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December 2012 | | Preet Kanwar Rekhi, Mohit Luthra,
 Sukhvinder Malik, Rahul Atri                                                           White Paper

 Throughput Calculation
 for LTE TDD and FDD
 1. Introduction                                                         Contents

 Many of us might have heard about LTE’s peak throughput i.e.               1. Introduction
                                                                            2. Overview     of        LTE
 300Mbps, but how many of us know how we calculate that? This
                                                                                  Physical Layer
 paper provides the information, how this number is calculated? And
                                                                            3.    Basic Terminology
 assumptions behind?                                                        4.    Maximum Throughput
                                                                                  with          Maximum
 In this paper, authors have explained the calculations of theoretical            Bandwidth
 throughput for both the LTE FDD and TDD systems.                           5.    Use        of     3GPP
                                                                                  specification 36.213 for
                                                                                  throughput calculation
2. Overview of LTE Physical Layer                                           6.    DL and UL throughput
                                                                                  calculation for LTE
LTE Physical layer deals with parameters like frequency, bandwidth,               FDD
Modulation, cyclic prefix, coding rate which plays importance in            7.    LTE TDD and its frame
calculation of the throughput.                                              8.    DL and UL throughput
                                                                                  calculation for LTE
LTE system uses OFDMA as access technology in downlink to                         TDD
increase the spectral efficiency and SC-FDMA in uplink due to low           9.    Conclusion
Peak to Average Power ratio (PAPR) advantage.                               10.   References

LTE supports both TDD and FDD duplexing, flexible bandwidth
i.e.1.4, 3, 5,10,15,20 MHz and modulation schemes QPSK, 16 QAM,
64 QAM.
Later we will discuss the significance of each parameter.

3. LTE Basic Terminology
                                      There are some basic terminologies of LTE system that should be
                                      known to better understand the throughput calculation. These are
                                      explained below:

                                      Resource Element - The RE is the smallest unit of transmission
                                      resource in LTE, in both uplink and downlink. An RE consists of 1
                                      subcarrier in the frequency domain for duration of 1, Orthogonal
                                      Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) or Single Carrier-
                                      Frequency Division Multiplexing (SC-FDM), symbol in the time

                                      Subcarrier Spacing- It is the space between the individual sub-
                                      carriers, in LTE it is 15 KHz. There is no frequency guard band
                                      between these subcarrier frequencies, rather a guard Period called a
                                      Cyclic Prefix (CP) is used in the time domain to help prevent Multipath
                                      Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) between subcarriers.

LTE Basic Terminology                 Cyclic Prefix - A set of samples which are duplicated from the end of a
                                      transmitted symbol and appended cyclically to the beginning of the
      Resource Element (RE)          symbol. This can form a type of guard interval to absorb Inter-Symbol
       is the basic unit in LTE       Interference (ISI). The cyclic construction preserves orthogonality of
       which corresponds to a         the subcarriers in an OFDM transmission.
       subcarrier in frequency
       and a symbol in time
      Resource Block is the
                                      Time slot - 0.5 ms time period of LTE frame corresponding to 7
       combination of 12              OFDM symbols (and 7 CPs) when Normal CP = 5 usec is used (the
       subcarriers in frequency       standard case). And LTE 6 OFDM symbols (and 6 CPs) when the
       and 7 symbols time (0.5        Extended CP = 17 usec is used.
      LTE frame is of 10
       msec can be divided
       into 10 subframe or 20
      A subframe is also
       called one TTI
       (Transmit Time

                                      Combining the above information we can now define a Resource
                                      Resource Block - A unit of transmission resource consisting of 12
                                      subcarriers in the frequency domain and 1 time slot (0.5 ms) in the time
                                      domain. So12 subcarriers x 7 symbols = 84 Resource Element (with
                                      Normal CP) makes a Resource Block. IF extended CP is used there are
                                      72 Resource elements (RE). Since 12 OFDM subcarriers are used in a
                                      RB, the bandwidth of a Resource Block is 180 KHz.

                                      LTE Subframe or TTI- two slots i.e. 1 ms in time.
                                  2   LTE Frame - 10 ms or 10 subframes or 20 slots.
3.1 Relation between Bandwidth and Resource Block:

Bandwidth directly affects the throughput. Different BWs have
different number of RBs.

Here is the calculation how to find out the numbers of subcarriers
and Resource Blocks.

10% of total bandwidth is assumed to be used for guard band.
Though 10 % guard band assumption is not valid for 1.4 MHz

Let’s take an example of 20MHz.
10% of 20 MHz is 2 MHz, used as guard band, thus effective
bandwidth will be 18MHz.

Number of subcarriers = 18 MHz/15KHz = 1200
Number of Resource Blocks =18 MHz/180KHz = 100

Same calculations can be done with other bandwidths to calculate
the number of subcarriers and Resource Blocks. Same is shown

3.2 Multiplexing and Bandwidth:

LTE supports both types of multiplexing FDD as well as TDD.

FDD spectrum is also called paired spectrum, it means when we say
FDD 20 MHz, it has a pair of 20 MHz Bandwidth i.e. 20 MHz for
Downlink and 20 MHz for Uplink.

TDD spectrum is called Un-paired it means when we say TDD 20
MHz, it has only 20 MHz which is used for both Downlink and

This Multiplexing technique directly affects throughput as in FDD
    which has symmetric bandwidth so both Uplink and Downlink have
    same throughput, but in TDD the bandwidth is asymmetric and same
    bandwidth is shared by Uplink and Downlink on time sharing basis so
    the total throughput is also shared accordingly.

    Below figure shows the same.

    In coming example, we will show how FDD and TDD impact

    Choice of multiplexing depends on the band defined. The 700 MHz
    band used in US is FDD and 2300MHz band in India is TDD.

    3.3 Modulation and Coding Rate:

    As per Release 8 (R8) LTE supports modulations like QPSK, 16 QAM
    and 64QAM in Downlink and QPSK, 16 QAM in Uplink.

    Each of Modulation has its bits carrying capacity per symbol. One QPSK
    symbol can carry 2bits, one 16QAM symbol can carry 4bits and 64 QAM
    symbol can carry 6 bits. This is shown below with constellation diagram:

Along modulation there is term called coding rate. Coding rate
describes the efficiency of particular modulation scheme. For
example, if we say 16 QAM with coding rate of 0.5, it means this
modulation has 50% of efficiency i.e. as 16QAM can carry 4 bits
but with coding rate of 0.5, it can carry 2 information bits and rest
of the 2bits for redundancy of information.

LTE uses different coding rate with QPSK, 16 QAM and 64QAM.
The combination of Modulation and Coding rate is called
Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS). Below figure shows MCS
index and Modulation Order which describes the type of
modulation (2 for QPSK, 4 for 16QAM and 6 for 64 QAM).

LTE supports 0 to 28 MCS in Downlink and 0to 22 MCS in Uplink
as per R8.

                                                                        LTE Access Network
                                                                        Modulation supported

                                                                              LTE supports
                                                                               QPSK,16-QAM and
                                                                               64- QAM for data
                                                                              QPSK carries 2 bits per
                                                                               Symbol, 16 QAM
                                                                               carries 4 Bits per
                                                                               Symbol and 64 QAM
                                                                               carries 6 Bits per
                                                                              Each modulation is
                                                                               used with some coding
                                                                               which makes
                                                                               Modulation Coding
                                                                               Scheme (MCS).
                                                                              Each MCS have a
                                                                               corresponding TBS
                                                                               index value which is
                                                                               used for mapping TB
                                                                               size with Resource
                                                                               Block numbers to find
                                                                               the throughput.

3.4 UE Categories in LTE
                                        The category of UE specifies the ability of the Device in terms of
                                        DL/UL throughputs, Antenna Support in DL/UL, TBS size supported
                                        in DL/UL and Modulation supports.

                                        The below table shows the 8 categories of UE, existing UE categories
                                        1 -5 are for release 8 and 9 and UE categories 6-8 are for release 10
                                        LTE –Advance.

                                        Commercial UEs that we have today are mostly of Category 3 (Cat 3)
                                        which have 2 receive chains and 1 transmit chain. Cat 3 UE does not
                                        support 64 QAM in uplink.
                                        The Max TB size supported in DL is 75376 bits and in Uplink 51024
                                        bits. This TB size limits the throughput at UE end while do not have
                                        such limitation at eNodeB side.

Maximum Throughput with
Maximum Bandwidth                      4. Maximum Throughput with Maximum Bandwidth
                                         For any system throughput is calculated as symbols per second.
      There are different UE            Further it is converted into bits per second depending on the how
       categories depending on           many bits a symbol can carry.
       capabilities like TB size
       support, Number of                In LTE for 20 MHz, there are 100 Resource Blocks and each
       antenna support and               Resource block have 12x7x2=168 Symbols per ms in case of Normal
       Modulation support                CP.
      Category 3 is available           So there are 16800 Symbols per ms or 16800000 Symbols per second
       commercially.                     or16.8 Msps. If modulation used is 64 QAM (6 bits per symbol) then
      Maximum throughput                throughput will be 16.8x6=100.8Mbps for a single chain.
       for LTE is 300 Mbps in
       Downlink and 75 Mbps
                                         For a LTE system with 4x4 MIMO (4T4R) the throughput will be
       in Uplink.
      Throughput is
                                         four times of single chain throughput. i.e. 403.2 Mbps. Many
       calculated as symbols             simulations and studies show that there is 25% of overhead used for
       per second and further            Controlling and signalling. So the effective throughput will be 300
       converted in to bits per          Mbps.
       second depending upon
       the Modulation used.              The 300 Mbps number is for downlink and not valid for uplink. In
                                         uplink we have only one transmit chain at UE end. So with 20 MHz
                                         we can get Maximum of 100.8Mbps as calculation shown above.
                                         After considering 25% of overhead we get 75Mbps in uplink.

                                         This is the way how we get the number of throughput 300Mbps for
                                         Downlink and 75Mbps for Uplink shown everywhere.
5. Use of 3GPP specification 36.213 for
   Throughput calculation
In 3GPP specification 36.213 “E-UTRA- Physical Layer”, table shows the mapping between MCS (Modulation and
Coding Scheme) index and TBS (Transport Block Size) index. The
highest MCS index 28 (64 QAM with the least coding), which is
mapped to TBS index 26 as shown below.

                                                                       Specification Used from

                                                                             Modulation and TBS
Table shows the transport block size. This table                  index table7.1.7.1-1 is
indicates the number of bits that can be transmitted in a                     used for Modulation
subframe/TTI (Transmit Time Interval) w.r.t bandwidth (number of              and TBS index
RBs).The Transport Block size given in this table is after                    mapping
considering the controlling overhead.                                        Resource block and
                                                                              TBS index mapping
                                                                              table is used
                                                                              for TB size

By using these two tables the number of data bits can be calculated,
with the combination of MCS Index and Number of Resource
For example, with 100 RBs and MCS index of 28, the TBS is
75376. Assume 4x4 MIMO, the peak data rate will be 75376 x 4 =
301.5 Mbps.

6. DL and UL Throughput calculation for LTE
The FDD system has a paired spectrum, same bandwidth for
Downlink as well as for Uplink. 20 MHz FDD system have 20
MHz for Downlink and 20 MHz for Uplink.

For throughput calculation, suppose:
Bandwidth – 20MHz
Multiplexing scheme - FDD
UE category- Cat. 3
Modulation supported- as per Cat 3 TBS index 26 for DL (75376
for 100RBs) and 21 for UL (51024 for 100 RBs)
So the throughput can be calculated by a simple formula:

    Throughput = Number of Chains x TB size

    So DL throughput = 2 x 75376 =150.752 Mbps
       UL throughput = 1 x51024 =51.024 Mbps
    As we have 2 receive chains and one transmits chain.

    7. LTE TDD and its Frame structure
    Before starting throughput calculation, let’s become familiar with LTE-
    As stated earlier, TDD is unpaired spectrum. We have to use same
    bandwidth for DL and UL on time sharing basis. Suppose if we have 20
    MHz spectrum, we have to use this 20 MHz bandwidth for both DL
    and UL.
    LTE TDD frame structure is shown below. The TD frame consists of
    Downlink subframe, Uplink and Special subframe.

    There are seven possible configurations for LTE TDD frame as shown
    below. Here D- is downlink, S- for Special subframe and U- for Uplink.
    As shown 5 ms periodicity frame have two “S” subframe and 10 mili
    sec frames have only one “S” subframe.

    Special subframe has 9 different configurations. A special subframe is
    divided into DwPTS, GP and UpPTS depending upon the number of


Selection of TDD configuration is on operator‘s choice and service
model. If the service model is heavily downloading based, operator
may use TDD config 2 or TDD config 5 and if service model is
heavily uploading based, operator may use TDD config 0 or TDD
config 6.

If service model is symmetric (50:50) or almost same for download
and upload, operator may use TDD config 1 or TDD config 3.

8. DL and UL Throughput calculations for LTE

TDD system throughput calculations are somewhat complex as
compared to FDD system as same spectrum is used by uplink,
downlink and for the guard period (Used for transition from downlink
to uplink).

For throughput calculation, suppose:

Bandwidth – 20MHz
Multiplexing Scheme- TDD
TDD Configuration- 2 (D-6, S-2 and U-2)
Special Subframe configuration-7 (DwPTS-10, GP-2 and UpPTS-2)
UE category- Cat. 3
Modulation supported- as per Cat 3 TBS index 26 for DL (75376 for
100RBs) and 21 for UL (51024 for 100 RBs)

Throughput in TDD can be calculated by following formula

DL Throughput = Number of Chains x TB size x (Contribution
by DL Subframe + Contribution by DwPTS in SSF)

UL Throughput = Number of Chains x TB size x (Contribution
by UL Subframe + Contribution by UpPTS in SSF)

TB size for DL is 75376 and for UL it is 51024 for category 3 UE
Let’s calculate throughput for the above assumptions:

     DL throughput = 2 x 75376 x [(0.6+0.2x (10/14)]

     Here 0.6 or 60% contribution is by 6 DL subframe and [0.2(10/14)]
     factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 10
     symbols out of 14 are for downlink.

     So DL throughput= 2 x 75376 x (0.742857)
                     = 111.9872 Mbps ~ 112 Mbps.

     In same manner UL throughput will be

     UL throughput = 1 x51024 x [(0.2+0.2x (2/14)]

     Here 0.2 or 20% contribution is by 2 UL subframe and [0.2 x (2/14)]
     factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 2 symbols
     out of 14 are for uplink.

     So UL throughput= 1 x51024 x (0.228571)
                     = 11.66263 ~12 Mbps.

     Let’s do one more example

     TDD config 1 (D-4 S-2 and U-4)
     Special subframe configuration 7 (DwPTS-10, GP-2 and UpPTS-2)
     same UE category 3

     DL throughput = 2 x 75376 x [(0.4+0.2x (10/14)]

     Here 0.4 or 40% contribution is by 4 DL subframe and [0.2(10/14)]
     factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 10
     symbols out of 14 are for downlink.

     So DL throughput= 2 x 75376 x (0.542857)
                     = 81.8368 Mbps ~ 82 Mbps.

     In same manner UL throughput will be

     UL throughput = 1 x51024 x [(0.4+0.2x (2/14)]

     Here 0.4 or 40% contribution is by 4 UL subframe and [0.2 x (2/14)]
     factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 2 symbols
     out of 14 are for uplink.

     So UL throughput= 1 x51024 x (0.428571)
                     = 21.8674286~22 Mbps.

8. Conclusion

Authors                           In this paper, we discussed about LTE system throughput calculation
                                  for both TDD and FDD system.

                                  3GPP LTE technology support both TDD and FDD multiplexing.
                                  The paper describes all the factors which affect the throughput like
                                  Bandwidth, Modulation, UE category and mulplexing. It also
                                  describes how we get throughput 300Mbps in DL and 75Mbps in UL
                                  and what are assumptions taken to calculate the same.

                                  Paper describes the steps and formulae to calculate the throughput for
                                  FDD system for TDD Config 1 and Config 2.
Mohit Luthra
                                  The throughput calculations shown in this paper is theoretical and
LTE RF Design Engineer
                                  limited by the assumptions taken to calculate for calculation.

                                 9. References

                                      1. Wikipedia.com
                                      2. www.3gpp.org
Preet Kanwar Singh Rekhi              3. 3GPP standard 36.211 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial
LTE Testing Engineer                     Radio Access (E-UTRA)- Physical Channels and
                                      4. 3GPP standard 36.212 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial
                                         Radio Access (E-UTRA)- Multiplexing and Channel
                                      5. 3GPP standard 36.213 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial
                                         Radio Access (E-UTRA)- Physical Layer Procedures
                                      6. 3GPP standard 36.300 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial
                                         Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial
                                         Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Overall Description
                                      7. LTE, The UMTS long Terms Evolution: From Theory to
Rahul Atri, LTE
Radio Access Network Engineer            Practise

                                 Authors state that this whitepaper has been compiled meticulously and to the best of their
Sukhvinder Malik                 knowledge as of the date of publication. The information contained herein the white
LTE Testing Engineer             paper is for information purposes only and is intended only to transfer knowledge about
                                 the respective topic and not to earn any kind of profit.
                                 Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this paper is accurate. Authors
                            11   does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any error of fact, omission,
                                 interpretation or opinion that may be present, however it may have occurred

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Throughput Calculation for LTE TDD and FDD System

  • 1. December 2012 | | Preet Kanwar Rekhi, Mohit Luthra, Sukhvinder Malik, Rahul Atri White Paper Throughput Calculation for LTE TDD and FDD Systems 1. Introduction Contents Many of us might have heard about LTE’s peak throughput i.e. 1. Introduction 2. Overview of LTE 300Mbps, but how many of us know how we calculate that? This Physical Layer paper provides the information, how this number is calculated? And 3. Basic Terminology assumptions behind? 4. Maximum Throughput with Maximum In this paper, authors have explained the calculations of theoretical Bandwidth throughput for both the LTE FDD and TDD systems. 5. Use of 3GPP specification 36.213 for throughput calculation 2. Overview of LTE Physical Layer 6. DL and UL throughput calculation for LTE LTE Physical layer deals with parameters like frequency, bandwidth, FDD Modulation, cyclic prefix, coding rate which plays importance in 7. LTE TDD and its frame structure calculation of the throughput. 8. DL and UL throughput calculation for LTE LTE system uses OFDMA as access technology in downlink to TDD increase the spectral efficiency and SC-FDMA in uplink due to low 9. Conclusion Peak to Average Power ratio (PAPR) advantage. 10. References LTE supports both TDD and FDD duplexing, flexible bandwidth i.e.1.4, 3, 5,10,15,20 MHz and modulation schemes QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM. Later we will discuss the significance of each parameter. 1
  • 2. 3. LTE Basic Terminology There are some basic terminologies of LTE system that should be known to better understand the throughput calculation. These are explained below: Resource Element - The RE is the smallest unit of transmission resource in LTE, in both uplink and downlink. An RE consists of 1 subcarrier in the frequency domain for duration of 1, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) or Single Carrier- Frequency Division Multiplexing (SC-FDM), symbol in the time domain Subcarrier Spacing- It is the space between the individual sub- carriers, in LTE it is 15 KHz. There is no frequency guard band between these subcarrier frequencies, rather a guard Period called a Cyclic Prefix (CP) is used in the time domain to help prevent Multipath Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) between subcarriers. LTE Basic Terminology Cyclic Prefix - A set of samples which are duplicated from the end of a transmitted symbol and appended cyclically to the beginning of the  Resource Element (RE) symbol. This can form a type of guard interval to absorb Inter-Symbol is the basic unit in LTE Interference (ISI). The cyclic construction preserves orthogonality of which corresponds to a the subcarriers in an OFDM transmission. subcarrier in frequency . and a symbol in time  Resource Block is the Time slot - 0.5 ms time period of LTE frame corresponding to 7 combination of 12 OFDM symbols (and 7 CPs) when Normal CP = 5 usec is used (the subcarriers in frequency standard case). And LTE 6 OFDM symbols (and 6 CPs) when the and 7 symbols time (0.5 Extended CP = 17 usec is used. msec).  LTE frame is of 10 msec can be divided into 10 subframe or 20 timeslots  A subframe is also called one TTI (Transmit Time Interval) Combining the above information we can now define a Resource Block. Resource Block - A unit of transmission resource consisting of 12 subcarriers in the frequency domain and 1 time slot (0.5 ms) in the time domain. So12 subcarriers x 7 symbols = 84 Resource Element (with Normal CP) makes a Resource Block. IF extended CP is used there are 72 Resource elements (RE). Since 12 OFDM subcarriers are used in a RB, the bandwidth of a Resource Block is 180 KHz. LTE Subframe or TTI- two slots i.e. 1 ms in time. 2 LTE Frame - 10 ms or 10 subframes or 20 slots.
  • 3. 3.1 Relation between Bandwidth and Resource Block: Bandwidth directly affects the throughput. Different BWs have different number of RBs. Here is the calculation how to find out the numbers of subcarriers and Resource Blocks. 10% of total bandwidth is assumed to be used for guard band. Though 10 % guard band assumption is not valid for 1.4 MHz bandwidth. Let’s take an example of 20MHz. 10% of 20 MHz is 2 MHz, used as guard band, thus effective bandwidth will be 18MHz. Number of subcarriers = 18 MHz/15KHz = 1200 Number of Resource Blocks =18 MHz/180KHz = 100 Same calculations can be done with other bandwidths to calculate the number of subcarriers and Resource Blocks. Same is shown below: 3.2 Multiplexing and Bandwidth: LTE supports both types of multiplexing FDD as well as TDD. FDD spectrum is also called paired spectrum, it means when we say FDD 20 MHz, it has a pair of 20 MHz Bandwidth i.e. 20 MHz for Downlink and 20 MHz for Uplink. TDD spectrum is called Un-paired it means when we say TDD 20 MHz, it has only 20 MHz which is used for both Downlink and Uplink. 3
  • 4. This Multiplexing technique directly affects throughput as in FDD which has symmetric bandwidth so both Uplink and Downlink have same throughput, but in TDD the bandwidth is asymmetric and same bandwidth is shared by Uplink and Downlink on time sharing basis so the total throughput is also shared accordingly. Below figure shows the same. In coming example, we will show how FDD and TDD impact throughput. Choice of multiplexing depends on the band defined. The 700 MHz band used in US is FDD and 2300MHz band in India is TDD. 3.3 Modulation and Coding Rate: As per Release 8 (R8) LTE supports modulations like QPSK, 16 QAM and 64QAM in Downlink and QPSK, 16 QAM in Uplink. Each of Modulation has its bits carrying capacity per symbol. One QPSK symbol can carry 2bits, one 16QAM symbol can carry 4bits and 64 QAM symbol can carry 6 bits. This is shown below with constellation diagram: 4
  • 5. Along modulation there is term called coding rate. Coding rate describes the efficiency of particular modulation scheme. For example, if we say 16 QAM with coding rate of 0.5, it means this modulation has 50% of efficiency i.e. as 16QAM can carry 4 bits but with coding rate of 0.5, it can carry 2 information bits and rest of the 2bits for redundancy of information. LTE uses different coding rate with QPSK, 16 QAM and 64QAM. The combination of Modulation and Coding rate is called Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS). Below figure shows MCS index and Modulation Order which describes the type of modulation (2 for QPSK, 4 for 16QAM and 6 for 64 QAM). LTE supports 0 to 28 MCS in Downlink and 0to 22 MCS in Uplink as per R8. LTE Access Network Modulation supported  LTE supports QPSK,16-QAM and 64- QAM for data channel  QPSK carries 2 bits per Symbol, 16 QAM carries 4 Bits per Symbol and 64 QAM carries 6 Bits per symbol.  Each modulation is used with some coding which makes Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS).  Each MCS have a corresponding TBS index value which is used for mapping TB size with Resource Block numbers to find the throughput. 5
  • 6. 3.4 UE Categories in LTE The category of UE specifies the ability of the Device in terms of DL/UL throughputs, Antenna Support in DL/UL, TBS size supported in DL/UL and Modulation supports. The below table shows the 8 categories of UE, existing UE categories 1 -5 are for release 8 and 9 and UE categories 6-8 are for release 10 LTE –Advance. Commercial UEs that we have today are mostly of Category 3 (Cat 3) which have 2 receive chains and 1 transmit chain. Cat 3 UE does not support 64 QAM in uplink. The Max TB size supported in DL is 75376 bits and in Uplink 51024 bits. This TB size limits the throughput at UE end while do not have such limitation at eNodeB side. Maximum Throughput with Maximum Bandwidth 4. Maximum Throughput with Maximum Bandwidth For any system throughput is calculated as symbols per second.  There are different UE Further it is converted into bits per second depending on the how categories depending on many bits a symbol can carry. capabilities like TB size support, Number of In LTE for 20 MHz, there are 100 Resource Blocks and each antenna support and Resource block have 12x7x2=168 Symbols per ms in case of Normal Modulation support CP.  Category 3 is available So there are 16800 Symbols per ms or 16800000 Symbols per second commercially. or16.8 Msps. If modulation used is 64 QAM (6 bits per symbol) then  Maximum throughput throughput will be 16.8x6=100.8Mbps for a single chain. for LTE is 300 Mbps in Downlink and 75 Mbps For a LTE system with 4x4 MIMO (4T4R) the throughput will be in Uplink.  Throughput is four times of single chain throughput. i.e. 403.2 Mbps. Many calculated as symbols simulations and studies show that there is 25% of overhead used for per second and further Controlling and signalling. So the effective throughput will be 300 converted in to bits per Mbps. second depending upon the Modulation used. The 300 Mbps number is for downlink and not valid for uplink. In uplink we have only one transmit chain at UE end. So with 20 MHz we can get Maximum of 100.8Mbps as calculation shown above. After considering 25% of overhead we get 75Mbps in uplink. This is the way how we get the number of throughput 300Mbps for 6 Downlink and 75Mbps for Uplink shown everywhere.
  • 7. 5. Use of 3GPP specification 36.213 for Throughput calculation In 3GPP specification 36.213 “E-UTRA- Physical Layer”, table shows the mapping between MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) index and TBS (Transport Block Size) index. The highest MCS index 28 (64 QAM with the least coding), which is mapped to TBS index 26 as shown below. Specification Used from 36.213  Modulation and TBS Table shows the transport block size. This table index table7.1.7.1-1 is indicates the number of bits that can be transmitted in a used for Modulation subframe/TTI (Transmit Time Interval) w.r.t bandwidth (number of and TBS index RBs).The Transport Block size given in this table is after mapping considering the controlling overhead.  Resource block and TBS index mapping table is used for TB size By using these two tables the number of data bits can be calculated, with the combination of MCS Index and Number of Resource Blocks. For example, with 100 RBs and MCS index of 28, the TBS is 75376. Assume 4x4 MIMO, the peak data rate will be 75376 x 4 = 301.5 Mbps. 6. DL and UL Throughput calculation for LTE FDD The FDD system has a paired spectrum, same bandwidth for Downlink as well as for Uplink. 20 MHz FDD system have 20 MHz for Downlink and 20 MHz for Uplink. For throughput calculation, suppose: Bandwidth – 20MHz Multiplexing scheme - FDD UE category- Cat. 3 Modulation supported- as per Cat 3 TBS index 26 for DL (75376 7 for 100RBs) and 21 for UL (51024 for 100 RBs)
  • 8. So the throughput can be calculated by a simple formula: Throughput = Number of Chains x TB size So DL throughput = 2 x 75376 =150.752 Mbps UL throughput = 1 x51024 =51.024 Mbps As we have 2 receive chains and one transmits chain. 7. LTE TDD and its Frame structure Before starting throughput calculation, let’s become familiar with LTE- TDD. As stated earlier, TDD is unpaired spectrum. We have to use same bandwidth for DL and UL on time sharing basis. Suppose if we have 20 MHz spectrum, we have to use this 20 MHz bandwidth for both DL and UL. LTE TDD frame structure is shown below. The TD frame consists of Downlink subframe, Uplink and Special subframe. There are seven possible configurations for LTE TDD frame as shown below. Here D- is downlink, S- for Special subframe and U- for Uplink. As shown 5 ms periodicity frame have two “S” subframe and 10 mili sec frames have only one “S” subframe. Special subframe has 9 different configurations. A special subframe is divided into DwPTS, GP and UpPTS depending upon the number of symbols. 8
  • 9. . Selection of TDD configuration is on operator‘s choice and service model. If the service model is heavily downloading based, operator may use TDD config 2 or TDD config 5 and if service model is heavily uploading based, operator may use TDD config 0 or TDD config 6. If service model is symmetric (50:50) or almost same for download and upload, operator may use TDD config 1 or TDD config 3. 8. DL and UL Throughput calculations for LTE TDD TDD system throughput calculations are somewhat complex as compared to FDD system as same spectrum is used by uplink, downlink and for the guard period (Used for transition from downlink to uplink). For throughput calculation, suppose: Bandwidth – 20MHz Multiplexing Scheme- TDD TDD Configuration- 2 (D-6, S-2 and U-2) Special Subframe configuration-7 (DwPTS-10, GP-2 and UpPTS-2) UE category- Cat. 3 Modulation supported- as per Cat 3 TBS index 26 for DL (75376 for 100RBs) and 21 for UL (51024 for 100 RBs) Throughput in TDD can be calculated by following formula DL Throughput = Number of Chains x TB size x (Contribution by DL Subframe + Contribution by DwPTS in SSF) UL Throughput = Number of Chains x TB size x (Contribution by UL Subframe + Contribution by UpPTS in SSF) TB size for DL is 75376 and for UL it is 51024 for category 3 UE 9
  • 10. Let’s calculate throughput for the above assumptions: DL throughput = 2 x 75376 x [(0.6+0.2x (10/14)] Here 0.6 or 60% contribution is by 6 DL subframe and [0.2(10/14)] factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 10 symbols out of 14 are for downlink. So DL throughput= 2 x 75376 x (0.742857) = 111.9872 Mbps ~ 112 Mbps. In same manner UL throughput will be UL throughput = 1 x51024 x [(0.2+0.2x (2/14)] Here 0.2 or 20% contribution is by 2 UL subframe and [0.2 x (2/14)] factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 2 symbols out of 14 are for uplink. So UL throughput= 1 x51024 x (0.228571) = 11.66263 ~12 Mbps. Let’s do one more example TDD config 1 (D-4 S-2 and U-4) Special subframe configuration 7 (DwPTS-10, GP-2 and UpPTS-2) same UE category 3 DL throughput = 2 x 75376 x [(0.4+0.2x (10/14)] Here 0.4 or 40% contribution is by 4 DL subframe and [0.2(10/14)] factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 10 symbols out of 14 are for downlink. So DL throughput= 2 x 75376 x (0.542857) = 81.8368 Mbps ~ 82 Mbps. In same manner UL throughput will be UL throughput = 1 x51024 x [(0.4+0.2x (2/14)] Here 0.4 or 40% contribution is by 4 UL subframe and [0.2 x (2/14)] factor contribution by Special subframe comes twice whose 2 symbols out of 14 are for uplink. So UL throughput= 1 x51024 x (0.428571) = 21.8674286~22 Mbps. 10
  • 11. 8. Conclusion Authors In this paper, we discussed about LTE system throughput calculation for both TDD and FDD system. 3GPP LTE technology support both TDD and FDD multiplexing. The paper describes all the factors which affect the throughput like Bandwidth, Modulation, UE category and mulplexing. It also describes how we get throughput 300Mbps in DL and 75Mbps in UL and what are assumptions taken to calculate the same. Paper describes the steps and formulae to calculate the throughput for FDD system for TDD Config 1 and Config 2. Mohit Luthra The throughput calculations shown in this paper is theoretical and LTE RF Design Engineer limited by the assumptions taken to calculate for calculation. 9. References 1. Wikipedia.com 2. www.3gpp.org Preet Kanwar Singh Rekhi 3. 3GPP standard 36.211 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial LTE Testing Engineer Radio Access (E-UTRA)- Physical Channels and Modulation 4. 3GPP standard 36.212 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)- Multiplexing and Channel Coding 5. 3GPP standard 36.213 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)- Physical Layer Procedures 6. 3GPP standard 36.300 , Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Overall Description 7. LTE, The UMTS long Terms Evolution: From Theory to Rahul Atri, LTE Radio Access Network Engineer Practise Disclaimer: Authors state that this whitepaper has been compiled meticulously and to the best of their Sukhvinder Malik knowledge as of the date of publication. The information contained herein the white LTE Testing Engineer paper is for information purposes only and is intended only to transfer knowledge about the respective topic and not to earn any kind of profit. Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this paper is accurate. Authors 11 does not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for any error of fact, omission, interpretation or opinion that may be present, however it may have occurred