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8 Omega ORCA
Organization Readiness & Competence Assessment

Steve Towers
BP Group www.bpgroup.org

1. All ideas, information, concepts, methods and know-how embodied
   in this material (the "Information”) have been created by or for
   BP Group or another company within our group.

2. The Information is of considerable value to our business and is
   disclosed to you on the basis that you do not use it otherwise than
   as expressly permitted by us. Copyright on all materials contained
   in this presentation is owned by us (unless otherwise stated). We
   are providing this material to you on the basis that you agree that
   you will use it only for reference. No part of this material may be
   reproduced or disclosed to any third party without our express
   written permission.

3. Save as provided above, all our other rights are reserved.

• Provide process leaders with an
  overview of the 8 Omega ORCA process
• Provide direction on undertaking ORCA
• Provide process leaders with information
  regarding additional techniques and
  templates for undertaking „Deep‟ ORCA
TM                A New Way for the
                 Age of the Customer
Many of the challenges facing businesses today are forcing organizations to make
  changes for which they have no existing delivery mechanism. These changes
  often place corporations between the proverbial “rock and a hard place,”
  caught between external change forces and internal change barriers.

Business Process Management has come to the rescue, almost. Leading
   business thought leaders have delivered compelling materials to help
   businesses understand why enterprise business process management can
   “deliver the goods.”

What was missing, until recently, was a framework focused on achieving results
  that is proven, flexible, technology neutral and that can apply to virtually any
  business or business problem.
A New Way for a New Age

8 Omega is this overarching new approach that provides a single framework that
   can be applied to any enterprise, business process, challenge or problem.

The framework is not a theoretical concept or academic exercise, nor does it
   mandate the depth, breadth and sophistication of the actions taken by the
   organizations that use it. The framework is flexible and adaptable to meet the
   broad range of individuality and needs of corporations in all markets and any

The 8 Omega Framework comes from real world experience with hundreds of
   organizations that have made the transition to being process managed. More
   than anything else 8 Omega is DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE gathered from leading
   business process management professionals, most of whom have been
   actively practicing BPM for over ten years.
A New Way for a New Age

The framework is the revised, refined and tested results of these real activities, in
   real businesses, by BPM experts, over a broad market spectrum. The origin
   of the framework came from the common, stated desire by corporations all
   over the globe for an approach that was clear, actionable and that would help
   them achieve their desire to become processed managed organizations.

    Implementing the 8 Omega framework allows organizations to realise the
    benefits of Business Process Management. A major component of the
    8 Omega Framework is the Organization Competence & Readiness
    Assessment (ORCA). That is what this resource focuses on
.8 Omega ORCA Overview
    Information in this pack provides a structured technique for understanding an
    organizations process maturity. It helps to identify the main dimensions of
    change and understand the current status, the organizational aspiration and
    the potential future state
What is 8 Omega ORCA?

ORCA is an approach within the 8 Omega Framework which allows
      organizations to assess and evaluate, develop and then build
      their competence in achieving Successful Customer
It goes beyond the concept of process maturity by including key
      dimensions of an organizations capability.

Accordingly it is a pragmatic and immediately useful approach to
     helping organizations identify and develop consensus around
        where they are now,
        where they would like to get to, and
        the gap between the two.
The Good News: You can actually measure how

         you are progressing towards your Strategic Goals!
•   Commitment by Top Management
•   Program Organization & Structure
•   Improvement Training
•   Performance Objectives
•   Functioning of Improvement teams
•   Tools and Techniques
•   Stakeholder specifications
•   Information Systems
•   Accreditation/Certification (individual – enterprise – partners)

And in doing so align the organization to achieve SCO‟s. The ORCA
  approach fits neatly with the CEMMethodTM (see www.cemmethod.com)

                       8 Omega ORCA™
     (Organization Readiness & Competency Assessment)
                                The Business Process Maturity Matrix™
                                Copyright 2004 - The BPM Group - All Rights Reserved
                                             a                             b                       c                         d                         e                        f                         g                          h                        I
                                  Commitment by Top                 Programme               Improvement            Performance Objectives      Functioning of               Tools and                Stakeholder           Information Systems          Accreditation
                                     Management                   Organisation and            Training                                       Improvement Teams             techniques               Specifications              integration
                        Level                                        Structure
                                Process Improvement is Process Improvement is     Everybody trained.                Embedded within all     Approach is part of the    All processes fully      Specification reviewed Processes operate within Improvement actions

       This is where     8
                                  a normal part of the

                                    and audits units
                                                         part of the day to day Process Improvement is
                                 culture, holds reviews activities and culture of
                                                            the organisation
                                                                                    a natural part of
                                                                                    Training efforts
                                                                                                                      aspects of work       normal working practice      measured and
                                                                                                                                                                        controlled with
                                                                                                                                                                       appropriate tools
                                                                                                                                                                                               and periodically revised and are supported by IS have been accredited by
                                                                                                                                                                                                   with stakeholders    tools. A complete BPMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         has been deployed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     appropriate body

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        is maintained to agreed
       we want to be                 Communicates
                                                               Process Improvement       Process Improvement Initial targets achieved, Teams systematically
                                                              Cost Savings significant, competence achieved by   first audit review
                                                                                                                                                                     All process
                                                                                                                                      identify new actions and measurement complete
                                                                                                                                                                                                Stakeholder contracts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Key processes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             supported by IS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Remedial work and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 review of Improvement
                                     information to           measured and achieved            all staff.             complete.            developments.       and on-going as part of            communicated and            infrastructure.     actions to achieve full
                         7           customers and                                                                                                               the daily reporting.                understood by           Integration work          accreditation.
                                        internally                                                                                                                                                     organisation      towards a full BPMS is
                                   Improvement is an            BPM systematically   Trainers, facilitators and Performance measures      More than 50% of          Gap Analysis agreed                Stakeholder       Pilot testing underway,      Initial external
                                     integral part of         being implemented with Mentors fully deployed      identified for all key   organisation have       and complete for all Key            requirements            success criteria        accreditation of
                                  Objective setting and            full IS support        and integral to             processes.         actively participated           processes.              monitoring processes         monitored and              processes.
                         6              appraisal                                           processes.                                  within teams. Positive                                     established. First        reviewed. Initial
                                                                                                                                          results of Projects                                   deliveries against key deployment of strategic
                                                                                                                                         become recognised.                                            stakeholder          IS tools within key
                                   Improvement is an    Regular Communication             Middle management     Performance Indicators    Implementation of        All Key processes are       Initial work underway to IS Review of delivery          Processes and
                                     agenda item in        activity and BPM             trained in PI approach.    and maintenance     Rapid Actions complete. measured and tracked,                  communicate          tools to support key    Improvement actions
                                   meetings, manager     evaluation underway.           Training in techniques methods introduced into   Core process teams       exception reporting and              stakeholder        processes and agree     revised and upgraded.
                         5         gives meetings and    BPM proposals costed.           completed across the      the organisation.    delivering first results. action plans delivered.          requirements and          deployment plan       Internal accreditation

      This is the gap                  publishes on
                                 Has participated in an    Regular Progress

                                                                                        PI Training underway.
                                                                                                      Communication to the     Action teams assigned    Tools and techniques
                                                                                                                                                                                                    required actions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Action programme                Key process
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   complete & reviewed.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Initial key process
                                  Improvement Project Meetings, WPR complete            Facilitators assigned.
                                                                                                          organisation of       and underway within       harmonised. User                        agreed with key               requirements      identified for submission
                                  Involved in progress   and Business Process                        Performance objectives        key processes.        training complete.                         stakeholders          understood, agreed and to internal accreditation
                         4       and commits available      Redesign (BPR)                           underway. Performance                                                                                                 action plan developed.
                                         resource              underway                                Reviews and audits
                                Improvement Goals are      Steering Group       Whole organisation   Performance Objectives Initial Team undertake      Tools and support in                      Key shortfalls and          Initial processes    Accreditation process
                                 defined and published   assigned, first Work aware of PI programme. quantified and charted. Work Process Redesign       place. Initially use,                  targets identified with   reviewed for IS support     communicated.
                                                       Process Redesign (WPR)                         Initial Stretch targets   and complete report   tracking and monitoring                       Stakeholders.            and specifications    Awareness workshops
                         3                                    underway                                        agreed.         back to Steering Group.        underway.                                                           developed        define issues and agree

                                    Is Chairman of the         Process Improvement       Process Improvement        Senior management       Initial Team structure in   Tool kit agreed and     Most important areas Gap analysis undertaken Senior management
                                   Improvement Effort         Responsibility assigned   responsibility assigned.    have identified key              place and        communicated to senior      identified for the        to identify key         participate in
                                                                                            Managers have               objectives.           communicated to the         management.             establishment of     requirements and 'quick Accreditation workshop
                         2                                                               participated within PI                                    organisation.                                     Stakeholder                  hits'
                                                                                               workshop                                                                                              specification

       This is where            Improvement Principles Process Improvement
                                  understood, verbal
                                 support given, but no responsibility assigned
                                                                                Process Improvement

                                                                                                          Approach defined,
                                                       discussed but no formal Training agreed, method selection criteria agreed.
                                                                                                                                              Team structure(s)
                                                                                                                                             agreed within senior
                                                                                                                                                                      Tools and techniques
                                                                                                                                                                      identified and short-
                                                                                                                                                                                               Responsibility assigned Current state analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                   for establishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            agrees current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Accreditation process
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     agreed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               communicated to senior
          we are                 personal involvement                                                                                                                                               requirements.                                  management.

                                     Has no Interest            Structure Completely         No Process                Non identified          No Improvement            Not identified              No Progress               Not identified             No action
                                                                       lacking          Improvement Training                                       Projects


                             Answers a number of questions against a range of key EBPM Issues
                                Copyright 2004 - The BPM Group - All Rights Reserved
a                         b                       c                         d                        e                           f                         g                        h                        I
         Commitment by Top            Programme               Improvement           Performance Objectives      Functioning of                Tools and                 Stakeholder         Information Systems          Accreditation
            Management              Organisation and            Training                                      Improvement Teams              techniques                Specifications            integration
Level                 TM               Structure
        Process Improvement is Process Improvement is     Everybody trained.         Embedded within all     Approach is part of the      All processes fully      Specification reviewed Processes operate within Improvement actions
          a normal part of the   part of the day to day Process Improvement is         aspects of work       normal working practice        measured and          and periodically revised and are supported by IS have been accredited by
         culture, holds reviews activities and culture of   a natural part of                                                              controlled with            with stakeholders    tools. A complete BPMS       appropriate body
 8          and audits units        the organisation        Training efforts                                                              appropriate tools                                has been deployed and
                                                                                                                                                                                           is maintained to agreed
            Communicates          Process Improvement       Process Improvement Initial targets achieved, Teams systematically          All process                Stakeholder contracts          Key processes        Remedial work and
             improvement         Cost Savings significant, competence achieved by   first audit review   identify new actions and measurement complete                    established,          supported by IS     review of Improvement
            information to       measured and achieved            all staff.             complete.            developments.       and on-going as part of            communicated and            infrastructure.     actions to achieve full
 7          customers and                                                                                                           the daily reporting.                understood by           Integration work          accreditation.
               internally                                                                                                                                                 organisation      towards a full BPMS is
          Improvement is an        BPM systematically Trainers, facilitators and Performance measures   More than 50% of                 Gap Analysis agreed              Stakeholder       Pilot testing underway,      Initial external
            integral part of     being implemented with Mentors fully deployed    identified for all keyorganisation have              and complete for all Key          requirements            success criteria        accreditation of
         Objective setting and        full IS support      and integral to             processes.      actively participated                 processes.             monitoring processes         monitored and              processes.
 6             appraisal                                     processes.                               within teams. Positive                                          established. First        reviewed. Initial
                                                                                                        results of Projects                                        deliveries against key deployment of strategic
                                                                                                       become recognised.                                                 stakeholder          IS tools within key
          Improvement is an      Regular Communication Middle management Performance Indicators         Implementation of                All Key processes are    Initial work underway to IS Review of delivery          Processes and
            agenda item in          activity and BPM    trained in PI approach.  and maintenance     Rapid Actions complete.           measured and tracked,             communicate          tools to support key    Improvement actions
          meetings, manager       evaluation underway. Training in techniques methods introduced into Core process teams               exception reporting and            stakeholder        processes and agree     revised and upgraded.
 5        gives meetings and      BPM proposals costed. completed across the     the organisation.    delivering first results.         action plans delivered.       requirements and          deployment plan       Internal accreditation
              publishes on                                   organisation.                                                                                             required actions.                              complete & reviewed.
        Has participated in an   Regular Progress   PI Training underway.     Communication to the           Action teams assigned      Tools and techniques        Action programme              Key process         Initial key process
         Improvement Project Meetings, WPR complete Facilitators assigned.        organisation of             and underway within        harmonised. User            agreed with key             requirements      identified for submission
         Involved in progress  and Business Process                          Performance objectives              key processes.          training complete.            stakeholders        understood, agreed and to internal accreditation
 4      and commits available    Redesign (BPR)                              underway. Performance                                                                                          action plan developed.
                resource            underway                                   Reviews and audits
        Improvement Goals are      Steering Group       Whole organisation   Performance Objectives          Initial Team undertake  Tools and support in     Key shortfalls and               Initial processes    Accreditation process
         defined and published   assigned, first Work aware of PI programme. quantified and charted.         Work Process Redesign    place. Initially use, targets identified with        reviewed for IS support     communicated.
                               Process Redesign (WPR)                         Initial Stretch targets         and complete report tracking and monitoring       Stakeholders.                 and specifications    Awareness workshops
 3                                    underway                                        agreed.                back to Steering Group.      underway.                                               developed        define issues and agree

           Is Chairman of the     Process Improvement     Process Improvement        Senior management       Initial Team structure in Tool kit agreed and         Most important areas Gap analysis undertaken Senior management
          Improvement Effort     Responsibility assigned responsibility assigned.    have identified key              place and       communicated to senior         identified for the        to identify key         participate in
                                                             Managers have               objectives.           communicated to the       management.                 establishment of     requirements and 'quick Accreditation workshop
 2                                                        participated within PI                                    organisation.                                       Stakeholder                  hits'
                                                                workshop                                                                                                specification
        Improvement Principles Process Improvement      Process Improvement       Approach defined,            Team structure(s)        Tools and techniques      Responsibility assigned Current state analysis   Accreditation process
          understood, verbal   discussed but no formal Training agreed, method selection criteria agreed.     agreed within senior      identified and short-         for establishing        agrees current            agreed and
         support given, but no responsibility assigned         selected                                          management                     listed                  Stakeholder              integration      communicated to senior
 1       personal involvement                                                                                                                                          requirements.                                  management.

            Has no Interest       Structure Completely         No Process               Non identified          No Improvement              Not identified              No Progress             Not identified             No action
                                         lacking          Improvement Training                                      Projects


        Steps for Using ORCA

1.   Identify the Participants
2.   Arrange the ORCA Process
3.   Undertake the Review
4.   Assess the Results
5.   Prepare the Findings

      Identify the Participants

Identify a representative cross
     the senior management team
     key process practitioners
     front-line staff
Arrange the ORCA Process

Plan the process to complete within two
Brief the ORCA team
Supply the ORCA team with the template
Confirm meetings/workshops for the ORCA
Undertake the Review

Brief the participants
Complete the template
Co-ordinate data entry
Resolve issues

          Assess the Results

     Review current situation
     Discuss future aspiration
     Agree Gap(s)
     Determine Transition Plan
     Confirm Action Plan
Prepare the Findings

• Report to the Board/Sponsor
• Confirm Program
• Implement Change

         For More Information

• Orca@bpgroup.org
  – To contact us.
• www.bpgroup.org
• www.bp2009.com
  – To catch the latest news on BPM and 8 Omega

8 Omega ORCA
Organization Readiness & Competence Assessment

Steve Towers                                     tm

Chief Executive Officer
BPM Group www.bpmg.org

More Related Content

ORCA Overview

  • 1. tm TM 8 Omega ORCA Organization Readiness & Competence Assessment Steve Towers BP Group www.bpgroup.org
  • 2. TM PROPRIETARY NOTICE 1. All ideas, information, concepts, methods and know-how embodied in this material (the "Information”) have been created by or for BP Group or another company within our group. 2. The Information is of considerable value to our business and is disclosed to you on the basis that you do not use it otherwise than as expressly permitted by us. Copyright on all materials contained in this presentation is owned by us (unless otherwise stated). We are providing this material to you on the basis that you agree that you will use it only for reference. No part of this material may be reproduced or disclosed to any third party without our express written permission. 3. Save as provided above, all our other rights are reserved.
  • 3. Objectives TM • Provide process leaders with an overview of the 8 Omega ORCA process • Provide direction on undertaking ORCA • Provide process leaders with information regarding additional techniques and templates for undertaking „Deep‟ ORCA
  • 4. TM A New Way for the Age of the Customer Many of the challenges facing businesses today are forcing organizations to make changes for which they have no existing delivery mechanism. These changes often place corporations between the proverbial “rock and a hard place,” caught between external change forces and internal change barriers. Business Process Management has come to the rescue, almost. Leading business thought leaders have delivered compelling materials to help businesses understand why enterprise business process management can “deliver the goods.” What was missing, until recently, was a framework focused on achieving results that is proven, flexible, technology neutral and that can apply to virtually any business or business problem.
  • 5. A New Way for a New Age TM 8 Omega is this overarching new approach that provides a single framework that can be applied to any enterprise, business process, challenge or problem. The framework is not a theoretical concept or academic exercise, nor does it mandate the depth, breadth and sophistication of the actions taken by the organizations that use it. The framework is flexible and adaptable to meet the broad range of individuality and needs of corporations in all markets and any size. The 8 Omega Framework comes from real world experience with hundreds of organizations that have made the transition to being process managed. More than anything else 8 Omega is DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE gathered from leading business process management professionals, most of whom have been actively practicing BPM for over ten years.
  • 6. A New Way for a New Age TM The framework is the revised, refined and tested results of these real activities, in real businesses, by BPM experts, over a broad market spectrum. The origin of the framework came from the common, stated desire by corporations all over the globe for an approach that was clear, actionable and that would help them achieve their desire to become processed managed organizations. Implementing the 8 Omega framework allows organizations to realise the benefits of Business Process Management. A major component of the 8 Omega Framework is the Organization Competence & Readiness Assessment (ORCA). That is what this resource focuses on .8 Omega ORCA Overview Information in this pack provides a structured technique for understanding an organizations process maturity. It helps to identify the main dimensions of change and understand the current status, the organizational aspiration and the potential future state
  • 7. What is 8 Omega ORCA? TM ORCA is an approach within the 8 Omega Framework which allows organizations to assess and evaluate, develop and then build their competence in achieving Successful Customer Outcomes. It goes beyond the concept of process maturity by including key dimensions of an organizations capability. Accordingly it is a pragmatic and immediately useful approach to helping organizations identify and develop consensus around where they are now, where they would like to get to, and the gap between the two.
  • 8. The Good News: You can actually measure how TM you are progressing towards your Strategic Goals! • Commitment by Top Management • Program Organization & Structure • Improvement Training • Performance Objectives • Functioning of Improvement teams • Tools and Techniques • Stakeholder specifications • Information Systems • Accreditation/Certification (individual – enterprise – partners) And in doing so align the organization to achieve SCO‟s. The ORCA approach fits neatly with the CEMMethodTM (see www.cemmethod.com)
  • 9. TM 8 Omega ORCA™ (Organization Readiness & Competency Assessment) The Business Process Maturity Matrix™ Copyright 2004 - The BPM Group - All Rights Reserved Element a b c d e f g h I Commitment by Top Programme Improvement Performance Objectives Functioning of Tools and Stakeholder Information Systems Accreditation Management Organisation and Training Improvement Teams techniques Specifications integration Level Structure Process Improvement is Process Improvement is Everybody trained. Embedded within all Approach is part of the All processes fully Specification reviewed Processes operate within Improvement actions This is where 8 a normal part of the and audits units part of the day to day Process Improvement is culture, holds reviews activities and culture of the organisation a natural part of Training efforts aspects of work normal working practice measured and controlled with appropriate tools and periodically revised and are supported by IS have been accredited by with stakeholders tools. A complete BPMS has been deployed and appropriate body is maintained to agreed we want to be Communicates improvement Process Improvement Process Improvement Initial targets achieved, Teams systematically Cost Savings significant, competence achieved by first audit review All process identify new actions and measurement complete Stakeholder contracts established, standards. Key processes supported by IS Remedial work and review of Improvement information to measured and achieved all staff. complete. developments. and on-going as part of communicated and infrastructure. actions to achieve full 7 customers and the daily reporting. understood by Integration work accreditation. internally organisation towards a full BPMS is underway. Improvement is an BPM systematically Trainers, facilitators and Performance measures More than 50% of Gap Analysis agreed Stakeholder Pilot testing underway, Initial external integral part of being implemented with Mentors fully deployed identified for all key organisation have and complete for all Key requirements success criteria accreditation of Objective setting and full IS support and integral to processes. actively participated processes. monitoring processes monitored and processes. 6 appraisal processes. within teams. Positive established. First reviewed. Initial results of Projects deliveries against key deployment of strategic become recognised. stakeholder IS tools within key Improvement is an Regular Communication Middle management Performance Indicators Implementation of All Key processes are Initial work underway to IS Review of delivery Processes and agenda item in activity and BPM trained in PI approach. and maintenance Rapid Actions complete. measured and tracked, communicate tools to support key Improvement actions meetings, manager evaluation underway. Training in techniques methods introduced into Core process teams exception reporting and stakeholder processes and agree revised and upgraded. 5 gives meetings and BPM proposals costed. completed across the the organisation. delivering first results. action plans delivered. requirements and deployment plan Internal accreditation This is the gap publishes on Improvements Has participated in an Regular Progress organisation. PI Training underway. Communication to the Action teams assigned Tools and techniques required actions. Action programme Key process complete & reviewed. Initial key process Improvement Project Meetings, WPR complete Facilitators assigned. organisation of and underway within harmonised. User agreed with key requirements identified for submission Involved in progress and Business Process Performance objectives key processes. training complete. stakeholders understood, agreed and to internal accreditation 4 and commits available Redesign (BPR) underway. Performance action plan developed. resource underway Reviews and audits begun. Improvement Goals are Steering Group Whole organisation Performance Objectives Initial Team undertake Tools and support in Key shortfalls and Initial processes Accreditation process defined and published assigned, first Work aware of PI programme. quantified and charted. Work Process Redesign place. Initially use, targets identified with reviewed for IS support communicated. Process Redesign (WPR) Initial Stretch targets and complete report tracking and monitoring Stakeholders. and specifications Awareness workshops 3 underway agreed. back to Steering Group. underway. developed define issues and agree targets. Is Chairman of the Process Improvement Process Improvement Senior management Initial Team structure in Tool kit agreed and Most important areas Gap analysis undertaken Senior management Improvement Effort Responsibility assigned responsibility assigned. have identified key place and communicated to senior identified for the to identify key participate in Managers have objectives. communicated to the management. establishment of requirements and 'quick Accreditation workshop 2 participated within PI organisation. Stakeholder hits' workshop specification This is where Improvement Principles Process Improvement understood, verbal support given, but no responsibility assigned Process Improvement selected Approach defined, discussed but no formal Training agreed, method selection criteria agreed. Team structure(s) agreed within senior management Tools and techniques identified and short- listed requirements. Responsibility assigned Current state analysis for establishing Stakeholder agrees current integration Accreditation process agreed and communicated to senior 1 we are personal involvement requirements. management. Has no Interest Structure Completely No Process Non identified No Improvement Not identified No Progress Not identified No action lacking Improvement Training Projects 0 Answers a number of questions against a range of key EBPM Issues Copyright 2004 - The BPM Group - All Rights Reserved
  • 10. a b c d e f g h I Commitment by Top Programme Improvement Performance Objectives Functioning of Tools and Stakeholder Information Systems Accreditation Management Organisation and Training Improvement Teams techniques Specifications integration Level TM Structure Process Improvement is Process Improvement is Everybody trained. Embedded within all Approach is part of the All processes fully Specification reviewed Processes operate within Improvement actions a normal part of the part of the day to day Process Improvement is aspects of work normal working practice measured and and periodically revised and are supported by IS have been accredited by culture, holds reviews activities and culture of a natural part of controlled with with stakeholders tools. A complete BPMS appropriate body 8 and audits units the organisation Training efforts appropriate tools has been deployed and is maintained to agreed standards. Communicates Process Improvement Process Improvement Initial targets achieved, Teams systematically All process Stakeholder contracts Key processes Remedial work and improvement Cost Savings significant, competence achieved by first audit review identify new actions and measurement complete established, supported by IS review of Improvement information to measured and achieved all staff. complete. developments. and on-going as part of communicated and infrastructure. actions to achieve full 7 customers and the daily reporting. understood by Integration work accreditation. internally organisation towards a full BPMS is underway. Improvement is an BPM systematically Trainers, facilitators and Performance measures More than 50% of Gap Analysis agreed Stakeholder Pilot testing underway, Initial external integral part of being implemented with Mentors fully deployed identified for all keyorganisation have and complete for all Key requirements success criteria accreditation of Objective setting and full IS support and integral to processes. actively participated processes. monitoring processes monitored and processes. 6 appraisal processes. within teams. Positive established. First reviewed. Initial results of Projects deliveries against key deployment of strategic become recognised. stakeholder IS tools within key Improvement is an Regular Communication Middle management Performance Indicators Implementation of All Key processes are Initial work underway to IS Review of delivery Processes and agenda item in activity and BPM trained in PI approach. and maintenance Rapid Actions complete. measured and tracked, communicate tools to support key Improvement actions meetings, manager evaluation underway. Training in techniques methods introduced into Core process teams exception reporting and stakeholder processes and agree revised and upgraded. 5 gives meetings and BPM proposals costed. completed across the the organisation. delivering first results. action plans delivered. requirements and deployment plan Internal accreditation publishes on organisation. required actions. complete & reviewed. Improvements Has participated in an Regular Progress PI Training underway. Communication to the Action teams assigned Tools and techniques Action programme Key process Initial key process Improvement Project Meetings, WPR complete Facilitators assigned. organisation of and underway within harmonised. User agreed with key requirements identified for submission Involved in progress and Business Process Performance objectives key processes. training complete. stakeholders understood, agreed and to internal accreditation 4 and commits available Redesign (BPR) underway. Performance action plan developed. resource underway Reviews and audits begun. Improvement Goals are Steering Group Whole organisation Performance Objectives Initial Team undertake Tools and support in Key shortfalls and Initial processes Accreditation process defined and published assigned, first Work aware of PI programme. quantified and charted. Work Process Redesign place. Initially use, targets identified with reviewed for IS support communicated. Process Redesign (WPR) Initial Stretch targets and complete report tracking and monitoring Stakeholders. and specifications Awareness workshops 3 underway agreed. back to Steering Group. underway. developed define issues and agree targets. Is Chairman of the Process Improvement Process Improvement Senior management Initial Team structure in Tool kit agreed and Most important areas Gap analysis undertaken Senior management Improvement Effort Responsibility assigned responsibility assigned. have identified key place and communicated to senior identified for the to identify key participate in Managers have objectives. communicated to the management. establishment of requirements and 'quick Accreditation workshop 2 participated within PI organisation. Stakeholder hits' workshop specification requirements. Improvement Principles Process Improvement Process Improvement Approach defined, Team structure(s) Tools and techniques Responsibility assigned Current state analysis Accreditation process understood, verbal discussed but no formal Training agreed, method selection criteria agreed. agreed within senior identified and short- for establishing agrees current agreed and support given, but no responsibility assigned selected management listed Stakeholder integration communicated to senior 1 personal involvement requirements. management. Has no Interest Structure Completely No Process Non identified No Improvement Not identified No Progress Not identified No action lacking Improvement Training Projects 0
  • 11. TM Steps for Using ORCA 1. Identify the Participants 2. Arrange the ORCA Process 3. Undertake the Review 4. Assess the Results 5. Prepare the Findings
  • 12. TM Identify the Participants Identify a representative cross sample: the senior management team key process practitioners front-line staff
  • 13. Arrange the ORCA Process TM Plan the process to complete within two weeks Brief the ORCA team Supply the ORCA team with the template Confirm meetings/workshops for the ORCA sessions
  • 14. Undertake the Review TM Brief the participants Complete the template Co-ordinate data entry Resolve issues
  • 15. TM Assess the Results Review current situation Discuss future aspiration Agree Gap(s) Determine Transition Plan Confirm Action Plan
  • 16. Prepare the Findings TM • Report to the Board/Sponsor • Confirm Program • Implement Change
  • 17. TM For More Information • Orca@bpgroup.org – To contact us. • www.bpgroup.org • www.bp2009.com – To catch the latest news on BPM and 8 Omega
  • 18. TM 8 Omega ORCA Organization Readiness & Competence Assessment Steve Towers tm Chief Executive Officer BPM Group www.bpmg.org