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By; Victoria Rock
Business Management And Leadership
              Unit 5IP
Abc coorperation
Abc coorperation
Abc coorperation
Susan you handle the …..
Tom , why don’t you handle…..
And Mary, you can take care of
Abc coorperation
   Wanish, H., May 2, 2009, Planning as a Management Function, Business
    Management, Retrieved; November 3, 2011, From; http://heather-

   Wanish, H., June 11, 2009, Organizing as a Management Function, Business
    Management, Retrieved; November 3, 2011, From; http://heather-rothbauer-

   Wanish, H., May 11, 2009, Leading Versus Managing, Business Management,
    Retrieved November 4, 2011, From; http://heather-rothbauer-

   Asiado, T., April 24, 2009, A manager Leads without Dominating, Business
    Management, Retrieved; November 5, 2011, From;
   McNamara, C., Management Function of Coordinating/Controlling: Overview of
    Basic Methods, Free Management Library, Retrieved; November 5, 2011, From;

   Ward, S., Let Go and Delegate! Delegation Is a Key Skill for Success, About.com
    Small Business: Canada, Retrieved November 5, 2011, From;

   CliffNotes, Concepts of Organizing, CliffNotes.com, Retrieved November 4, 2011,
    From; http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/Concepts-of-

   Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B., Planning, Organizing, Leading, and
    Controlling, Introduction to Principles of Management, Retrieved; November 4,
    2011, From; http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/pub/1.0/principles-

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Abc coorperation

  • 1. By; Victoria Rock Business Management And Leadership MGMT290-1104A-11 Unit 5IP
  • 6. Susan you handle the ….. Tom , why don’t you handle….. And Mary, you can take care of the..
  • 8. Wanish, H., May 2, 2009, Planning as a Management Function, Business Management, Retrieved; November 3, 2011, From; http://heather- rothbauer-wanish.suite101.com/planning-as-a-management-function- a115977  Wanish, H., June 11, 2009, Organizing as a Management Function, Business Management, Retrieved; November 3, 2011, From; http://heather-rothbauer- wanish.suite101.com/organizing-as-a-management-function-a124575  Wanish, H., May 11, 2009, Leading Versus Managing, Business Management, Retrieved November 4, 2011, From; http://heather-rothbauer- wanish.suite101.com/leading-versus-managing-a116832  Asiado, T., April 24, 2009, A manager Leads without Dominating, Business Management, Retrieved; November 5, 2011, From; http://telasiado.suite101.com/leading-without-dominating-a112341
  • 9. McNamara, C., Management Function of Coordinating/Controlling: Overview of Basic Methods, Free Management Library, Retrieved; November 5, 2011, From; http://managementhelp.org/managementcontrol/index.htm  Ward, S., Let Go and Delegate! Delegation Is a Key Skill for Success, About.com Small Business: Canada, Retrieved November 5, 2011, From; http://sbinfocanada.about.com/od/worklifebalance/a/delegate.htm  CliffNotes, Concepts of Organizing, CliffNotes.com, Retrieved November 4, 2011, From; http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/Concepts-of- Organizing.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8876.html  Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B., Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling, Introduction to Principles of Management, Retrieved; November 4, 2011, From; http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/pub/1.0/principles- management/28993#web-28993

Editor's Notes

  1. ABSTRACTThe training today will provide you with the tools to reinforce your major management skills in the four major management areas which are; planning, organizing, controlling, and leading. You will also learn how to apply those management functions and delegation skills as a manager
  2. INTRODUTION Hello, my name is Victoria Rock. The purpose of my presentation is to provide you with the necessary tools to reinforce your management skills. Managers have four major functions which we will explore in depth in this training. Those functions are; Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. At the end of our time together today, you should be able to apply these management functions to strengthen your delegation skills as a manager within ABC Corporation..
  3. FOUR FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT Planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving those objectives using the organization’s vision and mission statement. A good manager will be aware of the environmental conditions facing the organization in regards to economic conditions, competitors, and customers as well as attempt to forecast future conditions which is the basis for planning. (Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B., 2011) Organizing is the activities to collect and configure resources in order to implement plans in an effective and efficient manner. It involves a broad set of activities, and is one of the major functions of management.(McNamara, C. 2011) It requires developing an organizational structure and allocating human resources to ensure the accomplishment of the objectives.(Carpenter, M., Bauer, T.ng, & Erdogan, B., 2011) There are several important concepts that need to be considered when organizing; work specialization, chain of command, authority, span of control, centralization versus decentralization, and delegation.(CliffNotes) In organizing, managers coordinate people and resources so there are enough employees to perform necessary tasks and so that employees have the resources they need to perform their job assignments. Leading is done by providing motivation to employees so they want to meet organizational goals and objectives. To become an effective leader you must first understand your employees personalities, values, attitudes, and emotions. There is a major difference between managing and leading, employees follow a manager’s direction because they have to, but a leader inspires, making employee’s excited and wanting to follow. Once you understand the difference you will see that by leading, employees will take the company much further than simply managing them will do.(Wanish, H., 2009) Controlling involves ensuring the performance standards. It consists of three steps; establishing performance standards, comparing performance against standards, and taking corrective action when necessary. It doesn’t imply that you should control or manipulate personalities, values, attitudes, or emotions of your employees but instead it involves the necessary actions to ensure that work related activities of employees are consistent with contributing toward the accomplishment of the organization and its objectives. Although controlling is thought of in terms of financial, it also involves control of production, the operations processes, procedures for delivery of services, compliance with policies and much more.(Carpenter, M., Bauer, T.ng, & Erdogan, B., 2011)
  4. Mastering the Functions of Management: Planning and Organizing How can managers effectively plan for the organization? By coming up with a plan you are ensuring a direction for your employees and the company. Planning ahead and utilizing the vision and mission statement of the organization will lead to your success as a manager, but failure to look ahead can lead to disaster.(Wanish, H., 2009) When coming up with your plan, take into consideration things that could happen that may effect your plan, include solutions to common issues that could develop. Even though you may think hat planning is too time consuming, it will save time and reduce difficulties that could occur in the future.(Wanish, H., 2009) “Managers who are efficient at organizing their work place will inspire employees and please clients.(Wanish, H., 2009)” Organizing is not a onetime deal, it is something that is continuous because things change quickly. You must remember that by being flexible managers, you will be able to change course when necessary and still meet the needs of the clients. By doing job assessments and work studies to see what each job entails, how many employees are needed to do it effectively, and what tools are needed for each employee to satisfactorily perform their job, will ensure the success of the workplace. (Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B., 2011)
  5. Mastering the Functions of Management: Leading and Controlling Since managing and leading is not the same thing, is it possible to manage and not lead, or lead and not manage? The answer is yes, however the best manager is also a good leader. Many employees follow a manager’s direction because they have to. The power of influence comes from the title. If you are able to inspire your employee they will be excited to follow you and respect you as a person which will help in taking the company much further that by simply managing them. (Wanish, H., 2009) According to Denis Waitley, a management personal development guru, speaker, and author, he stated, “Yesterdays leaders commanded and controlled. Today's leaders empower and coach.” In other words a manager who is “bossy” de-motivates and de-moralizes, while one who leads by coaching enhances greater productivity.(Asiado, T.,2009) Controlling is basically figuring out if everyone is doing what is needed or not and monitoring budgets and expenses to make sure the company’s goals are being met. Once organizational goals have been established, the manager coordinates efforts to reach those goals on an on-going basis while monitoring progress towards accomplishing those goals.(McNamara, C.)
  6. Delegation Delegation is a method of accomplishing tasks and assignments with the help of other employees. When delegating a manager assigns responsibility for all or part of an assignment to one or more employees to plan, strategize, and accomplish what needs to be done. Delegating allows the manager to work on higher priorities, helps the employee develop leadership and managerial skills by taking on an assignment or part of an assignment, and helps the organization function more effectively in meeting goals and deadlines.(Ward, S.) Managers that can effectively delegate can free up a great deal of their time, help their direct reports to cultivate expertise in learning, and can develop their own leadership skills, goal attainment and learning. One of the important strategies to delegation is to pass on the assignment to an employee that you know can handle it because ultimately the manager will be the one responsible for it. You as manager should make sure the employee has the training and resources required to adequately complete the task and that they understand exactly what the manager’s expectations are of them in completion of the assignment.(Ward, S.)
  7. Conclusion You as Managers just don’t go out and haphazardly perform your responsibilities. Good managers discover how to master the basic functions; planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and delegating. Certain skills or abilities to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance are required to help other employees become more productive. By using and improving on your management functions in your daily activities not only will help you improve yourself, but you will also help your employees become better also.
  8. Reference