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Anne Watson
Tymika Lax
Pamela Bates
Hollie Gornall


According to the oxford dictionary Domestic Abuse is;
violent or aggressive behaviour within the home, typically
involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner (Oxford
Dictionary, Online, 2013)


 The

Government defines domestic violence
as "Any incident of threatening behaviour,
violence or abuse (psychological, physical,
sexual, financial or emotional) between
adults who are or have been intimate
partners or family members, regardless of
gender or sexuality." This includes issues of
concern to black and minority ethnic (BME)
communities such as so called 'honour
killings'. (Domestic Violence London, Online,


 Physical

abuse in a domestic setting is
continual hitting, punching, kicking, or any
form of non accidental physical touching
which is performed to harm and intimidate
with in the relationship.
 Two women are killed by their violent
partners or an ex-partner in England and
Wales every week. (Women’s Aid).


 Financial

Abuse can come in many forms, the
main form is the perpetrator keeping control
of all earnings to gain control of their
spouse. Other aspects of Financial Abuse
would be the perpetrator to stop their
spouse from entering any paid work or
education to stop them from gaining
confidence to leave. Another form of Abuse
would be the refusal to contribute toward
house hold expenses, leaving the financial
strain to the victim.


 Emotional

Abuse allows one person to gain
power and control over another through
words and gestures which gradually
undermine the other’s self respect.
Emotional abuse can be difficult to identify,
as there is no scars or marks, and the
torment can continue indefinitely.
(Counselling Directory, Online, 2013)


Psychological Abuse can be verbal or
nonverbal. Its aim is to chip away at the
confidence and independence of victims with
the intention of making them compliant and
limiting their ability to leave.
 Many Psychologically Abused women define the
psychological effects of domestic abuse as
having a ‘more profound effect on their liveseven where there have been life-threatening
or disabling physical violence . (Domestic
Violence London)


 Verbal

abuse creates emotional pain and
mental anguish. It is a lie told to you or
about you. Generally, verbal abuse defines
people telling them what they are, what they
think, their motives, and so forth. The best
way to deal with a verbally abusive
relationship, whether you are the target of
verbal abuse or the perpetrator, is to find out
everything you can about verbally abusive
relationships and their dynamics. Usually one
person is blaming, accusing, even name
calling, and the other is defending and
explaining. (Verbal Abuse, Online, 2013)


Tracy Chapman illustrates domestic
abuse in her song
‘Behind The Wall’



Domestic violence is a widespread problem comprising
18% of all violent incidents. It has the highest rate of
repeat victimisation of any crime with 44% of victims
victimised more than once in the past 12 months.
Whilst victims can apply for civil remedies to protect
themselves from perpetrators, preventing domestic
violence will bring significant benefits in terms of public
protection and reducing health and criminal justice
costs. The consultation will focus on whether a national
scheme should be introduced to protect women
from serial domestic abuse perpetrators by establishing a
recognised and consistent process for the police
to disclose information to potential victims about previous
violent offences committed by a partner.


 Emotional

and Verbal abuse statistics are
hard to find.
 There is not many cases of this type of abuse
 This is because it is often concealed and
there is no standard definition but is yet the
most common.


 Any


 Any


 Can

fall in to being a victim of
Domestic Abuse


Victims can be in different types of relationships.
These include Heterosexual relationships, Same sex
relationships, Transgender relationships and
teenager relationships
The majority of victims of domestic violence are
women. Women who fall victim to domestic
violence do so and it does not matter about their
Ethnicity, religion, class, age, sexuality, disability
or lifestyle.


Perpetrator's of domestic violence come from
all different walks of life.
To the outside the perpetrator can seem like
any other person until they are behind closed
The majority of perpetrators in domestic abuse
incidents are found to be men. This results in
it being 92% of males who are perpetrators in
domestic abuse cases.


Domestic abuse presentation




Domestic violence may start when one partner feels the
need to control and dominate the other. Abusers may
feel this need to control their partner because of low
self-esteem, extreme jealousy, difficulties in regulating
anger and other strong emotions, or when they feel
inferior to the other partner in education and
socioeconomic background. Some men with very
traditional beliefs may think they have the right to
control women, and that women aren’t equal to men.
This domination then takes the form of emotional,
physical or sexual abuse. Studies suggest that violent
behaviour often is caused by an interaction of
situational and individual factors. That means that
abusers learn violent behaviour from their family,
people in their community and other cultural influences
as they grow up. They may have seen violence often or
they may have been victims themselves.


Children who witness or are the victims of
violence may learn to believe that violence is a
reasonable way to resolve conflict between
people. Boys who learn that women are not to
be valued or respected and who see violence
directed against women are more likely to
abuse women when they grow up. Girls who
witness domestic violence in their families of
origin are more likely to be victimized by their
own husbands.
 Alcohol and other chemical substances may
contribute to violent behaviour. A drunk or
high person will be less likely to control his or
her violent impulses.


 Helena

Bonham Carter voiced an
advert for MTV highlighting the
severity of Verbal Abuse within the

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm



 “Emotional

abuse is underneath all other
types of abuse - the most damaging aspect of
physical, sexual, mental, etc. abuse is the
trauma to our hearts and souls from being
betrayed by the people that we love and
trust.” Burney, R (1995).


 Emotional

abuse is: "any act including
confinement, isolation, verbal assault,
humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or
any other treatment which may diminish the
sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth.
Hidden Hurt (2012).



Feeling of depression


Withdrawal from social interaction


Isolation from friends and family


Low self-esteem




Increased anxiety


Guilty feeling


Feeling of shame


Mood changes


Nervous feeling


Not trusting others


Frequent blaming on others




Pessimistic behaviour


Substance or drug abuse


Extreme dependence on others


Avoiding eye-contact


Telling lies


Aggressive behaviour


Emotional instability


Suicidal attempts



Actions of ignoring, ridiculing, disrespecting, and
criticizing others consistently.
A manipulation of words.
Purposeful humiliation of others.
Accusing others falsely for the purpose of
manipulating a person’s decision making.
Manipulating people to submit to undesirable
Making others feel unwanted and unloved.
Threatening to leave the family destitute.
Placing the blame and cause of the abuse onto
Isolating a person from some type of support
system, consisting of friends or family.





The Criminal justice system is made up of several
organisations working together to help victims of
domestic abuse, including the Police, Women’s Aid,
Witness Service and the CPS to name a few
Charities such as Women’s Aid have in place MARAC –
MARAC risk assess high risk Domestic Violence victims
and situations, bringing in multiple agencies to
implement a coordinated safety plan. The conferences
include social services, the police and many more.
If a Domestic Violence situation is of low to medium
risk, help and assistance will still be given to aid the


The Police have specially trained officers to
assist in Domestic Abuse cases and can help
refer you to get the full extent of help needed,
ie – housing, injunctions or further advice.
 The CPS decide whether there are substantial
grounds to prosecute the perpetrator. The CPS
have many rules on which they deem to be
Domestic Violence,

-Throwing articles whether they miss or not.
-Harming or threatening to harm a pet.
-Prevention from seeking medical attention.
-Secret administration of drugs.
-These are just a few rules the CPS adhere to use.


Media generally portrays Domestic Violence as
Physical or Sexual Abuse, rarely focusing on
Emotional and Verbal Abuse. Only with new
legislation being brought in by the government
on the 31st March 2013 changing domestic abuse
definition and a change in the age, have the
media started to delve more into domestic
violence. Most media coverage of Domestic
Abuse covers abuse to celebrities or murders
from abusive relationships.



The media highlights
perpetrators and how
it is a strength for
victims to find justice
for themselves. But
in reporting celebrity
acts of domestic
violence it doesn’t
show much justice
with the sentences
handed out being
community service.
For a victim truly
terrified of their
community service
would not seem
enough justice.


This image is to highlight that domestic abuse
happens in any type of relationship regardless
of colour or religious affiliation. It is used on
internet media sites as a link to the
Foundations website.


When celebrities tell
their personal
stories of abuse to
the media it tends to
get a lot of media
coverage which can
be damaging to
victims who are not
making them believe
their invisible but on
the other hand can
be beneficial of
domestic abuse and
agencies available.


“Any incident or pattern of incidents of
controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour,
violence or abuse between those aged 16 or
over who are or have been intimate partners
or family members regardless of gender or
sexuality. This can encompass, but is not
limited to, the following types of abuse:
 psychological
 physical
 sexual
 financial
 emotional


 As

a group are recommendations are:
 To continue with Domestic Abuse Awareness
 Posters and Leaflets in a variety of public
 Raising the awareness of the different types
of abuse within classrooms in schools.


Domestic abuse presentation


British Medical Journal, 2010. Domestic Abuse is not rare. [Online]
Available at: http://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/11/03/domestic-abuse-not-rare
[Accessed 27 02 2013].
Burney, R., 2008. Joy2MeU. [Online]
Available at: http://www.joy2meu.com/emotional_abuse.html
[Accessed 16 03 2013].
Crown Prosecution Service, 2013. CPS Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Violence. [Online]
Available at: http://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/prosecution/domestic/domv.html#header
[Accessed 27 03 2013].
Dex, R., 2012. The Independant. [Online]
Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/007-sir-roger-moore-was-victimof-domestic-violence-8130816.html
[Accessed 17 03 2013].
Domestic Violence London, 2013. Emotional or Psychological Abuse. [Online]
Available at: http://www.domesticviolencelondon.nhs.uk/1-what-is-domestic-violence-/3emotional-or-psychological-abuse.html
[Accessed 11 04 2013].


Hidden Hurt, 2012. Emotional Abuse. [Online]
Available at: http://www.joy2meu.com/emotional_abuse.html
[Accessed 15 03 2013].
Home Office, 2012. gov.uk. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12 03 2013].
Home Office, 2012. gov.uk. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12 02 2013].
inc, B. a. M. F., 2013. Shining the light on Domestic Violence. [Online]
Available at: http://www.blackandmissinginc.com/wordpress/2012/10/shining-the-light-ondomestic-violence/
[Accessed 27 03 2013].
Lane, L., 2013. Emotional Abuse. [Online]
Available at: http://www.lilaclane.com/relationships/emotional-abuse/
[Accessed 27 03 2013].


Smith, L., 2012. The Mirror. [Online]
Available at: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/justin-lee-collins-guilty-ex-girlfriend-1370429
[Accessed 24 03 2013].
Smith, M. & Segal, J., 2013. Domestic Violence and Abuse. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 04 2013].
Women's Aid, 2013. Domestic Violence: The Myths. Bristol: Women's Aid Federation of England.
Women's Aid, 2013. Local Services. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 03 2013]

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Domestic abuse presentation

  • 1. Anne Watson Tymika Lax Pamela Bates Hollie Gornall
  • 2. According to the oxford dictionary Domestic Abuse is; violent or aggressive behaviour within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner (Oxford Dictionary, Online, 2013) 
  • 3.  The Government defines domestic violence as "Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality." This includes issues of concern to black and minority ethnic (BME) communities such as so called 'honour killings'. (Domestic Violence London, Online, 2013)
  • 4.  Physical abuse in a domestic setting is continual hitting, punching, kicking, or any form of non accidental physical touching which is performed to harm and intimidate with in the relationship.  Two women are killed by their violent partners or an ex-partner in England and Wales every week. (Women’s Aid).
  • 5.  Financial Abuse can come in many forms, the main form is the perpetrator keeping control of all earnings to gain control of their spouse. Other aspects of Financial Abuse would be the perpetrator to stop their spouse from entering any paid work or education to stop them from gaining confidence to leave. Another form of Abuse would be the refusal to contribute toward house hold expenses, leaving the financial strain to the victim.
  • 6.  Emotional Abuse allows one person to gain power and control over another through words and gestures which gradually undermine the other’s self respect. Emotional abuse can be difficult to identify, as there is no scars or marks, and the torment can continue indefinitely. (Counselling Directory, Online, 2013)
  • 7. Psychological Abuse can be verbal or nonverbal. Its aim is to chip away at the confidence and independence of victims with the intention of making them compliant and limiting their ability to leave.  Many Psychologically Abused women define the psychological effects of domestic abuse as having a ‘more profound effect on their liveseven where there have been life-threatening or disabling physical violence . (Domestic Violence London) 
  • 8.  Verbal abuse creates emotional pain and mental anguish. It is a lie told to you or about you. Generally, verbal abuse defines people telling them what they are, what they think, their motives, and so forth. The best way to deal with a verbally abusive relationship, whether you are the target of verbal abuse or the perpetrator, is to find out everything you can about verbally abusive relationships and their dynamics. Usually one person is blaming, accusing, even name calling, and the other is defending and explaining. (Verbal Abuse, Online, 2013)
  • 9. Tracy Chapman illustrates domestic abuse in her song ‘Behind The Wall’ http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=vv0_G88vFk 4
  • 10. Domestic violence is a widespread problem comprising 18% of all violent incidents. It has the highest rate of repeat victimisation of any crime with 44% of victims victimised more than once in the past 12 months. Whilst victims can apply for civil remedies to protect themselves from perpetrators, preventing domestic violence will bring significant benefits in terms of public protection and reducing health and criminal justice costs. The consultation will focus on whether a national scheme should be introduced to protect women from serial domestic abuse perpetrators by establishing a recognised and consistent process for the police to disclose information to potential victims about previous violent offences committed by a partner.
  • 11.  Emotional and Verbal abuse statistics are hard to find.  There is not many cases of this type of abuse reported.  This is because it is often concealed and there is no standard definition but is yet the most common.
  • 12.  Any one  Any where  Can fall in to being a victim of Domestic Abuse
  • 13. Victims can be in different types of relationships. These include Heterosexual relationships, Same sex relationships, Transgender relationships and teenager relationships The majority of victims of domestic violence are women. Women who fall victim to domestic violence do so and it does not matter about their Ethnicity, religion, class, age, sexuality, disability or lifestyle.
  • 14. Perpetrator's of domestic violence come from all different walks of life. To the outside the perpetrator can seem like any other person until they are behind closed doors. The majority of perpetrators in domestic abuse incidents are found to be men. This results in it being 92% of males who are perpetrators in domestic abuse cases.
  • 16.   Domestic violence may start when one partner feels the need to control and dominate the other. Abusers may feel this need to control their partner because of low self-esteem, extreme jealousy, difficulties in regulating anger and other strong emotions, or when they feel inferior to the other partner in education and socioeconomic background. Some men with very traditional beliefs may think they have the right to control women, and that women aren’t equal to men. This domination then takes the form of emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Studies suggest that violent behaviour often is caused by an interaction of situational and individual factors. That means that abusers learn violent behaviour from their family, people in their community and other cultural influences as they grow up. They may have seen violence often or they may have been victims themselves.
  • 17. Children who witness or are the victims of violence may learn to believe that violence is a reasonable way to resolve conflict between people. Boys who learn that women are not to be valued or respected and who see violence directed against women are more likely to abuse women when they grow up. Girls who witness domestic violence in their families of origin are more likely to be victimized by their own husbands.  Alcohol and other chemical substances may contribute to violent behaviour. A drunk or high person will be less likely to control his or her violent impulses. 
  • 18.  Helena Bonham Carter voiced an advert for MTV highlighting the severity of Verbal Abuse within the home.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm BgPsK-Im0
  • 19.  “Emotional abuse is underneath all other types of abuse - the most damaging aspect of physical, sexual, mental, etc. abuse is the trauma to our hearts and souls from being betrayed by the people that we love and trust.” Burney, R (1995).
  • 20.  Emotional abuse is: "any act including confinement, isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, infantilization, or any other treatment which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, and self-worth. Hidden Hurt (2012).
  • 21.  Feeling of depression  Withdrawal from social interaction  Isolation from friends and family  Low self-esteem  Fearfulness  Increased anxiety  Guilty feeling  Feeling of shame  Mood changes  Nervous feeling  Not trusting others  Frequent blaming on others  Self-blaming  Pessimistic behaviour  Substance or drug abuse  Extreme dependence on others  Avoiding eye-contact  Telling lies  Aggressive behaviour  Emotional instability  Suicidal attempts
  • 22.          Actions of ignoring, ridiculing, disrespecting, and criticizing others consistently. A manipulation of words. Purposeful humiliation of others. Accusing others falsely for the purpose of manipulating a person’s decision making. Manipulating people to submit to undesirable behaviour. Making others feel unwanted and unloved. Threatening to leave the family destitute. Placing the blame and cause of the abuse onto others. Isolating a person from some type of support system, consisting of friends or family.
  • 23.    The Criminal justice system is made up of several organisations working together to help victims of domestic abuse, including the Police, Women’s Aid, Witness Service and the CPS to name a few Charities such as Women’s Aid have in place MARAC – MULTI AGENCY RISK ASSESSMENT CONFERENCES. MARAC risk assess high risk Domestic Violence victims and situations, bringing in multiple agencies to implement a coordinated safety plan. The conferences include social services, the police and many more. If a Domestic Violence situation is of low to medium risk, help and assistance will still be given to aid the victim.
  • 24. The Police have specially trained officers to assist in Domestic Abuse cases and can help refer you to get the full extent of help needed, ie – housing, injunctions or further advice.  The CPS decide whether there are substantial grounds to prosecute the perpetrator. The CPS have many rules on which they deem to be Domestic Violence,  -Throwing articles whether they miss or not. -Harming or threatening to harm a pet. -Prevention from seeking medical attention. -Secret administration of drugs. -These are just a few rules the CPS adhere to use.
  • 25. Media generally portrays Domestic Violence as Physical or Sexual Abuse, rarely focusing on Emotional and Verbal Abuse. Only with new legislation being brought in by the government on the 31st March 2013 changing domestic abuse definition and a change in the age, have the media started to delve more into domestic violence. Most media coverage of Domestic Abuse covers abuse to celebrities or murders from abusive relationships.
  • 26.  The media highlights perpetrators and how it is a strength for victims to find justice for themselves. But in reporting celebrity acts of domestic violence it doesn’t show much justice with the sentences handed out being community service. For a victim truly terrified of their perpetrator community service would not seem enough justice.
  • 27. This image is to highlight that domestic abuse happens in any type of relationship regardless of colour or religious affiliation. It is used on internet media sites as a link to the Foundations website.
  • 28. When celebrities tell their personal stories of abuse to the media it tends to get a lot of media coverage which can be damaging to victims who are not acknowledged, making them believe their invisible but on the other hand can be beneficial of highlighting domestic abuse and agencies available.
  • 29. “Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass, but is not limited to, the following types of abuse:  psychological  physical  sexual  financial  emotional 
  • 30.  As a group are recommendations are:  To continue with Domestic Abuse Awareness using;  Posters and Leaflets in a variety of public places.  Raising the awareness of the different types of abuse within classrooms in schools.
  • 32. British Medical Journal, 2010. Domestic Abuse is not rare. [Online] Available at: http://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/11/03/domestic-abuse-not-rare [Accessed 27 02 2013]. Burney, R., 2008. Joy2MeU. [Online] Available at: http://www.joy2meu.com/emotional_abuse.html [Accessed 16 03 2013]. Crown Prosecution Service, 2013. CPS Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Domestic Violence. [Online] Available at: http://www.cps.gov.uk/publications/prosecution/domestic/domv.html#header [Accessed 27 03 2013]. Dex, R., 2012. The Independant. [Online] Available at: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/007-sir-roger-moore-was-victimof-domestic-violence-8130816.html [Accessed 17 03 2013]. Domestic Violence London, 2013. Emotional or Psychological Abuse. [Online] Available at: http://www.domesticviolencelondon.nhs.uk/1-what-is-domestic-violence-/3emotional-or-psychological-abuse.html [Accessed 11 04 2013].
  • 33. Hidden Hurt, 2012. Emotional Abuse. [Online] Available at: http://www.joy2meu.com/emotional_abuse.html [Accessed 15 03 2013]. Home Office, 2012. gov.uk. [Online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/157807/consultati on-responses.pdf [Accessed 12 03 2013]. Home Office, 2012. gov.uk. [Online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/97923/english-3steps.pdf [Accessed 12 02 2013]. inc, B. a. M. F., 2013. Shining the light on Domestic Violence. [Online] Available at: http://www.blackandmissinginc.com/wordpress/2012/10/shining-the-light-ondomestic-violence/ [Accessed 27 03 2013]. Lane, L., 2013. Emotional Abuse. [Online] Available at: http://www.lilaclane.com/relationships/emotional-abuse/ [Accessed 27 03 2013].
  • 34. Smith, L., 2012. The Mirror. [Online] Available at: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/justin-lee-collins-guilty-ex-girlfriend-1370429 [Accessed 24 03 2013]. Smith, M. & Segal, J., 2013. Domestic Violence and Abuse. [Online] Available at: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/domestic_violence_abuse_types_signs_causes_effects.htm [Accessed 11 04 2013]. Women's Aid, 2013. Domestic Violence: The Myths. Bristol: Women's Aid Federation of England. Women's Aid, 2013. Local Services. [Online] Available at: http://www.womensaid.org.uk/azrefuges.asp?section=00010001000800060002&region_code=01Q Q&x=6&y=8&ref=8030 [Accessed 27 03 2013]

Editor's Notes

  1. Will slide 20 contradict this one or will it be ok?
  2. Do we need to put sources in here? Are the first two sentences accurate?
  3. Sources?