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- Neeraja
31st October
Round 1
Infinite Pounce
-10 for out of turn answers
1. Hufflepuff is the only house to have a defence
mechanism for the common room. What?
Answer on next slide!
If someone taps the barrel in the wrong rhythm, they
are doused in vinegar.
2. Which word from the wizarding universe has
officially entered the OED?
Answer on next slide!
3. Put funda. Hint?
Answer on next slide!
This low cost paper-based device spells out your blood
type instantaneously.
4. How are Tonks, Malfoy and Bellatrix related?
Answer on next slide!
Malfoy’s Aunt and Cousin
5. X was among the characters that Rowling says she
created on "the very first day". She has explained the
source of his name as "another old English word,
meaning – if you were X – it's a dialect word – you'd had
a bad night. X is a big drinker – he has a lot of bad
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Hagrid
6. Name all the DADA teachers in the HP books in the
correct order.
Answer on next slide!
Quirinus Quirrel
Gilderoy Lockhart
Remus Lupin
Barty Crouch Jr. (disguised as Alastor Moody)
Dolores Umbridge
Severus Snape
Amycus Carrow (taught mostly Dark Arts)
Round 2
Know your beasts!
Infinite Pounce
-10 for out of turn answers
1. A vicious, bloodthirsty creature
with a lion's head, a goat's body,
and a dragon's tail.
Because of their ferocity, it is
classified by the Ministry of Magic
as XXXXX (very dangerous), and its
eggs are Class A Non-Tradable
Answer on next slide!
2. "Half horse, half eagle
creatures, immensely proud
and extremely dangerous."
The breeding of fancy _____
is an established wizarding
career; known breeders
include Newton Scamander's
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Hippogriff
3. "A sickly green creature
with sharp little horns…
pulling faces and flexing its
long, spindly fingers."
Professor Remus Lupin
ordered this creature for his
third year class to study for
Defence Against the Dark
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Grindylow
4. A creature with a long snout and a
coat of black, fluffy fur. Attracted to
shiny things, which makes them
wonderful for locating treasure, but
this also meant that they could
wreak havoc if kept indoors.
During Umbridge's tenure as
Headmistress of Hogwarts, Lee
Jordan used a Levitation Charm to
levitate two of these creatures
through her office window.
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Niffler (from “niffle” meaning to pilfer)
5. A species of giant spider -
believed to be a wizard-bred
species, designed to guard
dwellings or treasure hoards.
They possess a set of giant
chelicerae which they use to
eat live prey or their own
dead kin. They are capable of
human speech.
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Acromantula
6. 'Why would anyone bother
looking after them?' said Ron,
after yet another hour of poking
shredded lettuce down the
_____’s throats.
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Flobberworms
Round 3
Write down the answers
+5 for each correct answer
+30 for all correct
1. Name the wand cores (answers may repeat):
a) Hermione
b) Harry Potter
c) Ron Weasley
d) Fleur Delacour
e) The Elder Wand
f) Salazar Slytherin
g) Mcgonagall
Answer on next slide!
a) Dragon heartstring
b) Phoenix feather
c) Unicorn tail hair
d) Veela hair
e) Thestral tail hair
f) Basilisk horn
g) Dragon heartstring
2. List all the hocruxes.
Answer on next slide!
Tom Riddle’s diary
Marvolo Gaunt’s ring
Salazar Slytherin’s locket
Helga Hufflepuff’s cup
Rowena Ravenclaw’s Diadem
Harry Potter
3. What are these characters’ worst fears? (We know, because,
a) Dumbledore
b) Hermione
c) Ron Weasley
d) Neville
e) Lupin
f) Tom Riddle
Answer on next slide!
a) The corpse of his sister Ariana Dumbledore
b) Professor McGonagall telling her that she failed her exams
(failure in general)
c) Giant spider
d) Severus Snape
e) Full moon
f) His own dead body
Round 4
Infinite Pounce
-10 for out of turn answers
1. Shiro Cosmetics described this lip-
balm thus:
“There is no good and evil, there is only
power… and those too weak to seek it.”
A yellow-tinged greenish greyish
befittingly creepy-snakey color, with
malevolent red shift.”
Inspired by which character/what could
this possibly have been called?
Answer on next slide!
He who must not be named!!
Answer on next slide!
2. "All he could tell was that he was standing in the
stone fireplace of what looked like a large, dimly lit
____(...) A glass case nearby held a withered hand on a
cushion, a blood-stained pack of cards, and a staring
glass eye. Evil-looking masks stared down from the
walls, an assortment of human bones lay upon the
____, and rusty, spiked instruments hung from the
—Harry's first experience in?
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Burgin and Burkes, Knockturn Alley
3. Answer to this riddle?
First think of the person who lives in disguise,
Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.
Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,
The middle of middle and end of the end?
And finally give me the sound often heard,
During the search for a hard-to-find word.
Now string them together and answer me this,
Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Spyder or spider, referring to the Acromantula
4. In the films, X is played by Gizmo, and his main stunt
replacements, Ook and Sprout. Further ___ were
Kasper, Ook, Swoops, Oh Oh, Elmo and Bandit.
Ook was the first cast member to be chosen for a role in
the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the
Philosopher's Stone. Who is X?
Answer on next slide!
Answer: Hedwig!
5. To a fan’s tweet to Rowling on where ____ was, she
“He was repatriated to Greece. Dumbledore liked to put
Hagrid's more foolish acquisitions back where they
belong - not the forest.”
They are prominent in Greek mythology, the chief of
them being Cerberus, Guardian of the Underworld.
Who is “he”?
Answer on next slide!
6. Connect.
The disappearance of Lord Voldemort.
The arrival of the Mountain at Hogwarts.
Ginny Weasley opens the Chamber of Secrets for the first time.
Sirius Black enters Hogwarts Castle and attacks the Fat Lady
when she refuses to give him passage to Gryffindor Tower.
The Goblet of Fire chooses the Triwizard champions.
Answer on next slide!
Halloween Day!

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  • 2. Round 1 +10/-10 Infinite Pounce -10 for out of turn answers
  • 3. 1. Hufflepuff is the only house to have a defence mechanism for the common room. What?
  • 4. Answer on next slide!
  • 5. Answer: If someone taps the barrel in the wrong rhythm, they are doused in vinegar.
  • 6. 2. Which word from the wizarding universe has officially entered the OED?
  • 7. Answer on next slide!
  • 10. Answer on next slide!
  • 11. Answer: This low cost paper-based device spells out your blood type instantaneously.
  • 12. 4. How are Tonks, Malfoy and Bellatrix related?
  • 13. Answer on next slide!
  • 15. 5. X was among the characters that Rowling says she created on "the very first day". She has explained the source of his name as "another old English word, meaning – if you were X – it's a dialect word – you'd had a bad night. X is a big drinker – he has a lot of bad nights.“
  • 16. Answer on next slide!
  • 18. 6. Name all the DADA teachers in the HP books in the correct order.
  • 19. Answer on next slide!
  • 20. Answers: Quirinus Quirrel Gilderoy Lockhart Remus Lupin Barty Crouch Jr. (disguised as Alastor Moody) Dolores Umbridge Severus Snape Amycus Carrow (taught mostly Dark Arts)
  • 21. Round 2 Know your beasts! +10/-10 Infinite Pounce -10 for out of turn answers
  • 22. 1. A vicious, bloodthirsty creature with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail. Because of their ferocity, it is classified by the Ministry of Magic as XXXXX (very dangerous), and its eggs are Class A Non-Tradable Materials.
  • 23. Answer on next slide!
  • 25. 2. "Half horse, half eagle creatures, immensely proud and extremely dangerous." The breeding of fancy _____ is an established wizarding career; known breeders include Newton Scamander's mother.
  • 26. Answer on next slide!
  • 28. 3. "A sickly green creature with sharp little horns… pulling faces and flexing its long, spindly fingers." Professor Remus Lupin ordered this creature for his third year class to study for Defence Against the Dark Arts.
  • 29. Answer on next slide!
  • 31. 4. A creature with a long snout and a coat of black, fluffy fur. Attracted to shiny things, which makes them wonderful for locating treasure, but this also meant that they could wreak havoc if kept indoors. During Umbridge's tenure as Headmistress of Hogwarts, Lee Jordan used a Levitation Charm to levitate two of these creatures through her office window.
  • 32. Answer on next slide!
  • 33. Answer: Niffler (from “niffle” meaning to pilfer)
  • 34. 5. A species of giant spider - believed to be a wizard-bred species, designed to guard dwellings or treasure hoards. They possess a set of giant chelicerae which they use to eat live prey or their own dead kin. They are capable of human speech.
  • 35. Answer on next slide!
  • 37. 6. 'Why would anyone bother looking after them?' said Ron, after yet another hour of poking shredded lettuce down the _____’s throats.
  • 38. Answer on next slide!
  • 40. Round 3 Write down the answers +5 for each correct answer +30 for all correct
  • 41. 1. Name the wand cores (answers may repeat): a) Hermione b) Harry Potter c) Ron Weasley d) Fleur Delacour e) The Elder Wand f) Salazar Slytherin g) Mcgonagall
  • 42. Answer on next slide!
  • 43. Answers: a) Dragon heartstring b) Phoenix feather c) Unicorn tail hair d) Veela hair e) Thestral tail hair f) Basilisk horn g) Dragon heartstring
  • 44. 2. List all the hocruxes.
  • 45. Answer on next slide!
  • 46. Tom Riddle’s diary Marvolo Gaunt’s ring Salazar Slytherin’s locket Helga Hufflepuff’s cup Rowena Ravenclaw’s Diadem Nagini Harry Potter
  • 47. 3. What are these characters’ worst fears? (We know, because, boggarts!) a) Dumbledore b) Hermione c) Ron Weasley d) Neville e) Lupin f) Tom Riddle
  • 48. Answer on next slide!
  • 49. Answers: a) The corpse of his sister Ariana Dumbledore b) Professor McGonagall telling her that she failed her exams (failure in general) c) Giant spider d) Severus Snape e) Full moon f) His own dead body
  • 50. Round 4 +10/-10 Infinite Pounce -10 for out of turn answers
  • 51. 1. Shiro Cosmetics described this lip- balm thus: “There is no good and evil, there is only power… and those too weak to seek it.” A yellow-tinged greenish greyish befittingly creepy-snakey color, with malevolent red shift.” Inspired by which character/what could this possibly have been called?
  • 52. Answer on next slide!
  • 53. Answer: He who must not be named!!
  • 54. Answer on next slide!
  • 55. 2. "All he could tell was that he was standing in the stone fireplace of what looked like a large, dimly lit ____(...) A glass case nearby held a withered hand on a cushion, a blood-stained pack of cards, and a staring glass eye. Evil-looking masks stared down from the walls, an assortment of human bones lay upon the ____, and rusty, spiked instruments hung from the ceiling." —Harry's first experience in?
  • 56. Answer on next slide!
  • 57. Answer: Burgin and Burkes, Knockturn Alley
  • 58. 3. Answer to this riddle? First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend, The middle of middle and end of the end? And finally give me the sound often heard, During the search for a hard-to-find word. Now string them together and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?
  • 59. Answer on next slide!
  • 60. Answer: Spyder or spider, referring to the Acromantula
  • 61. 4. In the films, X is played by Gizmo, and his main stunt replacements, Ook and Sprout. Further ___ were Kasper, Ook, Swoops, Oh Oh, Elmo and Bandit. Ook was the first cast member to be chosen for a role in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Who is X?
  • 62. Answer on next slide!
  • 64. 5. To a fan’s tweet to Rowling on where ____ was, she replied: “He was repatriated to Greece. Dumbledore liked to put Hagrid's more foolish acquisitions back where they belong - not the forest.” They are prominent in Greek mythology, the chief of them being Cerberus, Guardian of the Underworld. Who is “he”?
  • 65. Answer on next slide!
  • 67. 6. Connect. The disappearance of Lord Voldemort. The arrival of the Mountain at Hogwarts. Ginny Weasley opens the Chamber of Secrets for the first time. Sirius Black enters Hogwarts Castle and attacks the Fat Lady when she refuses to give him passage to Gryffindor Tower. The Goblet of Fire chooses the Triwizard champions.
  • 68. Answer on next slide!