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Plotting Your Path to
Smarter ERP in the Cloud
A step-by-step guide to acquiring the perfect
solution for you, and your business.
Embarking on Your Journey
to the Future of ERP
Acquiring new enterprise resource planning (ERP)
tools and technology is not a decision that’s made
overnight. Chances are, things have been working
up to this for months, or even years. So now that
you’ve finally arrived at the decision to acquire a
solution, it’s worth taking the time to consider
your options fully.
In this evaluation guide, we’ll take you through your
journey to the digital future of ERP, with practical
tips, advice, and an easy-to-follow checklist that can
help you ensure that the choices you make are the
right ones for your department, your processes,
and your business.
Assembling Your Team
The first step in any successful ERP modernization
is assembling the right team. Whichever solution
and partner you end up choosing, the technology
you acquire will have to tick a lot of different boxes
for a lot of different people. The best way of making
sure that everyone’s needs are met is to get all of
the right people involved in the decision-making
process from the start.
For starters, your team is going to need:
• A senior executive sponsor
• A defined-selection project leader
• Stakeholders from every department touched
by the processes you want to transform
• Senior stakeholders with an understanding of
the processes covered by the ERP application
• A steering group of employees with
responsibilities that span the breadth of ERP
By finding people who fit into those groups and
assembling them into a formalized acquisition team,
you can see the full scope of exactly what your
ideal solution needs to do to meet all of their
needs. Together, they’ll enable you to see:
• Which areas and processes relating to ERP (such
as finance, ordering, projects and manufacturing
back-office processes) are in the most
immediate need of modernizing
• Where inefficiencies exist that need
to be eliminated by the chosen solution
• Areas where current solutions are not
meeting expectations
• What is required from the ERP system
to support the strategic direction of the
business and deliver value
Those ultimately will be your reasons for acquiring
the solution suite that you eventually settle on, and
having solid, proven issues that need solving will
prove invaluable when it comes to building
a winning business case.
Locking Down Your Technical Needs
The input provided by all of the groups represented in your team will enable you to build up a comprehensive
list of requirements across the business—every person and group’s needs. But this is a technology purchase,
and it’s not just people’s requirements that it needs to meet—there is also a handful of tech boxes to tick.
Ask yourself and your team these important
questions upfront:
• How many users will the solution
need to support?
• Is that number likely to grow significantly in
the future? And if so, can the solution scale
alongside it?
• What other essential business apps does the
solution need to integrate with and be able
to talk to?
• Will the apps be able to run on all of the devices
you need them to, and enable your people to
access them from anywhere, at any time?
• Will disparate users from across your
organization be able to connect to and use
the solution effectively?
• Do you want to take advantage of new business
intelligence (BI) and analytical capabilities? And if
you do, what systems will the platform need to
integrate with to easily access data for analysis?
When you pair your answers to those questions
with the direct input of your team members,
you’ll soon build up a picture of exactly what
you’re looking for. The next step is getting the
buy-in you need to go after it.
Building Your Business Case
With your team built and your tech needs outlined,
you’re ready to start working on your business case.
Creating a compelling and convincing business case
is a critical part of the selection process, because
it is your key to securing C-level buy-in and getting
corporate sponsors on your side.
A good business case is exactly that: a case
made for how a new solution will benefit the
entire business. Don’t fall into the trap of just talking
about how it will benefit the finance department
and those with job titles specifically related to ERP.
The tools you are acquiring will benefit every single
person in your business, and the case you make for
acquisition needs to reflect that as fully as possible.
You need to think in terms of the things the C-suite
really wants to hear. Focus on:
• How the solution will support specific elements
of the business’s current and future strategy
• How it will help solve problems that they are
already aware of
• The macrolevel challenges it will help the
business overcome
• How it will help the business compete with
other key players in its market
• How it will help improve common finance KPIs
(such as the cost of finance, time to process
invoices, and days sales outstanding) against
current benchmarks
All of those things, when demonstrated clearly, will
help you build up a compelling business case. But
there’s one thing that the C-suite really wants to
see from you, and that’s some cold, hard figures
showing exactly the kind of financial return and
value that the business is likely to see from
this new investment.
Forecasting ROI and Proving Your Investment’s Worth
Nothing wins the support and buy-in of senior executives quite like a detailed
and accurate ROI forecast. By demonstrating that you have considered exactly
how your investment will impact the business’s bottom line, you can make the
decision to grant approval extremely simple.
When it comes to demonstrating the value of an ERP cloud solution
investment, you need to think about a wide variety of factors, such as:
• The reduced need for ERP resources, thanks to increased
automation and simple self-service tools
• The cost savings associated with moving on-premises ERP
solutions to the cloud
• The improvements you can make to processes using the insight
granted by new ERP analytics
• The increased efficiency of individual processes, especially those
that may still be somewhat paper-based
• Improved visibility of all ERP processes, helping to identify
further opportunities for cost savings
• Less wastage, and improved control over budgets and purchasing
As highlighted in the Nucleus Research quote below, cloud ROI is determined by
a wide range of different factors. So when it comes to turning all of those things
into actual numbers, you may need some outside assistance.
Your own finance experts will be able to help, but you may also find that you
need the assistance of third-party experts with specific experience of preparing
ROI forecasts for these kinds of investments.
“The cloud ROI multiplier is driven by a number of factors,
including lower initial and ongoing costs and the ability to
deliver greater value over time without the cost and disruption
traditionally associated with upgrading, expanding, or
changing business applications.”
Nucleus Research report, “Cloud Delivers 2.1 Times More ROI.”
The full report is available for download here.
Picking the Right Partner
Once you’ve secured your funding and
executive buy-in, the real decision-making can
begin. There will likely be a number of vendors
in the marketplace that can meet your basic
requirements as identified earlier, so how do
you choose between them?
Your first task at this stage is creating a shortlist
of potential offerings that meet most of your general,
agreed-upon requirements. Then, with those options
outlined, you can start digging a little deeper
to discover what it is that truly sets them apart
from each other.
Here, you’ll need to look beyond just a basic list of
features and tools; you need to look at the entire
service you’ll receive with each potential partner.
Ask yourself the following questions
as you look into each option:
• What is each vendor’s support offering like?
Will you be able to get the assistance you need,
when you need it?
• Do they provide training to help everyone get up
to speed with the new tools, and start getting
the most from them immediately?
• Will they help you migrate data from your current
solutions and make the deployment process as
simple as possible?
• Do they have a proven record of providing cloud
software services reliably, with the minimum
levels of downtime?
• Do they address your security concerns? For
example, do they isolate your data from that of
other companies? Do they have market-leading
security features such as encryption, virus scan,
security in silicon, and whitelist support?
• What kinds of other services do they provide?
And could those complement your new ERP
cloud solution in the future?
• Is the vendor at the leading edge of cloud
technology? And what have they got in the
pipeline to ensure that you can always access the
latest and greatest features and functions?
At this stage, most of the information you’ve seen
will have been prepared by the vendors themselves.
It is still valuable, but to get a complete view of the
solutions you’ve shortlisted, it’s also worth adding
an additional data source to complement that
information and give you a fresh perspective on it.
Executing and Managing
Your Move to the Cloud
The increased implementation speed in the cloud means that once you’ve chosen
a vendor and got things moving, you won’t have much time to course-correct.
Therefore, it’s important that you consider how you’re going to effectively
manage the change that your move to cloud ERP represents.
By following these steps, you can ensure that you make the right changes first
time, and that the final stages of your journey towards cloud ERP are as well
planned and considered as your first.
Step One:
Begin with Your
Business Processes
Start by getting a grasp of process best practices,
then work to align your existing processes with
them. When you start planning those changes,
you’ll quickly identify areas where your current
systems aren’t up to scratch, and where things
could be simplified or improved by the new tools
you’re deploying.
Step Two:
Advance with Accelerators
Leverage predefined solution approaches with
accelerators and tools that minimize the impact of
implementation activities on the business to get up
and running with minimal disruption or risk of error.
Step Three:
Make Data a Priority
Prioritize data conversion and begin testing data
loads as early as possible, because troubleshooting
and resolving data issues at a later stage within
upload templates can be extremely time-consuming
and put the brakes on your deployment.
Step Four:
Governance and Rigor
Are Still Necessary
ERP in the cloud allows acceleration of implementations
and the pace of work can sometimes be intense,
so it’s extremely important to plan out exactly how
you’re going to maintain governance within your new,
fast-paced processes.
Step Five:
Engage Superusers
Early and Often
The best step to success is having key users
involved in design and testing activities, because
these users have credibility in the field and are
critical to widespread adoption among the rest
of your workforce.
Step Six:
Define Success Criteria
up Front
Cloud capabilities only make sense if the business
value is realized. Take the time to properly define
what success looks like up front, and manage the
project to deliver on those specific goals.
Your Cloud ERP Acquisition Checklist
Assemble Your Team
1. Identify your executive sponsor.
2. Define a clear leader for your project.
3. Ensure stakeholders from across all areas
of ERP are involved.
4. Include people from outside of the finance
department with visibility of the future
strategic direction of the business.
5. Get real users involved in the decision-making
process and canvass their opinions on
what’s needed.
Lock Down Your
Technology Requirements
Answer the following questions:
1. How many users will the solution
need to support?
2. Is that number likely to grow significantly in
the future? And if so, can the solution scale
alongside it?
3. What other essential business apps does the
solution need to integrate with and be able
to talk to?
4. What devices do the chosen apps (or suite)
need to run on for everyone in your business
to get the most from them?
Build and Make
Your Business Case
1. Identify key issues currently faced by the
business that your project could help solve.
2. Speak in broad terms about business benefits;
don’t just focus on the impact for people with
entirely ERP-focused jobs.
3. Look for areas where your project could save the
business money, and define benchmarks for key
KPIs that your new solution will help improve.
4. Create a compelling ROI forecast that
demonstrates what your proposed
acquisition will do for the bottom line.
Start Looking at the
Offerings in the Market
1. Do some preliminary research and start drafting
a shortlist of potential solutions that meet your
outlined criteria.
2. Look beyond the functionality of each suite and
ask yourself the questions we identified in the
“Picking the Right Partner” section.
3. Assess each option on your shortlist based on
what it can offer you today, how the partner adds
value beyond the solution itself, and what the
future of the platform could hold.
Plan How You Will Manage
the Change Represented by
Your Move to Cloud ERP
1. Plan how you want your ERP processes
to change, then look at how cloud tools can
support that.
2. Ensure that your data is ready for the move to
the cloud, and work closely with your chosen
vendor to mitigate any potential migration risks.
3. Plan how you will maintain governance within
your new high-speed ERP processes.
4. Get superusers on your side during your
deployment planning, and enable them
to guide the process.
5. Define what cloud ERP success looks like to you,
and work towards those predefined goals.
Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks
of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. VDL25613 161128
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Your path to Oracle ERP Cloud

  • 1. Plotting Your Path to Smarter ERP in the Cloud A step-by-step guide to acquiring the perfect solution for you, and your business.
  • 2. Embarking on Your Journey to the Future of ERP Acquiring new enterprise resource planning (ERP) tools and technology is not a decision that’s made overnight. Chances are, things have been working up to this for months, or even years. So now that you’ve finally arrived at the decision to acquire a solution, it’s worth taking the time to consider your options fully. In this evaluation guide, we’ll take you through your journey to the digital future of ERP, with practical tips, advice, and an easy-to-follow checklist that can help you ensure that the choices you make are the right ones for your department, your processes, and your business.
  • 3. Assembling Your Team The first step in any successful ERP modernization is assembling the right team. Whichever solution and partner you end up choosing, the technology you acquire will have to tick a lot of different boxes for a lot of different people. The best way of making sure that everyone’s needs are met is to get all of the right people involved in the decision-making process from the start. For starters, your team is going to need: • A senior executive sponsor • A defined-selection project leader • Stakeholders from every department touched by the processes you want to transform • Senior stakeholders with an understanding of the processes covered by the ERP application • A steering group of employees with responsibilities that span the breadth of ERP By finding people who fit into those groups and assembling them into a formalized acquisition team, you can see the full scope of exactly what your ideal solution needs to do to meet all of their needs. Together, they’ll enable you to see: • Which areas and processes relating to ERP (such as finance, ordering, projects and manufacturing back-office processes) are in the most immediate need of modernizing • Where inefficiencies exist that need to be eliminated by the chosen solution • Areas where current solutions are not meeting expectations • What is required from the ERP system to support the strategic direction of the business and deliver value Those ultimately will be your reasons for acquiring the solution suite that you eventually settle on, and having solid, proven issues that need solving will prove invaluable when it comes to building a winning business case.
  • 4. Locking Down Your Technical Needs The input provided by all of the groups represented in your team will enable you to build up a comprehensive list of requirements across the business—every person and group’s needs. But this is a technology purchase, and it’s not just people’s requirements that it needs to meet—there is also a handful of tech boxes to tick. Ask yourself and your team these important questions upfront: • How many users will the solution need to support? • Is that number likely to grow significantly in the future? And if so, can the solution scale alongside it? • What other essential business apps does the solution need to integrate with and be able to talk to? • Will the apps be able to run on all of the devices you need them to, and enable your people to access them from anywhere, at any time? • Will disparate users from across your organization be able to connect to and use the solution effectively? • Do you want to take advantage of new business intelligence (BI) and analytical capabilities? And if you do, what systems will the platform need to integrate with to easily access data for analysis? When you pair your answers to those questions with the direct input of your team members, you’ll soon build up a picture of exactly what you’re looking for. The next step is getting the buy-in you need to go after it.
  • 5. Building Your Business Case With your team built and your tech needs outlined, you’re ready to start working on your business case. Creating a compelling and convincing business case is a critical part of the selection process, because it is your key to securing C-level buy-in and getting corporate sponsors on your side. A good business case is exactly that: a case made for how a new solution will benefit the entire business. Don’t fall into the trap of just talking about how it will benefit the finance department and those with job titles specifically related to ERP. The tools you are acquiring will benefit every single person in your business, and the case you make for acquisition needs to reflect that as fully as possible. You need to think in terms of the things the C-suite really wants to hear. Focus on: • How the solution will support specific elements of the business’s current and future strategy • How it will help solve problems that they are already aware of • The macrolevel challenges it will help the business overcome • How it will help the business compete with other key players in its market • How it will help improve common finance KPIs (such as the cost of finance, time to process invoices, and days sales outstanding) against current benchmarks All of those things, when demonstrated clearly, will help you build up a compelling business case. But there’s one thing that the C-suite really wants to see from you, and that’s some cold, hard figures showing exactly the kind of financial return and value that the business is likely to see from this new investment.
  • 6. Forecasting ROI and Proving Your Investment’s Worth Nothing wins the support and buy-in of senior executives quite like a detailed and accurate ROI forecast. By demonstrating that you have considered exactly how your investment will impact the business’s bottom line, you can make the decision to grant approval extremely simple. When it comes to demonstrating the value of an ERP cloud solution investment, you need to think about a wide variety of factors, such as: • The reduced need for ERP resources, thanks to increased automation and simple self-service tools • The cost savings associated with moving on-premises ERP solutions to the cloud • The improvements you can make to processes using the insight granted by new ERP analytics • The increased efficiency of individual processes, especially those that may still be somewhat paper-based • Improved visibility of all ERP processes, helping to identify further opportunities for cost savings • Less wastage, and improved control over budgets and purchasing As highlighted in the Nucleus Research quote below, cloud ROI is determined by a wide range of different factors. So when it comes to turning all of those things into actual numbers, you may need some outside assistance. Your own finance experts will be able to help, but you may also find that you need the assistance of third-party experts with specific experience of preparing ROI forecasts for these kinds of investments. “The cloud ROI multiplier is driven by a number of factors, including lower initial and ongoing costs and the ability to deliver greater value over time without the cost and disruption traditionally associated with upgrading, expanding, or changing business applications.” Nucleus Research report, “Cloud Delivers 2.1 Times More ROI.” The full report is available for download here.
  • 7. Picking the Right Partner Once you’ve secured your funding and executive buy-in, the real decision-making can begin. There will likely be a number of vendors in the marketplace that can meet your basic requirements as identified earlier, so how do you choose between them? Your first task at this stage is creating a shortlist of potential offerings that meet most of your general, agreed-upon requirements. Then, with those options outlined, you can start digging a little deeper to discover what it is that truly sets them apart from each other. Here, you’ll need to look beyond just a basic list of features and tools; you need to look at the entire service you’ll receive with each potential partner. Ask yourself the following questions as you look into each option: • What is each vendor’s support offering like? Will you be able to get the assistance you need, when you need it? • Do they provide training to help everyone get up to speed with the new tools, and start getting the most from them immediately? • Will they help you migrate data from your current solutions and make the deployment process as simple as possible? • Do they have a proven record of providing cloud software services reliably, with the minimum levels of downtime? • Do they address your security concerns? For example, do they isolate your data from that of other companies? Do they have market-leading security features such as encryption, virus scan, security in silicon, and whitelist support? • What kinds of other services do they provide? And could those complement your new ERP cloud solution in the future? • Is the vendor at the leading edge of cloud technology? And what have they got in the pipeline to ensure that you can always access the latest and greatest features and functions? At this stage, most of the information you’ve seen will have been prepared by the vendors themselves. It is still valuable, but to get a complete view of the solutions you’ve shortlisted, it’s also worth adding an additional data source to complement that information and give you a fresh perspective on it.
  • 8. Executing and Managing Your Move to the Cloud The increased implementation speed in the cloud means that once you’ve chosen a vendor and got things moving, you won’t have much time to course-correct. Therefore, it’s important that you consider how you’re going to effectively manage the change that your move to cloud ERP represents. By following these steps, you can ensure that you make the right changes first time, and that the final stages of your journey towards cloud ERP are as well planned and considered as your first.
  • 9. Step One: Begin with Your Business Processes Start by getting a grasp of process best practices, then work to align your existing processes with them. When you start planning those changes, you’ll quickly identify areas where your current systems aren’t up to scratch, and where things could be simplified or improved by the new tools you’re deploying. Step Two: Advance with Accelerators Leverage predefined solution approaches with accelerators and tools that minimize the impact of implementation activities on the business to get up and running with minimal disruption or risk of error. Step Three: Make Data a Priority Prioritize data conversion and begin testing data loads as early as possible, because troubleshooting and resolving data issues at a later stage within upload templates can be extremely time-consuming and put the brakes on your deployment.
  • 10. Step Four: Governance and Rigor Are Still Necessary ERP in the cloud allows acceleration of implementations and the pace of work can sometimes be intense, so it’s extremely important to plan out exactly how you’re going to maintain governance within your new, fast-paced processes. Step Five: Engage Superusers Early and Often The best step to success is having key users involved in design and testing activities, because these users have credibility in the field and are critical to widespread adoption among the rest of your workforce. Step Six: Define Success Criteria up Front Cloud capabilities only make sense if the business value is realized. Take the time to properly define what success looks like up front, and manage the project to deliver on those specific goals.
  • 11. Your Cloud ERP Acquisition Checklist A: Assemble Your Team 1. Identify your executive sponsor. 2. Define a clear leader for your project. 3. Ensure stakeholders from across all areas of ERP are involved. 4. Include people from outside of the finance department with visibility of the future strategic direction of the business. 5. Get real users involved in the decision-making process and canvass their opinions on what’s needed. B: Lock Down Your Technology Requirements Answer the following questions: 1. How many users will the solution need to support? 2. Is that number likely to grow significantly in the future? And if so, can the solution scale alongside it? 3. What other essential business apps does the solution need to integrate with and be able to talk to? 4. What devices do the chosen apps (or suite) need to run on for everyone in your business to get the most from them? C: Build and Make Your Business Case 1. Identify key issues currently faced by the business that your project could help solve. 2. Speak in broad terms about business benefits; don’t just focus on the impact for people with entirely ERP-focused jobs. 3. Look for areas where your project could save the business money, and define benchmarks for key KPIs that your new solution will help improve. 4. Create a compelling ROI forecast that demonstrates what your proposed acquisition will do for the bottom line.
  • 12. D: Start Looking at the Offerings in the Market 1. Do some preliminary research and start drafting a shortlist of potential solutions that meet your outlined criteria. 2. Look beyond the functionality of each suite and ask yourself the questions we identified in the “Picking the Right Partner” section. 3. Assess each option on your shortlist based on what it can offer you today, how the partner adds value beyond the solution itself, and what the future of the platform could hold. E: Plan How You Will Manage the Change Represented by Your Move to Cloud ERP 1. Plan how you want your ERP processes to change, then look at how cloud tools can support that. 2. Ensure that your data is ready for the move to the cloud, and work closely with your chosen vendor to mitigate any potential migration risks. 3. Plan how you will maintain governance within your new high-speed ERP processes. 4. Get superusers on your side during your deployment planning, and enable them to guide the process. 5. Define what cloud ERP success looks like to you, and work towards those predefined goals.
  • 13. Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. VDL25613 161128 Find a local contact View customer successes Visit www.oracle.com/erp Take an ERP Cloud quick tour To learn more about what Oracle ERP Cloud can do for your business, get in touch: