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Spring Driving Essay
The arrival of spring s warm weather makes it a great time to get out on the road and travel. But
before you start on your trip, it s a good idea to visit your auto service center for a tune up. Griff s
Auto Towing Inc provides expert auto repair and auto towing services for drivers in and around
Rochester, NY. As an ASE certified auto repair shop with highly qualified mechanics, they have
tips on what you will need to know when you bring your car in for a spring checkup.
What will you need to check to get your car ready for spring driving?
Cooling system: Your car s cooling system is essential in preventing your car from overheating and
potentially damaging your engine. Flush out the old coolant and refill the system according to the
recommendation of your car s owner s manual. Griff s Auto Towing Inc also advises that you check
your coolant regularly to ensure you have sufficient levels.
Tires: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The sound of metal rubbing against metal is one of the signs that you need a brake replacement. You
can also visually inspect your brakes by looking through your wheel spokes and checking the brake
pads. If the pads are less than a quarter inch thick, then you will need new brakes. Griff s Auto
Towing Inc also suggests getting your brake fluids flushed according to the recommendation of
your owner s manual.
Oil And Filters: Oil keeps your engine lubricated and keeps it running smoothly. Don t forget to
change the oil filter as well as the filters for your air and engine. These filters prevent dust and
debris from entering your vehicle s system and avoiding potential damage.
Wiper Blades: Having a clear view of the road is vital to your safety and for the safety of the drivers
around you. The professionals at Griff s Auto Towing Inc recommend replacing your blades every
six months to a year or as soon as you notice your wiper blades are no longer effective in wiping
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Essay on Abortion, Pope John Paul II and Peter Singer
Abortion, Pope John Paul II and Peter Singer
Abortion is one of the most controversial issues today. It has become a question of not only ethics,
but morals. In the 1973 case of Roe v Wade the Supreme Court ruled that a woman has the right to
terminate a pregnancy by abortion within the first six months of the pregnancy. However,
conservative Presidents have changed the legislation enough to allow states to restrict abortion in
various ways (Practical Ethics, Peter Singer). In the following paper, I will summarize the views on
abortion of Pope John Paul II and philosopher, Peter Singer. These two men have very conflicting
opinions about abortion.
Pope John Paul II s Argument: This argument is very adamantly against abortion. It is... Show more
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The way of death is this: ... they kill their children and by abortion cause God s creatures to
parish ... they are filled with sin. As time goes on, the Church will continue to teach the
undeniable value on the first commandment. Even in the first centuries, murder was considered
one of the three most serious sins. This should not come as a surprise. To kill something that
was created by, and in the image of, God should be considered a serious sin. The most important
case involving the first commandment of You shall not kill is when it refers to innocent human
beings. This is especially so when it refers to defenseless, weak, human beings such as an unborn
child or infant. The taking of an innocent life, especially at it s beginning or end, is gravely
immoral. This direct and voluntary action will always be regarded as morally evil and can never
be considered as necessary, either as an end, or as means to a good end. Nothing and no none can
in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being, whether a fetus or an embryo, and infant
of an adult ... no one is permitted to ask for this act of killing, either for him/herself or for another
person entrusted to his or her care ... Nor can any authority legitimately recommend or permit such
an action (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith). Every innocent human being has a right to
life. Every man, woman and child is a person worth protecting, not
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Crime And Punishment Epilogue
The epilogue of Crime and Punishment is generally misunderstood and criticized, but is in fact
quite necessary to the story. In the epilogue, the reader sees how Raskolnikov has journeyed
from a state of nihilism, where he has acted on his own beliefs and theories about life, only to
find that he was, in essence, wrong. He eventually realizes that not only has he committed a crime
in the eyes of others, but has broken his own moral code as well. The epilogue brings this all
together and in seeing the implications of what his theory truly means, Raskolnikov finds
redemption and begins to understand the need for spiritual healing. Besides this, the epilogue
serves to show of Dostoevsky s true purpose to provide a warning against Russian nihilism. The
epilogue is essential because the entire novelleads up to his resurrection and the story would be
incomplete and illogical without Raskolnikov s acceptance of God and society.... Show more
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While attempting to prove his Napoleonic theory, Raskolnikov did not intend to kill a human
being, but a principle (PAGE NUMBER). The woman Raskolnikov murdered, Alyona Ivanovna,
was greatly detested by many and Raskolnikov believed by principle he could murder her if it
would benefit society. This theory however, was proven wrong as Raskolnikov was overcome
with guilt as his crime only reinforce[d] his sense that he is not a part of society ( Crime and
Punishment 77). Raskolnikov s sin isolated him even further from others and contradicted his
theory that the murder would benefit society. Raskolnikov s guilt is the knowledge that he has
done wrong and has become estranged from society and from God ( Crime and Punishment 77).
Raskolnikov recognized his failure but it is not until the epilogue that he learned how to repent his
sin and no longer be isolated from God and
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European Integration of Albania
European Integration of Albania
Western European Integration
Political Science 477
Spring 2013
Research question: How far away is Albania from becoming a member state of European Union?
Albania has multiple challenges to achieve the full integrating in the European Union. But, there are
two major challenges; 1) the economic challenges and 2) the political challenges that are obligatory
to its integration in the European Union. The economy is a challenge for Albania because the
farmers industry and the food industries are underdeveloped, as a result does not meet the European
Union standers to compete ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
European Union s attention was again directed towards Albania during the Kosovo war. This was
because the European Union was promoting stability in the Balkan region. There were many pacts
that Albania has participated at the EU Meetings. Some of the pacts were; Stability pact for
southeast which was launched in 1999; the second pact was Stability and Association process for
the Western Balkan in 2000. However, these pacts were accepted, but many political issues were not
settled during these pacts between Albania and EU. Many other countries and international
organizations were supporting this, beside the European Union. Some of the countries were; United
States, Canada, Japan. On the other hand, some of the organizations supporting this pact were
organizations like NATO, International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. All countries of the
Southeastern European area are partners of the Stability Pact (Thiel, 2004) and one of the members
is Albania. Although the European integration it is difficult, with the assistance of European Union,
Albania can progress towards the European Integration and the country can be more trustworthy for
foreign investors to come and invest in Albania. But this has not been the case of Albania. Many
reforms in Albania are either not implemented or poorly implemented. This means that some
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Pearl Harbor
At approximately 8 o clock in the morning on the 7th of Dec 1941, the United States of America
faced for the first time in history, an attack on US soil. The Empire of Japan had strategically
planned and executed a swift blow to the state of Hawaii, located in the mid Pacific Ocean. Hawaii
was our first line of defense from any westerly attack of an Asian country. By the end of the almost
2 hour ordeal, our Naval and Air Corps assets were brutally crippled preventing the ability of the
US to conduct an immediate retaliation. In this study we will cover many of the events that led up
to that moment in time, the actual attack and show the result that were to follow.
Do to the great depression of 1930 the world was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The United States had not finished decoding the last and final message until the late morning of
the 7th Eastern Standard Time. The final message stated to cease relations with the US and
prepare to announce their declaration of war at 1PM EST. A bit late (1130 EST) and after
learning of its content, General Marshall ordered immediate defensive posture in Hawaii once
realizing the time difference between the main land and the islands. Unfortunately this fell on
deaf ears due to complications of the atmosphere blocking radio communications, Washington
had to send word via commercial telegram which did not arrive until well after the attack. By
the early morning of December 7, 1941 the Japanese Naval force led by Admiral Nagumo had
parked his fleet of 6 aircraft carriers 230 nautical miles off the north coast of the Hawaiian
Islands completely undetected. The fleet had approximately 423 aircraft with a final destination
of Pearl Harbor. At 600 a.m. the first wave of 180 aircraft were launch to attach the sleeping
Hawaiian bay. At 702 a.m. an Army radar station sights the aircraft inbound and report to their
direct officer who is aware of a squadron of B 17 s due in from the west coast and write off the
sighting am friendly forces. This was the first of many mistakes that would become evident within
the hour.
At approximately 715 a.m. the Japanese fleet launches their second wave of aircraft bound for the
same objective. Unbeknown to the military stationed
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The Righteous Dopefiend Analysis
No matter where we are in the world, there is always some kind of relationship that we will come
to attain in life. Whether it be with blood relatives or complete strangers, a relationship would
develop within one another. A kinship is broadly identified as a term describing any kind of
relations or connection with others. In ethnographies such as The Righteous Dopefiend and Raw
Life, New Hope, the characters have mostly been identified as impoverished living in a completely
different world. Although one setting is in San Francisco and the other is in South Africa, every
person interviewed in both of the ethnographies develops a kinshipwith people that care and show
compassion. Reading these two ethnographies, one can compare and see its similarities... Show
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Take for example the lives of refugees from North Korea moving to the South. The refugees
seeked a better home to live in since most women were forced to be prostitutes. Although they
hoped their lives would be better in South Korea, they were completely wrong. After arriving in
South Korea, they noticed that the only way to survive was to have some kind of kinship or
network in such a capitalist and advanced society. An outsider status was anyone who didn t fit the
social networks and social capital required for negotiating the competitive environment (Markus
Bell, 245). Though there are strict regulations on creating any kind of relationships such as marriage
, employment, and socializing. This is only if one does not integrate oneself accordingly since
the North Korean aspect is different. According to many anthropologists, the link to Korean
kinship is well connected to even South Africa s and the Chinese. The Korean kinship is known
to be based on local lineage or close relationships even ones that are not biological. There is
another kind of relationship where it is not necessarily intimate, but still considered as some kind
of kinship: pseudo kinship. In a pseudo kinship, the relationship is a lasting emotional significance
(Bell, 246). These are in enhanced especially in areas where the environment is extremely hostile
and and radical. To many people, kinships are supposed to
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The Basis Of Labeling Theory As A Whole Is Practically
The basis of Labeling Theory as a whole is practically exactly as it sounds, the labeling, or
stigmatizing, of a person or group of people throughout their life. This labeling is the result of how
that person, or group of people, identifies and behaves throughout their life. This idea of the
Labeling Theorycomes from Becker, who claims that individuals will conform with what is said
and assumed about them. Becker s theory states the idea that those who are labeled throughout
life as deviant will become deviant and take on a known selfhood as deviant. This idea also
claims that those labeled as deviant will act more deviant than if they had not been labeled this
way. The Labeling Theory uses social characteristics such as class and race to... Show more content
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Logical consistency, also known as internally consistent, generates the basis that the theory is
filled with internally sound and consistent ideas throughout (Akers et. al.). These ideas must
make sense in a logical aspect that does not allow the general ideas to conflict with each other in
a way that confuses the ideas. Labeling theory follows the concept of logical consistency by
sticking with labeling being the reasoning behind why people act the way they do, deviant or
not deviant. As stated previously, if an individual is labeled as deviant they will then act
deviant. There is no contrast to this idea throughout the theory, which allows it to be logically
consistent. Another known obstacle is that of scope. Scope is known as the range of
distribution that the theory covers. For example, if a theory focuses specifically on juveniles for
a specific crime, such as theft, then the theory would be considered to have a very limited scope.
Labeling theory would be considered to have a generally wide scope because of the fact that it
covers all ages, all races, and all genders. The theory also covers a wide scope because it
references all deviance. Theorists have stated that, agents of control, who function on behalf of the
powerful in society, impose the labels on the less powerful (Akers et. al, 2017). This points to the
idea that it is not just one specific group of people, but simply those of higher
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Becoming A Major Music Producer
The career in music that I want to pursue is becoming a major music producer and songwriter.
My goal is to be like the major producers in the music industry and lead the sound in popular
music, be able to be at a caliber of artists like Max Martin, Timbaland, Kanye West, Justin
Timberlake, and Jon Bellion. The steps I plan to follow to achieve this goal begin with studying
music, I d start with all kinds of music at first to get a good grasp of music structure and content. I
think it s very important to fully understand how most, if not all music is made, from the chord
progressions, melodies, drum patterns, vocal techniques, tones, and lyrical content that is used in
each genre, especially music that is broadly liked, being able to understand... Show more content on
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At this point, I would want to work on music for myself. I give myself 2 years to be at this point,
This leads into step four of my plan where I d start working on my own project, with the musical
skill and connections I have at that point I d put every resource I have into my project.
Hopefully, I m at a point where my skills and style have been sharpened to where I at least I have
an idea of how to make a good song. While producing the project, I would work on gathering a
team to help with the release of it. Mainly focusing on advertisement and knowing how to spread
It (social media mainly because it seems like the best option.) I d release the project for free
because I don t feel like you can release music as a new artist and have people want to pay for it
in this day in age. Also collaborating with other people with followings as an artist instead of
being behind the scenes of the music making. Through this form of releasing music, I feel like
you re more likely to grow an organic fan base and a devoted following. Even though I would have
supposedly made songs for
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Summary Of Ordinary Men And Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed
Christopher Browning and Philip Hallie are the authors of Ordinary Men and Lest Innocent
Blood Be Shed respectively. Two extremely interesting books about the World War II and the
different behaviors and reactions of the society during that rough time. On his writing, Browning
shows how ordinary men can change their beliefs and their common sense because of the
influence of others. In this book, soldiers of the WWII were influenced by the government of
Hitler. Browning called it atrocity by policy because the damage caused by soldiers wasn t
spontaneous but indeed planned methodically by the government, they had calculations and plans.
In addition, Browning explains how members of the police battalion (a Nazi paramilitary
formation) slowly started enjoying the idea of murder and torture innocent people. As in combat,
the horrors of the initial encounter eventually became routine (Browning 1992, p. 161). Browning
describes the behavior of the policemen as if they didn t have their own sense of knowing what
was right or what was wrong. Perhaps because of legitimate authority and because,... Show more
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Browning s argument could perfectly fit in Hallie s book. It wouldn t be atrocity by policy of
course, but maybe it could be called generosity by ferocity . Because, as mentioned before, the
entire war environment and worrying was what made the anger of pastor TrocmГ© turned into a
reason to help others and become a model of non violence fighter. Moreover, TrocmГ© s anger
changed not only his way of thinking and confront the war era, but it also changed the principles
and beliefs of all the people he convinced, based on facts, that what was happening was wrong and
that they had to take a different
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Biomedical Studies Personal Statement
When I first entered college, I had thought that I wanted to major in Biomedical Sciences. The
reason being, I was diagnosed at the age of 7 with Type 1 Diabetes. I was tossing around the
thought that I was interested, possibly, in having a career that involved my disease in it. From
being a part of this compass program, I have learned about many careers. Even though I learned
more of what I do not want to do, it has helped me narrow down to majors that I am more
interested in. I was thinking of still having the possibility of entering the medical field, but I am
unsure. Learningabout the different careers in the medical field and visiting labs has shown me
that it isn t something that I am interested as much as when I first enter college. While I do want
to be involved with my disease, I m not sure if I want to have a career with it, but it could still be
a possibility. After having been in my first college year for a couple of months, I still had no
idea what I was leaning towards for a major. Within these first couple of months I had learned
that Biomedical Studies was not something that I was sure of, along with many other careers and
majors that I learned about in the Compass class that were not for me. Tired of not knowing what
I wanted to do, I sat myself down and did some researched. I came upon... Show more content on
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I meaning Introvert, S meaning Sensing, F meaning Feeling, J meaning Judging. I have a slight
preference of Introversion over Extraversion (6%), slight preference for Sensing over Intuition
(9%), moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (53%), marginal or no preference of Judging
over Perceiving (3%). An Entertainment Lawyer have to feel the situation and know what to do, also
needing to judge people in court. An Pediatric Endocrinologist needs to judge problems that their
patients have. My personality results fit more of an Entertainment Lawyer than a Pediatric
Endocrinologist I would
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Electricity Generation
Electricity generation is the process of creating electricity from other forms of energy.
The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered during the 1820s and early
1830s by the British scientist Michael Faraday. His basic method is still used today: electricity is
generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet.[1]
For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other
processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power storage and recovery using
pumped storage methods are normally carried out by the electrical power industry.
Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical ... Show more content on
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The combustion of fossil fuels supplies most of the heat to these engines, with a significant
fraction from nuclear fission and some from renewable sources. The modern steam turbine
invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884 today generates about 80 percent of the electric power in
the world using a variety of heat sources.
[edit] Turbines
Large dams such as Three Gorges Dam in China can provide large amounts of hydroelectric power;
it will have a 22.5 GW capability.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, a nuclear power plant.
A combined cycle natural gas power plant near Orem, Utah.
All turbines are driven by a fluid acting as an intermediate energy carrier. Many of the heat engines
just mentioned are turbines. Other types of turbines can be driven by wind or falling water.
Sources include: * Steam Water is boiled by: * Nuclear fission, * The burning of fossil fuels (coal,
natural gas, or petroleum). In hot gas (gas turbine), turbines are driven directly by gases
produced by the combustion of natural gas or oil. Combined cycle gas turbine plants are driven
by both steam and natural gas. They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and
use residual heat to generate additional electricity from steam. These plants offer efficiencies of
up to 60%. * Renewables. The steam generated by: * Biomass * The sun as the heat source: solar
parabolic troughs and solar power towers
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Flexible And Dynamic Forms Of Internetworking
In this paper, I have discussed the Flexible and Dynamic forms of Internetworking by focusing on
history of internetworking along with LAN s Routers, Hubs, switches with its networking
/internetworking functions and summarizing the general nature of addressing schemes within the
context of Internetworking and its naming and communications.
An internetwork is a collection of individual networks, connected by intermediate ... Show more
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Today, high speed LANs and switched internetworks are becoming widely used, largely because
they operate at very high speeds and support such high bandwidth applications as voice and video
Internetworking evolved as a solution to three key problems: isolated LANs, duplication of
resources, and a lack of network management. Isolated LANS made electronic communication
between different offices or departments impossible. Duplication of resources meant that the same
hardware and software had to be supplied to each office or department, as did a separate support
staff. This lack of network management meant that no centralized method of managing and
troubleshooting networks existed (Universitat Koblenz Landau).
Ethernet segment consists of a collection of hosts connected by wires (twisted pairs) to a
Hub. It normally spans a room or floor in a building.
Its typical operations include,
Each Ethernet adapter has a unique 48 ¬‐bit address (MAC address).
Hosts send bits to any other host in chunks called Frames.
Now hub copies each bit from each port to every other port. Fig 2: Ethernet Segment (Carnegie
Mellon University)
The oldest type of internetworking device is called a bridge. Normally, a bridge is
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Pros And Cons Of The Common Core Standards
The Common Core is known as the top notch academic guidelines in Arithmetic and English
expressions/proficiency (ELA). These learning objectives diagram what a student should know and
have the capacity to do toward the end of every evaluation. The guidelines were made to guarantee
that all students move on from secondary schoolwith the abilities and learning importance to
succeed in school, vocation, and life, paying little respect to where they live. Common Core
standards are effective in many students that will lead each and every student to succeed in their
selected careers, including, Forty three states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the
Department of Defense EducationActivity (DoDEA) have voluntarily adopted and are... Show more
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They re asking themselves about their academic strengths and weaknesses; they re looking for
patterns and trying to see how those patterns might be traced back to classroom instruction (
Telling the truth about common core p1). In one of the topics of common core students have to
develop technology skills. This program that students use is known as Easy Tech which includes
self paced interactive lessons that students find very engaging . Easy Tech is divided into several
different sequences based on the educator and what they are trying to do... starting with mouse
basics, leading all the way up to keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets and presentations.
(Tools and tactics: to measure student s mastery of the common core standards p1). Another reason
for why common core will give students an advantage in their life is that , Unlike other standards,
which tends to focus on skill by skill outcomes , often at a literal level, the Common Core integrates
multiple skills (Telling the truth about common core
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Roman Road As A Direct Straight Forward Path
Roman Road is a direct straight forward path to the need of salvation.
As the scriptures say No one is righteous not even one (3:10). For everyone has sinned; we all fall
short of God s glorious standard (3:23). When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam s sin
brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned (5:12). For the wages of sin is
death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord (6:23). But God showed
his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners (5:8). If you openly
declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be
saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and ... Show more
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In the society we live in today people are selfish and narsistic by nature. I believe it is because
the world has fallen away from God. While Jesus walked on this earth He served. Not only did
he serve the people he met but he served God. Having a servant mentality is putting someone
else s needs before your own. Serventhood begins by fullfiling a need of a person without
judgement and/or condemnation. It could be as easy as preparing a meal for a family who has
just welcomed a baby into the family or cleaning the yard of a person who is unable to do it
themselves. When a persons needs are being met it opens their heart and mind to the reasoning
behind the act. Mission trips are also a great way of serving. Not all missions are done in other
countries, they can be done in your town just as easy as abroad. The purpose in a mission is serve
a group of people on behalf of God.
An Advantage would be that a person is able to have their needs met while also witnessing the
love of Jesus. The idea behind servanthood would be to establish a relationship. Earning the trust of
the person by simply showing that their needs matter and deserve to be met. An advantage of
serving would be inviting a nonbeliever to join you on a mission trip. The thought of travel often
times is enough to get a person interested, in turn the Holy Spirit will utilize the servanthood to
pour into the heart of a nonbeliever that may not be possible in their own back yard.
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Dolby Digital s Sound Analysis
Going to the movies becomes a distant memory when you have the Sony TA 9000ES pre
amplifier in your home theater system. Dolby Digital s sound creates stellar audio and delivers
a near perfect theater experience in your home. The preamp offers customized modes of sounds
depending on the size of your room. This unit allows you to balance the sound perfectly to
enhance the content you are viewing. This sony TA e9000es features an exclusive digital
cinema with virtual, 3D delivery that supports a variety of devices including DVD players, CD
players, and phonographs. Its multi dimensional surround sound and studio mix modes allow it
to give you an immersive listening experience. This Sony TA e9000es has digital and analog
connections for your convenience. There are five audio in and two audio outs. These
connections allow you to connect the Sony TA e9000es with receivers, speakers, and Blu ray
players. Its six video inputs and three video out ports allow for connections with video gaming
systems and other accessories. There are also six s video in and three s video outs for digital
signals. With five optical ins and three optical outs, you can connect every piece of home theater
and listening equipment you have. It also has one RF in for tuner use and 3 coaxials in for
connecting a turntable, tape deck, VCR, or laser disc player. Its other connections include a RS
232c port for use with your other electronics accessories.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It has a 100 dB input sensitivity. Its output voltage is 50 kOhm. It operates at a frequency
response of 20 to 20,000 Hz at 1 volt and 1 kOhm of impedance. At these specifications, you can
use this Sony with your preferred speakers, receivers, and
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America s Acceptance Of Interracial Marriages
Are you tired of hearing, you should love, date, and marry within your own kind? I mean c mon
people. It s been decades even centuries and it seems like society s acceptance of interracial
marriages is still very much frown upon. Since my arrival here in the United States, in the early
80s till even now, I have been told, by my parents, aunts, uncles, and relatives, to stay away from
other ethnic groups because they don t understand our people, our language, our tradition, and our
way of life. I would argue that we no longer live in Laos and we need to limit ourselves to old
traditions or superstitions. That there are some many benefits, in America, to marrying someone of
another raceand culture. Some of the main benefits would be to break the racial barriers of
discrimination, lessen hate crimes, and create a safer environment for our children, whether of
mixed cultures or not.
Firstly, it has been throughout history that interracial marriages are unacceptable or even illegal for
two people of a different race to marry. A tradition that has been around for centuries until in 1958
the case of, Loving v. Virginia, two Virginia natives Richard Loving, a white man and Mildred
Jeter, a black woman got married in the District of Columbia and returned home soon after the
wedding, Virginia declared that they violated the state s anti miscegenation statute and was
sentenced to a year in jail or leave the state and not return for 25 years (Loving). On June 12, 1967,
the United
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Nursing Home Residents Case Study Essay
Case Study 4 Question 1: What are the most common causes of LRTI in nursing home residents?
This case study tells the story of Evelyn Rafferty, an 85 year old nursing home resident. Ms.
Rafferty presents with an elevated temperature, tachypnea, cough, shortness of breath, and crackles
on lung auscultation. Her signs and symptoms are consistent with the diagnosis of a lower
respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Her case is not so uncommon among nursing home residents.
Nursing home residents are especially at risk for LRTIs, such as pneumonia, due to a variety of
factors. This patient population is compromised in terms of immunity and mobility.
Immunocompromise may stem from existing chronic conditions, and impaired mobility may be
one of the
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The Use Of Immunotherapy And Genetic Engineering
Organ transplants save thousands of lives each year and are one of the most significant medical
innovations of the past century. Despite that, each year, the number of patients on the waiting list
continues to grow, while the number of donors and transplants remains stagnant. One solution
scientists are investigating to solve this problem is xenotransplantation, a procedure which involves
the transplantation, implantation, or infusion of live cells, tissues, or organs from a non primate
source into a primate recipient (Samdani). This procedure has the potential to benefit thousands by
providing a treatment for a wide range of debilitating diseases and aiding in the transplantation
process. However, like any other surgical procedure,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not only will xenotransplantation cure diseases, but will also serve as a source of organs and
tissues for transplant. Worldwide, very few human organs are available for transplantation, which
results in ailing patients waiting in vain for a suitable donor. According to UNOS, a non profit that
manages the nation s organ transplant system, more than 118,804 Americans are waiting for an
organ transplant as of January 2017 ( Data ). The increasing imbalance between the supply and
demand for organs, therefore opens the door to xenotransplantation as a solution. Xenografts could
serve as an unlimited supply of cells, tissues, and organs (Kleaner). Furthermore,
xenotransplantation can also be used to buy time while potential transplant patients wait for a
suitable donor. Dr. Michler, surgeon in Chief at Montefiore Medical Center, views xenotransplants
as a bridge, buying time of months until [an organ] is found (Tanne). According to Medscape, a
web resource for physicians, most patients perceive xenotransplantation as an acceptable bridge to
transplantation of human organs in life threatening situations (Samdani). Bridge transplants can
ease the current shortage of organs until researchers find a more permanent solution. It provides
patients in dire situations an opportunity to keep holding on to life. Xenotransplantation has proven
advantageous in numerous disciplines of medicine.
Nevertheless, opponents of xenotransplantation such as the Campaign for Reasonable
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Mary Poppins Movement Analysis
The movement decisions made by the director were key to making audience members feel
certain and distinct emotions. The opening sequence of Mary Poppins shows a backdrop of the
city of London. As the credits scroll by, the camera pans from right to left on the backdrop until it
zooms in on Mary Poppins sitting on a cloud. This specific camera movement allows for the
audience to make an easily detectable assumption that this lady on the cloud will be important in
the story of Mary Poppins. Another example of movement within the Mary Poppinsfilm is the scene
of the Banks family flying their kite while at the park. This is an example of movement in that
the director chose to have an upward movement of the camera, from the Banks family and to the
kite that is flying in the sky. This decision on camera movement allows the audience to have a
sense of hope for the Banks family, individually and as whole family. A third example is when
Mary, the children, and Bert go and visit Uncle Albert at his home. Within these scenes, several
reaction shots, low or high angle shots, and close ups cut back and forth from Uncle Albert
laughing and tumbling in the air, to the children laughing, to Bert trying to keep from laughing,
and Mary admonishing them. A cut to a long shot for reestablishing everyone s place in the room
keeps viewers focused. Editing is the way for the director to minimize the amount of distraction for
the audience members, in order to allow audiences to focus on
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The Effects Of Child Labor On The Chocolate Industry
The Effects of Child Labor in the Chocolate Industry: December 6, 2015, was an important day for
many Americans, as it marked the 150th year since the abolishment of slavery when the U.S.
authorized the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to end what can be described as the darkest
chapter of American history. Many in Western Society seem to be unaware of the contemporary
slavery still plaguing many developing countries, particularly involving children. The 2010
documentary film called The Dark Side of Chocolate explored the modern day slavery that is
occurring within many West African countries, where children are being exploited and trafficked in
order to harvest chocolate. In fact, the United States Department of State estimates that
approximately 109,000 children in the Ivory Coast s cocoa industry work under the worst forms of
child labor (Mustapha, 2010, p.3).
By exploring the use of child labor in the chocolate industry in West Africa, this paper will present
the argument where I will argue that the unethical use of child labor has led to impoverished
families, negative health impacts among children, and has affected economies in West Africa. In
order to overcome this situation, there is a need for enforced policies, government action, and
corporations taking accountability in order to put an end to child labor. The first part of the paper
will discuss how the cocoa industry affects families, the health of child laborers, and the economy,
followed by various
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Demeter Research Paper
Long , long ago when reading and writing just came to be there were people who had seen
monkeys running around and good at climbing too but nowhere to live . In the forest close to a
nearby village and in between hills.There is one goddess who is loves the animals and her name
is Artemis goddess of animals. She is the creator of all kinds of animals. She loves them very
deeply. She also has a best friend named Demeter goddess of harvest or plantes. Artemisloves her
animals and Demeter loves to help her out to keep them safe.
One day she had created a new kind of animal called the lion. She didn t know that they love to
kill and eat monkeys. So she wanted to fix it without making an animal go extinct so she had to
figure something out before all the monkeys were gone and then lions eating anything in site. So
she has to find some way to fix this without making any of those animals go extinct or any kind of
animals for that matter.She needed help from another god/goddess, so she thought of Demeter she
had hoped she could help her. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But she also needs food for them and wanted there food to be up in there home with them so they
could eat in peace. So she went to Demeter to see if she could come up with an idea.
Hey Demeter can you do me a favor? asked Artemis
Sure what can I help you with , said Demeter
Well I need a place for my dearly monkeys to
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Tennis Ball Test Lab Report
Tennis Ball Test
29 Jan 15
Jimmetrius Winters
For this experiment we researched the dimension of the tennis ball and basketball. The dimension
of the tennis ball is 2.700 inches. The dimension of the basketball is 29.5 inches.
A reason that a tennis ball is explained best by Tara Thackery. The motion of energydefines kinetic
energy. According to Exploratorium, when you throw a tennis ball and it lands on the floor, it
gains kinetic energy. The molecules in the tennis ball begin to stretch apart. Then, they squeeze
back together. As this process occurs, the ball gains more energy and is able to bounce off the
A reason that basketball bounces is best explained ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We think that the height will change because the type of ground used could modify the outcome of
the experiment. To measure the bounce of the ball we used a three feet measuring stick. The results
will be measured in inches.
The constants in this experiment is the type of ball being used in each experiment. Also the time of
day in this experiment was a constant.
The control group in this experiment is the different heights cause by the balls in the different
Tennis Ball, Basketball, Measuring Stick
1. Stand measuring stick up straight 2. Drop ball from three from the air 3. Locate maximum height
in which the ball bounced 4. Record data
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Does Medea Deserve Sympathy Essay
In Euripides Medea, there are moments when a specific character is deserving of sympathy, and
instances when they don t deserve any sympathy at all. In the beginning, Medea deserves sympathy
due to her husband leaving her for royalty and another woman. However, neither characters deserve
sympathy when Medeas tells of her plans of killing her children, and Jasons want for Medea to
become an exile. Towards the end, Jason deserves sympathy for trying to do what s best for his
familyand the death of his children, but Medea deserves no sympathy for the killing of Glauce,
Creon and her children.
In the beginning of the play, Medea is deserving of sympathy due to her husband s betrayal
towards her. Characters, like the Nurse and Chorus feel the sorrow that Medea ... Show more
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Medea s hurt and anger turns into rage when she plans to make corpses of three of [her] enemies,
which shows her ambition of creating catastrophe around her to make Jason suffer the
consequences.The plan of Medea wanting to kill Glauce and her children shows the audience
that Medea is plotting for revenge and will do anything to make Jason suffer. Jason also doesn t
deserve sympathy as his want for power and his strive for ambition is the main issue in this play.
Jason left his wife to marry Glauce, the princess of Corinth, to make his life more powerful.
Jason doesn t want Medea ruining his chances of staying in Corinth and one day becoming king.
When he finds out Medea is making plans, he makes sure that Medea knows that Corinth cannot
be a home for [Medea] anymore, which shows that Medea must become an exile again, in Jason s
eyes, so that he can one day be king. Both Medea and Jason are in no need of sympathy from the
audience, but once Medea commits the murders of Glauce and the children, Jason deserves
sympathy from the audience while Medea deserves no
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Essay about Background and Character of T.J. Avery
Background and Character of T.J. Avery Ladies and gentlemen of the court, I have been charged
with investigating, and bringing to the attention of the court the entire background and character
of T.J. Avery from an impartial point of view. These are my findings. T.J. Avery comes from a
sharecropping family which live and work on Mr. Gangers land; they are poor and lack financial
independence. T.J. s father is a weak old man and in consequence lacks the physical strength to
punish him, for anything he does wrong. T.J. has almost no principles, so he has no problem with
getting others in trouble when he was the one who was the cause... Show more content on
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had written some cheat notes, and when the teacher who happened to be Misses Logan, he gave
them to Stacey Logan who is his friend, but before Stacey could hand them back, his mother saw
that and interrogated him about it and then proceeded to punish him in front of the entire class.
Prior to this T.J. had been caught rummaging threw Misses Logan s books at her desk looking
for the test, after sneaking into her room, while visiting the Logan household as a friend of the
Logan children. T.J. is befriended by R.W. and Melvin Simms, who buy him alcohol at The
Wallace Store. T.J. is proud of this friend ship with the two white boys, but T.J. is disgusted that
Grand Mother Logan wanted to see Mr Wade W. Jamison, who is an attorney at Law. This is
while he was visiting the town of Strawberry with Grand Mother Logan and the Logan children.
Also while in strawberry Stacey Logan is foolishly persuaded by T.J. to go into the white mans
store, which is other wise know as The Barnett Mercantile, while in the mercantile T.J. is
mesmerised by the peal handled pistol. Later that month Stacey Logan is given I new coat form
his Uncle, Hammer Logan, T.J. mocks him and his coat, saying that he looked like a fat preacher
because the coat was a bit big on him at the time, later T.J. cons Stacy into lending him the coat until
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Children Of The Classroom Benefit Students By Teaching...
Pets in the classroom benefit students by teaching responsibility, boosting self esteem, and helping
with children with anxiety. From early childhood, the desire to keep a pet is almost universal;
children dream frequently about animals; images and pictures of animals dominate children s
books; children who keep pets often regard baby faced animals as siblings; and there appears to
simply be an human attraction to, or at least interest in, non human animals (Daly, Suggs 104).
Keeping petanimals within a teaching environment has always been a popular feature of
elementary classrooms (Zasloff et al. 347). One way that children can benefit from having a
classroom pet is that pets build a child`s self esteem, helping them to be more... Show more content
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With a class pet children will learn the proper way to handle and care for the pet. Children can
learn the responsibility of taking care of an animal from having a pet in their classroom. Children
will learn what it takes to care for something other than themselves by feeding the pet lunch or
cleaning out the pet`s cage. Children are introduced to the world of animals by having a class
pet, especially if they do not have a pet at home. Students who do not have a pet at home are able
to see, touch, and help take care of one at school. When a student does not have a pet at home,
they lose an experience to be close to a non human being. Having a pet in their classroom could
help them experience new feelings, gain new abilities, and be able to understand what it is like
to take care of something other than themselves. Math and science can be brought to life with a
class pet. The class can learn multiplication, fractions, time, animal behavior, etc. Pets can also
improve a child`s health. Many have done research relating to the benefits of a person`s health.
Children who have pets are less likely to get sick. Children who have pets are at school more than
children who do not. There are also some negative aspects of keeping a class pet. One of the cons
to keeping a class pet is cleaning up after it. Every pet, no matter how clean it is, needs its cage
cleaned once a week. The pet also needs care over the weekend and over breaks.
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My False Memory Test
In taking the memory demonstration test I scored a hit rate of 87%. My false alarm rate was at
0% and my false memory rate was at 0% as well. I found the most suprising part of the test to be
the comparison of my false memory rate to the average rates listed. During the test I quickly
realized that any questions asked would more than likely be about the images follwing the words
than any item s size related to a shoebox. I believe this may have given me a slight advantage in
the scoring. With average scores of false memories being at 27%, answering the question, whether
to allow eywitness testimony in a court or not, becomes rather difficult. If more training were
introduced, to teach our law enforcement about these memory problems, I think
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Homeless Man Essay
Homeless Man One day in Honolulu hawaii a man named Tobi fox (aka) homeless man was on
the job looking down on the fellow human beans making sure that his chinatown was safe and
sound from all villains. Now what no one knows about how homeless man came to be was when it
all started when he was born. He was an orphan at the age of 6 but one day a old wise mantook him
and raised him like his own. He showed tobi the ways of the homeless man how to survive on the
streets,build cardboard houses and how to get from one place to another on the homeless mobile.
20 years later tobi went for a walk but as he was gone the wise old man was attacked by a
mysterious person. Tobi had this feeling in his body that something was wrong so he ran back to
check on the old man. But soon as he got there the old man was dead all of a sudden tobi saw a
dark figure pass the door so he chaise it all the way down to ala park.
As tobi kept following the figure but it suddenly was gone he thought about the old man but never
gave up on the killer and then there he became homeless man. september 23 2015 tobi was notice
from civilians for stopping crime and saving lives it s been one year since the old man died tobi
dedicated his life to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before tobi knew it he was punched in the face but he got up and a bloody war went on back and
forth tobi went but diablo was to strong until mike weezington came and knew he had to help
tobi diablo knew he was no match from so much power but diablo was not alone so diablo called
out to aquafina his humble side kick but soon as aqua came he was immediately knocked out
diablo had no choice but to surrender so he did but Tobi did not want to win like this so took
diablo to the highest point in the city, The sidewalk he told diablo what was going to happen and
said this is Homless Man and kick diablo off and that was the end of diablo and aquafina so then
homeless man and mike weezington lived on saving the
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Carbohydrate Forensics Lab Report
The forensic pathologist has removed the contents of the victim s stomach for you to analyze in
order to determine where the victim had his last meal. Most organic compounds in living
organisms are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, or nucleic acids. Each of these macromolecules is
made of smaller subunits or monomers held together by covalent bonds. Most food is composed
of three types of molecules: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Carbohydrates such as starches
and sugars are major source of energy. Simple sugars are found in sweets and fruits. Starches are
found in potatoes, cereal, pasta, flour, and other plant products. Proteins are used in body structures
such as muscles, skin, and hair. Rich sources of proteins include meats,... Show more content on
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TESTING FOR SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES: Add 1.5 mL of Benedict s solution to a test tube
with distilled water, and to a test tube with the stomach content. If the content in the test tube
chnages to the color orange, the test result is positive. If the content does not change color, the test
result is negative. (the students only determine the test results based on the stomach content, not the
distilled water.) Place the tube carefully in the hot water bath for at least 3 minutes. Using the test
tube holder, carefully remove the test tube from the hot water bath and place it in the test tube rack.
Record the results of your test in the data table
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Bement Drug Problem
Bement, Illinois is a village where people talk to their neighbors and offer a helping hand in the
community. The problem in Bement is that people, ev men are selling drugs at the Piatt County
Bement Park. The clear solution to this problem is that the Bement High School Principal Doug
Kepley should work with the police officer in town and hold a meeting to start a neighborhood
watch for the park so that the people in this small village can feel safe and know that their children
aren t able to easily access drugs. Even with a drugproblem, Bement is one of the strongest
community s I have ever seen. Parents always stepped up to plate and volunteer their time to help
the teachers with projects. The people in the community try to give their money back to community
by shopping at the local grocery store, using in town vendors for big events, and eating out at the
restaurant options in town. The worst thing that someone could say about Bement is the gossip but
that will go on in any small town where everyone knows everyone else.... Show more content on
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The drug dealers go to jail and get fined if they are caught. If the men selling the drugs are using
the drugs than some other short term effects could be overdosing which will cause them to be
hospitalized, they could get brain damage, or they could die and the people that are buying the
drugs could have the same short term effects. The long term effects of the people who sold the
drugs at the park could be not having a good income because it s harder to get a job with a felony
on their record, the drug dealer could have health problems from doing the drugs, and the men
could be considered an outcast from the town for selling drugs in the park. Another thing most
people don t consider is that when a drug dealer s clients die due to overdose the drug deal could
feel personally responsible which makes them feel guilt and shame which can lead to
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The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank
The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank starts out in the annex in the warehouse in Amsterdam,
Holland where Anne Frank and seven others hid out during World War II. It opens with Otto
Frank and Miep Gies standing in the annex alone in 1945. Mr. Frank had just come home from
the concentration camps, being the one survivor from the annex. After conversing for awhile,
Miep hands Mr. Frank Anne s diary from the days of living in the annex. He starts to read the
book, as it slowly flashes back to 1942 when it all began... On an early morning in July of 1942,
the Van Daans and Franks meet up for the first time at the annex. All of them are covered in layers
of clothing to carry as much to their new home as possible. They are all... Show more content on
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They have strict rules, but it s the only way to stay a secret. Towards the beginning of the play,
Peter and Anne have a teasing and kind of playful relationship. They don t totally like each other,
but they re also very different. Anne is closer to her father than anyone else, but she doesn t
really enjoy her mother. Anne and Margot are fairly close, but Anne seems pretty jealous of
Margot and her looks. Mrs. and Mr. Van Daan seem kind of rude to her. About two months after
moving in, a local Jewish dentist friend of Miep s fiance, Dirk, is in trouble. He needs a hiding
place, and fast. Mr. Kraler comes to ask if he could hide with them in the annex. After talking it
over, they decide it s the right thing to do. His name is Mr. Dussel. They arrange for him to room
with Anne and for Margot to move in with in their parents room. Mr. Dussel brings them
information from the outside. He tells them about how Jews are being pulled away from their
homes and taken off to camps. Mr. Dussel becomes a normal residence of the annex very soon.
With time he becomes more and more rude to them, and insensitive. Several months more pass, and
soon Anne begins to have terrible nightmares. She wakes Mr. Dussel very often. She dreams that
the Nazis come to take them. In the works of the nightmares, she hurts her mother s feelings by
rejecting her comfort. Anne will only talk to her father about it. It truly
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What Are the Important Factors Influencing the Nhs in...
The influences affecting the NHS today sometime are not evident unless viewed against the
changes and trends that have developed since its inception. After the World War II it was an era of
simplicity and desperation the general population had housing crisis, food shortage and raw
material shortages etc.
Political Influences
On a global political stand point there was a uniting of ideas and governments; what we know
today as the United Nations (UN). One of the main ideas which the UN has grown up around is
The individual possess rights simply by virtue of being Human (The Universal Declaration of
human rights); which was adopted by the general assembly in 10th December 1948. This statement
is reflect in the core principles ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The NHS tried several different approaches to the problem solving through budgeting and the
arrival of waiting lists. Due to an increase of staff and funding and the NHS still in trouble this
attracted the spot light of the media and question started to be raised.
Margret Thatcher administration
The Prime Minister Margret Thatcher (PMMT) set in to motion a re examining of the NHS in
1990 this produced a White Papers Working for patient and caring for people . The result of this a
created the internal market [5] which competes for care on a commission basis. This brought about
new legislation The National Health Service and Community Care Act [5]
How it works: Hospital trust contends to provide care taking the running of hospitals away from
the health authority but instead buy care from the trust. The local authority commission care for
their local people from their own trust or others. There was a clause called the GP fund holders
option [5] which allowed some GP to by care for their patients.
At the time this was being created the labour party accused of trying to privatise the NHS. This
became a major element in their campaign which took them to power in 1997.
1997 The Tony Blair influence? Labour had gone through internal reforms and now dubbed itself
New Labour, one of the key promises of the 1997 election from new labour was to scrap internal
market and GP fund holding, and to replace competition with collaboration .
The introduction of PFI
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Kawaii Research Paper
Many Westerners perceive Japan as weird. While many aspects of its culture differ considerably
from that of the United States and Europe, it is this difference that while weird to some is
fascinating and even tantalizing to others. One of the most apparent of the cultural phenomena
unique to Japan is the idea of kawaii. Kawaii is a difficult term to translate into English, but the
term celebrates sweet, adorable, innocent, pure, simple, genuine, gentle, vulnerable, weak, and
inexperienced social behavior and physical appearances (Kinsella 220). The idea of kawaii
appeared in the mid 1960s through the 1970s and initially started with Japanese school girls.
Around that time, as indicated by advertisements and articles from magazines, the desire for a
youthful look evolved into a desire to emulate a cute, child like look. Since then, the term kawaii
deals mostly with the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In investigating the history of kawaii, this theme of rebellion surfaces with the ideas of rejecting
traditionally Japanese culture in favor of more of a European or Western culture which was
perceived to be more fun. This in a large part includes the idea of cute handwriting that Japanese
schoolgirls would practice in the 1960s and 70s where the format read like Western writing left to
right and included English words and exclamation points. This was an experimentation by the youth
in being able to speak more freely and through this they expressed themselves more easily with a
style of writing that they felt more connected to as a result of their manipulations (Kinsella 224).
The adults and older generations did not share the same positive reaction to this cute handwriting as
they felt it was blatantly rebellious against Japanese traditions and cultural values they upheld
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Rise and Fall Housing Market
The Rise and Fall of the Housing Market
Edward Maher
University of Maryland University College
August 18, 2011
The collapse of the housing market had far and wide ranging effects in the economy of the United
States. While the effects were felt throughout the country, California, Florida, New York, Michigan,
Illinois were dealt devastating blows to their respective economy. Throughout the country,
foreclosures rose to staggering numbers and jobs lost were in the millions. This research paper will
concentrate on the causes and consequences of the housing crisis and will attempt to determine if
there is any fault for not controlling the crisis.
Causes of the Housing Crisis The term bubble has been used ... Show more content on
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Between 2004 and 2006, the Federal Reserve Board raised interest rates from 1% and capping
out at to 5.25%. Even with interest rates on the rise, the housing bubble continued to grow. Why
did the bubble continue to grow when typically interest rates increase homeownerships typically
declines as well? Economists look at the lending practices before and after the bubble. Prior to the
bubble standard typically included, documentation of credit histories of prospective borrowers,
their current income and assets, evidence of job stability and pay, and related factors that in
theory help a lender assess a potential borrower s ability to pay for a mortgage. During the 2000 s
lending practices eased with the government continuing to push their policy on continuing to grow
homeownership numbers. To continue homeownership lenders developed new innovative loans
such as, piggy back loans (80/20), adjustable rate mortgages, stated income loans, negative
amortization mortgages, and multi layered risked. These loans gave homeowners many options as
with piggy back loans, allowed consumers to purchase a home without having to put down a down
payment, however they would have a first and second mortgage. Many consumers also opted for
adjustable rate mortgages such as interest only loans. These loans allowed the consumer to purchase
a home that would most likely be out of their monetary range, with
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Boost Your Bust Analysis
If you are just like the rest of the average woman you would want to own a new bigger set of
breast but, are afraid of using synthetic methods of how to boost your bust. From the Boost Your
Bust guide you will know the different techniques on how to experience natural breast enlargement
without even spending a lot of money. You don t have to undergo painful surgical methods just to
own bigger pair of bust. There are different factors that will determine just how fast or slow your
body reacts to the changes that you need to undergo to have natural breast growth. Not a lot of
women know that there is a better natural breast enlargement method without spending a lot of
money in doing so. You must have heard some of the practical approaches on
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The Latino Rebels
Puerto Rican Americans have always struggled with their identity. We have different a different
culture shaping us into completely different human beings. In recent retrospect American culture
has shown some discrimination towards our Hispanic brothers and sisters, leaving to answer the
age old question: are Puerto Ricans real Americans? The Latino Rebels is a group of social media
influencers, bloggers, journalist, poets, writers, producers, photographers, and business professional
who mainly advocates for issue in Latin America. On February 11, 2015 a Puerto Rican island
resident won the $564 million jackpot, set to share with the North Carolina and Texas winners.
Latino Rebels published some negative tweets of main land American citizens who believe the
winner shouldn t deserve the money because he s not an American . The tweets read: One of the
#powerball winners was in Puerto Rico? I m no xenophobe, but that s some bull shit , WTF ....
since when could you win a Powerball jackpot in Puerto Rico? Don t they use the Euro as
currency? , puerto rico should not be able to win the powerball fuck that non sense (Rebels) and
many more.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A recent documentary, The Last Colony, about the relationship between Puerto Rico and the US
involved several Puerto Rican politicians who gave their opinion on the matter. Kenneth D.
McClintock, Secretary of State of Puerto Rico and a firm believer of statehood, stated that
Statehood is the only antidote for what ails Puerto Rico (Marquez). This is an example of people
who firmly believe Puerto Ricans are Americans and we re on a path to becoming a real American.
On the other hand, MarГa Lourdes Santiago, 25th Senate of Puerto Rico and Vice President to the
Puerto Rico Independence Party, had this to say We are not Americans. We will never be
Americans. (Marquez). This is an example of people who believe Puerto Rico is better off without
the US and wish for
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Media Portrayal And Unrealistic Images Of Women
Media such as televisions, radio, internet, and magazines represent slim women as the model and
ideal to follow. Media portray thin women as happy and successful. Therefore, women who follow
that ideal are more tented to put their selves in intense diet, to apply plastic surgery, and to have a
low self esteem if that ideal isn t reach. Many women ignore that, the media portrays of femaleis a
sort of advertisement that many companies do in order to sell their products. In addition, women
ignore that those women portray as top model have stylist to make their clothes, hair, and make
up. Therefore, in a real word, women have to face many obstacles, they have to work, to take care
of their children, to study, to pay their bills and all of that require money and time.... Show more
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As Paff and Buckley Lakner (1997) stipulated that advertising has historically included
stereotypical and unrealistic images of women. Furthermore, women s body are presented as an
object by the media, and therefore some women become to view their body as an objects to
themselves, object that are subject to critique when they are in front of a mirror (p. 29).
Additionally, the media implies that been beautiful has a social benefits and advantages, and some
women try to get those advantages, while others may feel frustrated and unattractive. Having
negative thoughts about ourselves may cause stress, depression, and decrease our view of oneself.
The unrealistic portray of women by the media, have bought society and culture to believe that the
ideal body image that a woman should have to achieve happiness is to be
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Service and Asset Privatization Essay example
The rapid interest in privatization stroked when all the levels of government economies were
persistently challenging in running their operations during last two to three decades of twentieth
century (Shirley, 1992). Since then, privatization of public sectors has been a key factor of
structural reform programs in both developed and developing countries (Sheshinski Lopez Calva,
2003). The process of transferring ownership of public services from the public sector(the part
which is controlled by government) to private sectors (the part which is owned and controlled by
private party) is called privatization(Investopia, 2013). According to Sarah E. Gollust and Peter D.
Jacobson, privatization is the transfer of decision making authority,... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Primarily, privatization is to achieve higher allocation and productive efficiency and to strengthen
the role of private sector in the economy (Sheshinski Lopez Calva, 2003). They describe that
these two objectives are the main reasons behind government contracting its sectors to private
parties and are associated with microeconomic efficiency. Secondarily, it is to improve the public
sector s financial health and to free resources for allocation in other important areas of government
activity usually related to social policy (Sheshinski Lopez Calva, 2003). For the next ones, they
explain that these reduce the level of borrowing and reallocate the possible expenditure towards
social policy areas, and these are connected to public sector finance.
Literature Review: In this research, I have conducted studies on three important aspect of public
sector where privatization has taken place and from which I could draw a conclusive end. The first
among them is the privatization of state prison. The first privatization of prison in United States was
done in 1986 and soon after, the numbers continue to increase rapidly (Burkhardt, 2009). From
theory driven historical analysis, he finds out that the rising population, interventionist federal
courts, and the link between the private contractors and members of state governments are the
causing factors of state prison privatization. In
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How Did John Knox Change The Style Of Government
Live in Christ, die in Christ, and the flesh need not fear death. John Knox. John Knox was a
religious figure that was born 1514, near Haddington Scotland, and died in November 24, 1572 in
Edinburgh, Scotland. John Knox was influenced by George Washart, who was trialed and burned
for heresy in 1546. The spokesman for the reformation in Scotland the following year was John
Knox. John Knox was the founder of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. In response to the King s
attempts to change the style of worship and form of government in the churches that had previously
been agreed upon covenanted by the free assemblies and parliament, a number of ministers allowed
their adherence to those previous agreements by becoming signatories.
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Seagate Case
Seagate Buyout Case
Group 5
Heng Qiao
Eduardo Pereira
Wei Wang
Yanan Pei
Introduction of the companies
Seagate Technology, Inc. is one of the world s largest manufacturers of computer disk drives and
related data storage devices with approximately $6.5 billion in annual revenues. In early November
1999, Luczo, president and CEO of Seagate considered a restructuring proposal with Silver Lake, a
successful private equity firm that is specified in technology business investing.
In May 1999, Seagate sold its Network Storage Management Group to VERITAS Software
Corporation, an independent manufacturer of storage management systems, for approximately 155
million shares of VERITAS stock. With an ownership ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This results in the cash portion of the purchase price available for payment to Seagate s
stockholders in connection with the merger to be approximately $1.285 billion (less the amount of
rolled equity) .
While many of the implied equity values for Seagate s operating businesses summarized in the
table above exceeded the $2 billion purchase price in the leveraged buyout, Morgan Stanley arrived
at its opinion that the consideration to be received by holders of Seagate common stock in
connection with the merger was fair, from a financial point of view, to those holders, by
considering all of its analyses of the merger and the leveraged buyout, taken as a whole.
The passages show that Morgan Stanley fear value was $2 billion for the business operation. This
value is 43% lower than our valuation of $3.48 billion for the deal. The passages and the published
document are not clear why the fear value should be so low. This vague suggestion is more
eccentric when we look the valuation made by Morgan Stanley. It had made a valuation using
different methods such as comparable analysis, discount equity analysis, discount cash flow
analysis, and sum of the parts analysis, and different scenarios (Figure XXX). Based on the values
that Morgan Stanley calculated, we calculated a weighted average value for it. Using the same
weighted for each of the cases scenarios, and methods showed in the
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U.s. National Security Strategy 2014
Introduction This paper is to serve as an analysis of the country of MONGOLIA using the
operational variables of PMESII PT and its role in the U.S. strategy in the Pacific Command
(PACOM). With the the majority of attention being given to a more aggressive China or perhaps
violent extremist organizations (VEO s) in Southeast Asia, it is easy to forget about Mongolia.
Although, those threats in Southeast Asia and the growing tensions with China cannot be ignored,
it would be foolish of the U.S. to ignore the country of Mongolia. In fact, further developing
relations with the Mongolian government could prove to be a huge factor in our success in the
region going forward. Given its geopolitical location and unique political and economical... Show
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In times of war the MAF can also absorb the Border Protection Services, a government
paramilitary organization, to conduct military operations. Global Firepower gives the
Mongolian Armed Forces a power ranking of 87 out of 126. Its military equipment is comprised
almost entirely of outdated Russian equipment including everything from T 54/55 main battle
tanks to old shoulder fired surface to air missiles to small arms. Some specialized units use the
Israeli made Galil rifle. The Air Defense Forces have an extremely small amount of aircraft with
about 5 MiG 29 fighters and 10 Mil Mi 24 attack helicopters being the highlight of the inventory.
On its website, GlobalSecurity.Org stated The Mongolian Armed Forces (MAF) are a relatively
small but disciplined, pro western force... Its unique geopolitical position also makes the MAF
worth developing as a DOD/PACOM asset . Mongolia s foreign policy states that unless being
faced with a military threat, it will pursue a policy of refraining from joining any military alliance
or grouping, [and] allowing the use of its territory or air space against any other country .
Mongolia World, their .org website on geopolitics, explains that it is also a priority for Mongolia to
have open and equal cooperation with China and
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Everyone Needs Dietary Supplements Essay
Everyone Needs Health Supplements
Some people may say, why bother with health supplements? Some people today would like to
believe that all we have to do to keep ourselves healthy is to eat a proper diet. That s where the
problem lies. The question I propose is, What is a proper diet, and how do you go about getting
it into your system? Some would say, Well by eating healthy food. There s another problem.
What is healthy food and where do you find it? You won t find it at your local grocery store as
you will soon find out. Others might say, We have a garden where we grow our food. That s a
start, and it also tells me that you are already aware of the fact that there is a need for a more
nutritional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I know this not just from reading about this issue, or listening about people talk about this issue
but from my own experience. I know what it is like to feel emotionally and physically tired,
although I was eating what some consider a well balanced diet. I was eating all the right foods.
However, I found out that I was not able to get all of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that an
individual needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Why is that? I would have to consume large
amounts of food to meet the nutritional requirements of my body. Why do I say this? Let me tell
you why.
First of all, there is the issue of the nutritional value in the food we eat, or should I say the lack of
nutritional value in the food we eat. There is much evidence available today that clearly states that
the food sources we have are highly deficient in nutritional value.
For a long time the scientific community made light of health supplements. This is no longer true.
The American Medical Association and also the Federal Drug Administration are now singing a
different tune. In fact they are praising the value of health supplements. There is now a new field of
nutritional science specifically for the study of vitamin and mineral supplements.
As I said earlier, one of the most common reasons given for not needing food supplements is, I eat
well balanced meals, I don t need
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Digital Film Technology Revolutionizes the Film Industry...
Digital Film Technology Revolutionizes the Film Industry
With the release of Star Wars: Episode I the Phantom Menace, in March of 1999, digital film
technology officially filtered itself in to main stream Hollywood. Digital film technology is the
latest and probably most revolutionizing new technology to hit Hollywood. The use of digital film
allows for infinite editing capabilities and endless benefits to distribution and special effects. The
use of digital film allows for producers to add in extras, produce stunts, and even create false
people with the click of a mouse. Time and cost consuming stunts, stunt doubles, and actors may no
longer be a worthy concern to producers and their budgets. Though the growing ... Show more
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Directors and producers are allowed to let their imaginations run wild. This ease of use attracts
filmmakers to convert to a digital format. The skill and cost of technology which goes into creating
these effects, in return creates jobs for others.
Digital film not only enhances effects, but its special effects capabilities are so great, that it is
also beginning to replace people. For example, in Titanic, released in the winter of 1997/1998,
false people are created to enhance the reality and excitement of the scene. The movie shows a
scene which the ship tilts completely vertical. Passengers of the ship slide into the water, and fall
from the rails of the enormous ship. These passengers add drama and reality to the scene. The
passengers vividly dictate the harshness of the situation. Though these unfortunate passengers add a
wealth of reality to the scene, they are not even real people. Creating this scene on a standard film
format with stunt doubles, would have been difficult and time consuming. They were instead
created with digital film technology. Digital film technology erased the need for stunt doubles.
Though real people were not employed to be these characters, jobs behind the scenes were instead
utilized. Creators of the digital passengers were employed directly, and indirectly, business and jobs
were harvested from the digital equipment used. Even though physical people were
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The Sword Of Shannara
The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks is a fantasy novel that follows a group of people
brought together to retrieve the magical Sword of Shannara, which is the only weapon that can
defeat Brona, the evil Warlock Lord. The only person who can wield the Sword is Shea, who
does not even believe the tales about Brona. When his family is threatened, Shea reluctantly joins
the quest to find the Sword and destroy Brona. The location is a world where science destroyed
the landscape in a horrific holocaust and mutated the remaining people and creatures. Now, there
are multiple races, named after mythical creatures of the past such as Elves, Dwarfs, Trolls, and
Gnomes. The land is ruled by magic instead of science and only a few people called Druids
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The Salmon Fisheries
In my hometown, a local diner serves Honey dipped Salmon. They claim that the dish is prepared
using a species of Salmon, called Chinook, which is a product of the Alaska Salmon fisheries.
Since Chinook salmon is an anadromous specie, it is born in the fresh water, migrates to the
ocean for 1 5 years and then returns to the Main channel Rivers to spawn. The female lays
around 3,000 14,000 eggs that are successfully fertilized by the males, however the eggs are very
brittle and can be easily destroyed. Fortunately, enough hatch and survive in Alaska to ensure
healthy stocks. After spawning, they typically die as they don t feed on anything during their
widespread migration and use up all the stored body fat for survival. ( CSSP , n.d.). As an
example of their extensive migration, we can look at the Yukon River spawners that travel more
than 2,000 river miles during a 60 day period to reach Canada . Their major populations are located
in Susitana, Taku, Copper, Kuskokwin, Nushagak river systems. The specie s returning numbers
from their sprawled spawning migrations had started declining in 2006, however they have
significantly recovered now. (Wild explorer, n.d.)
The Chinook salmon is vastly sought after in Cook Inlet and Southeast Alaska by fishers because
of its great value as a sport fish. The annual value of sports industry in Alaska is about $500
million and the annual harvest looms around 170,000 fish. ( CSU , n.d.). However, to make the
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Staffing And Retention
One of the biggest concerns among healthcare professionals today is job satisfaction. There are
many articles which discuss issues related to this subject, and Nurse Staffing and the Relationship
to Job Satisfaction and Retention is one of them. Four College professors, Debra Hairr, Helen
Salisbury, Mark Johannsson, and Nancy Redfern Vance came together in 2014 to conduct a study
to see if nursepatient ratios have a connection between job satisfaction and retention and to write a
researcharticle on their findings. The intent of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the research
problem, design, methods, and results, including limitations while offering suggestions from a
different point of view to make improvements for future... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The NWI originally was developed in 1989 by Marlene Kramer and Laurin Hafner to measure the
nursing environment in connection with job satisfaction and quality of care. Plus, the research
findings were from Magnet based hospitals and the tool used consisted of a 65 item survey
(Aiken, L., Patrician, P., 2000, p. 147). Changes were made to the NWI in 1997 by Aiken and
Patrician, eliminating less important questions (Hairr, D., 2014). There is no mention of any
conflict of interest between the two parties involving the NWI. The COP measured how much
professional nurses believed they had autonomy in the workplace, how they viewed their
relationship with doctors and if they thought their organization supported them (Aiken, L.,
Patrician, P., 2000, p. 149). The review board approved the research study, but there is no mention
if consent was obtained from the subjects. Data collection included posting the survey
electronically via a link to a website and an explanation of qualifying
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The Hippie Movement and the Beat Movemnt
How the Hippies got hip with the beat of the Beat Movement Jack Kerouac once said, the only
people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved,
desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing,
but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars
(Kerouac 5). Kerouac was the symbol of the Beat Movement. He was the rebellious and
adventurous man, who during his time was considered an outcast, but soon later made way for the
counterculture of the Hippie Generation. The beats were all about going against social conformity
and usual political views (Bennett 340), which mirrored the belief system of the hippies one... Show
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Both were looked down upon. Many Americans disapproved of the lifestyle they chose to live.
Both also rejected authority and the status quo. Hippies felt their best chance at changing society
was to drop out of school and the world around them while beats felt traveling around the country
would help them defeat the horrors of society. They were both non materialistic and non
conformists and believed in freedom of expression. Beats showed their expression through
literature and art. Both experimented with different drugs and started the drug epidemic which hit
in the late 1960s. Allen Ginsburg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti were major figures in the anti war
movements during the 1960s and wrote beat literature during the 1950s (Bennett 343). Another
person was Neal Cassady. Neal Cassady was not only the symbol of the Beat Generation, but he
was also the symbol of the Hippie Generation (Beat 36). Although the Beat Movement influenced
the Hippie Movement, the two had many differences between them. Since styles often change in
quickly, the Beat Generation and Hippie Generation dressed differently. The Beat Generation
looked more grungy with scruffy chins and mustaches and worn out clothing, while the Hippies
wore bright vibrant colors with peace symbols and had long beards. Music also fluctuates so
during the Beat Movement many listened to jazz music because it took place during the big jazz
scene (Beat 34), while the Hippie Generation started with rock and roll and vinyl
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Annie Hall Is A 1977 Romantic Comedy Directed And Co...
Annie Hall is a 1977 romantic comedy directed and co written by Woody Allen. The film takes
place in New York City and explores the relationship between Alvy Singer (Woody Allen), an
intellectual, neurotic, forty year old comedian, and Annie Hall (Diane Keaton), a ditzy and
insecure, aspiring nightclub singer. The movie centers around Alvy s stream of consciousness as he
looks back to figure out what went wrong with he and Annie s relationship. Annie Hallreceived
critical acclaim and won many awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture, Best
Director, and Best Original Screenplay. The movie did well at the box office, setting a new
precedent for romantic comedies and is now considered one of the greatest films of the century...
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Alvy visits her family in Wisconsin, but feels out of place and the pair break up. After splitting,
Alvy tries to date again, but he gets back together with Annie after she calls him over to kill a
spider. Annie s singing career begins to take off and she and Alvy travel to Hollywood. On the
plane ride back, Annie and Alvy split up again, agreeing that their relationship is a dead shark.
Annie moves to L.A. and Alvy, still missing her, flies out to ask her to marry him. Annie declines.
They meet once more in New York, both dating other people now. The film flashes back to better
times between the couple and the film ends with parting words from Alvy. He concludes that
relationships are ridiculous, but worth going through because most of us need the eggs and the
credits roll. Annie Hall was produced by Charles H. Joffe, Woody Allens manager and was
distributed by United Artists. The film s budget was $4 million and it grossed $38,251,425 in the
box office. The movie was developed by Woody Allen and his co writer Marshall Brickman. The
original concept was about a man in his forties exploring his relationship with a young woman, the
concern about the banality of life we all live, and about his own character. Allen wanted to
abandon the safety net of a solely comedic movie in order to explore deeper concepts and although
Allen claims that the film is not autobiographical, the commonalities between he and Alvy are
obvious. Allen was also
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Siddhartha Gautama Beliefs
Siddhartha Gautama lived in Nepal sometimes between 300 and 500 B.C., 2,300 to 2,500 years
ago. He became known as Buddha. Scholars agree that he was a real person,but did not agree
about his life. He explore different ideas. He achieve full awareness of the universe ,thereby
becoming a buddha.He founded the first world religion. He began to take many trips outside his
palace.On these trips he saw a very sick man,a dead person and an ascetic. The driver explained
that the ascetic had given up the world so that he would no longer be afraid of death and
suffering.Siddhartha was 29 years old,and the next day,he left his kingdom ,his wife and baby son
to lead an ascetic life. He wanted to end suffering.For the next six years,he has been living
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The Goals For The Millennium Development Goals Essay
189 United Nations Member States agreed to achieve 8 goals for The UN Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) from 2000 to 2015 for fighting poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy,
environmental degradation, and discrimination against women in the word. In addition,
tuberculosis (TB) was also the sixth goal of MDGs leading cause of death worldwide. The WHO
estimated over 9.6 million people fall ill with TB in 2014: 5.4 million men, 3.2 million women and
1.0 million children. (WHO,2014)
Tuberculosis (TB) was identified as a highly infectious disease, was transmitted primarily via
inhalation and caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). After inhalation, MTB came into
lung before ending up in alveoli where macrophages recognized and destroyed tuberculosis bacteria.
However, macrophage cannot kill all of MTB so the survivors infected and hijacked macrophage.
Amount of MTB also increase continuously until bursting the macrophage leading to cause further
infection and extracellular bacilli. Overtime, the mixture of blood and sputum in lungs tuberculosis
was formed when the centers of granulomas necrotize was infected by MTB. (Niemi, 2014)
Therefore, antimicrobial agents were used in the treatment of TB including TB treatment and
antimicrobial activity such as isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol for initial regimens; and
capreomycin, viomycin or cycloserine in recent years. There were some drugs were used for
indication including rifamycins, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones.
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J.D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey
J. D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey is about a twenty year old college student named Franny, who
is seeking spirituality in her life. She is a member of the intelligent Glass family, whose children
struggle with conforming to society after appearing on the television quiz show called It s a Wise
Child. Salinger s novel is composed of two sections. The first section, Franny, deals with Franny
explaining to her boyfriend her distaste for the college environment. In the second section, Zooey,
Franny discusses with her brother Zooey about feeling isolated from the people around her and
finding spirituality in her life. In Franny and Zooeyby J. D. Salinger, the main protagonist, Franny,
undergoes a change in perspective as she tries to cope with her dissatisfaction with the world
through her spiritual beliefs. In the beginning, Franny is experiencing a deterioration in mental
health due to her severe judgemental attitude and harsh criticism of her college experience; with
little thought, she turns to prayerin an attempt to resolve her difficulties, but her problems grow
worse due to her lack of understanding of religion. Eventually, she comes to a greater
understanding of her relationship with others as she realizes the genuine meaning of her spiritual
beliefs through listening to Zooey s consoling advice. In the first section of the novel, Franny is
having a nervous breakdown as a result of her growing isolation and her misgivings towards
college. At a restaurant with her
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Enron And The Gas Pipeline Industry
Expanding its business by utilizing its energy trading model, Enron s top executives fooled major
financial institutions and accounting firms by hiding its losses from these new ventures within its
financial statements. In the beginning, Enron was revolutionary in the gas pipeline industry,
because it took advantage of the deregulated environment. As a result, Enroncould ensure their
customers, gas suppliers, consistent gas prices through hedging (Healy and Palepu 2). Enron s
success with this energy trading model built its trustworthiness in the energy industry and beyond.
Obviously, Enron proved its ability to successfully turn a profit with earnings of $979 million in
2000, which further instilled cognitive based trust within its stakeholders (Healy and Palepu 1).
Establishing itself as a progressive corporation, Enron sought to unload its heavy assets, such as
pipelines, for lighter assets in the realm of the digital age. Furthermore, Enron management
attracted the best employees to work for them by offering extremely generous salaries and bonuses.
Another benefit of being an Enron employee was that Enron maintained a non bureaucratic
environment through committee based employee performance evaluations (Healy and Palepu 4).
Overall, Enron s financial strength, cutting edge ideas, and high performing workforce established
cognitive based trust within its stakeholders.
However, Enron s executive management allowed hubris and greed to gain a foothold in its
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Who Am I Attending College Essay
Title. Looking at the future can sometimes be scary but when I think and picture where I want to
be in 10 years or more I see myself having graduated college with a stable job and a family. All my
life I have thought about what my future will hold. The many questions I ask myself are, Will I
have a good job? Will I have a family? Will I be rich or poor? Will I live in a big house or a small
house? What college am I going to go to and what will I major in? Will I play volleyball in
college? In my opinion to be a successful person attending college is not needed, although it can
be of great help. There have been many successful people in the world that have not attended
college for example, The world s richest man, Bill Gates, dropped out... Show more content on
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The public school was founded in 1789. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 18,415, its
setting is suburban, and the campus size is 729 acres (University). The acceptance rate is very
low at a 28% but 90% of the students graduate within 6 years of school. The instate tuition fees
for this college are $8,834 and out of state is $33,916. UNC was ranked 30th in the 2017 edition
of best colleges. The degrees offered there are masters, bachelors, certification, graduate
certification, and doctorate. There is many clubs offered like student newspaper, and WXYC,
the student run radio station. There are a total of 3,000 students that are members of Greek life,
which is ...portrayed in the media is a social frat. In this type of house, sorority and fraternity life
is designed primarily to help you meet friends and develop future professional contacts (What).
University of North Carolina is also very well known for their basketball team and the NBA All
star former players that went there including Michael Jordan and Vince Carter. Though, Basketball
isn t the only sport that the school participates in; just about any sport that can be thought of is run
at UNC. The sport I am most interested in is Volleyball and the UNC volleyball team has always
been known for being very
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Li Shanggyin Poetry Analysis
Li Shangyin (c.813 858) is a multifaceted late Tang poet, known by his courtesy name as Yishan
(зѕ©е±±). Whether his deep anguish political poems or implied brilliant poems, both display his
talented artistic style. Among them, the most prestigious and easily arouse controversy should be
those Untitled poem. Poems with untitled, it means that the title is unable to write or can not
write. The description of the scene and a story the poem narratives, may also represent an
unspeakable mood. Therefore, it still has great significance and value for posterity to read and
deliberate repeatedly even after a thousand of years. Pan Fayi (жЅ еЏ‘д№‰) (2001) points out
some literati s opinions of this poem. For example, the writer Jixiao LanзєЄж™“еІљof Si Ku Quan
Shu (四库全书) regards it as a work of lament (感遇之作), and it is filled with plaint
of life s countless meetings and partings. Whereas the scholar He ZhuoдЅ•з„Ї thinks that it exclaims
time is getting, and it is too late to make an achievement. It can be seen from these two lines,
еЇ“ж„ЏдєЋе…‰й ґйљѕй©»пјЊж€‘з”
џиЎЊдї®д№џ . However, most of people think that this
is a lovepoem, also describes the classic love and monument.
є¦йљѕ is a famous masterpiece. This poem was written when Li Shangyin was
around 15 years old, and he was sent to Yuyang Mountain(зЋ‰й іе±±) to learn Taoism by his
parents. It narrates the bitter love between Li Shangyin and Song Huayang (е®‹еЌЋй і) during
that period. It is a poem with a feminine tone, expressing persistent belief and burning desire. This
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  • 2. Spring Driving Essay The arrival of spring s warm weather makes it a great time to get out on the road and travel. But before you start on your trip, it s a good idea to visit your auto service center for a tune up. Griff s Auto Towing Inc provides expert auto repair and auto towing services for drivers in and around Rochester, NY. As an ASE certified auto repair shop with highly qualified mechanics, they have tips on what you will need to know when you bring your car in for a spring checkup. What will you need to check to get your car ready for spring driving? Cooling system: Your car s cooling system is essential in preventing your car from overheating and potentially damaging your engine. Flush out the old coolant and refill the system according to the recommendation of your car s owner s manual. Griff s Auto Towing Inc also advises that you check your coolant regularly to ensure you have sufficient levels. Tires: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The sound of metal rubbing against metal is one of the signs that you need a brake replacement. You can also visually inspect your brakes by looking through your wheel spokes and checking the brake pads. If the pads are less than a quarter inch thick, then you will need new brakes. Griff s Auto Towing Inc also suggests getting your brake fluids flushed according to the recommendation of your owner s manual. Oil And Filters: Oil keeps your engine lubricated and keeps it running smoothly. Don t forget to change the oil filter as well as the filters for your air and engine. These filters prevent dust and debris from entering your vehicle s system and avoiding potential damage. Wiper Blades: Having a clear view of the road is vital to your safety and for the safety of the drivers around you. The professionals at Griff s Auto Towing Inc recommend replacing your blades every six months to a year or as soon as you notice your wiper blades are no longer effective in wiping your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Essay on Abortion, Pope John Paul II and Peter Singer Abortion, Pope John Paul II and Peter Singer Abortion is one of the most controversial issues today. It has become a question of not only ethics, but morals. In the 1973 case of Roe v Wade the Supreme Court ruled that a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy by abortion within the first six months of the pregnancy. However, conservative Presidents have changed the legislation enough to allow states to restrict abortion in various ways (Practical Ethics, Peter Singer). In the following paper, I will summarize the views on abortion of Pope John Paul II and philosopher, Peter Singer. These two men have very conflicting opinions about abortion. Pope John Paul II s Argument: This argument is very adamantly against abortion. It is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The way of death is this: ... they kill their children and by abortion cause God s creatures to parish ... they are filled with sin. As time goes on, the Church will continue to teach the undeniable value on the first commandment. Even in the first centuries, murder was considered one of the three most serious sins. This should not come as a surprise. To kill something that was created by, and in the image of, God should be considered a serious sin. The most important case involving the first commandment of You shall not kill is when it refers to innocent human beings. This is especially so when it refers to defenseless, weak, human beings such as an unborn child or infant. The taking of an innocent life, especially at it s beginning or end, is gravely immoral. This direct and voluntary action will always be regarded as morally evil and can never be considered as necessary, either as an end, or as means to a good end. Nothing and no none can in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being, whether a fetus or an embryo, and infant of an adult ... no one is permitted to ask for this act of killing, either for him/herself or for another person entrusted to his or her care ... Nor can any authority legitimately recommend or permit such an action (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith). Every innocent human being has a right to life. Every man, woman and child is a person worth protecting, not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Crime And Punishment Epilogue The epilogue of Crime and Punishment is generally misunderstood and criticized, but is in fact quite necessary to the story. In the epilogue, the reader sees how Raskolnikov has journeyed from a state of nihilism, where he has acted on his own beliefs and theories about life, only to find that he was, in essence, wrong. He eventually realizes that not only has he committed a crime in the eyes of others, but has broken his own moral code as well. The epilogue brings this all together and in seeing the implications of what his theory truly means, Raskolnikov finds redemption and begins to understand the need for spiritual healing. Besides this, the epilogue serves to show of Dostoevsky s true purpose to provide a warning against Russian nihilism. The epilogue is essential because the entire novelleads up to his resurrection and the story would be incomplete and illogical without Raskolnikov s acceptance of God and society.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While attempting to prove his Napoleonic theory, Raskolnikov did not intend to kill a human being, but a principle (PAGE NUMBER). The woman Raskolnikov murdered, Alyona Ivanovna, was greatly detested by many and Raskolnikov believed by principle he could murder her if it would benefit society. This theory however, was proven wrong as Raskolnikov was overcome with guilt as his crime only reinforce[d] his sense that he is not a part of society ( Crime and Punishment 77). Raskolnikov s sin isolated him even further from others and contradicted his theory that the murder would benefit society. Raskolnikov s guilt is the knowledge that he has done wrong and has become estranged from society and from God ( Crime and Punishment 77). Raskolnikov recognized his failure but it is not until the epilogue that he learned how to repent his sin and no longer be isolated from God and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. European Integration of Albania European Integration of Albania Western European Integration Political Science 477 Spring 2013 Research question: How far away is Albania from becoming a member state of European Union? Albania has multiple challenges to achieve the full integrating in the European Union. But, there are two major challenges; 1) the economic challenges and 2) the political challenges that are obligatory to its integration in the European Union. The economy is a challenge for Albania because the farmers industry and the food industries are underdeveloped, as a result does not meet the European Union standers to compete ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... European Union s attention was again directed towards Albania during the Kosovo war. This was because the European Union was promoting stability in the Balkan region. There were many pacts that Albania has participated at the EU Meetings. Some of the pacts were; Stability pact for southeast which was launched in 1999; the second pact was Stability and Association process for the Western Balkan in 2000. However, these pacts were accepted, but many political issues were not settled during these pacts between Albania and EU. Many other countries and international organizations were supporting this, beside the European Union. Some of the countries were; United States, Canada, Japan. On the other hand, some of the organizations supporting this pact were organizations like NATO, International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. All countries of the Southeastern European area are partners of the Stability Pact (Thiel, 2004) and one of the members is Albania. Although the European integration it is difficult, with the assistance of European Union, Albania can progress towards the European Integration and the country can be more trustworthy for foreign investors to come and invest in Albania. But this has not been the case of Albania. Many reforms in Albania are either not implemented or poorly implemented. This means that some reforms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Pearl Harbor Introduction At approximately 8 o clock in the morning on the 7th of Dec 1941, the United States of America faced for the first time in history, an attack on US soil. The Empire of Japan had strategically planned and executed a swift blow to the state of Hawaii, located in the mid Pacific Ocean. Hawaii was our first line of defense from any westerly attack of an Asian country. By the end of the almost 2 hour ordeal, our Naval and Air Corps assets were brutally crippled preventing the ability of the US to conduct an immediate retaliation. In this study we will cover many of the events that led up to that moment in time, the actual attack and show the result that were to follow. History Do to the great depression of 1930 the world was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The United States had not finished decoding the last and final message until the late morning of the 7th Eastern Standard Time. The final message stated to cease relations with the US and prepare to announce their declaration of war at 1PM EST. A bit late (1130 EST) and after learning of its content, General Marshall ordered immediate defensive posture in Hawaii once realizing the time difference between the main land and the islands. Unfortunately this fell on deaf ears due to complications of the atmosphere blocking radio communications, Washington had to send word via commercial telegram which did not arrive until well after the attack. By the early morning of December 7, 1941 the Japanese Naval force led by Admiral Nagumo had parked his fleet of 6 aircraft carriers 230 nautical miles off the north coast of the Hawaiian Islands completely undetected. The fleet had approximately 423 aircraft with a final destination of Pearl Harbor. At 600 a.m. the first wave of 180 aircraft were launch to attach the sleeping Hawaiian bay. At 702 a.m. an Army radar station sights the aircraft inbound and report to their direct officer who is aware of a squadron of B 17 s due in from the west coast and write off the sighting am friendly forces. This was the first of many mistakes that would become evident within the hour. At approximately 715 a.m. the Japanese fleet launches their second wave of aircraft bound for the same objective. Unbeknown to the military stationed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Righteous Dopefiend Analysis No matter where we are in the world, there is always some kind of relationship that we will come to attain in life. Whether it be with blood relatives or complete strangers, a relationship would develop within one another. A kinship is broadly identified as a term describing any kind of relations or connection with others. In ethnographies such as The Righteous Dopefiend and Raw Life, New Hope, the characters have mostly been identified as impoverished living in a completely different world. Although one setting is in San Francisco and the other is in South Africa, every person interviewed in both of the ethnographies develops a kinshipwith people that care and show compassion. Reading these two ethnographies, one can compare and see its similarities... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Take for example the lives of refugees from North Korea moving to the South. The refugees seeked a better home to live in since most women were forced to be prostitutes. Although they hoped their lives would be better in South Korea, they were completely wrong. After arriving in South Korea, they noticed that the only way to survive was to have some kind of kinship or network in such a capitalist and advanced society. An outsider status was anyone who didn t fit the social networks and social capital required for negotiating the competitive environment (Markus Bell, 245). Though there are strict regulations on creating any kind of relationships such as marriage , employment, and socializing. This is only if one does not integrate oneself accordingly since the North Korean aspect is different. According to many anthropologists, the link to Korean kinship is well connected to even South Africa s and the Chinese. The Korean kinship is known to be based on local lineage or close relationships even ones that are not biological. There is another kind of relationship where it is not necessarily intimate, but still considered as some kind of kinship: pseudo kinship. In a pseudo kinship, the relationship is a lasting emotional significance (Bell, 246). These are in enhanced especially in areas where the environment is extremely hostile and and radical. To many people, kinships are supposed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Basis Of Labeling Theory As A Whole Is Practically The basis of Labeling Theory as a whole is practically exactly as it sounds, the labeling, or stigmatizing, of a person or group of people throughout their life. This labeling is the result of how that person, or group of people, identifies and behaves throughout their life. This idea of the Labeling Theorycomes from Becker, who claims that individuals will conform with what is said and assumed about them. Becker s theory states the idea that those who are labeled throughout life as deviant will become deviant and take on a known selfhood as deviant. This idea also claims that those labeled as deviant will act more deviant than if they had not been labeled this way. The Labeling Theory uses social characteristics such as class and race to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Logical consistency, also known as internally consistent, generates the basis that the theory is filled with internally sound and consistent ideas throughout (Akers et. al.). These ideas must make sense in a logical aspect that does not allow the general ideas to conflict with each other in a way that confuses the ideas. Labeling theory follows the concept of logical consistency by sticking with labeling being the reasoning behind why people act the way they do, deviant or not deviant. As stated previously, if an individual is labeled as deviant they will then act deviant. There is no contrast to this idea throughout the theory, which allows it to be logically consistent. Another known obstacle is that of scope. Scope is known as the range of distribution that the theory covers. For example, if a theory focuses specifically on juveniles for a specific crime, such as theft, then the theory would be considered to have a very limited scope. Labeling theory would be considered to have a generally wide scope because of the fact that it covers all ages, all races, and all genders. The theory also covers a wide scope because it references all deviance. Theorists have stated that, agents of control, who function on behalf of the powerful in society, impose the labels on the less powerful (Akers et. al, 2017). This points to the idea that it is not just one specific group of people, but simply those of higher ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Becoming A Major Music Producer The career in music that I want to pursue is becoming a major music producer and songwriter. My goal is to be like the major producers in the music industry and lead the sound in popular music, be able to be at a caliber of artists like Max Martin, Timbaland, Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, and Jon Bellion. The steps I plan to follow to achieve this goal begin with studying music, I d start with all kinds of music at first to get a good grasp of music structure and content. I think it s very important to fully understand how most, if not all music is made, from the chord progressions, melodies, drum patterns, vocal techniques, tones, and lyrical content that is used in each genre, especially music that is broadly liked, being able to understand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this point, I would want to work on music for myself. I give myself 2 years to be at this point, This leads into step four of my plan where I d start working on my own project, with the musical skill and connections I have at that point I d put every resource I have into my project. Hopefully, I m at a point where my skills and style have been sharpened to where I at least I have an idea of how to make a good song. While producing the project, I would work on gathering a team to help with the release of it. Mainly focusing on advertisement and knowing how to spread It (social media mainly because it seems like the best option.) I d release the project for free because I don t feel like you can release music as a new artist and have people want to pay for it in this day in age. Also collaborating with other people with followings as an artist instead of being behind the scenes of the music making. Through this form of releasing music, I feel like you re more likely to grow an organic fan base and a devoted following. Even though I would have supposedly made songs for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Summary Of Ordinary Men And Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed Christopher Browning and Philip Hallie are the authors of Ordinary Men and Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed respectively. Two extremely interesting books about the World War II and the different behaviors and reactions of the society during that rough time. On his writing, Browning shows how ordinary men can change their beliefs and their common sense because of the influence of others. In this book, soldiers of the WWII were influenced by the government of Hitler. Browning called it atrocity by policy because the damage caused by soldiers wasn t spontaneous but indeed planned methodically by the government, they had calculations and plans. In addition, Browning explains how members of the police battalion (a Nazi paramilitary formation) slowly started enjoying the idea of murder and torture innocent people. As in combat, the horrors of the initial encounter eventually became routine (Browning 1992, p. 161). Browning describes the behavior of the policemen as if they didn t have their own sense of knowing what was right or what was wrong. Perhaps because of legitimate authority and because,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Browning s argument could perfectly fit in Hallie s book. It wouldn t be atrocity by policy of course, but maybe it could be called generosity by ferocity . Because, as mentioned before, the entire war environment and worrying was what made the anger of pastor TrocmГ© turned into a reason to help others and become a model of non violence fighter. Moreover, TrocmГ© s anger changed not only his way of thinking and confront the war era, but it also changed the principles and beliefs of all the people he convinced, based on facts, that what was happening was wrong and that they had to take a different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Biomedical Studies Personal Statement When I first entered college, I had thought that I wanted to major in Biomedical Sciences. The reason being, I was diagnosed at the age of 7 with Type 1 Diabetes. I was tossing around the thought that I was interested, possibly, in having a career that involved my disease in it. From being a part of this compass program, I have learned about many careers. Even though I learned more of what I do not want to do, it has helped me narrow down to majors that I am more interested in. I was thinking of still having the possibility of entering the medical field, but I am unsure. Learningabout the different careers in the medical field and visiting labs has shown me that it isn t something that I am interested as much as when I first enter college. While I do want to be involved with my disease, I m not sure if I want to have a career with it, but it could still be a possibility. After having been in my first college year for a couple of months, I still had no idea what I was leaning towards for a major. Within these first couple of months I had learned that Biomedical Studies was not something that I was sure of, along with many other careers and majors that I learned about in the Compass class that were not for me. Tired of not knowing what I wanted to do, I sat myself down and did some researched. I came upon... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I meaning Introvert, S meaning Sensing, F meaning Feeling, J meaning Judging. I have a slight preference of Introversion over Extraversion (6%), slight preference for Sensing over Intuition (9%), moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (53%), marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (3%). An Entertainment Lawyer have to feel the situation and know what to do, also needing to judge people in court. An Pediatric Endocrinologist needs to judge problems that their patients have. My personality results fit more of an Entertainment Lawyer than a Pediatric Endocrinologist I would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Electricity Generation Electricity generation is the process of creating electricity from other forms of energy. The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered during the 1820s and early 1830s by the British scientist Michael Faraday. His basic method is still used today: electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet.[1] For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power storage and recovery using pumped storage methods are normally carried out by the electrical power industry. Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The combustion of fossil fuels supplies most of the heat to these engines, with a significant fraction from nuclear fission and some from renewable sources. The modern steam turbine invented by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884 today generates about 80 percent of the electric power in the world using a variety of heat sources. [edit] Turbines Large dams such as Three Gorges Dam in China can provide large amounts of hydroelectric power; it will have a 22.5 GW capability. Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, a nuclear power plant. A combined cycle natural gas power plant near Orem, Utah. All turbines are driven by a fluid acting as an intermediate energy carrier. Many of the heat engines just mentioned are turbines. Other types of turbines can be driven by wind or falling water. Sources include: * Steam Water is boiled by: * Nuclear fission, * The burning of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, or petroleum). In hot gas (gas turbine), turbines are driven directly by gases produced by the combustion of natural gas or oil. Combined cycle gas turbine plants are driven by both steam and natural gas. They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and use residual heat to generate additional electricity from steam. These plants offer efficiencies of up to 60%. * Renewables. The steam generated by: * Biomass * The sun as the heat source: solar parabolic troughs and solar power towers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Flexible And Dynamic Forms Of Internetworking FLEXIBLE AND DYNAMIC INTERNETWORKING ANIL REDDY WILMINGTON UNIVERSITY 1ABSTRACT 2INTRODUCTION 3HISTORY OF INTERNETWORKING 4LEVELS INVOLVED IN BUILDING INTERNET 5NAMING AND COMMUNICATION ON INTERNET 6CONCLUSION 7REFERRENCES TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT In this paper, I have discussed the Flexible and Dynamic forms of Internetworking by focusing on history of internetworking along with LAN s Routers, Hubs, switches with its networking /internetworking functions and summarizing the general nature of addressing schemes within the context of Internetworking and its naming and communications. INTRODUCTION An internetwork is a collection of individual networks, connected by intermediate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Today, high speed LANs and switched internetworks are becoming widely used, largely because they operate at very high speeds and support such high bandwidth applications as voice and video conferencing. Internetworking evolved as a solution to three key problems: isolated LANs, duplication of resources, and a lack of network management. Isolated LANS made electronic communication between different offices or departments impossible. Duplication of resources meant that the same hardware and software had to be supplied to each office or department, as did a separate support staff. This lack of network management meant that no centralized method of managing and troubleshooting networks existed (Universitat Koblenz Landau). LEVELS INVOLVED IN BUILDING INTERNET LOWEST LEVEL: ETHERNET SEGMENT Ethernet segment consists of a collection of hosts connected by wires (twisted pairs) to a Hub. It normally spans a room or floor in a building. Its typical operations include, Each Ethernet adapter has a unique 48 ¬‐bit address (MAC address). Hosts send bits to any other host in chunks called Frames. Now hub copies each bit from each port to every other port. Fig 2: Ethernet Segment (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • 14. NEXT LEVEL: BRIDGED ETHERNET SEGMENT The oldest type of internetworking device is called a bridge. Normally, a bridge is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Pros And Cons Of The Common Core Standards The Common Core is known as the top notch academic guidelines in Arithmetic and English expressions/proficiency (ELA). These learning objectives diagram what a student should know and have the capacity to do toward the end of every evaluation. The guidelines were made to guarantee that all students move on from secondary schoolwith the abilities and learning importance to succeed in school, vocation, and life, paying little respect to where they live. Common Core standards are effective in many students that will lead each and every student to succeed in their selected careers, including, Forty three states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense EducationActivity (DoDEA) have voluntarily adopted and are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They re asking themselves about their academic strengths and weaknesses; they re looking for patterns and trying to see how those patterns might be traced back to classroom instruction ( Telling the truth about common core p1). In one of the topics of common core students have to develop technology skills. This program that students use is known as Easy Tech which includes self paced interactive lessons that students find very engaging . Easy Tech is divided into several different sequences based on the educator and what they are trying to do... starting with mouse basics, leading all the way up to keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets and presentations. (Tools and tactics: to measure student s mastery of the common core standards p1). Another reason for why common core will give students an advantage in their life is that , Unlike other standards, which tends to focus on skill by skill outcomes , often at a literal level, the Common Core integrates multiple skills (Telling the truth about common core ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Roman Road As A Direct Straight Forward Path Roman Road is a direct straight forward path to the need of salvation. As the scriptures say No one is righteous not even one (3:10). For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God s glorious standard (3:23). When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned (5:12). For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord (6:23). But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners (5:8). If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the society we live in today people are selfish and narsistic by nature. I believe it is because the world has fallen away from God. While Jesus walked on this earth He served. Not only did he serve the people he met but he served God. Having a servant mentality is putting someone else s needs before your own. Serventhood begins by fullfiling a need of a person without judgement and/or condemnation. It could be as easy as preparing a meal for a family who has just welcomed a baby into the family or cleaning the yard of a person who is unable to do it themselves. When a persons needs are being met it opens their heart and mind to the reasoning behind the act. Mission trips are also a great way of serving. Not all missions are done in other countries, they can be done in your town just as easy as abroad. The purpose in a mission is serve a group of people on behalf of God. An Advantage would be that a person is able to have their needs met while also witnessing the love of Jesus. The idea behind servanthood would be to establish a relationship. Earning the trust of the person by simply showing that their needs matter and deserve to be met. An advantage of serving would be inviting a nonbeliever to join you on a mission trip. The thought of travel often times is enough to get a person interested, in turn the Holy Spirit will utilize the servanthood to pour into the heart of a nonbeliever that may not be possible in their own back yard. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Dolby Digital s Sound Analysis Going to the movies becomes a distant memory when you have the Sony TA 9000ES pre amplifier in your home theater system. Dolby Digital s sound creates stellar audio and delivers a near perfect theater experience in your home. The preamp offers customized modes of sounds depending on the size of your room. This unit allows you to balance the sound perfectly to enhance the content you are viewing. This sony TA e9000es features an exclusive digital cinema with virtual, 3D delivery that supports a variety of devices including DVD players, CD players, and phonographs. Its multi dimensional surround sound and studio mix modes allow it to give you an immersive listening experience. This Sony TA e9000es has digital and analog connections for your convenience. There are five audio in and two audio outs. These connections allow you to connect the Sony TA e9000es with receivers, speakers, and Blu ray players. Its six video inputs and three video out ports allow for connections with video gaming systems and other accessories. There are also six s video in and three s video outs for digital signals. With five optical ins and three optical outs, you can connect every piece of home theater and listening equipment you have. It also has one RF in for tuner use and 3 coaxials in for connecting a turntable, tape deck, VCR, or laser disc player. Its other connections include a RS 232c port for use with your other electronics accessories.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has a 100 dB input sensitivity. Its output voltage is 50 kOhm. It operates at a frequency response of 20 to 20,000 Hz at 1 volt and 1 kOhm of impedance. At these specifications, you can use this Sony with your preferred speakers, receivers, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. America s Acceptance Of Interracial Marriages Are you tired of hearing, you should love, date, and marry within your own kind? I mean c mon people. It s been decades even centuries and it seems like society s acceptance of interracial marriages is still very much frown upon. Since my arrival here in the United States, in the early 80s till even now, I have been told, by my parents, aunts, uncles, and relatives, to stay away from other ethnic groups because they don t understand our people, our language, our tradition, and our way of life. I would argue that we no longer live in Laos and we need to limit ourselves to old traditions or superstitions. That there are some many benefits, in America, to marrying someone of another raceand culture. Some of the main benefits would be to break the racial barriers of discrimination, lessen hate crimes, and create a safer environment for our children, whether of mixed cultures or not. Firstly, it has been throughout history that interracial marriages are unacceptable or even illegal for two people of a different race to marry. A tradition that has been around for centuries until in 1958 the case of, Loving v. Virginia, two Virginia natives Richard Loving, a white man and Mildred Jeter, a black woman got married in the District of Columbia and returned home soon after the wedding, Virginia declared that they violated the state s anti miscegenation statute and was sentenced to a year in jail or leave the state and not return for 25 years (Loving). On June 12, 1967, the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Nursing Home Residents Case Study Essay Case Study 4 Question 1: What are the most common causes of LRTI in nursing home residents? This case study tells the story of Evelyn Rafferty, an 85 year old nursing home resident. Ms. Rafferty presents with an elevated temperature, tachypnea, cough, shortness of breath, and crackles on lung auscultation. Her signs and symptoms are consistent with the diagnosis of a lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Her case is not so uncommon among nursing home residents. Nursing home residents are especially at risk for LRTIs, such as pneumonia, due to a variety of factors. This patient population is compromised in terms of immunity and mobility. Immunocompromise may stem from existing chronic conditions, and impaired mobility may be one of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Use Of Immunotherapy And Genetic Engineering Organ transplants save thousands of lives each year and are one of the most significant medical innovations of the past century. Despite that, each year, the number of patients on the waiting list continues to grow, while the number of donors and transplants remains stagnant. One solution scientists are investigating to solve this problem is xenotransplantation, a procedure which involves the transplantation, implantation, or infusion of live cells, tissues, or organs from a non primate source into a primate recipient (Samdani). This procedure has the potential to benefit thousands by providing a treatment for a wide range of debilitating diseases and aiding in the transplantation process. However, like any other surgical procedure,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not only will xenotransplantation cure diseases, but will also serve as a source of organs and tissues for transplant. Worldwide, very few human organs are available for transplantation, which results in ailing patients waiting in vain for a suitable donor. According to UNOS, a non profit that manages the nation s organ transplant system, more than 118,804 Americans are waiting for an organ transplant as of January 2017 ( Data ). The increasing imbalance between the supply and demand for organs, therefore opens the door to xenotransplantation as a solution. Xenografts could serve as an unlimited supply of cells, tissues, and organs (Kleaner). Furthermore, xenotransplantation can also be used to buy time while potential transplant patients wait for a suitable donor. Dr. Michler, surgeon in Chief at Montefiore Medical Center, views xenotransplants as a bridge, buying time of months until [an organ] is found (Tanne). According to Medscape, a web resource for physicians, most patients perceive xenotransplantation as an acceptable bridge to transplantation of human organs in life threatening situations (Samdani). Bridge transplants can ease the current shortage of organs until researchers find a more permanent solution. It provides patients in dire situations an opportunity to keep holding on to life. Xenotransplantation has proven advantageous in numerous disciplines of medicine. Nevertheless, opponents of xenotransplantation such as the Campaign for Reasonable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Mary Poppins Movement Analysis The movement decisions made by the director were key to making audience members feel certain and distinct emotions. The opening sequence of Mary Poppins shows a backdrop of the city of London. As the credits scroll by, the camera pans from right to left on the backdrop until it zooms in on Mary Poppins sitting on a cloud. This specific camera movement allows for the audience to make an easily detectable assumption that this lady on the cloud will be important in the story of Mary Poppins. Another example of movement within the Mary Poppinsfilm is the scene of the Banks family flying their kite while at the park. This is an example of movement in that the director chose to have an upward movement of the camera, from the Banks family and to the kite that is flying in the sky. This decision on camera movement allows the audience to have a sense of hope for the Banks family, individually and as whole family. A third example is when Mary, the children, and Bert go and visit Uncle Albert at his home. Within these scenes, several reaction shots, low or high angle shots, and close ups cut back and forth from Uncle Albert laughing and tumbling in the air, to the children laughing, to Bert trying to keep from laughing, and Mary admonishing them. A cut to a long shot for reestablishing everyone s place in the room keeps viewers focused. Editing is the way for the director to minimize the amount of distraction for the audience members, in order to allow audiences to focus on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Effects Of Child Labor On The Chocolate Industry The Effects of Child Labor in the Chocolate Industry: December 6, 2015, was an important day for many Americans, as it marked the 150th year since the abolishment of slavery when the U.S. authorized the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to end what can be described as the darkest chapter of American history. Many in Western Society seem to be unaware of the contemporary slavery still plaguing many developing countries, particularly involving children. The 2010 documentary film called The Dark Side of Chocolate explored the modern day slavery that is occurring within many West African countries, where children are being exploited and trafficked in order to harvest chocolate. In fact, the United States Department of State estimates that approximately 109,000 children in the Ivory Coast s cocoa industry work under the worst forms of child labor (Mustapha, 2010, p.3). By exploring the use of child labor in the chocolate industry in West Africa, this paper will present the argument where I will argue that the unethical use of child labor has led to impoverished families, negative health impacts among children, and has affected economies in West Africa. In order to overcome this situation, there is a need for enforced policies, government action, and corporations taking accountability in order to put an end to child labor. The first part of the paper will discuss how the cocoa industry affects families, the health of child laborers, and the economy, followed by various ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Demeter Research Paper Long , long ago when reading and writing just came to be there were people who had seen monkeys running around and good at climbing too but nowhere to live . In the forest close to a nearby village and in between hills.There is one goddess who is loves the animals and her name is Artemis goddess of animals. She is the creator of all kinds of animals. She loves them very deeply. She also has a best friend named Demeter goddess of harvest or plantes. Artemisloves her animals and Demeter loves to help her out to keep them safe. One day she had created a new kind of animal called the lion. She didn t know that they love to kill and eat monkeys. So she wanted to fix it without making an animal go extinct so she had to figure something out before all the monkeys were gone and then lions eating anything in site. So she has to find some way to fix this without making any of those animals go extinct or any kind of animals for that matter.She needed help from another god/goddess, so she thought of Demeter she had hoped she could help her. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But she also needs food for them and wanted there food to be up in there home with them so they could eat in peace. So she went to Demeter to see if she could come up with an idea. Hey Demeter can you do me a favor? asked Artemis Sure what can I help you with , said Demeter Well I need a place for my dearly monkeys to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Tennis Ball Test Lab Report Tennis Ball Test SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT 29 Jan 15 By Jimmetrius Winters REVIEW OF LITERATURE: For this experiment we researched the dimension of the tennis ball and basketball. The dimension of the tennis ball is 2.700 inches. The dimension of the basketball is 29.5 inches. A reason that a tennis ball is explained best by Tara Thackery. The motion of energydefines kinetic energy. According to Exploratorium, when you throw a tennis ball and it lands on the floor, it gains kinetic energy. The molecules in the tennis ball begin to stretch apart. Then, they squeeze back together. As this process occurs, the ball gains more energy and is able to bounce off the ground. A reason that basketball bounces is best explained ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We think that the height will change because the type of ground used could modify the outcome of the experiment. To measure the bounce of the ball we used a three feet measuring stick. The results will be measured in inches. CONSTANTS: The constants in this experiment is the type of ball being used in each experiment. Also the time of day in this experiment was a constant. CONTROL: The control group in this experiment is the different heights cause by the balls in the different environment. MATERIALS LIST: Tennis Ball, Basketball, Measuring Stick PROCEDURE STEPS:
  • 25. 1. Stand measuring stick up straight 2. Drop ball from three from the air 3. Locate maximum height in which the ball bounced 4. Record data RESULTS: DATA TABLE Inside Tennis ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Does Medea Deserve Sympathy Essay In Euripides Medea, there are moments when a specific character is deserving of sympathy, and instances when they don t deserve any sympathy at all. In the beginning, Medea deserves sympathy due to her husband leaving her for royalty and another woman. However, neither characters deserve sympathy when Medeas tells of her plans of killing her children, and Jasons want for Medea to become an exile. Towards the end, Jason deserves sympathy for trying to do what s best for his familyand the death of his children, but Medea deserves no sympathy for the killing of Glauce, Creon and her children. In the beginning of the play, Medea is deserving of sympathy due to her husband s betrayal towards her. Characters, like the Nurse and Chorus feel the sorrow that Medea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Medea s hurt and anger turns into rage when she plans to make corpses of three of [her] enemies, which shows her ambition of creating catastrophe around her to make Jason suffer the consequences.The plan of Medea wanting to kill Glauce and her children shows the audience that Medea is plotting for revenge and will do anything to make Jason suffer. Jason also doesn t deserve sympathy as his want for power and his strive for ambition is the main issue in this play. Jason left his wife to marry Glauce, the princess of Corinth, to make his life more powerful. Jason doesn t want Medea ruining his chances of staying in Corinth and one day becoming king. When he finds out Medea is making plans, he makes sure that Medea knows that Corinth cannot be a home for [Medea] anymore, which shows that Medea must become an exile again, in Jason s eyes, so that he can one day be king. Both Medea and Jason are in no need of sympathy from the audience, but once Medea commits the murders of Glauce and the children, Jason deserves sympathy from the audience while Medea deserves no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Essay about Background and Character of T.J. Avery Background and Character of T.J. Avery Ladies and gentlemen of the court, I have been charged with investigating, and bringing to the attention of the court the entire background and character of T.J. Avery from an impartial point of view. These are my findings. T.J. Avery comes from a sharecropping family which live and work on Mr. Gangers land; they are poor and lack financial independence. T.J. s father is a weak old man and in consequence lacks the physical strength to punish him, for anything he does wrong. T.J. has almost no principles, so he has no problem with getting others in trouble when he was the one who was the cause... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... had written some cheat notes, and when the teacher who happened to be Misses Logan, he gave them to Stacey Logan who is his friend, but before Stacey could hand them back, his mother saw that and interrogated him about it and then proceeded to punish him in front of the entire class. Prior to this T.J. had been caught rummaging threw Misses Logan s books at her desk looking for the test, after sneaking into her room, while visiting the Logan household as a friend of the Logan children. T.J. is befriended by R.W. and Melvin Simms, who buy him alcohol at The Wallace Store. T.J. is proud of this friend ship with the two white boys, but T.J. is disgusted that Grand Mother Logan wanted to see Mr Wade W. Jamison, who is an attorney at Law. This is while he was visiting the town of Strawberry with Grand Mother Logan and the Logan children. Also while in strawberry Stacey Logan is foolishly persuaded by T.J. to go into the white mans store, which is other wise know as The Barnett Mercantile, while in the mercantile T.J. is mesmerised by the peal handled pistol. Later that month Stacey Logan is given I new coat form his Uncle, Hammer Logan, T.J. mocks him and his coat, saying that he looked like a fat preacher because the coat was a bit big on him at the time, later T.J. cons Stacy into lending him the coat until Stacey ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Children Of The Classroom Benefit Students By Teaching... Pets in the classroom benefit students by teaching responsibility, boosting self esteem, and helping with children with anxiety. From early childhood, the desire to keep a pet is almost universal; children dream frequently about animals; images and pictures of animals dominate children s books; children who keep pets often regard baby faced animals as siblings; and there appears to simply be an human attraction to, or at least interest in, non human animals (Daly, Suggs 104). Keeping petanimals within a teaching environment has always been a popular feature of elementary classrooms (Zasloff et al. 347). One way that children can benefit from having a classroom pet is that pets build a child`s self esteem, helping them to be more... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a class pet children will learn the proper way to handle and care for the pet. Children can learn the responsibility of taking care of an animal from having a pet in their classroom. Children will learn what it takes to care for something other than themselves by feeding the pet lunch or cleaning out the pet`s cage. Children are introduced to the world of animals by having a class pet, especially if they do not have a pet at home. Students who do not have a pet at home are able to see, touch, and help take care of one at school. When a student does not have a pet at home, they lose an experience to be close to a non human being. Having a pet in their classroom could help them experience new feelings, gain new abilities, and be able to understand what it is like to take care of something other than themselves. Math and science can be brought to life with a class pet. The class can learn multiplication, fractions, time, animal behavior, etc. Pets can also improve a child`s health. Many have done research relating to the benefits of a person`s health. Children who have pets are less likely to get sick. Children who have pets are at school more than children who do not. There are also some negative aspects of keeping a class pet. One of the cons to keeping a class pet is cleaning up after it. Every pet, no matter how clean it is, needs its cage cleaned once a week. The pet also needs care over the weekend and over breaks. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. My False Memory Test In taking the memory demonstration test I scored a hit rate of 87%. My false alarm rate was at 0% and my false memory rate was at 0% as well. I found the most suprising part of the test to be the comparison of my false memory rate to the average rates listed. During the test I quickly realized that any questions asked would more than likely be about the images follwing the words than any item s size related to a shoebox. I believe this may have given me a slight advantage in the scoring. With average scores of false memories being at 27%, answering the question, whether to allow eywitness testimony in a court or not, becomes rather difficult. If more training were introduced, to teach our law enforcement about these memory problems, I think ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Homeless Man Essay Homeless Man One day in Honolulu hawaii a man named Tobi fox (aka) homeless man was on the job looking down on the fellow human beans making sure that his chinatown was safe and sound from all villains. Now what no one knows about how homeless man came to be was when it all started when he was born. He was an orphan at the age of 6 but one day a old wise mantook him and raised him like his own. He showed tobi the ways of the homeless man how to survive on the streets,build cardboard houses and how to get from one place to another on the homeless mobile. 20 years later tobi went for a walk but as he was gone the wise old man was attacked by a mysterious person. Tobi had this feeling in his body that something was wrong so he ran back to check on the old man. But soon as he got there the old man was dead all of a sudden tobi saw a dark figure pass the door so he chaise it all the way down to ala park. As tobi kept following the figure but it suddenly was gone he thought about the old man but never gave up on the killer and then there he became homeless man. september 23 2015 tobi was notice from civilians for stopping crime and saving lives it s been one year since the old man died tobi dedicated his life to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before tobi knew it he was punched in the face but he got up and a bloody war went on back and forth tobi went but diablo was to strong until mike weezington came and knew he had to help tobi diablo knew he was no match from so much power but diablo was not alone so diablo called out to aquafina his humble side kick but soon as aqua came he was immediately knocked out diablo had no choice but to surrender so he did but Tobi did not want to win like this so took diablo to the highest point in the city, The sidewalk he told diablo what was going to happen and said this is Homless Man and kick diablo off and that was the end of diablo and aquafina so then homeless man and mike weezington lived on saving the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Carbohydrate Forensics Lab Report The forensic pathologist has removed the contents of the victim s stomach for you to analyze in order to determine where the victim had his last meal. Most organic compounds in living organisms are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, or nucleic acids. Each of these macromolecules is made of smaller subunits or monomers held together by covalent bonds. Most food is composed of three types of molecules: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Carbohydrates such as starches and sugars are major source of energy. Simple sugars are found in sweets and fruits. Starches are found in potatoes, cereal, pasta, flour, and other plant products. Proteins are used in body structures such as muscles, skin, and hair. Rich sources of proteins include meats,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... TESTING FOR SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES: Add 1.5 mL of Benedict s solution to a test tube with distilled water, and to a test tube with the stomach content. If the content in the test tube chnages to the color orange, the test result is positive. If the content does not change color, the test result is negative. (the students only determine the test results based on the stomach content, not the distilled water.) Place the tube carefully in the hot water bath for at least 3 minutes. Using the test tube holder, carefully remove the test tube from the hot water bath and place it in the test tube rack. Record the results of your test in the data table ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Bement Drug Problem Bement, Illinois is a village where people talk to their neighbors and offer a helping hand in the community. The problem in Bement is that people, ev men are selling drugs at the Piatt County Bement Park. The clear solution to this problem is that the Bement High School Principal Doug Kepley should work with the police officer in town and hold a meeting to start a neighborhood watch for the park so that the people in this small village can feel safe and know that their children aren t able to easily access drugs. Even with a drugproblem, Bement is one of the strongest community s I have ever seen. Parents always stepped up to plate and volunteer their time to help the teachers with projects. The people in the community try to give their money back to community by shopping at the local grocery store, using in town vendors for big events, and eating out at the restaurant options in town. The worst thing that someone could say about Bement is the gossip but that will go on in any small town where everyone knows everyone else.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The drug dealers go to jail and get fined if they are caught. If the men selling the drugs are using the drugs than some other short term effects could be overdosing which will cause them to be hospitalized, they could get brain damage, or they could die and the people that are buying the drugs could have the same short term effects. The long term effects of the people who sold the drugs at the park could be not having a good income because it s harder to get a job with a felony on their record, the drug dealer could have health problems from doing the drugs, and the men could be considered an outcast from the town for selling drugs in the park. Another thing most people don t consider is that when a drug dealer s clients die due to overdose the drug deal could feel personally responsible which makes them feel guilt and shame which can lead to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank starts out in the annex in the warehouse in Amsterdam, Holland where Anne Frank and seven others hid out during World War II. It opens with Otto Frank and Miep Gies standing in the annex alone in 1945. Mr. Frank had just come home from the concentration camps, being the one survivor from the annex. After conversing for awhile, Miep hands Mr. Frank Anne s diary from the days of living in the annex. He starts to read the book, as it slowly flashes back to 1942 when it all began... On an early morning in July of 1942, the Van Daans and Franks meet up for the first time at the annex. All of them are covered in layers of clothing to carry as much to their new home as possible. They are all... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have strict rules, but it s the only way to stay a secret. Towards the beginning of the play, Peter and Anne have a teasing and kind of playful relationship. They don t totally like each other, but they re also very different. Anne is closer to her father than anyone else, but she doesn t really enjoy her mother. Anne and Margot are fairly close, but Anne seems pretty jealous of Margot and her looks. Mrs. and Mr. Van Daan seem kind of rude to her. About two months after moving in, a local Jewish dentist friend of Miep s fiance, Dirk, is in trouble. He needs a hiding place, and fast. Mr. Kraler comes to ask if he could hide with them in the annex. After talking it over, they decide it s the right thing to do. His name is Mr. Dussel. They arrange for him to room with Anne and for Margot to move in with in their parents room. Mr. Dussel brings them information from the outside. He tells them about how Jews are being pulled away from their homes and taken off to camps. Mr. Dussel becomes a normal residence of the annex very soon. With time he becomes more and more rude to them, and insensitive. Several months more pass, and soon Anne begins to have terrible nightmares. She wakes Mr. Dussel very often. She dreams that the Nazis come to take them. In the works of the nightmares, she hurts her mother s feelings by rejecting her comfort. Anne will only talk to her father about it. It truly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. What Are the Important Factors Influencing the Nhs in... Introduction The influences affecting the NHS today sometime are not evident unless viewed against the changes and trends that have developed since its inception. After the World War II it was an era of simplicity and desperation the general population had housing crisis, food shortage and raw material shortages etc. Political Influences On a global political stand point there was a uniting of ideas and governments; what we know today as the United Nations (UN). One of the main ideas which the UN has grown up around is The individual possess rights simply by virtue of being Human (The Universal Declaration of human rights); which was adopted by the general assembly in 10th December 1948. This statement is reflect in the core principles ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The NHS tried several different approaches to the problem solving through budgeting and the arrival of waiting lists. Due to an increase of staff and funding and the NHS still in trouble this attracted the spot light of the media and question started to be raised. Margret Thatcher administration The Prime Minister Margret Thatcher (PMMT) set in to motion a re examining of the NHS in 1990 this produced a White Papers Working for patient and caring for people . The result of this a created the internal market [5] which competes for care on a commission basis. This brought about new legislation The National Health Service and Community Care Act [5] How it works: Hospital trust contends to provide care taking the running of hospitals away from the health authority but instead buy care from the trust. The local authority commission care for their local people from their own trust or others. There was a clause called the GP fund holders option [5] which allowed some GP to by care for their patients. At the time this was being created the labour party accused of trying to privatise the NHS. This became a major element in their campaign which took them to power in 1997. 1997 The Tony Blair influence? Labour had gone through internal reforms and now dubbed itself New Labour, one of the key promises of the 1997 election from new labour was to scrap internal market and GP fund holding, and to replace competition with collaboration . 2000 The introduction of PFI ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Kawaii Research Paper Many Westerners perceive Japan as weird. While many aspects of its culture differ considerably from that of the United States and Europe, it is this difference that while weird to some is fascinating and even tantalizing to others. One of the most apparent of the cultural phenomena unique to Japan is the idea of kawaii. Kawaii is a difficult term to translate into English, but the term celebrates sweet, adorable, innocent, pure, simple, genuine, gentle, vulnerable, weak, and inexperienced social behavior and physical appearances (Kinsella 220). The idea of kawaii appeared in the mid 1960s through the 1970s and initially started with Japanese school girls. Around that time, as indicated by advertisements and articles from magazines, the desire for a youthful look evolved into a desire to emulate a cute, child like look. Since then, the term kawaii deals mostly with the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In investigating the history of kawaii, this theme of rebellion surfaces with the ideas of rejecting traditionally Japanese culture in favor of more of a European or Western culture which was perceived to be more fun. This in a large part includes the idea of cute handwriting that Japanese schoolgirls would practice in the 1960s and 70s where the format read like Western writing left to right and included English words and exclamation points. This was an experimentation by the youth in being able to speak more freely and through this they expressed themselves more easily with a style of writing that they felt more connected to as a result of their manipulations (Kinsella 224). The adults and older generations did not share the same positive reaction to this cute handwriting as they felt it was blatantly rebellious against Japanese traditions and cultural values they upheld ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Rise and Fall Housing Market The Rise and Fall of the Housing Market Edward Maher University of Maryland University College ECON201 August 18, 2011 Introduction The collapse of the housing market had far and wide ranging effects in the economy of the United States. While the effects were felt throughout the country, California, Florida, New York, Michigan, Illinois were dealt devastating blows to their respective economy. Throughout the country, foreclosures rose to staggering numbers and jobs lost were in the millions. This research paper will concentrate on the causes and consequences of the housing crisis and will attempt to determine if there is any fault for not controlling the crisis. Causes of the Housing Crisis The term bubble has been used ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Between 2004 and 2006, the Federal Reserve Board raised interest rates from 1% and capping out at to 5.25%. Even with interest rates on the rise, the housing bubble continued to grow. Why did the bubble continue to grow when typically interest rates increase homeownerships typically declines as well? Economists look at the lending practices before and after the bubble. Prior to the bubble standard typically included, documentation of credit histories of prospective borrowers, their current income and assets, evidence of job stability and pay, and related factors that in theory help a lender assess a potential borrower s ability to pay for a mortgage. During the 2000 s lending practices eased with the government continuing to push their policy on continuing to grow homeownership numbers. To continue homeownership lenders developed new innovative loans such as, piggy back loans (80/20), adjustable rate mortgages, stated income loans, negative amortization mortgages, and multi layered risked. These loans gave homeowners many options as with piggy back loans, allowed consumers to purchase a home without having to put down a down payment, however they would have a first and second mortgage. Many consumers also opted for adjustable rate mortgages such as interest only loans. These loans allowed the consumer to purchase a home that would most likely be out of their monetary range, with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Boost Your Bust Analysis If you are just like the rest of the average woman you would want to own a new bigger set of breast but, are afraid of using synthetic methods of how to boost your bust. From the Boost Your Bust guide you will know the different techniques on how to experience natural breast enlargement without even spending a lot of money. You don t have to undergo painful surgical methods just to own bigger pair of bust. There are different factors that will determine just how fast or slow your body reacts to the changes that you need to undergo to have natural breast growth. Not a lot of women know that there is a better natural breast enlargement method without spending a lot of money in doing so. You must have heard some of the practical approaches on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Latino Rebels Puerto Rican Americans have always struggled with their identity. We have different a different culture shaping us into completely different human beings. In recent retrospect American culture has shown some discrimination towards our Hispanic brothers and sisters, leaving to answer the age old question: are Puerto Ricans real Americans? The Latino Rebels is a group of social media influencers, bloggers, journalist, poets, writers, producers, photographers, and business professional who mainly advocates for issue in Latin America. On February 11, 2015 a Puerto Rican island resident won the $564 million jackpot, set to share with the North Carolina and Texas winners. Latino Rebels published some negative tweets of main land American citizens who believe the winner shouldn t deserve the money because he s not an American . The tweets read: One of the #powerball winners was in Puerto Rico? I m no xenophobe, but that s some bull shit , WTF .... since when could you win a Powerball jackpot in Puerto Rico? Don t they use the Euro as currency? , puerto rico should not be able to win the powerball fuck that non sense (Rebels) and many more.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A recent documentary, The Last Colony, about the relationship between Puerto Rico and the US involved several Puerto Rican politicians who gave their opinion on the matter. Kenneth D. McClintock, Secretary of State of Puerto Rico and a firm believer of statehood, stated that Statehood is the only antidote for what ails Puerto Rico (Marquez). This is an example of people who firmly believe Puerto Ricans are Americans and we re on a path to becoming a real American. On the other hand, MarГa Lourdes Santiago, 25th Senate of Puerto Rico and Vice President to the Puerto Rico Independence Party, had this to say We are not Americans. We will never be Americans. (Marquez). This is an example of people who believe Puerto Rico is better off without the US and wish for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Media Portrayal And Unrealistic Images Of Women Media such as televisions, radio, internet, and magazines represent slim women as the model and ideal to follow. Media portray thin women as happy and successful. Therefore, women who follow that ideal are more tented to put their selves in intense diet, to apply plastic surgery, and to have a low self esteem if that ideal isn t reach. Many women ignore that, the media portrays of femaleis a sort of advertisement that many companies do in order to sell their products. In addition, women ignore that those women portray as top model have stylist to make their clothes, hair, and make up. Therefore, in a real word, women have to face many obstacles, they have to work, to take care of their children, to study, to pay their bills and all of that require money and time.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Paff and Buckley Lakner (1997) stipulated that advertising has historically included stereotypical and unrealistic images of women. Furthermore, women s body are presented as an object by the media, and therefore some women become to view their body as an objects to themselves, object that are subject to critique when they are in front of a mirror (p. 29). Additionally, the media implies that been beautiful has a social benefits and advantages, and some women try to get those advantages, while others may feel frustrated and unattractive. Having negative thoughts about ourselves may cause stress, depression, and decrease our view of oneself. The unrealistic portray of women by the media, have bought society and culture to believe that the ideal body image that a woman should have to achieve happiness is to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Service and Asset Privatization Essay example The rapid interest in privatization stroked when all the levels of government economies were persistently challenging in running their operations during last two to three decades of twentieth century (Shirley, 1992). Since then, privatization of public sectors has been a key factor of structural reform programs in both developed and developing countries (Sheshinski Lopez Calva, 2003). The process of transferring ownership of public services from the public sector(the part which is controlled by government) to private sectors (the part which is owned and controlled by private party) is called privatization(Investopia, 2013). According to Sarah E. Gollust and Peter D. Jacobson, privatization is the transfer of decision making authority,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Primarily, privatization is to achieve higher allocation and productive efficiency and to strengthen the role of private sector in the economy (Sheshinski Lopez Calva, 2003). They describe that these two objectives are the main reasons behind government contracting its sectors to private parties and are associated with microeconomic efficiency. Secondarily, it is to improve the public sector s financial health and to free resources for allocation in other important areas of government activity usually related to social policy (Sheshinski Lopez Calva, 2003). For the next ones, they explain that these reduce the level of borrowing and reallocate the possible expenditure towards social policy areas, and these are connected to public sector finance. Literature Review: In this research, I have conducted studies on three important aspect of public sector where privatization has taken place and from which I could draw a conclusive end. The first among them is the privatization of state prison. The first privatization of prison in United States was done in 1986 and soon after, the numbers continue to increase rapidly (Burkhardt, 2009). From theory driven historical analysis, he finds out that the rising population, interventionist federal courts, and the link between the private contractors and members of state governments are the causing factors of state prison privatization. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. How Did John Knox Change The Style Of Government Live in Christ, die in Christ, and the flesh need not fear death. John Knox. John Knox was a religious figure that was born 1514, near Haddington Scotland, and died in November 24, 1572 in Edinburgh, Scotland. John Knox was influenced by George Washart, who was trialed and burned for heresy in 1546. The spokesman for the reformation in Scotland the following year was John Knox. John Knox was the founder of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. In response to the King s attempts to change the style of worship and form of government in the churches that had previously been agreed upon covenanted by the free assemblies and parliament, a number of ministers allowed their adherence to those previous agreements by becoming signatories. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Seagate Case Seagate Buyout Case Group 5 Heng Qiao Eduardo Pereira Wei Wang Yanan Pei Introduction of the companies Seagate Technology, Inc. is one of the world s largest manufacturers of computer disk drives and related data storage devices with approximately $6.5 billion in annual revenues. In early November 1999, Luczo, president and CEO of Seagate considered a restructuring proposal with Silver Lake, a successful private equity firm that is specified in technology business investing. In May 1999, Seagate sold its Network Storage Management Group to VERITAS Software Corporation, an independent manufacturer of storage management systems, for approximately 155 million shares of VERITAS stock. With an ownership ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This results in the cash portion of the purchase price available for payment to Seagate s stockholders in connection with the merger to be approximately $1.285 billion (less the amount of rolled equity) . While many of the implied equity values for Seagate s operating businesses summarized in the table above exceeded the $2 billion purchase price in the leveraged buyout, Morgan Stanley arrived at its opinion that the consideration to be received by holders of Seagate common stock in connection with the merger was fair, from a financial point of view, to those holders, by considering all of its analyses of the merger and the leveraged buyout, taken as a whole. The passages show that Morgan Stanley fear value was $2 billion for the business operation. This value is 43% lower than our valuation of $3.48 billion for the deal. The passages and the published document are not clear why the fear value should be so low. This vague suggestion is more eccentric when we look the valuation made by Morgan Stanley. It had made a valuation using different methods such as comparable analysis, discount equity analysis, discount cash flow analysis, and sum of the parts analysis, and different scenarios (Figure XXX). Based on the values that Morgan Stanley calculated, we calculated a weighted average value for it. Using the same weighted for each of the cases scenarios, and methods showed in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. U.s. National Security Strategy 2014 Introduction This paper is to serve as an analysis of the country of MONGOLIA using the operational variables of PMESII PT and its role in the U.S. strategy in the Pacific Command (PACOM). With the the majority of attention being given to a more aggressive China or perhaps violent extremist organizations (VEO s) in Southeast Asia, it is easy to forget about Mongolia. Although, those threats in Southeast Asia and the growing tensions with China cannot be ignored, it would be foolish of the U.S. to ignore the country of Mongolia. In fact, further developing relations with the Mongolian government could prove to be a huge factor in our success in the region going forward. Given its geopolitical location and unique political and economical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In times of war the MAF can also absorb the Border Protection Services, a government paramilitary organization, to conduct military operations. Global Firepower gives the Mongolian Armed Forces a power ranking of 87 out of 126. Its military equipment is comprised almost entirely of outdated Russian equipment including everything from T 54/55 main battle tanks to old shoulder fired surface to air missiles to small arms. Some specialized units use the Israeli made Galil rifle. The Air Defense Forces have an extremely small amount of aircraft with about 5 MiG 29 fighters and 10 Mil Mi 24 attack helicopters being the highlight of the inventory. On its website, GlobalSecurity.Org stated The Mongolian Armed Forces (MAF) are a relatively small but disciplined, pro western force... Its unique geopolitical position also makes the MAF worth developing as a DOD/PACOM asset . Mongolia s foreign policy states that unless being faced with a military threat, it will pursue a policy of refraining from joining any military alliance or grouping, [and] allowing the use of its territory or air space against any other country . Mongolia World, their .org website on geopolitics, explains that it is also a priority for Mongolia to have open and equal cooperation with China and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Everyone Needs Dietary Supplements Essay Everyone Needs Health Supplements Some people may say, why bother with health supplements? Some people today would like to believe that all we have to do to keep ourselves healthy is to eat a proper diet. That s where the problem lies. The question I propose is, What is a proper diet, and how do you go about getting it into your system? Some would say, Well by eating healthy food. There s another problem. What is healthy food and where do you find it? You won t find it at your local grocery store as you will soon find out. Others might say, We have a garden where we grow our food. That s a start, and it also tells me that you are already aware of the fact that there is a need for a more nutritional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I know this not just from reading about this issue, or listening about people talk about this issue but from my own experience. I know what it is like to feel emotionally and physically tired, although I was eating what some consider a well balanced diet. I was eating all the right foods. However, I found out that I was not able to get all of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that an individual needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Why is that? I would have to consume large amounts of food to meet the nutritional requirements of my body. Why do I say this? Let me tell you why. First of all, there is the issue of the nutritional value in the food we eat, or should I say the lack of nutritional value in the food we eat. There is much evidence available today that clearly states that the food sources we have are highly deficient in nutritional value. For a long time the scientific community made light of health supplements. This is no longer true. The American Medical Association and also the Federal Drug Administration are now singing a different tune. In fact they are praising the value of health supplements. There is now a new field of nutritional science specifically for the study of vitamin and mineral supplements. As I said earlier, one of the most common reasons given for not needing food supplements is, I eat well balanced meals, I don t need ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Digital Film Technology Revolutionizes the Film Industry... Digital Film Technology Revolutionizes the Film Industry With the release of Star Wars: Episode I the Phantom Menace, in March of 1999, digital film technology officially filtered itself in to main stream Hollywood. Digital film technology is the latest and probably most revolutionizing new technology to hit Hollywood. The use of digital film allows for infinite editing capabilities and endless benefits to distribution and special effects. The use of digital film allows for producers to add in extras, produce stunts, and even create false people with the click of a mouse. Time and cost consuming stunts, stunt doubles, and actors may no longer be a worthy concern to producers and their budgets. Though the growing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Directors and producers are allowed to let their imaginations run wild. This ease of use attracts filmmakers to convert to a digital format. The skill and cost of technology which goes into creating these effects, in return creates jobs for others. Digital film not only enhances effects, but its special effects capabilities are so great, that it is also beginning to replace people. For example, in Titanic, released in the winter of 1997/1998, false people are created to enhance the reality and excitement of the scene. The movie shows a scene which the ship tilts completely vertical. Passengers of the ship slide into the water, and fall from the rails of the enormous ship. These passengers add drama and reality to the scene. The passengers vividly dictate the harshness of the situation. Though these unfortunate passengers add a wealth of reality to the scene, they are not even real people. Creating this scene on a standard film format with stunt doubles, would have been difficult and time consuming. They were instead created with digital film technology. Digital film technology erased the need for stunt doubles. Though real people were not employed to be these characters, jobs behind the scenes were instead utilized. Creators of the digital passengers were employed directly, and indirectly, business and jobs were harvested from the digital equipment used. Even though physical people were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Sword Of Shannara The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks is a fantasy novel that follows a group of people brought together to retrieve the magical Sword of Shannara, which is the only weapon that can defeat Brona, the evil Warlock Lord. The only person who can wield the Sword is Shea, who does not even believe the tales about Brona. When his family is threatened, Shea reluctantly joins the quest to find the Sword and destroy Brona. The location is a world where science destroyed the landscape in a horrific holocaust and mutated the remaining people and creatures. Now, there are multiple races, named after mythical creatures of the past such as Elves, Dwarfs, Trolls, and Gnomes. The land is ruled by magic instead of science and only a few people called Druids ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Salmon Fisheries In my hometown, a local diner serves Honey dipped Salmon. They claim that the dish is prepared using a species of Salmon, called Chinook, which is a product of the Alaska Salmon fisheries. Since Chinook salmon is an anadromous specie, it is born in the fresh water, migrates to the ocean for 1 5 years and then returns to the Main channel Rivers to spawn. The female lays around 3,000 14,000 eggs that are successfully fertilized by the males, however the eggs are very brittle and can be easily destroyed. Fortunately, enough hatch and survive in Alaska to ensure healthy stocks. After spawning, they typically die as they don t feed on anything during their widespread migration and use up all the stored body fat for survival. ( CSSP , n.d.). As an example of their extensive migration, we can look at the Yukon River spawners that travel more than 2,000 river miles during a 60 day period to reach Canada . Their major populations are located in Susitana, Taku, Copper, Kuskokwin, Nushagak river systems. The specie s returning numbers from their sprawled spawning migrations had started declining in 2006, however they have significantly recovered now. (Wild explorer, n.d.) The Chinook salmon is vastly sought after in Cook Inlet and Southeast Alaska by fishers because of its great value as a sport fish. The annual value of sports industry in Alaska is about $500 million and the annual harvest looms around 170,000 fish. ( CSU , n.d.). However, to make the fisheries ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Staffing And Retention One of the biggest concerns among healthcare professionals today is job satisfaction. There are many articles which discuss issues related to this subject, and Nurse Staffing and the Relationship to Job Satisfaction and Retention is one of them. Four College professors, Debra Hairr, Helen Salisbury, Mark Johannsson, and Nancy Redfern Vance came together in 2014 to conduct a study to see if nursepatient ratios have a connection between job satisfaction and retention and to write a researcharticle on their findings. The intent of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the research problem, design, methods, and results, including limitations while offering suggestions from a different point of view to make improvements for future... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The NWI originally was developed in 1989 by Marlene Kramer and Laurin Hafner to measure the nursing environment in connection with job satisfaction and quality of care. Plus, the research findings were from Magnet based hospitals and the tool used consisted of a 65 item survey (Aiken, L., Patrician, P., 2000, p. 147). Changes were made to the NWI in 1997 by Aiken and Patrician, eliminating less important questions (Hairr, D., 2014). There is no mention of any conflict of interest between the two parties involving the NWI. The COP measured how much professional nurses believed they had autonomy in the workplace, how they viewed their relationship with doctors and if they thought their organization supported them (Aiken, L., Patrician, P., 2000, p. 149). The review board approved the research study, but there is no mention if consent was obtained from the subjects. Data collection included posting the survey electronically via a link to a website and an explanation of qualifying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Hippie Movement and the Beat Movemnt How the Hippies got hip with the beat of the Beat Movement Jack Kerouac once said, the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars (Kerouac 5). Kerouac was the symbol of the Beat Movement. He was the rebellious and adventurous man, who during his time was considered an outcast, but soon later made way for the counterculture of the Hippie Generation. The beats were all about going against social conformity and usual political views (Bennett 340), which mirrored the belief system of the hippies one... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both were looked down upon. Many Americans disapproved of the lifestyle they chose to live. Both also rejected authority and the status quo. Hippies felt their best chance at changing society was to drop out of school and the world around them while beats felt traveling around the country would help them defeat the horrors of society. They were both non materialistic and non conformists and believed in freedom of expression. Beats showed their expression through literature and art. Both experimented with different drugs and started the drug epidemic which hit in the late 1960s. Allen Ginsburg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti were major figures in the anti war movements during the 1960s and wrote beat literature during the 1950s (Bennett 343). Another person was Neal Cassady. Neal Cassady was not only the symbol of the Beat Generation, but he was also the symbol of the Hippie Generation (Beat 36). Although the Beat Movement influenced the Hippie Movement, the two had many differences between them. Since styles often change in quickly, the Beat Generation and Hippie Generation dressed differently. The Beat Generation looked more grungy with scruffy chins and mustaches and worn out clothing, while the Hippies wore bright vibrant colors with peace symbols and had long beards. Music also fluctuates so during the Beat Movement many listened to jazz music because it took place during the big jazz scene (Beat 34), while the Hippie Generation started with rock and roll and vinyl ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Annie Hall Is A 1977 Romantic Comedy Directed And Co... Annie Hall is a 1977 romantic comedy directed and co written by Woody Allen. The film takes place in New York City and explores the relationship between Alvy Singer (Woody Allen), an intellectual, neurotic, forty year old comedian, and Annie Hall (Diane Keaton), a ditzy and insecure, aspiring nightclub singer. The movie centers around Alvy s stream of consciousness as he looks back to figure out what went wrong with he and Annie s relationship. Annie Hallreceived critical acclaim and won many awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Original Screenplay. The movie did well at the box office, setting a new precedent for romantic comedies and is now considered one of the greatest films of the century... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alvy visits her family in Wisconsin, but feels out of place and the pair break up. After splitting, Alvy tries to date again, but he gets back together with Annie after she calls him over to kill a spider. Annie s singing career begins to take off and she and Alvy travel to Hollywood. On the plane ride back, Annie and Alvy split up again, agreeing that their relationship is a dead shark. Annie moves to L.A. and Alvy, still missing her, flies out to ask her to marry him. Annie declines. They meet once more in New York, both dating other people now. The film flashes back to better times between the couple and the film ends with parting words from Alvy. He concludes that relationships are ridiculous, but worth going through because most of us need the eggs and the credits roll. Annie Hall was produced by Charles H. Joffe, Woody Allens manager and was distributed by United Artists. The film s budget was $4 million and it grossed $38,251,425 in the box office. The movie was developed by Woody Allen and his co writer Marshall Brickman. The original concept was about a man in his forties exploring his relationship with a young woman, the concern about the banality of life we all live, and about his own character. Allen wanted to abandon the safety net of a solely comedic movie in order to explore deeper concepts and although Allen claims that the film is not autobiographical, the commonalities between he and Alvy are obvious. Allen was also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Siddhartha Gautama Beliefs Siddhartha Gautama lived in Nepal sometimes between 300 and 500 B.C., 2,300 to 2,500 years ago. He became known as Buddha. Scholars agree that he was a real person,but did not agree about his life. He explore different ideas. He achieve full awareness of the universe ,thereby becoming a buddha.He founded the first world religion. He began to take many trips outside his palace.On these trips he saw a very sick man,a dead person and an ascetic. The driver explained that the ascetic had given up the world so that he would no longer be afraid of death and suffering.Siddhartha was 29 years old,and the next day,he left his kingdom ,his wife and baby son to lead an ascetic life. He wanted to end suffering.For the next six years,he has been living ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Goals For The Millennium Development Goals Essay 189 United Nations Member States agreed to achieve 8 goals for The UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) from 2000 to 2015 for fighting poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women in the word. In addition, tuberculosis (TB) was also the sixth goal of MDGs leading cause of death worldwide. The WHO estimated over 9.6 million people fall ill with TB in 2014: 5.4 million men, 3.2 million women and 1.0 million children. (WHO,2014) Tuberculosis (TB) was identified as a highly infectious disease, was transmitted primarily via inhalation and caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). After inhalation, MTB came into lung before ending up in alveoli where macrophages recognized and destroyed tuberculosis bacteria. However, macrophage cannot kill all of MTB so the survivors infected and hijacked macrophage. Amount of MTB also increase continuously until bursting the macrophage leading to cause further infection and extracellular bacilli. Overtime, the mixture of blood and sputum in lungs tuberculosis was formed when the centers of granulomas necrotize was infected by MTB. (Niemi, 2014) Therefore, antimicrobial agents were used in the treatment of TB including TB treatment and antimicrobial activity such as isoniazid, pyrazinamide and ethambutol for initial regimens; and capreomycin, viomycin or cycloserine in recent years. There were some drugs were used for indication including rifamycins, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. J.D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey J. D. Salinger s Franny and Zooey is about a twenty year old college student named Franny, who is seeking spirituality in her life. She is a member of the intelligent Glass family, whose children struggle with conforming to society after appearing on the television quiz show called It s a Wise Child. Salinger s novel is composed of two sections. The first section, Franny, deals with Franny explaining to her boyfriend her distaste for the college environment. In the second section, Zooey, Franny discusses with her brother Zooey about feeling isolated from the people around her and finding spirituality in her life. In Franny and Zooeyby J. D. Salinger, the main protagonist, Franny, undergoes a change in perspective as she tries to cope with her dissatisfaction with the world through her spiritual beliefs. In the beginning, Franny is experiencing a deterioration in mental health due to her severe judgemental attitude and harsh criticism of her college experience; with little thought, she turns to prayerin an attempt to resolve her difficulties, but her problems grow worse due to her lack of understanding of religion. Eventually, she comes to a greater understanding of her relationship with others as she realizes the genuine meaning of her spiritual beliefs through listening to Zooey s consoling advice. In the first section of the novel, Franny is having a nervous breakdown as a result of her growing isolation and her misgivings towards college. At a restaurant with her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Enron And The Gas Pipeline Industry Expanding its business by utilizing its energy trading model, Enron s top executives fooled major financial institutions and accounting firms by hiding its losses from these new ventures within its financial statements. In the beginning, Enron was revolutionary in the gas pipeline industry, because it took advantage of the deregulated environment. As a result, Enroncould ensure their customers, gas suppliers, consistent gas prices through hedging (Healy and Palepu 2). Enron s success with this energy trading model built its trustworthiness in the energy industry and beyond. Obviously, Enron proved its ability to successfully turn a profit with earnings of $979 million in 2000, which further instilled cognitive based trust within its stakeholders (Healy and Palepu 1). Establishing itself as a progressive corporation, Enron sought to unload its heavy assets, such as pipelines, for lighter assets in the realm of the digital age. Furthermore, Enron management attracted the best employees to work for them by offering extremely generous salaries and bonuses. Another benefit of being an Enron employee was that Enron maintained a non bureaucratic environment through committee based employee performance evaluations (Healy and Palepu 4). Overall, Enron s financial strength, cutting edge ideas, and high performing workforce established cognitive based trust within its stakeholders. However, Enron s executive management allowed hubris and greed to gain a foothold in its operations, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Who Am I Attending College Essay Title. Looking at the future can sometimes be scary but when I think and picture where I want to be in 10 years or more I see myself having graduated college with a stable job and a family. All my life I have thought about what my future will hold. The many questions I ask myself are, Will I have a good job? Will I have a family? Will I be rich or poor? Will I live in a big house or a small house? What college am I going to go to and what will I major in? Will I play volleyball in college? In my opinion to be a successful person attending college is not needed, although it can be of great help. There have been many successful people in the world that have not attended college for example, The world s richest man, Bill Gates, dropped out... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The public school was founded in 1789. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 18,415, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 729 acres (University). The acceptance rate is very low at a 28% but 90% of the students graduate within 6 years of school. The instate tuition fees for this college are $8,834 and out of state is $33,916. UNC was ranked 30th in the 2017 edition of best colleges. The degrees offered there are masters, bachelors, certification, graduate certification, and doctorate. There is many clubs offered like student newspaper, and WXYC, the student run radio station. There are a total of 3,000 students that are members of Greek life, which is ...portrayed in the media is a social frat. In this type of house, sorority and fraternity life is designed primarily to help you meet friends and develop future professional contacts (What). University of North Carolina is also very well known for their basketball team and the NBA All star former players that went there including Michael Jordan and Vince Carter. Though, Basketball isn t the only sport that the school participates in; just about any sport that can be thought of is run at UNC. The sport I am most interested in is Volleyball and the UNC volleyball team has always been known for being very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Li Shanggyin Poetry Analysis Li Shangyin (c.813 858) is a multifaceted late Tang poet, known by his courtesy name as Yishan (зѕ©е±±). Whether his deep anguish political poems or implied brilliant poems, both display his talented artistic style. Among them, the most prestigious and easily arouse controversy should be those Untitled poem. Poems with untitled, it means that the title is unable to write or can not write. The description of the scene and a story the poem narratives, may also represent an unspeakable mood. Therefore, it still has great significance and value for posterity to read and deliberate repeatedly even after a thousand of years. Pan Fayi (жЅ еЏ‘д№‰) (2001) points out some literati s opinions of this poem. For example, the writer Jixiao LanзєЄж™“еІљof Si Ku Quan Shu (四库全书) regards it as a work of lament (感遇之作), and it is filled with plaint of life s countless meetings and partings. Whereas the scholar He ZhuoдЅ•з„Ї thinks that it exclaims time is getting, and it is too late to make an achievement. It can be seen from these two lines, еЇ“ж„ЏдєЋе…‰й ґйљѕй©»пјЊж€‘з” џиЎЊдї®д№џ . However, most of people think that this is a lovepoem, also describes the classic love and monument. з›ёи§Ѓж—¶йљѕе€«д є¦йљѕ is a famous masterpiece. This poem was written when Li Shangyin was around 15 years old, and he was sent to Yuyang Mountain(зЋ‰й іе±±) to learn Taoism by his parents. It narrates the bitter love between Li Shangyin and Song Huayang (е®‹еЌЋй і) during that period. It is a poem with a feminine tone, expressing persistent belief and burning desire. This essay ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...