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Social Studies for 8th E.G.B.
Teacher: Mauricio Torres
What is a Hominid?
   Hominids are a group that includes humans and
    their closest relatives.
   All walk upright on two feet.
   Humans are the only hominids that live today.
   With the Ice Age:
     The north African tropical forest began to retreat,
      being replaced first by open grasslands and
      eventually by desert (the modern Sahara).
     This forced tree-dwelling animals to adapt to their
      new environment or die out.
     Some primates adapted to a partly or fully
      ground-dwelling life.
                Some Hominids adapted to this
                 challenge by
                 adopting bipedalism: walking on
                 their hind legs.
                This gave their eyes greater
                 elevation, the ability to see
                 approaching danger further off,
                 and a more efficient means of
                It also freed the forelimbs (arms)
                 from the task of walking and
                 made the hands available for
                 tasks such as gathering food.
   The first hominids were
    called by scientists:
   The oldest fossil found was
    that of “Lucy”, in Ethiopia.
Homo Habilis
            At some point the bipedal
             primates developed
             handedness, giving them the
             ability to pick up sticks,
             bones and stones and use
            Two million years ago emerged
             a new hominid: homo habilis.
            They were the first to make
             stone tools.
                In other words, these primates
                 developed the use of
                 primitive technology.
Homo Erectus
              Also around two million years
               ago, another hominid appeared:
               homo erectus.
              The name was given because
               they walked fully upright.
              They had larger brains and
               bones, smaller teeth and different
               characteristics from other
              They were the first to use fire!
              They also built more complex
              It’s also suspected that they were
               the first to develop spoken
Homo Sapiens
                  Around a hundred thousand
                   years ago, a new group
                   emerged: homo sapiens…
                   the “Wise Man”.
                  They evolved further than
                   their predecessors and split
                   into two categories:
                      Homo sapiens
                      Homo neanderthalensis
                  Both species migrated out of
                   Africa and settled different
                   parts of Europe and Asia.
                  They also developed the first
                   real signs of culture.
One happy family
   Sahelanthropus                  sediba                  Homo gautengensis
     Sahelanthropus            Paranthropus               Homo habilis
       tchadensis                 Paranthropus             Homo rudolfensis
   Orrorin                         aethiopicus             Homo ergaster
     Orrorin tugenensis          Paranthropus boisei      Homo georgicus
   Ardipithecus                  Paranthropus             Homo erectus
     Ardipithecus kadabba
                                                            Homo cepranensis
     Ardipithecus ramidus
                                Kenyanthropus
                                                            Homo antecessor
                                  Kenyanthropus
                                    platyops                Homo
   Australopithecus                                         heidelbergensis
     Australopithecus                                      Homo rhodesiensis
      anamensis                                             Homo
     Australopithecus                                       neanderthalensis
      afarensis                                             Homo sapiens idaltu
     Australopithecus                                      Homo sapiens (Cro-
      bahrelghazali                                          Magnon)
     Australopithecus                                      Homo sapiens
      africanus                                              sapiens
     Australopithecus garhi
     Australopithecus          Homo
Ask yourself

    What skills did humans develop in order to outlive their own
   For further reading, use your books and check
    pages 28 through 31.
   Burstein, S. M., & Shek, R. (2012). World
    History (Teacher´s Edition). In H. McDougal
    (Ed.). Orlando, Florida, US.: Houghton Mifflin
    Harcourt Publishing Company.
   Ellis, E. G., & Esler, A. (2009). World History.
    (P. Hall, Ed.) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey,
    US: Pearson Education INC.

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Hominids & Skills

  • 1. BEFORE THE NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION: HOMINIDS AND SKILLS Social Studies for 8th E.G.B. Teacher: Mauricio Torres
  • 2. What is a Hominid?  Hominids are a group that includes humans and their closest relatives.  All walk upright on two feet.  Humans are the only hominids that live today.
  • 3. Background  With the Ice Age:  The north African tropical forest began to retreat, being replaced first by open grasslands and eventually by desert (the modern Sahara).  This forced tree-dwelling animals to adapt to their new environment or die out.  Some primates adapted to a partly or fully ground-dwelling life.
  • 4. Bipedalism  Some Hominids adapted to this challenge by adopting bipedalism: walking on their hind legs.  This gave their eyes greater elevation, the ability to see approaching danger further off, and a more efficient means of locomotion.  It also freed the forelimbs (arms) from the task of walking and made the hands available for tasks such as gathering food.
  • 5. Lucy  The first hominids were called by scientists: Australopithecines.  The oldest fossil found was that of “Lucy”, in Ethiopia.
  • 6. Homo Habilis  At some point the bipedal primates developed handedness, giving them the ability to pick up sticks, bones and stones and use them.  Two million years ago emerged a new hominid: homo habilis.  They were the first to make stone tools.  In other words, these primates developed the use of primitive technology.
  • 7. Homo Erectus  Also around two million years ago, another hominid appeared: homo erectus.  The name was given because they walked fully upright.  They had larger brains and bones, smaller teeth and different characteristics from other hominids.  They were the first to use fire!  They also built more complex tools.  It’s also suspected that they were the first to develop spoken language.
  • 8. Homo Sapiens  Around a hundred thousand years ago, a new group emerged: homo sapiens… the “Wise Man”.  They evolved further than their predecessors and split into two categories:  Homo sapiens  Homo neanderthalensis  Both species migrated out of Africa and settled different parts of Europe and Asia.  They also developed the first real signs of culture.
  • 9. One happy family  Sahelanthropus sediba  Homo gautengensis  Sahelanthropus  Paranthropus  Homo habilis tchadensis  Paranthropus  Homo rudolfensis  Orrorin aethiopicus  Homo ergaster  Orrorin tugenensis  Paranthropus boisei  Homo georgicus  Ardipithecus  Paranthropus  Homo erectus  Ardipithecus kadabba robustus  Homo cepranensis  Ardipithecus ramidus  Kenyanthropus  Homo antecessor  Kenyanthropus platyops  Homo  Australopithecus heidelbergensis  Australopithecus  Homo rhodesiensis anamensis  Homo  Australopithecus neanderthalensis afarensis  Homo sapiens idaltu  Australopithecus  Homo sapiens (Cro- bahrelghazali Magnon)  Australopithecus  Homo sapiens africanus sapiens  Australopithecus garhi  Australopithecus  Homo
  • 10. Ask yourself  What skills did humans develop in order to outlive their own “cousins”?
  • 11. Bibliography  For further reading, use your books and check pages 28 through 31.  Burstein, S. M., & Shek, R. (2012). World History (Teacher´s Edition). In H. McDougal (Ed.). Orlando, Florida, US.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.  Ellis, E. G., & Esler, A. (2009). World History. (P. Hall, Ed.) Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, US: Pearson Education INC.