in sustainable renewable
energy systems.

Mandy Jean Woods
Head of
Communications, WWF
Global Climate and
Energy Initiative
Tel: +27 72 393 0027
Jaco du Toit
Coordinator, Low
Carbon Frameworks,
WWF Global Climate
and Energy Initiative
Tel: +27 82 765 9461


REDD+ is one of the most immediate
large-scale mitigation and adaptation
opportunities. COP 19 can make mportant
advances on this global effort by
consolidating support for REDD+ from
donor countries, while at the same time
completing a set of technical decisions.
Without the finalization of the design
elements of REDD+ and without a clear
mechanism to support its implementation,
limiting the rise in global temperatures to
1.5°C or even 2°C will not be achievable.
In Warsaw, parties must deliver an
integrated, ambitious package of REDD+
elements in line with the Bali Action Plan,
the Cancun Agreements and the Durban
Platform, by:
„„ Finalizing the methodological
package of REDD+ design elements
(e.g. technical assessment of reference
levels and monitoring, reporting and
verification guidance).

Why we are here
To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and
to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

© WWF International, Global Climate & Energy Initiative, 2013. All rights reserved.

„„ Integrating REDD+ within the
broader climate architecture,
particularly regarding nationally
appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs),
monitoring, reporting and verification
(MRV), as well as long term finance,
the new market-based mechanism,
the Green Climate Fund, etc., and to
consider REDD+ in deliberations of the
ADP, both pre- and post-2020.

Warsaw must mark a turning point
for the climate negotiations. It must
bring the “contemplation phase” to a
decisive and productive end. It must
produce concrete outcomes on how to
close the pre-2020 mitigation gap, a road
map for scaling up finance to 2020, and a
plan for reaching a new legal agreement in
2015. Anything short of this will set us up
for failure.



Reduced Emissions from
Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD+)

„„ Making progress and showing
commitment on REDD+ finance:
this includes unblocking the current
discussions on results-based finance
for REDD+ and sending a strong signal
regarding the provision of adequate
and predictable support (including
financial, technical and technological)
to developing countries for the
implementation of REDD+ activities. In
addition, commitment towards REDD+
finance must move beyond the existing
fast-start period to include both the mid
and long term. A clear demonstration of
how to meet the financing needs for all
phases of REDD+ is required.



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WWF: Policy Expectations for COP 19 Warsaw

  • 1. Ph oto : G lobal W ar ming Im ages / WWF-Canon CLIMATE & ENERGY Policy Expectations for COP 19, Warsaw 2013 Introduction The scientific imperative for ambitious action to curb climate change is more clear than ever. The first working group report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fifth Assessment report (AR5) released in September 2013 finds that it is extremely likely (more than 95% certain) that CO2 released due to human activities is causing climate change. Unfortunately as this certainty has increased, so too have the impacts of climate change. Each of the last three decades has been warmer than all preceding decades since 1850, the extent and volume of snow and ice have diminished and sea level rise has accelerated1. Regarding future predictions the IPCC finds that “continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.” The report backs this statement up by providing an emissions reduction scenario showing that it is possible to prevent a catastrophic future and to limit aggregate global warming to less than 2°C by 2100 – if governments act ambitiously and urgently. While the IPCC report reminds us of the danger of inaction, 2013 has also showed that it is possible to take steps in the right direction. During the year China started implementing pilot emissions trading schemes; universities, state pension funds, the European Investment Bank and the World Bank have taken key steps to divest from fossil fuels; South Africa showed how a coal-dependent economy can increase 1 The IPCC is by nature a slow-moving organisation, Based on the latest science the World Bank also released a 2013 report: Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience which makes an even stronger case for urgent action.
  • 2. Currently 5% of greenhouse gases are generated by shipping and aircraft, and if unchanged, this percentage could rise to 30% investment in renewables by more than 20 000 per cent over a year2; Mexico released an ambitious climate plan for 2030; and the Australian economy proved that a carbon price does not mean the end of economic growth. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has a critical role to play in ramping up global action. Parties need to come to COP 19 in Warsaw prepared to work from day one. With little more than two years left before the deadline for a new climate agreement and for global emissions to have peaked in terms of the science, we cannot afford 2013 to be another lost year for climate action. In Warsaw WWF expects parties to: „„ Agree to concrete steps to close the pre-2020 emissions gap. „„ Set up an independent expert process on equity tasked with proposing an equity reference framework. „„ Devote high-level political energy to mobilizing climate finance, and ensure that a clear trajectory is agreed at COP 19 for scaling up public finance towards US$ 100 billion per annum by 2020. „„ Agree on a roadmap for the 2015 agreement. Mitigation This year concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, surpassed 400 parts per million for the first time in 2.5 million years3. This places an immense burden of responsibility on governments to act with urgency to ensure that emissions peak within the decade to ensure that we do not cross the dangerous threshold of 1.5°C of warming. Closing the pre-2020 mitigation gap Ensuring that emissions peak well before 2020 is essential to minimize the risk of passing the dangerous threshold of climate change, to protect the livelihoods of millions of people across the world, and the continued existence of low-lying island states. Urgent action is also necessary to avoid further investment in carbon intensive infrastructure that will only become stranded in a post-2020 world. For these reasons, as well as the urgent need to build trust between parties, short-term mitigation is the most critical element of the current negotiations. Concrete steps that need to be taken include: „„ Developed countries need to commit to increase their 2020 emission reduction targets and take the lead in reducing global emissions to avoid dangerous climate change. The scheduled review of the Kyoto Protocol targets provides developed countries with an important opportunity to present emission reduction targets at levels commensurate with what is required to address the gigatonne gap. Those developed countries that are not party to the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, should take their fair share of 2 PEW Centre. 2013. Who’s Winning the Clean Energy Race? 2012 Edition. Available at: http://www. pewenvironment.org/uploadedFiles/PEG/Publications/Report/-clenG20-Report-2012-Digital.pdf 3 The last time CO 2 concentrations remained at such a high level for a sustained period of time average global temperatures were 3° Celsius warmer and sea levels were at least 5 meters higher than they are today. Even more frightening - CO 2 concentration increases in this past epoch were based on million year cycles while the current rate of increase over a few decades is unprecedented in the history of the earth (IPCC. 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/ch6s6-32.html.)
  • 3. responsibility and present comparable levels of emission reduction targets under directly comparable accounting rules. „„ Developing countries that have not yet submitted nationally appropriate pledges for mitigation action should do so by COP 19. Those developing countries with higher respective capability should indicate how their mitigation action could be enhanced through increased international support for the means of implementation. „„ All developed countries should urgently develop and implement economywide zero carbon development strategies that includes a long-term action plan towards at least 2050. „„ All developing countries should develop and implement economy-wide climate resilient low carbon development strategies that include a long-term action plan towards at least 2050. „„ Parties should agree on concrete complementary measures and actions that could increase short-term mitigation and assist with closing the mitigation gap, including: ƒƒ Rapidly scaling up renewable energy and energy efficiency actions: (see WWF Submission on Increasing pre-2020 Mitigation Ambition through scaled up Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiative4) Renewable energy and energy efficient technologies offer the opportunity for the UNFCCC to make a significant contribution to scaling up shortterm mitigation action to close the gigatonne gap5 while preventing the lock in of carbon intensive development. Wind and solar photovoltaic technologies are reaching maturity and are already providing cost competitive electricity in many countries. To maximize the mitigation and developmental potential held by these technologies, parties must leave Warsaw having made concrete decisions to use the powers of the UNFCCC to scale up action on this front. At a minimum this should include the establishment of a framework that could hasten the rollout of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies through enhanced international collaboration and addressing the barriers that are currently hampering faster scale-up. The COP should also invite parties to adopt ambitious targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency, provide for financial and technology support for achieving those targets through the institutions under the UNFCCC, as well as invite parties to provide support through other channels. Agreement on concrete urgent actions would serve to instill new confidence in the UNFCCC amongst citizens and investors. „„ Parties should also identify other initiatives that can close the mitigation gap in the pre-2020 period such as: ƒƒ A just phase-out of fossil fuel subsidies. These subsidies encourage long-term lock-in to carbon intensive infrastructure and delay essential investment in clean energy. A recent IMF study6 confirmed that global fossil fuel subsidies, including carbon pollution impacts from fossil fuels and post-tax incentives, account for more than 8% of all annual country budgets amounting to a staggering US$ 1.9 trillion. Their careful removal could 4 The full submission is available at: http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2013/smsn/ngo/369.pdf 5 Renewable Energy rollout can account for between 1 -2.5 Gt CO 2 eq emission reductions by 2020. (The IEA World Energy Outlook 2012 and The UNEP The Emissions Gap Report 2012 suggests a potential of 1.5 to 2.5 Gt CO 2 eq). Energy efficiency measures could contribute around 2 Gt CO 2 eq of emission reductions by 2020 (World Energy Outlook 2012). 6 IMF. 2013. Energy Subsidy Reform: Lessons and Implications. http://www.imf.org/external/np/pp/ eng/2013/012813.pdf
  • 4. lead to a 13% decline in CO2 emissions without raising living costs for the poor and sending powerful longterm signals to investors. This action would immediately free-up billions for sustainable investment. ƒƒ International shipping and aviation sector emissions: The international transport sector accounts for more than 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions which, if unmitigated could grow to more than 30% of emissions7. It is critical that this sector be included in the work of the ADP. WWF proposes that the UNFCCC sends a clear request to both the International Maritime Organisation and International Civil Aviation Organization to agree to measures in 2015 that would ensure that emissions from these sectors peak by 2020.These bodies have failed to take ambitious action in 2013 and need a clear signal from the UNFCCC to ensure that the international transport sector takes up its share of the global mitigation responsibility. ƒƒ Explore other options such as the phase out of short-lived climate forcers and other greenhouse gases not covered by the Kyoto Protocol. Laying the basis for an effective and equitable post-2020 agreement 400 parts per million IN 2013, For the first time in 2.5 million years, concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere exceeded 400 PPM To ensure that an effective and equitable climate agreement is agreed to in 2015 and implemented by 2020, parties need to work towards the following elements for a COP 19 outcome under Workstream 1 of the ADP: „„ Agree on the key elements to be included in a new global agreement. These elements should serve as the basis for all discussions under Workstream 1 of the ADP from Warsaw up to the final agreement in Paris. Parties need to prioritize those elements that are fundamental to the equitable achievement of keeping temperature rise well below 2°C, as well as dealing with already felt impacts of climate change. These would include: ƒƒ A long-term vision, carbon budget and global mitigation goals ƒƒ Application of the equity and common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR) principles through an equity reference framework: WWF proposes the setting up of an independent expert process, constituted by the COP and in line with the submissions of the parties and observers, tasked with proposing an equity reference framework that includes a well-specified basket of indicators, all of which are themselves based on the convention’s equity principles. Such a basket of indicators would provide parties with a set of agreed measures through which they could evaluate their targets. ƒƒ Individual parties’ mitigation targets for the 2020-2030 period and the pathways towards them. ƒƒ Building resilience and supporting adaptation to climate change. ƒƒ A monitoring, reporting and verification system that ensures accountability, comparability and transparency. ƒƒ Implementation guidelines for zero and low carbon, climate resilient development strategies, which include action plans to decarbonise economies towards 2050. ƒƒ Ensuring the efficacy of institutions set up under the UNFCCC (e.g. the Green Climate Fund and Adaptation Committee). ƒƒ Enhanced and scaled-up means of implementation such as climate finance and technology transfer, to assist developing countries to make the transition to climate-resilient low-carbon development pathways. 7 David S. Lee, Ling Lim, Bethan Owen. 2012. Shipping and aviation emissions in the context of a 2°C emission pathway. http://www.transportenvironment.org/sites/te/files/publications/Shipping%20and%20aviation%20 emissions%20and%202%20degrees%20v1-6.pdf
  • 5. „„ Explore options for the architecture of a new agreement. Parties need to start more formal discussions on the final legal form of the 2015 outcome and ensure that draft text is available for negotiations at the latest by the end of 2014. „„ Establish concrete milestones and timelines for the UNFCCC sessions leading up to 2015 to ensure that a global agreement can be adopted in 2015. Parties should avoid the usual practice of “nothing is agreed until all is agreed”. They should be prepared to reach agreement on issues when there is earlier consensus, such as low emission development strategies and monitoring, reporting and verification systems. Adaptation It has been encouraging to note that there is some consensus in the ADP on the need to include adaptation elements in the post 2020 package, but it is also imperative that adaptation be given consideration under the pre-2020 discussions to protect those bearing the brunt of already unavoidable climate change impacts. In Warsaw parties must take the following key decisions: „„ Establish an international mechanism on loss and damage resulting from climate change impacts. Parties must also decide to extend the existing work program on loss and damage, and further to elaborate the principles, modalities and function of the international mechanism, to be agreed by COP 20 and fully operationalized by COP 21. „„ Developed countries must commit adaptation finance of al least US$ 300 million for the Adaptation Fund (AF) and Least Developed Country Fund (LDCF) In Warsaw. 8 FCCC/CP/2012/8/Add.1para 67. „„ Formally agree that adaptation is an integral part of 2015 package and that it cannot be dealt with separately in COP decisions. Particular elements of adaptation that need to be discussed under the ADP include the means of implementation for adaptation (finance, technology and capacity building), the international mechanism on loss and damage, and periodic reviews of post2020 adaptation needs. „„ Formal opportunities must be created to review the IPCC findings on the potential loss and damage impacts of climate change when released, so that the latest scientific findings can inform further actions. Finance Delivery on finance commitments is critical for scaling up mitigation efforts by developing countries as well as building resilience and dealing with impacts of climate change. It is also an important prerequisite for building trust among parties. Ministers attending the ministerial roundtable on finance in Warsaw must agree on a financing package that includes a concrete roadmap to scaling up public financing to meet the US$100 billion per annum commitment by 2020 as was decided in Doha8. In addition to the agreement on a roadmap to deliver the US$100 billion per annum by 2020 Warsaw must also deliver: „„ Commitments and concrete pledges by developed countries in Warsaw to collectively contribute US$ 6090 billion in public finance for the period 2013-2015 towards the Green Climate Fund. „„ Rapid progress on sources of additional public finance such
  • 6. as carbon pricing for international transport and financial transaction taxes. Tasneem Essop Head, Low Carbon Frameworks, WWF Global Climate and Energy Initiative Tel: +27 83 998 6290 Email: tessop@wwf.org.za Twitter: @TasneemEssop „„ Full operationalization of the Green Climate Fund early in 2014. „„ Agreement that new and additional resources will be mobilized to support the scaling up of energy efficiency and renewable energy actions in developing countries in the period before 2020. „„ Agreement to rapidly phase out subsidies to fossil fuels and shift to investments in sustainable renewable energy systems. Mandy Jean Woods Head of Communications, WWF Global Climate and Energy Initiative Tel: +27 72 393 0027 Email: mwoods@wwf.org.za Twitter: @MandyJeanWoods Jaco du Toit Programme Coordinator, Low Carbon Frameworks, WWF Global Climate and Energy Initiative Tel: +27 82 765 9461 Twitter: @JacoDuToitCT REDD+ is one of the most immediate large-scale mitigation and adaptation opportunities. COP 19 can make mportant advances on this global effort by consolidating support for REDD+ from donor countries, while at the same time completing a set of technical decisions. Without the finalization of the design elements of REDD+ and without a clear mechanism to support its implementation, limiting the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C or even 2°C will not be achievable. In Warsaw, parties must deliver an integrated, ambitious package of REDD+ elements in line with the Bali Action Plan, the Cancun Agreements and the Durban Platform, by: „„ Finalizing the methodological package of REDD+ design elements (e.g. technical assessment of reference levels and monitoring, reporting and verification guidance). Why we are here To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. panda.org/energyreports © WWF International, Global Climate & Energy Initiative, 2013. All rights reserved. „„ Integrating REDD+ within the broader climate architecture, particularly regarding nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV), as well as long term finance, the new market-based mechanism, the Green Climate Fund, etc., and to consider REDD+ in deliberations of the ADP, both pre- and post-2020. Conclusion Warsaw must mark a turning point for the climate negotiations. It must bring the “contemplation phase” to a decisive and productive end. It must produce concrete outcomes on how to close the pre-2020 mitigation gap, a road map for scaling up finance to 2020, and a plan for reaching a new legal agreement in 2015. Anything short of this will set us up for failure. www.panda.org/climateandenergy Email: jdutoit@wwf.org.za Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) „„ Making progress and showing commitment on REDD+ finance: this includes unblocking the current discussions on results-based finance for REDD+ and sending a strong signal regarding the provision of adequate and predictable support (including financial, technical and technological) to developing countries for the implementation of REDD+ activities. In addition, commitment towards REDD+ finance must move beyond the existing fast-start period to include both the mid and long term. A clear demonstration of how to meet the financing needs for all phases of REDD+ is required. GLOBAL CLIMATE AND ENERGY INITIATIVE • NOVEMBER 2013 Contacts