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2. Installation
                                                          Easiest way is to install Zend Server, including:
                                                          – PHP 5.2 or 5.3
                                                          – Apache Web Server
                                                          – Zend Framework
                                                          – phpMyAdmin
              Zend Framework
                                                          – support for IBM DB2, Informix, MySQL Server,
                                                            MS SQL Native Client

                                                        3. Hello world!
                                                         1. From the command line, create a new project
                                                              zf create project hello
  Diana Gorea, Andreea Zbranca, Lucian Bentea
                                                            which generates the following directory tree:
      Faculty of Computer Science, Ia¸i, Romania
                                                               – hello
                                                                    – application
                                                                         – configs
                                                                          – models
1. What is Zend Framework?
                                                                          – views
 – object-oriented web application framework                              – controllers
 – open source, licensed under the New BSD License                  – library
 – implemented in PHP 5 (requires PHP 5.2.4 or later)               – public
 – extensible Model-View-Controller implementation                  – tests
 – provides support for the following Web services:      2. Copy the whole project into the htdocs directory,
   Amazon, del.icio.us, Flickr, Picasa, SlideShare,         usually at:
   Twitter, Yahoo!, YouTube                                 C:Program FilesZendApache2htdocs
 – support for various database systems:                 3. Edit the index.php file, located in:
   MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server,            helloapplicationviewsscriptsindexindex.php
   PostgreSQL, SQLite, Informix Dynamic Server              Replace its whole content with the single line:
 – e-mail composition and delivery,                         Hello world!
   retrieval via mbox, Maildir, POP3 and IMAP4
                                                         4. Open a browser and go to:
 – integrated into Zend Studio IDE
 – Zend Server provides all tools for creating
   PHP Web applications (including Zend Framework)
                                                        4. More information
 – well documented
                                                          – Zend Framework
      – 30-minute tour
      – reference guide (+500 examples)
                                                          – Zend Server
      – fully documented API                                http://www.zend.com/products/server/
 – technology partners:                                   – Zend Studio IDE
   IBM, Google, Microsoft, Adobe Systems, StrikeIron        http://www.zend.com/products/studio/

                                                                                                  October 19, 2009

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Zend Framework Handout

  • 1. 2. Installation Easiest way is to install Zend Server, including: – PHP 5.2 or 5.3 – Apache Web Server – Zend Framework – phpMyAdmin Zend Framework – support for IBM DB2, Informix, MySQL Server, MS SQL Native Client 3. Hello world! 1. From the command line, create a new project zf create project hello Diana Gorea, Andreea Zbranca, Lucian Bentea which generates the following directory tree: Faculty of Computer Science, Ia¸i, Romania s – hello – application – configs – models 1. What is Zend Framework? – views – object-oriented web application framework – controllers – open source, licensed under the New BSD License – library – implemented in PHP 5 (requires PHP 5.2.4 or later) – public – extensible Model-View-Controller implementation – tests – provides support for the following Web services: 2. Copy the whole project into the htdocs directory, Amazon, del.icio.us, Flickr, Picasa, SlideShare, usually at: Twitter, Yahoo!, YouTube C:Program FilesZendApache2htdocs – support for various database systems: 3. Edit the index.php file, located in: MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, helloapplicationviewsscriptsindexindex.php PostgreSQL, SQLite, Informix Dynamic Server Replace its whole content with the single line: – e-mail composition and delivery, Hello world! retrieval via mbox, Maildir, POP3 and IMAP4 4. Open a browser and go to: – integrated into Zend Studio IDE http://localhost/hello/public/ – Zend Server provides all tools for creating PHP Web applications (including Zend Framework) 4. More information – well documented – Zend Framework – 30-minute tour http://framework.zend.com/ – reference guide (+500 examples) – Zend Server – fully documented API http://www.zend.com/products/server/ – technology partners: – Zend Studio IDE IBM, Google, Microsoft, Adobe Systems, StrikeIron http://www.zend.com/products/studio/ October 19, 2009