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                        “Born to be a success”

                                  Compiled by:

                                  Willie du Toit

                           Copyright: ©2011 Willie du Toit

The enemy exposed

When God created the earth, He never intended for man to live a short-lived
life, then die, and go to heaven. God‟s intention was, to place man on the
earth so that he could manage it on his behalf.

Unfortunately, God‟s enemy, the devil has always tried to put himself above
God, and to steal that which belongs to God. We read in the book of Isaiah
Chapter 14 how the devil planned to exalt himself above the throne and
authority of the Almighty God by rebelling against God. We read in the
Scriptures how a war was waged in the heavenlies and that satan and a
third of the angels, who supported him in his endeavour, were thrown from
heaven, never to be restored to any position of glory ever again!

What most people do not realize is that when everything on the earth is
concluded according to God‟s plans, the nations will stand amazed at the
image, they beheld of the enemy. Let us read it together as it is recorded in
Isaiah Chapter 14 from verse 16:

Isa 14:16 Those who see you will stare and wonder, "Is this the man who made
    the world tremble and shook up kingdoms?

Isa 14:17 Did he capture every city and make earth a desert? Is he the one who
    refused to let prisoners go home?"

Can you imagine how many people on the earth are living in bondage to an
enemy who has no authority over them? They live their entire lives in fear
and trembling of something or someone who has been dealt with, even before
time began.

The Word of God says clearly that people will stare in wonder when they
realize the truth about the enemy. Cities and nations are being held hostage
by something or someone who is far less superior to those inhabitants of
those cities and nations. Even the very earth is held captive by this fallen
enemy and large areas of entire continents are suffering due to the
ignorance of man. Another sad state of affairs is the fact that even those
whose lives have been restored by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, at
the cross of Calvary, have been tricked into submitting to a lifestyle of total
defeat, while living on planet Earth. Born-again people are living with the
hope, that they will one day be set free from the power of the enemy and the
effects of sin, once they step from this life on Earth through the gates of
heaven. Millions of people are evangelized to join a religion, who prepares
them for victorious living, once they breathe there last breath of air on the
earth. If we however search in the Scriptures, we find that God never
mentions heaven as a reward for faithful living and obedience to Him as our
Creator. Even Jesus, during his earthly ministry, did not promise his
disciples more power, greater faith, or elevated positions, in heaven one day
in the far distant future.

In fact, Jesus spent all his days during his earthly ministry, equipping His
disciples in successfully identifying their “unnatural and ungodly”
circumstances on the earth, and then instructed them how to deal with it
according to heaven‟s blueprints. A study of God‟s Word soon reveals that
when He created us, He designed us for a life of total and complete success
and victory on the earth.

Everything Jesus came to teach and show his disciples was aimed at
changing the earth into a place where the glory of God could find permanent
residence. This is exactly what the prophet Habakkuk meant when he said
that the whole earth will be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as
the waters of the seas, covers the earth. You and I must therefore realize that
we have been specifically designed and created by God to reign and rule over
the entire earth, and to teach nations the real reason why they exist. We
have been placed, by the wisdom of God, in specific areas, under very unique
circumstances, to exercise our God given authority until that place, where we
have been “sown” into, becomes conducive to be inhabited by God himself.

What an awesome privilege to be God‟s representatives and to carry such a
tremendous responsibility towards the earth and the Creator of everything.

God did not plan for us to be defeated, to be overpowered, or to be prevented
from achieving His ultimate plan for us on the earth, in any way
whatsoever. When He created us, the devil had already been banned from
the heavens, and cast down to the earth. God knew that the devil had
freedom of movement in the realm, where he was about to place us, and with
this in mind, He continued to form us in His own image and likeness, and
placed us as His deputies in the same realm as His enemy. Not for one
moment did God think that we would be unsuccessful in exercising His
authority, and subduing the entire earth and all of creation, on His behalf.

When the enemy saw that God sowed His own seed in an area, which He
called the earth, the enemy saw it as an opportunity to strike back and
regain some lost ground against God. Little did the devil know that God was
prepared for this by keeping the blueprint of man, abiding with Him in
heaven. The word of God says in John chapter 1 that in the beginning was
the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God. He was in the
beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and without
Him, not even one thing came into being that has come into being. As we
already know, this Word John wrote about is none other than the Lord Jesus
Christ Himself, and it is therefore evident that all things created has Jesus
Christ as its source. Jesus is therefore, the blueprint of everything that
existed in the heart of our Father in heaven, who then, made it to manifest
through his own son, Jesus Christ, on the earth.

God placed the very first human being, namely Adam and his wife Eve, in the
garden of Eden with the instruction to be fruitful, to multiply, and to subdue
the earth and to reign and rule over it on His behalf. When they failed in this
mandate due to their rebellion and disobedience, the devil thought that he
had found the perfect recipe to hit back at God for banning him from the

Man became a fallen being, subject to the pressures of life, which was
released upon the earth during the fall. Man also became the most suitable
object and sought-after vessel through which the enemy would try to regain
some of his lost pride and position. A battle began to rage, which would
involve heaven and earth and would literally span over all of creation‟s
seasons and times, consume all its resources and affect each and every
generation ever to live on the earth! In fact, even the realm between heaven
and earth would be swallowed up in this war between the Originator of all
things and the imposter. During the ages, as the battle continued, God held
His ultimate plan for humankind‟s redemption very close to His heart.

 He shared this plan with some of His most loyal confidants, the prophets
and told them to record it in writing so that all the nations of the earth
should know that a day would come, when He would once again, sow His
best Seed into the earth in order for a mighty harvest to come forth. In this
process, He allowed for the redemption of all humankind. In other words, all
contaminated seeds would be destroyed instantaneously by this generous act
of giving of Himself, provided that man receives it as a free gift.
Miraculously man was granted the opportunity to literally start over again
with no trace of past mistakes, failures or weakness!

All He expected from man was to consider his own sinful ways, make up his
mind to turn away from it, to receive and accept the new way of living, and
to persevere in pursuing it.

With this comes a new awareness of man‟s relationship with God and man‟s
real reason for being on the earth. God‟s Spirit now puts an unquenchable
passion in man‟s heart to know more about the Father, the Son and the Spirit
and about Himself. Man suddenly becomes aware of his uniqueness and
should begin to ask valid questions about his existence on the earth. As there
is, only one place to find answers to these questions, man should now begin
to meet God regularly with the manual of Life, the Bible, as point of reference
to explain all queries and mysteries. The Bible must now become a manual
in which man discovers all lost formulas, principles and plans to bring his
life to the point of departure for the future. The Bible must not be seen as a
book of ancient history, although it contains the greatest summary of man‟s
history, it should be treated as a study manual on which his entire life
depends. Together with the Author of this manual, man must now begin to
replace all previous knowledge of God, the earth and himself with the angle
from which God allowed His servants to pen it down. Anything that does not
line up with this manual, must be discarded, and completely removed from
the memory bank, never to be remembered again. All religious opinions,
ideas, notions or doctrines must be identified and replaced with God‟s
perspective. Begin to see yourself as God sees you, not through your own
thoughts, but through the written Word! Study the Scriptures and discover
God‟s plan with man on the earth, with the nations, with those who believe
in, and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

As you journey through the pages of the Bible and with His Spirit as the
Teacher, you will soon realize most of us have been living a second rated life,
far beyond what He intended.

God had a Master Plan, so He created a Man!

You will soon discover that you were very uniquely designed by the greatest
Designer of all time. Your time of birth was carefully planned by the One
who holds times and seasons in the palm of His hand and who ultimately
knows when to send something to the earth during a time when it is much
needed! He knows how to clothe and disguise it in human form! He knows
where it is needed most and in His wisdom places, it in the midst of the field
He wants to touch. He then empowers it, supports it, sustains it and releases
it as the best He has to offer to a world in desperate need of salvation.

You are God‟s best He has to offer this world. You are God‟s hope to reach
and change individuals, communities, cities and nations. In Christ, you have
the right construction to be a success, in fact, God says: “You are worthy
of success...”

Always keep in mind:

You are called to a place

You are called to a people

You are called to a purpose

Together through this journey, we will uncover who we are through the eyes
of God and understand:

   Who we really are - the truth

   What our specific assignment is - tailor-made for you by God

   My field of operation - guaranteed a 100% return, guaranteed a 100%
    success rate

   How to sow myself into that field - breaking out with confidence

Your greatest discovery - Who you really are!

I do not think many people are truly aware of who they really are and with
what tremendous potential they walk around on the earth. You may notice
that I frequently refer to “the earth”, and for a very specific reason. Man
was created with unique gifts, talents, skills and abilities and placed in an
allocated space where these created gifts would be of great value, absolutely
applicable and 100% effective. God did not design us the way He did, in
order for us to live a life of great struggle, only to die and go to heaven where
we will then eventually taste success.

When He designed you and me, He took great care in “packaging” us with all
the necessary “goodies” so that when we become aware of our need to be
connected to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, and we become born-again,
or rather “born from above”, He sends us the Holy Spirit to enlighten us of
who we really are. Jesus told His disciples in John chapter 14 that He would
ask the Father to send us another Helper when He ascended to Heaven. Let
us read what the purpose of the Holy Spirit must be to the believer:

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another
   Comforter, so that He may be with you forever,

John 14:17 the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because it does
   not see Him nor know Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you
   and shall be in you.

John 14:18 I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you.

John 14:19 Yet a little while and the world does not see Me any more. But you
   see Me. Because I live, you shall live also.

John 14:20 At that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me,
   and I in you.

The Greek word for “Comforter” is “Parakletos” and actually means far more
than what we understand in the English language as a comforter.

In telling His disciples they will receive another “Parakletos”, they
understood that another person similar to their teacher Jesus would be sent
to them. In their minds, they knew that this person would support, assist,
empower and enable them to fulfill whatever assignment they had,
successfully. They knew that this helper would be assigned to them

specifically, with no other task but to be their guarantee for successfully
executing their duties as followers of Christ. Jesus also told His disciples
clearly, that it would be Himself returning to them, just in another form.

He elaborated on the function of the Holy Spirit by explaining to them that

when the Spirit of Truth came, he would teach them many things, and reveal
to them many things they were not yet ready to hear, during His walk on
earth with them.

John 16:12 I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them

John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide
   you into all truth. For He shall not speak of Himself, but whatever He
   hears, He shall speak. And He will announce to you things to come.

John 16:14 He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will announce it
   to you.

I want you to take note that without the Spirit of God, the Word of God will
remain a great encounter of history and events, which took place in previous
generations. Jesus emphasized the importance of being filled with the Spirit
in this passage of Scripture by informing His disciples and us, that a
constant flow of direction, revelation and instructions for the people of the
earth, would be released by Him over the generations to follow, and that
these life-essential pieces of information must be received, digested and
implemented in our lives. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, and
working through us, the Word of God will remain a great book of
information with lots of historical facts recorded with no power to transform
our lives and circumstances. When the Holy Spirit is present, the Word of
God is turned from pieces of information to becoming the very breath of God,
breathing over us, causing a flood of waves from His very mouth. Instead of
information reaching our ears, a supernatural impartation takes place,
reaching our hearts, penetrating our very existence and transforming our
very being of who we are!

Most people who consider themselves to be Christians, are aware of the fact
that salvation through Jesus Christ and the Cross gives them access to
eternal life, and they gladly make the confession most Churches lead them
into as a promise for heaven after death. Most of these people are then sent
away with the assurance of “a place in heaven” and is never seen of, or heard
of again by the Church. Most of the Churches record the numbers of people
who came to salvation during a service without recording their names for

 Jesus never told His disciples to see how many people they could get to
respond to an altar call, let them confess Him as their Saviour and then send
them the same way they came! According to the great commission, the task
of the Church is far deeper, wider and much more involved than having an
altar call after each service! Leading someone to faith in Christ is only the
doorway to a life-long journey of commitment, commitment and more

I shiver to think what would happen the day when we, who are confessing
Christians, stand before God with our lists of numbers, figures and neatly
drawn up statistics of whom we have led to Christ during our time on the
earth, only for God to turn around to the crowds and ask: “Can you point
them out to me?”. You see, according to Matthew 25, a day will come when
all nations will be gathered before the Throne of God, some at the right and
some at the left. No one will escape this event and no excuses will grant
anyone permission to be elsewhere. Interesting to note, that when Jesus
described this scene to His audience, the basis of the separation of those on
the left and the right was built on their level of interaction with one another
when they were on the earth:

Mat 25:32 And all nations shall be gathered before Him. And He shall
  separate them from one another, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the

Mat 25:33 And indeed He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats
  off the left.

Mat 25:34 Then the King shall say to those on His right hand, Come, blessed
  of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of
  the world.

Mat 25:35 For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you
  gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you took Me in;

Mat 25:36 I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I
  was in prison, and you came to Me.

Mat 25:37 Then the righteous shall answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we
  see You hungry, and fed You? Or thirsty, and gave You drink?

Mat 25:38 When did we see You a stranger, and took You in? Or naked, and
  clothed You?

Mat 25:39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and came to You?

Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly, I say to you,
  Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you have
  done it to Me.

Mat 25:41 Then He also shall say to those on the left hand, Depart from Me,
  you cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.

Mat 25:42 For I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty, and you
  gave Me no drink;

Mat 25:43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; I was naked, and you
  did not clothe Me; I was sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me.

Mat 25:44 Then they will also answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You
  hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not
  minister to You?

Mat 25:45 Then He shall answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch
  as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.

Mat 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the
  righteous into everlasting life.

So many of us have been drawn into efforts where the message of Jesus as
   the way to eternal life has been preached to literally thousands of people,
   with no system in place to take them to the next step in the mind of Christ.
   Jesus did say in John 14:6 “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one
   comes to the Father but by Me.”

Note that after the statement “I am the Way”, He continued by pointing out
   that after you find the way, a process of transformation needs to be
   implemented. Everything now must be measured according to what He
   stands for! After “finding the way”, one must now discover the Truth,
   and this Truth is nothing other than Jesus Christ and everything He
   stands for. John the Baptist said that he, John had to decrease and Christ
   must increase. This must be the motto of every born again believer,
   empty yourself so that Christ can fill you with Himself, until you overflow
   with what Christ said thirdly about Himself, “the Life”.

Not only is Jesus the Son of the living God, He is also the Originator of all

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
   Word was God.

John 1:2 He was in the beginning with God.

John 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even
   one thing came into being that has come into being.

No one can explain where God comes from, when He came into existence, or
even if He ever did not exist! All we know is that He decided to create a place
called earth and to put man on it to manage it on His behalf. And so we
read, that at the beginning of this great plan of God, to create a visible realm
where He could put some of His own attributes and characteristics on
display, the Word played a very prominent role. God describes Himself
through the pen of the Apostle John, as the Word. In the Greek language, it
is written as “Logos” which means the following according to the Strong‟s
Hebrew and Greek dictionaries:

something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of
discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension a
computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression
(that is, Christ): - account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine,
fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, +
reckon, remove, say (-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of
these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work.
In layman‟s terms it simply means that God, and specifically Christ, is the
origin of all created things. God wanted to see Himself in action and wanted
to have a mirror of Himself to enjoy the manifestation of His thoughts, as it
would be put on display through creation. His pure and holy thoughts, His
awesome wisdom, creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurial nature needed
an outlet and an arena to be implemented and appreciated by more than just
Himself. And so He decided to make His thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams
become alive, and therefore He spoke them out in order for them to take
shape in the form of creation! On the sixth day, after He spoke what was in
His mind into being, He saw it was very good and then wanted to see
Himself enjoy all of it, and so He decided to put Himself into living beings
called humans, and placed us in the midst of His manifested thoughts! Wow,
what an awesome thought! We must also understand that a great deal of
false teachings have gone out, teaching that we are gods. We are not gods,
but have certain specific attributes of God built into us. When God said: Let
us make man in our own image and after our own likeness, He did not mean
equal in position but comparable in nature, character and to a certain
degree, in functionality. You see God has certain attributes which makes
Him to be God. He is almighty and therefore no one can compare or compete
with Him in this department. He is also omnipresent, meaning He can be in
more than one place at the same time, which not even the angels or the devil
himself can achieve. Another divine attribute is His omniscience, giving Him

the ability to know everything, all the time. He knows our thoughts even
before we are aware of it. Nothing is hidden from Him. As a matter of
interest, the devil cannot read our minds and cannot know our thoughts
either, only God can. We often think that the devil can read our minds but
this is not true, he places thoughts in our heads and then we think he has
read our minds. Not before you and I express our thoughts verbally, can he
know what we are thinking!
There are many other attributes, which makes God who He is, and cannot be
copied or duplicated by any other creature in heaven or earth. So God is also
the only creator with the ability to make something out of nothing. Humans
need something that God created before they can turn it into something else.
The very same fact is also applicable to the devil, he can only work with that
which God created, and twist it into something else.
I believe one of the greatest attributes God placed of Himself into us, at
creation of the very first man, is the ability to give. God has been a giver
from the very beginning and not just a giver of unimportant stuff, but a
giver of Himself! He took the best of Himself and put it into Adam.
Remember how Jesus told His disciples what the greatest act of love is:
John 15:13 No one has greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for
   his friends.

The love of the Father is described in another part of the gospel of John:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son,
   that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
   but so that the world might be saved through Him.

Reading these passages of Scriptures, makes us realize that God‟s greatest
motivation is to give everything of Himself to the Cause He loves. He holds
nothing back when it comes to the works of His own hands! Another
outstanding aspect of our God is that although He is the Almighty God, and
the highest Authority in heaven and earth, He is also the ultimate servant of
all servants:

Mat 20:26 However, it shall not be so among you. But whoever desires to be
  great among you, let him be your servant.

Mat 20:27 And whoever desires to be chief among you, let him be your

Mat 20:28 even as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and
  to give His life a ransom for many.

Imagine that our Saviour, the Son of the Most High God described the
quickest and most sure way to greatness is the path of a servant. Not only
did He preach this as a doctrine to be followed, He modeled this principle to
the very end of His life here on earth. How often do we want to lord it over
those we are set over in authority? We step on people, abuse every and any
given opportunity to promote ourselves and our cause, at the expense of
others. In the process to get to the top, we create enemies, inflict great pain
and leave a trail of irreparable damage. We become insensitive to the needs
of others and blind to the warning signs of impeding danger. Many of us
think that promotion brings position, but in the Kingdom of God, promotion
only means greater functionality and more responsibility with wider
accountability. The Apostle Paul grasped this truth and that is why he wrote
to the Church at Philippi the following:

Php 2:5 For let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,

Php 2:6 who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal
   with God,

Php 2:7 but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Himself the form
   of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.

Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself and
   became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Php 2:9 Therefore God has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name
   which is above every name,

Php 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of heavenly ones,
   and of earthly ones, and of ones under the earth;

Php 2:11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
   glory of God the Father.

Why the Father could trust His Son

This Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ discovered, through the interaction of
the Holy Spirit, the very heart and nature of the Father and His Son, and the
reason why Father and Son had such a powerful relationship, which could
bridge the gap caused through generations of rebellious living by humankind
on the earth. This was the very substance and foundation of their plan for
mankind‟s redemption. The Father could send His only Son to an
environment riddled with sin, rebellion, ungodliness, greed, pride, selfish
ambitions, and carnality, knowing nothing would affect, hinder or
compromise their vision, to see man being set free from these very influences.
You see when God created man, his intention was to reproduce Himself in
man as the ultimate servant on earth. Servants obey their masters, no
matter what. Servants have no vision of their own, no ambitions outside
that of the master‟s, and no desire to be otherwise employed.

Look at the following characteristics of a true servant in the Biblical sense of
the word:

   Permanently subject to their master – they are totally consumed by the
    master‟s vision, needs and activities to promote the masters business.

   Servants are completely dependent on the provision of their masters –
    they cannot exist outside a relationship of total abandonment of faith and
    trust to their master.

 Their activities is determined by the sole needs of their master – his needs
consume them and inspires their actions.

 Servants work without expecting any pay, reward or remuneration – to
them it is a lifetime calling to serve their master with no return for their
efforts, other than being a blessing to the master.

Servants are known for their excellent level of obedience, and for the
accurate manner in which they perform the instructions of their masters.
They know it is because of their obedience that they are assured of their
protection, provision and well-being. Obedience to the one giving the
instructions, creates a platform of give and take. The one who obeys, places
a demand on the one giving the instructions, to create an environment of
protection, provision and support, whilst the instructions are followed. To
explain it in easier terms, when someone with a vision attracts others to
himself because of the vision, their joining the visionary in reaching his goal
will lead to a specific relationship developing between them.

The visionary will be the one leading and the others will be following his
lead. In order to be completely committed to this vision, those joining will be
expected to abandon all other directions and pledge their support
unconditionally. Once an agreement is reached, those participating in the
building of that vision will now be under the covering of the visionary and
can expect certain privileges that comes along with their joining the
visionary in his endeavor. These privileges will be determined by the ability,
strengths, influence, and authority and material liquidity of the visionary.
The visionary cannot promise anything to his followers, which is out of his
own reach, unavailable or even unattainable.

As long as those who follow the visionary stay true to the vision and obey his
instructions, they are assured of being covered in all aspects of their needs in

Jesus was such a servant who knew the vision His Father had for the earth
and all it‟s inhabitants. He knew that God had the vision to create a place
where He could see Himself in operation. That is why He created the earth
and placed man in charge of it. God never intended to create man equal to
Himself but rather as an exact representation of Himself. Man was meant to
be the shadow of God, casting the movement of God in heaven on the earth,
with His radiant glory as the source of light in which man would operate.

When God said, “let us make man in our image”, the Hebrew word for image
is the word “tsehlem”, which means “shadow, illusion or phantom”. God‟s
idea was to move His hand in heaven, and let the shadow be seen on the
earth, performing it as He intended it in His heart. We are that shadow that
needs to perform exactly what God has in mind. That is why Jesus
constantly said:

John 5:19 Then Jesus answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you,
   The Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do. For
   whatever things He does these also the Son does likewise.

Jesus was merely the shadow or manifestation of the unseen God in
operation on the earth. He gave His Father a body to work through, to show
man what He is like, and what He is capable of doing. God‟s greatest desire
is to be involved in the affairs of the earth, without doing everything Himself,
and to have us as His partners. He wants to show the nations of the earth
how He operates, without revealing Himself in His true form. When Jesus
was asked by one of His disciples Philip to show them the Father, He gave
them a very clear answer:

John 14:8 Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for

John 14:9 Jesus said to him, Have I been with you such a long time and yet
   you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father.
   And how do you say, Show us the Father?

John 14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in Me?
   The Words that I speak to you I do not speak of Myself, but the Father who
   dwells in Me, He does the works.

John 14:11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else
   believe Me for the very works themselves.

When God instructed Moses in the Old Testament to build the tabernacle He
had only one thing in mind, to dwell amongst His own. He chose a man by
the name of Bezaleel to create everything according to what was in His own
heart and mind in heaven:

Exo 31:1 And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,

Exo 31:2 Behold, I, I have called by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of
   Hur, of the tribe of Judah.

Exo 31:3 And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in
   understanding, and in knowledge, and in all workmanship,

Exo 31:4 to devise designs; to work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze,

Exo 31:5 and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to
   work in all workmanship.

Exo 31:6 And behold, I have given to him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of
   the tribe of Dan. And I have put wisdom in the hearts of all the wise-
   hearted, so that they may make all that I have commanded you:

Very interesting is to note that “Bezaleel” means “in the shadow of God”,
which describes someone who is protected by God and who operates under
His covering. To be protected by God or to be in His shadow also means to be
under His guidance, which brings man to be living within the boundaries of
His provision, exactly what we discussed earlier as the relationship between
the visionary, and those who follow him in obedience! This is also a
reflection of the creation of man in the image or “tsehlem” of God, meaning,
as we already determined, the shadow of God. God‟s vision was to have a
dwelling place amongst His people, and only He knew what this dwelling
place should look like. He therefore needed someone that could operate from
under His guidance and within His realm to produce exactly what He had in
mind! Centuries later, when the time had arrived to redeem man through
the ultimate sacrifice of the chosen Lamb, this Lamb knew the vision His

Father had in mind and was totally committed to see it come to pass. His
obedience to the One who carried the vision, provided the perfect platform to
work from. Jesus, the Lamb came to earth, fully aware of the capabilities,
integrity and resources of the Visionary of the plan of redemption, and so He
became the visible image of the desire of His Father. If you and I will only
know, the Visionary the way Jesus did during His earthly ministry, and trust
Him in the same manner, just think of the possibilities to change the destiny
of nations!

When God revealed His desire to Moses to live amongst His people, He also
told Moses that only specific circumstances will attract and suit Him, so He
filled Bezaleel with His Spirit. Only God‟s Spirit in man, equips and qualifies
man to know the will, and follow the instructions of God. God‟s Spirit in man
brings man under the authority of God and enables man to see, hear and
experience that, which is hidden in the heart of God.

Bezaleel was equipped by the Spirit in wisdom, in understanding, in
knowledge, and wait for it - in all workmanship! The Hebrew word for
workmanship in this passage is “mel-aw-kaw and means the following:

“Deputyship, employment, ministry”

It is part of the Hebrew word “mal-aw”, which means;

 to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God, that is, an angel
(also a prophet, priest or teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger.
How awesome it is to know that whatever God had in mind, He would
transfer it to a human vessel through His indwelling Spirit, and with the
Spirit comes the ability to do it exactly as God envisaged it in heaven! No
wonder Jesus told His disciples in the New Testament, not to move until they
were endued from on high with the Holy Spirit. To be endued literally means
to be clothed or to put on, or sink into a garment. When one joins the
military, you are stripped of your usual garments, and given a uniform,
which distinguishes you as being part of that specific army. With that
uniform come certain rights, privileges, position and authority. The same
applies to the police or security forces. The uniform never becomes your
property, as it remains the property of the state or country who gave it to
you. By putting on the uniform you become the property of the owner of the
uniform and pledge your unconditional support to uphold the vision of that
country or state. Now let us have another look at the phrase of “being
clothed by the Holy Spirit”. Just as a soldier‟s uniform turns him into a
representative of the owner of the uniform, so the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit is a clear indication of who owns us, whose business we conduct and
where our allegiance lies.

When Jesus told His disciples to wait for the “clothing ceremony”, which
would take place in Jerusalem, He knew what a radical change it would
bring in the lives of ordinary men and women, men like you and me! He
knew that nothing would stand in their way, nothing would be too difficult
for them to achieve and no assignment would be left half-complete. He was
also aware of the enormity of the vision His Father had in mind for the earth
and the nations and knew from personal experience that this could only be
achieved by men and women who would display the “image” or shadow of
His Father under all circumstances.

As God needed a Bezaleel to bring forth exactly what He had in mind, He still
uses the same pattern to bring forth His plans and visions for humankind in
this age. He puts His Spirit in man to bring man and God on the same
wavelength in order to produce heaven on earth!

Your life - Part of The BEST-WRITTEN story ever, waiting to be published!

Now let us back track for a second and return to the encounter of man‟s
creation. When God made Adam and placed him in charge of the earth, He
basically made man His deputy to watch over, and manage His business on
the earth!

He gave him full rights to be His representative in all affairs on the earth as
long as man operated within the boundaries of His shadow!

Again, in the New Testament we encounter the word “workmanship” where
the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus to enlighten them on their
new position they enjoyed in Christ:

Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works,
  which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.

The Greek word for workmanship is:

From G4160; a product, that is, fabric (literally or figuratively): - thing that is
made, workmanship.
Notice the word “poem” in English that comes from this Greek word! We are
literally God‟s creative mind being manifested on earth in bodily form! The
moment we receive Christ as our Lord and Saviour we are changed into a
beautiful work of art, ready to be unveiled by God, for His own Glory.
It is so important that we now stay connected to God through His Spirit in
order for us to “walk in” exactly what He has in mind for us! As we continue
to walk in obedience and submitted to Him, the good works He has in mind
for us will automatically begin to manifest in us, around us and through us.
This is nothing other than the promises of blessings God gave to the Israelites
in the Old Testament as recorded in Deuteronomy 28:
Deu 28:1 And it will be, if you shall listen carefully to the voice of Jehovah
  your God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command
  you today, Jehovah your God will set you on high above all nations of the

Deu 28:2 And all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you, if you
  will listen to the voice of Jehovah your God.

Let us have a look again at Ephesians 2 verse 10:

Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works,
  which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.

Notice that we have been “created in Christ Jesus” for a very specific reason,
to produce “good works”. These good works actually means - to be a benefit
to something or someone else. If your presence, involvement or activities are
not bringing others, or your surroundings, to a higher and better position
than they had been before you arrived on the scene, you are not a benefit to
them, and you are then not “walking in good works” or as the Apostle Paul
puts to the believers at the Church of Ephesus, “I therefore, the prisoner in the
Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the calling with which you are

When Paul used the phrase “created in Christ Jesus”, he wanted his audience
to understand the real impact of being born-again. So many of us have this
idea to be born-again simply means that we now have hope of eternal life
when we eventually die. Not so, according to the original Greek, created has
a far wider and deeper implication than this. It means that the originator of
the product is involved in the process, the one who has sole rights to the
product. The one who originally “patented and designed” the product is at
work in the process, and the end result is the production of a true original,
uncontaminated, unaltered, genuine work of art! Paul wanted his readers to
grasp the fact that when you are in Christ, you are returned to your original
state of creation, the way you existed in God‟s mind before your birth!

He did not send His Son to do “patch-up” work, but to completely destroy the
old and produce someone brand new in the place of the old!

Let us see how Paul puts it in his letter to the Church at Corinth:

2Co 5:17 So that if anyone is in Christ, that one is a new creature; old things
   have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

If any one, not only some, but any one: murderers, rapists, liars, drunkards,
    prostitutes, thieves, cheaters, and the likes thereof, is in Christ, that one
    then is a new creature, restored to the very moment they were still on the
    designer‟s table! The key however is to be “in Christ” and to be “in Christ”
    means to be completely and totally submitted to Him, not only as
    Saviour, but also as Lord of all. One of the greatest problems in modern
    day Christianity is that Jesus is only preached as Saviour, the One who
    grants access to heaven and we neglect to introduce new converts to
    Jesus as Lord.

Let us remind ourselves of the scenario in the book of Matthew chapter 7
   where Jesus spoke about many that will come to Him in that day to
   proclaim “Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name, and through
   Your name throw out demons, and through Your name do many
   wonderful works?”

Jesus told His listeners in no uncertain terms, that He would deny that same
moment, that He never knew them! Moreover, His defense will be that they
lived a lawless life on earth. They may have received Him at some stage
during an altar call as Saviour, to escape the fire of hell, but they never tied
themselves in a covenantal relationship to Him as their only authority. I
believe this will be a shock to many so-called Christians when they hear His
voice telling them to depart from Him, because of their rebellious clinging to
selfish lifestyles.

Again, the Apostle Paul, under the direction of the Holy Spirit gives very
clear instructions on what God expects from us, once we have been
introduced to Christ our Lord and Saviour:

Col 3:3 For you died, and your life has been hidden with Christ in God.

Col 3:4 When Christ our Life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with
   Him in glory.

Col 3:5 Therefore put to death your members, which are on the earth:
   fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness (which is

Col 3:6 on account of which things' sake the wrath of God is coming on the
   sons of disobedience,

Col 3:7 among whom you also once walked, when you lived in these.

Col 3:8 But now also put off all these things: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy,
   shameful speech out of your mouth.

Col 3:9 Do not lie to one another, having put off the old man with his deeds

Col 3:10 and having put on the new, having been renewed in knowledge
   according to the image of Him who created him,

Paul states that we need to put to death those things, which used to control
our lives, before we had an encounter with Christ. I often wonder what his
reaction would be if he would be alive today and hear our messages
concerning grace and Christian living. We have watered down the true
message of the cross and have shifted all the emphasis to suit us, so we can
continue to live in exactly the same fallen state than before we heard the

message. The true gospel message should impact us in such a way, that the
love God displayed at Calvary should grip us with so much awe, that we run
from our past and jump boots and all into the new relationship He freely
offers. I know salvation is a free gift, and no one can earn it by doing
anything to impress Him, but Jesus also said that a tree shall be known by
it‟s fruit. When all of Jerusalem, Judea and the areas surrounding the
Jordan came to be baptized by John the Baptist, the Pharisees and Sadducees
took note of it, and as human nature is, wanted to be part of this “new” thing
and also came to stand in the line. Instead of being blessed by the sudden
increase in his ministry figures and the attendance rising to new heights,
John was not impressed. So many of us would have been more than happy
and called it a true revival, but not John. No, John begins to insult his
attendees by telling them they are snakes! John is not interested in packing
his auditorium Sunday after Sunday. He is not trying to see how many of
the city‟s Church members he can steal from the other pastors! John wants
those who come and sit under his anointed teachings to turn from the
manner in which they used to live! He wants to see a radical change in all
areas of their lives, and so he tells them: “When I am done with you and you
have made a public confession, I will know whether you only came for the
soft chairs, nice music or to meet new people. Whatever you do from this
day onwards, will reveal your true motive for attending my meetings!”

A life-changing moment - Going through it, and not around it

Meeting Christ at the cross should have two effects on us, firstly it should
make us realize how far removed we are from the image God had in mind of
us at creation, and secondly it should make us realize what is available to us
in Him. When Paul, still known as Saul from Tarsus, was on his way to
persecute the Church at Damascus, he walked smack bang into the risen
Christ. You see, at this stage of his life, Paul was a very religious and devout
man to the religion of the day. In fact, he was one of the most learned men of
his time and probably, one of, or perhaps the most dedicated minister in his
theology class. Paul was proud of what he was doing and even more proud
of the trust his fellow members of religion had in his ability to get the job
done. “Only one call to Saul to wipe them all - available 24/7”, would have
been a suitable slogan for his marketing campaign! He had it made, a great
life, lots of influence, support from the government, position in the church,
travelling allowance and all the bells and whistles of being the man of the

God knew it would take something far greater than the ordinary religious
message to turn Saul from his comfortable life. He knew Saul would not be
interested in some message shouted out by some preacher of a “better life” in
Christ or even of a promise of life after death through Jesus. Nor would he
be lured into another religion promising him a life of wealth, comfort,
position and material possessions as Saul probably had it all together.

So what did God do to get his attention? He arranged a meeting with Saul
and then conducted it Himself! We read in Acts chapter 9 how Saul had an
encounter with the risen Christ, not the historical Jesus, son of Joseph and
Mary, as many referred to Him, not the crucified Christ as many
remembered Him, but the victorious risen Christ! In a flash, Saul measured
himself, his life, his achievements and his entire existence with the risen
Christ. His position in the Church suddenly appeared as dung, his degrees
in theology seemed so insignificant, his assignment and the rewards he
would get from his superiors for the completion thereof couldn‟t compare to
what he saw awaiting him at the end of his journey with this Christ. Nothing
Saul could think of, could measure up to what he saw in the eyes of the One
standing in front of him! His mind must have raced around frantically to try
and outweigh that which he saw as available for himself in Christ, but to no
avail. After searching for anything of value in his own life, which could
compare to the one in front of him, he finally had to admit there was nothing
worthy to cling to any longer. Therefore, when he opened his mouth, he could

only declare the majestic superiority of the One blocking his way: “Who are
you Lord?”

Saul knew very well, that from that moment onward, his life would never be
the same ever again. All he wanted to do was to submit himself to the One
who stood in the doorway of his future. He even wrote to the saints at
Philippi, at a later stage in his life, how little he had before he met Christ. He
gives an account of his life before he encountered Christ and to most of us, it
will sound like the most perfect and wonderful way to live. Many pastors
will think they are in heaven if they had a number of members fitting this
description of Paul, before his conversion! After weighing himself according
to the only measure worthy to be used, the risen Christ, Paul even threw all
his planning out the window! He rips up his busy schedule, destroys his
yearly planner and burns his church diary and says: “What do You want me
to do?”

These two questions asked by Saul at his conversion has also become the
very foundation of my walk with God. When I finally took the step into full-
time service and ministry to the Lord, my first question to Him was also
aimed at wanting to discover who He really was. Little did I know that by
asking God this question, I gave Him free access and complete permission to
take me on a journey of a lifetime! When I asked Him the second question, to
tell me what He wanted me to do, I actually enrolled myself into the school of
obedience and slowly but surely He began to re-program my entire being
until I began to think like Him. Although I am not even close to knowing
Him the way, I should, and doing 100% what He expects of me, the journey
has begun. As long as I am constantly and continuously committed to
discovering more about Him and His will for my life, our relationship grows
and grows. He reveals more and more of Himself and releases more and
more of His responsibilities to me, and so we continue to make more room
for one another.

Paul‟s encounter with the risen Christ made him realize that the level at
which he lived, was far beyond what God had in mind. He wanted to stretch
out to the finishing line and was driven throughout his entire walk with
Christ, to become like Christ. The image of the Son of God was burnt into the
very fabric of his spirit and soul and that is why he wanted everybody who
had ears, to hear him and the message of the new life in Christ. At times, he
became impatient and upset with his audience because of their attitude
towards that which was made available to them by Christ. To Paul it was a
matter of all or nothing!

To him an encounter with Christ meant a complete transformation which left
the old dead and someone brand new resurrected in it‟s place. When he

wrote to the Church at Corinth to explain to them what happens at
conversion, he emphasized that a new creature was now living and the old,
all of it has passed away. He used the Greek word “ktis-is”, which means the
original formation. In other words there is nothing added from another
source, only that which was selected and passed by the originator, that is
present in the construction of the product. It also indicates that a mould
exists from which the original comes from and the original measures up to
this mould one hundred percent. Our mould is none other than the Lord
Jesus Christ Himself from whom we come and at conversion; the mould into
which the devil squeezed us is destroyed together with the image we have
become through sin and unholy living. In Christ, we are now reconstructed
to become, once again, God‟s masterpiece!

As we continue to study the Scriptures, we soon discover what a wealth of
information is at our disposal. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit as our
Teacher the more we dig, the more we uncover and the more we uncover, the
more we are transformed. The more we are transformed, the more God can
use us to transform those around us! I pray that this short study will ignite a
passion and desire in your heart to become more like Him!

“Heavenly Father, please show me who You really are, let me discover You
the same way the Apostle Paul encountered You and begin to teach me your
ways. Tell me what You want me to do as I submit myself unconditionally
into Your capable Hands! I want to be part of those who will bring nations
into Your Presence! In Jesus Name, I pray,


Our duty towards God - to be a Success

In the previous section, we briefly looked at who we really are supposed to be
through the eyes of God, our Creator. Hopefully, by this time, you will begin
to realize how the enemy has kept you in bondage to prevent you to become a
success on the earth. It is about time we rise to the occasion and take our
rightful places in making history in our generation. Our mission on earth is
to make history as we participate in building “His-story”!

In this section, we will look at some of the reasons why our success on earth
is so important. Probably the most outstanding reason why we should be
successful as God‟s vessels on the earth is found in the parable Jesus told
about the talents:

Mat 25:14 For it is as if a man going abroad called his own servants and gave
  them his goods.

Mat 25:15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one;
  to each according to his ability. And he went abroad at once.

Mat 25:16 And going he who had received the five talents traded with them,
  and made another five talents.

Mat 25:17 And likewise he who had received two, he also gained another two.

Mat 25:18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the earth
  and hid his lord's silver.

Mat 25:19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and took account
  with them.

The number of talents each servant received is not at all important, but
rather what each one did with it. It is obvious that the master knew each of
his servants and their abilities like he knew himself, and so he gave each one
the exact amount needed for complete success. Jesus said he gave to each
one according to his ability. Just think of it, when God created us, He gave
each one of us the necessary skills, abilities and characteristics to successfully
work on His behalf in the area He chose to place us. Unfortunately sin
caused us to become something else and bent us out of shape. It blinded us
for who we really are and prevented us from accessing the “true self‟. We
have been created as rich reservoirs, packed to overflowing with the talents
to bring home a rich harvest of achievements. In the previous chapter
enough was said to make us realize that Christ changed all that which was
lost by our disobedience to God.

From the parable it is clear that we have a godly duty towards Him, to be a
success and to dig deep within ourselves until we uncover every bit of gold
that has been hidden inside us at creation:

Mat 25:20 And so he who had received five talents came and brought another
  five talents, saying, Lord, you delivered five talents to me. Behold, I have
  gained five talents above them.

Mat 25:21 His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant! You have
  been faithful over a few things; I will make you ruler over many things.
  Enter into the joy of your lord.

Mat 25:22 He also who had received two talents came and said, Lord, you
  delivered two talents to me. Behold, I have gained two other talents above

Mat 25:23 His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant! You
  have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many
  things. Enter into the joy of your lord.

“Created in His image and likeness - no replica in heaven or on earth!”

Many of us have fallen into the enemy‟s trap by comparing ourselves to those
  around us. We are constantly measuring ourselves according to others
  and their successes or failures instead of discovering our true worth in
  God‟s sight and then partner with Him to achieve the fullness of being His
  chosen vessel for a specific task. I once made the mistake of comparing
  my ministry with other ministries and the more I did this, the worse I
  began to feel about my own achievements. Soon I began to see others as
  competition and everything I did was aimed at trying to outrun or
  outperform them. Whatever I did was motivated by selfish ambition and
  I always had my own reputation in the back of my mind. Failure to meet
  the requirements I set for myself, brought bitterness and tremendous
  feelings of incompetence. I could never relax as there was always
  someone somewhere in ministry circles who did better than I did. I was
  constantly trying to find new and better ways to become more successful
  but with the success of others as my measurement. I would take on
  programs others used to build their ministries on; I would try methods
  others implemented with great success, only to fail at every attempt.

The most dangerous way of measuring our future is to take someone else‟s
   success story and copy their methods and processes. I am not saying
   that this should not be done under any circumstances, but one must be
   very careful as in God‟s Kingdom, we all have the same goal, but God
   gives each one of us different methods, skills and circumstances to achieve
   it. Our mutual goal on earth is to reveal God to those around us and to
   bring everybody into a real relationship with Him, through His Son Jesus
   Christ. We are however not all placed in the same circumstances and
   definitely do not have the same talents to do the job. That is why we are
   all very different in the way we are created with such a vast array of
   skills, gifts and talents. The sooner we realize this, the better for all of us.
   Not everyone can sing in the worship team, and so not everybody has the
   gift to preach an anointed message. So do we all have various strengths
   and definitely many weaknesses. Speaking about weakness, I do not
   mean the areas in which we fail to bring glory to God through sin, but
   rather the area in which we are not gifted by Him. We need to discover
   through our relationship with Him, what is the real reason why He
   created us and what He expects from us in return. Again we must take
   note that this does not refer to salvation or serving Him in a personal
   capacity, as this is not negotiable at all. That is why Paul says in Romans
   chapter 12 verse one that we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice,
   holy, pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service.

Paul says to surrender and submit yourself to God is the very least we can do
in our service to Him. After this act of submission, another dimension opens
up, and now we need to become such a blessing to God, that He can send us
to others so that we can become a blessing to others on His behalf. I hold the
view, and the more I study God‟s Word and the more I grow in my
understanding of Him, I am more convinced, that to be saved and wanting
to go to heaven is a very selfish way of serving God. It may sound right and
very spiritual to long for heaven, but it was never God‟s intention to save us
from sin only, to let us escape His wrath and the flames of hell.

When God and Moses had their conversation in the wilderness after Aaron
led the Israelites into worshipping the golden calves, and God decided to
destroy the nation and promised Moses He would make him a great nation,
Moses turned down the offer of single salvation!

Exo 32:10 And now leave Me alone, so that My wrath may become hot against
   them and so that I may consume them. And I will make of you a great

Moses could have taken the opportunity to rake in all that God had for him.
How many of us have been lured into a relationship with God by promises of
personal blessings and unmeasured wealth. I want to change your
perspective by telling you that we need to adjust our view of salvation. Let
us look at salvation from God‟s point of view for a moment:

John chapter three verse sixteen tells us that God so loved the world that He
gave His only begotten Son as ransom. Do you see it? God did all the
reaching out to us because of His capacity to love. His love crosses over all
barriers, obstacles and human understanding to embrace whosoever wants
to receive His forgiveness. We are simply the beneficiaries of who God really
is. God is love, He does not just love, He is love. To Him love is not a feeling
that can change or be switched on or off at will! His entire substance, or
composition is made of love! So where love is absent, God will not be found.
When God arrives on the scene, love arrives. When God speaks, love speaks,
when God acts, love acts! When God has to consider something, love is the
ultimate motivational factor. So when God decided to send His Son to the
earth to be crucified, it was love that moved Him to such a radical deed.
Love always has the end result in mind and not so much the process of
getting it done. When God looked at the human race, He knew He had to
step in to ensure the continuation of displaying Himself for He really is –
Love! God hates sin, but loves man, and He has to act against sin as He is a
holy God. Anything and everything unholy becomes a block in God‟s path to
pour out His unconditional love on those He chose to love - us! I believe this
is why God, from time to time, pours His Spirit out on a generation to bring
about a mighty revival during which the main focus is repentance! In all
recorded revivals; men, women and children from all walks of life become
intensely aware of their sinfulness and spontaneously, under the conviction
of the Holy Spirit, repent and begin to embrace God in an unknown wave of
outpoured love. It is God who initializes seasons of revivals, as His whole
nature almost drives Him to open the way for Him to receive something in
return for the love He shows.

So let us conclude this discussion about God and love by saying that God
saves people so that He can continue to be who He really is – Love! When
God saved you and I, His motive was more than eternal life and heaven, but
to have someone He can love and be rewarded by a returned love. When
God offered Moses a great name by making him a nation, he turned it down,
simply because he understood the reason why God interacts with people the
way we just looked at it. God is more after the relationship between Him
and man than what we have been preaching as the reason for salvation. We
say God saves to bless us, I say God saves to bless Himself! In the encounter
with Moses, this is very clear as God held out the carrot of personal blessing

to see if Moses understood the heart of the Father. Imagine how God must
have felt when Moses turned down personal salvation in return for
something that would bless God! Moses was not concerned about his
personal blessing but more about the state or condition it would leave God

Exo 32:12 Why should the Egyptians speak and say, He brought them out for
   harm, to kill them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of
   the earth? Turn from Your fierce wrath, and be moved to pity as to this evil
   against Your people.

Moses said (para-phrased): „Come on God, you know what the enemy will
say about You, should You decide to follow through with Your plan. Just
think of where this will leave You, in the sight of those who are trying to sum
You up in comparison to all their own gods. Surely You want them to see
You for who You really are - slow to anger, quick to forgive?”

I do not think that many of us in this generation are concerned about God‟s
needs and His well-being, as long as we are home and dry. God used this
situation with the Israelites, the golden calves and Moses to see if He had
someone on His side. He needed to establish where Moses stood in
comparison to His vision for the earth and the unsaved nations. God wanted
to use the circumstances to His own benefit and not to the benefit of Moses,
although in His dialogue it sounded like salvation would benefit only Moses.

It must have warmed God‟s heart when Moses replied:

Exo 32:31 And Moses returned to Jehovah, and said, Oh, this people have
   sinned a great sin, and have made themselves gods of gold.

Exo 32:32 And now will You forgive their sin! And if not, I pray You, blot me
   out of Your book, which You have written.

Exo 32:33 And Jehovah said to Moses, Whoever has sinned against Me, I will
   blot him out of My book.

Did Moses take a chance by gambling with his own salvation? Perhaps he
did, but even more so I think he finally understood the heart of God and the
real reason why He created the earth and placed man in it. Moses must have
seen a glimpse into heaven‟s chambers when God the Father and the Son and
the Spirit held their meeting and their final resolution was: “Let us create a
place and fill it with something like ourselves so that we can feel what it is
like to enjoy everything we have to offer”. And so God created the earth and
placed man in it, with the same capacity to receive and give back in some
measure to the One who gave.

 God wanted to experience what it was like to hear someone return His
decree of love each time He echoed from heaven: “This is my beloved son, in
whom I am well pleased”. All He wants to hear is “I love you too my Father”,
with the necessary fruit to prove the statement was authentic. When God
heard Moses asking Him to remove his name from the Book if He was going
to wipe out the Israelites, God heard His own voice coming from deep within
Moses! He realized that there was someone standing in the earth to whom
He could and should listen! God recognized His own desire coming from the
lips of Moses, that it had found a nesting place inside Moses, and now Moses
spoke to God on the same terms that made God who He is – Love! It was as
if God heard Himself saying through the mouth of Moses: “Oh God, if Your
next move is not going to benefit God, count me out as well”.

Just think of how many of us want to be saved for our own reasons and to
our sole benefit. Although the unsaved do come to salvation for the sake of
escaping hell and going to heaven, somewhere in our walk with God our
attitude needs to be adjusted to that of Moses. After all these years of being
saved, I am no longer concerned about my own salvation, but that of others!
I am no longer worried about my final destiny but lie awake at night for the
sake of others. I am consumed with the thought that God‟s Word is covered
with prophecies and promises of entire nations that will be saved. God‟s
capacity to save is linked to His capacity to love. His love is never ending
and knows no limits, and so also His mercy and grace towards those who
are still lost. As I have discovered, the greatest longing in His heart is to love
and to be loved in return, I have also discovered in which department He
releases most of His energy and resources. This is exactly where I commit
myself and join forces with Him. I know I can reason and discuss issues
with Him when it comes to people, as long as God and I feel the same about
the issue at hand. When God hears Himself speaking through me, He turns
all His attention to me and that which I intend to do on His behalf! Paul
said, “It is no longer I that live, but Christ in me”, and when God sees and
hears Christ operating in me, He opens up the resources of heaven over me!

This is the moment when those talents He placed inside me, comes in line
with the very reason I exist. These talents, which might have been lying
dormant for such a long time, suddenly begin to knock on the inside and
start to look for an opportunity to surface. We will now realize that the
skills we used for so long while we were still operating in the world are
actually the very same talents God gave us, and we will be asked to give an
account thereof, one day.

Mat 25:24 And he who had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I
  knew that you were a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and
  gathering where you did not scatter.

Mat 25:25 And I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the earth. Lo, you
  have yours.

Mat 25:26 His lord answered and said to him, Evil and slothful servant! You
  knew that I reaped where I did not sow, and gathered where I did not

Mat 25:27 then you should have put my money to the exchangers, and coming
  I would have received my own with interest.

Mat 25:28 Therefore take the talent from him and give it to him who has ten

Mat 25:29 For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will abound.
  But from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away
  from him.

Mat 25:30 And throw the unprofitable servant into outer darkness; there shall
  be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

In conclusion, pray the following prayer of commitment:

“Father of mine,

Thank you for creating me in such a unique and special way. I ask forgiveness for
the times I measured myself according to what I saw in other people’s lives around
me. Forgive me for wanting to be like them and not acknowledging the talents you
have so graciously granted me.
Help me to discover who I really am in Christ as I submit myself totally and
completely to His Lordship and to the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. I am eternally
grateful for the talents You gave me and ask You to open opportunities to me, so
that I can work with these talents to bring glory and honour to You alone. Help me
to be all that You have created me to be and to be successful according to what You
have in mind for my life. Let me be a blessing on earth!

I pray it in the Name of Jesus Christ,


For more information about the author, or to obtain more of his teachings
either in the same format, or on cd or dvd, kindly contact us at:

voice@wol.co.za or write to us at:

PO Box 11930,

Rynfield, 1514

Benoni, South Africa

Willie du Toit is also available to conduct seminars, specifically with a
Prophetic input, at your request at selected venues. More of his articles can be
viewed at ArticlesBase.com

For more information:

Telephone: +27 11 (0)84 84 84 084

Skype: williedutoitbenoni

Fax +27 11 849 2749

You can also view his profile on face book: willie du toit benoni

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Your are worthy of success

  • 1. 1 “Born to be a success” Compiled by: Willie du Toit Copyright: ©2011 Willie du Toit The enemy exposed When God created the earth, He never intended for man to live a short-lived life, then die, and go to heaven. God‟s intention was, to place man on the earth so that he could manage it on his behalf. Unfortunately, God‟s enemy, the devil has always tried to put himself above God, and to steal that which belongs to God. We read in the book of Isaiah Chapter 14 how the devil planned to exalt himself above the throne and authority of the Almighty God by rebelling against God. We read in the Scriptures how a war was waged in the heavenlies and that satan and a third of the angels, who supported him in his endeavour, were thrown from heaven, never to be restored to any position of glory ever again! What most people do not realize is that when everything on the earth is concluded according to God‟s plans, the nations will stand amazed at the image, they beheld of the enemy. Let us read it together as it is recorded in Isaiah Chapter 14 from verse 16: Isa 14:16 Those who see you will stare and wonder, "Is this the man who made the world tremble and shook up kingdoms?
  • 2. 2 Isa 14:17 Did he capture every city and make earth a desert? Is he the one who refused to let prisoners go home?" Can you imagine how many people on the earth are living in bondage to an enemy who has no authority over them? They live their entire lives in fear and trembling of something or someone who has been dealt with, even before time began. The Word of God says clearly that people will stare in wonder when they realize the truth about the enemy. Cities and nations are being held hostage by something or someone who is far less superior to those inhabitants of those cities and nations. Even the very earth is held captive by this fallen enemy and large areas of entire continents are suffering due to the ignorance of man. Another sad state of affairs is the fact that even those whose lives have been restored by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, at the cross of Calvary, have been tricked into submitting to a lifestyle of total defeat, while living on planet Earth. Born-again people are living with the hope, that they will one day be set free from the power of the enemy and the effects of sin, once they step from this life on Earth through the gates of heaven. Millions of people are evangelized to join a religion, who prepares them for victorious living, once they breathe there last breath of air on the earth. If we however search in the Scriptures, we find that God never mentions heaven as a reward for faithful living and obedience to Him as our Creator. Even Jesus, during his earthly ministry, did not promise his disciples more power, greater faith, or elevated positions, in heaven one day in the far distant future. In fact, Jesus spent all his days during his earthly ministry, equipping His disciples in successfully identifying their “unnatural and ungodly” circumstances on the earth, and then instructed them how to deal with it according to heaven‟s blueprints. A study of God‟s Word soon reveals that when He created us, He designed us for a life of total and complete success and victory on the earth. Everything Jesus came to teach and show his disciples was aimed at changing the earth into a place where the glory of God could find permanent residence. This is exactly what the prophet Habakkuk meant when he said that the whole earth will be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters of the seas, covers the earth. You and I must therefore realize that we have been specifically designed and created by God to reign and rule over the entire earth, and to teach nations the real reason why they exist. We have been placed, by the wisdom of God, in specific areas, under very unique circumstances, to exercise our God given authority until that place, where we have been “sown” into, becomes conducive to be inhabited by God himself.
  • 3. 3 What an awesome privilege to be God‟s representatives and to carry such a tremendous responsibility towards the earth and the Creator of everything. God did not plan for us to be defeated, to be overpowered, or to be prevented from achieving His ultimate plan for us on the earth, in any way whatsoever. When He created us, the devil had already been banned from the heavens, and cast down to the earth. God knew that the devil had freedom of movement in the realm, where he was about to place us, and with this in mind, He continued to form us in His own image and likeness, and placed us as His deputies in the same realm as His enemy. Not for one moment did God think that we would be unsuccessful in exercising His authority, and subduing the entire earth and all of creation, on His behalf. When the enemy saw that God sowed His own seed in an area, which He called the earth, the enemy saw it as an opportunity to strike back and regain some lost ground against God. Little did the devil know that God was prepared for this by keeping the blueprint of man, abiding with Him in heaven. The word of God says in John chapter 1 that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and without Him, not even one thing came into being that has come into being. As we already know, this Word John wrote about is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and it is therefore evident that all things created has Jesus Christ as its source. Jesus is therefore, the blueprint of everything that existed in the heart of our Father in heaven, who then, made it to manifest through his own son, Jesus Christ, on the earth. God placed the very first human being, namely Adam and his wife Eve, in the garden of Eden with the instruction to be fruitful, to multiply, and to subdue the earth and to reign and rule over it on His behalf. When they failed in this mandate due to their rebellion and disobedience, the devil thought that he had found the perfect recipe to hit back at God for banning him from the heavens. Man became a fallen being, subject to the pressures of life, which was released upon the earth during the fall. Man also became the most suitable object and sought-after vessel through which the enemy would try to regain some of his lost pride and position. A battle began to rage, which would involve heaven and earth and would literally span over all of creation‟s seasons and times, consume all its resources and affect each and every generation ever to live on the earth! In fact, even the realm between heaven and earth would be swallowed up in this war between the Originator of all things and the imposter. During the ages, as the battle continued, God held His ultimate plan for humankind‟s redemption very close to His heart.
  • 4. 4 He shared this plan with some of His most loyal confidants, the prophets and told them to record it in writing so that all the nations of the earth should know that a day would come, when He would once again, sow His best Seed into the earth in order for a mighty harvest to come forth. In this process, He allowed for the redemption of all humankind. In other words, all contaminated seeds would be destroyed instantaneously by this generous act of giving of Himself, provided that man receives it as a free gift. Miraculously man was granted the opportunity to literally start over again with no trace of past mistakes, failures or weakness! All He expected from man was to consider his own sinful ways, make up his mind to turn away from it, to receive and accept the new way of living, and to persevere in pursuing it. With this comes a new awareness of man‟s relationship with God and man‟s real reason for being on the earth. God‟s Spirit now puts an unquenchable passion in man‟s heart to know more about the Father, the Son and the Spirit and about Himself. Man suddenly becomes aware of his uniqueness and should begin to ask valid questions about his existence on the earth. As there is, only one place to find answers to these questions, man should now begin to meet God regularly with the manual of Life, the Bible, as point of reference to explain all queries and mysteries. The Bible must now become a manual in which man discovers all lost formulas, principles and plans to bring his life to the point of departure for the future. The Bible must not be seen as a book of ancient history, although it contains the greatest summary of man‟s history, it should be treated as a study manual on which his entire life depends. Together with the Author of this manual, man must now begin to replace all previous knowledge of God, the earth and himself with the angle from which God allowed His servants to pen it down. Anything that does not line up with this manual, must be discarded, and completely removed from the memory bank, never to be remembered again. All religious opinions, ideas, notions or doctrines must be identified and replaced with God‟s perspective. Begin to see yourself as God sees you, not through your own thoughts, but through the written Word! Study the Scriptures and discover God‟s plan with man on the earth, with the nations, with those who believe in, and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. As you journey through the pages of the Bible and with His Spirit as the Teacher, you will soon realize most of us have been living a second rated life, far beyond what He intended.
  • 5. 5 God had a Master Plan, so He created a Man! You will soon discover that you were very uniquely designed by the greatest Designer of all time. Your time of birth was carefully planned by the One who holds times and seasons in the palm of His hand and who ultimately knows when to send something to the earth during a time when it is much needed! He knows how to clothe and disguise it in human form! He knows where it is needed most and in His wisdom places, it in the midst of the field He wants to touch. He then empowers it, supports it, sustains it and releases it as the best He has to offer to a world in desperate need of salvation. You are God‟s best He has to offer this world. You are God‟s hope to reach and change individuals, communities, cities and nations. In Christ, you have the right construction to be a success, in fact, God says: “You are worthy of success...” Always keep in mind: You are called to a place You are called to a people You are called to a purpose Together through this journey, we will uncover who we are through the eyes of God and understand:  Who we really are - the truth  What our specific assignment is - tailor-made for you by God  My field of operation - guaranteed a 100% return, guaranteed a 100% success rate  How to sow myself into that field - breaking out with confidence
  • 6. 6 Your greatest discovery - Who you really are! I do not think many people are truly aware of who they really are and with what tremendous potential they walk around on the earth. You may notice that I frequently refer to “the earth”, and for a very specific reason. Man was created with unique gifts, talents, skills and abilities and placed in an allocated space where these created gifts would be of great value, absolutely applicable and 100% effective. God did not design us the way He did, in order for us to live a life of great struggle, only to die and go to heaven where we will then eventually taste success. When He designed you and me, He took great care in “packaging” us with all the necessary “goodies” so that when we become aware of our need to be connected to Him through His Son Jesus Christ, and we become born-again, or rather “born from above”, He sends us the Holy Spirit to enlighten us of who we really are. Jesus told His disciples in John chapter 14 that He would ask the Father to send us another Helper when He ascended to Heaven. Let us read what the purpose of the Holy Spirit must be to the believer: John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, so that He may be with you forever, John 14:17 the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because it does not see Him nor know Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you and shall be in you. John 14:18 I will not leave you orphans. I will come to you. John 14:19 Yet a little while and the world does not see Me any more. But you see Me. Because I live, you shall live also. John 14:20 At that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. The Greek word for “Comforter” is “Parakletos” and actually means far more than what we understand in the English language as a comforter. In telling His disciples they will receive another “Parakletos”, they understood that another person similar to their teacher Jesus would be sent to them. In their minds, they knew that this person would support, assist, empower and enable them to fulfill whatever assignment they had, successfully. They knew that this helper would be assigned to them
  • 7. 7 specifically, with no other task but to be their guarantee for successfully executing their duties as followers of Christ. Jesus also told His disciples clearly, that it would be Himself returning to them, just in another form. He elaborated on the function of the Holy Spirit by explaining to them that when the Spirit of Truth came, he would teach them many things, and reveal to them many things they were not yet ready to hear, during His walk on earth with them. John 16:12 I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. For He shall not speak of Himself, but whatever He hears, He shall speak. And He will announce to you things to come. John 16:14 He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will announce it to you. I want you to take note that without the Spirit of God, the Word of God will remain a great encounter of history and events, which took place in previous generations. Jesus emphasized the importance of being filled with the Spirit in this passage of Scripture by informing His disciples and us, that a constant flow of direction, revelation and instructions for the people of the earth, would be released by Him over the generations to follow, and that these life-essential pieces of information must be received, digested and implemented in our lives. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit in us, and working through us, the Word of God will remain a great book of information with lots of historical facts recorded with no power to transform our lives and circumstances. When the Holy Spirit is present, the Word of God is turned from pieces of information to becoming the very breath of God, breathing over us, causing a flood of waves from His very mouth. Instead of information reaching our ears, a supernatural impartation takes place, reaching our hearts, penetrating our very existence and transforming our very being of who we are! Most people who consider themselves to be Christians, are aware of the fact that salvation through Jesus Christ and the Cross gives them access to eternal life, and they gladly make the confession most Churches lead them into as a promise for heaven after death. Most of these people are then sent away with the assurance of “a place in heaven” and is never seen of, or heard of again by the Church. Most of the Churches record the numbers of people who came to salvation during a service without recording their names for follow-up.
  • 8. 8 Jesus never told His disciples to see how many people they could get to respond to an altar call, let them confess Him as their Saviour and then send them the same way they came! According to the great commission, the task of the Church is far deeper, wider and much more involved than having an altar call after each service! Leading someone to faith in Christ is only the doorway to a life-long journey of commitment, commitment and more commitment. I shiver to think what would happen the day when we, who are confessing Christians, stand before God with our lists of numbers, figures and neatly drawn up statistics of whom we have led to Christ during our time on the earth, only for God to turn around to the crowds and ask: “Can you point them out to me?”. You see, according to Matthew 25, a day will come when all nations will be gathered before the Throne of God, some at the right and some at the left. No one will escape this event and no excuses will grant anyone permission to be elsewhere. Interesting to note, that when Jesus described this scene to His audience, the basis of the separation of those on the left and the right was built on their level of interaction with one another when they were on the earth: Mat 25:32 And all nations shall be gathered before Him. And He shall separate them from one another, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats. Mat 25:33 And indeed He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats off the left. Mat 25:34 Then the King shall say to those on His right hand, Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Mat 25:35 For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you took Me in; Mat 25:36 I was naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me. Mat 25:37 Then the righteous shall answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungry, and fed You? Or thirsty, and gave You drink? Mat 25:38 When did we see You a stranger, and took You in? Or naked, and clothed You? Mat 25:39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and came to You?
  • 9. 9 Mat 25:40 And the King shall answer and say to them, Truly, I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you have done it to Me. Mat 25:41 Then He also shall say to those on the left hand, Depart from Me, you cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. Mat 25:42 For I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me no drink; Mat 25:43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; I was naked, and you did not clothe Me; I was sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me. Mat 25:44 Then they will also answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to You? Mat 25:45 Then He shall answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me. Mat 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into everlasting life. So many of us have been drawn into efforts where the message of Jesus as the way to eternal life has been preached to literally thousands of people, with no system in place to take them to the next step in the mind of Christ. Jesus did say in John 14:6 “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me.” Note that after the statement “I am the Way”, He continued by pointing out that after you find the way, a process of transformation needs to be implemented. Everything now must be measured according to what He stands for! After “finding the way”, one must now discover the Truth, and this Truth is nothing other than Jesus Christ and everything He stands for. John the Baptist said that he, John had to decrease and Christ must increase. This must be the motto of every born again believer, empty yourself so that Christ can fill you with Himself, until you overflow with what Christ said thirdly about Himself, “the Life”. Not only is Jesus the Son of the living God, He is also the Originator of all things: John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:2 He was in the beginning with God.
  • 10. 10 John 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being. No one can explain where God comes from, when He came into existence, or even if He ever did not exist! All we know is that He decided to create a place called earth and to put man on it to manage it on His behalf. And so we read, that at the beginning of this great plan of God, to create a visible realm where He could put some of His own attributes and characteristics on display, the Word played a very prominent role. God describes Himself through the pen of the Apostle John, as the Word. In the Greek language, it is written as “Logos” which means the following according to the Strong‟s Hebrew and Greek dictionaries: something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (that is, Christ): - account, cause, communication, X concerning, doctrine, fame, X have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say (-ing), shew, X speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work. In layman‟s terms it simply means that God, and specifically Christ, is the origin of all created things. God wanted to see Himself in action and wanted to have a mirror of Himself to enjoy the manifestation of His thoughts, as it would be put on display through creation. His pure and holy thoughts, His awesome wisdom, creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurial nature needed an outlet and an arena to be implemented and appreciated by more than just Himself. And so He decided to make His thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams become alive, and therefore He spoke them out in order for them to take shape in the form of creation! On the sixth day, after He spoke what was in His mind into being, He saw it was very good and then wanted to see Himself enjoy all of it, and so He decided to put Himself into living beings called humans, and placed us in the midst of His manifested thoughts! Wow, what an awesome thought! We must also understand that a great deal of false teachings have gone out, teaching that we are gods. We are not gods, but have certain specific attributes of God built into us. When God said: Let us make man in our own image and after our own likeness, He did not mean equal in position but comparable in nature, character and to a certain degree, in functionality. You see God has certain attributes which makes Him to be God. He is almighty and therefore no one can compare or compete with Him in this department. He is also omnipresent, meaning He can be in more than one place at the same time, which not even the angels or the devil himself can achieve. Another divine attribute is His omniscience, giving Him
  • 11. 11 the ability to know everything, all the time. He knows our thoughts even before we are aware of it. Nothing is hidden from Him. As a matter of interest, the devil cannot read our minds and cannot know our thoughts either, only God can. We often think that the devil can read our minds but this is not true, he places thoughts in our heads and then we think he has read our minds. Not before you and I express our thoughts verbally, can he know what we are thinking! There are many other attributes, which makes God who He is, and cannot be copied or duplicated by any other creature in heaven or earth. So God is also the only creator with the ability to make something out of nothing. Humans need something that God created before they can turn it into something else. The very same fact is also applicable to the devil, he can only work with that which God created, and twist it into something else. I believe one of the greatest attributes God placed of Himself into us, at creation of the very first man, is the ability to give. God has been a giver from the very beginning and not just a giver of unimportant stuff, but a giver of Himself! He took the best of Himself and put it into Adam. Remember how Jesus told His disciples what the greatest act of love is: John 15:13 No one has greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. The love of the Father is described in another part of the gospel of John: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him. Reading these passages of Scriptures, makes us realize that God‟s greatest motivation is to give everything of Himself to the Cause He loves. He holds nothing back when it comes to the works of His own hands! Another outstanding aspect of our God is that although He is the Almighty God, and the highest Authority in heaven and earth, He is also the ultimate servant of all servants: Mat 20:26 However, it shall not be so among you. But whoever desires to be great among you, let him be your servant. Mat 20:27 And whoever desires to be chief among you, let him be your servant; Mat 20:28 even as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
  • 12. 12 Imagine that our Saviour, the Son of the Most High God described the quickest and most sure way to greatness is the path of a servant. Not only did He preach this as a doctrine to be followed, He modeled this principle to the very end of His life here on earth. How often do we want to lord it over those we are set over in authority? We step on people, abuse every and any given opportunity to promote ourselves and our cause, at the expense of others. In the process to get to the top, we create enemies, inflict great pain and leave a trail of irreparable damage. We become insensitive to the needs of others and blind to the warning signs of impeding danger. Many of us think that promotion brings position, but in the Kingdom of God, promotion only means greater functionality and more responsibility with wider accountability. The Apostle Paul grasped this truth and that is why he wrote to the Church at Philippi the following: Php 2:5 For let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, Php 2:6 who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, Php 2:7 but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men. Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Php 2:9 Therefore God has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name which is above every name, Php 2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of heavenly ones, and of earthly ones, and of ones under the earth; Php 2:11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
  • 13. 13 Why the Father could trust His Son This Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ discovered, through the interaction of the Holy Spirit, the very heart and nature of the Father and His Son, and the reason why Father and Son had such a powerful relationship, which could bridge the gap caused through generations of rebellious living by humankind on the earth. This was the very substance and foundation of their plan for mankind‟s redemption. The Father could send His only Son to an environment riddled with sin, rebellion, ungodliness, greed, pride, selfish ambitions, and carnality, knowing nothing would affect, hinder or compromise their vision, to see man being set free from these very influences. You see when God created man, his intention was to reproduce Himself in man as the ultimate servant on earth. Servants obey their masters, no matter what. Servants have no vision of their own, no ambitions outside that of the master‟s, and no desire to be otherwise employed. Look at the following characteristics of a true servant in the Biblical sense of the word:  Permanently subject to their master – they are totally consumed by the master‟s vision, needs and activities to promote the masters business.  Servants are completely dependent on the provision of their masters – they cannot exist outside a relationship of total abandonment of faith and trust to their master.  Their activities is determined by the sole needs of their master – his needs consume them and inspires their actions.  Servants work without expecting any pay, reward or remuneration – to them it is a lifetime calling to serve their master with no return for their efforts, other than being a blessing to the master. Servants are known for their excellent level of obedience, and for the accurate manner in which they perform the instructions of their masters. They know it is because of their obedience that they are assured of their protection, provision and well-being. Obedience to the one giving the instructions, creates a platform of give and take. The one who obeys, places a demand on the one giving the instructions, to create an environment of protection, provision and support, whilst the instructions are followed. To explain it in easier terms, when someone with a vision attracts others to himself because of the vision, their joining the visionary in reaching his goal will lead to a specific relationship developing between them.
  • 14. 14 The visionary will be the one leading and the others will be following his lead. In order to be completely committed to this vision, those joining will be expected to abandon all other directions and pledge their support unconditionally. Once an agreement is reached, those participating in the building of that vision will now be under the covering of the visionary and can expect certain privileges that comes along with their joining the visionary in his endeavor. These privileges will be determined by the ability, strengths, influence, and authority and material liquidity of the visionary. The visionary cannot promise anything to his followers, which is out of his own reach, unavailable or even unattainable. As long as those who follow the visionary stay true to the vision and obey his instructions, they are assured of being covered in all aspects of their needs in life. Jesus was such a servant who knew the vision His Father had for the earth and all it‟s inhabitants. He knew that God had the vision to create a place where He could see Himself in operation. That is why He created the earth and placed man in charge of it. God never intended to create man equal to Himself but rather as an exact representation of Himself. Man was meant to be the shadow of God, casting the movement of God in heaven on the earth, with His radiant glory as the source of light in which man would operate. When God said, “let us make man in our image”, the Hebrew word for image is the word “tsehlem”, which means “shadow, illusion or phantom”. God‟s idea was to move His hand in heaven, and let the shadow be seen on the earth, performing it as He intended it in His heart. We are that shadow that needs to perform exactly what God has in mind. That is why Jesus constantly said: John 5:19 Then Jesus answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, The Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do. For whatever things He does these also the Son does likewise. Jesus was merely the shadow or manifestation of the unseen God in operation on the earth. He gave His Father a body to work through, to show man what He is like, and what He is capable of doing. God‟s greatest desire is to be involved in the affairs of the earth, without doing everything Himself, and to have us as His partners. He wants to show the nations of the earth how He operates, without revealing Himself in His true form. When Jesus was asked by one of His disciples Philip to show them the Father, He gave them a very clear answer: John 14:8 Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.
  • 15. 15 John 14:9 Jesus said to him, Have I been with you such a long time and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father. And how do you say, Show us the Father? John 14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in Me? The Words that I speak to you I do not speak of Myself, but the Father who dwells in Me, He does the works. John 14:11 Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the very works themselves. When God instructed Moses in the Old Testament to build the tabernacle He had only one thing in mind, to dwell amongst His own. He chose a man by the name of Bezaleel to create everything according to what was in His own heart and mind in heaven: Exo 31:1 And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, Exo 31:2 Behold, I, I have called by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. Exo 31:3 And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all workmanship, Exo 31:4 to devise designs; to work in gold, and in silver, and in bronze, Exo 31:5 and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all workmanship. Exo 31:6 And behold, I have given to him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. And I have put wisdom in the hearts of all the wise- hearted, so that they may make all that I have commanded you: Very interesting is to note that “Bezaleel” means “in the shadow of God”, which describes someone who is protected by God and who operates under His covering. To be protected by God or to be in His shadow also means to be under His guidance, which brings man to be living within the boundaries of His provision, exactly what we discussed earlier as the relationship between the visionary, and those who follow him in obedience! This is also a reflection of the creation of man in the image or “tsehlem” of God, meaning, as we already determined, the shadow of God. God‟s vision was to have a dwelling place amongst His people, and only He knew what this dwelling place should look like. He therefore needed someone that could operate from under His guidance and within His realm to produce exactly what He had in mind! Centuries later, when the time had arrived to redeem man through the ultimate sacrifice of the chosen Lamb, this Lamb knew the vision His
  • 16. 16 Father had in mind and was totally committed to see it come to pass. His obedience to the One who carried the vision, provided the perfect platform to work from. Jesus, the Lamb came to earth, fully aware of the capabilities, integrity and resources of the Visionary of the plan of redemption, and so He became the visible image of the desire of His Father. If you and I will only know, the Visionary the way Jesus did during His earthly ministry, and trust Him in the same manner, just think of the possibilities to change the destiny of nations! When God revealed His desire to Moses to live amongst His people, He also told Moses that only specific circumstances will attract and suit Him, so He filled Bezaleel with His Spirit. Only God‟s Spirit in man, equips and qualifies man to know the will, and follow the instructions of God. God‟s Spirit in man brings man under the authority of God and enables man to see, hear and experience that, which is hidden in the heart of God. Bezaleel was equipped by the Spirit in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and wait for it - in all workmanship! The Hebrew word for workmanship in this passage is “mel-aw-kaw and means the following: “Deputyship, employment, ministry” It is part of the Hebrew word “mal-aw”, which means; to despatch as a deputy; a messenger; specifically of God, that is, an angel (also a prophet, priest or teacher): - ambassador, angel, king, messenger. How awesome it is to know that whatever God had in mind, He would transfer it to a human vessel through His indwelling Spirit, and with the Spirit comes the ability to do it exactly as God envisaged it in heaven! No wonder Jesus told His disciples in the New Testament, not to move until they were endued from on high with the Holy Spirit. To be endued literally means to be clothed or to put on, or sink into a garment. When one joins the military, you are stripped of your usual garments, and given a uniform, which distinguishes you as being part of that specific army. With that uniform come certain rights, privileges, position and authority. The same applies to the police or security forces. The uniform never becomes your property, as it remains the property of the state or country who gave it to you. By putting on the uniform you become the property of the owner of the uniform and pledge your unconditional support to uphold the vision of that country or state. Now let us have another look at the phrase of “being clothed by the Holy Spirit”. Just as a soldier‟s uniform turns him into a representative of the owner of the uniform, so the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a clear indication of who owns us, whose business we conduct and where our allegiance lies.
  • 17. 17 When Jesus told His disciples to wait for the “clothing ceremony”, which would take place in Jerusalem, He knew what a radical change it would bring in the lives of ordinary men and women, men like you and me! He knew that nothing would stand in their way, nothing would be too difficult for them to achieve and no assignment would be left half-complete. He was also aware of the enormity of the vision His Father had in mind for the earth and the nations and knew from personal experience that this could only be achieved by men and women who would display the “image” or shadow of His Father under all circumstances. As God needed a Bezaleel to bring forth exactly what He had in mind, He still uses the same pattern to bring forth His plans and visions for humankind in this age. He puts His Spirit in man to bring man and God on the same wavelength in order to produce heaven on earth!
  • 18. 18 Your life - Part of The BEST-WRITTEN story ever, waiting to be published! Now let us back track for a second and return to the encounter of man‟s creation. When God made Adam and placed him in charge of the earth, He basically made man His deputy to watch over, and manage His business on the earth! He gave him full rights to be His representative in all affairs on the earth as long as man operated within the boundaries of His shadow! Again, in the New Testament we encounter the word “workmanship” where the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Ephesus to enlighten them on their new position they enjoyed in Christ: Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. The Greek word for workmanship is: poy'-ay-mah From G4160; a product, that is, fabric (literally or figuratively): - thing that is made, workmanship. Notice the word “poem” in English that comes from this Greek word! We are literally God‟s creative mind being manifested on earth in bodily form! The moment we receive Christ as our Lord and Saviour we are changed into a beautiful work of art, ready to be unveiled by God, for His own Glory. It is so important that we now stay connected to God through His Spirit in order for us to “walk in” exactly what He has in mind for us! As we continue to walk in obedience and submitted to Him, the good works He has in mind for us will automatically begin to manifest in us, around us and through us. This is nothing other than the promises of blessings God gave to the Israelites in the Old Testament as recorded in Deuteronomy 28: Deu 28:1 And it will be, if you shall listen carefully to the voice of Jehovah your God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command you today, Jehovah your God will set you on high above all nations of the earth. Deu 28:2 And all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you, if you will listen to the voice of Jehovah your God.
  • 19. 19 Let us have a look again at Ephesians 2 verse 10: Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them. Notice that we have been “created in Christ Jesus” for a very specific reason, to produce “good works”. These good works actually means - to be a benefit to something or someone else. If your presence, involvement or activities are not bringing others, or your surroundings, to a higher and better position than they had been before you arrived on the scene, you are not a benefit to them, and you are then not “walking in good works” or as the Apostle Paul puts to the believers at the Church of Ephesus, “I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the calling with which you are called”. When Paul used the phrase “created in Christ Jesus”, he wanted his audience to understand the real impact of being born-again. So many of us have this idea to be born-again simply means that we now have hope of eternal life when we eventually die. Not so, according to the original Greek, created has a far wider and deeper implication than this. It means that the originator of the product is involved in the process, the one who has sole rights to the product. The one who originally “patented and designed” the product is at work in the process, and the end result is the production of a true original, uncontaminated, unaltered, genuine work of art! Paul wanted his readers to grasp the fact that when you are in Christ, you are returned to your original state of creation, the way you existed in God‟s mind before your birth! He did not send His Son to do “patch-up” work, but to completely destroy the old and produce someone brand new in the place of the old! Let us see how Paul puts it in his letter to the Church at Corinth: 2Co 5:17 So that if anyone is in Christ, that one is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. If any one, not only some, but any one: murderers, rapists, liars, drunkards, prostitutes, thieves, cheaters, and the likes thereof, is in Christ, that one then is a new creature, restored to the very moment they were still on the designer‟s table! The key however is to be “in Christ” and to be “in Christ” means to be completely and totally submitted to Him, not only as Saviour, but also as Lord of all. One of the greatest problems in modern day Christianity is that Jesus is only preached as Saviour, the One who grants access to heaven and we neglect to introduce new converts to Jesus as Lord.
  • 20. 20 Let us remind ourselves of the scenario in the book of Matthew chapter 7 where Jesus spoke about many that will come to Him in that day to proclaim “Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name, and through Your name throw out demons, and through Your name do many wonderful works?” Jesus told His listeners in no uncertain terms, that He would deny that same moment, that He never knew them! Moreover, His defense will be that they lived a lawless life on earth. They may have received Him at some stage during an altar call as Saviour, to escape the fire of hell, but they never tied themselves in a covenantal relationship to Him as their only authority. I believe this will be a shock to many so-called Christians when they hear His voice telling them to depart from Him, because of their rebellious clinging to selfish lifestyles. Again, the Apostle Paul, under the direction of the Holy Spirit gives very clear instructions on what God expects from us, once we have been introduced to Christ our Lord and Saviour: Col 3:3 For you died, and your life has been hidden with Christ in God. Col 3:4 When Christ our Life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory. Col 3:5 Therefore put to death your members, which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness (which is idolatry), Col 3:6 on account of which things' sake the wrath of God is coming on the sons of disobedience, Col 3:7 among whom you also once walked, when you lived in these. Col 3:8 But now also put off all these things: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, shameful speech out of your mouth. Col 3:9 Do not lie to one another, having put off the old man with his deeds Col 3:10 and having put on the new, having been renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, Paul states that we need to put to death those things, which used to control our lives, before we had an encounter with Christ. I often wonder what his reaction would be if he would be alive today and hear our messages concerning grace and Christian living. We have watered down the true message of the cross and have shifted all the emphasis to suit us, so we can continue to live in exactly the same fallen state than before we heard the
  • 21. 21 message. The true gospel message should impact us in such a way, that the love God displayed at Calvary should grip us with so much awe, that we run from our past and jump boots and all into the new relationship He freely offers. I know salvation is a free gift, and no one can earn it by doing anything to impress Him, but Jesus also said that a tree shall be known by it‟s fruit. When all of Jerusalem, Judea and the areas surrounding the Jordan came to be baptized by John the Baptist, the Pharisees and Sadducees took note of it, and as human nature is, wanted to be part of this “new” thing and also came to stand in the line. Instead of being blessed by the sudden increase in his ministry figures and the attendance rising to new heights, John was not impressed. So many of us would have been more than happy and called it a true revival, but not John. No, John begins to insult his attendees by telling them they are snakes! John is not interested in packing his auditorium Sunday after Sunday. He is not trying to see how many of the city‟s Church members he can steal from the other pastors! John wants those who come and sit under his anointed teachings to turn from the manner in which they used to live! He wants to see a radical change in all areas of their lives, and so he tells them: “When I am done with you and you have made a public confession, I will know whether you only came for the soft chairs, nice music or to meet new people. Whatever you do from this day onwards, will reveal your true motive for attending my meetings!”
  • 22. 22 A life-changing moment - Going through it, and not around it Meeting Christ at the cross should have two effects on us, firstly it should make us realize how far removed we are from the image God had in mind of us at creation, and secondly it should make us realize what is available to us in Him. When Paul, still known as Saul from Tarsus, was on his way to persecute the Church at Damascus, he walked smack bang into the risen Christ. You see, at this stage of his life, Paul was a very religious and devout man to the religion of the day. In fact, he was one of the most learned men of his time and probably, one of, or perhaps the most dedicated minister in his theology class. Paul was proud of what he was doing and even more proud of the trust his fellow members of religion had in his ability to get the job done. “Only one call to Saul to wipe them all - available 24/7”, would have been a suitable slogan for his marketing campaign! He had it made, a great life, lots of influence, support from the government, position in the church, travelling allowance and all the bells and whistles of being the man of the moment. God knew it would take something far greater than the ordinary religious message to turn Saul from his comfortable life. He knew Saul would not be interested in some message shouted out by some preacher of a “better life” in Christ or even of a promise of life after death through Jesus. Nor would he be lured into another religion promising him a life of wealth, comfort, position and material possessions as Saul probably had it all together. So what did God do to get his attention? He arranged a meeting with Saul and then conducted it Himself! We read in Acts chapter 9 how Saul had an encounter with the risen Christ, not the historical Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, as many referred to Him, not the crucified Christ as many remembered Him, but the victorious risen Christ! In a flash, Saul measured himself, his life, his achievements and his entire existence with the risen Christ. His position in the Church suddenly appeared as dung, his degrees in theology seemed so insignificant, his assignment and the rewards he would get from his superiors for the completion thereof couldn‟t compare to what he saw awaiting him at the end of his journey with this Christ. Nothing Saul could think of, could measure up to what he saw in the eyes of the One standing in front of him! His mind must have raced around frantically to try and outweigh that which he saw as available for himself in Christ, but to no avail. After searching for anything of value in his own life, which could compare to the one in front of him, he finally had to admit there was nothing worthy to cling to any longer. Therefore, when he opened his mouth, he could
  • 23. 23 only declare the majestic superiority of the One blocking his way: “Who are you Lord?” Saul knew very well, that from that moment onward, his life would never be the same ever again. All he wanted to do was to submit himself to the One who stood in the doorway of his future. He even wrote to the saints at Philippi, at a later stage in his life, how little he had before he met Christ. He gives an account of his life before he encountered Christ and to most of us, it will sound like the most perfect and wonderful way to live. Many pastors will think they are in heaven if they had a number of members fitting this description of Paul, before his conversion! After weighing himself according to the only measure worthy to be used, the risen Christ, Paul even threw all his planning out the window! He rips up his busy schedule, destroys his yearly planner and burns his church diary and says: “What do You want me to do?” These two questions asked by Saul at his conversion has also become the very foundation of my walk with God. When I finally took the step into full- time service and ministry to the Lord, my first question to Him was also aimed at wanting to discover who He really was. Little did I know that by asking God this question, I gave Him free access and complete permission to take me on a journey of a lifetime! When I asked Him the second question, to tell me what He wanted me to do, I actually enrolled myself into the school of obedience and slowly but surely He began to re-program my entire being until I began to think like Him. Although I am not even close to knowing Him the way, I should, and doing 100% what He expects of me, the journey has begun. As long as I am constantly and continuously committed to discovering more about Him and His will for my life, our relationship grows and grows. He reveals more and more of Himself and releases more and more of His responsibilities to me, and so we continue to make more room for one another. Paul‟s encounter with the risen Christ made him realize that the level at which he lived, was far beyond what God had in mind. He wanted to stretch out to the finishing line and was driven throughout his entire walk with Christ, to become like Christ. The image of the Son of God was burnt into the very fabric of his spirit and soul and that is why he wanted everybody who had ears, to hear him and the message of the new life in Christ. At times, he became impatient and upset with his audience because of their attitude towards that which was made available to them by Christ. To Paul it was a matter of all or nothing! To him an encounter with Christ meant a complete transformation which left the old dead and someone brand new resurrected in it‟s place. When he
  • 24. 24 wrote to the Church at Corinth to explain to them what happens at conversion, he emphasized that a new creature was now living and the old, all of it has passed away. He used the Greek word “ktis-is”, which means the original formation. In other words there is nothing added from another source, only that which was selected and passed by the originator, that is present in the construction of the product. It also indicates that a mould exists from which the original comes from and the original measures up to this mould one hundred percent. Our mould is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself from whom we come and at conversion; the mould into which the devil squeezed us is destroyed together with the image we have become through sin and unholy living. In Christ, we are now reconstructed to become, once again, God‟s masterpiece! As we continue to study the Scriptures, we soon discover what a wealth of information is at our disposal. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit as our Teacher the more we dig, the more we uncover and the more we uncover, the more we are transformed. The more we are transformed, the more God can use us to transform those around us! I pray that this short study will ignite a passion and desire in your heart to become more like Him! “Heavenly Father, please show me who You really are, let me discover You the same way the Apostle Paul encountered You and begin to teach me your ways. Tell me what You want me to do as I submit myself unconditionally into Your capable Hands! I want to be part of those who will bring nations into Your Presence! In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen!”
  • 25. 25 Our duty towards God - to be a Success In the previous section, we briefly looked at who we really are supposed to be through the eyes of God, our Creator. Hopefully, by this time, you will begin to realize how the enemy has kept you in bondage to prevent you to become a success on the earth. It is about time we rise to the occasion and take our rightful places in making history in our generation. Our mission on earth is to make history as we participate in building “His-story”! In this section, we will look at some of the reasons why our success on earth is so important. Probably the most outstanding reason why we should be successful as God‟s vessels on the earth is found in the parable Jesus told about the talents: Mat 25:14 For it is as if a man going abroad called his own servants and gave them his goods. Mat 25:15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to each according to his ability. And he went abroad at once. Mat 25:16 And going he who had received the five talents traded with them, and made another five talents. Mat 25:17 And likewise he who had received two, he also gained another two. Mat 25:18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the earth and hid his lord's silver. Mat 25:19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and took account with them. The number of talents each servant received is not at all important, but rather what each one did with it. It is obvious that the master knew each of his servants and their abilities like he knew himself, and so he gave each one the exact amount needed for complete success. Jesus said he gave to each one according to his ability. Just think of it, when God created us, He gave each one of us the necessary skills, abilities and characteristics to successfully work on His behalf in the area He chose to place us. Unfortunately sin caused us to become something else and bent us out of shape. It blinded us for who we really are and prevented us from accessing the “true self‟. We have been created as rich reservoirs, packed to overflowing with the talents to bring home a rich harvest of achievements. In the previous chapter enough was said to make us realize that Christ changed all that which was lost by our disobedience to God.
  • 26. 26 From the parable it is clear that we have a godly duty towards Him, to be a success and to dig deep within ourselves until we uncover every bit of gold that has been hidden inside us at creation: Mat 25:20 And so he who had received five talents came and brought another five talents, saying, Lord, you delivered five talents to me. Behold, I have gained five talents above them. Mat 25:21 His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a few things; I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord. Mat 25:22 He also who had received two talents came and said, Lord, you delivered two talents to me. Behold, I have gained two other talents above them. Mat 25:23 His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord. “Created in His image and likeness - no replica in heaven or on earth!” Many of us have fallen into the enemy‟s trap by comparing ourselves to those around us. We are constantly measuring ourselves according to others and their successes or failures instead of discovering our true worth in God‟s sight and then partner with Him to achieve the fullness of being His chosen vessel for a specific task. I once made the mistake of comparing my ministry with other ministries and the more I did this, the worse I began to feel about my own achievements. Soon I began to see others as competition and everything I did was aimed at trying to outrun or outperform them. Whatever I did was motivated by selfish ambition and I always had my own reputation in the back of my mind. Failure to meet the requirements I set for myself, brought bitterness and tremendous feelings of incompetence. I could never relax as there was always someone somewhere in ministry circles who did better than I did. I was constantly trying to find new and better ways to become more successful but with the success of others as my measurement. I would take on programs others used to build their ministries on; I would try methods others implemented with great success, only to fail at every attempt.
  • 27. 27 The most dangerous way of measuring our future is to take someone else‟s success story and copy their methods and processes. I am not saying that this should not be done under any circumstances, but one must be very careful as in God‟s Kingdom, we all have the same goal, but God gives each one of us different methods, skills and circumstances to achieve it. Our mutual goal on earth is to reveal God to those around us and to bring everybody into a real relationship with Him, through His Son Jesus Christ. We are however not all placed in the same circumstances and definitely do not have the same talents to do the job. That is why we are all very different in the way we are created with such a vast array of skills, gifts and talents. The sooner we realize this, the better for all of us. Not everyone can sing in the worship team, and so not everybody has the gift to preach an anointed message. So do we all have various strengths and definitely many weaknesses. Speaking about weakness, I do not mean the areas in which we fail to bring glory to God through sin, but rather the area in which we are not gifted by Him. We need to discover through our relationship with Him, what is the real reason why He created us and what He expects from us in return. Again we must take note that this does not refer to salvation or serving Him in a personal capacity, as this is not negotiable at all. That is why Paul says in Romans chapter 12 verse one that we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service. Paul says to surrender and submit yourself to God is the very least we can do in our service to Him. After this act of submission, another dimension opens up, and now we need to become such a blessing to God, that He can send us to others so that we can become a blessing to others on His behalf. I hold the view, and the more I study God‟s Word and the more I grow in my understanding of Him, I am more convinced, that to be saved and wanting to go to heaven is a very selfish way of serving God. It may sound right and very spiritual to long for heaven, but it was never God‟s intention to save us from sin only, to let us escape His wrath and the flames of hell. When God and Moses had their conversation in the wilderness after Aaron led the Israelites into worshipping the golden calves, and God decided to destroy the nation and promised Moses He would make him a great nation, Moses turned down the offer of single salvation! Exo 32:10 And now leave Me alone, so that My wrath may become hot against them and so that I may consume them. And I will make of you a great nation.
  • 28. 28 Moses could have taken the opportunity to rake in all that God had for him. How many of us have been lured into a relationship with God by promises of personal blessings and unmeasured wealth. I want to change your perspective by telling you that we need to adjust our view of salvation. Let us look at salvation from God‟s point of view for a moment: John chapter three verse sixteen tells us that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son as ransom. Do you see it? God did all the reaching out to us because of His capacity to love. His love crosses over all barriers, obstacles and human understanding to embrace whosoever wants to receive His forgiveness. We are simply the beneficiaries of who God really is. God is love, He does not just love, He is love. To Him love is not a feeling that can change or be switched on or off at will! His entire substance, or composition is made of love! So where love is absent, God will not be found. When God arrives on the scene, love arrives. When God speaks, love speaks, when God acts, love acts! When God has to consider something, love is the ultimate motivational factor. So when God decided to send His Son to the earth to be crucified, it was love that moved Him to such a radical deed. Love always has the end result in mind and not so much the process of getting it done. When God looked at the human race, He knew He had to step in to ensure the continuation of displaying Himself for He really is – Love! God hates sin, but loves man, and He has to act against sin as He is a holy God. Anything and everything unholy becomes a block in God‟s path to pour out His unconditional love on those He chose to love - us! I believe this is why God, from time to time, pours His Spirit out on a generation to bring about a mighty revival during which the main focus is repentance! In all recorded revivals; men, women and children from all walks of life become intensely aware of their sinfulness and spontaneously, under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, repent and begin to embrace God in an unknown wave of outpoured love. It is God who initializes seasons of revivals, as His whole nature almost drives Him to open the way for Him to receive something in return for the love He shows. So let us conclude this discussion about God and love by saying that God saves people so that He can continue to be who He really is – Love! When God saved you and I, His motive was more than eternal life and heaven, but to have someone He can love and be rewarded by a returned love. When God offered Moses a great name by making him a nation, he turned it down, simply because he understood the reason why God interacts with people the way we just looked at it. God is more after the relationship between Him and man than what we have been preaching as the reason for salvation. We say God saves to bless us, I say God saves to bless Himself! In the encounter with Moses, this is very clear as God held out the carrot of personal blessing
  • 29. 29 to see if Moses understood the heart of the Father. Imagine how God must have felt when Moses turned down personal salvation in return for something that would bless God! Moses was not concerned about his personal blessing but more about the state or condition it would leave God in: Exo 32:12 Why should the Egyptians speak and say, He brought them out for harm, to kill them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from Your fierce wrath, and be moved to pity as to this evil against Your people. Moses said (para-phrased): „Come on God, you know what the enemy will say about You, should You decide to follow through with Your plan. Just think of where this will leave You, in the sight of those who are trying to sum You up in comparison to all their own gods. Surely You want them to see You for who You really are - slow to anger, quick to forgive?” I do not think that many of us in this generation are concerned about God‟s needs and His well-being, as long as we are home and dry. God used this situation with the Israelites, the golden calves and Moses to see if He had someone on His side. He needed to establish where Moses stood in comparison to His vision for the earth and the unsaved nations. God wanted to use the circumstances to His own benefit and not to the benefit of Moses, although in His dialogue it sounded like salvation would benefit only Moses. It must have warmed God‟s heart when Moses replied: Exo 32:31 And Moses returned to Jehovah, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made themselves gods of gold. Exo 32:32 And now will You forgive their sin! And if not, I pray You, blot me out of Your book, which You have written. Exo 32:33 And Jehovah said to Moses, Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book. Did Moses take a chance by gambling with his own salvation? Perhaps he did, but even more so I think he finally understood the heart of God and the real reason why He created the earth and placed man in it. Moses must have seen a glimpse into heaven‟s chambers when God the Father and the Son and the Spirit held their meeting and their final resolution was: “Let us create a place and fill it with something like ourselves so that we can feel what it is like to enjoy everything we have to offer”. And so God created the earth and placed man in it, with the same capacity to receive and give back in some measure to the One who gave.
  • 30. 30 God wanted to experience what it was like to hear someone return His decree of love each time He echoed from heaven: “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased”. All He wants to hear is “I love you too my Father”, with the necessary fruit to prove the statement was authentic. When God heard Moses asking Him to remove his name from the Book if He was going to wipe out the Israelites, God heard His own voice coming from deep within Moses! He realized that there was someone standing in the earth to whom He could and should listen! God recognized His own desire coming from the lips of Moses, that it had found a nesting place inside Moses, and now Moses spoke to God on the same terms that made God who He is – Love! It was as if God heard Himself saying through the mouth of Moses: “Oh God, if Your next move is not going to benefit God, count me out as well”. Just think of how many of us want to be saved for our own reasons and to our sole benefit. Although the unsaved do come to salvation for the sake of escaping hell and going to heaven, somewhere in our walk with God our attitude needs to be adjusted to that of Moses. After all these years of being saved, I am no longer concerned about my own salvation, but that of others! I am no longer worried about my final destiny but lie awake at night for the sake of others. I am consumed with the thought that God‟s Word is covered with prophecies and promises of entire nations that will be saved. God‟s capacity to save is linked to His capacity to love. His love is never ending and knows no limits, and so also His mercy and grace towards those who are still lost. As I have discovered, the greatest longing in His heart is to love and to be loved in return, I have also discovered in which department He releases most of His energy and resources. This is exactly where I commit myself and join forces with Him. I know I can reason and discuss issues with Him when it comes to people, as long as God and I feel the same about the issue at hand. When God hears Himself speaking through me, He turns all His attention to me and that which I intend to do on His behalf! Paul said, “It is no longer I that live, but Christ in me”, and when God sees and hears Christ operating in me, He opens up the resources of heaven over me! This is the moment when those talents He placed inside me, comes in line with the very reason I exist. These talents, which might have been lying dormant for such a long time, suddenly begin to knock on the inside and start to look for an opportunity to surface. We will now realize that the skills we used for so long while we were still operating in the world are actually the very same talents God gave us, and we will be asked to give an account thereof, one day.
  • 31. 31 Mat 25:24 And he who had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew that you were a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter. Mat 25:25 And I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the earth. Lo, you have yours. Mat 25:26 His lord answered and said to him, Evil and slothful servant! You knew that I reaped where I did not sow, and gathered where I did not scatter, Mat 25:27 then you should have put my money to the exchangers, and coming I would have received my own with interest. Mat 25:28 Therefore take the talent from him and give it to him who has ten talents. Mat 25:29 For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will abound. But from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away from him. Mat 25:30 And throw the unprofitable servant into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In conclusion, pray the following prayer of commitment: “Father of mine, Thank you for creating me in such a unique and special way. I ask forgiveness for the times I measured myself according to what I saw in other people’s lives around me. Forgive me for wanting to be like them and not acknowledging the talents you have so graciously granted me. Help me to discover who I really am in Christ as I submit myself totally and completely to His Lordship and to the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. I am eternally grateful for the talents You gave me and ask You to open opportunities to me, so that I can work with these talents to bring glory and honour to You alone. Help me to be all that You have created me to be and to be successful according to what You have in mind for my life. Let me be a blessing on earth! I pray it in the Name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!”
  • 32. 32 For more information about the author, or to obtain more of his teachings either in the same format, or on cd or dvd, kindly contact us at: voice@wol.co.za or write to us at: PO Box 11930, Rynfield, 1514 Benoni, South Africa Willie du Toit is also available to conduct seminars, specifically with a Prophetic input, at your request at selected venues. More of his articles can be viewed at ArticlesBase.com For more information: Telephone: +27 11 (0)84 84 84 084 Skype: williedutoitbenoni Fax +27 11 849 2749 You can also view his profile on face book: willie du toit benoni
  • 33. 33