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The New World of Work
How social technologies are changing business.

Steve Patrizi
Vice President, Marketing Solutions
LinkedIn Corporation
“Opportunity doesn’t knock.
It chirps, buzzes, pings, and vibrates.”
Are you a member of LinkedIn?
60 million
Years to reach 50 million users

       Radio = 38 years
        TV = 13 years
      LinkedIn = 6 years
1 million = 477 days

1 million = 10 days
Over 200 countries

 Over 170 industries

Execs from every F500
Younger, Affluent Decision Makers

                                          % College
                      AvgAge   AvgHHI                 % BDM’s
                                          Post Grad
 LinkedIn                 44   $105,731     76%        40%
 WSJ                      50   $99,994      70%        33%
 Forbes                   49   $96,801      65%        34%
 BusinessWeek             49   $95,306      65%        35%

Nielsen @plan Fall 2009
LinkedIn’s Mission:

To connect the world’s professionals to
make them more productive and
The World Is Flat…
“It has become possible
for more people to
collaborate and compete
in real time, with more
people on more different
kinds of work from more
different corners of the
planet, on a more equal
footing, than any
previous time in the
history of the world.”

      …and faster…and more challenging…
The New World of Work

 Every individual is now a business

 Decision making is distributed and faster

 Companies are becoming more open
Every individual
is now a business.
Job tenure is on the decline
                         Global competition is increasing

                         Greater movement between
                         professions and industries

                         Greater access to information

                         People loyal to their skills, not their

                         Work used to be a place you would
                         go – now it’s something you do

                         Today’s students will have 10-14
                         jobs before they turn 38
Every individual is a business

Your name & your reputation = your brand

Your salary = your revenue

Your skills & experience = your advantage

Your online profile = your business listing

Your network = your R&D, sales & marketing
Why should you care?

    Today’s decision maker is thinking as much
     about their “own business” as they are
     about their employer’s.

    How does your product or service help
     people achieve individual success as well as
     success for their business?
Decision making is distributed and
happening faster.
Decision making: down & out

“I can be fast,                 “I can take my
but I may make                 time, but I may
a mistake.”                          miss out.”

    “My network can help me make informed
      decisions quickly and confidently.”
Active networkers report greater decision-
making support

    Source: Society for New Communications Research
Traditional decision-making supplemented by
social media

   Source: Society for New Communications Research
Professionals primarily looking to three

   Source: Society for New Communications Research
Companies are
becoming more open.
Companies are more open
Boston/Route 128:
 Longer tenures
 No cross-pollination
 Innovation happened within the company

Silicon Valley
 Frequent movement between companies
 Strong connections between companies
 Innovation moved from company to company

Businesses evolving to SV model
 Individuals tapping worldwide knowledge bases
 Flash teams
 Social technology accelerating this trend
How many people work at your company?
Companies need to be more open

Companies with <50 employees?
Companies need to be more open

Companies with <50 employees?

 of your company than inside.
Companies need to be more open

Companies with <50 employees?
 FACT: There are more smart, informed experts outside
 of your company than inside.

Companies with >5,000 employees?
Companies need to be more open

Companies with <50 employees?
 FACT: There are more smart, informed experts outside
 of your company than inside.

Companies with >5,000 employees?
 FACT: There are more smart, informed experts outside
 of your company than inside.
All employees are accessible

All employees are accessible

All employees are accessible


All employees are accessible

                   Partners      Customers

All employees are accessible

                   Partners      Customers

      Colleagues                         Recruiters
Got Social Media Guidelines?
 From IBM’s Social Computing Guidelines
 (http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/guidelines.html )

 Be thoughtful about how you present yourself in online social networks. The lines
 between public and private, personal and professional are blurred in online social
 networks. By virtue of identifying yourself as an IBMer within a social network, you are
 now connected to your colleagues, managers and even IBM's clients. You should
 ensure that content associated with you is consistent with your work at IBM. If you
 have joined IBM recently, be sure to update your social profiles to reflect IBM's
How can your company be successful
in the New World of Work?
Friends of Linkedin

500 members

150+ discussions

Invaluable feedback &
“Before I began
researching on Google, I
joined a group to learn
more about renewable
energy and posted a
discussion asking for
minutes I was talking on
the phone with market
experts in China.”

          Austin Arensberg
          Business Development, Prime Energy Investments
“As National
Chairman of the
BMA, I belong to the
18 BMA chapter
groups, where I
comment and lead
discussions. It’s a
great way to stay in
touch with our 2,500

        Gary Slack
        Chairman & CEO, Slack Barshinger
Build a community with Groups

Easy to set up

Tools to manage discussions

Leverage viral activity

Weekly announcements
Over 500,000 Groups

Over 1,000 Formed
    Every Day
“When building the
technical backbone
of the site, I looked to
the Linkedin
community for
advice. I also
discovered people
influencing the music

        Dan Gellert
        Jitterbug.tv co-founder
Find your target audience…

Target advertising using
publicly shared profile data

Audiences targeted by:
 - Profession
 - Seniority
 - Industry
 - Company Size
 - Geography
…and measure engagement

 Who saw your ads?

 Who was most

 What other audiences
  should you address?
Banners: Alive and well
Join the conversation in Answers

FICO used banner
advertising and InMail to
promote FICO World.

10-20% of all people who
signed up came from the
Linkedin campaign.

          Laurent Pacalin
          SVP & CMO, FICO
“I asked my network
what piece of
business advice
they’d write on the
back of a business
card. I compiled the
250 responses I
received into a book
which is now

        Roger Smith
        CTO, US Army Simulation, Training & Instrumentation
Join the conversation in Answers

Over 1,000 questions posted

Over 3,000 answers submitted

Over 70 categories available for
“Viewing a contact’s
profile in advance of
a meeting has
shortened our sales
cycle. We’ve also
found ourselves on
the speaking circuit
as a result of
commenting on a

        Kathy Steele
        Vice President, Desert Rose Design
What’s most important to you when traveling
for business?
Engage customers with Polls

Easy and valuable for

Provides useful
customer insights

Ads can be targeted
based on response
Engage customers with Polls

Easy and valuable for

Provides useful
customer insights

Ads can be targeted
based on response
Showcase your work with Apps
“Decks I’ve posted using
the Slideshare app have
been downloaded 300
times by clients…I’ve
made valuable contact
with people who read
that I’m visiting their
market thru the TripIt
Showcase your work with Apps

Amazon Reading List
Box.net File Sharing
MyTravel By TripIt
Add value with app sponsorships
Put a face on your brand
The New World Of Work - 2010
Put a face on your brand
Put a face on your brand

                           1. Who recommends this person?
                           2. How am I connected to them?
Delivering Results

 “This campaign not only drove hundreds of direct
registrations into the BizSpark program, which was
the core goal, but also added to an increased positive
brand and company perception. Because of the
interconnectedness of the platform, I was able to
personally reach out to perfectly-targeted individuals
who I would not have known. I will definitely work
with the LinkedIn team again.”
Generate leads with whitepapers
Generate leads with whitepapers
Highly qualified, accurate data
What should you do tomorrow?
• Join the community
    Encourage your employees to set up profiles
    Establish Groups to engage your customers
    Include your employees in your marketing efforts

 Find and Learn about your customers
    Use targeting technologies to invite people into your Group
    Use Polls to discover insights and trends
    Listen to the discussions in other Groups and Answers

 Engage your customers with relevant content
    Develop messaging that reflects your audience’s interests
    Deliver value-add content – whitepapers, blog feeds, etc.
    Encourage participation in your Group through marketing
The World’s Largest Community of Professionals
 Over 60 million affluent & influential

 Professionals use Linkedin to:
    Manage their professional brand
    Share information and insights
    Find answers to business problems
    Discover new business opportunities

 Marketers can engage with this audience by:
    Establishing Groups to build a loyal community
    Targeting display messages based on profile data
    Sponsoring Answers, Applications and Polls
    Delivering whitepapers and 1:1 messages

 More at http://advertising.linkedin.com
Thank you

Steve Patrizi

spatrizi @ linkedin.com
www.linkedin.com / in / stevepatrizi
@ spatrizi

More Related Content

The New World Of Work - 2010

  • 1. The New World of Work How social technologies are changing business. Steve Patrizi Vice President, Marketing Solutions LinkedIn Corporation
  • 2. “Opportunity doesn’t knock. It chirps, buzzes, pings, and vibrates.”
  • 3. Poll: Are you a member of LinkedIn?
  • 5. Years to reach 50 million users Radio = 38 years TV = 13 years LinkedIn = 6 years
  • 6. 2003: 1 million = 477 days 2010: 1 million = 10 days
  • 7. Over 200 countries Over 170 industries Execs from every F500
  • 8. Younger, Affluent Decision Makers % College AvgAge AvgHHI % BDM’s Post Grad LinkedIn 44 $105,731 76% 40% WSJ 50 $99,994 70% 33% Forbes 49 $96,801 65% 34% BusinessWeek 49 $95,306 65% 35% Nielsen @plan Fall 2009
  • 9. LinkedIn’s Mission: To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.
  • 10. The World Is Flat… “It has become possible for more people to collaborate and compete in real time, with more people on more different kinds of work from more different corners of the planet, on a more equal footing, than any previous time in the history of the world.” …and faster…and more challenging…
  • 11. The New World of Work  Every individual is now a business  Decision making is distributed and faster  Companies are becoming more open
  • 12. Every individual is now a business.
  • 13. Job tenure is on the decline Global competition is increasing Greater movement between professions and industries Greater access to information People loyal to their skills, not their employer Work used to be a place you would go – now it’s something you do Today’s students will have 10-14 jobs before they turn 38
  • 14. Every individual is a business Your name & your reputation = your brand Your salary = your revenue Your skills & experience = your advantage Your online profile = your business listing Your network = your R&D, sales & marketing departments
  • 15. Why should you care?  Today’s decision maker is thinking as much about their “own business” as they are about their employer’s.  How does your product or service help people achieve individual success as well as success for their business?
  • 16. Decision making is distributed and happening faster.
  • 17. Decision making: down & out “I can be fast, “I can take my but I may make time, but I may a mistake.” miss out.” “My network can help me make informed decisions quickly and confidently.”
  • 18. Active networkers report greater decision- making support Source: Society for New Communications Research
  • 19. Traditional decision-making supplemented by social media Source: Society for New Communications Research
  • 20. Professionals primarily looking to three platforms: Source: Society for New Communications Research
  • 22. Companies are more open Boston/Route 128:  Longer tenures  No cross-pollination  Innovation happened within the company Silicon Valley  Frequent movement between companies  Strong connections between companies  Innovation moved from company to company Businesses evolving to SV model  Individuals tapping worldwide knowledge bases  Flash teams  Social technology accelerating this trend
  • 23. Poll: How many people work at your company?
  • 24. Companies need to be more open Companies with <50 employees?
  • 25. Companies need to be more open Companies with <50 employees? of your company than inside.
  • 26. Companies need to be more open Companies with <50 employees? FACT: There are more smart, informed experts outside of your company than inside. Companies with >5,000 employees?
  • 27. Companies need to be more open Companies with <50 employees? FACT: There are more smart, informed experts outside of your company than inside. Companies with >5,000 employees? FACT: There are more smart, informed experts outside of your company than inside.
  • 28. All employees are accessible Your Employees
  • 29. All employees are accessible Colleagues Your Employees
  • 30. All employees are accessible Partners Colleagues Your Employees
  • 31. All employees are accessible Partners Customers Colleagues Your Employees
  • 32. All employees are accessible Partners Customers Colleagues Recruiters Your Employees
  • 33. Got Social Media Guidelines? From IBM’s Social Computing Guidelines (http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/guidelines.html ) Be thoughtful about how you present yourself in online social networks. The lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred in online social networks. By virtue of identifying yourself as an IBMer within a social network, you are now connected to your colleagues, managers and even IBM's clients. You should ensure that content associated with you is consistent with your work at IBM. If you have joined IBM recently, be sure to update your social profiles to reflect IBM's guidelines.
  • 34. How can your company be successful in the New World of Work?
  • 35. Friends of Linkedin 500 members 150+ discussions Invaluable feedback & insights
  • 36. “Before I began researching on Google, I joined a group to learn more about renewable energy and posted a discussion asking for proposals…within minutes I was talking on the phone with market experts in China.” Austin Arensberg Business Development, Prime Energy Investments
  • 37. “As National Chairman of the BMA, I belong to the 18 BMA chapter groups, where I comment and lead discussions. It’s a great way to stay in touch with our 2,500 members.” Gary Slack Chairman & CEO, Slack Barshinger
  • 38. Build a community with Groups Easy to set up Tools to manage discussions Leverage viral activity Weekly announcements
  • 39. Over 500,000 Groups Over 1,000 Formed Every Day
  • 40. “When building the technical backbone of the site, I looked to the Linkedin community for advice. I also discovered people influencing the music niche.” Dan Gellert Jitterbug.tv co-founder
  • 41. Find your target audience… Target advertising using publicly shared profile data Audiences targeted by: - Profession - Seniority - Industry - Company Size - Geography
  • 42. …and measure engagement  Who saw your ads?  Who was most responsive?  What other audiences should you address?
  • 43. Banners: Alive and well Join the conversation in Answers FICO used banner advertising and InMail to promote FICO World. 10-20% of all people who signed up came from the Linkedin campaign. Laurent Pacalin SVP & CMO, FICO
  • 44. “I asked my network what piece of business advice they’d write on the back of a business card. I compiled the 250 responses I received into a book which is now published.” Roger Smith CTO, US Army Simulation, Training & Instrumentation
  • 45. Join the conversation in Answers Over 1,000 questions posted weekly Over 3,000 answers submitted weekly Over 70 categories available for sponsorship
  • 46. “Viewing a contact’s profile in advance of a meeting has shortened our sales cycle. We’ve also found ourselves on the speaking circuit as a result of commenting on a Poll.” Kathy Steele Vice President, Desert Rose Design
  • 47. Poll: What’s most important to you when traveling for business?
  • 48. Engage customers with Polls Easy and valuable for users Provides useful customer insights Ads can be targeted based on response
  • 49. Engage customers with Polls Easy and valuable for users Provides useful customer insights Ads can be targeted based on response
  • 50. Showcase your work with Apps “Decks I’ve posted using the Slideshare app have been downloaded 300 times by clients…I’ve made valuable contact with people who read that I’m visiting their market thru the TripIt app.”
  • 51. Showcase your work with Apps SlideShare Amazon Reading List WordPress Box.net File Sharing Events MyTravel By TripIt
  • 52. Add value with app sponsorships
  • 53. Put a face on your brand
  • 55. Put a face on your brand
  • 56. Put a face on your brand Authenticity: 1. Who recommends this person? 2. How am I connected to them?
  • 57. Delivering Results “This campaign not only drove hundreds of direct registrations into the BizSpark program, which was the core goal, but also added to an increased positive brand and company perception. Because of the interconnectedness of the platform, I was able to personally reach out to perfectly-targeted individuals who I would not have known. I will definitely work with the LinkedIn team again.”
  • 58. Generate leads with whitepapers
  • 59. Generate leads with whitepapers
  • 61. What should you do tomorrow? • Join the community  Encourage your employees to set up profiles  Establish Groups to engage your customers  Include your employees in your marketing efforts  Find and Learn about your customers  Use targeting technologies to invite people into your Group  Use Polls to discover insights and trends  Listen to the discussions in other Groups and Answers  Engage your customers with relevant content  Develop messaging that reflects your audience’s interests  Deliver value-add content – whitepapers, blog feeds, etc.  Encourage participation in your Group through marketing
  • 62. LinkedIn The World’s Largest Community of Professionals  Over 60 million affluent & influential professionals  Professionals use Linkedin to:  Manage their professional brand  Share information and insights  Find answers to business problems  Discover new business opportunities  Marketers can engage with this audience by:  Establishing Groups to build a loyal community  Targeting display messages based on profile data  Sponsoring Answers, Applications and Polls  Delivering whitepapers and 1:1 messages  More at http://advertising.linkedin.com
  • 63. Thank you Steve Patrizi spatrizi @ linkedin.com www.linkedin.com / in / stevepatrizi @ spatrizi