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For NGOs & Interest
Kamana region is in the
Northern part of Zambia.
The nearest town larger than
50,000 inhabitants takes about
14:01     hour     by     local
An estimated 3.38% of the
children below 5 years old are
underweight, with a mortality
of 119 per 1,000 births.
Zambia is a high risk malaria region.

In 1996, A health care worker who was
working in Kamana region was struggling to
fight malaria in the community and was
trying to find information on how to combat
the disease.

For long he was not able to get any
knowledge on how to fight malaria in region
prone with poverty and lack of infrastructure
and hygiene.
The worker after months of search finally discovered that the answers to his questions were
published by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta. Without CDC’s expertise in
Malaria the worker could have never saved lives of many innocent people from malaria.
Stephen Denning, who was working for World Bank, came to know about this story.

                                         No field worker should be
                                         allowed to make trail and errors to
                                         discover knowledge. We should
                                         build a network where they can be
                                         assured to get the knowledge they

He went on to develop World Bank’s Knowledge management system. World Bank’s
knowledge is now being helpful to NGOs around the world. A Zambian water-treatment
guru’s knowledge to handle local political negotiations is now helpful to a highway-
construction guru in Bangladesh.
As a NGO working in a particular
                                  field you would have gained deep
                                  knowledge on various issues affecting
                                  your field.

                                  Years of experience after various
                                  struggles and trail and errors have
                                  given you great practical knowledge
                                  in the area you are working.

Publishing your knowledge, insights and case studies could help
organizations around the world to access your knowledge and build
on it for the betterment of this world.
By Publishing your work in professional
• You     could    share    your
  knowledge to other NGOs
  across the world
• You will increase your
  credibility when you approach
  corporates or stake holders for
  sponsor or funds.
• You could showcase your
  work on periodical basis to
  various stake holders.

 Ivory Pen can help you
 professionally publish your work.
Ivorypen for NGOs
Ivory Pen can help you professionally publish
              your study materials

                    •       Proof Reading
                    •       Editing
                    •       Typing
                    •       Formatting

Working knowledge       •    Printing
                        •    ISBN
                        •    Cover design
                        •    Illustrations
Proof Reading                                    Editing
Ivory pen can help you get your materials   Ivory Pen could help you eliminate any
perfect by eliminating any typographical    grammatical errors and make your book
errors through professional proof reading   perfect by getting your materials edited
services.                                   by a professional editor.

              Typing                                  Formatting
If you have your materials in untyped       Ivory Pen can help you format your
written format , Ivory pen can type the     materials and make it look like a
materials and make it digital for you.      professionally designed book. Without a
                                            professional type set your book might
                                            look like a printed word document.
Printing                                     ISBN
Based on your requirements Ivory Pen       ISBN is an unique catalogue number to
can offer you digital or offset printing   identify your book globally . Ivory Pen
and binding. Have no doubt your book       can help you get ISBN number for your
would look like a professionally           book.
published book.

        Cover designs                                 Illustrations
A good cover attracts a reader to the      If you like to have few illustrations for
book. Ivory Pen can help you get an        your book, Ivory Pen could help you get
professionally designed cover for you.     the illustrations done by a professional
The legend says that Vyasa, the author of
                                the         world’s        longest      epic
                                Mahabaratha, wanted someone to help him
                                write the Mahabaratha.
                                He approached Lord Ganesha and requested
                                his help to write the epic. Ganesha broke his
                                tusk and used it as a pen to write the
                                world’s longest epic.

Hence Lord Ganesha, writing with his Ivory pen, started the first self
publishing service for budding authors.


                             is here to help you publish your materials as books.

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Ivorypen for NGOs

  • 1. For NGOs & Interest Groups
  • 2. Kamana region is in the Northern part of Zambia. The nearest town larger than 50,000 inhabitants takes about 14:01 hour by local transportation. An estimated 3.38% of the children below 5 years old are underweight, with a mortality of 119 per 1,000 births.
  • 3. Zambia is a high risk malaria region. In 1996, A health care worker who was working in Kamana region was struggling to fight malaria in the community and was trying to find information on how to combat the disease. For long he was not able to get any knowledge on how to fight malaria in region prone with poverty and lack of infrastructure and hygiene.
  • 4. The worker after months of search finally discovered that the answers to his questions were published by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta. Without CDC’s expertise in Malaria the worker could have never saved lives of many innocent people from malaria.
  • 5. Stephen Denning, who was working for World Bank, came to know about this story. No field worker should be allowed to make trail and errors to discover knowledge. We should build a network where they can be assured to get the knowledge they require. He went on to develop World Bank’s Knowledge management system. World Bank’s knowledge is now being helpful to NGOs around the world. A Zambian water-treatment guru’s knowledge to handle local political negotiations is now helpful to a highway- construction guru in Bangladesh.
  • 6. As a NGO working in a particular field you would have gained deep knowledge on various issues affecting your field. Years of experience after various struggles and trail and errors have given you great practical knowledge in the area you are working. Publishing your knowledge, insights and case studies could help organizations around the world to access your knowledge and build on it for the betterment of this world.
  • 7. By Publishing your work in professional way • You could share your knowledge to other NGOs across the world • You will increase your credibility when you approach corporates or stake holders for sponsor or funds. • You could showcase your work on periodical basis to various stake holders. Ivory Pen can help you professionally publish your work.
  • 9. Ivory Pen can help you professionally publish your study materials • Proof Reading • Editing • Typing • Formatting Working knowledge • Printing • ISBN • Cover design • Illustrations
  • 10. Proof Reading Editing Ivory pen can help you get your materials Ivory Pen could help you eliminate any perfect by eliminating any typographical grammatical errors and make your book errors through professional proof reading perfect by getting your materials edited services. by a professional editor. Typing Formatting If you have your materials in untyped Ivory Pen can help you format your written format , Ivory pen can type the materials and make it look like a materials and make it digital for you. professionally designed book. Without a professional type set your book might look like a printed word document.
  • 11. Printing ISBN Based on your requirements Ivory Pen ISBN is an unique catalogue number to can offer you digital or offset printing identify your book globally . Ivory Pen and binding. Have no doubt your book can help you get ISBN number for your would look like a professionally book. published book. Cover designs Illustrations A good cover attracts a reader to the If you like to have few illustrations for book. Ivory Pen can help you get an your book, Ivory Pen could help you get professionally designed cover for you. the illustrations done by a professional artist.
  • 12. The legend says that Vyasa, the author of the world’s longest epic Mahabaratha, wanted someone to help him write the Mahabaratha. He approached Lord Ganesha and requested his help to write the epic. Ganesha broke his tusk and used it as a pen to write the world’s longest epic. Hence Lord Ganesha, writing with his Ivory pen, started the first self publishing service for budding authors. Now, is here to help you publish your materials as books.