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Energy Efficiency
in Industrial Heating

   ‫גרדאן וולקאן‬       Volkan GERDAN
                        Mechanical Engineer
       Energy Manager (Buildings and Industry)
An Indian Proverb

Only when the last tree is cut.
Only when the last river is polluted.
Only when the last fish is caught.
      Only then will they realize that
      you cannot eat money.
Energy Efficiency

•   Energy Efficiency – Energy Saving

     • Two phrases that are most confusing.

     • Energy Saving
                is reduction of energy consumption
                with one or multiple measures,
                resulting in foreseen reduction or change in
                quality, quantity, comfort, safety etc.

     • Energy Efficiency
                 is reduction of energy consumption
                 while producing the same quantity
                 in the same quality.
                           (…or more in higher quantity)
First Step into Energy Efficiency

        10 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 0.5 - 0.1 %
         What is more important?

                        Tap         Visible!

                        Energy      Invisible!
First Step into Energy Efficiency
First Step into Energy Efficiency
Energy in the Industry

•   Energy is used in two major forms in the industry:
     • Electricity
     • Heat

•   Many of the electricity consuming processes
                            are heat sources by themselves.
•   A good portion of electricity consumption is
                            caused by heat production or distribution.

     So there’s no possibility of a real reduction of energy intensity
                             without taking both into consideration.
Energy in the Industry

•   Energy intensity

     • It’s basically the ratio of energy consumption with production.
     • Calculated as TOE of energy consumed per 1,000 USD sales revenues.

     • As example: Energy intensity of several countries
                       OECD                     0.17
                           North America        0.20
                           Europe               0.14
                           Asia                 0.17
                       EU27                     0.12
                           Germany              0.11
                           UK                   0.09
                       Japan                    0.09
                       Switzerland              0.06
                       Israel                   0.14
Energy in the Industry

•   Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs)

               o    Reduce
               o    Reuse
               o    Recycle
               o    Rethink
Energy in the Industry

•   Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs)

         Optimization Projects:
         With no or limited investment costs
         easily applicable by the industrial facility itself.

                                              Temperature setting in an office:
                                                       1°C means 10%
Energy in the Industry

•   Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs)

         Improvement Projects:
         With low investment costs
         implemented on the existing process.

                                            Heat insulation of the existing
                                              Payback times less than half a
                                                    year are possible.
Energy in the Industry

•   Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs)

         Upgrading Projects:
         With varying investment costs
         resulting in higher, sustainable energy efficiency changes.

                                            Economizer integration to an
                                            existing steam boiler:
                                                      5% or more saving can
                                                      be achieved without
                                                      further costs.
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Heat Recovery

    • It’s one of the most applicable methods of energy efficiency increase.

    • Anything carrying excess heat is the source disregarding its
        • Discharged hot water from any process heater
        • Ovens (heat-recovery from multiple points possible)
        • Condensate return of the steam system
        • Boiler’s flue gases
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Economizers
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Economizers

    • Fuel savings 5% or more
    • Pre-heating of the boiler’s feedwater
    • Pre-heating of any other circuit is possible

       Steam                                                    Chimney
      at 10 bar                    Flue-gas                     Heavy Oil
       184°C                     temperature                       ~160°C
                                            Economiser with     Gas
                                           integrated by-pass      ~120°C
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Economizers

    • Stand alone versions allow
       • Implementation to any steam boiler
       • Gas, light oil or heavy oil
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Ovens and Drying

     • Optimization project:       Change of temperature setting (Rethink!)

     • Heat-recovery options:

         • Air recirculation
           15 – 40% efficiency increase

         • Air pre-heating
           15 – 25% efficiency increase
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•      Case Study: Paper Mill
              Economizer     Exhaust
                                                            Paper Mill:
                                                            2.0 t/day of 300 g/m2 paper increased to 3.1 t/day


                                 from    from
                                Flash   Steam
                 CHP Plant
                                steam   Boiler

810 kW out of 3,370 kW recovered !!!

    Implementation of heat recovery system to an existing paper mill:
               24% increase of energy efficiency
               50% increase of production without increase of energy consumption
    Investment amount:                    Annual Savings:                               Payback Period
    220,000 EUR                           7,806,000 kWh – 200,000 EUR                   Less than 1.5 years
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•    Using the “high” calorific value of the fuel
     via condensation technology

                                  Condensing Boiler

                                   Low Calorific Value   Used Heat   Heating

Efficiency Increasing Projects

                                   What is
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Summary of Heating

    Air (O2)                               Losses

    Fuel                             Heating
    Natural gas, Fuel-oil,
    Diesel-oil etc.
    (C,H,O …)
                                     + CO2 + H20
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Heat Losses and Recoveries

                                     Chimney Heat Losses

                                     Very Low Flue Gas

                                     Losses of Energy Due To
                                     The Latent Heat In Water

Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Is 110% efficiency possible?

               miles/h                           km/h
                        100 miles/h > 100 km/h
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Is 110% efficiency possible?

       Lower Heating Value Hs                  Higher Heating Value Hi
       The latent heat in water vapor is not   The latent heat in water vapor is
       taken into consideration and the rest   taken into account and the total is
       is accepted to be 100%.                 accepted to be 100%.

        For natural gas:

        8.250 kcal/m3                          9.155 kcal/m3

        100 units of energy                    111 units of energy
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Is 110% efficiency possible?

                                     Chimney Heat Losses
                                     LT Boiler         6 – 9%
                                     Condensing Boiler 1 – 2%
                                     Heat Recovery       5 – 7%

                                     LT Boiler           0%
                                     Condensing Boiler   0 – 10%
                                     Heat Recovery       0 – 10%

          Total Heat Recovery of Condensing Boiler: 5 – 17%
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Condensing boilers
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Condensing boilers
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Losses of a boiler
     • Chimney losses
     • Cooling losses

•   Chimney losses occur only when the burner is running.

•   Cooling losses occur
     • Stand-by losses:
                  During stand-by on a fixed temperature
                  (when the burner is off)

     • Radiation losses:
                  During the operation
                  (when the burner is running)
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Radiation losses are relative to
     • Dimensions
     • Water volume
     • Weight

                Stand-by and
              radiation losses         Chimney losses

            Fuel losses
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   The cooling losses are the sum of radiation and stand-by losses.
    Burner running                    : Radiation losses 1,2%
    Burner off                        : Stand-by losses 0,8%

    Total cooling losses are
                  2% in average.

•   During the operation of the burner, combustion and chimney losses are
    Chimney losses             : 7%
    Combustion losses          : 7%
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Stand-by losses are depending on stand-by duration
     • No stand-by means
     • No stand-by losses.

•   They are less than chimney losses.
    Stand-by losses are in positive relation with boiler outshell area per kW
    Higher boiler power has relatively less area.

•   The ratio between chimney and stand-by losses:
         in 70 kW           1:3
         in 1000 kW         1:5
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Combustion can affect both chimney and stand-by losses.
•   In best way, the combustion is realized without any interruptions while
    changing the capacity: Modulation

        On – Off Operation                        Operation with modulation
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Capacity modulation

     • Boilers and burners are selected for the peak load.
     • Normally they are running on lower capacities.

     • In case of an on/off controlled burner, partial loads cause
       very high cycling frequency!
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Every cycling (on/off) causes
         Reduction of burner economic life
         A swap away period of the fan
                  Air sent to the chimney together with the rest heat
         A period of bad combustion conditions
                  (with very low efficiency)
         Loss of unused fuel
         Stand-by (cooling) losses

•   Annual losses via cycling
         On-off burners:             ~ 5%
         Modulating burners:         ~ 1%
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   How to control the combustion?

                                                   Chimney draught (Pa) = h x (r1-r2)

                                                   h = Height of the chimney (m)
                                                   r1= Density of outdoor air (kg/m3)
                                                   r2= Density of flue-gas (kg/m3)

           Boilers with jet burners
           Burner’s blower and chimney run as two fans in serial
           Combustion air is under effect of ambient conditions.
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   How to control the combustion?
        Start-Up /               Colder Day            Warmer Day
     Maintenance Day              To = 5°C              To = 30°C
         To= 20oC

                              Higher draught and     Lower draught and
                              Higher air surplus      Lower air surplus

                                Low Efficiency     Low Efficiency and Soot
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Choosing the right burner is an energy increasing project!

     •   One staged burners
     •   Two staged burners
     •   Modulating burners
     •   Modulating burners
         with pneumatic mixing (soot-free burners)

•   Larger capacities:
     • Frequency controlled (> 2,000 kW)
     • Oxygen controlled (> 3,000 kW)
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Combined Heat and Power Generation

    • Cannot be understood in the scope of energy efficiency.
    • On the other hand it’s an important method of cost reduction.

    • CHP basically allows to switch
      from one energy source
      to another.

    • Important primary energy savings
      and reduction of CO2 emissions
      are generated
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Combined Heat and Power Generation

    • Is a CHP system applicable in my industrial facility?

    • If a facility needs
        • Heat
        • Electricity
                  then the answer is “YES”.

       For CHP, heat is always the prior demand.
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Combined Heat and Power Generation


             Fuel                                         Electricity
             100%                                         32%

                          Thermal & Mechanical
                                  20%                                   Electricity

             Fuel                                Useful
                                                                                Hot water
             100%                                80%
                                                                                Hot air

                              CHP Plant                                 Chilled water
Efficiency Increasing Projects

•   Case Study: Plaster Factory

     • Implementation of CHP’s heat recovery system to the existing tunnel
       ovens as hot-air
     • Feed-in of excess electricity

Investment amount:   Annual Savings:   Annual Income via Feed-In:   Payback Period
910,000 EUR          180,000 EUR       240,000 EUR                  2.2 years

Annual Primary Energy Savings:         1,480,000 kWh
Annual Reduction of CO2 Emissions:     > 11,600 t eq
Other Topics of Energy Efficiency

•   Compressed air systems: Up to 80% efficiency increase opportunities
•   Implementation of renewable energy resources
•   Thermal insulation
•   Temperature settings
•   Thermal storage
•   Green buildings (factories)
•   Recycling and waste management
•   Energy monitoring (You cannot reduce if you cannot monitor!)
‫תודה רבה‬

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הרצאת וולקן גרדן - לדיקו גרין

  • 1. Energy Efficiency in Industrial Heating Systems ‫גרדאן וולקאן‬ Volkan GERDAN Mechanical Engineer Energy Manager (Buildings and Industry)
  • 2. An Indian Proverb Only when the last tree is cut. Only when the last river is polluted. Only when the last fish is caught. Only then will they realize that you cannot eat money.
  • 3. Energy Efficiency • Energy Efficiency – Energy Saving • Two phrases that are most confusing. • Energy Saving is reduction of energy consumption with one or multiple measures, resulting in foreseen reduction or change in quality, quantity, comfort, safety etc. • Energy Efficiency is reduction of energy consumption while producing the same quantity in the same quality. (…or more in higher quantity)
  • 4. First Step into Energy Efficiency 10 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 0.5 - 0.1 % What is more important? Leaking Tap Visible! Dropping Leaking Energy Invisible! Dropping
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  • 6. First Step into Energy Efficiency
  • 7. Energy in the Industry • Energy is used in two major forms in the industry: • Electricity • Heat • Many of the electricity consuming processes are heat sources by themselves. • A good portion of electricity consumption is caused by heat production or distribution. So there’s no possibility of a real reduction of energy intensity without taking both into consideration.
  • 8. Energy in the Industry • Energy intensity • It’s basically the ratio of energy consumption with production. • Calculated as TOE of energy consumed per 1,000 USD sales revenues. • As example: Energy intensity of several countries e OECD 0.17 North America 0.20 Europe 0.14 Asia 0.17 EU27 0.12 Germany 0.11 UK 0.09 Japan 0.09 Switzerland 0.06 Israel 0.14
  • 9. Energy in the Industry • Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs) 4R o Reduce o Reuse o Recycle o Rethink
  • 10. Energy in the Industry • Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs) Optimization Projects: With no or limited investment costs easily applicable by the industrial facility itself. Example: Temperature setting in an office: 1°C means 10%
  • 11. Energy in the Industry • Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs) Improvement Projects: With low investment costs implemented on the existing process. Example: Heat insulation of the existing pipes: Payback times less than half a year are possible.
  • 12. Energy in the Industry • Efficiency Increasing Projects (EIPs) Upgrading Projects: With varying investment costs resulting in higher, sustainable energy efficiency changes. Example: Economizer integration to an existing steam boiler: 5% or more saving can be achieved without further costs.
  • 13. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Heat Recovery • It’s one of the most applicable methods of energy efficiency increase. • Anything carrying excess heat is the source disregarding its temperature: • Discharged hot water from any process heater • Ovens (heat-recovery from multiple points possible) • Condensate return of the steam system • Boiler’s flue gases
  • 15. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Economizers • Fuel savings 5% or more • Pre-heating of the boiler’s feedwater • Pre-heating of any other circuit is possible Steam Chimney at 10 bar Flue-gas Heavy Oil 184°C temperature ~160°C >200°C Economiser with Gas integrated by-pass ~120°C
  • 16. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Economizers • Stand alone versions allow • Implementation to any steam boiler • Gas, light oil or heavy oil
  • 17. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Ovens and Drying • Optimization project: Change of temperature setting (Rethink!) • Heat-recovery options: • Air recirculation 15 – 40% efficiency increase • Air pre-heating 15 – 25% efficiency increase
  • 18. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Case Study: Paper Mill Air Economizer Exhaust Paper Mill: 2.0 t/day of 300 g/m2 paper increased to 3.1 t/day Fresh-Air from from from Flash Steam CHP Plant steam Boiler 810 kW out of 3,370 kW recovered !!! Implementation of heat recovery system to an existing paper mill: 24% increase of energy efficiency 50% increase of production without increase of energy consumption Investment amount: Annual Savings: Payback Period 220,000 EUR 7,806,000 kWh – 200,000 EUR Less than 1.5 years
  • 19. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Using the “high” calorific value of the fuel via condensation technology Condensing Boiler High Low Calorific Value Used Heat Heating Calorific System Value Condensation Vapor
  • 20. Efficiency Increasing Projects What is Condensation Technology?
  • 21. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Summary of Heating Air (O2) Losses Fuel Heating Natural gas, Fuel-oil, Diesel-oil etc. Energy (C,H,O …) + CO2 + H20
  • 22. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Heat Losses and Recoveries Chimney Heat Losses Very Low Flue Gas Temperatures Losses of Energy Due To The Latent Heat In Water Vapor Condensation
  • 23. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Is 110% efficiency possible? miles/h km/h 100 miles/h > 100 km/h
  • 24. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Is 110% efficiency possible? Lower Heating Value Hs Higher Heating Value Hi The latent heat in water vapor is not The latent heat in water vapor is taken into consideration and the rest taken into account and the total is is accepted to be 100%. accepted to be 100%. For natural gas: 8.250 kcal/m3 9.155 kcal/m3 100 units of energy 111 units of energy
  • 25. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Is 110% efficiency possible? Chimney Heat Losses LT Boiler 6 – 9% Condensing Boiler 1 – 2% Heat Recovery 5 – 7% Condensation LT Boiler 0% Condensing Boiler 0 – 10% Heat Recovery 0 – 10% Total Heat Recovery of Condensing Boiler: 5 – 17%
  • 28. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Losses of a boiler • Chimney losses • Cooling losses • Chimney losses occur only when the burner is running. • Cooling losses occur • Stand-by losses: During stand-by on a fixed temperature (when the burner is off) • Radiation losses: During the operation (when the burner is running)
  • 29. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Radiation losses are relative to • Dimensions • Water volume • Weight Stand-by and radiation losses Chimney losses Fuel losses
  • 30. Efficiency Increasing Projects • The cooling losses are the sum of radiation and stand-by losses. Burner running : Radiation losses 1,2% Burner off : Stand-by losses 0,8% Total cooling losses are 2% in average. • During the operation of the burner, combustion and chimney losses are happening. Chimney losses : 7% Combustion losses : 7%
  • 31. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Stand-by losses are depending on stand-by duration • No stand-by means • No stand-by losses. • They are less than chimney losses. Stand-by losses are in positive relation with boiler outshell area per kW power Higher boiler power has relatively less area. • The ratio between chimney and stand-by losses: in 70 kW 1:3 in 1000 kW 1:5
  • 32. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Combustion can affect both chimney and stand-by losses. • In best way, the combustion is realized without any interruptions while changing the capacity: Modulation On – Off Operation Operation with modulation
  • 33. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Capacity modulation • Boilers and burners are selected for the peak load. • Normally they are running on lower capacities. • In case of an on/off controlled burner, partial loads cause very high cycling frequency!
  • 34. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Every cycling (on/off) causes Reduction of burner economic life A swap away period of the fan Air sent to the chimney together with the rest heat A period of bad combustion conditions (with very low efficiency) Loss of unused fuel Stand-by (cooling) losses • Annual losses via cycling On-off burners: ~ 5% Modulating burners: ~ 1%
  • 35. Efficiency Increasing Projects • How to control the combustion? Chimney draught (Pa) = h x (r1-r2) h = Height of the chimney (m) r1= Density of outdoor air (kg/m3) r2= Density of flue-gas (kg/m3) Boilers with jet burners Burner’s blower and chimney run as two fans in serial connection. Combustion air is under effect of ambient conditions.
  • 36. Efficiency Increasing Projects • How to control the combustion? Start-Up / Colder Day Warmer Day Maintenance Day To = 5°C To = 30°C To= 20oC Higher draught and Lower draught and Higher air surplus Lower air surplus Low Efficiency Low Efficiency and Soot
  • 37. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Choosing the right burner is an energy increasing project! • One staged burners • Two staged burners • Modulating burners • Modulating burners with pneumatic mixing (soot-free burners) • Larger capacities: • Frequency controlled (> 2,000 kW) • Oxygen controlled (> 3,000 kW)
  • 38. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Combined Heat and Power Generation • Cannot be understood in the scope of energy efficiency. • On the other hand it’s an important method of cost reduction. • CHP basically allows to switch from one energy source to another. • Important primary energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions are generated
  • 39. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Combined Heat and Power Generation • Is a CHP system applicable in my industrial facility? • If a facility needs • Heat • Electricity then the answer is “YES”. For CHP, heat is always the prior demand.
  • 40. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Combined Heat and Power Generation Thermal Losses 68% Fuel Electricity 100% 32% Thermal & Mechanical Losses 20% Electricity Steam Fuel Useful Hot water 100% 80% Hot air CHP Plant Chilled water
  • 41. Efficiency Increasing Projects • Case Study: Plaster Factory • Implementation of CHP’s heat recovery system to the existing tunnel ovens as hot-air • Feed-in of excess electricity Investment amount: Annual Savings: Annual Income via Feed-In: Payback Period 910,000 EUR 180,000 EUR 240,000 EUR 2.2 years Annual Primary Energy Savings: 1,480,000 kWh Annual Reduction of CO2 Emissions: > 11,600 t eq
  • 42. Other Topics of Energy Efficiency • Compressed air systems: Up to 80% efficiency increase opportunities • Implementation of renewable energy resources • Thermal insulation • Temperature settings • Thermal storage • Green buildings (factories) • Recycling and waste management • Energy monitoring (You cannot reduce if you cannot monitor!)