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Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in
Unfriendly Places
It’s not often that you hear about an invention that was modeled after bird poop,
but there’s a first time for everything. In fact, this fecally-inspired device could
ultimately be responsible for reforesting billion of acres of parched land, and it just
won Popular Science’s Best Invention 2010 award. It’s called the Groasis
Waterboxx, and it’s a low-tech product that helps seeds or saplings grow into
strong trees in eroded, arid and rocky environments.
When a bird poops out a seed, the accompanying excrement forms a cap over the
seed, which prevents water in the soil from evaporating. That, essentially, is how
the Waterboxx works. The device has a tubular opening in the middle, through
which one or two saplings or seeds can be planted or sown directly into the soil.
Users then add 15 liters (4 gallons) of water to the box’s internal reservoir, as well
as three liters (one gallon) down the tube.
The outside top surface of the box is designed to collect rainwater and deliver it to the
reservoir, while the inside is designed to collect condensation from the air at night. The
box itself shields the ground from the evaporative effects of the sun and wind, protects
the sapling from wildlife, and maintains a fairly even soil temperature. A small wick in its
underside releases about 50ml of water from the reservoir into the soil every day. At
night, the water-filled reservoir helps to insulate the seed/sapling, while it also helps to
cool it during the day.
The water that the box disperses seeps down into the soil, creating a capillary water
column that the sapling’s roots will follow as it grows. Once the roots reach the natural
water table, the sapling will experience a growth spurt, which is an indication that the
box can be removed.
All of this sounds good in theory, but does it actually work? Well, the Waterboxx was
tested for a period of three years in the Sahara Desert, by the Mohammed I University of
Oujda in Morocco. During that time, some trees were grown with the box, while some
were grown without, but still watered regularly. In the end, 88 percent of the boxed trees
grew up to be strong, while 11 percent were considered weak. With the unboxed trees,
however, only 10.5 percent turned out strong, while 89.5 percent died.
The Waterboxx is the creation of Pieter Hoff, a Dutch inventor who believes that planting trees
can undo mankind’s damage to the planet. “The Tree solution is simple,” he said. “If we unbind
more CO2 atoms from the air with trees than we put in the air through fossil fuels, then the
climate problem is solved. Mankind produces annually 8,4 billion tons of CO2 through using
fossil fuels. One acre of trees unbinds an average two tons of CO2 molecules in harmless C and
O atoms. The C atoms are fixed in wood and the O atoms are put in the air. So if we plant 5
billion extra acres of trees producing food, then these trees unbind 10 billion extra tons of CO2.
That's more than we pollute.”
The Groasis Waterboxx
The essence of the Groasis technology lies in the Groasis Waterboxx. This instrument
collects condensation and the rare rainwater in a smart way and distributes it to the young
tree roots in minimal, exactly right quantities.
Condensation and rain is collected in the Groasis Waterboxx. With proper design and
storage, we prevent the evaporation of this water. The exactly correct slope, and the low
adhesion of the water to the Waterboxx cover, guarantee that the water enters the reservoir.
Then, the Groasis Waterboxx, by means of a wick, distributes exactly the right daily
requirement of water to the roots of the young tree. In this way, a heavy rain shower of ten
minutes once a year, can be apportioned to the plant over the next 300+ days - or until the
next rain shower. This capturing and apportioning of water gives the young plant enough
time to search for natural capillary water deep in even desert soil.
How Can Roots Penetrate Hard Soil
The young tree is placed in the middle of the Groasis Waterboxx which is placed almost on
top of - just below - the hard soil. The small daily quantity of water apportioned to the tree,
moisturizes the soil under the reservoir without danger of evaporation. This water restores
the natural capillarity of the soil. In these 'vertical water canals', the roots find their way
without any problem - even through stones and rocks. Trees have been doing this for
millions of years. This phenomenon of restored capillarity is also found when you turn
over a tile, even if it has been lying in the sun for quite some time. Under it you will find
moist soil.
What about Condensation
Early in the morning on a sultry summer day, cars are covered with a generous layer of
condensation. If that water could be drained off to a reservoir from which it can no longer
evaporate, and if that process of condensation and draining could be repeated a several
times, then we could quickly collect a huge quantity of water. There are deserts with a
relative atmospheric humidity of 65%, which condenses during the nocturnal drop in
temperature. The problem is that this condensation immediately evaporates when the sun
comes up. With the Groasis Waterboxx, this no longer is the case; it collects and stores the
condensation at once.
What about Rain
In most of the deserts there is more rain than we imagine; in many areas, there is between
150 to 250 mm per year. That is 150 to 250 liter per m2! In some dry areas, like Eritrea,
the average rainfall is even 1000 liters per m2 a year. Normally that water would evaporate
in no time; but the Groasis Waterboxx does not allow this - it immediately stores it!
How can the Groasis Technology help us to Combat
Every research plan starts with phrasing a question, or in the case of Groasis, with phrasing questions:
 Can we solve the CO2 problem?
 Can we find the 1.75 billion hectares of land we need to do this?
 Can we find forestry zones without using fertile farmland?
 Can we use worthless, once forested semi-deserts?
 Can we plant trees on rocky surfaces and mountain slopes?
 Can we reforest disaster areas?
 Can we do this without expensive and non-available irrigation systems?
 Can we grow trees on location?
 Can we create an economic boost through forestry?
The answer to all these questions is: YES!
The only thing we need is the willpower to really do it! Groasis technology
makes it possible!
What is Groasis?
Groasis has been founded by Pieter Hoff, a former lilybreeder, grower and exporter.
Through his experience in the flower industry Pieter Hoff learned that worldwide ground
water levels decline with high speed. If things don’t change, mankind is out of irrigation
water within a few centuries. This thought created the foundation of his company that
focuses on the development of producing water from air techniques.
When do I use the Groasis Waterboxx?
The Groasis Waterboxx can be used in circumstances where a tree does not get enough
water to have the possibility to get started. So the instrument is meant to use in
circumstances where there is enough water once the tree has its roots in the soil. On most
places on earth, for instance in almost all deserts, there is enough in the soil. The problem
is that the seed or the young tree needs a few months or a year help to get deep enough
with its roots. You can compare the Groasis Waterboxx with a young seed. In nature it is
planted on the soil with the manure of the animal that sticks it to the soil and protects it
from eating and from drying out. And by sowing it on the soil the capillary is not
destroyed and erosion cannot blow away the soil. Once the seed is germinated and its roots
are deep enough, it survives and grows.
The Groasis Waterboxx copies that natural process: it helps the seed or young tree
germinate and develop its roots into the soil until it can survive by its own.
How does the Groasis Waterboxx work?
It collects water through capture of rain and produces water through production of condensation, it
stimulates capillary and prevents evaporation caused by the sun and prevents competition caused by
competitive herbs. It provides its collected water to the tree over a long period of time. Because of this
it can play an important role in CO2 capture, anti-erosion and anti-desertification programs, food- and
wood production.
• With the Groasis Waterboxx a tree is planted on top of the soil, so that the capillary is not be
destroyed when planting the tree.
• In the middle of the Groasis Waterboxx there is space to put a seed, a plant or a tree.
• This plant can develop its roots under the Groasis Waterboxx.
• The Groasis Waterboxx produces water via artificial condensation.
• It collects rainwater.
• It distributes the collected water to the plant on a daily base.
• It stimulates the rise of the capillary water to the top of the soil under the Groasis Waterboxx.
• It prevents evaporation of the capillary water.
• It prevents the development of weeds around the plant.
• It prevents grazing of the plants by a certain variety of animals.
• It prevents erosion of the soil around the plant.
• It prevents heating of the soil around the plant.
• It stimulates a balanced temperature in the root area.
• The advantage of planting on the soil is that the Groasis Waterboxx can also be used for planting on
How many years do I use the Groasis
In principle the Groasis Waterboxx is used until the moment that the tree can survive on its
own. Normally that is after 6 months up to one year. We expect that the Groasis Waterboxx
can be used around 10 years so that you can use it for 10 to 20 trees/bushes.
What are the differences between the Groasis
Waterboxx and classic irrigation?
 Classic irrigation is not sustainable. It uses groundwater and the levels of groundwater deepen
every year. The Groasis Waterboxx is sustainable.
 The Groasis Waterboxx is cheap. If you want to start with classic irrigation you need to drill a
well, install a pump and a water pipe network and have an electric installation. For the Groasis
Waterboxx this is not necessary: just buy a few or a lot and install them.
 With the Groasis Waterboxx you can plant on rocks. Drill a well in rocks and install a network of
water pipes is almost impossible on rocks.
 For classic irrigation in deserts we need to install power installations of electricity. For the
Groasis Waterboxx this is not necessary.
 For Groasis we need very small trees or even seed. That is cheap too.
Is the Groasis Waterboxx only interesting in
The Groasis Waterboxx is used for replantation of degraded farmland without using
irrigation, and thus making it profitable. It saves up to 97% of water while planting. After
4 years of tests we noticed that trees planted with the Waterboxx in moderate climates also
show an average growth stimulant of around 15% to 30% extra biomass.
How can the Waterboxx perform for fruit tree
farming specially for the trees that grow big like
a mango, fig, sweet lime, orange and many
As you have understood, the Groasis Waterboxx is a part of a planting technology. Its function is to
bring the roots 3 meters deep in the first year. After that it has no function anymore. The box contains
only 16 liters of water while a big tree maybe evaporates 10 liters per day. Because its roots are over 3
meters deep, the tree takes the water from there and it survives without the box. For this reason we take
off the box after one year and plant the next one.
So never mix the idea of planting technology (= GroasisTechnology incl. Waterboxx) or irrigation (=
giving water while the tree is big).
The advantage of the Greenboxx is that we leave the box and that he creates optimum circumstances
even after a year, since the Greenboxx while degrading will keep a bit humidity around the stem and
will cool down the soil around the stem
How long does the tree need the Waterboxx?
As soon as you see that the trees starts to grow faster –just notice the growing speed of the young branches- it has
reached the ground water and it is able to survive without the box. You just lift it to take it off, replace the old wick with
a new one, and re-use the box for the next tree.
When should the Groasis Waterboxx be lifted
from the tree?
If the growth of the trees goes well, you can sometimes even plant more than one tree per year. You lift
the Groasis Waterboxx off the tree as soon as you see that the branches really start to grow fast. This is
the sign the tree gives you that he is not growing anymore from the water in the Groasis Waterboxx, but
that he found water deep in the soil. In most circumstances, we find that the tree is independent from
the Waterboxx after 9 months. You then lift it, replace the wick with a new one, and use the Groasis
Waterboxx for the next tree.
What if there are no rocks to cover the ground?
When you lift off the Groasis waterboxx the tree, cover the ground. The best way to do that is with
stones, but any other material will also work. If there are no stones, use straw, weeds, grass or palm
leaves. If you do not have this, you can think of mulch, cardboard or clothes. If that is not possible, you
can cover the ground with loose soil.
Is it advisable to use compost and/or manure?
It is really useful to work with compost if you have it. The trees will grow to 50% faster and will also
be healthier. If you have manure, then mix it through your compost. Be careful though: to young
manure burns your roots. Manure must be at least one year old before you mix it through your compost.
What do I have to do after I’ve taken the
Waterboxx away?
You take off the box, put a cloth made of a natural material (cotton, hemp, coco, wool, etc.) on the same
place as where the box was in order to keep the capillary column intact, cover the cloth with 10 cm of
sand (4 inches) to prevent it from blowing away and use the box for the next tree. You can also put no
cloth but only sand if there is no danger of the sand being blown away.
Is the Groasis Waterboxx re-usable?
Yes, you can use the Groasis Waterboxx approximately 10 times in 10 years. Read about here.
Can I plant everything everywhere with the
Groasis Technology?
Planting can be done seamlessly. But it is important to select the right species. After a year without the
Waterboxx, you want your tree to keep on surviving. Follow the next steps to make sure your tree will
1) When you want to plant a tree it is necessary that you choose one that is able to survive under the
circumstances. Your variety has to have the ability to resist the temperature and to live with the
available amount of precipitation;
2) If temperatures are above +40 C, you can only plant varieties who can resist this. If you have 200⁰
mm of rainfall, you cannot plant varieties who need more than 200 mm to survive;
With this simple rules, you will always have success!
Do you have any minimum humidity
requirements for using in deserts?
No, we even plant in the north of Chile and high, above 4,000 meters in the Andes, where the relative
and absolute humidity is extremely low.
Can the Groasis Waterboxx be used on rocky
Yes, the Groasis Technology mimics the principles of nature. On this page you find an explanation
about planting on rocks and here you find information about combating desertification.
We also suffer from goats, is there something
that can prevent that?
If you look on this page: you can see the Growsafe Telescoprotexx plant protector. It protects the plant
against grazing animals and it balances the climate
We have strong winds, is this a problem for the
Groasis Waterboxx?
No, winds are not a problem for the Groasis Waterboxx. Look at the strong winds in Dubai in this
video:. We even offer wind protectors to make sure the Groasis Waterboxx will stay in the right place.
You can find them in the Groasis shop:
What is a good and cheap way of fencing an area
where you plant trees?
If you want to fence an area, then think of planting 3 rows of bushes, and in between some trees that
have dangerous picks, such as the cactus or similar species. Please check our newly developed tree
encyclopaedia to find some: http://www.onetrilliontrees.com/en. This is much cheaper than fencing,
and it also creates a better micro climate with less wind.
What is the right planting distance?
For ecosystem restoration we recommend a planting density of 10x10 meters with in each Waterboxx a
tree and a bush that you also see together in nature. We suggest to start with pioneer trees, because these
will create the conditions in which growth and multiplication automatically takes place. And this results
in a higher density and a faster recovery process. For fruit trees it depends on the variety, but according
to the general rule, you should plant a minimum of 400 trees per hectare, because you do not plant two
fruit trees in one Waterboxx.
How do you plant for ecosystem restoration
If you plant for ecosystem restoration purposes, we advise using two species in each Groasis
Waterboxx. Plant a tree and a bush. When possible, make a combination of species of which you can
see in nature that they have a preference for each other. In this way you create a symbiotic effect of
faster growth.
Will the Groasis Waterboxx be damaged while
freezing at temperatures below 0 °C (+32 °F)
and being full with ice?
No, it will not be damaged. The Groasis Waterboxx is designed in such a way that the expanding ice is
able to find room to expand. This is done by designing all the vertical sides in 8°. So when the water
expands to ice between +4 °C to -1 °C (+39,2 °F to +30.2 °F) , the ice can just go a bit higher and find
room for the expansion. It is also important to understand that it doesn't matter whether it is -1 °C
(+30,2 °F) of -30 °C (-22 °F) . Once changed from water into ice – which happens between +4 °C and
-1 °C (+39,2 °F to +30.2 °F) - the ice doesn't exapand any further.
What trees are best suited for the production of
fuel wood?
Please check the document that you find in this link to find some suggestions for trees to use.
Especially the gmelina is a fantastic tree to produce fuel wood.
Does the water in the Waterboxx become dirty
after a while?
The water in the box remains clear and has no problems with bacteria, algae or what so ever.
What type of water can be used for plant
growth? Can you use drink water, dirty water or
salt water?
Yes, all types of water can be used. But with saline water the tree must be able to deal with this kind of
water. In this report, about planting in La Chocolatera in Ecuador, which is one of the hardest places
on earth to plant a tree, you find more information about planting with saline water.
If you use the Groasis Waterboxx in the desert,
do you need water or is the water extraction
from the air sufficient?
You have to use one time 60 litres of water while planting. Afterwards you do not have to refill it
anymore. Watch this video for more explanation.
How many times do I have to refill the
You only fill it one time during planting. The box will then catch enough rain or condensation by itself
to supply the plant one whole year.
How many rain does the Waterboxx need to fill
75 mm (3 inches) of rain is sufficient to fill the box completely.
Will the Groasis Waterboxx be damaged while freezing at temperatures below 0 °C (+32 °F) and being
full with ice?
How will trees survive if the ground water is too
deep in the desert? Can the roots grow so deep
in the soil within one year?
Trees do not survive on groundwater, but on capillary hang water. The deepest roots ever found are 84
meters. Many times groundwater in deserts is deeper than 84 meters. The capillary hang water is the
water that penetrates in the soil during the annual rain. For example:
Suppose you have 300 mm of rain. Of this 300 mm, 100 mm does not penetrate, because the soil is
very hard or because there is a steep slope. Only 200 mm of the precipitation enters. Then you can plant
1. That resist the climate (cold, hot, strong winds);
2. That can survive with 200 mm.
So it is important to understand that:
1. The annual rainfall says nothing about the quantity that enters the soil
2. Trees do not survive from groundwater but from capillary hang water caused by the penetrated
quantity of rainfall.
When the cover of the Waterboxx is covered
with sand and the openings are clogged, does the
condensation process still work?
When the top of the Waterboxx is covered with sand, the condensation does not work. The collection of
rain is no problem, it will still enter the box. If there is no condensation we have less water available.
However, the functionality of condensation is not influencing the box’s planting result. In the whole
Middle East, and many other desert areas, it is so warm at night, that no condensation occurs. We
however still have excellent planting results.
Can I only plant once a year when there is one
rainy season?
You have to distinguish two ways of planting after the first stage:
The first stage is the planting of the saplings in pots. This can be done with either seeds, or via cuttings.
After that you can work in two ways:
1. In two phases. First in a small plug (width x height = app. 6x10cm) and then transplant to a big one
(width x height = app. 12x15cm).
2. In one phase: immediately in a big pot or plastic bag.
I suggest to work in two phases. So first the small plug, then the big pot or plastic bag. The reason is
that the germination of the seeds, or the rooting of the cuttings is a risky process, and if you have only
50% success ratio, you lose little space and little expensive soil.
Always check what the local experiences are, but in general we can say that in the tropics, where day
length is approximately equal, you can sow your seed or make cuttings almost all year round.
Outside the tropics, either in the northern or southern hemisphere, you can plant or sow with the season,
once a year. For the Groasis technology we need saplings that are at least one year old. So after one
year of being in the big plastic bag in the nursery, we bring the saplings to the field.
With the Groasis technology you can plant any day of the year in the tropics. Outside the tropics you
can also plant any day, if the frost is not colder than -5 C (+23 F). When you expect a colder frost, we⁰ ⁰
advise to stop planting after October 1 in the northern hemisphere, and start again after the winter.
More information about the Groasis WaterBoxx
Groasis WaterBoxx
Sahara-Roots Foundation
See the LINKS Below for additional articles on the Groasis
Effect of Evaporation Inhibitors in the Groasis Waterboxx for Growing Food in
Desert Regions
Explanation of the Groasis Technology for Growing Food in Desert Regions
Groasis Waterboxx & the Agua, Vida Naturaleza Project for Growing Food in Desert
Groasis Waterboxx Handbook on Planting Instructions for Trees & Crops in Desert
Groasis Waterboxx Manual for Growing Vegetables in Arid Lands
Water Saving Measures of Using the Groasis Waterboxx in Organic Gardening in
Desert Regions
Making a Week’s Worth of Rain Last the Whole Year
Using the Groasis Waterboxx to Plant New Trees in Desert Regions
Greening the World - Desert Restoration, Reduce CO2, Feed the People & Create
Groasis Waterboxx - Palm Springs Students Test New Planter Designed to Fight
Global Warming, Deforestation, Hunger & Poverty
Groasis Waterboxx Handbook for Planting Methods & Sample of Crop Test Results
for using this method in Arid Lands
Groasis Waterboxx Technology Offers Possible Cure for the Deserts
Making Wasteland Productive again with Disposable Biodegradable Groasis
Austin Sustainable Neighborhoods uses Groasis Waterboxx to Successfully Plant
Trees in Drought Areas
Box Harvest Water in the Driest Place
Científico Pieter Hoff y empresarios preservan naturaleza - Spanish Language
Could We Grow Fruit Trees in the Omani Desert
Dauwdruppels vangen - Dutch Language
De potentie van de Groasis Twinboxx - Dutch Language
Developing a Water Battery for Trees - Groasis Waterboxx
Development & Global Warming in Tanzania
Dutch Invention Could Create Thousands of Jobs in Oman
Elevator Pitches of Innovative Solutions - The Groasis Waterboxx
Experimentos realizados con el Groasis Waterboxx - Spanish Language
Getting Water from the Atmosphere to Grow Biofuels in Very Dry Desert
Getting Water Supplies from Thin Air in Napa Valley for Agriculture
Ghana School Project - Introduction of Waterboxx Technology Facilitates Trees
Planting in Dry Regions
Gobierno Municipal aporta con recursos - Spanish language
Green Paws University Students use Groasis Waterboxx to Save Water in the
Garden, Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts & Science, India
Groasis for Trees - Growing Trees in Dry Areas of the World
Groasis Technology Compared to Drip Irrigation for Landscaping
Groasis Technology Compared to Drip Irrigation, Reviewing Harvest Production &
Crop Revenues
Groasis Tree Boxes - Winning Big, Science Fair, 2013 at San Luis Valley, California
Groasis Waterbox used by Master Gardeners of Hill Country, Texas, to Save Water
Groasis Waterboxx - Intelligent Water Collection Device
Groasis Waterboxx - Legado Verde, unprecedented agro-forestry project in Mexico
- Spanish Language
Groasis Waterboxx - Marin County Students Use Award Winning Green Technology
Groasis Waterboxx - Popular Science Winner of Best of What's New in 2010
Groasis Waterboxx - The Importance of Growing Native Plants in Difficult Areas
Groasis Waterboxx & Galapagos Islands Greening Project
Groasis Waterboxx Biomimicry Technology Can Be Used to Restore
Morocco.Deserts & Eroded Areas, Using Little Water & Soil
Groasis Waterboxx Solves Water Depletion Problems
Groasis Waterboxx Supports the Growth of Young Plants under Dry Conditions
without Using Electricity & with Reduced Water Usage
Groasis Waterboxx Worldwide Experimental Program 2010
Growing Trees in Deserts with Minimal Water Use - The Groasis Waterboxx
In Harsh & Inhospitable Environments, with Hot Days & Cold Nights, the Groasis
Waterboxx Creates a Temperate & Moist Earthen Nursery for Protecting &
Nurturing Seeds into Trees with a Self Replenishing Source of Drip Irrigation
Informe de experimentos Groasis Waterboxx en Galápagos - Spanish Language
La Groasis waterboxx, solución de vanguardia a los problemas de la deforestación
- Spanish Language
La Groasis Waterboxx, Una caja para sembrar en el desierto - Spanish Language
Los Desiertos Verdes - Spanish Language
Madagascar Community Outreach Conservation - Using Groasis Boxes to Establish
in Situ Seedlings
Making Re-Greening Possible by Using the Groasis Waterboxx
Marin County, California, Students Combat Global Warming by Helping Plants,
Trees & Vegetables Grow in Places Where Groundwater is in Short Supply
Master Gardeners at Mesilla Valley Bosque, Doña Ana County, Arizona, use Groasis
Waterboxx to Save Water
MRHI to Participate in Waterboxx Project
Napa Valley, California - Getting Water Supplies from Thin Air by Using the
New Tree Planting Project Aims to Make Qatar Greener
No rotundo a la desertización - Spanish Language
On a Mission - Groasis Helps Trees Grow without Groundwater or Electricity in
Challenging Environments
Planting for Arid Areas, Using Groasis Boxes to Reduce Water Usage by 80 Percent
Project Green Deserts Analysis Report
proyecto agua vida naturaleza - reporte de actividades de árboles frutales y
maderables - Spanish Language
Rangeland Rehabilitation & Reforestation - Using Groasis Boxes
Recent Innovations - Groasis Waterboxx - Producing & Capturing Water from the
Recréer des conditions favorables aux plantations forestières : test en Provence du
système Groasis - French Language
Report on Adopting Groasis Waterboxx for Water Saving Measures at the La
PrimaVera Coop - Spanish Language
Resultados preliminares del proyecto Los Desiertos Verdes - Spanish Language
Resumen y características del Groasis Waterboxx - Spanish Language
Roadside Tree Got Inventor to Think Outside the Boxx
Saving Water at California’s Wineries
Seven Schools in Coachella Valley, California, Will Help in Test of New Planter
Designed for Arid Climates
Smart Solutions for Global Warming - The Groasis Waterboxx, Using Nature’s Way
to Water Trees
Sonoma County, California - Groasis Waterboxx Collects Moisture that Helps Plants
Grow in Drier Climates
Teaching Plants to Grow in Arid Places, Helping to Meet the World's Food Needs
The Balancing Effect on Temperatures of the Groasis Waterboxx
The Green Deserts Project - Using the Waterboxx
The Groasis Waterboxx - A Top Ten Global Invention comes to the Valley, La
Quinta, California
The Groasis Waterboxx - Scaling Up Ecological Restoration
The Groasis Waterboxx - Using Nature’s Way to Water Trees
Think Science Enviromental Award for Groasis Water Box at Al Maali International
Thinking Inside the Groasis Waterboxx Solves Deforestation, Water Depletion,
Food Shortage
Top Ten Global Invention To Be Tested In The Coachella Valley
Tree Grew 130cm in 6 Months Using Waterboxx Technology
Trees in the Desert Innovation - Groasis Waterboxx
Un equipo de la UVA instalará 25.000 'waterbox' en cinco provincias, tres en CyL,
para reforestar 63 hectáreas - Spanish Language
Washington, D.C. Elementary School Introduces New Tree Planting Technology
Water Battery Enables Tree Growth in Dry Regions
Water Saving Initiative Seeks to Increase Green Cover in Jordon
Water Saving Invention - the Groasis Waterboxx
Water Saving Technology Tested at Mondavi Winery in California
Waterboxx - Galápagos Verde 2050 - Greening Galapagos Island
Waterboxx Could Save California Winery 145,000 Gallons a Year
Waterboxx maakt woestijn groen - Dutch Language
Waterboxx Training Course in Santiago del Estero
What is the Green Galapagos 2050 Project
Wir setzen die Waterboxx an drei - ausgewählten Projektstandorten ein - German
INCREASING Plant Yields by 400 PERCENT
FREE Catalog about Eco Farming Books and Organic Gardening Books, DVD’s and Much More
Free Organic Gardening and Sustainable Farming Publications
Links to FREE WATER WISE Gardening, DROUGHT Gardening, XERISCAPE Gardening
MANUALS, Books and Much More
Links to Green Churches, Eco Justice, Green Faith and Much More
Gleaning food for the Poor, your Local Foodbank and Soup Kitchens.
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Your Local Foodbank Needs You
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SOLAR ENERGY TRAINING and Development Projects
Dean's Coffee Beans Eco Development Projects - Organic and Fair Trade
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The Complete Handbook of Solar Air Heating Systems; by Steve Kornher
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Solar Air Conditioning
austinsolarac.com solair-project.eu solarac.com
Solar Air Conditioning Systems Reports
scribd.com/doc/98701673 scribd.com/doc/98701344 scribd.com/doc/98701597
scribd.com/doc/98701255 scribd.com/doc/98700062
BUILD INTO THE FUTURE - Super Energy Efficient
Indestructible Homes, Buildings, Schools, Churches, Gyms, Storage
Fire Proof, Earthquake Proof, Hurricane Proof, Tornado Proof, Tidal Wave Proof, almost bomb proof
http://monolithic.com http://jctropicalhomes.com http://trinitydome.com
Grow Your Food in a Monolithic Cabin Grow-Dome
Super Energy Efficient LED grow lights:
KALWALL - http://kalwall.com
- Kalwall is the most Highly Insulating and Energy Efficient, Light-transmitting,
structural panel Technology in the World
WIND Energy
The USA Has Enough Harnessable Wind Energy To Satisfy National Electricity
Needs Several Times Over
http://scribd.com/doc/98686137 http://calameo.com/books/00151033646cd9b000046
MICRO HYDRO Power Generation
http://microhydropower.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_hydro
http://theramcompany.com http://gravi-chek.com
WAVE Energy Generation Technologies
Straight VEGETABLE OIL Cars, Trucks, Electric Generators, Water Pumps-Irrigation
Straight Vegetable Oil Links to Books, Manuals, Articles and Much More
Straight Vegetable Oil: On-Site Energy Self-Sufficiency
VEGETABLE OIL Electric Generators
Vegetable Oil Heating Systems
Heat your Home, Greenhouses and Buildings with Straight Vegetable Oil or Used Cooking Oils
Waste Vegetable Oil for Heating Greenhouses
Rooftop Greenhouse and Vegetable Oil Bio-Diesel
Sunburst Central Heating Systems using Firewood or Wood Pellets
Small Scale Electricity Generation from Vegetable Oil
Change Used Cooking Oil into Diesel Fuel
Details of Using Vegetable Oil Cars
book: SVO: Powering Your Vehicle With Straight Vegetable Oil; by Forest Gregg
book: Sliding Home: A Near Perfect Primer on SVO; by Ray L. Holan
book: The Edge of Veg: An Introduction to Running Diesel Engines on Vegetable Oil; by Stephan Helbig
book: Greasy Rider: Two Dudes, One Fry-Oil-Powered Car, and a Cross-Country Search for a Greener
Future; by Greg Melville
Veg My Ride: Teaches you how to Convert your Car to Straight Vegetable Oil; director:
Franklin Lopez
dvd: Straight Vegetable Oil Seminar 2006; by Golden Fuel Systems
dvd: Greasy Rider; director: Joey Carey
dvd: Liquid Gold: Gathering and Filtering Waste Vegetable Oil for Fuel; by Charles Anderson
Straight VEGETABLE OIL Cars Websites
http://rapsbil.dk http://www.powerswitch.org.uk
http://www.biotrieb.org http://www.tanklust.de
http://www.organicmechanic.com http://www.regenatec.com
book: Worms Eat My Garbage; by Mary Appelhof
librarything.com/129657 books.google.com/Z-FjPwAACAAJ
http://wormdigest.org http://wormbooks.com
http://vermico.com http://www.wormwoman.com
Composting Waterless Toilets
librarything.com/606354 scribd.com/doc/8193483 librarything.com/work/606534
librarything.com/work/4546863 librarything.com/work/10182207
librarything.com/work/5011494 librarything.com/work/10365968
Keep Our Country Strong Like a Rock
Please Support your LOCAL Organic FAMILY Farmers
Organic Consumers Association
Why be Sick?
Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants, Healthy People
Let our food be our medicine, and our medicine be our food.
~ Hippocrates
Your Wealth is your Health (Wholeness).
book: Vegetarian Health Recipes for Super Energy and Long Life; by Paul C. Bragg
librarything.com/10453101 books.google.com/xHR2MQAACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/259194344
book: The Blood Sugar Solution: The Ultra Healthy Program for Losing Weight; by Hyman
librarything.com/work/12046920 books.google.com/Go7P3iHN994C
SoilSoup Compost Tea
SoilSoup Compost Tea is an excellent soil builder and organic fertilizer.
Soil Soup is very easy to handle and use.
Growing Solutions
Earthworm Tea
Remineralize your Soil
Soil Regeneration with Volcanic Rock Dust
Volcanic Rock Dust added to soil can double plant or lawn growth.
book: The Biochar Solution: Carbon Farming and Climate Change; by Albert K. Bates
librarything.com/10598718 books.google.com/ppEVwFVcLysC
http://www.biocharsolution.com http://eprida.com
http://www.biocharsolution.com http://biochar-books.com
book: How to Grow World Record Tomatoes; by Charles Wilber
Effective Micro-Organisms
Effective Micro-Organisms properly combined with Volcanic Rock Dust can increase Productivity by
200 percent to 400 percent.
In Thailand, soil properly treated increased productivity by over 400 percent.
book: Our Future Reborn: EM Technology Changes The World; by Dr. Teruo Higa
book: An Earth Saving Revolution II: EM - amazing applications to Agricultural,
Environmental, and Medical Problems; by Teruo Higa
book: Nature Farming and Microbial Applications; by Hui-Lian Xu
SWAP your Books with Other People
Seaweed Gardening
Institute for Simplified Hydroponics
http://www.carbon.org http://www.growingedge.com
http://growbiointensive.org http://www.squarefootgardening.com
Aquaponics Journal
backyardaquaponics.com aquaponicsjournal.com
Aquaponics UK and Australia
ukaquaponics.org aquaponics.org.uk aquaponics.net.au diyaquaponics.com
Aquaponics Systems and GREEN ROOFS MANUALS
Aquaponic Gardening: A Step-By-Step Guide to Raising Vegetables; by Sylvia Bernstein
librarything.com/11672554 books.google.com/iiT7GbUoauUC worldcat.org/oclc/709681564
Aquaponic Food Product: Raising fish and plants for food and profit; by Rebecca L. Nelson
librarything.com/11556695 books.google.com/da1fPgAACAAJ aquaponics.com.au
Small Scale Aquaculture: A Hobbyist's Guide for Growing Fish in Recirculating Systems, Greenhouses,
Cages And Flowing Water; by Steven D. Van Gorder
librarything.com/1891250 books.google.com/ON2wAAAACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/50995488
book: Gardening with Heirloom Seeds; by Lynn Coulter
librarything.com/1857555 books.google.com/1uya8RqUs8kC
book: Heirloom Vegetable Gardening: A Master Gardener's Guide; by William Woys Weaver
librarything.com/376857 books.google.com/pqrTGwAACAAJ
book: The Edible Heirloom Garden; by Rosalind Creasy
librarything.com/1141998 books.google.com/-OkJAQAAMAAJ
book: Heirloom Vegetables: A Home Gardener's Guide; by Sue Stickland
worldcat.org/oclc/37310883 librarything.com/141693
book: Edible Flower Garden; by Rosalind Creasy
librarything.com/326878 books.google.com/AwGJVW948mwC
The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food; by Janisse Ray
librarything.com/12583401 books.google.com/TKLJxZPdyyQC worldcat.org/oclc/759171799
book: Vertical Gardening: Grow Up, Not Out, for More Vegetables and Flowers in Much Less Space; by
Derek Fell
book: Garden Up: Smart Vertical Gardening for Small and Large Spaces; by Susan Morrison
book: Gardening Vertically: 24 Ideas for Creating Your Own Green Walls; by Noemie Vialard
book: Vertical Vegetables and Fruit: Creative Gardening Techniques for Growing Up in Small Spaces; by
Rhonda Massingham Hart
book: Vertical Gardening: Climbing Plants, Hanging Plants, Trellises, Wall Plantings, Terraces, Steep
Banks, Window Boxes; by Caroline Boisset
book: Vertical Garden: From Nature to the City; by Patrick Blanc
book: Vertical Gardens: Bringing the City to Life; by Anna Lambertini
book: Vertical Garden: Construction And Analysis Of A Portable Vertical Plantscape; by Janani Kannan
book: Planting Green Roofs And Living Walls; by Nigel Dunnett
book: Green Roofs: Bringing Nature Back to Town - International Green Roof Congress 2009; by Roland
Appl, Reimer Meier, Wolfgang Ansel
book: Il Verde Verticale; by Maurizio Corrado - Italy
book: Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century; by Dickson Despommier
book: Vertical Farming; by Gilbert Ellis Bailey
25 Free Patriotic Gardening Posters - Please share this PDF file with friends. Thank You
BOOKS: on City Farming
Your Farm in the City: An Urban-Dweller's Guide to Growing Food and Raising
Animals; by Lisa Taylor
librarything.com/10874790 books.google.com/3OrIhF8XJ80C
Sepp Holzer's Permaculture: A Practical Guide to Small-Scale, Integrative Farming
and Gardening; by Sepp Holzer
librarything.com/11138591 books.google.com/jNXK9kE-lOoC
Permaculture Two: Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent
Agriculture; by Bill Mollison
librarything.com/326825 books.google.com/UQbyAAAAMAAJ
The Permaculture Handbook: Garden Farming for Town and Country; by David
librarything.com/12029692 books.google.com/M5fZAnAEH7MC
Permaculture Pioneers: Stories from the New Frontier; by Kerry Dawborn
books.google.com/IsckKQEACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/721882664
MetroFarm: Growing for Profit In or Near the City; by Michael Olson
librarything.com/131465 books.google.com/oOKBNgAACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/30795120
Sharing the Harvest: A Citizen's Guide to Community Supported Agriculture; by
Elizabeth Henderson
librarything.com/4557502 books.google.com/13sDbCIz0ooC
Bioshelter Market Garden: A Permaculture Farm; by Darrell Frey
librarything.com/10703491 books.google.com/Vx8enVBW5jwC
The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities; by Will Allen
librarything.com/11993624 books.google.com/nf55k2hlg-IC
City Farming, Backyard Farming & Urban Farming Links to books, articles & more
Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer; by Novella Carpenter
librarything.com/11480723 books.google.com/KqUVJLLDJbQC
Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre; by Brett L. Markham
librarything.com/9724353 books.google.com/HfVygFIMI3sC
The Essential Urban Farmer; by Novella Carpenter
librarything.com/11860723 books.google.com/IRCkqDLpcW4C
The Soul of Soil: A Soil-Building Guide for Master Gardeners and Farmers; by Joseph
librarything.com/984997 books.google.com/z_sVgV-WqagC
Micro Eco-Farming: Prospering from Backyard to Small Acreage in Partnership with
the Earth; by Barbara Berst Adams
librarything.com/592901 books.google.com/OW2oAAAACAAJ
The Biodome Garden Book
librarything.com/11884542 books.google.com/uXNIXwAACAAJ
Urban Farming: Sustainable City Living in Your Backyard, in Your Community, and
in the World; by Thomas Fox
librarything.com/11280180 books.google.com/RTZjQwAACAAJ
Urban Farm Handbook: City Slicker Resources for Growing, Raising, Sourcing,
Trading, and Preparing What You Eat; by Annette Cottrell
librarything.com/11738731 books.google.com/g2VCN2W1HNEC
The Edible City Resource Manual; by Richard Britz
librarything.com/2389015 books.google.com/p_r6wNisWWQC
Successful Small-Scale Farming: An Organic Approach; by Karl Schwenke
librarything.com/126871 books.google.com/A08bAQAAMAAJ
The Quarter-Acre Farm: How I Kept the Patio, Lost the Lawn, and Fed My Family for a
Year; by Spring Warren
librarything.com/10997398 books.google.com/hOs4988PX8kC
The Resilient Gardener: Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times; by
Carol Deppe
librarything.com/work/10481246 books.google.com/Xf5Q4jo_mEEC
Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times; by Steve Solomon
librarything.com/1114565 books.google.com/lbohaJCxFnAC
Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World; by Paul
librarything.com/494921 books.google.com/qtsTH7ekvVYC
Square Foot Gardening; by Mel Bartholomew
scribd.com/doc/30421696 librarything.com/3213 worldcat.org/oclc/6943565
Apartment Gardening: Plants, Projects, and Recipes for Growing Food in Your
Urban Home; by Amy Pennington
librarything.com/11367320 books.google.com/UNa9bwAACAAJ
Fresh Food from Small Spaces; by R.J. Ruppenthal
librarything.com/6347778 books.google.com/OPQXAfANf08
Lasagna Gardening: A New Layering System for Bountiful Gardens: No Digging, No
Tilling, No Weeding; by Patricia Lanza
librarything.com/10115926 books.google.com/Zih2ggDzMSgC
Organic No Dig, No Weed Gardening: A Revolutionary Method For Easy Gardening;
by Raymond P Poincelot
librarything.com/4692899 books.google.com/jNR7AAAACAAJ
Eco-Farm, An Acres U.S.A. Primer: The definitive guide to managing farm and
ranch soil fertility, crops, fertilizers, weeds and insects while avoiding dangerous
chemicals; by Jr. Charles Walters
librarything.com/326739 books.google.com/hKodAQAAMAAJ
Small Space, Big Harvest: Turn Your Small Garden Into A Vegetable Garden
Naturally; by Duane G. Newcomb
Anything Grows: Ingenious Ways To Grow More Food In Front Yards, Backyards,
Side Yards, In The Suburbs, In The City, On Rooftops, Even Parking Lots; by Sheryl
The Backyard Vegetable Factory: Super Yields from Small Spaces; by Duane G.
The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits and Berries the Biological Way; by Michael Phillips
You Can Build a Chicken Tractor: Step-by-Step Instructions for Beginners; by Sue
Urban Wilds: Gardener's Stories Of The Struggle For Land And Justice; by Cleo
Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World; by Alan Weisman
For more Books on City Farming, Organic Gardening, Eco Farming, Monthly
Newsletter and More
Please see the AcresUSA website and obtain a free book catalog, & Subscribe to
their Newsletter
City Farmmer
Permaculture Activist Magazine
Urban Homestead Project
City Farms - General Information
Urban Farming Oz
Seattle Tilth
Common Good City Farm
Urban Farming
Detroit Agriculture
The Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens
European Federation of City Farms
Growing Power - Training People for Creating Community Food Systems
librarything.com/11993624 books.google.com/nf55k2hlg-IC
D Acres Permaculture Farm and Education Center
Backyard Harvest
Your Backyard Farmer
Raising BackYard Chickens
Backyard Farmer USA
Backyard Farmer Australia
The Urban Farmer Canada
South Africa City Farmer
Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network
American Community Gardening Association
Soil Association UK
Garden Organic
Grow Organic Food
Organic New Zealand
Bio Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association of New Zealand
The Edible Schoolyard Project
Ecology Center, Berkeley CA
Trees for Life
Echo - Sustainable Hunger Solutions
Backyard Farmer Magazine
Countryside Magazine
Oxfam Australia
Builders Without Borders
StrawBale Homes Building Guides
For more information, please contact local gardeners and farmers who specialize in:
Organic gardening, Permaculture gardening, Biodynamic gardening, Japanese Kyusei Nature gardening
- Shizen Nouhou, Biointensive gardening, Heirloom gardening-Heritage Seeds, Lasagna gardening,
Square Foot gardening, Vertical gardening, Wall and Fence gardening, Roof Top and Balcony
gardening, Indoor gardening with LED Grow Lights and Solatube.com, Micro Greens gardening,
Windowsill gardening, Container gardening, African Keyhole gardening, Organic Aquaponics
gardening, African Bag Gardens, No Dig gardening, Agroforestry gardening, Israeli Greenhouses
Technology for Hot Climates, Organic Hydroponics gardening and Gardening Therapy.
Gardening is micro-climate specific. These means that Local Organic Gardeners might know
of gardening techniques and resources which are helpful for the location you live in.
Keep researching, reading, refining your gardening methods and experimenting with different growing
Organic Gardening technology is changing and improving all the time. Also, as the climate changes,
you may need to learn other gardening techniques for various climates.
To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
book: The New Agritourism: Hosting Community and Tourists on Your Farm; by Barbara Berst Adams
book: Agritourism and nature tourism in California; by Holly George
book: Agritourism; by Michal Sznajder
Cheap way to see Europe
book: Europe Through the Back Door: The Travel Skills Handbook; by Rick Steves
game: Harvest Time
book: Student-Designed Games; by Peter A. Hastie
book: Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success: Building Blocks For a Better Life; by John Wooden
Every day help someone who can never reciprocate. This is my obligation.
~ John Wooden's PHILOSOPHY
The great UCLA basketball coach
book: Coach Wooden, The 7 Principles that Shaped His Life and Will Change Yours; by Pat Williams
Those who bring Sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
MIRACLE in WISCONSIN – a different kind of school lunch
feingold.org/PF/wisconsin1.html foodrevolution.org/askjohn/43.htm
book: Feeding Your Allergic Child: Happy Food for Healthy Kids; by Elisa Meyer
books.google.com/rhQesLhrDMEC worldcat.org/oclc/35651131
Eat Fat Look Thin: A Safe and Natural Way to Lose Weight Permanently; by Bruce
librarything.com/2179732 books.google.com/rFF30fhh7SoC
What's Eating Your Child: The Hidden Connection between Food and Childhood
Ailments; by Kelly Dorfman
librarything.com/11177265 books.google.com/KKjHk-fSwlEC
Raw Kids : Transitioning Children to a Raw Food Diet; by Cheryl Stoycoff
librarything.com/work/3459281 books.google.com/DLJWPQAACAAJ
dvd: Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals; by Jeffrey M. Smith
Healing ADD: The Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See & Heal the 6 Types of ADD, by
Doctor Daniel G. Amen, M.D.
librarything.com/174213 books.google.com/cdNpm0rtpaAC worldcat.org/oclc/45100517
Healing ADD Revised Edition: The Breakthrough Program that Allows You to See
and Heal the 7 Types of ADD; by by Doctor Daniel G. Amen, M.D.
Stop Autism Now: A Parent's Guide to Preventing and Reversing Autism
Spectrum Disorders; by Bruce Fife
Why Can't My Child Behave: Why Can't She Cope, Why Can't He Learn; by Jane Hersey
Victory Over ADHD: A Holistic Approach for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Hyper-activity
Disorder; by Deborah Merlin
librarything.com/work/5263917 books.google.com/zylPPgAACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/244062818
http://victoryoveradhd.com http://feingold.org
Drugging Our Children: How Profiteers Are Pushing Antipsychotics on Our
Youngest & What We Can Do to Stop It; by Sharna Olfman
Little Sugar Addicts: End the Mood Swings, Meltdowns, Tantrums & Low
Self-Esteem in Your Child Today; by Kathleen DesMaisons
http://books.google.com/ worldcat.org/oclc/54001427
Nutrition & Your Mind: The Psychochemical Response; by George Watson
Coconut Oil Cures Alzheimer & Other Diseases
Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure; by Mary T. Newport
The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming
Our Children; by Carol Simontacchi
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills; by Russell L Blaylock
Chemical Cuisine: Do You Really Know What You're Eating; by Gloria Gilbere
Build Powerful Nerve Force: It Controls Your Life, Keep It Healthy; by Patricia Bragg
librarything.com/7071960 books.google.com/dm2NQ5OQL_4C
Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right; by Joel Fuhrman
librarything.com/1445760 books.google.com/-W_LYnBFIY8C worldcat.org/oclc/57452540
dvd: Copy Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables
http://copy-kids.com http://www.amazon.com
book: Fateful Harvest: The True Story of a Small Town, a Global Industry, and a Toxic Secret; by Duff Wilson
http://librarything.com/work/569636 http://safefoodandfertilizer.org
Are Your Children and Grandchildren Eating Food Fertilized with Toxic
Sewage Sludge
scribd.com/106751638 scribd.com/106751750 scribd.com/106751911
Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations
Industry; by John Stauber
scribd.com/doc/106751750 librarything.com/5514 worldcat.org/oclc/32665064
Born With a Junk Food Deficiency: How Flaks, Quacks, and Hacks Pimp the Public Health; by Martha Rosenberg
librarything.com/12367474 books.google.com/wW_ApwAACAAJ
The Healing Power of Nature Foods; by Susan Smith Jones
librarything.com/5850867 books.google.com/raxZgkAhOw0C worldcat.org/oclc/173239121
Natural Baby Care; by Colleen K. Dodt
librarything.com/637409 books.google.com/zngeIWEPqsIC
Organic Soap and Body Care http://www.terressentials.com
dvd: Ingredients; producer: Brian Kimmel
http://worldcat.org/oclc/608387521 http://ingredientsfilm.com
book: Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle For The World Food System; by Raj Patel
librarything.com/3657642 books.google.com/oAeFUSm5bAEC
book: Empty Harvest: Understanding the Link Between Our Food, Our Immunity and Our Planet; by Bernard Jensen
librarything.com/1237077 books.google.com/Fp7eN8Ghg60C
dvd: King Corn; director: Aaron Woolf
http://worldcat.org/oclc/213373700 http://kingcorn.net
dvd: Super Size Me; director: Morgan Spurlock
dvd: Fast Food Nation; director: Richard Linklater
book: Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods
You're Eating; by Jeffrey M. Smith
librarything.com/453446 books.google.com/dL9yPwAACAAJ
Racketeering in Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives; by James P.
librarything.com/2003604 books.google.com/0VGqpwAACAAJ
Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know; by Robert Paarlberg
librarything.com/9735063 books.google.com/NLuRVIkARjoC
Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition, and Health; by Marion
librarything.com/work/10466 books.google.com/zvzTIUV9XNwC
Drugging Our Children: How Profiteers Are Pushing Antipsychotics on Our
Youngest, and What We Can Do to Stop It; by Sharna Olfman
http://books.google.com/books?id=LYvOnrx-wfYC http://worldcat.org/oclc/745980498
Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning
Us All Into Patients; by Ray Moynihan
librarything.com/867848 books.google.com/fftKR4y2NMIC
How We Are Being Tricked & Bamboozled into Bad Health; by Marcia Banks-Alston
Are Your Diet Sodas Killing You? Results from My Aspartame Experiment; by
Victoria Inness-Brown
Chew On This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food; by
Charles Wilson
librarything.com/801244 books.google.com/XdkZb4tiIZUC
Licking Sweet Death: Energy and Information to Stop Sugarcoating Your
Addiction to Processed Foods; by M.D. Hugo Rodier
librarything.com/10927705 books.google.com/mWIE6m28UlAC
Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal; by Eric Schlosser
librarything.com/3735 books.google.com/dU13X_AM_N8C
The Truth About Coffee; by Marina Kushner
librarything.com/8358177 books.google.com/0lh1PgAACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/781871351
The Truth About Caffeine; by Marina Kushner
librarything.com/1269843 books.google.com/_xkjQaPrDxkC worldcat.org/oclc/529471709
book: Eating Fossil Fuels: Oil, Food and the Coming Crisis in Agriculture; by Dale Allen Pfeiffer
Librarything.com/2665448 books.google.com/9w6ifO5nIV0C
Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and
Health; by Gary Taubes
book: The Coconut Oil Miracle; by Bruce Fife
librarything.com/1140258 books.google.com/tSGmnBeRpLkC worldcat.org/oclc/54905936
book: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It; by Gary Taubes
librarything.com/10398573 books.google.com/9mPGg9Pz_3sC
How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds, and How You Can Too: The
Ultimate Guide To Low-Carbohydrate Dieting; by Dana Carpender
librarything.com/586617 books.google.com/y7XMM8SlZ2cC
The Blood Sugar Solution: The Ultra Healthy Program for Losing Weight,
Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now; by Mark Hyman
librarything.com/12046920 books.google.com/Go7P3iHN994C
Blood Sugar 101: What They Don't Tell You About Diabetes; by Jenny Ruhl
librarything.com/8689420 books.google.com/NxD_LAAACAAJ
The Sugar Control Bible and Cookbook: The Complete Nutrition Guide to
Revitalizing Your Health; by Jacqueline L. Paltis books.google.com/ur0zAgAACAAJ
Living Low Carb: Controlled-Carbohydrate Eating for Long-Term Living Low Carb:
Controlled-Carbohydrate Eating for Long-Term; by Jonny Bowden
librarything.com/9352797 books.google.com/fPJRtwAACAAJ
Eat Fat Look Thin: A Safe and Natural Way to Lose Weight
Permanently; by Bruce Fife
librarything.com/2179732 books.google.com/rFF30fhh7SoC
Stevita Stevia - Zero Calorie Organic Sweetener for Diabetics and Alcoholics
The Stevia Story and the Burning of Stevia Books by the FDA
scribd.com/doc/108619027 calameo.com/books/0017253189620d6a1a4cb
The Obesity Epidemic - The facts about why we're becoming so obese
dvd: Killer at Large, Why obesity is America's greatest threat; director: Steven
Beat Sugar Addiction Now: The Cutting-Edge Program That Cures Your Type of
Sugar Addiction; by Jacob Teitelbaum
librarything.com/9478052 books.google.com/woeMSqCp1JAC
Beat Sugar Addiction Now Cookbook; by Jacob Teitelbaum
librarything.com/11913200 books.google.com/WeB6rCu1j2wC
Beat Sugar Addiction Now for Kids; by Jacob Teitelbaum
librarything.com/12869196 books.google.com/kcpjhgBs9p8C
Get the Sugar Out: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Sugar Out of Any Diet; by Ann
Louise Gittleman
librarything.com/916472 books.google.com/rX6eFI6Ino8C worldcat.org/oclc/34246163
Lick the Sugar Habit; by Nancy Appleton
librarything.com/141799 books.google.com/hiZaX4-Ode8C
Lick the Sugar Habit Sugar Counter: Discover the Hidden Sugar in Your Food; by
Nancy Appleton
librarything.com/2396950 books.google.com/YponAITb7DEC
Overcoming Sugar Addiction: How I Kicked My Sugar Habit and Created a Joyful
Sugar Free Life; by Karly Randolph Pitman
librarything.com/12414821 books.google.com/qbutcQAACAAJ
Sugar Addiction: A Step-By-Step Guide to Overcoming Sugar Addiction; by Elizabeth
Brown Rufus books.google.com/books?id=S9Z8AAAACAAJ
Sugar Blues; by William Dufty
librarything.com/30620 books.google.com/xNEYAQAAMAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/1602374
Sugar Busters: Cut Sugar to Trim Fat; by H. Leighton Steward
librarything.com/142130 books.google.com/QDjXAAAACAAJ
Sugar Busters for Kids; by Samuel S. Andrews
librarything.com/2439029 books.google.com/-C0KAAAACAAJ
Sugar Nation: The Hidden Truth Behind America's Deadliest Habit and the Simple
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Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places
Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places
Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places
Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places
Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places
Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places
Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places
Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places

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Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places

  • 1. Groasis Waterboxx Lets Trees Grow Up in Unfriendly Places It’s not often that you hear about an invention that was modeled after bird poop, but there’s a first time for everything. In fact, this fecally-inspired device could ultimately be responsible for reforesting billion of acres of parched land, and it just won Popular Science’s Best Invention 2010 award. It’s called the Groasis Waterboxx, and it’s a low-tech product that helps seeds or saplings grow into strong trees in eroded, arid and rocky environments. When a bird poops out a seed, the accompanying excrement forms a cap over the seed, which prevents water in the soil from evaporating. That, essentially, is how the Waterboxx works. The device has a tubular opening in the middle, through which one or two saplings or seeds can be planted or sown directly into the soil. Users then add 15 liters (4 gallons) of water to the box’s internal reservoir, as well as three liters (one gallon) down the tube.
  • 2. The outside top surface of the box is designed to collect rainwater and deliver it to the reservoir, while the inside is designed to collect condensation from the air at night. The box itself shields the ground from the evaporative effects of the sun and wind, protects the sapling from wildlife, and maintains a fairly even soil temperature. A small wick in its underside releases about 50ml of water from the reservoir into the soil every day. At night, the water-filled reservoir helps to insulate the seed/sapling, while it also helps to cool it during the day. The water that the box disperses seeps down into the soil, creating a capillary water column that the sapling’s roots will follow as it grows. Once the roots reach the natural water table, the sapling will experience a growth spurt, which is an indication that the box can be removed.
  • 3. All of this sounds good in theory, but does it actually work? Well, the Waterboxx was tested for a period of three years in the Sahara Desert, by the Mohammed I University of Oujda in Morocco. During that time, some trees were grown with the box, while some were grown without, but still watered regularly. In the end, 88 percent of the boxed trees grew up to be strong, while 11 percent were considered weak. With the unboxed trees, however, only 10.5 percent turned out strong, while 89.5 percent died. The Waterboxx is the creation of Pieter Hoff, a Dutch inventor who believes that planting trees can undo mankind’s damage to the planet. “The Tree solution is simple,” he said. “If we unbind more CO2 atoms from the air with trees than we put in the air through fossil fuels, then the climate problem is solved. Mankind produces annually 8,4 billion tons of CO2 through using fossil fuels. One acre of trees unbinds an average two tons of CO2 molecules in harmless C and O atoms. The C atoms are fixed in wood and the O atoms are put in the air. So if we plant 5 billion extra acres of trees producing food, then these trees unbind 10 billion extra tons of CO2. That's more than we pollute.” ~ The Groasis Waterboxx The essence of the Groasis technology lies in the Groasis Waterboxx. This instrument collects condensation and the rare rainwater in a smart way and distributes it to the young tree roots in minimal, exactly right quantities. Condensation and rain is collected in the Groasis Waterboxx. With proper design and storage, we prevent the evaporation of this water. The exactly correct slope, and the low adhesion of the water to the Waterboxx cover, guarantee that the water enters the reservoir. Then, the Groasis Waterboxx, by means of a wick, distributes exactly the right daily requirement of water to the roots of the young tree. In this way, a heavy rain shower of ten minutes once a year, can be apportioned to the plant over the next 300+ days - or until the next rain shower. This capturing and apportioning of water gives the young plant enough time to search for natural capillary water deep in even desert soil. How Can Roots Penetrate Hard Soil The young tree is placed in the middle of the Groasis Waterboxx which is placed almost on top of - just below - the hard soil. The small daily quantity of water apportioned to the tree, moisturizes the soil under the reservoir without danger of evaporation. This water restores the natural capillarity of the soil. In these 'vertical water canals', the roots find their way without any problem - even through stones and rocks. Trees have been doing this for millions of years. This phenomenon of restored capillarity is also found when you turn
  • 4. over a tile, even if it has been lying in the sun for quite some time. Under it you will find moist soil. What about Condensation Early in the morning on a sultry summer day, cars are covered with a generous layer of condensation. If that water could be drained off to a reservoir from which it can no longer evaporate, and if that process of condensation and draining could be repeated a several times, then we could quickly collect a huge quantity of water. There are deserts with a relative atmospheric humidity of 65%, which condenses during the nocturnal drop in temperature. The problem is that this condensation immediately evaporates when the sun comes up. With the Groasis Waterboxx, this no longer is the case; it collects and stores the condensation at once. What about Rain In most of the deserts there is more rain than we imagine; in many areas, there is between 150 to 250 mm per year. That is 150 to 250 liter per m2! In some dry areas, like Eritrea, the average rainfall is even 1000 liters per m2 a year. Normally that water would evaporate in no time; but the Groasis Waterboxx does not allow this - it immediately stores it! How can the Groasis Technology help us to Combat Desertification Every research plan starts with phrasing a question, or in the case of Groasis, with phrasing questions:  Can we solve the CO2 problem?  Can we find the 1.75 billion hectares of land we need to do this?  Can we find forestry zones without using fertile farmland?  Can we use worthless, once forested semi-deserts?  Can we plant trees on rocky surfaces and mountain slopes?  Can we reforest disaster areas?  Can we do this without expensive and non-available irrigation systems?  Can we grow trees on location?
  • 5.  Can we create an economic boost through forestry? The answer to all these questions is: YES! The only thing we need is the willpower to really do it! Groasis technology makes it possible! What is Groasis? Groasis has been founded by Pieter Hoff, a former lilybreeder, grower and exporter. Through his experience in the flower industry Pieter Hoff learned that worldwide ground water levels decline with high speed. If things don’t change, mankind is out of irrigation water within a few centuries. This thought created the foundation of his company that focuses on the development of producing water from air techniques. When do I use the Groasis Waterboxx? The Groasis Waterboxx can be used in circumstances where a tree does not get enough water to have the possibility to get started. So the instrument is meant to use in circumstances where there is enough water once the tree has its roots in the soil. On most places on earth, for instance in almost all deserts, there is enough in the soil. The problem is that the seed or the young tree needs a few months or a year help to get deep enough with its roots. You can compare the Groasis Waterboxx with a young seed. In nature it is planted on the soil with the manure of the animal that sticks it to the soil and protects it from eating and from drying out. And by sowing it on the soil the capillary is not destroyed and erosion cannot blow away the soil. Once the seed is germinated and its roots are deep enough, it survives and grows. The Groasis Waterboxx copies that natural process: it helps the seed or young tree germinate and develop its roots into the soil until it can survive by its own. How does the Groasis Waterboxx work? It collects water through capture of rain and produces water through production of condensation, it stimulates capillary and prevents evaporation caused by the sun and prevents competition caused by competitive herbs. It provides its collected water to the tree over a long period of time. Because of this it can play an important role in CO2 capture, anti-erosion and anti-desertification programs, food- and wood production.
  • 6. • With the Groasis Waterboxx a tree is planted on top of the soil, so that the capillary is not be destroyed when planting the tree. • In the middle of the Groasis Waterboxx there is space to put a seed, a plant or a tree. • This plant can develop its roots under the Groasis Waterboxx. • The Groasis Waterboxx produces water via artificial condensation. • It collects rainwater. • It distributes the collected water to the plant on a daily base. • It stimulates the rise of the capillary water to the top of the soil under the Groasis Waterboxx. • It prevents evaporation of the capillary water. • It prevents the development of weeds around the plant. • It prevents grazing of the plants by a certain variety of animals. • It prevents erosion of the soil around the plant. • It prevents heating of the soil around the plant. • It stimulates a balanced temperature in the root area. • The advantage of planting on the soil is that the Groasis Waterboxx can also be used for planting on rocks. How many years do I use the Groasis Waterboxx? In principle the Groasis Waterboxx is used until the moment that the tree can survive on its own. Normally that is after 6 months up to one year. We expect that the Groasis Waterboxx can be used around 10 years so that you can use it for 10 to 20 trees/bushes. What are the differences between the Groasis Waterboxx and classic irrigation?  Classic irrigation is not sustainable. It uses groundwater and the levels of groundwater deepen every year. The Groasis Waterboxx is sustainable.  The Groasis Waterboxx is cheap. If you want to start with classic irrigation you need to drill a well, install a pump and a water pipe network and have an electric installation. For the Groasis Waterboxx this is not necessary: just buy a few or a lot and install them.  With the Groasis Waterboxx you can plant on rocks. Drill a well in rocks and install a network of water pipes is almost impossible on rocks.  For classic irrigation in deserts we need to install power installations of electricity. For the Groasis Waterboxx this is not necessary.
  • 7.  For Groasis we need very small trees or even seed. That is cheap too. Is the Groasis Waterboxx only interesting in deserts? The Groasis Waterboxx is used for replantation of degraded farmland without using irrigation, and thus making it profitable. It saves up to 97% of water while planting. After 4 years of tests we noticed that trees planted with the Waterboxx in moderate climates also show an average growth stimulant of around 15% to 30% extra biomass. How can the Waterboxx perform for fruit tree farming specially for the trees that grow big like a mango, fig, sweet lime, orange and many others. As you have understood, the Groasis Waterboxx is a part of a planting technology. Its function is to bring the roots 3 meters deep in the first year. After that it has no function anymore. The box contains only 16 liters of water while a big tree maybe evaporates 10 liters per day. Because its roots are over 3 meters deep, the tree takes the water from there and it survives without the box. For this reason we take off the box after one year and plant the next one. So never mix the idea of planting technology (= GroasisTechnology incl. Waterboxx) or irrigation (= giving water while the tree is big). The advantage of the Greenboxx is that we leave the box and that he creates optimum circumstances even after a year, since the Greenboxx while degrading will keep a bit humidity around the stem and will cool down the soil around the stem How long does the tree need the Waterboxx? As soon as you see that the trees starts to grow faster –just notice the growing speed of the young branches- it has reached the ground water and it is able to survive without the box. You just lift it to take it off, replace the old wick with a new one, and re-use the box for the next tree.
  • 8. When should the Groasis Waterboxx be lifted from the tree? If the growth of the trees goes well, you can sometimes even plant more than one tree per year. You lift the Groasis Waterboxx off the tree as soon as you see that the branches really start to grow fast. This is the sign the tree gives you that he is not growing anymore from the water in the Groasis Waterboxx, but that he found water deep in the soil. In most circumstances, we find that the tree is independent from the Waterboxx after 9 months. You then lift it, replace the wick with a new one, and use the Groasis Waterboxx for the next tree. What if there are no rocks to cover the ground? When you lift off the Groasis waterboxx the tree, cover the ground. The best way to do that is with stones, but any other material will also work. If there are no stones, use straw, weeds, grass or palm leaves. If you do not have this, you can think of mulch, cardboard or clothes. If that is not possible, you can cover the ground with loose soil. Is it advisable to use compost and/or manure? It is really useful to work with compost if you have it. The trees will grow to 50% faster and will also be healthier. If you have manure, then mix it through your compost. Be careful though: to young manure burns your roots. Manure must be at least one year old before you mix it through your compost. What do I have to do after I’ve taken the Waterboxx away? You take off the box, put a cloth made of a natural material (cotton, hemp, coco, wool, etc.) on the same place as where the box was in order to keep the capillary column intact, cover the cloth with 10 cm of sand (4 inches) to prevent it from blowing away and use the box for the next tree. You can also put no cloth but only sand if there is no danger of the sand being blown away. Is the Groasis Waterboxx re-usable? Yes, you can use the Groasis Waterboxx approximately 10 times in 10 years. Read about here.
  • 9. Can I plant everything everywhere with the Groasis Technology? Planting can be done seamlessly. But it is important to select the right species. After a year without the Waterboxx, you want your tree to keep on surviving. Follow the next steps to make sure your tree will survive. 1) When you want to plant a tree it is necessary that you choose one that is able to survive under the circumstances. Your variety has to have the ability to resist the temperature and to live with the available amount of precipitation; 2) If temperatures are above +40 C, you can only plant varieties who can resist this. If you have 200⁰ mm of rainfall, you cannot plant varieties who need more than 200 mm to survive; With this simple rules, you will always have success! Do you have any minimum humidity requirements for using in deserts? No, we even plant in the north of Chile and high, above 4,000 meters in the Andes, where the relative and absolute humidity is extremely low. Can the Groasis Waterboxx be used on rocky terrain? Yes, the Groasis Technology mimics the principles of nature. On this page you find an explanation about planting on rocks and here you find information about combating desertification. We also suffer from goats, is there something that can prevent that? If you look on this page: you can see the Growsafe Telescoprotexx plant protector. It protects the plant against grazing animals and it balances the climate
  • 10. We have strong winds, is this a problem for the Groasis Waterboxx? No, winds are not a problem for the Groasis Waterboxx. Look at the strong winds in Dubai in this video:. We even offer wind protectors to make sure the Groasis Waterboxx will stay in the right place. You can find them in the Groasis shop: What is a good and cheap way of fencing an area where you plant trees? If you want to fence an area, then think of planting 3 rows of bushes, and in between some trees that have dangerous picks, such as the cactus or similar species. Please check our newly developed tree encyclopaedia to find some: http://www.onetrilliontrees.com/en. This is much cheaper than fencing, and it also creates a better micro climate with less wind. What is the right planting distance? For ecosystem restoration we recommend a planting density of 10x10 meters with in each Waterboxx a tree and a bush that you also see together in nature. We suggest to start with pioneer trees, because these will create the conditions in which growth and multiplication automatically takes place. And this results in a higher density and a faster recovery process. For fruit trees it depends on the variety, but according to the general rule, you should plant a minimum of 400 trees per hectare, because you do not plant two fruit trees in one Waterboxx. How do you plant for ecosystem restoration purposes? If you plant for ecosystem restoration purposes, we advise using two species in each Groasis Waterboxx. Plant a tree and a bush. When possible, make a combination of species of which you can see in nature that they have a preference for each other. In this way you create a symbiotic effect of faster growth.
  • 11. Will the Groasis Waterboxx be damaged while freezing at temperatures below 0 °C (+32 °F) and being full with ice? No, it will not be damaged. The Groasis Waterboxx is designed in such a way that the expanding ice is able to find room to expand. This is done by designing all the vertical sides in 8°. So when the water expands to ice between +4 °C to -1 °C (+39,2 °F to +30.2 °F) , the ice can just go a bit higher and find room for the expansion. It is also important to understand that it doesn't matter whether it is -1 °C (+30,2 °F) of -30 °C (-22 °F) . Once changed from water into ice – which happens between +4 °C and -1 °C (+39,2 °F to +30.2 °F) - the ice doesn't exapand any further. What trees are best suited for the production of fuel wood? Please check the document that you find in this link to find some suggestions for trees to use. Especially the gmelina is a fantastic tree to produce fuel wood. Does the water in the Waterboxx become dirty after a while? The water in the box remains clear and has no problems with bacteria, algae or what so ever. What type of water can be used for plant growth? Can you use drink water, dirty water or salt water? Yes, all types of water can be used. But with saline water the tree must be able to deal with this kind of water. In this report, about planting in La Chocolatera in Ecuador, which is one of the hardest places on earth to plant a tree, you find more information about planting with saline water.
  • 12. If you use the Groasis Waterboxx in the desert, do you need water or is the water extraction from the air sufficient? You have to use one time 60 litres of water while planting. Afterwards you do not have to refill it anymore. Watch this video for more explanation. How many times do I have to refill the Waterboxx? You only fill it one time during planting. The box will then catch enough rain or condensation by itself to supply the plant one whole year. How many rain does the Waterboxx need to fill itself? 75 mm (3 inches) of rain is sufficient to fill the box completely. Will the Groasis Waterboxx be damaged while freezing at temperatures below 0 °C (+32 °F) and being full with ice? How will trees survive if the ground water is too deep in the desert? Can the roots grow so deep in the soil within one year? Trees do not survive on groundwater, but on capillary hang water. The deepest roots ever found are 84 meters. Many times groundwater in deserts is deeper than 84 meters. The capillary hang water is the water that penetrates in the soil during the annual rain. For example: Suppose you have 300 mm of rain. Of this 300 mm, 100 mm does not penetrate, because the soil is very hard or because there is a steep slope. Only 200 mm of the precipitation enters. Then you can plant trees: 1. That resist the climate (cold, hot, strong winds); 2. That can survive with 200 mm. So it is important to understand that: 1. The annual rainfall says nothing about the quantity that enters the soil
  • 13. 2. Trees do not survive from groundwater but from capillary hang water caused by the penetrated quantity of rainfall. When the cover of the Waterboxx is covered with sand and the openings are clogged, does the condensation process still work? When the top of the Waterboxx is covered with sand, the condensation does not work. The collection of rain is no problem, it will still enter the box. If there is no condensation we have less water available. However, the functionality of condensation is not influencing the box’s planting result. In the whole Middle East, and many other desert areas, it is so warm at night, that no condensation occurs. We however still have excellent planting results. Can I only plant once a year when there is one rainy season? You have to distinguish two ways of planting after the first stage: The first stage is the planting of the saplings in pots. This can be done with either seeds, or via cuttings. After that you can work in two ways: 1. In two phases. First in a small plug (width x height = app. 6x10cm) and then transplant to a big one (width x height = app. 12x15cm). 2. In one phase: immediately in a big pot or plastic bag. I suggest to work in two phases. So first the small plug, then the big pot or plastic bag. The reason is that the germination of the seeds, or the rooting of the cuttings is a risky process, and if you have only 50% success ratio, you lose little space and little expensive soil. Always check what the local experiences are, but in general we can say that in the tropics, where day length is approximately equal, you can sow your seed or make cuttings almost all year round. Outside the tropics, either in the northern or southern hemisphere, you can plant or sow with the season, once a year. For the Groasis technology we need saplings that are at least one year old. So after one year of being in the big plastic bag in the nursery, we bring the saplings to the field. With the Groasis technology you can plant any day of the year in the tropics. Outside the tropics you can also plant any day, if the frost is not colder than -5 C (+23 F). When you expect a colder frost, we⁰ ⁰ advise to stop planting after October 1 in the northern hemisphere, and start again after the winter. More information about the Groasis WaterBoxx
  • 14. Groasis WaterBoxx https://www.groasis.com Sahara-Roots Foundation http://sahara-roots.org See the LINKS Below for additional articles on the Groasis Waterboxx Effect of Evaporation Inhibitors in the Groasis Waterboxx for Growing Food in Desert Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256928184 Explanation of the Groasis Technology for Growing Food in Desert Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256928105 Groasis Waterboxx & the Agua, Vida Naturaleza Project for Growing Food in Desert Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256928036 Groasis Waterboxx Handbook on Planting Instructions for Trees & Crops in Desert Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927900 Groasis Waterboxx Manual for Growing Vegetables in Arid Lands https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927815 Water Saving Measures of Using the Groasis Waterboxx in Organic Gardening in Desert Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927732 Making a Week’s Worth of Rain Last the Whole Year https://www.scribd.com/doc/256929981 Using the Groasis Waterboxx to Plant New Trees in Desert Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927577 Greening the World - Desert Restoration, Reduce CO2, Feed the People & Create
  • 15. Jobs https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927476 Groasis Waterboxx - Palm Springs Students Test New Planter Designed to Fight Global Warming, Deforestation, Hunger & Poverty https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927289 Groasis Waterboxx Handbook for Planting Methods & Sample of Crop Test Results for using this method in Arid Lands https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927226 Groasis Waterboxx Technology Offers Possible Cure for the Deserts https://www.scribd.com/doc/256927062 Making Wasteland Productive again with Disposable Biodegradable Groasis Greenboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256926831 Austin Sustainable Neighborhoods uses Groasis Waterboxx to Successfully Plant Trees in Drought Areas https://www.scribd.com/doc/256926673 Box Harvest Water in the Driest Place https://www.scribd.com/doc/256926576 Científico Pieter Hoff y empresarios preservan naturaleza - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256926488 Could We Grow Fruit Trees in the Omani Desert https://www.scribd.com/doc/256926412 Dauwdruppels vangen - Dutch Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256926338 De potentie van de Groasis Twinboxx - Dutch Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256926233 Developing a Water Battery for Trees - Groasis Waterboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256925382
  • 16. Development & Global Warming in Tanzania https://www.scribd.com/doc/256925299 Dutch Invention Could Create Thousands of Jobs in Oman https://www.scribd.com/doc/256925063 Elevator Pitches of Innovative Solutions - The Groasis Waterboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256924983 Experimentos realizados con el Groasis Waterboxx - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256924884 Getting Water from the Atmosphere to Grow Biofuels in Very Dry Desert https://www.scribd.com/doc/256924768 Getting Water Supplies from Thin Air in Napa Valley for Agriculture https://www.scribd.com/doc/256924541 Ghana School Project - Introduction of Waterboxx Technology Facilitates Trees Planting in Dry Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256924452 Gobierno Municipal aporta con recursos - Spanish language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256924369 Green Paws University Students use Groasis Waterboxx to Save Water in the Garden, Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts & Science, India https://www.scribd.com/doc/256924128 Groasis for Trees - Growing Trees in Dry Areas of the World https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923999 Groasis Technology Compared to Drip Irrigation for Landscaping https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923924 Groasis Technology Compared to Drip Irrigation, Reviewing Harvest Production & Crop Revenues https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923796 Groasis Tree Boxes - Winning Big, Science Fair, 2013 at San Luis Valley, California
  • 17. https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923660 Groasis Waterbox used by Master Gardeners of Hill Country, Texas, to Save Water https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923552 Groasis Waterboxx - Intelligent Water Collection Device https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923465 Groasis Waterboxx - Legado Verde, unprecedented agro-forestry project in Mexico - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923306 Groasis Waterboxx - Marin County Students Use Award Winning Green Technology https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923159 Groasis Waterboxx - Popular Science Winner of Best of What's New in 2010 https://www.scribd.com/doc/256923086 Groasis Waterboxx - The Importance of Growing Native Plants in Difficult Areas https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922990 Groasis Waterboxx & Galapagos Islands Greening Project https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922916 Groasis Waterboxx Biomimicry Technology Can Be Used to Restore Morocco.Deserts & Eroded Areas, Using Little Water & Soil https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922767 Groasis Waterboxx Solves Water Depletion Problems https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922626 Groasis Waterboxx Supports the Growth of Young Plants under Dry Conditions without Using Electricity & with Reduced Water Usage https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922522 Groasis Waterboxx Worldwide Experimental Program 2010 https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922423 Growing Trees in Deserts with Minimal Water Use - The Groasis Waterboxx
  • 18. https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922440 In Harsh & Inhospitable Environments, with Hot Days & Cold Nights, the Groasis Waterboxx Creates a Temperate & Moist Earthen Nursery for Protecting & Nurturing Seeds into Trees with a Self Replenishing Source of Drip Irrigation https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922183 Informe de experimentos Groasis Waterboxx en Galápagos - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256922090 La Groasis waterboxx, solución de vanguardia a los problemas de la deforestación - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256921950 La Groasis Waterboxx, Una caja para sembrar en el desierto - Spanish Language http://scribd.com/doc/256921847 Los Desiertos Verdes - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256921783 Madagascar Community Outreach Conservation - Using Groasis Boxes to Establish in Situ Seedlings https://www.scribd.com/doc/256921640 Making Re-Greening Possible by Using the Groasis Waterboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256921550 Marin County, California, Students Combat Global Warming by Helping Plants, Trees & Vegetables Grow in Places Where Groundwater is in Short Supply https://www.scribd.com/doc/256921446 Master Gardeners at Mesilla Valley Bosque, Doña Ana County, Arizona, use Groasis Waterboxx to Save Water https://www.scribd.com/doc/256921346 MRHI to Participate in Waterboxx Project https://www.scribd.com/doc/256921186 Napa Valley, California - Getting Water Supplies from Thin Air by Using the WaterBoxx
  • 19. https://www.scribd.com/doc/256920903 New Tree Planting Project Aims to Make Qatar Greener https://www.scribd.com/doc/256920805 No rotundo a la desertización - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256920138 On a Mission - Groasis Helps Trees Grow without Groundwater or Electricity in Challenging Environments https://www.scribd.com/doc/256920064 Planting for Arid Areas, Using Groasis Boxes to Reduce Water Usage by 80 Percent https://www.scribd.com/doc/256919953 Project Green Deserts Analysis Report https://www.scribd.com/doc/256919844 proyecto agua vida naturaleza - reporte de actividades de árboles frutales y maderables - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256919726 Rangeland Rehabilitation & Reforestation - Using Groasis Boxes https://www.scribd.com/doc/256919646 Recent Innovations - Groasis Waterboxx - Producing & Capturing Water from the Air https://www.scribd.com/doc/256919561 Recréer des conditions favorables aux plantations forestières : test en Provence du système Groasis - French Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256919435 Report on Adopting Groasis Waterboxx for Water Saving Measures at the La PrimaVera Coop - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256919373 Resultados preliminares del proyecto Los Desiertos Verdes - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256918809 Resumen y características del Groasis Waterboxx - Spanish Language
  • 20. https://www.scribd.com/doc/256918651 Roadside Tree Got Inventor to Think Outside the Boxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256918544 Saving Water at California’s Wineries https://www.scribd.com/doc/256918474 Seven Schools in Coachella Valley, California, Will Help in Test of New Planter Designed for Arid Climates https://www.scribd.com/doc/256918373 Smart Solutions for Global Warming - The Groasis Waterboxx, Using Nature’s Way to Water Trees https://www.scribd.com/doc/256918272 Sonoma County, California - Groasis Waterboxx Collects Moisture that Helps Plants Grow in Drier Climates https://www.scribd.com/doc/256918012 Teaching Plants to Grow in Arid Places, Helping to Meet the World's Food Needs https://www.scribd.com/doc/256917882 The Balancing Effect on Temperatures of the Groasis Waterboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256917793 The Green Deserts Project - Using the Waterboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256917676 The Groasis Waterboxx - A Top Ten Global Invention comes to the Valley, La Quinta, California https://www.scribd.com/doc/256917601 The Groasis Waterboxx - Scaling Up Ecological Restoration https://www.scribd.com/doc/256917503 The Groasis Waterboxx - Using Nature’s Way to Water Trees https://www.scribd.com/doc/256917409 Think Science Enviromental Award for Groasis Water Box at Al Maali International
  • 21. School https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916811 Thinking Inside the Groasis Waterboxx Solves Deforestation, Water Depletion, Food Shortage https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916699 Top Ten Global Invention To Be Tested In The Coachella Valley https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916589 Tree Grew 130cm in 6 Months Using Waterboxx Technology https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916557 Trees in the Desert Innovation - Groasis Waterboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916423 Un equipo de la UVA instalará 25.000 'waterbox' en cinco provincias, tres en CyL, para reforestar 63 hectáreas - Spanish Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916341 Washington, D.C. Elementary School Introduces New Tree Planting Technology https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916283 Water Battery Enables Tree Growth in Dry Regions https://www.scribd.com/doc/256916203 Water Saving Initiative Seeks to Increase Green Cover in Jordon https://www.scribd.com/doc/256915520 Water Saving Invention - the Groasis Waterboxx https://www.scribd.com/doc/256915435 Water Saving Technology Tested at Mondavi Winery in California https://www.scribd.com/doc/256915247 Waterboxx - Galápagos Verde 2050 - Greening Galapagos Island https://www.scribd.com/doc/256915189 Waterboxx Could Save California Winery 145,000 Gallons a Year https://www.scribd.com/doc/256915118
  • 22. Waterboxx maakt woestijn groen - Dutch Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256915057 Waterboxx Training Course in Santiago del Estero https://www.scribd.com/doc/256914970 What is the Green Galapagos 2050 Project https://www.scribd.com/doc/256914896 Wir setzen die Waterboxx an drei - ausgewählten Projektstandorten ein - German Language https://www.scribd.com/doc/256914759 ORGANIC GARDENING TECHNOLOGIES INCREASING Plant Yields by 400 PERCENT http://scribd.com/doc/75160339 http://calameo.com/books/0010511867e619fa5b018 FREE Catalog about Eco Farming Books and Organic Gardening Books, DVD’s and Much More http://acresusa.com Free Organic Gardening and Sustainable Farming Publications http://scribd.com/doc/107731564 http://calameo.com/books/001708429b920ffff5ef0 Links to FREE RAIN WATER HARVESTING MANUALS and Much More http://scribd.com/doc/75160853 http://calameo.com/books/00105118622f34ba7dbe7 Links to FREE WATER WISE Gardening, DROUGHT Gardening, XERISCAPE Gardening MANUALS, Books and Much More http://scribd.com/doc/105267038 http://calameo.com/books/001698854129dced31cc9 Links to FREE RAIN GARDEN MANUALS, BROCHURES and INFORMATION SHEETS http://scribd.com/doc/75162927 http://calameo.com/books/00105118638b46251e05d FREE ROOF GARDENS - GREEN ROOFS MANUALS Links and Aquaponics Systems http://scribd.com/doc/45480026 http://calameo.com/books/00135160793af637917ef Links to FREE GARDEN THERAPY MANUALS HELPING the DISABLED http://scribd.com/doc/64621010
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  • 36. http://librarything.com/work/204736 http://books.google.com/books?id=iAtIAAAAYAAJ http://worldcat.org/oclc/26974793 Anything Grows: Ingenious Ways To Grow More Food In Front Yards, Backyards, Side Yards, In The Suburbs, In The City, On Rooftops, Even Parking Lots; by Sheryl London http://librarything.com/work/1112076 http://books.google.com/books?id=je44AQAAIAAJ http://worldcat.org/oclc/10208434 The Backyard Vegetable Factory: Super Yields from Small Spaces; by Duane G. Newcomb http://librarything.com/work/524835 http://books.google.com/books?id=UQNIAAAAYAAJ http://worldcat.org/oclc/17875035 The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits and Berries the Biological Way; by Michael Phillips http://librarything.com/work/11949597 http://books.google.com/books?id=zwHotVXtnfsC http://worldcat.org/oclc/719429796 You Can Build a Chicken Tractor: Step-by-Step Instructions for Beginners; by Sue Merriam http://librarything.com/work/8999243 http://books.google.com/books?id=X2GOQQAACAAJ http://worldcat.org/oclc/458488182 Urban Wilds: Gardener's Stories Of The Struggle For Land And Justice; by Cleo Woelfle-Erskine http://librarything.com/work/2461552 http://books.google.com/books?id=9z1kAAAACAAJ http://worldcat.org/oclc/60955199 Gaviotas: A Village to Reinvent the World; by Alan Weisman http://librarything.com/work/353643 http://books.google.com/books?id=vWR_LQys4hsC http://worldcat.org/oclc/37955739 For more Books on City Farming, Organic Gardening, Eco Farming, Monthly Newsletter and More Please see the AcresUSA website and obtain a free book catalog, & Subscribe to their Newsletter http://www.acresusa.com CITY FARMING WEBSITES
  • 37. City Farmmer http://www.cityfarmer.info http://www.cityfarmer.org Permaculture Activist Magazine http://www.permacultureactivist.net Urban Homestead Project http://urbanhomestead.org City Farms - General Information http://www.journeytoforever.org/cityfarm.html Urban Farming Oz http://www.urbanfarmingoz.com.au Seattle Tilth http://seattletilth.org Common Good City Farm http://commongoodcityfarm.org Urban Farming http://www.urbanfarming.org Detroit Agriculture http://detroitagriculture.net The Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens http://www.farmgarden.org.uk European Federation of City Farms http://www.cityfarms.org Growing Power - Training People for Creating Community Food Systems http://www.growingpower.org librarything.com/11993624 books.google.com/nf55k2hlg-IC worldcat.org/oclc/757470632 D Acres Permaculture Farm and Education Center http://dacres.org Backyard Harvest http://backyardharvest.org Your Backyard Farmer
  • 38. http://yourbackyardfarmer.com Raising BackYard Chickens http://www.backyardchickens.com Backyard Farmer USA http://backyardfarmer.us Backyard Farmer Australia http://backyardfarmer.com.au The Urban Farmer Canada http://theurbanfarmer.ca South Africa City Farmer http://www.imnojamieoliver.com Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network http://communitygarden.org.au American Community Gardening Association http://www.communitygarden.org Soil Association UK http://www.soilassociation.org Garden Organic http://www.gardenorganic.org.uk Grow Organic Food http://www.groworganicfood.info Organic New Zealand http://www.organicnz.org Bio Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association of New Zealand http://www.biodynamic.org.nz The Edible Schoolyard Project http://edibleschoolyard.org Ecology Center, Berkeley CA http://ecologycenter.org Trees for Life http://www.treesforlife.org
  • 39. Echo - Sustainable Hunger Solutions http://www.echonet.org Backyard Farmer Magazine http://www.thebackyardfarmer.com.au Countryside Magazine http://www.countrysidemag.com Oxfam Australia https://www.oxfam.org.au Builders Without Borders http://builderswithoutborders.org StrawBale Homes Building Guides http://www.strawbale.com For more information, please contact local gardeners and farmers who specialize in: Organic gardening, Permaculture gardening, Biodynamic gardening, Japanese Kyusei Nature gardening - Shizen Nouhou, Biointensive gardening, Heirloom gardening-Heritage Seeds, Lasagna gardening, Square Foot gardening, Vertical gardening, Wall and Fence gardening, Roof Top and Balcony gardening, Indoor gardening with LED Grow Lights and Solatube.com, Micro Greens gardening, Windowsill gardening, Container gardening, African Keyhole gardening, Organic Aquaponics gardening, African Bag Gardens, No Dig gardening, Agroforestry gardening, Israeli Greenhouses Technology for Hot Climates, Organic Hydroponics gardening and Gardening Therapy. Gardening is micro-climate specific. These means that Local Organic Gardeners might know of gardening techniques and resources which are helpful for the location you live in. Keep researching, reading, refining your gardening methods and experimenting with different growing techniques. Organic Gardening technology is changing and improving all the time. Also, as the climate changes, you may need to learn other gardening techniques for various climates. To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves. ~ Mahatma Gandhi AGRICULTURE TOURISM book: The New Agritourism: Hosting Community and Tourists on Your Farm; by Barbara Berst Adams http://librarything.com/work/8198099 http://books.google.com/books?id=xvCBGQAACAAJ
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  • 41. http://advancedhealthplan.com/miracleschool.html book: Feeding Your Allergic Child: Happy Food for Healthy Kids; by Elisa Meyer books.google.com/rhQesLhrDMEC worldcat.org/oclc/35651131 Eat Fat Look Thin: A Safe and Natural Way to Lose Weight Permanently; by Bruce Fife librarything.com/2179732 books.google.com/rFF30fhh7SoC worldcat.org/oclc/50291097 What's Eating Your Child: The Hidden Connection between Food and Childhood Ailments; by Kelly Dorfman librarything.com/11177265 books.google.com/KKjHk-fSwlEC worldcat.org/oclc/713890196 Raw Kids : Transitioning Children to a Raw Food Diet; by Cheryl Stoycoff librarything.com/work/3459281 books.google.com/DLJWPQAACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/48399326 dvd: Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals; by Jeffrey M. Smith http://worldcat.org/oclc/173167981 Healing ADD: The Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See & Heal the 6 Types of ADD, by Doctor Daniel G. Amen, M.D. librarything.com/174213 books.google.com/cdNpm0rtpaAC worldcat.org/oclc/45100517 Healing ADD Revised Edition: The Breakthrough Program that Allows You to See and Heal the 7 Types of ADD; by by Doctor Daniel G. Amen, M.D. https://www.librarything.com/work/14381289 https://books.google.com/books?id=M2dn-3pJ6p4C http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/883294816 Stop Autism Now: A Parent's Guide to Preventing and Reversing Autism Spectrum Disorders; by Bruce Fife https://librarything.com/work/13254972 https://books.google.com/books?id=lSi6tgAACAAJ https://worldcat.org/oclc/770694055 Why Can't My Child Behave: Why Can't She Cope, Why Can't He Learn; by Jane Hersey https://librarything.com/work/6297660 https://books.google.com/books?id=3dDvQgAACAAJ https://worldcat.org/oclc/34765077 http://feingold.org Victory Over ADHD: A Holistic Approach for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder; by Deborah Merlin librarything.com/work/5263917 books.google.com/zylPPgAACAAJ worldcat.org/oclc/244062818
  • 42. http://victoryoveradhd.com http://feingold.org Drugging Our Children: How Profiteers Are Pushing Antipsychotics on Our Youngest & What We Can Do to Stop It; by Sharna Olfman https://www.librarything.com/work/13756756 http://books.google.com/books?id=LYvOnrx-wfYC http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/745980498 Little Sugar Addicts: End the Mood Swings, Meltdowns, Tantrums & Low Self-Esteem in Your Child Today; by Kathleen DesMaisons http://librarything.com/work/950397 https://books.google.com/books?id=QmWLCShPhd0C http://books.google.com/ worldcat.org/oclc/54001427 Nutrition & Your Mind: The Psychochemical Response; by George Watson http://librarything.com/work/2933656 http://books.google.com/books?id=CJMjAAAACAAJ http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/277194 Coconut Oil Cures Alzheimer & Other Diseases http://scribd.com/doc/122169282 http://calameo.com/books/00203825869b8b318cce3 Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure; by Mary T. Newport http://librarything.com/work/12181672 http://books.google.com/books?id=IeawZwEACAAJ http://worldcat.org/oclc/738374964 The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children; by Carol Simontacchi http://librarything.com/work/229596 http://books.google.com/books?id=-aU5ZNLvSk0C http://worldcat.org/oclc/43096729 Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills; by Russell L Blaylock http://librarything.com/work/854055 https://books.google.com/books?id=mxCIngEACAAJ http://worldcat.org/oclc/36060015 Chemical Cuisine: Do You Really Know What You're Eating; by Gloria Gilbere http://librarything.com/work/12421182 http://worldcat.org/oclc/48523377 Build Powerful Nerve Force: It Controls Your Life, Keep It Healthy; by Patricia Bragg librarything.com/7071960 books.google.com/dm2NQ5OQL_4C
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