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LYNN-9624-Fall07Insert 10/24/07 3:16 PM Page 1 
LYNN-9624-FALL 2007 Insert 
Helping the environment while 
enhancing the beauty of your yard 
Rainwater provides us with drinking water and 
maintains flowing streams and rivers. In urban 
environments, rain runoff from our roofs, patios, 
driveways and streets carries with it pollutants such as 
fertilizers, automobile chemicals, pesticides and animal 
waste. This runoff flows into our local waterways. The 
most pervasive pollutants in the Lynnhaven River 
come from our homes, neighborhoods, and commercial 
sites. The urbanization of Virginia Beach and the 
Lynnhaven watershed leaves us with less forested land 
and with an increase in 
impervious cover such as 
walkways, roads and roofs. 
This increases the amount of 
untreated storm water runoff 
that is being carried directly to 
the Lynnhaven and its tributary 
streams. Building a rain garden 
is one thing every home owner 
can do to intercept this 
contaminated runoff before it 
makes its way into our 
waterways. Rain Gardens help 
to landscape your home or 
business and also to improve 
environmental water quality. 
Building a rain garden is easier 
than you may think. The goal is 
to enhance your present 
landscape design with an 
attractive bed of flowers and 
shrubs that also serves as a 
bioretention zone capturing 
rainwater and any pollutants 
hitchhiking along. This guide will help you design 
your bed with a location in mind that will collect 
rainwater runoff, trap it for a short period, and filter its 
pollutants before they reach the Lynnhaven River. 
Compared to a conventional lawn, a rain garden allows 
about 30% more water to be soaked into the ground 
and filtered. 
Rain Gardens help the environment while enhancing 
the beauty of your yard and neighborhood. They create 
habitats that attract birds, butterflies and other wildlife. 
What better way to improve your home or business? 
Let’s get started! 
After Miss Utility marks the utility 
lines on your property, you can begin 
to dig. First, test how fast the water 
drains in the area where you wish to 
build your rain garden by digging a 
hole 6 inches wide and 18 inches deep. 
Fill the hole with water and observe 
how long it takes for the water to drain 
into the soil. If the water has not drained 
out in 48-72 hours, then you will need to 
amend your soil or choose another 
location for your rain garden. If the 
water has drained completely within 48 
hours, you need only excavate six 
inches for water to pool and an 
additional three inches for a mulch 
layer. The addition of plants will 
provide sufficient drainage. 
If your soil did not pass the drainage 
test, you must dig a deeper rain 
garden. It should be as deep as 
possible, not exceeding three feet. Be 
sure to dispose of the excavated soil 
properly to prevent run-off. Fill the 
hole with a blend of 50% sand, 25% 
leaf compost, and 25% clay-free 
topsoil. Ensure the soil you purchase 
has not been sterilized. Due to the 
popularity of rain gardens, some local 
garden centers sell this blend pre-mixed. 
Be sure to leave room for a 3- 
inch mulch layer and a 6-inch pooling 
area on top. (If your drainage is really 
poor, you may also want to add several 
inches of gravel on the bottom.) The 
excavated pit should be flat, not bowl-shaped, 
so it will hold more water. 
This Rain Garden demonstration area, located at the Virginia Tech/ 
Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Virginia 
Beach, Virginia, is open to the public. For more information on the site, go 
to: http://arecs.vaes.vt.edu/arec.cfm?webname=hampton 
Photo by Joe Rule located at ODU. 
Native plants are ideal. They are easily grown and are a natural part of the 
ecosystem. Plants should be both drought and moisture tolerant. The Bioretention 
Manual from Prince George’s County, Maryland, contains an excellent rain garden 
plant list for our region of the country. For the list and other rain garden information 
go to: 
The Virginia Department of Forestry also produces excellent materials on Rain 
Gardens with sample garden designs and an extensive plant list. You can 
download those materials from their website at: 
The Virginia Cooperative Extension has also produced a pamphlet on rain 
gardens that provides excellent plant choices. To access this publication go to: 


Arain garden is a planting bed designed to temporarily store and treat rain water 
that runs off your roof, driveway, walkways and lawn. This run-off does not go 
to a treatment plant but into storm drains that empty directly into the Lynnhaven 
River. If you build a rain garden in a natural low-lying area of your yard, you will 
create your own private “treatment plant” and become a part of the river 
restoration process. A rain garden protects the river and the environment by: 
• trapping excess nutrients from 
your fertilizer 
• removing pollutants from, say, 
your driveway 
• controlling erosion 
• recharging the groundwater 
• providing wildlife habitat 
• converting an unsightly low-lying area 
in your yard to a beautiful flower bed. 
Wait for the rain and observe the natural drainage patterns of your property. The 
location of pooling rainwater may be an excellent location for a rain garden. 
Pooling indicates a natural low spot or an area of compacted soil. In either 
situation, a rain garden would improve drainage in your yard and water quality 
in the river. When choosing your site, think about the following: 
Tree Roots: Keep your rain garden away from tree root zones, using the tree’s 
canopy line as your boundary. 
Structures: Keep your rain garden at least 10 feet from your home or any other structure on your property. 
Underground Lines: Before you break ground for any reason, call Miss Utility of Virginia to mark the buried lines on your 
property, 1-800-552-7001. 
Soil: You will want to test the soil at your proposed site for proper drainage and amend as needed. (See ‘Preparing the 
bed’ to the right for details) 
Elevation: The proposed site you are considering for your rain garden should be below the areas you wish to drain or 
“treat.” Additionally, the natural topography should direct rain toward your proposed site. 
It’s usually best to continue the look of your existing garden theme or expand an existing naturalized area within your 
yard. You can even extend a flowerbed if you like. You can use a garden hose or some rope to outline the edges of your 
prospective garden and to help you calculate the amount of materials you will need. 
A rain garden’s size varies with the amount of surface area 
you will be draining and the kind of soil you have. Those 
whose homes and driveways cover a large part of the yard 
will need larger rain gardens. Those with sandy soil that 
drains well can get by with smaller gardens than those with 
slow draining clay soil. But don’t worry if you think your 
rain garden isn’t big enough to make a difference, the 
addition of a rain garden of any size will improve your 
yard’s ability to treat rain water runoff. 
Begin by tabulating the total area of the impervious surfaces 
of your site. Examples of impervious surfaces include roofs, 
parking areas, walks, decks, patios, and driveways. 
Multiply total impervious surface by 0.07 (percent of 
Runoff) and then by 0.90 (Runoff Value). Formula: 
Contributing Area = Total Impervious Surface x 0.07 x 0.90. 
Next, tabulate the total area of pervious surfaces on your 
site. Pervious surfaces include lawns, wooded areas, fields, 
planting beds, and gardens. Multiply total pervious surface 
by 0.07 (percent of Runoff) and then by 0.25 (Runoff Value). 
Formula: Contributing Area = Total Pervious Surface x 0.07 
x 0.25. 
Add these contributing areas together and this will be the 
area of your rain garden. To calculate these areas online, 
and receive an estimate of material quantity and cost, please 
visit www.lynnhavenrivernow.org to take advantage of 
this valuable tool. 
LYNN-9624-Fall07Insert 10/24/07 3:16 PM Page 2

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Rain Gardens - Helping the Environment While Enhancing the Beauty of Your Yard

  • 1. LYNN-9624-Fall07Insert 10/24/07 3:16 PM Page 1 LYNN-9624-FALL 2007 Insert RAIN GARDENS Helping the environment while enhancing the beauty of your yard Rainwater provides us with drinking water and maintains flowing streams and rivers. In urban environments, rain runoff from our roofs, patios, driveways and streets carries with it pollutants such as fertilizers, automobile chemicals, pesticides and animal waste. This runoff flows into our local waterways. The most pervasive pollutants in the Lynnhaven River come from our homes, neighborhoods, and commercial sites. The urbanization of Virginia Beach and the Lynnhaven watershed leaves us with less forested land and with an increase in impervious cover such as walkways, roads and roofs. This increases the amount of untreated storm water runoff that is being carried directly to the Lynnhaven and its tributary streams. Building a rain garden is one thing every home owner can do to intercept this contaminated runoff before it makes its way into our waterways. Rain Gardens help to landscape your home or business and also to improve environmental water quality. lynnhavenrivernow.org Building a rain garden is easier than you may think. The goal is to enhance your present landscape design with an attractive bed of flowers and shrubs that also serves as a bioretention zone capturing rainwater and any pollutants hitchhiking along. This guide will help you design your bed with a location in mind that will collect rainwater runoff, trap it for a short period, and filter its pollutants before they reach the Lynnhaven River. Compared to a conventional lawn, a rain garden allows about 30% more water to be soaked into the ground and filtered. Rain Gardens help the environment while enhancing the beauty of your yard and neighborhood. They create habitats that attract birds, butterflies and other wildlife. What better way to improve your home or business? Let’s get started! PREPARING THE BED After Miss Utility marks the utility lines on your property, you can begin to dig. First, test how fast the water drains in the area where you wish to build your rain garden by digging a hole 6 inches wide and 18 inches deep. Fill the hole with water and observe how long it takes for the water to drain into the soil. If the water has not drained out in 48-72 hours, then you will need to amend your soil or choose another location for your rain garden. If the water has drained completely within 48 hours, you need only excavate six inches for water to pool and an additional three inches for a mulch layer. The addition of plants will provide sufficient drainage. If your soil did not pass the drainage test, you must dig a deeper rain garden. It should be as deep as possible, not exceeding three feet. Be sure to dispose of the excavated soil properly to prevent run-off. Fill the hole with a blend of 50% sand, 25% leaf compost, and 25% clay-free topsoil. Ensure the soil you purchase has not been sterilized. Due to the popularity of rain gardens, some local garden centers sell this blend pre-mixed. Be sure to leave room for a 3- inch mulch layer and a 6-inch pooling area on top. (If your drainage is really poor, you may also want to add several inches of gravel on the bottom.) The excavated pit should be flat, not bowl-shaped, so it will hold more water. This Rain Garden demonstration area, located at the Virginia Tech/ Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is open to the public. For more information on the site, go to: http://arecs.vaes.vt.edu/arec.cfm?webname=hampton Photo by Joe Rule located at ODU. PLANT SELECTION Native plants are ideal. They are easily grown and are a natural part of the ecosystem. Plants should be both drought and moisture tolerant. The Bioretention Manual from Prince George’s County, Maryland, contains an excellent rain garden plant list for our region of the country. For the list and other rain garden information go to: http://www.co.pg.md.us/Government/AgencyIndex/DER/ESD/Bioretention /bioretention.asp MORE INFORMATION The Virginia Department of Forestry also produces excellent materials on Rain Gardens with sample garden designs and an extensive plant list. You can download those materials from their website at: http://www/dof.virginia.gov/rfb/rain-gardens.shtml The Virginia Cooperative Extension has also produced a pamphlet on rain gardens that provides excellent plant choices. To access this publication go to: http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/waterquality/426-043/426-043.html
  • 2. WHAT IS A RAIN GARDEN? Arain garden is a planting bed designed to temporarily store and treat rain water that runs off your roof, driveway, walkways and lawn. This run-off does not go to a treatment plant but into storm drains that empty directly into the Lynnhaven River. If you build a rain garden in a natural low-lying area of your yard, you will create your own private “treatment plant” and become a part of the river restoration process. A rain garden protects the river and the environment by: • trapping excess nutrients from your fertilizer • removing pollutants from, say, your driveway • controlling erosion • recharging the groundwater • providing wildlife habitat • converting an unsightly low-lying area in your yard to a beautiful flower bed. WHERE SHOULD I PUT A GARDEN? Wait for the rain and observe the natural drainage patterns of your property. The location of pooling rainwater may be an excellent location for a rain garden. Pooling indicates a natural low spot or an area of compacted soil. In either situation, a rain garden would improve drainage in your yard and water quality in the river. When choosing your site, think about the following: Tree Roots: Keep your rain garden away from tree root zones, using the tree’s canopy line as your boundary. Structures: Keep your rain garden at least 10 feet from your home or any other structure on your property. Underground Lines: Before you break ground for any reason, call Miss Utility of Virginia to mark the buried lines on your property, 1-800-552-7001. Soil: You will want to test the soil at your proposed site for proper drainage and amend as needed. (See ‘Preparing the bed’ to the right for details) Elevation: The proposed site you are considering for your rain garden should be below the areas you wish to drain or “treat.” Additionally, the natural topography should direct rain toward your proposed site. DESIGN It’s usually best to continue the look of your existing garden theme or expand an existing naturalized area within your yard. You can even extend a flowerbed if you like. You can use a garden hose or some rope to outline the edges of your prospective garden and to help you calculate the amount of materials you will need. HOW BIG SHOULD I MAKE MY GARDEN? A rain garden’s size varies with the amount of surface area you will be draining and the kind of soil you have. Those whose homes and driveways cover a large part of the yard will need larger rain gardens. Those with sandy soil that drains well can get by with smaller gardens than those with slow draining clay soil. But don’t worry if you think your rain garden isn’t big enough to make a difference, the addition of a rain garden of any size will improve your yard’s ability to treat rain water runoff. Begin by tabulating the total area of the impervious surfaces of your site. Examples of impervious surfaces include roofs, parking areas, walks, decks, patios, and driveways. Multiply total impervious surface by 0.07 (percent of Runoff) and then by 0.90 (Runoff Value). Formula: Contributing Area = Total Impervious Surface x 0.07 x 0.90. Next, tabulate the total area of pervious surfaces on your site. Pervious surfaces include lawns, wooded areas, fields, planting beds, and gardens. Multiply total pervious surface by 0.07 (percent of Runoff) and then by 0.25 (Runoff Value). Formula: Contributing Area = Total Pervious Surface x 0.07 x 0.25. Add these contributing areas together and this will be the area of your rain garden. To calculate these areas online, and receive an estimate of material quantity and cost, please visit www.lynnhavenrivernow.org to take advantage of this valuable tool. LYNN-9624-Fall07Insert 10/24/07 3:16 PM Page 2