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world of
2005 Annual Customer Mania Report


(In millions, except for per share amounts)                                                                                                                       % B/(W)
Year-end                                                                                                           2005                     2004                  change
Company sales                                                                                                  $ 8,225                  $ 7,992                          3
Franchise and license fees                                                                                       1,124                    1,019                         10
Total revenues                                                                                                 $ 9,349                  $ 9,011                          4
Operating profit                                                                                               $ 1,153                  $ 1,155                           –
Net income                                                                                                     $ 762                    $ 740                             3
Wrench litigation income (expense)                                                                             $        2               $      14                      NM
AmeriServe and other (charges) credits                                                                                  2                      16                      NM
Special items                                                                                                           4                      30                      NM
Income tax on special items                                                                                            (1)                    (11)                     NM
Special items, net of tax                                                                                      $        3               $      19                      NM
Stock option expense                                                                                           $     (58)                        –                     NM
Income tax benefit from stock option expense                                                                          20                         –                     NM
Stock option expense, net of tax                                                                               $     (38)               $        –                     NM
Diluted earnings per common share:
Earnings before stock option expense and special items                                                         $ 2.67                   $ 2.36                         13
Stock option expense, net of tax                                                                                 (0.13)                      –                         NM
Special items, net of tax                                                                                         0.01                    0.06                         NM
Reported                                                                                                       $ 2.55                   $ 2.42                          5
Cash flows provided by operating activities                                                                    $ 1,238                  $ 1,186                           4
In 2005, we began expensing stock options as a result of adopting SFAS 123R, “Share-Based Payment,” which resulted in a reduction of net income of $38 million or $0.13
per share. We used earnings before stock option expensing and before special items as a key performance measure of results of operations for purposes of evaluating
performance internally and determining incentive compensation in 2005. This non-GAAP measurement is not intended to replace the presentation of our financial results
in accordance with GAAP. Rather, we believe that the presentation of results before special items and stock option expense provides additional information to facilitate the
comparison of past and present operations, excluding items that we do not believe are indicative of our ongoing operations and the adoption of SFAS 123R which did not
impact our financial statements in the year ended December 25, 2004.


(In thousands)
Year-end                                                 2005                 2004                 2003                2002                 2001          5-year growth (b)
KFC                                                  $ 954                $ 896                $ 898               $ 898                $ 865                          3%
Pizza Hut                                               810                  794                  748                748                  724                          3%
Taco Bell                                             1,168                1,069                1,005                964                  890                          5%
(a) Excludes license units.
(b) Compounded annual growth rate.


1–6          Dear Partners                                                                  25–27       A World of Customer Mania
7            The Yum! Dynasty Model                                                         28–29       A World of Choice
8–11         A World of Opportunity: China                                                  30–32 A World of Results: Financial Review
12–15        A World of International Growth                                                33–84 Financials
16–19        A World of Leading Brands                                                      81          Selected Financial Data
20           Taco Bell: Think Outside the Bun!                                              82          Board of Directors and Senior Officers
21           Pizza Hut: Gather ’Round the Good Stuff                                        83          Shareholder Information
22           KFC: Chicken Capital U.S.A.                                                    84          Shareholder Services
23           Long John Silver’s: Yarr, Genius!                                              inbc        A World of Giving Back
24           A&W: Hometown Food Made Fun


Dear Partners,
The world of Yum! makes a world of                          +4% in the U.S., (2) consistent new unit expansion, set-
                                                            ting a record of 1,554 new openings around the world
difference when it comes to delivering
                                                            and (3) best in class return on invested capital, maintain-
consistent growth. I’m pleased to report                    ing our industry leading ROIC of 18%.
2005 was once again another year                                  What’s more, we are now a demonstrated cash
where we demonstrated the underlying                        machine with a strong investment grade balance sheet. In
power of our global portfolio of leading                    fact, after spending $609 million in capital expenditures
                                                            to drive expansion and grow our core business, we had
restaurant brands.                                          record operating cash flow that allowed us to increase
                                                            our shareholder payout to over $1 billion primarily through
Fired by continued profitable international expansion       share repurchases and by increasing our quarterly divi-
featuring dramatic new unit growth in China, particularly   dend by 15%.
strong performance at Taco Bell and KFC in the United             Since I was quick to point out in my letter last year
States, and sound execution of financial strategies, Yum!    that our share price had climbed 37% in 2004, I want to
Brands achieved 13% earnings per share growth, the          be just as forthcoming to report the news that our shares
fourth straight year we have exceeded our +10% annual       declined 1% in 2005. Nevertheless, our annual return is
target. This consistent growth was achieved in spite of a   24% for the first half of this decade. And the best news
challenging worldwide environment which included record     of all is we are more confident than ever that we will con-
gasoline prices, Hurricane Katrina and significant con-      tinue our track record of growing earnings per share at
sumer concerns in China from the perceived threat of the    least 10% each year going forward. By delivering on these
avian flu.                                                   results, and delivering real cash flow and real earnings, we
    We’re proving year after year that the power of our     are confident the stock will continue to take care of itself.
portfolio enables us to continue to weather whatever        We simply are getting better and better at executing four
inevitable ups and downs come our way. Our diversified       powerfully unique strategies that bolster our claim that we
worldwide business allows us to consistently deliver on     are “Not Your Ordinary Restaurant Company.” Let me now
the three drivers of shareholder value in the retail cat-   give you my perspective on our opportunities, and hope-
egory: (1) solid and improving same store sales growth,     fully you’ll agree we are rightfully bullish about our future.

    David C. Novak,
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
    Yum! Brands, Inc.

             While we have grown our
           core business, we have been
         making targeted investments to
         develop new emerging consumer
          markets like Russia, India and
               Continental Europe.

                                                                                                      Yum! Brands, Inc.   |   1.


has first mover advantage with no other substantial chain

                                                                    competitor in the casual dining segment.
                    Build Dominant                                       I’m often asked how we developed such a tremendous
                    China Brands                                    China business.
                                                                         Well, consider these powerful competitive advantages.
                                                                    It starts with an outstanding tenured local Chinese team
                                                                    that has worked together for over ten years building the
                                                                    business from scratch. In fact, we believe our China opera-
We are the undeniable leader in this booming country.               tions are the best in the world. We uniquely own our own
Given the fact we already have the dominant brands in               food distribution system that gives us coverage in every
quick service with over 1,900 KFCs, and in casual dining            major province and has allowed us to expand into over 360
with over 300 Pizza Huts, last year we featured our China           cities. We also have one of the largest real estate develop-
business on the cover of our annual report.                         ment teams of any retailer in the world. Given our rapid
      Well, have you ever heard of the Sports Illustrated cover     growth, we now have a major national advertising budget
“jinx” where a world class athlete is featured on SI’s cover        that is building brand awareness and loyalty.
and then has a difficult time? As chance would have it, the               This investment in infrastructure and scale has given
same thing happened to our world class China business!              us a tremendous head start to tap into an unprecedented
After having a record first quarter, we had an unfortunate           opportunity. The Chinese middle class already represents
supplier issue with a KFC ingredient that should not have           300 million urban customers who can afford our food.
been in our food supply. While no customer was harmed               That’s larger than the entire U.S. population. Make no
in any way, it created a gigantic amount of negative pub-           mistake, we are at the ground floor of a booming cate-
licity that resulted in a very significant decline in sales.         gory. That’s why I always liken it to over forty years ago
Given the strength of the KFC brand, we steadily built back         when pioneers Colonel Sanders, Glen Bell, Dan Carney
our business only to have major publicity about avian flu            and Ray Kroc started, respectively, KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza
raise concerns later in the year about eating chicken. Even         Hut and McDonald’s in the United States, building the
though all the experts agree that properly cooked chicken           quick service restaurant category from scratch.
is perfectly safe to eat, perceptions are reality and our                Well, we are the pioneers in China and we fully intend
sales took another steep decline. Despite the adversity,            to capitalize on the total opportunity. We have the bold
we slightly grew profits to $211 million and opened up a             goal to build dominant restaurant brands in every signifi-
record 409 new units, continuing to widen our gap versus            cant category. So in addition to KFC and Pizza Hut casual
McDonald’s. That’s because we continued to have higher              dining, we’ve begun to expand Pizza Hut Home Service
volumes and higher margins than our competitor, yielding            Delivery. Just like in the U.S., at-home convenience is
tremendous unit economics with returns that continue                in the sweet spot to appeal to the time constrained
to be well above our cost of capital. The result is that we         customer. We are on the forefront of this trend with our
were able to withstand two unexpected negative sales                pizza delivery service. Our team is also energized by the
events and still maintain a business with powerful new unit         early consumer acceptance of East Dawning, which is a
economics. KFC continues to be one of the strongest con-            Chinese fast food concept we have created to provide the
sumer brands, if not the strongest, in China. Pizza Hut also        everyday local favorite foods of Chinese customers. We
                                                                    are offering an affordable great-tasting menu in appeal-
                                                                    ing facilities that separate us from local competition.

                                                                        Our China business
                                                                  continues to deliver significantly
                                                                     higher volumes and higher
                             YUM               McDonald’s                margins than our
                             Units in Mainland China                    global competitors.
                             as of December 31st
                             *Does not include China Division’s
                              Taiwan or Thailand.

2.   |   Yum! Brands, Inc.


We are committed to make East Dawning a success and                brands, KFC and Pizza Hut, not to mention our other
believe it could be our highest potential concept given            brands down the road.
the obvious mass appeal of Chinese food.                                 There’s no question YRI is a diverse, high return busi-
     As I said in last year’s letter, one thing I’m sure of is     ness. Witness that we grew franchise fees by 17% and
that we’ll have our ups and some unforeseen downs, but             the fact that KFC and Pizza Hut opened 730 new units
there’s not a shred of doubt in my mind that one day we            across six continents, with very little capital spending
will have more restaurants in China than we do in the U.S.         on our part. We’re focused on profitably driving interna-
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!                            tional expansion in three global arenas — franchise-only
CHINA DIVISION KEY MEASURES: +20 % OPERATING PROFIT                markets, established company-operations markets, and
GROWTH; +22% SYSTEM SALES GROWTH; +400 NEW UNITS/YEAR.             emerging, less-developed markets.
                                                                         When you examine our franchise-only business, you’ll
                                                                   see we have nearly 5,000 restaurants generating $170 mil-
                                                                   lion in operating profit. These businesses had another

       2       Drive Profitable                                     outstanding year in 2005, with system sales and operating
                                                                   profits both achieving double digit growth versus prior year.
               International                                       Double digit growth without capital spending — I’ll take
               Expansion                                           it! I want to especially recognize the following franchise
                                                                   business units for their exceptional system sales growth:
                                                                   Asia +8%, Caribbean/Latin America +10%, Middle East
                                                                   Northern Africa +17% and South Africa +20%.
Our Yum! Restaurants International Division, which                       We’re focusing our international company equity in
includes over 100 countries and territories outside                countries where we are building scale and expect to pro-
of China and the U.S., had another very good year.                 duce excellent returns over the long term. The largest of
For the sixth straight year we opened over 700 restau-             these markets is the U.K. where we have almost 1,400
rants. In so doing, we generated +6% system sales                  KFCs and Pizza Huts contributing $100 million in operat-
growth. YRI now generates $372 million in operating                ing profits. While our business in the U.K. has achieved a
profit, continuing its consistent record of growing                 15% growth rate over the last five years, profits declined
operating profits at least 10%.                                     in 2005 due to a difficult retail environment, the subway
The foundation of this consistent growth comes from the            terror incident that occurred in London, and below expec-
competitive advantage of the infrastructure we already             tations on operational execution. However, our brands
have in place. For this we are largely indebted to PepsiCo         there are fundamentally well positioned in their catego-
who, prior to our spin-off in 1997 invested 40 years and
                                      ,                            ries and our teams are focused on turning the business
billions of dollars to establish the global network we             around. At the same time, I’d like to give a special pat on
inherited. We now have over 11,000 restaurants, 88% of             the back to our team in Mexico, which turned in a sensa-
which are owned and operated by our 700+ franchisees.              tional year.
Thankfully for us, the reality is it would take the same time            While we have obviously grown our core business, we
and commitment for our competition to reach our size and           also have been making targeted investments to develop
scale. The only exception, of course, is McDonald’s, which         new markets, with a particular focus on building local
makes $2 billion outside the U.S., which only reinforces           capability in India, Russia and Continental Europe. In
the potential we have to grow two already popular global           India, we are already the fastest growing restaurant com-
                                                                   pany. Pizza Hut is the number one most trusted brand

                                                                         Yum! Restaurants
                                                                    International now generates
                                                                  $372 million in operating profit,
                                                                 continuing its consistent record of
                                                                      growing operating profits
                                                                           at least 10%.

                                                                                                            Yum! Brands, Inc.   |   3.


with over 100 units. We have also experienced early suc-      Huts compared to over 16,000 units McDonald’s has
cess with KFC with an offering that includes a vegetarian     in international markets outside China. The potential is
menu to broaden consumer appeal to one-third of India’s       obvious and we are determined to build our international
1.1 billion people. In Russia, we forged a very unique        business the right way.
partnership with Rostik’s, the leading fast food chicken      INTERNATIONAL DIVISION KEY MEASURES: +10 –15% OPERAT-
brand. Rostik’s will be co-branded with KFC and feature       ING PROFIT GROWTH; +5% SYSTEM SALES GROWTH; +700 NEW
our world famous Original Recipe. Interestingly, this was     UNITS/YEAR.
the same strategy that Colonel Sanders used to launch
KFC in the U.S. when he sold his first franchise in Utah to

“Harman’s Restaurant Featuring World Famous Original
Recipe Chicken.” This move gives us immediate scale
of 100 restaurants and the local operating capability
                                                                  #          Be The Best At Providing
                                                                             Branded Restaurant
from one of Russia’s top food service companies led by                       Choice and Multibranding
Rostislav Ordovsky. By the way, it took us over 10 years
to develop 100 restaurants in China and India, so our
                                                                             Great Brands
Russian move definitely represents a bold step forward in
this major, emerging consumer market.
     In Continental Europe, we are achieving the largest      The foundation of our company is a portfolio of cate-
average unit volumes we have in the world with KFC France.    gory leading U.S. based brands that have outstanding
This is translating to very good unit economics so we are     economics on a stand-alone basis. We have individual
beginning to expand with both company operations and          management teams focused on making these brands
new franchisees. Unfortunately, we continue to struggle in    more and more powerful each year by building even
Germany and Holland. However, the recent introduction of
                                                              more relevance, energy and differentiation for our
television advertising in Holland gives us hope that we are
                                                              customers. Each of our brand presidents will tell you
not far off from having an investable proposition.
                                                              how they are doing just that later on in the report but
     Looking ahead, we have made the strategic deci-
                                                              let me share the major highlights and challenges.
sion to put more emphasis on expanding Pizza Hut
Home Delivery and Taco Bell around the globe. Given the       First, Taco Bell arguably had the best performance of any
tremendous success we have had with both these busi-          brand in the restaurant category, generating 7% same
nesses in the U.S., we are confident of significant profit       store sales growth on top of 5% last year. Taco Bell’s
growth over time.                                             “Think Outside the Bun®” advertising campaign continues
     I want to emphasize that developing new brands and       to break through the clutter, featuring innovative ideas
new markets is tough. Building consumer awareness and         like the successful Big Bell Value Menu® and the new
acceptance takes time. It also takes time to build local      Crunchwrap Supreme. Given the continuous sales growth
operating capability. Our approach is more like the tor-      we’ve had the past five years, average unit volumes are
toise than the hare. We will be patient and always mindful    well over $1 million and as a result the brand is now poised
of overall profitability and returns. Going forward, we are    for significant net new unit development in 2006.
committed to continue to add at least 700 new units                Next, KFC had a dramatic turnaround, experienc-
each year and do it profitably. Consider this, excluding the   ing +6% same store sales growth, after being down 2%
China Division we only have 6,200 KFCs and 4,600 Pizza        last year. This result was driven by improving our value
                                                              perception with customers by introducing the 99-cent

                                                                  We have individual
                                                             management teams focused
                                                           on making our brands more and
                                                          more powerful each year by building
                                                             even more relevance, energy
                                                                and differentiation for
                                                                   our customers.

4.   |   Yum! Brands, Inc.


KFC® Snacker, $4 complete meals and the Build Your Own          U.S. compared to the over 5,000 each we have today.
Variety Bucket. The team is dedicated to be the chicken         This may seem like a stretch but remember McDonald’s
leader and bring more and more news to strengthen our           has 14,000 units in the U.S. so there’s plenty of upside
Chicken Capital U.S.A. position.                                as we improve our economics with higher sales.
      Significantly, both Taco Bell and KFC achieved record           If you’ll recall, that’s why in 2002 we acquired Long
sales during a time of record gas prices, proving that well-    John Silver’s, the leading quick service seafood res-
positioned and well-executed brands with strong value           taurant, and A&W All American Food which offers pure
propositions can perform well even in the toughest eco-         beef hamburgers and hot dogs along with it’s famous
nomic environments.                                             root beer float. This acquisition allows us to significantly
      Our biggest disappointment in the U.S. was that Pizza     expand our multibranding potential in the U.S. with Taco
Hut’s sales were flat after a soft second half of the year.      Bell/LJS and KFC/A&W and KFC/LJS combinations. We
Frankly, we think the reason is that competition did a bet-     are also testing LJS/A&W combos.
ter job of bringing value to the category than we did. Let me        Recognizing the power of multibranding, Pizza Hut
assure you we are focused on this issue and are confident        has also successfully created and is now expanding
that we will be much more competitive going forward.            WingStreet, a tasty line of flavored bone-in and boneless
      We’ve also challenged ourselves to deliver significantly   chicken wings for its home delivery units. Pizza Hut/
higher U.S. profitability. 2005 was a tale of two cities. The    WingStreet, with its 665 units, now represents the larg-
first half of the year we were down 8% due in large part         est wing chain in the U.S. WingStreet is well on its way to
to commodity inflation. The second half we achieved +3%          being a national brand and will ultimately be in the vast
profit growth. We hope to carry this momentum into 2006.         majority of Pizza Huts.
U.S. BRAND KEY MEASURES: +5% OPERATING PROFIT GROWTH;                Multibranding has the potential to have the biggest
2–3% BLENDED SAME STORE SALES GROWTH.                           unit sales and profit impact in our industry since the
Given the fact we are the only restaurant company to have       advent of the drive-thru window. Our primary challenge is
a portfolio of leading brands, we are leading the way with      to continue to build the operating capability to success-
what we call multibranding: offering our customers two          fully run these restaurants. Given the additional variety,
great brands in one restaurant. Multibranding gives us the      it’s simply harder to run a restaurant with two brands.
competitive advantage of branded variety. This is a Yum!        We’re doing a much better job of identifying and devel-
Brands category innovation that is developing into a big        oping the right kind of managers and have made major
business. We added 531 multibranding units in the U.S.          progress simplifying our back of house systems. We are
this year, making our total number over 3,000. As a result,     also value engineering our buildings and at the same time
multibranding accounts for an estimated $330 million in         offering customer friendly environments. Given the enor-
U.S. company store profits and franchise fees.                   mous consumer appeal, when we execute well we have
     Our most successful combination is KFC/Taco Bell.          a winning proposition. That’s job one for multibranding
This combo represents a proven opportunity to open high         going forward. I’m very confident we will get that job done
return new restaurants in trade areas that used to be too       and accelerate development as we do.
expensive or did not have enough population density to go       MULTIBRANDING KEY MEASURES: AT LEAST 550 MULTIBRAND-
to market with one brand. Our short term focus is to target     ING ADDITIONS PER YEAR, EARNING A RETURN ON COMPANY
600 rural trade areas where there’s no KFC or Taco Bell.        ADDITIONS SEVERAL POINTS ABOVE THE COMPANY’S COST
                                                                OF CAPITAL.
     Longer term, our goal with multibranding is to even-
tually take both Taco Bell and KFC to 8,000 units in the

                                                 Multibranding has the
                                             potential to have the biggest
                                             unit sales and profit impact in
                                             our industry since the advent
                                                of the drive-thru window.

                                                                                                        Yum! Brands, Inc.   |   5.


grow earnings per share at least 10% per year for years
                                                              to come. Given the tremendous success we’ve achieved

                                                              and the cash flow we are generating, we have a strong
                    Run Great                                 balance sheet and the clear capability to make acquisi-
                    Restaurants                               tions. As you would expect, we’ve looked at a number of
                                                              opportunities. Any acquisition we would make would have
                                                              to accelerate our growth rate in the U.S. and/or leverage
                                                              our international infrastructure. While I’d never say never,
While we have thousands of outstanding restau-                I will say there’s slim picking for those kinds of opportuni-
                                                              ties. We’re quite comfortable investing in the core growth
rant general managers and pockets of excellence
                                                              of our existing brands around the world and continue to
in countries like China and Australia, this is a big
                                                              increase shareholder payout through share repurchases
opportunity for us because we have so much upside
                                                              and dividends.
by simply executing better.
                                                                    I also think it’s important for you to know that we
On average, our customers are telling us we are giv-          believe the single biggest competitive advantage we have
ing them a 100% CHAMPS experience only 53% of the             is the global culture we have created. It’s a high energy,
time (the same as last year). CHAMPS stands for the           people capability first environment that is centered on spir-
executional basics (Cleanliness, Hospitality, Accuracy,       ited recognition that drives performance. It’s allowing us to
Maintenance, Product Quality and Speed). Anytime we fail      retain and recruit the best and the brightest. And it’s allow-
to deliver on any one of these dimensions, we’re letting      ing us to build process and discipline around the things
our customers down. The flip side is anytime we deliver all    that really matter in our restaurants and at our support
the basics we end up with satisfied customers and that         centers. We are sharing our best practices and getting bet-
always leads to more sales and profits. That’s why we          ter and better every year. Believe me, we know there is so
continue to focus on Customer Mania, our single biggest       much more to do and the fun will be in doing it!
global initiative. Customer Mania is defined as delivering           I’d like to thank our dedicated team members, res-
our customers 100% CHAMPS with a “Yes” attitude every         taurant managers, franchise partners and outstanding
single time. We’ve made progress by investing more in         Board of Directors. I would also like to welcome Tom
management and team member training, new point of             Nelson as our newest board member. And most of all, I’d
sale and back of house systems, but we recognize we           like to thank my beloved partner and the greatest leader
are not improving fast enough. We know how much more          I’ve ever had the privilege to work with, Andy Pearson, our
money can be made if we move from our current state of        founding Chairman, who passed away in March 2006. We
mediocrity from good to great. I can assure you our entire    would not be the company we are today without his pas-
organization is fixated on being the best restaurant opera-    sion, wisdom and inspiration. He will be missed by all and
tors in our industry.                                         his spirit will live on in our commitment to excellence.
OPERATIONS KEY MEASURES: 100% CHAMPS WITH A “YES”                   We have a world of opportunity ahead of us. I hope
ATTITUDE IN EVERY STORE AND SAME STORE SALES GROWTH IN        you agree we are anything but your ordinary restaurant
Going forward, we continue to be galvanized around
building what we call the Yum! Dynasty with the result
being one of the world’s most consistent and highest
performing companies. On the next page, you can see           Yum! to You!
the road map we’ve laid out for dynasty-like perfor-
mance, along with handwritten comments I always
include in my New Year’s letter to restaurant teams.
I think it is important for you to know how much we believe
in the growth potential of our core business. We are con-     David C. Novak
fident the opportunities I’ve discussed will allow us to       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

6.   |   Yum! Brands, Inc.


 yum brands annual reports 2005


A world of

Nowhere else in the world do we have the kind of unprecedented
opportunity for expansion, than in China. Until 1992, China was
not really open to foreign investment and some of the most
important ingredients necessary for long-term business success
were not in place. With no existing infrastructure and imports
prohibitively expensive, we had to build everything from scratch.
Today, the power of Yum! Restaurants China has never been
more evident. In 2005 we opened up a record 400+ new units.
This makes us, by far, the largest restaurant company with over
1,900 KFCs and over 300 Pizza Hut restaurants serving up
delicious chicken and pizzas. Together, we’re in over 360 Chinese
cities and in every province. Our team is energized by the potential
we have today in China because we know we are positioned for
growth. We know it’s just the beginning for an even bigger
business to come.
                                                                               Sam Su
                                                                   PRESIDENT, YUM! RESTAURANTS CHINA
                                                                       (MAINLAND CHINA, THAILAND
                                                                            AND KFC TAIWAN)

8.   |   Yum! Brands, Inc.


Powerful brands, tenured local teams, a highly educated
workforce, best-in-class operations, unique distribution
                                                             Build dominant

systems and one of the largest real estate development
teams of any retailer in the world — that’s the power
of Yum! China. Our bold goal is clear: Build dominant
restaurant brands in every significant category. In addi-
tion to KFC and Pizza Hut casual dining, we’ve developed
Pizza Hut Home Service Delivery and our Chinese fast
food concept, East Dawning. We have the expertise,

talent and commitment to fully capitalize on these
unique opportunities and our potential is unlimited.

We’ve only just scratched the surface…

                                                              KFC: #1 Quick
                                                            Service Restaurant;
                                                               Pizza Hut: #1
                                                            Casual Dining Brand

                                                                Over $200 million
                                                               in operating profit.

                                                                    Over $1.2 billion
                                                                      in revenue.



                                  world of
       Our International Division (YRI) continues to set new records in terms
       of operating profits, franchisee sales and franchise and license fees.
       In 2005, we generated over $370 million in operating profit — up 11%
       over last year — and set a record with franchise sales of $8.5 billion
       along with franchise and license fees of $448 million. We also achieved
       $2 billion in revenues and opened 780 new restaurants. That brings us
       to our impressive 11,319 units outside of the U.S. and China Division,
       with a presence in over 100 countries and territories. Now that’s a world
       of opportunity!

       System sales grew by 6% in local currency, partly due to unit expansion
       and partly to innovative marketing calendars which boosted sales across
       each of the brands. The consistent track record of growth, together
       with the broad base of our global business, inspires huge confidence
       for the future. This is the sixth successive year of 700+ new units and
       at least 5% system sales growth in local currency. YRI opened new
       units in more than 60 countries. Of those units, 93% were opened by
       our franchise and joint-venture partners. Sales growth was strong too,
       especially so in several rapidly developing regions where our brands        Graham Allan
       are firmly entrenched but where we still see significant potential for      YUm! RESTAURANTS
       further expansion.                                                            INTERNATIONAl


       12.      |      Yum! Brands, Inc.


Around  the  world  from  Mexico  to  the  United  Kingdom,  from  Africa,  A sia  and  the  Middle  East  to  emerging  market s  like  Rus sia,  India  and  Continental  Europe,  Yum !  Restaurant s  International 

is driving profitable new unit development. In 2005, we opened 780 new unit s acros s six continent s and we’re committed going for ward to adding 700 new unit s each year— and do it profitably. 

The world of Yum! Restaurants International is a diverse, high-return business and we’re committed to keeping it that way! 

                                                                                                                                            new restaurants
Overall, we’re excited by the tremendous momentum we have around the globe. If anything, we aim
to accelerate it. We are working with our franchisees to strengthen our operations, to make Customer
mania visible to our customers, to sharpen the focus of our brands on the evolving needs of our
customers and to build our people capability through hiring and developing local talent.

Growth isn’t just a vision at YRI. It’s a way of life.


“Ya Abrimos!” or “We Opened” was the

        cheer led by RGM Yesenia Garcia and her
        team at the opening celebration for her
        restaurant in Mexico City, Mexico.

                                                                                      world of
                                                  We are the #1 leader in four food categories.
                                                  No other restaurant company in the world has the underlying
                                                  power of our global portfolio of leading restaurant brands. With
                                                  leadership positions in the chicken, pizza, mexican-style food and
                                                  quick-service seafood categories, we continue to show the world
                                                  the power of our portfolio. We have individual management teams
                                                  focused on making each brand more and more powerful every
                                                  year by building even more relevance, energy
                                                  and differentiation for our customers.
                                                  With over 34,000 restaurants and over
                                                  900,000 Customer maniacs around
                                                  the globe, we want to put a smile on
                                                  your face. We hope you can see
                                                  that’s why “Alone we’re delicious,
                                                  together we’re Yum!”


                                                  16.      |      Yum! Brands, Inc.


2005 was another great year of                                    We kicked off 2005 with Dippin’                               2005 proved to be the greatest sales                              the seafood Revolutionaries
                       progress for Taco Bell. We delivered                              Strips, a great product because it                            year in the history of Kentucky Fried                             We spent 2005 restructuring and
                       positive same store sales growth in                               attracted customers by being both dif-                        Chicken! We ended the year with 14                                rebuilding our heritage as the seafood
                       every period — creating over four con-                            ferent and relevant. Kids loved to rip                        consecutive periods of same store sales                           brand of choice. We’ve tested and
                       secutive years of sustained growth.                               and dip...and adults loved a low-risk                         growth and three record-setting weeks.                            developed a pipeline of new products
                       Same store sales were up 7%, with                                 way to try something new that would                                From Sunday dinner to tailgating     and have developed a brand positioning that reinforces our
                       nearly half of the increase coming                                please everyone.                                              parties and family picnics, we gave       innovative product heritage. We’ve added over 100 new
from transactions. more and more people are discover-                 We also appealed to our fastest growing segment with        customers the great home-cooked taste of KFC no matter         points of distribution and re-imaged more than 50% of our
ing that Taco Bell is the place to go when you want to          our first-ever U.S. Hispanic product, Quepapas! Still spicing     where they were.                                               restaurants. We’ve added 19 new lJS franchisees to our
THINK OUTSIDE THE BUN®!                                         up the market with rave reviews, Quepapas are ready to hit               Early last year, when customers asked for portability   system. We invented Fast Food seafood and with great new
      In 2005 we introduced one of the most popular             an additional 700 restaurants. In October, we celebrated          and affordability, we introduced the KFC®Snacker, a snack-     quality products like our Popcorn Shrimp, we are reinventing
THINK OUTSIDE THE BUN products in our company’s                 our world-famous Pan Pizza’s 25th Anniversary in style with       sized sandwich made with a 100% white meat Crispy Strip        seafood for the way people eat today.
history — The Crunchwrap SupremeTm. This unique                 a great family-value that resonated with consumers and got        and topped with fresh lettuce and pepper mayo. Snacker              Our investment in operations continues to drive
product is the perfect combination of classic Taco Bell         in front of the competition.                                      became our most successful sandwich ever, and one year         customer satisfaction and we’re proud of how well our
tastes and textures made portable. In 2006 it perma-                  We continued our strategy to rebuild and grow the brand     and 238 million Snackers later, we’ve rolled out three new     teams are delivering Customer mania. We’ve made steady
nently joined our existing lineup of mexican-inspired           as well. By the end of the year, we opened more than 660          varieties — Honey BBQ, Buffalo, and Fish Snackers.             improvements in the national drive-thru speed of service
products, like our delicious Grilled Stuft Burritos,            WingStreets and our 94th Pizza Hut Italian Bistro! Both are              Our Build Your Own Variety Bucket made moms the         rankings — improving six points over the last two years.
signature Quesadillas and wide-variety of Big Bell              huge growth drivers for us — Pizza Hut Italian Bistro is a ban-   hero all across America, letting her build her bucket with     With a new tagline, Yarr, Genius! ™, we’re ready to deliver on
Value menuTm items.                                             ner billboard for dine-in customers who want a terrific casual    more types of World Famous chicken and sides. Our new          our brand promise.
      It’s terrific that our great food, value and advertis-    dining experience, and WingStreet is the perfect partner to       Flavor Station was an industry first and let customers “be
ing are bringing more and more customers into our               add incremental business to Pizza Hut.                            the boss” and “choose their sauce” on wings, strips and                                Hometown Food Made Fun™ The
restaurants. But what’s also exciting to see is that cus-             So...in a year where we’ve had some difficult hurdles, I    more.                                                                                  A&W brand continued to expand
tomers are taking notice of our great people. In fact, in       am very proud of the work we did to accomplish such brand-               In 2005 our restaurant teams were more energized                                in 2005, resulting in system sales
2005 the mayor of Bryan, Texas proclaimed a “Reggie             building work. We showed the world our huge heart in the          than ever. Customers rated their experience at KFC as                                  growth. Why? Franchise multibrand
Shivers Day” in honor of one of our team members.               aftermath of some horrible natural disasters; we brought          significantly improved — our restaurants were cleaner, we                              development with our sister brands
The community had been asked to nominate a fellow               some big new products to the market and touched people            were friendlier and more hospitable, and our overall service   added points of distribution, and, in more than 70 restau-
citizen who provides exceptional service, and Reggie            with a reminder of our heritage.                                  was sharper. Plus, we made QSR Magazine’s top-ten list for     rants, we rolled a new brand positioning that really says,
won by a landslide!                                                   We’ve got the greatest people in the world, creating,       quick-service drive-thru brands for the third year in a row.   “Hometown Food made Fun.”
      That’s exactly what we want our employees                 selling and delivering the greatest, most innovative, sumptu-            With our franchise partners, we made a huge invest-           Today, A&W means high quality core promotions, the
focused on, delighting our guests each and every day.           ous pizzas in the world.... And we couldn’t be more excited       ment to remodel our restaurants to bring to life a KFC         relaunch of the Papa Burger and an improved line of hot
We’re pleased with our progress in 2005, and now                about what’s ahead for 2006!                                      that’s a little bit bolder and a Colonel Sanders that’s a      dogs, Cheese Curds and a new line of Chili that delivers our
we’re focused on our future. By working together to                                                                               little more hip. In everything from our advertising and        brand promise. Our Neighborhood Deals appeal to the value
                                                                We’d like to invite you to “Gather ‘Round the Good stuff!®”
grow our great People and our great Brand, we’ll con-                                                                             uniforms to the outside of our restaurants, we’re returning    conscious and our revved-up Sweets and Treats program
tinue to beat year-ago results — and make 2006                                                                                    to our roots and boasting that we are the one, the only        can tame a sweet tooth in more than 25 ways. Now that’s
our best year yet.                                                                                                                Kentucky Fried Chicken.                                        variety made simple!
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We opened our second state-of-
We are taco Bell and Proud of It!                                                                                                 It’s always a great day in Chicken Capital UsA™.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the-art, stand-alone A&W restaurant in
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kissimmee, Florida. Customers love
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the food and the feeling of these
                                                                                                                                                                                                 nostalgic new restaurants whether
                                                                                                                                                                                                 they are age 7 or 70.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We’ve seen impressive
                                                                                                                                                                                                 improvement in our drive-thru ser-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 vice times, moving six places in
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2005 to a #4 overall ranking in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sparagowski Speed of Service poll.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Is it any wonder we’ve added
                                                                                                                                                                                                 more than 500 points of distribu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 tion since A&W and lJS joined the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Yum family? Now, there are even
                                                                                                                                                                                                 more places to enjoy these great
                                                                                                                                                                                                 brands...a trend we plan to continue!

emil J. Brolick                                                    Peter Hearl                                                                                                                   steve Davis
PResIDent AnD                                                      PResIDent AnD                                                  Gregg Dedrick                                                  PResIDent,
CHIeF COnCePt OFFICeR,                                             CHIeF COnCePt OFFICeR,                                         PResIDent AnD                                                  lOnG JOHn sIlveR’s/
tACO Bell                                                          PIzzA HUt                                                      CHIeF COnCePt OFFICeR, KFC                                     A&W All AMeRICAn FOOD®


Think Outside
         the Bun!®



Gather ‘Round
the Good Stuff®


Chicken Capital


Yarr, Genius!™


Hometown Food
 Made Fun!™


               world of
We want all of our shareholders to know we’re committed
to one thing — driving an operating culture where everything
is centered on our customers. This means that all of our
over 900,000 Customer Maniacs around the globe share
the same passion: to put a Yum! on customers’ faces around
the world. We’re 100% focused on satisfying our customers
better than any other restaurant company — every
customer, every time.
As Customer Maniacs, we’re committed to executing
the basics — CHAMPS — our core program for training,
measuring and rewarding employee performance against
key customer metrics. We’re starting to build an
emotional connection with our customers by bringing
our “brand essence” to life in each of our brands’ service
experience. We know that when we’re executing the basics
with a daily intensity, then we’re making our customers
happy. And when our customers are happy, we’re Running              Greg Creed
                                                               CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER,
Great Restaurants — and ultimately, we’re driving growth.          YUM! BRANDS, INC.

                                                                    Yum! Brands, Inc.   |   25.


c ha
Make it sparkle. That’s what
RGM Perla Garcia tells her team.
Perla, who has been with the
company for seven years, always
                                    “Great to see you!” Everyone who
                                     visits franchisee Mike Covelli Jr.’s
                                     restaurant is welcomed with a warm
                                     smile. That’s because 17-year veteran
                                                                              Correct every time. RGM Bibi Ali
                                                                              puts a strong focus on making
                                                                              sure the order is perfect —
                                                                              every customer, every day.
keeps her restaurant spotless.       RGM Tim Riley casts a large shadow      “I train all of my new employees
Her customers appreciate her         of leadership in his restaurant. Tim     on accuracy first,” says Bibi,
Customer Mania approach and          spends a lot of time training team       who has spent five of her last
keep her sales growing, and          members on hospitality and it pays       seven years as the restaurant
growing — up an impressive 31%       off — delivering consistently high       manager. The payoff can be
for the year! This natural leader    CHAMPS averages and same store           found in Bibi’s nearly perfect
rewards her team members             sales growth of 7%. Tim says he suc-     4.2 Balanced Scorecard this
who earn the highest scores in       ceeds by “stressing FUN and taking       year. She has grown her same
Cleanliness with gift cards and      Customer Mania to the limit.”            store sales year over year, while
free meals. That’s one of the                                                 consistently running one of the
                                    Tim Riley
reasons her team delivered one      A&W                                       best KFCs in the system.
of the highest CHAMPS averages      ALL AMERICAN FOOD
                                    North Aurora, Illinois                    Bibi Ali
in the system!                                                                KFC
                                                                              Bayonne, New Jersey
Perla Garcia
Houston, Texas


mp s
“Our restaurant is always
 ready to serve up Customer
 Mania.” RGM Jorge Gomez
 keeps his restaurant in perfect
                                    Product Quality
                                    Perfect pizzas every time. That’s
                                    what RGM Linda Gardner delivers
                                    in her restaurant. It also helps
                                    when your primary cook is a Region
                                                                          Speed with Service
                                                                          If you blink you might miss
                                                                          seeing Franchise RGM of the
                                                                          Year, Lori Houser, making things
                                                                          happen. Since 1993, Lori has
 condition, ready to satisfy his    Champion and your team has the        been satisfying customers in the
 customers — and because of it,     same passion for making great         restaurant she leads for franchisee
 he grew his same store sales       pizzas as you do! “They’re devoted    El Rancho Foods. With 60% of the
 an amazing 33% for the year!       to being here and to serving the      restaurant’s business being drive-
 This energetic leader inspires     customers with a Yes! attitude!”      thru, Lori has come up with “hints”
 his team to consistently deliver   Linda has been with Pizza Hut since   to help her team keep up its speed
 near-perfect CHAMPS scores         1987 and she boasts a consistent
                                         ,                                of service — like only open the
 too. His focus on running a        96% CHAMPS average for product        drive-thru window once, with drink
 great restaurant means the         quality, along with +11% same store   in hand ready for the customer.
 Customer always comes first!        sales growth.                         That type of leadership helped
                                                                          Lori’s restaurant achieve perfect,
Jorge Gomez Bravo                   Linda Gardner
 PIZZA HUT                          PIZZA HUT                             across-the-board 100% scores
 Mexico City, Mexico                Orlando, Florida                      on her CHAMPSChecks and drive
                                                                          same store sales up 5%.
                                                                          Lori Houser
                                                                          TACO BELL
                                                                          Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania


                              world of
Yum! is the undeniable world leader in Multibranding innovation
with over 3,000 combination restaurants in the U.S. accounting for
an estimated $330 million in restaurant profits and fees (excluding
G&A expenses). That’s because we have a competitive advantage
that no other restaurant company in the world can offer: a portfolio
of four category-leading brands. Since 1992 when we first offered our
customers two great brands in one restaurant, our goal has remained
the same: To be the best in the world at providing customers
branded restaurant choice and convenience.
Today, not only can we get higher unit volumes from our
multibranded restaurants, they allow us to open new
restaurants in trade areas that were too expensive or
didn’t have enough population density to allow us to go
to market with one brand. The power of branded variety
has never been more evident.
With all that choice and convenience under one roof it’s easy
to see why Multibranding is an undeniable consumer win!

28.   |   Yum! Brands, Inc.


          multibrand units
                in the U.S.

  Multibrand units
    make up more
than 17% of our total
   restaurant base         500+
      in the U.S.       NEW multibrand
                         units in 2005


                       Global Facts
                                                                   of results
2005 demonstrated the power of Yum!’s global portfolio. In 2005, we had sales issues in China and
high U.S. commodity cost increases during the first half of the year. Despite this, EPS grew 13%. We
were able to achieve these results because of strong Taco Bell and KFC performance in the U.S. and
another strong year at Yum! Restaurants International. We also benefited from stock repurchases
that were supported by the $1 billion of operating cash flow that we generate. We have now achieved
double-digit EPS growth for four straight years and are all working hard to build upon this consistent
record of performance to show the world that “We’re Not Your Ordinary Restaurant Company.”

(in billions)                                                   2005                 2004                 2003                 2002                 2001        Growth(a)
Company sales                                               $    1.4             $    1.4             $    1.4             $    1.4             $    1.4             –
Franchisee sales(b)                                              3.8                  3.6                  3.5                  3.4                  3.3            5%
Company sales                                               $    1.6             $    1.6             $    1.6             $    1.5             $    1.5           (2)%
Franchisee sales(b)                                              3.7                  3.6                  3.5                  3.6                  3.5             3%
Company sales                                               $    1.8             $    1.7             $    1.6             $    1.6             $    1.4            6%
Franchisee sales(b)                                              4.4                  4.0                  3.8                  3.6                  3.5            3%
Company sales                                               $    0.5             $    0.5             $    0.5             $    0.3                    –            NM
Franchisee sales(b)                                              0.3                  0.3                  0.3                  0.2                    –            NM
Company sales                                               $      –             $      –             $      –             $      –                    –            NM
Franchisee sales(b)                                              0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2                    –            NM
Company sales                                               $    5.3             $    5.2             $    5.1             $    4.8             $    4.3            1%
Franchisee sales(b)                                             12.4                 11.7                 11.3                 11.0                 10.3            4%
Company sales                                               $    1.1             $    1.0             $    0.9             $    0.9             $    0.7            6%
Franchisee sales(b)                                              5.2                  4.7                  4.1                  3.6                  3.5            9%
Company sales                                               $    0.6             $    0.7             $    0.5             $    0.5             $    0.5            3%
Franchisee sales(b)                                              3.0                  2.6                  2.4                  2.2                  2.0            9%
Company sales                                               $      –             $      –             $      –             $      –             $      –            NM
Franchisee sales(b)                                              0.2                  0.2                  0.1                  0.2                  0.1           12%
Company sales                                                      –                    –                    –                    –                    –            NM
Franchisee sales(b)                                                –                    –                    –                    –                    –            NM
Company sales                                                      –                    –                    –                    –                    –            NM
Franchisee sales(b)                                              0.1                  0.1                  0.1                    –                    –            NM
Company sales                                               $    1.7             $    1.7             $    1.4             $    1.4             $    1.2            5%
Franchisee sales(b)                                              8.5                  7.6                  6.7                  6.0                  5.6            9%
Company sales                                               $    1.0             $    0.9             $    0.8             $    0.6             $    0.5           21%
Franchisee sales(b)                                              0.7                  0.6                  0.5                  0.3                  0.3           13%
Company sales                                               $    0.2             $    0.2             $    0.1             $    0.1             $    0.1            NM
Franchisee sales(b)                                                –                    –                    –                    –                    –            NM
Company sales                                               $    1.2             $    1.1             $    0.9             $    0.7             $    0.6           24%
Franchisee sales(b)                                              0.7                  0.6                  0.5                  0.3                  0.3           13%
Company sales                                               $    8.2             $    8.0             $    7.4             $    6.9             $    6.1            4%
Franchisee sales(b)                                             21.6                 19.9                 18.5                 17.3                 16.2            6%
(a) Compounded annual growth rate; totals for U.S., International and Worldwide exclude the impact of Long John Silver’s and A&W.
(b) Franchisee sales represents the combined estimated sales of unconsolidated affiliate and franchise and license restaurants. Franchisee sales, which are not included
    in our Company sales, generate franchise and license fees (typically at rates between 4% and 6%) that are included in our revenues.
(c) Beginning May 7 2002, includes Long John Silver’s and A&W, which were added when we acquired Yorkshire Global Restaurants, Inc.


                                                                                                                                                                 % B/(W)
                                                                                                                   2005                    2004                  Change
Company                                                                                                            7,587                  7,743                       (2%)
Unconsolidated affiliates                                                                                          1,648                  1,662                       (1%)
Franchisees                                                                                                       22,666                 21,858                        4%
Licensees                                                                                                          2,376                  2,345                        1%
Total                                                                                                             34,277                 33,608                        2%
                                                               2005                2004                 2003                 2002            2001                 Growth(a) (b)
KFC                                                          5,443               5,525                5,524                5,472            5,399                       –
Pizza Hut                                                    7,566               7,500                7,523                7,599            7,719                     (1%)
Taco Bell                                                    5,845               5,900                5,989                6,165            6,444                     (3%)
Long John Silver’s                                           1,169               1,200                1,204                1,221                –                     NM
A&W                                                            449                 485                  576                  665                –                     NM
Total U.S.(c)                                               20,472              20,610               20,822               21,126           19,562                     (1%)

KFC                                                          6,307               6,084                5,944                5,698            5,465                      4%
Pizza Hut                                                    4,701               4,528                4,357                4,249            4,123                      3%
Taco Bell                                                      243                 237                  247                  261              239                       –
Long John Silver’s                                              34                  34                   31                   28                –                      NM
A&W                                                            229                 210                  183                  182                –                      NM
Total International                                         11,514              11,093               10,762               10,418            9,827                      4%
KFC                                                          1,981               1,657                1,410                1,192              951                     20%
Pizza Hut                                                      305                 246                  204                  182              149                     10%
Taco Bell                                                        2                   1                    1                    –                –                      NM
A&W                                                              –                   –                    –                    6                –                      NM
Total China(d)                                               2,291               1,905                1,615                1,380            1,100                     18%
Total(c)(d)                                                 34,277              33,608               33,199               32,924           30,489                      1%
(a) Compounded annual growth rate; total U.S., International, China and Worldwide exclude the impact of Long John Silver’s and A&W.
(b) Compounded annual growth rate excludes the impact of transferring 30 units from Taco Bell U.S. to Taco Bell International in 2002.
(c) Includes 6 and 4 Yan Can units in 2003 and 2002, respectively.
(d) Includes 3 units and 1 unit in 2005 and 2004, respectively, for an Asian food concept in China.

Year-end 2005                                                                   Company             Affiliate           Franchised         Licensed                   Total
KFC                                                                               1,155                      –             4,209               79                 5,443
Pizza Hut                                                                         1,655                      –             4,599            1,312                 7,566
Taco Bell                                                                         1,252                      –             3,803              790                 5,845
Long John Silver’s                                                                  611                      –               558                –                 1,169
A&W                                                                                  13                      –               436                –                   449
Total U.S.                                                                        4,686                      –            13,605            2,181                20,472

KFC                                                                                 744                  351                5,151              61                 6,307
Pizza Hut                                                                           631                  745                3,234              91                 4,701
Taco Bell                                                                             –                    –                  201              42                   243
Long John Silver’s                                                                    –                    –                   33               1                    34
A&W                                                                                   –                    –                  229               –                   229
Total International                                                               1,375                1,096                8,848             195                11,514

KFC                                                                               1,241                  552                 188                –                 1,981
Pizza Hut                                                                           280                    –                  25                –                   305
Taco Bell                                                                             2                    –                   –                –                     2
Total China(a)                                                                    1,526                  552                 213                –                 2,291
Total(a)                                                                          7,587                1,648              22,666            2,376                34,277
(a) Includes 3 units in 2005 for an Asian food concept in China.

WORLDWIDE UNITS                                                 Yum! BRANDS                                                                                            34
                                                                 MCDONALD’S                                                                                            32
2005 (in thousands)
                                                                      SUBWAY                                                                                           25
                                                                 BURGER KING                                                                                           11
                                                                     WENDY’S                                                                                           10
                                                               DOMINO’S PIZZA                                                                                           8
                                                                 DAIRY QUEEN                                                                                            6
                                                                     POPEYES                                                                                            2

                                                                                                                                             Yum! Brands, Inc.    |     31.


Yum! at a glance

U.S. SALES                      BY DAYPART                                          BY DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL

                                   Dinner 55%      Lunch 37%                         Dine Out 80%
                                   Snacks/Breakfast 8%                               Dine In 20%

                                   Dinner 63%      Lunch 28%                         Dine Out 75%
                                   Snacks/Breakfast 9%                               Dine In 25%

                                   Dinner 40%      Lunch 47%                         Dine Out 75%
                                   Snacks/Breakfast 13%                              Dine In 25%

                                   Dinner 51%      Lunch 46%                         Dine Out 59%
                                   Snacks/Breakfast 3%                               Dine In 41%

                                   Dinner 35%      Lunch 45%                         Dine Out 51%
                                   Snacks/Breakfast 20%                              Dine In 49%

32.   |   Yum! Brands, Inc.     Source: The NPD Group, Inc.; NPD Foodworld; CREST


Management’s Discussion and Analysis
                    of Financial Condition and
                      Results of Operations

INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW                                               China Division and International Division expansion
                                                                        • China Division and International Division system-sales
YUM! Brands, Inc. and Subsidiaries (collectively referred                  growth (local currency)
to as “YUM” or the “Company”) comprises the worldwide                   • Number of new China Division and International
operations of KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silver’s                Division restaurant openings
(“LJS”) and A&W All-American Food Restaurants (“A&W”)                   • Net China Division and International Division
(collectively “the Concepts”) and is the world’s largest quick             unit growth
service restaurant (“QSR”) company based on the number of               Multibrand innovation and expansion
system units. LJS and A&W were added when YUM acquired                  • Number of multibrand restaurant locations
Yorkshire Global Restaurants, Inc. (“YGR”) on May 7, 2002.              • Number of multibrand units added
YUM is the second largest QSR company outside the U.S.                  • Number of franchise multibrand units added
with over 13,800 units. YUM became an independent,                      Portfolio of category-leading U.S. brands
publicly-owned company on October 6, 1997 (the “Spin-off                • U.S. blended same store sales growth
Date”) via a tax-free distribution of our Common Stock (the             • U.S. system sales growth
“Distribution” or “Spin-off”) to the shareholders of our former         Global franchise fees
parent, PepsiCo, Inc. (“PepsiCo”).                                      • New restaurant openings by franchisees
     Through its Concepts, YUM develops, operates, fran-                • Franchise fee growth
chises and licenses a system of both traditional and                    Strong cash generation and returns
non-traditional QSR restaurants. Traditional units feature              • Cash generated from all sources
dine-in, carryout and, in some instances, drive-thru or delivery        • Cash generated from all sources after
services. Non-traditional units, which are typically licensed              capital spending
outlets, include express units and kiosks which have a more             • Restaurant margins
limited menu and operate in non-traditional locations like              Our progress against these measures is discussed
malls, airports, gasoline service stations, convenience stores,    throughout the Management’s Discussion and Analysis
stadiums, amusement parks and colleges, where a full-scale         (“MD&A”).
traditional outlet would not be practical or efficient.                  Throughout the MD&A, the Company provides the
     The retail food industry, in which the Company competes,      percentage change excluding the impact of foreign currency
is made up of supermarkets, supercenters, warehouse                translation. These amounts are derived by translating current
stores, convenience stores, coffee shops, snack bars, deli-        year results at prior year average exchange rates. We believe
catessens and restaurants (including the QSR segment), and         the elimination of the foreign currency translation impact
is intensely competitive with respect to food quality, price,      provides better year-to-year comparability without the distor-
service, convenience, location and concept. The industry           tion of foreign currency fluctuations.
is often affected by changes in consumer tastes; national,              This MD&A should be read in conjunction with our
regional or local economic conditions; currency fluctuations;       Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 54 through 57
demographic trends; traffic patterns; the type, number             and the Cautionary Statements on page 49. All Note refer-
and location of competing food retailers and products; and         ences herein refer to the Notes to the Consolidated Financial
disposable purchasing power. Each of the Concepts compete          Statements on pages 58 through 81. Tabular amounts
with international, national and regional restaurant chains        are displayed in millions except per share and unit count
as well as locally-owned restaurants, not only for customers,      amounts, or as otherwise specifically identified.
but also for management and hourly personnel, suitable real
estate sites and qualified franchisees.                             FACTORS AFFECTING COMPARABILITY
     Our business consists of three reporting segments: United     OF 2005 RESULTS TO 2004 RESULTS AND
States, the International Division and the China Division. The     2004 RESULTS TO 2003 RESULTS
China Division includes mainland China (“China”), Thailand
and KFC Taiwan and the International Division includes the         International Reporting Changes In 2005, we began
remainder of our international operations.                         reporting information for our international business in two
     The Company’s key strategies are:                             separate operating segments as a result of changes to our
     Building dominant restaurant brands in China                  management reporting structure. The China Division includes
     Driving profitable international expansion                     mainland China (“China”), Thailand and KFC Taiwan, and the
     Improving restaurant operations                               International Division includes the remainder of our interna-
     Multibranding category-leading brands                         tional operations. While this reporting change did not impact
     The Company is focused on fi ve long-term measures             our consolidated results, segment information for previous
identified as essential to our growth and progress. These           periods has been restated to be consistent with the current
fi ve measures and related key performance indicators are           period presentation.
as follows:

                                                                                                           Yum! Brands, Inc.   |   33.


Beginning in 2005, we also changed the China business          $38 million (net of tax benefits of $20 million), a reduction
reporting calendar to more closely align the timing of the          of both basic and diluted earnings per share of $0.13 per
reporting of its results of operations with our U.S. business.      share, a reduction of $87 million in cash flows from oper-
Previously our China business, like the rest of our international   ating activities and an increase of $87 million in cash flows
businesses, closed one month (or one period for certain of          from financing activities.
our international businesses) earlier than YUM’s period end              The following table shows the 2005 quarterly after-tax
date to facilitate consolidated reporting. To maintain compa-       effect of adoption of SFAS 123R on the previously reported
rability of our consolidated results of operations, amounts         first three quarters of 2005.
related to our China business for December 2004 have not                                   First Quarter   Second Quarter      Third Quarter
been reflected in our Consolidated Statements of Income                                       Net Diluted    Net Diluted    Net Diluted
and net income of the China business of $6 million for the                               Income     EPS Income     EPS Income     EPS
one month period ending December 31, 2004 was recog-                Reported results
nized as an adjustment directly to consolidated retained              prior to SFAS 123R
earnings in the year to date ended December 31, 2005.                 adoption           $ 161 $ 0.53 $ 187 $ 0.62 $ 214 $ 0.72
Our consolidated results of operations for the year to date         Impact of SFAS 123R
ended December 31, 2005 include the results of opera-                 adoption              (8) (0.03)   (9) (0.03)   (9) (0.03)
tions of the China business for the months of January, 2005         Results subsequent
through December, 2005. Our consolidated results of opera-            to SFAS 123R
tions for the years to date ended December 25, 2004 and               adoption           $ 153 $ 0.50 $ 178 $ 0.59 $ 205 $ 0.69
December 27, 2003 continue to include the results of opera-
tions of the China business for the months December, 2003           We also have included the following tables detailing the
through November, 2004 and December, 2002 through                   additional expense by quarter, by segment and by financial
November, 2003, respectively, as previously reported.               statement line item of the impact of adoption of SFAS 123R
                                                                    as well as the related decrease in operating profit, income
Adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards             tax benefit and decrease in net income. The numbers as
No. 123R, “Share-Based Payment” In the fourth quarter               presented have been rounded to accommodate our financial
2005, the Company adopted SFAS No. 123 (Revised 2004),              statement presentation conventions. However, unrounded
“Share-Based Payment” (“SFAS 123R”), which replaces                 expense by segment is relatively consistent throughout all
SFAS No. 123 “Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation”              quarters relative to actual number of days in the quarter.
(“SFAS 123”), supersedes APB 25, “Accounting for Stock
Issued to Employees” and related interpretations and amends                                      Quarter ended March 19, 2005
SFAS No. 95, “Statement of Cash Flows.” The provisions                                              Inter-                  Unallo-
                                                                                          U.S.   national      China         cated      Total
of SFAS 123R are similar to those of SFAS 123, however,
SFAS 123R requires all new, modified and unvested share-             Payroll and
based payments to employees, including grants of employee            employee benefits     $2         $1        $—           $—         $ 3
                                                                    General and
stock options and restricted stock, be recognized in the finan-
                                                                     administrative         3          2          1            4          10
cial statements as compensation cost over the service period
                                                                    Operating profit       $5         $3        $ 1          $ 4          13
based on their fair value on the date of grant. Compensation
cost is recognized over the service period on a straight-line       Income tax benefit                                                    (5)
basis for the fair value of awards that actually vest.              Net income impact                                                   $ 8
      We adopted SFAS 123R using the modified retrospec-
tive application transition method effective September 4,                                         Quarter ended June 11, 2005
2005, the beginning of our fourth quarter. As permitted by                                          Inter-                  Unallo-
SFAS 123R, we applied the modified retrospective applica-                                  U.S.   national      China         cated      Total
tion transition method to the beginning of the fiscal year of        Payroll and
adoption (our fiscal year 2005). As such, the first three fiscal        employee benefits     $2        $—         $—           $—         $ 2
quarters of 2005 are required to be adjusted to recognize           General and
the compensation cost previously reported in the pro forma           administrative         3          2          1            5          11
footnote disclosures under the provisions of SFAS 123.              Operating profit       $5        $ 2        $ 1          $ 5          13
However, years prior to 2005 have not been restated.                Income tax benefit                                                    (4)
      The adoption of SFAS 123R in 2005 resulted in the             Net income impact                                                   $ 9
reduction of operating profit of $58 million ($10 million in
payroll and employee benefits and $48 million in general
and administrative expense), a reduction of net income of

34.   |   Yum! Brands, Inc.


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yum brands annual reports 2005

  • 1. A world of yum! 2005 Annual Customer Mania Report
  • 2. Financial Highlights (In millions, except for per share amounts) % B/(W) Year-end 2005 2004 change Company sales $ 8,225 $ 7,992 3 Franchise and license fees 1,124 1,019 10 Total revenues $ 9,349 $ 9,011 4 Operating profit $ 1,153 $ 1,155 – Net income $ 762 $ 740 3 Wrench litigation income (expense) $ 2 $ 14 NM AmeriServe and other (charges) credits 2 16 NM Special items 4 30 NM Income tax on special items (1) (11) NM Special items, net of tax $ 3 $ 19 NM Stock option expense $ (58) – NM Income tax benefit from stock option expense 20 – NM Stock option expense, net of tax $ (38) $ – NM Diluted earnings per common share: Earnings before stock option expense and special items $ 2.67 $ 2.36 13 Stock option expense, net of tax (0.13) – NM Special items, net of tax 0.01 0.06 NM Reported $ 2.55 $ 2.42 5 Cash flows provided by operating activities $ 1,238 $ 1,186 4 In 2005, we began expensing stock options as a result of adopting SFAS 123R, “Share-Based Payment,” which resulted in a reduction of net income of $38 million or $0.13 per share. We used earnings before stock option expensing and before special items as a key performance measure of results of operations for purposes of evaluating performance internally and determining incentive compensation in 2005. This non-GAAP measurement is not intended to replace the presentation of our financial results in accordance with GAAP. Rather, we believe that the presentation of results before special items and stock option expense provides additional information to facilitate the comparison of past and present operations, excluding items that we do not believe are indicative of our ongoing operations and the adoption of SFAS 123R which did not impact our financial statements in the year ended December 25, 2004. AVERAGE U.S. SALES PER SYSTEM UNIT(a) (In thousands) Year-end 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 5-year growth (b) KFC $ 954 $ 896 $ 898 $ 898 $ 865 3% Pizza Hut 810 794 748 748 724 3% Taco Bell 1,168 1,069 1,005 964 890 5% (a) Excludes license units. (b) Compounded annual growth rate. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1–6 Dear Partners 25–27 A World of Customer Mania 7 The Yum! Dynasty Model 28–29 A World of Choice 8–11 A World of Opportunity: China 30–32 A World of Results: Financial Review 12–15 A World of International Growth 33–84 Financials 16–19 A World of Leading Brands 81 Selected Financial Data 20 Taco Bell: Think Outside the Bun! 82 Board of Directors and Senior Officers 21 Pizza Hut: Gather ’Round the Good Stuff 83 Shareholder Information 22 KFC: Chicken Capital U.S.A. 84 Shareholder Services 23 Long John Silver’s: Yarr, Genius! inbc A World of Giving Back 24 A&W: Hometown Food Made Fun
  • 3. Dear Partners, The world of Yum! makes a world of +4% in the U.S., (2) consistent new unit expansion, set- ting a record of 1,554 new openings around the world difference when it comes to delivering and (3) best in class return on invested capital, maintain- consistent growth. I’m pleased to report ing our industry leading ROIC of 18%. 2005 was once again another year What’s more, we are now a demonstrated cash where we demonstrated the underlying machine with a strong investment grade balance sheet. In power of our global portfolio of leading fact, after spending $609 million in capital expenditures to drive expansion and grow our core business, we had restaurant brands. record operating cash flow that allowed us to increase our shareholder payout to over $1 billion primarily through Fired by continued profitable international expansion share repurchases and by increasing our quarterly divi- featuring dramatic new unit growth in China, particularly dend by 15%. strong performance at Taco Bell and KFC in the United Since I was quick to point out in my letter last year States, and sound execution of financial strategies, Yum! that our share price had climbed 37% in 2004, I want to Brands achieved 13% earnings per share growth, the be just as forthcoming to report the news that our shares fourth straight year we have exceeded our +10% annual declined 1% in 2005. Nevertheless, our annual return is target. This consistent growth was achieved in spite of a 24% for the first half of this decade. And the best news challenging worldwide environment which included record of all is we are more confident than ever that we will con- gasoline prices, Hurricane Katrina and significant con- tinue our track record of growing earnings per share at sumer concerns in China from the perceived threat of the least 10% each year going forward. By delivering on these avian flu. results, and delivering real cash flow and real earnings, we We’re proving year after year that the power of our are confident the stock will continue to take care of itself. portfolio enables us to continue to weather whatever We simply are getting better and better at executing four inevitable ups and downs come our way. Our diversified powerfully unique strategies that bolster our claim that we worldwide business allows us to consistently deliver on are “Not Your Ordinary Restaurant Company.” Let me now the three drivers of shareholder value in the retail cat- give you my perspective on our opportunities, and hope- egory: (1) solid and improving same store sales growth, fully you’ll agree we are rightfully bullish about our future. David C. Novak, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Yum! Brands, Inc. While we have grown our core business, we have been making targeted investments to develop new emerging consumer markets like Russia, India and Continental Europe. Yum! Brands, Inc. | 1.
  • 4. has first mover advantage with no other substantial chain # 1 competitor in the casual dining segment. Build Dominant I’m often asked how we developed such a tremendous China Brands China business. Well, consider these powerful competitive advantages. It starts with an outstanding tenured local Chinese team that has worked together for over ten years building the business from scratch. In fact, we believe our China opera- We are the undeniable leader in this booming country. tions are the best in the world. We uniquely own our own Given the fact we already have the dominant brands in food distribution system that gives us coverage in every quick service with over 1,900 KFCs, and in casual dining major province and has allowed us to expand into over 360 with over 300 Pizza Huts, last year we featured our China cities. We also have one of the largest real estate develop- business on the cover of our annual report. ment teams of any retailer in the world. Given our rapid Well, have you ever heard of the Sports Illustrated cover growth, we now have a major national advertising budget “jinx” where a world class athlete is featured on SI’s cover that is building brand awareness and loyalty. and then has a difficult time? As chance would have it, the This investment in infrastructure and scale has given same thing happened to our world class China business! us a tremendous head start to tap into an unprecedented After having a record first quarter, we had an unfortunate opportunity. The Chinese middle class already represents supplier issue with a KFC ingredient that should not have 300 million urban customers who can afford our food. been in our food supply. While no customer was harmed That’s larger than the entire U.S. population. Make no in any way, it created a gigantic amount of negative pub- mistake, we are at the ground floor of a booming cate- licity that resulted in a very significant decline in sales. gory. That’s why I always liken it to over forty years ago Given the strength of the KFC brand, we steadily built back when pioneers Colonel Sanders, Glen Bell, Dan Carney our business only to have major publicity about avian flu and Ray Kroc started, respectively, KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza raise concerns later in the year about eating chicken. Even Hut and McDonald’s in the United States, building the though all the experts agree that properly cooked chicken quick service restaurant category from scratch. is perfectly safe to eat, perceptions are reality and our Well, we are the pioneers in China and we fully intend sales took another steep decline. Despite the adversity, to capitalize on the total opportunity. We have the bold we slightly grew profits to $211 million and opened up a goal to build dominant restaurant brands in every signifi- record 409 new units, continuing to widen our gap versus cant category. So in addition to KFC and Pizza Hut casual McDonald’s. That’s because we continued to have higher dining, we’ve begun to expand Pizza Hut Home Service volumes and higher margins than our competitor, yielding Delivery. Just like in the U.S., at-home convenience is tremendous unit economics with returns that continue in the sweet spot to appeal to the time constrained to be well above our cost of capital. The result is that we customer. We are on the forefront of this trend with our were able to withstand two unexpected negative sales pizza delivery service. Our team is also energized by the events and still maintain a business with powerful new unit early consumer acceptance of East Dawning, which is a economics. KFC continues to be one of the strongest con- Chinese fast food concept we have created to provide the sumer brands, if not the strongest, in China. Pizza Hut also everyday local favorite foods of Chinese customers. We are offering an affordable great-tasting menu in appeal- ing facilities that separate us from local competition. 1,792* 735 Our China business continues to deliver significantly higher volumes and higher YUM McDonald’s margins than our Units in Mainland China global competitors. as of December 31st *Does not include China Division’s Taiwan or Thailand. 2. | Yum! Brands, Inc.
  • 5. We are committed to make East Dawning a success and brands, KFC and Pizza Hut, not to mention our other believe it could be our highest potential concept given brands down the road. the obvious mass appeal of Chinese food. There’s no question YRI is a diverse, high return busi- As I said in last year’s letter, one thing I’m sure of is ness. Witness that we grew franchise fees by 17% and that we’ll have our ups and some unforeseen downs, but the fact that KFC and Pizza Hut opened 730 new units there’s not a shred of doubt in my mind that one day we across six continents, with very little capital spending will have more restaurants in China than we do in the U.S. on our part. We’re focused on profitably driving interna- That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! tional expansion in three global arenas — franchise-only CHINA DIVISION KEY MEASURES: +20 % OPERATING PROFIT markets, established company-operations markets, and GROWTH; +22% SYSTEM SALES GROWTH; +400 NEW UNITS/YEAR. emerging, less-developed markets. When you examine our franchise-only business, you’ll see we have nearly 5,000 restaurants generating $170 mil- lion in operating profit. These businesses had another # 2 Drive Profitable outstanding year in 2005, with system sales and operating profits both achieving double digit growth versus prior year. International Double digit growth without capital spending — I’ll take Expansion it! I want to especially recognize the following franchise business units for their exceptional system sales growth: Asia +8%, Caribbean/Latin America +10%, Middle East Northern Africa +17% and South Africa +20%. Our Yum! Restaurants International Division, which We’re focusing our international company equity in includes over 100 countries and territories outside countries where we are building scale and expect to pro- of China and the U.S., had another very good year. duce excellent returns over the long term. The largest of For the sixth straight year we opened over 700 restau- these markets is the U.K. where we have almost 1,400 rants. In so doing, we generated +6% system sales KFCs and Pizza Huts contributing $100 million in operat- growth. YRI now generates $372 million in operating ing profits. While our business in the U.K. has achieved a profit, continuing its consistent record of growing 15% growth rate over the last five years, profits declined operating profits at least 10%. in 2005 due to a difficult retail environment, the subway The foundation of this consistent growth comes from the terror incident that occurred in London, and below expec- competitive advantage of the infrastructure we already tations on operational execution. However, our brands have in place. For this we are largely indebted to PepsiCo there are fundamentally well positioned in their catego- who, prior to our spin-off in 1997 invested 40 years and , ries and our teams are focused on turning the business billions of dollars to establish the global network we around. At the same time, I’d like to give a special pat on inherited. We now have over 11,000 restaurants, 88% of the back to our team in Mexico, which turned in a sensa- which are owned and operated by our 700+ franchisees. tional year. Thankfully for us, the reality is it would take the same time While we have obviously grown our core business, we and commitment for our competition to reach our size and also have been making targeted investments to develop scale. The only exception, of course, is McDonald’s, which new markets, with a particular focus on building local makes $2 billion outside the U.S., which only reinforces capability in India, Russia and Continental Europe. In the potential we have to grow two already popular global India, we are already the fastest growing restaurant com- pany. Pizza Hut is the number one most trusted brand Yum! Restaurants International now generates $372 million in operating profit, continuing its consistent record of growing operating profits at least 10%. Yum! Brands, Inc. | 3.
  • 6. with over 100 units. We have also experienced early suc- Huts compared to over 16,000 units McDonald’s has cess with KFC with an offering that includes a vegetarian in international markets outside China. The potential is menu to broaden consumer appeal to one-third of India’s obvious and we are determined to build our international 1.1 billion people. In Russia, we forged a very unique business the right way. partnership with Rostik’s, the leading fast food chicken INTERNATIONAL DIVISION KEY MEASURES: +10 –15% OPERAT- brand. Rostik’s will be co-branded with KFC and feature ING PROFIT GROWTH; +5% SYSTEM SALES GROWTH; +700 NEW our world famous Original Recipe. Interestingly, this was UNITS/YEAR. the same strategy that Colonel Sanders used to launch KFC in the U.S. when he sold his first franchise in Utah to 3 “Harman’s Restaurant Featuring World Famous Original Recipe Chicken.” This move gives us immediate scale of 100 restaurants and the local operating capability # Be The Best At Providing Branded Restaurant from one of Russia’s top food service companies led by Choice and Multibranding Rostislav Ordovsky. By the way, it took us over 10 years to develop 100 restaurants in China and India, so our Great Brands Russian move definitely represents a bold step forward in this major, emerging consumer market. In Continental Europe, we are achieving the largest The foundation of our company is a portfolio of cate- average unit volumes we have in the world with KFC France. gory leading U.S. based brands that have outstanding This is translating to very good unit economics so we are economics on a stand-alone basis. We have individual beginning to expand with both company operations and management teams focused on making these brands new franchisees. Unfortunately, we continue to struggle in more and more powerful each year by building even Germany and Holland. However, the recent introduction of more relevance, energy and differentiation for our television advertising in Holland gives us hope that we are customers. Each of our brand presidents will tell you not far off from having an investable proposition. how they are doing just that later on in the report but Looking ahead, we have made the strategic deci- let me share the major highlights and challenges. sion to put more emphasis on expanding Pizza Hut Home Delivery and Taco Bell around the globe. Given the First, Taco Bell arguably had the best performance of any tremendous success we have had with both these busi- brand in the restaurant category, generating 7% same nesses in the U.S., we are confident of significant profit store sales growth on top of 5% last year. Taco Bell’s growth over time. “Think Outside the Bun®” advertising campaign continues I want to emphasize that developing new brands and to break through the clutter, featuring innovative ideas new markets is tough. Building consumer awareness and like the successful Big Bell Value Menu® and the new acceptance takes time. It also takes time to build local Crunchwrap Supreme. Given the continuous sales growth operating capability. Our approach is more like the tor- we’ve had the past five years, average unit volumes are toise than the hare. We will be patient and always mindful well over $1 million and as a result the brand is now poised of overall profitability and returns. Going forward, we are for significant net new unit development in 2006. committed to continue to add at least 700 new units Next, KFC had a dramatic turnaround, experienc- each year and do it profitably. Consider this, excluding the ing +6% same store sales growth, after being down 2% China Division we only have 6,200 KFCs and 4,600 Pizza last year. This result was driven by improving our value perception with customers by introducing the 99-cent We have individual management teams focused on making our brands more and more powerful each year by building even more relevance, energy and differentiation for our customers. 4. | Yum! Brands, Inc.
  • 7. KFC® Snacker, $4 complete meals and the Build Your Own U.S. compared to the over 5,000 each we have today. Variety Bucket. The team is dedicated to be the chicken This may seem like a stretch but remember McDonald’s leader and bring more and more news to strengthen our has 14,000 units in the U.S. so there’s plenty of upside Chicken Capital U.S.A. position. as we improve our economics with higher sales. Significantly, both Taco Bell and KFC achieved record If you’ll recall, that’s why in 2002 we acquired Long sales during a time of record gas prices, proving that well- John Silver’s, the leading quick service seafood res- positioned and well-executed brands with strong value taurant, and A&W All American Food which offers pure propositions can perform well even in the toughest eco- beef hamburgers and hot dogs along with it’s famous nomic environments. root beer float. This acquisition allows us to significantly Our biggest disappointment in the U.S. was that Pizza expand our multibranding potential in the U.S. with Taco Hut’s sales were flat after a soft second half of the year. Bell/LJS and KFC/A&W and KFC/LJS combinations. We Frankly, we think the reason is that competition did a bet- are also testing LJS/A&W combos. ter job of bringing value to the category than we did. Let me Recognizing the power of multibranding, Pizza Hut assure you we are focused on this issue and are confident has also successfully created and is now expanding that we will be much more competitive going forward. WingStreet, a tasty line of flavored bone-in and boneless We’ve also challenged ourselves to deliver significantly chicken wings for its home delivery units. Pizza Hut/ higher U.S. profitability. 2005 was a tale of two cities. The WingStreet, with its 665 units, now represents the larg- first half of the year we were down 8% due in large part est wing chain in the U.S. WingStreet is well on its way to to commodity inflation. The second half we achieved +3% being a national brand and will ultimately be in the vast profit growth. We hope to carry this momentum into 2006. majority of Pizza Huts. U.S. BRAND KEY MEASURES: +5% OPERATING PROFIT GROWTH; Multibranding has the potential to have the biggest 2–3% BLENDED SAME STORE SALES GROWTH. unit sales and profit impact in our industry since the Given the fact we are the only restaurant company to have advent of the drive-thru window. Our primary challenge is a portfolio of leading brands, we are leading the way with to continue to build the operating capability to success- what we call multibranding: offering our customers two fully run these restaurants. Given the additional variety, great brands in one restaurant. Multibranding gives us the it’s simply harder to run a restaurant with two brands. competitive advantage of branded variety. This is a Yum! We’re doing a much better job of identifying and devel- Brands category innovation that is developing into a big oping the right kind of managers and have made major business. We added 531 multibranding units in the U.S. progress simplifying our back of house systems. We are this year, making our total number over 3,000. As a result, also value engineering our buildings and at the same time multibranding accounts for an estimated $330 million in offering customer friendly environments. Given the enor- U.S. company store profits and franchise fees. mous consumer appeal, when we execute well we have Our most successful combination is KFC/Taco Bell. a winning proposition. That’s job one for multibranding This combo represents a proven opportunity to open high going forward. I’m very confident we will get that job done return new restaurants in trade areas that used to be too and accelerate development as we do. expensive or did not have enough population density to go MULTIBRANDING KEY MEASURES: AT LEAST 550 MULTIBRAND- to market with one brand. Our short term focus is to target ING ADDITIONS PER YEAR, EARNING A RETURN ON COMPANY 600 rural trade areas where there’s no KFC or Taco Bell. ADDITIONS SEVERAL POINTS ABOVE THE COMPANY’S COST OF CAPITAL. Longer term, our goal with multibranding is to even- tually take both Taco Bell and KFC to 8,000 units in the Multibranding has the potential to have the biggest unit sales and profit impact in our industry since the advent of the drive-thru window. Yum! Brands, Inc. | 5.
  • 8. grow earnings per share at least 10% per year for years to come. Given the tremendous success we’ve achieved # 4 and the cash flow we are generating, we have a strong Run Great balance sheet and the clear capability to make acquisi- Restaurants tions. As you would expect, we’ve looked at a number of opportunities. Any acquisition we would make would have to accelerate our growth rate in the U.S. and/or leverage our international infrastructure. While I’d never say never, While we have thousands of outstanding restau- I will say there’s slim picking for those kinds of opportuni- ties. We’re quite comfortable investing in the core growth rant general managers and pockets of excellence of our existing brands around the world and continue to in countries like China and Australia, this is a big increase shareholder payout through share repurchases opportunity for us because we have so much upside and dividends. by simply executing better. I also think it’s important for you to know that we On average, our customers are telling us we are giv- believe the single biggest competitive advantage we have ing them a 100% CHAMPS experience only 53% of the is the global culture we have created. It’s a high energy, time (the same as last year). CHAMPS stands for the people capability first environment that is centered on spir- executional basics (Cleanliness, Hospitality, Accuracy, ited recognition that drives performance. It’s allowing us to Maintenance, Product Quality and Speed). Anytime we fail retain and recruit the best and the brightest. And it’s allow- to deliver on any one of these dimensions, we’re letting ing us to build process and discipline around the things our customers down. The flip side is anytime we deliver all that really matter in our restaurants and at our support the basics we end up with satisfied customers and that centers. We are sharing our best practices and getting bet- always leads to more sales and profits. That’s why we ter and better every year. Believe me, we know there is so continue to focus on Customer Mania, our single biggest much more to do and the fun will be in doing it! global initiative. Customer Mania is defined as delivering I’d like to thank our dedicated team members, res- our customers 100% CHAMPS with a “Yes” attitude every taurant managers, franchise partners and outstanding single time. We’ve made progress by investing more in Board of Directors. I would also like to welcome Tom management and team member training, new point of Nelson as our newest board member. And most of all, I’d sale and back of house systems, but we recognize we like to thank my beloved partner and the greatest leader are not improving fast enough. We know how much more I’ve ever had the privilege to work with, Andy Pearson, our money can be made if we move from our current state of founding Chairman, who passed away in March 2006. We mediocrity from good to great. I can assure you our entire would not be the company we are today without his pas- organization is fixated on being the best restaurant opera- sion, wisdom and inspiration. He will be missed by all and tors in our industry. his spirit will live on in our commitment to excellence. OPERATIONS KEY MEASURES: 100% CHAMPS WITH A “YES” We have a world of opportunity ahead of us. I hope ATTITUDE IN EVERY STORE AND SAME STORE SALES GROWTH IN you agree we are anything but your ordinary restaurant EVERY STORE. company. Going forward, we continue to be galvanized around building what we call the Yum! Dynasty with the result being one of the world’s most consistent and highest performing companies. On the next page, you can see Yum! to You! the road map we’ve laid out for dynasty-like perfor- mance, along with handwritten comments I always include in my New Year’s letter to restaurant teams. I think it is important for you to know how much we believe in the growth potential of our core business. We are con- David C. Novak fident the opportunities I’ve discussed will allow us to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 6. | Yum! Brands, Inc.
  • 10. A world of opportunity: China Nowhere else in the world do we have the kind of unprecedented opportunity for expansion, than in China. Until 1992, China was not really open to foreign investment and some of the most important ingredients necessary for long-term business success were not in place. With no existing infrastructure and imports prohibitively expensive, we had to build everything from scratch. Today, the power of Yum! Restaurants China has never been more evident. In 2005 we opened up a record 400+ new units. This makes us, by far, the largest restaurant company with over 1,900 KFCs and over 300 Pizza Hut restaurants serving up delicious chicken and pizzas. Together, we’re in over 360 Chinese cities and in every province. Our team is energized by the potential we have today in China because we know we are positioned for growth. We know it’s just the beginning for an even bigger business to come. Sam Su PRESIDENT, YUM! RESTAURANTS CHINA (MAINLAND CHINA, THAILAND AND KFC TAIWAN) 8. | Yum! Brands, Inc.
  • 11. Powerful brands, tenured local teams, a highly educated workforce, best-in-class operations, unique distribution Build dominant China systems and one of the largest real estate development teams of any retailer in the world — that’s the power of Yum! China. Our bold goal is clear: Build dominant restaurant brands in every significant category. In addi- tion to KFC and Pizza Hut casual dining, we’ve developed Pizza Hut Home Service Delivery and our Chinese fast food concept, East Dawning. We have the expertise, brands! talent and commitment to fully capitalize on these unique opportunities and our potential is unlimited. We’ve only just scratched the surface… KFC: #1 Quick Service Restaurant; Pizza Hut: #1 Casual Dining Brand Over $200 million in operating profit. Over $1.2 billion in revenue. Unlimited Potential!
  • 12. A world of international growth Our International Division (YRI) continues to set new records in terms of operating profits, franchisee sales and franchise and license fees. In 2005, we generated over $370 million in operating profit — up 11% over last year — and set a record with franchise sales of $8.5 billion along with franchise and license fees of $448 million. We also achieved $2 billion in revenues and opened 780 new restaurants. That brings us to our impressive 11,319 units outside of the U.S. and China Division, with a presence in over 100 countries and territories. Now that’s a world of opportunity! System sales grew by 6% in local currency, partly due to unit expansion and partly to innovative marketing calendars which boosted sales across each of the brands. The consistent track record of growth, together with the broad base of our global business, inspires huge confidence for the future. This is the sixth successive year of 700+ new units and at least 5% system sales growth in local currency. YRI opened new units in more than 60 countries. Of those units, 93% were opened by our franchise and joint-venture partners. Sales growth was strong too, especially so in several rapidly developing regions where our brands Graham Allan PResIDent, are firmly entrenched but where we still see significant potential for YUm! RESTAURANTS further expansion. INTERNATIONAl Open 12.      |      Yum! Brands, Inc.
  • 13. Around  the  world  from  Mexico  to  the  United  Kingdom,  from  Africa,  A sia  and  the  Middle  East  to  emerging  market s  like  Rus sia,  India  and  Continental  Europe,  Yum !  Restaurant s  International    is driving profitable new unit development. In 2005, we opened 780 new unit s acros s six continent s and we’re committed going for ward to adding 700 new unit s each year— and do it profitably.    The world of Yum! Restaurants International is a diverse, high-return business and we’re committed to keeping it that way!  780 new restaurants Overall, we’re excited by the tremendous momentum we have around the globe. If anything, we aim to accelerate it. We are working with our franchisees to strengthen our operations, to make Customer mania visible to our customers, to sharpen the focus of our brands on the evolving needs of our customers and to build our people capability through hiring and developing local talent. Growth isn’t just a vision at YRI. It’s a way of life.
  • 14. “Ya Abrimos!” or “We Opened” was the A cheer led by RGM Yesenia Garcia and her team at the opening celebration for her restaurant in Mexico City, Mexico. world of leading brands We are the #1 leader in four food categories. No other restaurant company in the world has the underlying power of our global portfolio of leading restaurant brands. With leadership positions in the chicken, pizza, mexican-style food and quick-service seafood categories, we continue to show the world the power of our portfolio. We have individual management teams focused on making each brand more and more powerful every year by building even more relevance, energy and differentiation for our customers. With over 34,000 restaurants and over 900,000 Customer maniacs around the globe, we want to put a smile on your face. We hope you can see that’s why “Alone we’re delicious, together we’re Yum!” Open 16.      |      Yum! Brands, Inc.
  • 15. 2005 was another great year of We kicked off 2005 with Dippin’ 2005 proved to be the greatest sales the seafood Revolutionaries progress for Taco Bell. We delivered Strips, a great product because it year in the history of Kentucky Fried We spent 2005 restructuring and positive same store sales growth in attracted customers by being both dif- Chicken! We ended the year with 14 rebuilding our heritage as the seafood every period — creating over four con- ferent and relevant. Kids loved to rip consecutive periods of same store sales brand of choice. We’ve tested and secutive years of sustained growth. and dip...and adults loved a low-risk growth and three record-setting weeks. developed a pipeline of new products Same store sales were up 7%, with way to try something new that would From Sunday dinner to tailgating and have developed a brand positioning that reinforces our nearly half of the increase coming please everyone. parties and family picnics, we gave innovative product heritage. We’ve added over 100 new from transactions. more and more people are discover- We also appealed to our fastest growing segment with customers the great home-cooked taste of KFC no matter points of distribution and re-imaged more than 50% of our ing that Taco Bell is the place to go when you want to our first-ever U.S. Hispanic product, Quepapas! Still spicing where they were. restaurants. We’ve added 19 new lJS franchisees to our THINK OUTSIDE THE BUN®! up the market with rave reviews, Quepapas are ready to hit Early last year, when customers asked for portability system. We invented Fast Food seafood and with great new In 2005 we introduced one of the most popular an additional 700 restaurants. In October, we celebrated and affordability, we introduced the KFC®Snacker, a snack- quality products like our Popcorn Shrimp, we are reinventing THINK OUTSIDE THE BUN products in our company’s our world-famous Pan Pizza’s 25th Anniversary in style with sized sandwich made with a 100% white meat Crispy Strip seafood for the way people eat today. history — The Crunchwrap SupremeTm. This unique a great family-value that resonated with consumers and got and topped with fresh lettuce and pepper mayo. Snacker Our investment in operations continues to drive product is the perfect combination of classic Taco Bell in front of the competition. became our most successful sandwich ever, and one year customer satisfaction and we’re proud of how well our tastes and textures made portable. In 2006 it perma- We continued our strategy to rebuild and grow the brand and 238 million Snackers later, we’ve rolled out three new teams are delivering Customer mania. We’ve made steady nently joined our existing lineup of mexican-inspired as well. By the end of the year, we opened more than 660 varieties — Honey BBQ, Buffalo, and Fish Snackers. improvements in the national drive-thru speed of service products, like our delicious Grilled Stuft Burritos, WingStreets and our 94th Pizza Hut Italian Bistro! Both are Our Build Your Own Variety Bucket made moms the rankings — improving six points over the last two years. signature Quesadillas and wide-variety of Big Bell huge growth drivers for us — Pizza Hut Italian Bistro is a ban- hero all across America, letting her build her bucket with With a new tagline, Yarr, Genius! ™, we’re ready to deliver on Value menuTm items. ner billboard for dine-in customers who want a terrific casual more types of World Famous chicken and sides. Our new our brand promise. It’s terrific that our great food, value and advertis- dining experience, and WingStreet is the perfect partner to Flavor Station was an industry first and let customers “be ing are bringing more and more customers into our add incremental business to Pizza Hut. the boss” and “choose their sauce” on wings, strips and Hometown Food Made Fun™ The restaurants. But what’s also exciting to see is that cus- So...in a year where we’ve had some difficult hurdles, I more. A&W brand continued to expand tomers are taking notice of our great people. In fact, in am very proud of the work we did to accomplish such brand- In 2005 our restaurant teams were more energized in 2005, resulting in system sales 2005 the mayor of Bryan, Texas proclaimed a “Reggie building work. We showed the world our huge heart in the than ever. Customers rated their experience at KFC as growth. Why? Franchise multibrand Shivers Day” in honor of one of our team members. aftermath of some horrible natural disasters; we brought significantly improved — our restaurants were cleaner, we development with our sister brands The community had been asked to nominate a fellow some big new products to the market and touched people were friendlier and more hospitable, and our overall service added points of distribution, and, in more than 70 restau- citizen who provides exceptional service, and Reggie with a reminder of our heritage. was sharper. Plus, we made QSR Magazine’s top-ten list for rants, we rolled a new brand positioning that really says, won by a landslide! We’ve got the greatest people in the world, creating, quick-service drive-thru brands for the third year in a row. “Hometown Food made Fun.” That’s exactly what we want our employees selling and delivering the greatest, most innovative, sumptu- With our franchise partners, we made a huge invest- Today, A&W means high quality core promotions, the focused on, delighting our guests each and every day. ous pizzas in the world.... And we couldn’t be more excited ment to remodel our restaurants to bring to life a KFC relaunch of the Papa Burger and an improved line of hot We’re pleased with our progress in 2005, and now about what’s ahead for 2006! that’s a little bit bolder and a Colonel Sanders that’s a dogs, Cheese Curds and a new line of Chili that delivers our we’re focused on our future. By working together to little more hip. In everything from our advertising and brand promise. Our Neighborhood Deals appeal to the value We’d like to invite you to “Gather ‘Round the Good stuff!®” grow our great People and our great Brand, we’ll con- uniforms to the outside of our restaurants, we’re returning conscious and our revved-up Sweets and Treats program tinue to beat year-ago results — and make 2006 to our roots and boasting that we are the one, the only can tame a sweet tooth in more than 25 ways. Now that’s our best year yet. Kentucky Fried Chicken. variety made simple! We opened our second state-of- We are taco Bell and Proud of It! It’s always a great day in Chicken Capital UsA™. the-art, stand-alone A&W restaurant in Kissimmee, Florida. Customers love the food and the feeling of these nostalgic new restaurants whether they are age 7 or 70. We’ve seen impressive improvement in our drive-thru ser- vice times, moving six places in 2005 to a #4 overall ranking in the Sparagowski Speed of Service poll. Is it any wonder we’ve added more than 500 points of distribu- tion since A&W and lJS joined the Yum family? Now, there are even more places to enjoy these great brands...a trend we plan to continue! emil J. Brolick Peter Hearl steve Davis PResIDent AnD PResIDent AnD Gregg Dedrick PResIDent, CHIeF COnCePt OFFICeR, CHIeF COnCePt OFFICeR, PResIDent AnD lOnG JOHn sIlveR’s/ tACO Bell PIzzA HUt CHIeF COnCePt OFFICeR, KFC A&W All AMeRICAn FOOD®
  • 16. Think Outside the Bun!® Open
  • 18. Chicken Capital USA™
  • 21. A world of customer mania We want all of our shareholders to know we’re committed to one thing — driving an operating culture where everything is centered on our customers. This means that all of our over 900,000 Customer Maniacs around the globe share the same passion: to put a Yum! on customers’ faces around the world. We’re 100% focused on satisfying our customers better than any other restaurant company — every customer, every time. As Customer Maniacs, we’re committed to executing the basics — CHAMPS — our core program for training, measuring and rewarding employee performance against key customer metrics. We’re starting to build an emotional connection with our customers by bringing our “brand essence” to life in each of our brands’ service experience. We know that when we’re executing the basics with a daily intensity, then we’re making our customers happy. And when our customers are happy, we’re Running Greg Creed CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, Great Restaurants — and ultimately, we’re driving growth. YUM! BRANDS, INC. Yum! Brands, Inc. | 25.
  • 22. c ha Cleanliness Make it sparkle. That’s what RGM Perla Garcia tells her team. Perla, who has been with the company for seven years, always Hospitality “Great to see you!” Everyone who visits franchisee Mike Covelli Jr.’s restaurant is welcomed with a warm smile. That’s because 17-year veteran Accuracy Correct every time. RGM Bibi Ali puts a strong focus on making sure the order is perfect — every customer, every day. keeps her restaurant spotless. RGM Tim Riley casts a large shadow “I train all of my new employees Her customers appreciate her of leadership in his restaurant. Tim on accuracy first,” says Bibi, Customer Mania approach and spends a lot of time training team who has spent five of her last keep her sales growing, and members on hospitality and it pays seven years as the restaurant growing — up an impressive 31% off — delivering consistently high manager. The payoff can be for the year! This natural leader CHAMPS averages and same store found in Bibi’s nearly perfect rewards her team members sales growth of 7%. Tim says he suc- 4.2 Balanced Scorecard this who earn the highest scores in ceeds by “stressing FUN and taking year. She has grown her same Cleanliness with gift cards and Customer Mania to the limit.” store sales year over year, while free meals. That’s one of the consistently running one of the Tim Riley reasons her team delivered one A&W best KFCs in the system. of the highest CHAMPS averages ALL AMERICAN FOOD North Aurora, Illinois Bibi Ali in the system! KFC Bayonne, New Jersey Perla Garcia LONG JOHN SILVER’S Houston, Texas
  • 23. mp s Maintenance “Our restaurant is always ready to serve up Customer Mania.” RGM Jorge Gomez keeps his restaurant in perfect Product Quality Perfect pizzas every time. That’s what RGM Linda Gardner delivers in her restaurant. It also helps when your primary cook is a Region Speed with Service If you blink you might miss seeing Franchise RGM of the Year, Lori Houser, making things happen. Since 1993, Lori has condition, ready to satisfy his Champion and your team has the been satisfying customers in the customers — and because of it, same passion for making great restaurant she leads for franchisee he grew his same store sales pizzas as you do! “They’re devoted El Rancho Foods. With 60% of the an amazing 33% for the year! to being here and to serving the restaurant’s business being drive- This energetic leader inspires customers with a Yes! attitude!” thru, Lori has come up with “hints” his team to consistently deliver Linda has been with Pizza Hut since to help her team keep up its speed near-perfect CHAMPS scores 1987 and she boasts a consistent , of service — like only open the too. His focus on running a 96% CHAMPS average for product drive-thru window once, with drink great restaurant means the quality, along with +11% same store in hand ready for the customer. Customer always comes first! sales growth. That type of leadership helped Lori’s restaurant achieve perfect, Jorge Gomez Bravo Linda Gardner PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT across-the-board 100% scores Mexico City, Mexico Orlando, Florida on her CHAMPSChecks and drive same store sales up 5%. Lori Houser TACO BELL Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
  • 24. A world of choice Yum! is the undeniable world leader in Multibranding innovation with over 3,000 combination restaurants in the U.S. accounting for an estimated $330 million in restaurant profits and fees (excluding G&A expenses). That’s because we have a competitive advantage that no other restaurant company in the world can offer: a portfolio of four category-leading brands. Since 1992 when we first offered our customers two great brands in one restaurant, our goal has remained the same: To be the best in the world at providing customers branded restaurant choice and convenience. Today, not only can we get higher unit volumes from our multibranded restaurants, they allow us to open new restaurants in trade areas that were too expensive or didn’t have enough population density to allow us to go to market with one brand. The power of branded variety has never been more evident. With all that choice and convenience under one roof it’s easy to see why Multibranding is an undeniable consumer win! 28. | Yum! Brands, Inc.
  • 25. 3000+ multibrand units in the U.S. Multibrand units make up more than 17% of our total restaurant base 500+ in the U.S. NEW multibrand units in 2005
  • 26. A Global Facts world of results 2005 demonstrated the power of Yum!’s global portfolio. In 2005, we had sales issues in China and high U.S. commodity cost increases during the first half of the year. Despite this, EPS grew 13%. We were able to achieve these results because of strong Taco Bell and KFC performance in the U.S. and another strong year at Yum! Restaurants International. We also benefited from stock repurchases that were supported by the $1 billion of operating cash flow that we generate. We have now achieved double-digit EPS growth for four straight years and are all working hard to build upon this consistent record of performance to show the world that “We’re Not Your Ordinary Restaurant Company.” Rick Carucci, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, YUM! BRANDS, INC. WORLDWIDE SALES 5-Year (in billions) 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Growth(a) UNITED STATES KFC Company sales $ 1.4 $ 1.4 $ 1.4 $ 1.4 $ 1.4 – Franchisee sales(b) 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 5% PIZZA HUT Company sales $ 1.6 $ 1.6 $ 1.6 $ 1.5 $ 1.5 (2)% Franchisee sales(b) 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3% TACO BELL Company sales $ 1.8 $ 1.7 $ 1.6 $ 1.6 $ 1.4 6% Franchisee sales(b) 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.5 3% LJS(C) Company sales $ 0.5 $ 0.5 $ 0.5 $ 0.3 – NM Franchisee sales(b) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 – NM A&W(C) Company sales $ – $ – $ – $ – – NM Franchisee sales(b) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 – NM TOTAL U.S. Company sales $ 5.3 $ 5.2 $ 5.1 $ 4.8 $ 4.3 1% Franchisee sales(b) 12.4 11.7 11.3 11.0 10.3 4% INTERNATIONAL KFC Company sales $ 1.1 $ 1.0 $ 0.9 $ 0.9 $ 0.7 6% Franchisee sales(b) 5.2 4.7 4.1 3.6 3.5 9% PIZZA HUT Company sales $ 0.6 $ 0.7 $ 0.5 $ 0.5 $ 0.5 3% Franchisee sales(b) 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 9% TACO BELL Company sales $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – NM Franchisee sales(b) 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 12% LJS(C) Company sales – – – – – NM Franchisee sales(b) – – – – – NM A&W(C) Company sales – – – – – NM Franchisee sales(b) 0.1 0.1 0.1 – – NM TOTAL INTERNATIONAL Company sales $ 1.7 $ 1.7 $ 1.4 $ 1.4 $ 1.2 5% Franchisee sales(b) 8.5 7.6 6.7 6.0 5.6 9% CHINA KFC Company sales $ 1.0 $ 0.9 $ 0.8 $ 0.6 $ 0.5 21% Franchisee sales(b) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 13% PIZZA HUT Company sales $ 0.2 $ 0.2 $ 0.1 $ 0.1 $ 0.1 NM Franchisee sales(b) – – – – – NM TOTAL CHINA Company sales $ 1.2 $ 1.1 $ 0.9 $ 0.7 $ 0.6 24% Franchisee sales(b) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 13% TOTAL WORLDWIDE Company sales $ 8.2 $ 8.0 $ 7.4 $ 6.9 $ 6.1 4% Franchisee sales(b) 21.6 19.9 18.5 17.3 16.2 6% (a) Compounded annual growth rate; totals for U.S., International and Worldwide exclude the impact of Long John Silver’s and A&W. (b) Franchisee sales represents the combined estimated sales of unconsolidated affiliate and franchise and license restaurants. Franchisee sales, which are not included in our Company sales, generate franchise and license fees (typically at rates between 4% and 6%) that are included in our revenues. (c) Beginning May 7 2002, includes Long John Silver’s and A&W, which were added when we acquired Yorkshire Global Restaurants, Inc. ,
  • 27. WORLDWIDE SYSTEM UNITS % B/(W) 2005 2004 Change Company 7,587 7,743 (2%) Unconsolidated affiliates 1,648 1,662 (1%) Franchisees 22,666 21,858 4% Licensees 2,376 2,345 1% Total 34,277 33,608 2% 5-Year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Growth(a) (b) UNITED STATES KFC 5,443 5,525 5,524 5,472 5,399 – Pizza Hut 7,566 7,500 7,523 7,599 7,719 (1%) Taco Bell 5,845 5,900 5,989 6,165 6,444 (3%) Long John Silver’s 1,169 1,200 1,204 1,221 – NM A&W 449 485 576 665 – NM Total U.S.(c) 20,472 20,610 20,822 21,126 19,562 (1%) INTERNATIONAL KFC 6,307 6,084 5,944 5,698 5,465 4% Pizza Hut 4,701 4,528 4,357 4,249 4,123 3% Taco Bell 243 237 247 261 239 – Long John Silver’s 34 34 31 28 – NM A&W 229 210 183 182 – NM Total International 11,514 11,093 10,762 10,418 9,827 4% CHINA KFC 1,981 1,657 1,410 1,192 951 20% Pizza Hut 305 246 204 182 149 10% Taco Bell 2 1 1 – – NM A&W – – – 6 – NM Total China(d) 2,291 1,905 1,615 1,380 1,100 18% Total(c)(d) 34,277 33,608 33,199 32,924 30,489 1% (a) Compounded annual growth rate; total U.S., International, China and Worldwide exclude the impact of Long John Silver’s and A&W. (b) Compounded annual growth rate excludes the impact of transferring 30 units from Taco Bell U.S. to Taco Bell International in 2002. (c) Includes 6 and 4 Yan Can units in 2003 and 2002, respectively. (d) Includes 3 units and 1 unit in 2005 and 2004, respectively, for an Asian food concept in China. BREAKDOWN OF WORLDWIDE SYSTEM UNITS Unconsolidated Year-end 2005 Company Affiliate Franchised Licensed Total UNITED STATES KFC 1,155 – 4,209 79 5,443 Pizza Hut 1,655 – 4,599 1,312 7,566 Taco Bell 1,252 – 3,803 790 5,845 Long John Silver’s 611 – 558 – 1,169 A&W 13 – 436 – 449 Total U.S. 4,686 – 13,605 2,181 20,472 INTERNATIONAL KFC 744 351 5,151 61 6,307 Pizza Hut 631 745 3,234 91 4,701 Taco Bell – – 201 42 243 Long John Silver’s – – 33 1 34 A&W – – 229 – 229 Total International 1,375 1,096 8,848 195 11,514 CHINA KFC 1,241 552 188 – 1,981 Pizza Hut 280 – 25 – 305 Taco Bell 2 – – – 2 Total China(a) 1,526 552 213 – 2,291 Total(a) 7,587 1,648 22,666 2,376 34,277 (a) Includes 3 units in 2005 for an Asian food concept in China. WORLDWIDE UNITS Yum! BRANDS 34 MCDONALD’S 32 2005 (in thousands) SUBWAY 25 BURGER KING 11 WENDY’S 10 DOMINO’S PIZZA 8 DAIRY QUEEN 6 POPEYES 2 Yum! Brands, Inc. | 31.
  • 28. Yum! at a glance U.S. SALES BY DAYPART BY DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL Dinner 55% Lunch 37% Dine Out 80% Snacks/Breakfast 8% Dine In 20% Dinner 63% Lunch 28% Dine Out 75% Snacks/Breakfast 9% Dine In 25% Dinner 40% Lunch 47% Dine Out 75% Snacks/Breakfast 13% Dine In 25% Dinner 51% Lunch 46% Dine Out 59% Snacks/Breakfast 3% Dine In 41% Dinner 35% Lunch 45% Dine Out 51% Snacks/Breakfast 20% Dine In 49% 32. | Yum! Brands, Inc. Source: The NPD Group, Inc.; NPD Foodworld; CREST
  • 29. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW China Division and International Division expansion • China Division and International Division system-sales YUM! Brands, Inc. and Subsidiaries (collectively referred growth (local currency) to as “YUM” or the “Company”) comprises the worldwide • Number of new China Division and International operations of KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silver’s Division restaurant openings (“LJS”) and A&W All-American Food Restaurants (“A&W”) • Net China Division and International Division (collectively “the Concepts”) and is the world’s largest quick unit growth service restaurant (“QSR”) company based on the number of Multibrand innovation and expansion system units. LJS and A&W were added when YUM acquired • Number of multibrand restaurant locations Yorkshire Global Restaurants, Inc. (“YGR”) on May 7, 2002. • Number of multibrand units added YUM is the second largest QSR company outside the U.S. • Number of franchise multibrand units added with over 13,800 units. YUM became an independent, Portfolio of category-leading U.S. brands publicly-owned company on October 6, 1997 (the “Spin-off • U.S. blended same store sales growth Date”) via a tax-free distribution of our Common Stock (the • U.S. system sales growth “Distribution” or “Spin-off”) to the shareholders of our former Global franchise fees parent, PepsiCo, Inc. (“PepsiCo”). • New restaurant openings by franchisees Through its Concepts, YUM develops, operates, fran- • Franchise fee growth chises and licenses a system of both traditional and Strong cash generation and returns non-traditional QSR restaurants. Traditional units feature • Cash generated from all sources dine-in, carryout and, in some instances, drive-thru or delivery • Cash generated from all sources after services. Non-traditional units, which are typically licensed capital spending outlets, include express units and kiosks which have a more • Restaurant margins limited menu and operate in non-traditional locations like Our progress against these measures is discussed malls, airports, gasoline service stations, convenience stores, throughout the Management’s Discussion and Analysis stadiums, amusement parks and colleges, where a full-scale (“MD&A”). traditional outlet would not be practical or efficient. Throughout the MD&A, the Company provides the The retail food industry, in which the Company competes, percentage change excluding the impact of foreign currency is made up of supermarkets, supercenters, warehouse translation. These amounts are derived by translating current stores, convenience stores, coffee shops, snack bars, deli- year results at prior year average exchange rates. We believe catessens and restaurants (including the QSR segment), and the elimination of the foreign currency translation impact is intensely competitive with respect to food quality, price, provides better year-to-year comparability without the distor- service, convenience, location and concept. The industry tion of foreign currency fluctuations. is often affected by changes in consumer tastes; national, This MD&A should be read in conjunction with our regional or local economic conditions; currency fluctuations; Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 54 through 57 demographic trends; traffic patterns; the type, number and the Cautionary Statements on page 49. All Note refer- and location of competing food retailers and products; and ences herein refer to the Notes to the Consolidated Financial disposable purchasing power. Each of the Concepts compete Statements on pages 58 through 81. Tabular amounts with international, national and regional restaurant chains are displayed in millions except per share and unit count as well as locally-owned restaurants, not only for customers, amounts, or as otherwise specifically identified. but also for management and hourly personnel, suitable real estate sites and qualified franchisees. FACTORS AFFECTING COMPARABILITY Our business consists of three reporting segments: United OF 2005 RESULTS TO 2004 RESULTS AND States, the International Division and the China Division. The 2004 RESULTS TO 2003 RESULTS China Division includes mainland China (“China”), Thailand and KFC Taiwan and the International Division includes the International Reporting Changes In 2005, we began remainder of our international operations. reporting information for our international business in two The Company’s key strategies are: separate operating segments as a result of changes to our Building dominant restaurant brands in China management reporting structure. The China Division includes Driving profitable international expansion mainland China (“China”), Thailand and KFC Taiwan, and the Improving restaurant operations International Division includes the remainder of our interna- Multibranding category-leading brands tional operations. While this reporting change did not impact The Company is focused on fi ve long-term measures our consolidated results, segment information for previous identified as essential to our growth and progress. These periods has been restated to be consistent with the current fi ve measures and related key performance indicators are period presentation. as follows: Yum! Brands, Inc. | 33.
  • 30. Beginning in 2005, we also changed the China business $38 million (net of tax benefits of $20 million), a reduction reporting calendar to more closely align the timing of the of both basic and diluted earnings per share of $0.13 per reporting of its results of operations with our U.S. business. share, a reduction of $87 million in cash flows from oper- Previously our China business, like the rest of our international ating activities and an increase of $87 million in cash flows businesses, closed one month (or one period for certain of from financing activities. our international businesses) earlier than YUM’s period end The following table shows the 2005 quarterly after-tax date to facilitate consolidated reporting. To maintain compa- effect of adoption of SFAS 123R on the previously reported rability of our consolidated results of operations, amounts first three quarters of 2005. related to our China business for December 2004 have not First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter been reflected in our Consolidated Statements of Income Net Diluted Net Diluted Net Diluted and net income of the China business of $6 million for the Income EPS Income EPS Income EPS one month period ending December 31, 2004 was recog- Reported results nized as an adjustment directly to consolidated retained prior to SFAS 123R earnings in the year to date ended December 31, 2005. adoption $ 161 $ 0.53 $ 187 $ 0.62 $ 214 $ 0.72 Our consolidated results of operations for the year to date Impact of SFAS 123R ended December 31, 2005 include the results of opera- adoption (8) (0.03) (9) (0.03) (9) (0.03) tions of the China business for the months of January, 2005 Results subsequent through December, 2005. Our consolidated results of opera- to SFAS 123R tions for the years to date ended December 25, 2004 and adoption $ 153 $ 0.50 $ 178 $ 0.59 $ 205 $ 0.69 December 27, 2003 continue to include the results of opera- tions of the China business for the months December, 2003 We also have included the following tables detailing the through November, 2004 and December, 2002 through additional expense by quarter, by segment and by financial November, 2003, respectively, as previously reported. statement line item of the impact of adoption of SFAS 123R as well as the related decrease in operating profit, income Adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards tax benefit and decrease in net income. The numbers as No. 123R, “Share-Based Payment” In the fourth quarter presented have been rounded to accommodate our financial 2005, the Company adopted SFAS No. 123 (Revised 2004), statement presentation conventions. However, unrounded “Share-Based Payment” (“SFAS 123R”), which replaces expense by segment is relatively consistent throughout all SFAS No. 123 “Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation” quarters relative to actual number of days in the quarter. (“SFAS 123”), supersedes APB 25, “Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees” and related interpretations and amends Quarter ended March 19, 2005 SFAS No. 95, “Statement of Cash Flows.” The provisions Inter- Unallo- U.S. national China cated Total of SFAS 123R are similar to those of SFAS 123, however, SFAS 123R requires all new, modified and unvested share- Payroll and based payments to employees, including grants of employee employee benefits $2 $1 $— $— $ 3 General and stock options and restricted stock, be recognized in the finan- administrative 3 2 1 4 10 cial statements as compensation cost over the service period Operating profit $5 $3 $ 1 $ 4 13 based on their fair value on the date of grant. Compensation cost is recognized over the service period on a straight-line Income tax benefit (5) basis for the fair value of awards that actually vest. Net income impact $ 8 We adopted SFAS 123R using the modified retrospec- tive application transition method effective September 4, Quarter ended June 11, 2005 2005, the beginning of our fourth quarter. As permitted by Inter- Unallo- SFAS 123R, we applied the modified retrospective applica- U.S. national China cated Total tion transition method to the beginning of the fiscal year of Payroll and adoption (our fiscal year 2005). As such, the first three fiscal employee benefits $2 $— $— $— $ 2 quarters of 2005 are required to be adjusted to recognize General and the compensation cost previously reported in the pro forma administrative 3 2 1 5 11 footnote disclosures under the provisions of SFAS 123. Operating profit $5 $ 2 $ 1 $ 5 13 However, years prior to 2005 have not been restated. Income tax benefit (4) The adoption of SFAS 123R in 2005 resulted in the Net income impact $ 9 reduction of operating profit of $58 million ($10 million in payroll and employee benefits and $48 million in general and administrative expense), a reduction of net income of 34. | Yum! Brands, Inc.