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7 ps in banking
A Bank is a financial institution and
a     financial      intermediary    that
accepts deposits and channels those
deposits into lending activities, either
directly or through capital markets. A
bank connects customers that have
capital deficits to customers with capital
   The banking industry in India has a huge canvas
    of history, which covers the traditional banking
    practices from the time of Britisher’s to the
    reforms period.

   Nationalization to Privatization of banks and
    now increasing numbers of foreign banks in
    India. Therefore, Banking in India has been
    through a long journey.

   Banking industry in India has also achieved a
    new height with the changing times. The use of
    technology has brought a revolution in the
    working style of the banks.
   Bank of Hindustan was set up in 1870.
   Later, three presidency banks under Presidency
    Bank's act 1876 were setup.
   In 1921, all presidency banks were amalgamated
    to form the Imperial Bank of India.
   Reserve Bank of India Act was passed in 1934 &
    Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was constituted as an
    apex body.
   In 1955, RBI acquired control of the Imperial Bank
    of India, which was renamed as State Bank of
   Due      to    the    process   of   liberalization
    ,Globalization, Privatization and reform of the
    financial sector, banking sector has undergone
    major transformation.

   Banks are extremely useful and indispensable in the
    modern community.

   The banks create the purchasing power

   The banks have played substantial role in the growth
    of Indian economy.

   Use of information Technology and Internet.
   Technological Environment.

   Economical Environment

   Political / Legal Environment

   Social Environment
7 ps in banking
   Definition:
                Typical manner in which
    consumer purchase goods or services in
    terms of amount, frequency, timing ,etc.
   Why consumer make the purchase?

   What factors influence their product?

   Changing factors in our society?
   Today’s customer are short of time and they
    get uncomfortable when the process is
   Very simple and should be at the minimum
    and one time go.
   Repeated info and excessive documentation
    dis-satisfy the customer.
   Effortless, simple, secure and efficient
   EX: a customer uses internet banking
   He knows what are his payment
    instructions and he can track the payment
   If this facility is not available, he may not
    be comfortable with internet.
   Need recognition
   Info search
   Evaluation of alternatives
   Purchase
   Consumer experience
   Post-exp evaluation
7 ps in banking
   This concept says that the customers will buy
    those products which are available, offer
    most qualities, performance and features.
   The customers will select the solution that
    meets their need most effectively.
   It is often difficult to identify the exact
    market within which a firm competes.
   This concept is introduce by:
                    “ Theodore leavitt “
    He says a product is like a onion in that there
    are many layers of offering.
   There is a saying:
                     “Customers don’t buy
    product, they buy benefits!!”
   Core products
   Formal products
   Augmented products
   Potential products
   Futuristic products
                 winners free

Future Product     Offers for

                 Portfolio mgmt

Augmented            Safety

Formal product

 Core product
7 ps in banking
7 ps in banking
   Organizations that seek to provide
    consistently high levels of service excellence
    will continuously work to align the three sides
    of the triangle.

    Aligning the sides of the triangle is an
    ongoing process.
   This model shows the three marketing functions
    important for service firms
   These three marketing functions are internal
    marketing, interactive marketing and external
   According to Grönroos,…
    the internal marketing has to be managed by the
    company’s leadership,
   the interactive marketing happens between the
    employees and the clients and
   the external marketing is what takes place between
    the company’s management and the clients.
   Understanding customer needs
   Managing expectations
   Traditional marketing communications
   Sales and promotion
   Advertising
   Internet and web site communication
   Service delivery

  Reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assuran
tangibles, recovery, flexibility.

    Face-to-face, telephone & online
    The Customer Experience.
    Customer interactions with sub-contractors
    or business partners.
    The “moment of truth”.
   Hiring the right people.
    Training and developing people to deliver
   Employee empowermen.t
    Support systems.
   Appropriate technology and equipment.
   Rewards and incentives.
Way to Use Service Marketing
   Overall Strategic          Specific Service
    Assessment                  Implementation

                               What is being
   How is the service          promoted and by
    organization doing          whom?
    on all three sides of      How will it be
    the triangle?               delivered and by
    Where are the             Are the supporting
    weaknesses?                 systems in place to
    What are the               deliver the promised
    strengths?                  service?
7 ps in banking
Core product:
The basic services in banking form a basic product
Eg: Accepting deposits, granting loans

  Formal product:
It is the set of attributes and conditions expected by
   the customers when they purchasr the product
Eg: Insurance facilities, locker facilities, atm’s
  Augmented product:
It is the additional feature that banks provide which
   exceeds the customer’s expectations
Eg: Discounts, Good waiting rooms

  Potential product:
It includes Innovations and product differentiation.
   Banks alters its services according to the
   requirement of the individual customers
Eg: Mobile and internet banking, new schemes
   tailored for specific customers
   Interest rates charged
   Transaction charged
   Value pricing
   Going rate pricing
   Mark up pricing
   Charges for cheque books
   Commmission charges
Important factors affecting the determination
  of the location of bank are:
 The trade area
 Population characteristics
 Commercial structure
 Industrial structure
 Visibility
 Access
   Public relations
   Personal selling
   Word of mouth promotion
   Internet
   Tele marketing
It refers to the overall layout of the place i.e.
  how the entire bank is designed. Physical
  evidence refers to all those factors that
  makes process much easier and smoother.
Eg: In banks the physical evidence would be
  the placement of customer service
  executive’s desk or the location of the place
  for deposting cheques.
   Process constitutes the overall procedure
    involved in using the services offered by the
   The process should be customer friendly
   If the overall process is too complicated than
    the customer may not be inclined to use such
7 ps in banking
7 ps in banking
   The concept of market segment is based on
    the fact that the market of commodities are
    not homogeneous but they are
    heterogeneous. Market represent a group of
    customer having common characteristics but
    two customer are never common in their
    nature, habits, hobbies income and
    purchasing techniques.
   According to Philips Kotler, “Market
    segmentation is sub-dividing a market into
    distinct and homogeneous subgroups of
    customers, where any group can conceivably
    be selected as a target market to be met with
    distinct marketing mix.”
   Identity: The members should be divided into
    various groups such as Professional
    Sector, Agriculture Sector, Household Sector.
   Accessibility: The Banking services should be
    accessible at all the places. Even at remote
    places the ATM centers need to be place in
    order to give service to customers.
   Responsiveness: The banking industry need
    to know the changing requirements of the
    customers. They should take customers
    reviews, suggestions for their services
   Size: Segment should be large and should be
    divided into various groups such as high
    income group, low income group and middle
    income group
7 ps in banking
Advantages of Branding
Clients are more willing to pay a premium price for strong

A strong brand simplifies client choices.

Helps to retain customers.

People are naturally attracted to firms with strong
brands, which translates to a better pool of talent applying f

It confirms your credibility.
Branding strategy for banking

   Meaningful.

   Differentiating.

   Believable.

   Clearly articulated.
7 ps in banking
Positioning Strategy of Banking
   To successfully position commercial bank services and other
    services it requires careful consideration of
    important, attractive, distinctive and superior service attributes
    to customers.

   It is essential to consider communication to customers as equally
    important as to employees for successful positioning of
    commercial banking services. Most important is to use customer
    contact employees to effectively communicate to customers.

   For successful positioning strategy of commercial bank services
    it is important to consider and promote a few but well
    specified, distinct and superior benefits relative to competitors
    since they do influence the position of the bank in the market
    and significantly contribute to market performance.

    Top management should analyze carefully
    the competition that exists within its group
    (direct competition) and also consider the
    characteristics of the competitive positioning
    strategy of the rest of the groups.
7 ps in banking
Strategies for Shifting Demand to match

   Demand Too High                        Demand Too Low
Use signage to communicate busy       Use sales & ads to increase
days & times.                         business from current market
Offer incentives to customers for      Modify the service offering to
usage during non- peak times.         apply to new market segments.
Take care of loyal or regular         Offer discounts or price
customers first.                      reduction.
Advertise peak usage times &          Modify Hours of operation.
benefits of non-peak use.
Charge full price for the service –   Bring the service to the customer.
no discounts.
Strategies for flexing capacity to match

   Demand Too High                      Demand Too Low
Stretch time, labour, facilities &   Perform maintenance, renovations.
Cross-train the employees.           Schedule employee training.

Request over-time work from          Lay-off employees.
Rent or share facilities.

Rent or share equipment.

Sub-contract or out source
   Yield Management:- Balancing Capacity
    Utilization, Pricing, Market Segmentation, and
    Financial Return.
        Yield= actual revenue/ potential revenue.

        actual revenue= actual capacity used* average
    actual price.
        potential revenue= total capacity* maximum
   Largest nationalized commercial bank in India
   In terms of assets, number of
    branches, deposits, profits and workforce.
   Headquarters in Mumbai, India and employs
    about 205,896 people.

       Credit                 Commercia
       Cards                   l Banking

Mortgage                               Retail
   s                                  Banking



                  Personal                Publicity &
                                Sales                   Instructional
Advertisement   Communicati                 Public
                              Promotion                   Material
                     on                    Relations
STRENGTH                 WEAKNESS

• Brand Name              • Hierarchical
• Wide Distribution         management
  Network                   structure
• Market Leader           • Highest non
• Diversified Portfolio    performing assets
• Low Transition Cost      (NPAs)
• Highest market
  Capitalization &

• Financial Inclusion      • Advent of MNC banks
• Rural India              • Changing interest
• Merger of associate        rates and the
  banks with SBI             changing policies of
• Global expansion           RBI

• Micro Finance            • Competition in the
                             retail segment
• Branch Expansion
                           • Private banks in the
• Strong economic
                             rural and semi-urban
• Corporate demand for
                           • Change in
                             government policies
7 ps in banking

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7 ps in banking

  • 2. A Bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly or through capital markets. A bank connects customers that have capital deficits to customers with capital surpluses.
  • 3. The banking industry in India has a huge canvas of history, which covers the traditional banking practices from the time of Britisher’s to the reforms period.  Nationalization to Privatization of banks and now increasing numbers of foreign banks in India. Therefore, Banking in India has been through a long journey.  Banking industry in India has also achieved a new height with the changing times. The use of technology has brought a revolution in the working style of the banks.
  • 4. Bank of Hindustan was set up in 1870.  Later, three presidency banks under Presidency Bank's act 1876 were setup.  In 1921, all presidency banks were amalgamated to form the Imperial Bank of India.  Reserve Bank of India Act was passed in 1934 & Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was constituted as an apex body.  In 1955, RBI acquired control of the Imperial Bank of India, which was renamed as State Bank of India.
  • 5. Due to the process of liberalization ,Globalization, Privatization and reform of the financial sector, banking sector has undergone major transformation.  Banks are extremely useful and indispensable in the modern community.  The banks create the purchasing power  The banks have played substantial role in the growth of Indian economy.  Use of information Technology and Internet.
  • 6. Technological Environment.  Economical Environment  Political / Legal Environment  Social Environment
  • 8. Definition: Typical manner in which consumer purchase goods or services in terms of amount, frequency, timing ,etc.
  • 9. Why consumer make the purchase?  What factors influence their product?  Changing factors in our society?
  • 10. Today’s customer are short of time and they get uncomfortable when the process is lengthy.  Very simple and should be at the minimum and one time go.  Repeated info and excessive documentation dis-satisfy the customer.
  • 11. Effortless, simple, secure and efficient channel.  EX: a customer uses internet banking  He knows what are his payment instructions and he can track the payment online.  If this facility is not available, he may not be comfortable with internet.
  • 12. Need recognition  Info search  Evaluation of alternatives  Purchase  Consumer experience  Post-exp evaluation
  • 14. This concept says that the customers will buy those products which are available, offer most qualities, performance and features.  The customers will select the solution that meets their need most effectively.  It is often difficult to identify the exact market within which a firm competes.
  • 15. This concept is introduce by: “ Theodore leavitt “  He says a product is like a onion in that there are many layers of offering.  There is a saying: “Customers don’t buy product, they buy benefits!!”
  • 16. Core products  Formal products  Augmented products  Potential products  Futuristic products
  • 17. Contest winners free deposits, Future Product Offers for discounts Portfolio mgmt ,Mutual Fund,Insurance Depositin g, Augmented Safety product lockers,D. D Loans, Formal product Deposit s Core product
  • 20. Organizations that seek to provide consistently high levels of service excellence will continuously work to align the three sides of the triangle.  Aligning the sides of the triangle is an ongoing process.
  • 21. This model shows the three marketing functions important for service firms  These three marketing functions are internal marketing, interactive marketing and external marketing.  According to Grönroos,…  the internal marketing has to be managed by the company’s leadership,  the interactive marketing happens between the employees and the clients and  the external marketing is what takes place between the company’s management and the clients.
  • 22. Understanding customer needs  Managing expectations  Traditional marketing communications  Sales and promotion  Advertising  Internet and web site communication
  • 23. Service delivery Reliability, responsiveness, empathy, assuran ce, tangibles, recovery, flexibility.  Face-to-face, telephone & online interactions.  The Customer Experience.  Customer interactions with sub-contractors or business partners.  The “moment of truth”.
  • 24. Hiring the right people.  Training and developing people to deliver service.  Employee empowermen.t  Support systems.  Appropriate technology and equipment.  Rewards and incentives.
  • 25. Way to Use Service Marketing Triangle  Overall Strategic  Specific Service Assessment Implementation  What is being  How is the service promoted and by organization doing whom? on all three sides of  How will it be the triangle? delivered and by whom?  Where are the  Are the supporting weaknesses? systems in place to  What are the deliver the promised strengths? service?
  • 27. Core product: The basic services in banking form a basic product Eg: Accepting deposits, granting loans  Formal product: It is the set of attributes and conditions expected by the customers when they purchasr the product Eg: Insurance facilities, locker facilities, atm’s
  • 28.  Augmented product: It is the additional feature that banks provide which exceeds the customer’s expectations Eg: Discounts, Good waiting rooms  Potential product: It includes Innovations and product differentiation. Banks alters its services according to the requirement of the individual customers Eg: Mobile and internet banking, new schemes tailored for specific customers
  • 29. Interest rates charged  Transaction charged  Value pricing  Going rate pricing  Mark up pricing  Charges for cheque books  Commmission charges
  • 30. Important factors affecting the determination of the location of bank are:  The trade area  Population characteristics  Commercial structure  Industrial structure  Visibility  Access
  • 31. Public relations  Personal selling  Word of mouth promotion  Internet  Tele marketing
  • 32. It refers to the overall layout of the place i.e. how the entire bank is designed. Physical evidence refers to all those factors that makes process much easier and smoother. Eg: In banks the physical evidence would be the placement of customer service executive’s desk or the location of the place for deposting cheques.
  • 33. Process constitutes the overall procedure involved in using the services offered by the bank.  The process should be customer friendly  If the overall process is too complicated than the customer may not be inclined to use such services
  • 37. The concept of market segment is based on the fact that the market of commodities are not homogeneous but they are heterogeneous. Market represent a group of customer having common characteristics but two customer are never common in their nature, habits, hobbies income and purchasing techniques.
  • 38. According to Philips Kotler, “Market segmentation is sub-dividing a market into distinct and homogeneous subgroups of customers, where any group can conceivably be selected as a target market to be met with distinct marketing mix.”
  • 39. Identity: The members should be divided into various groups such as Professional Sector, Agriculture Sector, Household Sector.  Accessibility: The Banking services should be accessible at all the places. Even at remote places the ATM centers need to be place in order to give service to customers.
  • 40. Responsiveness: The banking industry need to know the changing requirements of the customers. They should take customers reviews, suggestions for their services  Size: Segment should be large and should be divided into various groups such as high income group, low income group and middle income group
  • 42. Advantages of Branding Clients are more willing to pay a premium price for strong brands. A strong brand simplifies client choices. Helps to retain customers. People are naturally attracted to firms with strong brands, which translates to a better pool of talent applying f positions It confirms your credibility.
  • 43. Branding strategy for banking sector  Meaningful.  Differentiating.  Believable.  Clearly articulated.
  • 45. Positioning Strategy of Banking Sector  To successfully position commercial bank services and other services it requires careful consideration of important, attractive, distinctive and superior service attributes to customers.  It is essential to consider communication to customers as equally important as to employees for successful positioning of commercial banking services. Most important is to use customer contact employees to effectively communicate to customers.  For successful positioning strategy of commercial bank services it is important to consider and promote a few but well specified, distinct and superior benefits relative to competitors since they do influence the position of the bank in the market and significantly contribute to market performance.
  • 46. Conti….  Top management should analyze carefully the competition that exists within its group (direct competition) and also consider the characteristics of the competitive positioning strategy of the rest of the groups.
  • 48. Strategies for Shifting Demand to match capacity: Demand Too High Demand Too Low Use signage to communicate busy Use sales & ads to increase days & times. business from current market segments. Offer incentives to customers for Modify the service offering to usage during non- peak times. apply to new market segments. Take care of loyal or regular Offer discounts or price customers first. reduction. Advertise peak usage times & Modify Hours of operation. benefits of non-peak use. Charge full price for the service – Bring the service to the customer. no discounts.
  • 49. Strategies for flexing capacity to match demand: Demand Too High Demand Too Low Stretch time, labour, facilities & Perform maintenance, renovations. equipment. Cross-train the employees. Schedule employee training. Request over-time work from Lay-off employees. employees. Rent or share facilities. Rent or share equipment. Sub-contract or out source activities.
  • 50. Yield Management:- Balancing Capacity Utilization, Pricing, Market Segmentation, and Financial Return. Yield= actual revenue/ potential revenue. actual revenue= actual capacity used* average actual price. potential revenue= total capacity* maximum price.
  • 51. Largest nationalized commercial bank in India  In terms of assets, number of branches, deposits, profits and workforce.  Headquarters in Mumbai, India and employs about 205,896 people.
  • 52. Investment banking Credit Commercia Cards l Banking Mortgage Retail PRODUCTS s Banking Private Pensions Banking Asset Management
  • 53. SBI Personal Publicity & Sales Instructional Advertisement Communicati Public Promotion Material on Relations
  • 54. STRENGTH WEAKNESS • Brand Name • Hierarchical • Wide Distribution management Network structure • Market Leader • Highest non • Diversified Portfolio performing assets • Low Transition Cost (NPAs) • Highest market Capitalization & Profits
  • 55. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS • Financial Inclusion • Advent of MNC banks • Rural India • Changing interest • Merger of associate rates and the banks with SBI changing policies of • Global expansion RBI • Micro Finance • Competition in the retail segment • Branch Expansion • Private banks in the • Strong economic rural and semi-urban growth sector • Corporate demand for • Change in credit government policies