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Ye Old Medieval Dragon Design
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Ye Old Medieval Dragon Design Writing Paper | Zaz Ye Old Medieval Dragon Design Writing Paper | Zaz
Gregor Mendel Differences
Gregor Mendel once said, My scientific studies have afforded me great gratification; and I am
convinced that it will not be long before the whole world acknowledges the results of my work.
Mendel was a well educated man who gravitated towards physics and math. His research was
conducted over roughly 10 years(Gregor Mendel Botanist, Scientist Biography.com. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 24, 2016, from http://www.biography.com/people/gregor mendel 39282#!). Gregor Mendel is
the reason we now know why our skin is a certain color, why our eyes are brown or blue, and why we
share similarities with our parents. Mendel s experiments are relevant because he proved his laws. To
begin with, there are two main observations Mendel made during his experiments. The first thing he
learned was that traits are inherited as discrete units, meaning the differences are clear to the naked
eye. He also discovered what is now called the Law of Segregation or Mendel s first law, ... Show
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Eyes have distinct features like eye shape and color. Brown eye color is dominant to blue eye color
which is recessive and green, but blue is recessive to green which is dominant. Based off the genotype
of a man and a woman that can have several different outcomes. Brown will always be dominant if
every case but if a person has the genotype Bb and another has bb the ratio of your offspring is two to
two. This example shows the relevance of Mendel s study because it shows in depth how a person can
end up with blue eyes even when both parents are brown eyes their genotypes can be heterozygous for
brown and blue.(Understanding Genetics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2016, from
http://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask59) In conclusion, Gregor Mendel s study is significant. He had
shown us a way to find out why we are the way we are. Mendel s experiments are relevant to us today
because he has shown us how he created his laws that are important
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African American Studies
Victoria Braden
Jasmine Sullivan
AAAS 2000
23 April 14
1.) In chapter 1, Black women slaves were defined as either a jezebel or mammy . In detail define the
characteristics of a jezebel and mammy . Why were black women defined in these two extreme ways?
By contrast, how were Southern white women characterized? * One of the most standout images of
black women in white slavery America was of a woman who ran entirely off of her sex drive, a
Jezebel. A jezebel was considered to be the complete opposite of a proper white woman. She was
thought to have little to none religious affiliation. A jezebel took no instances to cover her body, and
showed no signs of prudery. The idea that black women were over sexualized first ... Show more
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Because of her expertise in all domestic matters, she was the premier house servant and all others
were her subordinates. This, therefore, is the broad outline of Mammy. She was a woman completely
dedicated to the white family, especially to the children of that family. She was the house servant who
was given complete charge of domestic management. She served also as friend and advisor. She was,
in short, a surrogate mistress and mother, giving into the modern day nanny. The Mammy image is
fully as misleading as that of Jezebel. Both images have enough instances in reality to lend credibility
to stereotypes that would profoundly affect black women. For instance, Black women served in all
capacities, from cook to waiting maid, or seamstress. In very wealthy Southern households there were
many female servants. Children grew very attached to Mammy, as she was seen as their primary
caregiver. Being a Mammy was idyllic for a slave women, for they were given better care and the
work wasn t as tasking. Hard as cleaning, cooking, sewing, dairy work, and child care were, they were
not as physically taxing as a sun up to sun down day in the cropbe it sugar, rice, or cotton. On the
whole, house women could expect to eat better, dress better, and get better medical care than field
women, if only because they were more familiar to the master and mistress, not to mention nearer to
the kitchen and potential handmedowns. Still
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A Report On Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
In recent years, the tourism industry has become the fastest growing economic sectors in the world.
Visitors are the most important factors for the development of tourism. To build unique, fantastic, and
unforgettable attractions are the main method to conduct new business. In this essay, Hong Kong
Disneyland Resort will be introduced later. Moreover, the aim of this essay is to analysis the
attractions, how they manage their projects, and how they make it successful. This essay will include
the background of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Management style, development of Hong Kong
Disneyland Resort, few suggestions, and personal experience.
The tourism industry is a kind of business that provides pleasure, entertainment, knowledge, and
unforgettable memories. Nowadays, tourism has become economic mainstream, it not only promote
the economic development, also incents the culture exchange between countries. In this case, Hong
Kong Disney promotes more communication with mainland China. Hong Kong Disneyland is a man
made attractions purpose built for tourism. Simultaneously, Hong Kong Disneyland is a primary
attraction which means visitors are willing to spend more money and time in this attraction, and it is
the main reason for visitors to taking a leisure time. Thus, Disneyland is a place to share outstanding
Disney s cultures and pleasures to visitors.
The first Disneyland Park was built in California, opened on July 17, 1955. Walt Disney directly
supervised the
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Taking a Look at Pediatric Cancer
As established in the National Cancer Institute, Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide for
children and adolescents in America, accounting for more than 91,250 children that lose their lives to
this disease (National Cancer Institute). Cancer is not considered a terminal illness, but more of a
chronic illness because of the intense treatment that the individual has to endure. As a result of this
treatment the chances of survival for children suffering from pediatric cancer has increased around 80
percent. The increment in the survival rate has made it possible for many parents to not have to go
through the acceptance that they are about to lose their child to a terminal illness, but have coping
strategies that will make them adapt to the fear of the reoccurrence of that illness. This illness has a
great impact on the patient as well as the family because not only do they have to adapt to this illness
physically, but also mentally. Research has shown that there are both short term and long term effects
that come into effect when the child is both in treatment and also years after the treatment. The type of
cancers that these adolescents have to endure range from leukemia, brain tumors and other cancerous
tumors that have appeared in recent medical studies. These tumors can either be benignant, an acute
case that is non cancerous or malignant, a cancerous case that will need intense treatment over an
extended period of time.While many would say there is more of a
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Finding Forrester Courage
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it Nelson Mandela. In the film
Finding Forrester by Gus Van Sant an older white author, named William Forrester, who stripped
himself from the world begins to become acquainted with a black teen, Jamal Wallace. They quickly
use each other to find inner courage and achieve goals they never believed would happen. Forrester
becomes Jamal s tutor and helps him through plagiarism allegations and Jamal becomes Forresters
seeming therapist. Forrester is brought back into the real world to live a greater life and Jamal works
to pursue his academic and basketball goals. They do these things through the courage the begin to
obtain from one another. Finding Forrester shows that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When at Madison Square garden, going to the basketball game, Jamal and Forrester accidentally
separate in a huge crowd of people and Forrester has an anxiety attack since he does not know how to
live a life outside of his house. Forrester leaving his house in the first place, takes a lot of courage
since he does not know what was going to happen. It is a challenge for him then to be all alone instead
of with Jamal. His courage was tough to build up, as Jamal found, but eventually he gains the courage
to hop back into the real world. According to Movielocity (2001), Compelled to look past skin color
and suppositions, Jamal encounters not only his first fan, but a mentor who will challenge and change
him forever, and Forrester has his first reason in years to emerge from his self imposed solitude (p.1).
Despite their extreme differences, Jamal and Forrester exchange courage in different ways, they
challenge each other to go outside of their box. These men have to challenge one another harshly in
order to push the courage out of eachother. They are scared of the consequences, but eventually gain
the courage. This matters because them being together rises the level of courage that they have,
despite how hard it is. Forrester is scared of the world and Jamal is scared of falling into the
stereotypical student athlete. At the state basketball tournament Jamal is told by an administrator of his
school that if
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Criminal Is Not Insane
The Criminal
In this case the killer or suspect states how he took the life of the old man. The suspect explains how
he stalked the old man, each night for a whole week. He also explains how he treated him, and how he
took care of him. Furthermore, he took the police straight to the victim s body. I am the prosecuting
attorney for the state in a case against a man accused of murder. The man is obviously guilty, but the
defense lawyers are going to try to prove, that their client is insane. We are going to prove that he is
not insane, so the suspect will face full consequences of his crime. In the first place, I want to prove
his guilty, and that he is not insane. Because he could distinguish reality from fantasy. I know this
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Theodore Roosevelt . Introduction To The Life Of Theodore
THEODORE ROOSEVELT Introduction to the Life of Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was
born October 27, 1858 in New York City to Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch. Theodore
was also known as Teedie or Teddy. Due to his continuing battle with health issues, which started at
birth, Roosevelt was homeschooled along with his siblings. The family house also had a gymnasium
where he lifted weights and boxed to help him gain strength. Despite what appeared to be a sickly and
weak child, Roosevelt went on to accomplish many great things scholastically, physically and
politically. He graduated from Harvard University, published several books, won many awards, and
left a lasting impression in the military as well as during his presidency. ... Show more content on
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They were the first American troops ever sent overseas, arriving at the southeastern end of Cuba on
June 22, 1898. Roosevelt would go on to lead the group to victory, but sadly many soldiers would die
due to yellow fever, lack of food and supplies and unsanitary camps. Roosevelt would be remembered
for the Round Robin letter he sent asking for the U.S. troops to be removed from Cuba. After the
soldiers were brought home, Americans called Roosevelt a national hero for bringing them home
safely.2 Roosevelt would be called a war hero and receive a nomination for the Medal of Honor. He
was elected as governor of New York in 1898.1 The Republican political machine in New York
supported Roosevelt for governor. However, once he was elected governor, it was clear to them that he
had no interest in listening to their ideas or following their ways. This would lead Roosevelt into
becoming the running mate for McKinley in the presidential election, in hopes of preventing a second
governor term for the once loved war hero. McKinley would go on to win the election and Roosevelt
would become the Vice President, but this was short lived. On September 6, 1901 McKinley was
tragically shot and killed. Roosevelt would now become the 26th president and the youngest president
in the nation s history at age 42. Under his first term as president Roosevelt would have many
successes.4 He acted against
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Significance Of The Movie My Fair Lady
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Communication and Journalism(Triple Main), Mahatma
Gandhi University, Kerala
A language is a system of conventional signals used for communication by a whole community A. C.
Gimson. Language is an essential tool for communication as well as for self expression. Language can
be considered as a habit which is not genetically transmitted. It is acquired from the environment ...
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The movie was nominated for 12 Oscars and won 8 out of them. In the movie, Professor Higgins
invests all of his time and energy in Eliza s transformation with the final goal of passing her off as an
aristocrat at the season s biggest social event and finally he succeeds in it. (TCR) In the process, their
bond becomes stronger.
Research paper Dr Chinazo Echezona Johnson. Analysis of the movie my fair lady, using
transformative and andragogy adult learning theories.
This paper helped the researcher to understand the theoretical framework of the movie more deeply.
This paper analyses Eliza Doolittle s learning, through the perspectives of Mezirow s transformative
learning theory and Knowle s andragogy. In this paper Echezona proves that the character Eliza s
transformation from a poor flower seller to that of a duchess has followed all the ten phases of Jack
Mezirow s transformational learning theory.
The ten phases of Mezirow s Transformational learning theory:
A disorienting dilemma
A self examination with feelings of fear, anger, guilt or shame
A critical assessment of assumptions
Recognition that one s discontent and the process of transformation are shared
Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions
Planning a course of
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The Importance Of Corporal Punishment
There are many ways to discipline a child. Some ways are you can ground them, yell at them for what
they did, or you can spank them. Hitting your child is a form of punishment used throughout history.
The most common way people discipline their kids is by Corporal punishment. Corporal punishment
is defined as a punishment that can be spanking or slapping a child bare handed. You may also use a
belt, paddle, or any flat object to punish the child so that they are in an uncomfortable position or
physical pain. Corporal punishment is referred to as physical punishment. This happens when a child
misbehaves and the parent needs to discipline the child for what they did. Most corporal punishment
happens at home, but also sometimes in public. The way corporal punishment is used should be
banned and not used on any children for it changes the child s behavior, the child s skills, and its harsh
physical punishment.
Spanking can change the child s behavior. Spanking a child causes aggression among children. A 2002
meta analysis of 27 studies across time periods, countries, and ages found a persistent association:
children who are spanked regularly are more likely to be aggressive, both as a child and as an adult. If
a parent spanks or hits the child regularly it may also develop a distant relationship between the parent
and child. Many children grow up learning right from wrong, but as kids we still don t listen. Parents
spank their kids to stop that bad behavior. So, if we keep
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Age Of Reason And Optimism In America
The definition of perseverance is as follows, the steadfastness in doing something despite the
difficulty or delay in achieving success. The definition of optimism is as follows, the hopefulness and
confidence about the future or successful outcome of something. I believe that the trait perseverance
best describes the Age of Reason and optimism best describes America today. What do you think of
when you hear the word perseverance? To early Americans perseverance meant fighting for a better
tomorrow. They had to persevere and fight a country they had originated from to be successful with
getting the freedom, fairness, and equality they craved and desired. Even when food and supplies were
low and patience was tested they still fought. After
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Main Differences Between Larceny And Embezzlement
In chapter 9 of Criminal Law Today, the author describes the crimes of embezzlement and explains the
main differences between larceny and embezzlement. This chapter identifies the types of property that
were subject to the common law crime of larceny. In addition, the author describes the differences
between embezzlement and false pretenses, and the differences between robbery and extortion. The
most commonly occurring crimes in the United States are the theft crimes and drug crimes. Crimes of
theft are generally property crimes. There is a variety of property crimes, such as larceny, burglary,
criminal trespass, arson, and computer crimes. Crimes of theft are also known as acquisitive offenses,
which are crimes that involve the unlawful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Forgery is the making of false written instrument or the material alteration of an existing genuine
written instrument. Forgery is only complete when the perpetrator makes or passes a false instrument.
Overall, the crime of forgery is the actual intent to defraud. The common law crime of forgery
included the act of uttering, which is the offering, passing, or attempted passing of a forged document
knowing that is forged. Receiving stolen property is another form of theft. This can be defined as
knowingly taking possession of, or control over, property that has been taken in an unlawful way.
There are four elements to the crime of receiving stolen property, which are receiving, stolen property,
the receiver knowing that it was stolen, and where the property was received. Another form of theft is
robbery. However, robbery is considered a violent personal crime by the Uniform Crime Reporting
program. Robbery is the unlawful taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another by
force or threat of force. However, robbery, can be considered another form of larceny. The crime of
robbery requires two elements, that the property be taken from a person or removed from the victim s
presence and that the taking occur through the use of force or fear. But certain situations may be
considered larceny. For example, if property was stolen from a dead person, the crime is no longer a
robbery but a form of
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Childhood Social Development Is Important Aspect
Childhood social development is important aspect that impacts a child life early on, it helps them grow
and communicate better in life. Socializing is always a good thing to do having your child interact
with other kids helps them have a better self esteem and helps them figure out who exactly they are.
Exposing your child to socialization can be as easy as taking your child to the park, scheduling a play
date, having them join a team sport or enrolling them in a head start school. In the early stages of child
hood, ages three to eight, head start schools benefit children before they can even start a regular
schooling program starting socialization so early in a child s life helps them develop certain things
faster then most children. For example a child will learn how to interact with other children who he or
she is not used to interacting with, this helps build relationships with people other then family
members. When children play together it helps the child develop certain social skills such as playing
and taking turns with other children, as children play it also helps them develop other physical skills
such as running, kicking, climbing and jumping. Play also helps build relationships between a child
and his parents, caregiver, and teacher. 1 Playing with other children helps the child share and respect
the opinion of other classmates, interacting with other adults helps the child develop a respect for
other adults that are not parents or family members this also
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A Perfect Summer At The Beach
A Perfect Summer at the Beach
The sun peeked through my bedroom window; time to get up! The day was warm and gorgeous. It
was the perfect weather to go to the beach. I woke up early and prepare our breakfast, so we can eat
first before we leave. I can smell the eggs and bacon sizzling in a pan. The aroma of freshly brewed
coffee makes my day complete. The pancake oozing with butter and maple syrup is ready to serve. I
also prepare a fresh squeezed orange juice for the kids. When I was cooking everybody is starting to
wake up. We are planning to go to the Narragansett beach with the family. Everything is all packed
and ready to go. The kids are very excited; they help me to organize all the stuff that we needed since
last night. After we eat our breakfast the kids immediately go to their bedroom and change for their
cutest swimwear attire. While my fiancé and I started to pack everything in the car.
We arrive on time at my father in law s house. As we expected my sister in law Kylie is late again. She
never been on time whenever we have a family gathering. The funny part is she is the one who
suggested that we should meet in my father in law s house around 9:30 in the morning but she never
made it on time. While we are waiting, I finally had a glimpse of my father in law s apartment; it was
nice, simple, and neat. I noticed how blissful he was when he is giving me a tour of his house. He
showed me his bedroom with a flat screen television, the living room with a nice and cozy
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Summary Of All Over Let s Eat By Dave Barry
Politics is a dangerous topic: minefields to the left and right, shrapnel everywhere, and often the best
opinion is no opinion. Dave Barry in Now That s It s All Over, Let s Eat! approaches the modern
American political apathy with a cynical eye. In 2012, before the second election of Barak Obama,
Americans were feeling a lack of faith in the political system. The Democrats were demonizing Mitt
Romney and the Republicans were bad mouthing Obama. Barry says that the American response to all
this drama should be to go watch football.
In the article, Barry has three observations about current political life: that both parties are filled with
less than bright politicians (who bill themselves as geniuses or at least as well informed), street
protests such as the march on Wall Street are honestly not very effective, and that there is no fun in
politics anymore and no one has a sense of humor.
I know that before I go on a trip that I always check the weather, because I have been stuck on
vacation in miserable weather too many times. The author gives the example of the Republican
convention in Florida during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
stupid. Barry relates the story of driving through Tampa, when two people wearing furry pig suits say
that they are trying to convert people to veganism. His mental response was not thoughts of meatless
meals but of these people are insane, I could go for some barbeque. The author also shares his belief in
the inefficacy of shouting in large groups. Occupy Wall Street was a prime example of this mentality. I
do sympathize with many of their aims, because I am definitely one of the 99%. However, when they
did a months long protest in Philadelphia at City Hall, I went home the long way around because the
protesters came across as dangerous and possibly unstable. As the late Terry Pratchett said, The
intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in
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Argumentative Essay On Rohingya
Described as the world s most persecuted people, 1.1 million Rohingya people live in Myanmar. They
live predominately in Rakhine state, where they have co existed uneasily alongside Buddhists for
decades.Rohingya people say they are descendants of Muslims, perhaps Persian and Arab traders, who
came to Myanmar generations ago. Unlike the Buddhist community, they speak a language similar to
the Bengali dialect of Chittagong in Bangladesh.
The Rohingya are reviled by many in Myanmar as illegal immigrants and they suffer from systematic
discrimination. The Myanmar government treats them as stateless people, denying them citizenship.
Stringent restrictions have been placed on Rohingya people s freedom of movement, access to medical
assistance, education and other basic services.
Violence broke out in northern Rakhine state on 25 August, when militants attacked government
forces. In response, security forces supported by Buddhist military launched a clearance operation .
Refugees have spoken of massacres in villages, where they say soldiers raided and burned their
homes. The government claims the Rohingya have burned their own homes and killed Buddhists and
Hindus. It says that the military is targeting terrorists, including the Arakan RohingyaSalvation Army
(Arsa), the group that claimed responsibility for the August attacks.
According to the most recently available data from the United Nations in May, more than 168,000
Rohingya have fledMyanmar since 2012.Following violence
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Analysis Of Forced Founders By Woody Holton
Throughout Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the Making of the American Revolution
in Virginia, Woody Holton argues that the causes of the Revolutionary War are different than what
most people once concluded. Although many American s believe that George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson are the men who led this revolution, Holton brings up a new theory on how the war began.
As Holton s title states, he believes that Indians, debtors, and slaves had a bigger role in the making of
the American Revolution. Throughout the entire novel, Holton argues that the American Revolution is
not led by the elite men of Virginia, but the nonessential people are those who play the biggest roles in
the making of this war.
Holton begins his book ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main problems between this group of people is their opinions about slave trade. The British
government s insistence on keeping slave trade is one of the main causes of Virginia s separation from
Great Britain (73). The merchants, of course, did not want to break ties with Britain because trading
was their income. Therefore, one difference of opinion and thousands of lives of slaves is what Holton
argues is another main reason for the cause of the American Revolution.
The second part of the book focusses on the boycotts that the Virginians inaugurated in order to
receive what they wanted from Great Britain. Holton argues that these boycotts are also a huge part of
what started the American Revolution. The American colonist established the nonimportation
association in order to pressure Parliament to repeal laws that endangered their civil liberties (78). The
importance of these boycotts is evident in history because they played a huge role in the starting of the
American Revolution because not only did these boycotts help start the revolution, but they also ended
it. Without these boycotts and without the colonist pushing to have their way there would have never
been any change. Not only that, but these boycotts helped create the conditions for the greatest
movement of black resistance that Virginia had ever known (105). This was the beginning of freedom
for the slaves from their owners, as well
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Muay Thai In Thailand
Muay Thai in Thailand The connections of the mind, body and soul have and always will have the
utmost importance in sports. Time over time, it is proven that champions use all three in a combination
to defeat their enemy. All champions around the world have some of the same characteristics in
common; discipline, respect and self control. These three characteristics are the very core of martial
arts. Through the training and teachings of martial arts, individuals are able to key into their mind,
body and soul to honor and protect themselves from opponents, either, on the field of war and/or play.
Different types of martial arts focus on the use of body parts with or without any additional weapons.
Muay Thai is an example of a martial art that uses just the body as a weapon. It trains the mind to
depend on just the body by connecting with the soul through rituals that have been followed since the
creation of Muay Thai. The goals of this paper are to discuss the historical development of Muay Thai
and the guidelines of this martial art sport. Another goal of this paper is to discuss the effects Muay
Thai has on the people and the environment and how its culture, history, and geography has
popularized this sport throughout the past, few years. This has transformed Muay Thai into a new
form of popular sport known to world as kickboxing, which has extracted many techniques from the
mother sport.
Overview of Thailand Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing, is one of the most
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How Resources Within A Patient Centered Medical Home (...
Various elements influence how resources within a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) are
managed. PCMHs veer away from traditional episodic and often fragmented care to offer patients
higher quality care that is accessible, comprehensive, coordinated and more cost effective. PCMH
demonstration projects have shown that the model enhances health outcomes, reduces waste, and
improves patient and employee satisfaction alike. This transition, however presents significant
challenges and necessitates the restructuring of financial, material, and personnel resources within
primary care structures. Effective implementation of this model is contingent upon the procurement of
specialized staff, health information technology (HIT) systems, and possibly workspace
reconfiguration all of which can impact an organization s operating budget. Unfortunately, primary
care payment reforms as well as complex billing and coding guidelines pose a significant threat to the
financial viability of PCMHs and remain highly important factors to consider prior to undergoing this
transition. Despite many of these challenges, PCMH continues to be a leading model in primary care.
This paper presents a hypothetical PCMH implementation project and discusses some important
considerations related to the management of financial, material, and personal resources. Patient
Centered Medical Home Implementation: A Resource Management Analysis The role of nurse
managers and nurse leaders extends beyond the
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Swot Analysis Of Alothaim
Principle of management group project
Done by:
Felwa Almulhem 2170001304
Munira Alkadi 2170005799
Batool Boumarah 2170002546
Sarah Alsuhaibani 2170005322
Nora Aldughaim 2170001419
Hawra Alkhudair 2170004966
Layan Alorainan 2170000062
Supervised by:
Dr. Shabir Ahmad
No. Content Page No.
1 Cover Page 1
2 Index 2
3 Executive Summary 3
4 Alothaim s background 4
5 Alothaim s vision/mission/organization goals 5
6 Alothaim s Strategies 6
7 SWOT analysis (internal + external + PESTLE analysis) 8
8 Analysis and Recommended strategies 11
9 Conclusion 12
Executive Summary
This business report provides the SWOT and the PESTLE analysis of Alothaim Markets. ... Show
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Alothaim s Strategies
A Solid Business Strategy:
Current Strongholds (Geographies/Formats)
Increased Competition
Supply Chain
OMC S Experience Relations
OMC S Balanced Strategy for Sustained Growth (Cost Leadership/Service Product Differentiation):
1 Improve Margins (Cost Optimization)
Focus on Private Labels/Fresh
Supply Chain Optimization
Optimize Inventory Levels
Improve Retail Space Utilization
Divest Unprofitable Stores
Reduce Shrinkage
2 Business Expansion
Aggressive Expansion especially in Supermarkets Formats
Enter the Hypermarkets Segment
Expand Geographically through Synergistic Acquisitions
Increase Presence in Current Geographic Strongholds
3 Diversification (Risk Minimization)
Expand Product Range
Backward Integration
Target Broader Market Segment
Geographic Diversification
Enter Long Term Partnerships
Sales Growth Strategy:
Annual Sales Growth of 15%
New Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
Improve Utilization of Space at Current Outlets
Marketing Strategy:
Enhance Costumer Experience (Corporate ID, Product availability, Items Display, Online Shopping)
Increase the Customer Basket Size by 20% Annually Concentrate on customer interaction and Digital
Marketing (Social
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Tridacna Research Paper
Variables of Tridacna isotopes as environmental indicators. Ontogeny, zooxanthella symbiosis, trace
elements, seasonality and relative living depth.
Abstract (In progress)
Isotopic profiles of mollusks provide insight to the biology of fossil and living specimen and the
conditions under which they live in. Isotopic profiles record seasonal variance in temperature, salinity,
dissolved oxygen concentrations and can provide evidence of changes in bio mineralization in
correlation with seasonality and ontology. The shells of Tridacna are beneficial for Pleistocene
paleoceanography isotopic studies because of their large size making it easier to gain detailed samples
of shell carbonate. The density of the shell better preserves original carbonate of the shell.
Introduction to Tridacna
The reef dwelling giant clam or Tridacna is one of the genuses that survived the waves of Paleozoic
extinction. The genus Tridacna evolved over 65 million years ago in the Eocene along with modern
corals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Comparing isotopes of symbiont bearing tridacnid clams and encrusting symbiont free clam. The
carbon isotopic composition of the symbiont free bivalve and the symbiont bearing bivalve Tridacna
were found to be similar, suggesting that the presence of symbionts has no noticeable effect on the
isotopic composition of Tridacna (Romananek et al., 1989).
It was also found that the amplitude of δ18O was greater in specimens gathered from shallow water
because of greater environmental variability (1989). Specimen found deeper had higher δ18O and
δ13C when compared to the shallow specimen due to lower temperatures and the lesser influence of
13C depleted carbon from oxidation of organic matter in sediments and meteoric water (Romananek et
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Marx And Friedrich Engels s Impact On The 21st Century
Looking back at these two works written in the mid to late 19th century, it has become clear the
benefits and detrimental aspects of the opinions of the writers. The statements and arguments made by
each author will be considered in the general impact each philosopher had on the 21st century.
In 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the first edition of the book that would define
their worldview, they saw an issue with the fragmentation of the communist beliefs and were
commissioned to put the beliefs of the communists into a clear document to demonstrate what they
stood for. Many of their ideas are now outdated, and some have been implemented in current society
with unsuccessful results. Marx advocates the violent overthrow of governments to equalize the
people of the country, rationalizing it as a way to overthrow the regime of the bourgeoisie. As seen in
history, this can often lead to a state where the country is plunged into civil war or genocide, with an
equally oppressive or more tyrannical leader than before. The attempt of leaders of many nation states
to adapt Marx s ideas of nationalizing the agricultural process has resulted in increased costs for the
consumers of the nations, and preventing them from negotiating trade contracts. The spread of
globalization has increased, but contrary to the beliefs of Marx, there has not been a push to remove
the borders of nation states because of the similarities of the nation s workforces. Any attempt to
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Essay about The Juggler
The Juggler
I want to believe in faith and risk and a world where you can stand beneath the grey October sky and
flash your own colours through the air like a magician (218 221, p. 6). These beautiful lines constitute
the final conclusion of the short story, The Juggler , written by Ursula Hegi and published in 2001.
The story deals with themes such as beauty, letting go and being stuck in the past.
The short story takes place in Coeur d Alene in the first weekend of October. An unnamed first person
narrator tells the story of her daughter, Zoe and her boyfriend, Michael who have come to visit her. It
is the first time she meets Michael, who is a counsellor at the school where her daughter teaches. They
go to the cinema and on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other times I felt like I were eleven and she thirty (ll. 91 92, p. 3). The mother almost bursts into self
oscillation when she tells Michael about her memories with Zoe. This could lead to the conclusion that
Zoe is used to taking responsibility for other people and, seen from a homespun psychological point of
view, perhaps likes the fact that Michael reminds her of her mother in the way that he needs her.
Another result of the mother s loneliness and dependency on her daughter is the fact that she cannot
let her go. She lives in the past and loves the memories of a time she refuses to leave, nor can she ever
leave it unless she accepts the fact that Zoe is now a grown up. She has her own life now. The bird has
So maybe she should just handle her over to Michael. After all he is not a maniac killer or anything.
He seems rather nice and Zoe really loves him, but the narrator simply is too jealous to be happy for
her daughter, Zoe turns, smiling at him with so much light in her eyes that I have to look away (ll. 74
75, p. 3).
The writer leaves, in a very discrete but intelligent and awfully interesting way, many symbols and
details for further interpretation. For instance, a visual description of the narrator has been left out.
Therefore, she appears as a set of thoughts, which on one side means that the events that take place in
the story often are
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American Psycho Essay
Entrails torn from the body with bare hands, eyes gouged out with razor blades, battery cables, rats
borrowing inside the human body, power drills to the face, cannibalism, credit cards, business cards,
Dorsia, Testoni, Armani, Wall Street; all of these things are Patrick Bateman s world. The only
difference between Bateman and anybody else is what is repulsive to Bateman and what is repulsive to
the rest of the world. Bateman has great interest in the upper class life, fashions, and social existence,
but at the same time he is, at times, sickened by the constant struggle to be one up on everybody else.
On the other hand Bateman s nightlife reveals a side of him never seen during the day. Bateman is
relaxed, impulsive, and confident ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bateman is in a way sickened by the everyday all American life he leads, while the reader is sickened
by the flip side of Patrick Bateman. From the beginning of the novel Bateman seems content with his
life style. He seems perfectly happy with the daily lunch tickets at Nell s, the Yale Club, etc. He seems
fascinated and absorbed with the details of peoples wardrobes, especially his own. But if you sift
through all the talk of food, cocktails, and hardbodies, the reader will find a subtle boredom or
frustration even early in the novel. While waiting on food at a table at Nell s, Bateman is momentarily
diverted from the conversation by one of his thoughts of sex or violence that seem to escalate in
frequency throughout the novel. I think about Courtney s legs, spread and wrapped around my face,
and when I look over at Luis in one brief flashing moment his head looks like a talking vagina and it
scares the bejesus out of me, moves me to say something while mopping the sweat off my brow. (108)
These thoughts seem to come to Bateman most frequently at these types of situations. Wealthy friends,
wealthy strangers, and a wealthy environment surround him. Either consciously or subconsciously
Bateman s mind diverts itself from the monotonous world that Bateman grows to loathe, to a world
that Bateman loves. Although the thoughts occur the most often in restaurants, I can t say with
certainty that food has anything to do with
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Essay on Psychological Explanations of One Anxiety Disorder
Psychological Explanations of One Anxiety Disorder
Phobias are an example of an anxiety disorder and the psychological explanations of these are
cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral and social factors. The Behavioral, Psychodynamic and social
factors of the psychological explanation will be discussed in greater detail.
Behavioral explanations say that all behaviour is learnt whether it is normal or abnormal and this
approach has been applied to humans and animals. There are three theories that make up the
behaviorist approach, which are classical and operant conditioning, Social Learning and information
transmission. Classical conditioning is concerned with a classical, neutral and conditioned ... Show
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For example if a child sees its mother reacting in a fearful way towards a spider they too will react in
that particular way. Evidence for this comes from Bandura who observed the reactions of fake
electrical shocks been given with a buzzer. Maneeka found that when mothers reacted to snakes in a
bad way the child developed a phobia of snakes in later life. There are demand characteristics with this
research, as the researchers will be expecting a particular outcome and the people may already have a
fear of a particular object or situation. Also the outcomes cannot be applied to every phobia i.e.
claustrophobia therefore it is limited. Information Transmission is the last theory for the psychological
explanations of phobias. This is when fear producing information about the phobic object leads to the
development of the particular phobia. Ost (1985) described the case of a woman who was a severe
snake phobic. She had been told repeatedly about the dangers of snakes and had been strongly
encouraged to wear rubber boots to protect herself. Consequently she wore the boots wherever she
went. However Merckelbach (1996) argued on the basis of the evidence that claustrophobia or fear of
enclosed spaces rarely occurs as a result of Information Transmission.
The Psychodynamic approach is based on the Id, Ego and Superego, the conflict between the Id and
the Superego and also childhood
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Geothermal Energy Essay
Geothermal Energy
The human population is currently using up its fossil fuel supplies at staggering rates. Before long we
will be forced to turn somewhere else for energy. There are many possibilities such as hydroelectric
energy, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy and geothermal energy to name a few. Each one of
these choices has its pros and cons. Hydroelectric power tends to upset the ecosystems in rivers and
lakes. It affects the fish and wild life population.
Nuclear energy is a very controversial subject. Although it produces high quantities of power with
relative efficiency, it is very hard to dispose of the waste. While wind and solar power have no waste
products, they require enormous amounts of land ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The continental crust consists of igneous and sedimentary rocks. The oceanic crust consists of the
same with a substantial layer of sediments above the rock. The crust covers the outer ridged layer of
the earth called the lithosphere. The lithosphere is divided into seven main continental plates.
These continental plates are constantly moving on a viscous base. The viscosity of this base is a
function of the temperature. The study of shifting continental plates is called Plate Tectonics. Plate
Tectonics allows scientists to locate regions of geothermal heat emission. Shifting continental plates
cause weak spots or gaps between plates where geothermal heat is more likely to seep through the
crust. These gaps are called Subduction Zones. Heat emission from subduction zones can take many
forms, such as volcanoes, geysers and hot springs. When lateral plate movement induced gaps occur
between plates, collisions occur between other plates. This results in partial plate destruction. This
causes mass amounts of heat to be produced due to frictional forces and the rise of magma from the
mantle through propagating lithosphere fractures and thermal plumes sometimes resulting in
volcanism. During plate movement, continental plates are constantly being consumed and produced
changing plate boundaries. When collisions between plates occur, the crust is pushed up sometimes
forming ranges of mountains. This is the way that most
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Negative Effects Of The Circus
reactions to stimulus dictated outside of an animal s conscious control, and the lack of ability to
behave on instinct; as suggested later by Niedrich as being unnatural, then could indicate instead that
activists are making the claim that free will is unnatural. Viewed from this angle activist maybe
implying that free will and behavior outside of instinct is unnatural and morally wrong. This would
make the entire concept of the circus, which is to preform unnatural death defying acts as morally
wrong, and an unnatural abomination that breeds an abusive environment; since most performances
are composed of conscious actions practiced over time rather than reflexive responses.
On the opposite side of the argument many circus performers describe the circus, and talk about the
circus s recent disbandment as if losing Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus is destroying
their culture and way of life. Gala has been a circus performer her entire life and was born into the
circus profession in Russia, before moving to America in order to begin working for Ringling Brothers
and Barnum and Bailey circus. Gala talked about warming up before her trainer arrived at 6:00 AM
every morning for practices, or the beginning of preformance run throughs. She describes the circus as
a higher way of life and art form. Art and athletics are normally described as a lifestyle, and usually
takes an extraordinary amount of effort and time. The use the word art, implies carefully crafted
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Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192
Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194
Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240
Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248
1. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods under abusive
working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in this context.
Influence of CSOs on government
CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment and labor
provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organisation (WTO)
negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning of genetically modified organisms and food
products and forcing World Bank to excuse the debt of developing countries.
MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where they collaborate with
corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community. They try to influence various policies
without being directly involved in it. Stakeholder agency theory which can be used to study this role,
assumes that the corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of
stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1]
INSERT figure 4 HERE : CSOs acting as direct influencers
One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in mediation of
Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October 1992, attended by the
Community of Sant Egidio. Other example includes CSOs persuading Home
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Ambassador James C. Swan And The Chief Of Mission David Brown
Ambassador James C. Swan and DRC Deputy Chief of Mission David Brown should be at the top of
the list regarding diplomatic efforts with President Kabila and his advisors. Swan and Brown would be
responsible for disseminating our potential policy efforts in a positive light and garnering support for
said efforts. The United States Agency for International Development and Department of State should
also be heavily involved in any policy changes. Each respective agency would reallocate funds as
necessary. As of now, only $42 million of USAID s estimated $330 million (2016) of foreign aid goes
towards governance measures. It is critical that this amount be increased provided that the Kabila
regime is receptive to our ideas and willing to work with us. The success of any aforementioned
policy change depends on the DRC government s ability to implement it. Additionally, we should also
work with the Department of Treasury in restructuring current sanctions on the DRC. If the Kabila
regime proves compliant with our policy measures, then we should urge the Treasury to reduce
sanctions. The Department of Defense should play a role in establishing a legitimate military presence
in the DRC. They can do so by joint military exercises meant to build military capacity and strengthen
the DRC government s ability to deal with threats from armed groups within the country and abroad
(namely, threats from Rwanda and Uganda). Finally, we should coordinate with the African
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Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
Constantly trying to please the customer, Starbucks® introduced a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Although
pumpkin has been the craze for a while, Starbucks® introduced the pumpkin drink in 2003 when there
were virtually no other pumpkin products on the market. (Starbucks Newsroom, 2014). Realizing the
great risk of pumpkin, the senior leaders proceeded with the go ahead for the new Pumpkin Spice
Latte drink. Around 100 stores were provided the opportunity to introduce the new seasonal drink, and
after a better than expected success with the product, Starbucks® knew the Pumpkin Spice Latte was a
winner. After eleven years, Starbucks® revealed the recipe for the Pumpkin Spice Latte and
determined that the drink should be made with natural flavorings ... Show more content on
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Starbucks® has appealed by offering a mobile app which allows for ordering, tipping, and choosing
the desired location of pickup (Starbucks Newsroom, 2014). Launched in Portland, Oregon, in 2014,
plans were put in place to expand in 2015. The mobile ordering experience has been integrated into
the already existing Starbucks mobile app, and My Starbucks Rewards® program. Continuing to
utilize the expanding features of mobile possibilities, Starbucks® is growing with customer demand.
Realizing the growing possibility of income from the use of the app, Starbucks has initiated a plan to
expand the mobile app even more (Meola, 2016). In addition, sales through the mobile app has
continued to grow, and, therefore, inspired the expansion of offerings through mobile communication.
Studies have concluded that the use of the mobile app has become a core strategy for the business, and
future growth for the Starbucks app will include recommendations to the customer for additional
products. This writer considers the use of the mobile app to still be in the growing stages of the
product life cycle. The maturity stage would indicate that the product has reached a peak (Solomon,
Marshall, Stuart, 2012). However, not everyone has joined in the forces of utilizing the possibilities of
the mobile app. Even though it would seem that most people have a cell phone, a select few only use
the device for calling and texting. Therefore, the market is still growing and enticing new app
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How Effective Recruiting Can Contribute An Organization...
Praharsh Vasavada
Goldey Beacom College
Recruiting Talent
There are a number of factors that take place in order for the success of an organization. It is not only
the quality of the resources or the technology in the organization that counts, but the employees and
their valuable skills are also a huge contributing factor for its success. This essay will discuss, how
effective recruiting can contribute to an organizations success.
Recruiting is the first step in accomplishing a certain task. Due to the increase in global
competitiveness and increased flexibility in labor market, the importance of labor force planning in
every business is increasing. One of the most important parts on an organization s of Human resource
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Recruitment establishes a linking between the job pursuers and employers. By which, it ensures the
employment of correct applicants at the correct place at the accurate time. Following the right
recruitment procedures and practices simplifies the selection of the appropriate applicants for the
One can suggest that recruitment plays a significant role in strategic human resource management as it
is during this process that the ability and qualities of potential employees are evaluated. Recruitment
refers to any practice or activity carried out by the organization with the prime purpose of recognizing
and drawing would be employees. They can be sourced from internal or external sources, direct
applicants and recommendations, advertisements, public or private organizations, electronic
recruiting, or universities. Recruitment is the process that identifies as well as hires the best qualified
applicants from inside or outside of an organization for job openings, in a most appropriate and cost
effective method.
According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching for the potential candidates for
employment and stimulating them to apply for job vacancies in the organization . Recruitment
comprises the activity that connects the job pursuers with hiring providers.
Recruitment is also a procedure of finding and drawing talented candidates for employment. The
procedure starts with looking for of new employees and ends
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Apa Format Sample
Sample of Chicago Formatted Paper
Tina Howell
History 301
Professor Zhiwei Xiao
February 16,2017 Professor Zhiwei Xiao stated that the historical research paper should be in Chicago
Style Format not APA or MLA in his History 301 class (Spring 2017). There are a few key factors in a
Chicago Style paper, the first is margins should be 1 on all sides. Second, the line spacing should be
set at 2.0, and third, the font should be set at 12 point. There are several sources to refer to, to properly
implement Chicago manual style. For example, there is a book called Chicago Manual of Style it is in
its 16th printing by University of Chicago, and a copy is located at the CSUSM library. There is also a
well known website ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Writing history requires diligence, research, checking and rechecking the information and most of all
an understanding that no matter how hard a person tries their own beliefs, biases, and history will
color the information they are writing. Having the ability to trace the steps writers take to arrive at
certain conclusions helps the readers to assimilate the information with some degree of understanding,
if they choose to follow the research. This does not mean that everyone who reads the material will
arrive at the same conclusion, however, just as a writer has bias, so does the reader.
2005. Social Darwinism. New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Encyclopedia.com. Inc. The Gale
Group. Accessed 2 14, 2017. http://www.encyclopedia.com/history/dictionaries thesauruses pictures
and press releases/social darwinism.
Clements, Jessica, Elizabeth Angeli, Karen Schiller, S. C. Gooch, Laurie Pinkert, and Allen Brizee.
2013. The Purdue OWL. April 3. Accessed February 13, 2017.
2002. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Directed by Chris Columbus. Performed by R Harris.
Pullen, Alison, and Carl Rhodes. 2008. Dirty writing. Culture Organization 14, no. 3 241 259.
University of Chicago, Press. 1982. The Chicago Manual of Style. Chicago: University of Chicago
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Applying The Ethics Of Care Theory
After completing a search of the literature I decided to select this article for one main reason. It applies
a basic theory for us as nurses. TheTheory of ethics of care, a significant theory applied in our daily
life as professionals and individuals. Applying the ethics of care to your nursing practice (Lachman,
2012) This article defines several concepts interrelated to the ethics of care theory. The author starts
with the definition of caring, and its relationship with nurses and nursing care (Lachman, 2012).
Subsequently, the author continues explaining and gradually defining how this theory has evoluted
throughout the years. It is important to mention the analysis presented by the author about moral and
caring concepts. How different
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The Relations of the Superpowers Between 1945 and 1959 Essay
The Relations of the Superpowers Between 1945 and 1959 The conflict of World War II against the
Nazi Germany brought the Allied Nations, United States of America, England and the Soviet Union
together to fight side by side. During the period of 1945 and 1959 these Superpowers were constantly
trying to undermine each other. This alliance soon took its course to break down after bitter hatred
against one another with the threat of thermal Nuclear War. The friendship that these countries once
had led to rivalry whereby both sides tried to out do each other by any means possible. These
countries stored weapons, and at the same time they were both in the process ... Show more content on
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The Postdam agreement contained the decisions reached by the participants. The relationship between
these two Super Powers during the war in Europe was certainly very good. These two sides fought
side by side trying to defeat Nazism in Europe. President Roosevelt did not mind Stalin nor, did Stalin
mind, even though they had different ways of thinking, and their political views were certainly the
opposite to each other. Truman felt threatened by communism/Russia, he decided to sign the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). This was the alliance of military reinforcement through most
Western European countries. A military alliance was a treaty that was only signed by the participant
that felt they were under a threatening situation such as the corrupt Nazism in Germany. The signing
of NATO was great threat to Russia as the alliance of countries could easily persuade Russia to do its
bidding. Russia felt as they were in a vulnerable position. In 1955 they created the Warsaw Pact. This
was the response to NATO under the rule of Stalin. It included all the Eastern European countries,
which prevented the Western countries having authority over military power over Russia. As
communism was a law that suggested sharing, Stalin dominated the Warsaw Pact, but this ways of
dealing with people prevented any disagreements and it
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Favorite Movie Assignment
For this assignment, I have chosen to pick one of my favorite movies called Star Wars episode 3
Revenge of the Sith. Because I am a huge fan of the whole Star Wars series, but this specific movie, I
have seen several times and it is my favorite out of all the movies included in the franchise. Before I
took this class, I thought this movie was phenomenal, I loved the way it was put together, the whole
story was interesting, it stood out from different movies because of its creative and unique concept of
the science fiction, adventure, action, romance, and fantasy genres. When I first saw this movie, I was
truly intrigued and didn t lose interest in any part throughout the film, it fascinated me. After I had
took this theater class though, and after analyzing several different movies, I looked back at the movie,
I realized that all the terminology and content that I have learned throughout the course wasn t put to
mind because I didn t pay attention to it really because I didn t even know the names of the terms that
I learned in class and the insights of how this film was put together, I was more focused on what was
happening in the story. After I took this class, I have changed my response to this film because when I
analyze this movie, I now have a deeper understanding of what goes on in this movie, I know this
because I think of how different scenes in the movie add to the story/narrative, and how some
characters are affected and how it adds to the story, I know what kind
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Essay on Belonging
Through analysis and exploration of my chosen text, A Selection of Songs by The Smiths , as well
comparisons linked to Emily Dickinson s set poems, a vast array of representations of belonging have
been discerned. Through an abundance of ideas, and devices used to convey thesis s, the texts provide
variable discourses as to how we can view belonging, exploring the state of belonging, mainly through
its paradoxes. Thus the study of The Smith s songs individually as well as comparatively to Emily
Dickinson has contributed significantly to my understanding of belonging.
The concept of alienation is continually reverted to in the Smiths songs, emphasising the importance
of this paradox to belonging, in the understanding of belonging itself. ... Show more content on
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This is similar to the barriers against belonging experienced in the Dickinson texts in relevance to
themes of dislocation to society due to the persona s self sanctioning and alienation. The lyrics I am
Human and I need to be loved emphasise the necessity of human s to belong and it s repetition ads to
the effect of the persona s desperation to achieve this. Morrisey employs contrasting sentences within
the lyrical content such as I am the son and heir , resonating power and control. This is compared with
weaker statements such as of nothing in particular . Its effects establish confusion and lack of self
awareness in the persona. The persona is continually questioned throughout the text in there Self
descriptions, such as criminally vulgar shyness . Personal attributes such as this prevent
companionship, and result in depression and consideration of death. This suggests that it is the persona
s self hatred, and imbalance within that incites his alienation, preventing belonging. The continuous
banshee sounds between verses extends the tormented mind of the persona.
Asleep continues to represent the role of sense of psychic wholeness in being the pathway to
belonging. It does so in complete lack of psychic wholeness and how this fails the persona. Morrisey
employs lyrical content that is sparse yet profound, using sleep as a metaphor for suicide, and
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Similarities And Similarities Of Judaism
Religion for everyone can be quite different because there are many different forms that they can take
on. There are many different kinds such as Catholicism, Muslim, Christianity, Buddhism, and many
more. Often enough they have their own similarities, such as one God, same beliefs with slightly
different versions of praying or rituals and there are many other things of notice. The ones that I wish
to discuss are the religions Judaism, one of the larger groups in the world and a smaller one known as
Heathenry. The reason for me choosing these two is because they have a large amount of differences
just from the surface alone, some of the main ones being that they have completely different size of
followers. For Judaism, the size is in the millions while Heathenry is the opposite and falls below
500,000. Another major factor is that Judaism only has one God versus how Heathenry has multiply as
well as spirits. The main concepts that will be focused on Myths, Rituals, religious practitioners or
specialists and the altered states of consciousness, as well as how they believe the world was created.
The first one to be discussed is the major one first, Judaism which is located around the world but
started off in cities such as Jerusalem. Judaism had a variety of moments, most were from Rabbinic
Judaism, which says that God revealed his laws and commandments to Moses. This was challenged by
various other groups and provided splits, one being Judaism.
The first topic to be
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Cost and Mountain Man Light
Financial Projections
Year Revenues from MM beer 2006 $49,431,200 2007 2008 2009 2010 $48,442,576 $47,473,724
$46,524,250 $45,593,765 Assumptions no price changes 2% Decrease in Market Size and no light
product Gross Margin remains the same
Contribution Loss of Contribution
15,323,672 766,184
15,017,199 750,860
14,716,855 735,843
14,422,517 721,126
14,134,067 706,703
5% Loss due to light beer entry .05 * Contribution
Launch advertising costs Incremental SG A expenditures Incremental costs associated with Light
Product E.C. Light Market Assumed Market for ligth beer (b/s) *1 Market share for Mountain Man
Light Barrels sold Mountain Man Light Contribution of Light Product *2 Net change in contribution
*3 Discount ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Beer consumption from premium popular brewers Average % share of E.C. beer consumption Average
% share of E.C. Light Beer consumption Average % share of Other Brand E.C. Light Beer
Consumption (minus top 3 competitors and imports) Assume .25% and 0.5% share of E.C. Light Beer
market 2 years to obtain projected sales of Mountain Man Light Months to break even
50440000 520000 97 66.93 4% 5% 750547
4.69 30.07 25.38 29572 750000 900000 65, 012
94584 2.04% 0.25% 0.51% 3.60% 46861 24.2
$1,471,073 750,000 1,800,000 $4,021,073 158,435 1.70% 0.21% 0.42% 3.02% 150,104 25.3
Status Quo Scenario for Mountain Man Brewing
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Precise Case
Q1. Should Insight be launched in Open World 2000?
1. First mover advantage. 2. Delaying the launch probably would result with competition coming up
with similar product. 3. Mass propaganda possible via Open world. Less marketing expense (presently
that is one of the key expense areas for Precise).
1. No proper user interface would hamper the reputation of the product and company as a whole
(something for which they have stood for ). 2. Since the roll out will be a beta version, there will be
loads of development required. The competition may then imitate the product and come up with their
own modifications. First mover advantage may be lost. 3. Only monitor functionality would be
launched the other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
of transactions per user | Time saved in hrs / day | 0.94 | Divide aforesaid time by 3600 | Percentage
time saved per day or year or month | 11.75% | Time saved / 8 hrs (40 hr week) | Savings at end user |
1007890.625 | % time saved per day x user salary*(1 + Burden rate) x number of users | Total Savings
due to Precise/SQL | 1259771 | End user savings + Savings on hardware + Savings at DBAs |
Cost of Precise / SQL for 10 DBA accounts / computers = $25000 x 10 = 250000
Suppose I give a 25% discount = $25000 x 10 x 0.75 = 187500
Looking at this, we don t even need to give a discount in our sales. We can actually increase the price
of existing Precise/SQL so that we get some more money.
Insight has to be charged higher than what Alon has in mind ($250,000).
This can also mean that the salesforce are heavily depending on
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Chernobyl3 Lab Report
On April 26, 1987, unit number 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, releasing mass
amounts of potent radiation. A mass evacuation was conducted, moving hundreds of thousands of
residents out of the area. The large amounts of radiation traveled into the atmosphere and over time
made its way back to the surface, impacting the wildlife. Multiple studies have been conducted
regarding specifically what impact the radiation has had on the local and international wildlife. These
experiments were conducted in the CEZ as well as other countries in the Europe continent. They
tested whether there is a correlation between the population of animals and the amount of radioactivity
in the environment that was being tested. Some of the animal ... Show more content on
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Roe deer, wild boar, and Przewalski horses (Figure 6) are some more examples of species that are
making a comeback into the area3. Figure 4 shows that these species have grown since the Chernobyl
accident in 1987. It is not just larger mammals, a study by Baker et. al. shows that small mammals
seem to be unaffected by the radiation as well. This does not seem to be true for birds however, as
described in the barn swallow experiment which found a considerable decline in nests with eggs.
Another finding from Dr. Mousseau, a biologist at the University of South Carolina, found physical
abnormal characteristics life deformed beaks in birds5. However, in Dr. Mousseau s most recent
findings, birds in the area have adapted to resist the effects by producing higher levels of protective
found that The short term effects of the radiation resulted in the decline of the wildlife populations, but
as the lack of human presence enveloped the CEZ, more and more animal life have emerged and
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Importance Of Being At The Right Place
Being at the right time at the right place: How to benefit financially?
By some estimates, the total number of human beings that have ever lived is about 110 billion, of
which approximately 7% are alive today. The world population keeps growing every year, so,
statistically, you might say more humans have a chance of being at the right place at the right time
than at any given time before, right? Yes and, uh, no. Statistics and big numbers have a powerful way
of suggesting the wrong answer. Merely because more people play the lottery certainly does not mean
your chance to win increases; only the total amount the winner will take away increases. That is of
course unless we change the rules of the game itself. So, what does it ... Show more content on
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You might have heard of him. Andrew saw a huge opportunity while working for the railroads,
expanding tracks West and South from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Rail tracks and bridges were
needed in great numbers all the way to the West Coast. A new, much more efficient process to make a
stronger iron had just been invented by Henry Bessemer in the United Kingdom and Andrew Carnegie
saw an enormous opportunity in making this new iron called steel from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
close to the iron ore mines and rivers for easy transport. But, the most important factor in deciding to
start this business was a law adopted in 1870 supported by the Republican Party, which had the
presidency and a majority in Congress. The law was a $28 tariff on imported steel, basically taking out
the British competition in one stroke. The tariff was upheld for a good 30 years. You may or may not
favor laws like this one, but it is beside the point: it was a Ka Ching moment for Andrew and the other
eight steel companies in the United States. They essentially got a license to print cash for themselves.
Their timing was right. The rest is history. Andrew Carnegie went on to become one of the wealthiest
men ever... only to give it all back to Society. The thinking behind his philanthropy was that he had
been given a huge opportunity, largely by the good fortune of being at the right time and the right
place. Of course, there is more to it than
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Yellow Fever Infection Control
Yellow Fever: Infection Control Yellow Fever is an infectious viral disease found in tropical and
subtropical areas in South America and Africa. It is transmitted through mosquitos that carry the virus.
It is common in the designated areas in South America and Africa but is rare in U.S. travelers. It is
diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings, laboratory testing, and travel history. The symptoms
may range from mild self limited febrile illness to severe liver disease with bleeding. There is no
specific treatment for it. The care you take is dependent on your symptoms. There are a few ways to
prevent catching this virus, such as, wearing insect repellent under and over your clothes when
outside, wearing protective clothing, and getting
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Canada Has Not Taken Responsibility for the Behavior of...
Canada, which is the headquarters of Barrick Gold Corporation, runs 60 percent of the world s mining
corporations across the globe. Notwithstanding the fact that even though it is the forerunner in this
industry, Canada has not taken the lead on mediating or taking responsibility for the behavior of their
corporations abroad. The consequence of this carelessness is, Canada has drawn criticisms from
around the world, first from the environmental, religious and human rights organizations, and now
increasingly from international institutions, such as the United Nations.
1. Environment: According to a conservative estimate by the No Dirty Gold campaign, a project of
Earth Works and Oxfam, on average it takes 79 tons of waste to extract one ... Show more content on
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Many violent clashes have also occurred between police and activists opposing Barrick s mining
operations in Peru, Chile, and Argentina.
Subsequently, the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman of the World Bank issued a report refuting LEAT
s claims of mass murder and the number of people displaced, based on evidence supplied by the
Tanzanian government and Barrick Gold challenged this evidence. Similarly, Barrick s North Mara
mine suffered great human rights abuses under its predecessor, Canada s Placer Dome. Lissu, who has
been jailed for anti mining activism, claims that Bar rick s security operatives at the North Mara mine
have since been linked to six violent deaths and that the killings are part of a strategy to silence mine
Most of the conflict arises over whether the local tradition of alluvial mining became illegal under
arrangements and contracts held by the Porgera gold mine. ATA claimed that no Ipili agreed to give up
traditional rights. The company has hired a 400 men security team, which it calls Asset Protection
Department, to guard the facility. Over the years, what started as a congenial arrangement has turned
into small scale armed conflict that has caused hundreds of injuries, sometimes 40 to 50 a day,
according to
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Thesis On Citizenship Education
living conditions of their environment. The challenge, therefore, is for the school to help the youth
develop reflective attachments to their nation and a sense of kinship with citizens in all parts of the
world (Banks, 1990). Citizenship education is seen as one of the oldest subjects in the school
curriculum and it continues to be on the radar screen of contemporary curriculum of the school for the
purpose of educating the youth on civic rights and responsibilities. Citizenship education is the type of
education that fosters democratic attitudes, skills, and knowledge to engage and work on important
public issues and make democracy a way of life (Dahal, 2002). The Ministry of Education and Sports
(MOES) (2007) on the other hand is of the view that, citizenship education is a subject that aims at
producing competent, reflective, concerned and participatory citizens who will contribute to the
development of the communities and country in the spirit of patriotism and democracy (p. ii). MOES
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He advances that people who are more knowledgeable in civic issues are more likely to take part in
civic and political affairs as well as less likely to have a generalized mistrust and fear of public life.
Realizing the role citizenship education can play in reversing this decline in citizens civic awareness
and engagement, most developed and developing countries alike have embark on reviewing the
curriculum so as to make citizenship education a core subject, particularly at basic education level
(Keating, Kerr, Benton, Mundy Lopes, n.d.; Finkel, 2000; Dahal, 2002). More so, the pivotal role that
citizenship education plays in equipping the youth with knowledge, skills and the right attitudes for
social roles in the society has attracted funding from the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID (Finkel, 2011). The importance given to citizenship education is a sign that it is
the panacea to reversing the low interest shown in civic
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Similarities Between Porphyria s Lover And Do Not Go...
Author s use their writing to discuss death in different ways. Robert Browning s poem Porphyria s
Lover has few similarities with Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night by Dylan Thomas. These
authors have drastic differences when talking about death. Browning discusses how killing is a power
play in a poem about ... and Thomas talks about the transience of life in a poem about fighting death.
In one of Robert Browning s most unsettling dramatic monologues, Porphyria s Lover, Browning tells
a story of a man killing his lover in order to preserve her love for him. When the poem opens, the
speaker is describing the chaotic weather outside. To establish the mood, he keeps this in iambic
tetrameter. Browning uses iambic tetrameter throughout ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Porphyria s Lover the main theme is power. Browning leaves us clues about the theme throughout
the poem. To start with, when the speaker is describing the weather outside It tore the elm tops down
for spite, suggests how powerful the storm is. The whole poem the speaker is fighting for power
against Porphyria. At first he lets her keep all the power, but when she is not expecting it, he kills her
to gain full power over her. The speaker reduces Porphyria to an object, a corpse that he could
manipulate. Though in Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night the main themes are mortality and
transience. Thomas knows that death is inevitable but he wants his father and all the elderly that are,
close to death to fight it off for as long as possible. Thomas conveys the theme of transience by
comparing how good men s lives are flying by. Thomas says, Good men, the last wave by, crying how
bright / Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, good men s lives are passing away easily.
All of their accomplishments will die out and everything they were going to accomplish does not have
a chance to
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  • 9. Significance Of The Movie My Fair Lady SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MOVIE MY FAIR LADY IN THE STUDY OF LINGUISTICS: AN ANALYSIS SREYA SUSAN CHACKO Register No: MM033 Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Communication and Journalism(Triple Main), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala Abstract: A language is a system of conventional signals used for communication by a whole community A. C. Gimson. Language is an essential tool for communication as well as for self expression. Language can be considered as a habit which is not genetically transmitted. It is acquired from the environment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The movie was nominated for 12 Oscars and won 8 out of them. In the movie, Professor Higgins invests all of his time and energy in Eliza s transformation with the final goal of passing her off as an aristocrat at the season s biggest social event and finally he succeeds in it. (TCR) In the process, their bond becomes stronger. Research paper Dr Chinazo Echezona Johnson. Analysis of the movie my fair lady, using transformative and andragogy adult learning theories. This paper helped the researcher to understand the theoretical framework of the movie more deeply. This paper analyses Eliza Doolittle s learning, through the perspectives of Mezirow s transformative learning theory and Knowle s andragogy. In this paper Echezona proves that the character Eliza s transformation from a poor flower seller to that of a duchess has followed all the ten phases of Jack Mezirow s transformational learning theory. The ten phases of Mezirow s Transformational learning theory: A disorienting dilemma A self examination with feelings of fear, anger, guilt or shame A critical assessment of assumptions Recognition that one s discontent and the process of transformation are shared Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions Planning a course of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Importance Of Corporal Punishment There are many ways to discipline a child. Some ways are you can ground them, yell at them for what they did, or you can spank them. Hitting your child is a form of punishment used throughout history. The most common way people discipline their kids is by Corporal punishment. Corporal punishment is defined as a punishment that can be spanking or slapping a child bare handed. You may also use a belt, paddle, or any flat object to punish the child so that they are in an uncomfortable position or physical pain. Corporal punishment is referred to as physical punishment. This happens when a child misbehaves and the parent needs to discipline the child for what they did. Most corporal punishment happens at home, but also sometimes in public. The way corporal punishment is used should be banned and not used on any children for it changes the child s behavior, the child s skills, and its harsh physical punishment. Spanking can change the child s behavior. Spanking a child causes aggression among children. A 2002 meta analysis of 27 studies across time periods, countries, and ages found a persistent association: children who are spanked regularly are more likely to be aggressive, both as a child and as an adult. If a parent spanks or hits the child regularly it may also develop a distant relationship between the parent and child. Many children grow up learning right from wrong, but as kids we still don t listen. Parents spank their kids to stop that bad behavior. So, if we keep ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Age Of Reason And Optimism In America The definition of perseverance is as follows, the steadfastness in doing something despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success. The definition of optimism is as follows, the hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something. I believe that the trait perseverance best describes the Age of Reason and optimism best describes America today. What do you think of when you hear the word perseverance? To early Americans perseverance meant fighting for a better tomorrow. They had to persevere and fight a country they had originated from to be successful with getting the freedom, fairness, and equality they craved and desired. Even when food and supplies were low and patience was tested they still fought. After ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Main Differences Between Larceny And Embezzlement In chapter 9 of Criminal Law Today, the author describes the crimes of embezzlement and explains the main differences between larceny and embezzlement. This chapter identifies the types of property that were subject to the common law crime of larceny. In addition, the author describes the differences between embezzlement and false pretenses, and the differences between robbery and extortion. The most commonly occurring crimes in the United States are the theft crimes and drug crimes. Crimes of theft are generally property crimes. There is a variety of property crimes, such as larceny, burglary, criminal trespass, arson, and computer crimes. Crimes of theft are also known as acquisitive offenses, which are crimes that involve the unlawful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Forgery is the making of false written instrument or the material alteration of an existing genuine written instrument. Forgery is only complete when the perpetrator makes or passes a false instrument. Overall, the crime of forgery is the actual intent to defraud. The common law crime of forgery included the act of uttering, which is the offering, passing, or attempted passing of a forged document knowing that is forged. Receiving stolen property is another form of theft. This can be defined as knowingly taking possession of, or control over, property that has been taken in an unlawful way. There are four elements to the crime of receiving stolen property, which are receiving, stolen property, the receiver knowing that it was stolen, and where the property was received. Another form of theft is robbery. However, robbery is considered a violent personal crime by the Uniform Crime Reporting program. Robbery is the unlawful taking of property that is in the immediate possession of another by force or threat of force. However, robbery, can be considered another form of larceny. The crime of robbery requires two elements, that the property be taken from a person or removed from the victim s presence and that the taking occur through the use of force or fear. But certain situations may be considered larceny. For example, if property was stolen from a dead person, the crime is no longer a robbery but a form of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Childhood Social Development Is Important Aspect Childhood social development is important aspect that impacts a child life early on, it helps them grow and communicate better in life. Socializing is always a good thing to do having your child interact with other kids helps them have a better self esteem and helps them figure out who exactly they are. Exposing your child to socialization can be as easy as taking your child to the park, scheduling a play date, having them join a team sport or enrolling them in a head start school. In the early stages of child hood, ages three to eight, head start schools benefit children before they can even start a regular schooling program starting socialization so early in a child s life helps them develop certain things faster then most children. For example a child will learn how to interact with other children who he or she is not used to interacting with, this helps build relationships with people other then family members. When children play together it helps the child develop certain social skills such as playing and taking turns with other children, as children play it also helps them develop other physical skills such as running, kicking, climbing and jumping. Play also helps build relationships between a child and his parents, caregiver, and teacher. 1 Playing with other children helps the child share and respect the opinion of other classmates, interacting with other adults helps the child develop a respect for other adults that are not parents or family members this also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. A Perfect Summer At The Beach A Perfect Summer at the Beach The sun peeked through my bedroom window; time to get up! The day was warm and gorgeous. It was the perfect weather to go to the beach. I woke up early and prepare our breakfast, so we can eat first before we leave. I can smell the eggs and bacon sizzling in a pan. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee makes my day complete. The pancake oozing with butter and maple syrup is ready to serve. I also prepare a fresh squeezed orange juice for the kids. When I was cooking everybody is starting to wake up. We are planning to go to the Narragansett beach with the family. Everything is all packed and ready to go. The kids are very excited; they help me to organize all the stuff that we needed since last night. After we eat our breakfast the kids immediately go to their bedroom and change for their cutest swimwear attire. While my fiancé and I started to pack everything in the car. We arrive on time at my father in law s house. As we expected my sister in law Kylie is late again. She never been on time whenever we have a family gathering. The funny part is she is the one who suggested that we should meet in my father in law s house around 9:30 in the morning but she never made it on time. While we are waiting, I finally had a glimpse of my father in law s apartment; it was nice, simple, and neat. I noticed how blissful he was when he is giving me a tour of his house. He showed me his bedroom with a flat screen television, the living room with a nice and cozy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Summary Of All Over Let s Eat By Dave Barry Politics is a dangerous topic: minefields to the left and right, shrapnel everywhere, and often the best opinion is no opinion. Dave Barry in Now That s It s All Over, Let s Eat! approaches the modern American political apathy with a cynical eye. In 2012, before the second election of Barak Obama, Americans were feeling a lack of faith in the political system. The Democrats were demonizing Mitt Romney and the Republicans were bad mouthing Obama. Barry says that the American response to all this drama should be to go watch football. In the article, Barry has three observations about current political life: that both parties are filled with less than bright politicians (who bill themselves as geniuses or at least as well informed), street protests such as the march on Wall Street are honestly not very effective, and that there is no fun in politics anymore and no one has a sense of humor. I know that before I go on a trip that I always check the weather, because I have been stuck on vacation in miserable weather too many times. The author gives the example of the Republican convention in Florida during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... stupid. Barry relates the story of driving through Tampa, when two people wearing furry pig suits say that they are trying to convert people to veganism. His mental response was not thoughts of meatless meals but of these people are insane, I could go for some barbeque. The author also shares his belief in the inefficacy of shouting in large groups. Occupy Wall Street was a prime example of this mentality. I do sympathize with many of their aims, because I am definitely one of the 99%. However, when they did a months long protest in Philadelphia at City Hall, I went home the long way around because the protesters came across as dangerous and possibly unstable. As the late Terry Pratchett said, The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On Rohingya Described as the world s most persecuted people, 1.1 million Rohingya people live in Myanmar. They live predominately in Rakhine state, where they have co existed uneasily alongside Buddhists for decades.Rohingya people say they are descendants of Muslims, perhaps Persian and Arab traders, who came to Myanmar generations ago. Unlike the Buddhist community, they speak a language similar to the Bengali dialect of Chittagong in Bangladesh. The Rohingya are reviled by many in Myanmar as illegal immigrants and they suffer from systematic discrimination. The Myanmar government treats them as stateless people, denying them citizenship. Stringent restrictions have been placed on Rohingya people s freedom of movement, access to medical assistance, education and other basic services. Violence broke out in northern Rakhine state on 25 August, when militants attacked government forces. In response, security forces supported by Buddhist military launched a clearance operation . Refugees have spoken of massacres in villages, where they say soldiers raided and burned their homes. The government claims the Rohingya have burned their own homes and killed Buddhists and Hindus. It says that the military is targeting terrorists, including the Arakan RohingyaSalvation Army (Arsa), the group that claimed responsibility for the August attacks. According to the most recently available data from the United Nations in May, more than 168,000 Rohingya have fledMyanmar since 2012.Following violence ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Analysis Of Forced Founders By Woody Holton Throughout Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves, and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia, Woody Holton argues that the causes of the Revolutionary War are different than what most people once concluded. Although many American s believe that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are the men who led this revolution, Holton brings up a new theory on how the war began. As Holton s title states, he believes that Indians, debtors, and slaves had a bigger role in the making of the American Revolution. Throughout the entire novel, Holton argues that the American Revolution is not led by the elite men of Virginia, but the nonessential people are those who play the biggest roles in the making of this war. Holton begins his book ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main problems between this group of people is their opinions about slave trade. The British government s insistence on keeping slave trade is one of the main causes of Virginia s separation from Great Britain (73). The merchants, of course, did not want to break ties with Britain because trading was their income. Therefore, one difference of opinion and thousands of lives of slaves is what Holton argues is another main reason for the cause of the American Revolution. The second part of the book focusses on the boycotts that the Virginians inaugurated in order to receive what they wanted from Great Britain. Holton argues that these boycotts are also a huge part of what started the American Revolution. The American colonist established the nonimportation association in order to pressure Parliament to repeal laws that endangered their civil liberties (78). The importance of these boycotts is evident in history because they played a huge role in the starting of the American Revolution because not only did these boycotts help start the revolution, but they also ended it. Without these boycotts and without the colonist pushing to have their way there would have never been any change. Not only that, but these boycotts helped create the conditions for the greatest movement of black resistance that Virginia had ever known (105). This was the beginning of freedom for the slaves from their owners, as well ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Muay Thai In Thailand Muay Thai in Thailand The connections of the mind, body and soul have and always will have the utmost importance in sports. Time over time, it is proven that champions use all three in a combination to defeat their enemy. All champions around the world have some of the same characteristics in common; discipline, respect and self control. These three characteristics are the very core of martial arts. Through the training and teachings of martial arts, individuals are able to key into their mind, body and soul to honor and protect themselves from opponents, either, on the field of war and/or play. Different types of martial arts focus on the use of body parts with or without any additional weapons. Muay Thai is an example of a martial art that uses just the body as a weapon. It trains the mind to depend on just the body by connecting with the soul through rituals that have been followed since the creation of Muay Thai. The goals of this paper are to discuss the historical development of Muay Thai and the guidelines of this martial art sport. Another goal of this paper is to discuss the effects Muay Thai has on the people and the environment and how its culture, history, and geography has popularized this sport throughout the past, few years. This has transformed Muay Thai into a new form of popular sport known to world as kickboxing, which has extracted many techniques from the mother sport. Overview of Thailand Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing, is one of the most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. How Resources Within A Patient Centered Medical Home (... Various elements influence how resources within a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) are managed. PCMHs veer away from traditional episodic and often fragmented care to offer patients higher quality care that is accessible, comprehensive, coordinated and more cost effective. PCMH demonstration projects have shown that the model enhances health outcomes, reduces waste, and improves patient and employee satisfaction alike. This transition, however presents significant challenges and necessitates the restructuring of financial, material, and personnel resources within primary care structures. Effective implementation of this model is contingent upon the procurement of specialized staff, health information technology (HIT) systems, and possibly workspace reconfiguration all of which can impact an organization s operating budget. Unfortunately, primary care payment reforms as well as complex billing and coding guidelines pose a significant threat to the financial viability of PCMHs and remain highly important factors to consider prior to undergoing this transition. Despite many of these challenges, PCMH continues to be a leading model in primary care. This paper presents a hypothetical PCMH implementation project and discusses some important considerations related to the management of financial, material, and personal resources. Patient Centered Medical Home Implementation: A Resource Management Analysis The role of nurse managers and nurse leaders extends beyond the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Swot Analysis Of Alothaim Principle of management group project Done by: Felwa Almulhem 2170001304 Munira Alkadi 2170005799 Batool Boumarah 2170002546 Sarah Alsuhaibani 2170005322 Nora Aldughaim 2170001419 Hawra Alkhudair 2170004966 Layan Alorainan 2170000062 Section: 109 Supervised by: Dr. Shabir Ahmad Index No. Content Page No. 1 Cover Page 1 2 Index 2 3 Executive Summary 3 4 Alothaim s background 4 5 Alothaim s vision/mission/organization goals 5 6 Alothaim s Strategies 6 7 SWOT analysis (internal + external + PESTLE analysis) 8 8 Analysis and Recommended strategies 11 9 Conclusion 12 Executive Summary This business report provides the SWOT and the PESTLE analysis of Alothaim Markets. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alothaim s Strategies A Solid Business Strategy: Current Strongholds (Geographies/Formats)
  • 21. Increased Competition Supply Chain OMC S Experience Relations OMC S Balanced Strategy for Sustained Growth (Cost Leadership/Service Product Differentiation): 1 Improve Margins (Cost Optimization) Focus on Private Labels/Fresh Supply Chain Optimization Optimize Inventory Levels Improve Retail Space Utilization Divest Unprofitable Stores Reduce Shrinkage 2 Business Expansion Aggressive Expansion especially in Supermarkets Formats Enter the Hypermarkets Segment Expand Geographically through Synergistic Acquisitions Increase Presence in Current Geographic Strongholds 3 Diversification (Risk Minimization) Expand Product Range Backward Integration Target Broader Market Segment Geographic Diversification Enter Long Term Partnerships Sales Growth Strategy: Target: Annual Sales Growth of 15% Strategies: New Supermarkets/Hypermarkets Improve Utilization of Space at Current Outlets Marketing Strategy: Target: Enhance Costumer Experience (Corporate ID, Product availability, Items Display, Online Shopping) Increase the Customer Basket Size by 20% Annually Concentrate on customer interaction and Digital Marketing (Social ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Tridacna Research Paper Variables of Tridacna isotopes as environmental indicators. Ontogeny, zooxanthella symbiosis, trace elements, seasonality and relative living depth. Abstract (In progress) Isotopic profiles of mollusks provide insight to the biology of fossil and living specimen and the conditions under which they live in. Isotopic profiles record seasonal variance in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentrations and can provide evidence of changes in bio mineralization in correlation with seasonality and ontology. The shells of Tridacna are beneficial for Pleistocene paleoceanography isotopic studies because of their large size making it easier to gain detailed samples of shell carbonate. The density of the shell better preserves original carbonate of the shell. Introduction to Tridacna The reef dwelling giant clam or Tridacna is one of the genuses that survived the waves of Paleozoic extinction. The genus Tridacna evolved over 65 million years ago in the Eocene along with modern corals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Comparing isotopes of symbiont bearing tridacnid clams and encrusting symbiont free clam. The carbon isotopic composition of the symbiont free bivalve and the symbiont bearing bivalve Tridacna were found to be similar, suggesting that the presence of symbionts has no noticeable effect on the isotopic composition of Tridacna (Romananek et al., 1989). It was also found that the amplitude of δ18O was greater in specimens gathered from shallow water because of greater environmental variability (1989). Specimen found deeper had higher δ18O and δ13C when compared to the shallow specimen due to lower temperatures and the lesser influence of 13C depleted carbon from oxidation of organic matter in sediments and meteoric water (Romananek et al., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Marx And Friedrich Engels s Impact On The 21st Century Looking back at these two works written in the mid to late 19th century, it has become clear the benefits and detrimental aspects of the opinions of the writers. The statements and arguments made by each author will be considered in the general impact each philosopher had on the 21st century. In 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the first edition of the book that would define their worldview, they saw an issue with the fragmentation of the communist beliefs and were commissioned to put the beliefs of the communists into a clear document to demonstrate what they stood for. Many of their ideas are now outdated, and some have been implemented in current society with unsuccessful results. Marx advocates the violent overthrow of governments to equalize the people of the country, rationalizing it as a way to overthrow the regime of the bourgeoisie. As seen in history, this can often lead to a state where the country is plunged into civil war or genocide, with an equally oppressive or more tyrannical leader than before. The attempt of leaders of many nation states to adapt Marx s ideas of nationalizing the agricultural process has resulted in increased costs for the consumers of the nations, and preventing them from negotiating trade contracts. The spread of globalization has increased, but contrary to the beliefs of Marx, there has not been a push to remove the borders of nation states because of the similarities of the nation s workforces. Any attempt to annex ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay about The Juggler The Juggler I want to believe in faith and risk and a world where you can stand beneath the grey October sky and flash your own colours through the air like a magician (218 221, p. 6). These beautiful lines constitute the final conclusion of the short story, The Juggler , written by Ursula Hegi and published in 2001. The story deals with themes such as beauty, letting go and being stuck in the past. The short story takes place in Coeur d Alene in the first weekend of October. An unnamed first person narrator tells the story of her daughter, Zoe and her boyfriend, Michael who have come to visit her. It is the first time she meets Michael, who is a counsellor at the school where her daughter teaches. They go to the cinema and on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other times I felt like I were eleven and she thirty (ll. 91 92, p. 3). The mother almost bursts into self oscillation when she tells Michael about her memories with Zoe. This could lead to the conclusion that Zoe is used to taking responsibility for other people and, seen from a homespun psychological point of view, perhaps likes the fact that Michael reminds her of her mother in the way that he needs her. Another result of the mother s loneliness and dependency on her daughter is the fact that she cannot let her go. She lives in the past and loves the memories of a time she refuses to leave, nor can she ever leave it unless she accepts the fact that Zoe is now a grown up. She has her own life now. The bird has flown. So maybe she should just handle her over to Michael. After all he is not a maniac killer or anything. He seems rather nice and Zoe really loves him, but the narrator simply is too jealous to be happy for her daughter, Zoe turns, smiling at him with so much light in her eyes that I have to look away (ll. 74 75, p. 3). The writer leaves, in a very discrete but intelligent and awfully interesting way, many symbols and details for further interpretation. For instance, a visual description of the narrator has been left out. Therefore, she appears as a set of thoughts, which on one side means that the events that take place in the story often are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. American Psycho Essay Entrails torn from the body with bare hands, eyes gouged out with razor blades, battery cables, rats borrowing inside the human body, power drills to the face, cannibalism, credit cards, business cards, Dorsia, Testoni, Armani, Wall Street; all of these things are Patrick Bateman s world. The only difference between Bateman and anybody else is what is repulsive to Bateman and what is repulsive to the rest of the world. Bateman has great interest in the upper class life, fashions, and social existence, but at the same time he is, at times, sickened by the constant struggle to be one up on everybody else. On the other hand Bateman s nightlife reveals a side of him never seen during the day. Bateman is relaxed, impulsive, and confident ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bateman is in a way sickened by the everyday all American life he leads, while the reader is sickened by the flip side of Patrick Bateman. From the beginning of the novel Bateman seems content with his life style. He seems perfectly happy with the daily lunch tickets at Nell s, the Yale Club, etc. He seems fascinated and absorbed with the details of peoples wardrobes, especially his own. But if you sift through all the talk of food, cocktails, and hardbodies, the reader will find a subtle boredom or frustration even early in the novel. While waiting on food at a table at Nell s, Bateman is momentarily diverted from the conversation by one of his thoughts of sex or violence that seem to escalate in frequency throughout the novel. I think about Courtney s legs, spread and wrapped around my face, and when I look over at Luis in one brief flashing moment his head looks like a talking vagina and it scares the bejesus out of me, moves me to say something while mopping the sweat off my brow. (108) These thoughts seem to come to Bateman most frequently at these types of situations. Wealthy friends, wealthy strangers, and a wealthy environment surround him. Either consciously or subconsciously Bateman s mind diverts itself from the monotonous world that Bateman grows to loathe, to a world that Bateman loves. Although the thoughts occur the most often in restaurants, I can t say with certainty that food has anything to do with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay on Psychological Explanations of One Anxiety Disorder Psychological Explanations of One Anxiety Disorder Phobias are an example of an anxiety disorder and the psychological explanations of these are cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral and social factors. The Behavioral, Psychodynamic and social factors of the psychological explanation will be discussed in greater detail. Behavioral explanations say that all behaviour is learnt whether it is normal or abnormal and this approach has been applied to humans and animals. There are three theories that make up the behaviorist approach, which are classical and operant conditioning, Social Learning and information transmission. Classical conditioning is concerned with a classical, neutral and conditioned ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example if a child sees its mother reacting in a fearful way towards a spider they too will react in that particular way. Evidence for this comes from Bandura who observed the reactions of fake electrical shocks been given with a buzzer. Maneeka found that when mothers reacted to snakes in a bad way the child developed a phobia of snakes in later life. There are demand characteristics with this research, as the researchers will be expecting a particular outcome and the people may already have a fear of a particular object or situation. Also the outcomes cannot be applied to every phobia i.e. claustrophobia therefore it is limited. Information Transmission is the last theory for the psychological explanations of phobias. This is when fear producing information about the phobic object leads to the development of the particular phobia. Ost (1985) described the case of a woman who was a severe snake phobic. She had been told repeatedly about the dangers of snakes and had been strongly encouraged to wear rubber boots to protect herself. Consequently she wore the boots wherever she went. However Merckelbach (1996) argued on the basis of the evidence that claustrophobia or fear of enclosed spaces rarely occurs as a result of Information Transmission. The Psychodynamic approach is based on the Id, Ego and Superego, the conflict between the Id and the Superego and also childhood ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Geothermal Energy Essay Geothermal Energy The human population is currently using up its fossil fuel supplies at staggering rates. Before long we will be forced to turn somewhere else for energy. There are many possibilities such as hydroelectric energy, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy and geothermal energy to name a few. Each one of these choices has its pros and cons. Hydroelectric power tends to upset the ecosystems in rivers and lakes. It affects the fish and wild life population. Nuclear energy is a very controversial subject. Although it produces high quantities of power with relative efficiency, it is very hard to dispose of the waste. While wind and solar power have no waste products, they require enormous amounts of land ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The continental crust consists of igneous and sedimentary rocks. The oceanic crust consists of the same with a substantial layer of sediments above the rock. The crust covers the outer ridged layer of the earth called the lithosphere. The lithosphere is divided into seven main continental plates. These continental plates are constantly moving on a viscous base. The viscosity of this base is a function of the temperature. The study of shifting continental plates is called Plate Tectonics. Plate Tectonics allows scientists to locate regions of geothermal heat emission. Shifting continental plates cause weak spots or gaps between plates where geothermal heat is more likely to seep through the crust. These gaps are called Subduction Zones. Heat emission from subduction zones can take many forms, such as volcanoes, geysers and hot springs. When lateral plate movement induced gaps occur between plates, collisions occur between other plates. This results in partial plate destruction. This causes mass amounts of heat to be produced due to frictional forces and the rise of magma from the mantle through propagating lithosphere fractures and thermal plumes sometimes resulting in volcanism. During plate movement, continental plates are constantly being consumed and produced changing plate boundaries. When collisions between plates occur, the crust is pushed up sometimes forming ranges of mountains. This is the way that most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Negative Effects Of The Circus reactions to stimulus dictated outside of an animal s conscious control, and the lack of ability to behave on instinct; as suggested later by Niedrich as being unnatural, then could indicate instead that activists are making the claim that free will is unnatural. Viewed from this angle activist maybe implying that free will and behavior outside of instinct is unnatural and morally wrong. This would make the entire concept of the circus, which is to preform unnatural death defying acts as morally wrong, and an unnatural abomination that breeds an abusive environment; since most performances are composed of conscious actions practiced over time rather than reflexive responses. On the opposite side of the argument many circus performers describe the circus, and talk about the circus s recent disbandment as if losing Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus is destroying their culture and way of life. Gala has been a circus performer her entire life and was born into the circus profession in Russia, before moving to America in order to begin working for Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus. Gala talked about warming up before her trainer arrived at 6:00 AM every morning for practices, or the beginning of preformance run throughs. She describes the circus as a higher way of life and art form. Art and athletics are normally described as a lifestyle, and usually takes an extraordinary amount of effort and time. The use the word art, implies carefully crafted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Xczc Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Govt., Business, NGOs Interface between them in the rise of globalization BUSINESS ETHICS PROJECT Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 Chand Ajmera, PGP/17/192 Ananya Jha, PGP/17/194 Shraddha Srikhande, PGP/17/240 Dinesh Kumar V, PGP/17/248 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. ROLE OF CSOS IN BUSINESS GOVERNMENT INTERFACE 3. LOBBYING INTRODUCTION 4. ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF LOBBYING 5. EXAMPLES OF LOBBYING 6. ACTIONS BEING TAKEN TO CURB THE UNETHICAL ASPECT OF LOBBYING 7. CONCLUSION amp; RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Boycott of Nike, Walmart, and other retailers for allegedly manufacturing goods under abusive working conditions in developing countries can also be highlighted in this context. Influence of CSOs on government CSOs have been instrumental in influencing government to incorporate environment and labor provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) negotiations, emboldening governments to allow banning of genetically modified organisms and food products and forcing World Bank to excuse the debt of developing countries. MEDIATORS OR MODERATORS: CSOs act as mediators or moderators where they collaborate with
  • 30. corporates jointly working for the betterment of the community. They try to influence various policies without being directly involved in it. Stakeholder agency theory which can be used to study this role, assumes that the corporate has ethical and social responsibilities towards a wide variety of stakeholders which impact them in one or the other way. [1] INSERT figure 4 HERE : CSOs acting as direct influencers One of the examples is the participation of CSOs, and NGOs in particular, in mediation of Mozambican peace process that led to agreements in Rome in October 1992, attended by the Community of Sant Egidio. Other example includes CSOs persuading Home ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Ambassador James C. Swan And The Chief Of Mission David Brown Ambassador James C. Swan and DRC Deputy Chief of Mission David Brown should be at the top of the list regarding diplomatic efforts with President Kabila and his advisors. Swan and Brown would be responsible for disseminating our potential policy efforts in a positive light and garnering support for said efforts. The United States Agency for International Development and Department of State should also be heavily involved in any policy changes. Each respective agency would reallocate funds as necessary. As of now, only $42 million of USAID s estimated $330 million (2016) of foreign aid goes towards governance measures. It is critical that this amount be increased provided that the Kabila regime is receptive to our ideas and willing to work with us. The success of any aforementioned policy change depends on the DRC government s ability to implement it. Additionally, we should also work with the Department of Treasury in restructuring current sanctions on the DRC. If the Kabila regime proves compliant with our policy measures, then we should urge the Treasury to reduce sanctions. The Department of Defense should play a role in establishing a legitimate military presence in the DRC. They can do so by joint military exercises meant to build military capacity and strengthen the DRC government s ability to deal with threats from armed groups within the country and abroad (namely, threats from Rwanda and Uganda). Finally, we should coordinate with the African Development ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Constantly trying to please the customer, Starbucks® introduced a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Although pumpkin has been the craze for a while, Starbucks® introduced the pumpkin drink in 2003 when there were virtually no other pumpkin products on the market. (Starbucks Newsroom, 2014). Realizing the great risk of pumpkin, the senior leaders proceeded with the go ahead for the new Pumpkin Spice Latte drink. Around 100 stores were provided the opportunity to introduce the new seasonal drink, and after a better than expected success with the product, Starbucks® knew the Pumpkin Spice Latte was a winner. After eleven years, Starbucks® revealed the recipe for the Pumpkin Spice Latte and determined that the drink should be made with natural flavorings ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Starbucks® has appealed by offering a mobile app which allows for ordering, tipping, and choosing the desired location of pickup (Starbucks Newsroom, 2014). Launched in Portland, Oregon, in 2014, plans were put in place to expand in 2015. The mobile ordering experience has been integrated into the already existing Starbucks mobile app, and My Starbucks Rewards® program. Continuing to utilize the expanding features of mobile possibilities, Starbucks® is growing with customer demand. Realizing the growing possibility of income from the use of the app, Starbucks has initiated a plan to expand the mobile app even more (Meola, 2016). In addition, sales through the mobile app has continued to grow, and, therefore, inspired the expansion of offerings through mobile communication. Studies have concluded that the use of the mobile app has become a core strategy for the business, and future growth for the Starbucks app will include recommendations to the customer for additional products. This writer considers the use of the mobile app to still be in the growing stages of the product life cycle. The maturity stage would indicate that the product has reached a peak (Solomon, Marshall, Stuart, 2012). However, not everyone has joined in the forces of utilizing the possibilities of the mobile app. Even though it would seem that most people have a cell phone, a select few only use the device for calling and texting. Therefore, the market is still growing and enticing new app ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How Effective Recruiting Can Contribute An Organization... Praharsh Vasavada Goldey Beacom College Recruiting Talent There are a number of factors that take place in order for the success of an organization. It is not only the quality of the resources or the technology in the organization that counts, but the employees and their valuable skills are also a huge contributing factor for its success. This essay will discuss, how effective recruiting can contribute to an organizations success. Recruiting is the first step in accomplishing a certain task. Due to the increase in global competitiveness and increased flexibility in labor market, the importance of labor force planning in every business is increasing. One of the most important parts on an organization s of Human resource ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Recruitment establishes a linking between the job pursuers and employers. By which, it ensures the employment of correct applicants at the correct place at the accurate time. Following the right recruitment procedures and practices simplifies the selection of the appropriate applicants for the organization. One can suggest that recruitment plays a significant role in strategic human resource management as it is during this process that the ability and qualities of potential employees are evaluated. Recruitment refers to any practice or activity carried out by the organization with the prime purpose of recognizing and drawing would be employees. They can be sourced from internal or external sources, direct applicants and recommendations, advertisements, public or private organizations, electronic recruiting, or universities. Recruitment is the process that identifies as well as hires the best qualified applicants from inside or outside of an organization for job openings, in a most appropriate and cost effective method. According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching for the potential candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for job vacancies in the organization . Recruitment comprises the activity that connects the job pursuers with hiring providers. Recruitment is also a procedure of finding and drawing talented candidates for employment. The procedure starts with looking for of new employees and ends ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Apa Format Sample Sample of Chicago Formatted Paper Tina Howell History 301 Professor Zhiwei Xiao February 16,2017 Professor Zhiwei Xiao stated that the historical research paper should be in Chicago Style Format not APA or MLA in his History 301 class (Spring 2017). There are a few key factors in a Chicago Style paper, the first is margins should be 1 on all sides. Second, the line spacing should be set at 2.0, and third, the font should be set at 12 point. There are several sources to refer to, to properly implement Chicago manual style. For example, there is a book called Chicago Manual of Style it is in its 16th printing by University of Chicago, and a copy is located at the CSUSM library. There is also a well known website ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Writing history requires diligence, research, checking and rechecking the information and most of all an understanding that no matter how hard a person tries their own beliefs, biases, and history will color the information they are writing. Having the ability to trace the steps writers take to arrive at certain conclusions helps the readers to assimilate the information with some degree of understanding, if they choose to follow the research. This does not mean that everyone who reads the material will arrive at the same conclusion, however, just as a writer has bias, so does the reader. Bibliography 2005. Social Darwinism. New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Encyclopedia.com. Inc. The Gale Group. Accessed 2 14, 2017. http://www.encyclopedia.com/history/dictionaries thesauruses pictures and press releases/social darwinism. Clements, Jessica, Elizabeth Angeli, Karen Schiller, S. C. Gooch, Laurie Pinkert, and Allen Brizee. 2013. The Purdue OWL. April 3. Accessed February 13, 2017. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/02/. 2002. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Directed by Chris Columbus. Performed by R Harris. Pullen, Alison, and Carl Rhodes. 2008. Dirty writing. Culture Organization 14, no. 3 241 259. University of Chicago, Press. 1982. The Chicago Manual of Style. Chicago: University of Chicago ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Applying The Ethics Of Care Theory After completing a search of the literature I decided to select this article for one main reason. It applies a basic theory for us as nurses. TheTheory of ethics of care, a significant theory applied in our daily life as professionals and individuals. Applying the ethics of care to your nursing practice (Lachman, 2012) This article defines several concepts interrelated to the ethics of care theory. The author starts with the definition of caring, and its relationship with nurses and nursing care (Lachman, 2012). Subsequently, the author continues explaining and gradually defining how this theory has evoluted throughout the years. It is important to mention the analysis presented by the author about moral and caring concepts. How different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Relations of the Superpowers Between 1945 and 1959 Essay The Relations of the Superpowers Between 1945 and 1959 The conflict of World War II against the Nazi Germany brought the Allied Nations, United States of America, England and the Soviet Union together to fight side by side. During the period of 1945 and 1959 these Superpowers were constantly trying to undermine each other. This alliance soon took its course to break down after bitter hatred against one another with the threat of thermal Nuclear War. The friendship that these countries once had led to rivalry whereby both sides tried to out do each other by any means possible. These countries stored weapons, and at the same time they were both in the process ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Postdam agreement contained the decisions reached by the participants. The relationship between these two Super Powers during the war in Europe was certainly very good. These two sides fought side by side trying to defeat Nazism in Europe. President Roosevelt did not mind Stalin nor, did Stalin mind, even though they had different ways of thinking, and their political views were certainly the opposite to each other. Truman felt threatened by communism/Russia, he decided to sign the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). This was the alliance of military reinforcement through most Western European countries. A military alliance was a treaty that was only signed by the participant that felt they were under a threatening situation such as the corrupt Nazism in Germany. The signing of NATO was great threat to Russia as the alliance of countries could easily persuade Russia to do its bidding. Russia felt as they were in a vulnerable position. In 1955 they created the Warsaw Pact. This was the response to NATO under the rule of Stalin. It included all the Eastern European countries, which prevented the Western countries having authority over military power over Russia. As communism was a law that suggested sharing, Stalin dominated the Warsaw Pact, but this ways of dealing with people prevented any disagreements and it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Favorite Movie Assignment For this assignment, I have chosen to pick one of my favorite movies called Star Wars episode 3 Revenge of the Sith. Because I am a huge fan of the whole Star Wars series, but this specific movie, I have seen several times and it is my favorite out of all the movies included in the franchise. Before I took this class, I thought this movie was phenomenal, I loved the way it was put together, the whole story was interesting, it stood out from different movies because of its creative and unique concept of the science fiction, adventure, action, romance, and fantasy genres. When I first saw this movie, I was truly intrigued and didn t lose interest in any part throughout the film, it fascinated me. After I had took this theater class though, and after analyzing several different movies, I looked back at the movie, I realized that all the terminology and content that I have learned throughout the course wasn t put to mind because I didn t pay attention to it really because I didn t even know the names of the terms that I learned in class and the insights of how this film was put together, I was more focused on what was happening in the story. After I took this class, I have changed my response to this film because when I analyze this movie, I now have a deeper understanding of what goes on in this movie, I know this because I think of how different scenes in the movie add to the story/narrative, and how some characters are affected and how it adds to the story, I know what kind ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay on Belonging Through analysis and exploration of my chosen text, A Selection of Songs by The Smiths , as well comparisons linked to Emily Dickinson s set poems, a vast array of representations of belonging have been discerned. Through an abundance of ideas, and devices used to convey thesis s, the texts provide variable discourses as to how we can view belonging, exploring the state of belonging, mainly through its paradoxes. Thus the study of The Smith s songs individually as well as comparatively to Emily Dickinson has contributed significantly to my understanding of belonging. The concept of alienation is continually reverted to in the Smiths songs, emphasising the importance of this paradox to belonging, in the understanding of belonging itself. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is similar to the barriers against belonging experienced in the Dickinson texts in relevance to themes of dislocation to society due to the persona s self sanctioning and alienation. The lyrics I am Human and I need to be loved emphasise the necessity of human s to belong and it s repetition ads to the effect of the persona s desperation to achieve this. Morrisey employs contrasting sentences within the lyrical content such as I am the son and heir , resonating power and control. This is compared with weaker statements such as of nothing in particular . Its effects establish confusion and lack of self awareness in the persona. The persona is continually questioned throughout the text in there Self descriptions, such as criminally vulgar shyness . Personal attributes such as this prevent companionship, and result in depression and consideration of death. This suggests that it is the persona s self hatred, and imbalance within that incites his alienation, preventing belonging. The continuous banshee sounds between verses extends the tormented mind of the persona. Asleep continues to represent the role of sense of psychic wholeness in being the pathway to belonging. It does so in complete lack of psychic wholeness and how this fails the persona. Morrisey employs lyrical content that is sparse yet profound, using sleep as a metaphor for suicide, and romanticising ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Similarities And Similarities Of Judaism Religion for everyone can be quite different because there are many different forms that they can take on. There are many different kinds such as Catholicism, Muslim, Christianity, Buddhism, and many more. Often enough they have their own similarities, such as one God, same beliefs with slightly different versions of praying or rituals and there are many other things of notice. The ones that I wish to discuss are the religions Judaism, one of the larger groups in the world and a smaller one known as Heathenry. The reason for me choosing these two is because they have a large amount of differences just from the surface alone, some of the main ones being that they have completely different size of followers. For Judaism, the size is in the millions while Heathenry is the opposite and falls below 500,000. Another major factor is that Judaism only has one God versus how Heathenry has multiply as well as spirits. The main concepts that will be focused on Myths, Rituals, religious practitioners or specialists and the altered states of consciousness, as well as how they believe the world was created. The first one to be discussed is the major one first, Judaism which is located around the world but started off in cities such as Jerusalem. Judaism had a variety of moments, most were from Rabbinic Judaism, which says that God revealed his laws and commandments to Moses. This was challenged by various other groups and provided splits, one being Judaism. The first topic to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Cost and Mountain Man Light Financial Projections Year Revenues from MM beer 2006 $49,431,200 2007 2008 2009 2010 $48,442,576 $47,473,724 $46,524,250 $45,593,765 Assumptions no price changes 2% Decrease in Market Size and no light product Gross Margin remains the same Contribution Loss of Contribution 15,323,672 766,184 15,017,199 750,860 14,716,855 735,843 14,422,517 721,126 14,134,067 706,703 5% Loss due to light beer entry .05 * Contribution Launch advertising costs Incremental SG A expenditures Incremental costs associated with Light Product E.C. Light Market Assumed Market for ligth beer (b/s) *1 Market share for Mountain Man Light Barrels sold Mountain Man Light Contribution of Light Product *2 Net change in contribution *3 Discount ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Beer consumption from premium popular brewers Average % share of E.C. beer consumption Average % share of E.C. Light Beer consumption Average % share of Other Brand E.C. Light Beer Consumption (minus top 3 competitors and imports) Assume .25% and 0.5% share of E.C. Light Beer market 2 years to obtain projected sales of Mountain Man Light Months to break even 50440000 520000 97 66.93 4% 5% 750547 4.69 30.07 25.38 29572 750000 900000 65, 012 94584 2.04% 0.25% 0.51% 3.60% 46861 24.2 $1,471,073 750,000 1,800,000 $4,021,073 158,435 1.70% 0.21% 0.42% 3.02% 150,104 25.3 Status Quo Scenario for Mountain Man Brewing
  • 41. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Precise Case Q1. Should Insight be launched in Open World 2000? Pros: 1. First mover advantage. 2. Delaying the launch probably would result with competition coming up with similar product. 3. Mass propaganda possible via Open world. Less marketing expense (presently that is one of the key expense areas for Precise). Cons 1. No proper user interface would hamper the reputation of the product and company as a whole (something for which they have stood for ). 2. Since the roll out will be a beta version, there will be loads of development required. The competition may then imitate the product and come up with their own modifications. First mover advantage may be lost. 3. Only monitor functionality would be launched the other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... of transactions per user | Time saved in hrs / day | 0.94 | Divide aforesaid time by 3600 | Percentage time saved per day or year or month | 11.75% | Time saved / 8 hrs (40 hr week) | Savings at end user | 1007890.625 | % time saved per day x user salary*(1 + Burden rate) x number of users | Total Savings due to Precise/SQL | 1259771 | End user savings + Savings on hardware + Savings at DBAs | Cost of Precise / SQL for 10 DBA accounts / computers = $25000 x 10 = 250000 Suppose I give a 25% discount = $25000 x 10 x 0.75 = 187500 Looking at this, we don t even need to give a discount in our sales. We can actually increase the price of existing Precise/SQL so that we get some more money. Insight has to be charged higher than what Alon has in mind ($250,000). This can also mean that the salesforce are heavily depending on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Chernobyl3 Lab Report On April 26, 1987, unit number 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, releasing mass amounts of potent radiation. A mass evacuation was conducted, moving hundreds of thousands of residents out of the area. The large amounts of radiation traveled into the atmosphere and over time made its way back to the surface, impacting the wildlife. Multiple studies have been conducted regarding specifically what impact the radiation has had on the local and international wildlife. These experiments were conducted in the CEZ as well as other countries in the Europe continent. They tested whether there is a correlation between the population of animals and the amount of radioactivity in the environment that was being tested. Some of the animal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Roe deer, wild boar, and Przewalski horses (Figure 6) are some more examples of species that are making a comeback into the area3. Figure 4 shows that these species have grown since the Chernobyl accident in 1987. It is not just larger mammals, a study by Baker et. al. shows that small mammals seem to be unaffected by the radiation as well. This does not seem to be true for birds however, as described in the barn swallow experiment which found a considerable decline in nests with eggs. Another finding from Dr. Mousseau, a biologist at the University of South Carolina, found physical abnormal characteristics life deformed beaks in birds5. However, in Dr. Mousseau s most recent findings, birds in the area have adapted to resist the effects by producing higher levels of protective found that The short term effects of the radiation resulted in the decline of the wildlife populations, but as the lack of human presence enveloped the CEZ, more and more animal life have emerged and repopulated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Importance Of Being At The Right Place Being at the right time at the right place: How to benefit financially? By some estimates, the total number of human beings that have ever lived is about 110 billion, of which approximately 7% are alive today. The world population keeps growing every year, so, statistically, you might say more humans have a chance of being at the right place at the right time than at any given time before, right? Yes and, uh, no. Statistics and big numbers have a powerful way of suggesting the wrong answer. Merely because more people play the lottery certainly does not mean your chance to win increases; only the total amount the winner will take away increases. That is of course unless we change the rules of the game itself. So, what does it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You might have heard of him. Andrew saw a huge opportunity while working for the railroads, expanding tracks West and South from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Rail tracks and bridges were needed in great numbers all the way to the West Coast. A new, much more efficient process to make a stronger iron had just been invented by Henry Bessemer in the United Kingdom and Andrew Carnegie saw an enormous opportunity in making this new iron called steel from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, close to the iron ore mines and rivers for easy transport. But, the most important factor in deciding to start this business was a law adopted in 1870 supported by the Republican Party, which had the presidency and a majority in Congress. The law was a $28 tariff on imported steel, basically taking out the British competition in one stroke. The tariff was upheld for a good 30 years. You may or may not favor laws like this one, but it is beside the point: it was a Ka Ching moment for Andrew and the other eight steel companies in the United States. They essentially got a license to print cash for themselves. Their timing was right. The rest is history. Andrew Carnegie went on to become one of the wealthiest men ever... only to give it all back to Society. The thinking behind his philanthropy was that he had been given a huge opportunity, largely by the good fortune of being at the right time and the right place. Of course, there is more to it than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Yellow Fever Infection Control Yellow Fever: Infection Control Yellow Fever is an infectious viral disease found in tropical and subtropical areas in South America and Africa. It is transmitted through mosquitos that carry the virus. It is common in the designated areas in South America and Africa but is rare in U.S. travelers. It is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings, laboratory testing, and travel history. The symptoms may range from mild self limited febrile illness to severe liver disease with bleeding. There is no specific treatment for it. The care you take is dependent on your symptoms. There are a few ways to prevent catching this virus, such as, wearing insect repellent under and over your clothes when outside, wearing protective clothing, and getting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Canada Has Not Taken Responsibility for the Behavior of... Canada, which is the headquarters of Barrick Gold Corporation, runs 60 percent of the world s mining corporations across the globe. Notwithstanding the fact that even though it is the forerunner in this industry, Canada has not taken the lead on mediating or taking responsibility for the behavior of their corporations abroad. The consequence of this carelessness is, Canada has drawn criticisms from around the world, first from the environmental, religious and human rights organizations, and now increasingly from international institutions, such as the United Nations. 1. Environment: According to a conservative estimate by the No Dirty Gold campaign, a project of Earth Works and Oxfam, on average it takes 79 tons of waste to extract one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many violent clashes have also occurred between police and activists opposing Barrick s mining operations in Peru, Chile, and Argentina. Subsequently, the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman of the World Bank issued a report refuting LEAT s claims of mass murder and the number of people displaced, based on evidence supplied by the Tanzanian government and Barrick Gold challenged this evidence. Similarly, Barrick s North Mara mine suffered great human rights abuses under its predecessor, Canada s Placer Dome. Lissu, who has been jailed for anti mining activism, claims that Bar rick s security operatives at the North Mara mine have since been linked to six violent deaths and that the killings are part of a strategy to silence mine critics. Most of the conflict arises over whether the local tradition of alluvial mining became illegal under arrangements and contracts held by the Porgera gold mine. ATA claimed that no Ipili agreed to give up traditional rights. The company has hired a 400 men security team, which it calls Asset Protection Department, to guard the facility. Over the years, what started as a congenial arrangement has turned into small scale armed conflict that has caused hundreds of injuries, sometimes 40 to 50 a day, according to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Thesis On Citizenship Education living conditions of their environment. The challenge, therefore, is for the school to help the youth develop reflective attachments to their nation and a sense of kinship with citizens in all parts of the world (Banks, 1990). Citizenship education is seen as one of the oldest subjects in the school curriculum and it continues to be on the radar screen of contemporary curriculum of the school for the purpose of educating the youth on civic rights and responsibilities. Citizenship education is the type of education that fosters democratic attitudes, skills, and knowledge to engage and work on important public issues and make democracy a way of life (Dahal, 2002). The Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) (2007) on the other hand is of the view that, citizenship education is a subject that aims at producing competent, reflective, concerned and participatory citizens who will contribute to the development of the communities and country in the spirit of patriotism and democracy (p. ii). MOES ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He advances that people who are more knowledgeable in civic issues are more likely to take part in civic and political affairs as well as less likely to have a generalized mistrust and fear of public life. Realizing the role citizenship education can play in reversing this decline in citizens civic awareness and engagement, most developed and developing countries alike have embark on reviewing the curriculum so as to make citizenship education a core subject, particularly at basic education level (Keating, Kerr, Benton, Mundy Lopes, n.d.; Finkel, 2000; Dahal, 2002). More so, the pivotal role that citizenship education plays in equipping the youth with knowledge, skills and the right attitudes for social roles in the society has attracted funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID (Finkel, 2011). The importance given to citizenship education is a sign that it is the panacea to reversing the low interest shown in civic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Similarities Between Porphyria s Lover And Do Not Go... Author s use their writing to discuss death in different ways. Robert Browning s poem Porphyria s Lover has few similarities with Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night by Dylan Thomas. These authors have drastic differences when talking about death. Browning discusses how killing is a power play in a poem about ... and Thomas talks about the transience of life in a poem about fighting death. In one of Robert Browning s most unsettling dramatic monologues, Porphyria s Lover, Browning tells a story of a man killing his lover in order to preserve her love for him. When the poem opens, the speaker is describing the chaotic weather outside. To establish the mood, he keeps this in iambic tetrameter. Browning uses iambic tetrameter throughout ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Porphyria s Lover the main theme is power. Browning leaves us clues about the theme throughout the poem. To start with, when the speaker is describing the weather outside It tore the elm tops down for spite, suggests how powerful the storm is. The whole poem the speaker is fighting for power against Porphyria. At first he lets her keep all the power, but when she is not expecting it, he kills her to gain full power over her. The speaker reduces Porphyria to an object, a corpse that he could manipulate. Though in Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night the main themes are mortality and transience. Thomas knows that death is inevitable but he wants his father and all the elderly that are, close to death to fight it off for as long as possible. Thomas conveys the theme of transience by comparing how good men s lives are flying by. Thomas says, Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright / Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, good men s lives are passing away easily. All of their accomplishments will die out and everything they were going to accomplish does not have a chance to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...