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LUMA	presents	our	annual	State	of	Digital	Media	which	covers	our	views	on	the	
market,	the	industry	trends	and	the	future	of	the	ecosystem	with	a	specific	focus	on	
digital	media	and	marketing.	We	hope	you	enjoy	it.
Meet the Senior LUMA Team
Terry	Kawaja Brian	Andersen Mark	Greenbaum Dick	Filippini Gayle	Meyers
Founder	and	CEO Partner Partner Partner CMO
Terry	leads	strategy,
banking	and	content	for	
He’s	also	head	comedy	
writer	and	performer.
Brian	is	LUMA’s	
marketing	technology	
He excels	at	coaching	
both	little	league	and	
big	clients.
Mark runs	M&A	
strategy	and	execution	
for	LUMA.
He’s	never	met	a	term	
sheet	he	couldn’t	
Dick	leads	LUMA’s	
mobile	and	gaming	
banking	coverage.
You	can	find	him	
holding	court	every	
February	in	Barcelona.
Gayle	runs	LUMA’s	
marketing,	events,	and	
She	may	be	new,	but
she’s already
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
Digital	advertising	is	doing	great.	Revenue	grew	20%	in	2015	and	is	set	to	surpass	TV	
advertising	next	year	as	the	largest	category	of	ad	spend.	But	you	wouldn’t	know	it	from	
the	press.	Everywhere	you	look,	all	you	hear	about	are	the	problems	with	digital	
advertising.	It’s	no	secret	that	the	sector	suffers	from	a	fragmented	ecosystem	(as	depicted	
by	our	eponymous	LUMAscapes)	and	such	a	convoluted	supply	chain	has	been	blamed	for	a	
series	of	issues	that	plague	the	sector.	These	issues	have	implications	for	all	the	key	
constituents	from	marketers	to	agencies,	tech	intermediaries,	publishers	and	consumers.
We	force	ranked	the	issues	from	the	standpoint	of	their	impact	on	the	ecosystem	as	a	whole	with	
increasing	importance	from	serious	to	critical	to	existential.	The	first	four	issues	are	either	between	
constituents	(Transparency,	Header	Bidding)	or	are	universal	problems	that	will	eventually	get	
solved	via	technology	or	consolidation	(Measurement,	Latency).	The	Privacy	/	Tracking	issue	is	a	big	
one	with	consumer	groups,	especially	in	Europe.	It	is	critical	to	treat	consumers’	data	fairly	and	so	
far	the	industry	has	not	exactly	delivered	on	its	promise	of	a	better	user	experience	from	increased	
ad	relevancy.	Mostly,	we	see	retargeted	ads	of	the	product	we	already	purchased!
Then	there’s	the	bottom	half	of	the	list.	These	issues	are	critical	if	not	existential.	Let’s	
take	a	closer	look	at	these.
To	assess	the	impact	of	Viewability,	Fraud	and	Ad	Blocking,	consider	the	lifecycle	of	a	
media	impression.	Every	load	of	a	web	page	or	video	creates	an	ad	opportunity	
(denoted	in	blue).	However,	ad	blocking	(now	estimated	at	22%	in	North	America)	
prevents	ads	from	being	served	to	a	person	(a	“consumer”	in	our	nomenclature).	Of	
the	ads	served,	some	are	seen	by	bots	(machines	that	record	fraudulent	impressions)	
and	another	portion	is	delivered	to	humans	but	not	seen.
Whether	an	ad	is	“viewable”	or	not	depends	on	the	viewability standards	that	vary	by	
platform.	For	example,	in	video,	YouTube	counts	30	seconds	as	a	view	whereas	
Facebook	is	3	seconds	and	Snapchat one	second.
Of	the	ads	actually	viewed,	a	small	portion	of	these	instigates	engagement	by	
consumers	and	an	even	smaller	portion	results	in	a	conversion.	These	last	two	
elements	are	primarily	relevant	for	direct	response	advertising	whereas	brand	
advertising’s	objective	is	to	help	build	demand	generation	or	preference	over	time	and	
may	benefit	from	an	impression	alone.
If	you	analyzed	these	issues	from	an	economic	perspective,	there	is	significant	value	
leakage.	Marketers’	“lost	value”	is	the	sum	of	fraud	and	non-viewable	impressions.	In	
both	instances	they	paid	for	an	ad	that	was	never	seen	by	a	potential	consumer.	
Publishers	on	the	other	hand	lose	value	from	both	fraud	and	ad	blocking.
While	we	don’t	purport	to	have	solutions	to	all	of	these	issues,	we	would	suggest	that	
whatever	solutions	applied	be	done	so	with	consideration	of	the	principals	of	the	marketing	
equation:	the	marketer	and	the	consumer.	On	ad	blocking	in	particular,	we	believe	that	the	
best	way	to	prevent	further	proliferation	of	such	software	downloads	is	to	create	a	better	
consumer	experience.	While	we	sympathize	with	the	publishers’	predicament	and	value	the	
economic	construct	that	supports	journalism,	forcing	the	consumers’	hand	with	draconian	
measures	is	not	the	way	to	go.	Consumer	choice	is	here	to	stay!
The	trend	towards	performance	metrics	in	advertising	serves	to	mitigate	some	of	
these	issues.	When	marketers	are	paying	for	business	outcomes	and	not	proxies	like	
impressions,	it	alleviates	many	ills	from	measurement	to	fraud.	If	the	marketer	is	not	
paying	based	on	impressions,	it’s	irrelevant	that	impressions	are	not	seen.	This	is	a	
natural	and	healthy	trend	for	both	marketers	and	consumers.	It’s	no	wonder	the	
companies	that	deploy	these	models	have	seen	higher	rates	of	growth.
The	Walled	Garden	issue	relates	to	the	growing	digital	duopoly	enjoyed	by	Google	
and	Facebook.
Similar	to	the	walled	gardens	of	content	from	the	90’s,	Facebook	and	Google	have	put	
up	walled	gardens	of	data.	The	walled	gardens	are	no	surprise,	given	Facebook	and	
Google’s	tremendous	first	party	data	assets	and	reach,	which	enable	them	to	more	
effectively	target	consumers	and	deliver	higher	ROI	to	advertisers…
...and	they	are	extending	this	advantage	across	third	party	apps	and	sites	to	further	
their	dominance	with	the	additional	benefit	of	not	degrading	their	O&O	properties	
with	more	ads.
This	begs	the	question,	will	other	companies	with	significant	first	party	data	join	
Facebook	and	Google	as	the	third	walled	garden?	With	a	sizable	subscriber	base	and	
the	recent	acquisitions	of	AOL	and	Millennial	Media,	Verizon	seems	to	be	the	most	
likely	candidate.
To	date,	this	strategy	has	been	extremely	effective	for	Facebook	and	Google,	each	of	
which	has	garnered	massive	scale	in	digital	advertising.	A	recent	analyst	study	
suggests	that	their	combined	share	of	all	incremental	ad	spend	has	exceeded	85%,	a	
frightening	figure	for	the	thousands	of	companies	vying	for	the	remainder.	We	would	
call	this	issue	existential!
Finally	there’s	the	paramount	issue	of	fragmentation,	a	condition	that	is	unsustainable	for	
both	the	principals	and	intermediaries.	Marketers	and	publishers	struggle	with	the	
complexity	caused	by	the	myriad	of	point	solutions	on	the	LUMAscapes.	For	the	
intermediaries,	it’s	a	constant	challenge	to	differentiate	and	grow	with	so	much	
competition,	which	has	led	to	a	pull	back	in	venture	funding.	To	vary	into	another	analogy,	
Winter	is	here!	The	obvious	solution	is	industry	consolidation,	and	LUMA	is	doing	all	it	can	
to	help	out	in	this	regard!
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
Let	me	take	this	opportunity	to	highlight	LUMA’s	singular	focus	on	the	intersection	of	
Media,	Marketing	and	Technology;	the	sectors	of	Digital	Content,	Ad	Tech	and	
MarTech	all	seen	through	the	lens	of	mobile.
Ad	Tech	and	MarTech	stocks	have	struggled,	down	13%	and	16%	respectively	on	
average	since	this	time	last	year.
Trading	multiples	have	fallen	far	more	than	stock	prices,	despite	industry-wide	
revenue	growth	of	approximately	25%.
Where	has	the	value	in	the	ecosystem	gone?	Facebook	and	Google	are	up	56%	and	
34%	respectively	over	the	last	twelve	months	reflecting	a	combined	$250	billion	
increase	to	their	market	cap.
To	put	this	number	in	perspective,	the	combined	single	year	increase	of	
Facebook	and	Google	is	the	equivalent	to	the	market	cap	of	P&G,	the	largest	
advertiser	in	the	world,	as	well	as	WPP,	the	largest	agency	holding	company	in	
the	world…
…with	enough	left	over	to	pay	a	$5	billion	fee	to	LUMA	;)
We	have	yet	to	see	a	digital	IPO	this	year.
Back	in	2014,	we	reviewed	a	robust	IPO	pipeline	in	both	Ad	Tech	and	MarTech.
That	pipeline	has	frozen,	as	leading	companies	push	off	IPO	plans,	raise	large	private	
rounds	or	focus	on	M&A.
Venture	capital	investment	had	seen	steady	increases	from	2013,	peaking	the	third	
quarter	of	2015.
VC	funding	fell	29%	during	Q3	2015	to	Q4	2015	and	has	continued	to	fall	into	2016.
Even	more	shocking,	the	median	value	of	U.S.	startups	has	plunged	from	a	peak	of	
$61.5	million	in	Q3	2015	to	$18.5	million	in	Q1	2016.
Despite	the	negative	overall	environment,	a	significant	number	of	differentiated	
digital	companies	have	successfully	raised	sizable	new	private	financing	this	year.
While	both	the	public	and	private	markets	struggle,	M&A	has	been	the	one	bright	spot	
for	digital	media.	On	an	annualized	basis,	2016	continues	the	trend	of	up	and	to	the	
right	across	most	subsectors.
We	have	seen	M&A	activity	from	all	sectors,	Media,	Marketing,	Technology,	and	
Network	/	Commerce.
Perhaps	the	most	encouraging	trend	we	see	is	buyers	across	an	increasingly	broad	set	
of	industry	verticals	have	focused	on	Ad	Tech	and	MarTech	targets.	These	buyers	bring	
differentiated	customer	and	data	assets	driving	strategic	value	and	adding	dynamic	
competitive	tension	for	differentiated	tech	and	data	driven	companies.
Beyond	the	usual	suspects,	we	are	continuing	to	see	deeper	interest	from	new	
entrants,	including	CRM,	Consumer	Internet,	Commerce,	Telco,	Media,	Marketing,	
Tech	Services	and	Data.
As	an	example,	Telcos have	come	into	the	space	in	a	meaningful	way	over	the	past	
twelve	months.	With	large	subscriber	bases	and	valuable	first-party	data,	Telcos have	
looked	to	improve	their	competitiveness	in	the	digital	world	while	driving	meaningful	
Recent	M&A	validates	this	Telco	interest,	with	Singtel,	Telenor,	AT&T,	Verizon,	Comcast	
and	Telstra	all	making	significant	acquisitions.	We	see	this	trend	continuing	as	other	
major	players	actively	evaluate	the	space.
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
Over	past	few	years,	the	programmatic	market	has	exploded,	with	the	initial	inflection	
point	coming	in	2014.	Growth	has	increased	dramatically,	prompting	eMarketer to	
continually	increase	estimates	in	order	to	catch	up	with	actual	results.	With	estimates	
over	$20	billion	for	2016	– programmatic	is	now	a	market	with	the	scale	to	attract	the	
interest	of	the	large	software	companies.
While	some	are	building	in-house,	programmatic	capabilities	are	largely	being	
acquired	through	M&A,	with	a	significant	increase	in	transactions	over	the	last	year.
Investors	value	companies	based	on	growth,	operating	leverage	and	predictability	of	
revenues.	SaaS software	companies	in	general	have	these	attributes.	Contrast	that	
with	traditional	media	models,	which	are	showing	slower	growth,	low	gross	margins	
and	I/O-based	contracts.		These	differences	are	reflected	by	a	wide	disparity	in	
valuation	multiples.
Programmatic	businesses	are	also	showing	high	growth	and	software	gross	margins.	
While	these	businesses	may	not	have	contractual	recurring	revenues,	they	have	de-
facto	predictable	revenues	since	they	have	evergreen	budgets.
As	the	connection	between	spend	and	results	tightens,	advertising	becomes	more	
predictable.	Predictability	is	not	something	typically	associated	with	advertising	given	
that	ads	traditionally	have	been	bought	on	an	insertion	order	(“I/O”)	basis.	But	
programmatic	enables	performance	advertising	to	be	an	“always	on”	expense,	
therefore	reclassifying	it	from	a	discretionary	operating	expense	to	a	cost	of	goods	
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
To	appreciate	how	much	progress	has	been	made	in	the	mobile	advertising	market,	
we	think	it’s	helpful	to	take	a	step	back	and	revisit	the	experience	of	a	few	years	ago.		
Early	attempts	in	the	space	involved	porting	banner	ads	that	were	commonplace	in	
desktop.	Users	hated	these	ads	since	they	were	disruptive	to	the	app	experience	and	
usually	not	even	relevant	/	targeted.	Ultimately,	they	drove	a	poor	user	experience	and	
held	the	market	back,	which	was	why	we	kept	waiting	for	the	year	of	mobile	ads.
Fortunately,	we’ve	seen	an	evolution	to	better	formats	as	smart	companies	have	
focused	on	improving	the	mobile	ad	experience.	Chartboost was	one	of	these	
innovators	when	they	introduced	interstitials	that	had	a	native	look	and	feel	- note	the	
wrapper	around	the	ad	creative	that	matches	the	publisher’s	art. Companies	like	
Celtra,	Facebook	and	Snapchat	have	focused	on	how	consumers	use	their	phones	for	
specific	use	cases	and	have	developed	best	practices	for	presenting	video	ads	in	feeds.
Rewarded	video	has	been	particularly	compelling	– most	apps	that	utilize	the	
freemium model	see	very	low	percentages	of	users	convert	to	payers.	They	have	a	
great	opportunity	to	monetize	the	95%+	that	don’t	spend	on	in-app	purchases,	as	
users	actually	like	the	value	exchange	of	earning	their	desired	content	without	having	
to	pay	for	it.	This	approach	can	scale	for	hardcore	gamers	that	are	willing	to	engage	
with	brands	at	a	deeper	level	for	more	significant	rewards.
We’ve	started	to	see	non-game	publishers	turn	to	rewarded	video	to	realize	these	
benefits	as	well,	such	as	Pandora	with	their	Sponsored	Listening	program.	Users	can	
watch	a	short	video	ad	and	get	an	hour	of	uninterrupted	listening.	Pandora	can	
enforce	viewability and	only	charges	the	sponsor	when	users	have	engaged	with	the	
video	for	at	least	15	seconds.	The	early	results	have	been	promising,	as	beta	partners	
saw	>10%	increase	in	brand	awareness	and	a	30%	lift	in	purchase	intent.
Up	until	now,	gaming	companies	have	(1)	dominated	the	app	ecosystem	from	both	a	
revenue	and	time	spent	perspective	and	(2)	been	some	of	the	most	sophisticated	
marketers	in	mobile.	App	consumption	patterns	have	now	changed,	with	messaging	&	
social	surpassing	gaming	for	most	time	spent	in	mobile	apps	according	to	Flurry’s	
most	recent	report	on	usage	trends.
Mobile	messaging	has	become	the	hottest	topic	in	the	space	with	tons	of	press	
coverage	on	chatbots,	AI	and	the	conversational	commerce	opportunity.		There	are	a	
number	of	players	in	the	sector	with	scaled	user	bases,	with	many	focused	on	specific	
geographies	/	demographics	at	least	initially.
Advertisers	are	experimenting	with	messaging	platforms	to	connect	with	consumers	in	
new,	engaging	ways. This	can	be	as	simple	as	Swyft Media	offering	a	Minions-themed	
keyboard,	a	powerful	branding	opportunity.	Inmoji is	making	emojis interactive,	so	
users	can	share	brand	experiences	with	a	clickable	Starbucks	emoji	that	leads	to	an	
offer	or	gift. Snapchat	Lenses	like	the	Gatorade	sponsored	Lens	during	the	Super	Bowl	
saw	160	million	views	that	day,	with	average	engagement	time	north	of	30	seconds.
We’ve	talked	about	your	phone	being	the	remote	control	for	your	life	with	the	ability	
to	push	a	button	and	access	a	range	of	services. Messaging	apps	are	seizing	upon	the	
opportunity	to	integrate	a	number	of	these	services	into	their	experience	and	become	
more	platform-like.
Tencent’s WeChat	has	evolved	from	a	basic	communications	app	into	a	cultural	
phenomenon	changing	people’s	daily	behavior. WeChat’s	massive,	mobile-only	user	
base	is	using	the	platform	and	its	integrated	payment	capability	for	a	range	of	use	
cases	beyond	social	networking	and	messaging,	from	booking	a	car	to	donating	to	
Given	younger	generations	prefer	messaging	apps	to	email,	these	platforms	represent	
a	natural	channel	for	customer	service.	The	example	shown	here	is	from	Facebook’s	F8	
showcase	of	how	they’re	working	to	bring	brands	into	Messenger.	Kik is	innovating	in	
this	area,	focusing	on	building	brand	relationships	higher	up	the	funnel.	It	will	be	
interesting	to	see	if	consumers	are	willing	to	interact	with	brands	in	the	same	way	as	
they	do	with	their	friends.
Conversational	commerce	clearly	has	tremendous	potential,	but	brands	need	to	strike	
the	right	balance	with	consumers	to	pull	this	off	successfully.	Messaging	apps	are	
personal	spaces,	so	it	is	critical	to	get	the	experience	right	/	establish	an	authentic	
relationship. Brands	can’t	be	too	talkative	or	users	will	turn	them	off.		It	is	paramount	
to	deliver	the	right	message	at	the	right	time	and	the	mobile	marketing	automation	/	
CRM	innovators	will	be	valuable	to	delivering	the	appropriate	user	experience.
It’s	obviously	early	days	for	the	bot	market,	but	if	messaging	platforms	can	integrate	
these	types	of	services	in	a	great	experience,	they	have	the	potential	to	realize	similar	
success	to	what	we’ve	seen	in	the	app	ecosystem	and	change	a	number	of	brands’	
thinking	with	respect	to	their	mobile	app	strategies.
We	are	seeing	app	fatigue,	as	most	people	only	use	a	few	apps	regularly	and	
Americans	are	now	downloading	an	average	of	zero	new	apps	per	month,	so	
messaging	platforms	represent	an	existential	threat	to	apps.		Some	brands	will	have	
big	enough	audiences	and	high	enough	engagement	that	a	standalone	app	makes	
sense,	but	many	others	may	turn	to	messaging	platforms	as	their	go-to	mobile	
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
The	old	media	business	model	was	disjointed	and	siloed.	Separate	teams	were	
involved	with	each	process	with	no	way	for	each	step	to	learn	from	each	other.	The	
new	model	uses	technology	and	data	to	connect	production,	distribution	and	
monetization	to	create	a	feedback	loop	that	optimizes	the	overall	business.
Publishing	no	longer	is	based	on	gut	feeling	or	emotion.	Instead	of	publishing	content	
blindly,	publishers	have	insight	into	how	it	will	perform	before	it	goes	live	with	
objective	data.
How	do	publishers	do	it?	Publishers	constantly	gather	data	and	analyze	signals	to	
optimize	content	for	trending	stories,	timing	and	unique	headlines.	This	ability	has	
become	table	stakes	for	any	scaled	publisher	with	the	number	of	distribution	channels	
and	devices	continuing	to	grow.
As	publishers	have	mastered	the	ability	to	reach	large	audiences	at	scale,	marketers	
have	turned	to	them	to	create	branded	content	and	native	advertising.	To	fulfill	this	
demand,	a	large	majority	of	the	top	publishers	have	formed	dedicated	studios	to	
create	content	for	these	clients.
Publishers	have	effectively	become	the	new	agency,	by	bringing	capabilities	to	
marketers	that	the	traditional	agency	lacks:	distribution.	Publishers	are	no	longer	
simply	a	destination	to	sell	media	inventory.	They	can	now	play	a	leading	role	in	the	
planning,	creation	and	distribution	of	marketing	campaigns.	This	trend	is	indicative	of	
the	evolving	skillset	and	ambitions	of	the	modern	publisher.
Among	the	challenges	publishers	face	during	the	“distributed”	age	of	media,	the	
greatest	is	platform	risk.	Publishers	are	being	forced	to	adapt	quickly	or	lose	
significant	traffic	with	every	algorithmic	change	from	the	leading	distribution	
As	traffic	to	publishers’	home	pages	plummets,	their	dependency	on	referral	traffic	
grows.	Search	and	increasingly	social	have	become	the	primary	referral	channels	from	
where	most	visitors	come	from.	Therefore,	it	is	no	surprise	that	Facebook	and	Google	
lead	referral	traffic	by	an	overwhelming	margin	for	web	traffic	as	a	whole.	Although	
this	may	look	different	for	premium	publishers.
The	media	landscape	continues	to	change	rapidly,	with	new	trends	and	challenges	
emerging	every	year.	As	the	landscape	shifts,	it	becomes	essential	to	acquire	other	
publishers	with	either	niche,	yet	highly	engaged	audiences	or	with	tremendous	scale	
and	distribution	proficiency.
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
During	the	early	days	of	digital	video,	YouTube	led	the	way	and	quickly	became	the	
de-facto	web	destination	for	video.	YouTube	has	sustained	its	success	by	building	an	
ecosystem	of	creators	and	advertisers	that	pushes	great	content	and	viewers	back	to	
the	platform.
But	now	the	industry	has	hit	an	inflection	point.	Dozens	of	competitors	have	emerged	
as	mobile	and	OTT	video	have	exploded	in	recent	years.	Each	has	its	own	unique	value	
to	consumers,	showing	how	video	continues	to	evolve	beyond	desktop	video	and	how	
technology	is	creating	different	viewing	and	capture	behaviors.
When	Facebook	introduced	auto-play	videos	in	the	News	Feed,	it	was	a	watershed	
moment	for	mobile	video.	Consumption	for	this	format	took	off	and	quickly	showed	
the	potential	for	video	in	the	mobile	context.
Through	apps	like	Periscope	and	Facebook	Live,	users	are	broadcasting	their	lives	and	
sharing	content	wherever	they	are.	“Live”	video	is	no	longer	reserved	to	TV.	In	fact,	
audiences	watching	live	video	through	mobile	now	match,	if	not	surpass,	audiences	
watching	TV.
Snapchat	has	created	true	mobile-first	video	advertising	by	not	only	reformatting	ads	
vertically,	but	by	also	introducing	interactive	experiences	native	to	mobile,	such	as	
swiping	and	shareability.
Digital	video	is	enjoying	a	surge	in	marketing	spend	as	marketers	allocate	more	
money	into	premium	content,	which	is	very	limited	in	supply	but	high	in	demand.	
Digital	video	is	also	increasingly	being	bought	and	sold	programmatically.	The	
programmatic	video	market	is	expected	to	grow	at	a	compounded	annual	growth	rate	
of	172%	from	2013-2016.
Although	the	digital	video	market	is	growing	at	a	staggering	rate,	it	pales	in	
comparison	to	the	TV	market,	which	is	expected	to	surpass	$70	billion	this	year.	The	
world’s	major	marketers	reserve	most	of	their	advertising	budgets	to	TV,	which	is	the	
largest	and	most	preferred	channel	for	brand	advertising.
However,	the	outlook	for	the	TV	market	seems	challenging.	Upfronts,	which	are	often	
used	to	gauge	the	health	of	the	market,	have	shown	weak	interest	from	TV’s	major	
advertisers	over	the	past	few	years.	While	the	Upfronts are	expected	to	increase	
marginally	in	2016,	TV	companies	are	still	on	their	heels	as	consumers	continue	
watching	content	on	multiple	screens	and	marketers	adjust	their	advertising	spend	
In	addition	to	the	Upfronts decline,	in	2015,	we	saw	the	selling	points	of	TV	and	digital	
players	reverse.	TV	networks	were	introducing	new	data	products	after	feeling	
pressure	from	marketers	to	provide	more	granular	targeting,	while	Digital	companies	
were	selling	marketers	high	quality	content	that	they	felt	deserved	premium	dollars	
because	of	their	coveted	audiences	and	engaging	content.	We’ve	seen	this	trend	
continue	into	2016	as	the	two	sides	continue	to	converge	their	offerings.
For	the	digital	players,	this	has	been	a	successful	strategy,	as	the	ad	spend	for	original	
digital	video	has	continued	to	increase	with	advertisers	beginning	to	view	it	as	
premium	content.	Since	2014,	the	average	annual	ad	spend	on	original	digital	video	
has	increased	114%,	from	$2.1	billion	in	2014	to	$4.5	billion	in	2016.
While	we	would	hesitate	to	say	that	“Programmatic	TV”	is	actually	here,	companies	
are	certainly	making	steps	in	the	right	direction.	NBCUniversal,	for	example,	
announced	NBCUx for	Linear	TV	in	February,	allowing	advertisers	to	use	data	and	
automation	to	build	media	plans	for	linear	TV	inventory.	Similarly,	AT&T	recently	
partnered	with	Videology to	create	a	private	marketplace	for	advertisers	to	buy	linear	
TV	inventory	programmatically.
What	is	clear,	is	that	monetization	of	“Programmatic	TV”	won’t	follow	programmatic	
monetization	on	digital.	Where	digital	programmatic	has	focused	primarily	on	real-
time	bidding	(“RTB”)	and	open	auctions,	TV	will	be	more	cautious	with	its	inventory	in	
order	to	protect	its	premium	distinction	and	keep	prices	up.	Instead,	Programmatic	TV	
will	focus	more	on	targeting	and	workflow	automation.
When	you	consider	the	size	of	the	opportunities,	it	becomes	clear	that	the	real	
winners	will	be	those	companies	that	are	focused	on	solving	problems	for	the	100%	
opportunity.	Programmatic	video	is	a	fast	growing	market,	but	the	most	lucrative	
opportunity	is	the	entire	TV	and	video	market.
While	the	buying	capabilities	continue	to	expand	for	both	TV	and	Digital	Video,	
marketers	are	still	blind	to	what	the	optimal	mix	is.	This	provides	a	massive	
opportunity	for	companies	focused	on	the	100%	opportunity,	which	are	at	the	
forefront	of	assisting	marketers	in	solving	this	issue.
As	TV	and	digital	video	convergence	takes	place,	we’ve	identified	three	major	game	
changers	that	could	have	a	material	impact	on	the	ecosystem.	First,	and	rarely	
mentioned,	is	government	regulation.	For	some	constituents,	impending	changes	
from	the	FCC	pose	a	significant	threat	to	their	businesses.	For	others,	they	present	
huge	opportunities.	Second,	we	note	that	a	breakthrough	technology	could	materially	
change	things,	for	example,	Apple	TV.	Finally,	alternative	distribution	could	exclusively	
license	must	see	content.
The	FCC	has	proposed	rule	changes	to	allow	consumers	to	use	any	kind	of	set-top	box	
regardless	of	their	cable	providers.	This	initiative	stems	from	the	issue	of	rising	set-top	
box	prices,	which	the	Consumer	Federation	of	America	believes	is	causing	consumers	
to	overpay	$6-$14	billion	annually.	However,	the	FCC’s	proposed	changes	have	major	
implications	beyond	the	box.
Sweeping	changes	to	the	industry	will	enable	technology	leaders,	such	as	Apple	and	
Google	to	disrupt	the	traditional	TV	model.	Under	one	interface,	the	TV	experience	of	
the	future	will	bring	cable,	video-on-demand	(VOD),	OTT	and	apps	together.	Content,	
distribution	and	monetization	will	be	upended	as	they	will	no	longer	be	confined	to	
restrictions	and	limitations	of	legacy	business	arrangements	among	the	broadcast	
and	cable	networks.
The	industry	is	taking	notice	as	evidenced	by	Rovi’s recent	acquisition	of	Tivo and	it	
won’t	stop	there.	We	expect	strategics to	make	major	moves	before	the	dust	settles.
The	convergence	of	TV	and	digital	video	is	being	watched	closely	by	the	largest	
strategics from	telecom	to	media.	These	major	players	are	aiming	to	capitalize	on	the	
opportunity	to	monetize	their	large	customer	/	user	bases	in	the	largest	advertising	
LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16
There	are	several	major	trends	in	Digital	Marketing	that	are	driving	the	ecosystem,	
such	as	Mass	Personalization,	Content	Marketing,	Mobile	Marketing	and	B2B	
Marketing.	While	we	are	only	focusing	on	the	Ad	Tech	/	MarTech convergence	in	this	
presentation,	we	went	through	the	other	trends	in	depth	in	our	State	of	Digital	
Marketing,	which	can	be	found	on	Slideshare here[link].
Before	we	start,	we	want	to	level	set	for	a	moment,	as	often	times	the	actual	
marketer’s	goal	gets	lost	in	all	the	noise	while	discussing	marketing	trends,	companies	
and	technologies.	But	the	goal	is	clear:	drive	more	revenues…	at	the	lowest	cost.
A	key	focus	area	for	marketers	trying	to	achieve	this	goal	is	to	optimize	the	customer	
experience	through	delivering	the	right	message,	at	the	right	time,	to	the	right	person.	
From	the	“marketing	clouds”	down	to	small	start-ups,	technology	vendors	are	focused	
on	providing	solutions	to	enable	this	(or	at	least	an	element	of	this)	for	their	clients.
What’s	interesting	to	note,	is	that	while	both	B2C	and	B2B	marketers	are	seeking	to	
optimize	the	customer	experience	through	personalization,	they	are	doing	it	through	
different	tools.	B2C	marketers	are	working	at	the	convergence	of	Ad	Tech	and	
MarTech to	reach	consumers	on	a	personalized	level	through	earned,	owned	and	paid	
media.		Meanwhile,	B2B	marketers	are	working	at	the	convergence	of	MarTech and	
Sales	Tech	to	identify	and	personalize	messages	to	the	highest	quality	leads.
At	LUMA,	we	started	using	the	chart	on	the	left	years	ago	to	discuss	the	role	of	the	
data	management	platform	(DMP),	which	was	to	manage	cookies	(and	now	mobile	
IDs	and	other	identifiers)	to	unite	the	upper	portions	of	the	funnel.	In	the	past	couple	
years,	“predictive	marketing	platforms”	have	emerged	for	1:1	marketing	(particularly	
for	retail),	with	DMPs	being	used	more	for	segment-based	marketing.
While	DMPs,	CRMs	and	Predictive	Marketing	platforms	are	the	individual	tools	being	
used	by	Marketers,	the	real	goal	of	these	tools	is	for	Marketers	to	identify	and	
understand	their	audience.
The	reason,	is	that	audience	is	the	driver	behind	mass	personalization	and	the	360	
degree	marketing	cycle.	By	truly	identifying	and	following	your	audience	through	the	
marketing	cycle,	marketers	are	able	to	effectively	plan,	message	and	measure	
consumers	on	a	personalized	level,	at	mass.
Audience	is	the	key	because	it	brings	together	both	a	consumers	user	profile	and	
identifies	them	across	channels.	By	truly	understanding	audience,	Marketers	can	not	
only	determine	who	you	are	and	what	you’re	interested	in,	but	also	identify	you	in	
different	settings	and	across	channels.
As	a	result,	Identity	is	critical	to	providing	a	consistent	customer	experience.	Facebook	
has	long	focused	on,	and	had	significant	success	with,	its	“people-based	marketing”	
solutions.	Other	large	software	vendors	have	responded	with	acquisitions	(such	as	
LiveRamp and	Datalogix),	or	organic	development	/	partner	programs.
The	unifying	element	between	Ad	Tech	and	MarTech	is	data-driven	marketing.	While	
there	have	been	many	acquisitions	in	Ad	Tech	and	MarTech	independently,	a	key	
strategic	area	is	the	convergence	of	these	markets	(the	light	grey	area).	Identity	has	
been	the	main	theme	for	strategic	M&A	so	far	in	2016,	with	Telenor	acquiring	Tapad	
and	Oracle	acquiring	AddThis	and	Crosswise.	We	expect	this	activity	to	continue	as	Ad	
Tech	and	MarTech converge	around	data.
LUMA	has	recently	launched	the	LUMA	Institute,	the	division	that	incorporates	our	
research,	content	and	events	initiatives.	The	mission	of	the	LUMA	Institute	is	to	
provide	education,	insights	and	support	to	all	constituents	of	the	digital	ecosystem.	
We	partner	with	media,	marketing	and	technology	companies	to	provide	advice	and	
education	at	leadership	off-sites	and	customer	events	on	a	customized	basis.	If	LUMA	
can	help	your	organization	sort	through	this	complicated	and	dynamic	sector,	contact	
Gayle	Meyers	at	gayle@lumapartners.com.

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LUMA's State of Digital Media at DMS 16