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The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society Vol. 98, 1-9 (2011)                                                    1

                                                                                  Journal of the
                                                                                 Chemical Society


                                FROM ARGENTINA AND PARAGUAY

      J.M. Montes1, M. Rodríguez Aliciardi1, J. Vaca Chávez1, C. Guzmán2 and E. Calandri2♥

                                               Escuela de Ingeniería Química
     Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. (UNC).
                          Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (ICTA – UNC.

                                  Received May 28 2010. In final form May 18, 2011.

            Jatropha curcas L. is being analyzed in Argentina as a source of oil for biodiesel production. That
            is why the physical properties of its seed are important in designing and manufacturing equipment
            and structures for handling, transporting, processing and storage, and also for assessing its quality.
            Two different sources were taken into account: one coming from Paraguay and the other from
            Argentina, this last originally intended for sowing. Seeds sown in Argentina came from plants
            grown from Paraguayan seeds. Several physical properties as well as the proximal analysis were
            measured. High levels in protein (26,2%) and carbohydrates (56,5%) for press extraction cake
            were found. Possible uses are discussed.

    Corresponding author: E-mail: ecalandri@efn.uncor.edu Fax Nº: 54 351 4334439

                                                                                   J. Argent. Chem. Soc., 2011, 98, 1-9
2                                                                                           J.M. Montes and col.

         The fatty acid composition of the oil from both types of seed has been characterized by gas
         chromatography (GC). The oil is highly unsaturated, being linoleic acid the most important (
         42,6% for Paraguayan and 53,3% for Argentinian oil). The main feature for both types of oil is
         their high acidity (26.8 mg KOH / g of oil) which prevents direct transesterification.
         Key words: biodiesel production; Jatropha curcas L.; press extraction; lipid composition
         El cultivo de Jatropha curcas L. se está analizando en la Argentina como fuente de aceite para la
         producción de biodiesel. Es por eso que las propiedades físicas de sus semillas son importantes en
         el diseño y fabricación de equipos y estructuras para el manejo, transporte, tratamiento y
         almacenamiento, así como para evaluar su calidad. Dos fuentes diferentes de semillas de jatropha
         se han tenido en cuenta: una procedente de Paraguay y la otra de Argentina, esta última
         originalmente destinada a la siembra. Las semillas sembradas en la Argentina se obtuvieron de
         plantas originadas de semillas del Paraguay. Se determinaron varias propiedades físicas, así como
         el análisis proximal de estas semillas. Se encontraron altos niveles de proteínas (26,2%) y
         carbohidratos (56,5%) para la torta de extracción por prensado. Se discuten sus posibles usos.
         La composición de ácidos grasos del aceite para ambos tipos de semillas se ha caracterizado por
         cromatografía de gases (GC). El aceite es altamente insaturado, siendo el ácido linoleico el más
         importante (42,6% en el caso de Paraguay y 53,3% para el aceite de argentina). La característica
         principal de ambos aceites es su alta acidez (26,8 mg KOH / g de aceite), lo que impide la
         transesterificación directa.
         Palabras clave: producción de biodiesel; Jatropha curcas L.; extracción por prensado;
         composición lipídica

        As the future lack of petroleum is a current concern, biodiesel seems to be “part of the
solution”, by replacing partial or totally petro-diesel fuel in diesel engines. This reason, added to an
increasing environmental concern, creates a scenario in which biodiesel production is expected to
have a big development over the next few years.
        Biodiesel is an alternative fuel produced from different types of renewable vegetable oil,
animal fats or different types of recycled cooking oil, by transesterification reaction.
        In conventional processes, biodiesel is manufactured by alkaline catalyzed
transesterification of oil, in methanol [1]. The alkalis frequently used are KOH, NaOH or their
corresponding alkoxides. Some solid catalysts were also assayed [2].
        Nowadays petro-diesel is more used because it is less expensive to produce than the
renewable fuel, but in the future this will probably change. Nevertheless, since 2010 the new
Argentinian Regulations impose that the total amount of diesel sold in the country must contain at
least 5% of biodiesel [3].
        The oil to produce biodiesel can be obtained from different crops such as soy, rapeseed,
Jatropha curcas L. and others. Nowadays, Argentinian biodiesel is largely made out of soy oil, but
the industry is considering the possibility of using jatropha oil [4]. The main differences are: 1- the
jatropha seeds, due to its toxicity, are not edible [5], 2- jatropha crop can tolerate harder climate
conditions than soy and rapeseed [6], 3- the jatropha seeds can give four times more oil than soy [7]
and 4- the aptitude of the jatropha oil extraction residue to recover infertile land [8].
        An investigation has shown the good conditions existing for jatropha growth in Argentina
[4]. As jatropha oil is not edible, it does not compete in the food market, resulting in a low-cost
feedstock. Besides, jatropha does not compete for land use with rapeseed or soybean. These last two
characteristics turn jatropha in a “second generation crop”, which means that obtaining biofuels
from it requires less resources than the “first generation (edible) crops”[9].
        In this research, the quality of Jatropha curcas L. oil obtained from Paraguayan and
Argentinian seed was evaluated. The proximal analysis of seed shown in this work can as a guide to
Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed and its oil…                                              3

determine how to manage the seed and the possible uses of the oil extraction residue. Also, the
physical characteristics of seed are useful in designing storage facilities, transportation and drying
processes related. Finally, the characterization of jatropha oil is useful to define all the operational
units needed to produce a biofuel according to 2010 Argentinian Regulations.

Materials and Methods
       The seeds used in this research came from two sources: the light fraction from Horqueta
town, department of Concepción, Paraguay; and seeds from Colonia Sudamérica, department of
Pilcomayo, province of Formosa – Argentina. These last seed came from plants grown from
Paraguayan seeds. They all were stored in well closed bags in a dark and cold place until milling.

Physical analyses of the seeds
        Six groups of 100 seeds each were weighed with an analytical scale (OHAUS Adventurer).
Its average weight and standard deviation were calculated from these values (W100S). The weight
of one grain was calculated as W1S = W100S / 100.
        The dimensions of the seed were chosen as shown in Figure 1, and measured with a 0,05mm
precision caliber. Each sample was compound by thirty seeds. The mean and standard deviation
value were obtained for each dimension.

             Figure 1. Dimensions of a sample of a typical seed of Jatropha curcas L.

        For the relative density measure, the usage of the pycnometer method [10] was modified
because the size and shape of the grain prevent us from using conventional pycnometers. Procedure:
twenty entire grains were introduced in a 100 mL volumetric flask, filled with benzene up to the
mark level and weighed in the analytical scale. The following expression was used to calculate the
relative density:
RD = (mB – mA) / [100 – (mC – mB) / δBENZ.]
Where: RD = relative density.
mA = mass of the empty flask with the top on.
mB = mass of the flask containing 20 seeds (with the top on).
mC = mass of the flask containing 20 seeds with benzene to the mark level (with the top on).
δBENZ. = benzene density.
4                                                                                J.M. Montes and col.

       For the apparent density measure, a 250 mL graduated cylinder was filled with seeds and
weighted. Apparent density was calculated as the ratio: mass of the seeds (g) / 250 mL. Every
measure of apparent and relative density was done three times and the mean and standard deviation
values were obtained.
       For the Student t test, Excel Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 software was used.
A Two-tailed test was performed and different variances for each group of data were assumed. A
95% Confidence limit (α=0.05) was used in all cases.

Proximal analysis
        Ashes (A) were measured by total calcination until constant weight, in a programmable
muffle (program: from 25ºC to 100ºC rate of 12ºC/min, 100 ºC for one hour, 100ºC to 300ºC rate of
12ºC/min, 300ºC for 3 hours, 300ºC to 600ºC rate of 12ºC/min, 600ºC for 3 hours, 600ºC to 900ºC
rate of 12ºC/min, 900ºC for 10 hours). The fat contained (FC) in seeds was measured by solvent
extraction using Soxhlet apparatus. The commercial hexane used was previously distillate (bp: 64 –
67 ºC). The seed’s humidity (H) was obtained by oven drying at 100 ºC until constant weight. The
protein content (PC) was obtained by Kjedahl method (BÜCHI K 424 digester, BÜCHI K 350
automatic distiller). A 6.25 factor was used to transform the percentage of organic nitrogen, into
percentage of protein [11]. The Carbohydrates content (CH) was obtained using the following
                            %CH = 100 % - (%H + %A + %FC + %PC)

Oil analysis
        The fatty acid characterization was done for both types of oil, Argentinian and Paraguayan,
by gas chromatography. The sample for this assay was the oil extracted by Soxhlet. Both types of
oil were derivatized through a two-step methylation procedure: 1-alkaline hydrolysis followed by
unsaponified matter remotion by solvent extration and 2- fatty acid esterification in methanol /
sulfuric acid [12]. The FAME obtained was injected onto a VARIAN 3700 chromatograph, using a
PEGS 5% on SUPERGOPORT 80/100, as a stationary phase. 1 mL/min N2 carrier gas was
employed. Inyector and detector (FID) temperatures were 220 ºC and 200 ºC, respectively. Column
temperature was programmed from 130 ºC (5 min) to 170 ºC, at 4º/min. Identification of FAME
was carried out using proper reference compounds (SIGMA single component sol.).
        Before screw pressing, seeds were first grinded twice in a rolling grinder (first path: 9.10
mm; second path: 5.40 mm), and then humidified up to 10%, by adding and mixing a pre-
determined amount of distilled water. After moistening, the samples were well-sealed in
polyethylene bags and stored in a refrigerator at 5 ºC for at least 48 hours and agitated frequently to
allow uniform moisture distribution throughout the sample.
        The oil was extracted in hot (70º C approximately) with a screw press, and then it was
centrifuged (50mL plastic flask, 10 minutes, 22800g) and vacuum filtered. The oil aptitude for
biodiesel production was evaluated through several parameters: refraction index (Misco PA202
digital refratometer) at 25 ºC, iodine index was calculated from fatty acid composition [13],
phospholipid content was evaluated following the Stewart procedure, which is based on the
colorimetric reaction with ammonium ferrothiocyanate [14], saponification index (SI) and acid
number (AN) were measured following AOAC procedures (920.160 and 966.18 (adapted)
respectively), the esther index was calculated substracting AN from SI, and unsaponifiable matter
was analyzed following AOAC 933.08 method [15].
        Calorific value for the residue (the cake) obtained by press has been calculated through the
following equation [16]:
                       ∆HT = (∆HCH x %CH + ∆HF x %FC + ∆HP x %PC)/100
Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed and its oil…                                                      5

CV[MJ]=-16.5268 MJ/Kg x CH% -42.4558 MJ/Kg x FC% -21.7884 MJ/Kg x PC%/100
Where: CV= Calorific value
∆HCH = Carbohydrates heat of combustion
∆HF = Fat heat of combustion
∆HP = Proteins heat of combustion

Results and discussion
       The results of the physical properties and the proximal analysis are listed in Table 1.

              Table 1. Physical and proximal analysis of seed.
                                                                Paraguayan       Argentinian
                        Properties                  Units
                                                                     seed            seed
                    100 seed weight                   g           61.8 ± 1.7       60.1 ± 0.1
                      1 seed weight                   g          0.62 ± 0.02     0.601 ± 0.001
                         Length                      cm            1.8 ± 0.1      1.78 ± 0.08
                          Width                      cm          1.10 ± 0.06      1.07 ± 0.04
                         Breadth                     cm          0.86 ± 0.06      0.78 ± 0.03
                    Relative density                g/cm3        0.71 ± 0.01      0.81 ± 0.08
                    Apparent density                g/cm3        0.37 ± 0.01      0.46 ± 0.01
                        Humidity                    %w/w           6.5 ± 0.1       7.2 ± 0.1
                   Total ashes (d.b.%)              %w/w         4.50 ± 0.05      4.55 ± 0.07
                   Fat content (d.b.%)              %w/w          28.6 ± 0.4       39.8 ± 0.2
                 Protein content (d.b.%)            %w/w        22.57 ± 0.13     19.59 ± 0.04
                 Carbohydrates (d.b.%)              %w/w          44.1 ± 0.4       38.0 ± 0.2
               d.b.%: Dry basis percent. Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation

        The differences between physical properties of Paraguayan and Argentinian seeds were
evaluated by t tests of their means. Results are shown in table 2. It could be established that both the
length and breadth of Paraguayan and Argentinian seeds were different but not their average
weights, in a 95% confidence level. This could explain the differences in both relative and apparent
densities between the two groups of seeds. It is important to mention that the relative density shows
how seeds are randomly stacked in a silo and it is strongly related with the shape of the seeds.

       Table 2. Results of T tests for Physical properties of jatropha seeds.
  Weight of        Length of one         Width of one       Breadth of one       Relative        Apparent
  100 seeds            seed                 seed                seed             density          density
    0.053              0.034                0.054             1.3 x 10-7        1.8 x 10-4       2.5 x 10-3
Results Show α value for each property

       The low moisture in both Paraguayan and Argentinian seeds would prevent them to be
attacked by microorganisms.
       Temperature control and light exposure on the seeds are very important, because of their
high fat content. The seeds have a high level of protein and carbohydrates, also susceptible to
6                                                                                               J.M. Montes and col.

microorganism’s degradation. Paraguayan seeds have more of both components, while Argentinian
ones have more oil. Comparing to soy, Argentinian jatropha has about 19 percent more oil [17],
which is better for biodiesel production, being the oil the main raw material. Nevertheless, there are
significant differences between seeds that make important the necessity of taking care about their
quality in order to make profitable the oil extraction for biodiesel production. Comparing jatropha
with other seeds (e.g. soy and rapeseed), there is a high protein content that could be used as animal
feed but, taking into account the lack of knowledge of its characteristics and also, due to the seed’s
toxicity, further studies should be carried out.
        The result of the fatty acid characterization of both types of oil is described below:

         Table 3. Fatty acid characterization of oil from both types of seed.

                                                      Percent fatty acids (FA)
                     16:0         18:0                     18:2
                    Palmitic     Stearic                  Linoleic     Others      Sat. FA      MUFA          PUFA
                                             Oleic FA
                      FA           FA                       FA

    Argentinian     10.0 + 0.7   5.4 + 0.3   30.2 + 0.9   53.3 + 2.1   1.1 + 0.1   15.4 + 1.0   30.2 + 0.9   53.3 + 2.1
    Paraguayan      13.2 + 0.9   3.0 + 0.2   40.2 + 1.6   42.6 + 1.3   1.0 + 0.1   16.2 + 1.1   40.2 + 1.6   42.6 + 1.3
    MUFA: Mono-unsaturated FA. PUFA: Poly-unsaturated FA. Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation

        While the level of saturated fatty acid in both types of oil is nearly the same, the Argentinian
seed oil is more unsaturated. This means a less stability due to oxidative processes. The biodiesel
obtained from the Argentinian oil would be less stable but with better performance in cold weather
[18], although the difference in fatty acid composition between both types of oil is not as high as to
be considered important.
        The results of the tests made on the Paraguayan seeds oil, extracted by screw press, are
listed in Table 4. Experiences with Argentinian seeds were not performed since the available
amount of them was not enough to feed the screw press.
        The refraction index is a characteristic of the oil and it helps to check its purity. According
to the iodine index value, this oil is classified as semi-drying [23]. The phospholipids level in
jatropha crude oil is markedly lower than those from soy (1.5 to 2.5%)[24] and rapeseed (2.1 to
2.8%)[25]. Nevertheless, phospholipids must be eliminated through degumming before producing
the biofuel. If not, their amphipathic nature would make difficult the process of phases separation
during biodiesel production and also, because the law prohibits phosphorus contents in biodiesel
above 10 ppm [3]. The acid number of 26.75 for jatropha is higher than the typical values of soy
and rapeseed oil (1.0 and 2.0, respectively [26]). This result is not surprising, since values as high as
30 mg KOH / g oil can be found in previous researches [27]. While the high acidity could be
attributed to the action of lipases as a result of prior wetting of the seed before oil extraction, it is
true that such a process is needed to obtain a high yield of oil. As high levels of acidity make
uneconomic the traditional process of transesterification, new approaches are necessary. Some
alternatives have been tried [9].
Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed and its oil…                                                       7

       Table 4. Characteristics of Paraguayan seed oil extracted by crew press-

                                                             Results of Paraguayan        Bibliographic data
                                                                    oil tests                [19,20,21,22]
      Refractive index                                           1.4692 ± 0.0005                  -
      Iodine index (g de I2 /100 g of Oil)                             112.4                  92 - 112
      Phospholipids content (%)                                     0.46 ± 0.06                   -
      Saponification index (mg KOH/g of
                                                                     180.6 ± 1.1            102.9 - 209.0
      Acid number (mg KOH/g of Oil)                                  26.75 ± 0.06             0.92 - 28
      Esther index (mg KOH/g of Oil)                                  153.9 ± 1.2            74.9 - 208.9
      Unsaponified matter %                                          10.05 ± 0.01            0.79 - 3.80
      Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation

      The proximal analysis of the Paraguayan jatropha cake resulted from the press extraction is
shown in Table 5.

    Table 5. Proximal analysis of the Paraguayan jatropha cake obtained from the press extraction.

                                                       Proteins             Ashes      Carbohydrates
                Humidity           Fat (d.b.%)
                                                        (d.b.%)            (d.b.%)        (d.b.%)
                10.2 ± 0.5        10.94 ± 0.01         26.2 ± 0.2        6.38 ± 0.01     56.5 ± 0.5
               Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation

         It can be appreciated that an important concentration of carbohydrates, together with the
ashes, indicates high values of fiber. This, combined with a high protein value, is indicating that the
residue should be considered for animal feeding. Nevertheless, antinutritional factors like curcin
should be previously removed [19]. A second alternative for oil extraction residue is as land
fertilizing, as pointed out in the bibliographic data [10].
         The use of the residue as fuel for boilers can be another possibility. Its energy value was
calculated from the cake’s composition as indicated in 2.4. The result is shown in table 6 and
compared with some renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Although more accurate
estimations should be done through calorimetric studies, the jatropha cake seems to be better than
wood and peat for calorific uses.

         Table 6. Calorific values from some common sources (MJ/Kg) [28].
                                                                                    Jatopha curcas L.d
               Coala       Woodb              Petrol      Ethanol        Peatc
               32-42         16          44.8-46.9              30         16              19.8
           a                  b                c            d
               5–10% water        15% water        20% water 10.2% water
8                                                                                J.M. Montes and col.

       Jatropha curcas L. can be a revolutionary crop in the Argentinian biodiesel industry, by
replacing or complementing the use of soy to produce the renewable fuel. It has many advantages in
comparison to soy and rapeseed, (e.g. it does not compete for land use, it is not an edible crop and it
has more oil). Nevertheless, nowadays lack of information about some crucial aspects, like
vulnerability to national pests, diseases and climatic adaptability, are the main obstacle to its large
scale development. The main difference between jatropha’s and other oil sources for fuel
production is the higher acid number, which affects the processing for biodiesel production.
       About the jatropha cake obtained by pressing, three different uses can be pointed out: 1- as
animal feed (studies should be performed); 2- as fertilizer for exhausted lands, and 3- as boiler fuel.

Acknowledgements. To Patagonia Bioenergía SA, for donating both types of jatropha seed.

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Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed and its oil…                                   9

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Characterization Of Jatropha Curcas L. Seed and Its Oil - From Argentina and Paraguay

  • 1. The Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society Vol. 98, 1-9 (2011) 1 Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society CHARACTERIZATION OF JATROPHA CURCAS L. SEED AND ITS OIL, FROM ARGENTINA AND PARAGUAY J.M. Montes1, M. Rodríguez Aliciardi1, J. Vaca Chávez1, C. Guzmán2 and E. Calandri2♥ 1 Escuela de Ingeniería Química Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. (UNC). 2 Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (ICTA – UNC. Received May 28 2010. In final form May 18, 2011. Abstract Jatropha curcas L. is being analyzed in Argentina as a source of oil for biodiesel production. That is why the physical properties of its seed are important in designing and manufacturing equipment and structures for handling, transporting, processing and storage, and also for assessing its quality. Two different sources were taken into account: one coming from Paraguay and the other from Argentina, this last originally intended for sowing. Seeds sown in Argentina came from plants grown from Paraguayan seeds. Several physical properties as well as the proximal analysis were measured. High levels in protein (26,2%) and carbohydrates (56,5%) for press extraction cake were found. Possible uses are discussed. ♥ Corresponding author: E-mail: ecalandri@efn.uncor.edu Fax Nº: 54 351 4334439 J. Argent. Chem. Soc., 2011, 98, 1-9
  • 2. 2 J.M. Montes and col. The fatty acid composition of the oil from both types of seed has been characterized by gas chromatography (GC). The oil is highly unsaturated, being linoleic acid the most important ( 42,6% for Paraguayan and 53,3% for Argentinian oil). The main feature for both types of oil is their high acidity (26.8 mg KOH / g of oil) which prevents direct transesterification. Key words: biodiesel production; Jatropha curcas L.; press extraction; lipid composition Resumen El cultivo de Jatropha curcas L. se está analizando en la Argentina como fuente de aceite para la producción de biodiesel. Es por eso que las propiedades físicas de sus semillas son importantes en el diseño y fabricación de equipos y estructuras para el manejo, transporte, tratamiento y almacenamiento, así como para evaluar su calidad. Dos fuentes diferentes de semillas de jatropha se han tenido en cuenta: una procedente de Paraguay y la otra de Argentina, esta última originalmente destinada a la siembra. Las semillas sembradas en la Argentina se obtuvieron de plantas originadas de semillas del Paraguay. Se determinaron varias propiedades físicas, así como el análisis proximal de estas semillas. Se encontraron altos niveles de proteínas (26,2%) y carbohidratos (56,5%) para la torta de extracción por prensado. Se discuten sus posibles usos. La composición de ácidos grasos del aceite para ambos tipos de semillas se ha caracterizado por cromatografía de gases (GC). El aceite es altamente insaturado, siendo el ácido linoleico el más importante (42,6% en el caso de Paraguay y 53,3% para el aceite de argentina). La característica principal de ambos aceites es su alta acidez (26,8 mg KOH / g de aceite), lo que impide la transesterificación directa. Palabras clave: producción de biodiesel; Jatropha curcas L.; extracción por prensado; composición lipídica Introduction As the future lack of petroleum is a current concern, biodiesel seems to be “part of the solution”, by replacing partial or totally petro-diesel fuel in diesel engines. This reason, added to an increasing environmental concern, creates a scenario in which biodiesel production is expected to have a big development over the next few years. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel produced from different types of renewable vegetable oil, animal fats or different types of recycled cooking oil, by transesterification reaction. In conventional processes, biodiesel is manufactured by alkaline catalyzed transesterification of oil, in methanol [1]. The alkalis frequently used are KOH, NaOH or their corresponding alkoxides. Some solid catalysts were also assayed [2]. Nowadays petro-diesel is more used because it is less expensive to produce than the renewable fuel, but in the future this will probably change. Nevertheless, since 2010 the new Argentinian Regulations impose that the total amount of diesel sold in the country must contain at least 5% of biodiesel [3]. The oil to produce biodiesel can be obtained from different crops such as soy, rapeseed, Jatropha curcas L. and others. Nowadays, Argentinian biodiesel is largely made out of soy oil, but the industry is considering the possibility of using jatropha oil [4]. The main differences are: 1- the jatropha seeds, due to its toxicity, are not edible [5], 2- jatropha crop can tolerate harder climate conditions than soy and rapeseed [6], 3- the jatropha seeds can give four times more oil than soy [7] and 4- the aptitude of the jatropha oil extraction residue to recover infertile land [8]. An investigation has shown the good conditions existing for jatropha growth in Argentina [4]. As jatropha oil is not edible, it does not compete in the food market, resulting in a low-cost feedstock. Besides, jatropha does not compete for land use with rapeseed or soybean. These last two characteristics turn jatropha in a “second generation crop”, which means that obtaining biofuels from it requires less resources than the “first generation (edible) crops”[9]. In this research, the quality of Jatropha curcas L. oil obtained from Paraguayan and Argentinian seed was evaluated. The proximal analysis of seed shown in this work can as a guide to
  • 3. Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed and its oil… 3 determine how to manage the seed and the possible uses of the oil extraction residue. Also, the physical characteristics of seed are useful in designing storage facilities, transportation and drying processes related. Finally, the characterization of jatropha oil is useful to define all the operational units needed to produce a biofuel according to 2010 Argentinian Regulations. Materials and Methods The seeds used in this research came from two sources: the light fraction from Horqueta town, department of Concepción, Paraguay; and seeds from Colonia Sudamérica, department of Pilcomayo, province of Formosa – Argentina. These last seed came from plants grown from Paraguayan seeds. They all were stored in well closed bags in a dark and cold place until milling. Physical analyses of the seeds Six groups of 100 seeds each were weighed with an analytical scale (OHAUS Adventurer). Its average weight and standard deviation were calculated from these values (W100S). The weight of one grain was calculated as W1S = W100S / 100. The dimensions of the seed were chosen as shown in Figure 1, and measured with a 0,05mm precision caliber. Each sample was compound by thirty seeds. The mean and standard deviation value were obtained for each dimension. Figure 1. Dimensions of a sample of a typical seed of Jatropha curcas L. For the relative density measure, the usage of the pycnometer method [10] was modified because the size and shape of the grain prevent us from using conventional pycnometers. Procedure: twenty entire grains were introduced in a 100 mL volumetric flask, filled with benzene up to the mark level and weighed in the analytical scale. The following expression was used to calculate the relative density: RD = (mB – mA) / [100 – (mC – mB) / δBENZ.] Where: RD = relative density. mA = mass of the empty flask with the top on. mB = mass of the flask containing 20 seeds (with the top on). mC = mass of the flask containing 20 seeds with benzene to the mark level (with the top on). δBENZ. = benzene density.
  • 4. 4 J.M. Montes and col. For the apparent density measure, a 250 mL graduated cylinder was filled with seeds and weighted. Apparent density was calculated as the ratio: mass of the seeds (g) / 250 mL. Every measure of apparent and relative density was done three times and the mean and standard deviation values were obtained. For the Student t test, Excel Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 software was used. A Two-tailed test was performed and different variances for each group of data were assumed. A 95% Confidence limit (α=0.05) was used in all cases. Proximal analysis Ashes (A) were measured by total calcination until constant weight, in a programmable muffle (program: from 25ºC to 100ºC rate of 12ºC/min, 100 ºC for one hour, 100ºC to 300ºC rate of 12ºC/min, 300ºC for 3 hours, 300ºC to 600ºC rate of 12ºC/min, 600ºC for 3 hours, 600ºC to 900ºC rate of 12ºC/min, 900ºC for 10 hours). The fat contained (FC) in seeds was measured by solvent extraction using Soxhlet apparatus. The commercial hexane used was previously distillate (bp: 64 – 67 ºC). The seed’s humidity (H) was obtained by oven drying at 100 ºC until constant weight. The protein content (PC) was obtained by Kjedahl method (BÜCHI K 424 digester, BÜCHI K 350 automatic distiller). A 6.25 factor was used to transform the percentage of organic nitrogen, into percentage of protein [11]. The Carbohydrates content (CH) was obtained using the following equation: %CH = 100 % - (%H + %A + %FC + %PC) Oil analysis The fatty acid characterization was done for both types of oil, Argentinian and Paraguayan, by gas chromatography. The sample for this assay was the oil extracted by Soxhlet. Both types of oil were derivatized through a two-step methylation procedure: 1-alkaline hydrolysis followed by unsaponified matter remotion by solvent extration and 2- fatty acid esterification in methanol / sulfuric acid [12]. The FAME obtained was injected onto a VARIAN 3700 chromatograph, using a PEGS 5% on SUPERGOPORT 80/100, as a stationary phase. 1 mL/min N2 carrier gas was employed. Inyector and detector (FID) temperatures were 220 ºC and 200 ºC, respectively. Column temperature was programmed from 130 ºC (5 min) to 170 ºC, at 4º/min. Identification of FAME was carried out using proper reference compounds (SIGMA single component sol.). Before screw pressing, seeds were first grinded twice in a rolling grinder (first path: 9.10 mm; second path: 5.40 mm), and then humidified up to 10%, by adding and mixing a pre- determined amount of distilled water. After moistening, the samples were well-sealed in polyethylene bags and stored in a refrigerator at 5 ºC for at least 48 hours and agitated frequently to allow uniform moisture distribution throughout the sample. The oil was extracted in hot (70º C approximately) with a screw press, and then it was centrifuged (50mL plastic flask, 10 minutes, 22800g) and vacuum filtered. The oil aptitude for biodiesel production was evaluated through several parameters: refraction index (Misco PA202 digital refratometer) at 25 ºC, iodine index was calculated from fatty acid composition [13], phospholipid content was evaluated following the Stewart procedure, which is based on the colorimetric reaction with ammonium ferrothiocyanate [14], saponification index (SI) and acid number (AN) were measured following AOAC procedures (920.160 and 966.18 (adapted) respectively), the esther index was calculated substracting AN from SI, and unsaponifiable matter was analyzed following AOAC 933.08 method [15]. Calorific value for the residue (the cake) obtained by press has been calculated through the following equation [16]: ∆HT = (∆HCH x %CH + ∆HF x %FC + ∆HP x %PC)/100
  • 5. Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed and its oil… 5 CV[MJ]=-16.5268 MJ/Kg x CH% -42.4558 MJ/Kg x FC% -21.7884 MJ/Kg x PC%/100 Where: CV= Calorific value ∆HCH = Carbohydrates heat of combustion ∆HF = Fat heat of combustion ∆HP = Proteins heat of combustion Results and discussion The results of the physical properties and the proximal analysis are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Physical and proximal analysis of seed. Paraguayan Argentinian Properties Units seed seed 100 seed weight g 61.8 ± 1.7 60.1 ± 0.1 1 seed weight g 0.62 ± 0.02 0.601 ± 0.001 Length cm 1.8 ± 0.1 1.78 ± 0.08 Width cm 1.10 ± 0.06 1.07 ± 0.04 Breadth cm 0.86 ± 0.06 0.78 ± 0.03 Relative density g/cm3 0.71 ± 0.01 0.81 ± 0.08 Apparent density g/cm3 0.37 ± 0.01 0.46 ± 0.01 Humidity %w/w 6.5 ± 0.1 7.2 ± 0.1 Total ashes (d.b.%) %w/w 4.50 ± 0.05 4.55 ± 0.07 Fat content (d.b.%) %w/w 28.6 ± 0.4 39.8 ± 0.2 Protein content (d.b.%) %w/w 22.57 ± 0.13 19.59 ± 0.04 Carbohydrates (d.b.%) %w/w 44.1 ± 0.4 38.0 ± 0.2 d.b.%: Dry basis percent. Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation The differences between physical properties of Paraguayan and Argentinian seeds were evaluated by t tests of their means. Results are shown in table 2. It could be established that both the length and breadth of Paraguayan and Argentinian seeds were different but not their average weights, in a 95% confidence level. This could explain the differences in both relative and apparent densities between the two groups of seeds. It is important to mention that the relative density shows how seeds are randomly stacked in a silo and it is strongly related with the shape of the seeds. Table 2. Results of T tests for Physical properties of jatropha seeds. Weight of Length of one Width of one Breadth of one Relative Apparent 100 seeds seed seed seed density density 0.053 0.034 0.054 1.3 x 10-7 1.8 x 10-4 2.5 x 10-3 Results Show α value for each property The low moisture in both Paraguayan and Argentinian seeds would prevent them to be attacked by microorganisms. Temperature control and light exposure on the seeds are very important, because of their high fat content. The seeds have a high level of protein and carbohydrates, also susceptible to
  • 6. 6 J.M. Montes and col. microorganism’s degradation. Paraguayan seeds have more of both components, while Argentinian ones have more oil. Comparing to soy, Argentinian jatropha has about 19 percent more oil [17], which is better for biodiesel production, being the oil the main raw material. Nevertheless, there are significant differences between seeds that make important the necessity of taking care about their quality in order to make profitable the oil extraction for biodiesel production. Comparing jatropha with other seeds (e.g. soy and rapeseed), there is a high protein content that could be used as animal feed but, taking into account the lack of knowledge of its characteristics and also, due to the seed’s toxicity, further studies should be carried out. The result of the fatty acid characterization of both types of oil is described below: Table 3. Fatty acid characterization of oil from both types of seed. Percent fatty acids (FA) 16:0 18:0 18:2 18:1 Palmitic Stearic Linoleic Others Sat. FA MUFA PUFA Oleic FA FA FA FA Argentinian 10.0 + 0.7 5.4 + 0.3 30.2 + 0.9 53.3 + 2.1 1.1 + 0.1 15.4 + 1.0 30.2 + 0.9 53.3 + 2.1 seed Paraguayan 13.2 + 0.9 3.0 + 0.2 40.2 + 1.6 42.6 + 1.3 1.0 + 0.1 16.2 + 1.1 40.2 + 1.6 42.6 + 1.3 seed MUFA: Mono-unsaturated FA. PUFA: Poly-unsaturated FA. Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation While the level of saturated fatty acid in both types of oil is nearly the same, the Argentinian seed oil is more unsaturated. This means a less stability due to oxidative processes. The biodiesel obtained from the Argentinian oil would be less stable but with better performance in cold weather [18], although the difference in fatty acid composition between both types of oil is not as high as to be considered important. The results of the tests made on the Paraguayan seeds oil, extracted by screw press, are listed in Table 4. Experiences with Argentinian seeds were not performed since the available amount of them was not enough to feed the screw press. The refraction index is a characteristic of the oil and it helps to check its purity. According to the iodine index value, this oil is classified as semi-drying [23]. The phospholipids level in jatropha crude oil is markedly lower than those from soy (1.5 to 2.5%)[24] and rapeseed (2.1 to 2.8%)[25]. Nevertheless, phospholipids must be eliminated through degumming before producing the biofuel. If not, their amphipathic nature would make difficult the process of phases separation during biodiesel production and also, because the law prohibits phosphorus contents in biodiesel above 10 ppm [3]. The acid number of 26.75 for jatropha is higher than the typical values of soy and rapeseed oil (1.0 and 2.0, respectively [26]). This result is not surprising, since values as high as 30 mg KOH / g oil can be found in previous researches [27]. While the high acidity could be attributed to the action of lipases as a result of prior wetting of the seed before oil extraction, it is true that such a process is needed to obtain a high yield of oil. As high levels of acidity make uneconomic the traditional process of transesterification, new approaches are necessary. Some alternatives have been tried [9].
  • 7. Characterization of Jatropha curcas L. seed and its oil… 7 Table 4. Characteristics of Paraguayan seed oil extracted by crew press- Results of Paraguayan Bibliographic data Assay oil tests [19,20,21,22] Refractive index 1.4692 ± 0.0005 - Iodine index (g de I2 /100 g of Oil) 112.4 92 - 112 Phospholipids content (%) 0.46 ± 0.06 - Saponification index (mg KOH/g of 180.6 ± 1.1 102.9 - 209.0 Oil) Acid number (mg KOH/g of Oil) 26.75 ± 0.06 0.92 - 28 Esther index (mg KOH/g of Oil) 153.9 ± 1.2 74.9 - 208.9 Unsaponified matter % 10.05 ± 0.01 0.79 - 3.80 Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation The proximal analysis of the Paraguayan jatropha cake resulted from the press extraction is shown in Table 5. Table 5. Proximal analysis of the Paraguayan jatropha cake obtained from the press extraction. Proteins Ashes Carbohydrates Humidity Fat (d.b.%) (d.b.%) (d.b.%) (d.b.%) 10.2 ± 0.5 10.94 ± 0.01 26.2 ± 0.2 6.38 ± 0.01 56.5 ± 0.5 Data are expressed as mean + standard deviation It can be appreciated that an important concentration of carbohydrates, together with the ashes, indicates high values of fiber. This, combined with a high protein value, is indicating that the residue should be considered for animal feeding. Nevertheless, antinutritional factors like curcin should be previously removed [19]. A second alternative for oil extraction residue is as land fertilizing, as pointed out in the bibliographic data [10]. The use of the residue as fuel for boilers can be another possibility. Its energy value was calculated from the cake’s composition as indicated in 2.4. The result is shown in table 6 and compared with some renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Although more accurate estimations should be done through calorimetric studies, the jatropha cake seems to be better than wood and peat for calorific uses. Table 6. Calorific values from some common sources (MJ/Kg) [28]. Jatopha curcas L.d Coala Woodb Petrol Ethanol Peatc (calculated) 32-42 16 44.8-46.9 30 16 19.8 a b c d 5–10% water 15% water 20% water 10.2% water
  • 8. 8 J.M. Montes and col. Conclusions Jatropha curcas L. can be a revolutionary crop in the Argentinian biodiesel industry, by replacing or complementing the use of soy to produce the renewable fuel. It has many advantages in comparison to soy and rapeseed, (e.g. it does not compete for land use, it is not an edible crop and it has more oil). Nevertheless, nowadays lack of information about some crucial aspects, like vulnerability to national pests, diseases and climatic adaptability, are the main obstacle to its large scale development. The main difference between jatropha’s and other oil sources for fuel production is the higher acid number, which affects the processing for biodiesel production. About the jatropha cake obtained by pressing, three different uses can be pointed out: 1- as animal feed (studies should be performed); 2- as fertilizer for exhausted lands, and 3- as boiler fuel. Acknowledgements. To Patagonia Bioenergía SA, for donating both types of jatropha seed. References [1] A. Murugesan, C. Umarani, T.R. Chinnusamy, M. Krishnan, R. Subramanian, N. Neduzchezhain, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009, 13, 825. [2] A. P. Vyas, N. Subrahmanyam, P. A. Patel, Fuel, 2009, 88, 625. [3] National Argentinian law about biofuels Nº 26.093/2006. [4] S. Falasca & A. Ulberich, Revista Virtual REDESMA, 2008. [5] Cai-Yan Li, R. K. Devappa, Jian-Xin Liu, Jian-Min Lv, H.P.S. Makkar, K. Becker, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2010, 48, 620. [6] N. Jones, J. H. Miller, The World Bank, Washington DC. USA, 1992. [7] El aceite de jatrofa. Aceites & Grasas, 2009, 3, 414. [8] G.M. Giibitz, M. Mittelbach, M. Trabi, Bioresource Technology, 1999, 67, 73 [9] H. Lu, Y. Liu, H. Zhou, Y. Yang, M. Chen, B. Liang, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2009, 33, 1091. [10] C. Vilche; M. Gely; E. Santalla. Biosystems Engineering, 2003, 86, 59–65. [11] Protein (crude) in Animal Feed and Pet Food. Copper Catalyst Kjeldahl Method. AOAC Official Method 984.13. 16th Edition. [12] M. L. Martinez, M. A. Mattea and D. M. Maestri, JAOCS, 2006, 83, 791. [13] D. M. Maestri, D. O. Labuckas, J. M. Meriles, A. L. Lamarque, J. A. Zygadlo, C. A. Guzman, Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 1998, 77, 494. [14] J. C. M. Stewart, Anal Biochem., 1980, 104, 10 [15] Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, D. Firestone, AOCS Press, 5th ed., 1998. [16] Gordon Barrow, General Chemistry,Wadsworth publishing company, Inc., 1972. [17] J. Tomei, P. Upham, Energy Policy, 2009, 373, 890. [18] P. V. Bhale, N. V. Deshpande, S. B. Thombre, Renewable Energy, 2009, 34, 794. [19] Gubitz et al. Bioresource Technology, 1999, 67, 73. [20] W. M. J. Achten, L. Verchot, Y. J. Franken, E. Mathijs, V. P. Singh, R. Aerts, B. Muys. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2008, 32, 1063. [21] A. Demirbas, Trabzon, Turkey, Ed. Springer, 2008, p. 146. [22] Ashwani Kumar, Satyawati Sharma, Industrial Crops and Products, 2008, 28, 1.
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